- 3 years ago
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Authors note: Here is chapter two. I thank everyone for the comments. I hope that you enjoy this one as well. As I’ve said before comments and questions are welcome.
***all poetry used in this and future chapters are copy written***
Calise sat in front of her computer. She was supposed to be studying for her exams at school but couldn’t focus. A certain club owner kept occupying her thoughts lately. The night she had with Deondre at the club was wonderful. She hadn’t let loose like that for a while, but she didn’t regret it. If she were to be honest with herself, she wanted to go back for round two.
Calise sighed and got up from her desk. She walked into the kitchen and poured herself another cup of tea, and headed out to the hammock she had on her back porch. She laid down and began to think about her talk she had with Shauntea a couple of days ago.
She was surprised she had even told Shauntea what had happened. She hadn’t really told anyone of importance and besides from rumor, no one really knew the truth. Calise hadn’t let herself think about Carl in years but lying there she let her mind wonder.
She had to admit, that she should have seen the signs of him cheating. It wasn’t as if she didn’t know the signs. Her mom had cheated on her dad enough for her to have took notice, but she supposed dealing with it first hand, you don’t see the situation objectively.
She had put her everything into that relationship. Carl had been insistent that she act a certain way and do certain things in the bedroom, and she tried her best. She just wasn’t as experienced as he was.
No matter how much she knew it was his fault that they broke up, she couldn’t help wonder that if she was a little more experienced then, would he have strayed.
Carl had broke her heart. She knew she was much stronger now, but she was still scared. She was terrified that if she gave her heart again, that all that someone would do was break it.
Her parents relationship had failed because of cheating and so did hers. She just didn’t want to go through that pain again.
Sighing, her thoughts drifted to Deondre. Calise didn’t know what to think where he was involved. She had to admit that she was extremely attracted to him. And truth be told, she was flattered that he had pursued her, but she just knew he wanted more than friendship.
Shauntea had told her that he called and left her a voice mail after they left the club that night. She didn’t know what was holding her back from calling him. She could treat him like all the others. Have her fun with and then leave, but something was telling her that he would be more than she could bargain for.
She may, on the other hand, be overreacting. Deondre might be just looking for fun just like her. Maybe she should just relax and chill out.
With that, she felt a little better. Getting up from her hammock, she went back into her home office. Sitting down she gave into what she had been wanting to do for a while. She opened her side drawer and pulled out her journal. She grabbed a pen and began to write. All her frustration at her situation came out in the words splaying across her page.
Just like singing, poetry was a release for Calise. Only, with her poetry, she could be someone she only dreamed of being. As she continued writing, she created a piece that spoke of her love of poetry. When she finished, she sat back and looked at the notebook and began to read what she had wrote :
My new best friend is my pen tip for it knows me like no other
It has written my inner-most secrets, my pen and I we trust each other
My pen doesn’t judge or look down on my thoughts,
I’d put my pen before any bitch, I’ll trust my pen at all cost
Put to blank page my pen tip understands the inner workings of my complex mind
I love my pen like it was my man, my pen is one of a kind
Nothings to heavy, to deep to take in,
Imma get its name tatted on my back
It’ll say property of my pen
I can share a private joke, or shed a couple of tears,
My pen tip has been there through it all, supporting me through the years.
Ill never have to worry about it yapping or telling everybody was sup,
And all it needs is a little ink and that little bit is enough.
My pen has never broke my heart or pointed a finger to laugh
My pen tip knows all my shit, everything I have to give, it has
Whether the ink be black, red, or maybe even blue,
I love you pen tip. My new best friend is you.
Satisfied with her work she put her journal away. She looked at her computer and decided to shut it down. She wasn’t going to get any study down today.She rose to her feet and walked through her mid-century styled home to her bedroom, which was decorated in different shades of blues. Her queen-sized four poster bed stood proud in the middle of the room. It had a royal blue comforter with pillows done in light blue and white. She had artwork on the wall adjacent to her bed and wall sconces on the side of either piece. On the sides of her bed were floor to ceiling bookshelves with every book you could imagine. She had inherited the collection from her father before his passing when she was a teenager. When she decided to buy her first home, she had begged her mother to help her with the purchase. Her mom had agreed with the condition that Calise paid her back every cent she put into it. That’s how her mother was. She would help but always with conditions.
