Steamy Sex With Hot Cousin Deepthi
- 3 years ago
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This is my Winter Holiday Contest Entry for 2008. Enjoy! –Selena
Twenty-six degrees below zero, almost total darkness and white-out conditions, but Mary didn’t notice any of it as Finn trudged up behind her, the thick cloud of his breath misting over her shoulder as he watched her work.
‘What’s your depth?’ He had to yell to be heard over both the drill and the generator running it, but Mary didn’t acknowledge his question, too engrossed, determined. Another ten feet. And then another. She’d pulled two cores on her own already—they were bagged and tagged on the sled she’d dragged along behind her on the snowmobile to the site. Both her shoulders and her head ached, but she didn’t care.
He moved to help her as the mechanical swirl of the drill began to rise to the top, like a dark barber’s pole or a terrible, twisted candy cane. It was heavy without an ice core in its center, but twice that now with its frigid contents. Mary stepped aside, letting him lift it out of her hands, pulling it free and turning it sideways, carrying it over to the makeshift work station. She’d set that up, too, in only the glow from one generator-powered work light. It was December twenty-second, the eve of the winter solstice, and they had officially moved into twenty-four hour darkness at the North Pole.
‘We’re at almost four thousand meters.’ The steam of her breath joined his as they bent over the thick length of ice, together sweeping chips from its surface with small brushes. The tubular metal cradle it rested in measured the core down to the millimeter.
Finn sat back on his haunches and gave a low whistle. ‘Christ, Mare. That’s deeper than anyone’s ever gone. Ever. And this is firn.’
The excitement in her belly burned almost as hot as her cheeks and she nodded, noting the measurement in a notebook she pulled from her pocket. The pens they had were the same ones astronauts used in space. Regular ink froze quickly out here. She’d finally grown used to handling pens and other small instruments with thick gloves on instead of the thin latex she was used to.
Glancing over at Finn, watching him work as he wrote out a label and pressed it onto the surface of the polyethylene bag, she thought that only he would be crazy enough to suggest running off to the North Pole in the dead of winter. But she’d been wrong. There were plenty of others on the team at first, with the goal of providing the deepest and most comprehensive Arctic ice core data ever collected in the hopes of helping boost the research on climate change. She had jumped at the chance to work with firn—snow so cold all the time it never melted from year to year—and, too, with Finn.
Without Finn, she never would have known about this opportunity, let alone taken it, leaping with a blind faith the girl her father had once called ‘Miss Microscope’ would never have considered without the solidity of her best friend, Finn, beside her. As one of the world’s most renowned paleoclimatologists, he’d been on hundreds of Arctic expeditions, but she’d been naively excited beyond words when they started this project, at the thought of being a part of history, and too, of spending time away from the world with Finn. And now that the rest of the crew had left, going home just in time for the holidays and leaving them to finish up the last of their project, they were truly alone.
Mary rubbed her gloved finger over the surface of the core—ice frozen for seven-hundred and fifty thousand years and pulled from a depth of almost two and a half miles. No human being had ever touched anything so deep before. If the bitter cold didn’t do it, the incredible rush of that realization should have been more than enough to give her goose bumps under her parka, but that wasn’t what caused the shiver that ran up her spine, nor was it the heat from Finn’s body next to hers.
She had discovered something even more bottomless, more infinite. And she was hungry for more, determined to prove to Finn that what she’d found wasn’t some statistical anomaly.
‘I’m going deeper.’ She stood, turning toward the drill, leaving him to bag and tag the latest core, but Finn caught her arm, shaking his head.
‘It’s enough.’ He nodded toward the sled. ‘Let’s pack up and get back to base. It’s freezing, it’s midnight and you’re sick.’
‘I’m not sick.’ Looking longingly at the drill, she sighed and let him lead her to the snowmobile. He sat her on the seat, pulling her parka hood around her face as if she were a child. ‘Finn! A ninety-nine degree fever doesn’t qualify as sick!’ She brushed his coat-tightening hands away. ‘Would you quit?’
‘I’ll pack us up.’ He gave her a long, steady look. ‘Okay?’
She relented, sitting back down to wait. It didn’t take him long to break it all down and pack it onto the sled. Her head did ache, and her face burned, but she was sure it was more from the bone-numbing chill than from her little fever. It was just a cold, but he acted like she was at death’s door. The thought of examining the cores she’d pulled that night perked her up as Finn climbed onto his snowmobile, starting it and motioning her to follow.
They had a thick dark rope running from their drill site to the base half a mile away so they wouldn’t get stuck out in the snow in white-out conditions and could always find their way back. Their camp, now empty of the rest of the crew, consisted of an insulated trailer with a huge satellite dwarfing its dark surface mounted outside. That was where they slept and ate, but the lab was built mostly underground, and that’s where they parked to unload.
