An Inconvenient Spy Ch. 01 free porn video

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The Chevy Suburban pulled into the drive and I knew that something was wrong. It wasn’t the car itself, it was the fact that only a select few people knew where to find me and fewer still had the code to get through the front gate without setting off the alarm by the front door of the house. This visitor was at least very close to one of those very few that I actually trusted.

How did a 42 year old get to this state of paranoia? It is fairly easy I guess when you make a couple of choices when you are young and they blossom for the productive part of your life and then overnight, things disappear in a maelstrom of things that are not of your doing. Then you are retired not by your choice and are not employable by dictate. Every month a check is deposited in your bank account and a note arrives in the mail to remind you to keep your nose clean. At least, that is what the words mean.

So you find a quiet place where no one will bother you and you build yourself a fortress of solitude out of bricks and mental energy and you hope that a day like this never happens. Confused? So am I.

I graduated from college twenty one years ago with a degree in modern history and political science. With job prospects severely limited, I took an entry level job with an innocuous government agency. Three years later, my agency was absorbed by another one whose mission was virtually identical to ours. Five years and two more absorptions later, I was elevated to the rank of section leader and became privy to the real mission of our agency.

My original agency was organized to monitor local and regional economic and political movements in various countries which at the time seemed friendly and politically safe and write reports which went into some data bank or another. We never really knew where. The second iteration added social trends to these reports. By the time I made it to the level of section leader, we were compiling data on everything from marriages and divorces to the number of condoms purchased and the number of birth control pills prescriptions written and sold. In short we were compiling an in depth of reports on the social, political, and cultural practices of our supposed allies but who now appeared to be on the verge of wanting to expand their political influence in a number of directions, some of which were not in our national interest. In short we were the social spies for our overseers on our former friends and potential enemies. We weren’t foot soldiers on the ground but historians, social scientists, statisticians and others who collected available data and put into a form that our mentors could decipher.

One of the great dichotomies of our time is that before the internet, a huge amount of money was spent gathering and assimilating limited publically available information and making sense out of it. After the development of the internet, we had access to more information than we could process with three times the number of people. Much of the information was inaccurate and mostly useless but you really can’t put that stamp on it until you have at least looked at it. So the truth is that today we are awash in information, too much information. And that is the heart of my rise and fall.

The problem in the intelligence business is that you never want to be blatantly wrong or inconveniently right. Either condition makes you look bad in the eyes of those who authorize your paycheck. I had advanced and I had more and more responsibility and therefore more people looking over my shoulder. I had never been a political person and had always focused on the quality of my work and reports with generally acceptable results. My wrongs had never been blatant and my rights had usually been inconvenient but lost in the morass of secrecy. That was until the day that one of my inconveniently correct reports surfaced on page one of a major newspaper. For over a week the pseudo news talk shows had a field day condemning one branch of the government for their oversight. It took a week for another story to be planted that changed the focus from my report to a non-existent one that polarized more people than the original. The press had a feeding frenzy for those several weeks.

That proved to be just long enough for me to be retired and shuttled off to a state of non-existence with a warning to keep my mouth shut or vile things would befall me. The Congressional hearing that followed proved to be the usual mish-mash of conflicting ideologies and resulted in a total waste of taxpayer money with no resolution of any kind except for promises that no stone would be unearthed until the truth was discovered. That meant that nothing would happen until they could come up with a plausible story to baffle the most people. By then I was in a small two bedroom house on five acres in the country with limited phone and internet service. I became an instant and invisible non-entity.

For me, this change in life wasn’t horribly traumatic because I had never married and had no family to force into exile. Others were not so fortunate. As the agency had grown and matured, several ‘benefits’ had been introduced that I found handy. One was an unwritten and easily deniable policy that social contact with outsiders was discouraged for fear of leaks. As a result, single people like me were encouraged to date within the junior pool of analysts and if a married person wanted diversion outside of his or her marriage, they should seek it from this source also. This junior pool consisted of a wide variety of smart younger men and women all of whom had been vetted and trained and were considered safe. Being single, I had restricted my dating to within the pool for simplicity’s sake.

