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Julie looked out the window of the airplane and felt both giddy and nauseous. ‘Am I insane?’ she wondered for the fiftieth time that day. ‘What if he hates me? What if throws me off his verandah? What if he’s indifferent, and doesn’t even care that I’ve come?’ Julie posed one absurd question after another, partly to draw out her unspoken fears, and partly to prepare herself for the worst.

It had been just over a year since she’d last spoken to Aaron, and it still made her wince with pain to remember that evening. Theirs had been a whirlwind romance lasting only six months, but it was more intense than anything she’d ever experienced.

And they had never even laid eyes on each other.

She had met Aaron on the internet a year and a half ago, after stumbling upon some photographs he had posted on his web page. He was a professional photographer, and his pictures were captivating and beautiful, she had been so impressed that she wrote him a brief message, thanking him for posting and saying how much she liked them.

Surprisingly, he had written her back. Then she wrote again. Before the first week had passed, they were chatting back and forth many times a day like old friends, talking and laughing about everything, including sex.

They hadn’t intended to fall in love.

Julie’s thoughts were interrupted by an attendant’s arm leaning across the passengers next to her and offering her the drink she’d ordered. Julie smiled politely and accepted the plastic cup and held it on her lap as she turned her gaze out the window at the blue sky once again.

By all accounts, Julie was what people would describe as ‘together.’ She was an attractive – many people had called her beautiful even – woman of thirty-two with long brown hair, fair skin, blue eyes and an eye-catching figure…full breasts, slim waist and a curve to her hips that, unbeknownst to her, made men want to come up behind her and press their cocks into her smooth, round ass.

But that hadn’t happened to her in a long time.

She had married young, and it had been five years since her painful divorce. She’d given up on ever finding love again, not that she’d been looking. The handful of men brave enough to approach her were nicely but coolly refused. She had secretly vowed to never be in a position to be hurt again like her divorce had done, so she simply refused to even take the risk.

Until eighteen months ago, that is. Even then, she had found herself in love with Aaron before she knew it was happening.

Their long-distance relationship was intimate and intense, more so than she would have thought possible. He was two years older than she was, and they spoke and laughed about anything and everything, she knew what he did every day, knew all about his family and his thoughts, and he knew as much about her.

She also knew what kind of a lover he was, from the countless times they’d made each other orgasm while speaking on the telephone, and sharing fantasies about being together someday, even spending the rest of their lives together.

And then that evening last year ended everything. It was a silly argument, really, and yet it resulted in him making an ultimatum he didn’t quite mean to sound the way it did, her stubbornly refusing to be dictated to, and both of them saying that their relationship wouldn’t work in the long run. That was how it ended.

Julie sipped her white wine and sighed, settling back into her seat as she remembered the last time she had contact with Aaron. She knew they were both simply scared. Scared of being hurt, of being rejected, and that’s why they reacted the way they did sometimes, like a nervous cat ready to skitter away at the slightest fright.

The last year had been difficult and lonely. Outwardly, Julie was pleasant, bright, and laughed almost as much as ever, and was serious about her job as business manager of a large ambulance transport agency. She felt as if she was actually helping the community, and the interaction with patients and family members who had been helped was rewarding.

Inwardly, she still felt like she’d been punched in the stomach.

For weeks, she had been watching the calendar, knowing Aaron’s birthday was approaching and wondering if he still missed her.

She’d daydreamed many times about visiting him in the little town where he lived on the east coast of Canada, studied the community’s web site and had heard him describe the people and places often enough that she felt like she knew and already loved the area.

What wild hair made her actually book the long flight from the west coast state where she resided, she didn’t know, but here she was sipping wine from a plastic cup and nervously wondering what would happen when she knocked on Aaron’s door.

‘What will I say? ‘Happy Birthday, I’m here!’ or should I phone him first?’ Julie had asked herself those questions many times, but still had no answers.

A thought suddenly startled her. ‘What if he’s married? What if he’s living with someone?’ Why hadn’t that occurred to her before? She closed her eyes and felt the wave of nausea flood her.

‘I’m such an idiot. What the hell am I doing?’

