A Soldier’s Gypsy Ch. 06 free porn video

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Dear Readers: This chapter is a definite change of pace from the other chapters. I hope you enjoy the combination of the two different stories. This may not be the juiciest of chapters, but I promise that will get better ,). Thank you for reading and please vote!!

I woke up stiff and bleary eyed the next morning. I suppose crying yourself to sleep does that to you. I couldn’t believe what Rae had said to me. We were best friends, how could she be with Gabe behind my back like that? And call me a slut?

Gabriel had been different from the others, he was the kind of guy that loved hard, and I had wanted to be the one he loved. Rae was right about that, I did want to be loved. Daddy had left when I was little and Mom was always too busy working. My little sister and I had always tried to look out for each other, but it wasn’t the same.

A psychologist would probably say that I had sex with people because I thought it would make them love me. They might be right, but I just hated being alone. I knew Rae was right though, about everything. That’s why it hurt me so much. Hearing it coming from my quiet, honest friend (even in the heat of her surprising anger) had made me really see the truth. And I should be happy for her, Gabe was what Raine deserved. I could be happy for them, but I knew I couldn’t be around them, at least not yet.

I decided to take the job the office had offered me in Louisiana. There was a new hotel in Beaux Ridge that needed reviewed for the airline travel agency. A week’s vacation a few states away sounded like the right kind of medicine right now. I had to call the office now and accept, If I went I would have to catch a flight by tomorrow morning.

An hour later I was packing my suitcase. Mr. Evans was a great boss and had been delighted to have me take the trip for him. Hopefully Beaux Ridge would give me time to think about everything, and finish getting over Gabriel Kalos. When I went back, I wanted to be truly happy for Rae, with no hard feelings.

While Gabe was out shopping the next day, Raine was in a panic at home. She was sitting in the bathroom, waiting to see how many pink lines there were. Realizing she had missed at least one period, she had rushed to the drug store as soon as Gabe left. Sure, she and Gabe were doing better, but she wasn’t sure they were ready to have a baby. ‘You probably should have thought about that before you had unprotected sex, Dummy,’ she muttered to herself. Oh well, she thought, too late now.

She chewed on her fingernails and watched the clock on the wall. Thirty more seconds before it should be ready. She counted down, and as soon as the time was up, she snatched up that stupid plastic stick. Two pink lines. Damnit!

Raine had always wanted a big family, but she had just admitted to Gabe that she was still in love with him. This was a little too soon to be starting their family. She had always planned on being married before she had children. Quickly, she hid the stick in the trash can and then went to lay in bed.

Staring at the ceiling, she contemplated telling Gabe. Would he want to be a father? What if he didn’t? Would he ask her to get rid of the baby? Rae knew that even though she wasn’t quite ready yet, she wouldn’t give up the little life in her belly. She would keep it, even if the idea scared her half to death. Her thoughts were interrupted when she heard the door to her apartment open and close. That would be Gabe.

Rae tried to calm down before he came looking for her, but she knew she looked frazzled when he came into the bedroom. She knew she had to tell him, but she didn’t know how. Tucked up under the bedspread with her brown eyes wide open, she looked adorable to Gabe as he walked into the room.

‘Hey Sweetheart, I think I got everything we needed. Rae? What’s wrong?’

‘Gabe, I have something to tell you.’

‘Baby, what is it?’ he asked with a worried frown.

‘I don’t know how to tell you,’ she began.

‘Rae, you’re scaring me. Just tell me please.’

He looked so scared, almost as scared as she felt. How would Gabe react? She didn’t know if she could be with him if he asked her to get rid of the baby. She took a deep breath.

‘I’m pregnant.’

Gabe froze. Did he just hear her right? She was pregnant? He reached out a shaky hand to her flat stomach. Was there really a little person in there? He bent his head forward and kissed her until they were both panting. Her laugh sounded like wind chimes.

‘I take that to mean you’re okay with it?’ she asked.

‘Okay with it? I’m ecstatic. I’ve always wanted a family.’ Gabe looked like he would never stop smiling. It seemed silly now that she had been worried. Gabe pulled the blanket down and rained kisses down all over her belly.

