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Ellie opened the door and gestured, come in. Geoff and Amy entered the house, and she embraced her daughter, then her old friend. She nodded at Geoff with a smile that was only for him – and then gave Amy one, too.
The girl wondered what lay behind it, and what Geoff had told her.
‘Come,’ she said. ‘He’s in the living room.’
Frank, Amy’s father, sat on the couch with a worried expression. When the three entered, he stood and hugged his daughter, then shook hands with Geoff.
‘What’s up, Sarge?’ he asked. ‘Don’t tell me this isn’t working out.’
The old man smiled. ‘Sit down, Soldier,’ he said. ‘This may be hard to hear.’
The taller, younger man sat, his expression even more worried. ‘What is it, Geoff?’
The older man dragged up an armchair and sat down opposite his godson. ‘Frank,’ he said, his deep voice soft, ‘I want you to take every bit of trust and respect – and love – for me that you’ve ever had, and hold in in your mind, and listen to me.’
Frank blinked at him. ‘That’s a lot, Geoff. You’ve been a father to me, and more.’ He watched the old man’s face. ‘I’m listening.’
Geoff nodded. He looked at the two women watching and smiled, then he turned back to his friend, took a deep breath, and spoke.
‘Frank,’ he said, ‘As strange as it sounds – as wrong as it sounds…’
He looked at his shoes, then back at his friend’s eyes. ‘I love Amy, and Amy loves me, and we’re going to be married.’
Frank sat back, grinning, but when the older man did not smile back, his grin faded.
‘Wait. You’re serious…?’ Geoff nodded.
Frank’s face was blank. He looked at his daughter. ‘Amy…?’
‘It’s true, Daddy,’ she said. Her voice was strong and clear, which surprised her. ‘I love Geoff. And he loves me. We could have kept it secret, but we don’t want to hide it from anybody. We want to do it right.’
Her father’s face was growing red, and she could see his anger building. He turned on the older man.
‘This is how you repay my trust?’ he hissed. ‘This is how you protect my little girl? By taking her for yourself?’
‘It wasn’t like that, Frank-‘
Frank rose from his chair and punched the older man in the face, full force. Geoff saw it coming, but made no move to defend himself.
‘Daddy! No!’ cried Amy, moving toward Geoff. Frank swung again, but the old man caught his fist easily and held it.
‘One is enough, Frank,’ he said, his voice a soft rumble. ‘Now sit down and hear us out. Give us that much.’ There was an angry red mark on the old man’s lined cheek, and he was bleeding slightly from a cut below his eye.
‘Why should I?’ the younger man roared. He towered over Geoff, who released his fist and looked up at him calmly. ‘You manipulated my daughter – you wanted her – you don’t care about her or Ellie or me…’
‘It wasn’t like that, Daddy,’ said the girl. ‘You know us both better than that.’ She moved to stand behind Geoff and looked up at her father. She put her hand on the old man’s shoulder. ‘Don’t you?’
Frank hesitated, confused, but still furious. ‘I thought I did,’ he finally said. ‘Now I’m not sure.’
After a moment, he sat down. ‘I never thought you’d betray me like this, Geoff.’ His eyes were dark, his brows still drawn down in anger. ‘I never thought that was in you.’
‘It isn’t.’
All three looked up. It was Ellie who had spoken, still standing to the side.
She came closer and sat down by her husband. ‘Frank, do you remember when we were first married – and it wasn’t going so well?’ She put her hand on his.
Puzzled, Frank nodded. ‘What does that -‘
‘I left you for a couple of days. Remember?’
He nodded again. ‘You said you went to a friend’s.’ He was watching her carefully now.
She nodded. ‘I did. I went to Geoff’s place.’
The younger man whirled on his old friend again. ‘Did you-‘
‘No,’ said Ellie. ‘He wouldn’t have it, Frank.’
He looked back at her. ‘I threw myself at him,’ she went on. ‘But he wouldn’t have it. He convinced me to go back to you and work it out.’ She smiled. ‘And he was right.’
Geoff was looking at the floor, Amy squeezed his shoulder, and he patted her small hand. Now she knew.
Frank was staring at Ellie, struggling to understand. She gestured. ‘Look at Amy, Frank. And think about me, twenty-five years ago.’
