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There is something about eastern mysticism that has always fascinated me. I’m a pushover, I guess, for anything ornate, anything baroque, anything that celebrates life in all its gaudy detail. So when Xavier called me from Los Angeles to invite me to the Hare Krishna festival of the chariots, I reacted as I might have to an obscene phone call from Roger Vadim: — with a gush of sensual enthusiasm that I could not have hidden if I had wanted to.

‘You really should come, Christina, ‘ Xavier’s clear tenor voice cajoled me. ‘ with your taste in male tonnage, a parade of bull elephants ought to be right up your alley.’

‘Besides,’ I said, ignoring the raunchy undertones that I had come to expect from Xavier, ‘ it’ll give the Krishna’s a chance to atone for all that miserable pandering they do at major airports.’

We both laughed — it’s an old friendship, Xavier’s and mine, one that dates back to the days when I was little more than a rich man’s daughter.

‘So you’ll be there?’ he said.

‘With bells on.’

‘How appropriate,’ he said dryly. ‘ And don’t forget your roller skates.’

Two days later I was comfortably ensconced in Xavier’s beachfront penthouse, with it’s marvelous view not only of the pacific, but also of the marina del rey channel and its seemingly endless parade of sailboats. Xavier had invited a few friends, taking care as always to mix professions, backgrounds, and countries of origin the way a fine chef mixes spices. Dr. Silvia Carlson of Gutenberg, perhaps the worlds foremost expert on industrial pollution and a Nobel prize winner twice over, was there, and she was counter pointed by john bel geddes, president of pantheon oil, while tai kwan do master Claudio Galliard of Uruguay argued the fine points of his craft with Louisa Chen, producer of fifty eight karate movies and demonstrably the most successful filmmaker in Hollywood.

I must admit we made a striking party as we strolled along the strip of asphalt which bordered the beach and which Xavier insisted on calling a ‘ boardwalk ‘. Louisa was wearing a traditional silk outfit that had been in her family for twelve generations, while Silvia and I had chosen hand painted adaptations of tea dresses from the royal families of the tsaidam basin, hers had a dragon motif, and mine a floral pattern inspired by the gardens of mang-yai. The fact that the Krishna festival was based on an Indian holiday that had nothing whatsoever to do with china mattered as little to us as the fact that all the women in our party were taller than all the men

The festival itself turned out to be everything Xavier had promised. Several dozen elephants promenaded down the boardwalk, dressed in mirrored trappings, which seemed to reflect the gaudy banners under which they passed. Krishna riders with topknots streaming comically in the stiff ocean breeze guided the elephants to a grassy area, where tents and booths had been set up in imitation of the feast of Ramadan. Brentwood lawyers in Sperry topsiders mixed with the artists and sixties leftovers who are the main inhabitants of Venice beach, and these two groups in turn vied for space in the free food lines with the bums and winos for whom the festival was a serious source of nutrition.

The Krishna’s were feeding everyone. A few plates of their charity passed under my nose, and the aroma of holy poverty was enough to make me want to stop eating for a month. I was far more interested in the stage that had been set up in the middle of the park, and in the several dozen glassy eyed Krishna’s on it who were chanting and occasionally jumping up and down in unconscious imitation of Bessie griffin and the gospel pearls. I had to admit it, the power of the chant was entirely real, and, though the Krishna’s did not know it, their orgy of the spirit was being translated in my body into an undeniable and equally powerful desire for an orgy of the flesh.

I could feel the chant, feel it as a palpable pressure in my belly, as a spider with a thousand legs dancing down my spine. I had not made love in several days– Xavier prefers the attentions of men, while gallardo and bel geddes were habitual abstainers, each for his own reasons — and now my body was responding to the chant as if it were a lover, taking the insistent sound inside me as if it were a strident, rock hard penis, letting it ply my soft insides with the sweet massage of the paramour. My fingers lay resting along the outsides of my thighs, and it was only with the greatest effort that I kept them still, kept them from attacking the already tingling flanges of my overwrought pussy.

