A Religious Experience free porn video

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We sat on the deserted beach staring at the setting sun behind the most beautiful pink and orange clouds behind a cobalt-blue sky. The waves gently lapped against the shore and soothed any hint of tension away. I held Jenny, my wife of 25 years in my arms and felt her warmth against me. We came here for our anniversary to explore new frontiers of our love for each other. She smelled so good. Like a fresh rain or a clean breeze. She turned her head to kiss me sweetly and our lips met softly. A tingle went through my body as she pressed her breasts against me and inserted her tongue into my mouth and sucked my tongue lovingly. After all these years and four children later, she could still send shivers down my spine and into my cock. She kept her figure well and stayed in shape by regular exercise.

‘I want you,’ she said as she gently squeezed my cock, ‘just like on our wedding night.’ She slowly undressed me taking off my bathing trunks and lowered her mouth onto my penis. Her tongue beat a gentle rhythm until I was rock hard. Then she removed her bikini top and squeezed her breasts pinching the nipples until they were also hard and pressed one, then the other to my lips and tongue. I sucked gently on them as she moaned softly. Finally she turned her back to me and slipped off her bottom to reveal her firm behind. She spread her asscheeks apart and fingered her vagina and then her asshole. Jenny then took her fingers and spread her asshole wide open and said, ‘This is for you, my love.’ I dove forward to her ass and started licking her asshole as she moaned and pushed back against my tongue. My mind raced back to that night. Indeed it’s indelibly burned into my mind. She gave me one of the most intense experiences of my life then. I almost shudder to think at one time I could have lost her.

I was an average teenager but raised in a strict household. I didn’t usually get into trouble, but I could be mischievous. But a religious experience changed me then. I became a ‘born again’ Christian at about 15 when I heard about heaven and hell during a sermon at a friend’s church. I was told Jesus was the only way according to the Bible. The guy at the football games who held up the ‘John 3:16’ sign caused me to look it up, and sure enough, that what it said. Well, I didn’t want to go to hell so I got what they call ‘fire insurance’ and gave my life to Christ.

Well, the raging hormones of a teenager made it difficult to remain a virgin and a good Christian. Anyway, as I was finding out, many of my ‘Christian brothers’ were porking their girlfriends on the side despite their profession of faith. I probably would have done the same if given the opportunity, but I couldn’t find a girl. So, I went along jerking off, first to some of my Dad’s Playboy magazines, and later porno novels he had hidden. He even had some movies on grainy black and white 16mm that I secretly masturbated to. I felt guilty every time I did this because I was serious about my faith, but my hormones usually won out.

Then at a Christian retreat, I met Jenny. She was he most incredible girl I ever met. Jenny was a smaller girl, maybe 5′ 2′, 100 pounds. She had chin-length, straight blonde hair and piercing blue eyes. She also had a warm smile that made you feel happy just looking at her. From what I could tell, she had a nice body, too. She was very athletic and was better than most guys at baseball, football, or just about any sport you could name. She was also very smart and was an honor student as well. But most of all she had a good heart. She was kind to the most unlikable stranger and would stay behind to help someone in need when everyone else would run off to have a good time.

I guess it came from her faith because she really lived it. I never thought I would have a chance with her. She could have had any guy she chose. But for some unknown reason only God knows, she seemed to like me. As time went on our friendship grew into love and my hormones kicked in. Many times when we were alone, I started the usual petting that most couples do. Jenny would let me hold her and even kiss her a little. But when I tried to go further, she would stop me. Once I ‘accidentally’ fondled her breast during an embrace and she gently scolded me.

She said, ‘Darling, I do love you, but I want to give the man I marry the gift of my virginity on our wedding night.’ She would often tell her girlfriends that were sexually experienced, ‘Any day I want I can be like you. But you can NEVER be like me.’ Jenny knew I was a virgin, too up to this point and was one of the reasons she liked me. However my passions of youth made me want to fuck anything or anybody when I was aroused. But I never got the opportunity. Maybe God was keeping it from me because every time I might have got the chance, something interrupted. Anyway, I did love Jenny and hoped that someday I could marry her. We seemed to know each other like friends as well as potential lovers. She always knew my thoughts and needs, except one.

