Forbidden Ch. 02 free porn video

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Dear Reader, Thank you for taking the time to read chapter Two of forbidden, and if you read the first one and left me comments! Big hug and lots of kisses xxx

Even though, every precaution has been taken to make sure the historical side to the story is accurate, there are no doubt some areas that can be disputed. However, I must stress, and i don’t mean to be rude, this is a romance novel! I am human, i do make mistakes, and I’m not some, historical buff that lives in the past researching every tiny little detail.

But in the same sense! I will try my best in the future to provide as much accuracy as i can, and in doing so, i would like to ask that you as a reader, see past those mistakes, and focus your attention on the real reason you are reading this story… the romance!.

– Amber Maynard.



Despite the weight and the warmth from the heavy cotton draped about her shoulders, she still shook. Not from the cold, or what she had presumed was the cold to begin with, but with fear. She was slowly starting to realize how little she had in this world. Not that she had expected her step mother and step sister to change the habit of a lifetime and suddenly start caring. But she hadn’t expected them to give up on her so easily. She felt sick to the stomach when it truly sank in that anything could have happened to her, and they just wouldn’t care. Their complete disregard for someone’s life, for family was shocking.

She tried not to wallow on the pain of knowing her step mother and step sister would do anything to save themselves, rather than being selfless to protect others. But there was much more frightening things to think about…Like the Vikings who were slowly starting to pour into the room from the outside. They were all very large men with what looked to be fine strong blood lines. It was something she admired. She probably admired it the most because her father would insist that she spend her time around the most pompous of men. Half of them hadn’t known the feeling of a hard day’s work, and their hands were even softer than hers.

The Vikings though, be as they may the enemy, looked weathered and strong. She remembered the feel of Ivar’s hands, his palm was rough and his fingers calloused. She had felt like she weighed nothing more than just a feather when he had dragged her along. The scary part about that was, he is the slimmest man among these men. It terrified her to think of what they were capable of. They could grind her bones with their mere hands.

She watched them cautiously from where she sat. Mostly because she was interested in the people most feared by her own… and because she preferred focusing her attentions upon them right now. Rather than the two women who sat to her right, her supposed family. A family that was broken in so many ways that it had become a disfigured blur in her memory.

Their accents were thick, so understanding them completely when they talked so fast wasn’t easy. What she had observed was that most of them were distracted. Their attentions were turned upon each other, rather than Harriot. She knew that planning an escape, between her, her mother and her sister was practically useless. They weren’t brave enough to make a run for it. But the bigger question for Harriot, was would she be able to? There was no judging what the Viking was capable of if she should try to escape him again. It was true that he had been quite nice to her so far, but she didn’t trust him. Something told her there was more to this person than what meets the eye. He was the enemy after all, a handsome and intriguing enemy, but an enemy no less.

Harriot leaned forward and fidgeted a little. No one noticed. So instead she tried stretching. She spread her arms a little, still no one noticed. They really were engrossed in everything that they were doing. If she was going to attempt escape, she knew now might be her only opportunity to do so. Nevertheless that didn’t stop the flip her stomach did at the thought. She must be crazy, really crazy. She closed her eyes firmly as she started to stand.

It was as though her sister’s discomfort vibrated through the air around them. Still she took her first step in the direction of the door, and then another. She opened her eyes and it felt as though everything around her had slowed until she could miss no detail or movement. Her heart throbbed so hard against her chest as she sucked a breath into her lungs. The room was dimly lit by candles, their yellow glow flickered along the bare walls… Walls that were covered once with beautiful bright wall hangings, and luxurious curtains.

‘And where is it you think you are going?’

His voice would forever haunt her memories. It was deep and one of a kind. It instantly sent a wave of chills running through her spine, and she turned slowly to face him with quite a bit of reluctance. She had been caught.

‘Your men are hungry and thirsty. I was merely going to serve some food and mead to distract you all from killing me for a little while longer.’

