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Mary came into my life at a time when I was as down as a man could get. My wife had left me three months before for a new job that was three states away. She said she wanted to make a fresh start on her own and served me with divorce papers. Problem is she didn’t exactly start on her own, she took our three sons with her. Although I talk to them on my cell phone every night and we fly them in on one weekend a month, there is still a huge emptiness in my life and heart created by their absence. The next thing that happened was losing my job when the company that I had worked for, for so long was bought out by an out of state conglomerate. They just wanted the equipment and not the employees. We were given a very generous settlement that I used to start my own dry coating business in my garage. Being self employed had always been a dream of mine. Coupled with losing my wife and sons I felt no real excitement born from this new opportunity.

That is enough about my woes though because it was about this time that my life was about to take an upwards turn finally. I met Mary because I had secured a contract with a company whose name I won’t mention here that makes tarpaulin kits for open topped semi trailers. They have to have the cross members coated to stop rust and to protect the tarp. They loved the trial run I did for them and my prices were the best they had seen as I am a one man operation with little overhead. All they required of me was that I get business insurance which I probably should have had anyway.

I called my local insurance agent up and explained what I wanted and he told me he handled non-commercial insurance only. He gave me the name of an agent that he traded referrals with and then tried to talk me into upgrading my home insurance package as well. I declined and made my call to my new prospective agent. Her name was Mary Hasslebeck and damn did she sound sexy on the phone. That thought surprised me a little as I had not thought about women after my ex-wife had dropped her bombshell on me. We set up a meeting for the next day and said our goodbyes on the phone. I must admit I wondered about the lady on the phone a few times during that day and I knew she was probably married with children.

The next day arrived and I went to her office to meet her and from the point I walked into her office it was like a fairy tale which I might add I do not believe in. She stood up to greet me and I to this day still think she is the most stunning woman I have ever seen with my own two eyes. She was about 5’9′ tall which is two inches taller than me and she had medium length auburn hair with a touch of natural curl in it. She was dressed both professionally and conservatively in business skirt which was calf length. She had on a red blouse which is now my new favorite color. It buttoned up the front and although it fit loosely it could not hide the fullness of her breast.

She has since admitted to me that she felt the same way about me at first sight also. I am no Romeo and consider myself average but I am in pretty good shape for a guy of thirty-six years old. I spent four years in the Marines right out of high school and have always kept up a pretty consistent workout regimen. It has been even more vigorous than normal the last few months so I could exhaust myself each evening to ensure a good nights sleep. The first couple of weeks after my ex left me I turned to alcohol but quickly realized what I was doing and stopped immediately. I am 5’7′ tall and weight right at 185 pounds. I have closely cropped light brown hair with a touch of grey coming in at the sides now.

For the first fifteen minutes there was an awkwardness between us that we later understood was caused by our strong mutual attraction to each other. By the time we got out of that stage the insurance part of it was covered and the conversation turned personal. Making sure I didn’t sound like I was feeling sorry for myself I told her about my ex-wife and what she had done. I told her that every night I still talked to my sons, sometimes for an hour or more. We missed each other an amazing amount.

I found out that she had been divorced for two years now and she had been through a pretty bad marriage. He had been abusive but she was felt it had been worth it because she had two sons herself. Both lived with her and they were the same ages as my two youngest sons, 7 and 5 years old. She had casually dated a little in just the last six months but never had more than two dates with any of them. Only three different men total, all of which had been set up by her best friend Connie.

‘She meant well’ Mary explained to me ‘but she also finally understands that I will date when I am ready’.

‘I know what you mean, my brother had been trying to get me to go out since my ex boarded the plane’ I said laughing at the comment as I made it. I was happy when she laughed with me and I fell in love with her laugh from the start. ‘You have a great laugh’ I said, sorry as soon as I had said it because it sounded stupid to me.