My need for sexual release became more intense as time went on and despite my persistence, Jenny would not let me fuck her. So I turned to porn to help satisfy my urge. First I went to a few porn theaters, but the clientele there was sometimes scary. To my relief as videotape became more popular, I was able to acquire more and more of a porn collection. I liked straight sex initially, but then got into oral, then anal sex. I didn’t like bondage, gay or lesbian stuff. My collection grew quite large as my lust continually needed to be satisfied. I did feel guilty about it as my Christian beliefs went against this. However I convinced myself that at least I wasn’t hurting any one else and staying a virgin for Jenny. Obviously I could never tell her about it.

Finally one day I proposed to Jenny and she joyfully accepted. We set the wedding date and made plans for our new home, an apartment near the graduate school I was studying. During that time, she came over to visit the apartment and wanted to watch a movie together. She brought out a tape she rented, ‘When Harry Met Sally.’ When she went to put the tape in the VCR there was a tape already in it.

She said, ‘What’s this?’ and pressed the PLAY button. Suddenly I went into a panic. I remembered I left one of my porno tapes in there during a jerk off session I had prior to her arrival. I sometimes did this so I wasn’t so horny when she was around. The tape came on in mid cycle showing a man fucking a beautiful young girl in the ass. His cock was at least 10 inches and he was plunging it into her wide open asshole. Jenny stared at the screen for what seemed to be an eternity. Her back was to me, so I couldn’t see the expression on her face. She turned off the VCR and turned around to face me.

Her deep blue eyes were welled up in tears and she looked at me with a look of profound hurt and sadness. I pleaded, ‘Jenny, I’m sorry. Please forgive me!’ I was in a panic, my heart and body was shaking in a intense agitation. I wondered if she would call the wedding off. I tried to embrace her but she stiffened and pushed me away.

‘Please, Jenny let me explain. Please talk to me!’ I said. She said nothing but quickly stormed out of the apartment, slamming the door as she left. I spent the next few hours crying and sobbing over losing the girl of my dreams, my soulmate forever. Waves of shaking and uncontrollable despair swept through me. I felt as if my life was ruined and over. I prayed that God would find a way and asked Him to let Jenny forgive me. I tried to call her numerous times, but all I got was her answering machine. Finally after a sleepless night, a knock on my door woke me up. I opened the door and there stood Jenny also looking like she didn’t sleep either.

She came in and said, ‘We need to talk.’

I said, ‘Jenny, If you’ll forgive me, I’ll never watch pornography again.’

‘Why did you have that tape?’ she said. I explained that I had a need for sexual release and I wanted to stay a virgin for her.
‘But you know that Jesus said that even lusting was a sin,’ she said. ‘I know,’ I confessed, ‘But sometimes the spirit is willing but the flesh is weak.’

‘How many tapes do you have?’ Jenny asked.

I sighed and said, ‘Quite a lot, I’m really sorry.’

‘I spent all night crying and praying and wondering what to do. I really do love you deeply but I didn’t know this part of you. I wondered if our marriage was a mistake,’ she sobbed. ‘Jenny, I don’t know what to say but please try to give me another chance, I really love you, too. I would do anything for you, even die for you,’ I pleaded. She melted into my arms and sobbed uncontrollably as I did the same. We both collapsed to our knees onto the floor, holding each other in a tearful embrace. After our tears were spent, she wiped her angelic blue eyes and said to me, ‘Do you promise never to watch those tapes again?’

I eagerly replied, ‘Never again, honey. I promise.’ She got up and said, ‘Would you give them to me to get rid of them?’

‘Of course, I’ll get them right now.’ I got up and went to my hiding place for the tapes and collected every single one. It filled nearly one big box holding about 50 tapes with every possible sexual activity a man and woman could think of. I almost feared Jenny would get mad again when she saw the volume of porn I had, but she took the box and left. However my fears were stilled when she kissed me before she got into her car and drove off.

The next few days and weeks were somewhat uncertain in our relationship as I tried to read how Jenny was feeling. For a while she seemed strangely distant as she was thinking deeply about something. But after a while she became more like herself and was laughing and joking with me like she always did. Her kisses even seemed more passionate than before, but she still didn’t let me go any further than that. I didn’t want to, either. I learned my lesson. I loved Jenny more than anything else in this world and I didn’t want to jeopardize that. I never watched porn again and I stayed away from situations that came near it. My bachelor party was even pretty tame as my buddies and I went out to dinner and then a baseball game to celebrate. My only embarrassment was that they made me dress up in a white Elvis costume and wig .

