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Authors Note: This story has been posted in ‘Romance’ because I consider that to be the primary theme. However, it contains several lesbian scenes and some voyeurism. If those things turn you off, I suggest you not read further. Thanks. -cw


I had fielded variations of the proposition countless times. Unfortunately, it seemed to be a pervasive myth throughout the business, that a girl could muck out a few stalls a week and get free lessons. What was most amazing to me is who would ask. I had been approached by parents of girls as young as 7. First of all, how much real work is a 7 year old going to do? Secondly, hasn’t anyone heard of child labor laws? Thirdly, there was the matter of liability…well, suffice it to say it was ludicrous.

I had also been approached by families I knew were wealthy. Families for whom the lesson costs were a pittance.

I suppose in theory, the basic concept could work, assuming the girl was actually old enough to work. After all, we paid employees to work at the farm, and customers paid us to give them lessons. The money from one could go to the other. It really came down to a matter of proportions. The math just made it a losing proposition. We charged $60 for an hour lesson and I paid my entry level stable hands $10 an hour. Six hours of labor was way more work than any of these kids were willing to put in to get an hour on the horse. We do 20 lessons a day, 7 days a week. If I started accepting this proposition, we would have the cleanest stalls in the world, hell, the horse manure wouldn’t even reach the floor before it would be carted away, but we would be broke.

So when the girl came to me that Saturday talking about wanting to ride and mentioning a willingness to work around the barn, I gave her my standard response: I don’t hire anyone under 18, if I have any openings they are posted on the bulletin board along with instructions on how to apply and if you want lessons, employees pay the same as anyone else. That last part wasn’t actually true, I gave my employees a $10 discount, but I chose not to reveal that until someone was actually working for me.

The difference in this case is that the girl didn’t just walk away disappointed, or at least not visibly so. Actually, to be more accurate, she didn’t really show any emotion throughout the conversation, she just asked where she could find the aforementioned bulletin board. It was hard to guess her age, but I had to assume based on her response she was at least 18. I was a cold day and she had just come in from outside and was bundled up in warm clothing, including a wool cap. That and the fact that she had a tendency to look down at her feet while she talked to me gave me few visual clues. She headed off to the bulletin board and I turned my attention to other business.

As it happened, I did need another person to clean stalls, as another worker had quit last week, the second this month. She gave an innocuous reason, something about needing more time to focus on her studies at the community college. I had my suspicion that poor treatment by the customers was really to blame. By customers, I really mean one customer in particular, Madison Reynolds.

As soon as her name came to mind, Madison came around the corner, flanked by the two most prominent members of her posse, Chloe and Jenna. All three were affluent 18 year old high school seniors with indulgent daddies. Madison exuded wealth and confidence, wearing only the best riding clothes money could buy. And if you know anything about riding clothes, you know that takes quite a bit of money. She strode around with her head held high like she owned the place, which I found mildly annoying because I owned the place.

The other thing she exuded was sex appeal. She was well aware of it. She had a classically beautiful face and just about perfect body, if you liked your girls on the athletic side (and I did).

Madison was one of our biggest assets…and one of our biggest problems. I wasn’t sure which outweighed which right now. She and her horse Caesar had captured many prominent show jumping titles in the region and even a few at the national level. As the star of our show team, her successes brought attention to the barn, and that attention brought business. My rates for boarding and lessons were the highest in the area, but I was pretty much at capacity. Madison was a big reason for this success.

Unfortunately, Madison treated my crew like shit. She was demanding, condescending and rude. If anything went wrong she always made sure someone took the blame, usually someone on my staff. She wasn’t much nicer to the other customers, either, except for those in her inner circle of friends. She reserved her worst treatment for any girls who dared to join the show team without bowing down to her. She and her inner circle would bully them mercilessly as only teen girls can. I knew I needed to do something, but I wasn’t sure what.

I know what you’re thinking, why didn’t you just throw her out. In retrospect, that would have been the right thing to do.

