Camping With The Girls free porn video

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Somewhere in the foggy recesses of my mind I heard the knock on the door. I didn’t want to get up, but the pounding wouldn’t stop. I opened one eye and looked at the clock. It was a little before two in the morning.

“Who is it?” I yelled, knowing the answer before I heard it. There were only three people in the world that could be knocking on my door at that time of the night. My dad would never be caught dead in a city like Lexington, so I knew that it must be either Brenda or Sue.

“Brenda and Sue.”

Okay, I was wrong. It was both of them. “What do you want?” I asked sleepily.

“Let us in and we’ll tell you.”

I sighed heavily. “Hang on a minute,” I said as I threw the covers off and stood up. “I gotta put something on.”

I heard two giggles. “Don’t bother on our account.” I wasn’t sure which one of them said it. I thought briefly about just opening the door with my little head flopping in the breeze. Both Brenda and Sue were really gorgeous. I also happened to be in love with both of them and hadn’t slept with either of them. I took a step to do it and my cock started to twitch.

Now opening the door naked was one thing, but opening the door with a hard-on was something completely different. I looked around and saw my track shorts on the floor. Modesty won out and I pulled them on.

As I opened the door the two girls bubbled into my room. With one look I knew they had been drinking. Brenda reached out and rubbed my bed head as she walked by. “Aw, we woke him up, Susie. Sorry about that Ben.”

“No you’re not,” I replied. “What’s up?” I closed the door and turned to walk over to my desk and sit down. Sue got there first and plopped on my intended seat. Oh well. If I didn’t get my chair at least I got a glimpse of green panties as her skirt fluttered. I sighed. Shit. I changed directions and sat on the bed, crossing my legs Indian style and leaning my elbows on my knees. I put my head on my hands and tried hard not to stare up Sue’s skirt.

“We want to go camping next week.”

“Great. Have fun. Enjoy it. So why are you here?”

“Well, you see, it’s like this. Neither one of us has ever been camping before. We don’t have any gear and we don’t know where to go. We need your help.”

“Go to the Student Center. They’ll rent you everything you need. It’ll cost about fifty bucks, depending on how many tents you want. Load it into your car. Get on the Interstate heading east for 15 minutes. Take exit 98 and get on the Mountain Parkway. Stay on the parkway for a half hour until you get to the Slade exit. Turn left away from Natural Bridge State Park ‘cause that’s where the tourists all go. At the stop sign turn right. Follow the road for about 10 minutes until you see Koomer Ridge Campground on the left. Turn in. Go to campsite number 10 and set up a tent. If 10 is occupied go to number 53. If 53 is taken pick one at random because 10 and 53 are the only two really good ones. Go back to the gate, fill out the little payment envelope, put $12 a night into it and drop it in the slot. Go back to the campsite. Set up the rest of the gear. Play. Party. Have fun. Enjoy. Go climb an arch. Come home when you’re tired. This isn’t hard. Now let me go back to sleep.”

“No, you don’t get it. We want you to go with us.”


“Because you know all the trails and stuff. You go there practically every weekend. It’d be better if you were there. And you know you want to go. Come on, it’ll be fun.”

“Has it somehow escaped your notice that we still have classes next week?”

“Classes end on Wednesday you silly boy. We have Thursday and Friday off for Reading Period, then the weekend, and then finals start on Monday. We can leave Wednesday after your last class and come back Sunday.”

I closed my eyes and sighed. Maybe a little background is in order here.

My name is Ben Miller and I grew up in a small town in eastern Kentucky. We had a bar, a fast food restaurant, two stoplights, and the Red River Gorge. There was nothing at all special about the bar or the Hardee’s or the stoplights, but my dad always said that the Gorge is truly the Hand of God Himself touching the earth. There are more natural rock arches in the Gorge area than anywhere else on the planet (including the so-called Arches National Park in Utah). Over 200 arches are visible within a few miles of the Red River. I had spent most of my free time when I was growing up walking the trails and climbing the arches. I was in love with the Gorge in a way that no one else could understand. When I went to college I would drive out there anytime I had 4 or 5 hours free and hike. Sometimes I would just go to one of the closer arches and just sit there for hours, just looking.

