A Loner Mentalist Pt. 02 free porn video

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Many thanks to Over_Red for his invaluable input on this part of the story! Hope you enjoy it!


Jack Watts was startled awake by a noise in the bushes. He looked over and blinked his eyes repeatedly to clear his vision. A deer was grazing nearby and it stalked off as soon as it saw him looking at it. Jack sat up and propped himself up with one arm behind his back. He looked all around. He was in a clearing that had bare dirt, without any grass. A small, wooden cabin, more of a shack really, stood in the lee of some trees not ten yards to his left. A small footpath was worn into the forest floor between the clearing he was in and the front door of the cabin.

The trees swayed gently in the breeze and the late afternoon Sun was starting to turn the horizon pink. As he looked down at his backpack next to him, it all came back to him. Mia and her flunkies had kidnapped him and stuffed him in the trunk of a car. They had driven him here and he had managed to read their minds and find out their greatest fears. When they had stopped, he had managed to utilize all of his fear to take over their minds and make them believe their worst fears had come to life.

Unfortunately, exerting his power like that had left him as incapacitated as if he had suffered a stroke and they had probably left him for dead. He stood up and stretched with a groan. He cast his gaze all around again, but found no sign of the guys, Mia, or any cars. He shouldered his backpack and walked over to the cabin. The windows were covered with a sheen of dust and the door was locked. Seeing no sign of a key, Jack lifted his foot to kick the door open. The door refused cooperation at first, but by the third kick, Jack convinced it to let him in.

Jack searched the cabin for anything that could be of any help. There was nothing but some shoddy furniture and a wood-burning stove. There were some basic tools on a table and a thick layer of dust was over everything. There were no supplies and no phone.

He sighed and left, slamming the door shut behind himself. The cabin belonged to one of the guys that wanted to do him harm, for no other reason than to please Mia, and Jack didn’t care if it burned to the ground. He checked himself for his phone and even looked into his backpack. He didn’t have it. Mia probably did. ‘The bitch,’ he swore. He looked up at the sky and judged that he had, at most, two hours of daylight left. There was only one road, consisting of two parallel wheel tracks, leading to and from the clearing. He hurried down the road, eager to exit the woods before he ran out of light.

In about fifteen minutes, he found himself at the spot where the cabin access road met with the main forest road. He stood at the intersection and huffed in frustration. He had no idea which direction they had been going when they drove him there. He closed his eyes and strove to remember what the turn off had felt like. He remembered that he had been pushed towards his feet when they took the turn. He lay down on the dirt road, on his side like he had been lying inside the trunk, and tried to figure out how he would be jostled if the car was coming from either direction.

He figured out that the car had made a left turn to get onto the cabin access road so he took a right turn onto the main road and walked on. He also mentally worked out that he needed to take a left when he got back to the paved road. The Sun had just about touched the horizon when he exited the trees and got within sight of the road.

A car was driving down the road, going in the direction away from town. Jack didn’t care. He jumped up and waved his arms overhead, yelling for attention. The road and the car were too far away for him to be noticed, so the car drove past. A truck was coming in the opposite direction and it, too, missed Jack. Jack huffed in anger as he ran towards the road, but he soon eased up on the frustration. This much traffic means that someone else will come along soon, he told himself. When he got to the road and looked down it in either direction, he could see cars coming. He smiled hopefully, crossed to the other side of the road and stuck his thumb out.

The fifth car that passed him stopped a short distance away and he hitched a ride with an elderly couple that asked him a million questions during the ten minute ride back into town. They were traveling from afar and didn’t know the town, so he had them just drop him off in the center of town. He thanked them several times for the ride and the couple insisted they exchange phone numbers before parting ways. He gave them his home phone number and then walked towards the school and his car.

When he finally got home, it was well after nine o’clock. He unlocked the door and tossed his backpack on the floor next to it. He sat down on the floor and groaned in relief as he took off his shoes. He was used to walking a lot with his dogs, but not in the dress shoes that he had been wearing that day. ‘Shit,’ he softly swore and went outside to tend to the dogs.

When he came back in with Spot, his mother came out of the living room. ‘If you wanted dinner, you should have called.’