‘I’m glad, I was worried,’ she admitted.

‘Rae, you never had anything to worry about. I love you, how in the world could I not love a baby we made together?’

‘I don’t know, and now I just feel stupid.’

‘You’re not stupid Babe. I love you, and I have always wanted to be a Daddy. This is going to be the most spoiled child in the world.’

As the cab pulled up to Le Chateau D’or, I gasped at its beauty. The grand hotel was breathtaking and the color of its namesake. Gold decorated the high columns under the balcony and crowned the dome of the large structure. A bellman came out to assist me with my luggage. It was quite a task, I had packed an outfit (or two) for every occasion I could think of, plus shoes. I was prepared for my ten days in paradise.

If the outside of the hotel was spectacular, the inside was even more impressive. White marble columns with veins of gold held up the domed ceiling. I looked up to discover intricate murals in vibrant reds, creams, gold and bronze. The heels of my boots clicked on the tile floor.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw a handsome man talking to a hotel employee. He was drop-dead sexy and I was willing to bet there wasn’t an ounce of fat on him. His eyes turned to me and I gulped. He was sex appeal on a stick. He nodded to the woman but kept his eyes trained on me. What a time to be reconsidering my sexual agenda. I was relieved when a tall man in a suit came forward to greet me. His brown hair was impeccably groomed, not one hair was out of place.

‘Bonjour, Mademoiselle Vargas. I hope your flight was enjoyable. Here is your room key,’ he said while handing here a key with a gold tassel attached,’ I also hope you will enjoy your stay at le Chateau D’or. If you should need anything, feel free to call down to the front desk. A concierge is available as well. Franc here will show you to your room,’ he added, indicating the nice bellman that had her luggage.

‘This way, Mademoiselle,’ Franc said. Normally I would have flirted, but due to the argument I was debating the wisdom of my ways. This vacation seemed like a good time to find the new (and less slutty) me.

‘Here it is, the Mediterranean Suite. Feel free to call with any requests you have. Enjoy your evening.’

Before he could leave, I turned to give him a tip. ‘Thank you, Franc.’ I gave him a dazzling smile that made his own smile widen. Smiling wasn’t flirting, right?

I looked around the room and clapped my hands in delight. I never got tired of my job and I give thanks every day that I landed this wonderful job. Writing reviews for my college paper and doing my internship with the airline years ago had definitely paid off. I knew one thing for sure: Le Chateau D’or would be getting an excellent review.

The walls were a rich blue and the lush carpet was a light cream color. The sofas were a vibrant turquoise just like bright seas. Gold accented the room in the drapes and the pillows on the furniture. A delicate gold chandelier hung from the center of the ceiling.

I walked down the hall to the bedroom and had to keep myself from jumping onto the
bed. It had to be king sized, with a dark blue comforter. The pillows were the same bright blue of the sofas. The bed looked like it would swallow me into a soft warm cocoon. The walls were that bright gold color. Every detail was beautiful and added to the atmosphere.

If I had liked what I’d seen so far, I LOVED the bathroom. The floor was a cool marble, but the tub was set in the floor and looked like it could fit four comfortably. I knew I would be having some good moments in that tub. The shower looked almost as large as the tub and had at least ten shower heads. It looked positively orgasmic. A few well-groomed potted plants filled the large room and gave it a slightly wild appeal, as if it were a public bath house, like those used in another era.

I looked at myself in the mirror and decided I still looked rather ravishing, despite the traveling. I wasn’t even revealing that much either. I would shower (Oh la la) and then get ready for dinner in the hotel’s famous restaurant, Fleur de Lis. They were known for their exquisite French cuisine, go figure. What I really wanted was the delicious hunk from the lobby, but I kept telling myself that Mr. Hot Stuff was off limits.

Stripping off my tight burgundy dress and lace thong, I walked toward that tantalizing shower. Seconds after I turned it on, steam was filling the room. Stepping in front of the nozzles was odd at first, but quickly turned very pleasurable. My sore muscles enjoyed the attention, and other parts of me weren’t objecting.

