A Red Leaf Ten Orchids Ch 07
- 3 years ago
- 29
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**Well, ya know, I suppose that it is just possible for two people to bump into each other, heave a couple of deep sighs between them, and fall in love.
I don’t know about you, but it’s sure as hell never happened to me. So if we take my version of reality as the valid one, I offer a look into the meeting of two classic ‘A-type’ personalities in a less-than-ideal setting.
~chuckle~ So sit back and watch the fur fly. 0_o
Jillian had been quiet for the last while. Kayla was concerned. They’d been walking for more than 45 minutes or maybe an hour, and the windmill only looked a little larger than it had from the road. The wind was almost nonexistent, and neither of them had a hat. Jilly had stopped telling her that she was thirsty. Maybe this hadn’t been a good idea.
She wondered how she would get Jilly back to the car. That would be a treat. It would be baking hot inside it now, and she didn’t know if it would run at all or even start. She thought she heard a car, but wasn’t sure.
No, she decided. She was sure she was hearing something, but what? They stopped while she mopped Jillian’s forehead, and her own.
That was how Josh found them as he came trailing a cloud of dust.
The white Expedition roared up over the rise and skidded to a stop. It sat for a second, before the driver’s door opened and a man got out and strode rapidly toward them wearing jeans and a faded denim workshirt. He looked to be about 6 feet tall, broad-shouldered and muscular with blonde short-cropped hair on top, and not much visible anywhere else. Kayla was happy to see anybody at this point. She prepared to tell the man that she’d had car trouble, but then paused.
His expression was severe. What was that on his face?
She had a thought that perhaps this might not go as well as she’d hoped. She saw the six-gun strapped to his thigh and wondered about that as well.
‘Sign on the fence says ‘Keep Out’,’ he said in a flat tone.
Joshua would have liked to come off sounding a little more friendly, but he’d pretty much hauled ass out here wondering if he could reach them before they found themselves boxed in between a couple of snakes. He couldn’t understand how they’d gotten this far. Torn between just getting to them as quickly as he could, worrying over the snakes, the distinct possibility of heat prostration and whether he’d lose any parts of his truck’s suspension, since he was beating it up pretty well here hadn’t left him much time to think of a better way to start at the moment.
‘Hello’ might have worked, but he hadn’t thought of it.
‘We’re having car trouble, and I saw the windmill,’ Kayla said, pointing past the Ford.
Joshua was incredulous. Who the hell would just wander through this place with a kid when there was a road there – with gravel shoulders and everything – that would lead them wherever they were going and offer them the best chance to be seen and maybe ask for help? He couldn’t believe it.
‘So you walked past the sign and straight on. Why not try the front gate? It’s wide open.’
‘It’s too far.’ Kayla said firmly.
Who is this jerk, she thought. He was starting to piss her off. Who the hell has a tattoo on their face? Jesus, a brown lightning bolt?
He shrugged, ‘It’s only a little farther. The ground’s a lot easier to walk on, there are less hills, and there most certainly are a lot less –’
Josh stopped as he noticed that the little girl looked a bit wobbly. She’d probably land on her face in the dust any time now.
He began to step forward toward the girl, and his eye caught the motion of the small bush three feet to her left. He spotted the big rattler under it and remembered that he hadn’t taken off the Colt’s holster in the rush to get here. He drew the old pistol and cocked the hammer as he brought it up out to the right side.
Kayla’s eyes instantly widened. ‘What are you doing?’
‘NO!’ she screamed.
Josh swung the pistol out as he stooped down to the little girl. His right knee was down between her and the rattlesnake and he had his left arm under her tiny bottom as he pulled the trigger while picking her up. The Colt bucked in his hand and Jillian jumped at the sound. Josh was already pulling back the hammer again and swinging the pistol out wider as he began to turn away with the girl almost on his shoulder.
This one would have to count. His own body was well within the snake’s strike range now and some of them could strike higher than the top of his boot under his pant leg.
The Western Diamondback had lost most of her rattle the previous spring when it had gotten caught between a rock and a fence wire. She had tried for a day to pull it loose, and finally she’d been rewarded with her freedom. Today she had just watched her brood hatch, all fifteen of her babies were coiled in a ball behind her at the base of her bush when all the commotion began.