Unconsciously, I closed my eyes and groaned out my desire. The chant, the bells, the mass of raw emotion in the voices of the singers, even the wind from the pacific, were combing to become what amounted to a symphony of lust, and my body was being played like some exotic instrument, like a magic lute that a Hindu god might use to arouse his priestess to a fever of immaculate yearning. I floated in my imagination to the palaces of panjim, where a swarthy prince brushed his practiced lips over the stiffening tips of my breasts, and then onto the caves of malabar, where a bandit chieftain ravaged my aching cunt from behind.

Soon it would be too much, I knew. If I didn’t escape the throbbing power of the chant I would in a matter of minutes be straddling some open mouthed hippie while the matrons of Krishna went screaming for the police. I had to get away, to calm the swelling urges in my loins, and perhaps, if I were lucky, to find some real satisfaction in the arms of a man of bone and blood.

I practically ran from the festival, from the maddening echoes of the chant, knowing Xavier would understand my sudden disappearance and even wish me well. Xavier knew me better than anyone in the world and would know the effect that such a powerful experience would have on me. In fact, many times it had been Xavier himself who had discreetly provided me with a lover to calm my ragging body, to still the sensual trembling that even the slightest emotion could cause in me.

In my frustration and my desire for something immediate in the way of release, I rented a pair of roller skates and roared off at top speed down the boardwalk. I had been an excellent skater as a girl, and the soothing, graceful motion of speed skating came back to me almost instantly, so that I was able to power through the crowds without touching anyone with anything more than my passing breeze. The faster I went the cooler and more manageable became the flames in my burning body, so that by the time I reached the row of outdoor bistros at the far end of the boardwalk I was ready to relax and enjoy the interesting, though sexual, entertainments that Venice beach has to offer.

Scarcely out of breath, I stopped at one of the sidewalk cafes and ordered tea and beignets while I watched a pair of satin bedecked, bell draped folk singers wailing in a language that could have been Iroquois but was probably some patois from an album of the holy modal rounders. An eight-year-old girl rode by on a unicycle, nearly running over a withered Jewish lady who was talking to a roller skater dressed in a batman costume. The spirit of festival inspired by the Krishna’s had bought out the circus performer in everyone, it seemed, and now that my desires had been squelched — for the time being, at least — I was quite content simply to watch the impromptu parade and pretend that it was all being staged for my personal amusement.

After a time my eye began to drift down the boardwalk, scanning absently along the rows of proffered oil paintings and Balinese basketry until it lit on a spot some twenty yards away where a large crowd was beginning to gather. The wall of people that had been drawn to the spot prevented me from seeing what the attraction was, but my curiosity was piqued, and I could not have avoided becoming part of that crowd even if I had wanted to. I’ve thought about it many times since — how radical
ly my life was changed by that purely chance attraction, how, had I been anywhere else among the infinite number of other places there were to be at that moment the warp of my existence would have taken on a entirely different texture and direction. But such speculations, charming and piquant though they may be, are in the end entirely useless. Things happen because they happen, that’s all.

Go back far enough in time and kill a butterfly, and you change the entire history of the world.

I paid my check and walked slowly down the boardwalk to the spot where the crowd had gathered. The ring of people by this time stood about three deep, so at first all I could see was an occasional blur and flash of white in the center. As I sought a better vantage point by means of demure little stabs of my elbow, the crowd began to part for me, first grudgingly, then graciously. It’s not hard to notice the extra courtesy that physical attractiveness seems to inspire in people who are ordinarily quite surly.

By the time I reached the inner row of watches I could see what it was that had drawn them so inexorably. It — he, I should say, for the masculinity flared from his body like a firestorm from the surface of the sun — was a mime, a man dressed quite simply in a black dancers body suit and with only the barest suggestion of the white facial makeup that creates the mime’s artificial pallor.

I will never forget that first glimpse of Paul, even though my mind is now like a photo album replete with images of him in various past attitudes and arrangements. He was simply and without doubt the most alarmingly gorgeous man I had ever seen, and this despite the fact that my personal treasury of men holds some of the world’s most dazzling heartbreakers. But none of the devastatingly good looking men I had known up to then had Paul’s magnificent integration, that smooth flow of physical unity that submerged the beauty of each individual part, each rippling muscle, into a whole so glorious that the body became a river, or a graceful ribbon of waterfall plunging from peak to pool.

