Pure Strip Poker 3
- 4 years ago
- 37
- 0
Through all the heat and the humidity around the pool,
we had been swimming and sunning the entire day. At
Palmilla, the pool attendants doubled as waiters and
we’d had plenty of drinks since late morning. All
day there were different people occupying the loungers
around us and we had amusing and friendly conversations.
There were mostly couples but some single guys and gals
mixed-in during the day.
We awoke from a quiet nap in the late afternoon to get
ready for dinner. The outdoor caf’ was widely spread out and
partially covered with a large canopy of palm thatch.
We got a table near a small bandstand, really only some
risers, with some microphones set up. Starting kind of
late, we finally got our food near 8pm, late for us,
and watched as the night-time entertainment setup for
music and dancing. I was feeling so wonderfully relaxed
and amiable sitting with you in the warm night breeze,
sipping tasty, expensive tequila.
At some of the tables nearby we recognized some of our
pool mates from the day and struck up more
conversations over dinner. When the staff cleared
the plates, we moved all the tables closer so we could
hear one another better. The group we sat with was a
mix including one 20-ish couple on their honeymoon
and other couples and singles, mostly in their late
30’s to 40’s, who all knew each other from their
expensive Seattle neighborhood. We heard about their
large costly lakefront homes, the latest techno-gear,
and inevitably their kids’ schools. But we really
enjoyed making friends and talking to everyone.
The music was good and the open space got crowded
with dancers enjoying a cheerful night. After all, I
hoestly did feel very playful that night. It’s probably
something to do with being away from home mixed with
the humid tropical atmosphere. After one or two tall
tequila drinks, everyone felt comfortable enough to
dance with each other’s partners and we were having a
great time dancing, our faces glowing in the warm night
air. I must have danced with all the Seattle guys and the
newlywed husband at least twice.
Not unusually, there was a lot of flirting. They
obviously remembered me from the pool area because some
mentioned that I looked really good in a swimsuit
and that they thought I was very attractive. I can’t
help that I’m too busty for my frame and the suit I
brought did a poor job covering my breasts very well.
Wearing my simple v-necked cotton dress, some of
them pressed up to me pretty closely to check me out
and it was a thrill to have these guys paying all this
attention to me. My strapless bra was getting a workout,
and I was feeling very sexy and alluring to all the men.
The band took a break before 11pm, giving us all a
chance to rest and talk with our new friends. The group
from Seattle was full of real characters. They were out
to enjoy their trip and have as good a time as
possible, as there were plenty of good-natured jokes
and laughter.
The Seattle area has its share of nerdy types and some
in the group were initially inhibited, but eventually
warmed up. With all the drinking and dancing in the humid
night air, their conversations got more and more
risque. Both of us picked up on the veiled
undercurrent of attraction they obviously felt toward
one another’s wife’s and girlfriends ‘ but from our
experience this kind of flirting and banter was common
stuff during late night partying.
The talk turned to gambling and poker among the men
with lots of bragging about past big pay-offs and
their poker experiences. Texas Hold’em was the latest
rage and nearly everyone, even the nerdy ones,
were telling stories. I’ve always enjoyed gambling
myself and eaves-dropped just a little. You told me
later that you heard one of the more quiet men make
a coy reference to some past neighborhood party. I
only noticed that it got suddenly quiet, then there was
exaggerated throat clearing before the talking resumed.
But there was a ton of vague references to this same
You told me later that you couldn’t miss the dramatic
turn in the conversation with their references to all
the apparent fun, loaded with innuendo. A few of the
women chimed in a sentence or two about how it got kind
of wild and something else I couldn’t make out about one
nerdy guy wearing large glasses. Then we both heard the
phrase “strip poker” and we put two and two together.
You and I had played some adult games with friends in
the past that were kind of naughty, but together we
had not done anything where were got naked with others.
There had been enough alcohol consumed that they felt
comfortable enough to talk openly about the party’s
main event: a game of strip poker. We were tantalized
with the new subject and leaned in to listen more closely
as they forgot about us and the honeymoon couple. Every
comment was full of innuendo and double-entendres about
what took place, including another a reference to the guy
with the thick glasses, who just smiled.
Apparently, one evening’s direction turned to sexy fun
at the end of a formal cocktail party. One woman was
ribbing another how she had continually checked that all
the shades were closed in the house and she giggled.
Another said that she had worn too little under her
dress that night and, even though she was really good at
poker, had to pay an unexpectedly high price. It turned
out that their game involved more than just a couple of
people: everyone there was involved!
One of the women said that she’d had a terrific
night and was looking forward to the next time. Her
husband quickly agreed and the guy next to the
honeymoon couple blurted out loud “Hey ‘ what about
tonight?” This got plenty of nervous laughter and some
dares between one person and another. You and I were
certain that these suggestions would fizzle out when
the band returned. But then one couple reminded everyone
of their large suite and invited everyone to room so
and so. This was followed with “We will if you will”
playground type responses.
Listening, I got a titillating chill just considering that
they were acting serious about this, and we both got
aroused with the thought. Neither of us are prudes,
but after years together, this was new ‘ and I have to
admit that with all the drinks and dancing we were
looped and curious enough to be swept along with the group.
We all walked over to one of the buildings and went up
to a large penthouse suite. Immediately we noticed the
gorgeous coastal night view of the ocean and beach with
little lights in the distance. It was still pretty warm
and humid, and in our euphoric state, we were feeling oddly
horny. Some of the guys moved furniture around a large
coffee table.
OK ‘ they were getting serious about this. The host
offered drinks from his generous bar and someone
brought out some large joints. The honeymoon couple
had also followed along with us and sat down together
on one of the couches near a single guy whose girlfriend
had already given up for the night. The new bride was
looking pretty hazy with her blank smiling at everyone and
everything. The host produced a deck of cards and others
began settling in around the table, getting giddy and
talkative. Now things were really getting serious and I
felt that giddy feeling rising in my stomach about
actually playing strip poker with virtual strangers.
On the table some bottles of gold tequila were placed
with a few shot glasses. Shuffling the deck, one guy
announced the rules of the game and everyone quieted
down to listen. The lowest hand in each game was the
loser and they had a choice of two penalties: either
down a shot of tequila or take off an article of
clothing. Jewelry and shoes were OK, a gesture really
for the ladies who weren’t wearing very much that warm
The host announced with a wink that if someone wasn’t
going to play, it would only be fair to the others to
leave the room. It got a little quiet but no one left ‘
not even us! I guess we were both thinking that this
was really harmless fun and we could certainly hold our
own with the others in the tequila department. I felt I
could somehow avoid really having to show anything, but
I had this nagging feeling of apprehension too.
Thinking “What if’ both scared and excited me. The game
started and they dealt the cards and the poker faces
came out ‘ very aroused poker faces. A joint was being
passed around on our side and we both took a couple of
hits before passing it on. Boom! ‘ whatever kind of
grass that was, we felt it fast. That strange but
exhilarating feeling I’ve always gotten from grass this
time was as intense as I’ve ever felt. Wow – talk about
a wave of excitement and trepidation at the same time.