She stopped smiling and looked at me seriously and said ‘Thank you, It sounds cliche but even something that simple is refreshing from a man. I have never asked a man out before but would you like to have dinner with me tonight or sometime this weekend?’ she asked me and looked hopeful and worried as soon as she said it.

I wasted no time at all in responding ‘I would be delighted’ I said. ‘I was getting ready to ask you the same thing’ I informed her. Once again we laughed easily together.

We talked for a few more minutes, mostly about my insurance papers that she would fax me tomorrow morning. Then we got down to business and selected a nice little Italian restaurant to eat at that night. I offered to pick her up but she said she would drive. I understood completely, that way if I turned into some kind of jerk she was not stuck without a ride home that night. Also we decided it would be separate checks and once again I understood that to. Too many men expect something in return for the price of dinner. All I expected was some good conversation and a few laughs and told her as much. I seen her eyes light up and I think that I got a few brownie points for that comment.

After leaving her office I kind of blundered through the rest of the day and didn’t get much accomplished. I had not been this giddy about a date in my life. Not even senior prom night when I was dating a cheerleader that I had high hopes for that night. What a bust that had been, she spent more time with her friends than she had me that night.

I went through my closet three times trying to find the perfect outfit for that night. I didn’t want to look like a business man but I didn’t want to be to casual either. I finally settled on a pair of dark blue Dockers and a casual button down white shirt with some color in it. The shirt fit across my chest pretty well but not to the point of looking like I might pop a button. She had said she would make the reservations for seven that night and I asked her what kind of car she would be driving so I could find her in the parking lot and walk in with her. She liked that and told me she had a black Toyota Camry. I had told her I was in a Suzuki XL-7 which was a two tone, black and grey.

Finally the time arrived and after a long hot bath and shave I was ready to go. I didn’t want to get there to early and look desperate but I didn’t want to get there right on time either. I was afraid she would think I was in no hurry then. I decided that it was better to get there early than to risk being late though.

I arrived at twenty minutes till seven and she was already there. This pleased me as I pulled into the spot next to her. I smiled at her and got out of my SUV and walked to her door and opened it for her. She smiled broadly at me and stood up and gave me a light kiss on my lips. I could feel my entire body tingle at just that slight touch from her and had to fight to keep my mind from racing away with ot
her more wicked thoughts.

She stepped back and looked at me a gave a low whistle. I was slightly embarrassed which she found amusing and in my best (which is still very bad) John Wayne voice I said ‘Aww shucks ma’am, thank you. You look mighty fine yourself in that getup’. She was wearing black slacks which revealed that she had nicely shaped hips and as with earlier a button down blouse that was loose but still showed enough curve to let a man’s mind run free.

She rolled her eyes and laughing she said ‘O boy, come on and let’s get a seat at the bar while we wait for our table’. Then she hesitated for a split second and asked ‘Do you drink?’.

Dropping my bad John Wayne impression I said ‘Yes I do, not as much as when I was younger but I can handle a drink or two’ I finished while smiling with my eyes and looking at how hers sparkled. I was wondering what this ladies flaws could possibly be because so far she seemed perfect to me.

We were seated at the bar and she ordered a hurricane which had four alcohols in it and that made me comfortable with ordering my favorite, a Jack and Coke. The conversation was easy that night at the bar and over dinner. We talked about everything from our childhoods all the way to our work lives. We were both consumed with our sons and our lives took a backseat to their happiness. I was sorry to see dinner done and desserts eaten because I was not ready to depart from her presence.

We paid for our checks and left nice tips as the waiter had been perfect. He was always there when we needed him but he left us alone at the right times as well.

‘May I walk the lady to her car?’ I asked as I held up my arm for her to take.

She laid her arm upon mine and said ‘The lady would be honored to be escorted to her car by such a gentleman as yourself’.

This time there as no laughing because there was a sexual tension in the air that was as thick as a London fog. We had not spoken of sex at all that evening but we are both adults and know that it is a natural part of being attracted to someone.