She set her shoulders as though she was insulted by his remark. Then, she looked up into his eyes with as much genuine sincerity as she could offer. She surprised herself, because she hadn’t put a single thought into what she would say if she was caught. Which was quite stupid really, considering she never believed she would get out of this room unnoticed. But she did have doubts on whether he believed what she had said or not.

He seemed doubtful, and looked as though he was about to make her sit back down, but he didn’t. Instead he swiveled on his heels and pointed to one of his men before he turned back to face Harriot.

‘He goes with you.’

It was clear from the look on his face that the terms were not open to negotiation. So she nodded to him and carried on making her way towards the kitchen. The guy Ivar had chosen to go with her was probably three times Harriot in size. His sheer size and presence could dominate almost any room. Looking up at him made her giddy. He had great big black eyes, and hair as long as hers. His lips were pulled taut into one sweeping line across his face. His whole demeanor was so much different from Ivar’s. He didn’t look like he was capable of much sympathy. If her father had caused these men enough trouble, that they would go out of their own way to find him and use his family for ransom. She was pretty sure he saw her as the enemy too.

She couldn’t exactly blame them for treating her that way. All she could say is that she had no choice over what family she was born into, or other people’s actions. She was not like them. She liked to believe she was not heartless or insensitive to the people around her. She cared for the little things she couldn’t expect them to know that though. She wasn’t even sure why she cared what people thought. These men would either become a blur in her memory, or the very last memory she would have.

She was conscious of the room around her. Everyone was watching her as she moved. They were all probably wondering why Ivar was being so nice to her, in fact she was too. It felt surreal.

Harriot could hardly breathe as she stalked along the walls of the corridor. She held the heavy material of the cloak away from the ground, hoping to avoid snagging it on any corners as she moved. It was miles too big for her, in both length and quantity of material. But she had not considered making her escape without it. It could hinder her if she needed to move fast. Overall that was a risk she was willing to take in order to protect her modesty a little, and to stay warm. She had wound her hands in the course material of the cloak so hard, they burned. She was nervous, and scared of how little control she had over her own life right now.

His sharp blue eyes were burned into her memory. It was easy to tell he had been born with a gift. Not only because he was beautiful, but because behind those bright blue eyes was anticip
ation. He didn’t look at you, but through you, and that’s what scared Harriot the most. She just had this horrible feeling when he looked at her. It was as though against her will, he could see straight through to her soul.

But enough of that…she had to concentrate on what she was doing or she would very likely make a mistake. There was no room for that. This could very well end up being her only option, and if it was she wasn’t going to waste it.

She pushed at the heavy wooden door that separated the kitchen and hallway from a small room where a door to the outside rested against rusty hinges. It creaked and scraped against the course fine dusting of straw and always made her cringe. But she was convinced no one so far was onto her. The man Ivar had sent to keep an eye on her was consumed with the mead she had offered to him and the rest of the men. It had been too heavy for her to carry, and he had surprised her when he had offered to help. In doing so, he had played into her plan, and had given her the chance she needed to escape.

She made a break for the door as she heard someone re-enter the kitchen. She assumed it was the Viking returning for the next batch of mead to hand out. She knew it wasn’t when she heard Ivar’s hiss of frustration. She risked a glance at him as she ran out into the garden. His face was contorted with barely contained anger and she couldn’t really say she blamed him for being angry. She had probably caused him more trouble than the worth of it.

He came after her, and she knew if he caught hold of her she was either dead, or would suffer for abusing his trust. Let’s be fair though, who would trust someone you just captured not to escape? Harriot shivered inwardly with fear. She had heard so many times over the years of how fear could drive you to do crazy things. She had never thought of herself as so impulsive until her hand curled about the sword that was left just outside the rusty old door.