‘You stay here!’ Finn cradled one of the cores in two hands, turning sideways to take it down into the lab.
She’d never met a man so good at giving orders. He would have made a great drill sergeant—if he wasn’t such a brilliant scientist. Mary slid off the Arctic Cat, killing the engine before hefting a second core from the sled and heading down after him. He gave her a sour look as he passed, heading back out for the third one and the rest of the equipment. What was he going to do—fire her? It didn’t matter out here in the middle of nowhere. She’d directly defied him and returned to the site to drill tonight, and she had no intention of following any more orders, except perhaps the insistent ones in her own head. It had always been her motivation—her curiosity, that sense of discovery. She had to know.
The lab had been built months before the crew arrived. It was a wonder of modern engineering, a simple, elegant self-supporting steel arch which could take the great load of snow without even one internal support. Their grant had paid for everything, even the heavy airlocked door that opened up to what was paradise compared to the work environment outside. Ambient air temperature remained at a constant seventeen degrees Fahrenheit underground, quite balmy compared to the negative temperatures above. Drifting snow—the kind they had now, white-out moving toward blizzard conditions—were only a factor because they had to maintain access to the portal.
She turned on the light and the arctic fluorescents, resistant to cold, flickered and came alive. To Mary, it was heaven, and she flipped her hood back, her lungs aching with the change in temperature, sucking air not quite as sharp and bitter as before. She’d never been so aware of her own body as she had become on this trip. The extremes of the environment had forced her to acknowledge her own corporeal nature, something the safety of a job in her lab at home back in Massachusetts had never compelled her to do. Sure, they had winter there, a change of seasons…but nothing like this, the deep, constant incomprehensible cold.
‘Come on, Mare.’ Finn had the third core, kicking the door shut behind him. ‘Let’s go to bed.’
She looked up from where she was sliding the first core she’d drilled out of its bag. He didn’t mean together, dummy. But her heart felt as if it w
ere beating somewhere in her throat and she was glad her cheeks were still red from the cold to cover their flush. Instead of answering him, she finished sliding the bag free and set the core into the cradle of the scale, recording the weight in another section of her notebook.
‘You are so stubborn.’ Finn watched as she traded her thick gloves for latex, inspecting the length of ice for a crack-free sample and, using a fine saw, separating it out.
‘And you are so bossy,’ she countered, cutting off a few millimeters of the sample, weighing the largest section on another scale and recording the reading. Five-hundred-and-two grams. Perfect. Selecting a smaller polyethylene bag, she placed the sample inside and then set it into their flash cooler. It would take the sample down to negative eighty degrees Celsius.
‘You’re really going to do this tonight?’ He sighed as she began sawing at another length of the core. This one she would put into the plasma mass spectrometer.
‘Go to bed, Finn.’ She waved him away as she inspected the sample, her trained eyes looking for cracks or imperfections.
He pulled his own heavy gloves off and reached for a sterile latex pair. ‘I’m not going without you.’
She smiled, holding up her sample like a trophy. ‘Then fire up Old Bessie, because I need to see this reading or I’m never going to be able to sleep.’
They worked well together—they always had—their timing in sync, anticipating one another’s next motion with a deft precision that came from years of moving together in the same space. Finn took the sample from her hand and carried it over to ‘Old Bessie’—their plasma mass spectrometer. Compact and light, it was the size of a small television and attached to a laptop for reading output.
Mary used an instrument they jokingly called ‘the tweezers’ to extract the frigid sample from the freezing unit and lift it carefully out of the bag. It was a perfect record of history, an effective time capsule, storing a snapshot of the earth’s atmosphere seven-hundred-and-fifty thousand years ago. The tests would tell them the age of the ice within a few years here or there. It would also tell them all the common meteorological data from that time period—precipitation amount, solar activity, air temperature, atmospheric composition.
But she wasn’t interested in any of that. The millions of tiny air bubbles in the ice had revealed something to her even more amazing than greenhouse gases or evidence of climate change.
‘Into the cheese grater with you.’ Mary placed the sample into a round, stainless steel extraction flask, closing the door and turning on the machine. It would grind the ice into fine chips in a vacuum, release the air and trap the gasses without any contamination to taint the sample. This, too, was attached to a laptop, and the results would be analyzed by computer.
She couldn’t resist coming to watch for the results of the spectrometer over Finn’s shoulder. The laptop just showed a slow-moving bar that read, ‘Analyzing – Please Wait’ beneath. His hood was thrown back, and she noted the way his jaw clenched and unclenched, the way he pointedly didn’t turn to look over his shoulder at her.