But I must admit it — my thoughts at that first moment were anything but poetic. I was hypnotized, yes, by his sheer physical presence, but the part of me that was already under his spell was definitely located below the waist. The minute I saw Paul — and he was at that moment in repose, gathering his forces of concentration for the beginning of his next routine — a jolt of purely sexual energy tore through my body, and the insides of my thighs were almost instantly salved by the first creamy signs of my prurient interest. The only thing coherent in the way of thought that I could muster at that moment was — I’m going to come just looking at this man.

Then, to make matters worse, he started to move, although move is an entirely inadequate word to describe what Paul really did. He moved the way the hands of a watch move, or the way a flower opens, imperceptibly, as if his body had somehow learned how to slow down the currents of the brain, the very junctions between nerve and muscle. One would have needed time lapse photography to prove that he had moved at all, and yet what he did left a suggestion in the brain of the viewer, a sort of slow motion streak across the back of the eyes like a diaphanous trail left by a jet that crawls through the sky at 40,000 feet.

Paul’s routine, it soon became apparent, had to do with nothing less than being born, with the silent majesty of life’s first great stretch. It was at the end of that stretch. During which he made all of us believe that he had completed the growth of a lifetime in no more than about seven seconds, that our eyes met for the first time, and the randy energy that was still coursing through my body was obviously transmitted directly to him. I knew it happened, I could see his eyes register my unmistakable message of desire and transmit it in turn to wherever he filed such things for future reference, and yet he did not miss even the tiniest of beats in his routine. He continued with the slow motion extension of his body that seemed to signify the growth of us all, stretched and literally grew before our eyes until we all could have sworn he was at least eight feet tall. At that point he suddenly switched to a high-speed motion, leaped into the air, and popped an imaginary basketball through an imaginary hoop with a strong and graceful slam-dunk.

This move was equivalent to the hypnotist’s snap of the finger, and the crowd awoke with a collective and delighted laugh. Paul swooped into a low bow amid the generous applause, bringing to my mind the image of a medieval master proudly faking an attitude of submission to the court.

When he finally raised his head again, his dark blue eyes caught mine for a fraction of an instant, and he in turn released what I now know was only a small sample of his own churning sexual energy. He allowed the corners of his mouth to rise slightly in an almost imperceptible smile, and then quickly turned his attention back to the mass of his audience. But my eyes had seen, and my body had read the message in that smile, and a knot of anticipation began to form in my chest, which was heaving as if we had already made love for three days running.

Paul now asked for requests from the audience, eager to prove his ability in the highest practice of any art — improvisation. I could not have kept quiet under any threat of injury.

‘Spread yourself on a piece of toast, ‘ I said.

He knew, of course. He knew that I was asking him to spread himself, not like butter on a piece of bread, but like a smooth, slick oil over the contours of my burning body. He understood instantly, and took up the challenge of my invitation with easy confidence. His body literally dissolved before my eyes (I was by then quite unaware of the presence of the crowd), spreading into a form that managed to be almost entirely amorphous yet throbbingly muscular at the same time. His ‘ bread ‘ (the ground) and my body became one — he was as aware of it as I — and I could almost feel him pouring himself over me, onto me, into me, suffusing me with the hot lotion of his glorious sex.


By the time he had finished I would have gone with him anywhere. If he had no place to go, I would have made love to him there on the asphalt, in the very heart of the crowded festival. I would have offered my body as public testimony to his skill, as a sheath in which to place the sword of his essence, as an urn for the oil of his steamy masculinity.

Luckily, no such public display on my part was necessary. Paul used the butter on toast routine as an excuse to end his show (prematurely, no doubt, as his interest had obviously made him as impatient as I was), thanked the crowd politely for the donations that fell like rain into his hat, walked over to me, and without the slightest hesitation took my hand.

‘Paul Bayard, ‘ he said simply. (As if I cared! his smile was already causing delightful little stirrings in my abdomen.)

‘Christina van bell,’ I managed.