She needed both hands to lift it, as it was just too heavy. Even then she struggled to point it straight in his direction. It felt like it had a mind of its own as the blade swayed in her grasp. It glinted through the fog an orange glow from the fire that consumed the barn. However it would not stay straight, instead it pointed towards the ground as she battled with her own strength and determination.

She had a new-found respect for the men who could lift these and swing them with ease. They made it look so easy, too easy. She squealed and sidestepped as Ivar launched himself in her direction. The blade had now lowered even further toward the ground in front of her feet. With her lack of ability to control the fine long blade, it scraped against the mud. She tried her hardest to right her balance but it was not proving easy for her to do.

The fool grinned at her, like this was some game he admired. He was mocking her, and even she mocked herself. What was she even doing? She didn’t want to kill him, she wasn’t a murderer. She probably didn’t even have the strength to drive the blade into him even if she truly wanted to. Moreover the truth was she didn’t. Her reactions now were so foreign she didn’t even recognize herself.

‘Ah, I see doubt.’ Ivar said with a smile as he stepped closer to her.

Harriot clutched at the sword like it was the last fragment of reality she had left. Her whole world had suddenly slowed down. Each step she took she was conscious of the ground beneath her… Conscious of his every response to her movements. He was so in-tune with her that she was starting to grow even more scared than she was before.

‘Please… I don’t want to do this. I don’t want to see anyone hurt.’

She meant it with every last fiber of her being. She didn’t want anyone to get hurt, and she wanted even less to hurt him. But he was persistent, and she knew he wasn’t about to give up that easy.

It was when she lifted the sword to surrender it to him that she felt a painful blow. She had thought someone had struck her in the arm from behind. The force of it alone was enough to send the blade crashing to the floor. Reaction told her to grab where the item had struck, but when she did, she felt the stream of blood against her fingers.

The force of it had spun her around. She hadn’t thought something could take the air so completely out of her lungs. Ivar, thankfully was less dazed than she was. She felt his hand secure itself at the base of her spine. She was thankful because the blood streaming along her arm was starting to make her knees weak.

She was too disorientated to tell where the blow had come from. When she looked around no one had been there except her and Ivar. Ivar hadn’t done it because her eyes had been on him the whole time.

He practically carried her back towards the house. Even when faced with the blood he didn’t flinch half as much as she did. This was expected, considering they were both very different people, with very different upbringings.

‘An Arrow.’ Ivar hissed the words through gritted teeth.

Instead of retaliating, and finding the source like it was clear he wanted to do. Ivar huddled close to her and put himself between her and any more attacks, until he had managed to get her back inside. She didn’t understand why someone would shoot at her.

‘Here let me see.’

He took her by the arm.

He was being as gentle as he could be, but the pain from that small action was overwhelming. She found herself grabbing at the prodding fingers out of reaction. It hurt… It hurt more than she had ever expected. The arrow hadn’t even become lodged in her body as it would have been if the person had better aim. Instead she had been left with a hefty slash across her right arm that gaped and burned with so much force her legs felt weak. She had never felt anything as painful as this before. Her whole body was numb, apart from the area where the arrow had bit into her skin. Everything seemed to be concentrated on that area now, and the throbbing was unbearable. Ivar held onto her arm as he stormed his way along the corridor. Anger oozed from every part of him. He had incredible strength when he was angry. He flung the door to the main hall open so hard, its hinges screeched and shuddered as the door bounced off of the wall. Everyone turned from their loud happy chatter, took one look at her and Ivar, and the room changed and molded into something more serious.

The men’s faces hardened as they looked them both over, you could see them weighing the options of Ivar causing her injury. The man who had been sent to watch her suddenly looked sheepish. Ivar did not look at him, instead his eyes swept along the room and stopped upon a small shaggy looking man. He nodded his head and left the room.

‘Fetch me some mead.’ he barked to one of his men.

Then slowly but steadily turned to face Harriot.

