The Tales Of Priya, The Lesbian Witch Slut free porn video

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Part 1: Awakening the Slut Within

This is a story of an 18-year-old half-Warshari, half-Witch, who starts waking up to her life. Her name is Priya. She is 5’7” 135 pounds, 34C-28-34. She is fit and works out every day. Her urges have always been towards girls even though she tried dating a guy, but she felt awkward, and it didn’t work out. Her best friend of two years is Bell, who has secretly wanted to have sex with her since they met. Arabella or Bell as she is known is a Scinlase Witch. We drop in on the two of them in Bell’s house, drinking and talking. They are home alone.

“God, in the Mall, the Food Court, you always go over to the Japanese Susiko and chat to the servers. You are friendly with them. You come back to me with a variety of awesome Japanese food. Then there are the markets we go to on Sundays every two weeks at Alstonville. You go to the Polish lady and chat with her, then to German stall selling bratwurst buy food there and go over to the Italian stall where you chat away like a Nonna about stuff and buy salami, cheese, and other meats. How, could I not see what is going on Priya?” Bell raises her beer and takes a swig. She flicks stray strands of her long brown hair off her face. I look at her and notice just how beautiful her mouth is. God, why do I think about that?

“I thought you were off doing your thing, Bell!”

“Silly you, I was watching. I was amazed. Then when we would go to Harbortown, you would have no issues chatting up shop assistants in Spanish or Russian. You always thought I was off shopping. I saw you. We Scinlase Witches have highly sensitive ears. I could hear you from quite a distance. Our hearing is so much more than humans.”

I am so confused right now that I think I might just pass out. “Wait a minute, did you just say you are a Witch?”

She puts down her beer and stares at me with diabolical eyes. “Yes. Time to wise up, Priya.”

“Okay then, prove you are a Witch. I need serious proof, bitch.” I can’t believe I am talking like a trooper.

“Witch. Get it right.”

Bell is wearing a fluffy purple robe with a red flannel shirt underneath. She pulls the cord and lets the robe drop to the ground. She starts unbuttoning her shirt, slowly but deliberately.

“Bell, what the fuck?”


The shirt drops down. She is not wearing a bra. Her breasts are perfect. Nice and round with sharp pink nipples that stick out begging for a mouth to play with them. She has a pierced belly button and a flat, toned stomach. She wears tiny black panties. I gasp. She is like a fucking model. She turns around, the muscles are clearly defined on her perfect skin. I see a strong back, long brown hair, and a cute round ass. I feel my skin flush.

“Bell, what …”

“Come closer. You don’t see any tattoos on me, do you?”

“Um, no, not at all.”

I move closer to her. I smell lavender and lilac. Her long brown hair cascades down her back.

“Touch my back.”

I touch her skin with three of my fingers. My fingers dance over her shoulder and up to her neck. She hums. An electric pulse scorches through my hand, up to my arm, into my body like a jolt of raw electricity. My core aches with desire. My nipples harden. I have this massive desire to take Bell, to kiss her all over. My head is spinning and not from alcohol. I suck in the air just to stay alive. My whole body is searing heat.

Bell steps away from me. The heat is lowered. I feel tears forming in my eyes and sweat on my brow. I feel so emotional. So raw. I wipe the tears away and use the back of my hand to swish at the sweat. I look at Bell’s back, and from her ass, all the way up to her neck is a large insect looking thing. Holy shit, is that a bee? It is truly beautiful. It is purple, black, red and has golden eyes. My heart is beating so fast I feel I am going to faint. How did that happen?

“It’s beautiful Bell. Oh, my. How come it wasn’t there before?”

“Only a Witch can see the truth in our bodies. If you were human, you would only see skin. This is my totem. The Purple Zoba Bee. I was drawn to it after the Trials. Wisdom, Fertility, Production, Beauty, and Pride. You can see this, you are a Witch! You will get one too when you enter the Trials.”

I look down at my right hand. A blue and yellow butterfly. More to the point, an absolutely amazing blue and yellow butterfly tattoo are on the back of my hand ending at my wrist appears.

I gasp. Holy shit!

“Bell, um, wanna check this out,” I say.

Bell’s eyes bore into my arm. She looks at me with intensity. Bell steps forward and takes my hand. I feel her skin on my skin, and it feels amazing. It sends shockwaves through my body. I look into her eyes, and she drops her face and my hand and moves away.

“That is not supposed to happen. What is going on with you, Priya? I felt such a force that shot through my body. I think I am going to pass out from a mixture of passion and pain. Your touch rocks me.”

She moves quickly and kisses my lips. I instantly kiss back. Our passion is intense, our mouths grinding into each other like we are starved cats. She pulls away.

“Nothing like I have ever felt before. Fuck me, Priya, you are a force of nature.”

I am panting. I want more.

Bell runs a finger down my face. “The tattoo must have fired up the Witch in you. The electricity between us is off the charts.”

Her words rip into me, and I nearly die. I gasp. My mind is a mixture of a thousand thoughts crashing into each other and trying to surface out of the mire. I felt like I was going to tear her body apart with passion. I have touched Bell’s skin many, many times before and nothing shot up my arm or charged with electricity or made my nipples harden or made my pussy soaking wet!

I love Bell as a friend, but now thoughts are roaring through me with wild abandon. I admire her body, her smile, her long brown hair, and her gorgeous green eyes. She is perky, bright, and alive with life and, that has taught me to forget the days without friends or anyone else caring for me. I love how she talks, how she works things out. I love how she always thinks of me. How she protects me. I feel myself tremble at the crazy thoughts of being with Bell more intimately.

This is not happening. This is nuts. Am I a lesbian? Am I bisexual?

Maybe I am overthinking this?

What is happening to me?

I manage to talk. “I am at a loss to talk Bell. I am so confused. I feel I am walking on thin ice. Two years ago we met, you sat next to me, you talked to me, we found common ground. I felt so attracted to you, not just sexually but everything. Well, I have to admit your smell was intoxicating like nothing I had ever smelled before. It was overwhelming for a person who was used to running away from problems. Running away from my feelings. I was so into you. But …”

“But what Priya? Are you saying we should not have met?”

I nod. I crunch up my hands into fists. “What was this meeting all about? I mean, let’s face it, where did you come from?”

“My mom was transferred to Chicago. It’s that simple.”

“Something inside me is telling me you were meant to meet me. You meant to be my friend. These feelings inside me are strong.”