Despite what Rae had said, I hadn’t been with a guy in weeks. It was starting to take its toll. My body was craving some release, and so was I. My dainty hands cupped my breasts, pinching my nipples. A moan escaped my lips and I didn’t even try to restrain it. For some reason hearing my own moan echoing off the walls made the experience seem even more erotic.

One hand traveled down my flat tummy to my well groomed pussy. The red hair was short and soft to the touch. Automatically my mind pictured Mr. Hot Stuff touching me, his hand on my pussy. I slid one hand between my folds and was surprised how wet I was. I wondered how wet I would be if it really were the hottie fingering my wet cunt.

My fingernail scraped over my clit and I squealed out. The shower heads were doing good work, I had one aimed right at my hot cunt and the others were doing their job on the rest of my body. The water pressure was just right, it was torturous pleasure. My groans were getting faster and my breath came out in pants from between my full lips. First I slid one finger into my pussy, getting it nice and wet. Then two fingers. My hips started bucking against my hand and I could feel myself getting close. I wanted to cum all over that hot hunk. My fingers moved faster and rougher and I had to use the other hand to grab onto the shower door. Oh God, so fucking close. I curled my fingers and hit the spot that drives me crazy. I screamed as my orgasm hit, nearly collapsing onto the shower floor. My orgasm tore through me and cum rushed out to coat my fingers.

Dinner that night did not disappoint. Heads turned when I walked through the lobby wearing a red satin dress. The straps were thin and a hint of cleavage showed. The bottom of the skirt reached the ground, but when I turned my sexy red heels peaked out.

I saw Franc at the entrance to Fleur de Lis. I had made a reservation to be courteous. I was sure they would have cleared a table for me if I hadn’t, but it just seemed easier to reserve a table.

‘Good evening, Franc,’ I said. I smiled brightly at him and he seemed surprised that I remembered his name. I had always been good with names, and it earned me a lot of brownie points, believe it or not.

‘Good evening, Mademoiselle Vargas,’ he responded with a bow.

‘Call me Morgan,’ I said with a rueful grin. He nodded and offered his arm. I slid mine through it. It felt good to be near a hot male again. My body temperature went up a few notches. I bit my lip, cursing my new conscience.

‘I will show you to your table.’

The table he led me to had a spotless white tablecloth that nearly reached the floor. A candle flickered in the center and the large windows showed a gorgeous panorama of the city. Gold curtains shielded the walls to minimize the noise.

Franc pulled my chair out and I sat gracefully. Gently, he pushed the chair back in. ‘Enjoy your meal,’ he told me with a wink and blush. My heart beat a little faster and I chastised myself. He had to be at least 5 years younger, still almost a kid. I hadn’t hit my thirties yet, thank God, and I was still dreading the day.

When the waiter came I ordered the braised lamb shank with creamy polenta and Portobello mushroom in red wine sauce. With it I ordered a glass of strawberry Chardonnay. Not only was lamb delicious, but it goes with almost any wine. Chardonnay was my favorite, so why not indulge myself just a little?

My food came in almost no time. Ah, the perks of being a critic.

I was eating in peace when I realized I was being stared at. I had that nagging feelings and the fine hairs on the back of my neck were standing up. I turned slightly to my right and saw Mr. Hot Stuff from earlier. His eyes were eating me alive. A flush crept up my cheeks. Damn this no sex thing was hard. Old me would have dragged him up to my room and had my way with him.

I forced myself to concentrate on eating and ignored his stare. He was speaking with the maitre d’ anyway. Maybe I would get lucky (or unlucky depending on how you look at it) and he would just go away and I wouldn’t see him again.

Well luck just wasn’t on my side. Mr. Hot Stuff actually had the balls to sit across from me at the table. He just sat right down like he was my boyfriend or something. Any other time I may have been flattered and flirted, but instead I was kind of pissed off. Here I was being a good girl and Temptation here had to sit right across from me. My blue eyes narrowed to slits.

‘Excuse me, but what the Hell do you think you’re doing?’ I demanded to know.

