Cass’s Capture Ch. 03 free porn video

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The road up the mountain was rocky, and Cass found herself being bounced around in the front seat of the Jeep. Luckily Colin had buckled the seat belt, however with her wrists still bound behind her back, it was impossible to stay in one place. They drove along in silence for about an hour, going straight up on the dirt road and taking a few random turns. Cass had the feeling that he was trying to confuse her by going in what seemed like a circle at times.

Colin was particularly glad the she was silent during the ride. He was kicking himself that he told her his real name. He may as well of given her is address while he was at it. There was something about Cass that got under his skin, and every time she called him ‘William’ it was like nails on a chalkboard to hear it. He wanted to tell her that he wasn’t a criminal, that he was doing this as a last resort. He wanted her to know that he had a real job, and even had a college degree. He could only imagine what she thought of him now. He tried to clear those kinds of thoughts from his head. What did it matter what she thought? Colin looked at her from the corner of his eye. She sat straight up, staring ahead, her lips in a scowl. He remembered how she had yelled at him, and had to fight back a slight smile.

Cass, on the other hand, was thinking about how she was about 5 seconds from nailing him in the eye with her stiletto if he didn’t wipe that smirk off of his face. How dare he think this was funny, she thought to herself.

As they finally stopped sunlight was starting to creep up from the east, allowing Cass to get a view of where they were stopping at. In front of her there was a cabin, though ancient looking, even she could tell that it was well made. It was small, but had a look that at one time it was very well loved by its owners. It was made from what looked like local wood, and had a small porch in the front.

Colin rolled down the window a quarter of the way, and then got out of the Jeep. He locked the doors before he slammed the door shut. He then went to the front of the cabin and unlocked the door.

‘Where the hell do you think you’re going,’ Cass shrieked, ‘You can’t just leave me here.’

‘There is no way I am going to let you out until I finish unloading the Jeep,’ he retorted, as he went inside the cabin.

‘What am I going to hop away? Or better yet roll down the mountain?’ she yelled back at him.

He laughed. He knew she was partly right, but there was no way that he was going to give into her demands. He had already given her his name, and that was enough for now. He made several trips from the Jeep to the cabin, carefully avoiding her glare. He finished putting away all the supplies and then walked back out and unlocked the passenger door.

‘How nice of you to remember me,’ she said snidely, refusing to look at him.

‘Like any man would forget you, Princess. All they would need is to taste your sweetness and they’d be hooked for life,’ he said, looking at her lewdly, as she sat in the seat.

She gasped. ‘You son of—’ He put his hand over her mouth.

‘Yes, we know Princess. Son of a bitch! Already old news, and unless you have something to say worth listening to, I’d advise you to keep it to yourself,’ he said smoothly. ‘If you can’t control your mouth, I’d be happy to gag you again.’

Her blue eyes glittered with hatred, but when he took his hand away she said nothing. She gasped again when he pulled the knife from the sheath at his side. He taunted her by holding the knife near her face, and slowly sliding the cold metal down her side and then leg, until it met the tape that bound her ankles. He quickly sliced the tape and grabbed her arm, hauling her out of the Jeep. He put the knife back in its holder and reached down and grabbed her stilettos. He then flung them as hard as he could down the mountainside.

‘Don’t have much use for those up here, Princess, now do you?’ he laughed at her as he dragged her into the cabin. She remained silent.

Right inside the cabin there was a small living room with a sofa, recliner and fireplace, which was already lit. To the left of the living room and the entrance there was a small kitchen with a hallway leading off of the back wall. Colin pulled Cass through the kitchen and down the hall, opening a door that led to a bedroom, passing another door that Cass hoped was the restroom.

He led her into the room, and proceeded to cut the tape that bound her wrists. Then without a word backed out of the door, shutting it and locking it from the outside. He then went into the living room and sat on the recliner, letting the weariness overtake him.