Bell put her hands on the kitchen bench and pushes around her unfinished beer. She picks it up and finishes it.

“Honestly, and I hope you understand this, I was told to protect you, to get to know you, to make sure you are safe. I feel I have gone beyond that Priya. I am your friend. My mother wanted safety. This whole thing is bigger than what you are saying,” she replies.

“Protect me! It was a setup, then. I knew it!”

“Hey, you have no idea what is going on, for real. You just have no idea.”

“Yes I do, you are like a spy. Shit, do I really know you, Arabella? Do I really know who I am?”

I feel the rise of bile in my throat, the sweat forming on the inside of my hands, and my heart clanging against my rib cage like a jackhammer. Panic attack. I really thought I had conquered them. It is a monster creeping up on me, ready to tear my soul to shreds. I start shaking.

I know my words cut into her because she recoils and moves away to the microwave to check on the food we should have eaten earlier. Her back is to me, and I can feel her hurt, her pain, and her disappointment. This is not the first time I can feel what others feel. My heart dips, my words should not have come out of my mouth, but they did. I want to reach out and touch her, hug her and god forbid, kiss her. What am I talking about?

Oh god, I am slipping away. I try to grab the kitchen bench but fail. I spin around and collapse on the kitchen floor. Blackness greets me.

Bell shakes me. I feel that. My heartbeat is normal. I have sweat on my brow. I open my eyes and look around. I am on the kitchen floor with a pillow under my head.

“Hey, thought I lost you.”

“No, just had a panic attack. At least you don’t die with them. I got overwhelmed, sorry.”

“Don’t be.”

The aftermath of the Dean break up has rocked me. Bell has been my friend for two years. She has been there for me. Why was I with a guy that treated me like a lightbulb? Switch on, switch off. I was supposed to react to how he wanted me to, how he expected me to. How can any relationship survive that shit? This night is doing my head in.

The silence between us is deafening.

I try to say something but cannot, my throat is stuck.

Bell gets up from me and turns around. I hear her crying. I stand up and move behind her. Her head is down, and she is wiping the tears away.

“Are you okay?”

She turns to me, and her green eyes lock into my dark orbs. “I love you, Priya Gomez. You are such an amazing person, you have so much strength that just blows me away.”

“I do? Hell, I don’t even know what’s going on right now.”

She moves over to the vodka, and pours herself a long shot, hits it back into her mouth, slams the glass down on the counter with emotion. She wipes away her tears. Her green eyes look at me with care and concern. I need to respond, so I move closer to her and lean on the counter.

I feel the need to unload.

“Bell, I cannot understand that you just entered my life to protect me. I feel useless. WHO AM I? Am I a pawn in a big ass game of chess, but I have no control over my moves. You enter my life and … you fit. You fit with me. Oh, shit, I am full of it. Do I know what I am saying? This is so fucked it is beyond fucked.” I turn and move into the dining room dark except for the streetlight lightly creeping into the room.

I stand to stare out the large dining room window, seeing the shadows of the streetlights fall on the neighbor's car. My arms are closed around me, my breasts crushed together, making me feel uncomfortable because the bra I wore today was one of my old ones that the wire sticks out and pricks into my skin. I really do not care about any feelings.

I can feel Bell come up to me.

“Priya it doesn’t have to be like this,” she whispers. Her words are lyrical, dancing at me, making me feel more vulnerable.

“Damn it Bell. You knew all sorts of shit. You met me. Was it real? Is this really happening?”

I can smell her lavender and lilac, and it drives me crazy. I want her to hug me, to kiss me to overwhelm me. This is not what I should be thinking. I crush the idea.

I can feel her move closer. So close that I want her touch.

“Yes. So real, that I am trembling to reignite the electricity you created.”

Bell’s words are not helpful. I move closer to the window. I see across the street that one house has a sharp spotlight lighting up the long driveway. I am not convinced. I feel so many conflicting emotions that I know I am in a washing machine, going round and round. Bell moves to my side, and I can feel her eyes on me. I turn to her with nervous energy. When I talk, my words are fast, jumbled, and open.

“That’s bullshit because you have had so many moments, god, even intimate moments when we have had sleepovers to open yourself to me, to tell me about this Witch world and the whole other crazy shit. You could have told me that Dean was a fuckwit and supported me, but no, you just gave me so many platitudes, so many excuses that I just did my shit. Does that make sense to you?”

Bell looks at me with pain in her eyes. “This has all happened for a reason. I couldn’t just say, hey, guess what, I am a witch and a lesbian. In fact, all witches are lesbians.”

What? Did I get the last part?

“Sorry. I lost you. All witches are lesbians?”

She sighs. “It’s complicated, I guess. All-female witches are bisexual. Some choose not to have a male witch in their life. So, yes, they are lesbians. Our society is structured so that you are aligned to another male witch whether you want to or not. If you choose no, not interested, then that is fine. It’s a rule that is thousands and thousands of years old.”

“Oh, so that means I am a lesbian?”

“You have grown up in such a different situation. You may have feelings for girls; you may have feelings for guys. I don’t know. You tell me.”

“Um, I have thought about what kissing a girl would be like. And …”

“And what?”

“What lying naked with another girl would feel like.”

“It’s magical. Truly.” Bell smiles at me. I can feel her genuine honesty creep to the surface.

I could not have anticipated the fast movement of Bell and her lips. She grabs me, turns me around, and kisses me. Her lips are wanting, testing me to go further. My head is telling me to push this to the limit. I put my hand on her left breast and tweak her nipple. She moans.

“More,” she whispers. I stop kissing her and look into her pools of green. I see the lust in her eyes. Wow, her kiss is something I want 5 million times over. What am I thinking?


She smiles at me. Her right-hand grabs my neck gently, and her left-hand curls around playing with my black hair. God, that feels good. She pushes the hair out of my face. She looks directly at me, and I shiver. I have never been in this situation in my life, but it feels so right. Bell kisses me slowly. I kiss back. Nothing crazy. So soft, so enticing and so full of passion. We probe and test our tongues on each other. It is electric. I feel dizzy. My body is humming with need. Bell pushes her tongue into my mouth with such a demand need that it shocks me and excites me at the same time. I respond by biting her bottom lip, and she bites my top lip. This tongue play has gotten me so wet that I am thinking of just getting rid of my panties. She stops and kisses my nose and forehead.

“Do you want to take this further? I understand if you don’t.”