‘Lost my phone,’ he said.

She gave him a look. ‘Are you alright?’

‘Peachy,’ he said. He walked up the stairs to take off his dirt-covered clothes. He took a long shower before heading off to bed. Now that he was safe at home, he considered calling the cops and reporting Mia and her three flunkies. He already knew their names, from his online search of the flagpole photos, but Jack found the whole thing a bit too impersonal for his liking. He wanted to be the one that punished Mia. Especially as he realized he had inadvertently saved her from getting gang raped in the woods.

He decided to keep the cops out of things, for the time being.

When he came to school the next morning, he nearly laughed out loud at the irony that greeted him. Standing alongside the vice principal was a sheriff’s deputy holding the leash of a German shepherd. ‘Mister Watts,’ the vice principal said, ‘we need you to open your locker, please!’

Jack couldn’t help but smile at the request. It became instantly obvious to him that Mia, or her flunkies, had managed to break into his locker and plant something to get him into trouble and thus discredit his claims of kidnapping. He could only hope it was drugs as he looked at the dog. He hadn’t been the one to train the sheriff’s dogs, he only trained dogs for Alpha, but he also trained scent dogs for them and he knew how it was done.

The three men and one dog walked over to his locker, while half the school watched and whispered. Dog Boy seemed to be in trouble. Jack smoothly slid into the pooch’s mind and instilled it with the overwhelming thought that she was supposed to indicate the presence of drugs by being docile and quiet. He opened his locker and the dog sat still on the ground. Shit, Jack thought. There are drugs in my locker.

The deputy rummaged through the locker and pulled out a really big bag of weed. ‘What’s this,’ the vice principal asked in a stern voice.

‘Spice mix for pizza,’ Jack said.

‘Spice mix,’ the vice principal repeated in a voice that made it clear he wasn’t accepting such an explanation. He nodded at the deputy who opened the Ziploc bag and brought it closer to the dog’s nose. The dog took a few deep sniffs and then looked calmly up at her handler’s face. She made no sound whatsoever.

‘Well, it’s not weed,’ the deputy said.

‘Gimme that,’ the vice principal said and grabbed the baggy. He took a sniff and shot the deputy a sardonic look. ‘This is weed.’

‘And how would you know that,’ Jack asked.

‘Don’t you get fresh with me, young man! Deputy Clary, this is clearly marihuana.’

The deputy took a whiff and seemed to agree with him. ‘Dog says it isn’t, though. Can’t confiscate it if the dog gives it the all clear.’ He shrugged apologetically.

liked seeing the vice principal seething, so he decided to push it. ‘Mix it with ketchup and it tastes like basil and oregano,’ he said, indicating the bag.

‘If that’s all,’ the deputy said and trailed off. The vice principal reluctantly nodded and the man left, leading his dog with him.

Jack held out his hand. The vice principal stared at him with open hostility. ‘I don’t know how that dog missed it, but this is clearly weed and I’m not letting you have it!’

Jack watched the dog leaving and focused on replacing her original training in her canine mind. If she failed to react to another batch of drugs, the deputy could wind up suspecting him. Focused on his task, he lowered his hand and mumbled, ‘I guess we’ll leave it to the lawyers, then.’ He finished with the dog and had to consciously keep himself from flinching and cowering as he realized what he had just said. If the vice principal decided to send the weed to a lab, or have a dog sniff it without him nearby, he was fucked.

Having no real choice in the matter anymore, Jack stared into the vice principal’s glaring eyes. The man brought his best authority figure stare down on Jack, but Jack had been inoculated against any respect for the man by his tolerance of iniquity and rampant bullying that happened on his watch. The vice principal raised the baggy and sealed it before holding it out for Jack to take. Jack took it and kept staring into the man’s eyes.

‘I’ll need to meet with your parents to discuss your recent behavior. You have a mother, I think?’

‘I have a father, too, Mister Vice-man. I’m an adult. All complaints go to me and all disciplinary action will be reviewed by my lawyer.’

The vice principal stared at him with open contempt. At length, he licked his tongue out between his teeth and then turned around without a word. As he walked away, he became aware of all the spying eyes and scattered them with a glare and an admonishment at one student for his pants riding too low on his hips.

