A Thousand Bucks Ch. 05 free porn video

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You should read the previous chapters to better understand what has been happening. A big thank you to Estragon for editing this story and making it a much better read.

Chapter 5, The Conclusion

Everyone was checking into the motel for Bill and Shauna’s wedding. So far everything was going good. Bill and his younger brother went to check in a few of the relatives. Jen told me later that Bill’s brother was something of a flirt. She told me that he and Bill came in, and he introduced her as Jan, a good friend.

Then Allen started with the moves. ‘Hi Darlin’, are you going to be at the wedding? Maybe we can get together later.’ She said he was laying it on pretty thick and she was smiling and Bill was laughing.

‘What’s up Bill, she’s a fox?’ said Allen.

‘She’s also Jarrod’s squeeze and if you don’t stop trying to put the make on her he’ll kick the shit out of you. She’s hands-off territory.’

‘I’m sorry Jen, I didn’t know. Maybe we can have a dance at the wedding,’ replied Allen. His demeanor changed drastically.

‘That would be nice. It was nice meeting you.’ Jen gave them the keys to the rooms they would be using.

I met most of Bill’s relatives for the first time. Many had said they had all but written Bill off, but he sure changed his life around. I give a lot of the credit to a good woman and Shauna was just that. She understood him, kind of like Jen understands me. His uncle Andy did come to the wedding with his wife and two married daughters with their husbands.

Shauna’s family I met for the first time. At first they were against her not continuing regular teaching as a substitute teacher. She told them she was doing the kids just as much good showing them how to exercise and keep in shape. They said they would stand behind her in her decisions. She came from a good family.

The wedding was nice. The bridesmaids all looked beautiful but one in particular. I couldn’t keep my eyes off of Jen. Shauna looked gorgeous in her white gown. It was the first time I ever saw a tear in Bill’s eyes.

All I could think of during the ceremony was asking Jen to marry me. I pictured us up there instead of Shauna and Bill. I had to wonder what Jen was thinking at the time. After the ceremony we moved the chairs around the tables for the buffet dinners and to open up the floor for dancing.

Jen pulled me aside and asked me if I attended many weddings. I told her I’ve never been to one. ‘I just want you to know that during some of the dances we’ll be asked to dance with the person we were paired up with. You’ll be dancing with Gloria, Shauna’s sister, since she’s the maid of honor and I will be dancing with Allen. It will only be for a few dances. I just wanted to give you a heads-up.’

She knew I had a jealous streak that I believe I got from having sex with so many married women. I have always said I would never do that to the woman I loved.

The reception went as expected and was nice. Gloria was a good looking woman also. She was very easy on the eyes. I thought I saw a bit of jealousy on Jen’s face when I danced with Gloria. I asked her about it later and she said, ‘Maybe just a little.’ We both laughed.

Allen was a gentleman while dancing with Jen and so was everyone else who asked her to dance. They played some line dancing songs and it was fun watching Jen and Shauna, they sure could dance. They did grab me and Bill and I tried but knew I was out of step.

At most large weddings, the bride and groom open their presents the next day. I asked them to make one exception and open the gift from Jen and me. It was in a manila folder. Bill stood up and everyone was quiet as he opened the gift.

‘Dude, you paid off my loan for the gym!’ yelled out Bill. ‘I don’t owe anything on my half of the business.’ The guests didn’t know but Bill owed approximately two hundred and fifty thousand dollars. Everyone clapped and was happy for him.

I stood up, ‘Bill, you need to read a little bit farther. You are now the sole owner of the exercise business and gym. I thought your friends and relatives would like to know they are in your building.’

‘Why Jarrod, why would you do this?’ Bill and Shauna both had tears in their eyes.’

‘You’re my best friend ever and it was you and Shauna that made this business a success. I talked it over with Jen and we both agreed that it should be your business.’ Everyone clapped and Bill came over and gave me a big hug.

‘Best friends forever,’ he told me. He also said that Jen, me and Jerry had free lifetime memberships.

Most people had no idea what the business was worth but it would set Bill and Shauna up for life. Of course they would have to keep the business up.

