Preachers Daughter Chapter 19 Preacher and Preach
- 3 years ago
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Skye finished pulling the black lace top stocking slowly up her long, toned leg and clipped it carefully into place. The bottom layer of her outfit was finished, at least. She stood and checked herself in the full length mirror and smiled approvingly. Black panties with lace edging sat on her pert bottom, and the suspenders traced a delightful path to the stockings which she knew made her legs look amazing. The matching bra had a slightly maximising effect on her full breasts. She had always been proud of her breasts, believing that they made the rest of her body look fairly slim. She was by no means skinny, but if her breasts had been smaller she would have looked decidedly out of proportion. ‘Thank God for curves,’ she thought to herself as she adjusted her bra, creating a gorgeous deep cleavage to hide beneath the sexy-yet-casual outfit she had planned for tonight.
She leaned over the huge, perfectly made bed and retrieved the purple silk beaded dress. Skye laughed inwardly as she noted the label. Back home in Scotland, she was a definite size 14. Of course, the American sizes worked slightly differently, and her US equivalent was a 10. ‘Most people moan about losing sleep because of the flights…I’m just happy about dropping two dress sizes in 10 hours!’ she remembered telling her flatmate and now best friend, Hannah, when she had first moved over. The dress was beautiful, and had been selected carefully from a vintage store to flow over her breasts softly, tapering out in a slightly 60s trend to a loose tunic style dress. The beaded neckline was cut in a steep V, and revealed the cleavage she had carefully positioned for the evening. She pulled it over her head and let it fall down into place. Perfect.
The plan too was perfect: a hotel retreat for two nights, arriving on Valentine’s Eve and enjoying a romantic late night supper and drinks at the cosy hotel bar. Then, there would follow a night of passion with her delicious new lingerie playing a major role, and her skyscraper heels remaining firmly on her feet as she fucked him. The Sunday of Valentine’s Day would involve lazing and luxuriating in the hotel’s spa, and maybe even persuading him to participate in some of the more exciting outdoor sports the hotel offered in its huge lakeside surroundings.
Her phone beeped twice from her purple vintage bag, and held the answer she had requested earlier. She opened the text message. ‘Don’t hold your breath, Skye. I’m not coming.’
‘Trust me J, forget about her,’
‘Well that’s a bit difficult considering she lived here, Sam,’
‘I know, but come on…it’s been three weeks, and you don’t need this crap. Stay in tonight, have a couple of beers with us, and we’ll get through tomorrow by bitching about females while the rich couples of major American cities fawn over each other in a show of romance tomorrow. Deal?’
‘You’re forgetting one major flaw. I requested the shift switch so that I could actually spend Valentine’s with that – with her. I’m working tonight, and off tomorrow, probably wallowing in the fact that my girlfriend of two years ‘forgot’ about me and laid every guy who glanced at her for the last six months of our relationship,’
James checked himself in the mirror. What the hell was she playing at? He wasn’t bad looking, and in spite of only taking the job at the hotel because of the opportunity to keep up his own interest in outdoor sports for free, he was doing pretty well for himself. He brushed down his black waistcoat, fiddled with his expensive tie, and grabbed the freshly pressed apron from the board. He attached the silver metal ‘Hospitality Manager’ badge to the waistcoat, and headed out from the apartment, shouting a half-hearted goodbye to Sam as the door closed.
‘He needs to get over his gentlemanly thing and get laid,’ Sam noted, as he grabbed a beer from the fridge.
Skye spent the next two hours in bed, looking at the phone, hoping that Michael would have a change of heart. It hadn’t come. She couldn’t get over his audacity.