As a result, when I retired, I had about a dozen women who I could call depending on what my interest was at the time. One woman loved to go to the theater and opera and she was my date for this events. Another was a sports fanatic and would be my date to any game that involved a ball. A few of the women the dozen women I had access too were not sexually active but most were. There were rumors that the girls had an informal sex club where they talked and trained using various techniques to insure that they were good lovers for their partners. There were also rumors that they kept score on the performance of their partners although no one ever admitted that this actually existed. This benefit continued into retirement to help insure that the retiree could have a social life without having to go through the usual ‘what did you do before you retired’ conversations.

Related to this program was that a single senior analyst who wanted to be marry usually married a ‘safe’ junior partner. The partner had the choice of ‘being retired’ with a stipend when they married or he or she could continue working until children became involved. At that time, the partner was retired with a pension and an allowance for each ensuing child. While this program might offend a large number of people, it actually worked very nicely. Everyone knew the rules of the game and could find satisfaction within the framework of the game. To my knowledge, there had been no serious leak of any kind resulting from this arrangement. Even the few divorces that inevitably occurred were not overly contentious or public.

As a retired senior analyst, I still used the service regularly except that with my remote location, I only had easy access to three junior analysts within a reasonable drive. All three were fun dates and we enjoyed our time together when I took advantage of them.

The other benefit was one that appeared to be good but I felt was a double edged sword. We each had a mother with whom we maintained all contact with the agency. The mothers were experienced junior analysts who had never made the rank of senior analyst but who were transitioned into the role of administrative mentors for retirees. Most of them were women and they were our sole contact to the agency on everything from paycheck problems, insurance
issues, and other such mundane matters. They also maintained a website that we could visit for a sanitized version of agency news and PR. The other edge of the sword was that they most certainly were reporting our status and attitude to their superiors. A regular report of a bad attitude generally led to a visit from ‘counselor’ to discuss an attitude adjustment. I didn’t worry much about that since, once I was out, I tended to look forward and didn’t spend much time looking in the rear view mirror.

I had settled into a sedate life as a retired hobby farmer who puttered around on my John Deere tractor and planted various vegetables and herbs that I sold at the local Farmers Market. I also made several homemade candies that sold fairly well at the market. I didn’t need the money but the money was a convenient way to measure the success of my ventures. Most of the money I made was re-invested in things to use around my homestead or just parked in a saving account I had. This was my life after retirement or at least the part of my retirement that anyone knew about.

The other part of my life was the paranoid part. While roaming the area around my property, I had discovered that the adjacent property had a series of caves carved out by eons of weather and erosion in a solid rocky outcrop on top of a hill. They weren’t deep as caves go but they were fairly tall and could provide shelter and protection from the elements and man if necessary. I realized that I was an open and easy target for anyone if they choose to make me one.

At this point someone might ask why I might become a target since I wasn’t involved in external activities and overt actions. But the truth was that once we delved into the social, political, and especially the religious fabric of the countries we studied, we began playing with fire. The rise in fundamentalist religions worldwide also brought about the rise in the age old tradition of revenge. Revenge was especially strong in those highly placed individuals whose lies and fabrications were brought to light. My highly publicized inconvenient truth had put a spotlight squarely on a well established family whose history was filled with stories of intimidations, manipulations, and outright corruption. Even with the cloud of the following cover-ups and distractions, I had a feeling that there were people afoot trying to locate and cause me great discomfort.

As a result, I bought the adjacent land under a corporate cover I created. The land itself had little use for farming or development so I was able to buy it for a very low price and was able to pay cash for it in a simple deal. I then began quietly fortifying it. In fact, I turned it into a very comfortable place with electricity, heat and ventilation, tile floors, and running water. The other thing I discovered was that from this point, I had excellent cell phone connections and that I could tap into four or five WIFI hot spots. I used the dial up line at the house for routine internet things like talking to my company mother but I bought a laptop and set it up from day one under my nom de plume and a generic e-mail address which would be difficult to trace back to me directly. I also used this laptop for my other activity which was to write erotic novels which I had begun selling on an e-book publishing site also under my pen name.

It wasn’t perfect by any means but I had two places and one of them could not be easily traced back to me. It would take a fairly sophisticated search and analysis to link the two personas I had. So I felt relatively safe in my life as I watched a female get out of the Suburban after penetrating my space.

