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I don’t know where Ceridwen came from. I think she’s a melange of the tired city girls you see every day on the London commute.

Our city is hard and jagged, and those of us lucky enough to have someone should be glad, too many people here are alone.

I was tired and cold.

The Victoria line platform at Vauxhall was busy and I clasped my violin case to me as I dodged around other people and made my way towards the train station. It was a windy evening, with drizzle and low clouds scudding over the small patches of blue sky. Commuters huddled into their coats as they walked, or crowded into areas of relative calm behind bus shelters or walls in order to smoke. I hurried to try to make my rehearsal on time.

It had been a long Tuesday. Work had been difficult, I was reporting in to a new manager and he’d been abrasive and condescending about both my prior boss and my work for her. I’d put up and shut up but it had taken energy that I didn’t have to spare, and I’d had an exhausted, frustrated cry in the ladies afterwards. I’d got sympathetic looks and a hug from Ally, but it didn’t take the sting away, and it hadn’t helped the sense of shame I felt about blubbing at work, I hated looking weak.

But I was so tired.

I cursed my new boss under my breath, and hoped he’d fall in front of a bus on his way home.

I touched my oyster to the reader, the gate beeped, and I turned sideways, stepping through the barrier. I glanced up at the departures board, my train was still on schedule and I had a few minutes to spare. I took a left turn and started the climb to platform three.

I missed Jason. He had left me a few short months ago – he’d come home, packed a bag, and left again without even a goodbye hug. In hindsight the signs had been there for a while, but hindsight is no comfort when your heart is a lump of stone in your chest. I’d spent the first week sobbing myself to sleep, my friends had been gentle and supportive but they had their own lives and, ultimately, I was alone.

I’d lost weight. People were commenting that I looked too thin, Sam from operations had brought me a tub of ice cream and had shared it with me.

She had shared her tissues too when I’d cried again.

The last thing I needed was a reputation as a crybaby. But Jason and I had been together for four years, and even though it had been cold and hard at the end it had still been an us, and now it was just me.

And it hurt. Some days it hurt more than others, but every day was a struggle, and yet in spite of it I had to get up, get dressed, go to work and be a productive team member in our small marketing consultancy. I had no safety net any more, and my job and my music were all I had left.


I’d climbed maybe a third of the way up the stairs when a suited man charged down past me. His backpack hung from one shoulder, and as he passed me it swung out and caught my violin case, and his momentum pulled me backwards. I screamed and tried to grab hold of something to stop my fall. But there was nothing but the empty space behind me, an empty space full of metal-edged stairs.

I think I hit each of them on the way down.


I lay, curled into a ball, cradling my left wrist and gasping for breath.

Vaguely I heard voices around me.

‘Oh my god, are you alright?’

‘Come on love, come on, you’re OK,’

‘Did anyone get a look at him?’

‘Cunt didn’t even stop. Wanker.’

A big black man in a London Underground uniform knelt down in front of me and spoke gently to me. ‘Love, you alright?’

‘No,’ I cried, ‘no I’m fucking sore.’

‘Love, you stay where you are, alright? Don’t move, we’ll get the ambulance guys here for you. Alright?’

I sobbed out something affirmative as the pain ramped up. My wrist felt like it was on fire, and my head and shoulders ached. Somebody, I don’t know who, covered me with their jacket, and a dreadlocked girl held my hand. I lay there on my side, watching the feet go by me. Time seemed to pass slowly, but I guess it can’t have been that long before the St Johns Ambulance people were there.

A kind woman in green overalls shone a penlight into my eyes as her partner put a neck brace on me, and they talked gently to me as they rolled me onto a spine board for transport, their voices gentle and pitched to be reassuring. I tried to ignore the bystanders filming my bad luck with their cellphones, and I desperately caught the hand of the female paramedic as they wheeled me to the waiting ambulance.

‘My handbag. My violin,’ I begged.

‘We’ve got them, lass,’ said the woman. ‘Don’t fret. We’ll get you to St Thomas and get you checked out, OK? You’re going to be right as rain in a short while, lass. Don’t fret.’

I closed my eyes and tried to be brave.


X-rays and checkups, an eternity of them. I sat, aching, on a cot in A&E as the duty orderly strapped up my wrist.

‘You have some really bad bruising,’ she said, ‘but no broken bones and no fractures. You were lucky.’

‘I don’t feel lucky.’

She snorted. ‘A fall like that can kill. Take it from me, you were lucky.’

I sighed. ‘How long do I need to keep my wrist bandaged?’

‘Three days. You will have limited motion for a week or so, but after that you should be OK. Make sure you stop at Boots on the way out and get these painkillers,’ she added, handing me a printed script. ‘You will need them for a day or two.’