His mouth dropped open, and he stared at his friend. ‘He could have-‘
‘Yes. He could have, honey. But he wouldn’t.’ She looked at the old man, and at her daughter. ‘And that’s how I know he wouldn’t do that now, either, not just for himself.’ She kissed her husband’s cheek. ‘I know him, Frank. So do you. And we both know our daughter. And I trust both of them.’
She sat back and shrugged. ‘This is strange – but I can’t see that it’s wrong.’
‘Daddy,’ said Amy, ‘Remember how you told me I was wise for my age?’ He reluctantly nodded. ‘Well, I haven’t gotten stupid since then. This isn’t something I’m doing because I’m a silly little girl. I know it’s right. I know it.’
Frank shook his head, still struggling. ‘But – but he’s…’
‘Old,’ said Geoff. Frank looked at him. ‘Don’t you think I’ve thought about that, too? I wish I wasn’t so old. Amy deserves a younger man, who’ll be with her longer. But there it is. I can’t change that.’
‘Daddy?’ said Amy. He looked at her again. ‘Take Geoff’s and my ages out of it for a minute.’ She smiled at the old man who was her lover and stroked his bald head. ‘Do you know a better man?’
Ellie put her hand – as small and white as Amy’s – on her husband’s again, and squeezed. ‘She has a point, Frank,’ she said. ‘Do you?’
The younger man looked at his friend, and then his daughter, and his eyes filled with tears. ‘But she’s my little girl, Sarge,’ he said. ‘How would you feel?’
The old man looked up. ‘Same as you,’ he said. ‘But – I swear to you, Soldier – I’ll keep her safe and protect her and provide for her and -‘ he grinned up at the girl – ‘and spoil her, and love her and make her happy for as long as I live.’
Frank opened his mouth to speak, but Geoff stopped him. ‘And I know that won’t be long – not as long as we’d like, anyway. But whatever time I have left, I want to spend it with Amy at my side. And she’ll be very well provided for after I’m gone.’
Amy spoke up. ‘I love him, Daddy. And I want to be with him, too. Till the end.’
She and Geoff looked at each other, and the love between them was apparent. ‘We know how strange this looks to other people. But – well – now is the only time we have, any of us. Whatever time we have together is a gift. And I won’t give Geoff up just because we were born fifty-two years apart.’
She blinked and looked at her parents, and they realized that she had only partly been talking to them.
She’s had to convince him, too, thought Frank. And that insight began to soften his resistance.
Geoff looked down for a moment, then up again. ‘She’s changed me, Frank. I’ve always been a hard man. Cold, in some ways. I’m sure Tina told you that, Ellie.’ She nodded.
‘But Amy’s made me – soft. Warm. I feel things I never felt before. I…’ He swallowed. ‘I cry all the time now.’ The girl looked at him admiringly, she knew what it cost him to say that.
‘I love her with everything that’s in me,’ the old man went on, ‘and believe me, I don’t understand what she sees in me either. But whatever it is -‘ He shook his head. ‘She’s the most precious and wonderful thing that’s ever happened to me. And I won’t give her up either.’ He squeezed her hand, still on his shoulder, but he wouldn’t look at her. Everyone knew why.
‘I’m happy for Amy, Frank,’ whispered Ellie. ‘And I’m proud of her, too. Think about how brave she was to come to us. How honest. Both of them.’
Frank looked at her,
wiped his eyes, and slowly nodded. ‘You’re right,’ he finally said, then looked at Amy and Geoff. ‘You’re all right. I know love when I see it.’ He smiled, his eyes still wet. ‘it’s going to take me a while to get used to this. But – okay.’ He looked at Geoff. ‘But you better take good care of her, Sarge.’
The old man smiled. ‘I told you, Soldier. With my life. I didn’t know what I was saying then. But now I do.’ He offered his hand. Frank shook it, then rose, pulling Geoff up too, and the two men embraced. Mother and daughter did, too. Afterward, the younger man smiled sheepishly. ‘Sorry about the punch, Sarge.’
The old man waved it away. ‘You were entitled,’ he said.
‘Speaking of which,’ said Ellie, who then rose and left the room.
‘Can I call you Dad now?’ asked the old man with a cautious grin, and Amy giggled happily. Frank laughed as they sat down.
‘You better give me some time on that one too,’ he said.
Ellie came back in with a Kleenex, some antiseptic, a Band-Aid, and a bag of frozen peas. Geoff sat docilely as she wiped the tiny scratch clean, applied the bandage, and handed him the peas.