My stomach was already doing leaps every time I looked
up from my cards. You had a funny wide-eyed expression
on your face that the grass seemed to make more comical.
The cards were passed around the table for the first
hand and it got suddenly quiet. A couple of minutes
later the first loser was the honeymoon wife. Ah ‘ the
first victim! Everyone looked to see what she would do.
Looking very embarrassed she downed a shot of tequila,
stared for a couple of seconds and set the shot glass
back on the table. In her condition, a shot was
probably not a good idea but it was too late now. I
wondered what affect this would have on her inhibitions.
Next loser was the single guy and he also downed a shot of
tequila instead of taking something off. Cards were passed
out again and everyone got somewhat serious. We all
compared hands and a man directly across from me lost
and decided to strip. Off came his light cotton shirt
as everyone watched. Hmmm, nice chest, as I still
remembered his pecs from around the pool that day.
After some more hands, more drinking and more smoking,
a couple of shirts and tops came off and I was
beginning to feel nervous about losing. You admitted to
me that you were getting horny watching all this ‘ no
kidding ‘ what guy wouldn’t? We played some more and we
watched people starting to avoid the tequila: for the
women, it was first their shoes, then bracelets and
necklaces, while the men dived right in and stripped
off shirts and pants with anticipation of seeing the
women do the same thing.
Not long after, sitting only in his boxers, the single
guy lost again and we watched as he raised up slightly
off the couch and slipped them off. His girlfriend was
missing this, though I had a feeling that she already
knew that he worked out and spent time in the sun. His
hips were almost bright white against the deep tan on
his body and legs. In the middle of all this whiteness
he had a thick tuft of black pubic hair surrounding his
rising penis. This really turned me on! Smiling
sheepishly, he sat back on the couch and his penis
sprang up pointing at the ceiling for all to see. Ladies
were giggling and making suggestive comments and I
could tell they were as aroused as I was at this cute
guy and his thick curving erection. There weren’t just
women staring. Many of the men were staring too.
I was getting more loosened up after a couple of shots
of tequila and I could tell that more booze was not a good
idea. With that thought, just I was taking one more hit
of grass and my luck ran out. I felt my blood race
because I knew that I was wearing only three
things: my sun dress, strapless bra and panties. Then
someone reminded me that I could remove jewelry and
shoes. Everyone watched as off came one of my sandals,
and suddenly in my tummy that feeling that I just might
be on the slippery slope of having to do something very
embarrassing rose up again.
With the loss of my other sandal minutes later, my
feeling of dread returned again. Though it was fun to see
the others losing and being forced to accept the penalty,
how could I do it if I got that far? I was always
one who played by the rules and when I lost, I felt
obligated to pay whatever debts I owed. But in this
case, the penalty could mean doing something I had
never done before that normally terrified me: being
naked in front of other people. God ‘ there was such an
element of danger and just the thought made me shiver.
It was getting to be midnight but no one left. Both you
and I were pretty blitzed but still functional,
casually watching as people couldn’t drink any more
shots of tequila and took off something. More hands of
poker and we had both lost some more things: my sandals
and jewelry were gone and you sat in your underwear
like most of the others. A man directly across had to
remove his boxers and sported a thick, erect three inch
penis pointing straight outward. It was strangely
fascinating to see this, but his balls were remarkably
full and round. He was definitely excited by the game!!
The honeymoon wife lost next and squinted at her
husband with a desperate smile. He shrugged her
direction and he watched her hike up her shift a
little, reach under and pull off a pair of lacy black
panties and put them on the couch next to her. That
meant that her shift was all that was left. My big
mouth ‘ I lost again and my sun dress was next! To be
brave I kept thinking that my bikini had covered more
of me all day long, but it didn’t seem to help much and
all eyes watched as I pulled the top down and slid it
over my hips, over my legs and off. I could feel my
face getting red!
I must have lost track of time because minutes later I
lost again! Yikes! Even though I was really high, I had
this incredible feeling of fear and excitement for what
I guess I had to do next. I looked around to see if
Any other woman was reduced yet to my fate. Nope ‘
Here I was drunk and about to loose my bra in front
of near strangers! God ‘ how on earth was I going to
carry through on this? You were no help at all. And
I think if your shorts were any evidence, you were
turned on by what I had to do.
I know that the guys were enjoying the view, but God
this was making me very nervous and I could feel myself
shaking. I looked around for some mercy but could only
see hunger in the all the men’s eyes for the next step.
I was thinking how we had all been together all that day
at the pool and how there had been lots of sly glances
at my top all day. Now, you could tell that they were
dying to see what they saw by the pool, only without my
Jesus ‘ could I get out of this? Any more tequila was
out of the question. A feeling of deep embarrassment
washed over me and I must have blushed ten shades of
scarlet to some giggles, but I couldn’t think of a way
to still play fair and leave my bra on. Finally, I
gave in and felt that I had to pay my debt under the
rules! I was really shaking.
Oh, God ‘ I could tangibly feel that it was really
going to happen ‘ I was going to take off my bra and
expose my breasts right in front of them!! Because
there were no straps, once my bra was undone it sort of
just falls away. I was desperately thinking that there
must be a way I could cover myself. As I reached back
behind me it suddenly occurred to me that it made by
breasts look even larger and I kept my head down so
they couldn’t see my distressed expression. Looking at
the ground in embarrassment, I could feel my face
getting really hot as I realized I was resigned to my
I sensed them looking right at my deep cleavage. With
my fingers feeling for the clasp, I audibly unhooked it
and felt it falling down. I moved my elbows inward as
quickly as I could. Oh God – my bra was in my lap! All
the men and women were enjoying the sight of me trying
my best to hide my large areolas and nipples. I was the
first girl to be topless and it seemed way too quiet for
my comfort.
I kept my arms crossed over my chest, but because of
the size of my breasts, I could see in their eyes that
there was plenty to look at. Looking up with my red face,
I looked into their eyes as they craned and stared to see
as much as they could of my bare breasts. There was no
swim suit this time to cover me from their goal of getting
me naked. They were getting quite an eyeful.
Now it was a problem to pick up my cards, so I did the
best I could with just my left forearm over my breasts
while getting them. Looking down to pick up the next hand,
I realized that covering up with one forearm just
wasn’t going to cut it. Most of each breast was
completely exposed! I just couldn’t believe that I had
to do this! Talk about feeling embarrassed and
I looked over to you and saw the pointing bulge in your
shorts ‘ and I wondered if all the other men were
reacting the same way. I did look and saw other erections
and also the single guy’s penis twitch up and down when I
removed my bra. Gad – A roomful of undressed men were
getting erections over my exposed bosoms! With the fact
that I could lose more, this was becoming a terrifying,
yet sexy turn on.