Cass couldn’t believe that Colin had just left her locked in this room. Granted, it wasn’t a prison cell. There was a large bed, a dresser, and a space heater. She went over to the dresser and started looking through the drawers and found blankets and towels. The room was small and windowless, and the bed took up most of the space. She couldn’t help but notice that the bed looked extremely comfortable, and in her exhaustion, fell onto the soft quilt and into a deep sleep.


Jack Connelly awoke in the morning and his first thought was wondering what time his daughter had come home. He got up and turned off the television he had fallen asleep in front of the night before and went down the hall to see if Cass was up yet. He saw that her door was open, and the bed had not appeared to be slept in. She must’ve stayed at Lana’s house, he thought to himself as he went to the study to get his cell phone.

When he turned it on, he saw that he had two messages. The first one was from Cass telling him that she was staying over at her friends. He chuckled at how she sounded, thinking that maybe she had too much to drink. The second one was from an unknown number, and as he listened to the message his body started to tremble as his face turned white.

After the message he immediately called his friend, the Chief of Police at Riverdale P.D. When Chief Matthews finally picked up the phone, Jack was almost hysterical.

‘Don,’ he gasped into the phone. ‘Someone’s taken my daughter… someone has Cass.’

The chief said that he would be right over and hung up. Jack then called Lorraine and she also said she would be on her way. After the calls he wearily sat down in his chair behind his desk, and put his head in his hands.

That was exactly how Lorraine found him thirty minutes later. He stood up as she came around the desk and put her arms around him, holding him as he sobbed in anguish.

‘This is all my fault… I should’ve had more protection on her… I should have made her stay home,’ he sobbed.

Lorraine tried to comfort him as best as she could. She kept holding him until Chief Matthews strode into the room. Jack and Lorraine straightened up, and then Jack picked up the cell phone and played the message over the speaker.

‘Greetings, Mr. Connelly’ the voice said, ‘I have your daughter. She is currently being held in a distant location, and is safe… for now. To ensure her safety, and my consideration towards returning her, I will need five million dollars. I will be in touch.’


Colin woke up a few hours later, noticing the late afternoon light filter in through the windows. At first he could not remember why he was at his grandfather’s hunting cabin, but then the realization of what he had done dawned on him. Since the night before, he finally had a second to reflect on the situation. He thought of the events of the past day, and what had happened to bring him to this point… that terrible night three months ago…

Colin was on his way home from work when he received a phone call from his sister Lillian. Lillian was 5 years younger than his 32, shared his dark hair and grey eyes, though hers usually glittered with laughter. She had porcelain skin, and her dark hair was long and wavy. She always seemed vulnerable to
him, and when their parents died when he was 21 and she 16, he swore to always take care of her.

Lily was a believer that the glass was always half full, she only saw the good in people, and often gave chance after chance to those that would hurt her. One of those types of people was her husband Richard. She had met Richard during her last year of college, and was dazzled by his relatively good looks and charming personality. Everything was great, until they said ‘I do’. After that Rich turned into a control freak. He wouldn’t let her go anywhere without him, even to visit her own brother. Colin was not sure about everything that was going on during their two year marriage. At first when Lily withdrew he made some jokes about it, but she always defended Rich, and asked him to let it go.

When Colin looked at his caller id he was surprised that it was her, knowing that Rich had a pretty tight leash on her.

‘Hey sis,’ he answered cheerfully. ‘How’s it going?’

‘You have to help me, Colin,’ she said, brokenly. ‘I can’t take it anymore. He… he hurt me really bad this time.’ She started to sob softly into his ear.

At that, Colin had to pull over to the side of the road. He couldn’t believe what he was hearing. He knew that things were bad, but he had no idea that it was that bad. He was so mad at himself, failing to protect his baby sister.

‘What did he do to you, Lily?’ he yelled. ‘I’m gonna kill him.’

‘No!,’ she screamed. ‘I just want out…promise me you wont do anything. I just have to pack a bag… can I stay with you?’

‘Of course you can Lily. You don’t even have to ask Just hurry up and get to my house will figure out what to do then.’