‘Can you stand?’

I slid slowly off the cot, and straightened. I took a painful breath and then exhaled. ‘Yes.’

‘No dizziness? No weakness?’

‘No. Just pain.’

She nodded, sympathetic. ‘Do you have a bath at home?’

‘No, just a shower.’

‘Take a long hot one tonight and try to dress up warmly in loose clothing. You are going to be purple by tomorrow.’

‘It gets better and better,’ I grumbled.


The queue was short, and I ordered and paid for my extra-strength Ibuprofen tablets. Then I limped slowly back into the entrance hall and ordered a latte in the small, dubious coffee shop there. I needed to sit and collect my thoughts before I tried to get home.

I was too late for rehearsal, there was no point in even trying to make it, and there was certainly no point in even trying to play were I somehow to get there – my wrist was agony, I would never be able to hold my violin, even were I to take off the bandages .

I laid my violin case down on the table and took a sip of my insipid latte. Then I undid the latches on the case and lifted the lid to check my baby.

My heart dropped through my stomach.

‘Oh god, no…’

I reached into the case, and touched my broken instrument.

Then I closed it, slumped forward, and tried to fight back the tears.

My violin.

My mother had sold some of her silverware and had used the money to buy it for me when I was fourteen years old. It was a glorious instrument, old and mellow. I’d played it at Eisteddfod, at school, and at University. And now I played in a small string quartet to supplement my income. It was as much a part of me as my face. To see it lying there, neck broken, sound board cracked and bridge destroyed, hurt me far more than I ever could have imagined.

I scrubbed at my eyes, opened the case again, and lifted my instrument awkwardly out, trying not to lose any parts or do any more damage. I laid it in front of me, and just looked at it, gulping.

You can repair an instrument, but it never sounds the same. Something changes, a violin’s soul dies when you break it and the new one is always different. My first teacher told me that the time I dropped my case. So I’d always cared for my violin. Always kept it safe.

And now some cunt had destroyed the best part of me without even a backward glance…

‘Hey. I’m sorry to intru
de… but are you OK?’

I scrubbed at my face with my sleeve, angry at being caught in a moment of weakness. ‘No. No, I’m about as far from OK as it’s possible to be.’

I looked up, then away, ashamed at the state I was in. He was tall, and dressed in what under other circumstances would have counted as a really nice suit, but the effect was spoiled by the stubble and the mane of brown, disheveled hair.

‘May I sit?’


‘Because you look like you need a sympathetic ear.’

I scrubbed at my face again, wincing as pain lanced through my arm. ‘Are you going to try to sell me something?’

‘No, but it’s a fair question I suppose. What happened?’ he asked, gently, as he leaned back into the rickety chair.

‘I fell down some stairs thanks to some bastard who was in a hurry.’


‘Maybe an hour ago. Vauxhall station.’

He winced. ‘Christ. Those stairs are vicious.’

‘No shit.’ I sighed. ‘Sorry. Sorry, I’m really sore and really hurt and my violin…’

He glanced down at it and made a face. ‘Can it be fixed?’

‘No. Mended, yes, but it will never be the same.’

‘That sucks.’


He was silent a moment. ‘I’m Connor.’

I eyed him. ‘Ceridwen,’ I muttered. ‘And yes, I’m Welsh, and fuck you if the first thing that crossed your mind was a sheep.’

He laughed softly. ‘That wasn’t the first thing that crossed my mind, but again, I guess it’s a fair assumption. Are you part of an orchestra, or a Celtic band?’


He nodded towards my violin. ‘Celtic woman, plays the violin. These are the two most obvious options.’

‘Hah. No. String quartet, I’m not good enough for orchestra, and I don’t have the time.’

‘That was going to be my next guess.’

‘You know your music then, I take it.’ I gently put the wreckage of my violin back into the case, and closed the lid on it.

‘Some,’ he murmured. ‘I sing. It goes with the territory.’

‘Karaoke?’ I asked, acidly.

He grinned. ‘Good guess, but no. Chamber choir, mainly.’

‘Wow. Today just keeps getting weirder. Go to work, get crapped out by my new boss, fall down stairs, destroy part of my soul, and get chatted up by a baritone in a hospital coffee shop. Go me,’ I added, bitter.

‘Are you always this angry?’

‘No,’ I swallowed, shaking my head. ‘No… I just… No. I’m not. Today is just… probably one of my worst days.’ I glanced up at him. ‘And you certainly don’t deserve the abuse. I’m sorry. I apologies.’ I sat up straighter, wincing at the pain in my back. ‘Hi,’ I added. ‘I’m Ceridwen.’