‘Sitting across from a pretty girl,’ he replied with a grin. Damn the man, he had dimples too. I loved dimples. I loved to lick them and kiss them. The bastard. Under closer inspection I noted that his eyes were an emerald green and very appealing. I sighed, why couldn’t he be ugly?

‘Well this pretty woman,’ I said enunciating the word,’was enjoying a nice dinner by herself.’

‘A pretty woman should never eat alone. I suppose I should introduce myself. My name is Mike, Mike Blaker.’

‘Whatever Mr. Blaker. This dinner is business, so if you wouldn’t mind leaving me to it.’ Damn that sexy man, he was making it hard to be a bitch. I just wanted to melt and beg him to carry me up to my room. I clenched my firsts and vowed to stick to my resolve.

‘Business?’ he inquired.

‘Yes. And speaking of business, you can mind you own.’

‘Ouch. You don’t mean that Darlin’.’

I looked around the dining room in search of Franc, maybe he could give Mike a hint. I spotted him and motioned my head for him to come over.

‘Mademoiselle Vargas, I mean Morgan,’ he quickly corrected. His eyes darted over to Mike. ‘What can I get for you?’

‘Could you show Mr. Blaker here the way out, I’m afraid he’s lost Franc.’ A sickly sweet smile graced my lips. I met Franc’s gaze and I think he knew what I meant.

‘Of course,’ he nodded.

Mike stood and let his gaze swipe over me once more, landed on my eyes. ‘See you again soon, Morgan Vargas,’ he told me.

I hope you like this. For those of you that read Rileigh and the Cop, I know Mike kind of got the short end of the stick. However, I really liked Carter. To get the best of both worlds I came up with this solution! The next part of Morgan and Mike’s tale can be found in the next chapter of Rileigh and the Cop (which will be chapter 6). Please don’t forget to comment, send
feedback, and/or vote!!

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Etched In StoneChapter 8

They were all naked and empty handed except for Dothan who held a milky white knife in his right hand. Unlike the other two, Jorie was feeling a delayed shock as they carefully wended their way back to the clearing where the two FADs sat in the lengthening shadows. He followed hairy or the smooth butt cheeks, depending on who was in front of him at the moment. Although the irritation from the bug bites had eased from burning points to swathes of itching skin, the walk caused new scrapes and...

1 year ago
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Poornima Ki Gaand Maari

Hi friends ye kahani mere college ke dino ki hai.Mere college mein ek student thi poornima. Woh computer branch mein thi, aur mai mechanical branch mein.Hamare class mein koi ladki nahi thi to hum doosre branch ki ladkiyo ko chodne ke firaq mein rehte the..Dosto jab ladki naya naya college mein aati hai tab uske choot pe khujal thori jyaada hoti,ladko ko bas himmat karke mauka le lena chahiye. Jab poornima naya naya institute mein aayi, to saare seniors haath dho ke uske piiche pad gaye,...

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The Sea Change

East of Eden The seducer’s name was “Vanity.” And my wife was too easily enticed. Heather was chubby all our married life. So, after the kids left she started exercising. At first it was a pastime. Then things changed - drastically! The more she exercised, the shapelier she got. Her body became her obsession. And she was reborn a goddess. That was when the flirting began. For the first twenty-two years we had been a companionable and loving couple. We stood together at social events. We...

2 years ago
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Shaadi Mein Hot Milf Ke Sath Maze 8211 Part 1

Hi everyone, mera naam Rohan hai, aur main 26 saal ka hu. Aur main haldwani ka rehne wala hu. Mere lund ka size 6.5 inch hai, aur kaafi mota hai. Ye baat 2019 ki hai, jab main meri friend ke bhai ki shaadi mein Chandigarh gaya tha. Shaadi Delhi mein thi, lekin meri friend ne hum sab ko Chandigarh bulaya tha. Kyuki waha pe bhi functions the, aur unke khatam hone ke baad hame Delhi ke liye nikalna tha. Main Chandigarh pahuncha aur mere kuch dost waha pehle hi aa gaye the. To maine pahunchne ke...