Jack put the weed into his bag and examined his locker. There was nothing else planted there and none of his books were missing. He had no idea where Mia had managed to get so much pot, but it told him that she needed to be dealt with immediately. He didn’t have any classes with her that day and he didn’t know her schedule by heart, so he didn’t know where to find her. The bell rang and he went to his first class. He had an exam to take. An exam he hadn’t studied for because he had been abducted and driven off into the woods.

By the time the bell rang, he had done what he could, which wasn’t all that much, and ran out to search the halls for Mia. He looked into every classroom he passed, but didn’t see her anywhere. He was late for his second class, but his mood improved when he saw one of the football jocks in it. He took a seat next to the jock’s and asked him about Mia..

The jock told him Mia had ditched school for the day after first period. It was right around the time the news broke that Jack’s locker had been searched, but that nothing had been taken and he hadn’t gotten arrested. The jock then asked him about drugs, intent on buying some, but Jack ignored him and asked him where Mia lived.

‘Dunno,’ he said, shrugging. ‘She’s always shacked up with one dude, or another.’

‘Which dudes,’ Jack asked. None of the trio he had read yesterday ever had Mia stay with them.

‘Dunno,’ the jock said. ‘Older dudes. To date Mia, you have to have your own ride, your own place and lots of cash. That girl wants her things, ya know what I mean? Huh?’

Jack tuned him out and faced front to think. He spent the rest of the school day asking everyone about where he could find Mia. Most refused to speak with him, but the rest had simply no idea where to find her, once the final bell rang. All they knew was that Mia hung out with older guys that bought her stuff. No one could offer him anything more to go on but her phone number.

He drove home that day with a sense of profound unease in his gut. Mia could be anywhere and she could be plotting anything to get at him. She already demonstrated her ability to seduce grown men into doing him harm and her ability to obtain and plant vast quantities of drugs. He released his dogs from the back yard and had them patrol all around his house. He searched Spot’s memory of the day and learned no one had been to the house in his absence.

His mother returned soon after him and announced she was going out with some friends from work. While she was showering and getting ready, Jack was sitting at his desk, thinking about Mia. His mind was running in circles and he forced himself to quit it. Whatever she was going to do, she was going to do it and he could accomplish nothing by endlessly fretting over it. He needed to relax. He considered the big bag of weed and came to a decision.

He made four big batches of regular brownies and one small batch of special ones. Then he hid the weed where no one would ever find it. John, Rob and Steve still didn’t answer their phones, so he went online and found them playing their favorite shooter game. He invited them over to his house and kept on insisting that they come until they gave in and logged out, one after the other. He didn’t tell them what he had in store for them, just that they would have fun at his place.

Jack’s mother left and he watched TV while he waited for his friends to arrive. They rode their bikes over and arrived within five minutes of each other. As soon as they were all together, Jack had them take a seat in his living room and presented them with the batch of special brownies.

‘Guys, you’ve been through a lot lately,’ he said, ‘so I thought you might like to get high and get all that shit out of your systems.’

The guys eyed the brownies with suspicion. ‘What’s in them,’ Steve asked. His shiner was still visible, but his lip was back to normal size.

‘Pot,’ Jack said.

‘Bullshit,’ Rob said. ‘Where the fuck would you get pot?’

Jack smiled. ‘I have my ways.’

Rob smirked and gave a dismissive chuckle. ‘Don’t think that I believe you for one second that these brownies actually have pot in them.’

Jack shrugged. ‘Suit yourself. But, I’ll tell you one thing. Whether these brownies have pot in them, or not, they’re delicious and I’m gonna eat at least three of them.’ He took a brownie and bit into it, moaning at the creamy richness of the taste.

The guys slowly followed his lead and ate the entire batch. They didn’t feel any different, so Rob said, ‘See? I told you there wasn’t any pot in them.’ He punched Jack in the shoulder. ‘Faker!’

‘I,’ Jack said and stumbled for words as his mouth worked. ‘I thought it was pot. I honestly did!’