He smiled and gently took my offered hand. ‘Hi. Nice to meet you. And by the way, I’m a tenor.’


‘You really don’t need to do this.’

‘If you feel the way I imagine you do, you need the help.’

‘Won’t whoever you were visiting in hospital be looking for you?’

He sighed. ‘No.’

I looked up at him and saw the sadness, but didn’t press him. Instead I simply focused on walking, trying to ignore the pain in my back, hips and thigh. We slowly made our way down the Albert Embankment, Connor carrying his bag and my violin case and reaching out occasionally to steady me or just help me balance. The wind was building and it was a miserable night, gusts of leaves from Lambeth’s tattered trees skittered past us, and at one point a particularly violent gust staggered me so badly that had it not been for him I would have fallen.

‘Gotcha,’ he’d said as he’d helped me catch my balance and my breath, and I’d given him a grateful smile. But the vast bulk of our slow walk had been silent, and it was beginning to worry me.

‘Please don’t be a murderer,’ I said, to break the silence.

He snorted back a laugh. ‘I confess that I sometimes wear odd socks and occasionally a clashing tie.’

‘Oh god, I’m done for.’

‘Yeah, sorry, should have had a card printed. Connor James Saumarez, Professional lunatic.’

‘Are you?’


‘A professional lunatic.’

‘Hah, no. Sometimes I feel like it’s my true calling though.’ He kicked a can as it clattered past. ‘Sorry, childhood habit.’

I caught myself smiling, and shook my head at myself. He had a really lovely voice, and an easy way with words. And his arm was strong, he was strong. Strong but gentle. A gentle man.

We lurched our way further, turning into Kennington road, passing the Imperial War Museum to our left, and then, eventually, home. I climbed the three pitted concrete steps and stopped outside the battered blue door.

‘Well, this is me,’ I said.

He handed me my violin case. ‘Here. I hope you can get it repaired.’

I sighed. ‘So do I, but it won’t be the same.’

‘Have a little faith, Ceridwen.’

‘After today? Not likely.’

He shrugged one shoulder. ‘I will just have to be positive on your behalf then. Well, I guess I should get going. It was lovely to meet you, Ceridwen, though I’m sure you’d have preferred better circumstances.’



‘Thank you for helping me home. It was very sweet of you, and I’m sure you had better things to do than help a dumb girl limp home after biting the dust.’

‘You needed a helping hand, I needed something to get me out of St Thomas for a while. Lets call it a mutually advantageous encounter,’ he added with a grin.

‘Uh huh. Where are you going to go now?’

He glanced at his wristwatch. ‘I have half an hour before rehearsal, so I’m going to see if I can make my way to Trafalgar square in time.’



‘Don’t tease me.’

He laughed. ‘Sorry, it’s a bad habit. I sing in a small chamber choir, we’re slated to perform a lunchtime concert in St Martins in a few weeks, so we’re burning the candle on both ends a bit to polish it all.’

‘St Martins in the Fields?’


‘Wow. That’s an amazing venue. I’d love to play there sometime. I’m jealous, your choir must be good to be able to get a booking there.’

‘Mm. I guess we do alright. Tell you what, come listen to us when you get a chance. Maybe not tonight,’ he added, with a sympathetic wince. ‘But we’re practicing again on Friday evening before heading out for a pint or twenty, if you feel inclined and would like the company of a bunch of rowdy singers, why don’t you come with?’

‘That sounds like it would be a lovely change of pace for me,’ I murmured. ‘I’d like that. I haven’t got out much recently.’

He dug into his jacket pocket. ‘Do you have a pen?’ He scrawled some digits on the back of a business card. ‘My number. In case you want it.’


‘I was aiming for suave.’

‘You’ll need a haircut for that,’ I teased him.

‘Touche. OK, I need to get moving.’

I put down my handbag and violin case.


I descended the steps again, stepped in and wrapped my good arm around him, pressing my cheek to his chest. ‘Thank you. You’ve made a horrible day a lot better for me. I don’t know why you came to say hello but I’m glad you did.’

He smiled down at me. ‘Take care of that arm, Ceridwen. See you Friday, maybe.’

‘Ceri,’ I said, soft and low.


‘My friends call me Ceri.’

His grin was white against the darkness, and he gave me an insouciant wave as he loped off. I stood watching him until he turned the corner, then took a breath and let myself into the flat.


‘You’re home early and oh my good fucking god what have you done to yourself?’

‘Hi, Bron,’ I winced.

‘Ceri, what the fuck happened?’

I winced as gently put my violin case down. ‘Some cunt knocked me down the stairs at Vauxhall.’

‘Oh my god. Your arm, Ceri?’