Jen had tears in her eyes. It was a lot of money that I just gave away but she didn’t care. She was one special woman. That night I moved Jerry’s crib into the living room and made love to Jen. There wasn’t a spot on her body that I didn’t kiss, suck on or lick.

I even took a Viagra to make sure we did it all night long. She even gave me oral sex for the first time. She was only able to get the head of my cock in her mouth but it was hot. When I took her from behind I did put a finger in her ass. She said it felt different but would prefer me not to attempt anything bigger. I did spank her ass a few times and she did like that.

We went over the next day to see Bill and Shauna open their gifts. Bill’s parents gave them tickets for a seven-day cruise which could be used any time within a year. They told us they were thinking of going in August, which was a few months away and asked us if we wanted to go with them, it was going to be their honeymoon.

Of course any cruise they took had to have openings. It was on a first-come, first-served basis. We asked them to give us time to think about it. That would be another pretty big step for us.


Other than working out at the gym I helped Jen a lot at the motel. It gave her more free time to do the bookkeeping and gave us our evenings together. I stayed over at her place maybe one night a week. I usually went to my apartment after having dinner and watching TV together.

Jen was always up early to open the motel for those leaving in the mornings. I always slept in. One evening Jen went with me to the gym and asked Shauna what was the best way to protect herself. Shauna taught a course at the gym showing women how to protect themselves against an attacker.

She took Shauna’s course. We hoped she would never have to use it but was good information to know. A month had gone by and Bill told us that they ordered their cruise tickets. The travel agent said if we wanted to go they would see what they could do. There were still some openings.

Jen and I started talking about marriage. She asked, where would we live? We needed to be near the business. She said even though I had money she needed to work and be able to fend for herself. I came to the conclusion it was just part of her make-up that I loved so much.

She constantly improved the business. You could see the woman’s touch everywhere. We were booked up most every night. One night she asked about adding another dozen rooms onto the motel. The lot next door was an old gas station that had closed up since they couldn’t afford the updates the government imposed and had to dig out their old gas tanks. It was kind of an eyesore.

Next to them was two empty lots where houses once stood. I got hold of the real estate people and made an offer on the properties. It was accepted. I contacted the contractors and Jen told them what she wanted and they said they could have the additions done in a few months. We bought the property and were adding the extension. I also bought the empty lots next to the old gas station. I had an idea to suggest to Jen.

We went out with Bill and Shauna to his uncle’s bar again. This time we were greeted by Scott, the new manager, with our first
round of drinks on the house. The dancing began and the girls were fun to watch. I had bought a ring and was going to pop the question.

I walked over to the DJ and asked to use his Mic. ‘Jenny, would you please come up to the stage?’ She knew what was going on. I could never pull much on her.

‘I know we have both evaded the question but I want you in my life, always. Will you marry me?’

Her old girlfriends were chanting Mr. Right over and over. She was smiling at them knowing that she had told them she was waiting for Mr. Right. What seemed like minutes but was only seconds, she said, ‘Yes!’

Everyone cheered and applauded. I put the ring on her finger. Something wasn’t quite right. I could feel it. After we went back to our table everyone stopped and wished us the best of luck.

When we got home I asked Jen what was the matter. I could read her like she could me. ‘We need to talk about getting married. I didn’t want to embarrass you at the lounge but we need to talk.’

‘Ok, I’m listening,’ I said. I wasn’t sure what all was bothering her.

‘First off, I want a pre-nuptial agreement. I don’t want anyone thinking that I married you for your money.’ I had to shake my head.

‘Next is Jerry. You know he comes first in my life and I need to know that you love him. Then of course we have to talk about where we’ll live and how our relationship will be with the motel.’

‘Anything else before I answer these questions for you? I want it all out there so there won’t be any surprises.’

‘Jarrod, I love you and have from almost the time I met you. I know you’ve been with a lot of women and I’m worried you will tire of me.’

‘Ok, I’ll answer these in no particular order. I love you, you know that. I don’t know any other ways to prove it to you. Yes, I’ve been with a lot of women but I’ve only fallen in love with one. You are just going to have to trust me here. It’s only you who I ever loved.

‘The pre-nuptial agreement, you can write it up anyway you want and I’ll sign it. As for Jerry, I love the little kid. Did I tell you he called me dada? I want to adopt him and be his real daddy. There is no name listing a father on his birth certificate so there shouldn’t be a problem.