But she loved her home, and she wouldn’t change it for the world.
She went to her closet and leafed through all the clothes she had. She had a lunch with Shauntea later and needed to start getting ready.
She finally decided on a pale pink summer dress with spaghetti straps and wedge sandals. She showered, flat ironed her hair and left it down around her shoulders with a pink flower clip by her ear.
Grabbing her keys and purse, she headed out the door. When she got to her car, her phone started buzzing. Digging it out of her purse she saw it was a message from Shauntea.
‘Hey, just got to the restaurant. See you when you get here. Oh I told you I was bringing a guest right?’
Calise laughed. She wondered who the pup was this time. Even though they were both twenty-six Shauntea believed in getting them a little younger than her. Her boyfriends were normally twenty to twenty-one, but sexy as all get out.
Calise hopped in her car and headed for the restaurant thinking this was going to be a very interesting lunch.
Deondre sat and smiled at Shauntea. When she had called him earlier that day and told him she was going to lunch with Calise, he practically begged to come. Calise hadn’t called him once since the other night at the club. He didn’t know what to think about that. All he knew was he wanted to see her again. At any cost.
‘You think she might be mad that im here?’ he asked Shauntea.
Shauntea shook her head, ‘No, I don’t think so. She may be a little surprised, but she’ll get over it.’
‘At least I hope she does,’ Shauntea thought to herself. ‘this is a good man and if she wants to be stubborn then ill give her a push in the right direction.’
A waiter came up to the table and proceeded to take there drink orders. They wanted to wait for Calise to arrive, but decided to just order there drinks, with Shauntea wanting a long island and Deondre getting a whiskey sour. They sat chitchatting for a few minutes, when Shauntea saw Calise walking through the front door. ‘Here goes nothing.’ she thought.
Calise walked into the restaurant and spotted Shauntea in booth in the back. There was a gentleman sitting with his back to her so she couldn’t see his face just yet, but she knew he had to be gorgeous. Shauntea sure knew how to pick’em.
As she approached , Shauntea
got up to give her a hug. She seemed a bit jumpy, like she was nervous about something, but Calise figured it was because of her date.
‘Hey miss lady, how you been.’ Calise said to her as she walked into her friends arms.
‘Good, good. I have an event coming up in a few weeks so I’m pretty busy.’ Shauntea remarked. She looked down to her right and said, ‘Calise, you remember Deondre right?’
Just the sound of his name sent shivers down her spine. Calise turned her head to see her piano man. And he looked just as good as she remembered. But what was he doing here? ‘Hello, Deondre. How have you been?’ Calise said a little too sharply then she intended.
Deondre just smiled. He knew she was a little irritated with him, but it was worth it to see her beautiful face. ‘Calise, it’s a pleasure to see you again. Wont you have a seat, and we can order lunch?’ he said trying to smooth things over.
Calise sat and looked across the table at Shauntea. No wonder she seemed jumpy. There was a glint in Calise’s eye that promised Shauntea that they would talk about this later.
‘So,’ Deondre said, ‘how have you been?’
‘I’ve been good.’ Calise said. She blew out a breath and said in a rush. ‘Look, I was gonna call you, I’ve just been busy with school and my writing.’
Deondre cut her off before she could continue. ‘It’s okay. I understand. I just wanted to see you again and spend some time with you, so I asked Shauntea if I could come to lunch with you guys. Everything else is water under the bridge.’
Calise nodded at him. It was good to know that there wouldn’t be any tension between them. The waiter, a young man in his twenties, returned to the table to deliver the drinks and to take there lunch order. Calise ordered her customary jack and coke to drink with a steak and salad to eat. Shauntea and Deondre both ordered burgers and fries and the lunch day passed without incident.