Now Brenda was one of my best friends. I had met her my freshman year in a sociology class. We were assigned to do a project together. I don’t remember the project anymore, but we hit it off perfectly.

I guess you could say I kind of fell in love with her.

Brenda was the kind of girl a guy like me could never get. For one thing she was drop dead gorgeous. Long blonde hair cascading down loose around C cup breasts. No more body fat than a woman needs to smooth out the hard parts. Legs that showed often under the short skirts she usually had on. A sense of humor that made anyone laugh with her. And an evil gleam to her eyes that made her innuendos and teasing more than a little fun and incredibly frustrating. She was perfect. The problem was that I wasn’t even close to perfect. I was incredibly average in every respect. I was average in looks, average in height, average in intelligence, average in just about everything.

I always tried to trade banter and teases with her, but for some reason I always came out on the short end of the stick.

My dad told me that I’d always have a hard time with the ladies since I spent so much time with arches I never learned the proper social skills. I guess he was right.

When Brenda and I got the class assignment we had to talk about what we were going to do. I met her in her dorm room. It was the first time I had ever been alone with a beautiful college girl in her room. I was, shall we say, a little awkward and nervous.

Five minutes later I was completely comfortable. Brenda just has that effect on anyone. A few minutes later Sue came walking in. She was coming back from a night class and had to change to go to the gym. I started to gather my stuff and leave so she could but she told me to just look at Brenda and not peek. She changed right behind me. I was being a good boy when I noticed Brenda smiling wickedly and looking to the side of the room. I looked over to see what she was she was smiling at and I saw Sue’s reflection in the mirror. I couldn’t help myself from staring. Brenda would look over at me and grin and then look back at the mirror.

Sue was as beautiful as Brenda, just in a different way. Her black hair was cut at shoulder length, her breasts were a touch smaller, and she was carrying a little more body fat than Brenda—maybe she was overweight by 15 pounds or so. She looked beautiful.

I found out that night that Sue also had a fantastic ass. And that she looked great in purple panties.

When she left Brenda jumped off the bed in a giggling fit. I had to laugh with her. She walked over to the little fridge in the room and got two beers. We spent the rest of the night discussing everything but our project.

Over the next two weeks I got to know the two of them really well. Sue was a little uptight at first, but she eventually began to accept me being in her room with Brenda every time she came home.

I found out that Brenda has a little teasing streak. Every now and then we would be working on something and she would get this really evil look on her face and ju
st stop and tell me that Sue had never figured out that I could see her in the mirror. Sometimes she would ask me if I had been spying on any other “innocent little girls” or if I though she would look as good in purple as Sue did. In general we laughed. A lot.

Like I said, I fell in love with her.

As much as I wanted her, Brenda never really did anything to tell me that she was interested in more. I kept trying in my fumbling kind of way, but she just politely ignored the passes I made. Eventually I just accepted the fact that we could be best buds and nothing more.

One night I had gone over to see Brenda and I was shocked to discover that I really missed Sue. I asked about her and Brenda told me she was out with one of the basketball players. I felt a stab of jealousy. Brenda noticed it and teased me unmercifully for a week over having a crush.

As I hung out more and more I got to know more about Sue. I found out that she was constantly going to the gym to lose those 15 pounds she felt she needed to lose, but that Almond Joy bars were her weakness. I found out that she was afraid of spiders.

I also found out that I was in love with Sue, too.

At Christmas I gave her fifteen Almond Joy bars and wrote a simple message on the card: “One for each of those mythical pounds. You look perfect to me. Anyone who doesn’t see that is blind. Enjoy.” Her eyes teared up and she kissed me. I gave Brenda a necklace I bought at a little shop just off campus. Her card said “I would love to hug you with my arms, but this will have to do.”

Okay, so I’m a hopeless romantic. What do you expect from an English major who likes to read books under an arch in the Gorge?