After they hung up the phone, Colin decided that he had no choice but to confront Rich, so he drove to the high rise where Rich’s office was and decided to pay him a visit. When they were face to face in Rich’s office, Colin could not hold his cool any longer. He strode around the desk and pushed Rich into a wall, holding him there by his neck.

‘Hey… what is your problem,’ Rich said, gasping as he had to fight for air.

‘You are the problem, asshole,’ Colin growled, ‘If you come near my sister again I will make sure that you won’t take another breath.’

‘Wh-what are you talking about… you’re crazy,’ Rich stammered.

‘You haven’t even seen crazy, but you will if you try to follow her you will regret it.’

Colin then let go of Rich’s neck and left as the other man fell to the floor. Rich watched angrily as Colin left. Then he calmly stood up, grabbed his suitcase and left the office.


Colin had a slightly uneasy feeling as he drove home that night, and when he pulled into his driveway, he was shocked that he didn’t see Lilly’s car in the driveway. He entered the house, and after changing his clothes he decided to give Lilly a call on her cell phone. He started to get even more worried when the voicemail picked up right away. He left her a message, and then turned on the television to pass the time while he was waiting for her.

Colin turned it to the news, and was half watching it as he was trying to come up with a plan for Lilly. All of the sudden a news bulletin caught his attention:

‘This just in…’ the newscaster said. ‘There has been a serious accident in Riverdale at the intersection of First and Main Street, as a red Honda was, according to witnesses, run off the road by an unknown driver. The driver was taken to Riverdale General, and her condition is unknown at this time…’


Twenty minutes later Colin ran into the emergency room. He frantically ran to the nurse’s desk.

‘I’m looking for Lillian Malone—I mean Hatcher. She’s my sister,’ he exclaimed, slightly out of breath.

‘I am sorry, sir, she is in surgery right now. You can wait in the waiting room with her husband’, said the grey haired nurse with the nasally voice.

Colin whirled around towards the waiting room. He couldn’t believe that Rich would actually show his face here. In his gut he knew that Rich had done this to Lily, and this never would’ve happened if it were not for his going to threaten Rich at work earlier.

‘What the hell are you doing here?’ he demanded of Rich quite loudly in the crowded waiting area.

‘I am waiting for news of my wife, who was in an unfortunate accident,’ Rich said innocently, with a slight smirk as he stared at Colin as if daring him to make a scene.

Colin leaned against the wall and closed his eyes. He knew that he failed Lily, and a terrible weight of guilt settled over him. He had to fight very hard not to go after Rich, but he knew that they would throw him out of the hospital if he did anything. He cared more about his sister’s well being at the moment.

After a few hours, the surgeons came out and gave them the news. There was a lot of damage to her ribs, and she had two broken legs. They were most worried about her head. She had suffered a pretty bad head injury, and was unconscious. The doctors felt strongly that she would regain consciousness, but it would probably be a few days.

Colin had stayed at the hospital for 3 days straight, and on the third night she had showed signs of awakening. Rich was also at the hospital most days, but he would only pop in for a few minutes to see if Lily improved, and leave. Upon delivering the news about Lily’s current state, the nurse had convinced Colin to finally go home to rest and change, and come back in the morning..

When Colin got home he fixed himself a sandwich and took a quick shower, he then decided to watch some television. He started to doze off while watching a movie, and was surprised to be woken up by a pounding at the door. When he pulled open the front door, and was startled to see Rich there. He paled a little bit, thinking that something happened to Lilly.

‘Lily’s fine,’ Rich snapped, pushing his way into to house.

‘Then what the hell are you doing here?’ Colin replied. ‘I know what you did to her, and you almost killed her.’

‘I don’t think so, besides if that were the case, how do you think I found out she was leaving. I even knew where she was going,’ Rich, laughed.

Colin shuddered at how maniacal the other man sounded. He stood near the front door and motioned that the other man should leave. He knew that Rich was right. There was no way to prove that he was the person that cut Lily off.

‘Not so fast, Colin, don’t you want to know why I’m here? I have a proposition for you.’

Colin sighed, barely controlling his anger. He slammed the front door, and stood with his arms crossed over his muscular chest.