Oh, fuck, yes. I put my shaking hand on her chest, just above her left breast. “Can I kiss you?”

Bell smiles at me. She opens up her mouth ever so slightly. It is sexy. “Please do.”

My heart is hammering. My desire is overwhelming me. I lean in and brush my lips on Bell’s lips. I move my lips to the left and right, getting the feel of her. I push harder and part my mouth. She meets me with a smack that sends shockwaves roaring through my body. I grab her neck and pull her to me. We kiss like life is going to end in a few minutes. Bell spins me around and laughs. We kiss again playfully tasting each other. She lets out a cheeky moan that I taste. “Priya, let’s go upstairs.”

I step back, and our eyes lock. I nod. I feel I am lost in Bell.

“Are you okay with that?”

I feel the time has stopped. Her question is huge. Defining. I like girls. I fucking do. Simple as that. I don’t want to stop this feeling that is raging in my belly. “Yes,” I reply.

Bell slips out of her panties. I gasp at how perfect and muscular her body is.

“You are gorgeous Bell.”

“Why thank you.” Her hands run over her breasts. Her nipples are sticking up at an angle. She has a bare pussy, and that is so insane in my brain. It looks fucking hot. Seeing another girl with a bare pussy is a turn on. I have seen porn chicks with no hair but seeing it in real life makes me hotter than a volcano. She is radiant. She puts her index finger on her pussy and slides it up and down. A loud moan escapes her. She slides up to me and places her finger into my mouth.

It’s tangy, sweet, and fucking like the nectar of the gods. My own pussy throbs for her touch. I suck her finger and twirl my tongue around it. She pulls out gently.

“Clothes off now.” Her words are demanding and full of wanton need.

I smile. “Is that a challenge or an order?”

Bell smiles and starts taking off my clothes. “Neither. This is what I want.”

She takes off my robe. She sheds everything I have. My bra is off in seconds, my panties are rolled down, and Bell runs her hands all over my body. Oh, god, I love her hands on me. I stand before her. It is strange but so erotic that I cannot reason with myself. She kisses my neck. I crumble. This is not happening. Do I want this? Oh, I fucking want this more than anything in the world.

I step back and feel so sexy. I touch my breasts and tweak my nipples.

“Bell, make love to me.”

“We have all night, my sweet.”

I am delirious at her comment. Bell is watching me with large eyes. She is smiling at me. My whole soul, my whole body goes weak. She takes my right hand, and we interlock hands. Her touch is like nuclear fusion.

“Let’s go.”

She takes me to the stairs and hops up two steps and wiggles her tight ass at me. I so overwhelmed with lust. I slap her right butt cheek.

She lets out a moan. “More.”

I slap her again. She thrusts her ass at me. I have to taste her.

I grab her butt and place my face directly into her pussy. I lick like I am a mad person, lapping my tongue up and down, occasionally flicking her clit. Bell responds by opening her legs up and groans.

“Oh, god, do not stop. I am going to cum, baby.”

I slap her ass while I am licking. My tongue circles her tight asshole. She begins to roar.

“Oh, Priya, fuckkkkk, fuuuckkkkk, I’m coming…..!”

I grab her belly and steady her. She trembles all over.

“Oh yessssssssssssssssss, fuuuuuuuuuuuuuuk.”

I bite her right butt cheek, and she collapses on the stairs and turns around. She runs her hand down her body and stops just above her pussy lips. I see her glowing liquid shining in the night light. She rubs her pussy and tastes her juices. “Fuck Priya you destroyed me like a pro.”

I smile. I move to her and stand above her. She smiles at me and grabs my hips and pulls my body towards her face. I see what she is doing, and I move to her and open my legs up and place my pussy on her mouth. Instantly she starts assaulting my labia, then probing my insides, licking and flicking her tongue in circular motions. She flicks fast and slow every now and then she slides her tongue over my clit. I dig my hands into the carpet on the stairs.

“Oh, Jesus, Bell. Faster. Go Faster!” I yell. I feel I am a bitch in heat, completely lost in the avenue of the pussy queens all-devouring my soul with intense fucking. Bell picks up her pace and digs her nails into my ass. God, it’s is so fucking amazing. She slaps my right butt and the pleasure-pain rockets through my body.

“Uggg, I am so fucking close….shiiiiit!”

I suddenly feel two fingers enter me while her tongue flicks like a speed demon. I am rising. Rising high. I feel the pull of the high velocity of the mountain air.

“Fuuuuuuuuuuuuuck…..I’m cuuuuuuuming!”

I begin to shatter, shake, rock, and tremble with wild lust. My climax shatters me, and I fall forward with Bell still lapping at my pussy. She snakes her way out and holds me. Tears are coursing down my face, and I roll to my side. Bell is there holding me and purring into my ear. “Shhh, just ride the waves baby.” I watch her lips kiss my hips.

I giggle. “We need a bed. I want round two.”

“My little vixen wants more, huh,” Bell replies.I laugh and nod.

Bell gets up and interlocks my hand in hers. “Let’s go.”

I follow with trembling legs and my pussy dripping wet.

I snigger. She turns to me at the doorway, leaning against the closed door. “What’s so funny, Miss?”

“I would have never thought we would do this. I mean I did a couple of times think of kissing you but not what just happened.”

Bell laughs too. She leans in and kisses me. “I have wanted to kiss you since the day I met you, Miss Priya Gomez. Your everything made me wild. You have no idea how many times I have masturbated thinking of you.”

I actually blush. I feel all hot again. My core reacts with another ache. I launch myself at her, surprising myself at my aggressive move. My right hand immediately finds her wet core. I thrust one, then quickly two fingers inside her thrusting hard. Bell grabs my arm and gasps. “Oh, shit Priya, keep fucking going.”

I thrust up an curl my fingers to her womb. Bell opens her legs up wider. “Yessss,” she grunts. I bite down on her right nipple. Bell clutches me and digs her nails into my back. I have her, she is all mine now. I thrust faster and faster. My tongue is sucking and swirling around her rigid nipple.

She mounts my hand, and I put another finger inside. That does it. She starts screaming.

“Priya….ugggggggggggggggggggg yessssssssssssssssssssssssssssss!”

She squirts all over my forearm. I kiss her mouth, and my tongue and her tongue do a crazy spin as we suck. She jumps up and wraps her legs around my midsection, her legs are strong.

“Take me to bed you fucking slut.”