She looked familiar but I couldn’t place her. She had dark hair but my memory suggested a blonde. She had a nice slim figure with a firm bust and slender hips. My mind wanted to think twenty pounds heavier and a flatter chest and rounder hips. The one thing that triggered something the strongest was her smile. For me, it was always the smile that triggered my memory and this smile was in my registry but I couldn’t put the rest of the features with it.

‘Good morning.’ I said, trying to be pleasant as my brain went rapidly through my data base of pretty smiles.

‘Good morning, Jeff. I can tell that you don’t remember me.’

‘I will admit that you are familiar but I can’t place you for sure.’

She laughed, ‘Eight years ago, I was blonde and a little heavier than I am today. We went to a number of art and craft fairs and flea markets together. You also brought me toe curling orgasms in bed later.’

‘Natalie Crawford, of course. I knew the smile but the dark hair and the trim figure threw me off. How are you?’ But my suspicions were raised since I had had no contact with her for almost seven or eight years.

‘My name now is Natalie Fisher and I would be better if you can help me out. Can we walk in your garden for a bit?’ There it was, she had a company -related problem and these problems were only discussed where there was no possibility of a listener.

‘Sure, I would love to show you my garden. Let me get my bag.’ I went in the house and brought out what appeared to be a gardening bag. In fact, it contained a scanner which should be able to tell me if someone had planted a listening device anywhere nearby.

I smiled and took her arm as she moved close to me. We walked the hundred yards to the garden. My meter showed a device nearby but we were walking away from it. When we got to a clear spot, I stopped and started pointing at different plants and things but asked, ‘What’s going on Natalie?’

She continued to smile and stooped to touch a tomato plant. ‘I don’t know. I married John Fisher a year and a half ago and retired to just be his wife. He didn’t want me involved. Six months ago he told me that if he didn’t call me or come home by 9:00 in the evening, I should pack a bag and tell people I was going to visit my sister for a couple of weeks. Then he said to come to you and wrote down the address and the gate codes in my date book. He didn’t call or come home the night before last, so I left yesterday morning and drove in the direction of my sister’s place. I got up at 3:00 this morning and came here. Do you have any idea of what is going on? He didn’t tell me any more than that.’

I moved us toward a row of bell peppers and replied, ‘I’ve stayed far away from things since I retired and haven’t heard from John since he helped me move two years ago. I heard that he got married but didn’t know it was you.’

‘I worked for him for two years while he was mentoring under you. I never told him that we dated for awhile. He always said that you were the one person who he trusted the most. We got married a year and a half ago and I retired.’

Cautiously, I asked, ‘Did he say anything, anything at all that might help?’

‘A week ago he reminded me of his note and said it was a K19. I don’t know what that means. Do you?’

I did. ‘It is a code we used that means he was being followed and that it might be about me. I imagine that he didn’t say what he was working on?’

‘No, he didn’t. Rumor at the time said that he picked up a couple of your projects but he had others. Most of yours were spread around to several people.’

‘That is the way it usually worked when a senior retired.’

‘What can you or we do from here? I hate to admit it, but I’m a little scared.’

‘You should be. I guess that I need to ask you how much you trust me right now?’

‘Jeff, I trust you just about as much as I trust John. You treated me extremely well and I liked it a lot. When they promoted you, I was sorry to lose contact with you but understood the situation. I just did my job until I started working for John. He idolized you and how you managed to keep yourself focused on the work and not the politics. He was royally pissed off when you got dumped on. So there is no one I trust more than you in this situation.’

‘Good, I hope I can live up to your trust. I think that t
he first thing we need to do is go run a couple of errands and make a few calls. Let’s take your car and go to town. At least there we can be a little anonymous. What kind of clothes did you bring?’

‘Mostly sundresses and shorts. My sister lives in LA.’

‘Then we need to get you some jeans and a couple of shirts to wear around here. I think that you need to stay here until we can find out something to go on. When we get to town, call your sister and tell her your car broke down in Kansas or somewhere like that and that you will be a couple of days late getting there. I would expect that they will have her phone tapped. Keep the call short so they can’t trace it and use a pay phone. I’m going to check in with a couple of other sources and see what they might know.’

‘I’ll do whatever you say.’

‘We are clean here in the garden but there is a bug somewhere between here and the house. Keep things on other subjects until I check out the house and your car.’