She must have looked completely horrified. Common sense would tell you that the wound would not heal by itself. Whether it is wishful thinking or blatant ignorance, Harriot hoped with all of her heart that none of this would need a hot blade against her skin. Her knees throbbed for the very first time since the arrow had skimmed her body, not through relief but through fear.

Her knees wobbled, and her hands shook. It felt silly, how her body was reacting to the wound. Something so small shouldn’t feel so big. Yet she was sure once the mixture of blood and sweat had been wiped away from her skin, the wound wouldn’t look so monstrous. Plus the sight of the blood wouldn’t make her want to faint. The color must have drained from her face, because Ivar only looked at her once before he led her back in the direction of the kitchen. She stumbled slightly, unable to adapt to his forward movements and gain any sort of control over her shaky legs. The cloak he had offered her was now ruined from the arrow, and the steady stream of blood that trickled along her arm.

He managed to catch her fall with his own body. For a m
oment she thought he might dare to carry her the rest of the way to the kitchen. This only served to annoy her further as she hated feeling weak and helpless. She was and never would be a damsel in distress. It was a quality her father hated. He felt he would get less for her hand in marriage because of her strong will, stubbornness and quiet determination.

She was thankful for the chair offered to her once Ivar had rounded up a few of his men in the kitchen. The relief her legs felt to have the strain of standing removed, when they felt so horribly weak was most welcome. It was the next part she did not look forward to.

She almost leapt from where she sat when Ivar tore the expensive curtain from the window. The material was fine stuff, and her father would surely have a fit. He would rather lose a daughter than the material those curtains were made out of. She swallowed the lump building in her throat. Also the breath that had almost emerged as a plea to put the curtain before her own survival. But it was embarrassment that stopped her. She did not wish to explain how her father cared more for material objects, rather than his own flesh and blood.

His blue eyes were searching as he tore the material straight down the middle. He could sense her hesitation, but he did not question it. Instead he came and sat next to her, and extended his hand towards her arm cautiously.

‘May I?’

His politeness surprised her. Everything about him surprised her. She had heard so many things about his people over time, that she had naturally assumed he was a bad person. The same way they had assumed she was like her father, though she was nothing like the man. He took her arm so gently, and despite her wish to pull away from him after his brutish kiss among the gardens, she did not. She let him lift her arm, and fold the fabric just above the wound. He tied it as tight as he could manage without hurting her and cutting into her skin. Then he brushed the edges of the arrow’s wound with his fingertips, as his other hand circled her elbow. His long slender fingers were loose but warm against her skin. They stood out even above the throbbing pain of the blood rushing through her arm. Her skin stung where his fingers touched no matter his effort to be as careful as he possibly could.

She didn’t understand why any of them would help her. Why she was so important that they would go out of their way to stop the bleeding. Not just rule her out as another casualty to brush under the bridge. She almost instantly regretted the distraction of her thoughts, as one of the men turned the blade they had placed among the flames to heat.

‘Drink this.’ Ivar said as he offered her a container of mead.

She half hesitated, faced with a non-sympathetic glare, she knew then that she would need it. Whether she liked it or not he was going to seal her wound with that blade. Even if they had to hold her down to do so, and there wasn’t a single doubt in her mind that they could.

She shouldn’t be surprised that her step mother or sister hadn’t bothered to pay much attention to whether she was alright or not, but she was. They hadn’t spared her a single glance of concern which reminded her of something her uncle, from her mother’s side would say ‘Who needs enemies when you have family quite like this.’

She drank the mead heavily hoping the quantity she consumed all at once would soothe and numb at least some of the pain. She couldn’t help but flinch a second time as the blade was turned over in the flames again. Ivar however, was engrossed in cleaning the blood from her skin — at-least as much as he could — while being as careful as he could not to hurt her. His body was rigid with tension, his eyes the color of a clear summer sky skimmed over her with little emotion.

The door burst open as the man who had left the room on Ivar’s signal entered. His face was unreadable, but in his hand he held the remains of a broken arrow.