As Madison strolled by me, she said, ‘Hi, Mr. B. Can you make sure Caesar’s stall gets cleaned tonight? It’s looking pretty nasty.’

‘If we can get to it. It’s already been cleaned once today. You know it wouldn’t hurt you to pick up a shovel yourself if it bothers you.’

She chose to ignore that comment. After she passed me, I fought an inner battle. ‘Don’t look, don’t look, don’t look.’ I looked. I turned and looked at her shapely ass in her form fitting riding pants. I noted that there was no sign of any panties under those pants. Of course she knew exactly when to turn her head over her shoulder and catch me looking. Dammit, that didn’t help things. She smirked at me.

Later that day I found an application and resume in the mail slot at my office door. Sarah Perez, age 19, it said. I figured that must have been the girl I had met earlier. She had passed my first test. She had followed my written instructions to the letter on how to apply. She completely filled out the application, provided references and a resume and had put everything in the slot by my door. Sounds like a pretty low standard, but 50% of the applicants didn’t even get that far.

There wasn’t much on the resume, but it did say she had worked at a barn in Kentucky for a few months. She used the owner as a reference. I gave him a call.

‘She didn’t say much, but she worked hard and had a way with the horses. I was sorry to lose her, but after her dad died, I guess she had to move. I felt bad for the kid, she has had it rough. Her dad was a drinker. Violent too, if you can believe the stories. Then he hung himself, leaving her and her mom with nothing.’

I thought to myself, ‘That’s got to mess a kid up. Here’s someone that needs a break.’ I decided to give her a shot.

The loss of Sarah’s father struck a chord with me, having lost my wife three years ago to a car accident. I still missed her, badly sometimes. We weren’t a perfect couple, nor was she a perfect wife, but we did love each other, in our own fashion.

High Ridge Farm had been Meghan’s, passed down through her family. She was raised in this world, privileged, old money families who chose to spend their leisure time and money on horses. Her parents had wanted one of her two older brothers to take over the farm, but Jake turned out to be completely irresponsible and William opted for a career in the oil industry. Meghan was infatuated with horses when she was young, like so many little girls, and she never grew out of it. She was an accomplished and decorated rider, and as it turned out, had a knack for teaching her skills to young girls. On the other hand, she was a lousy business-woman, and the farm was failing when I met her.

In contrast, I came from a working class family. Cars were my passion, and I was working as a mechanic when I met Meghan. When she came to the garage one day to have work done on her Mercedes, o
ur eyes locked and we instantly knew we were soul-mates…OK, that’s total bullshit. Her ass looked great in riding pants and I was horny. For her part it was the stereotypical thrill of a fling with someone from ‘the other side of the tracks.’

Meghan’s parents were not amused when our fling became something serious and led to marriage. They grudgingly accepted me when it turned out that I actually had a good head for business (who knew?) and the farm retreated from the brink of bankruptcy and began to turn a profit. Her parents and I leaned on each other for support when Meghan died, but since then, our relationship had soured again.

Apparently, they thought I would turn the farm back over to them, walk away with nothing and go back to turning wrenches. After all, it was the ‘Winthrop family farm.’ What right did I have to take that from them? Never-mind that if I hadn’t come along, it would have been long since sold to a developer to pay off the mounting debt.

I found this jaw dropping in its presumptuousness, but it just outlined how differently the ‘privileged families’ thought compared to the rest of us. It was their ‘right’ to keep their family land forever, regardless of the financial or legal situation. Conversely, as I was a ‘laborer,’ that was all I ever had a right to be. I told them I would listen if they came to me with an offer to buy the farm back. That didn’t go over well.

While I found that to be amazing, I didn’t let that bother me anymore. One thing that I did still struggle with was a secret that was revealed to me a week after Meghan’s death. She had been on her way to a secret meeting with her lover when she got in the fatal accident. While she had confided in her best friend that she was having an affair, as far as I knew, she hadn’t shared her reasons with anyone. That I would never get to know why was difficult for me.

I shook my head. I knew it was not good for me to dwell on it.