We arrived at her car without a word spoken between us as I turned to her and put my hands on her waist, hoping I was not reading her wrong and being to forward. ‘I would love to see you some more and I hope you feel the same way’ I said as I leaned in to kiss her.

Catching me completely by surprise she reached up with both hands and grabbing my face in her hands kissed me hungrily and deeply. In no time our tongues were probing each others mouths and we were holding each other tightly as I felt my erection reach what was maybe a record size for me.

Pulling away she said ‘I have not made love to a man in over two years now. I want that to change tonight. How far is it to your place?’. She asked.

Having trouble getting my composure back I had to try twice to speak before the words would come out ‘Maybe fifteen minutes, it depends on how fast we drive.’ I answered.

‘Drive as fast as you want’ she said. ‘You will not be able to lose me’ she answered with a wicked smile on her lips and with that she got into her car.

I got into mine and after starting it I had to adjust my erection because it was becoming painful in the position it was in. I did speed on the way home although not at a reckless pace. We had the fortune of not catching a single light and made record time there.

I pulled into the driveway and she pulled up next to me and was out of her car before I was. She practically raced around to my door and as I got out we once again embraced in a kiss that was even more passionate and hotter than the previous one. We kissed all the way to my front door and even as I fumbled with my keys.

As I was unlocking the door she started rubbing my crotch and grabbing me through my pants. I had barely gotten us into the house and the door shut behind us when she grabbed me by the waistband of my pants and said ‘Bring it here, I have to have you in my mouth now’.

I could not believe my ears because my ex had hated sucking cock. She would only do it because she liked getting her pussy ate and I had stopped doing that in protest.

That thought passed through me in about a millionth on a second and was gone because by that time she was down on her knees on my foyer carpet right inside the door.

She had my belt undone and when I tried to help her unbutton my pants she slapped my hands away and said ‘Mine!’ while looking up at me with a wicked smile again.

What happened next I will try to explain. She got my pants open and reached in and pulled my cock out and smiled at it and said ‘Nice’. I am not a large man but like any man I have measured myself and am about seven inches long. My blessing is that it is thicker than the average cock and fills a woman up nicely. She looked it over for a second and then dove down onto it. I have never felt a hotter, tighter mouth than hers that night.

She started moving her head up and down on my cock and with each slurping noise that came out of her mouth as she sucked on me my excitement grew. She yanked my pants on down and without her missing a beat I stepped out of my shoes and my pants and underwear. She cupped my balls with one hand and the other one was working my cock with her mouth in perfect unison. It could not have been forty seconds before I started feeling that familiar pressure building up inside of me and I tried to step back and stop her.

‘No, I want to taste you’ she stopped sucking long enough to say and with that she went back to work. She was sucking my cock as furiously and hungrily as she had kissed me. Her pace quickened as she knew that I was growing closer.

So I did the only thing I could do at this point. I held her head gently in my hands and said ‘Damn’ in one long hiss as I allowed the flood gates to be opened and started cumming in her mouth. I knew the amount of cum that I was capable of producing and had not unloaded in months as I had been to depressed to even beat off and I expected her to pull back or at least start gagging on it.

She did neither, instead swallowing it all as fast as I could unload it. After what seemed like an hour I finished my orgasm but she continued to suck me dry. Not surprisingly I did not go limp but stayed hard in her mouth. It wasn’t even an option because it still felt so good. She sucked on me for another minute or so and then smiling stood up in front of me pulling my shirt off as she did so.

Standing completely naked in front of her I grabbed her face in my hands and kissed her deeply wanting to taste myself in her mouth. This seemed to increase her passion as she reached down and started rubbing on me again but it was my turn to slap her hand away with a wicked smile.

I took that hand and led her to the living room and by the couch in the center of it. Once again I turned her towards me and kissing her slower because I was wanting to set the tone now and she seemed willing to let me I started rubbing her breast through her blouse and bra. I unbuttoned her blouse as we kissed and reached around the back to unsnap it only to find no snaps there. Maintaining our kiss I pulled away a little and unsnapped her bra from the front and pulled the cups to the side allowing her heavy breast to fall into my chest.