She also noticed the way his dark hair curled at the nape of his neck—long, too long. He needed a cut, but of course there was nowhere to get one out there. She wondered if he would let her do it, and just imagining running her fingers through the black raven’s wings of his hair made her feel breathless.
‘Well, there it is.’ Finn sounded annoyed as he pointed to the screen and she almost laughed.
‘I told you the last one wasn’t a contaminated sample.’ She fought the smug urge to stick her tongue out at his back.
He rolled his eyes, pulling his latex gloves off and reaching for his warmer ones. ‘Two samples don’t make it conclusive.’
‘Did you run it through the gas chromatograph?’
‘Does Old Bessie moo?’
Mary touched the laptop screen, pointing to one of the longer spikes. ‘So this one here…’
‘Finn! Look!’ She grabbed a three-ring-binder from the table, flipping it open and holding it up next to the screen. ‘It’s exactly the same as the last one. Look at the graph.’
‘I’m looking.’ He was looking, but he wasn’t happy about it.
‘And this…’ She turned the other laptop on the counter, finished analyzing its own data, so he could see the reading from the other machine. ‘See here? It’s the same. Unidentified.’
Finn shrugged. ‘It doesn’t necessarily mean anything.’
‘What are you afraid of?’ She couldn’t believe his nonchalance, his lack of curiosity about this new discovery.
He quickly turned off the power to the laptop, not even shutting it down the way he should have. ‘I’m afraid you’re feverish and I’m going to have to radio us out of here before you start hallucinating.’
Hurt, she felt her chest tightening and confronted him, her hands on her hips. ‘I’m not hallucinating lab results, Finn.’
‘Okay, so you got the results you were looking for,’ he snapped, reaching over and stabbing the power button on the other laptop. ‘Can we go to bed now?’
Her face and body felt frozen, colder than she’d ever been out in the arctic chill. ‘I bet you every single one of these deeper cores will show us the same thing. It’s getting stronger, you know, more concentrated, the deeper we go.’
He shrugged again, turning toward the door, a dismissal.
‘There’s something down there!’ She wanted to throw something at his head and her hands clenched into fists. ‘Something no one has ever discovered before!’
‘Well, if it’s down there, it will still be there in the morning, won’t it?’ he asked over his shoulder, opening the door and letting in a blast of frigid air. ‘Are you coming?’
She’d butted heads with him before—they’d had playful, week-long disagreements back and forth sometimes. But she had never experienced him like this—cold, dismissive, obdurate.
Her righteous elation dampened by his reaction, Mary snapped her own gloves off and reached for her warm ones, the action an assent, and he watched her put them on before he went out the door. She knew he expected her to follow him, and she did, feeling dizzy with her discovery and his trivialization of it. Leaving everything, she just turned out the light and shut the door behind her.
Her cheeks felt as if they were on fire as she trudged after him in the powder, and the cold hit her like a wall, actually stopping her breathless in the dark. Finn’s retreating back, heading toward the trailer, was just visible through the blowing snow. Her heart hammered hard in her chest, her legs like lead, and she managed to call out to him once before she went down to her knees.
For a minute she thought he wasn’t going to stop, that he was going to childishly storm off and leave her. And she didn’t think she could get back up. Her legs felt too weak, trembling, and she let her body go, collapsing on the snow and rolling to her back, giving up. It didn’t matter. He didn’t believe her, he didn’t care. None of it mattered. The stars were bright jewels in a velvet sky, so close she felt she could reach out and touch them, and she actually stretched a hand out into the darkness.
Then he was kneeling over her, wedging his arms beneath, lifting.
‘I think I’m sick,’ she murmured.
‘Ya think?’ His gruff comment was the last thing she remembered before the stars blinked out.
* * * *
She woke up shivering in a cold sweat to find him beside her. She sensed more than saw him—it was completely dark, their rooms were small, his knees pressed right up against the edge of her cot as he shifted in the chair.
‘I’m here.’ His voice was soft, and there was no anger in it.
She rolled toward him, clutching his knee, sure now. She didn’t know if it had been the fever that had given her t
he sudden flash of realization, or if was just something that had bubbled up from below her consciousness, a deeper intuition. ‘I know what it is.’
His answer couldn’t have surprised her more. ‘So do I.’ His hand pressed against her forehead but she was cool now, almost clammy, and he stated the obvious, ‘Your fever broke.’
‘No, I mean…what we found.’ She swallowed, sitting up cross-legged, her back against the wall, her bare knees pressed to his denim-clad ones. He’d undressed her down to her flannel shirt before putting her to bed, and the thought might have embarrassed her if she hadn’t been so eager to tell him what she knew. ‘I know what it is!’
