College Friends 2
- 2 years ago
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Erica had been a friend of mine for a couple years. We met back in our freshman year of college- I was going to be an astronomer, and she was going strong for a graphical design degree. We hit it off pretty well, and probably would have wound up going out if she didn’t already have a boyfriend. She met him online, and he lived in Rhode Island- pretty far away from our Arizona lodgings. I’d mentioned that I was against long distance relationships, but she seemed happy with him and I wasn’t going to burst her bubble.
After freshman year, she decided to pack up everything and move up there to live with him. Yeah, just as you’d expect, the two of them couldn’t actually make it work when forced to live in close quarters. They were going to stick it out anyways, at least until they finished college, but he started dating other girls and bringing them home- we’re pretty sure it was just to keep her jealous.
Fast-forward six months, and you’ve got today. She shipped all her stuff back here, and hopped on a plane back- well, two planes if you count the connecting flight. And she just happened to call her old, reliable friend Wyatt to pick her up from the airport, which I was more than happy to do. And I’d do my best to avoid any ‘I told you so’s, at least for a while.
Amazingly enough, the plane was on time. She was one of the first ones off- must have been in a hurry to get away from the mammoth with the muumuu, hauling herself out of the airplane right behind her.
She spotted me and smiled, her whole face lighting up. Her raven hair glinted in the airport halogens, her dark eyes glinting. I’d nearly gotten lost in those eyes once before, over Chinese takeout and terrible sci-fi movies. Her figure had finished filling out, large (for her size) breasts that looked deliciously firm, and that I only dreamed of testing the theory, the perfect ass that screamed to be smacked, the long legs that she diligently kept shaven.
She dropped her carryon at our feet and threw her arms around me. Yeah, just about as firm as I was expecting. I hugged her back, my left arm landing smack in the middle of the ‘no fly’ zone on a woman’s back, I’m a fairly tall guy, so I can always plead, ‘That’s just where my arms landed, I’m sorry,’ if anyone ever calls me on it. But nobody ever has, so I just keep doing it.
Finally, she let go of me and retrieved her bag. ‘Let’s get out of here fast, I hate the smell of airports.’ Luckily her bags wound up on the first pass at the luggage carousel, and we were out of the place in less than five minutes.
I led the way to my car, nothing fancy, a Dodge Neon that I picked up secondhand- only had fifty thousand miles on it, though, and was a real deal. I put her luggage in the trunk as she caught me up on everything that had happened to her I was unaware of- not much, as it were, since we talked pretty frequently over IM. I just basked in the sound of hearing her talk again. I’ll admit it, it may sound cheesy, but her voice was like the burbling of a river creek- soft and relaxing.
Traffic leaving the airport was fairly slow, seeing as how it was nearly two in the morning. Luckily, I’d had these two days off work, so the sleeping schedule shift wasn’t terrible- I’m a cashier at the local grocery store, but I’ve been there long enough that I can basically pick my own hours.
She rambled on the whole time about people and places I’d probably never experience. I didn’t mind, when I’m alone with a girl, especially one I have or had feelings for, I just shut down- I’d much rather hear about them than tell them about me, as I don’t think I’m terribly impressive. But she talked enough for both of us, and I caught up on the minutiae that I’d missed out on.
It was only another fifteen minutes to my place. I live on my own in a studio apartment a few miles from campus, I’d tired of the roommate game, and it was much easier to keep it clean when I was the only one making messes. Nobody else was able to put her up short-term, so I offered my place, noting that it’d be pretty cramped. She didn’t mind, and said she’d be finding her own place quickly and just needed a tree branch to alight on in the meantime. I love birds and I love metaphors, so that pretty much cinched the deal.
We managed to get all her stuff up the stairs in one try, which was fairly impressive in and of itself. I’d made up a bed on the sofa, and had still yet to decide who was taking what- my gentlemanly side demanded that I yield the bed, but the asshole in me said she wasn’t paying for the apartment, she could damn well sleep on the couch.