Next, the nerdy guy with glasses lost and had to take
off his boxers. Oh my God! ‘ what an enormous penis
and balls!! There was absolutely no way to possibly
know that this mild, unassuming man was blessed with
this huge erotic equipment. His wife, sitting in just
her panties, smiled a knowing smile as it started
rising. He was pretty embarrassed having to be naked
because his face turned beet red. When he sat down it
continued to get harder and bigger, way out of
proportion to his body. Even women who had apparently
seen it before were staring at this massive erection.
I couldn’t imagine that fitting even halfway inside me.
Attention then focused on the honeymoon wife who lost
again and now had to remove her shift. She was already
swaying a bit and didn’t understand at first that she
lost. Her husband explained to her and she smiled
drunkenly and stood up to strip. She was having trouble
so he stood next to her and pulled it off over her head
and sat her back down naked. She was the first girl nude
and the guys reacted accordingly with cheers at their
first glimpse of someone’s pussy. I don’t think she
even realized that she was completely nude in front of
all these people. She was in her 20’s and her full
round breasts tilted upwards with her nipples almost
pointing at the ceiling. The guys looked and nodded in
their lustful expressions. Her husband’s boxers were
sticking way out in front of him, reacting to his naked
Christ!! I lost next and thought seriously about the
tequila, but no way. How did I get into this and how do
I get out of taking off my panties!! There was no way
to cover my breasts and take them off, so I relented
and still sitting, I uncrossed my arms exposing my
breasts, slipped my fingers inside the elastic and
slipped them off over my hips, clearly exposing the
thick, dark triangle-shaped hair all over my pussy.
To the men’s delight, I could feel my breasts jiggling
as I pushed the lacy material off my legs and just left
them on the floor. My God – I was now completely naked
and the guys’ got their wish and were taking it all in.
I still tried to cover my breasts again and kept my
thighs together but it probably added to the erotic fun
for them.
You could feel the atmosphere heating up in the room
as men and women were getting really high and very
turned on as things continued. Various states of
nakedness appeared around the table. Three women
were now nude and we sat watching the remaining players.
There were four naked guys and, anticipating the
stripping of more women, each with a raging erection.
When you lost your shorts, I felt this twinge of
excitement watching your familiar erection pop into view.
I’ve always thought that you have this great looking
penis and felt a little proud of your size and shape.
I felt this urge to suck you, so I must have been
getting pretty loose by that time.
Finally, there were only two men with their shorts
left. One more hand was dealt and we all stared as the
honeymoon husband stood up and pushed down his boxers.
With a sudden bounce over the elastic, his erect penis
sprang out, fully displayed for everyone. God ‘ what a
turn on! I wonder if anyone else noticed that his wife
was quietly frigging her pussy while her husband’s
erection swayed a little back and forth as he stepped
out of his boxers.
The guy that won removed his shorts to join in and we
were all completely nude! Peoples’ faces were flushed,
penises were all sticking out or upward, and I saw some
caressing their partner’s arms or shoulders. Someone
said that they should do what they did last time, play
Truth or Dare. Yikes ‘ there was more? I thought that
we were finished and going back to our room. I hadn’t
played Truth or Dare for years and wasn’t sure I
remembered how.
Some cute 40-ish women insisted she wanted to go first
and picked the host as her target. He said he’d take
the Dare and I suppose I was expecting something pretty
dumb or naughty. She asked him if he was sure and that
she had something very special for him since their last
time: she said that she dared him to have two other
women she named to sit on either side of him and “see
how hot you can get him in three minutes.” Oh ‘ not
Without any hesitation two women moved over and sat
down on either side of him. Reaching over, they began
erotically playing with his penis and very lightly
tickling his balls in front of us! Everyone closely
watched as his head jerked back and his penis started
twitching and jumping under the actions of their hands
and fingers. Except for the sound of his low moans,
everything was quiet. This was totally riveting to me.
He began breathing really heavily and stroked the
thighs of each woman as they worked on him. Near the
end of the time, he was in exquisite torture. The women
kept wiggling their finger tips over his balls, and
then one or the other would grasp his penis as lightly
as she could and slowly stroked up and down. Under your
breath, I heard you say “Holy fuck! There’s no way he
can last!” and I noticed that your penis was reacting
to his erotic torment.
Suddenly, he made this strange noise from deep
in this throat, his body jerked and a stream of white
cum shot straight up and onto his chest. He made
another sound and ejaculated five or six more spurts of
hot creamy sperm. People around us were saying “All
Right!” and “God ‘ what a great cum,” as they witnessed
his orgasm. With just their light finger touches, they
made him ejaculate by barely touching him. He collapsed
back in exhaustion and immediately another guy said he
was next to chose.
He chose this gorgeous curvaceous brunette with a
Matronly large bosom and tiny waist, and asked her
Truth or Dare? She answered Dare and he answered:
“I dare you to be double fucked by two men I chose.”
She stood up and naked knelt over the lap of one man,
impaling her vagina on his erection. She must have been
really hot, because he just slipped easily into her.
They both started small movements and by the expression
on her face she was getting terribly turned on in
anticipation of what was next. They were close to us and
we watched as the man fondled and sucked both her bosoms.
The other man approached with a vial of lubricant and
got behind her. Applying it to her ass and his erect
penis, he began to rub it up and down in the cleft of
her ass, back and forth over her opening. At this,
she began this erotic moaning that seemed to get to
everyone in the room. Women started squirming and men’s
erections were twitching to her sounds.
She gasped and we realized he had entered her and was
moving slowly back and forth in her ass at the same
time she was fucking! Shortly, both erections were
buried deeply inside her, moving in and out. At this,
she went into lustful paroxysms, shouting for them to
“Fuck her harder, fuck her deeper, and not to stop
fucking her with their hard, erect cocks,” and so on.
They were panting and talking at the same time saying
that they felt each other’s penis through the thin
partition, making it feel like there were two penises
rubbing together inside her. They soon set up a reciprocating
fucking rhythm, one pushed in as the other pulled away.
Within a minute she started convulsing and came really
loudly, setting off both men. We listened to the poor guys
howl and ejaculate their hot cream into her ass and vagina.
It was so incredibly hot to watch this. My pussy became
dripping wet and the head of your penis glistened in pre-cum.
Truth or Dare must have been over because the honeymoon
guy sitting next to me was rubbing my shoulders while
his wife stroked his penis. At the same time the man
next to her softly fondled her perky round bosoms.
A blond on your other side was masturbating with one
hand while she handled your penis with the other!
Oh my God – it was turning into a sex orgy! I was
getting so uninhibitedly horny that I actually grabbed
the newlywed husband’s hand and placed it on my breast,
and without hesitation he started stroking and pinching
my nipple.
Directly across from us, you could tell that the man
with the small straight penis and round full balls
was ready to cum. His wife was using both hands to
stroke his erection and fondle his balls when he started
that crescendo of low moaning that we women know so
well. She abruptly exclaimed out loud, “Oh Fuck! Here
it comes!” and she wasn’t kidding.
