An Illusion Of My Youth free porn video

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Sometimes in a person’s life, it’s not the things they do they end up regretting, it’s those things they don’t do that end up haunting them. Such was one thing that almost happened in the summer before my senior year of high school. Her name was Crystal, my neighbor across the street, and absolutely gorgeous. 5 foot 10 inches tall, long blonde hair, blue eyes, and the body of a goddess. I loved her so much it hurt and that was the problem. We were best friends. I never told her how I felt and eventually we moved our separate ways and lost contact with one another. That summer though, I came so close to letting my true feelings show. What might have happened is anyone’s guess. This story is my fantasy of where things might have went. What part was real and what part did I dream up? You decide.

The summer had been a typical one for the town we grew up in. 110 degrees in the shade during the day and not much better at night. I was sitting in my usual place by my bedroom window reading a book that really wasn’t holding my interest. I heard a door slam from across the street and glanced up only to have heart leap into my throat and my jaw land somewhere between my feet. Crystal had just come out of her house to sunbathe and I felt like one of those old cartoons, with my eyes popping out of my head and my tongue rolling down like a carpet. She was wearing a two piece swimsuit that left very little to the imagination. I couldn’t take my eyes off her, she was dazzling, sexy, and demure all at once. She lay down on a lounge chair in front of her house and closed her eyes. Me eyes wouldn’t have closed if someone had sprayed mace in them. I sat there dumbstruck and simply watched her for the better part of an hour.

After a while, I felt a growing pressure from my groin and without taking my eyes off her, dropped my pants. I grasped my rock-hard tool. As I watched her breasts rise and fall with each breath, I stroked myself rapidly. My eyes dropped to the vee between her legs, knowing all that his her most private parts from my view was a thin piece of material. I quickly brought myself to orgasm just staring at her, my semen spattering against the wall and my body feeling drained. Not long after, Crystal stood and walked to her door, just before she went in, she looked across the street at my window. I ducked behind the curtain, but felt my heart drop. I was sure she had seen me. I rapidly cleaned up my mess and laid down on my bed. I was staring at the ceiling, but the only thing I could see was the vision of her body.

That night we were both scheduled to work on the set construction for the high school summer production. Crystal had always given me a ride to the school, so I decided to act as if nothing had happened. I went over to her house and knocked on the door. After a few seconds, she opened the door wearing an old T-shirt, a pair of jeans, and white tennis shoes. She hair her beautiful long hair tied back in a ponytail. It never failed though, no matter what she wore, she was still beautiful. Inside as well as outside.

‘Ready to go?’ she asked with her usual bright smile. She could always smile no matter what.

‘Always ready. How about you?’

‘Let’s go.’

We piled in her car and drove down to the school. On the way there, we engaged in our usual lighthearted kind of conversation. Suddenly, she hit the wheel and swore, something I had never heard he do before. I looked over at her, the fading sunlight streaming through the windshield and falling on her features.

‘What’s the matter?’ I asked. This had me concerned, not for my safety, but she meant so much to me I hated seeing her upset.

‘Can I ask you something?’ She didn’t wait for me to reply before plunging on, ‘why is it guys can’t see beyond my looks? Why do they look at me like a piece of meat?’

I was silent for a few seconds before answering. ‘Not all guys look at you like that Crystal,’ I replied, turning to look straight ahead.

‘Oh yeah? Name one,’ She almost spat with a sarcastic tone.

‘Me for one.’

I saw her shoulders slump forward from the corner of my eye and heard her sigh in the fading light. ‘You’re right. I just get so frustrated sometimes.’ I could hear the weariness in her voice as she asked, ‘Why can’t I find a guy who love me for the way I am inside too?’

‘Probably because you haven’t looked in the right direction yet,’ I answered somewhat evasively. I hoped that she wouldn’t ask the question that hung in the air. She did though.

‘Then what direction should I look?’ When I didn’t answer for a couple of minutes, she asked me again and I felt I had to answer, damning myself the entire time for the words I was saying.