Her words are music to my ears. Still cradling her and kissing her I back her into her bedroom then toss her on the bed. She laughs. I jump in bed with her and slide up to the dark wooden bed board. I open my legs as wide as I can.

“Lick, bitch.”

Bell takes no time latching her marvelous mouth on to my clit. I scream out and claw her back. Fuck, she is so good at this. She puts two fingers, her index and middle finger inside me. I start thrusting my ass upwards to her mouth. I want more. I crave to be fucked all night.

“Fuck me, Bell, fuck me until I can’t breathe.”

With that, she starts thrusting her fingers faster while sucking on my clit. I am in fucking heaven. The train inside me is building up to turbo mode.

I grab her hair and push her face deeper into my cunt. God, if I die now, it is so fucking worth it.

Then she does something so natural and so dirty I squeal with pleasure. She inserts her third finger into my puckered asshole. Because I am so fucking wet, the extra lubricate of my juices makes her finger slide inside my virgin ass easily.

“Take my virgin ass, Bell.”

She thrusts all fingers hard into me. I buck. “Fuck yessssssssss.”

I feel I am going to explode.

“Look at me, whore. Look into my eyes. I own you now.”

I stare at her. I am going to cum so fucking hard. I push back on her speed demon hand.

“Cum for me.”

I do. My whole body rocks. I thrash my stomach up, and I throw my head back slamming against the bedboard. I feel my whole insides are like pure, joyous fire.

“Fuck Priya, you are cumming all over me. Fuck yes, baby let it all out for me.”

Bell kisses my stomach while still slowing pumping her hand in me. I’m still cumming. I want more. I throw my head side to side and moan.

She withdraws her hand, and I immediately want more. I feel lonely. Fuck me. That was so insane. So amazing. So fucking crazy.

“Come here.”

Bell crawls up to me, kissing all the way up my body. We lock lips, and I can taste myself. Beautiful. One word hits my brain. Slut. I am Bell’s slut. No. I am just a dirty slut. Gimme more, and I will take it. Fuck it. And I haven’t even learned about my Witchy world.

“Will you teach me about all this Witchy shit?”

Bell laughs and brushes black hair from my face. “I will show you all about spells and how to attack and defend and how to fuck like two wild beasts in heat. I want to do so much with you Priya, we are only getting started. Check out the drawer to the left.”

I open up the top drawer. Holy shit. Holy mother of God.

“What the hell is in there?”

“Lubrication, Massage Oil, Strap-on, glass dildo, double ended dildo, handcuffs, wax, matches, candles, gag ball, mask, a whip, and leather cord.”

My heart begins to beat really fast. I feel a rush of excitement. “Can we do all of it?”

“You sound like a child in a candy store. Of course, we can. Providing one thing.”

“What’s that?

“We trib first, then use the double head dildo to take us to heaven.”

“What the hell is trib?”

“Our pussies rubbing together as one.”

My heart jumps into my mouth. I whisper. “Yes, please.”

Bell grabs the lube and gets a small drop on her finger and rubs her cunt. She does the same for me except she looks at me, kisses me and slips one finger inside. I gasp.

“Oops, naughty me.”

“Right leg over my left leg, look directly at me put your hands behind your back to steady you, so you get the right thrusting motion. I will do the rest to sync our pussies. I am so fucking wet wanting this Priya. I have cum so many times thinking about your submission to me, begging me to fuck you this way.”

I slide close to Bell and whip my right leg over her left leg. I push myself closer and look into Bell’s eyes.

My pussy is wetter than it has ever been. After all my orgasms I cannot fathom how I can be so aroused around Bell. But she has unleashed a dark, wild, wanton slut that has always been inside me. And fuck me, I love it.

“Push your pussy onto mine.”

Bell did not need me to do the action. I push my hips to hers, and our pussies interlock with a gigantic electric shock. We are slick with our own juices mingled by the lubricated stuff Bell slid over us. I am in a place beyond Heaven. My clit is on fire as I rub Bell’s clit. Holy shit. She just thrusts slowly and languidly.

“Fuck me, Priya. Fuck my pussy. I want you so fucking much. I want us to be in total sync.”

Like a good slut that I have turned into, I do exactly as Bell has ordered me to do. I push my cunt to her cunt. Our eyes lock. She grinds her pussy on mine with such intensity I am going to pass out. I grind back. I hiss. “Come with me, Bell.”

She nods. She is so in the moment that her head is back and she is moaning like crazy. I can’t hold the rubbing on my clit any longer. I brace myself and push hard at Bell’s wet pussy. She moans like she has lost control.

“Priya …. Fucccck I am cummmmig.”

I am in her mind. “I am cumming too, baby. Fuck me, Bell. Make my pussy cum for you.”

This increases her thrusts into my pussy, and I cry out. We cry out together. We come together. We are totally in sync with each other. My thighs tremble as I look into Bell’s eyes.

My pussy has not been so wet, so fucking slick in my entire life. I am so turned on by that I want to die fucking.

I unlatch my legs from Bell. She takes one last swipe from my pussy and places my juices into her mouth and licks her lips.

She smiles. “For a virgin pussy licker, you have ticked every box possible for extreme hotness. Priya, you are a fucking lesbian force of nature.”

I slide away and slip off the bed and turn to Bell. Her words are so fucking cool.

“So then, let’s fuck in the shower and go to bed. I am not finished exploring your kick-ass body Bell.”

Bell laughs. “That is the best offer I have had for such a long time.”


Priya and Bell’s adventure is just beginning, the juicy stuff starts with Part 2…


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Priya on trip

Hi readers, Thanks for your lovely mails. Your mails are truly encouraging. I can understand how badly you people want to see priya. Sometimes I feel you people are better writer as in few lines you express your desire so well that priya starts jumping whenever I show her your mails. Anyway this is vishal male of mid 30, very artistic in bed. My biggest porn star is my wife priya, is a good fuck of 26, 5’2”. She looks most beautiful while lying on bed on her back pressing her boobs together,...

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Priya Journey of a Shy Girl

Priya was getting ready for the marriage party of her elder sister Rajani. She was alone in her room and was inspecting her naked body in front of the mirror. She couldn't but help admiring her beauty. She had begun realizing her youthful sexiness by the fact that men had started ogling at her nineteen-year-old-body; especially her firm tits and her broad ass. Her girlfriend in the university had started teasing her on the attention she was getting from the boys of late. For the evening party...