With a long bellowing he began to ejaculate geyser
after geyser of creamy sperm over her hand and arm, his
penis and balls, into her lap, the couch and anyone on
either side of them. I didn’t know that it was possible
to shoot so much! It just kept ejaculating out of the
head of his penis. Finally it ebbed to mere flooding,
but cum continued to flow. As she finished her last
slow strokes, they passionately kissed while he tried
to recover his senses. She brought up her arm and he
actually began licking his cum off her hand.
A woman sitting next to him lustfully bent down to
claim the sperm covering his penis and balls. Jesus ‘
you could hear her actually smacking her lips. It was
so outlandishly erotic that I came my first time right
there, listening to their tongues working. It just
sounded so fucking primal.
Another man sat down quickly next to me and pulled me
over into his lap backwards. In one motion, I saw you
move onto the floor on your knees between our legs.
You gripped his penis and slipped it into my vagina
and we started the most delicious fuck. I looked down
to see what you would do and you began to slowly tongue
around his penis and the lips of my vagina. I came again
very quickly, but neither of you would give me time to
recover. You started in on my cunt again and I thought
that I saw you also lick his penis and balls as he moved
back and forth inside me.
This made me so hot that I had another orgasm ‘ a real
hard one, with my body jerking in his lap. I was so turned
on that I could feel my inhibitions dissolve wanting my
most intimate places to be stimualted. I said “fuck me
harder!” and ordered you “to lick and suck my hot
Suddenly I felt him lift me slightly, withdraw his
penis and watched wide-eyed as you popped the head into
your mouth. I could hear you sucking and moaning as he
began ejaculating and you worked to get all you
could. He must have shot a lot of cream because
you couldn’t swallow it all and it smeared all over
your face and neck. My body jerked again at the sight
and I came when I saw some of his cum gush out of the
corner of your mouth and down your chin while you
I slid down to the floor and pulled you toward me to
get on top. In my excess of emotion I badly wanted to
kiss and share the tasty cum. These thoughts made me
so hot that I felt I would literally explode. As we
reveled together in the warm cum, you folded up my legs
nearly to my shoulders and your erect penis slid inside
me and we started fucking in earnest. It felt
incredible! I could feel you so deep inside me with
each thrust. The grass must have made me super
sensitive because I could feel every vein and ridge in
your penis as you fucked me, back and forth, deep into
my wet slippery cunt.
Behind you I noticed the nerdy man walking towards us
with his immense erection sticking way out very rudely
swinging to and fro. He knelt next to us with his huge
stiff penis protruding to the middle of my stomach and
I could feel us rubbing against it as we fucked.
Impulsively you slowed and pulled out. Oh shit! Was
this man taking your place? Was he going to fuck me
with that huge cock?! He got between my legs and he
started sliding the head into my vagina! But I was
so turned on that as he pushed the top part of his
penis slipped inside. I watched you rubbing his ass
with your hand while he moved back and forth, trying to
get more and more of his big penis inside me.
There was no way it was all going in, but it was so
amazingly fat and thick that it filled me completely
and I started this long weird orgasm that seemed to go
on in slow motion. I looked to see you staring at his
massive organ sliding in and out of me. My sensations
and sensitivity kept rising and rising and rising until
I felt I was literally drenching his penis in my juices
with wave after wave of convulsive moisture. He pulled
all the way out to cum and you quickly tried to get your
hand around his penis and then jacked him as his balls
shuddered and bounced. A few more strokes and he erupted,
first spraying his sperm all over my tummy and then quick,
jerking pulses of cream flowing all over your hand and
wrist. You delightfully emptied his balls all over my
As he moved away on his knees there were two more men
on their knees around us, lined up for ‘ Oh Fuck! ‘ not
taking turns with me!? One long penis went inside me. I
was about to insist you stop them when I realized that
the guy behind didn’t want a turn. He gripped one of
the cheeks in front of him with one hand and, with some
squirts of lubricant, starting angling his penis into
the other’s butt. The man buried deep in my vagina
stopped to let his ass fill up with the erect penis.
After penetrating up to his balls, they both began this
rhythmic fucking motion. We could hear the sounds of
their immersed slippery cocks sliding back and forth. I
heard both men moaning erotically as I fucked them.
You stood up by my side and directed your penis at
the middle guy’s mouth. He hungrily began sucking you
with great slurping sounds.
Fuck! Watching you enjoy your penis sucking made
me come again. Working up to your climax, you pulled
away from him, knelt down beside me and angled your penis
this time at my mouth. I sucked you in and licked the
head of your penis wildly back and forth. I felt your
penis swell and the first few streams of yummy hot cum
ejaculated into my mouth. You made hot, growling
noises as you pulled away and methodically jacked off
your curved, hard penis over the firm round globes of
my bosoms. I could feel your warm gobs of cum soaking
my nipples and areolas.
Suddenly, there was another man on my other side
masturbaing. Before I knew it, a perfect fountain of
cum ejaculated out across my chest and tits, followed
quickly by short creamy spurts from his shooting
penis, completely flooding my bosoms in cum. Someone
abruptly pulled me up from behind and sat me up on the
floor against the couch. The honeymoon couple was
suddenly next to me smiling in an oddly aroused way.
The husband asked his wife if she preferred right or
left? Huh? What did that mean?? All completely naked,
they each chose one of my breasts, leaned down and
began to hungrily lick the cream off my drenched bosoms.
As she savored the cream on one breast, she started
furiously masturbating, often looking up at me with a
thousand mile stare, cum smeared all over her mouth and
chin. While her husband concentrated on my nipple and
areola, her eyes lazily rolled back as she came, her
breathing accelerating quickly like she’d hyperventilate.
Her head began jerking and nodding while her orgasm
peaked. I couldn’t see her fingers, but I could only
imagine what she was doing with her clitoris and pussy.
Spent, she turned over and lay next to me panting
trying to recover. Her husband continued licking and
sucking my bosoms, tantalizing my nipples and making my
vagina wetter and wetter.
Two men appeared and knelt down in front of us, pushing
our thighs open and started licking us mercilessly around
the clitoris and vagina. At least three or four times
we came together all over their mouths and faces while
they licked, sucked and tongue-tickled us into total ecstasy.
Even though we were in this hyper-horny fogginess, our
bodies wanted more erotic stimulation. I don’t know if
it was the grass or what, but we simply couldn’t seem
to stop. The finale was an amazingly naughty exercise
and we observed it build into a howling climax. Someone
had called room service ‘ now that seemed very funny ‘
and a handsome Mexican waiter appeared at the door with
a cart and before he turned the corner in the suite and
realized, some of the women had him surrounded and
moved him into the room.
Someone else made a phone call and soon a cute young
turn-down maid showed up and the poor thing befell the
same fate to a group of nude men. From the floor I
strained to see as both new victims were hidden from
view by a surrounding group of naked and very turned on
hotel guests.