‘My direction for one.’ The silence that followed was awkward to say the least. We attempted to shift the conversation to a more neutral subject, but every time we tried we couldn’t find the words. I felt about two inches tall at that point. I didn’t even dare glance at her. I was sure I had put my foot so far down my throat my toes were tickling my bladder. When we reached the school, we went inside without a word being said. Crystal and I went to opposite ends of the stage and began working. Through out the evening, I caught her giving me a strange look I had never seen before. Towards the end of the night, I had just about decided to walk the four miles home, giving me plenty of time to kick myself in private when she came up to me.

‘You need a ride home again?’ She said softly. I looked her in the eyes for the first time that night and saw a softness there which reduced me to merely nodding. ‘Okay, meet me outside when you’re done.’ With that she walked away and all I could think was, ‘what just happened here?’ I finished with what I was doing and told everyone goodnight. When I walked outside, Crystal was already waiting for me in her car. I climbed inside and she started it up. The drive home was just as tense as the ride down. I tried to make myself as small as I could in the seat and played out fantasies of crawling in a very deep and dark hole for awhile. Forty or fifty years would be just about right. She pulled into her driveway and killed the engine. I was ready to get out and flee to the relative safety of my house when she put her hand on my arm. I turned slowly to look in her direction, avoiding her eyes.

‘I want to talk to you, but I don’t want to do it out here. Would you come inside with me, please?’ I moved my eyes upwards and her blue eyes drilled into me. There was no way I could have refused her at that point. We got out and walked to the front door, me trailing a couple steps behind her. As she opened the door, she turned slightly and told me, ‘My parents are out of town visiting relatives for the week.’ I didn’t reply, just wondered what could be said after what I told her in the car. We stepped inside and I realized this was the first time in all the years we has lived across from one another I has been in her house. She led the way to the living room, kicking her shoes off along the way. I left mine on just in case I needed to make a quick escape. Crystal motioned for me to take a seat on the couch and sat down next to me, close enough for me to smell the faint scent of her perfume.

‘I have to tell you something, and I want you to wait until I finish before I you say anything, kay?’ I nodded and she went on, ‘first, I know what you were doing in your window this afternoon.’ I felt my face go red-hot and almost ran out the door when she laid a cool hand on my forearm. ‘It’s okay,’ she assured me, ‘at first I didn’t know whether to be disgusted or flattered. But when you acted like nothing had happened, I played along.’ She paused for a brief moment, ‘then you said what you did and I’ve been forced to look at you in a different light. You’ve always been such a great friend, but now I see you in a new way, and I like it.’ I felt my confidence building as she told me this, but a part of me remained reserved, just in case I was getting my
hopes too far up. My hand came up tentatively to stroke the side of her face, running my fingers down her jawline.

She smiled and put hand on my shoulder. I had the sudden urge to kiss her and knew I would have no better chance than this. I leaned forward and brushed my lips across hers, fearing she would turn and run, or at least push me away. When she didn’t move away, I brushed her lips again and this time she pressed back. Her hand slid around the back of my neck and drew me closer, her lips opening and her tongue moving over my lips. I opened my mouth and out tongues twined together. My other hand came to rest on her thigh and her hand covered it, rubbing it lightly. We scooted closer to each other and our bodies pressed together. We came up for air and I looked her in the eyes again.

‘Crystal, I need to tell you, I have loved you for so long now, but I don’t want to pressure you into anything.’ I spoke softly, our foreheads almost touching. She smiled her clear smile at me.

‘You never change, do you? Always thinking of someone else. If I didn’t want to be here with you, do you think I would have invited you in?’ I didn’t know what to say. She leaned forward and kissed me again. Her hand left mine and came down on my thigh, near where my hardness lay trapped in my jeans. My hand came up slowly and lightly touched her breast, still waiting for her to push me away. Instead of pushing me away though, she pressed herself into my hand while hers moved up a little to brush the tip of my erection. I placed the palm of my hand over her breast rubbed it through her tee-shirt, noticing for the first time she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipple felt hard and warm beneath my palm. Our kissing grew more passionate as we explored each other’s bodies. Crystal’s hand continued up my leg till she was covering my hardness. My hand left her breast and slipped around her waist, where I stroked her back. She pressed on my body and pushed me back till she was straddling my lap. Our lips broke contact as she reached for the bottom of her shirt and began to pull it over her head. I took her hands in mine and stopped her. She looked down at me in puzzlement.