Brenda handed me an envelope. She had written “From Both Of Us” on the front and as she gave it to me she said that I couldn’t open it until I got back to my room that night. We drank a little more eggnog and eventually said good-bye for the break.

When I opened the card that night I found a photo of Brenda and Sue with an arm around each other. Both were topless. Brenda was wearing black panties. But I knew that she had eventually told Sue about the night I met her because Sue was wearing the same purple panties and had written “Maybe this time you won’t need a mirror” on the card.

I felt jealous of whoever had taken the picture.

Like Brenda, Sue never did anything to encourage me and politely ignored my attempts to get into her pants. We all became good friends. After a while I gave up and stopped pushing. I’m just shy, I guess.

Over time the three of us became all but inseparable. Someone to talk to, maybe go have dinner or see a movie with, provide a shoulder to cry on, whatever. No romantic involvement at all, other than the fact that I wanted both of them so bad my balls would start to hurt whenever I thought about them. At a party in the spring of our sophomore year, I was watching Brenda dance with another guy. Sue came over and just sat with me. I guess my face showed the jealousy I was feeling because after a few minutes she told me that Brenda really did love me, but she wasn’t going to get in any relationships while she was in college. She just wanted to have fun with no strings. I sighed and looked over at her. I couldn’t quite decide if Sue looked disappointed or not. I wanted to ask her how she felt about me but I didn’t have the courage.

As I said, my real problem was that I loved them both.

“So are you going to take us out there or what?” Brenda asked.

“Well, I was going to go anyway. I guess I can.”

Brenda jumped up and clapped her hands, then both girls rushed over to the bed and gave me a hug. I was in heaven.

“Great, come over tomorrow night and we’ll get everything figured out.” She kissed me on the cheek and stood up. “C’mon Susie girl. We need to get more beer before the store closes.”

As she was closing the door behind her, Brenda looked over at me and smiled wickedly. “Great shorts, Bennie. Do you think Sue noticed?”

I looked down and discovered that the tip of my dick was hanging out of the right leg of my shorts.

* * * * *

“I thought you were going to drive your car, too,” I said as we loaded the gear into the back of my truck.

“Don’t need it and I’m almost out of gas. We’ll just all climb in front,” Sue said.

“It’s gonna be tight,” I said. “It’s just a small truck. Only two people fit comfortably.”

Brenda walked over and patted me on the cheek. “Worried about me sitting beside you, big boy? Afraid I’ll take advantage of you?”

I may be 20 years old, but I can still blush. Brenda screeched with laughter. “Look, Sue! He’s blushing.”

Sue was laughing as she dropped the tent into the back. “That’s everything. Let’s hit the road. I got shotgun!” She started to climb into the passenger’s side of the truck.

“Wait a minute,” I said. “There’s only one tent. Where’s mine?”

“Sorry Bennie,” Brenda said. “They only had one left. It’s a big one, so we’ll have plenty of room.” She winked at me and raised one eyebrow. “I guess we’ll just have to share.” She leaned up and kissed me on the cheek. “Besides,” she whispered, “I saw Sue pack those purple panties you like so much. If we share a tent maybe you’ll get a peek at them again.”

Brenda slid in and scooted over toward Sue, but in my truck you could only slide over so far. Brenda settled in with one leg on each side of the gearshift and patted the seat on her left. I noticed that she had that wicked smile on her face again.

I also noticed that the short skirt she was wearing had gotten a lot shorter all of a sudden. I thought about asking about it but realized that if I did the situation would just get worse so I started to climb in.

“Now be careful with that gearshift, Bennie. I wouldn’t want your hand to slip,” she said as I backed out of the dorm parking space.

I was blushing again.

* * * * *

We got the equipment set up fairly quickly and I got the fire started while the girls went down the road a little bit to the bathroom together. By the time they came giggling back into the campsite the fire was crackling strongly and I was on my second beer. The girls grabbed a beer out of the cooler and flopped into the other two folding chairs I had set up.

“So when do we get to go see an arch?” Sue asked.