3 years ago
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Christmas gift to Priya

Hi all. Wish you all a very Happy New Year 2007. This is Vishal male of mid 30. My wife Priya is definitely a raw & great fuck. She is 26. She is capable of doing all sorts of nasty fuck & never gets tired. She is 5’2”, milky white body with huge boobs. She is definitely a dream of her surrounding males & nightmare of females. Her voluptuous ass always steals glances. She looks wonderful in any dress even without it. If I am asked I would always like her in short, skirt & half sleeve shirt or...

3 years ago
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Priya Ka Bana Pakwan

Hi, pornasaxena again with your favorable fantasy stories… Keep patience and enjoy…. Ye kahani ek simple si ladki ka hai. Nam priya, umar 26 sal, dekhne me khubsurat. Ma bap ki lauti santaan, maa 10 sal pehle chal basi. Bap bhi retired hai, chhota sa apna ek ghar, kisi tarah pension se dono ka gujara ho jata tha, bap ek pair se langda, lathi ke bina chalna muskil. Is bajah se priya ne bhi 10 class ke bad padhai chhod ke bap ka dhyan rakhti. Unke ghar ke pas hi ek aur ghar tha, usme ek admi...

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YE EK ANOKHI STORY HAI SIRF DAILOGS KI MERI AUR MERI PRIYA BHABHI KI JO MUJHSE PEHLE CHANDIGARH MAIN SEX KAR CHUKI HAI AUR AB DEHLI MAIN HAI AUR HUMNE ROLEPLAY BHI BAHUT KIYA BHABHI HAI HI BAHUT KAMAL KI,OK AB STORY SHURU KARTE HAIN.AAPKO YE NAYEE STORY KAISE LAGI ZAROOR MAIL KARNA MUJHE OK MERA ID HAI Sam:i ring the bellpriya: kaun?Sam: Bhabhi main hoon samsam: aapkaa Naughty dewarpriya: arre devarji aappriya: aaj yaha kaise aana huapriya: bhabi ki yaad bahut dino baad aayisam: Bhaiyaa aur...

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Sudhu Ekbar Dekhao Priya Di

Anekdin aage ghote jaoar golpo niye ami Amal () aj abar apnader kache chole esechi. Ei ghotona ta takhn kar jakhn amar boyos chhilo matro 19. College e second year e pori. Ami hostel e thaktam. Amar bari takhn Kolkata theke bes dure chilo (now m settled in Kolkata). Amar room mate er abdar e ami chole gelam or sathe or bari te. Barite or ma,baba, didi thakto. Saturday sokal e amar frnd er ma baba ekta kaj e bari te chhilo na. barite sudhu ami, frnd ar or didi chhilo. Amar takhn kono gf chhilo...

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Aratheon Wicked Witch of the Woods

Everyone says you should not travel these roads alone, but I am not a helpless old fool. In fact, I am shy of 20 cycles old. They say these parts are ridden with trolls and goblins. I have also heard stories of a wicked witch that lives in the woods beyond. All tales told by old fools to frighten children. I have seen some truly beautiful things on this journey to and from the dwarven kingdom. Mountains that touch the sky, valleys that go on forever. Sunsets that fill the sky with color. And...

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Seduced My Sexy Priya

Hi to all,this is Nitin Rahane from Mumbai.I`m 24,5.10 height,average body,but eyes to understand lust as i’ve been into sex and sexual pleasures since i was 18.Here i’ll be narrating my incident with my ex principal of my school/college,whom i used to fantasize a lot since school days.I had that crush for her since my puberty time,watching her always whenever she used to take classes or on rounds in the schools or during annual functions.Being a principal my friends used to be afraid of going...

3 years ago
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Surprising Thanks Giving Dinner With Priya

Hello, Indian Sex Stories dot net readers, this is my 7th publication of sex story here on this site, yeah it’s been long since I have posted it, hope you have read my previous editions, also hope you will like this one too. This is about a Catholic man Peter, who was living his life peacefully in bungalow in Lonavala after his wife had left him to be with God, his 21-year-old daughter Maria was studying MBA marketing in Pune, Maria was attractive girl, standing 5’6” tall, very fair like her...

2 years ago
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Priya Masi Humiliated 8211 Part 2

Hi everyone. I am Chetan (m 25), back with the second part of the story. Sorry for the delay. But I hope you enjoy this part as well. For those reading this part directly, please read the first part to get an insight into the story. So let’s continue where we left off. Sanjay didn’t say anything. He just sat on his bed, and as Priya masi was about to walk out of his room, he turned the T.V. on. And this time, guess what? The video of Priya masi sucking Sanjay’s dick surfaced on the...

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Hot Priya Ke Hard Chudai Uske Hubby K Saath

Hot priya ki hard chudai uske hubby k saath Hi, my dear friends,Manoj ka sabhi bhabhis and auntys ko meri oor se hello, thanks kyo ki aap sabhi ne meri super sexy story (hot n hot smita jain ki hard chudai) ko jabardast response diya .iske alawa koi bhi woman mere se contact karna chahti hai to mere ko (nine five eight four seven one seven nine six four) par sampark karke apni feelings share kar sakti hai. Chalye aab aate hai apni life k eek real story per . Ab main jo apko real story bata ne...

1 year ago
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Gangbang Of Priya By Friends

Hello friends I am back with new story of my net friend. It is sent by Karthicka Ramya. If you like it do send your comments to or or .com. Now we have to start with the story. The story is about a guy named Ram from Bangalore aged 26 an IT professional. He loved one girl named Laxmi Priya. Both were school mate. And in school days they didn’t feel any love for each other but after the school they fell in love. They had to join college and again were separated as Ram had to go to another...

4 years ago
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Priya Masi Humiliated

Hi, all. I am Chetan (m 25). I am back again with another story of I have written many stories about her in the past and you have liked them a lot. For those who hasn’t read them, you can go through them if you like. A brief history about me and Priya masi. Our incestuous relationship began when I visited her home, and things got seductive between us. Since then, we have also been on a trip where an incident occurred. Priya masi is 5’3″ tall, has a dusky skin tone and has a 34-30-36 curvy...

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Three Days Two Nights With Priya

Three days two nights with Priya Thanks for your reply for my earlier story bath to bed with my girl Priya. Just a recap for continuation. We had dinner and we had a stripping session and chocolate licking session. Had a morning session in a doggy style. Being in a MNC has some advantage of knowing various places available short term. I asked my admin guy that whom did he contacted for farm house near beach, we had been there for a department meeting. He gave the owner number. He has two...