Shauntea told them about her upcoming event for a fashion designer she had coming up. When she said this Calise almost jumped out of her chair.
‘Calm down, you know I already got you two tickets.’ Shauntea said. ‘Maybe you can bring handsome over here.’ she remarked pointing to Deondre. He smiled and looked at Calise, who sat back in her seat and crossed her legs slowly.
‘I might, you never know,’ she said looking at him. Calise had to admit that she was enjoying his company. He was really easy to talk to and he had a funny wit about him that she liked.
‘Stop that,’ she told herself, ‘don’t find good things about him, then you’ll have to like him.’ Which she already did but she wasn’t going to let on.
Deondre noticed that Calise had gone quiet, and looked over to see her face had a far away look to it. He knew it was going to take a lot of effort on his part to get her to open up to him, but he knew she was worth all the trouble.
Shauntea’s phone started ringing and she reached into her purse to answer it. ‘Yes, Shauntea Richards speaking.’ She sat listening for a second, then she grabbed her purse. ‘I’ll be there in a second.’ Hanging up, she looked at her two friends apologetically.
‘I gotta go to the gallery. There having a problem and cant survive without the fabulous Shauntea.’ she said only half joking. She got up and kissed Deondre on the check and hugged Calise. On her way out she told Calise she would call her later and with that she was gone.
Calise and Deondre were left at the table. ‘What now?’ Calise asked.
‘Oh, I can think of something.’ Deondre said smiling. He was rewarded with a slap to his arm.
‘You are terrible.’ Calise said laughing.
Deondre checked his watch. ‘There’s time for a movie if you want to go catch one.’
‘Sounds like fun.’ Calise said.
Deondre opened his wallet and put some bills on the table. He stood and grabbed Calise’s hand and they walked out of the restaurant together. Once outside Deondre remembered something.
‘Do we take my car or yours?’ he asked.
Calise looked around as if she was going to find the answer elsewhere. Shrugging, she said, ‘I guess you can follow me home and I can hop in your car.’
He agreed to this and they set off. He actually had to try and keep up with her as she drove. ‘Can we say speed demon.’ he said to himself smiling and shaking his head.
When the arrived at Calise’s house she pulled into her drive way and parked. She got out and locked her car and walked over to his vehicle. She climbed into the passenger side of his BMW and buckled her seatbelt. She was turning to him to ask him what they were going to see, when Deondre leaned in and kissed her. It was the softest most endearing kiss she had ever had. She sat blinking for a second when he pulled away.
‘Sorry, but I’ve been wanting to do that since you walked into the restaurant.’ he said in way of explanation.
‘Really?’ she said. ‘It’s okay. It was good.’
He nodded his head, put the car in drive and pulled off towards the theater.
When they arrived, a comfortable silence had settled over the car. Deondre got out and rounded the BMW to open her door. At her raised eyebrows he said, ‘Chivalry is not dead you know.’ She let him lead her through the parking lot and up to the establishment.
Walking up to the ticket counter, Calise realized that she didn’t want to see anything in particular and just let him pick the movie. They bought popcorn and drinks and walked into the theater to watch an action flick that had been out for awhile.
When they entered the theater, they had a good laugh that they were the only ones in there watching this particular movie. They sat in the balcony section and waited for the previews to start.
As the lights started to dim, Deondre felt Calise snuggle up to him, and he put his arm around her. He was glad that they were making progress. He popped a couple kernels of popcorn in his mouth and started watching the film.
About forty five minutes into the film, Deondre looked down at the top of Calise’s head. She looked like she was enjoying the movie. He had already seen this particular film but he hadn’t let her know that.
He decided he could have some fun and see if he could distract her. He smiled and started his game.
Calise felt Deondre start to nuzzle her neck and begin kissing the spot right behind her ear. She swatted his thigh. ‘Stop that,’ she said half heartedly, ‘I’m trying to watch a movie here.’
‘Do you really want to watch this movie? I could show you a lot more fun.’ he said into her ear.
Laughing, she said ‘I bet you could .’
‘Do I take that as consent?’ He asked, licking from the base of her neck back up to her ear.