Sarah came in to work her first shift the next day. She came dressed in baggy sweatpants, oversized flannel shirt, wool hat and steel toe construction boots. It was definitely suitable attire for the work at hand, but it still surprised me a little. Most girls her age that I hired would show up on the first day with clothing that at least hinted of their interest in riding. Quite a few had shown up in full riding attire, I guess just in case I changed my mind and put them on a horse at the end of the day. Usually those girls didn’t last more than a week.

Somehow, I got the sense that Sarah was trying to hide in her baggy clothes. The first time she finally lifted her head up enough for me to see her face, I was a little surprised to register that she was actually quite pretty, with big, dark, sad eyes. What was clear was that she was painfully shy and reserved. I remembered again that she was going through some rough times and I felt some compassion for her. I worried though, because some of the horses required a firm hand and some of the customers (OK, mostly just one), even firmer.

I showed her around the farm, introducing her to the other employees and explained what was expected of her. It was mostly just cleaning stalls, with some direct handling of the horses as well. It became immediately apparent that her shy reserve with people was not extended to the horses. She seemed completely at ease with them, even when Kona tried his usual greeting of newcomers. She easily anticipated and dodged his teeth and quickly found his favorite spot to be scratched. She had made her first friend.

The last thing I did was warn her about Madison and Caesar. Madison you have already heard about, but truthfully, Caesar wasn’t much better. He was a regal as his name implied in the show ring. In his stall, he was flat out mean. He would bite, kick or plow you over, whichever struck his fancy at the time. You had to be completely on your guard if you were going to handle him. He had one particular spot on the right side of his abdomen that he did not like anyone touching. Nobody knew why, he had been thoroughly checked by the vet and there didn’t seem to be any issue there. Still, if he was touched there he would invariably raise his hind leg on that side, as if threatening to kick you. Sometimes he would follow through with a kick, though thankfully it was not delivered with any great force. Madison herself had been kicked several times while grooming him and had come away without any real injuries.

As far as Madison was concerned, I told Sarah, ‘If she gives you any shit, come to me and let me know.’ I was pretty sure Madison would indeed give her shit, she gave all my employees shit. I was also pretty sure that Sarah would take it quietly and not tell me, but I had to try, and at least she was warned.

A few weeks went by and all the other employees reported that Sarah was working hard, took direction well and could handle even the most difficult horses, including Caesar. Madison made a few offhand comments to me, implying that the ‘new girl’ wasn’t quite up to her standards, but then, nobody ever was.

My office was in the second floor loft of the barn. It had four walls and a door, but the walls were more like partitions, as they simply stopped at the height of a standard 8′ stud, there was no actual ceiling to the room. The rest of the loft was just used as storage space.

Something about the way the building was constructed and the placement of my office created an unusual acoustic phenomenon. Even the slightest sounds from down below travelled up the inside of the angled corrugated steel roof and made their way into my office. It was like those speaking tubes that most playground structures had. This could be beneficial, as it tended to alert me if one of the horses was distressed, but it also channeled a lot of distracting and mostly tedious discussions to my ears.

Many times, I kept a radio playing in the office to block out the noise so that I could concentrate on the business I needed to conduct. Still, I ended up hearing a lot of things that I really didn’t care to. I knew way too much about Mrs. Johnson’s colonoscopy and Mrs. Anderson’s affair with the pool boy.

The barn also had a video monitoring system, with a camera in every stall. It allowed me to monitor the horses throughout the day from my office, but also allowed me to provide a service to the boarders that most of them took advantage of and seemed to appreciate. For an extra fee, we gave them 24 hour access to the video feed from their stall, so they could check up on their horse any time it was in the stall. It also provided a level of transparency for us that I felt was important. Any boarder could verify that we were caring for their horse properly. The system automatically saved the last 24 hours of footage, constantly overwriting the oldest data. That way, if something did go wrong, as long as it was reported in a timely manner, we could go back and determine the circumstances. My insurance company gave us a significant break for installing the system.