‘So do I,’ he said again, reaching for the light on the small table, turning it on. She was too aware now of her state of undress, the way her dark, tousled hair fell around her face. She ran a hand through its length, smoothing, looking at him watching her, his face unreadable, his gaze moving quickly up from the ‘v’ of her flannel to meet her eyes. He picked up a stoppered test tube off the table and held it up. ‘I’ve been in the lab for hours tonight, testing samples.’
‘What time is it?’ she croaked.
‘Near morning, I guess.’ He shrugged. Morning didn’t mean much out here without the sun. They were living blind, groping around for answers in the darkness, and the metaphor didn’t escape her as Finn offered her the test tube. ‘This is what you found.’
She took it, peering in at the crystallized substance in the bottom. ‘It’s a solid?’
‘Yeah.’ He snorted. ‘And a gas. And a liquid. I’ve run every test we have, and the computer’s analyzed the data in every possible configuration imaginable, and it all comes up the same.’
‘Unidentifiable,’ she murmured, staring at it, amazed.
‘And atomic structure? This…it’s got to be a new element.’
Her breathless wonder was broken by Finn revealing another piece of even more unlikely information. ‘It has no atomic weight, Mare.’
‘That’s not possible.’ She just stared at him.
‘I know.’ He shook his head, half-smiling, and shrugged. ‘It has volume, it has mass, it takes up space. But you can’t measure it. It has no atomic weight.’
Just when she was coming to terms with that impossible fact, he dropped another, equally as implausible, into her lap. ‘It also has no half-life.’
‘What?’ She held the sample up to the light, frowning. ‘Are you sure you tested it right? Maybe there’s something wrong with the computer…’
‘Please.’ Rolling his eyes, he sat back in the chair with a sigh. ‘I’ve been calculating atomic weight and half-life since I was in high school. Everything decomposes and gives off some sort of radiation, right? But this doesn’t. The graph won’t move—it’s a solid flatline. This stuff is…it’s infinite. It’s some sort of infinite energy source…’
‘I know.’ Mary couldn’t begin to explain her feeling, the certainty of her strangely drawn conclusion. She had no logical basis for it, although Finn’s research was going a long way toward convincing the Miss Microscope part of her that her intuition was correct. Taking a deep breath, she closed her eyes, and just said it, ‘It’s God.’
When Finn didn’t respond—she’d expected laughter, at the very at least, coupled with a sarcastic comment—she opened her eyes to look at him. He was thoughtful, staring at the test tube in her closed fist. She went on, ‘You feel it just as much as I do. I know you do. What we’ve discovered…all the laws and rules of physics, of the entire universe, just turned upside down. This proves—’
‘This doesn’t prove anything.’ He did laugh then, shaking his head. ‘You might as well say we just proved the existence of Santa Claus. It would hold about as much weight in the scientific community. Hell, why not? We’re at the North Pole, aren’t we? Let’s just call the new element Santa Clausium!’
‘I think…’ She took a deep breath, ignoring his sarcasm, and pushed forward. ‘I think it’s here for a reason.’
‘Well, in that sense, I guess everything’s here for a reason.’
Hi All, I am a regular reader of ISS and I want to share my real experience with all of you. I work for an MNC company in Houston for last 2 years. In May this year Deepthi joined the onsite team as a local recruit. She is 27, wheatish complexion, 5’5 tall a little bit on the bulkier side and with 36 C boobs, 34 waist and 38 ass ( I measured her). For me, I am tall 6’0. Fair and with muscline body as part of my daily work, Deepthi and I used to work very closely, she always dressed in some...
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Hi friends,my name is SAM. This is my 3rd story in ISS, I got a lot of emails for my previous 2 stories, but after that I lost access to my ISS account and was not able to submit any stories. After a long time I’m back with my new story which happened in my New company where I fucked a lady named Deepthi. She was a little dusky and chubby. Her stats are 34-30-36. This is the story how I fucked her in her flat. Deepthi was my mentor when I joined newly in the company. At first, I had no sexual...
Hii guys this is Akhil from Hyderabad. I am a regular reader of Indian sex stories.The story is about how I fucked and lost my virginity to my neighbour and my aunt deepthi. Coming to the heroine of the story her name is deepthi she is so hot that every one would love to fuck her at the first site itself…Her assets are 34-26-36 any one would die for them. All this happened was a month back I am studying my b.Tech in Tamil Nadu I went to a home for Holi holidays then I met my lady who is...
Hello readers, this is my first story here and in fact a true on which happened just a week back. I work for an MNC and my team is a 3 member team. Me the project head, a new trainee who just joined our company a month back and my team leader Deepika. This is a new team and we were looking after a new project. Since the 3rd member is a trainee for official client meetings, me and Deepika had to attend. Every time the client discussion will be through video conferencing and this time the client...