I could see the naked butts of our very busy friends as
they actively worked on the surprised participants. As
I watched and listened we could hear in Spanish the
girl say things that I couldn’t understand. Then a
maid’s apron appeared in one someone’s hands up over
their heads. There was more Spanish from the girl as
her apron disappeared into the room. There was short
pause as they worked, and a black maid’s dress was
handed out over their heads.
I heard a guy say, ‘OH Fuck ‘ Yeah, ‘ and her lacy
black bra was appeared, followed by a pair of black
panties held aloft for a moment and discarded. They had
stripped her completely naked! I felt myself get a
little wet with the thought of being forcibly stripped
by some very horny men. They stepped back to show their
handiwork to everyone. Her ample breasts were heaving as
they held her and I noticed her enticing thick black
triangle of pubic hair. The men’s penises had become
fully erect in all the fun.
On the other side of the room, the women worked more
slowly but we watched as the waiter’s pants, shirt,
belt, and boxers were raised over their heads and waved
back and forth in triumph. They parted to show us that
the ladies had successfully stripped him totally nude.
The cute little maid looked terribly stressed by all
the attention. The women led the waiter over to a couch
and two sat on either side of him, rubbing their
breasts against him, kissing and stroking his thighs.
His penis started reacting and little cheer went up —
along with his erection. Someone squirted lubricant
all over his lap and lathered it all over his penis.
The maid was literally carried over to him and they
carefully impaled her backwards on the waiter’s now
fully erect penis. She was very busty for her slight
frame and the men delighted in fondling and sucking
her bosoms and nipples while she was fucked by the
waiter. Her expressions were of complete erotic
distress as the waiter’s thick penis moved in and out
of her hairy pussy. A woman knelt down in front of them
and waited patiently for crisis to come. It soon
arrived and his wet penis popped out only to be engulfed
by a waiting mouth, and she greedily licked, sucked
and swallowed all of his cum.
Four men lined up next to the couch with the lubricant
container. Placing the bosomy young maid on her hands
and knees on the floor, the first man entered her and
starting bumping up against her naked bottom as he
fucked her. I thought that they were going to take
turns fucking, bathing their penises in all the sperm,
followed with a bone-shaking ejaculation into her soaking
wet vagina, repeated man after man. But now it got very
intriguing because they were all getting on their knees
behind one another. What was this??
One woman on her knees moved down the line, liberally
squirting generous amounts of lubricant on their
penises. I looked to see you in the middle of them, the
women applying gobs all over your now fully erect
curving penis, you stroking it all over up and down.
When I saw her put it on the butt of the guy in front
of you, it hit me: you were all going to insert your
erections into one another’s ass! Jesus! You were all
going to fuck each other at the same time!!
As the first guy serviced the maid’s vagina on his
knees, one by one a very slippery penis was lustfully
introduced into the next guy’s ass. Gripping the butt
in front of you, you slid your penis in, intensely
concentrating as you slowly sunk all the way to your
balls. You hesitated for a moment as the man behind
you slipped into your ass. Now you started fucking and
being fucked at the same time. There were incredible
unearthly moans coming from the line of thrusting men.
It was hard to believe any of the men had much left,
but the new orgasms raised the temperature in the room
steaming up the mirrors. God ‘ the screams and shouts
as penises convulsed, expanded and ejaculated into
each other’s asses! The sights and sounds were almost
too much.
The nerdy guy with the huge penis was about to join at
the end but the newlywed couple pulled him away and
laid him on his back. The massive stiff penis extended
over his stomach past his navel as each of them got
down on each side of his waist. They both began going
to work on his penis; talk about ravenous! They
traded off gripping it and pushing the bulbous head
into each other’s mouths. As they licked and sucked
on the enormous head and shaft, she reached over and began
fingering those huge balls to his immense satisfaction.
It was so hot to see them jiggling and dancing in her
He lasted only a minute, started bucking his hips, threw
back his head and ejaculated furiously, pouring out from
his ponderous balls terrific gushes of white creamy sperm.
It was marvelous to watch as stream after stream shot
onto their faces and into waiting mouths. No doubt in the
throes of excitement, she continued to agitate his large
scrotum even more with her fingers, driving the poor guy
totally crazy until he finished ejaculating the last of
his cum and it oozed from the head of his penis. I
couldn’t see as their heads leaned in on his stomach
and chest, but I think they successfully got all of his
creamy sperm.
Still sitting on the floor next to the other women, the
scene got so hot that we all starting fingering and
frigging ourselves into hot wet orgasms. I couldn’t
take my eyes off of all the naked women furiously
masturbating together, hitting peak after peak. Looking
over to see the men laying exhausted, some penises
still erect, just the thought of you fucking and being
fucked sent me into one last orgasm…
I passed out soon from sheer delirium and woke up in
our bedroom the next afternoon, pretty woozy. The phone
rang and you picked it up: our friends from Seattle
were calling to see if were up for something kind of
wild tonight.
or fifth time, I decided to sleep on the floor. Those romantic pictures of couples sleeping in each other arms look good in the movies, but you can't really sleep that way. I thought about sleeping in Beth's bed, but wasn't sure what Mary would think about that so I dragged the blanket off Beth's bed and went to sleep on the floor next to Mary's bed. When I woke up Mary was standing next to me in a bathrobe. "Good morning sleepy head," Mary said with a...
Charlene, because I never gave it to her. I had thought about calling her to see if she wanted to go out to a movie or something, but I just didn't know how to ask a girl out. I always found some excuse for putting it off, and there were midterm exams to keep me occupied. "Hi Larry, this is Mary," she said. "How are you doing?" "OK, how about you?" I replied. "I am doing fine. I was calling to see if you were interested in another poker game?" As soon as I...
It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a bottle...
away. He told me to come over and watch a couple of vids and get pissed. We started watching a vid and pretty soon got pissed on his parents Vodka. As we got a more drunk, we started to get a little rowdy and soon got on to the subject of girls at school and being 15, we were both getting horny as hell. Dylan brought up how he used to play strip poker with other kids when he was younger, and how much fun he always had. The rules were easy: We both start with the same amount of clothes,...
Let’s Play Strip Slave PokerMy best friend, Lisa, had invited me over for a pool party on a Sunday afternoon in late August, during the summer between my junior and senior years at college. This was going to be the last party of the summer, before everyone went back to school. Because it was a Sunday, we would all have to get up and work the next day, so everyone would leave by midnight. Lisa said we would be playing Strip Slave Poker and other games, with a total of 4 guys and 4 girls...
Note : This story is completely fictional! In my story "How I fucked my sister" I said that my sister, Betty, might get married. She hasn`t yet because her man friend has been sent by his firm to the Middle East to work there for a several months. Now, to resume............ My neighbours, Stan and his wife, Irene, sometimes invite me to their place for drinks and I invite them to my house. One day they also invited Betty and me for gin and tonics. After a few glasses Stan asked us if we played...