‘Well, it wasn’t,’ Rob said in disappointment. Then he frowned. ‘Wait! You thought it was pot? So, you did put something in the brownies? What did you just feed us?’

‘Never mind,’ John said. ‘Let’s, uh, let’s… I dunno, let’s see what’s new on YouPorn!’

The guys agreed and relocated to Jack’s bedroom. They were watching a video of a girl getting mounted by a mastiff, which was making Jack uncomfortable, when the pot finally hit them. At first, they all giggled together and just felt generally high. Rob asked him again where he had gotten the pot and Jack thought of Mia.

Before Jack could answer Rob, he saw a cartoon dog waving to him from the hall. He got up and left his friends behind to go follow the dog. The dog led him down to the living room where a big section of the wall was glowing, as if illuminated by an unseen projector. The dog, now standing on hind legs and sporting a red usher’s uniform, complete with the cutest little cap, indicated Jack should sit on the couch and stare at the wall. Seeing nothing wrong with the suggestion, Jack relaxed in the seat.

The bright screen on the wall counted down from ten and a cartoon started playing. Jack immediately understood it was a cartoon of Mia’s life. ‘Wow,’
he gasped in astonishment.

The cartoon was drawn in bright and cheerful colors, but it began with a woman being kidnapped and repeatedly raped. By the time she was rescued, she was pregnant and later had a baby that she immediately gave up for adoption. That baby was Mia. Jack blinked away his tears and cooed at the tiny angel that was Mia as a baby. Other people cooed over her crib and she was quickly adopted by the Newmans. Jack sighed in relief as Mia played with toys and had two loving parents doting on her. For years, she played and laughed as she learned and grew.

He cried out in alarm when their car was hit by a texting trucker. She was trapped in the wreckage with her dying parents until the fire department rescued her. Her parents didn’t make it and Jack felt as much anguish as she did. He gasped for air and blinked through his tears to be able to see what happened next. Mia learned the hard way that she had been adopted and that the rest of her adopted family didn’t consider her to be a real relative when her grandparents and aunt refused to take her in.

With no one willing to take care of her, she was put in the system and shuffled from one foster home to another. In one of the homes, she was locked in the basement and had to work all day long until the people from the social services came to see why she wasn’t in school. The foster parents claimed she was a bad child that refused to go to school and she screamed in frustration at their lies. The people took her away and labeled her a problematic child. She had hated them for taking her jailors’ word over hers and refused to speak with them.

She then found herself in a fundamentalist home, where she had to pray day in and day out to keep the devil at bay. She stayed with them until she started to grow boobies and the father began to look at her strangely. She ran away and found herself placed in a series of homes where children were only kept for the monthly paycheck. All the foster parents that she came to be with were drunks and junkies. She ran away often and was either put into group homes, or returned to the foster parents for a beating. For most of her childhood, she didn’t have a safe place to call home, or the care of a loving parent.

This slowly, but surely, started leaving a mark on her psyche. Since the people in her life belittled and bullied her every day, she started seeing that as normal behavior and soon adopted it for her own. As she did that, she began to realize that the more she bullied others, the less she got bullied herself. In the space of a few years, she went from being a crying, innocent child to being Mia the Menace. No one bullied her now and she liked it that way.

Jack sighed bitterly. Mia’s upbringing had left her with a false dichotomy in mind. Namely the one that said she was either to bully others, or be bullied herself. He shook his head and flexed his fists in outrage. This had to be stopped. It was no way for a person to go through life. He could now understand that Mia was afraid of everyone around herself and that constant fear is what made her act out at the slightest provocation. Another way, a better way, had to be shown to her. He looked back up at the cartoon on the wall.

The cartoon story of her life had progressed to the point where she was fifteen and looked all grown up. She was uncomfortable with the attention she was getting from everybody, so she deliberately made a ruckus that got her landed in a group home for troubled girls. It was in the next county over so she was enrolled into the high school here, in town.

It had been a fresh start for her and she had resolved to make herself untouchable by everyone around her. She quickly figured out what would get her the top seat in the hierarchy. Older boyfriends.