‘I … I’ve never done this before,’ I stammered, ‘I … I’m still a…’ my face felt like flame as I tried to force the words out. She leaned down and whispered to me.

‘That’s all right,’ she spoke softly and her words washed over me as a cool stream, ‘you’re doing just fine. Just let nature take its course.’ With that, she sat back up and slowly removed her shirt, revealing to me first the smooth expanse of her stomach. The shirt went higher and I could see the bottoms of her breasts. She stopped, tantalizing me before she lifted the shirt up and off, her breasts bouncing. I had never before seen such a perfect sight. Before I knew what I was doing, I leaned forward and enveloped one of her nipples in my mouth.

Crystal ran her hands through my hair and softly moaned my name as I sucked on her breast much like a newborn babe. My arms circled her waist and pulled her closer to me. I went from nipple to nipple, enjoying the soft hardness of each one. She took hold of either side of my head and pulled me away so she could turn my face up, kissing me harder than before. I could feel the passion welling up inside of her and the passion growing inside of me. Her hands dropped to my sides and started pulling up my shirt. Our kiss broke just long enough for her to pull my shirt over my head, then our lips made contact again, and we picked up where we left off. Her hands felt all over my chest and stomach, moving around to my back to lightly scratch with her nails. The shivers walked up my spine, sending my senses reeling. I reached between us and searched out the button of her jeans. Sliding my fingers into her waistband, I succeeded in popping the button loose and unzipping her jeans about halfway. I couldn’t help but feel I small surge of pride at the fact this was the first time I had ever done that and I did it right. My other hand, still caressing her back, glided down to under her waistband and brushed the top of her cheeks. Our kissing intensified as we ground against one another. Both of my hands wove their way under her waistband now and her jeans slipped halfway off her hips.

I rolled her over on the couch so that I was on top. My lips went traveling over her neck, face, ears, wherever they decided to go. My hands finished pushing her jeans over her hips and down her thighs. I could not get enough of the sensation of her skin under my hands. I moved my mouth lower to feast on her breasts again. Crystal shifted legs just enough to get her pants off, then, almost as a second thought, kicked her shoes off also. My mouth went still lower, kissing all over the smoothness of her stomach. She squirmed on the couch under the attention of my mouth and tongue. I went lower still and came to the waistband of her panties. I took a close look for the first time. She was wearing a pair of blue silk panties that were almost see-through. I ran my fingers along the fabric, reveling in the feeling. Crystal jumped slightly when I crossed her sex.

The warmth on my fingers was exquisite, I had never felt anything like it before. I bent forward and kissed her inner thigh, her answering sigh music to my ears. I slowly kissed my way up her thigh until my lips were brushing to edge of her panties. I skirted past the edge to the bottom of her lips. Then, through the material, I ran my tongue upwards to the top. I could taste her musky flavor through the fabric. I swiped my tongue up and down and the she uttered were all the encouragement I needed. I nuzzled her, taking deep drags of her scent, before ultimately grasping the sides of her panties and guiding them over her hips and down her legs. I passed them over her feet and dropped them to the side. As I scooted forward between her legs, she lifted and draped them over my shoulders, giving me an unobstructed view of what I had heard called, ‘the path to heaven.’ Only now did I know what they meant by that.

I looked with awe at her sex, the lips puffy and full, the blonde hair curled at the top of it. I moved in for a closer inspection and saw a slight dampness in that hair. Without understanding why, I felt the urge to kiss and lick that dampness along with everything else I saw. I gave into the urge and leaned my head forward, kissing first those pouty lips. Crystal’s back arched and she let out a loud moan. I kissed those blonde curls, my tongue running all around. Her hand came down to run through my hair. I wondered what her other hand was doing and I glanced up. She had one breast in hand and was squeezing the nipple while her head rolled from side to side. My curiosity satisfied, I returned my attention to what lay just in front of my face. The patch of hair looked so inviting I had to make love to it with all the skill I could bring to bear. I parted the lips with my fingers and slid my tongue up from the bottom. Near the top, I found her clit. As I passed over it, Crystal let out a small squeal. I stopped where I was and passed this little bit of information back and forth in my mind before I returned to giving her pleasure.