‘Sprained, not broken.’

‘Sit down, sit down. It’s an emergency. Wine is called for.’

Bronwyn flapped around me li
ke a mother hen, dragging our TV lurk blankets out and arranging me on our shabby sofa. ‘You did a good job on yourself, Ceridwen,’ she muttered. ‘You look like someone used you as a punching bag.’

‘It gets worse.’

‘How much worse could it get?’

‘Open my case.’

Bronwyn paled when she saw the damage. ‘Jesus, Mary and Joseph. Ceri, it’s trashed.’

‘I know,’ I sighed. ‘My mum’s going to be so sad. She loved it almost as much as I did.’

‘Can we get it repaired?’

‘Doubt it. I’m going to have to shop for a new one and I don’t have the money for anything more than someone’s derelict bent warped reject.’

‘Fuck sakes. Life is not fair.’

‘You know what’s worse? I know this city is hard, but the fuckhead didn’t even stop to check whether I was OK.’

‘I’ll trip the next banker I see down the stairs myself. Wankers, the lot of them. How’d you get home?’


‘Jesus, Ceri, in your state! You could have dropped dead somewhere! Don’t fuck around with head injuries, how many times do I have to tell you this?’

Bronwyn is an amateur thespian, though you’d never guess.

‘It was OK, Bron. The A&E cleared me, and besides, I had a guardian angel to help.’

‘Uh huh. Yeah, head injury, I should have known you’d start hallucinating. Fuck sakes, Ceri, you make me so angry sometimes! You don’t have the sense God gave sheep.’

‘No, listen, you twit. There was a guy, a really sweet boy, he helped me home.’

‘A nice boy? In London? Now I know it’s a head injury.’

I snorted and she grinned at me. ‘Calm down, babes, just teasing.’

‘Stop, I don’t have the energy tonight, Bron. Really, really don’t.’

‘OK, OK. So, tell me the damage.’

‘Bruises everywhere on my back, head, wrist. Hip too I think. Bum. Cut on my thigh. Think I have torn skin on my shoulder blades. There was a satisfying amount of blood, anyway.’

‘Do you need me to take a look for you?’

‘Not right now, Bron. Thanks. But I’d really appreciate that glass of wine you promised me.’

‘Coming right up, love. You sit right there.’

Bron poured me a glass of our reliable Montepulciano, and shook her head over my sling as I sipped it. ‘Whoever did this for you should be fired,’ she muttered as she pinned me up again. ‘Shoddy work. I’ll find out who was on shift and leave my socks and dirty scrubs in their locker.’

‘A&E was rammed, Bron. She did the best she could under time pressure.’

‘Being busy is no excuse for shoddy work, Ceri. When I’m on duty I don’t care if the sky is on fire or some meth head is masturbating in the hallway, I make sure the patient I’m seeing gets my full attention.’

‘Not everyone is as good as you are, Bron,’ I said, softly.

‘Of course not, I am Bronwyn, Nursing God,’ she intoned. ‘But people should still try.’ She sat back, reached for her own glass, and took a long, slow sip. ‘God I’m glad I’m off tonight though,’ she sighed.

‘You and me both. St Thomas looked mad tonight. Enjoy your evening of freedom.’

‘So tell me about this white knight of yours.’ Her eyes glittered.

‘Tall. Thin-ish. Strong. Lovely smile. Looks like he doesn’t eat enough, or regularly enough. Long sandy brown hair, touselled. Brown eyes. Lots of laugh lines, but he looks tired and sad. Like he’s grinning in spite of everything life’s doing to him.’

‘Mm. You like him?’

‘He was sweet. Gentle. And he didn’t have to spare the time to walk me home.’

‘What’s his name?’

‘Connor. His surname is weird. Sanders or something.’


‘No, Brit.’

‘What’s he do?’

‘I didn’t think to ask. He’s a singer, sings in a choir. A tenor, he says. It must be a good choir, they’re singing a concert in St Martins soon.’

‘Hah. A fellow musician.’ Bron smirked. ‘Sounds like a nice chance for a pick-me-up, Ceri. Maybe he has the tongue of a fluter.’

‘Flautist, you filth. Anyway, he’s not that kind of boy. He was attentive. And honestly just decent. Just… nice. He felt safe to be around…’

‘Mm. Don’t you go and fall for him, Ceri. You need to get your head right first, love.’

‘Not much chance of that,’ I sighed dramatically. ‘My heart is a jagged chunk of solidified obsidian. I will never love again.’ I sipped my wine. ‘Fuck today. Fuck it sideways. Christ, I’m sore, Bron.’ I added.

‘I can’t write you a script, Ceri. I don’t give family drugs. You know the rules.’