IncestWe were lying cosy in bed this Sunday morning and after a very nice romantic fuck, he had asked me about some of the things I did before I met him. "You did what?" asked my husband, Billy, who suddenly sat up and looked down at me. "Well, it was all quite innocent," I explained. "But you got your kit off in front of these guys?" he said. "Sure, and they did the same," I said. "I'm not sure that helps any," he said with a big grin. "So how old were you?" "I don't know," I...
Rina and I are both finishing 1st year at university, so we are 19. I looked at Rina; a tall slim classically pretty sexy with blue eyes, shoulder length hair and long legs. She is slightly taller, if certain little bids are telling the truth, interested in me.”Put your coat in the closet and I’ll put this in the kitchen,” she said, “we’re going to sit in the den; go down the stairs and turn left, first door on your right.”I went down the half flight and entered the room.”Hi,” a voice...
It happened some years ago. I was in college and I had a friend named Rina. On one evening I walked up to the door of the her house and rang the doorbell. I heard footsteps and then the door opened revealing Rina smiling. I smiled back at the lovely girl and entered the front hall. “How long did it take you to walk?” she asked. Only about 15 minutes, but boy, it’s still pretty cold for almost April.” “Did you bring it with you?” I passed her the brown paper bag and she took its contents, a...
All the people in this story are of the age of consent.My first real sexual experience was when I was 16 and my best friend, Bob, a school chum of mine convinced me one hot horny Summer that playing strip poker was a fun thing to do. I was an extraordinarily shy boy - especially when it came to my body and nudity. I didn’t even like going on a public beach because a bathing suit revealed so much of my skin. So, the idea of playing strip poker and getting totally naked with another guy - even...
Five cards stared up at me while the implications of their configuration suffused my being. Four queens, the heart suit carefully arranged on the left, followed by her sisters, each card a mirror image of the previous except for the suit. The last card, the ace of spades, broke the pattern, but served to complete the hand in mocking simplicity. I never played much poker, wasn’t the gambling type, but I knew enough that this hand, the one I held between my trembling fingers, was rare. I...
My wife Diane and I started dating just a few months prior to her 21st birthday. We worked together and prior to dating as a couple, we had hooked up on several occasions. The way it would go down was that after work, we’d go to the bar across the street with maybe a few coworkers and after everyone else left, we’d sneak back to the empty office. Once there, we would proceed to undress each other and screw in every room, in every cubicle and on every desk we could find. At 5’7” 120lbs with C...
But the real reason I played pool was that we played in teams, one guy with one girl and Debbie had brought along a friend who had stolen my gaze from the minute she walked in to the pub. Her name was Ruth and was 18 years old, about 5ft 6” I suppose, hard to tell when girls wear heels, UK size 10 with some nice curves. Unlike Debbie her tits were all hers and came in a nice C cup of a handful, and her ass looked like a peach in the fitted jeans she’d squeezed herself into that night. I took...
My name is Amanda, and I'm currently 46. Believe it or not, I married my brother, Brian and even have a couple kids with him. Our baby boy we named, John, after our dad that passed away. He was not planned, but nevertheless, we had a very supportive mom and she helped us out right and left. One year after John was born, we had another baby, and it was a girl. We couldn't resist, but to name her Angelina, after our mom who is still alive and kicking. We lived with our mom for about five years...
IncestI mean it was never like on the agenda or anything like that, it just happened, although after the third time we had our strip poker night, Brian and Amanda actually started having sex with just each other and not just on Saturdays nights either. I loved it honestly, the idea of them being together always got my panties wet, it was like magic. So I supported them 100%, but I did catch them having sex many times all over the house, in his room, in her room and even in public a couple times,...
It was going to be a night that none of those assembled would ever forget, and for a variety of reasons. Not only was it Tom's 30th birthday, but it was his bon voyage party; he was leaving the next afternoon to spend six weeks in Valdivia, Chile, where he'd be building a school for the poorest of the southern city's poor. But, the longest lived -- and possibly most embarrassing -- memories of this evening would come from the strip poker game that was nearly ready to begin. Tom's wife, Leena,...
"So, what are we doing tonight?" I asked. "Well, we have movies we can watch, or was can play a board game maybe. We could also do something like go bowling if you two want as well," Amanda replied. "No, I rather stay in tonight, if that's OK," I said. "Well, how about poker?" Brian asked. Amanda and I nodded, it wasn't the best choice, but we liked it. "Sure, get the cards," I said. Brian got the cards as Amanda and I sat down at the table, then he came back and...
"What's going on?" John asked. "Yeah, you look like you are about to tell you are going to war with someone," Angelina added. "Well, your dad and I have something to tell you, and it's just been on our minds for some time, we haven't been too sure if we should tell you or not," I said. "OK, what is it?" John asked. "First, we want you to know we love you both more than anything and this changes nothing, we mean nothing at all, we don't you too feel different about us...
Description – How I got the women of my family naked and enjoyed an orgy. I live with my step-mother and her daughter, my father having died some years ago. We have a good relationship and are quite close to each other. My step-mother is only 45 years old and my step-sister at 24, is two years older than I. Both women in my life are gorgeous – my stepmother, Sunita (I call her Ma Suinta), is 5ft 5” tall and has an hourglass figure with medium sized breasts with shoulder length wavy black hair...
3 months ago my son Brian suggested that we play strip poker for our Saturday night together. Of course my daughter Amanda and I weren't too sure about it, but although, Amanda quickly came up with some logic on it, so we played strip poker as a family. Everyone got to see each other naked up close and after the game, my kids started making out, which led to the 3 of us having amazing sex. I mean I felt connections to them I seriously never ever felt before. After that night we continued to...
IncestStrip Poker Fun I just had to smile when Alexandra, my eleven-year-old sister, suggested that we play Strip Poker. You see our two cousins were spending the entire night with us. Brooklyn was thirteen years old and her sister Trinity was fourteen years old. I am just your typical horny fifteen-year-old boy. Our mothers are sisters so that makes us cousins. Our parents were going out on the town for a special celebration of some kind and they told us not to expect them to come home...
"Okay, you two, I've got some activities planned for this weekend," Rachael announced as soon as Greg and Allison had driven away from the house. "I thought we were the ones who were supposed to come up with the activities," said Jeff. "Oh, you'll like mine better. At least, I know you will. Brit, you probably will too. It depends on how far you're willing to go." Jeff liked the sound of that. He could imagine the types of things Rachael might come up with. "What kinds of...
Hi, my name is Angelina, I'm 52 and I have brown hair and eyes. I have nice C-cup breasts and I have 2 kids that are adults now that also have brown and eyes, a boy and a girl, that are 24 and 28 now. Unfortunately their dad past some years ago, but we're still a family. We have a tradition, that on Saturday nights, we do something as a family. So it was Saturday and my kids Brian and Amanda were in charge of picking out something for us to do that night, so they were in the kitchen sitting at...