Oddly, Madison’s dad was one of the few customers that refused to pay for the video monitoring feed. I soon found out that Madison thought that meant I wouldn’t turn on the camera in Caesar’s stall. For what it’s worth, it was very clear in the contract they signed that 24 hour video monitoring was part of the deal, even if they didn’t choose to pay for access to the feed. Between Madison’s propensity to blame the staff for everything short of the weather and Caesar’s bad behavior, I figured there was no way I could afford not to monitor Caesar’s stall.

A few days after Sarah started, I heard Madison in what she presumed to be a private conversation with one of her friends. ‘Did you see the new trailer trash that Mr. B hired? I know shoveling shit is a dirty job, but the fucking girl is dressed like a fucking homeless wino. I couldn’t even tell she was a girl the first time I saw her.’ Sadly, it was exactly the sort of assessment I expected out of her. As a point of fact, I rec
alled the address on Sarah’s resume and realized that she did actually live in a trailer park.

After working for a month, I saw Sarah’s name pop up on the lesson schedule for the next week. I was happy that she was going to be able to fulfill her wishes. Three days later, she cancelled. I called her up to my office and asked her about it.

She looked upset and mumbled, ‘I’m sorry, something came up.’

‘You don’t need to apologize, there is nothing wrong with cancelling if you need to, I just want you to know that we can work with your schedule to arrange something else.’ Then I added gently, ‘You seem upset, are you sure everything is OK?’

She hesitated, the said, ‘Well, I wanted to start taking lessons and thought I would have the money, but now mom lost her job and we need to make rent on the mobile home. I know that’s not your problem, but that’s the situation.’

I felt bad for her. She was turning out to be a great employee and she had things so rough, through no fault of her own. I decided to cut her a break. ‘Look, we are running a special this month to bring in new customers, where we give out four free lessons,’ I lied through my teeth. ‘Why don’t I sign you up for that and we will go from there. After that, if you like the program we can work something out. I will give you a discount on the lessons and maybe we can find some time when you can work some extra hours. I know I told you when we first met that I don’t do that, but I think in this case we can make an exception. You are a very good worker, and I want you to be happy here.’

Eyes downcast as usual, she said quietly, ‘OK.’

‘Sarah, look at me.’

She cautiously raised her eyes.

‘I know about your dad. I lost my wife three years ago and it still hurts. I really do mean it when I say I want you to be happy here. We all do. We care about you. Now, just once can I get a smile?’

Apparently I couldn’t. Instead, she flung her arms around me and started crying. Stunned, I stood there holding her. A second later, she pulled away with a look of horror on her face.

‘Oh my god, I can’t believe I just did that. I am so sorry, I know that was inappropriate, please don’t fire me, I need this job…it’s just…it’s just that…’ the words kept tumbling out along with the tears.

‘Sarah, stop. It’s OK.’ I grabbed her wrist firmly and pulled her back into my arms. I knew I was taking a huge risk. ‘Forget about what’s ‘appropriate.’ We are people first, then boss and employee second. If you need a hug and a shoulder to cry on, I’m here.’

She held on for a few seconds, then let go. She backed off a step then looked me firmly in the eye for the first time and said, ‘Thank you. That simple kindness means so much to me. I have felt so isolated since we moved up here. I guess I kind of built my own wall.’

‘You know, if you just let us get past that wall, I think you will find that we are all pretty nice people here. Except Madison, she’s a cold-hearted bitch. Stay away from her.’ I hadn’t meant that last part to come out sounding quite so bitter, but it just came out.

Sarah looked a little bit shocked, but then said, ‘Yeah, she hasn’t exactly been welcoming to me.’

‘Has she given you shit? I told you to tell me if she does.’

‘No, I’m not going to start trouble. She’s just been…well, it’s like you said, she’s kind of…a little bit of a bitch.’

Suddenly, anger swept over me. Sarah wasn’t going to tattle, but I could read between the lines that Madison had been picking on her. Months of frustration bubbled over. ‘No, that’s not what I said at all. I’m tired of all of us tiptoeing around this. There is no ‘kind of’ and ‘little bit’ about it. She’s a total bitch. A spoiled, rotten, black-hearted, fucking bitch. If I ever catch her treating you like shit, I am going to throw her out on her fucking ass. Her and that nasty fucking beast of hers. I have put up with her for way too fucking long.’