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Most of the subs, like Pyx, sat on the floor at their dom's feet. Their top sat in throne-like chairs. Bambi, though, wore a long red slinky dress, that went all the way to her ankles, and a plunging neckline. That made it impossible to sit on the floor. So she sat beside Rodney in a plain folding chair. I was still dressed as Santa, and seated on the throne, that used to be on the stage. When everyone was seated, Vonda continued. "On behalf of my master, Alex Woodward, and my fellow...

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The Tables Turn

The Tables Turn Earlier today "Stand up slowly." The voice commanded. I felt myself trying to stand up between Jackie and Sue. They had grabbed my elbows on either side and pulled me up. I was in a stupor and couldn't balance well. I wasn't drunk but my mind was fuzzy. I felt strange all over but my befuddled mind could not comprehend where I was nor why I felt woozy. "Straighten up," the same voice commanded. I think this was Sue, my girlfriend's sister. "OK, now walk slowly...

2 years ago
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A great fuck with mom

Hi tis is raj im now 29 yr old from tamilnadu.. Here i want to share my sex life with my mom… my mom now 38yr old with stunning figure.. Her breast is awesome..huge size.. Her nipples r very hard…she is very fair…i went to market often to buy vegetables… all of them look at my mom with sex in mind.. My mom talks freely with every one.. So all of them talks with my mom…. My mom and dad having sex regularly… wen i m studying in school me my mom and dad usually sleep in same room.. 2 cots r there...

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My first time with a man

My story starts from a pool, or more precisely the pool, hot in Druzhba, Varna residents know very well who exactly it is. I am a big fan of him personally.I was with a girl at the time. She had broken up with her ex some time ago, and things between us began more as a consolation for their separation. At first there was nothing intimate or sexual, but over time we decided that we liked each other at least to some extent and spent several months together.So we decided to go to the pool with...

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The Tree the Badge and the Box

Hey, folks, my name’s Frank Gordon. My buddy, Dave Jacobs told me I should write this story up and post in on here. I’ve read some stuff he’s posted. Difference is, his is something he cooked up while sitting back with a glass of Mr. Daniel’s Gentleman Jack Tennessee whiskey. (That is some good stuff. Dave has shared several with me.) Anyway, I’m a neighbor of Dave’s here in Peachtree Corners, GA. A few months ago, we had this little storm blow through. Luckily old Irma was not a bad as Harvey....

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The Wine Cellar

Somewhere in the ether between the conscious and surreal, Katherine awakes with a start. Her nightclothes cling to her body with a soft sheen of perspiration. Is it the humid summer night or perhaps something more feverish? Chaotic imagery flashes through her thoughts. She recalls wild dreams in restless sleep. In bare feet and wispy gown, Katherine pads across the large Elizabethan manor house. Her attire is hardly appropriate outside her bed chamber, but no one should be awake at such an...

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Tron Resurrection

Tron: Resurrection by Lizardman Max is pulled into the Grid and looses more than his humanity in the games. Sam and Quorra ride into the sunrise as Bradley walks out of Flynn's Arcade confused. After seeing Sam interested in Encom's board meeting he rushed home to get ready for a revelation at the next board meeting. In his hurry, he forgot to lock the front door, as a college student that was walking by, took advantage of seeing an unlocked door. Max waited until the man in the...

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Butt Fucking

My boyfriend and I both LOVE anal sex. And when I say we love it, I know that I can’t get enough of it and he’s an anal enthusiast to say the least. I’m not submissive, I just adore a big, juicy, hard dick in my asshole. If I had my way, I could take a dick in my ass every day, twice a day if I had the chance. Gregory, on the other hand, likes to keep a little variety in our sex lives so he has me on anal restriction. I can only get butt fucked twice a week, so I have to ration it out until I’m...