IncestChapter 1 It was the summer between middle school and entering high school. I was fourteen and so was my cousin, Frank, who was also my best friend. We both had girlfriends, mine was Lisa, Frank's was Amy, and, like us, they were also fourteen. Frank and I even kind of look alike, we could be brothers, both five-seven, short brown hair, brown eyes, Frank is a bit more muscular than I am, he does work out some. Lisa, my girlfriend, is five-four, blond hair she wears either down or in a pony...
It’d been 5 weeks since the last Poker night. I was still dating Annabelle, and we were seeing Dylan on the side. He’d been keeping me clean shaven all over still, and I’d been avoiding josh since he decided to play dress-up with me, but it didn’t seem that hard since he never seemed to be around. Anyway, the last Friday of term 1, I came home, to an empty house. I walked into the kitchen and found a note, “Gone to your aunts, Won’t be back till Saturday Evening, see you later - love...
We held a big reunion summer party at my parents house last July complete with all our friends from back home and of course plenty of games, food, and alcohol. This one ended very similarly to a lot of our parties, but with a little different lead in. At around midnight, most of our guests had left with only a couple of stragglers left behind. They happened to be two of my best friends from High School. My friends Nick and his cousin Derick. They were still downstairs in the basement playing...
Author’s Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was written as part of a series. For full enjoyment, please read “The Barbie Lez Fantasies: Week 1-89”. *** Have you ever had one of those fantasies? You know, the ones that feel so real you begin to wonder if you are actually imagining them. Well, I do… because I have them all the time! Sometimes, they turn into a story, but mostly they remain trapped inside my brain. That is, until now… My friends and I were...
Introduction: A quick and kinky lesbian fantasy! Authors Note 1: These short fantasies started off as weekly mini-stories for my readers, but the newsletter was shut down because autoresponders do not accept adult content. I thus decided to publish these fantasies for free for my readers to enjoy. It is meant to entertain, so please do not leave hateful comments if everything is not perfect. I am only human after all. Authors Note 2: Although this fantasy can be read independently, it was...
STRIP POKER A short adventure for Nan and Mike. Nan was getting older and she was starting to forget what it was like to be young. Although Mike came to see her at least three times a week, he noticed her slow degeneration."There must be something I can do for her," he thought to himself. He would play card and board games with her just to keep her mind active. One day she surprisingly suggested that they have a game of ‘Strip Poker.” He was horrified. Nan told him not to worry that she used...
IncestStrip Poker Carol?s Strip Poker Experience For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with different kinds of sexual games.? I couldn?t believe my luck as I finally discovered her hot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a few days.? When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play.? I suggested strip poker and she agreed.? We both agreed that the game would not be over until both of us were nude, and when one party...
"You want all that sis?" John asked. "Yes, I love you, I wanna be with you, what's the point of dating anyone else when we're just gonna end up together anyway? Let's continue the tradition and make magic together. Look at them, they've been married for nearly 20 years now," Angelina replied. Then John just looked at us. "Hey, this is between you two, you gotta decide what you want, you wanna get your sister pregnant someday?" I asked John. I think he just didn't know...
Don't read this story if you're under 18, easily upset or have problems(serious or minor) with gay-themed erotic stories. If your country/area ofresidence says this is naughty and i*****l, well, I'm afraid I don't have a"get out of jail free" card you could use. Please, use your commonsense. While the characters in the stories may or may not practicesafe-sex, you really should. Not that you're foolish enough to eschewcondoms merely because fictional characters don't use them, are you?Do not...
I want to take this time to thank all of those who have mailed me with their nice comments. The overriding response to my First Wife story was, oh yes I remember doing that when I was young. I played strip poker with my sister or the girl next door or I tried to have sex in my mini. One even said he had his hair cut by his sister when she was topless. A few have asked me to expand on these memories but in truth there's not a lot more I can say, but here goes. After the incident at her...
I am a real flight attendant for a major US airline but what you wouldn't know from your flight with me is that I am also an addicted exhibitionist.My husband knows this and has, for the most part, supported me in acting out my exhibitionist fantasy on my airline layovers. I told him early on in our relationship that I had an exhibitionist compulsion that, instead of looking for a cure, I had learned to embrace. In other words, I wasn't willing to give it up in a marriage. He claimed he...
ExhibitionismIt was Peter’s turn to host poker night for the boys. The table in the dinette was cleared off and the refrigerator stocked with beer. Vicki was coming over with Dave to keep me company, so I was working on a pitcher of margaritas. We often went out for a girls’ night on these Saturdays, but there wasn’t one damn movie we wanted to see, so had decided to find something on Netflix instead.They arrived first, and Dave gave me a peck on the cheek. As Peter’s best friend, he’d become almost a...
Group SexJust a short recap from the last chapter. I was being literally painted by my hubby's old schoolmate, the artist for about several months. It was about three months after I had met the artist, my hubby and I were on the bed chatting and he asked, "Darling, do you remember you had met two of my friends, Simon and Robin? They had came to our place twice before just after our marriage, remember?"I was trying to recall and so I replied, "Oh yes, I remember. What about them?""Oh nothing, they will...
Group SexSome friends of mine have a 13-year old daughter named Samantha. Even though she's only thirteen, she's got a nice figure with B-cup breasts. However, her parents still treat her like she's a little girl. There was a movie that all 4 of us wanted to see, but Samantha's mom wouldn't let her see the movie until she screened it first. Her parents had invited me and another couple to go watch it, but I declined to stay out of the middle of conversations where the couples swap stories of dumb...
Welcome into my world of memories of my most cherished sexual encounters.Today we are going way back to innocent times. The early years, the times when our minds were filled with sexual thoughts, fantasies and also regrets. My story starts with myself and three close friends. Jack, Doug and Rosario but we just called her Rose or Rosa. She was from the Philippines, somewhere far away that we hadn’t heard of. She wasn’t what I would call pretty but the way she was different was also part of her...
The girl with the long dark hair lost again. Slowly, tantalizingly, she pulled her t-shirt over her head, revealing that she was wearing nothing whatsoever underneath. Her small, firm breasts were the same golden color as the rest of her skin, with the aureolae a darker chocolate brown. All that she had left now was a pair of small, white cotton panties. While he looked admiringly at the breasts just revealed, caressing their curves with his eyes, the black girl to his right shuffled...
Hi I m Rohit from Mumbai. This is my second story for ISS readers. First was“Kinky sex at shop”. I hope u people have enjoyed it much. Now let me tell you about my second story. This incident happened just few months back at home. First let me introduce to you my family . In my family we are five people. Me and mother, father, my brother Raj and our sister Renu. We are based in Mumbai. We both brothers and sister are born n brought up in Mumbai. We went to same school, same college, shared same...
Incest"Welcome to Freedonia, where the very finest in adult resort entertainment awaits! Stay in one of our luxuriously appointed rooms, or pamper yourself with a multi-room suite. Enjoy the spectacular views, the gourmet cuisine and our unique entertainment opportunities. Whether you choose to visit us alone or with a guest you can be assured of our attention to your every need and desire. Our friendly, efficient staff is ready to welcome you and assure you make the most of the opportunities...