I stepped back and slid her blouse and bra off of her shoulders and let them drop to the floor at our feet. I admired her large breast which were moving up and down at a steady pace because of her heavy breathing. There was virtually no sag in them and she had very large areola and nice dark nipples.

Stepping forward and kissing her once again I lowered her to the couch and kissed my way not so slowly down to her nipples. I took the left one in my fingers and started slowly rolling it around to check her response which was to arch her back up towards me. Then leaning down towards her right one I sucked it into my mouth and immediately felt her hands on the back of my head pushing my face int
o her breast. I lightly raked my teeth across her nipple and with this she pushed my face hard into her breast and said ‘That’s it, suck my titty. I love to have my nipples sucked hard’.

That was all I needed to hear and I really went to town on her tits then. I reached down and started rubbing her crotch through her slacks with the heel of my hand. She greeted this by rubbing her crotch against my hand rapidly. I decided to not leave her waiting any longer and quickly undone her pants and slid them down and off her feet. Her panties went with them and it wasn’t until later that I found out she had been wearing a black thong under them.

With no shyness at all she parted her legs for to expose her swollen pussy. The lips were open and there was plenty of moisture all around. I got my first good whiff of her aroma and it almost drove me insane with lust. Now it was I that could wait no longer and I buried my face in her pussy making her cry out.

‘Yes’ she practically screamed, ‘eat my pussy good.’ she ordered me. Not being one to ignore orders from a sexy woman I tore into her pussy like I had no other before it. I stuck my tongue inside of her and she tasted better than any other woman I had ever had. I could not believe a woman could taste so damn good. I was licking and sucking up her juices as fast as her pussy could produce them. I was careful to avoid her clit so far though but as she neared an orgasm I took two fingers and stuck them inside of her with the finger tips curled upwards towards her ‘G’ spot and started sucking hard on her clit. This set off an orgasm or orgasm’s, I could not be sure which that would last for a full 30 seconds or more. Her pussy had gotten so tight around my fingers I could not move them in and out anymore but I still was able to curl and uncurl them against her ‘G’ spot.

Doing this to her had built my excitement to an even higher point than it was before my blowjob from her. I stood up and grabbing her hips rolled her around and placed her with her knees on the couch with her torso above it. I moved in behind her and rubbed the head of my cock up and down her slit to wet it and then moved it into her.

‘Yes’ she hissed through clenched teeth. ‘Fuck me hard that way. Make us both cum’ she pleaded.

With this being said I put my foot up on the couch by her knee and moved all the way into her and didn’t waste any time thrusting into her like a sex starved teenager. The sound of my hips slapping into her round ass is what finally put me over the edge and she was reaching down between her legs and massaging my balls each time they slapped into her begging for me to make her cum.

As I got close I laid my chest into her back and reached around her and put my forearm across one breast and grabbed the other one in my hand and was working it pretty good when we both came together letting out one long moan of pleasure and relief together.

We took a shower together and made love again much slower that night and the next morning she woke me up by straddling my cock and riding it until we both collapsed. The rest as they say is history.

That night was eight months ago. Everything has went well since then for each of us. I now have custody of my oldest son who is 13 now. It seems that in most states that after 12 years of age the courts listen heavily to what the children want and that is what he wanted. Me and Mary live together and the three boys all get along great full time in the house. My younger sons also get along great with hers as they are the same age and have many of the same interest. I have a larger garage being constructed now on my property because my business has more than doubled and I have 1 full time employee now. Mary’s brother Josh who is a great worker and gets paid well for it. I have no plans to outgrow my new building and with me and Josh working up to 14 hour days we can handle a full workload for that building which we are both willing to do. I plan on making him a part owner in the near future as well. He is earning it.