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The CureChapter 41

The Gentle Breeze hung in the midst of its tenders as the last of the injured and wounded were transferred to ships taking them back to various planetary centres where long term recovery could begin (re-growing limbs mostly). What remained were a group of what we now knew were Raffagee females. They were being kept in isolation from the males of that species who were, from what we knew from reports, violent, untrustworthy and apt to attempt suicide, taking as many of those whom they presumed...

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A Job Well Done

A JOB WELL DONE By Geneva This is another tale of Vera's committee. Using a spell from an old book of magic, the women take steps to remove a lawyer and a judge and punish a rapist for their treatment of women. This is a further tale of the exploits of the women's committee that featured in six of my earlier stories, "Making the best of it, " No Service At All", "The World is my Oyster", "Not Quite Done Yet", "In Committee", and "Long Shot". START Vera, in the chair as usual,...

4 years ago
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One Hot Night Ch 04

Katie opens the door to the bathroom and walks right in. She walks into the stall and locks it. She pulls her robe open and sits down on the toilet where she pees. She then gets up off the toilet and pulls her robe together. She ties it and turns around where she flushes the toilet. She then unlocks the bathroom stall and walks out. Katie walks up to the sinks. She grabs some soap. She then turns on the water and starts washing her hands. She finishes washing her hands and grabs some paper...

2 years ago
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Home for Horny Monsters Book FourChapter 14 Moonrise

Kisa sat on the roof of the house, her eyes locked on the wrought iron gate at the back of the property line. It had been over a week since Mike had gone through it and returned with the devil dog in tow. Despite his reassurance that Cerberus was no longer a danger to them, all she could picture in her mind was being chased through the misty woods by a fire breathing beast. Memories of her trip into the Underworld from so long ago had rushed in on her like ice water. She had fled from the...

1 year ago
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A morning wakeup from Mom

Note : This story is completely fictional! After a morning of fucking and sucking me multiple times, and then dealing with Scott’s massive 13" member, mom spent the rest of the day resting and sleeping. I check in on her after a few hours and kiss her on the cheek while rubbing her back. She looks at me and ask “Why?” “Why did you bring him into our bed? I had sex with you because you’re my son and I wanted to feel the love and warmth of your body. I didn’t want anyone else to know our secret.”...

2 years ago
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Gift From The FutureChapter 13

They drove into town and picked up the mail at the post office. A few of the items that made up her new ID was in the mailbox. They sat in the car and he explained each of the items and instructed her on which ones she had to carry and which could be kept at home. They left to get something to eat as they had somehow forgotten breakfast. The rolled the windows down so that Thor wouldn't get over heated and headed for the restaurant. As they entered the restaurant Roy saw the publisher of...

3 years ago
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StepMothers Sex SlaveCrossdresser blackma

My heart pounds as I tip-toe across the soft, pink carpet in my parents' room. I'm home alone. My stepmother's lingerie collection awaits.A floorboard creaks as I make my way to the dresser. I'm facing my worst nightmare--getting caught playing with Ann's lacy undies. But I'm totally hooked on wrapping myself in her silk and lace. I decide to move forward. The risk adds to the adrenaline rush.I stretch out my fingers to grab the drawer's brass knobs. The sensual pleasures of cross-dressing are...

2 years ago
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Meredith and Derek Naked in SchoolTuesday part 1

T .1 Waking up is all about memory. We sleep, all of us; we have to disconnect from the world for six or eight or ten hours, and then come back and figure out what we've missed. 9/11 is a good example. Wake up and your radio alarm is saying something about terrorists and the World Trade Center. Huh? At first I figured terrorists had landed in a helicopter or something. But by the time I got to school, I had the whole story. I think I liked mine better. In any case, waking up is all about...

1 year ago
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Heading to the airport

I had a flight to catch, but it was at 3:30 and that left me a lot of late morning and early afternoon to think about dick. One of my favorite ABSs was on the way to the airport, so I finished packing, popped a couple of condoms in my pocket just in case and headed out the door.I got to the Pleasures on Washington St. at about eleven, headed in and paid my entry to the booth area. There were a reasonable number of middle aged guys milling around, but I couldn’t detect much of anything...