‘Uh – oh,’ he said, that wonderful smile vanishing momentarily.

‘Can’t even get past the introductions without problems these days, ‘ I said, recovering myself somewhat.

‘What’s the matter?’

‘Two word last names make me uncomfortable,’ he said, beginning to look a little sheepish. ‘ The ‘ van ‘ probably translates as ‘millionaire’s daughter ‘, and the ‘bell’ as ‘hands off’. ‘

‘You’ve already had your hand on me for at least thirty seconds,’ I said. ‘ Do you hear me complaining?’

He looked down and raised his eyebrows as he realized that he had not yet let go of my hand. Embarrassed, he let it fall loosely from mine. I grabbed it back immediately.

‘You can’t get out of this now,’ I said, wondering if he would be the type to be scared off by an aggressive woman. But already I was finding myself unable to stand being out of physical contact with him, and I knew that caution was going to get me ab
solutely nowhere.

I was relieved to see his beautiful smile return. ‘ I wonder if I’ll ever want to,’ he said in a voice so low I could scarcely hear him.

But hear him I did, and it was all I needed. We both realized, I think, that all the pertinent decisions had been made during those first few meetings of our eyes, that now — for today, at least — there was very little left for us to do outside of pure consummation. The touch of his hand in mine was sending frantic little messages screaming through my nervous system, and that interlocking of hands, so innocent in appearance to any outsider, was quickly becoming a terribly exciting form of foreplay.

We turned, still holding hands, and began to walk up the boardwalk, our direction carrying us away from the main flow of the festival. I was not in the least concerned about Xavier and the rest of our party — he knew me well enough not to worry about such inconsequential items as sudden disappearances. Besides, the little stroking of Paul’s sensitive fingertips along the palm of my hand were already driving me crazy with desire, and I knew that no mere social obligation was going to prevent my seeing this thing with Paul through to the finish.

‘Where are we going?’ I whispered, felling the butterflies of sensation stirring ever more rapidly in my insides.

‘To my place,’ he said simply. ‘ To dance.’

He didn’t need to say much more. ‘ His place ‘ turned out to be a concrete and dry wall studio on one of the charming little court streets off the boardwalk. It was immense, and brilliantly white, and absolutely unadorned, giving the impression that it served as some kind of temple to its tenant. And once we were well inside, I understood that that was precisely what the place was, a temple. Not so much to Paul himself, but to the beauty inside him, which he had the good grace to realize was his only inasmuch as he had the privilege of choosing how to express it. It was as if he had left his place as bare as possible so that his living space would not pose any sort of distraction to the great business of his life, which was to turn silent movement into its own form of music.

There was a bed in one corner of the enormous room, a box spring and mattress supported by an arrangement of pipes that was obviously homemade, that could have easily looked salvage-yard tacky, but that with Paul’s touch could pass very easily for the state of the art in high-tech interior design. He led me over to it without a word, and we sat down on the edge. My heart was pounding like a jackhammer, and I could feel my puss lips rubbing softly against one another through the silky juices of my ever-growing excitement.

‘Is this the dance floor?’ I said, looking deeply into his eyes and placing one of his hands gently on my throbbing breast.

‘This is a cage,’ he said. ‘ If you want true release, you have to start in a cage.’

With that he began to slowly unbutton my blouse, taking each button like a trophy, with sure, practiced hands and at a measured pace. His deliberateness was already driving me wild, and in my anxiousness I punctuated each little space between unbuttonings with delicate little nibbles at the nape of his neck. Our knees were touching as we sat facing other on the edge of the bed, and I could feel a hot current of sensation arcing across them. I fought a growing urge to simply plaster myself against him, to grab his rock hard cock in my fingers and plow it into my dilating cunt, to pounce on it and wring the juices from it and leave him there in his ‘cage’ sapped and quiescent. I fought the urge because I knew that Paul’s way was better, that his delicate teasings and careful probings would inspire in me a slow growing chain reaction that would ultimately drive me screaming to that place deep inside me that was the source of all sensation.