‘You better make this quick, Hatcher,’ Colin snarled at Rich.

‘Here’s the deal: you probably don’t want Lily to know that you caused her accident, as it was indirectly your fault. In fact there is probably nothing that you would want more that for me to disappear, right?’ Rich asked.

Colin gave him a brief nod, still confused at why the other man was there.

‘I want money, and I wouldn’t mind my freedom. You can see that married life isn’t agreeing with me. Apart from the life insurance policy over Lillian, I don’t have anything to give me an incentive for me to leave. Besides, it looks like she might be sticking around a bit longer,’ Rich laughed.

Colin lunge towards him, but the other man stepped away just in time.

‘Wait just a minute, no need to get testy,’ Rich continued. ‘I have a little idea that I could use your help with. I have found a way to make a lot of money. It’s not legal and if I do it alone I may end up killing someone, so you’d have their death on your conscience.’


That was three months ago, and now Colin was sitting in his grandfather’s hunting lodge with a woman locked in the bedroom. He thought about what had made him agree. Was it that he thought Rich would actually leave after he got the money? Was it that when he saw the girl
that he was supposed to kidnap he couldn’t just back out and let Rich do it? He knew that Cass probably would’ve been killed, had he not played this part. This was like a typical moral dilemma. Let people die, and make his sister suffer more, or commit a federal offense that he hoped he wouldn’t get caught for. Of course Cass knew his name, and that probably wouldn’t help his case.

He relaxed in the chair for a few more minutes before he started to hear yelling coming from the back room. With a groan he got up to go see what Cass wanted. As he opened the door she was ready for him.

‘Well are you going to let me use the restroom, or do you want to clean the accident off the floor if I have to wait any longer? If there is even a bathroom in this dump?’ she sneered at him.

‘If you would have had an accident it would be you that cleaned it up, Princess,’ he said mildly, as he grabbed her arm and led her to the small restroom. He was fuming at her remark, but of course he knew that she was used to nothing less than luxury. Before he let her in the bathroom, he pushed her against the wall and pinned her there with his body. Her breath started to quicken as he positioned his lips an inch away from hers.

‘I must apologize if the accommodations are not up to your standards, perhaps I could give you something to make your stay more enjoyable,’ he said softly as his hard lips crushed into her soft ones. Relentlessly his lips punished hers until he unleashed his tongue into her mouth, and found her to be a willing participant. He ran his hands down her arms, relishing in the goose bumps that his touch caused. When he brought them up again, he let his thumbs graze her hardened nipples through the material of her dress and bra. Cass shivered and deepened the kiss, pulling his tongue further into her mouth as she started to rub her hands over his back and then up and down his arms, finally settling behind his neck.

Colin had to fight to keep control over his raging arousal. He pulled her closer, crushing her lower body against his male hardness, as her hands continued back down his body stopping at his waist. She moaned slightly in his ear as he rubbed his hands over her breasts again. He grabbed one of her hands and pulled down to feel how hard she had made him.

‘You want this very badly, don’t you princess?’ he whispered huskily. She stiffened, and then tore her lips from his as she pushed him away. His blood was still raging with desire, and he did not notice that she had taken the keys that hung on his belt.

‘I need some privacy,’ she said coldly, putting her arms around her back.

The tone of her voice cut through the haze of desire around him, and he quickly backed out of the bathroom as she slammed the door behind him. When he left Cass felt the keys in her hand and felt relieved. She was again feeling warm desire from this person that had taken her, though it was not entirely unwanted. She calmed down her ragged breathing and quickly used the restroom. Cass started to run the sink water, and then opened the window that was just small enough for her to fit through. She removed the screen, and crawled through the window, wincing as her bare feet hit the rocky ground. She then made a run for the Jeep.

As Colin waited in the hall he felt foolish that she could get him so hot. In his mind he pictured what it would be like under different circumstances with her. He could picture her naked on his bed, legs spread with a welcoming smile.

He would then —

At that moment the sound of the Jeep starting broke through his fantasy.