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Bisex at a porno theatre

I’m happily married and prefer women but am attracted by the idea of gay encounters. I had fantasised about it quite lot and often got hard at the thought of taking a strange guy’s cock in my hand and pumping the soft, hard shaft till the jism shot out of it. I'd also love to stick my dick in a guy’s mouth and fuck it till I shoot my load. Then I'd take his stiff penis in my mouth and suck it till his hot jism shot down my mouth or over my face. I didn’t keep the fantasies to myself. I brought...

2 years ago
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Lets Play

Steven and Lyndsey had been looking forward to this break for awhile. They had both been working hard and needed some relaxation. They got on the train early Friday morning, but as was to be expected it was full of commuters. There were no seats but they managed to find a spot to stand near the doors. The train stood in the station for awhile but then finally they were off. A whole weekend away from everyone and everything awaited them. They had been on the train for over an hour when at the...

Quickie Sex
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Daddys Wake Up Call

I'm laying in bed with you, wearing only a pair of white lace panties, my head snuggled into your broad chest. I wake up super horny and desperate to receive your seed. I nudge you and you don't wake up, so I start slowly kissing and nibbling your neck and ears. I can barely control myself, your musky scent gets me so riled up. I start kissing down your body to your already erect nipples, grinding my dripping cunt against your thigh."Daddy! Please wake up" Still nothing ! I suck and nibble on...

1 year ago
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The Education of Cassie Parks Part II

The next day, back at work at Holy Cross School, Jacob Smith, the headmaster, was priding himself on resisting his would be temptress when in walked Cassie Parks again, this time with the nun who monitored the dorms and Cassie’s roommate, Jill Pierce. If Cassie was on one end of the spectrum, Jill was on the other. Fully aware of her sexuality and how to use it to get what she wanted. Jill was basically a slut. She snuck off campus, offered blow jobs to male teachers for better grades and had...

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Mr Fixit Chapter 1

My entire career as an engineer was spent at sea. I am retired now but at the time of the events I am writing about,I was in my early forties. I was at home on leave, and my wife was at work. Being a ship's engineer meant that I had the experience of repairing all kind of machinery, which on a ship, meant anything from the main engines to a vacuum cleaner or the galley bread maker. These skills transferred home and I was often asked by friends and neighbours to repair stuff for them.My...

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The Best SistersChapter 22

Michelle hugged Melissa as they laid Walt Wilson to rest. It was now 1952 and the twins were in their mid sixties. Their age was showing even though they made several trips to the salon a week. They even flew down to the hot spings in Georgia to try to bring their beauty back to them. But the spa could only do so much. They spent hours in mud packs, getting massages, using multiple oils and creams, plus anything that was on the market at that time. It did little good. They learned that they...

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my previous marriage chapter 1

When the first baby was born I would watch my son giving Mar to go out on the weekends with her friends.I believed her friends were girl friends but soon found they were not,although one was Linda who just to make it seem that her friends were girls. I had a job and worked hard, I still made sure to keep her sexually fulfilled even when she wore me out.I was only the second man she had been with before we married and we would spend hours fucking our brains out. When I was at work Mar's...

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The day after Halloween

November 1st, the day after an event that had changed the world. While the number of people affected was largest in America, it was worldwide. Everyone who put on a costume on October 31st became a sexual version of their costume. Some only teased with sensual smiles, or bouncing body parts. Others showed nothing but a shadow of the personality shown in whatever TV show, or movie that inspired someone to don their likeness for a night, and gleefully leapt into their new pornographic...

2 years ago
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Sam Knight Case Three What Possible ExcuseChapter 7

I was still sitting in the kitchen holding Ginger on my lap when Jennie came down the hall and stopped in the doorway. "Please come in and sit down, Jennie." She took a chair across from me. She looked very upset. "We need to have a long talk, Jennie. The trouble is, we don't have time now. Do you trust me?" She hesitated and then answered. "I did, but now I'm not sure." "Fair enough. Here's what I plan to do. Ginger is obviously in no condition to go to school. I'm going to...