“It’s too late tonight,” I said. “Tomorrow we’ll take it easy. There are two arches not far from here called Whispering Arch and Angel Windows. We’ll go there tomorrow morning. If you’re up to it in the afternoon we can go to Princess Arch and maybe Hidden Arch,” I said as I finished my beer and grabbed another from the cooler.

“How far is the hike?” Brenda asked.

“We can drive to the other part of the Gorge for the two in the morning. There’s a trailhead parking lot and each is about a quarter mile away. After lunch we’ll hike from here to get to Princess. It’s a little more than a mile. Then we can either turn around and hike back or, if you’re not too tired, the loop goes by Hidden Arch.”

“That doesn’t sound bad at all. Only a couple of miles,” Sue said.

“A couple of miles along paths that wind up and down two ridges each with over 600 feet of elevation changes each way. If you’re not used to it your legs will be hurting tomorrow night.”

Brenda smiled again. “Well I guess you’ll just have to rub all the cramps out for us, won’t you Bennie?”

I think Brenda teases me just to see me blush.

We just sat there drinking beer and watching the fire for a while. It’s kinda cool, sitting by a campfire with two good friends. Especially when the friends look as good as Brenda and Sue do. The beer kept disappearing down our throats.

“So B
ennie, do you sleep nude?” Brenda asked.

I sputtered and splashed most of the beer in my mouth down my chin and the front of my shirt. “Where did that come from?” I asked.

“Well, when Sue and I came to your room last week you said that you had to put something on. We were talking about it on our way back from the store and we decided that you were either playing with yourself or you slept in the nude. So which was it?”

I guess I should have been used to this by then. I looked at them and didn’t know what to say. I’m not usually in the habit of discussing this with women. Finally I just shook my head. “Yeah, I usually sleep in the nude. But don’t worry, I brought some shorts for the trip.”

“The same ones you put on that night?” Brenda asked.

Sue giggled and I knew that if she didn’t see me that night then Brenda had told her.

“A different pair. What about you two? What do you wear in bed?”

“That depends on who I happen to be with,” Sue said as she looked me dead in the eyes.

I corrected her automatically. “Whom,” I said. She flipped me off.

Brenda laughed. “Well, to tell you the truth, Susie usually wears a t-shirt and a pair of panties. Me, I’m just a panty type of girl.” She looked over at Sue. “What do you say, Susie? Shall we give Bennie Boy a show later?”

Sue smiled. “That depends. Do you think he’ll give us a show?”

Brenda looked over at me. “What’s it gonna be, boy? Showtime or snoring?”

I tipped the last of my beer down my throat and got up to get another one. “Anyone else need a new one?” Both girls nodded so I grabbed three from the cooler and handed them out.

“Gee, Sue, I bet Ben’s blushing again. Are you blushing, Ben?”

Of course I was. I was also beginning to get hard thinking of the two of them dressed like that.

Now my dad had told me to be careful when I went off to college. He said to remember that when the little head starts getting big it usually starts thinking for the big head. Now that had only been a problem once or twice before. Right then my little head was getting bigger by the minute.

“I don’t snore,” was all I said. Both girls giggled. I decided that right then would be a good time to go and get rid of a little used beer and excused myself to go to the bathroom.

When I got back both girls were laughing. “What’s so funny?”

“Nothing,” they both said at the same time.


“Nothing,” Sue said. I think I could see her blush in the glow from the fire.

“If you don’t tell me I won’t take you to any arches tomorrow. What’s so funny?”

Sue just shook her head and Brenda laughed. Finally Brenda calmed down a little and looked at me. “We were trying to figure out why you went all the way to the bathroom. I thought that guys in the woods just whipped it out and went wherever they were.” She giggled and covered her mouth with her hand for a moment. “Then Susie said that you probably needed a little time to get things back under control.” They both laughed again. “It that it, Ben? Have we been a little, uh, hard on you tonight?”

Now I knew exactly what she meant when she said that. They knew I was getting an erection thinking about the two of them dressed like that. So I did what anyone else would do. I lied. “I don’t know what you mean. I was always taught that it is impolite to go to the bathroom where other people could see.”

“You know, that’s not fair,” Sue said.

“What’s not fair?” Brenda asked.