Our wedding day finally came and Jenny was beautiful. She looked like an angel with her beautiful white gown (that she made herself) and the radiant smile she couldn’t get off her face. I went through all the motions as most grooms do. Pictures, family, reception, toasts, etc were tedious but traditional. All I could think of, of course, was getting to make love to Jenny. My cock was in a constant state of flux. Every time I looked at her, a mixture of intense love combined with lust went through me. I had to hide my erection several times from family and the photographer. Jenny would occasionally flash a glance at me with love, but also a hint of something mysterious, like she was hiding a secret or a surprise.

After all the hoopla, Jenny and I were able to be alone. The hotel where we had the reception ‘gave’ us the bridal suite for the night as part of the package. My heart was pounding as I carried my bride over the threshold for the first time. I laid her onto the bed and passionately kissed her. She threw her hands around my head in a tight embrace and inserted her tongue into my mouth trying to suck the life out of me. We separated and she said, ‘Let me get ready for you, darling.’

She went to the large bathroom with a small case and closed the door. ‘Don’t go away!’ she giggled before she shut the door. After what seemed like an eternity to me, she came out. My breath almost left me as I beheld the vision of my new wife. She was ‘almost’ wearing a sheer black see-through peignoir with matching black panties. Her honey colored shoulder length hair cascaded sexily across her piercing blue eyes. Her breasts protruded against the sheer fabric with the nipples firmly creasing her nightgown. Her long, athletic but feminine legs stood starkly in contrast to the black peignoir. The blonde triangle of her vagina could clearly be seen beneath the transparent fabric.

She came over to the bed where I was still dressed and leaned over to French kiss me passionately. She brought my hand to her left breast and pressed against it. I swear I could feel her little heart beating away. We were still for a while, enjoying the contact and eroticism of the moment. Smiling, she turned around. I watched, amazed, as she began to pinch her nipples beneath the gown until they were firm and tense. She turned around and bent forward, slowly removing her panties exposing her round but firm athletic bottom.

She took her small delicate hands and spread her asscheeks wide apart and said, ‘This is for you, my darling.’ She looked at me with love and submission. But there was also a sly smile of mischievousness as she moaned, ‘I want you to do everything you saw in those tapes to me. Fuck me every possible way you can.’

I was dumbfounded. ‘You mean you watched ALL those tapes?’

‘Yes, ALL of them’ she said, ‘I wanted to know what you watched and what turned you on. I didn’t understand why guys liked sex so much so I wanted to see what kinds of things they liked. At first I was disgusted but as I watched, I slowly started to get a little aroused myself. They seemed to be enjoying it at least.’

‘So what do you think?’ I said.

Jenny replied, ‘I asked some of my girlfriends what they thought and they said it was common for most of their boyfriends to watch porn. Most of them even had had sex with them and other girls as well. They thought it was remarkable that both of us were still virgins.’

‘I only did it because I love you so much,’ I said.

She squeezed my hand, ‘I know, sweetheart, I realized that you were not perfect, but still special. I was confused for awhile, and even wanted to call off the wedding. I did a lot of praying and asked God what to do. And I searched the scriptures. But while reading the Bible, I came across Proverbs 5:18-19 which said ‘Rejoice in the wife of your youth as a loving hind or a graceful doe. Let her breasts satisfy you always and be thou ravished with her love.’ I couldn’t find any scripture that went against sex or lust as long as it remained between husband and wife. In fact, the Song of Solomon (Song of Songs) is one long poem about lust and lovemaking. And a verse in Ephesians 5:22 tells a wife to be submissive to her husband.

‘I came to the conclusion that there isn’t anything wrong with sex, any sex, and lust as long as a husband and wife commit to each other, love each other, and stay faithful to each other. I love you with all my heart and want to be submissive to you, darling. And if sex is one of the ways that makes you happy, I will let you do anything you want to me to keep you from wanting anything or anybody else. I give myself to you totally, darling, as the most precious gift that I can give,’ Jenny said. ‘Take me and love me as you wish!’ I almost cried when she finished. I picked her up and kissed her passionately, ‘I will never want anyone else of ever want to watch porn as well.’