Julie swallowed another gulp of her wine and took a deep breath. It was too late to back out now, but at least she decided she had better call him on the telephone first, in case he wasn’t alone.


It was a warm August afternoon and the cool breeze off the bay felt good on Julie’s arms and legs as she stepped out of her rental car the next day in front of Weyville’s one and only Inn, where she had made a reservation. She tried not to look around too noticeably at the surrounding houses, she knew Aaron’s house was less than a block away from the Inn, and she wasn’t ready to see it or him yet, or have him see her either.

She left her luggage but carried her purse and opened the front door into a small, friendly-looking room used as a lobby. A middle-aged woman looked at her from behind the table and smiled.

‘Hi,’ Julie announced with a shy smile. ‘I’m Julie Eldridge. I have a reservation.’

‘Welcome to the Weyville Inn,’ the woman greeted warmly. ‘Oh yes, here it is. You’ve traveled a long way… did you have a nice trip?’

Julie made small talk with Rose, as she discovered her name was, assuring her that her flight was long but uneventful, and when Rose asked what brought her to Weyville, Julie was as evasive as possible without evoking too much curiosity. Julie knew it was probably uncommon to see a woman traveling to a place like this alone, but her natural reserve wouldn’t allow her to mention her true reason for coming.

Besides, what would she say? ‘Uh, well…you see, I met this man on the internet who lives near here, and although we haven’t spoken in a year, I just had to see him, and find out if he still loves and misses me…’ Julie inwardly rolled her eyes at how that would sound. Rose would probably think she was a crazy stalker and call the police. Then she’d have to tell it to the judge. Cripes.

Julie retrieved her belongings and carried her suitcase up the stairs to room number ‘4’ and used the key to open the door. She walked inside and looked around the room, her eyes lighting on the telephone next to the bed. Closing the door, she dropped the case and sat on the bed, staring at the phone. No, not yet. She wasn’t ready to call Aaron yet.

She walked to the window and looked out through the lace curtains and tried to orient herself to where Aaron’s house would be. Maybe she’d be able to see if there were two cars in the driveway, or tell if there were signs of a woman living there, and save them all some embarrassment, but she finally determined that Aaron’s house wasn’t visible from her room, and she returned to her suitcase and began unpacking a few items.

She made short work of hanging up the clothes she’d brought with her, then slipped out of her sundress, p
anties and bra, and turned on the shower.

The hot water poured over her skin, and for a long time Julie just stood there, letting the sensation of the prickly spray on her soft skin calm her. She poured body wash into her palm and began to lather her skin, running her hands methodically over her tanned arms and legs, then her breasts and stomach.

She paused and ran her hands over her breasts again. With her fingers she felt her pert, pink nipples and twisted them gently. As she had done countless times, she imagined Aaron’s lips wrapped around her nipples, sucking and tugging them with his mouth, then burying his face between her tits, kissing her skin while he massaged her more-than-a-handful breasts.

Filling her palm with more soap, she lathered between her thighs, closing her eyes and feeling every fold, running her fingers over her labia and down the crack toward her little pucker. So often she had dreamed about Aaron’s cock fucking her pussy and then drawing out and entering her ass slowly.

She didn’t want to make herself come right then, even though she was horny as hell. She wanted to savor the desire, and keep it with her. She sighed and opened her eyes. She felt the little stubble with her fingers and decided to shave again around her vulva, and then her legs and underarms, while she was at it.

As she carefully ran the razor over her sensitive skin, she wondered. Would there finally be another pair of hands feeling her glistening smoothness? Is it possible that Aaron would still want her?


An hour later, Julie had her robe on and was sitting on the bed with Aaron’s phone number in her hand. ‘It’s time,’ she told herself. She took a deep breath and picked up the handset. She had been debating with herself about what she should say, how she should sound, and generally building up the courage to punch in those numbers. Finally she did it.

One ring. Then a second. ‘Fuck. Maybe he’s not home. That would be a little anticlimactic, wouldn’t it?’ Julie wryly joked to herself. On the third ring, someone picked up the phone and a man’s voice said, ‘Hello?’