When she had first arrived in New York, it had been with her career in mind — and only her career. She had left school after a very successful set of exams and worked her way through law school at Glasgow University. By the time she was 22 she had graduated and was regarded as something of a high-flyer on her Diploma in Legal Practice. Skye had always loved travelling, and when she was 17 had visited New York for the first time. It had captivated her: everything about the place was like the best parts of her Glasgow experience, made larger and more spectacular in every way. And anyway, it had always been a dream of hers to live in London once (check), and New York once (perfect chance). For Skye, life in the big city was a world apart from her upbringing as the daughter of hotel owners. It was an amazing upbringing, every minute of which she loved, with the hotel nestled on the banks of a beautiful loch, and outdoor sports like windsurfing and climbing in her doorstep. Skye was untouchable when it came to these pursuits — life outdoors gave her a thrill like no other, and she was expert in so many sports having been trained by the hotel’s on-site instructors since she could walk. Still, when she went to uni, city life grabbed her by the wrist and whisked her into a pace of life that she had never imagined. New York was like the ultimate rush for her, and when the chance to practise there in a junior position presented itself, she leapt at it.
The move was entirely for the good of her career, and when Michael had first made his romantic advances, she had spurned them for almost a year.
‘I wish I’d never bloody given in,’ she thought to herself, still staring at the phone. ‘Git.’
When Michael had finally won her attention, and indeed, her affection, their relationship had been incredible. He was a partner, and at first she had refused him because she believed him to be abusing his position. She was something of a child protégé in New York, given that American students could only access law as a graduate course. Michael was probably just taken in by the idea of a 23 year old who was a couple of steps up on the career ladder. Eventually she realised that he would have probably given up long before if his feelings were false. In truth, Michael was quite good looking — for an older guy — and when she finally let him take her out, he treated her like a princess. She had kept her head for a few months, and then let her heart get the better of her. A year later, after letting him in to her life and falling head over heels in love with him, she was told cryptically that he had some news for her, and to meet him at the restaurant where they’d spent their first date. He had revealed that his new girlfriend probably wouldn’t appreciate him seeing her any more.
It had been three weeks now, and Skye had been heartbroken throughout that time. Hannah had done her best to cheer her up, and the efforts had only just started to work. The first thing that came to mind when Skye remembered the Valentine’s plan was to cancel, and Hannah had eventually persuaded her to go on the trip anyway.
‘Han, there will be nothing worse than going to a hotel to be surrounded by other people who are madly in love,’
‘There will: tell him about the outfit you had planned and watch him run to your arms. Fuck him senseless, and dump him on your terms. Amazing sex, closure and the upper hand in time for returning to work two days later? Perfect plan.’
Skye had eventually agreed that it would be fun, and as she left for the hotel she had sent the text: it had contained a detailed list of her packing for the weekend, from the black lingerie to the toys she had bought, and she had spent the journey awaiting the response.
Now, she gave it another five minutes, and when no further text refuting the statement of the last appeared on her phone, she typed the familiar number and put the mobile to her ear.
Hannah? He didn’t come,’
‘Oh babes…’
James wiped down the bar again and looked through the huge glass doors to the restaurant on his right. It was true — everyone in the world was happily involved in a relationship. Except him. And Sam, but Sam was too young for that nonsense and was quite happy to float from one seasonal instructor to the next at the hotel. The core staff were accommodated in a purpose-built residential area a few minutes from the hotel. The seasonal staff were employed through a work abroad scheme, and Sam thoroughly enjoyed his position as the experienced bartender with the far bigger apartment to the full. James nearly bought Sam a map to identify the countries from which his many conquests had come, and of course the convenience offered by the girls only staying for two months at a time was Sam’s ticket to living the bachelor life with benefits. James had never been interested in getting laid like Sam was: he had arrived at the hotel three years previously, far more concerned about the fact that he was still drifting in and out of dead end bar jobs, with no real career prospects. He eventually settled into work at the hotel, and had worked his way up slowly. His sights were set on becoming a duty manager, but of course, the small issue of becoming romantically involved with the owners’ youngest daughter might have thrown a proverbial spanner in the works.
The owners thought the world of their darling Stephanie, and when she had first started dating James he had been wary: what if they thought he was only using her to improve his own standing at the hotel? However, fairly quickly after the relationship had begun, her father had called him to the office and explained to him that he didn’t see things that way. As far as he was concerned, James was to be judged on his own merits and not the fact that he was involved with the family on more personal terms. In fact, when the promotions had come up, James was occasionally overlooked. Eventually, he had won the coveted bar manager position, then became the hospitality manager, and the duty manager was his only superior.