He held the bag to his cheekbone. ‘Thanks, El,’ he said. ‘It’s no big deal.’ He saw Frank’s look, and added, ‘Hey, I didn’t say it didn’t hurt.’
The younger man lifted a hand. ‘I guess after bullets and bombs, it didn’t amount to much. I’m really sorry, Geoff. You’re the one man in the world I least want to hit.’ He smiled at his daughter. ‘Especially now.’
She came over and hugged him. ‘Thank you, Daddy,’ she said. ‘It’ll be all right. You’ll see.’
Then she turned and looked at both her parents. ‘Speaking of bullets and bombs…’
Geoff put his head in his hands. ‘Oh, shit,’ he mumbled.
‘Did you know Geoffie was awarded the Medal of Honor?’
Her mother grinned.
On the way back, Amy snuggled up to Geoff in the car and leaned her head on his shoulder. ‘I’m glad we took the Camry, Geoffie,’ she murmured.
‘Why is that, Punkin?’
‘The Jag has bucket seats. I couldn’t get this close to you.’
He put his arm around her for a moment and gave her a squeeze, kissed her hair, then returned his hand to the wheel.
‘I think that went okay,’ she said after a while.
He chuckled. ‘Easy for you to say,’ he said. ‘You didn’t get punched in the eye.’
‘Well, except for that… Does it hurt?’
‘Hurts good. I have you now. Right out front and in the open. Straight up, no hiding and no bullshit.’ He smiled in the light from the dashboard. ‘It was worth it.’
Then he glanced down at her. ‘Everything was worth it, Amy. To be here with you, now…. ‘ He squeezed her again. ‘My whole life. Everything that’s ever happened to me.’ He looked back at the road curving away into the dark before them.
And everything that ever will, he thought.
‘Mmm,’ she murmured. ‘I love you too, Geoffie.’
He wondered what lay ahead as he watched the road unfurl before them. Then he remembered what Amy had taught him.
Tomorrow, he thought.
He smiled.
And tonight…
But they went straight to bed when they got home. It was late, and Amy had an eight o’clock class the next morning.
As she snuggled naked into his arms, Geoff asked, ‘What did you and your mom talk about when you went off together?’
She giggled. ‘We were planning a wedding, silly.’ She nuzzled his chest. ‘I swear, she’s as excited as I am.’
‘What’s to plan? We find a judge, we get married.’
‘Oh, no, you don’t. It’ll be small, but I want my white dress, Geoffie.’ She snuggled closer. ‘And my canopy of crossed swords to walk under.’
He kissed her head. ‘Done, Punkin. Whatever you want.’
She sighed and relaxed in his arms. ‘What were you and Daddy talking about while we were wedding planning?’
‘We had a couple of beers and came to an agreement.’
‘That you’re the most wonderful and perfect girl in the world and we both love you more than life itself.’
She giggled.
‘It’s true, baby,’ he whispered. ‘You are. And I do.’ He pulled her close and kissed her – and her lips opened under his.
Some time later, she whispered into his mouth, ‘Make love to me, Geoffie?’
‘Uh-uh. It’s after midnight, and you have an early class. Time for sleep now.’
‘Aww…’ She wriggled against him in protest.
‘I’ll make it up to you tomorrow, Punkin. I’ll fuck you breathless.’
‘Promise. C’mere, let me hum you to sleep.’ He reached out to the nightstand and turned on the Canon, and she contentedly crawled on top of him and laid her head on his chest.
They both went to sleep smiling.
They were up at their usual six-thirty, and as they normally did on class days, they separated to brush their teeth, dress, and so on in their respective bathrooms. Showering had become an evening ritual, since that allowed them more time to enjoy it.
But when Geoff entered the kitchen, he found Amy making French toast in nothing but her glasses and ankle bracelet.
‘You’re going to be late for class, Punkin.’
‘No, Geoffie.’ She smirked at him and shook her bare bottom in his direction. ‘I’m cutting all my classes and I’m going to go naked for you all day. I missed my slave girl Sunday. So there.’
He sat down in ironic shock. ‘Amy Madigan, lifelong straight-A-plus student, cutting her classes,’ he said, shaking his head in wonder. ‘Surely the Apocalypse is upon us.’