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Wife Says We Now in a Polyamorous Relationship

Grace got into bed beside me I reached over to pull my wife next to me and slide my hand between her legs. She pushes me off her and says not now I’m sore down there! I thought you had your period last week! Grace says I don’t have my period I’m sore! How the fuck can you be sore we haven’t had sex in nine months! She says not now Jake we do need to talk but not now I’m tird I’ll explain it all to you, just know your primary to me! Your fucking right we need to talk and what the fuck do you...

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Mending The Relationship

Mending The RelationshipBy: Londebaaz Chohan Silas and Yolanda tried to make up and they had a cyber talk where Yolanda left things to rekindle and work out, up to Silas. He sat, shaking, looking at the all the letters, thinking, no. Even the thought of restitution was very much farfetched. He could not imagine to trust her once again after knowing and suspecting what might had been going on with one of her ex-boyfriend who seemed to had been visiting her home. They had been together for no...

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Me And Namita 8211 Lesbian Relationship

It was not a regular mess but six of us share a three bed room residential house..Two girls in each room.. Spacious.. Three toilets..Comfortable to live in.Myself Nitu and Namita in one room..Amina and Amrita & Babita and Basanti share other two rooms.We made a rule that each room will have the responsibility of food for one month.Since we are all young girls .. Within age group of twenty.. It was usual for us to live with grand masti and optimum freeness..Freedom in...

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Dream Relationship To Real Life Relationship

Hi, this is Deepthi… I am back with a new story… sorry for all my followers for the long gap I took to submit a story… to all those who doesn’t know me I am deepthi and I posted two stories before this which were not related to this story at all… This happened few months and it is how my neighbor and best friend in the apartments became by sexual friend too… Her name was sneha… as her name (sneha=sneham which means friendship in English) she is also very friendly with everyone… She is not so...

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A Special Relationship

A Special Relationship A Special Relationship by Velvetglove     Toni was in a meeting with her design team when her cell phone buzzed like a mini vibrator. It was her super-slim personal one, not her business Blackberry. She stared at it, a hot flush pimpling her neck, as the noise continued, signifying she had received a text message.Around her, seven faces stared expectantly, paused, watching.She lunged at it and flipped it face down as the throbbing ceased.?Yes ?? she snapped at...

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Triplet X Love Times 2 Book 6 Across The Pond Of SexChapter 14 Rome Wasnt Built In A Day And Neither Is A Lasting Relationship

As Jen kissed her ex-teacher passionately she pumped the large double-sided dildo connecting their twats rapidly; making Patty moan erotically and give a few sighs. As she kissed Patty, Jen filled each of her hands with one on Patty's beautiful orbs and rubbed Patty's nipples into hers. The fire that passed from one woman's boobs to the next was indescribable and they both gave screams of rapture into one another's mouths. They were both obviously very near cumming AGAIN, when suddenly...

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Good Medicine Junior YearChapter 65 Developing A Relationship

February 2, 1984, McKinley, Ohio On Thursday, I heard the refrain ‘Happy birthday!’ over and over, including over the phone, with calls from my parents, Liz, Tasha, both sets of grandparents, Jocelyn, and Dale. Both Jocelyn and Dale sent birthday cards, and Tasha had sent a gift. Turning twenty-one really didn’t change much, except that I could legally buy alcohol. Beyond that, my life would continue just as it had the day before. After dinner that evening, just before study group, my...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 10 BridgetChapter 43 Defining Dual Relationships

December 26, 1996, Minneapolis, Minnesota When we got to the room, I got two of the complimentary bottles of water from the fridge, and handed one to Mary. We sat down on the couch, and put our stocking feet up on the coffee table. “So what’s bugging you?” I asked. “As I said, work is great. I’m really enjoying the research and I get to participate in a lot of interesting cases, such as yours.” “But...” “My social life sucks. And I’m not just talking dating, but friends, too. When I...