Three weeks ago, Stephanie had turned his world upside down, explaining that he had been too focused on work lately and claimed she had felt neglected and lonely.
‘Yeah. Very lonely, with four blokes apart from me looking after her at various times, I’m sure,’ he had told Sam, when recounting the split.
James had been devastated and had taken a couple of sick days to escape the hotel altogether, if only to get away from the apartment he shared with Sam. Stephanie had basically been living with them in spite of her large rooms at the family home close to the residential block, and James had been finding it difficult to escape the idea of her. The only positive point that had come from the split was that her father had cornered James shortly afterwards, and explained that once again, James was judged on his merits, and those merits were outstanding. He had practically begged him not to leave because of the discrepancies of his daughter.
It didn’t make tonight any easier. The couples drifted in and out of the restaurant, and James kept himself busy with cash lifts and making sure his team were dealing with the barrage of checks. He made a few trips to the cellar to keep up with the demand on champagne, and felt grateful that tomorrow he could get out on the lake and escape this show of romance.
‘Get that dress on, go downstairs, and enjoy yourself Skye,’ was Hannah’s advice.
She did exactly that. Readjusting her hair, pulling the dress down to its correct position showing her cleavage and slipping into the beautiful new shoes, Skye looked as ravishing as she had done so nearly two hours previously. Her heart was in bits, but she had moped for long enough, and as Hannah said, it was a risk she had factored in before leaving. The grieving process was well and truly over, and she was ready to face the world again as a single woman in a very coupley hotel. She checked the hotel guide and saw that the bar was a separate entity from the restaurant, which would be full of happy couples. ‘Just avoid them, and get drunk,’ she decided.
With a fresh slick of lipgloss, she left the room, and slipped her keycard into the vintage handbag.
‘A gin and tonic and a shot of tequila, please,’
James looked up from the till, surprised to hear the unfamiliar Scottish voice at the deserted bar. The staff usually dashed in with a cry of ‘check on!’ before leaving as swiftly as they had arrived.
‘Is it that bad?’
‘Yeah, and I’m sorry to say it’s only going to get worse. Best make that gin a double — I got dumped, and now I’m getting wasted,’
James smiled and reconsidered his luck. She was gorgeous: long brown hair that was naturally wavy, and a pale face which held beautifully soft brown eyes and slightly glossed light red lips. Her arms were toned and she was so tall, although James couldn’t see if she was wearing heels. The dress was a deep purple, and obviously vintage, and it revealed a cleavage that James had spotted only late in his tour of her body. He poured the drinks, and set them down on the bar in front of her. God, she wasn’t only gorgeous. She was stunning.
‘You know, I understand where you’re coming from. I got my marching orders three weeks ago because my other half couldn’t keep herself to herself. I’m James,’ He surprised himself with how open he was being with her, but he had felt an urge to break the ice with this gorgeous girl.
‘Skye,’ she had replied. ‘God, we’re as bad as each other. Are you sure you don’t want a gin yourself?’
She was so easy to talk to, and over the course of another two gins he took every spare moment he had to come and speak to her as she sat alone at the bar. They shared tiny snippets of information about their previous loves, and made their fair share of cutting remarks about one another’s gender.
He headed off to go to the cellar and on his return, ensured he entered via the far door of the bar. As he approached her from behind he took in her long, slim legs, and spotted the hint of lace at the top of what must have been stockings. A rush of desire coursed through him and he stopped to compose himself. She was tall, and perfectly proportioned: not a stick insect like most of the women who had come here this weekend with their rich husbands. She looked sporty, though, because every inch of those legs and the arms he had spotted earlier were muscular without being chunky. As he rounded the end of the bar he spotted her front view again, and saw her fingers circling the empty glass. She was lost in thought. ‘Hey,’ he whispered to her as he drew level with her drooped head. He saw the single tear roll down her flushed cheek and drip slowly onto the bar. ‘You know, he probably isn’t worth it, you know.’ Placing down the new case of champagne, he walked round to the customer side of the bar and held her in a tentative embrace.