She giggled and brought him his French toast and coffee. ‘Call it our engagement party, Geoffie,’ she said. ‘And I’m going to do all my favorite things.’
‘Which are?’ She even makes perfect coffee, he thought, taking a sip and enjoying the sight of her plump, hairless pussy mound.
‘Dancing naked for you till you spurt all over me. Sucking your dick till I swallow your cum. Creaming all over your cock while you shoot in my pussy. Maybe riding Honey around the yard till I can’t walk straight. And showing you your cum hanging out of my pussy after we fuck in the steam room.’
He looked at her with an affectionate, skeptical smile. ‘You do realize I’m a very old man, right?’
She moved her bare feet wide apart, put her hands behind her head, crouched, and began to bump and shimmy sensuously for him with her chin turned shyly into her shoulder. ‘I have faith in you, Geoffie,’ she whispered.
‘Jesus, Amy,’ he said, feeling his cock hardening in his jeans. ‘Let me finish my breakfast, at least….’
Twenty minutes later:
‘Th-this wasn’t on my l-list…’
Her bare feet were on his shoulders as he held her pussy open and licked and sucked at her glistening pink hole hungrily. He smiled as he whipped her swollen clit and made her whimper, then paused long enough to say, ‘No, but it was on mine.’ He returned to worshiping her sweet young pussy, slipping two fingers into her spasming channel and making her gasp.
As the naked teen shivered and rolled her hips up at his tongue, he sucked on her bare clit and felt a deep satisfaction.
The most precious thing in the Universe is here in my mouth, he thought. My Amy’s sweet pussy.
He licked her tender pink tissues with gentle passion, and she whimpered and spread her pale thighs even wider, opening herself to him. He kissed her clit reverently, then pressed on either side of it, exposing it completely for his mouth – and he paused and looked down at it in wonder.
The naked girl whispered, ‘Don’t stop, Geoffie…’ and he bent back to his second-favorite work.
His whole world was concentrated in the tiny nubbin in his mouth, and he sucked and licked and kissed it lovingly, not forgetting to slide his tongue around and into her hot, wet
opening as well, and a moment later, he decided that Amy’s giggle was not his favorite sound in the world after all.
It was her high, sweet child’s voice quavering, ‘Geoffie, I’m g-gonna cuuum…’ and her gasps and soft cries as she did.
He twisted and wriggled his fingers inside her pussy and scrubbed his rough tongue around and around and up and down on her swelling, trembling button, doing his adoring best to keep her at her peak as long as he could.
Amy shuddered and jerked at the intense sensations at her center, humping intimately at her gentle lover’s mouth… So good, so good, she thought: he’s so good to me…
‘Oh, eat me, G-Geoffie… Eat me till the s-sun comes up…’
He chuckled into her pussy and mumbled ‘But the sun just came up, Punkin,’ without losing contact.
She giggled shakily even as she came – an endearing sound. ‘I kn-know…’
They snuggled on the couch afterward. Amy was still shivering, and she sat up from Geoff’s embrace for a second to look down at her pussy curiously.
‘What is it, Punkin?’
‘I wanted to see if it’s glowing,’ she said. ‘It feels like it is.’ They both smiled, and she added, ‘I love the way you eat me, Geoffie.’
He laughed and squeezed her tight. ‘I could kiss your pussy for hours, Punkin.’
She wriggled in his arms contentedly. ‘Mmm. Sounds like fun,’ she murmured.
He chuckled, a deep drumming that passed through her body and made her quiver. ‘So what do you want to do now?’ he asked. ‘Your day, sweetheart.’
She smiled and nuzzled him. ‘Just lie here naked in your arms and feel loved,’ she said softly.
Then, more softly: ‘I’m going to be your wife, Geoffie.’ She hugged him. ‘That makes me so happy I can’t say it.’
He rocked her in his arms. ‘Me too, my heart. Me too.’ He smiled, his wattled chin on her head. ‘Amy Rider,’ he whispered.
She cooed and shivered. ‘Ooo….’
And less than a month later, she was.
Their wedding was hastily planned, but perfect for all that. Though they had intended for it to be a small personal affair, Amy’s insistence that it be a military wedding, with a Marine honor guard, allowed the word to get out – and the Methodist church where the ceremony took place was filled to standing room only, with many attendees in uniform.
Geoff was resplendent in his dress blues, wearing his Medal of Honor, his other decorations, and his sword. He stood proudly at the altar, with Colonel Johnston beside him – also in his dress uniform – as best man.