When she took off her sweater, though, my inner asshole let out a long, sharp whistle and the gentlemanly side merely babbled incoherently. She was excruciatingly well toned, and was wearing a white wife beater over a gray sports bra. And she must really have been cold, because she was standing almost as sharply at attention as I was, myself. I don’t know if she felt me staring, or just correctly interpreted my sudden silence- she turned and flashed me a smile. ‘That was a long flight- got anything to drink?’
‘Yeah, some milk and OJ. Or some Mike’s if you’re looking for a sleep aid.’ She snagged one of the hard lemonades and deftly twisted off the cap, then drained half of it in one go. She raised an eyebrow at my disbelieving stare. ‘Of course, if you just want to get hammered, there’s tequila in the freezer.’
She laughed. I forgot how amazing her laugh was, she smiled using her whole face, her chest rising and falling magnificently. ‘I haven’t been drunk in a while, and still need to see you trashed. Whip me up some alcohol, Barista!’
I’d worked at Starbucks for about a year, and still kept my apron hanging in the kitchen for when I did dishes. Mockingly, I put it on, and started making a pitcher of margaritas to blend. She finished the rest of her bottle and busied herself with unpacking.
The drinks were ready in short order, and I brought the pitcher to my coffee table- a misnomer, I can’t stand the taste of coffee- in front of the couch. I turned on the TV and flipped to the Sci-Fi channel, our old standby, noticing as I did that she was loading underwear into the half of the dresser she was borrowing- definitely saw some pink and black lace. I salted our glasses and poured out two large glasses- and I have a heavy hand when mixing drinks, so these would get us fairly drunk in short order. She finished unpacking and wandered over to the couch, snagging a bag of chips off the counter on her way.
My place has electricity included, so I kept the thermostat a smidge higher than normal- I’m a desert rat, born and raised, and I like it warm. But it also has a tendency to stick, which it did tonight, and in no time flat my apartment was as hot as a sauna. She noticed first. ‘Is it just me, or is it getting hot in here?’ She asked playfully.
‘Thermostat sticks. I’ll go whack it.’ I lurched slightly when I got up- Irish heritage or no, alcohol still gets me drunk in sufficient quantities, and I’d been having plenty.
‘I’ve got a better idea- more margaritas!’ She giggled- I never hear her giggle- and I knew that she was over the intoxicated line. Shrugging, I made up another pitcher, but more slowly than the first time, since things were starting to move when I reached for them.
I brought this pitcher over and filled them both up again, and we set to work cooling ourselves down. It was a valiant effort, and we both downed another glass and a half before she got even more brazen. She grabbed the hem of the wife beater and pulled it upwards, revealing her deeply tanned stomach and back. ‘Don’t mind me, I figure we’re gonna be roommates a while, and you’ll probably see me in my underwear plenty of times.’ A halfhearted toss put the discarded shirt somewhere near the bed.
‘Mind? A woman showing flesh in my apartment? Who do you think I am, some kind of gay?’ Yeah, a regular charmer, that’s me.
She laughed again, and
leaned her head on my shoulder. She slid an arm behind me and I put mine behind her shoulders. Hells bells, I’d been hoping for exactly this for years- could it finally be dangling right within my grasp?’
After a minute of companionable silence, she nuzzled my shoulder gently. ‘I’d forgotten how much fun you were to be around, Wyatt. I can just relax, and be myself, and not be afraid to say what’s on my mind. You’re funny, and genuine, and make me feel all warm inside.’
Yeah, this was a ‘dare to be great’ moment, and I’d hate myself forever if I didn’t leap for it. ‘Well, if you’re too warm, you can always shuck more clothing, I’d hate for you to be uncomfortable.’
She laughed and tugged down the hem of her sweatpants, revealing those borderline ‘indecent exposure’ shorts that you see girls wear around campus, with things like ‘pink’ ‘juicy’ and ‘princess’ written on the back of them. Hers were blank, which I found out when she leaned forward to pull the pants off her feet. She leaned back onto me and pitched them in the general direction of the bed. ‘Happy now?’