Skye glared angrily at herself in the mirror. ‘I can’t let him get to me,’ she told herself, unconvinced. ‘James is right, he isn’t worth it. And anyway, I had to convince myself to like him in the first place, let alone fall for him,’ Her efforts to maintain her composure at the bar had melted away after the succession of gins. More worryingly, though, they were broken down by James. It was those eyes — he had the most gorgeous big brown eyes that just seemed to look at her and find her soul exposed. She felt like he was looking into her, and she wasn’t sure if it was just the gin, but she found herself responding to it and telling him more than she had ever revealed about her relationship with Michael and the way she felt so undermined by his treatment of her. James, too, had been open about his relationship with Stephanie, and they had found more than a few points in common about their time together as well as their acrimonious splits. He was just so stunning though, and she couldn’t ge
t her mind off the tall, gorgeous barman who had made her feel like she wasn’t a complete freak tonight. A toilet trip had helped her to compose herself for a moment, but she still found herself thinking of that hug. His arms felt so protective, and she just fitted perfectly into his shape. Her head could rest lightly on his broad shoulder, and she could feel the loose curls of dark brown hair stroke her cheek and forehead as she nuzzled into the cleft of his neck.
She adjusted her stockings, and as she leaned forward on the broad marble panelling surrounding the sinks, she imagined him coming into the bathroom, and wrapping his muscular arms around her, kissing the back of her neck and pleading to reveal her body in the delicately sexy lingerie. He would flick her skirt up at the back, and discover the secrets of her body. Releasing his hard cock from his trousers, he would quickly fuck her from behind until she came, forgetting all traces of the frankly mediocre lover she had intended this weekend for.
But it wasn’t going to happen — James was three weeks out of a relationship, and a serious one at that, and he was far too gentlemanly to have a Valentine’s fling with a jilted lawyer who had thought she was attractive enough to tempt her ex back, just so that she could get one up on him. ‘I think I need another gin,’ she sighed, and with a brave deep breath she walked with faux confidence back to the bar.
He had continued to serve her gin and tonic, and listening attentively to Skye’s gorgeous Scottish voice. In spite of the barrage of orders at the bar, he was enjoying her company, and at times he had to stop himself from acknowledging how everything about her was better than Stephanie. Her beauty, to begin with, was above and beyond any other girl he had seen, let alone dated. And the best part of her beauty was that she seemed to have no clue just how gorgeous she was. Sure, she had clearly made the effort for this Michael character who had dumped her, but even underneath the light makeup and fancy dress he could see that every inch of her body was perfect. The way she laughed off compliments, and held herself so gracefully in spite of what she was going through, amazed him. He even laughed when he considered that as she drank more gin, her Scottish accent became slightly more pronounced, and when he pointed this out to him she giggled and spoke in such a broad accent he could hardly understand her.
But what would a gorgeous 25 year old lawyer who had just split up with a senior partner ever see in a 28 year old barman who appeared to be on the rebound? He wasn’t a rebound type of guy, but he realised in that moment that he had never wanted anyone so much in his life.
‘I think I’m a bit drunk,’ she lilted to him from further down the bar. ‘I don’t know if I can stand up in these bloody shoes!’ He came around to her side of the bar and took her hand.
‘Madame?’ he bowed to her, and she smiled. ‘It is 1am though, and you have been on the gin for four hours – people might think you were drowning your sorrows or something,’ he joked.
‘I was, but a handsome barman helped me recover and now I’m just a little bit tipsy,’ Skye slipped down from the high barstool and wrapped her arm round his neck as she supported herself on her teetering heels . She pulled him closer and whispered in his ear, ‘and horny.’ The restaurant had emptied and James had quickly tidied up over the course of the last hour. He was suddenly grateful for his disciplined approach to cleaning as he went. He now left the last of the hard work to the three staff working the late shift. For now, his attention was focused on the newly confident gin-tipsy Skye.
‘Come on then, let’s get you to your room,’ Skye handed over the plastic keycard and said ‘I’m in room…’
’12, I know. I’ve been charging drinks to it all night Skye!’