I led her back toward the house and we talked about plants and vegetables. The bug seemed to be near the spot where I had a load of compost delivered several days before. Other than that, the porch and house were clean. Someone had gotten interested in me in just the past couple of days, it appeared. Surprisingly, her car was clean. I guessed that if she had waited another day to leave, a bug would have been planted. Things were moving quickly but were not fully functional yet.

We drove into town and stopped at my favorite café for lunch. Natalie was tired and hungry from her early departure and she ate heartily. When she finished, she went to the pay phone in the corner and called her sister and was off the phone in less than twenty seconds. When she returned, she said that she had gotten her sister’s voice mail and left her a message. That was good since there wasn’t any chance of getting into a longer conversation. I hoped that her whereabouts could remain hidden until we found out what was going on or at least for a week.

When she finished telling me about that, I sent her to the local farm supply store and told her to buy several pairs of jeans, blouses, a vest or jacket and a pair of good walking or hiking shoes along with a hat and put it on my account. I felt that her using her bank cards was too risky. I told her that I would be in the library if she finished before I caught up to her.

In the library, I used one of their computers and logged into the news website and was surprised to see a popup telling me to log into an ad website using a certain password. This meant that I had a message and that the password could only be used once. If anyone else accessed it, the password would not work. Therefore I was assured that only I saw the message. I logged in and found a disturbing message waiting.

I had been on a team of three senior advisors who developed our coded message system. We spent weeks evaluating all sorts of possible situations. Some of them almost seemed like they were straight out of a James Bond movie but when we finished, we felt that we could quickly alert anyone of any kind of situation that might possibly arise. The first letter indicated the threat level and its certainty with ‘A’ being simple and ‘Z’ being critical and dangerous. The first number indicated the threat. 1 meant being watched, 2 meant being followed, 3 meant imminent danger, 4 meant a signal that the message was being written under coersion, and any other number was jibberish. The second number indicated who the threat was directed at. A 1 meant that the sender was the target, a 5 meant that a number of people were the target, and a 9 meant that the recipient was the target. John’s message through Natalie meant that it was a moderate level threat with fairly high certainty and that he was being followed as the target.

My message that morning was P39. Things had heated up quickly and was getting dangerous and that meant someone was looking for me. This was followed by a space and another number. This number referred to the project involved and this told me that my inconvenient truth project was the reason. This led me to believe that someone or more than one of the family involved was looking for revenge. Somehow, they determined that the best way to find me was through John. I logged out of the message and went to the date site and entered my three local girl’s numbers. Two were on line and the third was out of the loop for a couple of days. I asked the two to meet me for dinner at a certain place they both knew at 5:00. I got quick acknowledgements from both.

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Book One: Rogue's Sultry Harem Part Ten: Naughty Fairy Spying By mypenname3000 Copyright 2018 Note: Thanks to B0b for beta reading this. Chapter Twenty-Eight: Naughty Fairy Spying Princess Ava – Forest of Lhes, The Princedom of Kivoneth, The Strifelands of Zeutch My rose-quartz fingers spread apart Kora's pink petals. I licked my lips, staring at the flood of Sven's cum, her brother's cum, pouring out of her pussy. A surge of taboo lust shot through me at the incestuous mixing of...

4 years ago
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My Neighbors Son Gets Caught Spying

This is a story about my neighbor’s son who was 17 when this happened. The first section of the story is true but the rest of the story and part 2 is my fantasy about what could have happened. As a little background I’m 32 and married, my hubby Sam and I live in the Midwest in suburbia. I like to lay out in our back yard and tan during our hot summers. Our back yard is secluded by privacy fence and some tall trees in the back. We have neighbors on both sides of our house that have widows in...

First Time
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I Spy

Craig was bored. He sat staring at his books. His mum seemed to be constantly repeating the phrase “Your Highers are only a couple of months away. You need to get upstairs and do some studying.”He slumped back in his chair, turning his head to stare out the bedroom window. His room looked out onto the back green. His eyes swept over the black windows of the tenement flats on the other side of the grass. This part of Edinburgh was home to a mixture of students and professionals and most of the...

4 years ago
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Slaveworld Spy

In the course of my life I have had many names and worn several faces. Some have called me a traitor, others knew me as a faithful servant. I have been ordered to compile my story here for the benefit and legitimate pleasure of the reading public. After interviews with myself and others who were there, my manuscript was handed over to a team of professionals who produced the document you are now reading. It is dedicated to my sister, Elizabeth. Chapter One: Early in the Autumn...