I concentrated on her little button and soon she was tossing on the couch, both hands woven in my hair and pressing my face into her. At this point, I didn’t need any encouragement, I was having too much fun. I took things one step further and slid a finger into her canal. She was going insane at this point and I tried even harder. My lips wrapped around her clit and sucked it like I had sucked her nipples earlier. Her hips pumped into my mouth and I could feel her muscles on my finger. I was trying to figure out what this meant when she clamped her thighs around my head and let out a scream I was sure the neighbors would hear. Her body convulsed as the orgasm swept her away. I felt her thighs trembling as they gripped my head and her entire body been shaking as I continued my loving assault. She started to calm down and almost convulsing when I heard
her cry out again.

‘Oh god, not again,’ she yelled and her body took once more on it’s wild ride. I was beginning to wonder if this was a good thing or not when I let off the pressure with my tongue. I kept my finger inside her and tickled her gently. He hips bucked uncontrollably and her cries of ecstasy filled the night. Eventually, her long legs relaxed and she let loose of my head. I sat back and watched her wind down. Crystal’s body settled into the cushions and she had a contented smile on her face. I got up and sat next to her on the couch, taking her in my arms. She lay against me, her hair falling across my chest.

‘My god, I have never come like that,’ she said breathlessly, her hand making lazy circles on my chest. I ran my hand through her hair, brushing it away from her face. Her hand gradually came to a stop and I thought she had fallen asleep until I moved slightly. She groaned and pulled me back to her. I leaned down, kissed her ear and whispered.

‘Trust me love, I’ll take care of you.’ I quickly moved out from under her and scooped her up in my arms. She put her arms around my neck as I carried her towards the back of the house. I heard her mumble something about her bedroom being the second door on the right against my chest. I came to the door and pushed it open with my foot. If the decoration of the room was any indication, this was definitely her room. I carried over to the bed and laid her down gently, preparing to cover her and slip quietly out. Crystal had other ideas though. She patted the bed beside her.

‘Lay down beside me, there’s something I want to show you.’ She looked up at me with such a dreamy expression I couldn’t help but smile and lay down on the bed with her. If she was tired a few moments before, she wasn’t showing it now. She put her arm across my chest and kissed me just as passionately as she had earlier. Her hand walked it’s way over my chest, down my stomach, and came to rest on the erection that still throbbed within my jeans. ‘You were planing on leaving without taking care of this?’ I was just about to tell I was fine when she shut me up by kissing me and probing my mouth with her tongue. She came up for air and told me to lay back, telling me to enjoy myself. My mind whirled and I couldn’t see straight. Crystal worked at the button on my jeans. I began to get concerned that I hadn’t worn underwear. I didn’t need to worry, when she undid the button and slipped her hand inside. She gave a slight gasp and glanced up at me with a devilish look.

‘One good turn deserves another, don’t you agree?’ With that, she pulled her hand and unzipped my jeans. She moved down to the edge of the bed, taking my shoes and socks off only to deposit them on the floor beside the bed. She reached up with both hands and drew my jeans downward, over my hips and allowing to my erection to pop free. Crystal pulled my pants completely off and dropped them next to my shoes on the floor. I was now completely exposed to a woman for the first time since I was a child, and I was a young woman whom I love and adored. She straddled my legs and moved upwards till she was facing my rock hard shaft. She grasped me in one hand, pumping slightly, and ran her other hand’s nails along the inside of my thigh.