The cartoon then showed a bunch of men in their early twenties driving her around and paying for all her expenses. None of them made any moves on Mia, because she had convinced them that even touching a girl under the age of eighteen would land them in jail for being pedophiles.

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Punished Peepers!                             TJ RyderComplete story with cover pic!Download Femdom cuckold shemale ladyboy illustrated ebookshttp://midnightx.com/fpage/promos/promos.htmlBuxom Ballbusters, cheaters, teasers, illustrated!Femdom cbt, chastity cuckolding interracial stories.comix!http://midnightx.com/fpage/fpage.html        Marvin R., 18 yr old senior at Jefferson, gazed in love and lust at his English teacher, Miss Brown.  Her lovely poised body, the way she stretched when she...

3 years ago
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How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarksville Part 16 True Lies

How I Became the Baddest Girl in Clarkville Part 16: True Lies -I'd Rather Have a Bottle in Front of Me than a Frontal Lobotomy- I opened my eyes to the weak yellow glow of a bare bulb and for a second time found myself somewhere different than where I closed them. The bulb hung from the ceiling, suspended by a thin frayed wire. I was lying in an old recliner. The footrest was raised and the back lowered to form a makeshift bed. Something gripped my elbow, making it difficult to...

1 year ago
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Encounter at Travelodge Part 3 Or ldquoLet th

“I can smell this filthy country on you. For tonight, this room is the Motherland. You are being disrespectful to the Motherland, and it will not do. STRIP!”She starts taking off her clothes. Oh my god, she has wonderful breasts. And ass. And a carefully shaved pussy. This is going to be good.I drag her into the shower for her cleaning. “Get on your knees, bitch!” As she kneels, I feel myself becoming hard – this is so much better than what I expected that I can’t even describe it (not that...

2 years ago
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CousinChapter 22

The next morning Dan and Lisa woke to another clear, sunny day. But it was also very chilly in the cabin. Snuggling deeper under the covers Lisa said, "We're going to have to get this place warmer before I get out of here. Tell you what, why don't you be brave and get out and get a fire going and I promise to warm you back up when you come back into bed." "I can't resist an offer like that," Dan replied, kissing her. Then he threw off all the covers bringing a squeal from Lisa as she...

3 years ago
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Birth of Cissy

We were cruising the gut on a Thursday night, it was a school night so both my best friend Bob and I had to be home early. I had turned on to Capital Ave. to head out of town to take Bob home and then go home. She was walking alone, as I passed her she turned in my direction and smiled, I recognized her it was Pamela, she graduated from Catholic Central and she was a stone fox, I pulled over and asked her if she needed a ride. "Thanks, I thought I was going to have to walk all the way home" she...

1 year ago
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Sex Everlating

He lay there in the middle of the night watching her sleep. Her large and soft breast heaving up and down while she breathed in and out. “God she’s beautiful,” he thought. And with that notion he could not help himself any longer. He retched out his hand and gently caressed the very top of her breast. Immediately her nipple hardened and she stirred. “MMM,” she then brushed the baby hairs from her face that managed to escape from her ponytail. Worried that he had woken her he left here alone...

3 years ago
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Sam For Short

She had just moved into apartment 301 in my building. I stood outside of my apartment, 303, with my neighbor Grace in apartment 302. Grace was a lesbian and had plenty of traffic coming through the building. She didn’t know but I had a habit of picking through her leftovers. I never care about a woman’s sexual past but I’ve asked who was better and let’s just say all women don’t eat pussy the best. Maybe I’ll talk about it sometime.Sam was average looking at first glance. A few inches past 5...

2 years ago
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Harmless Lunch Date

When I started dating my wife, I coordinated a lunch date with my sister to they could meet and bond, hopefully. We met at the restaurant and I hadn't seen my sister for a while. When she arrived, I was amazed at how similar my girlfriend was to my sister. Same hairstyle and length, same weight, height, same build (big tits, round ass). We all ate and talked and got along well. Someone suggested drinks, so we all went back to my girlfriend's apartment. We started drinking and getting...