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Bakers Park Chapter 1 A virgin A prego and A spy

It was scorching and John tried to make himself comfortable in the back pew but it was to no avail. He loosened his neck tie and unbuttoned his shirt halfway. The heat in the church was making his forehead form beads of sweat and he could feel his underarms getting damp. He looked around and could tell that most of the people around him were feeling the same effects of a hot summer day. He decided he couldn’t sit in the wooden pew anymore and would need fresh air. He told his mother he was...

2 years ago
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when i used to spy

  When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand.  Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer  Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven.  As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to...

1 year ago
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I Spy

I’d like to say that it wasn’t my fault. It was a bad fitting door catch that started it all! But, I know I can’t, I didn’t have to go and look; I could have just walked away.------It was just past eleven o’clock and I had been in my room reading. My computer was on and as for a standard sixteen year old boy I was horny. I looked at the screen and once again thought of by-passing the parental locks my mother had installed with the intention of stopping me ‘surfing’ for porn. She was quite...

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The Vulcan Spy

This fan fiction is set in the Star Trek universe. The characters in this story are original characters of my own creation. Any similarities these characters share in name or description with any existing Star Trek characters are purely coincidental. The Romulans, as usual, are plotting against the Federation, and Starfleet Intelligence needs to know what's going on inside the Tal Shiar, the secretive Romulan intelligence service. T'Meni, a young Starfleet Intelligence officer, has been sent on...

4 years ago
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The life of a spy

6:30am, you wake up in a beautiful hotel room, the sun is shining in through the curtains and is hitting your eyes, you sit up and stretch, the white bed sheets slide down your naked body onto the bed, your phone starts to ring so you reach over to the night stand to grab it, it's your handler calling you on facetime "had a successful night i see?" he asks you "yes I did" the target was easy enough to convince to get into bed, from there taking his phone and knocking him out for the clean up...

3 years ago
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I Spy

You install home security systems for a living, not terribly hi-tech, but expensive and effective, lovely little mini cameras which feed to the local police station via the net. What people don't know is that the hardware is cheap, it's the system, the connection and the installation that costs, more importantly the switch has a minimum of 8 ports and most people only use 3-6 of them! Access to the video stream is set by port - in laymans terms that means each camera is set up differently and...

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Close Knit 2 I Spy

I sat on the edge of Zander's queen-sized bed, wearing the sleepwear he'd been kind enough to lend me: a plain white t-shirt and a pair of gray sweat pants. I had run away from home, so to speak, after my getting into a heated and damn-near violent argument with my dad over the weed stash mom found while snooping in my bedroom. I dashed out of there while dad was telling me how worthless I was becoming, nice and dramatic. I wish I had at least packed some threads.And so, I was sitting in my...

2 years ago
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I Spy

I have been pretty bored all summer long. I haven't been able to really have any fun and I have been just sitting around looking for somthing fun to do. This morning I decided to hit up the beach to brush up on my surfing. The beach is also a great place to meet guys so why not kill two birds with one stone.When I got to the shore it was pretty much dead except for a few hot guys out in the breakers with their boards and an old guy on a blanket reading a book. Perfect, I thought. Free open...

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Toilet Spy

all these sexy girls were using the mens toilets, cause the bar was i went into a cubical, and looked for a peep hole or gap, to see the girls.there was a few holes around the plumbing, as i looked through, i saw a guy pull his cock out and wee. such a sexy thing. wiggling it to finish. girls were knocking on the doors.. and when the guy left, in walked a girl, she lifted her skirt, flashing her sexy panties, then her vagina, as she squatts and lets the pee gush. Another girl...

3 years ago
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Had to spy

In June of last year, I was in an adult movie/gallery store. I was browsing; when the door chime went off... A serious Sinfully Seductive piece of work walked in... alone!? Even the security guy was panting! Long legs, mid-back hair, full supple breast... straining against a Halter top that tied at the neck. Auburn tinted Brunette...The A/C did me and the other guys justice; her nipples were those swollen puffy erect types... My mouth got wet watching...She went to the counter; she asked for...