Julie swallowed. It was Aaron. Oh dammit! Julie had a brief moment of panic, but took a breath and replied, ‘Aaron? This is Julie.’

There was silence, then Aaron muttered, ‘Oh my god…Julie.’

Julie felt tears rise to the surface of her eyes, but forced them to remain at bay until she said what she needed to say. She could cry later.

‘Aaron, listen to me, and don’t say anything, please. I’m…I’m at the Inn across the street right now. It was probably a stupid thing to do, but I did it, and I’m here, and I don’t expect you to want to see me, but I had to come, I don’t even know why, except I miss you.’

Julie paused for air and to mentally kick herself for sounding like such a gushing fool. There was still silence on the other end of the telephone, so she continued talking.

‘I want you to think about it, Aaron. If you want to see me, I’ll be here in room Four until tomorrow. Think about it and call me back if you do. If not, I’ll understand. I’ll leave and I won’t bother you again, I promise.’

Another breath. Another mental kick. She was going to get awfully hungry if she just promised to stay in her room until tomorrow.

‘I…I hope to talk to you later. Bye.’

Julie face grimaced with pain as she placed the receiver down. Fuck! That might have been the only chance she would ever have to talk to Aaron and she didn’t even let him say a word. But she knew him well enough to know that he would need time to think after such a shock as her turning up practically next door.

Now she could only wait.

She allowed the tears that had welled up in her eyes escape down her cheeks, then she brushed them away and stood up.

She slipped the robe off her shoulders and hung it from a hook on the bathroom door. She looked at her naked form in the full length mirror on the wall. She had to admit, she didn’t look bad. She didn’t spend much time thinking about her naked body, but she did work out, and could see the result of that effort in the long curves of her calves and thighs, and her breasts that were still firm above her smooth stomach.

Julie walked to the bureau and opened the top drawer where she had put away her underclothes. Selecting a pretty white bra with lace trim and matching panties, she put them on and looked over her simple wardrobe hanging in the closet.

Settling on a pink sleeveless summer dress, she finished dressing, brushed her hair, and then picked up the book of poetry she’d packed and curled up in a comfortable chair by the window.

She began reading half-heartedly, trying only to take her mind off what was happening a few houses away. Soon however, she was interested in Byron’s sentimental observations of the Rhine and was surprised to look up to find almost two hours had passed.

Her heart began to sink. Would she sit here all evening and then just get in her car tomorrow and go?

‘Well, what did you expect?’ Julie pondered as she stared out the window from her chair. ‘Did you think he was going to call right back?’ She looked down and realized that yes, at least that’s what she had hoped. She needed to prepare herself for the possibility that he wasn’t going to call back at all.

She closed her eyes and rested her head back on the chair.


Julie woke with a start an hour later by a knock on the door. Her book fell to the floor and she was disoriented for a few seconds. There it was, another knock. Blinking the sleepiness from her eyes, she ran to the door and opened it.

Aaron was standing in the hallway in front of her, a little grin on his face, and she couldn’t even speak.

They had exchanged photographs of each other, and they had talked about what it would be like to actually see each other for the first time. All those conversations and daydreams were running through her mind, but still no words were coming.

Aaron stepped toward her, closing the door behind him, and put his hands on her shoulders.

‘It’s good to see you, Julie,’ he spoke quietly, his blue eyes never leaving hers.

Aaron looked exactly as she’d imagined from his photos and descriptions. Dark hair, deep blue eyes…and that familiar voice that she loved.

‘Hi Aaron,’ Julie managed a smile, still watching his face for any clue of what he was feeling.

Aaron’s arms pulled Julie toward him and then wrapped around her back. She buried her face in his neck and hugged him tightly. They stood like that for a full minute, neither of them saying a word. Finally Aaron moved his hands back to Julie’s shoulders and spoke.

‘I would have come sooner but I needed to take a shower and pick up the house a little.’

Julie laughed out of sheer relief, and so did Aaron. Then she was touched by the sweetness of him wanting to clean his house before she saw it, and without thinking, leaned her face toward his.