Calise turned her head to the left to face him. Smiling, she lifted her and brought her lips to his. He traced the outline of them with his tongue, drawing the lower of the two into his mouth to sucked on it. Calise turned more fully in his arms and kissed him back passionately. Deondre trailed his hand up to her breast and caressed roughly through her dress, causing her to moan into his mouth.
Calise knew this wasn’t a good idea but she could deal with her regrets later. Breaking the kiss, Calise stood and turned to face Deondre. Bending, she reached her hands under her dress, and pulled her lace thong off. Giving one look around to make sure they were alone, she bent forward and unbuckled Deondre’s pants and pulled out his member. He liked this take charge side of her. Raising her dress up a little, she sat astride him and placed his dick at the entrance to her pussy. She rubbed the tip in her juices and started sliding him from the entrance up to her clit. She did this again and again driving him insane. She smiled down at him when he let out a growl of frustration. She finally sat down his shaft and started rotating her hips. She pulled up and in a circular motion and then came down slowly. Deondre just hel
d her hips and let her do her thing. She set a slow and sensual pace grinding her pussy up and down his dick, clinching her pussy as she did. They panted together as their passion built. Calise shifted bringing one of her legs up and over his shoulder and sped up her ride. Deondre felt that tingle start to build and tried to hold off until Calise found her release. He reached his hand up and began to play with her clit as she bounced up and down on his lap. Calise’s pleasure had her mind spinning and her orgasm hit her hard. Moaning loudly, she came undone, riding the waves of ecstasy. As soon as Deondre felt her release, he gave into his own. Holding tightly to her hips, he released his warm seed into her with long shots. He pulled Calise close and kissed her collar bone.
‘Damn girl, that was good.’ Deondre said. He was still breathing hard trying to catch his breath.
Calise shifted and stood, feeling his shaft slid out of her. ‘What can I say, I’m good at everything I do,’ she said smiling. The righted their clothes and Calise sat down next to him.
‘Do you want to skip the movie?’ Deondre asked her. ‘I really don’t feel like sitting here to finish it.’ he said smiling.
‘Its up to you, you paid for it.’ Calise said. Deondre stood up and grabbed the sodas and popcorn. Calise reached for her purse and they walked down the steps to the exit.
Shauntea arrived at her studio to chaos. Her assistant spotted her coming through the door and rushed over to her.
‘Shauntea, thank God you’re here,’ she said, ‘the computer server has gone down and will not come back up no matter what the techs do. I had everything on there. Caterers, decoration layout, design…everything. We only have a two weeks to finalize everything. What are we gonna do?’
‘Well first Diane, your gonna calm down.’ Shauntea said. ‘Did you back up everything to flash drive?’
‘Yes, but the problem is, that there was a virus on the computer and its attached to the files. If we open the files the virus will transfer to whatever computer we use.’
Shauntea put her bag down on her desk and steeled herself to a long day ahead. She would have to start from scratch on her designs and layout. She still had the notes from her previous meetings on the food and caterers, so she still had the numbers and could get the exact orders from them if it came to that. She sat down and opened her file cabinet and leafed through the folders until she found the one she was looking for.
‘Diane, get us some coffee, and bring any and all notes that you have on the Michael McKinley Event.’
Diane walked to her desk to get the things that Shauntea had asked for.
Shauntea booted up her laptop and took a deep breath. Opening up a blank document she set to work.
A while later, she grabbed her cell phone and dialed Michael’s number. On the third ring he answered.
‘Hello Shauntea. How are you?’
Shauntea smiled into her phone. ‘I’m good Michael, but we’ve run into a little snag and I was wondering if you could meet me at the gallery so we could go over a few things?’
‘Yeah sure, but is everything okay?’ he said.
‘It will be, trust me. So in like an hour?’
‘Okay, I’m on my way. See you in a bit.’
Shauntea hung up her phone and kept typing on her laptop. She remembered some things she had already set into motion, so she got those few details out of the way.