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The Two Faces of Betty Lovelace

This story is difficult to believe in its entirety, but I assure you every word is true and right on the mark, at least to the best of my recollection. I have noticed there are some gaps in my memory bank that seem to be getting a little wider and a little deeper recently. I feel pretty certain it is not that same sickness of the brain that visited my ma in her declining years because I am sort of a youngish fellow with lots of energy and stamina. My suspicion is that parts of my brain is...

1 year ago
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My Adventures in Nylon

My Adventures in Nylon By Colorado Leg Man As long as I can remember, I have held a deep appreciation for the feel of nylon. The soft texture, the feel of the silkiness, the sheen on a woman's legs. Fascinated by the magic it held, I started experimenting at a young age. These are a few of my accounts of the fun I have had with nylon and the pleasure it has brought to me over the years. This is the first installment of a journey spanning 19 years. Be gentle, this is my first try at...

3 years ago
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A Cockhold Adventure

Peg and Jim were pretty much your average couple Jim worked in a big box warehouse as a platform supervisor. Peg pretty much was a stay at home mom with 2 kids. She was 36 years old five foot one with long red hair 38 c tits a great booty. Over the past three years her and Jim had done some swinging when her parents took the kids. That was when she realized Jim needed to be cockhold, she was just the girl to do it. On three separate occasions, she had gotten men to come over fuck her for...

1 year ago
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PTA Part 2

Note : This story is completely fictional! Harmon Brubaker, having been awakened his alarm clock on schedule, knew what to do next. Robin Cawdor, the sultry schoolteacher he had met earlier that evening at the PTA meeting, was there waiting for him to fuck her hard. "Alright, remember, I am in charge. I am going to fuck you hard, and I'm gonna spank you as well. Think you can handle it?" "Yes!" "Good, so put your cute, naked ass over my lap so I can spank it hard." She gladly complied with his...

4 years ago
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Mix Up

No matter where I tended to end up for the night, these little rituals kept me grounded, gave me a little bit of homely quality to counteract the tedious sterility of hotel rooms. I set my diary onto the nightstand, put the small pink cushion into the bed and hung up my black original Japanese kimono on the wardrobe. While I did this, I slowly disrobed and took a guilty pleasure in dropping the discarded items of clothing wherever I stood. The city lights were visible through the large glass...

1 year ago
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Meri Pyari Mami Aur Bhabhi 8211 Part I

Hello friends this story is about me(Rohan) and my mami(Rajvi). Well to start with I am 19 presently doing my BBA from a named institute in the southern part of India. Basically im a gujarati but I live in a hostel while my semester and go back to Gujarat for the vacations. Well in college we do get longer vacations twice a year. About my family. there is my dad who is a businessman and mom is housewife and my brother an engineer. Mami in hindi or gujarati means maternal uncles wife. Thus she...

2 years ago
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Salihaz Ke Gad Mari

Hai, I am sandeep singh from chandigarh,My id is Ab mai apni story sonata hu,mene pahele bhee story likhee the ,syad ap logo ko yaad a jai agar nahi padi to search engine mai ja kar , salihaj ko choda likhe mil jaygee. Meri salihaz jiska nam ritu hai. Shimla me suhagrat manna ke bad ,hum dono wapis chandigarh aa gaye Yeha par hum dono milene ka bahane dudhane lage ,shimla ke an eke bad mai dekh raha tha ritu badi he sexy ho gaye thee usko boobs ka size bhee bad gya tha ,bade ga kyo nahi maine...

1 year ago
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Bird of PreyChapter 13

Clyde made sure he recorded everything as Fox-Janner greeted the soft blonde, not with a kiss, but a harsh slap about the face; he then virtually dragged the distressed nymph up the stairs, his cock poking up and lifting the black silk. In the bedroom he ordered her to strip, and with just her panties on, he pulled her down on to her knees by her long blonde hair and thrust his cock into her face. Though not exactly endeared by Fox-Janner's actions, Clyde's balls tingled and his cock...