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Alyssas New Relationship

I had known Jon for years, and the attraction was always there. But . . .I'd been living with Matthew. So we went for years, just seeing each otherat social situations. A few months after Matthew and me had broken up; I was at a bar with a fewfriends of mine. They had taken me out, to try and cheer me up, but it wasn'tworking. Then, seemingly out of nowhere, I felt myself being picked up andboisterously hugged. "Alyssa!" he said joyfully. "Jon." I said lamely, struggling to free myself from him...

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Strange RelationshipsChapter 53A Ted and Claudette Begin Defining their Relationship

Claudette sat primly in Ted's front seat, second-guessing her plan to replace Rob with Ted. Certainly, Ted had mellowed as the evening went on, going from sardonic at his arrival at her table to genial by stages -- but Claudette was uneasy. Things had gone well until closing time, and allowing Ted to take her home was the proper thing to do to set him up as heir to Rob's position, but... Claudette glanced over at Ted -- a fearful flick. Nothing obvious had occurred, and Ted was still...

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Who Needs a Relationship

“Why don’t you get comfortable?  Here, Vicky will go get you a beer,” Maelyn finished as the cute Asian gal got up.  I watched Vicky’s ass as she did the model walk all the way to the kitchen.“So…” I began.“Don’t bother,” Maelyn interrupted my thoughts shaking her head.  “Adam stopped by just before you called to let you know everything is fine at the office and you may as well take Monday off, too.  Then, surprisingly, I got a call from my step-sister.”She let the last statement hang in the...

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Short Term Relationship

Authors Note: Hi, welcome to my story “Short Term Relationship.”, this is not a series. I thought I would attempt a one off short story to tide you over until the start of my next big series which I am currently working on. Also it gave me a nice break from my other story and I found it really enjoyable to write. This is also an entry for the CAW 9 writing challenge. I hope you enjoy reading it! :) *** Short Term Relationship. Hello there. Entries like this usually begin with a...

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Our New Relationship

This was not what she had expected when she took the job. “Earn Extra Money Modeling for Fetish Fashion Show” that was what the ad said. When Rachel arrived at the studio it seemed normal enough. Most of the other girls looked like hookers not models, but she assumed it was part of the atmosphere. The wardrobe lady smiled as she spotted a gob of cum on Rachel’s chin. She cackled and handed the new girl some erotic clothing. “Don’t be slow honey, Mr. Smith does not like to keep his clients...

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Recounting the Relationship

A friend of mine once told me that if I want to be a writer, I should write every day. By ‘friend,’ I could be referring to a fellow writer I met online like Max or Shepard, both of whom I have not heard from in quite some time. Or I could mean somebody I have met in person and have gotten to know better. One such case is my friend Ben. He once told me that I should keep writing in case of the possibility that I should ever forget how to write. This reminds me of how my mother would nag me...

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An Online Relationship

Thanks to Demorie for her encouragement and assessment. Dave looked at the Bulletin Board — Personals. And one in particular caught his eye. It was simple, appearing innocent, and yet appealing. Nothing sexual in it, but Dave felt something sensuous and refreshing. The Post read:: ‘Female college student looking for online emailing’. All the other posts were the usual: ‘Looking for erotic chat’, ‘Looking for a fuck buddy’, ‘Mutual masturbation in (you name the state or city)’, ‘Do you like...

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Short Term Relationship

Introduction: Two strangers meet at the beach and spend some time getting to know each other, but how long will their interest in one another last? What surprises lie around the corner? Note: This story is completely fictional. Its 100% made up and any similarities to real life are purely coincidental. This story contains graphic descriptions of adult gay situations. Authors Note: Hi, welcome to my story Short Term Relationship., this is not a series. I thought I would attempt a one off short...