2 years ago
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My ultimate fantasy

My girlfriend and me use to have these orgy parties and we use to have a lot of fun and that all ending a few years ago when a close friend and party attendee was killed in a motorcycle accident. Well we have sex from time to time but it seems to not have that spark like it did when we was going to the parties. God I use to love seeing her get fucked in the ass by a black guy and seeing her squirt all over his legs!! Anyways after she had called me and told me when she was going to be home I...

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loving my ass for the first time

This story is follow-on from my first one – Meeting for the first time. Please feel free to leave (constructive) feedback. I am still new to writing and am learning! We have just made love for the first time, after months of cyber chatting and cyber sex. Our hearts are still pounding, as we lie there, sated. Neither of us wants to be the first to speak but the silence is comfortable. Oddly familiar. Your hand has gone to my ass and has slipped between my ass cheeks. I can feel your finger...

3 years ago
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Dear Sir

Dear Sir,I had a dream about you. We were in a hotel, and a cheap one judging by the mundane furniture found in every motel that lines the interstates. We stand there awkwardly and still as though we are bound by an invisible web. I brake my bond first inching towards you. I remove your red baseball cap and cast it carelessly aside. My hands shake as I begin undoing the buttons of your plaid shirt. I fumble, finding it difficult to clasp the small white plastic in my fingers. After the third...

Quickie Sex
1 year ago
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Burn Street

This is the story of four friends. They fuck each other. They fuck each other over. Initially I'm planning on writing four sides of the same story, each from a different character's point of view. If any parts inspire me, I'll branch off and write something specific to one character. This story might be kind of odd. It might fail miserably. Hopefully some people will get off first. It's fairly short, and to the point (sex, that's the point), so don't expect a ton of exposition. If you've got a...

3 years ago
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Daze in the ValleyChapter 20

Mary and Rachelle, independently and together, had come to a couple of decisions about their futures in the preceding days. In separate venues miles apart, they were putting them into play. Both had watched their guys actions and reactions to the addition of a couple of pretty girls to the group – pretty girls with great bodies who had sex on video for a living. Neither expected the reaction she saw. Walt and Sean were typical males. They appreciated beauty and they noticed beauty. They...

2 years ago
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How I Seduced My Reportee

Hi gals n guys am Veena working for a well known MNC in Bangalore. I am the assistant manager and handle a team of about 30 members with equal mix of men n women. I had joined this new company about a moth back. I think its gals who will be more interested in this story and do write back to me on Am very career centric and had not got on to bed with any guy in my entire life of 28 years. One of the reason for this is a guy with whom I was seriously in love ditched me when I was about...

2 years ago
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Neighborhood Aunty Pooja Fucked Very Hard

Yo Guys. This is my first story here. I’ve read all stories ago. Give me Feedback on The story revolves around Me and my neighborhood aunt Pooja. Let me tell you about her. She is 30 years old with perfect figure and Tight ass with huge boobs. Guys believe me her boobs can make anyone thirsty. I never looked her with lust. But Once She Had Called me For Some help and that time What I saw was Erotic. I saw her bending down finding something. That time Her Almost Boobs were Visible till her half...

1 year ago
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Hairy RoadtripChapter 11

Yes! Her! And she SAW me! Shit fuzzy and fall back in it! Through the double pane glass ... even over the throb of the turbo prop on the other side of the plane, I heard her screech. “David!” Wendy said, “You came!” She took off running, burst through the door ... and knocked me flat on my back... “How did you know I was coming?” The kisses were spaced between the words so unless you knew what she was going to say before she said it ... it wasn’t going to make a bit of sense. I...

2 years ago
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Trekking Trip To Three Pussies 8211 Part 2 The Hotel Room

We went to sleep then as it was around 2 am. In the next morning, I was sleeping while the train reached Delhi. Trisha woke me up. We packed everything, took our luggage, and went out of the train. There was a meeting outside of the station, where everyone on the trek was present. They told we would go to a hotel to get fresh, and then till evening, we will have free time to roam around in Delhi. At six o’ clock, we will leave for Manali. After the meeting, we sat on a bus and reached the...