‘You are the most remarkable woman in the universe. I also give myself to you as my most precious gift. I will love you as long as I have life and breath.’ We clenched in a passionate embrace for a long time just kissing each other, hands and fingers probing each other in either a gentle caress or lustful passion. We literally tore each others clothes off as we tried to merge our bodies and souls into one. I wanted to be part of her, inside her, completely and forever.

Strangely, I felt the overwhelming presence of God seeming to give us His blessing. This is what love is supposed to be like He seemed to say. Both husband and wife willing to give to each other, trying to please each other because of the profound love they have for each other. Never needing anyone else because of this sacred, deep, profound bond they have togeth
er. Panting with passion, I asked Jenny, ‘What do you want, sweetheart?’

‘Just to make you happy, darling,’ she said. ‘ I noticed you had a lot of anal sex on the tapes. Do you like that a lot?’ she asked. I bit my lower lip and nodded sheepishly. I didn’t know if it was too much for her initial sexual experience. Kissing me again sweetly, she said, ‘Well, come on, honey. Fuck me in the ass!’ She smiled slyly, ‘ And do a good job!’ She turned around and presented her beautiful behind to me once again and spread her ass wide apart.

‘I won’t hurt you darling, I promise. ‘I said. ‘I know,’ she said, ‘I trust you.’ My cock was an immense rock to this point. It almost felt numb. I reached out and touched her. I didn’t immediately go for her asshole. I spent a minute just touching her skin. I ran my hand along the slight swell of her belly and around to caress her firm but soft ass cheeks. I had a better idea and told her to roll over onto her back. I wanted to see her innocent angelic face as well as her asshole. She submissively turned on her back and looked at me with love, ‘Hurry, sweetheart, I want you so badly.’ I kissed her again passionately and trailed my tongue down her body . I paused at her breasts until her nipples were stiff and hard. She smelled like a fresh breeze on a summer day. Her skin was smooth and unblemished, but beading up with sweat from sexual excitement.

Both of her breasts were quivering, the skin all goose-pimply. Now she was lying magnificently naked in front of me. She was visibly shaking, her nipples getting as hard as pencil erasers she was so excited. Her thighs were growing wet with her own juices. With my knees, I spread her legs wider apart. Then I knelt in front of Jenny. My face was just above the golden curls of her vagina that glistened in the soft light from the bridal suite. I gently nibbled her pubic mound and dipped down to the ridges of her labia and clitoris. Jenny drew in a sharp breath through her teeth and said, ‘Oh my God!’ and grabbed my head with both her hands, pressing my lips against her vagina. Her aroma and taste were intoxicating and I felt like I was in heaven. I wanted to give her some oral sex, but I really wanted her ass. ‘Show your asshole to me, sweetheart.’

‘OK,’ Jenny said as she shifted her hips upward and pulled her legs back up until her knees were up to her head. Then, incredibly, she locked her elbows behind the crook of her knees and pulled herself into a little ball bringing her perineum into full view. She reached down with her little hands to spread her vagina and asshole wide open for me.

‘Is that OK, sweetheart?’ she smiled sexily. She kept rubbing her fingers up and down her vaginal lips pausing to stimulate her clitoris. I felt like I was knocked over the head with a sledgehammer. The sight of my precious, sweet wife with her still virgin vagina and asshole open and presented to me with such total vulnerability, love and submission was too much for me. Her labia were red and engorged dripping with sexual lubrication that dripped onto her tightly puckered , pink asshole. I almost came right there and then the sight was so incredible.

I squeezed the head of my cock to still a premature orgasm and just stared at her. I wondered how she could perform such a gymnastic feat. Breathlessly I said, ‘How did you learn how to do that, sweetheart?’

Jenny giggled, ‘You know how much I can sense what you like, darling. When I saw those tapes, I figured you would like this, so I practiced it until I could do it just for you. Do you like it?’

‘Like it,’ I exclaimed, ‘I think if I died right now, I’d seen the most beautiful sight I could ever see. I love you so much.’ Jenny fingered her clit and then her vagina and took some of the copious secretions and rubbed it around her asshole until it glistened.

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My First Incest Experience

Hey, friends, I am back with a new indian sex experience. Thank you very much for liking my previous story “The dream-Swapna”. There are a lot more experiences in my office which I want to share with all the readers and as the characters are somehow related to each other, I will be narrating them as part of a Sex Saga starting from August 2015 till now. I thought of publishing my older works first. However, recently I have fulfilled two of my darkest fantasies. Hence, I do not want to waste...