By now Paul had unbuttoned my blouse down to my waist, and the shock of cool air hitting the surface of my tingling breasts made it seem as though Paul himself had a thousand fingers. Yet he had still not actually touched me. With my bare breasts now exposed, I never wear a bra, and take all warnings about sagging breasts in middle age as a sign of jealousy from the bra bound, he began to blow ever so lightly on them, little circular breezes that circumscribed the two deep pink aureole and that made my nipples spike and harden as if reaching out for the maddening touch of his fingertips.

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Hot Adventures With Mom And My Maid

Hi iss readers thank you for your good response on my previous story titled my innocent maid…and me, my maid and my coming to the story. I am Rahulrai from Bangalore maid rani stats 32d-30-34…my mom renu stats 34d-32-36…my mom has got big boobs and lovely ass anyone would die for … Now coming to the story we fucked a lot…everywhere… We decided to go for an adventure trip in the forests.everyone was happy with the plan..after2 days we were planning to go. We brought all the stuff...

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Straight Guy Now Sucks Black Cock

I mean, I never imagined I would ACTUALLY suck a cock.Although I would be lying if I said the idea hadn't become a growing curiosity fantasy over the past few months leading up to the 'incident'.I mean, I was, and still am, happily married, although our once wild sex life had dwindled to once, maybe twice a month, sex. And not the wild in public, or marathon sex sessions of our younger days, either... usually missionary, with maybe thirty seconds of head if I was lucky.I'm not defending what...

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7th Inning Stretch

Heather ran her hands lazily over the sun warmed skin of her bare breasts and abdomen. Arching her back and pointing her toes, she stretched with the languor of a very contented feline. She sat up and reached for the skimpy, tangerine bikini top and slipped the halter neck over her head. Reaching behind her back, she fastened it in place before rising gracefully to her feet. She crossed the patio to the sliding glass door that led into the walk in basement. Four pairs of very appreciative male...

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Blackmailing My Dads New Wife Chapter 4

After she had finished cumming from her incredible orgasm, Porsche collapsed onto my bed, her legs too weak and wobbly to keep her up anymore. She was exhausted and panting, but I wasn't finished with her yet. She wanted the whore treatment; now she would have to finish what she started!Using her legs to lever her over onto her back, I pulled her ankles up to my shoulders. With one arm around her legs just below the knees, I held her firmly in place as I once again began plowing into her, my...

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The weekend part 3

I was working on getting the grill good and hot before I threw the meat on. I looked around and Heather was working on the baked potatoes. Getting them ready, putting butter and season and wrap each one in foil. Mickie was making a side salad to go with it. And Trish had pitcher of lemonade. Since she was done she decided to see if Steve was up and see when he was going to join us. Mickie was soon done with her salad and made her way over to Heather to assist her. The grill was finally ready as...

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My Shemale Stepmother

Note : This story is completely fictional! My parents split up when I was eighteen, I was a little distressed by it but we had never been as close as some. Still, I didn't really see what had driven them apart so quickly and so thoroughly that they never even spoke any more. I guessed maybe one of them must have had an affair and that was really all that I thought about it. I went off to college and life went on. That following summer, when I was nineteen, I moved in to live with my dad for the...

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Irsquom THAT teacher

Note: ——I am NOT the author! I'm the teacher that fantasies are made of, fucking the hot basketball coach in school.Yes, I’m THAT teacher. The one you fantasized about. The one in the old Van Halen “Hot for Teacher” video. The one that inspires the comment: “I wish my teachers looked like that when I was in high school.”That teacher.I know all the schoolboy fantasies you harbored when you were sixteen:Private after-school detentions where I draw the blinds and ride your cock on top of the lab...

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Alexander The Cruxifixioner

Alexander sits astride a black stallion  and looks magnificent in his battle armour. his golden breast plate and shin protectors gleam in the early morning sun.His black stallion ‘Apollo’ shifts slightly and snorts stamping its feet. The horse is of finest Arabian blood and wants to gaallop ifree on the beach trying to catch the wind.The young conqueror pats the horses braided mane and speaks gently.? Steady boy? ? His blond hair falls in golden locks to the shoulders. In the city square,the ...