I grinned and put my other arm around her, feeling the warm, soft skin at her side, and snuggled her closer. ‘I am now.’
‘Oh, god, Wyatt.’ She started to get a tear in her eye. ‘I missed you so much.’ She turned her head up to smile at me, and I was ready. I pressed my mouth against her soft lips and tugged at her side, facing her more towards me. And boy, did she respond. I’ve never been kissed that hard before, her free arm came up around my other side and pulled me down on top of her.
I resisted gently, lowering her to the couch, left arm sliding down her back, I wasn’t quite sure where it was going, but it seemed to have a pretty good idea so I let it. He wound up inside the waistband of her shorts, discovering nothing underneath but more soft flesh, and my surprise must have been obvious. She broke away from the kiss to stare me in the eyes, a smoldering heat now visible within. ‘Those are my underwear, if I get any urges while I’m in the middle of something, I can just rub up against them.’
Then she grinned and renewed the kiss. I offered no resistance as she drew my shirt up over my head, or when she unfastened my pants. I figured that it would be awkward getting them off, but she brought up a well-muscled leg- her knee came up to my shoulder, letting my erection rub up against the damp spot on the shorts- and then deftly slid them off me with little adjustment on my part.
I was going insane with lust- this firecracker had kept me going for quite a while, now, and here she was under my hands. My right slid up under the sports bra to cup her rounded breast. It was firm and smooth, and the nipple was rock hard, even my gentle teasing made her emit moans that drove me wild. I seized the moment and slid them up and off, and I used the momentary break in the kiss to move on to more plump targets.
I rolled my tongue around her left nipple, then alternated sucking and nibbling on it, much to her audible delight. Then I pinched it firmly between my teeth, a little more firmly than I’d planned on, and tugged it upward until her back arched. Her moan, a combination of pain and lust, spurred me on to new heights as I moved to her other breast. I rubbed my throbbing cock up against the much larger wet spot on her shorts- she must really be enjoying this, I thought.
Her right hand came from the arm of the couch, where it had been firmly gripped, and started massaging herself just underneath it- when I did the nipple tugging trick again, I estimated it was probably her clit, judging by how much more frequent her moans were. I started dragging my tongue around her breasts, and she finally gave up working on herself, she drove her hand into my boxers and seized at my penis. She did the leg lifting trick again and grabbed them, dragging them to my ankles where they were promptly kicked off. She brought her leg up one final time and simply draped it over my shoulder blades, and I felt her slide the shorts aside and start steering my penis towards herself.
‘Hang on, I don’t have any condoms- I didn’t really expect this to be happening.’ What the hell? What was I saying? Dream of a lifetime, here, and if we stopped now I knew it would never wind up happening again. Way to go, morality- I thought I ditched you back in eighth grade. With a resigned sigh and wild self-anger, I pushed myself up off this wondrous angel.
She didn’t look sad. In fact, she was grinning up at me like she had an ace in the hole- well, she darn near had my ace in her hole, but I’m always one to quibble semantics. ‘I’m on the pill, Wyatt, and I was so grumpy when I called yesterday because I was on my period- which ended this morning. And I brought a morning-after pill just in case this did wind up happening- I was really hoping for it.’
Aw, hell. She had me by the short hairs. See, morality? And I make enough to support a kid if one happened. It started babbling again, so I hit it with a mental cricket bat and leaned back down. First order of business was to remove the shorts, which I did with a certain amount of glee, she was freshly, and well shaved down there, which is a turn-on by itself, not that I needed the help right then, I’m not even sure in which direction I shucked them, but I made sure it wasn’t towards the remnants of the margaritas.
I pressed my penis up against the soft folds of her vagina, noticing how wet she was- I’d probably have to change the sheets we were laying on. One hand went behind her shoulder, the other went to my cock, her hands were busy massaging her nipples. I pressed the tip of the head against her opening, and nibbled gently at her neck, she moaned in pleasure as her hips bucked towards me.