‘Finally, I bought the two lots on the other side of the gas station and I figure we can build a home there. You can get with the contractors and build the home you want. Oh! The motel, I figured I would take your advice and incorporate. We’ll put it in both our names and we’ll both draw a salary. Do you have a problem with that?’

‘No, none at all. I love you Jarrod, more than anyone beside Jerry.’ She smiled.

‘Now, I have a request.’ I said.

‘What is it Jarrod? There nothing I wouldn’t do for you.’

‘I want to buy you a new car. I’m tired of you driving my future son around in that old car. I don’t think it’s safe anymore.’

She leaned over and kissed me very passionately and said, ‘It’s a deal.’ We went a bought a new car for her the following week.

We decided to get married in two weeks. We would have a very quiet and simple wedding. We got married in a little church with a few of our closest friends. We didn’t have a family to speak of. Jen did wear a white gown and looked beautiful. Mildred was there as well as Harold and Emma who came up from Florida to be with us.

People that worked for us as well as Jen’s old friends from the bar all showed up. Al had George, our night guy, work at the motel so he and Mary could attend our wedding.

It was Harold who walked a beautiful Jen down the aisle. We only had Shauna and Bill stand up for us. Mildred held Jerry during the service. We rented a banquet room and had a wonderful dinner. Our gift from Bill and Shauna was two tickets for their cruise. Bill said, ‘We knew you would go so we booked the cruise but we didn’t know we would both be going on our honeymoon.’

Al said he would run the motel while we were away and Mary promised to take care of Jerry. We would be leaving in a week.

Since we started our first remodeling other stores in the area were doing the same. The area was becoming much safer. Jen got with the contractors and showed them what she wanted. She could have had a mansion but settled for a nice house with all the rooms on one floor.

I did ask for a pool and a hot tub, and the best security system available. The contractors promised to have it done by Christmas. Till then we still had our apartments but always slept together.


The cruise was really nice. We spent time with Bill and Shauna and also time on our own. A night didn’t go by that we didn’t make love. On the first night of our cruise we got a surprise from Shauna. She told us she was with child. Bill beamed from ear to ear. She hardly showed but you could see a little bump when she was in her bathing suit.

One day while I was working out in the weight room on ship, Jen went to the sauna. When she got back she said we needed to talk. I knew she was serious. ‘Ok, what happened?’

‘Some asshole grabbed my ass while I was in the sauna. There were about six people in it and when the other two couples left he reached out and grabbed my ass.’

‘I want you to point him out to me.’

‘Jarrod, I took care of it. I did what Shauna showed me and hit him hard in the ribs with my elbow and then kneed him where it really counts. Please don’t get in trouble over this. I just told you because I promised to always be honest with you.’

I hugged her but didn’t make any promises. If I found the jerk, he would pay. That evening the four of us went dancing. I was doing my best to line dance. I did see Jen look up at a guy and quickly turn away. Something told me he was the asshole I needed to talk to.

It looked like he was nursing a possible sore rib by the way he was holding his arm. After seeing Jen I noticed he headed out the door and out to the outer deck. I mentioned to Jen that I had to many beers and had to take a leak. I gave her a kiss and went to see the asshole.

He was standing at the rail when I approached him. ‘Looks like you have a sore rib. Did you fall down or something?’

‘I don’t think it’s any of your fucking business.’

‘That was the wrong thing to say, friend. You just gave yourself away.’ I hit him hard in the kidney. ‘I should break your hands seeing you don’t know how to keep them to yourself.’ I hit him again, this time in the stomach and had to hold him up to keep him from falling.

‘Please don’t hit me again. I’m sorry, I promise to stay away from your woman. Look I have a wife on board. We had an argument and I had too much to drink and didn’t know what I was doing. I’m sorry.’

About that time I turned around and there was Jen. ‘Jarrod, please come back inside. There’s been enough trouble. Come dance with me?’

I knew she was right and the guy was really hurting. I let go of his throat and turned around to go back in when all of a sudden Jen hauled off and slapped the guy so hard across the face his teeth had to rattle. ‘Explain that bruise to your wife, you bastard,’ said Jen. ‘Next time I won’t be so forgiving.’