Their first kiss began tentatively, each of them wanting to remember exactly what this felt like, savoring the warm breath of the other, the feel of soft lips pressing against their own. The next kisses were firmer, more insistent, tongues slowly sliding between lips to search each other out.

They stood there kissing again and again, Julie’s hands wrapped around Aaron’s neck and head, and Aaron’s hands stroking her back. Julie moaned softly when Aaron’s left hand moved to cup her breast from the side, and she pressed her hips against his, feeling for the first time his hard cock trapped inside his pants.

‘You’re not….with anyone?’ Julie had to ask before they went further.

Aaron dropped his hands to her waist and kept her close. Looking seriously into her face, he answered, ‘No. I’m not.’ With a small sigh he looked down and said quietly, ‘There hasn’t been anyone since you.’

Julie watched him as he spoke, and her heart was bot
h aching for the hurt he felt, and overflowing with the fact that he might still want her.

‘You?’ he asked, without looking up.

‘Oh Aaron,’ Julie began, wondering how she could possibly convey what she was feeling. ‘No, I haven’t been with anyone. And I’m sorry for the way it ended a year ago. I think we were both scared, maybe…it was all so intense, talking about leaving my job and family to move so far away. I never stopped loving you.’

Julie’s voice began to fail her. Aaron raised a hand and rested it beneath Julie’s chin, lifting her face so she would look him in the eyes as he spoke.

‘I never stopped loving you either.’ He lowered his face to kiss away the single tear that slid down Julie’s cheek, and then their lips met again, the salty wetness tasted by them both.

Their passion seemed to be unleashed with that kiss, which rapidly deepened. Aaron’s hand moved back up to Julie’s breast and squeezed, running his thumb across the hard little nipple.

‘God, I love your tits…I’ve dreamed about feeling them and sucking on them,’ he whispered.

‘So have I,’ Julie gasped, her head thrown back as Aaron began trailing kisses down her neck.

He guided her backwards until she was laying the bed and he lowered himself on top of her, continuing the soft, slow kisses over her chest. He slid his hand underneath the top of her low-cut dress and felt the smooth swell of her breast and then her nipple. He pinched it a little and Julie moaned again.

Aaron’s arousal was evident, and poking into Julie’s leg. She’d dreamed of this day for so long, of having his body pressed against her, touching his skin, tasting him. She’d waited a year and a half, and was growing impatient now that he was within reach.

She tugged on his pullover, and Aaron raised his arms enough to allow her to lift it over his head, it went flying. Aaron wasted no time reaching under the hem of her dress and bringing it up her body and off.

He stopped and looked at her in her white bra and little panties. ‘God, you’re…you’re so beautiful, Julie. Are you sure this is what you want?’ He searched her face as he asked, both of them already breathing hard with excitement.

‘Aaron, yes. Yes, I’m absolutely sure this is what I want. You are what I want. I am absolutely, positively sure,’ Julie replied fervently, so as to leave no doubt in Aaron’s mind.

Aaron’s intense expression relaxed and a small grin replaced it. ‘Well then…if you’re sure…’ he teased, resuming his exploration of her skin, kissing her stomach while Julie shivered with anticipation.

He slid her panties off her legs and positioned himself between them, just looking at the loveliness…the smooth outer lips already moistened by her arousal, the tuft of brown hair above where her vulva began. His fingers, with the care and precision of a doctor giving an examination, spread the outer lips apart and he lowered his face, first taking a deep breath, then drawing his tongue all the way up one side of her opening, then again all the way up the other side.

‘Oh my god…Aaron…’ Julie fought to hold still, her body still shaking from the sensation. Aaron licked again, up one side, then the other, each time a little closer to home, and finally licking exactly up the center of her slit, ending with his tongue circling her little bud, still encased in soft flesh, but so sensitive.

Julie was squirming, making little unintelligible noises the whole time Aaron was offering his ministrations to her womanhood, and she could only groan as he worked her clit around with his tongue, then his lips. One of Aaron’s fingers wiggled at the entrance to her vagina and slipped easily in.