While I had every intention of giving the poor girl what she wanted, I was going to do it in a way that she’d enjoy, and a quick in and out wasn’t what she was after. She was in for a good, hot dicking that I’m not sure either of us would recover from by the next day.
My tongue traced its way up her throat to kiss her chin gently. ‘Beg for it,’ I said. Great, now I was emulating a porno. Way to go. ‘Beg for my cock, Erica.’ She arched her back again, giving me a great view of her throat, I bit gently at it, all over, and that seemed to break some last wall of resistance.
‘Oh, god, Wyatt, I need your cock. I need you inside me, please, put it in, just please, put it in me. Fuck me until neither of us can move, please, oh god, ohhhhhhh.’ She trailed off in a wordless moan as I bit into her breast, without much delicacy. Apparently she liked it rough, whether she knew about it or not. Her legs opened wider as a nonverbal part of her request, giving me a better view of her beautiful snatch.
And never let it be said that I don’t please a lady. I started sliding it in, excruciatingly slowly. It took probably a whole minute to get the entire seven inches in, with her whimpering the whole while. She was really tight- apparently her boyfriend hadn’t given it to her much, or had been tiny. When it was all the way in, I grabbed both her nipples and twisted, kissing her firmly on the mouth. I felt her come underneath me, her hips bucked, lifting the both of us, as she clenched down on my inserted member. She broke the kiss and breathed in gasps as she rode the orgasm, finally settling back down after seven or eight gyrations.
And I hadn’t even started yet. I waited until her breathing was back to normal before kissing her again, and slowly drawing my cock out of her. When it was all the way out, I felt her start to object, but I never gave her the chance- I rammed it home hard, and started thrusting as fast as I could. I knew that at this pace, I wouldn’t last long before I blew my load- but neither would she, if her increasing screams were anything to judge by. I covered her mouth with mine, because my walls weren’t very thick, and the last thing we needed was cops bursting in, responding to a suspected rape.
I felt her clenc
hing up again and then having a second orgasm, but I was barely warmed up and didn’t stop the thrusting. This one went on longer than the last, but I still wouldn’t relent- it was as much about my release as hers, now. After another few minutes I felt a third, even more intense, and then a fourth- both increasing in duration. Finally, she had a fifth one that just kept going on, and on, but I knew I was nearly spent.
Then something amazing happened- I felt another one building before the last had finished. I found the stamina to increase my speed and force, bringing her quickly to a head, and giving her the first double orgasm that either of us had ever experienced. She clenched tight enough that it hurt, and was enough to stop me from blowing my load- but if I didn’t, my testicles would explode from sheer swelling.
I waited until she stopped shaking, and lay there perfectly still. Her eyes stared up at the roof, a satisfied gleam in them, and I crawled up so that my cock was against her lips. She smiled up at me and opened them, drawing me in, but only shallowly- my penis curves upwards, so I rotated to present the best angle, showering her thighs and belly with gentle kisses. In no time at all she had me built back up to a full head of steam, I suppressed it as long as I could, finally, I murmured ‘I hope you’re thirsty after the margaritas, there’s going to be plenty of it.’
Her little moan of delight was too much for me, I lost hold on it and blew. To her credit, she didn’t miss a beat, and swallowed it as fast as I could pump it out. Finally, I was done, but didn’t go soft, she kept sucking, but I pulled it away, knowing that it could be hours before she sucked me off from a fresh start. I tried to ignore the little moan of disappointment, I got up from the couch and tucked the margaritas back in the fridge for later. I turned around, still at attention, to see her push herself up with one arm to look at me. ‘Didn’t I say to fuck me until neither of us could move?’
It was all I needed. I was at the couch in a heartbeat, picking her up gently. She helped as best she could, but it was obvious she was nearly spent. I’d given her quite a ride, but hadn’t gotten much of one myself. I laid her down on the carpet in a clear spot, and rolled her onto her stomach, lifting her hips slightly, I exposed her juicy vagina and was inside her again before I could realize it. Slower this time, though, I wanted to enjoy it.