4 years ago
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when i used to spy

  When i lived in mississippi i was station in the military but i would live in apt complex off of the base. i loved watching porn and had always thought about what it would be like to watch real people in action not just the tv with my cock in my hand.  Well it was about 2 am and i ran out of my faviorite beer  Miller so i grab the keys to the car and was about to head to the local 7-eleven.  As i was walking to the car i said to my self you dumb you can walk that far, so i decided to walk...

2 years ago
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I spy

We got engaged and then married. We made love in a very conservative and standard way. Foreplay was me fondling her breasts and she stroking my cock. A couple of minutes and then missionary position. All this would take place in the bedroom only and with the light out. This continued for maybe two years. Actually sex had become spasmodic by then. Probably 3 times a week. Was I frustrated? Bloody oath I was. I am ashamed to admit it but I used to masturbate. I hadn’t done that since my high...

3 years ago
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The Reluctant Spy

Abigail and Adam Berman was a strange couple. Like a dog and its owner, most couples after they are together for a number of years have a tendency to look similar; like river rocks, subject to the same currents and weather for centuries. This couple did not seem to match. Adam Berman had been married before and had a 40-year old son. He (Adam) had been a college professor of English since he had emigrated to the U.S. as a young man and had completed college for an undergraduate and master's...

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Imperial Spy

I had been here six months planning and preparing for this day. I walked in the servants entrance and went to the changing room. I undressed and put my clothes into my locker before putting a clean and pressed servants uniform on. Next was the small cleaning bot and a duster and a small trash container. I attached my palace ident and pass to my left suit pocket and carried everything out. There were dozens of checkpoints through the palace and I stopped at each like I had since I started. It...

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RebelChapter 11 Parttime Spy

Madam Von R-- was a rich and very helpful patriot during all five years of the generally-welcomed British occupation of New York City. I knew her only briefly at the beginning of her service to the country and then later was assigned to serve her as a general dogsbody for almost a year - a very pleasant and instructive year. She was a bright, diminutive woman with a stately air and a will of iron. She wore fine, dark clothes of the previous generation and tall, powered wigs that were her...

4 years ago
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WrongChapter 4 I Spy

I was in a daze when I left Patrick’s later that morning. “I’ll call you,” he told me, watching while I put on my clothes and slipped into my shoes. He only wore boxers. I stared for a minute, even if I was freaking out inside. Patrick had a picture of me on his fridge. Now I was pretty sure he always wanted me, even when he was with Chloe. If I was going by the look on his face in that photo, he wanted me even before they were married, too. It made me feel like everything around me had...

3 years ago
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Tape SlavesChapter 16 The Spy

"I cannot forecast to you the action of Russia. It is a riddle wrapped in a mystery inside an enigma." WINSTON CHURCHILL "Our achievements leave class enemies breathless." LEONID BREZHNEV Martin Spencer (the name has been changed to protect the innocent) sits in his apartment watching some late night TV. A beautiful blonde actress is being interviewed by the host about her latest movie. "So can you set up the clip for us?" "Sure, Jamie. In this scene, I'm back from China and...

2 years ago
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Not Quite a White Knight Book 2Chapter 6 Recruiting A Spy

Friday May 23 9:00 AM to 11:00 AM As soon as Resha got in my truck she gave one sniff and accused me of eating food from the “New Delhi In I” food cart. She ate Indian food and said the seasonings were unique. I said it was Sam, her food spent about ten seconds in the seat before I told her it was not allowed. “Sam sat here? Today? With you?” “It was just business ... and technically it was yesterday. But yes, like I said I have known her for some time. That is a secret, and it must stay...

1 year ago
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Hey everyone. I am changing my sister's name in this story so if someone I know is reading this, they won't know it was my sister. I am going to call her Sarah today. It all started when I was 15. She had just turned 13, and she was turning out to be one of the hottest girls I have ever seen. I mean, she could walk by you if you were 30, and you would pop one. Anyways, after she started "growing up", I always wanted to see her nude. Let me just throw in that at this time, we lived in a 1-story...

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Before I slept with my roommate, I used to spy on her in the shower.It's awful, I know. But I couldn't help myself. I was so attracted to her it was almost painful. I wanted to kiss her soft lips and cup her beautiful ass in my hands, but all I could do was watch her walk around our dorm room in her panties and rub my clit when she wasn't looking.She never closed the bathroom door all the way. It was a shared bathroom, with a double room on each side. If you went in to take a shower, you could...