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Hi guys, I am MGR here, I am very happy from your feedbacks about my previous encounter. So I came here with my new encounter. Friends this one little lengthy so please forgive me and if any mistake in my narration please don’t scold me. As I said in my last encounter “Memorable sex with beautiful sanjana”, deepa found us (I and sanjana) in the hugging position with naked body. At that time she didn’t speak any words and went silent to hall. After some time we both get dressed and went to hall,...
Hi! Dosto mera naam Raj hai, aur mai 24 saal ka ek gabru jawan ladka hoo aur main Delhi se belong karta hoo. Mai ISS ko pichle 4 saal se pad raha hoo, aur mujhe iske sare stories pasand aate hai, khaskar incest stories jisme bhai-behan ke pyaar/choodne ke bare me bataya gaya hai. Meri ye story meri cousin sister Deepika ke bare me hai, aur ye koi story nahi hai balki meri life ka ek real insident hai jo ki mai share karne ja raha hu. Khair mai apna insident batatahu jo ki mai story ke taur pe...
Hi all, this is Karthik from the city of destiny. As this is my first story I am sorry for any grammatical mistakes.Any girl from vizag want to hang up kindly contact my mail and discretion is absolutely guaranteed. Guys this is a romantic and a soft-core story so dont expect big things at the initial story itself and I am sure this story will make u cum. Now coming back to the story this is about Deepthi whom I met on facebook.I was a regular use of facebook I saw her on db fb and I gave her...
Hi, i am john from b’lore. This story is about how i fucked deepthi.. She is 5.7h and a fig of 34.28.34 and age 21.. Im 5.8h and age 19 with a 6 inch.. Deepthi used to come to our house every weekends as she was staying in hostel.. I dint have any sexual desire on her as i thought tat she was good and was not interested in such things.. One Friday as usual she had come to our house.. We chatted for some time and later i went to my room and closed the door.. My mother at that time went top to...
Hi all readers of iss, this is Vikas, I am writing my second sexperience, let me remind u my first story ” sweet sex with maid”, here I am coming back with my real encounter with my cousin Deepika in 2010 on the way to Hyderabad to Bangalore. After transferring from Hyderabad to Bangalore, life got bit more spiced up with new colleagues and friends, I was looking forward for someone to hang out with and have serious fun and sex, myself, I am medium built height 5’9″ and weighs around 75...
IncestHi, this is Shiva from Hyderabad. This story is with my cousin deepa. Reading the Indian stories in the related websites which are very much arousing. Anyway is my story with deepa which happened when I was in college. If you like it please mail me at and I you Have any comments to deepa, you can mail her at as she had commanded me to the story on the net for the ladies who are interested to have sex with me. As it would interesting if we use some local language for the people of Andhra...
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This is a real story happend . I was then 27 years old .i met deepa ,she is our neighbour lived with her 6year old daughter , (which is next to our house) as tenants . Then her age would be around 33 years and a divorcee. She was from gujarat. She was fair and looks like yester years south indian actress gowtami. The moment i saw her i got attracted to her. As our houses were side by side. We introduced ourselves, talked for an hour she asked my mum about vegetable market and groceries shop....
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Hello friends this is my first sex story so please forgive me for any mistakes. Please send your feedback to I am interested in girls and woman.So who wish to have a personal chat with me can send mail to above email id. I don’t want to waste your time so directly coming to the story. I am rajesh 5.9″ height slim, and having a dick of 8 inch height and 3 inches wide. Basically I am from nellore, andhra pradesh. Currently working for an it firm and living in a pg in btm 2nd stage bangalore.My...
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Hi friends again Harish from Coimbatore. Thanks for your comments in previous story.if any girls or aunties need free haircut,facial,waxing ,sex etc can mail me to the below mail mail address is .com. Please feel free to message. This story is about a newly married girl who starved for sex.lets begin the story. My self of age 22 average height and weight and had did a beautician course( not working as beautician). I have average athletic body with good size dick which every ladies...
I've already told all of you about my relationship with Corey, and how I begged him to let me be his sex slave. Now, to tell you about some of our adventures ... We were at school, in 2nd period, and Corey sent me a text message telling me to meet him in the bathroom. Since I'm his bitch, I did as I was told. When I walked in, it was empty except for Corey, who was waiting in one of the big stalls. I walked up to him and asked "What if someone walks in?" He told me not to worry, that I was his...
GayHi, this is Amit . This is my first story which is a real life incident and a fabulous experience. Hope you guys enjoy it too. I’m from Mumbai, 34 yrs old, 5’10’’, wheatish, athletic built, attractive (as women tell me), married and have a 5 yr old kid, a beautiful wife, although my sex life is below average, add to that my appetite for sex and it turns out unsatisfactory. I work with a big MNC in Mumbai, taking care of the Advertising & Communication function. My job involves me interacting...