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In Her GenesChapter 18 Resident Celebrity

Ten thousand miles to the West, Melanie was also getting a head start on her junior year by working as a student helper at LAC-USC university hospital. By chance, she was assigned to the emergency room, the same place where she and David had been admitted a little over a year before. She was seeing a lot of traffic accident victims coming in, and some cases gave her a realization of how lucky she and even David had been. Worse than that were the crime victims brought in by the police and...

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A Heros Story Ch 0103

Beginning In a land created by nature and forged by man, a terrible darkness was spreading across it. This darkness was destroying the creations of nature and forgery done by the people, it was obliterating the terrain. There is one town it hadn’t gotten to yet, for that town was too close to the source, Prime Village. There lives a young man, and destiny will soon take a hold of his name, and he will become the savior. Chapter 1: Training ‘Ken! Ken wake up!’ A voice called to the young...

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Priyankar Kochi Guder Chodon Sukh

Hi readers amar nam som chatterjee,age 23.bari ami pori kolkatar ekta engineering collage e.3 yr engineering e porar por ekhane admission ni.ata tokhonkar ghotona Ami era geo onek golpo diachi,akhon r daoa hoi na.tai vablam amar latest sex er ghoto na ta tomader sathe share kori. Ami tokhon collage e 2nd year,tokhon mess nia ekta jhamela hoyechilo.tarpor ami mess change kore saltlaker dik chole asi.sekhane ekta barite thaktam paying guest hisebe.ami uopr tolai thak tam r tar niche...

2 years ago
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Jail Force Parts 19 20

Parts 19-20 By Jimmy T Seay (m+/t oral forced enema jail) =========================================================================== Bruno loved the feel of the boy's hot cum spraying on him, the air was scented with the smell of the boy's fresh load of cream. As Brian's nuts had jetted, Bruno felt the tight band of Brian's ass lips contract and expand. The boy's fuck chute was still nice and tight, it was deep and made for a good, powerful fucking. Bruno bent down,...

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Summer SailingChapter 8

DAY SEVEN So we woke early, all looked out to check we were okay. It was bright, clear and, from the sky, still blowing hard, but not as hard. I stood in my pants, made a pot of tea and poured two. A voice behind me said “Nice arse” which I took to be ironical. “There’s tea in the pot if you want one. See you later” And went back to bed. Sarah curled round me, sipped her tea and then drifted off to sleep again. I woke at 11am. Sarah slept on. I went out and checked the anchor, checked for...

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Pauls Inner Feelings

In that Salt Lake City, Utah. After Christmas ski trip, they stayed until the New Year. There were nights things were relaxed and casual, someone would just do blowjobs. Or just lounged around the chalet in it’s big private tub or the large downstairs living room. Other nights things really heated up and it seemed like everyone was fucking and sucking someone else. And by that time Erin and Leah were already in bed and asleep. This story came in those nights when it got heated up. Though...

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An Unbearable Christmas Surprise

The air outside was very cool. The weatherman announced that it was twenty degrees Fahrenheit. A week ago, the temperature had been in the sixties at midnight. The world outside had definitely taken on a different look. Several inches of fluffy white snow covered the ground. The trees were bare; the last of the holdouts having lost their leaves during the previous week. The sky was a neutral gray and the sun was preparing for one final hurrah before it would begin to sink in the west. As I...

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Someones Watching

“He is so damn wrong about me, he has no idea. I am not a prude, he is just too pushy for me. I just asked him to slow down a little and not rush it and he huffed off like a child.”Sara slams the door behind her and enters her apartment. Finally safe, no more prying eyes, no one judging her. She starts a kettle for tea and begins to make a cup. Sitting near the window to the courtyard and enjoying her tea as the phone rings.“Hello”“How are you, so how was it?” Sara’s friend Lilly asked on the...

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Morning Love

Every day has been like a dream for the past two years. A happy dream where everybody wakes up refreshed and ready for the next day. Today was like any other, waking up to Reveille after another restful night, Mark and Alycia stirred in the morning light that poured through the bedroom window. Today was Saturday and neither of them had anywhere to be at any particular time. Rolling over towards Mark, Alycia propped herself on her elbows and she leaned in and gently kissed his lips. He sleepily...