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Master Sub in the relationship

So according to the BDSM law book volume 1 to volume 28, the sub has to address her master as "my master" and she can only speak of herself in the third person, it is strictly forbidden to mention her name. In addition, the sub-leg seats must always sit on the lower legs and maintain an angle of 34.75 °, the outstretched palms up and the gaze lowered to the ground. She is allowed to walk upright, but she is not allowed to stand and must sit down again immediately if she stops.In addition, a sub...

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My sexless relationship

Hello fellow masturbators! It has been quite a long time since I last posted in the formu but I'd like to re-assure you I still am a pathetic masturbator and avid gooner.As someone may recall I am in a relationship with a conservative girl and when we met 3 years ago she was very straightforward saying she wanted to save her "cherry" for when she was ready. We have never been much sexual, just kissing, foreplay and mutual masturbation, which was fine with me, as I have PIED, due to... well you...

2 years ago
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Kind Of Relationship

Hi friends I am Babu from south Tamil nadu and working in Chennai my age is 25 bac choler staying alone in a room. I use to go by bus to my office from Saligramam to central for last 2 years there are lot of bus friends to me. We use to share sweets for festival in the bus and celebrate women day and national festival in the bus in my stop one lady use to come and catch the same bus in the morning and evening we return in the same time. So daily we use to smile each other because we are closer...

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A Mistressslave Beautiful Relationship

Desde edades tempranas de mi adolescencia recuerdo tener fantas?as sobre una mujer ejerciendo poder sobre m? CHAPTER 1Since the early ages of my adolescence, I recall having fantasies about a woman exerting power over me, both psychologically and physically. She?d tie me up and immobilize me to have me at her complete mercy, without my being able to do anything to prevent what she was about to do to me. She?d use me at her own will and for her own pleasure. She would humiliate me and insult me...

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 5 MichelleChapter 76 Relationships

May 9, 1992, Chicago, Illinois “Hi Tiger!” Jessica called out from the great room. I went in and saw my wives, Bethany, Abbie, Matthew, Michael, and Birgit watching TV. “I’ll take the kids,” Abbie said. “It’s close to bedtime, anyway.” I hugged them and then my wives and I went to the ‘Indian’ room. “So?” Kara asked with a raised eyebrow and a smirk. “She’ll be here for dinner tomorrow.” “That’s not an answer, Tiger,” Jessica laughed. “That is an answer! I suppose if you want to know,...

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Starved Call Me For A Relationship

I vouch on the fact that a woman needs to enjoy sex more than a man and I have practically realized it whenever I loved a lady in bed. This happens when women don’t get fucked the way they want to be by their husbands. I like ladies with good looks, figure and good sense of humor. These qualities help me to bring out more out of me to offer services to the lady I am sexually playing with.I have always wished to meet a lady who is looking for an extramarital friend….Any woman looking for a...

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A man leaves his uncaring wife only to find out that she8217s been carrying on a lesbian relationship

It had been three weeks since Eugene and Audrey had had sex, and he was ready to explode. He had tried everything, from subtle hints to fancy dinners. Gradually, he got increasingly direct. Tonight, he had coated his request in flattery, with a touch of humor, ribaldry and raw desire, and she still turned him down. “Are you playing some kind of game with me?” he said. “No.” “Then what’s wrong?” “I’m not in the mood.” “You...

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Kartik And Deepa 8211 Part 2 An Erotic Threesome Relationship

This is a fictional story about a threesome relationship. It is based on my fantasies about a show I watch in my language. All the characters are fictional and strictly above 19. I prefer stories with a plot that gets us involved in the story and leads to sex rather than stories with just wild sex. My stories are a bit lengthy and usually have everything like gay sex, lesbianism, threesomes, group sex, and mainly incest. Enjoy the story. You can give me feedback at . If you haven’t read the...

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An Unusual BeginningChapter 7 New Relationships

I awoke tightly enveloped in Samantha's much smaller body. I was very hard but the feeling of freely having been able to sleep with Sam and being able to hold her in my own bed, was enough to keep me content. My mother crept into the room. She was wearing the baby doll nightie that she was fond of wearing. It was very sheer and just dropped at the front from Mom's remarkable breasts to about mid way down her pussy. It had a fluffy sort of material at the bottom to weigh it down but even...