When Mendelssohn’s ‘Wedding March’ began and the congregation rose to their feet and turned to face the rear of the church, Geoff gasped.
Amy, walking slowly and gracefully on her father’s arm, was radiant. Her wedding dress – which had been her mother’s – was stunning, lace over silk, with a high collar and long sleeves, and long enough to trail behind her on the carpet. Her hair, long, loose and shining, was graced with a pearl tiara from which her long veil hung like a cloud.
With her perfect skin, full, pink lips and long lashes, Amy needed no makeup, but for that day, she wore a little anyway. And she was breathtaking, with her disturbing eyes sparkling and her smile like the rising sun.
No one but she and her mother knew that beneath her sweet and modest wedding gown, Amy wore nothing at all. Under the long dress, she was barefoot and sweetly naked. Amy had told her husband-to-be of what she would wear beneath her dress – and when he caught a glimpse of her bare little toes peeking out below the hem of her gown, Geoff’s heart melted at her love and devotion.
As he watched her draw closer, he was not ashamed of the tears that flowed down his weathered old cheeks, no more than her father was ashamed of his.
Their vows were traditional, the only difference was that they did not look at the minister once as they took them. Their eyes were on each other’s faces – young and smooth, old and weathered, but both wearing the same look of pride and adoration.
Amy’s ring was small and plain and made of platinum. Geoff’s hands shook a bit when he put it on her small and lovely finger – and then he lifted her hand and kissed it tenderly.
When the minister pronounced them husband and wife, and Geoff lifted her veil to kiss her – he touched her face, as if to make sure she was real. Those who sat nearby could see why. She looked like an angel, and her eyes were only for him.
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Something happened the other week, my wife came to me and said one of her friends was having a bad time and wanted our help so we offered for her to come and stay with us for a few days, I went and picked her up and she ran to me tears in her eyes hugged me and cried so I held her for a bit to comfort her.I helped her with her bag and put it in the can and as we drove to my place my wife's friend put her hand on my leg and said thank you I really need a friend close to me and her hand rubbed up...
Hello ISS Readers, I’m Ajit from Pune, Aaj me aapko 1 real kahani sunane ja raha hu jo ki mere aur mere dost ki behen ki beech me hui hai. About myself me 1 good looking, handsome ladka hu, With athletic body,aur meri penis ka size 6.5″ hai, To me kahani shuru karta hu……….ye ghatna karib 3 saal purani hai, mere papa 1 govt employee the isliye hum govt quarters me rehte the, Hamare pichale hi quarters me mera 1 Dost rehta tha, uska naam vijay tha, aur uski 1 behan thi Uska naam tha...
Ken bore down on the pedal of the metallic peanut butter brown 2015 Lincoln navigator. In the passenger seat sat his wife of 26 years, Donna. Their youngest son, Austin, a senior accounting major at Paine College had in his earbuds and was deaf to the world bopping his water head. The broad-shouldered driver shifted in his seat and tugged at his seatbelt. Ken had a deep brown complexion and a cool, magenta undertone. Coming in at five-feet-eleven-inches tall and two hundred fifty-five pounds,...
Hi folks..I am back with yet another experience of mine..first of all i would like to thank all of them who read my previous two stories and mailed me..thanks a lot for the compliment and support u had given me…Now here i start my next story…This happened to me when i was in my second year college.we were basically living in a colony.in our colony lived an aunty whose name was deepa.to tell about her..she was very beautiful,fair,slim and very hot.her husband was working in dubai.so very rarely...
I looked down at my young wife, hovering over her with my arms trapping her against the bed. She looked so tender, lying there covered only by the wispy bedsheet curled lazily across her waist. The delicate curve of her ever so slightly rounded tummy and creamy breast suggested the form of a virgin, an untouched flower waiting to bloom. Yet, I knew that she wasn't nearly as innocent as she looked. Boy, did I ever. With pure lust in her voice, she leaned forward and hissed in my ear. "Do me....
There are two types of catholic school girls. The first is the type you see in videos who have “gone wild.” They have boyfriends when they are young, experiment sexually, like to flirt and have lots of fun. The other type is the type who behaves themselves and follows the directions of their parents and teachers. This story is about the second type. I was always a good girl in school. I had good grades, participated in debate club, and happily spent my evenings and weekends at the church...