“A guy can just unzip his pants and go wherever. A girl has to pull everything down. I mean, if Ben just went behind a tree he’d be back in a few seconds. It would be a major production for us. We’ve got to pull everything down and lean over. He can just whip it out. It’s not fair.”

By this time I was smiling and Brenda was choking and rocking in her chair with laughter. As I looked at her I noticed that her shirt had ridden up a little bit and there was something on her stomach. “Brenda,” I said, “you’ve got a bug or something that’s about to crawl up your shirt.”

She shrieked and lifted her shirt to look down. “Where?” I sighed as I caught a glimpse of the bottom of her bra. It was white. I had always pictured her in something a little more exotic. Oh well.

“Right there,” I said, pointing at her. I got up from my chair and walked over to her. About half way there I realized that it was not a bug at all. Brenda had a pierced belly button.

“I didn’t know you had a belly ring,” I said. “Sorry. It wasn’t a bug after all.”

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Camping with the family

It all started on partly sunny Friday right after getting out of school for summer break at the end of my junior year. My parents had decided to take the family and go on a nice family camping trip into the woods upstate as a way to help bond the family together because, well to be honest, the kids in the family did not get along very often as siblings often don’t. Speaking of siblings, I guess I forgot to mention how I am a 19 year-old male from a little town in southern New York and I have...

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Al was looking forward to leaving on their camping trip as he packed the RV. He and Erin hadn't been on a decent vacation in years. And they had always dreamed of driving around the west and seeing the mountains and all of the wonders of the desert. Even though their daughter Sue was coming along as well as her cousin Robert, Al was determined to have as much fun with Erin as if they were by themselves. Lately they had just been falling into a routine and Al was determined that the romance and...

2 years ago
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camping with mom

visit on to see full series of these story It was the middle of the school summer holidays and I was bored, I even went through my mothers underwear drawer last week finding her sexy knickers and bras. I went as far as trying on a pair of her knickers, getting so turned on thinking that my balls were where her pussy rubbed that I came in them.My mother had three days off from work and she suggested we go camping for a couple of nights, just the two of us. My father is a truck...

1 year ago
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Camping with the family

It was any other July in California, hot and dry. Our family was thinking about what to do this year for our family vacation. Every year the whole family gets together and we spend a week doing something fun. Last year we all went to Disney world. My wife and I have for beautiful children. It was the second Friday night of the month and we were barbequing in the back yard of my house. The kids were all there and having a good time. We have a pool and my daughter Patricia was running around with...

3 years ago
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Camping North

I had never been camping before like this, normally I would just camp in my back yard and when it rained go inside. Was never a nature lover. Anyway last summer I decided to start exploring Scotland and decided to go camping to Skye. I’ve never been this far North, to be honest I think the furthest North vie been is Edinburgh (and that not even north tbh more west to me) I started my day by getting everything loaded into the car. Everything managed to fit into my little Peugeot 206 although the...

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Camping North

I had never been camping before like this, normally I would just camp in my back yard and when it rained go inside. Was never a nature lover. Anyway last summer I decided to start exploring Scotland and decided to go camping to Skye. I’ve never been this far North, to be honest I think the furthest North vie been is Edinburgh (and that not even north tbh more west to me) I started my day by getting everything loaded into the car. Everything managed to fit into my little Peugeot 206 although the...

3 years ago
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Camping With My Cousins Part IIChapter 4

In order to refresh your memory, the females involved in this part of the story include Mrs. O’Brian, and her five daughters – Sally(16), Betty(17), Rose(18), Mary (19) and Veronica(20). When we decided to venture out into the New Jersey forest to check out our camping skills, only the five daughters and I decided to participate in the actual camping portion of the outdoors exercise. It is important to note that I had at one time or another actually humped all five sisters, my second cousins...

4 years ago
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Camping with Chris

Me and a couple of friends were cruising around, trying to find someone to get us high for free. Kevin suggested this gay guy that had lots of money and liked to buy large quantities of cocaine in exchange for company. Both me and Chris instantly said no. Kevin pointed out that we had nowhere else to go and plus there was three of us and only one of him. If we watched each others back there was no way anything could happen. We agreed and next thing we knew a average height slightly overweight...