3 years ago
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Laxmi Aunty Taught Life 8211 My First Experience

Hi frnds this is Kumar from Hyderabad working in an MNC. I am a big fan of ISS. I have been reading this ISS from last 2yrs. This is a true incident and my first story on ISS, so please comment on it and give feedback and mail me your experiences. Let me introduce myself. I am 25yrs old 5′ 7” tall and have a good gym physic and a good cock to satisfy anyone. This was happened in my age of 18 with my aunty Laxmi. She is well shaped lady with gud structure and massive boobs, little short in size...

2 years ago
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Girlfriends First Nude Beach Experience

My girlfriend and I had both been turned on by doing some 'accidental' flashing. We discovered what a thrill it was to have others watch us. She really enjoyed being seen and I would always ask her to leave her bra and panties at home. She found that she liked doing that and she would begin to look for ways to show off. I was always proud because everyone knew that this very sexy woman was with me. I had been to a nude beach in the Keys several times and loved the feeling of being naked and...

1 year ago
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Manisha Koirala A Nice Experience

I am Raju aged 19. I am staying with my uncle in a posh apartment in Chennai. I am studying for Hotel Management course and was doing my training at one of the five star hotels in Chennai. I used to go to a Gymnasium.I was very good at swimming also and definitely I am a handsome young boy with well-built body and my cock was really 8.5" long and is really fat. It was rigid like an iron rod when it is in erected position. I know that to boy aged 18 that size was very rare. Here I am narrating...

1 year ago
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Cuckolded After An Out of Body Experience

My name is Kevin, and I returned to my hometown in the Portland area after graduating from the University of Oregon with a business degree. Then I took additional training to become a real estate agent in my father’s real estate company and found immediate success in the market. My two best friends from high school, Brad and Tom, also found good jobs in Portland, following their graduation from Lewis & Clark College.Brad, Tom, and I hit the bar scene pretty hard the first couple of years after...

3 years ago
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Winter girl experience

Here is talking not me, but one girl about her winter nude experience.In the middle of December my friend suddenly proposed that I could ski nude. My first reaction was: what are you talking about!? But then very quickly I realized that it is good idea. I can't explain why I liked it but when that day came when we drove to the ski center, I was overexcited and I really had irresistible desire to go there nude and start to skiing. All my life I had always proper clothing according to weather and...

3 years ago
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First BBC experience

After 14 years of marriage my wife and I got into SLS (we are approaching 20 years of marriage now). Setting up the first experience was not easy as we did not know anyone in the life style. I signed up on a few sites and a very nice BBC reached out to us.I showed my wife our 1st email and could see it excited her. It had been 14 years since she had been with another man and now suddenly this good looking black stud was reaching out to her and telling her that she was hot and would be nice to...

2 years ago
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Anna and my Swiss holiday experience

Anna and I have been best friends since university and like all best friends we have had our ups and downs mainly fuelled by far too much drink, my insecurities over Anna's stunning looks and her ability to attract far more attention from guys than I ever could, but despite this we have remained truly loyal to each other and as my best friend I really value that in our friendship. Anna and I are very similar looking and we are a simular size as well, (which has always been fab for swapping...

4 years ago
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Behan Ka Shadi Wala Experience

Hi mere pyaare doston, main Subham hu, aur main Delhi ka rehne wala hu. Meri umar 27 saal hai, aur meri chhoti behan ki umar abhi 23 hui hai. Uska figure 34-26-34 hai. To aaye kahani shuru karte hai. Meri behan ka naam Supriya hai. Wo graduation kar chuki hai, aur ab MBA karna chaahti hai. Main usko kabhi-kabhi padhne mein madad kar deta hu. Main meri patni, mummy, papa aur Supriya hum sab sath ek 3 bhk flat mein rehte hai. Supriya ko jab bhi koi doubts hote hai, to wo mere room mein chali aati...

3 years ago
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An Enhanced Experience

An Enhanced Experience Bzzzzzt ... bzzzzt... Good day ... MiriclSoft Support ... how may we help you? G’day ... me bloody screen’s gone all green ‘n’ yellow! And the letters are scrambled! I see. Sir, which of our products are you using? Orifice 2020.5.25 Very good, Sir. And do you have our new “365+7+24 AutoPatch” feature enabled? Huh? (Customer Support rep repeats question) Beats the ‘ell outta me? Is this something new? Oh, yes, Sir, quite new ... as of 2350 GMT, a system-wide...