And I realized that she was clenching, and gasping, with every thrust- apparently she was still riding the double orgasm, and having lots of smaller ones. Her head was turned to the side, cheek pressed against the carpet, her eyes were closed, but she looked so hot that I just had to kiss her. She tried, but her focus was quite obviously elsewhere, and I bit her lip, it elicited a squeal, and an even tighter clenching that lasted- another two-in-one orgasm.
I was getting very tired, and knew I couldn’t put this one off as long as the last- so I sped it up a bit. Apparently our subconscious signals meshed, because we came together, and I pumped whatever semen she hadn’t swallowed inside of her, helped by her squeezing. And then I realized that I really couldn’t move, I barely managed to drag an arm up over her shoulder and roll us onto our sides. I was still inside her, but passed out before I could pull it out.
Throughout the night we woke up a couple times, at different intervals- the first time I did, I reached without moving for the remote, and shut off the TV. I turned my attention back to her, and realized that I was still both hard and inside her. Figuring she wouldn’t mind, I fucked her again, pumping more semen inside her. A little of it leaked out, and she made a couple moans, but never truly woke up.
I have some scattered memories of her fucking me, too- but I never woke up for those times. When I did wake up again, mid-afternoon the next day, she was laying on top of me, straddling my hips, cock firmly inside her. I felt what I thought was semen around the base of my cock- apparently I’d fired more in when she was riding me.
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Hello ISS readers. I am Meet, I am from Chandigarh. Main iss apr apni pehli story likha raha hu. Agar aap logo ko pasand aaye to comment jarur karna. Girls, bhabhiya can email me on Main 25 saal ka hu. Height 5.9″ hai. Main Chandigarh ka rehne wala hu. Any girl, bhabhi and aunty can contact me on Main apni story par aata hu. Maine Haryana ke ek engineering college se ki degree ki hai. Ye aaj se 6 saal pehle ki baat hai jab maine college me admission liya tha. Meri dosti Priya(name...
This voyeurism trend has got on my sensual nerves lately. In fact, last week I had a college student ejaculate the cum of his life from his young cock on my big boobs – all because of voyeurism! Guys, this is Simraan and welcome to another hot sexual experience of mine! I had gone to the local mall with my female friend to watch a movie. After coming out of the screening theatre, we began window shopping. While we were roaming freely, my friend met one of her relatives who turned out to be...
Hello, dicks and pussies! Here’s my first story though I’m very old to ISS. I have a wonderful sex life with over 7 partners till date with no strings attached. I’m Akash (name changed) from Hyderabad living in Bangalore working in an MNC. I’m not in a perfect relationship right now. I’m a workaholic and can’t give enough time (texting/talking every hour/day) to it. Let’s meet, have fun/romance/ sex is my concept. But again it is not like treating like a whore. It should be romantic sex. Let me...
A quick introduction about me. I’m a 20 year old straight, male. Although, I’m Indian, I moved abroad to attend college. This is a true story, but all names have been changed and exact locations will not be specified. I would appreciate any comments/feedback or questions about me at This story took place in my freshman year of college. Unlike India, the college life is completely different abroad. We get to pick a class schedule according to out convenience and do not have any attendance...
DisclaimerThis story is a work of pure fantasy. If you are underage and/or repelled by erotic fiction about non-consensual sex then do not read any further.I would like to stress that in this story quite a few rather stupid clich?s are used. Therefore I want to urge those of you who cannot distinguish truth from fiction to please don?t read any further.English is not my native tongue so I guess that some errors could not be avoided. I sincerely hope that they do not disturb your reading too m...
It’s the season of graduates shooting out of college and finding their places on the high streets…I know it because I had a stimulating experience with a couple who recently graduated. You see, my company visits selective colleges to grab freshers straight out because it needs more workers to make more profits. (true story!) I recently attended a meeting in one of the prestigious institutions in the field of commerce in South Delhi. The meeting was in 3 phases each separated by an hour-long...