4 years ago
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She Was Desperate

She Was Desperate She was desperate, otherwise she would not have asked for my help. My sister Loraine had changed. She had grown up and she really looked good. She told me that she needed a place to stay for the summer and asked if she could stay at my cabin. We were a generation apart. Mom had me when she was eighteen and she had Loraine when she was thirty-eight years old. Now Loraine was almost sixteen years old while I was thirty-six years old. Anyway it was okay with...

4 years ago
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The Cursed Castle Chapter 4

"David, can I... can I see it?""Ask me the right way.""David, can I see your... cock? Please?"David pushed her gently back until the mattress caught her at the back of the knees and she was forced to sit down on the edge of the bed. He stepped forward a bit, bringing his crotch within easy reach of her. "Give me your hand."Arabella extended her hand and he took it, placing it on the very apparent bulge that lay under his loose-fitting pants."OH! Oh my..."He moved her hand up and down the bulge,...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Jessica Chapter Two

TWO That Saturday during dinner Tim told his parent he’d be going out to a movie and he asked Jessica if she would like to go if she wasn’t doing anything. Jessica told him she would love to. Once inside the car Jessica told him she hoped it was to a drive-in so she could suck his cock during the movie and Tim told her of course. She reached up the leg of his shorts and started getting his cock ready for her mouth. She had not been able to suck him off even once today due to their...

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Jonard Sperm Bank

I was hard up for some cash and an ad on a bulletin board at school caught my attention, men needed to donate genetic material for research purposes. Please call 754-4847 for more information. Well, I thought to myself that I could certainly spare a little genetic material, a cheek swab, or snip of skin or something, so I called the number. The woman on the phone answered, “Jonard genetic material collection center.” “Uhh, hi this is Steve Wilson, I was calling about a sign I saw on the...

1 year ago
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Best Friends ForeverChapter 4

While I waited, Mr. Knowles brought in Becky and we talked for a while. “I am so proud of you, Ricky,” Becky said to me giving me a light kiss in front of her father. “Ricky, you certainly are worth every penny I am paying you. I have never seen Mr. Minsky so gratified. You seem to be a very smart young man.” Just then, Mr. Minsky brought back in the laptop, and set it down in front of me. “There was nothing wrong with the program, you are that good! I have ramped this up to the...

1 year ago
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Horrible Gas for Tami to endure

Tami was in the elevator humming her favorite song. As she waited, another girl stepped inside. "Tami?" the girl said. "Wait, it's you Abby, isn't it?" Tami suddenly recognized Abby. She was a little bigger than Tami, but not really overweight. Her booty was slightly big in her booty shorts. Abby recognized Tami's unforgetful face, her slightly upturned nose and her long hair. "Yeah, it's me!" Abby exclaimed, smiling. Suddenly they both heard a rumbling of the elevator and then they felt it...

2 years ago
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The Apartment Part 4

“We need to fuck.” The text hit my smart phone just as I exited the Metro station. I was on my way to a meeting with government officials. Needless to say, I immediately deleted the text. While I had no reason to suspect that the NSA or anyone else was monitoring my email, I didn’t want to go to a business meeting with senior staff and take the chance that someone might see the text. The fact that I fuck is not a secret, but it’s also not something I normally discuss in that setting. And the...

Group Sex
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Danny to Danielle

DANNY TO DANIELLE Part 1 Pretending Neighborhood kids, including the girls, were playing ball in the park down the street. Their calls, shouts, and cheers were carried by the summer breeze into the shade darkened room. The room was neat and clean. Most prominent were the pictures of pretty girls from teen magazines taped all over the door, a large map of the world hanging on one wall, a double bed, two dressers, and a television in one corner. Laying on his bed was a slender...

3 years ago
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Tricked My Hot Mom And Sister For Gangbang

Hello guys. Thanks for your wonderful feedback on my previous all the stories. Those who have not read those, please read my previous stories too. So, let us begin with the story here. This is a fictional story based on real characters. This is about my conservative sister and mom going on a trip to Goa with me and my friends. Let me describe them to you. I work in Mumbai IT company for the last 5 years and live with 5 other flatmates in a 3 BHK apartment. I come from Udaipur in Rajasthan...