2 years ago
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I am Anne, of Spanish / English descent, forty-eight years old, a voluptuous size 12-14 Libran, my olive skin is good, I still have my looks and a strong sex drive. And my legs and firm dimple free, forty-two inch arse is a huge turn on for my man. I had never had my cunt licked to orgasm before I met him and the first time was a huge discovery of exciting new sexual pleasure for me. I loved the way he talked to me as he was licking and teasing my clitoris then my cunt lips as he slowly got...

3 years ago
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Bike Ride Turned Into Exciting Sex Experience

Life is indeed short and boring … Let us have an affair to remember … Hi friends, this is a true real story which happened to me just some days back. It seems like unbelievable fairytale now and has all the excitement I needed from life and more particularly from sex life. I think females now a day’s are more open minded, liberated and also seek for their sexual / emotional needs more proactively . For a working class people like us life can be sometimes boring and just has become a daily...

2 years ago
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The Secretary Experience

The Secretary Experience Chapter 1 I was a pudgy, straight A student all through high school and my good grades carried on into college where I was able to earn my four-year degree in less than three years. I thank my parents for my work ethic. Thanks to them I was able to put aside frivolity and focus on my studies. Thanks to them I was able to do what I wanted to do; thanks to Bonnie, I was able to be who I wanted to be. But I'll get to her. I graduated from Auburn University -...

1 year ago
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I had never had my cunt licked to orgasm before I met him and the first time was a huge discovery of exciting new sexual pleasure for me. I loved the way he talked to me as he was licking and teasing my clitoris then my cunt lips as he slowly got me to a fantastic orgasm with his wet and strong tongue. He told me after as we were fucking he almost suffocated as I pulled his lips and tongue into my sopping wet cunt while he had his hands holding my arse cheeks. Every week after that he would...

3 years ago
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The Girlfriend Experience

It was a Friday afternoon in late spring. I was considering a dilemma that all seventeen-year-old boys face on a daily basis. Do I continue studying for my year end exams that were a few weeks off, or do I jerk off, fantasising about my latest crush?Amy was on my school swim team and we had started hanging out together during the last few weeks of practice. She had a pretty face, nice tits and a gorgeous ass. I was sure that she was into me, but I was too much of a chicken shit to ask her out....

First Time
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Massage Parlor First Time 8211 My Real Experience

So first a little brief about myself. I’m 22 and with no real kind of experience with a female. From a long time I wanted to visit a spa/massage parlor to get this curiosity out of my system about getting physical with a female. This dream turned into reality when one of my good friend, let’s call him JJ, suggested that I should try out this massage parlor at a good locality in Mumbai. At first I was really excited and told him yes on the spot but later on I got the jitters and kept declining...

1 year ago
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Computer Institute Experience

Ye meri life ka jo first sexperience tha wo aaj aap sab ISS readers se pehli baar share kar raha hu. Ek ek word khud likha hai maine, kahi se copy nahi kiya isliye pls mere is exprnce ko dil se padna aur dil se mujhe response bhejna. Meri id hai – Hi Tough Guys. Hi all beautiful Girls & sexy ladies (I think married girls/ladies are sexier than unmarried girls but at the same time I feel unmarried girls are very very hot indeed! Ha ha ha. Me Clever na? dono ko pata raha hu!) Mera naam RAJ...

2 years ago
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Howto Strapon Training Experience

I found this somewhere and did a bit of clean up to it. Experienced strap-on trainers and Dommes, please feel free to provide feedback on this article. -tpbThe Strap-On ExperienceLike most masculine hetrosexual men, your husband or boyfriend is likely to strenuously object to and actively resist taking the strap-on at first. Just the idea of having something forced up his ass like that will feel foreign and unnatural to him. Treating his tight little asshole like it's just a hole to be fucked...

2 years ago
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Young Nepali Maid 8211 Incredible Experience

Hello Readers, Like I’ve always said in all my stories…. I have been very lucky with girls all my life. Now, even at 50, I somehow manage to get entangled with a female and eventually I work things carefully, leading to some great sex. After my last experience with my neighbor’s young daughter, I was living life peacefully, doing my regular work and generally having a good time. This happened a month back. I had just returned from Dubai where I got to fuck a nice very slim Russian girl who had...