*I hope that you all enjoyed this chapter. I know it didn’t have a lot of ‘romance’ in it, but seemed necessary to develop the characters and make the situation more understandable before moving forward.

Also, I appreciate the wonderful feedback on the story thus far! It has given me the confidence to continue (quickly, which should please some), and has given me ideas on other stories that would branch off this one.

Ch. 4 is in the works, and there will be a couple more twists and turns before we reach the end.

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AzoteaChapter 3 Capture

WHEN I NAILED Roberta I wasn’t gentle. She wanted hard and fast and I gave it to her that way. I wasn’t her first, but in that moment I had her and she was mine. It started once more on the azotea, just like I’d found her the previous week. Only this time I didn’t stop after I’d stroked her and chafed her nipples and kissed the sides of her neck. When Roberta pushed back I held her hips and dry-humped her for three or four strokes. Then I brought my hands up and massaged her chest and...

4 years ago
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A Man and His PetsChapter 4 The Capture

'Bill Smith' made his decision early in Oct. He'd take all three on Halloween night. In the mean time, he gathered his supplies. Via the internet, he had ordered ether for a quick knock-out, a special drug to keep them asleep while he transported them to his dungeon, three specially padded crates, and, as an after-thought, a skeleton costume. The costume was in case he was spotted by a neighbor. He'd look like just another Halloween party attendee coming in late. It was well after...

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Captured by Sir Al Chapter 1: The Beginning I was spending my afternoon quietly, waiting for Hubby. A cold shower mighthave been the best to relax my senses on so hot a day. When you're hot intobondage and discipline, you need your Master's constant presence, don't you?So I was trying to relax and preparing everything for my Master and his night;it will be a night in his ropes, of course, and our lust. My body was gleaming under the shower but then a noise from the lounge drewmy attention....

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The Devils Pact the Hell ChroniclesChapter 9 Captured

Brandon Fitzsimmons – The Abyss "God-King," Milly purred as she dragged in the auburn-haired Wendy. Wendy was a lovely woman, the face of a twenty-one-year old, a set of perky tits, and a plump ass. She had been founding hiding in the city two days ago. I wanted her for my personal harem. But the whore refused to submit to my will. "I bathed and perfumed her," Milly smiled. "And shaved her bare, just the way you wanted, my Lord." Milly was the fiercest of my personal harem, a...

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Sally Captured

Sally CapturedBy Aspererus ([email protected])Chapter One        I’d seen her in the halls at school quite often but she wasn’t in any of my classes so I didn’t have much contact with her.  I did manage to find out her name was Sally though.  There was just something about her, she did something for me, or to me I guess.  I don’t know what it was exactly, I suppose it was that petite little body of hers and those nice perky little titties with the erect nipples.  I’d seen her try to cover...

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You walk into the house and it is dark. This is not unusual, as you live alone. However, tonight you worked especially late for a Friday night and it was now nearly ten thirty when you unlocked your front door. You walked into the foyer and as you reached for the light a hand grabs your and pulls you away from the light switch. Suddenly another hand grabs for your free hand and pulls it back behind you and both hands are quickly secured behind you with the click of a pair of handcuffs. You...

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Captured familyThe Bruner family was on their way back home from vacation, and all of them were rather tired. Rock Bruner was proud that he had been able to finally afford the cross-country trip that he had always promised to his family, but until this year they had been unable to go. They'd been on the go for two weeks, had been to California and were now only several hundred miles from home. Rock's wife Linda was in the front seat asleep, and the two teenagers, fifteen-year-old Mark and...

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Foreword: Somewhere I read another story similar to this. I can't find it to give proper acknowledgement. It may have come from Powerone. I can't find it. Anyway, the other story was filled with violence; beating and every kind of sexual punishment you could put a woman through. I am not much better, but I have tried to put a different slant on a similar story about a woman captured during World War II. If another writer emails me that they had the original idea, I will pass it on somehow I...