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Rahul And Radhika Brother Marries Sister

Hello guys, I am Rahul from India and now settled in the UK. I am 60 years old now, 6.2 feet in height with a hard rock dick of 6.5 inches. I can make any woman happy in bed. Contact me for hot sex, and you will feel the heaven. My family consists of myself and my elder sister Radhika. We belong to one of a rich business family in india. She is 63 years old now, she is fair and looks like a normal Indian girl. She is cute and soft-spoken and homely. She normally wears saree. She worked as a...

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Aamar Jia sona 2

Ami Jia…class vii a pari..aaj amar xam sesh je majja..akhon sudhu khela aar boi para..aar masir schhol a chhuti hole ma-baba r kachhe berate jabo.. O ha ami masi-mesho r sange oder barite thaki..amar baba r badli r chakri tai.. Aaj bari r dorja khullo amar lekhok mesho..ato gambir je ami oke khoob bhoy pai sunlam kajer pisi aaj ase ni..tai mesho aaj amay snan kariye debe… Tara tarir janya school ar dress change ar samay amar tepe jama tao khule fele sudhu panti parei bathroom chale...

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Bar Girl Ch 06

Chapter 6. Bar Girl Routine. A Bar Girl’s world. Fatal Accident. Olav the irrepressible. The girls’ first payday. Amor meets shabu. Girlie has a happy encounter. By the end of her first week at Talent Spot, Blen was well on the way to developing a personal stage image, and by incorporating elements of performance, had established her niche in the bar. When customers entered, she would move to the front of the stage and flamboyantly wave both outstretched arms up and down to attract their...

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I saw the union soldiers when they first crested the rolling hills at the edge of Papa's farm. There were so many, the ground shook with them and the wild things startled. I wished earnestly to be one of the rabbits, to hide in a burrow and let the destruction happen over my head. Already, I had buried the jewelry--what little there was left. I had harvested all of the kitchen garden that I could, hiding the vegetables in the empty shed back away in the overgrown north field. I chased the pig...

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Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 15 Kens Family

Fraternity Brother to Sorority Sister Chapter 15 Ken's Family Beth had a wonderful time at the game and the dinner at Aaron's church. She enjoyed meeting all of Aaron's friends and learning, and relearning more things about him. Yes, they did kiss more times. Before they knew it, homecoming was over. Beth did keep her date with Ron at Sonnys. She told him all about homecoming, omitting all references to Aaron. With homecoming over Beth needed to focus on school and work. ...

4 years ago
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How I Became a Cuckolded Sissy Part 1

How I Became a Cuckolded Sissy: Part 1 By willow619 Allie and I had been married for three years. Our sex life had become bland, routine, and, frankly, I preferred masturbation to the work it took to cum by intercourse. I was pretty sure that Allie felt that way, too. You see, my cock is, at best, 5 inches. My touch, or my tongue, on her clit seemed to be much better received than my cock in her cunt. I've always been a crossdresser. I can remember being in first grade and...

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Just A Blow Job This Time

Jenny stood on the kerb outside the gym, with her badminton racquet in hand. The cool breeze seemed to blow right through her body, the relative warmth of the gymnasium a mere sentimental memory. As she attempted to keep warm by bouncing on the spot, a dark blue sports car pulled up. She opened the door and got in. “Sorry, Jenny, have you been waiting long? The traffic is awful.” “It’s okay, you’re here now.” “You smell good.” “It’s just the soap from the shower.” Dan looked at Jenny and then...

Oral Sex
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Nowhere Man Book OneChapter 16

“Ouch!” John was sympathetic. “That sounds like a man scheduled to die.” “That was my reaction, but I couldn’t act on my own. That’s why I hurried here,” was Tempo’s reaction. John’s mind was already engaged in military planning. “We should attack them when they sleep. Do you know if they set out guards when they stop to rest?” “I haven’t seen them at night – not being there – but I haven’t seen anyone on duty when they stop during the day. They only guard their prisoners, to stop them...