First the two large animals with the strange rhythm she felt in the ground, and now another one. This was too much. She would protect her young until nightfall. After that they were on their own, but until then, she would defend them. Her tongue flicked out and in, getting the scent. Her tail quivered silently with excitement against the bush as she turned her head in the direction of the closest of them. The heat sensors in front of her eyes would have helped in the dark, but in daylight, they weren’t that useful, especially at this temperature. She coiled back, measuring the distance between them, and then –
The ground shook as a bullet struck a foot away to her left. She recoiled, and struck out tentatively at a new foe there that she couldn’t see. This was getting uncomfortable. If she were alone she’d have already withdrawn by now. Finding nothing, she turned her head back quickly to look straight at a hollow piece of metal just as the second bullet struck her a foot behind her head before carrying on through her coiled body twice more, and through three of her young. Her head was sideways as she opened her mouth and flexed out her fangs to bite the air slowly. A drop of venom grew and hung from one fang as her eyes lost focus.
‘JILLY!’ Kayla screamed.
Full of adrenaline, Joshua’s body was just humming now. It left him no smoothness at all and he heard his own words sounding like someone else’s. In spite of it all, he could hear a second rattle. ‘There’s another snake…’
Kayla was nowhere near ready to listen. ‘Are you insane? Give her to me!’
Jillian wailed softly into Josh’s shirt. He turned his head toward hers and said softly, ‘I’m sorry that I scared you… Are you ok?’
He felt her nod and sniffle before she turned to stare at his face for a moment. It made no sense to Kayla in the middle of this madness, but Jilly made up her own mind right then and put her arms around his neck.
To Kayla he just offered Jillian, ‘Here, you take her, but don’t put her down, alright?’ Jillian didn’t want to be handed over and fussed a little.
Kayla wanted to kill him. ‘What the hell is the matter with you?’
Josh stared right at her eyes and said ‘That was a rattlesnake. There’s another one behind you.’
‘So what if there’s a rattlesnake? You could have just told me. What the hell did you have to shoot it for? You scared us both out of our minds,’ she railed.
As he holstered the pistol, Josh was right back at incredulous. ‘Well your little girl here was already inside that one’s strike range, and your ass is inside the strike range of the one right behind you, except that one’s rattle is still working. You’d probably be able to hear it if you’d just shut up for a second.’
Kayla inhaled sharply and listened. Sure enough, the buzz was unmistakable.
‘Lookit…’ said Jillian, pointing to the side. Out from under the body of their
mother, a dozen baby rattlesnakes slowly fanned out in an arc. They knew that they were alone now. Kayla turned to stare at them.
Josh spoke evenly, ‘They hatch ready to go. They’ve already got developed fangs and working venom glands, and they’ll bite just to try them out.’
‘Come on,’ he said calmly, ‘let’s get a little space between us and them.’
Kayla remembered the snake behind her. Turning, she could see it now. She froze.
Wanting to get her away before this got much worse, he closed the last step between himself and Kayla and took hold of her arm. He pulled her forcefully towards him, and started toward the truck.
‘What…Let me GO!’
‘In a second,’ he said, ‘You didn’t look like you were able to tear yourself away, and I’ll be damned if I’m going to hang around while you get your ass bitten out of stubbornness.’ Josh explained pointedly. He could see that she wasn’t really listening to him, so he just went on. ‘Sucking snake venom out of your butt cheek is a pleasant thought, but I’d probably get distracted and swallow.’
He noticed by her glare that he’d been wrong.
She was listening to him.
They were beside the Expedition in a few steps. ‘Get in the passenger side. I’ll hand her up to you, or you can both sit together in the back seat, I don’t care. Please, let’s just go.’ Josh said.
‘Where? Where are you taking us?’ Kayla was on the verge of a combination of emotions, and even she didn’t know which would surface first.
Josh exhaled the tension out heavily. ‘To the house, or haven’t you had enough of playing hopscotch with these things yet?’ He was panting.
‘Lady, get in. The truck’s cool by now, so she’ll be out of the heat.’ he said, indicating Jillian with his eyes. ‘I promise you can yell at me in there if you want to.’
He got them up and into the back seat. He stopped as he came around the back of the vehicle and drew the Colt to extract the remaining rounds as quickly as he could. He dropped them in his breast pocket.
Though it had worked out, he was annoyed with himself for driving with the loaded pistol in the holster. He didn’t like the possibility of blowing off his kneecap, and putting a hole in the engine if they hit a bump the wrong way. He slid the old pistol into its holster and mildly cursed his luck. The woman looked like a walking dream to him, but …
He sighed to himself. If he’d had a chance to meet somebody like that in a sane place like a club where nobody was distracted by the heat of the sun or a landscape littered with pit vipers, …
He smirked to himself ruefully. Well then, he thought, he’d have at least a fair shot at watching somebody else likely walk away with her on his arm before old Josh could spit out ‘hello’.