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The Mob Book 2Chapter 10 Captured

Jason returned to the canteen feeling quite ravenous. He spent some time chatting to the Jumo, and began to feel a hankering to have his feet on the planet and see what it was like. He felt that it would be safe as he had a very peaceful tranquil relaxed feel about both the Jumo and the planet. He had very much liked what he had heard about it, and thought that he himself would like to have a bit of a look around. Jason decided that he would chat to Linda, Karen DuPree, Matilda MacArthur,...

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RebelChapter 57 Captured

The men who captured me were a mix of Scots and Germans under the command of a young Englishman with an aristocratic look and a sadistic streak. His mixed and motley company had been out stealing horses when they found me late one morning disporting myself in a barn with a young maiden who had been around the track a few times. We were so busy with our efforts to please each other that neither of us heard the horsemen approach until they were in the barnyard. The girl squealed, slithered out...

1 year ago
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It was a beautiful spring afternoon and Jay didn't have a care in the world as he walked home from school! The sun was shining brightly in the clear blue sky and his thoughts were on maybe going for a swim in the old quarry pit on the other side of town when out of the corner of his eye he saw a middle aged woman falling down on the steps in front of her house!!! He raced to her aid and while helping her to her feet asked, "Are you all right, ma'am, that was a nasty spill!?!" "I-I think so,"...

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A Paladins TrainingChapter 12 Captured

***ARAN – Plane of Aros*** Aran surveyed the beautiful setting before him. The first time he had visited the Plane of Aros it had appeared as a verdant valley, with a waterfall and a warm pool in which he and Elaina had made love. Now, he was standing on a beach, gazing out at the water, enjoying the sun and flexing his toes in the warm sand as the gentle breeze caressed his skin. He had never seen a beach before, and had always wanted to. His training with Amina had increased his control...

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Stephanies SlaveryChapter 9 Recaptured

"Dammit, who's ringing the bell at this time of the morning? I've already had to struggle to the door to pay the paper girl." David was not in a good mood. Once more he hopped to the door on his crutches. "Poll. What do you and your friend want? Are you going to be a Good Samaritan and help me for a bit? I'm still struggling to get up. Are you on your way to Tesco's? If so I could do with some things." "No, David. Pete and me are going to take you on a raiding party to recapture a...

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Camis Captured

“Cami, chill, I’m almost there, Jake called and asked if I could go out for a beer and I fo-” “Chill? You’re fucking telling me to chill? I’ve been waiting here, like a fucking idiot, for almost an hour- and I learn you were having a beer? Shit, Nick, I thought you quit drinking.” “No, I quit being a fucking alcoholic.” Nick said, obviously more than annoyed. Cami heard him mutter ‘bitch’. “You know what? Don’t even bother showing up at the party. I’m done with your anger issues. We’re...

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Evan awoke to confusion. He was lying on a cold hard flat surface, perhaps a concrete floor, in complete darkness. He felt a dull throb in his head and he was stiff and cold. He had no idea where he was, nor how he had gotten there. Evan cautiously sat up. He concluded he was in one piece with no significant injuries, with just a sore spot on his left shoulder. Getting on his hands and knees, he picked a direction and started moving slowly, feeling the floor as he proceeded. He soon came to a...

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I stood in the darken house, my heart beating rapidly as I awaited the arrival of my victim for tonight. I was sweating a little with this mask on my face, I was dressed in all black. I felt in my pocket and fingered the blindfold and handcuffs I had there, I was as ready as I would be. I saw the headlights flash on the wall as she drove her car into the driveway. I heard her car door close as she got out of her car and headed to the front door, I was waiting right behind the door. She stuck...

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Caught and Captured

Janice had been watching the lady at the bar for what seemed like hours. In reality, it was probably only ten minutes. Ten minutes of intense observation in which nothing went unnoticed. She turned her head only slightly to watch the doorman, standing at the entrance of the hotel in his top hat and tails, opening the fingerprint-free, floor to ceiling glass door for the wealthy couple heading towards him.Janice could hear her therapist’s voice in her head.ooOoo“Don’t think about how you feel,...