2 years ago
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Unexpected Sex With Priya Teacher In Goa 8211 Part 2

Hi guys sorry for keeping you so waited.. Story continues from where I left. Guys who dont know me let me tell you about myself. I am aryan, average looking guy 5’9′ feet, Asian look, and an average middle class boy, with an athletic body. Guys check the previous story of mine ” unexpected sex with priya teacher in Goa” After a hard session we went to sleep. Next day in morning priya teacher had left for her place along with her daughter leaving me sleeping. Afternoon I received a call from...

4 years ago
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Erotic Vacation With Priya Masi

Hi all, I am back with another story. This is a sequel to As you all know, Priya masi and I had confessed our lust for each other. After that, we enjoyed each other bodies on various occasions. After some time, Priya masi and I planned to go on an erotic vacation together. We both lied in our homes. Priya masi said that she will attend her friend’s daughter’s wedding. I said that we have a college trip. And our destination was none other than Goa. Yes, it was as fun and thrilling as you are...

1 year ago
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Hamari Common Gf Priya Part 8211 2

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto pichli kahani mae aapne padha maine(mohan) priya ke man mae omkar ki baat dali aur omkar ko ready kiya priya ko patane ke liye ab aage Omkar aur maine us raat bohot socha ki priya ko kese manaya jay Fire mere dimag mae ek idea aaya maine omkar ko bola bhai “tu kal se priya ke sath jb bhi baat krega to uske sath flirt krna chalu kr de, aur kbhi kbhi tu uske sath halki si sex chat bhi kiya kr” kyunki omkar aur priya purane dost the to vo regular chat krte...

2 years ago
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Bath To Bed With Priya My Girl

Thanks for your reply for my earlier story “my bus journey made a change”. Just a recap for continuation. We reached home Priya asked me to be back from office at 6pm. While coming from office I picked up a family pack ice cream. We had good bath session, and went to have dinner which she had prepared. While having dinner she asked me do you like me. I said after dinner I will lick you, she said I asked like and not lick. I said ya I like you, I asked her do you like me, she ya I like you very...

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Aarush Priya Aur Karishma Ka Threesome Sex 8211 Part I

Hello guys this is aarush again, how are u all. kese ho sab??? ISS k sare readers ko mera saalam aur ladkiyo,aunties aur bhabis ko mere land ka saalam. Dosto meri sex stories to aapne padhi hi hai Sheena k sex adventures part 1,2,3,4,5. feedback dene k liye mail kare “”. Ab ye meri bilkul nayi story hai aur ye ek sachi ghatna hai. Ye story mere school time ki hai jo mere sath hui thi. Aap sabke mail muje mile hai aur isiliye me ye story post kar raha hu.Ese hi aap mail karte rahe aur muje kafi...

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Best Friend8217s Wife Priya

My friend Ramesh and I had worked together for many years in Cochin and we have known each other as bachelors for the last 20 years. We were great drinking buddies and have slept around with a variety of women. Then we got married, Ramesh to Priya and I to Bindu and I moved away and we used to occasionally visit each other’s family and stay over. We were just good friends and the wives were very familiar with each other. After some years, I went abroad and was working there and Ramesh moved to...

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Fucked A Gorgeous Indian Sex Stories Reader Priya In Chennai Part 8211 2

Hai to iss readers after getting a huge response for my previous seven posts now I decided to write a another story..This my eight th story.. Send your feedback and suggestions to “”..….Now I am coming to the story… I am vijay my native is chennai now settled in Nagercoil,age24 height 5.10,weight 76,penis size 6inch. This story is about how I once again fucked iss reader priya in her place …then en last story Ku neraya comments vanthuthu from male readers and female readers too…fake peoples...

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Priyarsquos Sex Fantasies

Hi all. This is Priya from Hyderabad. I am working as a software engineer in one of the TOP MNC’s. I am married last year. My husband also works in the same company. He is well built and good looking. We have a great sex life every day since the day we got married. I was a virgin when Ii was married and lost it to my lovely husband only. Since 4 years I was (am) following the ISS site and I am interested to write few sequences also.But all my stories are purely fake and only from my...

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Brad and Priya

The past few months had been very enjoyable ones for Brad. He had previously impregnated Inga, (see Superior Genes and Brad and Inga) and she had introduced him to her friend, Aika, who he took a liking to and had also slept with. In the subsequent weeks, he had busied himself, sleeping with both women, and Aika had announced that she was pregnant with his child.Brad reveled in the fact that he got both of these women pregnant, and he continued to have sex with them in the ensuing months. About...

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My Lustful Priya Masi 8211 The End Beginning Of Love Making

Hi, all. I am back with the next and last part of the series. Till now, there have been many incidents between my Priya masi and me. But this time, she caught me. Read this part to know how all this ends. It is a bit long, but I hope you enjoy this story of love making. Priya masi had caught me red-handed in the act. I was lying there on the bed, and she was standing at the door. What should I do? I sat up and covered my dick with a towel. Masi walked towards me slowly. She stood in front of me...

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Priya Bhabhi8217s All India Trip 8211 Part 1

Hi readers! I am Vipul back again with a story about an India trip. This is not just a story but a new character that I am creating. I hope you all like it like . The character is Priya Malhotra. You will get to know about her as you start reading these stories. In brief, our beloved bhabhi is from Mumbai, living with her husband, Rajesh Malhotra. He handles marketing for a very reputed international brand and is on International tours for 4-5 months every year. Even when he is home, he is...

2 years ago
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Mere pyari sister priya

Abhi meri age hai 24 aur meri height hai 6’ and 74 kgs with athletic body. After reading so many story I finally wishes to write my own story this happen after reading those stories from ISS and I got courage to do something really horny because whenever I read those stories I get horny and started to find someone whom I should do. I am totally not aware that such type of relation can also enter into such relationship and after reading stories I got satisfied that this may happen & nothing...

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My Horny Priya Did Not Stop

Thanks for your reply for my earlier story Three days and two nights with Priya. Just a recap of the last experience, we had a good session by massaging and in swimming pool, beach and then a honey session. I was back from my tour after 5days on Friday and my wife told that suddenly AC is not working so all will sleep in our room. Generally in my children room they will sleep in the bed along with Priya and we sleep on the floor bed. The best part is for my wife love making is I have to give...