Aaron groaned himself when he felt how wet and warm Julie was. He couldn’t stop thinking how his cock would feel dipping deep into that juicy hole. But he could lick Julie’s pussy for hours. God, he loved pussy, especially this one. It had been a long time for him too, since he’d taken advantage of the opportunity, so he wasn’t in any hurry.

He slowly wiggled his finger, rubbing the wall of her pussy, tickling her g-spot and sucking her clit. Julie’s pussy was dripping down Aaron’s chin, even dribbling down on his neck. His saliva mixed with her juice and it was a glorious, wet garden of pleasure between her thighs, at least to Aaron’s thinking.

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Aly's dad rarely took chances when it came to his online life. He only looked at porn or entered chat rooms when no one else was home, he kept several completely private emails, and he rarely accessed them unless he was sure he was alone. But he was caught by surprise after he returned early from watching his daughter compete in the Olympics in Women's Gymnastics. He was unaware that Aly had caught a different flight home than her mother, nor that a car had been arranged to pick up Aly from...

2 years ago
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Haridwar To Hyderabad For Sex

Hi, I’m Kushal again. I’m 24 years old and this is the story of how I’ve fucked a 21-year-old girl from Haridwar. I was going through all my conversations on kik and found one contact named Riya Singh. I messaged her and slept for the night. The next morning as I woke up I had a reply from her saying, “Do you still remember me?” To be honest I had been sexting with quite a lot of women. I don’t have a track of all their names. So I introduced to her afresh and told her I was Kushal from...

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Market ForcesChapter 22 Ready For My Close Up Mr Demille

In her Prep Centre cell, Rachel was in a pretty sorry state. The guards and anyone else that felt like it had taken the opportunity presented by the "available" sign on her cell door. Someone had started chalking five bar gate counts on the wall by the door. It had reached twenty eight. As I got to her room, the Prep Centre's receptionist was emerging with a smile, clutching a strap-on dildo and a harness. "Hi, Larry," she said, "back again?" as she ticked off another stroke on the...

3 years ago
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Stripping For A Living

While I'm waiting for more of your stories to come in, I went back to my files and found a mail I had received from one of my regular's reader's who had told me some details about her early life. At the time it was just a very interesting mail. I wrote to her and asked if I could write about her and could she send me some more details. "Hey slut, why don't you get off you fat arse and get a job?" my father yelled. His words stung me for I was the only one doing anything around this...

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Nicoles Prison

We laid on Nicole’s couch all the time. Well, she would lay down and prop her feet or head on my lap. Tonight it was her feet. We would just watch movies and talk, sitting in her single wide, out of shape, white trash trailer. Her couch was comfortable though, and we had nothing better to do, so we’d just hang out on it, going through endless movies, stories, and conversations. Those were good times. She was a lovely girl. She had long reddish-blond hair thats was slightly curly at the ends....

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my wife the porn star

I was a thirty year old man that had ED which was cured not by taking little blue pill, or, visiting doctors, but rather watching my wife being screwed by a foreign exchange students. I was thirty and having male issues, to be blunt, I could not obtain an erection. I went to my doctor and he gave me the blue pills. They did not work so he suggested that I go to a urologist.. The urologist ran all kinds of test and they came back negative. He said that sometimes it is a psychological issue....

1 year ago
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A Boy No More

100% fiction! Young 18yo Marcus had rekindled the fires of passion long ago banked within me. He lay on the bed, his inexperienced manhood desperately attempting to break out of the imprisoning trousers, but Marcus was afraid to do anything about it. Still sitting atop him, I could sense a struggle building within him. There were things he wanted to do; things he needed to do, but he had not a clue as to what or how. I decided it was time to help him, to give him his next experience, his next...

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Hello all my friends ( iss readers) , i am ajay from kerala. Today i am writing my 2nd story for you people.this is a real life incident of mine happened 12 years back. I am rounding the curve, almost home. It has been a long day at work and i am ready to get home. My husband, raja, is out of town on business. It will be a peaceful evening so i can just sit around and relax. As i pull into the driveway, i see naveen next door playing with his dog in his front yard. Naveen, 20, grew up, i have...