I almost lost control at that point, but managed to keep my head, so to speak. Crystal extended her tongue and traced the bottom of my shaft up to the tip, slowly. Oh so very slowly. My eyes rolled back in my head and I had to grab the sheets in white knuckles. I was fighting to keep control and I was losing the battle. She sensed this and went in for the kill, knowing I wouldn’t be able to last much longer. I moaned out her name and asked her to stop or I was going to come. My mistake. Crystal took my entire shaft in her mouth and twirled her tongue around the tip. Her hand came up to rub my testicles gently, and that was all it took. I felt myself lose control. Everything I had stored up in my life came flowing out. My entire body spasmed and I think I lost consciousness for a few moments. I felt as if my entire insides were flooding out of me. When my vision finally cleared, all I could do was lay there and tremble. Crystal came up to lay beside me and pulled my body close, feeling me quake. She soothed my by running her hands over my highly sensitized skin.

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IIllusionary Soulmate Part I

Illusionary Soulmate: Part I Fastening the seat belt in my window seat, I looked out to see we were finally pulling away from the gate. I started flipping through the pages of the SkyMall catalog from the pocket in front of my seat. As the big jet picked up speed and jumped into the air I realized I hadn’t looked at a single item in the magazine. “What am I doing here? Am I out of my mind?” I thought to myself. Wait, wait, wait. I am getting ahead of things here. Let me introduce myself. My...

2 years ago
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IIllusionary Soulmate Part I

Illusionary Soulmate: Part I Fastening the seat belt in my window seat, I looked out to see we were finally pulling away from the gate. I started flipping through the pages of the SkyMall catalog from the pocket in front of my seat. As the big jet picked up speed and jumped into the air I realized I hadn’t looked at a single item in the magazine. “What am I doing here? Am I out of my mind?” I thought to myself. Wait, wait, wait. I am getting ahead of things here. Let me introduce myself. My...

2 years ago
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innocent youth

It was the last day of term before the school summer holidays. Dean James and Matthew sat anxiously at their desks in the classroom. They were waiting for the bell to go to sound freedom for the next 7 weeks. Silence fell like a blanket over the classroom. The second hand on the clock moved steadily and reached its destination. Bang on 3pm the bell rang and shattered the silence. Every student in the school piled out of their classrooms and funneled through the school gates. Dean James and...

3 years ago
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My Youth

Tonight it was decided that we would be having a quiet night in. Emma and I have been going out a lot recently, clubbing, picking-up and generally abusing our bodies with all-nighters, mixed with copious amounts of alcohol. All leading to situations where you quickly put on your clothes in the morning and leave as fast as possible.DVD’s, takeaway Thai, white wine, popcorn and chocolate were scheduled for tonight… and I was looking forward to an easy weekend for a change.I walked into Emma's...

2 years ago
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Bonds of youth

Turning my head with a painfully deep sigh, I run my fingers through my thick, hazel brown hair. I look out of the window, gazing down upon the well kept college grounds from the perch of the third floor of the tower block. I can feel the boredom take a tight grasp over my mind, wishing that I could lie on the fields and just soak in all the sunlight. The exams had ended a few weeks ago and I had handed in every piece of coursework, but our teacher, the notoriously short tempered, and statured...

3 years ago
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Misadventures of a College Youth

Victoria arrived in Chicago about two weeks ago and is only now settling into her dorm on campus. Coming from a small town in Iowa, she is shocked at the vastness of the big city. Though shy, in the first couple of weeks of classes she manages to make a small group of girlfriends. It is this group of three other girls, two of them native Chicagoans, that Victoria accompanies out tonight. The Swollen Susie, a cramped, cheap punk club that admits 18andups but still serves alcohol is where...

2 years ago
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Seducing Youth

It started when Dan invited us to join a bible study at his house on Wednesday nights. We did not know him or his family very well so we decided to join them. We all hit it off. I knew early on that we would become close friends. My wife and I began going to their house on the weekends and staying the night in the guest bedroom. We became like part of the family. The girls all adored my wife and I, and we loved spending time with them. One night we were all lounging in the family...

2 years ago
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Exposing Cindy Chapter 9 educating our youth

Chapter 9 – they want to share me…. Saturday was going to be a big day: Stephen’s 18th birthday: Saturday, February 22, 2008. It was going to be a big day indeed. Jim took us to dinner at the country club. Over dinner, Stephen and Jim joked with each other and they both flirted with me. Jim made it clear that he was comfortable with Stephen making sexual innuendos directed towards me. Jim referred to me as ‘their girl’ and ‘their date’ throughout the evening. Jim asked me over dinner, “How does...