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Sex With Priya

Hi to all ISS readers and this is Satish again and my introduction to the new readers. I’m Satish 47 years, with fair skin, 5’11” tall having a strong body other descriptions can be found out personally. It was great feeling to get lovely remarks from ladies for my earlier submissions. All ladies, aunties, bhabhies and I love married women from 25 years to 45 years please feel free to send your remarks on my e-mail Id please meet me on This story will take a bit long as I have to give little...

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Malti8217s Home Remedy For Priya

This is a real-life incident about a home remedy that I want to share with you. This happened between Malti and Priya lived diagonally across the road in the township of a yarn mill located away from the city of Aurangabad. One early afternoon after lunch and after putting her nursery going son Bunty to sleep, Malti went to Priya’s house for some chit chat. Priya’s eyes were red as if she was crying. Malti asked, “What happened, Priya?” Priya: Nothing, Bhabhi. It is just my eyes are burning...

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Malti8217s Home Remedy For Priya

This is a real-life incident about a home remedy that I want to share with you. This happened between Malti and Priya lived diagonally across the road in the township of a yarn mill located away from the city of Aurangabad. One early afternoon after lunch and after putting her nursery going son Bunty to sleep, Malti went to Priya’s house for some chit chat. Priya’s eyes were red as if she was crying. Malti asked, “What happened, Priya?” Priya: Nothing, Bhabhi. It is just my...

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Sam James part 5 Priya is back

I was unsettled, restless and horny as hell. It was driving me nuts. The reason for my condition was that Sam my new very exciting lover was away in Turin on a freelance trip. We had spoken last night on the phone and masturbated together. Our phones on speaker as I worked my cock and Sam fingered her pussy. We were good and we both came but it was deeply unsatisfying.I had the day off and I knew I wouldn’t be seeing Sam. The sexual frustration added to my unease. I got out of bed and headed to...

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Gangbang Of Slutty Diya And Priya Bhabhi

Hey Guys, I got a great response from all of you guys. So Without wasting any more time lets continue. For people who don’t know me please read to get a better picture of me and also the story. So Diya was very angry with me because I didn’t give her any attention. Last few days I was busy with Priya Bhabhi. She couldn’t bear it that I gave a lot of importance to Priya. In her mind, she thought that I like Priya more than her. I tried to convince her but it was not working. During Diya’s...

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Desperate Neighbour Aunty Priya 8211 Part 2

Having read the first sex story you would know that Priya was my cock hungry bitch and she would always have her legs spread to me. I had never seen a woman with so much hunger and so much desperation. My parents were chilled out and never inquired much about my whereabouts so i would not bother much and spend many hours everyday doing Priya brutally but her thirst was never quenched. She had a few friends in our society. Like a gang of women in their mid 40s who would take walks in the evening...

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My Lustful Priya Masi 8211 Part 1 Dry Humping

Hi, friends, thank you for such great feedback for my previous stories. Hope you like this one too. For those who are new, hello I am Chetan. I am a 23-year-old guy from Banglore. I write such stories for fun, and as sex is always on my mind. So let’s begin this story about dry humping. It is about the events that happened between my masi Priya and me. She is my mom’s younger sister. Her age is 42. Wheatish complexion. But a curvy figure. Her boobs are 36D. The waist is 32, and the hips 38....

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Met Slutty Priya During Campus Recruitment In Lucknow

It was summers and college 4th semester has just ended. I was selected from my company to go on a recruitment drive. Lucknow was the first city selected in our itinerary. We went to BBD university for campus selections. I was glad to visit north India after a long time. I missed north Indian girls after living for past 9 years in Bangalore.That too Lucknow famously called ‘Randiyon Ka Saher’. I was secretly excited to see hot college girls. And Lucknow did not disappoint me. Fair, beautiful...

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Another Encounter With Priya

Hi readers, this is Atul once again on ISS with a new encounter with Priya. As those readers who read my earlier stories are well aware of my encounters with Priya and this is another one for you. Since 3 months, Priya and I could not meet each other as my boss has given me an urgent assignment which I had to complete in 3 months. I was totally busy in completing that assignment and hence could not meet Priya as it was not possible for me to spare even one day to meet her in Pune. Although, we...

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Erotic Vacations With Priya Masi 8211 Part 2

Hi, all. I am Chetan. This is the next part of the series of erotic vacations. Hope you enjoyed the first part. At the end of the first part, a person with a flashlight caught us while we were about to have sex on the beach. So this is a continuation from there. The man came running towards us while we were standing there afraid. He looked like a security guard. He was a middle-aged man, not very tall and medium build. Security: What are you two doing here? We both looked towards each...

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Incest Orgy And Priya In Lonavala 8211 Part 2

Hello girls and guys. Thank you all for your appreciation for the first part of this incident. I am Shivang here back with Part 2 of my sex story . I apologize for submitting the 2nd part after a long gap. But here it is I hope you all enjoy and cum in loads! :) Your feedback is welcome on or on KIK messenger my ID is shivanglongdick Suddenly chachi’s phone rang. It was my mami’s call. I was surprised. What work could mami have with chachi @12’30 at night?! I didn’t pick it up. After a minute,...

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Incest Orgy And Priya In Lonavala 8211 Part 1

Hello girls and guys. I am Shivang here with another incident. Took place a month back. Thank you for your responses to my earlier stories here. This one has got casual sex, incest, orgy, BDSM so an all-in-all package. It will be a long one but bear with me and I assure you of bed-shaking orgasms! ;) So about me, I am Shivang, 24 from Mumbai. 6’1 in height with a not-so-athletic body and my tool a bit over 6″ . All of you must recognize Priya now, she is the perky writer here on ISS I had sex...

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Unexpected Sex With Teacher Priya In Goa

I am Aryan and I would share my first encounter of sex with my teacher Priya and I am an average looking guy 5’9′ feet, Asian look, and an average middle class boy, with an athletic body. I used to shake my Lund by taking various names and thinking about them. Many were from my relatives and other known to me. I used to masturbate twice a day. Till this happened with me and it was our last year in college and last trip with my college friends. We had a planned a Trip to GOA a land of Beautiful...