‘I know,’ I sighed. ‘Just whining.’

‘Look on the bright side, at least you met someone interesting.’

I stared at my wine, and didn’t answer.


‘Hello, Connor speaking, I can’t take your call right now, but leave a name and number after the beep and I’ll get back to you if you’re interesting.’

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Home from work soon as I'm through the door I see you, patiently waiting on your knees, wrapped in just one of my shirts... Our eyes meet right away and you let the shirt fall to the floor... offering everything to me... "use me" you say softly...This makes my dick spring into action... I want to use you so bad, Im wrestling with my belt and buttons... whilst keeping firm eye contact with you...You hear my fly pop open and your eyes move down just in time to see my cock burst out of my jeans in front of...

2 years ago
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my babysitter

i come back to my house.i open the door and i see my babysitter was sleeping.but i could see my vcr are still open.i open it. guess what there was a porn movie inside.i look carefuly my could see that she was not sleeping for real.i sit down near her.i start touching her ass slowly.she was not moving.i tell her come on wake girl.we start talking and i ask her if she want to smoke a joint.yes mr.we smoke and i press play on the vcr.she was a little bit shy.i said to her do...

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Aurto Ko Santosh Denewala

Hi 2 everyone.mera naam denial hai mein yaha apni kuch real life story woh bhi sex ki share karne aaya meri paheli aur sacchi kahani hai. Ye baat kuch dino pahele ki hai mai karta hu mere bhai(cousin) ki shaddi thi par mere university exams ki karan main ja nahi shaka.Mere ek aur cousin ki wife meri bhabhi pragnet thi to wobhi nahi gai us di sham ko jab barat nikla gai mai mere cousi jis ki shadi thi uske gar pe hi raha aur meri bhabhi bhi wahi pe rahi. Mene bhabhi se kaha mere...

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A friend with benefits part 1

This is a story of how I met Camille, who I knew was married at the time and still is through my friend Becky.It was a Friday night around 6:30pm I happened to be out in North of my borough where I live, I was coming back from visiting my godson and his mother. As I was walking and checking my facebook, I had noticed my friend Becky was going to an event at a nearby pub that her friend Camille had organised. Since I was about ten minutes away with nothing to do I decided to pop in and see her....

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Like all my stories, this is a work of pure fiction, derived by an active imagination and a lot of wishful thinking. Any resemblances to living persons, including me, are purely coincidental and unintentional. “More lube, baby. Make sure you cover your entire hand.” I squeezed more of the KY over my hand, and then slowly began twisting it into Lida’s pussy. Squeezing my fingers to a point, I carefully pushed them in. I moved in past the first knuckle, and up to the second knuckle, and the tip...

3 years ago
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That special new years eve1

Without much hesitation I agreed and took a large glass of baileys from her, Amanda was gorgeous, to be honest. She was around 5" 4' but from the added height of the heels she had on tonight she looked an easy 5" 8'. She was wearing a short white dress that was mostly see through and was short enough that, if she bent over, you could clearly see her underwear which tonight was a leopard print G-string. She had died red hair that was styled perfectly and always looked great. As I took a...

2 years ago
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High School PimpChapter 6

The loss of the head custodian put a crimp in Hellboy's plans. With no head custodian to keep the brothel clean and orderly and no principal to hire his replacement, the whole brothel operation had to be put on hold until something could be done. Initially, Hellboy had been considering having the whores clean up after themselves, but that was going to cut into the revenue-producing fucking time. Besides, adult men were needed to haul around those heavy metal refuse containers that the school...

4 years ago
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The DreAMerS part 4

I climbed a purple mountain surrounded by a blood red sea chasing after the girl who floated away from me on a warm breeze.She was wearing a silver and gold skin made of small oval-shaped scales with multi-colored feathers spreading winglike under each arm. Laughing, she swooped down to hover above me with those wings slowly wafting back and forth as I stared up at her as I tried to catch my breath."Well, look at you," she smiled, "Alive again."I took a step towards her as she watched me. Her...

Love Stories
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Did Jan Do It

I walked off the elevator at seven forty-five on Tuesday morning and was not really surprised to see Ron, my regional manager, already at his desk. He usually came in around nine, but today was going to be a special day for him - how special he didn't yet know. He waited until I was in my office and then he came in to see me: "Olsen said he wanted to see both of us as soon as you got here. You have any idea what he wants?" I shrugged my shoulders, "It may have something to do with the...