“It was a male blitzkrieg. Its Erica’s bukake moment. The spasmed sperm splash of every wanking and jerking Tom, Dick and Harry from the choir…plus a Mark and a Will… and her personal black skinned arse delighter…”Bernard really ought to give up smoking was Erica’s thought as she diverged from Chas and Beth in the vestibule. She had time to find the St Xavier’s Senior Male Choir before her own practice.....Her morning had been really pleasant, spent with Meredith. A senior dorm girl who had...
This story happened in 2006 on college annual day. I was 18 yrs old then and studying my diploma in mechanical engineering. Her name was sarayu (name change). As it was mechanical department there were only few girls and sarayu is an angel in our class.I was the class topper then and everyone had a good impression on me. At that time I was a virgin and those were my early masturbation days. I used to jerk off daily 4 times and believe me my dick was really hungry ;).Few people in our college...
Hi guys! Mera naam Aakash hai. Main Final Year Engineering ka Student hu. Aaj main aap logo ko apne sacche experience ke bare me batana chahta hu. Baat us waqt shuru hui jab maine use pahli bar apni college mein dekha. Ek to Engineering college mein ladkiya kam hoti hain aur jo hoti hain wo Chodne ke layek nahi hoti (Enginnering ke student samajh sakte hain) First year aur second year do saal tak achha maal dekhne ko nazrein taras gai thi. Acha maal dekhne ke liye MBBS college jana padta tha jo...
College Girl By Holly Day My name is Jamie and I am about to graduate from State University. It's been a long and strange trip and my life is just beginning. Four years ago I was Jim, a freshman just starting at State University and was looking forward to a new world. The thousands of new freshmen there were starting all over again socially. The high school cliques were gone and no one really knew each other. It was also the first time away from home for...
College Changes a Boy - Part 2 Taylor Jordan AUTHOR's UPDATE: I'm incredibly flattered by all the compliments on Part 1. That encouragement has inspired me to write more. I intend to write several chapters, as long as there seems to be interest in the story. Part 2 appears below, and I'm nearing completion on Part 3, with more to come. One of my readers was kind enough to send me photos that could depict my characters. Thank you, Michael! I've also added a few photos that I've found....
Hey guys! Do you know how one does crazy things when one is feeling horny? Well, I actually gave a college student his first sex experience and enjoyed the crazy adventure; all of that in a supermarket! I was at home, lying nude on the bed with spread legs and tickling my pussy with a vibrator. The feeling was super erotic, and I was getting wild sexual thoughts. My pink pussy had orgasmed a few times and it was in a sticky condition. The moment I shoved the vibrator in my pussy, I heard the...
FOREWORD: To those of you who have never read any of my stuff before, this is a plain old dirty story. Hopefully, it's hot. I'd like to think it's kind of fun. It is semi-autobiographical. I did have a friend like this, but his name wasn't Tom. The girls are based on girls I had fun with, too. College was great. To those of you who have read my other stories, don't bother to complain about no romance and no redeeming social value in this one. I know. * * * * * * * * * * * *...
Aww, it's finally time to return to college. Summer's over and as the fun, and the fucks. Now you have to retun the college and continue your studies. Unfortunately for you, your pal down there will be "on holiday" as the girls from college don't even qualify as average looking. Fuck your life. You arrive at Cantersmith (your college) past twelve, just before semester opening ceremony begins. You're kinda surprised for the woman that it's in front of all the student giving the "welcome" speech....
The five girls sat there in the café around the corner from campus discussing, or arguing in the case of Elissa & Louisa, about the exam they had taken only an hour ago. As usual Elissa & Louisa had found the exam easy; both girls normally got high marks with only a few percent separating their scores. The two girls were part of the lucky few: good looking, great figures and hardly studied and still got top marks. Their competitive rivalry had slowly built up over the last 6 months, ever since...
BDSMAuthor’s note: Hi there! Thanks for taking a look at this story. If you have not seen my other stories that I previously wrote, then feel free to take a look at them. Let me know what you think because I need more comments and possible ratings in order to know what you all like and don’t like about the stories. There is always room for improvements. Here’s something I would like to share with you all. Like the other stories I wrote, this is based on true events, but there are some parts that...