I had just started working as an Physician's Assistant at a hospital in New York; Brooklyn to be exact. The staff there was very cool, especially the nurses. One night I came in for the 11 pm to 7 am shift and there was a new nurse working on the floor. She was a traveling nurse and did she have a big juicy booty. There is no way I can describe it, no words could do that awesome ass justice. She was bent over the counter as the nurse's station with her back too me; that's a good thing because...
Erotic“My orders are as follows,” Admiral Redmill continued. “We are to complete the space trials of the new Africa class destroyers. As part of that trial we need to see the ship in combat. Thanks to the efforts of your scout ships we know that the Sa’arm are currently setting up an entrenched position in the Gee One Dash ... Six Five Eight system I believe.” I forced my hands to remain wrapped around Constance. Ashley groaned at hearing the Admiral name the wrong system. At her groan both...
Chapter Twelve: Daughter's Incestuous Anal Lesson By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to WRC264 for beta reading this! Michelle Meyers “What, Mom?” Kevin asked after I knocked on his door. I stood before my son's bedroom in only my lingerie. A gray pair of panties and matching bra. It was a delicious lingerie set that my husband had bought me. It felt so naughty to be wearing it. A hot shudder ran through me. My pussy clenched, the heat swelling through my flesh. I wiggled...
[A new, potential erotic friend asked what my experiences in exhibitionism were. I realized my experiences could fill a book. So I begin with the first!]I was around 19 or 20 still living with my parents in suburban South Jersey.I worked at a mall, and because I didn’t drive, I relied mostly on rides from my mall co-employees (I don’t call them co-workers because we all worked at different stores in mall. And now I’m having a flashback to the cheese fries and Chik Fil A sandwiches and yummy,...
Hi, indian sex stories loving friends mera naam sachita nayar hai.Main rourkela (pune ke rehne wale houn. Mere rang gora aur height 5.6ft hai. Mere kamar 34 hai aur mere boobs 36c hai, jiske wajah se wo kaffe kasse aur tanne hue, nazar aate. Jab main jogging par jate the to log mere bouncing boobs ko dekh kar apne hote kasne lagte.. Logo ko is tarah tease karna mujhe bahut acha lagta tha.Main apne health aur body ka kafe dhayan rakhte houn, aur main hamesha apne komal gulabi choot ko saaf aur...
The first thing they did when they got back to the hotel was to have tea. They needed a second pot so thirsty were they all. Ralph and Simon wolfed large quantities of hot buttered toast and jam and equally large quantities of fresh scones. "Don't spoil your supper," remonstrated Joanna unctuously. "As if," retorted Simon. Joanna grinned. She had recovered. Familiar surroundings and the tea had helped but somehow Simon's presence was reassuring. She was sitting next to...
Crystal and I left our house early, eating breakfast on the road. The drive is over an hour to,get to Robert's, and though we made small talk we didn't say much. The drive runs us along the bays and inlets of the coast and we arrive at a small house tucked in off the main road. Robert has coffee waiting and is watching tv. For the first couple of hours we just sat making small talk and watching a movie. Nothing exciting, just Sci-fi. After the movie ends Robert stepped outside for a...
In a previous post about a fun neighbor I mentioned a cabin weekend, and well...I felt my cock throb as I tasted Matt’s precum. It was a familiar taste for me at this point, but it never ceased to make my heart beat race, and my cock twitch. We were sitting in his car as I drooled greedily all over his dick. It had been over a week since we last hooked up and I had realized that I was somewhat addicted to my gay fuck buddy. But ‘absence makes the heart grow fonder’ as the saying goes, and I was...
My eyes are closed as I take in the sensations around me.I love feeling the weight of your body on mine! I wrap my arms and legs around you and pull you even closer as I sigh contentedly and caress your back with my fingertips. You shiver. The cool breeze from the window brings with it the green smells of pine and freshly cut grass to mingle with the scent of the candles and our lovemaking. Soft music and nightsounds make the perfect backdrop for our ragged breathing.I open my eyes and see your...
Sophie had become even more flirtatious with her step father. She would text him teasing pics to his phone. Often as he was getting off work she would send him pics of her naked tits, or her lying on her belly, her cunt and ass in view. By the time Mike got home he’d be so horny. One more time she sucked his cock with mom watching. Life was pretty ' normal' but Sophie was obviously desiring more of her step dad Mike. Mike thought she must be pretty horny to be sending him these pics. He thought...