I was proud of my wife. She wanted to again prove to me that she could take care of herself.

That night when we made love and she told me she stopped taking birth control pills when we got married. I knew she wanted to have a baby with me. I loved it when I lay on my back and she would ride me like she was riding a bronco. I loved seeing her juices running down my cock. I can’t tell you how many times I came in her that week.


It was now three months later and she just got back from the doctors office. ‘Jarrod, what do you want to name our little girl? You have six months to decide.’

‘Can we name her Victoria, after my mother?’

Jen had tears in her eyes when she said, ‘Victoria it is.’

Our motel renovation was done. It looked great. We had to hire another cl
eaning lady since all the extra rooms were added. The contractors told us it would be two more months before our house was completely finished. We would then have two more suites to rent out.

I know that I had a rough beginning in life. I had no idea where I would end up. Even with all the money I inherited I was still a bastard. It all changed that one day when a beautiful woman came into the restaurant and asked me to have sex with her and I refused.

I don’t know why I just didn’t fuck her and give her the thousand bucks. It wasn’t that I couldn’t afford it. My life changed that day. Of all the ways to find the woman I wanted to be with the rest of my life, this had to be the weirdest.

It’s been five years since the wedding. We now have two daughters and Jerry watches over them. I did adopt him and he is my son. We live in the house that I call, ‘the house that Jen built’. I work at the motel daily and Jen comes over with the kids. Jerry is the only one in school so far.

We see Bill and Shauna regularly. They now have two sons. We try and get together and go out when we can. Their business is booming and they are doing great.

For two guys that nobody wanted, one with a wife who was raised in foster homes, we are doing pretty darn good.

I have to chalk it all up to finding the woman who was waiting for Mr. Right. Life sure could be strange at times. Mark the bartender who fired Jen was found beaten up in an alley near a bar. Some one did break his arm. I told Jen I had nothing to do with it. She believes me.


Thank you for reading my story

Comments are welcome and appreciated

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Stories from my youth Chapter 3 Carol

I was feeling down for quite a few weeks after Janice gave me the shove. I may even have been depressed but being a country lad in those days I didn’t even know what depression was. In the country, there was only happy and sad. If you were happy then that was fine. If you were sad you spent time alone, focused on work and you recovered and of course, in time I recovered.As I came out of the darkness that I was engulfed in it suddenly occurred to me that I had told Carol that I would introduce...

Love Stories
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Fairly CAPableChapter 24 Modded

“I’m not complaining – far from it – but why’d you remove the scars?” Sophia asked as they walked along, their time at the med-tubes done. She was fingering the collar around her neck absently. She’d been surprised to be wearing it when she came out of the med-tubes but the medic had explained it was standard. It allowed her to communicate with the AI, among other things. Evidently, Calix hadn’t known about it – because he’d never mentioned it. Truthfully, she probably should have figured it...

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horny big cock rich daddy

If mommy new she would not believe it the big suv dropping me home after ''work'', my belly full of cum my little as in string keeping a plug in place, cum dripping walking homewalking out knowing tomorrow i will be back in his office , under the desk worshipping his 9inch black cock has he finish his work, like im doing now after school for the last week , trying to convince me money in my wallet is what makes me go back there after schoolhis word repeating in my headwondering if a ass could...

2 years ago
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The Voyeur Girl and the Vibrator

From my bedroom in my two-story house, I could see into the window of Lucy’s first-floor bedroom. Translucent white curtains poorly guarded her window. The curtains were so thin that they were practically transparent whenever Lucy had on the lights in her bedroom. I doubt she was aware of how impractical and useless the curtains were. Through her window, visible from my room, was her computer chair. Whenever she sat in this chair, as long as it was dark outside, I could see her entire body...

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A Strange Night

David was fed up with everything. He was nearly nineteen and still living with his parents and he hated the restrictions they put upon him guided by their religious beliefs. He hated living in a small town in the middle of Wales and what was more, he really hated his boring job stocking shelves in a small supermarket for minimum wage.He knew he had to get away from his parents, his boring small town and his unadventurous life. With that in mind, he had decided to take the little money he had...