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Seduced by my best friend pat 2

Again, just like the first part, everything is true except his name.Back when I was 18, my best friend growing up, once seduced me during a sleep over. It was the first real sex I had ever had. I had gone out with girls in high school and still love women, but I never had the opportunity to go all the way with them and with Steven, well, the curiosity was just too great. We had spent last summer sleeping over at each other's house every weekend on the guise of playing video games or watching...

1 year ago
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Ageless Sex 8211 Part 8

Pramila took one more step forward in the world of slutness. In the night Deepa forced her into hardcore lesbian act which she did not like first. She responded equally thereafter. Then both fucked by Mukesh. In morning both sat nude with Mukesh and in presence of husband Deepa sucked Pramila & Mukesh fucked Deepa. Also Mukesh kept holding breast of Pramila and after he filled cunt of Deepa, Pramila fisted cock of Mukesh. Vinod watched all these. Pramila reached school in time. She was happier....

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BangBus Shae Celestine Star Maps Dealer Gets Slammed

The bus never stops searching for these desperate chicks in need of dough. This week we pulled up on this eighteen year old selling star maps near a celebrity neighborhood. We got her to hop in, to show us around. Instead, we started flashing money at her to get her to undress for us. After a bit of convincing, we had her completely naked and on her knees. She shoved Tyler Steel’s cock far down her throat, and sucked it clean. Shortly after, this young beauty was getting her pussy blasted....

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My Girl Gina Chapter 2

"DAADDEEE!!" She screamed as my mouth fastened to her slit and my tongue slipped into its wet pink depths, "Oh fuck yes! Ohhh... fuck, fuck, fuck!" Gina instinctively grabbed the sides of my head, trying to pull me deeper into her pussy. I brushed her hands away and she moved them to the sides grabbing at the bedsheets as I feasted on her sweet juicy peach. Gina was going mad as I ate her, swinging her head back and forth, her brunette hair flying wildly.She couldn't clamp her legs together...

Straight Sex
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Paul Barker was of two minds about his daughter moving back into the family home after finally giving up on her no-good bum of a husband. He and his wife, Jessie, had expressed strong doubts at the time, but the headstrong 18 year old had eloped and run off to Reno and, when they returned, it was too late for their cooler heads to prevail. She was married, and had already been pregnant. The baby girl, whom the proud parents named Christine, was born six months after the elopement. No honest...

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Photo shoot goes so wrong or does it

Photo Session Not my story but to hot not to share Tony Photo Session.I wanted to do something nice for my husband for our first anniversary, and I decided that a professional set of photos of the two of us would be really nice to have. So I looked around and made some calls and found a studio that really caught my interest. It was a one man shop, the owner had been a professional photographer for 30 years, he did all his own developing in-house, he specialized in romantic couple photos, and...

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Just For Fun

Introduction: This is only a short story, or rather a story within a story, and as such only contains one sexual act. It was written, as the title suggests, Just For Fun. In the dim light of the dingy basement, unkempt and dirty fingers moved a computer mouse on its mat, and as he clicked, words sprang onto the screen before him. A blue glow from the screen was the only illumination in this sordid little room as he began to read the words before him. His lips moved noiselessly as he struggled...

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The Machine part 3

The machine part 3 By Simone Clark Author's note: Thanks for reading and reviewing my story! This is the part where it really picks hold on to your hat! The weeks went by and I experienced a few firsts as a woman, the first period (yuck), the first wardrobe malfunction, and the first fashion faux pas. Other than that I was adapting to being a woman quite well I thought. My daily routine started with some exercise to keep the figure trim and strong, dressing in Simone's...

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sexy indian grannys affair

this is the story of how i fucked my grandmother (my mother's mother). she was married very young, i think when she was around 14 yrs. those days they were married young. my mom was born when my granny was 17!! my mother got married when she was 22 and i was born a year later. the incident happened during my 12th, i was 17 at that time my granny was 57 but she looked like she was 40 because of the regular work they did when they were young. my granny and granpa had a farm and some cows...