About two block from the house Ann stated "Tom's Home". It wasthen that Tami noticed the pacifier around his neck and in hismouth. He took it out immediately and saw the two girls in the carnext to them at the stop light smiling. Since it was a warm day, Ann had the car windows open. Tamilooked at the girls, and now being himself, stated "I'm trying toquit smoking." "Sure you are," the driver of the other car said, as the lightturned green and she drove off laughing. "Please Ann,...
Frank spotted her from a mile away and used this as an advantage. Without thinking it twice, he instantly dropped to his knees and hid behind his car. Those pale grey eyes and that chalky complexion were unforgettable and they still triggered something in him, something wicked. Everything he loathed could be found in those weary eyes, those eyes he had once loved dearly and he had a heart throbbing feeling he was close to meeting with them face to face after such a long time. Frank peered...
Our love affair started that weekend, and scarcely a weekend went all that spring when we didn't fuck. By that time, Cindy had signed with a modeling agency and was getting regular work as a model, and the agency would routinely assign her shots to me, since we had such a rapport with each other. She was the ideal model. Now most models can be temperamental, obsessing about their clothes and makeup and pitching fits when everything wasn't exactly right, and making every shoot a living hell....
One of the tough parts about splitting with your spouse is the separate holidays. Jasmine Grey and Naomi Blues dads find themselves in this predicament as their first Thanksgiving apart from their former significant arrives. To create that old familiar family vibe, these best friends dads team up and put on a nice dinner for their daughters. Unfortunately, even with all the effort they put in, they end up burning the turkey and are super disappointed. Luckily, their daughters are into the...
xmoviesforyouAfter the woman is convicted, a “sentence negotiator” gets her sentence reduced to a public day of repentance followed by eleven days of public punishment. Following that, she is to serve one year of penal servitude. This story deals with non-consensual punishment, pain, and involuntary slavery. If such topics offend you or upset you, I would advise skipping this particular book. There are thirteen chapters to this story. The chapters can be read on their own, but the story is much...
Chapter 1: Debbie It was as cold as a witch's tit out there. I was wearing my big fluffy green sweater with the big white P on the front. Matching green gloves with white trim covered my hands and my head was protected by a similarly colored wool cap with white Mickey Mouse type fluffy ears. My eyes were tearing from the bitter wind sweeping across the open field. What hurt most, from the cold, were my legs, bare under the short white skirt covering those green silk panties which gave me...
I woke sometime after 3:00, the lights still on, Mike breathing softly on the pillow beside me. He looked young in sleep, more like a boy than the man who'd so thoroughly pleasured me the night before. Was I doing the right thing? I slipped out of bed and pulled on the ratty sweats I sometimes lounged around the house in, irritated with myself for the thought. It's a week, Lynne. A week out of your life, and a week out of his. And then both of you will go your separate ways. No harm, no...
Swinging Over the Line By Ricky Some time ago my husband Brian and I had placed an ad in the local paper in search of a compatible couple and found a couple who changed our sex lives forever. We have always interested in the new and unusual, and Brian never ceases to amaze me with his easy acceptance of some of the most outrageous things, but Jack and Charlene took us far beyond our wildest dreams. Our first sessions were rather tame, just swapping partners. We soon moved...
“How high…” sings Lynn. “How hi-igh… How high the moo-oo-oon!” With echoes of Sarah Vaughan, she stretches the final word beyond its normal constraints, modulating the tone, while her fingers follow a little behind on the piano, finally resolving themselves in improvisation when she senses there is little more to be squeezed from one word. The audience politely applauds as they recognise the change. She smiles, although she is aware that she no longer resembles the slender Sarah Vaughan who...
LesbianActing as a Cleaning Lady An Unfinished Story by Susannah Donim Circumstances force Dave to take up a humiliating new career, but it turns out to suit him better than he expected. Prologue "I'm not a maid, I'm a cleaning lady," I insisted. My wife laughed. "What the hell's the difference?" "A maid is a servant. She has to do everything her mistress says. She's servile, submissive, at her employer's beck and call. A cleaning lady is a freelance contractor. She's a...