1 year ago
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Margies Innocence

It was just my daddy and I growing up-- my mom had died giving birth to me but daddy has always tried his hardest to be the best single parent he can be. He has taught me everything: how to ride a bike, throw a ball, tackle, and protect myself. He helped me read and count and climbs the monkey bars. For as long as I can remember my daddy has been my best friend and the person I trust the most. So when daddy said to do something, I did it. I don't even think I had a back-talking phase. I trusted...

1 year ago
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Teaching Millie Shes Hot Part II Chicas Grandes

One Friday night a few weeks later, we sat down to our weekly poker game. It was late June, and warm outside. Millie was wearing nothing but nylon panties and one of my sleeveless undershirts; it clung to her huge tits like half-transparent paint, with acres of pretty white flesh exposed at the top and sides, and she looked wonderful. I estimated I was looking at eight inches of inviting cleavage. "Uh, Jeff, my face is up here," she laughed as I dealt the first hand. "Um. Sorry," I said. "If...

4 years ago
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Denice and the Boys

It had been rough day at work and I'd been damn glad to get home, get a cold one from the fridge and park myself in front of the TV. I'd videotaped a JAG two parter and tonight was the night I was going to watch it. I went digging through the entertainment center looking for it and I mentally cursed people who were too lazy to put things back where they belonged. We had just had the carpet replaced and the carpet layers had emptied the cabinet to make it easier to move and when they had put...

2 years ago
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The Labyrinth of Destiny

I'm almost a bit embarassed to be offering this up as my first story. I've been writing stories on and off for almost as long as I've been reading them, and I have a huge backlog of half-finished stories that are a lot longer and a lot more meaningful. But since TGfiction is little more than a passing hobby of mine, my progress on them has been slow. I'm sure I'll get them all finished and submitted eventually. Until then, enjoy this bit of fluff, a story so short that I could actually...

1 year ago
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Lindsey leaves her husband and finds love

Lindsey was married to a violent wife beater and drug addict. She was only twenty years old. Her husband Tom was not that way in the beginning. He began taking drugs and it made him a Jeckle and Hyde. One night Tom punched Lindsey in her face and he broke her nose. She finally had enough and when Tom went to sleep she got dressed, took her purse and left him. She stole the keys to his car and drove into the night. Tracy drove aimlessly until the car ran out of gas. Lindsey was in the middle of...

3 years ago
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Hot and wet sister

First off all i should thank all the iss readers for giving a good response for my stories and it was so surprising to get lot of mails from both males and females. i am a regular reader of erotic stories so i thought to share my real life experience. I love all pussies and asses and milky breasts. Anu has a very slim fine figure with medium dark glowing skin, pretty face and sweet polite natured. We are from a simple middle-class traditional family. So she only wears simple salwar kurtas...

4 years ago
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A Show of RealityChapter 11

The dish above continued to alternate pops and showers of electrical sparks with a deeply disturbing humming sound, and I saw that above the platform, there was a semi-spherical shape loosely defined by the same sort of firefly-sparkles that had accompanied the earlier transformations. More disturbingly, the computer voice chose that moment to announce calmly, "Communication with the secondary dish has been lost," and then without missing a beat, "Communication with the secondary dish has...

3 years ago
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Twenty Third Century Sex Part 2

Twenty Third Century Sex – Part 2 It was a few days after the experience with Frank, after all, it was Melissa’s and Jenny’s first time as a threesome in E-sex. They both agreed that it was brilliant and that they should branch out and try some more, maybe foursomes and even orgies. Jenny had been viewing some strange entries in the E-sex listings that involved spanking. Melissa wasn’t too sure about that, not yet anyway. At the weekend, Melissa found herself in the library once more. She had...

4 years ago
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The Bad Boy

I was in-between boy friends and getting a little lonely and a lot horny. Who should I run into but Kenny. Back in grade school I had a class mate Robert who lived down the street from us. Kenny was Robert’s little brother. He was on the short side around 5’8” to my 5’11” but his muscular build more than made up for his short comings. I just loved those pecks, big arms and tight ass. Kenny looked like a bad boy with many tribal tattoos all over his arms to the wrist and on his chest a bit....