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His Mothers Diary

-1- “Ahh yeah, yes!” Curt was furiously jacking off in the shower, thoughts of Miranda’s big, juicy butt slamming down on a big, black cock. “Yes!” He thought back to that night he peeped into her bedroom, the sounds of sex waking him. He saw Miranda, her back to the door, riding a hugely muscular black man in her bed. Shock turned to anger, anger turned to interest, then interest turned to arousal. “Wow,” he whispered as he watched her, hypnotized by her ass. Unable to look...

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Early Mornings Dream

I have spent nights, just wondering what it really would be like to curl up in your arms at night, and I in some ways know already, because I feel you near me so often. Just thinking of climbing into bed and just feeling your naked body pressed so close against my back, your arm holding me close and feeling so content and safe in your arms and drifting into such a peaceful sleep. Waking just a few hours later to feel soft kisses on my neck, and your hand tracing patterns over my...

4 years ago
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My Suprise

It was suppose to be a relaxing night out, nothing exciting, dinner, a Broadway show maybe a drink or two afterwards then back to our normal life. What actually transpired was surprising for the both of us, or a least that’s what I thought. Let me start by describing my relationship and beautiful wife: The relationship was tumultuous in the beginning lots of drama, nevertheless she always stayed by my side, and I am extremely grateful for that. Married for seven years, together for fifteen and...

3 years ago
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Poonam Didi Ki Chudai

Hello friends. Mera naam Rahul hai aur meri age 22 years hai. Main Delhi mein job karta hu aur rehne wala Bihar ka hu. Aj main aap sab ko ek real story bataunga meri Poonam didi ki. Ye ekdam real story hai aur mujhe umeed hai aapko bohut mazaa aayega meri story sunkar. Chaliye story par aate hai. Ye baat mere class 12th ki hai jab meri age 18 years thi. Main Delhi mein rehta tha aur meri didi jiska naam Poonam (real name) hai. woh bhi Delhi mein hi rehti thi. Poonam didi par aate hai. Unke dudh...

1 year ago
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DevilsFilm Nova Cane My New Black Stepdaddy

Nova Cane is so happy her mommy married a smart and successful black businessman. She has gone from apartment dwelling near Reseda to a mansion in Calabasas. All thanks to that gorgeous black stepdaddy of hers. It’s high time Nova takes a chance and shows him just how much she appreciates him. Her pussy has been on constant vibrate since she moved in with him so on a day when mom is away she takes a chance. Approaching her step daddy with lust in her eyes he knows the little girl means...

1 year ago
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My Best Trip

Hey, guys, this xxx98208. I have been reading stories on Indian Sex Stories since quite a long time and now, I finally decided to share my sex story with you all. I am boy aged 19. I will be turning 20 soon. I am a little chubby but my dick is 5.11 or 6 inch. I have the stamina that allowed me to fuck for 1 hr with a 5 minutes break. This a sex story of how I fucked my aunts one by one then together. This sex story started when I visited my aunt’s home for 2-3 days. Let me introduce you to my...

2 years ago
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Saying Yes to Love Part Two

Please read the previous chapter before tackling this... you will enjoy Part Two that much more, I promise. *** The three women stood quietly for a moment, as if suddenly realizing the enormity of what they were preparing to do. Then Anne unfastened the remaining buttons of her nightgown and shrugged the garment from her shoulders to puddle on the floor. She stood before her daughters, nude but for her panties. "Like what you see?" she murmured. Ellie and Sally gazed eagerly at their scantily...

3 years ago
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What If Whence Came Thorine

It's been a while since I posted anything in the "Whence Came" series, so I thought I'd let those who might have wondered how the Ashmagordian thunder goddess from the story "Whence Came the Avengers" came into being, here is her story. By the way, as I done with most of these tales, I wrote most of this with an open copy of "Journey Into Mystery" #83 for a guide. If there's enough interest in this story, perhaps I'll write get around to writing Chapter 5 for "Whence Came the...

2 years ago
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Call Me Daddy Part 3

Continuation of the Series that began as "Primal Attraction", "I now own this slut" and now this series, "Call Me Daddy"Still written from her perspective."I can't believe that this is happening" I thought to myself. "How is this possible. Where is this going to go? What will happen"In just a matter of a few weeks, I went from smiling at a stranger in a fast food restaurant, to inviting Him back to my home where we had sex in the foyer of our home. And not just regular sex, but AMAZING,...

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sorry it sounds like a story but its a fantasy

it all starts on afriday. i head out to the bar for a few drinks. run into an old ex girlfriend. we stated hanging out. she hangs out with a lot of black guys so she was takeing me around introducing me to them. it started getting late. so we decided to go back to her place and have a few drinks.we got to her house had a few more. we starting fooling around. she new what i liked. i liked her to use a toy on me. well she talked me into tieing me up. then she put a gag on me and that wasnt in the...