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A Special Relationship

They had a special relationship. They had met online with common interests. As they came to know each other, their uncommon interests were revealed. She had infinite curiosity and little experience. She soon understood that he could give her everything she wanted and things she had not imagined if she would only submit.Women don't often know what they want. They may make up a list of qualities they want in a man or seek a certain kind of relationship, but when they get exactly what the sought,...

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Fusional Relationship

I've had an unusual family life. I had never met my mother due to an early separation. My father had remarried when I was three, with who quickly became a perfect stepmother, treating me like her own child. I actually called her my mother, because she was always there in my oldest memories. When I was five, I had a half-sister. Early enough so that I would also consider her like a proper one. When were still young, our father's death was a painful event that marked us all and made us closer...

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She Wouldnrsquot Instigate A Sexual Relationship

She Wouldn’t Instigate A Sexual Relationship.I’ve been seeing a Milf for three weeks and she wouldn’t allow any more than a kiss! Today is the day or I’m history.We’re both in our sixties and I’m horny. EJ acts like a virgin. She has been separated from a 20 year relationship. I guess she is still hurting. EJ just wouldn’t allow any intimate touching.I’ve been around for a weekend and after a pleasant weekend and great home cooked meals, it’s time to leave. It’s now or never.“EJ I’m loading my...

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Black and White Consummate a New Relationship

Up until now not one white man has given me satisfaction within a relationship not even having the decency to even think of caring for my sexual requirements as many only want a woman to be their one night sex slaves, only thinking about their weenie, or wanting their women to remain bare foot and pregnant while pampering to their motherly needs. I am beginning to imagine that my biological clock is sadly passing me by as I am 33 years of age and my only dream is to find an educated man with...

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Son Addicted To His Mom 8211 The Forbidden Relationship

Hi, my name is Manju and I am here to narrate my story and this time, with my mom! I am 33 years old now and my mom is 52. I have had feelings for my mom since a long time. My initial sex experiences started with my younger sister and we are still continuing our relationship. My feelings for my mom started when I was around 25. I and my sister used to have sex regularly by then and I was longing for something different. Sometimes, I used to sleep with my mom when my dad was out of station....

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Long Distance Relationship

Hello guys ye meri first story hai sab sa pahela ma app ko bata dun ki mera name sameer (name changed) mera height 6feet hai aur mera dick ka size bhi 6inch hai aur kafi mota hai jisse kise bhi ladki ki chut ke aag bugha sakta hai so ab story pe aate hai. Ye kahani he meri gf ka bare me humara relationship ka bad face chal ra tha roj fights hote tha kuch time fights bahut jayada badh jate the but due to long distance relationship it was hard to short out those things tho bahut frustrate ho ka...

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Orkut Friendship Lead To Romantic Relationship

When facebook was not so famous, everyone busy with orkut, one day when I open my orkut there was an alert saying suman want to be friend with you. It was a new face to me but I went through her profile and I observed my wife and my brother already in her friend’s list. I thought she might be our far relative, whom I don’t know personally. I accepted her request, later in the evening I asked my wife, who is this suman, she said she also doesn’t know, and she accepted her request blindly. One...

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Old Friend New Relationship

Note: ——I am NOT the author!so plz Don't ask me about part two,am simply sharing this lovely story with all of you because I have not seen it on hereI met Karen in my divorce support group while I was dealing with my second divorce and she was trying to cope with her first. About the only thing that we had in common was that both our spouses had cheated with good friends of ours. She was a couple years older and very attractive. I remember that she always dressed so well for our group meetings....

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Response To My Story Leads To New Relationship

Would like to thank ISS for making this happened bcoz of your website I met with a memorable encounter with a south India dusky beauty. Well coming to the story which is true no fiction, last year I posted an story and got many one mail appreciation and among them was a mail which looked more impressed and sweet and I replied to the mail and I had waited for nearly 2-3 week for the response and then it all started. I thanked her for the mail and she replied back as well narrated and every mail...

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