Diane walked up with two steaming cups of coffee and set one in front of Shauntea. She also had a legal pad and a pen.
Okay,’ Shauntea said sipping her coffee. She really would’ve preferred a stiff drink but she had to keep a clear head when it came to her business. ‘I’m going to need you to start calling the caterers and also the Bakery for the cake.’
As she was giving her checklist, Diane was busy writing her duties on her legal pad. She loved her job. She liked meeting with high profile clients and watching Shauntea turn chaos into something beautiful and elegant. Shauntea handled her job and never broke under pressure and it was something she, one day, hoped she could do just as good as her boss.
‘Okay do you have everything that you need?’ Shauntea asked her.
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Straight SexJillian Janson wasa horrible year. Everything that could go wrong did go wrong but she was still hopeful that there would be some sort of silver lining to her cloudy days. She decided to write Santa a heartfelt letter outlining how good she has been and how she could really use something special to reassure her faith in humanity. She fell asleep on her couch in her most comfy xmas themed pajamas and her tight little booty hanging out wwaiting for santa that night. She was awakened by the sound...
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Jake woke Sunday morning to the feel of lips wrapped around his cock, a feeling he always enjoyed. Looking down into Lana's eyes he grinned, that was definitely the best way to be woken up. He realized they were not alone and looked around the room. All of his concubines were present, standing or sitting on the floor. Except Bonnie, she was kneeling behind Lana, who was kneeling on the side of the bed. Bonnie had her face buried in Lana, her tongue obviously giving the girl a good work...
Trans-fer Agency By Ku-GoWorking at a Transfer Agency was a boring job, at least it was until I met ... her? The job in itself wasn't boring just very repetitive, having to enter the same information up to 4 times in 4 separate locations just to get things done. I would constantly find myself dozing off in the middle of work. Many-a-time my coworker would have to shake me out of a day dream about some kind of sexually explicit encounter with one of the office's rather good looking receptionist,...
TransOur streak of hot amateurs who also happen to be un-fucked for an inexcusably long time continues with 20 year old local hottie Holly. Apparently every guy is playing Pokemon Go these days because as you know, Holly isn’t the first – and likely won’t be the last – hot, horny girl with a killer body who hasn’t had sex in months.To those 5 guys who aren’t playing this shit on their phones, this should be a real boon. Instead of collecting virtual cartoon...
xmoviesforyou--Author's note: This is a work in progress... but one path is complete (hint: probably the top options). I plan to add more. You may see some options at the end of chapters but most of the extras don't go too far yet. --- It's hot as shit and my dick's hard. It aint right but I can't help it. Even though she's asleep I try not to stare. Mom's laid out on the couch in a loose red, sleeveless shirt. Well it's mostly loose. It's a bit tight around the chest. And damp from sweat. I see her...
IncestDing-dong! Ah, there it was. You walk up to the door to see a small package lying there. You quietly exlaim "yes!" and picked the package up. You see, a week ago, you decided to secretly order a fleshlight. Sure, you had a big, 8-inch dick in your pants, but you weren't very muscular and your social skills weren't anything special either. You also weren't rich. Well. Sounds like you don't have much going for you. If only those girls would be a little less picky! After carefully unboxing the...
so it was the begining of my senior yearmy ex and i were staying after school to walk around until the homecoming game started. so we were walking around the campus just trying to be alone together to sort through some troubles we were having, and of course when we FINALLY got comfortable enough to tlk everyone started to show up so we decide to sneak into the school through the auditorium window to get some quiet. so we were sitting in the back row of seats in the huge echoing auditorium...
by mypenname3000 Copyright 2015 Sarai: Madam of the Kennels Note: Sarai had always been a submissive lesbian and Diane dominated her in The Devil's Pact Slave Chronicle 5: Via, Freedom. Thanks b0b for beta reading this. “The disobedience of Sister Cuntrag continued, much to our God's consternation. 'If she continues in her defiance of my will like an ungrateful beast, then I shall treat her like one.' So the Living God placed a collar about her throat, dog ears upon her head, and...