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My Mom8217s Gang Bang By My Dad Subordinates In Our Home

Hi this story is about my mom lalitha is gang bang by my dad’s subordinates. My dad name is siva. His age is 45. My mom age is 38.He is working in one private company as accountant. My mom is lalitha is house wife. My dad is always strict and obey is work very much. And I am the only son to my parents. My dad is normal guy. But my mom is looking very beautiful in our area. My mom laitha in 38 she looks like just 24 like that she have beautiful face. Her lips are like two pairs of orange. If all...

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A New Beginning and Beyond Book 1 In the BeginningChapter 21

Waking up early, I went in and tried to wake Stosh up for our run like I had promised. He was awake when I left the room; I hoped he’d go with me. It was better talking to someone when running. When he didn’t show by the time my stretching was done so I started my run. I wasn’t his babysitter. A casual pace for 5 miles was good for the morning. It was about 10 laps around the neighborhood, then walking a lap around the neighborhood to cool down. As I came to the driveway, the girl from...

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mdash A son finds his mother

I had a wonderful final year of college and was looking forward to a long, relaxing, enjoyable summer before joining the work force in the fall as a newly licensed attorney.I'm twenty five years old, looking forward to a long, successful career in law in Southern Florida. I love the single life, especially living here, with plenty of attractive, sexy women to choose from, scantily clad and available.I was orphaned as an infant, my mother gave me up for adoption at birth, unable to raise me as a...

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Singles apartment complex has benefits

I got a raise at work, I was two years out of college and it was time to upgrade my can and apartment. I moved into one of the fanciest singles themed complexes in the city. It has the usual facilities; an indoor and outdoor pool, a fitness center, whirlpool, a clubhouse with bar and tennis. The big draw in the summer is the outdoor pool where the beautiful people show off.I moved in early January and began using the fitness center and indoor pool each evening. One evening as I was entering...

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Mi vecina

Hace ya algún tiempo, mi vecina que es una mujer de unos 57 años, me llamo para que fuera a verla, por que no le funcionaba bien un ventilador de techo.Fui a verlo y me encontré que ella me estaba esperando vestida con un mini short y un top, los cuales no concordaban mucho con su edad, pero si con su físico, que pese a su edad, estaba bastante firme.Yo me subí a una escalera pera ver el ventilador, y cuando reaccione ella estaba con un buen vaso de jugo de naranjas frío y mirando a mi bulto....

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Jordan Cums of AgeChapter 1

Jordan Cole was always a mischievous child; she broke the rules only when she was certain she couldn't get caught. So it was natural that her classmates and friends thought she was a bit of a rebel and wise beyond her 17 years. Jordan was wise in that she had her finger on her goal. She was blessed with beauty and a fantastic figure which she worked at. The coach suggested she leave gymnastics because her breast size grew fast at 14, so she took up softball and volleyball. But her real...

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A few minutes later, after she had refilled her glass, she heard a card being inserted in the door, and saw it burst open. A well-dressed, well-built man in his late thirties entered the room, saw Kimi sitting on the bed, and said “What the fuck?! What are you doing in my room?” Kimi’s eyes widened with fright, and she stammered. “Oh god! I’m sorry…..I…I was cleaning the room…I…just needed to sit down and rest for a minute.” “And have a snort of my scotch while you were at it!” said...

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© Copyright 1999 DASTARDLY DODO ALL Rights Reserved It was a year after Tom Marchal's wife had died. Being without sex for all that time was getting to him. He had tried to date, but the memory of his wife and the fact the hadn't played the dating-game for 25 years made it an almost impossible task. In desperation he decided to go to a prostitute. He dialed a number he found in the newspaper. "The rose agency. How may I help you.". A woman answered the phone. "Ehh... I......

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Dance of a LifetimeChapter 148 The Comeback

After Nationals, Warren and Sophia returned to school, for their last semester of college. They had classes to worry about, and Betsy, and skating. Warren was still trying to get into shape to skate at Worlds. It wasn't an easy process, and the pain never entirely went away. However, they believed what they had told June--that missing Worlds this year would be horrible for their career. They had to show up, at the very least. "Besides which," Warren told Sophie one night, "because of...

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