2 years ago
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Seducing Youth

Introduction: How I began to have intimate encounters with my best friends 11 year old daughter It all began when I became the pastor of a church about 5 years ago. My wife and I moved to a new town and didnt know many people. The church was welcoming and we began to fit in well. Then we met Dan and his family. Dan had one son and 3 daughters that showed great potential to grow to become beautiful young ladies. It started when Dan invited us to join a bible study at his house on Wednesday...

1 year ago
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Second Youth

I would like to thank Georgia Alice for the help with naming most of the characters. _I have already published the story on Literotica. Feel free to check my profile there as well: _ ******************** INTRODUCTION Rich and unemployed - sounds like a pretty unrealistic combination, doesn’t it? I am one of the very few lucky people who run such “unrealistic” life. I had not won a lottery, but you might say that luck...

1 year ago
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Madam Warwicks Academy for Troubled Youth

Madam Warwick's the brainchild of Annabeth Warwick, (a former prison warden) and Frank Edwards (a retired IT engineer and veteran). The converted estate in upstate New York first opened its doors in 2005 to a carefully selected group of two hundred 18-20 year old female students. The student body had grown to over 800 in the ensuing years. The school is a sort of last resort option, the girls usually sent by the state but sometimes parents would contractually obligate their child right before...

4 years ago
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Lara Croft and the Elixir of Youth

Stars filled the sky above the villa, and in the enclosed courtyard, roses scented the humid summer air. A fountain softly splashed in the center of the courtyard, vines covered the walls of the villa. The sound of piano and harp music filled the air as Lara Croft quickly but silently moved from one shadow to the next. Seconds later a bullet took a chip of stone out of the wall next to her head. Lara froze and turned her head to see a tall muscular man pointing a gun at her. "Lara Croft. What a...

2 years ago
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Teaching the Youth

My name is Ryan Sterling and I own a resort in the Florida Keys. Daniel, who is eighteen, and I live on the resort in a penthouse overlooking the water. He is going off to college after the summer is over. Daniel is not my son but his father died when he was young, and I have known him for years and taught him everything he knows about everything. I have been teaching him some of the basics about how to bed a woman properly and he essentially asked me something to the effect of; 'Will you...

Group Sex
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Seasonal Piece Springtime of Youth

After the harsh winter broke, the masses drove out to bask in the sun. Parks were filled with the sounds of play, picnics, and leisure. Lakes were a buzz with those brave enough to withstand the chilly waters. Others just sun bathed on the waters edge, soaking in the rays. I chose the less beaten path. Literally. I took the trails in the woods, still getting some sun while keeping in the shade to keep cool. At first there were many passerbys, but soon they became few and far between as I...

4 years ago
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Heady Days Of Youth

Growing up, my parents were best friends of a couple three doors up the street, they played bridge every week, and were constantly having each other over for cookouts, parties and things. Really, just any excuse to get together.When I was little, their teenaged sons and, then, daughter, would babysit me, we just all knew each other really well.I remember when I was younger, maybe eight or nine, that when I was at our friends' house, usually watching TV, Debra and her friends would be in the...

2 years ago
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A hot beach memory from my youth

As much as I enjoy a great and varied sex life at my current stage in life, I remember with a longing the near magical sensations that my sexual awakening gave me in my teens when the world was full of new adventures. One of my favorite memories takes me back to when I was 17 and went on a school trip to a foreign place with a hot climate and a more liberal attitude towards public nudity. Even though this happened a while back now, I still get hard thinking about it and it introduced me to the...

3 years ago
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Jenna could not remember when she did not behave like a whore. It started when her mom and dad was at work and the cable man came to fix the TV. She had on short shorts and a tank top and no bra or panties. She liked that he made her nipples hard. She was blessed with nice big hard tits that got lots of attention that she liked. She decided to flirt with the cable man. She got her tits close to him and when he stared at her she then whipped her top off and grabbed his hand and put it on a tit....