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A Religious Experience

Warning: The story you are about to read may contain material that might be found to be offensive by some readers. It deals with some subjects that might be considered taboo subjects. Actually, some of the topics are the ones not suitable for social conversation/ argument. If you are sensitive about discussions of religion, the clergy having extra- marital sex with a minor, and horrible generalizations go no further. Sorry, I couldn't fit politics in this one. Maybe next time......

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A Freshman Gains Experience

Hello, to all ISS readers. This is again, ur Abhishek Singh, 18 male from east Delhi. It is around 1 year that I haven’t post a story to this site. But now, my lusty soul has again encouraged me to write some more new stories.I don’t want to waste ur time more.So, this story begins from here…..Marjorie Foster, usually called Margie, is from a small town and is finding her Freshman year at the very large State University to be a difficult experience. The size and complexity is...

1 year ago
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An unforgettable experience

Welcome to an unforgettable experience! Where we offer an experience she'll never forget. You heard it right, the "service" isn't offered to you. More like you tailoring the service that we'll offer her. Confused yet? Let me explain. The premise is simple. We kidnap her, keep her in captivity for 7 days, and you swept in, either as a knight in shining armor to save her from us baddies, or as a fellow baddie, here to collect your merchandise. We'll have to go through these few steps to...

2 years ago
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How to StrapOn Training Experience

The Strap-On ExperienceLike most masculine hetrosexual men, your husband or boyfriend is likely to strenuously object to and actively resist taking the strap-on at first. Just the idea of having something forced up his ass like that will feel foreign and unnatural to him. Treating his tight little asshole like it's just a hole to be fucked will be abhorrent to him. He will feel violated and abused. He'll try to talk you out of it. He'll plead with you to stop because it hurts, because it's...

3 years ago
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A Beautiful Sensual First Time Bisexual Experience

Although I have been happily married for well over thirty years, I have known for many years that I have feelings for the male sex but have always been very confused over my true sexuality. My wife and I used to have a good sex life but in recent years, this has become almost non-existent as she finds it so very difficult these days.With more or less no sex life now, this set me on a different path in that, although I love my wife so much, I need to relieve my sexual desires. As a result, I...

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Judys Prom and Bridal Experiences

Judy: From the Beauty Salon to Prom Girl and Bridal Experiences By Janis Elizabeth Prologue The old year that has past was filled with all kinds of different experiences, some expected and eagerly awaited and some only dreamed of and hoped for. Memories created from the old year become the foundation of the hopes and expectations for the new. With the beginning of the New Year, there is always the promise of new and exciting times, the potential for...

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Ani8217s Massage Experience

Hello all. Hope all are doing good. Yeah, lovers and haters are always there, but many thanks to ISS for helping me to connect to some broadminded and genuine people. For those who think, this is a fantasy/fake/true, you are most welcome to think the way you want to, cannot help or force anybody to think positive always. A little about me, I am Nishant, aged 30, from Bengaluru, offering massages to females and couples for nearly four years now. I have posted few experiences of mine here. You...

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My First Experience

Hi, everyone this is Sree and I am going to explain you my very first experience about having sex without even knowing it fully at a very tender age. I have been reading indian sex stories site since many years and never thought of sharing my experience with all of you. Today I’m revealing my experience to everyone. I’m going to explain you every part in detail since I don’t want to miss anything from my very first experience. Hope you like it and some might have similar experiences like me....

2 years ago
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My First Gay Experience

HI, everyone. Ajay here with the 4th edition of my life experiences. Thanks for all the emails that have come in related to my previous sex story and it has been really overwhelming. Even got a couple of good friends with benefits contacts, which has been real fun over the last couple of weeks. Well, this is gonna be a gay experience I had when I was in Australia. For people looking for stats, I am 31, 6’4 in height, with a pretty thick 6-inch black tool with a pink tip. I went to Australia...

Gay Male
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Josies First Experience

Josie's First Experience By Tania Burgess I often fantasised as a teenager what it would be like to be a woman. I decided on my 21st birthday to go on a strict diet, grow my hair and fingernails, and care for my skin by regularly moisturising and bathing in expensive oils. I wanted to reduce my figure to 120lbs from my existing 140lbs and as I stood at 5' 5" in bare feet the lighter weight would be more feminine. For 6 months I endured a very strict routine of regular exercise...

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