It didn’t matter, he thought. One look at her face now and he was just happy that she didn’t have a weapon. The really odd thing that was driving him a little nuts was that he kind of liked the idea.
Climbing in, he tore through the plastic film on the flat of water bottles on the passenger side floor, and handed them back one each apologizing for the warmth of them. Jillian looked at him, and then at the bottle.
‘Oh,’ Josh said, taking the bottle back and twisting off the sealed cap before handing it to her again. ‘Are you alright – ‘
He turned to Kayla. ‘What’s her name?’
‘Her name is Jillian.’ Kayla replied coldly.
‘Hi Jillian, my name is Josh.’ Jillian nodded and took several swallows from her water bottle. Her green eyes remained locked on his face. He winked. Turning to Kayla, he frowned for a second. ‘You’re not going to tell me your name, are you?’
She shrugged, ‘It doesn’t really matter. As soon as I can get my phone out of my pocket, I’ll call the sheriff and after that, I’ll always be known to you as ‘Complaintant,’ won’t I?’
‘Well,’ he said, ‘You go on and knock yourself out then. I’ll just wait here. You let me know when you’re done and we’ll drive to the house. With any luck, the sheriff will meet us soon after we get there. I think I’d like that very much.’
‘Why?’ she demanded.
He laughed for a second. ‘I haven’t done anything wrong but try to save your backside. I’m kind of hoping that you’ll become their problem. What are you doing here, anyway?’
Kayla glared at him.
‘Look,’ he said, ‘I came out here because I saw two people wandering around and I was worried, that’s all. You don’t want to talk to me, that’s fine. I didn’t know it was the snakes out here who are in danger. You go on and make your call. I’ll even meet the deputy’s car at the end of the driveway.’
He looked at her for a moment. Kayla looked back.
‘Well? Why aren’t you dialing?’
‘I don’t know the number of the Sheriff’s office here,’ she answered.
He rolled his eyes, ‘9-1-1.’
They looked at each other some more. Kayla took a drink from her water bottle.
‘You don’t have a cellphone, do you?’ he asked.
‘I must have left it in my car,’ she shrugged, deciding to play nice for the moment. She hoped that he wouldn’t force this by letting her use his. She’d had to cancel her phone last month.
‘My folks used to bring my sister and I out here to visit with my aunt and uncle when we were kids. I haven’t been here for years, well I was back last year for a couple of days, but –’
She looked at him, ‘What are you doing driving around with a loaded gun?’
‘I was shooting tin cans when I spotted you guys out here. I didn’t think to leave it behind.’ Josh said.
‘Why were you shooting tin cans?’ Kayla asked.
He wondered how to explain it. ‘Because there are entirely too many of them wandering around loose. Somebody’s got to do it. Besides, I enjoy the frustration when I miss. Same reason I bang my head against a brick wall sometimes, it feels so good when I stop.’ Josh explained, ‘Besides, it worked out ok for you.’
‘I think you’re nuts.’ Kayla decided. ‘You’re pretty reckless and irresponsible doing that.’
He managed not to look too astounded. ‘You know, I was just thinking the very same thing, seeing as how you thought it would be fine to trespass on signed land, and drag a little kid across a 2 mile snake-filled frying pan on a sunny summer afternoon. You didn’t remember about the rattlesnakes and wandering around out here?’
‘My uncle wouldn’t let us go walking off alone, I remember – why are there so many?’ Kayla asked.
‘There isn’t one under every bush or anything,’ Josh said, ‘but there are more this year for some reason. I guess there’s more of whatever they like to eat.’
‘I am going to call the sheriff, you know.’ she stated.
‘That’s fine with me.’ Josh said flatly. He grabbed a water bottle for himself, and wiped the sweat from his forehead with an equally sweaty forearm.
‘Where’s the label?’ Josh asked as he looked out over the hood.
‘What did you say?’ Kayla’s eyebrows almost met over her eyes.
Josh turned toward her again. ‘I said, where’s the damn label? The one that’s supposed to be on your forehead that says ‘Does not play well with others’.’
Kayla wasn’t going to let that one by without a response. She was about to fire off a broadside of her own when Josh glanced past her in the mirror and forcefully said, ‘Down.’
There was a muffled thump behind them. Jillian put down her empty water bottle, folded her legs and turned around on her knees, climbing up to peer into the dim tinted cavern at the back of the vehicle.
‘What?’ Kayla demanded.
He smirked at that.
‘I wasn’t speaking to you, though who knows, it might work. I said,… Down.’