Hello ISS readers, I am new to this site and after reading all the stories posted here, I thought to post my story too. This is a real life incident that happened before 3 years. Let me describe about myself first, i am Ramesh, good looking and average built man and I had been doing my UG degree when this wonderful incident happened. It all started when my sister’s friend named Deepa (name changed) who was doing MBA came to my home for doing her project. Since she (she refers Deepa) hadn’t got...
Hello everyone, hope you guys are staying safe and healthy. Thank you guys for your valuable feedback on my previous stories. Today, I am going to tell you how I fucked my mom. Coming to the story, we are a family of three. Mom, dad, and me. My name is Abhi. I am 22 and a virgin. My height is 5’10. I have a decent 6-inch tool which made my mom go crazy for me. Coming to my mom, her name is Deepthi. She is 43 years old. She is 5’6. Her skin tone is quite fair and most importantly, she is a thick...
IncestHi folks I am Goldy from new delhi back to this site after 3 years. I thought of sharing my real life hot experience with you all. I am fond of chatting on net, with hot girls. I am pretty good at cyber / phone sex, and have many female friends, who just go crazy discussing hot things with me, and we virtually have sex online. In one such encounter I met a girl called Deepa. She was from Ludhiana. It started of with a normal conversation, and soon it became quiet open, and we started discussing...
Hi friends this is pradeep again, thanks for your comments and support for my pervious stories which was fictional but now i am going to tell my real experience with Priya Mittal the hot sexy, hot housewife who stays in pune which is 800 kms far from Bangalore, ok i like to make short and want to submit it to readers and it was my priya’s choice. So for her i am writing by keeping my dick hard. Already i wrote 2 stories with her boy friend and with her husband now with me. I received 3 mails...
IncestReddit Deepthroat, aka r/Deepthroat! is once again at it, and this time around, they have a really sick subreddit that ThePornDude feels is worth my time for a review. This is a pretty big community, and there’s no way any porn enthusiast would miss it, especially if you’re a sucker for Reddit NSFW sites. As you can probably figure out, the main focus of this subreddit is on ladies that really love to have massive cocks or dildos stuffed down their throats just like the cock-starved...
Reddit NSFW ListCorey's coming, no more sad stories coming My midnight-moonlight-morning-glory's coming aren't you girl? And like I told you, when she holds you She enfolds you in her world. By Harry Chapin (December 7, 1942 – July 16, 1981) He is missed. Old John Joseph was a man with two first names. The railroad left him in the station when they took away the trains. John found me practicing a little vandalism on some of his abandoned freight cars. Instead of turning me over to the authorities, he put...
A few nights ago I went to a show with some of my girl friends. We're all really close, close enough that we feel comfortable holding hands and giving each other little pecks every now and then. But that is all completely irrelevant to this story. In the beginning of the night, my girlie friends and I were sitting at home debating on what we should do that night. We decided we would go to the local hot spot to see some of our area local bands play. We all take about an hour before leaving to...
EroticThis story is divided into three parts. In the first part, I will tell you about myself, in the second part I will tell you about my intimate relationship with my sister and in third part, I will tell you how it all began. First Part Hi, I’m Aryan age 20. I’ve 8.2″ inch dick. I have a very sexy and kinky sister, a really hot mother, and a needy neighbor. I’ve fucked them all and I’ll tell you the story about my mother and neighbour on another day, today is all about my sister Deepika. Second...
IncestI was at a Friday night party by myself. My girlfriend Jessica was at her apartment studying. She had a finals test coming up and she wanted to spend the whole weekend preparing. I felt lonely just standing there by myself. I looked over at the front door just then and my ex-girlfriend Emily walked in. I left Emily for Jessica a few months ago. It was basically a sex only relationship between Emily and myself and I wanted something more.As soon as Emily saw me, she made a beeline right towards...
Hi friends. This is sreeraju presenting a lovely story in Telugu language in the english font. Naperu sreeraju .Ipudu cheppabotunnadi oka interesting katha naku telisina oka family lo jarigindi. Raghu yamuna manchi andamina dampathulu. Raghu state government lo job chestadu. Yamuna nu eri kori chesukunnadu. Ame andam alantidi.. Yamuna degree chadivindi. Raghu office kelletapudu college kelle yamuna nu roju chusevadu. Chesukunte amene pelli chesukovali ani decide ipoyi peddalato matadi...
This is the story which begins 8 months ago……….My name is Aditya and i am 18 yrs. old……I am a normal built guy with fair looks and a 6 inch penis……There r only 3 members in our family…..Me and my parents…We live in Pune….So let’s start d story.. About 8 months ago our maid left d job because of some personal issues…..So she suggested another maid for us….. Her name is Deepali……..It was a Sunday afternoon… I was just enjoying my siesta when d doorbell rang…When i opened d door, there was a woman...