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Farmers Daughter Parts 3 4

Part 3 - The Third Hole After inundating her womb with a copious load of semen, I tied my sweet daughter face down on her bed, her arms and legs bound to the bed-posts. She wouldn't stop crying and shouting so I had to put more duct tape over her pouty lips to keep her quiet. Her pert asscheeks jiggled from her useless struggles against the restraints. I stared at Elizabeth's petite, helpless body, transfixed by the puckered hole nestled between those supple, peach-fuzzed cheeks. My...

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Oh DaddyChapter 3 My words to Daddy

As I lay there in daddy's arms, listening to the beating of his heart, I recall the way momma hurt him last year. I hate her now, no one should hurt anyone the way she did, and I hope I never see her again. I'm glad I was to help daddy feel better. He doesn't know it, but I have wanted to have sex with him for a long time. I don't tell anyone else my ideas, except my closest friend, because daddy said they just wouldn't understand. I just smirk when he says that and confess, "I don't...

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The student becomes the master part 2

The Student Becomes the Master Part 2 For those of you that read the first part (which is highly recommended to understand what happens next), let us recall how the last part ended. My hot teacher had made me stay behind class after I had been misbehaving, and after a bit of small talk, I screwed her fucking brains out on the desk. After I had busted my nut in her tight little pussy, we got all our clothes back on to try and disguise what had actually happened during the ‘detention’, and were...

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Being a Jock

It all started after the game, we just lost and we were all pissed and just needed to blow off some steam. I was real mad and just wanted to get outta there. Some of my buddies wanted to go to get a drink so we got dressed and went. We got to a bar and had a couple of drinks and boy, was I feeling much more relaxed. This hot waitress who served us was giving me the eye and flirting with me a lot. She had this short skirt which showed her thighs, she had this low cut shirt which shoed her...

4 years ago
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Allys Travels

Ally sat in one of the airports many cafes eating a cinnamon bun and browsing the internet. As she finished the cinnamon bun, a handsome man, sits at her table. ‘Hey sexy.’ ‘Darrell Turner? From Tremor High?’ ‘That’s me babe.’ ‘Oh my God! How you been?’ ‘Life’s been good in certain aspects.’ ‘Wow, so how’s your sex life been?’ ‘Damn, Ally after having sex with you in the janitor’s closet on prom night, I can’t find any other woman that knows how to give me the pleasure you did.’ ‘Awww… I’m...

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Midlife FalloutChapter 2

The following days were terrific. My mood was flying high. Blake’s hugs of greeting kept getting longer and stronger. It wasn’t long until the hugs included a kiss on the cheek. Saturday that same week, Blake spent the day with me. We talked, we walked to the Chowder House, strolled the beach, sat on the sand and watched the water, and just enjoyed the day. As we returned to my condo, our conversation took an interesting turn. “Steve, do you attend church?” “I used to, but I haven’t looked...

2 years ago
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Now I am decided to stay in hostel because now I'm turned into lesbo. In hostel I got a room with three beds so I have to share with two other girls, out of the two girls one girl is new like me and another girl is our senior. I was very tired with the journey, and very uncomfortable as it's a new place, I washed my face and started changing my dress to nightie, and I absorb that the senior girl Sangeeta is looking very curiously at me, and smiling. I fell shy, let me tell I'm a beautiful girl...

1 year ago
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Morning Fuck with Julia

One morning after we returned from all our trips to see the family, Ben and I woke up in the mood for some hot raunchy sex. It'd been too stressful in the last few weeks! As we lay in bed, our doorbell rang so Ben went to answer it, to find our neighbor Julia, an exotic dancer by night (I prefer the term stripper :D) at our door. "It's Julia!" Ben said, "She came to eat you!!" Julia bounced into our bedroom where I still was, sat next to me and we proceeded to catch up on the events in our...

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The Kitchen Sink

Personal copies for non commercial use granted. All other rights retained. ......AND THE KITCHEN SINK By Nanomage. Marvin Lester threw the letter on the ground and stomped on it. "Emotionally unfit!" he raged, "Mentally unballanced!" he twisted his foot on the papers. "Take early retirement or be dismissed! I'll show those bastards! After me there will be a whole new meaning to the words 'Going Postal' " The words rang out in the empty Postal Substation. Soon the...