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Tapsee pannu was being lusted by the drug mafia boss of US "KING" when he saw her movie pink. From that day he has lusted her and wanted to keep her as his misstress. Tapsee was nominated for her performance in her movie SOORMA and was invited to receive her award in USA iifA. KING has also received an invitation for the event.He has already used his power to find out whether Tapsee is coming or not. The evening started and bollywood stars started to make entries. King made sure that his seat...

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Doctor Who Amy Captured

The button was pressed...Amy Pond awoke, not with a start, but gently, as if awakening from a long nap. For a minute, she was groggy as the curtain of sleep fell away and the comfortable warmth around her cradled her still addled mind. It wasn't long, however, before she realized that something was terribly wrong.The room was unfamiliar. In her travels with the Doctor, Amy had become accustomed to unfamiliar rooms, but the fact that she had not exited the TARDIS to get to this one was cause for...

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This story is purely fiction.Waking upHe found himself surrounded with darkness, so dark, not even a hand before his face could be seen, not that he could lift his hand, or any other part of his body for that matter, though he tried, but discovered his wrists in solid handcuffs behind his back, feeling the hard unyielding metal and the sound of the very short chain between the links.The cuffs in turn, were fastened to a ring bolted securely to the floor, making him lay on his side the only...

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Cosmic Kid Gets captured

The mighty 22 year old lad flies into space and soaks up cosmic rays. He can feel his powers grow stronger, replenishing his superhuman abilities. Soon he will be fully recharged and can once again standvigil against the ever present criminals of Earth.Cosmic Kid mysteriously appeared one year ago. He has been defending humanity from the hideous acts of the world’s master criminals ever since. Despite being placed in the most dire of predicaments, theCosmic Kid always emerges in triumph. Scores...

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I stood in the darken house, my heart beating rapidly as I awaited the arrival of my victim for tonight. I was sweating a little with this mask on my face, I was dressed in all black. I felt in my pocket and fingered the blindfold and handcuffs I had there, I was as ready as I would be. I saw the headlights flash on the wall as she drove her car into the driveway. I heard her car door close as she got out of her car and headed to the front door, I was waiting right behind the door. She stuck...

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I felt the tension leave my body as laughter flowed from my lips. I should'veknown a girls' night out was just what I needed to de-stress. An evening surroundedby my best girlfriends and some good music would leave me feeling like wholenew woman. And a few drinks wouldn't hurt, either. Lani, as usual, had us allhowling over her latest sexual escapade. The woman wasn't afraid of anything!And though she was a bit on the frumpy side, she never seemed to lack for lovers.I can tell you right now,...

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Princess Peach captured

(Disclaimer: This story is a porn parody. It is not officially endorsed by Nintendo or their affiliates. The writer is in no way associated with Nintendo or their affiliates. All copyrights are owned by Nintendo) (Mario is canonically 26 years old; Princess Peach is canonically 25 years old; and while Bowser doesn't officially have an age, he has been seen as being a baby when Mario was a baby, so he cannot be much older; I would say Bowser is 30. This means I can safely say that all characters...

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Megan Enraged Book 2 of Wizard a Love StoryChapter 19 Captured

The ceremony and dance had been a moving experience for the little group. It had left them thoughtful and quiet on the drive back to the hotel. "Poppa," Sean said, as they pulled into the parking lot. "David was born here, but he was raised in Eastern Washington. I think it was a place called Yakima. Is that right?" Seth nodded as he set the parking brake and said, "His mom was from a different tribe that's located in Eastern Washington. The way I understand it, they moved to David's...

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Green DoomChapter 11 Captured

Their first impression as they rode into StarVillage was of crowded, bustling activity. Tents were pitched in open spaces between sod and timber huts. Women and children were everywhere underfoot. Groups of armed men rode by on urgent errands, giving the village the feeling of an armed camp. "All right, off your ponies," their guard ordered. "You can walk the rest of the way. Your animals and weapons will be waiting for you. If you still need them, that is." The press of humanity grew...