To say that I was in a sexual slump would be the understatement of the year! I was bogged down in a dead-end relationship and sexual escapades of any kind had dried up months ago. The only sexual release of any kind came in the form of the many porn sites I visited on a daily basis. That all changed when my best friend Barbie and I started cybering. The funny thing is, it all started off as a joke and turned into something much more serious and real. Barbie was in the same boat as I was. She...
EroticThe next day after breakfast, I walked into the study and reminded Sarah that she was supposed to spend some time every day at the range practicing shooting and that we had agreed to go out early to miss the mid-day heat. Shamefacedly, she admitted that she had forgotten her promise. She said for me to wait a minute while she put up the papers she was working on and she would be ready. We went by the gun room and picked up the .38-40 pistol and her new shotgun. We also took a box of...
My eyes were shut tight as I kept kicking it. I didn’t want to see the demon on top of me only to remind me it was someone I loved. But what happened to Dex & Josh? Did they kill them? Were they tied up and locked away somewhere? It cried out in pain as my leg connected with what I think was its stomach, letting go of my arms as it rolled off me. I heard a thud as it hit the floor. I wondered how badly my arms were bruised and if I could actually walk or not because of the rape but I didn’t...
Oh shit. I know that look. My parents want to talk about yet another thing I did to screw something up. “Please have a seat David,” dad ordered. Dum dum da dum dum de dum dum dum da dum. I sat there sweating it for a few minutes before for mom said, “By now I am sure you have a pretty good idea why we told you to stay well away from Lane. Some detectives came to my office today to question me about what happened last night. He did try to get me to say I knew you were having sex with any...
"There it is, Jalbert Brothers Disposal," Brand said. Paige Carter, tall, slim, and grey-eyed with short blonde hair, clutched her auto pipe rifle tighter as she looked up the hill at the ramshackle, piecemeal low buildings and piles of scrap. She looked over at her raider squad with a doubtful look. Brand stood with his binoculars fixed on the location, his .44 revolver holstered at his hip, almost hidden by the spike armor he wore. He was stoic and calm, for the most part; a psycho...
The pandemic lock-down has been going for a few weeks now. We adapt, butsome find it more difficult than others. My 68 year old Mum lives alone, but insheltered housing, so there are lots of people she can chat to, living in thesame complex. That being said, I still talk to her once a day, just to make sureshe’s ok. Although she only lives 20 minutes drive away from me, we bothagreed, reluctantly, that we should observe the current no-contact ruling.Mum’s had a few minor health issues as she’s...
Cruel Women 5:Shylock Cruel Women 5Shylock Carmenica Diaz Also by Carmenica Diaz
Hi, I am Vinu, 18 year old, a engineering student in Bangalore hail from northern India. I was eagerly looking for an opportunity to share about my happiness and experience but finally I got this site where I can express my joys that I had unexpectedly. About me, I am a north Indian girl, I am 5.5ft height, I weight 43kgs, shoulder level cut hairs, I am fairer side by complexion, I measure 32/27/34, and little added flesh at appropriate places to look more than beautiful. I am studying computer...
LesbianA deep breath. Her last? A thought struck her. Who would find her, laid out here like this? What would they think? It would be a shame to have gotten dressed up only to be found in some awkward position. Would she twitch, or would it be like falling asleep? Another breath. The room was getting dim. Her heart was pounding in her ears. She felt a small trickle of liquid run down the inside of her thigh. Reflexively she squeezed her legs together. No, please God, nothing messy. This was her...
Wednesday August 3 I wish tomorrow wasn't moving day. I don't want to move! I don't want to leave my friends. I've known them my entire life! And now I have to leave them just so the Rents can have a promotion. Where am I going to find anyone here who'll accept me for me? I also don't want to leave my job at the library. I don't want to leave the library period! Grandma says there's one within biking distance to our new house but I know every inch of this one. I feel worse about...