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Retribution Part 5

  Zoe continued to be quite the disciplinarian whilst my wife Susie was away, and I was spanked regularly together with Jeff, and now also 21-year-old Hannah. We would each have to go bare bottomed across my daughter’s lap to be spanked by her very firm hand and then with the strap, and occasionally with the dreaded cane. It was something to hear three adults gasping and crying as my daughter Zoe soundly spanked each of us in turn, the other two watching, either glad our own punishment was...

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The Best Night Of My Life The Sequel

The Best Night of My Life - The Sequel "The Best Night of My Life" ended with Robin's graduation from high school: Every year near graduation time the Senior class puts on the Senior Class Play. I had helped out before but mostly backstage stuff - painting the scenery, helping the other girls with their makeup, sewing costumes and things like that. But this year I decided to go all out and tryout for an acting part. This year the school decided to put on "West Side Story." Now the...

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My Crazy But Arousing Boss

"Fuck, I just want to pull my hair out, I'm so sick of filling this shit out." I glanced at the clock. "Two more hours, shit." "Two more wonderful hours you mean, right?" she asked, strolling towards my desk. My eyes moved to her six foot figure and a smile appeared on my face. I looked right at the crack located only a few inches south of her chin as her white button up blouse failed to leave anything to my imagination. Some of her long and straight blonde hair came down onto her tits, but I...

Office Sex
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First time pissed on

The wife and I were at a Caribbean resort for the week. They had an au natural beach that was separate from the rest of the resort. On that beach was a little tower. On the first level was the bathroom, and if you went up the steps, there was a small lookout area that had great views of the ocean. The spot for people to stand was very small, but two people could certainly fit. The wife and I had been sunbathing naked for a while, and drinking plenty of Red Stripe beers while we did. We decided...

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Chriss hard Choices Index1

Chris was a strapping young man having just turned 19, a 'two sports' star in high school; he had a scholarship to play tailback at the University of Alabama. He had the world where he wanted it, or so he thought. The most beautiful girl in school was his girlfriend; she was the head cheerleader and valedictorian of her class. They had been inseparable since junior high. If you ever saw one of them, the other was sure to be close.With only two days until graduation, Chris and some of his...

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My Anal sex fantasy got fulfiled Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

I am Samantha and this is the story of that one incident which fulfilled my anal sex fantasy finally. This was during my trip to Florida with my college gang. We were a group of 16 people. Not all of us were first-hand acquainted and were there because of common friends. We had booked a hostel for us all where one dormitory was shared by 16 of us. Sneaking into each other’s bed was not uncommon for the lovebirds in the group but rather awkward for the singles. This was one such day when I got...

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Girlish DelightsChapter 10 Entertainment

"Do you have to stand there?" she asked but there was no response from either of them. The idea had crossed her mind to tease them. She soon dropped the idea, but sitting alone in the dark, she wondered what she was doing here at all. Then a thought crossed her mind if she had this much power she would enjoy some of it. She pulled the bell cord that hung by her bed and almost as soon as she had, the door opened and in walked an Asian woman, her black silky hair silhouetting her rounded...

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When I Became His Bitch

Throughout my life I had always like wearing stockings and pantyhose while I jacked off. I loved seeing women in them and loved watching them fuck in them. I was fortunate enough to date a very, very hot slut for a few years that enjoyed wearing them too. From a sex perspective, she was a porno slut in real life. But I had never thought about really being with a guy. The most I had done was eat a guy's cum from Kate's cunt and one time I licked her while that guy was fucking her and...

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Never growing tired of her

This true story is about my ongoing love affair my own wife. By way of explanation, we spend long periods apart for professional reasons, and always have done since we were married. To add to the everlasting novelty of our love making, I have never seen her naked in full light or undress in that indifferent way that married couples do in front of one another once the honeymoon is over. Similarly, she has always allocated me personal privacy. We never discussed the matter. It just happened that...