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Camping with the Boys

Camping with the boysOn one of our summer camping trips, Rebecca and I set up camp in a remote spot in Black Range State park. The camp ground was empty except for one other campsite.As we went about our business throughout the day we noticed that there were three young guys camped in the other occupied site. We had a chat with them and they told us that they were there for the week, just escaping the rat race like we were.They were nice fellas all in their early 20's, fit and good looking...

1 year ago
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Thangaiku Theriyaamal Amma Magalai Oothen

Indru tamil kama kathaiyil ilamaiyaana magalum pinbu vithavai ammavaiyum eppadi usar seithu matter poten endru ungaluku solugiren. Suvarasiyam athigam irukum kama kathaikul selalam vaarungal, en peyar karthik. En veethiiyil oru pen ilamaiyaaga sexiyaaga irupaal, avalai thinamum sight adithu kondu irupen. Thinamum aval kalluri sendru varum pozhuthu iru velaiyilum sight adika arambithu viduven. Aval peyar nandhini vayathu 21 irukum, avaluku veetil aan thunai kidaiyaathu. Veetil oru amma iru...

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Camping With Kelly

It was June of 1978. Patrick and I had grown up in families that went camping. We were as comfortable in a forest, on a lake, or at a campground as at home. He and I wanted to take our girlfriends, Kelly and Yvonne, camping. Kelly and I had recently been hiking at a park that was kind of out of the way and it had a small campground that was quite secluded. We had planned to go early in the week toward the end of the month.If you’ve not read of our previous adventures, here’s a super short catch...

Group Sex
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Camping with Chip

Camping With ChipPart 1I broke up with my boyfriend Marc two months ago. Since then I haven’t been very social. I have mostly kept to myself and avoided most outings. But Brad and Becky (aren’t they cute) were having their annual summer soiree’ and ‘No’ just wasn’t an option. That’s the night I met Chip. We both were assigned our half hour of ‘bar’ duty at the same time. We immediately hit it off. There was a sense that I had known him for many lifetimes. We talked about so many things...

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Camping with the soninlaw

CampingWe were going camping with the daughter & son-in- law as usual we were running late so Sam said he would meet us there. Wendy finally was ready to leave two hours later, she was dressed in short denim skirt & sheer white singlet top way to big for her as it showed a lot of side boob. I said bit sexy for camping don't you think & she replied no! Because I want to go to that waterfall when we setup camp for a swim. We finally got to our campsite next to Arielle & Sam they...

2 years ago
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Camping Trip

Five summers ago, I went camping with my cousin Ron and his friend James. We had a three bed camper, it was nice, it had a mini fridge and they brought a little propane grill. There was a T.V. as well, what more could you ask for. If we had to take a shower or use the bathroom, we had to walk to an area that had that. The camp was in the national park. We were going to stay a week or two. So this is how it went with the beds. There were three beds, one on each end of the camper and the 3rd one...

2 years ago
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Camping with Tristen

Tristen and John lived in Colorado, not too far outside of Denver. They were good friends that had known each other for 4-5 years through high school and afterward. John was originally friends with Tristen’s sister, and got to know Tristen when he hung out with her sister. John was 3 years older that Tristen who was just a few weeks older than 18. John and Tristen would play volleyball together at the park with some other friends occasionally and they would also play video games some. ...

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camping with mom

visit on to see more top rated stories like these It was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We'd spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite lake.... most times without seeing...

1 year ago
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Camping With Mom

I forget where I copied this story from and who actually wrote it but I saw that it had potential so here ‘tis. I could have spent more time on it but it’s a whole lot more readable than it was. SSBIt was January 1985 and I was your normal almost 16 year old... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips...

2 years ago
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Camping with Mom

Hi to all.I was reading Iss from last so many year,N finally i wrote something.Please any gals or aunties from anywhere in gujarat for any kind a relation do contact me on my id It was January 2008 and I was your normal almost 19 year old… always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains...