Another thump. Jillian began to giggle.
‘Alright. Who WERE you speaking to then?’ Kayla sighed as though she were playing a game with a very young child. Jillian kept giggling.
‘Behind you.’ Josh said quietly. Kayla turned around slowly. For the first time, she noticed
the heavy wire mesh behind the rear seats.
Josh grinned, ‘Ok then…Up. The lady wants to meet you.’
There was a shifting of weight behind her, and then Kayla heard breathing that sounded like a bellows. Slowly, a massive dark head came into view. Jillian squealed and laughed, her little fingers were holding on to the mesh. The brown head had a stubby snout in a mostly black face. There were large brown eyes that looked into Kayla’s own.
‘AAHH! What the hell is that?’
Jillian was still laughing and wiggling her fingers through the screen. The eyes considered the little fingers for a moment and a large pink tongue began to lick them. Jillian shrieked with joy. ‘It tickles!’
‘Not what,’ Josh corrected, ‘That’s my friend, Daisy.’ Josh put the Ford into gear and drove very slowly in the direction of the house.
‘My aunt mentioned that she had a puppy named Daisy, but she said that her Daisy was such a delicate little thing.’ Kayla said.
‘Well, Daisy is only 10 months old, and she WAS a delicate little thing once… for about 90 minutes.’ Josh smiled, ‘Must be a coincidence. Where does your aunt live?’
‘Somewhere close, I think. I was sure that was her windmill that I saw.’ Kayla said as she watched Jillian talking to Daisy and laughing as Daisy dropped back into a crouch and then jumped up again playfully. ‘She won’t hurt Jilly, will she?’
Josh smiled. ‘Well technically she could hurt her. I think I just have to make sure that Daisy doesn’t sit on her, and everything ought to work out. Besides, she’s already tasted Jillian and figured out that she’s not food.’
Kayla wasn’t so certain of that.
‘What is Daisy, anyway?’ Kayla asked, ‘I mean what breed is she?’
‘Well, she’s half St. Bernard. I know that because I found her mother’s body last week, months after Daisy showed up on the porch. She’d been dead for too long to figure out the cause of death, or if there had been any other puppies.’ Josh said.
‘And…’ Kayla waited.
Josh looked over. ‘And what?’
‘What was her father?’ Kayla persisted.
Josh looked serious. ‘Oh, I don’t know… a buffalo, maybe. Look at her.’
Kayla laughed, and they drove on quietly for a bit.
‘Look, I’m sorry for freaking out back there,’ Kayla began. ‘I’m supposed to be visiting my aunt, and so far things haven’t gone well. My car overheated and…well, I wasn’t expecting someone like you.’
Josh smirked to himself. He wondered if there had ever been one time when he was what someone had expected. He almost laughed for a second. ‘I’d almost like to hear you try to explain that.’
‘Come on,’ she said, ‘I’m not having a really good day here. My car’s fried. I thought that the windmill was closer than it obviously is. Then you show up, and you weren’t exactly friendly-looking. You pick up my niece and start shooting that thing off. Just exactly how am I supposed to react in your little world?’
He shook his head. ‘Alright, forget it. I’m sorry that I acted like such an asshole. I’m just glad that I saw you walking out here. Let’s just get to the house and figure out where you’re headed, and I’ll do what I can to help you on your way, ok?’
‘Thank you.’ Kayla tried to smile a little. She looked at Joshua and as upset as she’d been, she still found a way to manage a thought that maybe Aunt Rose might know who this neighbor was and that with a bit of luck, she could maybe talk to him without snakes or six-guns. Her next thought was a little hope that he didn’t live too far away. Before she could wonder where that thought had even come from, it was replaced by another one where she thought that he might not clean up too badly.
She wanted to, but Kayla managed not to shake her head as she dumped the thoughts and wondered what was wrong with her. She was still pissed off at just his Wild West entrance – never mind everything else. She decided to at least try not to be murderous.
‘Not many snake charmers pack a cannon… you’re pretty good at that…’
‘I usually suck at it, but not at that distance. I didn’t want to shoot her, I was kind of hoping that she would leave if I put a shot into the dirt close by. Looks like her babies had just hatched. That’s why she didn’t back down. They’re not protective for very long, but I guess we caught her at a bad time. I was just praying I’d hit the thing when she turned back. I was afraid she might. I grabbed Jillian to get her out of there and turned away as I fired. I just had to be ready for the snake to turn back. They can get aggressive if they can’t get away.’