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A white married slut for Blacks

On that warm spring time, I felt particularly attracted to a black man.He was in his late thirties; he had a smooth dark skin and his name was Peter. The handsome black guy worked in the men's clothing department at a store that my loving Victor and I often frequented. I became acquainted with Peter while shopping for some things for Victor.At first, I just flirted with him and stopped when I began to feel aroused. But then came the time when I wanted to go further. One Tuesday afternoon,...

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BethChapter 130

January 18, 2018 Dear Ms. Diary, [Written January 21] I woke to someone spooning into me, so I tried to figure out who. When I recalled who my neighbors were, I was a bit surprised that the woman with her pelvis snuggled into my ass, her breasts smushed into my back, and her left arm snaked under mine and around me with the hand between my breasts was Kim. I moved nary a muscle as I reveled in the feel of so much of her. I also took stock of where Celeste was. Since I could feel her...

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She loves that cock and cum

I woke up this morning so fucking horny I couldn't stand it. I got out of bed and put my dog out to do his business and returned to the bedroom. I opened the door and there laid my beautiful wife buck naked and legs spread wide open and the sun was shining in and glaring off her body. All I could think about was sinking my cock as deep in her as I could go. I didn't even notice but she was staring right at me and said told me she loved me. I return with I loved her more. We had a couple of...

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First Time GloryHole For Wife

Before my divorce, I was dating a girl, who I later married, who had an affinity for making love in public places. She said she had never done this kind of thing before but since we really had no private place to go to make love, we did it in all kinds of places, and she really began to enjoy it. She said the thrill of getting caught made it all the better. We did rent motel rooms now and then, but that got expensive. Anyway, it wasn't long before I got divorced and we married a few months...

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The Realm of the Fighting Ladies Pt 02

Chapter Five Awana had sent Druna to inform the head of her tribe of their imminent arrival. The squire had returned with good news: Simona and Artemisia were already in the village, and to honor the Amazons the chief had decided to organize a day of competitions and dances. The column was marching behind Rodrigo and Awana, with the soldiers at its sides. Rodrigo had to hold Mkomo’s reins firmly: the giantess was so eager to meet her people that every now and when a hearty tug on her neck was...

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Hot summer mornings

It had been fucking hot all night long, the aircon was working over time and still the room was muggy, the sheets and pillow soaked with sweat. As a result I had not had a very good nights sleep and found it hard to get up and get on with things in the morning. The quiet of the sunrise came and i managed to drop off to sleep for a little while then woke up, had coffee and attempted to get going. Fuck this I thought, as I dragged my ass around the house, I was heading back to bed.Got into bed,...

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BangBus Shae Celestine Star Maps Dealer Gets Slammed

The bus never stops searching for these desperate chicks in need of dough. This week we pulled up on this eighteen year old selling star maps near a celebrity neighborhood. We got her to hop in, to show us around. Instead, we started flashing money at her to get her to undress for us. After a bit of convincing, we had her completely naked and on her knees. She shoved Tyler Steel’s cock far down her throat, and sucked it clean. Shortly after, this young beauty was getting her pussy blasted....

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Robert JenkinsChapter 9

Early Monday morning, Carolyn and I exercised in the basement, and then I went to work with Grandfather. On the way to the office, Grandfather asked, "Are you ready for the wedding?" "I think I'm ready. Brooks Brothers will have my tux ready tomorrow. I know Will's wedding will be very nice and much different from Thornton and Eunice's. Eunice had a large church wedding. The large church was almost full of their friends. Southern weddings don't have receptions with a sit-down dinner...

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Viking Carnival

SOL-4/ Mars Jena followed Kinkaid through the Holdfast at his side. Other occupants got out of their way. The corridor linking the control room with the cafeteria was lined with windows facing the rusty Elysium Plains expanding to the horizon in every direction. “Even with this system-wide crisis our friends at TIL are utterly deaf when it comes to questions about their interactions with the Xenos, and they’re mute about anything they’ve learned,” Kinkaid groused as he shuffled along slowly...