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Taken by his employers

A couple of months back my husband was due to go out into town with his 2 bosses, a father and son firm he had worked with for about 5 years. Both father and son were certainly not my idea of attractive, both skinny and obviously not sun worshippers like myself judging by their pale pink complexions. On the night I was feeling a little horny myself and was looking forward to him coming home and satisfying my desires, hence I dressed accordingly, black pull ups, short skirt, lacey black knocks...

Cheating Wifes
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Finallyfantasy of mines

(I wrote this almost a yr ago, for a really good friend).I sat on the edge of the bed, nervous, rubbing my sweaty palms back and forth over the comforter. We been texting, im'ing for over a year and I know him but I can't stop the fear from slowly gripping my limbs, wrapping round my heart and squeezing. I have texted others, met others but they did not call to that wild thing inside of me, that's been trying to claw free. It saw them as weak, not worthy of all that I had to offer. it needed...

4 years ago
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Sorcerer the Inner CircleChapter 13

BOB (Saturday 12/3) Oh my God, she was so wonderful! She'd managed to pull out some of the bad things I'd done and had managed to make me feel really okay about them. No shit, Sherlock, there's no way I could keep anything from her. She told me, "Here, drink some water and eat one of these protein bars. You've gotta get your strength up for all the things I'm gonna make you do later." She asked quietly, "Bob, we really haven't done much of anything together since the first Friday...

3 years ago
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The Unspeakable Parts 1 2 3

Anyway, last Friday while I was at work, my brother had been over helping my husband lay some new pavers in the backyard. Not that I knew that at the time; they’d arranged it last minute. When I got home, I put a couple of bottles of wine in the fridge and noticed there was a pile of beer already in there. There was a big box of Thai takeaway on the counter too. More than we’d normally eat. But I didn’t put two and two together. When I went down to the bedroom to get out of my work–clothes, I...

3 years ago
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Supermarket Heart Attack

Chapter 1 It all started on a warm day in late May, 1980. I was on my way home from work. As I drove past the supermarket I realized I needed to buy a few groceries. I made a quick turn down the side street and then into the parking lot in front of the market. I got out of the car and locked it before entering the market. It was not too crowded, for which I was thankful. Thursday afternoons were rarely big days at this particular market. I hated shopping. I lived alone and had no choice, but...

1 year ago
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A storytribute to Susie

This story is fiction. Some people like to do tribute photos, where they cum across a photo of someone’s face. This is a story tribute to Susie, aka soeager2, an xHamster user I really want to fuck.I wasn’t sure what to expect when I got an e-mail about my boss needing to see me in his office later that afternoon. I hadn’t committed any real transgressions and I’m one of the more productive workers in the office, so I didn’t think I was going to be terminated. My mind wandered to anywhere but...

2 years ago
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Let It SnowChapter 2

“So, when you were all hot and bothered, talking about being a willing sexual plaything for so many of us, I know that the talk excited you, but as you yourself noted, there would have to be practical limits. Even if you were deadly serious about being on hand to meet people’s sexual wants and needs on demand, there would be major, if mundane constraints on your ability to perform as you suggested, much as I wish that it were practical,” I noted regarding Vicki’s loose talk of being a “family...

2 years ago
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Lesbian Vampire Lust

First Letter, dated 12 February 18-- From Emily M-------d To Lady Cassandra B---------n My dearest Cassandra, I fear it is over a week since I last put pen to paper, and indeed I cannot tell when you will receive this letter, if it reaches you at all (given the unreliable nature of the post in this benighted corner of Europe). However, I know you will wish to hear of the events of this particular evening. I arrived earlier today at the remote and simple inn from which I now write. Situated deep...

3 years ago
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Normalcy Is Harder Than It LooksChapter 20 Exposure

The next morning we got an early start. Everyone was very concerned about me, and they fixed a large breakfast, but they also didn't want to focus too much attention on what was already obvious. I knew what last night represented as well as anyone, and I think they all knew I'd internalize it, which would only increase the pressures on me and likewise increase my own tensions. Melissa asked if she could come along and watch what we did, and I didn't feel we could deny her after what we'd...