Hello friends,my name is rahul and age-23 nd main iss ka regular reader hun pichli 2 saal se…Meri favourite category hai desi..Aaj main first time apni true story likhne jaa rha hun jo ki meri or meri ek frnd k bich mein huyi.I hope k aap logo kaafi pasand aayegi..And plzzz mujhe mail jrur krein agr pasand aaye toh nd agr koi mistake ho toh plzz maaf kr dena kyunki first time likh rha hun chalo ab sidha story pe aate hain,Jaisa k maine aapko btaaya k mera naam rahul hai or main punjab se...
Ah, Adult Deepfakes! We’ve all thought about this sort of content, don’t lie! You know that moment when you’re watching Game of Thrones and you see Emilia Clarke’s tits and you’re like: “Holy shit I want to see her do a porno.” or even “Dude I’d fuck this bitch stupid mad.” Yeah, we’ve all been there, buddy. We’ve all been there. Well, guess what. You can FINALLY see her in a real porno! Well, not Emilia Clarke but someone that looks exactly like her. We’re talking about deepfakes and to...
Deepfake Porn SitesMr Deepfakes will help you with fake celebrity porn! Technology has come a long way in the last hundred years, helping mankind live a healthier, happier life along the way. From cars to factory machines, technology has definitely enriched society by making it easier to travel and live as well as ensuring that people are healthy and don’t have to resort to pain-staking labor jobs which many machines can easily do. Nowadays, technology has come even further, with new applications that feature...
Deepfake Porn SitesDeepfake Porn is a bit of a controversial subject these days, and it seems like everyone has a strong opinion about it. Celebrities and #MeToo warriors hate it, saying it violates the privacy of its alleged victims. Perverts, on the other hand, think it’s the greatest fucking thing since sliced bread. Hell, I’ll give up sandwiches for the rest of my life if it means seeing more photorealistic fakes of my favorite famous people getting is almost exactly what you think it...
Deepfake Porn SitesDeep Nude! calls itself “Your X-ray Vision App,” which is definitely enough to catch my eye right away. I once bought a pair of X-ray specs from an old comic book ad, but it was just a garbage pair of shades with cardboard lenses. You had to look through tiny little holes that were supposed to give everything an X-ray effect but really just made your eyes hurt and your heart sad. Technology, in general, has come a long fucking way since then, so I had high hopes as soon as I heard...
Deepfake Porn SitesI’m surprised wasn’t even a registered domain until the beginning of 2022 because that’s internet gold right there. It’s not particularly catchy or clever, but it’s straight to the fucking point. People will type that into their browser thinking there’s just got to be some deepfake porn there, and what do you know? Of course there fucking is!I wonder how many of their half million visitors a month heard some buzz about the site and how many were just guessing about the name. On...
Deepfake Porn SitesPinay Deep Web! This one is for the fans of tight wet Pinay pussy. Well, websites that deliver this kind of content are not easy to come by. And of course, one could spend hours or even days on end scouring the internet for this content. But, as hard as it may be, you know I always have something for you.Reviewing porn websites for ThePornDude is a full-time job because it means taking care of the needs of perverts of all kinds, and that includes fans of Pinay porn videos. Well, Pinay Deep Web...
Asian Porn SitesDeep Fucks! Well, it happened. Finally, we’ve got dedicated websites that serve nothing but deepfake videos. It was only a matter of time before these kinds of websites became common, and I am not in any way surprised. I knew deepfakes would take off and sell like hotcakes from day one. I remember a few years back when the first realistic deepfakes came out; I recognized the potential instantly.Whenever we as a species evolve any kind of new revolutionary technology, it will immediately be used...
Deepfake Porn SitesThe Deep Swap concept has probably been a fap fantasy of humans since the caveman days, even if it wouldn’t have a name for another few million years. Hell, the actual technology is still new enough that we can all remember the old days, back when you couldn’t just ask a computer to stick a girl’s pretty face on another babe’s sexy body. Those really were the dark ages, huh? Honestly, I bet a lot of you still don’t realize how fucking easy it’s become, in which case this next site might...
Deepfake Porn SitesHe walked quietly and purposefully through his day. Working his way up hill, he stayed downwind from his destination. As he got close, he moved more slowly and carefully. When he was within fifty meters, he crouched down at the base of a tree and looked over a ridge line. There, below him, was a small human encampment. There were four shelters in the camp. As he waited and watched, he counted five adult males and two adult females. There did not appear to be any juveniles present. He...