That Friday started out like most others. I rode my bike to my friend Myra's house. It was about an hour since school had ended but I didn't have to attend. As I had finished much of my classes for the year, I just stayed around the house. I gave a knock on the Jackson home side door. After a few seconds, Audrey Jackson, Myra's mom came to the door. The first thing I noticed were the protruding perky 42D breasts almost spilling out of her shirt. Though having noticed many times before, I had...
Group SexHe was visiting Ingrid, and as always his longing for her almost constricted his throat. He was not an Adonis, but not ugly either, and he had never had much trouble to find women to make love with. But Ingrid was quite a different proposition. She was a beautiful blonde woman of 34 years. She had an attractive, somewhat mischievous face, shining blue eyes, soft rosy cheeks with nice dimples in them when she smiled, and an expressive mouth with lovely full lips. She wore her hair pinned up...
or perhaps it should be called The exhibitionist in denial by Vanessa Evans Part 10 – Life goes on --------------------------- Orthopaedic Mannequin -------------------------- A couple of weeks after the party at our place Emma phoned me. She told me that she’d bumped into her Nursing Tutor and mentioned that she might know a volunteer for the plaster casts application training. The tutor had begged Emma to follow it up and Emma wanted to know if I was still interested. Emma’s phone...
I had just turned eighteen and managed to buy my first car with the money I earned during the holidays. It was great. I finally had the freedom to go wherever I wanted, when I wanted. Since I was in my senior year we were allowed to drive to and from school, which was a relief on this particularly hot summer day. I was on my way home when I saw Sarah, Sally’s younger sister, walking along the sidewalk. I knew Sally well and she was part of my circle of friends. Sarah was only one year below us...
IncestI had just turned 15 yrs old a month ago but have been dressing up for almost a year now. I buy most of my clothes in thrift shops saying they are gifts for my sister. Hard part is finding shoes my size. That and makeup I splurge my money on at the local discount store in the city. I live in a small burb just on the outside of the city. So going to stores where I’m not recognized is easy for me. LOL I live for the shopping part of dressing. I'm sure I don't fool every sales clerk...
Mike stared at the letter, time passing without notice. What a windfall! The information he had there was dynamite that could blow up the whole impasse over the sewer separation system -- if he could figure out how to use it. Under the circumstances, using it might seem a little unethical, but fortunately, he had time to figure out how to use it properly. The overt tone of the letter indicated that the Defenders of Gaea's interest in the Gibson's Water Snake was mild, at best. Everyone had...
This sex story was written after I got inspired by the stories of Cuckoldson on Literotica Brad was excited for the first day at his new college he always dreamed of going to college when he was in high school and today was like his dream coming true he loved to study and always was busy reading books or looking up for some educational stuff on the internet. Brad was an average 19-year-old nerd he was really good in studies and very intelligent mentally but physically really weak and really...
IncestLeaving St. Augustine meant having to come up with a new destination. I chose Sanford, which meant I needed to cruise north to the mouth of the St. John's River, then south to Sanford, near Orlando. I figured I had bought all those theme park passes; I might as well use them and see what I could see. There were several marinas that looked promising, and I called until I found one with the appropriate size slip to lease for a month. The best things about the marina were and the covered slips,...
My name is Mary. I have a white husband, but am black owned. I eagerly allow any black man my master chooses to use my body to please himself. It doesn't matter that they all cum inside me because I'm already pregnant with my master's black baby.Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm pretty good looking, 35 years old, 5 foot 7 inches, 130 pounds, natural dark brown hair, hazel eyes, and enhanced 36 C breasts. I have very fair skin, which makes an erotic contrast when wrapped around very...
Fantasy or Reality? Some guys who are married to “hot” women always have a nagging feeling in their gut that she will have so many opportunities to stray that it may eventually happen. I was one of those guys. While not chopped liver myself I have always felt that my wife Jill is significantly better looking than I am; in fact I have had this observation more than subtly pointed out to me by a dozen or so tactless and/or drunk guys during the two years that we were dating and our six years of...
Wife LoversThe Honey Combs Father, Son, and Grandfather are starring on a very special reality show. Will they ever be the same? parts 1-3 by Annabelle Raven Part 1: ETHAN'S VERSION Ok, flash that gorgeous smile babe. SEXY! You were born to be this beautiful" Heh - I was a born Ethan Combs, a fourth generation chicken farmer on the great American Plains. My dad Jon still manages the operations, and it's my job to sell our poultry to food distributors and despite the pressure...