2 years ago
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Step Dad Adult Youth

Step DadScotty was a cute k** almost 12 yearsold. He was an excellent student at his Middle school. HeHe played some baseball with hisfriends and he really wanted to join a local team but they required aphysical..Scotty was embarrassed to even beshirtless at home. When his step dad was around he would be certainto be wearing shorts or jeans and either with a tee shirt or a poloat all times.When he would take a shower he went outof his way to bring a complete change of clothes and not just...

2 years ago
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VII Our Moms Youth

Moms how old were you and Sandy’s MomIt was a cloudy and drizzling day, so it was not a beach day at all, our Moms walk to the village to get a few things and properly have a cocktail or two at the pub. We were watching TV and I turn to Sandy and ask here how old do you thing our Moms were when they first had sex. Lind said Wow good question I have no idea Tammy, and I’ve wondered what was Gram like, lets ask them when they come back. Later on they walk in a little tipsy, but Ok. They put the...

4 years ago
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Age vs Youth

It is just another regular day in my life. Wake up, drink coffee, head to work, blah blah blah, go home. I've been living in the city for a few weeks now but haven't had enough time to venture out and see the sights. Hit the clubs or restaurants. Or most regrettably, pick up any dates. Leaving the office that day I had no idea how my life was about to change.As I left work I headed down to the subway. It had taken me several days to get the nerve to even try the subway, but cab fare was getting...

Straight Sex
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A Cuckold Youth

The story I am about to tell you; is about domination, humiliation, mind control and sexual abuse. It is not about the mind control of drugs, world superpowers or even espionage groups. It concerns one scheming clever manipulating woman and my lack of experience in the sex department and of course my rampant teenage hormones. Before I start my epic tale of caution, I had better fill you in on my background a little; for it is partly the cause of the finished results and opened the gateway for...

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The ParkersChapter 52 Blame it on their youth

The reason why Linda Parker and Carla Ferrara were not part of the orgy that was going on in Linda's house was simple: they were out. They were on a date, really. They went to see Jack Nicholson's latest film. During the projection, they held hands, and Linda even rested her head on Carla's shoulder. After the film, they decided to eat something before going back to Linda's house. I guess both of them wondered if the kitchen would be clean. And after eating, hell, they were at the...

1 year ago
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Udays Toy ft Anna KournikovaChapter 9 Flushing The Fountain Of Youth

Rashid was indeed stopped in his tracks by the knocking on the door. The pain in his face was joined by an expression of great annoyance. Not - again - interrupted exactly when it mattered most? A hesitation got into his step, but he decided to ignore the visitors. Maybe it wasn't Quam, and they would just leave? Didn't they notice the 'Purification in Progress' sign on the door? - KNOCK KNOCK - Apparently not... The man cursed, looked like he wasn't sure what to do for a second,...

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Disillusioned Hubby

It was Sunday and I stopped by my local sports bar to watch the game. I enjoy watching my team with other fans rather than sitting home alone. I grabbed a stool at the bar next an older gentleman that I had never seen in there before. I’m an established patron if this particular watering hole and it’s a small place, so I know most if not all of the regulars. Now when I say older I’m talking relative to me. I am twenty-nine and I would guess that he is in his late thirty’s or early forty’s. I...

2 years ago
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Making My Buas Sluts Of My Life

Hii readers my name is Sumeet, iam from Dhanbad and this is my story about how I fucked my two aunties (bua’s) and made them sluts of my life. This happened to me three year ago when I was in my 12th. First let me tell you all about myself I was a sex starved boy, I used to watch porn and just masturbate that’s all I knew. I never had sex in my life before this incident. Now I’ll tell you about my bua her name is Sudha aged 48 & she is from Mumbai, she is my bua. She is happily married women...

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Two DiariesChapter 19 Ups and Downs

Amanda’s diary: Dear diary, I woke up as Fiona’s hands were touching me all over. She must have been playing with me for a while, because I was already very aroused, and couldn’t help moaning and shivering. She kept on stroking me. “Uh, g-good morning”, I said. With a devilish laugh, she pinned me down. She was heavier and so much stronger than me I had no chance to dislodge her, and when she started playing with my nipples all I could do was surrender to her, giving little yelps. She...