Aman stares at me. I have been his new wife for 24 hours. He wants me. He has 3 other wives and I hate them all. I don't want to be part of a harem. I am not even from his country.I marry Aman to try to get back to America. He is alone with me in a room that looks like it belongs in Trump Tower. He is gorgeous, tall and Arabic. He wants me. "Blue Eyes." He calls me and he sits against the wall on silk pillows that are pink and mint green. He looks as if he is some beautiful doll there. I never...
Love Stories-- SEPTEMBER (10 MONTHS AGO), MONTAUK, NEW YORK -- I grinned, looking down at the giggling infant who was rolling on his back with all four limbs in the air. Jonathan Kwong, Junior (or "JJ" as we all called him) was not quite 11 months old, and not quite able to walk on his own. He certainly kept trying, standing himself up against the couch and then bravely launching himself outwards. But he could only manage a step or two before collapsing to the lushly-padded carpet. For some reason,...
-Chapters five and six will deal with the period of struggle between the American Indian Tribes and the European Settlers in the geographic confines of the thirteen original colonies during the period of their establishment beginning in the 1600s and up until the start of the French and Indian Wars in the mid-1700s. In the order of their establishment, the English settlements were: (1607) Virginia was the first colony established in the new American Colonies. It was founded by John Smith...
Wishes Granted Inc-Case Two By Micah Distel "Kevin! How many times have I told you to quit sneaking in my room?" "I don't know. How many?" "That is not the point! Everyday, I come from cheerleader practice and find you in my room looking for my diary. What am I to do with you? I know, I'll just tell mom when she comes home from work. With a little twist to it." "You don't scare me. She won't do anything. I'm the good kid. Remember?" "Oh we'll...
When I was 16 I lost my virginity to a total stranger. It happened so suddenly I didn't even plan it. A few friends and I went riding and one of them brought along their older Jen. She was 18 and very developed with a nice tight ass and overflowing C cup breasts. Anyway we stopped and built a camp fire around dark to cook hot dogs on cause we had been riding all day and were famished. We were stopped right next to a waterfall. Jen and I went over to check it out we sat right on top of the dry...
First TimeMike looked at the clock, realizing that in his passion he had completely forgotten it was a school day. He had barely enough time to make it to school. Cherry was happily dreaming. "Cherry, we need to get to school." "Mike, please let me stay home. I'll do extra work or something. Please," she dreamily begged. "But I can't write you a note. They'll notice the different handwriting," he said reasonably. Cherry stretched languidly. Mike was entranced by her breasts now presented so...
Long Weekend This contains Bi male and Transsexual. ( Fiction )It was Friday night and I needed to get out for a while. I headed to the Rave bar in town. It had been a long time since I had some Strange. When I got there the place was jumping and packed full. The night had a wild energy in the air and these people came to party. The dance floor was packed and every time the club opened another section, it was quickly filled. All four of the speakers were loaded with dancers. The...
Cheryl slammed on the brakes when she looked up from her phone and saw the taillights looming ahead. Too late. Shit. Shit. Shit, she thought as she heard the sound of plastic shattering. A previous fender bender had jacked up her insurance rates to a point where it was a struggle to keep up. Another would leave her in dire straits. There was just enough light from the street lamps to tell that the other driver was a younger man. As quickly as she realized it, she popped open two buttons on...
THINGS MOTHERS DO FOR THEIR DAUGHTERS Olivia Miller is a single mother raising twolovely daughters the best way she knew how. She has struggled working two differentjobs to make ends meet and give the two girls a good home life since her husbanwalked out on them over twelve years ago, althouugh she tried datingonce and during the few weeks of courtship she did have one occation to havesexual relations with the man but just like the many years with her...
Hi ISS readers. Well, this is my first contribution to my collection of stories and imagination. Well, to introduce myself, i am Robin and i stay in chennai. I am 28 years old and a civil engineer also doing interiors designing. Right from school, i have had an admiration to creativity and have headed a lot of cultural events at school. I am 5’7″, fair complexioned and have a medium build. Well, all my girl friends have always liked my appearance and my mannerism. Being very creative by nature,...