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**So just exactly what is Kayla’s problem? Vote if you want to, and comments are always welcome. O_o ————— Kayla was a bit slow getting up, and eventually Jillian wandered into her room to wake her. Kayla stretched as she sat up and hugged her niece. ‘Good morning, Jilly. I love you, honey.’ She looked over at Jillian’s constant companion. ‘And I don’t want to forget Daisy,’ she said, running her hand over Daisy’s head and chest. Daisy licked her forearm in reply. Jillian kissed her, and...
**I’ve still got a way to go with this one, but I’d like to thank anyone who comments on my stories and takes the time to vote. O_o ——————- Kayla felt better as she began to get ready to leave and she thought about the evening before. She tried to be objective and look everything over but she kept finding a little smile on her face. In spite of the speed of this and the oddness, she had found herself almost trying to fight off the feeling that she had. She tried to tell herself that this...
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This story is meant for free fan distribution to TG fiction sites throughout the web. Please enjoy the story and be free with your comments or critiques! ============================================================ Fork Leaf Clover: SHAMrock Stand-In II By Dee Eon Kicking heels high after my slippers' metal taps clicked and rapped the parquet floor like a machine gun below my long legs and flouncing embroidered clover green velvet skirt, my passionate solo jig to the...
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***I struggled with the category for this, but finally decided that if I kept it down to a little shy fumbling, it might fly. I really didn’t want one chapter of a story in a different category – though if I feel like it later, I still might put something together for Sam and Siobhan, I dunno. If you’re bothered by it, just skip ahead, ok? 0_o ————— Siobhan looked out through the expanse of glass in the converted old sun-room at the snowy countryside all around her as she stood with her arm...
**I dunno how I do it, but I can write about the events which occur to a couple in a story chapter and do it in two pages. Somehow, I need at least twice that for one of their love scenes. ~shrug~ So, things warm up, but there are still issues, as I’ve said before. Kayla’s been through a lot and as a result, she’s a complicated girl. In my head, I see her as having grown up at least a little sheltered, no matter what she says. I think it would affect her outlook on some things, and I think...
***More of the twins in this chapter. 0_o —————- Rita saw the ’59 Chevy as it pulled into her driveway. She thanked her mother again for agreeing to baby-sit on such short notice and walked out of the house. Consuela’s convertible started again with a low rumble, as Margarita got in and searched for the seat belt. ‘You know, this is pretty cool, ‘Suela. I think you got the better husband. All Jose can build for me is a faster way to get fat!’ Consuela laughed as she backed out, and dropped...
**What’s in a kiss? A statement? A request? How about an acknowledgment of a deep-seated burning need? How about if it’s a way of communicating that need? Ha, you’re interested now, aren’t you? This was inspired by the way that some women like to see a man on a hot day or in uh, heated circumstances. A lot of guys like to see a woman in the same circumstances too, just sayin’. So here you go, heat and sweat, hehe. Please vote if you feel so inclined, and I love comments, too. Thank God for...
**No demons or werewolves here. This is just a straight-ahead romance. Ok, it’s a little odd since I wrote it. O_o I may use this as a platform for other relationships among the people around the ones here, I don’t know yet. I’d been planning to post a different story, but realized that this one has to precede it, so I may as well get this one said. I plant to post the chapters for this weekly if I can. —————- PROLOGUE Riding back to the compound, he felt more numb and empty than anything...
***We continue now with Kayla and Joshua. 0_- ——————- ‘Where are we going, Josh?’ Jillian asked as they drove down the road. She sat in the back seat so that she could be near Daisy who was behind her wire mesh again. ‘Well, we’re going to get something to eat, and I need to make a stop first. I usually just poke along because I’m cheap, and I like to save gas, but I don’t know which car the girls will be taking. Rosie drives slow, and Kayla is probably a speed demon’ he said as they slowed...
***Kayla learns about the last tattoo. 0_o ——————- No matter what Jim said after — no matter what threat was used, or even polite questioning, as much of a surprise as that was to Josh that it would be attempted, there was no answer forthcoming when Jim asked what Josh’s idea had been. The best that he got was something as vague as if he’d asked for the exact date of the second coming of Christ. ‘It’s just something that I was thinking with regard to Kayla and I,’ Josh said, ‘It doesn’t...
**I thought I’d put this up while I’m working on the next part of ‘The Sighs of the Priestess’. Oh, and in case you’re wondering, I’ll just say that while they don’t loathe each other, there are still uh, issues hiding here and there for Joshua and Kayla. ~grin~ They’re just not in this chapter. As always, I welcome comments and constructive criticism. O_o ————— Between them, Kayla and Josh had a coat of primer on in little time. Kayla had to go around touching up small spots that Josh had...