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Preachers Pulpit Parishioners and Ch 01

Blake How could things be the same after all we had gone through? It’s true that you can’t judge a book by its cover because sometimes the cover lied. Either it didn’t entice the reader enough to open the pages or it made you believe that the words on the inside were equivalent or better than the wonderful picture on the outside. That’s how we were, Samson and I. Sitting here on the 5th pew during morning worship made everyone think that he loved me so much. I was a strong woman but always...

4 years ago
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The Battered LampChapter 29 Harem of the Warrior

Thursday, January 28th – The Jann Desert, the Hidden Realm Britney's head throbbed. Smoke tickled her nose while palm trees crackled about as Fatima's fire spread. Phillipa, her mate, knelt beside her, reaching out to touch her head. Britney winced and Phillipa's hand came away red. "I'm fine," the Rakshasa growled, her blood still pumping with adrenaline after the fight. "Let me heal you," Phillipa smiled, her almond-shape eyes full of concern. "Kyle knocked you in the...

2 years ago
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Fierce female warriors ravage the coast and enslave men

Two smiling Vikings hauled the squirming man to the gunnels, grasping his upper arms and bending him on the rail. His mistress examined the scars on his thighs and found that he had been serving her for eight moons. She grinned at him as he begged in a language she did not understand, drew her fish gutting knife from her belt, grasped his scotum, pulled it down and cut off his testicles cleanly and then rammed them into his screaming mouth. “Well done, Greta,” said one of the two...

4 years ago
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Like two drops of sperm

Like two drops of ... spermDuring one of my daily visits to the supermarket I was scanning my groceries when I thought I recognized a familiar face. The face of a very attractive lady I'd been chatting with for a while and who had mailed me some very horny pics and videos of herself. But it could not be her, because she had told me recently in one of our chats that she was living nearly 100 miles from where I live. She probably did not want to run the risk of bumping into me at Ikea, and me...

4 years ago
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LeefsticChapter 25

They went back down without the suitcase and Sandra gave her credit card number and a cash deposit as part of the deal. In moments the hotel limousine drove the group to the elementary school to pick up the next five children. They were five minutes early and decided to just sit and talk. The privacy glass was up and the driver was not trying to listen. Catrina said, "I have never been in a car like this before. Do you drive this way often?" Sandra smiled at her. "We have our own...

1 year ago
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PornWorld Alyssia Kent Nat Portnoy Sexy BFFs Nat Portnoy and Alyssia Kent Share a Thick Cock at Mountain Cabin Retreat

It’s the tail end of summer and to have a bit of fun before the cold, dark winter, Alyssia Kent, her boyfriend Sylvan, and her best friend Nat Portnoy have rented a beautiful cabin in the mountains for the weekend. Feeling a bit horny after a workout, Nat decides to retire to her bedroom to rub her clit while she fantasizes about her best friend’s boyfriend. A bit later, Nat decides to Alyssia along with her boyfriend Sylvan on the living room couch for a chat. Quickly, the meaningless chitchat...

2 years ago
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Tangled Web Part 2

The Tangled Web, Part Two ? by: SteveR When she woke it was with a strange sensation, until she remembered the events of the previous evening. Mike was gone, but she could still smell him on the sheets, and a single red rose was laid on the pillow. She smiled as she read the card: "To a very special lady, Thank you." Just then she heard the door of Marie's room open, and muted voices. The door closed and there was a discrete knock on the connecting door and Marie called, "Are...

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Black Widow in 2099

Black Widow In 2099ADBy Sonya Esperanto [email protected]:New York 2008The New Avengers were fighting for their lives. As for who were the New Avengers, they were America?s mightiest superhero team.  Right now, they were fighting the robot army known as The Sentinels. The Sentinels stood over twenty feet and beams kept on coming out from their eyes and palms. Captain America shouted to his men, ?We thought this was never going to happen but looks like it is?. As for what he...

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