‘Oh yeah! Oh,’ and with a sigh, she slumped to the nearest chair. James was quick to catch her and she tipped her head back, laughing softly, as he let her rest gently in the soft armchair.
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If you are under the age or 18 or do not understand the difference between fantasy and reality or if you reside in any state, province, nation, or tribal territory that prohibits the reading of acts depicted in these stories, please stop reading immediately and move to somewhere that exists in the twenty-first century. Archiving and reposting of this story is permitted, but only if acknowledgment of copyright and statement of limitation of use is included with the article. This story is...
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On this particular day, she was wearing a decently short black dress. She had on bright red lip stick and sexy black see through leggings. Her tits where so amazing, at least 36 C's. I was wearing some jeans and a black dress shirt. Every time i looked at her from across my bench my cock got harder and harder. It was a typical boring service. We went back into a teen class, which she taught. We went in and man was she sooo hot. There was about 13 or 14 teens. About 8 of them were guys, Every...
Debbie Bingham stood in front of the mirror, naked, knowing she would not be interrupted by anything, least of all by her husband, whom she knew would be gone for hours. He would be gone ministering to his "flock," to the regular people he always ministered to during the week—visiting the sick, the infirm, the ones whom he felt needed his support. Debbie felt somewhat guilty, but not that much. She felt that it was a small sin at the most to view herself totally naked in the mirror. And in...
My name is rehan, I m 21 year old, . I m doing ACCA from skans.i m a well educated guy. I live in islamabad..agar koi larki/aunty /married /un married pakistan mein especially rawalpindi and islamabad mein mere sath kisi b tarah ka relation ,phone sex,real sex mukamal raazdari k sath rakhna chati hain to muje mail kareen at so howa youn kay main shroo hi say apni cousin per khuwaar hon she is such a smart girl 38 will be figure so u can just imagine but i have tested aik din main apni nani kay...
I was feeling much better. I usually don’t take sick days, I’m the kind of girl who shows up completely trashed sneezing and coughing, determined to make at least one coworker sick in exchange for a sick day. This one destroyed me. I couldn’t move, I was shivering, the coughs actually hurt, the medicine did nothing. I was getting older. I was twenty-nine. I know, that’s not old, but it’s the little things at first, those tiny little things you don’t notice, or at least that you shouldn’t...
While my wife Charlotte was away at the ladies church retreat with the preachers wife (my number #2 sex slave slut) getting seduced and fucked by Pam, the preachers wife, Jaimie (preachers 23 year old daughter -- 24 next month!) whomk lived with my wife and I was left alone with me for a few days.She is VERY pregnant and showing with my baby (unknown to my wife that our nanny is carrying my baby).Jaimie has been getting jealous (as my first seduced and blackmailed number #1 sex slave slut) of...
Pam, the 38D MILF preachers wife that had become my willing cum slut and sex slave had been getting fucked by me about once a week and before church each Sunday morning, although she did not know it, her husband, John, the preacher I was blackmailing him too.It had been two months since I fucked John but we would text or call on the phone and I kept him informed of how I was using his wife and 23 year old daughter, whom was pregnant with my c***d...he would jack off while I talked to...
I will back track a couple paragraphs...What did Pam see? Pam saw Jaimie masturbating, Jaimie fucking me, even last Tuesdays at their house in Jamies bed and her own bed, when Jaimie obviously was not being forced at that time. What's more, I told her that such actions would ruin Jaimies future, get her kicked out of her college, and ruin her husbands preaching career if this ever got out. Pam, asked me what I wanted, they had no money, please do not show the preacher nor tell anyone, she...
For those following the story, Jamie is horny and thinking evil thoughts about a church man old enough to be her father, her d_ddy is a very busy preacher.I continued my forced seduction of the little slut, whom at 23 had maintained her virginity, but by now, I knew she was ready and I was sure I was going to fuck her.I showed up early one morning when I knew the preacher was going to a funeral, I was hoping his wife Pam would be away also, in case I got the chance to take Jaimie that day....