Straight Sex
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Cleaning Off By Getting Dirty

“Oh. My. GOD. You have to tell us everything!” Courtney said as I returned home wearing Mr. Chapman’s sweatpants and t-shirt looking like I had just run a marathon.“I plead the fifth,” I said, heading into my closet to change back into my PJ’s. I was excited to get a bra back on. My natural E cups had been braless for a couple hours now and those puppies needed support.“Oh, come on, you were over there for almost two hours and came back in his clothes with your hair still wet. Did you guys have...

2 years ago
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The Goblin Tribe

Lurking in the thick mountain forests of Albeon, hiding their homes in the mountains, are the goblin tribes, a menace upon the earth who cares only for themselves and their own survival. But still they are hunted, even the tribes who keep to themselves are killed for just being goblins, thus the goblins have begun to mobilize themselves to get better safety, keeping the majority of their people in caves and just a small group at villages they keep the majority of their kin safe. Among one of...

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Sudden Abduction0

Tessa woke after a long night of games with her friend Derek. As always, she beat him by a landslide in every game they played before he retired for the night. She woke up early to prepare for work at the local pet shop. She yawned and got out of bed quickly and went to the bathroom. Looking at herself in the mirror she wondered what about her made her unable to tell Derek that she enjoyed his presence. Every time she tried she just couldn't get the words out of her mouth. He was moderately...

4 years ago
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Boyfriend Ke Saath Masti

Hi doston main apka Deeak Kumar fir se hazir hun ek naye anubhav ke sath meri 1st story apne padhi aur mujhe mails bhi kiye uske liye thank you aj main apni ek friend ka anubhav apse share karne ja raha hun. Ye uski real story hai jo usane mujhe batayi aur mere kahne par who ise apse share karne ko taiyar hui. Ab main apka jyada smay kharab na karte hue seedhe story par aata hun. Meri friend ka naam Simran hai and she is from jaipur age ki story Simran ki jubani. Ye story aj se 1 saal pahle ki...

4 years ago
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Dani and Danny Part 1

Danny and Dani shared the second story of their home. During the school year Danny had the whole floor to himself. His and Dani’s rooms were connected by a Jack and Jill bath. Each had a lavatory in their rooms with doors connecting to the bath with tub, shower and toilet. While Danielle was away at school, Danny had the floor to himself and would frequently walk around nude.. Danny was building muscles and was turning into quite a good looking young man. At his age, his hormones...

3 years ago
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Feeling My Sonrsquos Cock

Widowed for fifteen years I had no sexually desire what so ever until I felt my sons cock pushing in to my bum one night. It all came about when he took me to a relative’s funeral 300 miles away and the car broke down. The garage was unable to fix it until the next day so the only option was to find somewhere to stay for the night. That was easer said than done with the only hotel in the village having only three bedrooms and two of them were taken.I looked at my 30-year-old son “I don’t mine...

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life changed that day

One night when gill was at work & her sisters were outZoe did same as usual & had a shower & went to bed early ready for school next day! After a while i decided to go for Shower got all my stuff ready & got into shower (i spend ages in shower relaxing etc! “I standing there eye’s closed letting the hot water just run off my head & down over my face, body etc!” “Wow i knew you were big Paul but WoW!”Opening my eyes to find Zoe stood in bathroom staring at me & my shaven...

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Laura Masturbates 5

From PL:Laura is an online friend of mine. She occasionally sends me a hot e-mail (or series of), which I clean up some and put into story format. Here's her latest, due to a lack of time it's not quite as cleaned up as some of the past ones but I think you'll enjoy anyway.Laura's Story: - Fun with SteveI've had some really hot experiences lately, let me tell you about one that's making me horny right now. I think I mentioned before my neighbor Steve, the gay guy. Steve is in his late...

2 years ago
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Kates Last Day

Kate had decided she had enough. She never got her wish for eternal youth. And now at 27, she’s done with it. It’s getting less and less likely she’ll ever have a family, she can’t party hard like her younger flatmates anymore and she’s worried about how her looks might start fading. Today was the day, she was finally going to do it. See, Kate always fantasised about death, and how to do it. When she imagined what it might be like, to die in ecstasy, she felt butterflies build up in her lower...

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