My wife, Linda and I were having dinner at the home of Wesley and Barbara, married friends of ours. After dinner, we were playing poker, which turned into an unplanned game of strip poker, at least unplanned by Linda and me. The game went back and forth, and we all were partially undressed. However, on a large hand, Barbara, the hostess bet ‘All In’ including sexual pleasures with male or female with her right there in front of all if she lost. I won the hand and, over her husband Wesley’s...
Group SexNote: This story is completely fictional! Hi my name is Jonny my mothers name is Tara and my sisters name is Sara. My mother is 37 years old with a perfect body about 5'6" and amazing ass and tits she only looks 25 its unbelievable and my sister really takes after my mother as for looks and she is 18 years old and is a making good money our dad lest us when I was born and by the way im 18 years old. my sister sara told me I was a great looker and got my in the modeling biz. I don't do it a lot...
Incest"Knock, knock," Joan, my friend said as she came in the house. Joan was literally the only person on the planet besides me that knew about Amanda and Brian and our tradition we were reviving, she found out accidentally when she heard them talking in their bedroom, and she was OK with it, she understood that you don't choose who you fall in love with. "So, your mom tells me this will be the night with both of you away from him, that is a big step," Joan said. "We know, and...
I was about 14 and there was a girl in the apartment complex that was 12. She used to hang out with us and one Summer day she was with me and two of my buddies in my apartment. It was the early 70s when no one watched where their kids hung out. GREAT time. One buddy said we should play strip poker (he read about it in Playboy). We were all for it but when he explained how it worked to the girl she said no way. But then she said she didn't mind if we played. So we all played poker until...
Our first experience started around a game of strip poker. I had joked with my wife for a while about watching her wanting with two guys at once. She always said no. I decided to take things into my own hands and plan an evening of fun. Now W is my best friend of over 5 years. He and my wife Liv got along well, and we always had a great time when we got together. But there always seemed to be a hint of sexuality in the air when the three of us were around. W was also an old fuck buddy of hers...
I was traveling to delhi and was lucky to get a two seater cabin, i was joined by a middle aged man in his late 40's,we exchanged small talks and finally resigned to spend time at our own leisure with me reading and he took out playing cards and was playing some card game which looked like poker to me,i finished reading the sports section of the newspaper and looked at his card game, he invited me to join him, as i was getting bored i thought why not spend some time gambling, within an hour i...
GayMy wife and I had looked forward to this vacation for many months. Finally we were going to Punta Cana and I could fully relax. I had been working extra hours for months and I was looking forward to hours of doing nothing by the pool. Veronica, my wife was also looking forward to the trip and she slimmed down for the pool action.She is 32 years old and is as hot as any girl at the resort. She let herself go a bit in the clothing department, wearing the slinkiest suit I had ever seen her in. Her...
I put my blind in as I looked at the stack of chips that represented the lion's share of the girls panties. "That's too sweet! For the first time in this game I've got more chips than you. I've almost got your panties, and pretty soon, I'll be after your 50 chip bra." I should have realized that I was in trouble from the smell of male and female musk that was becoming noticeable. I didn't care that I was strip playing poker with total jailbait. I just wanted to see her get naked, and...
On occasions, things transpire when least expected, many of these moments are the most remarkable. This late summer night became to be one of those incredible adventures. It started as a tranquil evening at home, just my wife and I enjoying the fall evening outdoors. We were relaxing in our backyard around our fire pit as nightfall descended. Our outdoor lighting was on along with our music. We both had drinks with no plans to do anything but relax. My wife was dressed in her jeans along with a...
Hi all, this is not a fantasy but a true incident which happened with me a probably a couple weeks back. I am staying in a flat and my girl friend would usually come and visit me. One day Anjali (my girl friend) called me and said that she will be coming to my house in the evening after I arrive from the office and would be staying back as the next day was a holiday for her and for me as well. She also said that she would be bringing her senior who is married and three of her friends and we...
Helen was finding it hard to make ends meet, what with college and her day-to-day living expenses. She had had to take a job as a cleaner in a private house. It was a bit “upstairs downstairs,” but what choice did she have? Her employers where only too aware of what a beautiful mansion they owned... the woman was always going on about it; as for her husband, he was hardly ever there. Helen dismissed them in her own mind as “a pair of snobs”. She had been working there for several weeks (twice a...
Group SexI’d like to be able to share all the interesting details of how the poker game went but according to my wife, she was drunk enough by then that she just doesn’t remember all of them. From what she can recall and confess to her future husband, it went down something like this:The same five guys agreed to play along with my wife and Susan. The rest of the group were somehow permitted to stick around and watch. The other girl left so that left just two extra guys. My wife said she later recognized...
These kind of things always start out as fun, but sometimes, they take an interesting turn. My poker night a few weeks ago was just such an event.It was the usual cast of characters: myself, my girlfriend Robin, her sister Kristi, David and his girlfriend Brandi, but a new girl was joining us. She was new to the area and had just met Brandi at work and was invited to join us. Thankfully, she agreed – Jessica had dark hair and dark brown eyes to match. She was about 5’7” and maybe 130...
This story is a continuation of ” My Honeymoon romance”. It is recommended that the earlier story be read first. However, I am adding a part of the earlier story here to make this one an independent story. Please remember to vote so that I know how I have fared. Constructive criticism is very much welcome.My wife Tulika & I are married for fifteen years. She is now 29 and I am 31. Both of us have successful careers. She is a senior manager in a bank and I am a Senior Project Manager in a...
Strip Poker For some time, my wife, Carol, and I had been experimenting with differentkinds of sexual games. I couldn't believe my luck as I finally discovered herhot buttons. I had been traveling and for once, Carol could come and join me for a fewdays. When she arrived, I took her to the hotel and we began to play. I suggestedstrip poker and she agreed. We both agreed that the game would not be overuntil both of us were nude, and when one party was nude and continued to lose,he or she would...
My girlfriend and her 3 friends were spending 2 nights in 1 of their country houses about a 2 hour drive from my house. Her name is Ashley her friends are Simone, Pamela and Pia. All of them looked too hot. My buddy Sam and I were going to drive there to surprise them in the night. At mid night I called him and asked him if he was ready. He told me that he couldn’t make it and he was really sorry. I dint want to drive down alone but I had no other choice. I left my house by 12:15am and I was...
Group SexThis happened only a few years ago. s*s and I were playing poker. She jokingly said what about strip poker. I of course was like no way. Then she got serious about it and was like whats wrong, afraid your going to lose and I'm going to see you naked. Well anyway, after a bit of going back and forth I agreed to playing. Now s*s and I get along pretty good. Like friends as well as brother and sister. My sister is very pretty but I never thought of her in any sexual way. Till that day. Anway, we...