She was just going mad with the heat of sex. It was 12 in the night and she could not sleep. Yes she was a widow, her husband had died 3 months ago and at this age of 42 she was not able to control the sexual heat in her body. She still remembers how her hubby’s closest friend hugged her while weeping for her husband and during that he almost caressed every sensual part of her body. She still was not able to forget the feel of his hands and now, in the midst of night when she was all alone some...
Lurking in the thick mountain forests of Albeon, hiding their homes in the mountains, are the goblin tribes, a menace upon the earth who cares only for themselves and their own survival. But still they are hunted, even the tribes who keep to themselves are killed for just being goblins, thus the goblins have begun to mobilize themselves to get better safety, keeping the majority of their people in caves and just a small group at villages they keep the majority of their kin safe. Among one of...
FantasyFour women (Nicole Doshi, Avery Jane, Eliza Ibarra, and Lauren Phillips) are having a Squirters Anonymous meeting. Lauren, who is leading the meeting, asks everyone to introduce themselves and share their stories. Nicole shyly introduces herself as she gets ready to share her story. She recounts an embarrassing experience where she accidentally squirted right in her girlfriend’s face… then her girlfriend dumped her on the spot. Avery introduces herself next. She shares a shocking...
xmoviesforyou“Be safe! We love you!” My family yelled as I maneuvered my silver 2001 BMW down the driveway of our 2 story brick house on my way to freedom. I gave one final wave as I pushed on the gas and started off to college. Finally! I thought as I started off to GT where I planned on making my dream come true… being and actress. Now, don’t get me wrong, I could care less if I’m famous… I just wanna act… to be on stage and in the spotlight. The college campus was only about 45 min away from where I...
LesbianBelle and Troop A- Sam DarquesiedI reveled in the beauty of that bright, warm, glorious day. It had been a hard final year and I had promised myself that the day after my final paper I would head for the woodlands. I have always loved solitary deep woods hiking but that year simply left no time for anything other than study. I was twenty five years old with a newly acquired degree in biology and a couple of solid employment prospects. I had worked hard so I deserved to take some time for...
Adorable Dillion has been sent to detention again. She just can’t seem to stay out of trouble. Professor Nixon can’t believe that she’s back and then can’t believe what she has decided to do to fight the boredom. She is dildoing herself right there on the desk! After showing how appalled he is, he realizes how horny she is and decides to help her out. The professor and his hot student go for it right there in the classroom fucking on her desk and then on top of his desk...
xmoviesforyouMelissa drove carefully, passing the quaint shops and bars of their small picturesque town. She didn't want to stay at the 25 MPH speed limit. She wanted to drive as fast as her SUV would go. It was her birthday, but that wasn't why she was so excited. Her lover was waiting. Shawn was waiting when she walked in the door, his full lips turned up in the cocky grin she loved so much. His tee-shirt stretched tight across his broad shoulders and Melissa felt desire pool in her belly at the sight of...
AnalI was 18 at the time, and it was time to go shopping which brought a delight and pleasure to me and a lifting of my spirits. I was outrageously wearing a short skirt and no panties along with long socks and a jacket and made-up to look cute. My hair was in pig-tails for fucks sake! Maybe it was a phase but it was a hot one. As I walked towards the shops I had to pass this residential area and in my delight at the day before me, I suddenly felt my cunt have a silly-fit and began to...
Well after selling my business and getting divorced at the same time I was cash rich 63 reasonably fit five feet 11 and bored.Looking on a internet site I saw an advert for the purchase of secluded beach houses in a new resort in West Africa having worked in Africa I fancied the sunshine and beach life.So there I was looking around my new purchase 1 week later a 3 bedroom beach house overlooking the Atlantic. Meeting the couple I purchased it of who where from Germany I shook hands and said I...
Human - You arrive at a public high school in a new town. Standing out front ready to go in you can see several normal-sized people along with a few very tall people. Some of both groups also have some large bellies but are fully capable of walking around without issue. You need to make your way into the main doors to get your class schedule from the admin office. From there you will be assigned a guide for your first day. Anthro- There had to have been some massive screwup somewhere. Sure,...