The preacher's wife drove home to her small, simple town and dignified life. Cruising down the freeway gave her time to reflect. Guilt consumed her knowing she had committed adultery, but she was even more distraught over how she had behaved. There were times she was forced to commit wicked acts, but at other times she wanted to do them. She knew she was going to spend a lot of time in church asking God for forgiveness and to allow her to return to her normal, respectable life. But part of...
My flight back to Kansas from Greece was delayed on its last leg by thunderstorms and tornado warnings. I was relieved. I dreaded having to face up to my husband. He had to suspect that the extra days I had stayed in Greece had not been devoted to a study of ancient Greek monuments. Nor did I get my tanned-all-over body while admiring icons in Greek churches. He was waiting for me at the airport. He kissed me on the cheek and led me to our car – a nice two-year old automobile that my...
There’s a level that exists few people can reach it. To most it is unreachable as unreachable as you are to me. I slap you hard across the face, the slap born from frustration and anger at my own foolishness. Instantly I want to cry with the relief. Your eyes are no longer kind and though it’s not an immediate reflex you react consciously by slapping me back harder and meaner than I ever could. I slap you again and this time by tears start to fall, they run fast in groups as if escaping the...
There’s a level that exists few people can reach it. To most it is unreachable as unreachable as you are to me. I slap you hard across the face, the slap born from frustration and anger at my own foolishness. Instantly I want to cry with the relief. Your eyes are no longer kind and though it’s not an immediate reflex you react consciously by slapping me back harder and meaner than I ever could. I slap you again and this time by tears start to fall, they run fast in groups as if escaping the...
Love StoriesLaura -- the preachers daughter continuation. Well, I went to sleep soon and Ray went to bed. I noticed Laura did get up and came to get a drink a of water, I could hear and sense her looking at me on the sofa. I adjusted my cock and had it semi hard and turned so it was showing outside my shorts, I could tell she lingered and looked. I was getting harder as I remembered how her ass felt and also how sexy and slutty she looked on her hubby's hidden cam of her masturbating. Finally she went...
Pam, the hot 38D preachers wife who was now my willing cum slut sex slave, had just been getting fucked by me in her car or mine before church each Sunday morning, then going to the choir and church full of my cum, in her tummy, pussy and sometimes tight asshole.She was putting on dildo and masturbation for me on her bed facing the hidden cam that she now knew was always there. I had her 69 with her husband John and I had noted on hidden cam, that John and her were fucking like rabbits, more...
Well we arrived at my house and we all three carried everything into Jaimies room and unloaded it, I had both mother (Pam) and daughter (Jaimie) wearing summer dresses without panties and bras. Whenever I wanted, I would get a feel or reach under a dress to feel their pussies or asses or down the top to cup a breast. Jaimies young firm tits that I knew soon would be getting full of my babies milk as her 23 year old now sex slave cum slut to me, little preachers daughter, had become, with her...
As relationships strained in her house, her being pregnant, unmarried, preacher angry and ashamed, coupled with issues with her mom, as they were both my now willing sex slaves, although, it took some unwilling time to make that psychological leap to needing their Master's control to let out their inner slut. Jaimie would be 24 in a few months and she really wanted to move in with Master and his family.Pam and Jaimie would argue over petty things,for instance Pam would comment about her moving...
Pam, the MILF preachers wife did as I ordered her. She did give me those panties from her cunt at church as ordered and when I called the Preacher's house the week after I first fucked her, I asked if her husband was home. Yes she said, very well, tell him you are going shopping at the mall and Christian book store. Go buy things at the book store first, then meet me at the pet store in the mall. You are to go into the bathroom at the Christian bookstore and remove your panties, and have them...
Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties, she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sl**p and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...
Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties; she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sleep and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...
Cynthia woke up rubbing her pussy through her soaked panties; she was dreaming again, the same dream she had the past few months. There she was in her bed naked and a youthful looking man was in front of her masturbating the biggest cock she has ever laid eyes on. That dream always made her cum in her sleep and she would wake up with her pussy drenched with her love juices. That morning she was extra horny such that she continued to rub herself after she has awakened. Cynthia lazily kneaded her...