4 years ago
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my universty friend

Hi, we read the machine at the Mechanical Engineering Department, at the end of the abaxial arm, we read the machine, we know what we know, when you enter big joy, when you enter the junk that sniffs the window, we are not our place, we can not stay in our place because we have young ages, we go to the campus in the nursing department, look at friends in empty classes,I met the girl student who read two nurses and met him and I could not say that he looked like a scene from the same green...

4 years ago
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By Command of Julias InvitationChapter 6

Creed now knew his enslavement was more than permanent, and just the thought of that brought his cock up rigid again as he was led out from the hanging, surrounded by deeply satisfied women whose gleeful chat and urgency in taking their pets to reserved rooms to be dominated made the atmosphere buzz. Having witnessed the erotic termination of a male, his sense of submission to feminity was locked into the depths of his soul, by the unspoken oath that the execution held him to. The...

2 years ago
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Lauren GisalChapter 4

Friday 10th July Lauren woke at 7 o’clock, switched off her alarm and went through her daily routine of preparing for school. Over breakfast, she mentioned the visit to the doctors and said she would be a little late that evening. Her mother fully agreed with the medical program that was available and wished it had been introduced while she was Lauren’s age. School was uneventful that Friday, with the exception of the dinner queue, when Nikki pinched her bottom and grinned mischievously as...

1 year ago
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DaughterSwap Ava Parker Summer Day Bailed Out Of Jail For Fucking My Friends Father8230

Ava Parker and Summer Day had such a fun night that they ended up in jail. We can all relate to that situation. The only problem is they had no idea how they were going to get bailed out of there. Luckily, one of their fathers had a friend in law enforcement who tipped him off. Now he had to go tell the other father too. This did not look like it was going to end well for the girlies. As their fathers arrived, they switched daughters and clearly explained to them that they needed to learn an...

3 years ago
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Gym Lovers Part I

It was a quiet night at the gym. Megan always liked to workout in the evening because the gym was less crowded and she could get more work in. She was standing in front of the mirror doing her dumbbell curls with her 20 pound weights. Another reason she came this late was because she could wear whatever she wanted. She wore her yellow sports bra and her black compression shorts and tennis shoes. As she was looking in the mirror checking herself out, she noticed another girl in the gym doing...

3 years ago
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Trapped With A NerdPt 1

We have all seen them or at one point in our lives have been one. They are at the library, gym, office, school and super market. Maybe I have noticed them because in many ways I'm like them to a point. Any way, I have particularly noticed the female of this social order. You know the one around the office that doesn't know how to dress, keeps to her self, never gets the office joke, never wears make up and if you don't bump into her time after time you wouldn't know she was there. One day I...

Straight Sex
1 year ago
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First time sharing my sub part II

This time it is late, when the two of us come back from the party, our second visit after our session in the cabin.We walk hand in hand, stopping to kiss before we start crossing the yard. Her mouth tastes like lubricant and cum. Mine, this time. I feel myself stir again, despite the two previous orgasms. I am hungry to take her, or to reclaim her, to be more precise. The cabin feels very warm after the cool night air as we enter, and the bag I carried makes a noise as I drop it. We barely...

1 year ago
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Always Finding TroubleChapter 57

Flying from the right seat was not much different than from the left except for the perspective and reversing which hand did what. The plane handled the same and felt the same, just from across the cockpit. On the way out west, John was right back to the quizzes on the G5. Man, I don't think I'll ever fly with him without him teaching the whole way. He was determined to teach me to be a good pilot and teacher. Dave was comfortable enough to make us coffee and fetch water for us. He said he...