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Maggies Farm

The day I decided to break out of my usual routine and take a little journey changed my life in a most extraordinary way. It was October and the leaves were at their peak of color when this strange feeling came over me. I looked at the red and orange leaves on the trees falling to the ground and suddenly started thinking about getting older and closer to death. Am I like those leaves fluttering to the ground? I’m still not sure what came over me as I watched the colorful leaves falling. I...

Straight Sex
4 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 156

These are compliments of a friend of J & G. Two guys are walking through the woods and come across this big deep hole. “Wow ... that looks deep!” “Sure does ... toss a few pebbles in there and see how deep it is”. They pick up a few pebbles and throw them in and wait ... no noise. “Jeeeeesus. That is REALLY deep ... here ... throw one of these great big rocks down there. Those should make a noise”. They pick up a couple football-sized rocks and toss them into the hole and wait ......

3 years ago
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Fuck WeedChapter 9 Going Lesbian

He was usually pretty punctual, but Chase woke up to an insatiably horny wife who wouldn't let him out of the house until he'd fucked her three times. Once in bed, once in the shower, and once in the kitchen after that. He managed to get out of the house only after suggesting she light up some Sinemilla. Mindy was insatiable, and it made Chase wonder what would happen while he was at work. Chase dragged himself into the office, late. A fact not missed by his boss Kymberly. Kym was not only...

3 years ago
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It Started in Drivers Ed Class

For Tim, it was love at first sight. Ok, maybe not love, but it most certainly was lust at first sight. He met Sandy at an Independence Day (4th of July) party at the house of a mutual friend. There was absolutely nothing about the tall, thin brunette that he didn't like. Wearing blue checked shorts and a cropped top that left her toned abdomen exposed to the sun and his gaze, she enthralled him from the beginning. The only difficulty is that she was shy. Painfully shy. She did nothing to...

1 year ago
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Звонок на мой сотовый застал меня на кухне, за поглощением мороженого.-Танюш, мне сегодня придется уехать. Срочная командировка. Хочешь со мной?Если он надеялся что я откажусь, то сильно ошибался.-Конечно, любимый!Андрей хмыкнул.-Я пошутил. Еду в город N. Если сегодня всё пройдёт удачно, завтра же буду дома.-Когда едешь?-Сразу после обеда. Я заскочу домой, а ты, милая, собери мне сумку в дорогу. Провожать не надо, за мной заедет служебная машина.-А почему не хочешь взять меня с собой?-Да ладно,...

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Helping my girlfriend get some release

To start with I will give you some background on my girlfriend and myself. She is 21, about 5’2’’, 115, with blonde-brown hair just past her shoulders, gorgeous hazel eyes, a round little ass and a slender waist. I’m more than a foot taller than her, and I think that’s enough on me for now. Anyway, it had been almost a week since we had even fooled around and I had been jacking off regularly while she was busy with work 24/7. Finally tonight she finished work for the night around 11:00,...

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The Visit Part 1

The house was quiet now as I walked slowly up the stairs. I had never lived in this house with my wife before our divorce some years ago and it was untidy. The only reason I was here now was due to the hotel messing up my booking. I was in the city to visit my daughters Kim and Mary who were both teenagers now but the hotel had double booked my room and was now full. And being in the city which was not my home town I needed somewhere to stay for the two nights I was in town. And because...

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My Little VentrueChapter 39

~~One Week Later~~ ~~Jack~~ “Second fire this week,” he said. Amanda knelt down, and ran her fingers through the ashes. “Poor Barry.” The two of them stood on the street corner, and stared at the destroyed apartment building. The edge of South Side, closer to North Side. Not far from the Uratha and the building Garry gave them, and touching Carthian territory too. “First fire didn’t get a Kindred though.” The Mekhet shrugged and dusted her gloves free of ash. “Yeah, but Monica used to...

3 years ago
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Karen wird manipuliert

Ich war schon über eine Stunde von der Arbeit zu Hause, als meine Frau Karen nach Hause kam. "Schatz, ich möchte, dass du jemanden triffst", rief sie. Als ich ins Wohnzimmer schlenderte, bekam ich den Schock meines Lebens, als Karen mir ihre neue Freundin vorstellte. "Das ist Jan, wir haben uns im Fitnessstudio getroffen. Jan, das ist mein Ehemann Steve. Jan ist gerade aus New York gekommen." "Karen hat mir viel über dich erzählt, ich freue mich, dich endlich zu treffen." Aber ich war mehr als...