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Endless Pleasure With Priya

Hi readers, this is Atul once again from Mumbai with a new encounter with Priya. Those who know my earlier encounters with her need not be told of her. But for the new comers, I must describe Priya as good looking, 5’5″ a bit bulky with good assets and most importantly, zest to enjoy the sex without any strings. Now I will start my new adventure with her. After coming back from 15 days tour of Mahabaleshwar, I and Priya used to talk a lot over the phone. While returning from Mahabaleshwar, we...

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Priya And The Servant Boy

Priya was aged 18 and Karan was 23 during their marriage and they didn’t want a baby till she completes her studies. They had a very good sex life and they were a very happy couple. Once during holidays the couple plans to go for a trip so they planned to go to a resort they left from their home in a car. The resort was in the outskirts of the city hence it took 4 hours to travel there. Finally they reached their destination. The place was very beautiful and was vast they were happy to be...

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Immature Sex With Cousin Priya 8211 Part 1

My name is Arjun. I am 24 right now doing my MBA. This happened 2 years ago when I was in the first year of college. I used to go to my uncle`s place (mama`s house) to enjoy my summer vacation every year. My uncle has 1 daughter and 1 son. This story is about his daughter, my cousin. Her name is Priya. She is 2 years younger to me. And I am her favourite cousin brother, because I always help her with everything and I was good to her. She is very grown up physically. Her boobs are big in size...

3 years ago
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Hamari Common Girlfriend Priya

Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto mera nam Mohan he main 21 saal ka hunn ye meri pehali story story meri pyari gf ke bare main hae jiska nam priya hae age 21. Priya bohot hi pyari aur innocent lagati hae uska rang gora, hight 5ft 9 inch hae uski fig 36 24 32 hae uske boobs bohot he soft aur gore hae. Main aur priya dono engineering collage padhate hae muze pehale se hi iss pe sexy kahaniya padhana pasand tha aur usme bhi girlfriend ko dosto se chudwani ki storys bohot pasand thi....

1 year ago
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Fucked A Gorgeous Indian Sex Stories Reader Priya In Chennai 8211 Part 1

Hai to Indian Sex Stories readers after getting a huge response for my previous six posts now I decided to write a new story..This my seventh story.. Send your feedback and suggestions to “”..….Now I am coming to the story… I am vijay my native is chennai now settled in Nagercoil,age24 height 5.10,weight 76,penis size 6inch. This story is about how I fucked iss reader priya…en last story Ku neraya comments vanthuthu from female readers and male readers too…athula priya nu oru girl chat pannanga...

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Innocent Priya Ki Pehli Chudai

Hi friends, Myself Ram.Mai iss ka bhut bada fan hu aur kafi stories padhne ke baad,mujhe feel hua ki mujhe bhi apni aap biti aap sab ke sath share karni cahiye.Ye story meri aur mere neighbor priya ki hai jo ek innocent ,simple and sweet ladki hai jo mujhse kuch saal choti hi hai.Ye mera phla sexperience hai kisi virgin ke sath. Aapko priya ke baare me btata hu ek sweet innocent girl hai rang gora aur figure to aisa ki dekhte hi lauda khada ho jaye.Ab story pe aata hu priya mujhse bhut close...

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Priya Bhabhi8217s All India Trip 8211 Part 2 Chandigarh

Hi readers! I am Vipul back again with the next part of our beloved Priya Bhabhi’s sex adventure in Chandigarh. I loved the responses I got from my readers. You people are great. And I feel good as a writer that my story had the intended effect on most of you. You can read my previous story as well. If you haven’t read the last part, please read it here before reading this story, as it is a continuing series. Priya gets out of Vikas’ hold, runs naked to the bedside, and picks up her call. She...

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Priya Bhabhi8217s All India Trip 8211 Part 2 Chandigarh

Hi readers! I am Vipul back again with the next part of our beloved Priya Bhabhi’s sex adventure in Chandigarh. I loved the responses I got from my readers. You people are great. And I feel good as a writer that my story had the intended effect on most of you. You can read my previous story as well. If you haven’t read the last part, please read it here before reading this story, as it is a continuing series. Priya gets out of Vikas’ hold, runs naked to the bedside, and picks up her call. She...

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Sam And James with Priya Part 7

So what had started out looking like it was going to be a dull and sexually frustrating day had all of a sudden got much more promising. My lover Sam was away in Italy doing some freelance work and I wasn’t expecting her back until mid-week. Just in time for me to start my next run of shifts. I wouldn’t be seeing or fucking Sam for at least a week. However, her friend Priya was around and had unexpectedly got the day off. I messaged Sam and told her that Priya and I would be seeing each other...

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Anal Sex With My Niece Priya

Hello, ISS readers. I hope you all are doing great. As you know, I have two nieces, and I had fucked both when I visited their home last time. I have written a 3 parts story on ISS sometime back. This story is about how I had a good time with my niece, Priya (name changed), when she visited my house during her vacation. Priya’s exams were over. She called me if she can come over to live with us for a few days until her results were declared. Hearing this, my heart skipped a beat, thinking of...

1 year ago
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Immature Sex With Cousin Priya 8211 Part 2 Shy Cousin Banged Hard

Please read part one  if you have not already. As Priya caught me red-handed, I was very horrified. I didn’t know what to say. I was expressionless and didn’t know what to do. Her hand was still wrapped around my dick. Then I saw a little smile on her face, I smiled too. Suddenly, her hand started moving around my dick without any help from my side. Oh. I just whispered, “Thank you!”, she smiled more and increased her speed of stroking. Wow, Priya! It was Priya doing it herself. I could not...

3 years ago
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Sam James With Priya Part 6

Priya emerged from my shower wrapped in a white towel. She had left her dress downstairs and hadn’t been wearing any underwear. I took the towel from her and marveled at her naked body. “Can you stay tonight?” I asked eagerly“I’d like that,” she replied softly.I had to ask, “What about your husband?”“He is away with his friends, he won’t be back till tomorrow afternoon. My husband is gay.” She continued, “He is very discreet about it, but that is where he is right now.” I sensed a certain...

3 years ago
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My Lustful Priya Masi 8211 Part 2 Sensitive Massage

Hi, all thanks for such an overwhelming response to the previous story. This is the direct continuation of the first part. For those who are new, I recommend you to read the first part then you all can enjoy this part about the sensitive massage. Hope you like it. Priya: Chetan… Chetan…Wake up… Chetan: (in sleepy, confused voice) What happened, masi? Priya: Nothing, just your uncle will be coming home soon. I don’t want him to know that you were sleeping here, especially after last night. I...


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