Kayla sat in the chair at the table that passed for Josh’s desk and looked around in the late-morning light as some of his music blasted and thumped through the old building around her. He’d told her to grab whatever music that she wanted from his CDs and his laptop for her MP3 player and she was sifting through his Counting Crows CDs at the moment, looking for a tune that he’d played in the truck the other day. She smiled when she found it and a second later ‘American Girls’ was on. She’d...
This tale starts immediately after "Office Mating Ch. 3" where I got reinstated to my Director position by my boss's boss and met Clara's latest visiting niece Rose, a runner with strong legs who had a lesbian incident with her coach and was vehemently against letting me probe her pussy with my prick. I mean, what's with young women these days, anyway? The next morning I awoke with thoughts of Rose, my neighbor Clara's niece, who got some great oral attention but rejected the thought...
Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on her bus ride to work. On the bus the boy would sound out his sister's views on sex in general and perhaps sex with her brother in particular. The teen wasn't so sure how to go about it. He knew subtlety was needed but that wasn't his strong point. Well, he would just have to play it by ear. "You're looking sexy this morning, sis." A few compliments never hurt to start out Freddy...
Leon Reddick had been hired to be the on set masseuse for the new hit movie ‘Twilight New Moon’. He had read the books when they were first released and could honestly feel the brain cells dripping from his nose. But. A pay check was indeed a pay check and lately he needed one.Leon was only twenty one and fresh out of school. Both his parents passed away in a car crash when he was very young, he barely remembered them. It was then that he went to live with his Aunt Cherie. His Aunt took very...
Die 31 j?hrige rotblonde Sabina hatte ihren Ehemann betrogen. Als ihr Mann Sven dahinterkam, zwang er seine Frau sich ihm zu unterwerfen. Mit striktem Sex- und K?rpertraining erzog er sie zur gehorsamen Sklavin. Doch nachdem er Sabina von einem Hund hat nehmen lassen und sie zwang Pferdesperma zu schlucken hatte sie Rachegef?hle. Wird Sven die Angelegenheit aus der Hand gleiten? Wen die ganze Geschichte interessiert, der findet sie in der Story Sabina und ihr neues LebenDanke f?r das positive F...
"So, what happens now?" Tenchi asked looking back at Ena squarely. "Walk with me?" She replied gently, gesturing the general direction of the temple grounds. To which he simply shrugged in rejoinder, falling into step besides her having no real reason to refuse. "As I have stated, there are a great many things of which you must be made aware." Ena began. "Most political and esoteric matters I believe would be best related by your future queen in good stead..." "Then why take so...
Even if the sound of his voice had not been enough, the room suddenly awash in pale bluish radiance insured all eyes turned. Beholding Tenchi, incredibly now standing just behind the queen, his Lighthawk blade inches from her throat. "If you hurt my child." He assured the room thickly. "I'll kill every one of you!" His eyes were haunted as he made the pronouncement, his face set into the hardest of lines as he moved the blade a fraction closer. "Starting with her." Tenchi concluded...
Night had fallen at last. Still feeling the effects of Washu's minor surgeries, Tenchi made his way cautiously up the long darkened stairway. Pausing every now and again glancing around, It was only when he was most certain his accent had gone unobserved, he finally climbed the last few steps. Making doubly sure to 'skirt' the actually open plaza area of the shrine however. With everyone understandably up in arms over what happened to his father and having a stranger in the house to...
"You look good." Tenchi told the Princess as she stood leaning against the side of the porch. It had been several minutes now, the two of them standing there, alone. The air in the living room before had seemed, stifling. Beyond his ability finally to bear. There hadn't been anything so much as a plan in coming outside, rather than the sudden, almost overwhelming need to just get out of there! Tenchi had taken her hand almost without realizing he had done so. More of ... an after thought...
"WHA?!" A just arriving Ryoko yelped, suddenly finding her self standing at finger point, while Tenchi, among others blinked in surprise. He however was the only one suddenly very aware of the pressure Ayeka was exerting on his arm as just to the other side of the Princess, certain galactic law officials where sizing up the pending predicament. "And now it gets really interesting!" Kiyone thought glumly. Not, without an appropriate amount of sympathy for Tenchi to be sure. "OH!"...
Lady Funaho had changed little since Mihoshi had last seen her. But then, she had 'changed' little in the last thousand years if the truth were told. One did not bring such matters up around the queen of Jurai However, if one wished to remain in good health. "I would say that this is an unexpected pleasure." The queen politely intoned. "But of course we know that would be untrue." Kiyone stood staring, uncharacteristically mute. Mihoshi however, having met the queen on more than one...