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MagicianChapter 58

As a group we went around the corner into the corridor where the prison guards had Mage Clara pinned and restrained. Also in the corridor was the beheaded corpse of Johannes Trithemius who appeared to have not gone onto the next life without a tremendous struggle, admittedly to no avail. Despite being heavily shackled as well as what appeared to be sedated by the guard medical Mage judging by the syringe lying next to her, Clara was still struggling as well as swearing vilely at all of us...

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my first time

        The day started out as any other day . At the time I didn’t know I would meet the woman who would change the way I thought of sex. So I get to work and hear laughter the kind of laughter that makes you feel good all over. It puts a smile on my face as I went to get my drawer thinking I had to meet this person. It turns out her name was Merry what a prefect name for her. She was always happy and laughing she was merry for lack of a better word.

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The Secrets of KingsChapter 8

Captain Morrison watched Mo and Lucius talk from his position on the bridge. He couldn't hear what they said, but he didn't need to hear to know what it was. The Somali was completely in Koenraad's thrall and parroted every word to the other crew members. Several men loyal to the captain had already reported back to him that Mo had tried to recruit them. It didn't surprise the captain. Mo was not one of his men. He was one of the replacements that Rex Allister had been helpful enough to...

4 years ago
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She kissed her husband goodbye, and watched fondly and sadly as he turned to open the door. ‘Damn!’ he muttered as the icy chill blasted his exposed face. ‘Summer just can’t get here fast enough!’ Wearing only her robe and slippers, the cold air momentarily affected her much more than it affected him, but at least she would be inside all day. He had to trudge three blocks to the bus stop and wait for the bus to get through the horrendous morning traffic. She watched from a window until...

1 year ago
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Lamb of GodChapter 12

The Babcocks were a more traditional family--a mommy, a daddy, and five children all living in a single family dwelling of modest standards. Jerry Babcock worked for Brother James at his auto accessory plant. Martha, his wife, was a secretary at a trucking company not affiliated with the church. Together, they made a decent living, enough to support a family with five teenagers, all boys except for thirteen-year-old Darlene who had a twin brother, Ray. Jerry Jr. (Jer) was the oldest at...

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A Psychic in a Zombie Apocalpyse

Author's Notes: This story is inspired by the story The Fallout Shelter and the thread I started in it. I just realized that I liked the concept but wanted to take the story in a different direction that worked best in a separate story. Also, know that my main thread will make extensive use of images and gifs in case you are into that kind of thing. Or not. Regardless, I hope you enjoy this. The day so many feared would come has finally arrived: the beginning of the zombie apocalypse. However,...

Mind Control
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EMails To My MasterChapter 12

TO - Night Nurse FROM - Master Do I have any questions? Before I give you an answer I want a confirmation from you that what You are saying is the absolute truth and that it is not just an over flow of your wonderful imagination. You have to admit that it does read like another one of your stories but if you swear to me that it is true then I will considering letting this relationship go ahead. I hope it is true because it sure sounds like a lot of fun for a whore like you. However, there...

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It was a Saturday morning and I had just walked out of a computer class when I heard a friendly voice. " Hey Bob, how about some coffee and donuts... My treat ". I turned around and saw an attractive woman, with bright blue eyes and a blond ponytail waving at me. Kim was almost 30 years old, but still half my age. We had been computer lab partners all summer session. She was working on her graduate degree in Microbiology, which required a lot computer work, and I was brushing up on my data...

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“I’m close, Lou!” Drew gasped and raised his head briefly before dropping it again and continuing to pummel his wife. He sawed into her with the same determination he did every Sunday night and the occasional Friday or Saturday, if she was really lucky. She dug her nails into his shoulders, raised her knees as high as she could and pressed her heels into his buttocks, digging them in and feeling the satisfaction as his cock began to graze her g-spot, barely. His belly bumped against hers,...

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Maesons AssistantChapter 18 Taken

Dinner went quietly, or sort of, while Maeson did flirt with Kimber, especially by running his socked foot up and down the inside of her leg, he didn’t really pursue much else. While he wanted to take her, he really didn’t want to do it here in the restaurant and he sure as hell didn’t want to make it quick. Besides teasing her with suggestive movements and brushes he was sure would edge her along as best as any foreplay could. So he teased her legs, never actually touching her sex, he traced...

1 year ago
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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 20 Two Dons

November 4, 1995, Milford, Ohio “Good morning,” Doctor Mercer said when I arrived. “Morning, Doc. How are you?” “Good. And you?” “Pretty good. As I said, I just felt the need for a check-up.” “Well, have a seat.” “I always wondered about using the chair versus the couch,” I said. “It depends on the patient. You want to look me in the eyes and want me to be very direct. You don’t go for subtlety or carefully dancing around the issues. That annoys you as much as me being blunt would...