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EssChad ProjectChapter 13 Captured

Pete clawed his way up from a dream where he fought with scaled dragons, back and forth across heaps of crimson gems. A scaled hand clutched at him, and he fought to throw it off... "Pete! Pete, wake up!" Why did his head hurt so! Then, he remembered... The fort! It had fallen. Fallen to Pleorran's catapults, and to the rushing waters that had fallen in torrents from the storm clouds, finishing what the bombardment had begun. He remembered the ceiling caving in, and trying to reach...

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CorruptionChapter 7 Captured

Caleb was quiet as he drove JJ and Blake home; Kim was following in her car. Caleb was considering all that had happened, and what he had learned this evening. He didn't know what the results would be from the further blurring of the lines between himself and Al, but he was sure there would be consequences. Everything has consequences; Caleb just hoped they wouldn't be fatal consequences. The new information about Al's crash, and what the expected attitude of the aliens would be, was...

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RunChapter 48 Captured

Finch waited just outside the tunnel which led to the last line of defenses before the bunker entrance. In his hands he carried a case of twelve radios. Anna had given him instructions on where to go. She’d also given him a pistol which was strapped to his waist. There’d been no time to do more than show him the safety and pass him a spare clip which he’d stuck in his pocket. He raced ahead and opened the door. Two guards spun towards him, and Finch wasn’t terribly thrilled to see the signs...

1 year ago
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Bronya Torture Queen Captured

The school bell rang suddenly, awakening Ryan from his Friday afternoon slumber. Mr Green had been going on for 15 minutes about some part of Chemistry he didn’t understand and had switched off as soon as the word “orbitals” came out of his mouth. Boredom had descended on the classroom but it was quickly replaced by excitement as the bell signalled the end of school and the beginning of the weekend. Pupils flooded out of the classroom into the corridor, promptly joined by hundreds of others,...

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Gwens Recapture

Chapter 1- RemindersChapter 1- Reminders Gwen woke up with a start. The last thing she remembered wasleaving the company gym and heading toward her car. What she didn?t rememberwas ever reaching it. As she laid in the bed, she feltstrange-this didn?t feel like her bed. She reached up toward the headboard andfound that her hands were cuffed together.??????????? As Gwenbegan to panic, she tried to open her eyes and found that she could seenothing. Her breathing quickened as she took a mental...

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Shellis First Date

That Special Date - Part 1 Hi, my name is Shelli. I am a 27 year old T girl now living full time as a woman. I began living full time about 3 years ago and have never looked back. I had always had an interest in woman s clothing and fashion as far back as I can remember. I had started to dress in my sister's clothes when I was in high school and never forgot the feeling. I would sometimes fake an illness so I could stay home and dress while everyone else was out - I could spend...

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Peeks Social

Peeks calls itself The Most Rewarding Live Streaming Platform, which I bet gives you some immediate ideas about what you’d like to see on the site. It’s a fairly generic brag, because for all you know, it’s just full of bored virgin neckbeards chatting or gamers racking up kills in some game you’ve never heard of. Of course, I wouldn’t be talking about the joint here at ThePornDude unless there was something worth shaking your dick at, so let’s take a little tour and see how easy it is to jack...

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Laundry Wali

Filmy Hi, this is Azhar from Gujarat . The incident I am about to narrate took place a few years back. A middle aged lady used to come and collect the laundry clothes for washing/ironing from our house every day. One day however she fell from the stairs and fractured her leg. Her son and daughter-in-law were summoned from the village to take care of her and her business till such time that she could resume her duties. Initially her son came to collect the clothes for a few days, but later it...

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Reluctant HeroChapter 3

Tony Tony had been born in Berlin to a German mother, and a British father. His father had been a diplomat in the British Embassy in Berlin, and he had therefore spent most of his early life as a child in Berlin. His family had moved back to England in 1928, to the family farm in Wiltshire which was run by his Aunt in conjunction with her own farm which adjoined theirs. He had finished his schooling, and then gone on to Oxford. He subsequently decided on a career in the Royal Navy, and had...

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