Sasami had been waiting patiently as she might. Attempting to hold a sense of what she believed was termed 'cultivated composer'. That managed to last until the first few bars of the all too familiar 'Wedding March' began. For the way that her heart leaped in her chest it might well have been 'Toccata en Fugue'. She quickly reminded herself that she was not about to greet some mad doctor or even a disfigured deranged organ playing actor for that mater. This was her wedding day and...
"Ow." Kiyone moaned softly. Fidgeting when gently as possible, Tenchi laid her down. "Lie still." He commanded, equally soft, before turning purposefully to a squat cupboard at one side of the Olsen's entryway. "Hold on." He told her soothingly. "I'll be just a moment." He would rather have taken her to the shrine however she'd insisted her injuries were not severe and the Olsen with its supply of healing herbs was closer. Once certain his back was to her Kiyone allowed her...
"I'm surprised they're allowing us so much time together really." Tenchi huffed. Sparing only a few glances the direction of the massive tent the Jurian's had set up in the vicinity. Noting with some amazement something which had been absent only yesterday now towered over and almost completely engulfed most of the old rest stop. "Don't they have some traditions about, you know? 'Seeing' the bride before the wedding or some such?" He finished. Deliberately ignoring the now...
CHAPTER EIGHT When Freddie got off the plane in New York, she was carrying all her worldly possessions in her two suitcases. She felt like she was coming home, and she hoped that she was coming home to stay. King and Alexander had told her that they would meet her at King’s motel, so she wasn’t expecting anyone to be at the airport waiting for her. When she heard someone calling her name, she was quiet surprised. She turned around to find the person and was thrilled to see a very pregnant...
The next hour or so was blessedly uneventful, for the most part. Beginning with the Grand marshal being sent on his merriest of ways, 'sarcasm intended', with a surprising minimum of fuss. Azusa's bemusement at having so efficiently defused the situation however suddenly melted upon his return to the vicinity of the front yard. The very moment his dark brooding eyes had set upon where Ayeka stood. Something poignant seemed to have passed briefly between father and daughter. Enough...
Several minutes, and as many buckets of soapy water later. The female contingent of Wataru's crew had almost restored the mini to showroom condition. While Sara, Mikito and Yoshi worked, the interval also witnessed Yuba's final tentative re-emergence from the caravan. "Now, Yuba dearest." Michele attempted to console. "Everyone has a moment or two of dementia now and then." "My god!" Yuba wailed, as Michele steered her sullenly towards a rest stop bench. "I really showed my...
Tenchi dragged more than walked himself up the darkened entry hall. Even by his standards, this had been one exhausting day. Thoughts of food, bath and bed circled his mind while trudging past entry into the living room, wondering who would be still up at this hour? Seated across from the doorway from him, Katsuhito sat holding a sleeping Mayuka while providing Ayeka a shoulder against which to slumber. It would have been an idyllic scene, if not for how pissed he currently were at his...
'Tenchi the magnificent', glanced under at the first hold down's release mechanism, then again at the rectangular shape muted under the bright green tarp on top. Realizing he'd barley noticed it on the stage/bed behind Yuba. "Well, She had nice legs." He admitted privately, among other distractions at the time. "You go round." He started, pausing when noting Todd staring into the distance with a look of undisguised wonder. Just then on the ground, in front of him ... a moving shadow,...
"Tenchi?" Kiyone whispered urgently. "Uh?" he attempted, then embarrassed at the slight lapse, swallowed the portion in his mouth. He'd been concentrating on his meal, desperately avoiding eye contact with Sasami while ignoring Ayeka's periodic flinging of visual daggers at her sister. "What's on your mind Key?" He whispering at diminished volume. "Is, they're something wrong with your Grandfather?" She asked. "Huh?" "Would you mind?" Ayeka muttered, annoyed as Kiyone...
Turning to regard the new speaker even as the others, Tenchi felt something in the location he normally associated as his brain simply freeze. In his twenty-one years he'd done and believed he had 'seen', many a great thing. Some of which could even be termed 'miraculous' Perhaps even godly. This however was the first time he could specifically remember seeing someone who actually looked ... Well, like one always expected an alien to look. She was blue! His mind instantly shooting...
The male sensed that today was different as he was led to the room by his Mistress, naked leashed and on all fours. He had surrendered everything to Madam Hortense Brigham, the plump 60 year old woman who had drawn him into her web, teasing him into her world of domination and beyond, breaking his spirit completely through cruel and rigorous punishments and humiliations, reducing him to the controlled and obedient slave he now was. She had promised him he would be disposed of when the whim...