I am 24/m from Islamabad/ Pakistan.To tell u about my self, I am not a casanova. I am 5.9? well built but a little overweight and very horney. The experience, I am telling u has happend just 2 weeks ago. I would say that this happening is not a story of a Resputiene and Russion Queen, but between a normal 34 years man and a plump lady of 30. I was in Super market, for some shopping,when I saw a fat woman wresteling with a flat tyre of her car. I observed few boys laughing at her, for her...
IncestHi This is Ali I live in Islamabad I am very big fan of human digest and I have been reading stories for about 3 years this is my first story ever I told to any body and this is 100% true story which happened to me. My English is bit on weaker side so please don’t mind and I don’t know that way to write my story but here is my little effort to let u know about my sex experience with a sexy lady First let me tell u about myself I am a typical Pakistani guy with a fair looks I had 6 feet height...
Hello dear readers This is me, marriam peerzada again. After quite some time I m back with my new story, it’s the real story and all characters are alive and few are very close to me, let me start it then. As u know me m marriam that time I was 19 years old I was living in Lahore, but I had to move to live with my tayyaba baji in Islamabad. She works for a firm that gets contracts from army so she actually has a flat in an army area (can’t.). I moved with her because she fell ill and there was...
I have never been a bible thumper, but I have been in church most of my life. When I found myself living on my own me and my girlfriend just broke up with me. I was feeling a little low one day and decided what harm could happen from going to church to see if that could bring me some sort of happiness again. I found this nice little church and started going there regularly. Thats where I met Sarah. She was a sweet innocent 21 year old girl who was a junior at the local college. She was 5'7"...
Chapter Six: Sinning for the Cameras By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 Discovering my preacher father was a hypocrite had awakened me to the sexual desires I had suppressed. As I watched him through the window of his church office at Thousand Oaks Methodist fucking the redheaded Donna Paxtor, married to Deacon Bill Paxtor, I realized how the adults in my life had lied to me. They told me sex outside of marriage, and in it strictly for procreation, was sinful. It was a chore to create new...
Chapter Three: Sinning Behind the School By mypenname3000 Copyright 2016 I must be the most sinful preacher's daughter in the entire world. How else to explain why I was on my knees at the back of the school giving my former steady, Ricky, a blowjob with a dollar bill clutched in my hand—his payment for my service. And he was just the first blowjob I would be giving this morning before classes. Two more guys waited their turn to spurt cum into my naughty mouth, their dollar bills...
I'm kind of hoping that no one finds this because it's so shocking and you could say embarrassing. I couldn't help but write it down, though, just to get it out of my head a little bit and maybe not want it again so damn bad. I never thought for a minute something like this could happen, that I could let my curiosity get the better of me so much that I would participate in such a thing. ...but here goes... My name is Ashley. I just turned 18 less than 2 months ago. I'm a senior this year and...
Group SexHi, lundwale bhaiyon aur shreechootwali beheno,aap sab ko mera namaskaar.Pichli story me much jyada comments nahi aye lekin jitne aye utne acche the.To aaj me aapke saamne haazir hoon ek nai story ke saath.Jaisa ki pichle update may maine bataya ki humari biology teacher n meri aur shree ki chudai dekh li thi aur mujhe blackmail kar rahi thi.Usne hamara video bana liya tha aur mujhse kaha ki agar tumne meri baat nahi mani to me ye video sab ko dikha doongi. To maine kaha ki jaisa aap bologi me...
Blake How could things be the same after all we had gone through? It’s true that you can’t judge a book by its cover because sometimes the cover lied. Either it didn’t entice the reader enough to open the pages or it made you believe that the words on the inside were equivalent or better than the wonderful picture on the outside. That’s how we were, Samson and I. Sitting here on the 5th pew during morning worship made everyone think that he loved me so much. I was a strong woman but always...