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First time to be fucked by brother and fuck a wom

I was about 14 at that time. And my brother's 18.At that age,I still didn't know a lot about sex,I just knew how to satisfied myself by masturbating and how looks like when man fucks a girl. Because I was worried my brother will caught me masturbate,so I usually do that when he's not home. But one day,I found a new way to masturbate from my friend,that is,put a cylindrical pillow under my cock and lie prone on a soft bed ,then rub it hardly. So I try it excitedly after I came back from school...

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Mayas Lesbian Sex With Shanaya Free Sex Stories and Adult Erotica Stories

She looked at her girlfriend sleeping right beside her. Her velvet soft skin shining in the morning sun. Her perky breast rising and falling with her breath as if inviting her to feast on them yet again. The night before has been exhilarating but she wanted more. She had never thought that she would be engaged in lesbian sex. But from the time they have met, sparks flew. She felt oddly attracted to Maya. It was evident that they were both attracted to each other. It started with an introduction...

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Delta OriginalChapter 4 Growing Pains

Iain, Cais and the faerie families were the Martyns first customers at the new Bank and Contracts (B&C) Office when it opened on Monday morning. This trip back, Iain had also bought his family, his wife Irene and their boys, Iran and Ivan and his daughter Indi. Iain happily set up bank accounts for himself and his wife and one each for the boys. He had decided to relocate here and to set up the deals with the Martyns even if it cost a small amount of his profits. Iain made the contract...

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A New PastChapter 50 Building Momentum

“Paul!” Chrissy’s shout of excitement made me smile. I stood up and away from the Range Rover and watched her run down the sidewalk toward me. She was dressed casually, black diamond skin leggings and a loose Stanford sweatshirt, with her hair pulled back in a loose pony-tail, tucked under a red ball cap. Fittingly, she looked like a model, portraying a prototypical college coed. Her hug pushed me back against the car. “I’m so happy to see you,” she said before kissing my cheek. “Ahem,”...

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Second ChanceChapter 12

Angela followed me as I sprinted for the box truck. Yes. I kept the box truck after the plague. The motel manager survived and sold me the truck for such a small amount of money that it made sense to keep it. So, I spent a little getting it in better condition and now had it when I needed it most. We chugged down to BJ’s Warehouse and bought everything in sight that we might need in a prolonged period of governmental collapse. The bunker I’d built in the cave already had all the weapons and...

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Out of Afrika Chapter 10

Out of AfrikaA fantasy by Julie Van and Curt B******Chapter 10Chloe was in a constant state of excitement caused by all the exhilarating things that were going on in her life. For one, at 18 years old she was regarded as being an Adult which meant there was little that she was legally not allowed to do and that thought alone thrilled her. In truth she was still emotionally immature racked with all the teenage insecurities that are part of growing up. She was constantly aware that unlike many of...

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SalamanderChapter 3 Running Wild Mort

I don't know how long I ran, for I just wanted to get as far away as possible. Eventually a combination of fatigue, and probably blood loss, brought me to a stop. I found a small wooded area in a small park, and hid in the bushes, and I must have passed out. I woke up in the dark, with a horrible pain in what remained of my left hand. I looked at the bloody stump in horror. I knew it needed at the very least, bandaging, if not surgery, but I could not get help in the village. Dr Benson...

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Freshman pt11

Find the previous episodes on my blog, they're equally as awesome!On the evening of the dinner party Riley and Amber arrived together at the hotel where the Prof's guests were staying and where a private dining room had been booked.They both looked gorgeous; sexy, but elegant and sophisticated. They exchanged amused glances at seeing Emily, who was wearing a dress that was barely long enough to cover her bottom, and revealed her magnificent chest almost to the nipples and belly button. She...

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