Smiling, his mind in a whirl Tenchi was yet again, wondering ... He was still uncertain exactly what had made that moment any different from countless others, but having no real regrets. What was more, it had all come so natural, instinctively. like he had done it before ... Had he? It was after all just a kiss. Mechanically it wasn't 'brain science' or even 'rocket surgery', but at the end of any day, is a kiss just as kiss? He'd always wondered also ... Well, what Ryoko would taste...
Day 3: (Faster than the speeding bullet.) The steady rhythmic hum of the passenger car nestled about him. The dull regular 'clackity-clack' as the train's bogies made their way across countless trestles beneath. So oddly soothing in its way as one came to terms and accepted. That after a time, it had almost Lulled Tenchi in to a kind of daze. Last night had been complete and utter hell, his thoughts wandered briefly backwards. The events of the previous day insuring a state of total...
"Daaaaaadeeee." Tenchi seemed to hear from a great distance. "You gonna wake up?" The darkness shrouding his senses seemed to be lifting gradually, though the room about him remained fuzzy. "Key?" The child's voice came again. "Why don't he open he eyes?" Tenchi tried to concentrate, certain that he recognized the voices. Not an easy feat, feeling like he was swimming in Jell-O. "Give him a moment sugar bear," He seemed to hear distinctly. "You're daddy's been through a...
Gentleman Jack and Freda “Fuck Meat”Age Play. Role Play. Incezt Play, Flashing, Up Skirts, Cum Shots, Cum Eating, Gang Bang, Labia Stretching Jack and Freda Burns had retired in a slow moving, quiet mid west city 5 years ago. At 65, Jack looked his age, walked with a cane from hip replacement surgery, yet carried his self with class. Freda appeared yo be a trophy wife. Although she looked to be nearing her mid 40's, she was in fact 67 years old. Plastic surgery, Botox, hair replacement,...
You sigh as you enter your new high school, its pristine walls high looming dauntingly above you with every passing step... After ages of training, you have finally managed to perfect your family's personalized style of martial art - an obscure mix of judo, hapkido, and wudang. With your newly-sharpened prowess, it was easy to secure a spot in Tadou Academy, and equally easy to find yourself the center of attention among the freshmen. A young man soon approaches you, a chibi-looking girl...
"Huh? What!" Freddy was deep in sleep. Oh shit! Was the place on fire? It was his cousin, Nina. "Move over. I'm going to sleep with you." Freddy knew he wasn't hearing right. My brain must not be in gear yet he thought. It sounded like Nina was going to get in bed with him. How was that possible? The bed was barely large enough for one. "Why? How?" Freddy just wanted Nina to go away so he could get back to sleep. The fact that she was a cousin whom he'd lusted over for years...
Nina was not beside him when Freddy woke up. He was glad she was being cautious as far as not being discovered by other members of the family. The apartment was already stirring. Freddy figured Teresa would want to grill him about what had happened but he wasn't ready for that yet. He had plans for the morning. The biggest plan was to start laying the groundwork for Josie's seduction. Josie's job was quite near the mall where he intended to go so Freddy decided to accompany his sister on...
"I tell you Tenchi it was Achika!" Kiyone swore. "Right in front of me plain as day!" Having cleaned and washed, no longer looked like a victim of a food riot, Tenchi stopped. Turning slightly, holding the ends of a towel around his neck in both hands, staring at her evenly. "Why don't you believe me?" Kiyone challenged. "First of all," He told her slowly. "I never said that I didn't, Key." "Well what do you think..." She began. "What I said, was 'let's not talk about...
Elsewhere at roughly the same time, Tenchi was making his way along the house sun porch. Briefly he paused, taking the majestic view of the placid lake offered from this angle. Then, taking a deep breath, he smiled. "The coast is clear Mr. Sheagame." He addressed the empty air. "You can come out now." There followed a long pause during which nothing happened. Then suddenly, sounds of shuffling from underneath prompted seconds later a slight squeak. Signaling in turn loose boards being...
"Excellent!" Funaho breathed decisively, as Kiyone continued to glare holes in her. More than anything, Key thought the Queen seemed ... Relieved? Almost like she was expecting another answer? She wasn't certain, and didn't know that moment if she gave a damn anyway! "Not like this!" Ayeka openly wept, still kneeling on the floor leaning forward to bury her face into hands. "Please eternal Tsunami! Not like this!" She whispered, almost inaudibly. It was difficult to watch and almost...