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Camping with Chris

Camping with ChrisBy NancyCamping is so not my favorite activity but my friends were so excited and I can never say no when they get that way. So off we go four girls, the four amigos, the four musketeers, well you get the picture…Amy, the stuck up bitchy one, Brenda, the aggie hippie, Diana the mother figure, and me, Nancy, the reformed virgin. How we got to be friends is anyone’s guess as different as night and day, but our group meshed and fast friends we became.Destination Savannah, the...

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Camping With Mom

Originally By Mark... (Below this is the intro that went with the 2008 posting of my re-write of the story ... The original author, Mark, read it, contacted me, complimented my version and gave me its background, telling me that it was a true story but it only happened once. (( I forget where I originally copied this story from and who actually wrote it but I saw that it had potential, rewrote it and posted it on this site. )) I re-wrote and posted the story in 2008, on the same site that...

3 years ago
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Camping With Mom

(This is a story that I took off another website. You will see different variations on different websites.) It was January 1985 and I was your normal 15 year old ... always full of energy and ready to do anything fun and exciting. At nearly six feet tall, one of my favorite things to do was hiking and camping in the mountains, near our home. Ever since I was born, my mom, dad and I have taken trips up into the mountains to hunt & fish. We’d spend days camped in a tent next to our favorite...

4 years ago
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Camping with My Boyfriend and His Friends

Camping with my Boyfriend and his friendsMy boyfriend Ronnie was over my house and asked me if I was interested in going camping with him and 3 of his friends. I have met all of them and didn’t see any problem with going with them. I told him that I would enjoy getting away for a couple days. He said that would be great and that he would pick me up on Friday. I told him I would be ready. After he left, I got my gear all packed up and ready to go. It was about 2 on Friday afternoon when Ronnie...

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Camping With My Little Brother

you call the angry at the world teen who spends all her free time in her room on social media blasting heavy metal the other family members involved Hannah's mum and dad and her little brother Ned ages 17 and her little sister Mia aged 15 This year Hannah's family decided not to go to a fancy resort and to go out camping at a reserve 3 towns over of coarse everybody was excited about it except for Hannah especially knowing that there wont be any cellphone service out in the reserve...

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Camping trip

Camping trip. An adventure with a hotwife and 2 teen boys while hubby watched. We’d planned our camping trip for quite a while and were excited to finally get away. Of course as the day neared, the forecast got worse and worse for the area we were heading to. We had to decide whether to go or not and decided to go because we’d at least get a break from the day to day.The day to leave arrived and the weather wasn’t bad at our end so we headed out but as predicted, when we arrived we were greeted...

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Camping weird and exciting

Cindi, my wife and I have take up camping lately. She’s 24 years old, 5;6” 110 lbs, short blond and small firm tits. Muscular butt. I’m 6;2” 210 and lean. I rented a motor home and proceeded to a remote campground one of my buddies shared with me. We were the only ones there and here was also a small pond/lake. In late July and August it’s warm enough to skinny dip and we sped many hours doing just that.One weekend I spent some money at the climbing store before we headed to the mountains. Once...

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When my two best friends and I decided to make an annual tradition of taking a week-long camping in Oconee National Forest together with our wives, we had no idea how much fun it would end up being. We were as different as three white guys from the suburbs can be, but having been friends since kindergarten, we were as close as brothers. Nick was tall, blond and athletic; his wife Nina was a busty Italian girl, with a heart-shaped ass and pouty lips that were equally likely to sweet-talk you or...

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Camping with Parents Friends

As I said, I baby sat for them fairly often. When I was 15 or so, I got dropped off at their house. Jan was still getting cleaned up while she waited for Steve to get home. Her kids were asking her tons of questions in her bedroom and her door was open. I stood in the kitchen drinking juice and for some reason,15 year old curiosity I suppose, I slowly started inching to my right. As i did this, I was able to see more and more of Jan's room through the door. Inch by inch I crept, not...