The ending of Chapter 14 as a lead in: "Ray standing there getting hard watching his wife on her knees swallowing my cum and some on her face and chin and Rachelle just smiling and smirking and saying, "Laura, you and I know better and we were not raised like this!" Laura embarrassed said, "I know" and at that time I told Ray and Laura that Rachelle and I were going out for breakfast, then shopping, then for a day of play at a hotel room. We would be back late that night. Laura was not happy,...
To set the stage, starting with the ending paragraphs of Chapter 13:"As we fucked Laura, Rachelle, watched in envy and fingered herself, she cum again as Laura cum. Soon Ray filled his wife's ass with his cum and then we switched positions, and I took her ass hard, pulling hair, calling her "our slut" and I used her and degraded her in front of Ray. The things I made her say. Soon she was Cumming again and again. Next she collapsed, used and spent with a stretched ass with cum dripping from...
With my wife Charlotte away at the church ladies retreat being seduced (I hoped) by my number #2 sex slave slut Pam (the hot 38D preachers wife I had blackmailed that was now a willing sex slut) and I home alone fucking my pregnant 23 year old Number #1 cum slut sex slave Jaimie (preachers daughter) during the day while the k**s were at school, I decided on day two to bring in Katrina (Katrina, the young 19 year old mommy who first fucked me for money, then I also blackmailed her into being my...
For those following the stories, here is a update.Jamie, the 23 year old preachers daughter slut is pregnant with my baby, unknown to my wife, and she is living with us. I use her. Pam, preachers wife has been meeting me Sunday mornings and getting fucked before church and her husband knows about it, but has not confronted them yet. I told John, the preachers to wait. He is ashamed she loved sucking my cock and getting his virgin ass pounded. He has been enjoying fucking his wife Pam and I it...
Well, now I had enough video to blackmail the sexy young slut and I was sure she was masturbating thinking of me and also of her d_d_y fucking her m_m_y! But, I wanted MORE to seal the deal, so to speak!My wife and I had a wedding anniversary coming up and I got us reservations at a cabin and planned a nice get away. I knew she would love it, be horny, and I would fuck her all weekend! Although she is a hottie, sometimes I would think of her but other times of Jaimie, the preachers daughter...
I have been a regular reader of ISS and I have published two stories earlier. I am Arjun, now in Ahmadabad. Now I want to tell you what happened 10 days back. Once I came to Ahmadabad, there was not much people whom I know. I have taken a flat in a luxurious apartment and there I met a family. Uncle, Aunty and their son. Let me tell you about aunty, Her name is Deepa (name changed). She is now 35 years old, well built with 36-32-38. I met them in the lobby one day and after talking to them, I...
Dr. Lewis was ill tempered when he unlocked his office door. It was a little after eight and he had sessions back to back through out the day. He hated it when Ginger booked them like that. He needed time to recuperate and ground himself. He was doing memory work with some of his clients and that kind of therapy could be intense. He ached for Thursday – two days to go before he could see her. In his journal, which stayed in a locked drawer in his office at home, he had started referring to...
Copyright Oggbashan April 2003 The author asserts the moral right to be identified as the author of this work. This is a work of fiction. The events described here are imaginary, the settings and characters are fictitious and are not intended to represent specific places or living persons. **************** I have a fantasy of sharing a bed with two attractive young women preferably naked. Most adult males would share that fantasy. I never expected it to happen or if it did the experience...
Chapter 1 Sitting in the back of a stretch limo Steve Richmond was on the phone to his wife. "..I know" He apologised "But I'm only in Vegas for one more night and I'll be on the next flight home" He looked down at the pretty busty blonde as his wife spoke. "...I've already called Jane and had her reschedule!" The blonde had his hard cock in her hand. Staring up at him she seductively licked her full red lips and slowly continued jerking him off. He interupt his wife's chatter "We're...
Group SexPrositutes – lingerie – hookers – transsexual first time – butt plugsI have a little problem.Well, to be honest, it's more than just a little problem. Some might consider it to be a huge problem.I am addicted to prostitutes.I have been pretty much all of my adult life, since I first walked out of the front gate at Lackland Air force Base in Texas and saw a pretty young girl sitting on the hood of a car in front of a massage parlor. When I glanced over at her she had slipped her shorts aside and...