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Retreat to the Woods

Miriam laid back on the lounger in the clearing outside her place. It was warm and she was nude, which she preferred whenever possible in the southern Missouri Ozarks. The sun had almost set and she was at peace, waiting patiently with her thoughts as the stars began to appear one by one, and then by hundreds, then thousands. Being distant from any big cities the Milky Way would show its splendor in a cloudless sky like tonight. She meditated to calm her mind and sipped on some wine to calm...

1 year ago
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Something unexpected

So there we were, me and my mate Nigel, out on the town for a pull and a piss up. Well what else is there to do on a wet weekend in London?We started off at our local, the Crab and Cockspur, which claimed to sell the best beers in the South East, but to be honest the only thing worth going there for were the birds. There were lots of 'em, but that was because there was a nurse's residential block round the corner, and they gathered there when their shifts were over.You couldn't wish for better...

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Mom Daughter Go to the Beach

Chapter 1Mom and I walked along the beach and we admired the glow of the moon as the warm summer air gently carried the ocean smell into our nostrils. This was the end of our first day at the beach.It was our first real vacation since my dad had walked out on my mom and me. I was alright with him being gone since when he was around he mostly drank and fought with mom. Now it was just my mom and me her f******n year old daughter. We never had much money but mom managed to keep a roof over our...

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Moms Boy

I'm a 51 year old married man of 25 yrs. with 3 k**s the youngest 13. I love my wife and would not hurt her, but, if she found out what I have done she would never forgive me. Our sex life is not that great, maybe once or twice a month, by mutual agreement. I do use viagra with some results. We live in N.C. and my folks live in Va. We go to Va. every other Chistmas. Last year was a Va. Christmas. We stay a week. My mom is 70 and my dad is 76. My dad and I are about the same physical size, both...

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Jokes and GigglesChapter 344

Some of this is priceless! Men Stuff I'm fed up with the excuses women come up with to avoid having sex, like: "I'm tired." "I'm washing my hair." "I've got a headache." "I'm your sister." A woman in labor is in pain and screaming profanity at her husband from her hospital bed. He says, "Hey, don't blame me! I wanted to stick it in your ass, but N-O-O-O-O, you said that might hurt!" I spent $5,000 on a boob job for the wife. She was delighted. I spent another...

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Its all in the mind

Note from the author: Note from the author:Since this story was first published as ?Hypno happiness? on BDSM Library the site has changed hands.? The new owners have adopted a policy of refusing or removing anything depicting pre-teen sexual contact.?  I entirely respect this decision. As a way of enabling me to continue to publish this story I have re-written it so that it does not contradict the new rules.? To avoid any confusion I have re-named the story. I hope you still enjoy it. As...

4 years ago
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Wife wanted to watch me suck

I've been married for three years now. My wife is very sex positive and loves to have orgasms. She had told me about some of her experiences and I have told her about some of mine, but I knew she was holding out on me and I was holding out on her. When I was a boy, there was a man who lived in my neighborhood who took an interest in me. He worked nights and his wife worked during the day. He was very friendly. One day during the summer, we was walking home on a particularly hot day. He was...

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Took Virginity Of My Sexy Cousin

Hi I am sham again with another hot story ,as you all know me I am sham mail me at This is story of me with my cousin sister,her name is reema,at the time of incident she was 18 and I was 20 look wise she is not good but her assets are awesome & she has very curvy body Her home is very near to mine & as our mothers are relative they normally go to markets together specially in afternoon.Once I accompany mother to their home & she was there with her mom,suddenly moms made plan for market & I...

3 years ago
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April and Jessica Part 3 They come together

April has accepted her sexuality, she has a boyfriend, but that’s just for appearance. She knows she likes pussy, and she can’t deny it. She doesn’t have sex with her boyfriend; she tells him she wants to wait until marriage, in truth she doesn’t want to have sex with him at all. About once a week she posts an ad on craigslist and fulfils her lesbian needs that way. During one such encounter the girl she was with dominated her and she found she liked giving up all control to another girl....

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