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Camping with my wife

This a story is true and happened only a couple of weeks ago. I am 55 years old and have been married for 30 years, during that time I have been an active bi-sexually every since I was 14. My wife and I desired to go to the country camping to get away from the heat wave in the city. We made reservation at a nearby mountain site not far from home. When we got there the camp grounds were almost empty except for a handful of people. We went to our site we reserved and not 15 yards away was a guy...

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Camping with Daddy

Jared had planned this weekend months ago. He needed to try something. His daughter Molly had been sad for almost her entire high school career so far, and he was… Jared had planned this weekend months ago. He needed to try something. His daughter Molly had been sad for almost her entire high school career so far, and he was desperate to cheer her up. He was taking her camping, just the two of them, and he hoped he could get her to feel better about herself. Molly had just turned 18, and...

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It was going to be a wonderful weekend! The wife and I were headed for the shore and some camping and fishing. We enjoyed sleeping in a tent on our new air mattress's and waking up to a campfire breakfast. The small lake we were going to was also perfect for our small boat for fishing The lake was not a popular one because it did not have big sandy beaches. But it did have a beach in “our” spot. It took about an hour to get there. We stopped to let the owner of the property know that we would...

4 years ago
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camping trip

Disclaimer: All of my stories are true.please enjoy.This happen about three weeks ago while i was camping in the Sequoias. I was on a ten day camping trip and was on my sixth day there while going back to my camp I looked around an saw two older guys setting up their site. I smiled and kept walking. Later I was chopping some wood to get my fire ready when I heard a voice say looking good chopping that wood, as I looked up it was the to older guys whose names were Jim and Mike they were both...

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Camping at Lake Ford

Summer and almost gone when mom planned a camping trip, Now it was Early august and actually a tolerable 80 degrees. Great weather for lake side camping. Dad was in he loved camping he packed the truck after work, and we head out early the next morning. He woke me up at 3am, groggy and tired I made my way to the bathroom as I pushed the door open my mother was at the sink in a nightie. She had no bra on. I should explain my mothers figure 5'8" Curvy with huge breasts and over weight like any...

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Camping trip

It has been such a long few months for me. I have been working all winter and spring long that I don't remember the last time I took some time for myself. It was almost summer time. Means school would be out. I don't have kids of my own but my neighbors have some kids. While they are nice and good kids. Some days they can get alittle loud for my comfort. So with summer coming up I knew they would be outside alot being kids. I don't want to be that mean grumpy neighbor so I had to take time...

1 year ago
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Camping A Gay Teen Fantasy

Copyright, 2012, Patricia Steel ([email protected]) Do whatever you want with this story, only keep my name attached, please. Please report any and all orgasms arrived at through reading and masturbating to these words. I love knowing that I am deliberately manipulating your mind into an erotic state. Thanks, and Enjoy. This is FICTION, folks, and while it has its basis in reality, is not a true report of underage sex, or of underage persons watching other persons having sex. ...

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My school district lets out earlier than most and after graduating in early May and having just turned 18 I decided to go on a camping trip by myself for the first time in my life. I was a bit worried about being alone so much but the campground I picked was in a national park and I knew there'd be plenty of trails to keep me busy. So after loading my car with gear I headed out for my adventure.When I arrived at the campground it was about half full so I had no trouble finding a nice site that...

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Camping In Style pt 1

NOTE : this story is completely fictional! Never try this in real live!!! Last summer my 15-year-old daughter Linda wanted to go camping one last time before school started back up. I figured why not after all summer was just about over and it would be nice for the two of us go camping one last time. Then she asked if it would be okay if a friend came along. "Sure why not" I answered. I decided to take Friday off so we could leave Thursday and get up in the mountains to find a secluded spot....

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Camping with my daughter Katrina Day1

Is that the last one sweetheart? I asked my daughter Katrina when she handed me her last bag. She nodded her head and I closed the trunk. We both decided to go camping this year but since my wife had some bad experience with camping, its just me and my daughter. Have fun! Megan, my wife said and I gave her a quick kiss on her lips and squeezed her ass tightly. Its going to be hard living a week without sex but I promised my daughter so I got in the truck and waited for my daughter. Lets go...

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