The hall of warriors was larger and longer than the hall of hunters. Apparently, Cogo and his family lived it in, along with his men and their wives and other women. Dogs rolled on the floor, playing with the children, and women trotted back and forth carrying food and running errands. Crushed reeds and wheat chaff was scattered on the floor. Dark wooden beams held the thatched roof overhead, and sooty, smoked stones formed a pair of fire hearths that vented out the roof. The far side of the...
Late that night, while the village slept its sleep of victory and drunkenness, unseen by the guards on duty, unseen by the newly enslaved bound in the horse corral, unseen by any human eye, a tiny dragonfly-like machine flew over the walls of the village. It flew through the village on a straight, high course and made its way to one of the halls. It slipped through a spot in the walls where a clinker of mud had fallen out the previous season, and into the interior of the hall. Switching to...
Deep in the heat of summer Roja gathered all of the men, hunter, crafter, and warrior alike in front of the village, outside the wooden palisade wall. He watched the captive men and women water and weed the fields to prepare the harvest to come. A huge space in front of the growing town a thousand paces on a side had been marked out with white painted stones. "From now on, there will be three kinds of warriors. The lowest rank of warrior will be for the boys newly grown to manhood, the...
The men and women of Cogo's large town stood arrayed on the training ground outside the walls. More than a thousand men and women free and slave stood in the spring air and watched. Before them stood Cogo, Roja and Nuth. Over one arm, Roja held the skin of a lion, decorated with beads of gold and in his hand he held a heavy gold crown. The priest took the skin from Roja and held it aloft. The warriors cheered. "This is Cogo's village, the greatest village of all Torsland! This is Cogo!"...
Three teams of horses and their attendants were required to pull down the mighty gates of the town of Dricena. Trask reminded the Prince of Dricena that the town needed no gates against the Northmen, and that the army of the North would be happy to provide for the security of the town. Inside the town, Roja and his men left the Prince and his family in place in the keep itself, and merely tore down a trio of back to back buildings that were surrounded by a usable wall. This newly open area...
There’s nothing like getting deepthroated by a horny babe. Feeling her throat open up as she takes you all in is just fucking amazing. And I’m sometimes jealous of you micro-dicked fucks. You’re much more likely to find a babe who will deepthroat your cock when it barely reaches a slut’s goddamn tonsils. I have it harder. There are very few whores who can bulge their throats wide enough to take my forearm-sized hog. But, oh man, it’s like finding a soulmate when I finally do come across a babe...
Free Sex GamesHello guys, How you guys doing. This is Rakesh. A cute, engineering graduate lad having an athletic body. My graduation is complete now, so I have left Delhi and moved to my home town now. Well, my graduation has just completed, and I was thinking of taking a break and go see new places. I booked tickets for Vishakhapatnam and on the given date, the journey started. The train arrived at 9 pm. I had booked tickets in the 3rd AC. There was an Odia family of three beside my berth. They have a...
Encore PerformanceBy: Londebaaz ChohanThere can be nothing fucking more snobbish than a twin or the elder sister; I am sure about. My elder sister, Imelda had to move out and go live in a rented facility with her boyfriend while they both attended the same college and I was not aware that she had come home to live for who knows how long. In the evening when I walked in the bathroom that was attached to my bedroom for taking a leak, I saw her standing in the shower stall, drying herself with a...
There are certain perks working in the media industry, one of which is comps — complimentary goods, gifts, or services. I fanned a pair of concert tickets for one of Leta’s favorite bands in front of her and said, ‘Friday night, you and I are going on a date.’ ‘That’s sold out!’ she said, her eyes brightening over the laptop screen. ‘It is.’ It had been sold out thirty-seconds after the tickets appeared online. Even with both of us trying from our respective computers, we hadn’t been able to...
After about a week of being stuck at the house I was needing to be fucked by someone besides my tiny dick fast fucking husband. The more I thought about it the wetter my fat pussy got my husband was standing at the window and I heard him say damn you're not the only one who's horny. Neighbor across the street is checking the mail wearing nothing but a tight shirt and a pair of panties which is all in her pussy. Bullshit I jumped up saying taking a look for my self & sure enough there she...
Corene By Margaret Jeanette Cory Nevers-Trout was a very successful programmer. He had developed programs for industry that had made the companies he had worked with leaders in their field. He was married to an industrial security specialist. His wife had her doctorate in industrial security. She was a vice-president of a major security firm that supplied security advisors to Fortune 500 companies. On a Friday evening at supper she asked Cory what he was going to do on...
Gam Core! Do you like games? I fucking like games. Games give you a level of interaction that you just can’t get with books or movies. Playing as a character inside a different world, you get more attached to the story and the other characters, making everything way more fun.Porn games are no exception. Back in my younger days, I used to play a lot of porn games, especially those hentai games. Shit was mesmerizing as hell, developing relationships with those cartoon bitches and trying for hours...
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