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My Amazing Mason 4

I never had to ask him for permission to hang out with my girls at all. I did ask him once and he got kinda mad at me and said that he wasn't like the other guys in the order, and for me to stop asking him. That just made me want to spend more time with him while we courted, and I did. If I wanted to hang with my girls, I would just have to let him know that that's what I was going to do, and he never got mad at me for it. He didn't blow my phone up like my ex did before we got married, he...

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The Roommate pt2

His wide, rough tongue flicked up, then down, and then swirled all around my virgin butt. I was in the mood for anything. I loved it when he ran the tip of his tongue up my crack and then back down again. He grabbed my legs along the back of my knees and pushed, signaling for me to get on all fours. I did. He got on his back and my dick dropped into his mouth. I lowered myselft into his throat and he gagged. I pulled up and whent back down again. I was fucking his face and I was enjoying...

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My new stepsister

Editors note: hi I'm doing this on a iPod so sorry about grammar :/Hi my names Alex, I'm 16, 5ft 10, brown hair and brow eyes, well build a QB for my high school. I've just been adopted in to a new house as my mum died at birth and my dad died in a movie ascendance. I don't know a lot about my mum as I never saw here, but my dad was my life to me. He was a movie actor in many big Hollywood films. When he died on 3/2/2011 I got his riches but that means nothing to me. Now I'm just on a plane to...

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Bag Lady Popsicle

Chapter 1 Friday 22 December 2000 was a bitterly cold morning. The bag lady clutched her cheap bottle of whisky tighter in her cold chapped hands, afraid that the numbness would cause her to drop the bottle and lose the meagre happiness and relief it brought to her meaningless existence. She needed something to combat the cold ache in her bones. 'Christmas spirit' she thought to herself and cackled loudly, which soon turned into a coughing fit, drawing disgusted stares from the multitude...

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School Teacher Merlin 8211 Part 5

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil Merlin teacehrin kama kathaiyin thodarchiyai ungalidam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, Merlin ennai nalai aval veetirku vara soli irunthaal en manathil aval meethu oru santhegam irunthathu. En nanban soliyathu pola ival ennai kuthiyai naka matum thaan use seithukolgiraala endru oru thayakam irunthathu. Sari nalai ena thaan nadakirathu endru paarkalam endru andru iravu thunginen, ithu naal varai Merlinai paarka sendraal manathil patam pochu parakum...

3 years ago
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The Christmas Party

THE CHRISTMAS PARTY Contrary to popular belief, all minister’s wives aren’t prudes. Take me, you could to if you were here with me right now because I’m sitting here naked with my pussy craving to be filled with your big cock. I love sex but it’s the one thing that I never get at home anymore. My Man Of The Cloth firmly believes that God meant sex for procreation purpose only and any sex that doesn’t have a chance of producing new life is a sin. In his eyes, even masturbation was a sin...

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ComrieChapter 64

Sarah's Clan was just getting ready to turn in when Muireann in Intelligence said to them, "We need to discuss a developing situation with you all." "What's up?" "Those three satellites we've been tracking have made some odd changes to their orbital parameters in the last 24 hours." "What do you mean by odd?" "These are supposed to be communication satellites. They are still in essentially a transfer orbit, but with a 48000 km maximum and an 8000 km minimum. Normally they...

4 years ago
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My First Short Love Story

Hello friends. I am Johny Ahuja. Age 23,height 5’11”, build average, with five and a half inches of penis. I am student of engineering final year. Here is my first sex experience that I am going to share with you. Hope you people like it. It was Monday 12 noon when my phone rang and I woke up. It was my classmate calling from college. After giving excuses for not attending the classes I ended my conversation. Then I shouted the names of my roommates and soon realized that I was alone at home....

3 years ago
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Chat Room Lovers Ch 1

Chapter 1 I met him online, Through a mutual friend in a Christian chat room of all places. Imagine meeting a guy who your sexually interested in, from a chat room of that caliber. Its quite amazing to me still I think. We had talked on the phone, chatted together many long hours. Finally we were to meet. There would be no computer screen between us now. Only the intense fact of being ‘together.’ For someone who has been through the things I have been through, this was a rather difficult...

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