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3 Evil SistersPart 6

“We ordered a pizza,” Izzy answered looking back towards the TV. “There’s some leftover if your still hungry.” “No thanks,” I mumbled heading down the hall towards my room. When I shut the door, I jumped into bed without hesitation and fell right too sleep. It’d been so long since I went to bed happy, and it felt great. The next morning nothing could bring me down, and as the day went on it just proved how right I really was. I actually passed my math test with an A, and when it came time...

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Hot Nymph Next DoorChapter 10

The following Saturday morning, when Adrian met Alex at the motel, she suggested that they go back to her house to fuck. Her husband had mentioned something about going boating with some friends, and Adrian thought how much fun it would be to spend the whole day in bed with Alex while Ray was gone. Alone in the house, she could serve snacks in bed between fuck sessions. "Are you sure he won't be home?" asked Alex. "I'm positive," she answered. "And with your wife gone with Dee and...

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Remember Me Ch 01

A/N: My second try at a weaponry story. oOO Summary: ‘You want me to save the world from my demented Ex-Boyfriend? You’ve got to be kidding me.’ In a world full of choices, Dante has only a few. She just wants a peaceful, quiet, gunless life in the country where she can forget her bloody past. Forged passports, name changes, and isolation in the most remote landmarks in the world seemed to be the only way to live. But then the past comes knocking at her door with an offer… in exchange for...

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The Present Part 2

As Leigh stood under the hot running water, letting it stream down between her pert breasts, Jayne knelt on the floor by the bed, stroking and kissing Nick's shaft slowly, cleaning him from his ejaculating over Leigh. A fresh touch-up of lipstick, clear rings showing from just below the head down to the balls.Hearing Nick's groans of pleasure, Leigh smiled and picked up the black dildo she had kept within easy reach. Kissing the large rounded end, she ran her tongue over it in slow circular...

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Cletus Tucker4Chapter 3

Missouri, late August, 1866 The wagon train was a little closer to Kansas City, but Cletus still doubted that they could make it to Nebraska before the weather got too cold to travel. He had seen snow, but he still thought people were teasing him when they talked about big snow drifts and a snow fall as much as 12-inches in one day. He had to see it to believe it. He wouldn't worry about it until then. Cletus was still acting as scout for the wagon train, and the guards were beginning to...

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Arlene and JeffChapter 694

Dessie and Phillip at The Waterfall Campsite Dessie forgot to set her watch alarm, and overslept for the first time since her husband had been injured. After her morning constitutional, she cleaned Phillip and gave him some weak coffee that was barely warm. For obvious reasons, she dared not give him hot coffee. He seemed to appreciate it anyway. Maybe he’s getting better, she told herself wistfully. She had no idea how long it would be before he could walk. She had to face the possibility...

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Big Little Sister

“How’s Violet getting by?” his mother asked, inquiring about his younger sister. Josh looked at his eighteen year old sister. Except for the two bedrooms, the apartment was all one open space, so he could see her in the kitchen from where he was sitting in the living room. She was cleaning everything again, mostly out of a combination of boredom and anxiety, the way a lot of people were getting during the lockdown. The petite yet thick-curved teen had only brought enough clothes for a few...

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Ladys Next DanceChapter 25

Muffin was holding a weeping Jessie as Summers walked into the room. "Well ain't that sweet. Lesbians are sure starting out early these days." He pulled the remote from his pocket and pressed three buttons, pointed the remote at the two girls and pressed a fourth button. Jessie screamed and grabbed her neck. She then slumped against Muffin. "Summers, you mother fucker. Leave the poor kid alone. You fucking coward. Your sure are a big man picking on a defenseless baby. I'm going to make...

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You stretch your slightly tired arms as you walk in the cover of the night. Ever since you started working at a small advertising agency you've been coming home late. The pay is good but you rarely get enough sleep. You sigh and rub your sides as you hurriedly stride to your apartment. Your "apartment" seemed more like a storage space because of the unopened boxes that litter around the floor except for your PC you rarely use because of how busy you are and a matress at the corner. You quickly...

2 years ago
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Azon Shower Time

As we were passionately kissing on the bed I moaned and scratched down his chest lightly with my fingernails. I pulled away from his face and smiled. His big load filled my pussy and more. I felt it dripping out—I knew that if I didn’t clean up before I walked to the shower, there would be a trail going from his room to the bathroom. He grabbed my arm as I tried to get up. “Where are you going sweetheart?”“Well I was originally going to take a shower but I got side tracked by your room door.” I...

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