2 years ago
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Dianes New Lover

Diane walked through the house passing by the den as she did. A quick glance told her that Glen was absorbed in the football game as usual and would be for at least a couple more hours. They had hardly spoken since their big fight last week which was not that out of the normal anymore. They just didn't make up overnight like they had back in the old days. Now in their 50's the fights could sometimes lead to 2 or 3 weeks of just cordial conversation and no affection at all. She decided tonight...

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The Best Friends Daughter

I look up from my newspapers and our glances meet. Her long, dirty blonde hair brushes the tips of her shoulders. She’s wearing a white blouse that subtly shows the indentation of her small, pert breasts, and a short black dress, which compliments her bum perfectly. In the air is a coconut aroma that is emanating from her milky white skin. Although our glance was brief in definition, it told me more. She was no longer my friends little girl, she had matured into a wonderfully sexy young lady,...

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Billys Introduction to a Sexfilled Weekend

Introduction: This work of fiction is based on a theme suggested by regular reader TexasDave14. The story is completely fiction, although the characteristics of the featured individuals are based upon real people. In 1985 we moved to Charlotte from Raleigh when I took a new job at a civil engineering firm. Connie had been an office manager at an insurance company before we moved, but decided to take the summer off before looking for employment again. However, we were soon to become involved in...

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A young sissy meets his man again

It had been my first time, but it was wonderful. I had an idea of want I wanted and an idea of where to find it. I rode my bike to the Adult Bookstore a few miles from my house and met an older man, who took me for a drive. He was gentle, for the most part, and let me find my way. Letting me explore and pleasure him, letting me exercise the thoughts and lustful desires that overwhelmed me. We agreed to met the same time, the very next week. All week, I thought about him. I thought about my...

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Mere Lund Ki Pyaasi Chikni Choot

Hii Guys…. I’m back with my new incident which is happened in previous month. First of all I would like to thank to my all ISS readers, who reads my previous story “real love making with sister” and appreciate my work. I got many feedbacks for my previous story. I hope you all will like this also. Pichle story k liye mere pass bahut saare logo k messages aaye… ar unme se jo sabse special thi vo thi kashish Sharma. Ussi ki vajh se aaj me apni next story likne jaa raha hu.   Maine aap sabko...

2 years ago
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My First Black Man

Feedback are welcome so are criticisms I’m a 19 yr. old white girl on a geeky side with brunette hair; I’m 5’3 and a little plumb, weigh about 145lbs. But the guys I’ve had sex with always come back for more, yes “this pussy and my mouth is that good”. I once slept with the entire golf team, men and women included. But right now I needed more, since I was in my freshman year in college and my school is predominantly white, the biggest cock I had in me was 9”. On my second day of school I...

2 years ago
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The Youth Trap Chapter 3 How his life went on

For the first time since it all happened, John slept well. It must have been the hike. The dinner with Julie, too. And the plan, of course. It was the kind of plan that makes you wake up with a feeling of expectation. The kind that leaves a rush of excitement. It makes you smile the moment you think of it. That is how you know it is a good plan. It should be followed up. Yesterday he saw Frank. He hadn't seen him in a few months and it made him feel a bit guilty to call him now. But Frank...

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Master PC Hollywood Edition

The e-mail with Master PC traveled through cyber space an incredible pace, absorbing knowledge along the way... and then it settled inside Wendy Carmichael’s e-mail account, took note of the many addresses, and proceeded to duplicate itself before moving on with a brand new mission... A version of Master PC found itself eventually on the computer of one Aidan O’Donnell, a 46 year old man known for most of his life as an asshole. Aidan was one of those men who whined at everything in life and...

3 years ago
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Charmed 1

Disclaimer: This is an erotic story. You must be 18 to read this story, be able to read erotica in your community, and not be offended by the contents of it. If you are not 18, live in an overly repressed community, or are easily offended, move on. This is not for you.This is also a parody and as such is protected under the first amendment. I do not claim to own the characters used herein, I'm just borrowing them for a little while, and there is no intent to use the characters for profit. Any...

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