2 years ago
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Nickel NoveletteChapter 6 Spying

“Ready for another game, Terry?” Faith asked. “Let me get these trousers off. There are two days more left in this suit. Get the nickel.” Terry pulled back the covers, and she flipped the nickel. It landed Tails. He picked it up and put it on the top of the dresser. “I wasn’t spying, Jack.” she said. “Honest. How was I to know you’d be skinny-dipping there?” “Yeah! Everybody calls it the swimming hole, but you would never think that someone would be swimming there. Well, now I have...

2 years ago
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All is Fair in Love and Spycraft

All is fair in love and spycraft By: Lyrissa "This is an unexpected pleasure." Aienna smiled as she lifted her glass to her lips and sipped some wine. "The honor is all mine," said the tall, beautiful night elf sitting opposed to her, mimicking her gesture. "I was at first a bit shy to speak to such a well-known hero of the Alliance, but now that we've broken the ice so to speak..." The night elf and human both giggled, and continued eating while engaging in random smalltalk....

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Life Diverted Part 2 AdulthoodChapter 5 Spycatcher

July 1973, age 18 All is not what it seems. That’s a phrase I got a much better understanding of during July and August of ‘73. Dan was the first to mention it, but he wasn’t the last. “Nice time playing croquet?”, Dan asked me when I got home Sunday night. I considered a poetic reply and came up with: “Bastard”. He had a good laugh, then told me, “The two object lessons from this are that things are not always what they seem, and it’s quite possible for a person to adapt to fit into any...

1 year ago
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Spy Fam! It’s time to explore those innate devilish desires with, a porn family vibe creamed up bitch! Well, it’s all out there folks; sisters crushes on big cocked brothers, mommies/daddies crushes on their daughters, sons and their boyfriends and girlfriends, stepdad/mom daughter crushes and pretty much everyone linked by blood digging deeper into hidden roots. It’s exciting and yet equally taboo, but what the heck? Abnormal shit is not only hot but also fetish ASF!Like I had this...

Premium Incest Porn Sites
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Spy Gasm! I’ve got this really hot neighbor who moved into the neighborhood a while back. I got to know her quickly. Within a week, I was watching her shower, and shortly after that I was granted private audience to all of her drunken hookups. Then she found the cameras and I was shit out of luck. Fortunately, I can always get my voyeur fix on sites like know it’s a little different when the participants actually agree to get spied on, but hey, at least you won’t get arrested this...

Live Voyeur Cams
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Are you a Nanny Spy? Well, if you aren’t, it might be because you’ve never seen this next website before. Nanny fantasies are nothing new in the world of smut, and in fact, the scenario is a staple of the genre thanks to its easy-to-believe nature. For those who appreciate dirty movies with a semi-realistic storyline, the idea of fucking the babysitter doesn’t stray too far from reality. Maybe you’ve even rubbed one out thinking about the teenage nymphette who watches your own crotch fruit....

Premium Voyeur Porn Sites
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Discovered spying

I started spying since I moved from my original country for a job opportunity that came up all of the sudden. I've done it before, but when it was more curious than excitementI had no money for an apartment for myself and decide to rent a house and split the cost with other people, I was aiming for men, but since I received requests from girls I thought I'd give them a shot. The first girl roommates I had were a couple of girls that were absolutely beautiful, they went around the house with no...

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As usual, this is a work of fiction and fantasy. Any accidental resemblance to any actual person is entirely unintended. This is adult material. If you are not of age, find something else to read. I read every comment. Thank you so much to everyone who left one. If you want me to reply, either post on the message boards (which I regularly read) or leave an email address on your comment. If anyone wants to make derivative works of any of my stories, you have my permission. Please...

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Accidentally Spying

I was getting bored and was about to turn away when I saw her: there was a girl about my age running around on the yard. She had flaming red pigtails which were streaming behind her, and was wearing a grass green dress. I was captive to her beauty, despite being unable to see her perfectly. She suddenly noticed my staring and I looked away instantly. I was sure my fact was red as a tomato. I didn't dare stand up. I just sat there on my floor, unable to think of what to do. Until my...

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