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Minerva Ch 09 of 10

For the rest of that day, nothing happened, well nothing of significance anyway. Except maybe, that I had apparently become, Lady Tanya’s close companion. Or rather, being the only… non-professionals around, we seemed to spend all of our time together. Lady T insisted that I escorted her almost everywhere. Walking stick in one hand, she hung onto my arm like grim death with the other. Mind you, we were both worried about what had become of Minerva for personal, not professional reasons. I...

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TouchMyWife Kate Dee Wife Removes Condom On BBC

We talked about it forever now and finally the big day is here. I’m letting my wife Kate fuck another man and a hung black guy to boot. Her pussy is already wet as she gets ready for him to arrive… so hot! She is going to use a condom, we’re freaky but not crazy or anything. She feels up the stud over his pants and is already super impressed with what he is packing. He starts sucking on my wife’s ample tits and then she pulls out his cock for another shock to her system....

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"Come on up to bed, honey." "I will. Just a few more minutes." "You always say that you know, and then hours later you finally come up." "I know, I know. Just a few more things to take care of, then I'll be up. I promise." "Okay," she sighed. "But if you come up in the next fifteen minutes I'll make it worth your whiiile," Sheila sing-songed then barked, "After that you're on your own, bub." Finally I had some peace and quiet and could devote at least a few...

2 years ago
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The Competitive Edge Playing The Game IIIChapter 21 Posturing and Assaults

I know, I know, you don't have to remind me. I'm a dickhead, I'm an asshole, I'm about as stupid and immature as a guy can be. Heard it all before, I'll have to hear it all again before I die. It doesn't have to make sense; it just is. After the implosion of our season, we all cleaned out our lockers. We would be back in February to prepare for spring soccer camps, but until then we had about two months to recuperate. We needed it. After our last game, the debacle against Clemson, I...

4 years ago
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Cassies LoveChapter 11

Margie wasn’t quite prepared for Hurricane Von Greiner as Cassie and Hector parked and the whole family stampeded to welcome them back ... the very day after they had left to take Cassie off to school. In just a day or two, max, depending on how you counted it, they went from college freshmen trying to claim a spot in the dorms to orphans to a billionaire and his three wives. The twins were still in some level of shock, as were their kith and kin, to put it mildly. “Everything was so great...

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Becoming a BBW camwhore

As time went on, I could only get off having strangers watch me, my pussy ached for it. Having so many men telling me to go further than I normally would, breaking my limits. Eventually I decided I would join a sexcam website, it was the only thing I knew would still get me off. It made my pussy soaking wet just signing up. I went and put on some black lace lingerie, high heels, heavy eye makeup, with bright red lipstick. Looking and feeling like such a whore, I pulled out my sex toys and laid...

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Adventures of Me and Martha JaneChapter 2A

I believe that Martha Jane, like me, was mostly curious at first. And it seems that my surprise and delight at our intimacy was matched only by her own surprise and delight at my enthusiasm and cooperation. But we never mentioned our secret to each other when she visited my Mom, nor when we greeted on the front porch on our way to school in the mornings that followed. Several weeks later, a few days after Christmas, the city was inundated by a heavy winter snow--something Southern cities...

2 years ago
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The Seduction of Alexis

Jacob ran through the lush forest surrounding his home. He was angry and needed to work off some aggression. That damn Bella! He was finally coming to the knowledge of just how much of a tease she was. He could not understand how she thought it was alright to play with his heart, while Edward was in one of his usual depressing “woe is me” moods. The anger traveling through his large body only made his temperature sky rocket. He was burning up. Dressing only in cut off shorts, he phased into...

1 year ago
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Tarzan Jane Kissogram

I got a phone call from my agency asking me if i wanted a kissogram job this coming Friday night, it was to be a double job with a guy and we were supposed to be Tarzan & Jane. I rang my boyfriend who told be to go for it so I rang them back to say I would do it. I was working till 9 on Friday and we were booked at a local working men's club for 9.30 so they arranged for the guy that was to be Tarzan to pick me up from work and bring my costume.Friday came and I left work and was collected...

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