The sounds of sex could be clearly heard through the thin walls of my college room. There was a squeaking bed, heavy breathing, then not long after a male groan, followed by silence.Sarah looked at me quizzically. "Can they hear us when we do it?"I was in my first month of college, and Sarah and I had hooked up pretty quickly. I was beginning to think it had been a mistake; she was a smart, good looking, but unexciting in bed. I was a horny freshman, and wanted to fuck half the girls in college...
My sex life began to take shape the day I got beat up by my girlfriend's little brother. In a single day my fantasies shifted. After the fight, in my car, I had the beginnings of an erection. I did not know why. My girlfriend, Kelly Givens, said, "Wow, he really worked you over, didn't he?" She sounded almost gleeful. Her words, her attitude, gave me a full-fledged hard-on. Again, I did not know why. At the age of nineteen I was home for the summer with a year of college under my belt. I...
Oral SexHi guys, this is Ruchi again with Part 2 of the college life series. Please read the first part here if you haven’t read it already. Wanted to thank you all so much for all the positive comments and encouragement. Just wanted to say, please feel free to leave suggestions (as specific as you like) in your comments. If they turn me on I will surely try to use them in my stories. Anyway, without wasting much time, here’s part 2. Next day before going to college I was both nervous and excited. Due...
College Girl Pt 3 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl and College Girl Pt 2 before reading this installment.) Leaving my friends' dorm I walked back to my car. I passed a guy getting back to the dorms with his books under his arm. He saw me and couldn't help himself but stare as I passed, giving me the once over. I blushed and lowered my eyes then just for fun I added a little extra action to my walk. After I got a hundred feet past him I looked back to see if he was...
Thank you guys for your appreciation. Before continuing with the third part, let me give a brief background. This story is of a country that was male dominant. A girl studying in a college commits the mistake of stealing the exam paper and is punished and humiliated by the college dean. She is stripped nude and punished. She had a very humiliating session in the anatomy class. Now the story continues. I would recommend reading the previous parts. The main character of this story is Juhi and is...
“Give him a blowjob Penny. Guys love a girl giving them head more than anything in the world.” It confused everybody in her family that this liberal, red headed, Jewish girl from New York City chose to attend a small Christian university in Kentucky of all places. She told Penny and anybody else that asked at school that she was attending Bettencourt to spite her parents. Penny Hargreaves grew up in a conservative Christian family in Kentucky. When the housing office told her that her...
CHAPTER 2 The rest of the summer went by normally for Megan and Shelly. They hung out all the time, shopping, going to movies, partying, the things girls their age did. Shelly never brought up the club again and Megan never asked about it again, although she wanted to. The summer was just like any other summer, except Megan was preparing for her freshman year of college. She had to buy cloths and stuff for her dorm room and Shelly helped her out through the process. Megan was going to be...
My son is a senior in college this semester, and if everything goes as planned, he'll be the first male to graduate from college in our family in nearly 40 years. Not that the men in my family are bums, far from it in fact. Some military, some blue collar, but now my son is about to graduate! My son is extremely brilliant, but I at times wondered about his sexuality. He never brought girls home for me to meet, hell, he didn't even attend his prom. But, that all changed this summer, one week...
I hope you enjoy!!!*********Friday's classes were intensified and made me see that college would bedifferent than high school at the end of the first week of classes. I knewthat going in but the professors started early here and barely let us getadjusted to being in college. I meet my roomie and best friend Kris alongwith Jess again to grab something to eat. The food here was actuallydecent with some fast food chains there as well. I ate whatever had theshortest line without a thought of...
Hi ISS readers, I am reading the stories for a few days here and I would love to submit mine too. This is about 3 girls and me in my college life. Read everything from the beginning till the end to get the real feeling and the max sexual arousal from this story. This happened in the Engineering college days, about 2 years ago. My entire class was in the final year of Engineering. The boys had thoughts that we all were not going to meet so much after this year. The girls had thoughts that they...
After our crazy fuck afternoon which left me satisfied yet sad at the same time, I was at a boys college to promote our college’s festival. My condition was horrible. With both my bra and panties torn off, my nipples were literally protruding out of my flimsy crop top and my face showed signs that I wasn’t at my best. With the lipstick now gone and the kajal a bit messed up, Rushabh clearly knew what Kabir had done with me. I asked Rushabh if I could just skip this one college today? To which...
Hi, sex story readers, I’m Bhagat, 22 years old, a student at Kirori Mal College-Delhi University. I got admitted through the sports quota being a national level football player and continue to be the captain of the college team as well. I’m a fitness freak and at least spend 3 hours every day at the gym to get a lean muscular body. According to my Coach, Mr. Javed, fitness is the key to great sports performance. He insists that we regularly use the college gym so that he can train our bodies...
Hello readers, main indian sex story main naya hun. Main pehli baar meri sath beeti ghatna ko pesh kar raha hun. Mera age 24 hai. Main raghav bangalore k janemane college se padhayi kar raha hun. Yeh ghatna 5 saal pehle ki hai jab main apni college k taraf se dusre college main competition main gaya. Toh mujhe meri college main ek ladki pasand thi uska naam sunaina hai.Woh bahut khubsurat thi, college k sare ladke usse baat karne k liye tadapte the. Main usse bahut pasand karta tha lekin kabhi...
College Teacher. Chapter Four. Two weeks left of the term and this Monday morning was the first of the exams to see how much they had taken in over the past year. The five questions had been written out weeks earlier and now they were being handed round for them to answer giving them roughly thirty minutes to write down the answers to each. This morning was the fourth year and the fifth in the afternoon. Tuesday was the sixth year in the morning and the seventh in the afternoon. Here I got a...
First TimeHi, I’m Ruchi from Kolkata. I’m a 19 yr old girl, fair and slim. People keep telling me I have nice face and figure, but I really don’t take my looks very seriously. Anyway, to the story – I got admitted to college a few months back after clearing school. When dad got me admission in this rich college, I initially had high hopes of making good friends among the girls, but I soon found them stupid and selfish, and realized that boys would make much better and cooler friends. Soon I developed...
Ek mahine phle kch aisa hua jiske karan mai aj apni real story likh rha hun.Mera naam Ansh Jain h aur mai Nagpur me engineering kr rha hun.Meri height 6 ft,rang gora aur body bhi acchi hai.Ab story pe aate hain.Pichle mahine hamare college ki trf se 4th yr k students ko tour me Hyderabad le jaya gya.Tour me waise to bht si ldkiya thi pr ek ldki thi jo behad khubsoorat,hoshiyaar aur sexy thi wo mechanical branch ki thi.Wo ldki mujhe first yr se hi bht acchi lgti thi pr na to wo facebook pe thi...
The weeks following that memorable party at Marcus's plush London house dragged by until, at last, the new college term was upon me. I had spent some of that time in my room at my parent's house, reflecting on my shameless behaviour and coming to terms with my new-found sexuality. Those moments almost always culminated in a vigorous masturbate-a-thon, reliving my adventures as Nicky the Tranny escort girl. Of course, I had enjoyed the rest of the time away from studying, partying with...
Author's notes: This is a follow up to my story "artist in residence" that got good reviews. Several people had asked for me to expand that story. Here's the compromise: a new story based on similar (related) people and events, which follows in order. I plan to do a couple more stories featuring this group of people! While it can be read stand alone-the plot is different-I suggest you read artist in residence first. With the discovery of unauthorized reposts of some of my other works, I...
College Girl Pt 6 By Holly Day (Please read College Girl parts 1-5 before reading this installment.) I was now a woman not only legally but in my own mind. I was feeling some discomfort from the operation but that was to be expected. I had to lie down with a triangular pillow between my legs for my complete hospital stay. The only exercise I got was raising my legs in bed to promote circulation. After the fourth day the packing and catheter were removed. My vagina depth was...