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This story is seven chapters. I will be posting two chapters at a time till all are posted. Hopefully every two days. Thank you to Linda62953 for taking the time to edit my story.
Chapter 1:
My name is Katrina but my friends and family have always called me Trina. I want to tell you about my life and the mistakes I’ve made, maybe some of you can learn from my experiences. I can tell you right now that I’ll be called every name in the book by some readers. Maybe I deserve it, time will tell how my life will go. The healing process for me has only just begun.
I was raised in the city of Detroit. It’s the largest city in Michigan for those who don’t know that. I have a younger brother and sister who I helped raise after our father left us. My mother is a nurse and always took good care of us.
In school, I had a lot of friends and was rather popular. My closest friend was Jeff who lived a couple of doors down the street. He was a grade ahead of me but we were best friends like, forever. Since grade school we hung around together and after my father left, he was my shoulder to cry on or at least my buddy to talk to.
Jeff and I were not boyfriend and girlfriend. We never really dated as a couple but did hang around together with other groups of people. My mom never allowed me to date on a one on one basis. I could go to school functions, even dances but she would take me and pick me up.
I can’t tell you how many times we argued over the years about me just going out on a date. She would always say she was looking out for me and that she made the mistake of dating as a teenager and is paying for it now.
It was always about the way my dad treated her. After us kids were born, my siblings four and five years after me, she caught dad cheating on her a couple of times and she said she finally had enough and threw him out. He moved away and even though he was forced to pay child support, we haven’t seen him for years. The last we heard he was remarried and living in Alaska.
I guess that’s why Jeff was the main male figure in my life. My mom liked him but didn’t trust any man. In high school, I was a cheerleader and belonged to at least a half a dozen clubs. I joined them just so I wouldn’t have to go home every night and watch my brother and sister. I even belonged to all the choirs. I laughed when Jeff joined them also. He said he did it for me, that he was my protector, he always made me laugh.
I loved my brother and sister but I had to watch them whenever mom was busy or had to work late. I was an honor student and even got a scholarship to Michigan State University. I was so happy that I would be living on campus. I finally had a chance to get out on my own.
My mom wanted me to go to a college that was closer to home so I could still live at home. I knew I would never get out from beneath her wings if I did that. Looking back, it would have been the right decision to attend school locally. I was just too naive about worldly things. I ended up having to grow up fast and learned about life the hard way. I’ll tell you more about this fiasco later.
My senior year was a bit rough on me since Jeff had graduated the year before and enlisted for four years in the Air Force. Up until that year he was my friend and protector. When guys would hit on me he would set them straight. He must have gotten in a half dozen fights protecting me. Thinking back, he never lost any of them.
I was mad at mom when she wouldn’t let me go to the prom with Jeff his senior year. He ended up taking Lisa, a girl that had a crush on him. He dated her for a year or so and she always got mad when she saw him with me. We both told her we were just friends but she didn’t believe us. I remember her saying to me, ‘You two are blind if you can’t see it.’ Now I realize what she was saying.
I figured I was the only eighteen-year-old virgin in high school after listening to the girls talk. Mom and I had the talks and she told me, ‘Sex isn’t all it’s cracked up to be. You’ll find out when you’re older. They start out telling you how much they love you and after they get into your pants a few times they look for greener pastures.’
I kept telling mom that just because she and dad didn’t make it doesn’t mean love isn’t out there for me. I knew she meant well and was just trying to protect me. I wanted to find that special person that the movies say is out there for everyone.
After arguing with mom for two months about my senior prom, she finally said I could go if the boy came to the house so she could meet him. The kicker was she would drop us off at the school and pick us up afterwards. We argued over and over about how silly I would look but she told me that was the only way I would be going.
Matt who was on the baseball and football team asked me to the prom. I felt stupid telling him the rules set for me if I went to the prom. I couldn’t believe he agreed to them. He stopped by and talked to mom and it was all set, I was going on my first date alone with a guy. I thought back and wondered why she didn’t do this for Jeff and me. I know he would have gone along with it.
Matt drove to my house and mom drove us to the school where the prom was being held. I have to mention I was quite giddy, especially after Matt told me how beautiful I looked. Mom and I went shopping for a dress. She let me pick it out, as long as it wasn’t too revealing.
I remember her saying, ‘Trina, you would look sexy in a potato sack, God help you. You sure have become a beautiful young woman.’ I could see tears in mom’s eyes. It was probably one of the most tender moments I’d had with her.
At the prom there was a food buffet set up. Everyone was going to eat first then there would be dancing. Matt smiled as he showed me off to his friends. I knew most of them since I was a cheerleader. When the dancing started some of his friends asked me to dance.
Jeff and I used to dance together at the school dances. He never tried to paw at me or pull me close like these guys were doing, too close in my opinion. I felt like I was half dancing and half wrestling with these guys.
I asked a couple of my girlfriends why the guys acted so weird. They told me that some of the guys were told I was probably a virgin and were teasing me. I told Matt about his friends putting their hands on my butt and he laughed. He said, ‘Trina, they are just kidding around, they don’t mean anything by it.’
During our next slow dance, Matt moved his hand down to my butt and squeezed it. I figured he just did it as a joke seeing we had just talked about his friends doing it. He smiled at me and then it happened, he kissed me and squeezed my butt at the same time.
I didn’t know what to think. The odd thing was this was my first real kiss and I didn’t feel anything. When he asked me if I liked it I didn’t want to embarrass him and said, ‘Yes, it was nice.’ He did touch my butt a few more times but I asked him to please not do it in front of others. He did kiss me a few more times but I really didn’t get anything out of it.
I was actually happy when mom picked us up. It wasn’t like I thought it would be. I did tell my mom I had a great time. I wasn’t going to tell her the truth and let her hold it over me.
I thought it would be a bit rough for the next few weeks until graduation. I tried to avoid Matt and his friends as much as possible. I felt it would be a bit awkward after kissing him at the prom and telling him I liked it, just to be nice.
I received some great news. My best friend Jeff had been through basic training and then he went into special training for nearly nine months. He was coming home for a visit. Mom let him drive me to school but only to school. I still had to take the school bus home. I was so happy to see him.
He showed up in his uniform the first day and a lot of my girlfriends came over to see him. I felt so proud of him. He took me to school every day an
d we spent evenings talking on the porch or in the house. I felt I loved him like a big brother but when he hugged me it felt different. I felt safe and comfortable.
Our three weeks together flew by way too quickly. He did attend my graduation and the party mom threw for me. I wanted to spend more time with him but it was my party and I had a lot of friends and relatives attending.
Jeff received his orders to go overseas into the war torn Afghanistan area. He said he waited to tell me because he didn’t want to worry me and wanted me to enjoy my graduation. He was getting ready to leave when he leaned over and kissed me for the first time.
I felt something, it wasn’t like Matt at the prom. I felt warmth and I tingled all over. I figured it was because I was crying and my best friend was going to war. When he hugged me tight I felt like I was losing a friend. I cried as he drove away.
Mom came out and hugged me. ‘That’s why I didn’t want you dating so young. It hurts when the one you love leaves you.’
I looked over at mom, was she right? Did I love Jeff? It was then I realized maybe I really cared for Jeff more than I had thought, I mean, more than just a big brother. He had never said anything to me outside of joking. I never took him seriously. Mom had noticed it but I never gave it much thought. I just considered him my best friend. As I watched him drive away, I truly began to miss him.
Starting college:
I started college and my mom gave me lecture after lecture about boys, and men. According to her, all they wanted was ‘in a girls pants’. She sure carried a grudge. I was surprised that she actually dated after her divorce, which she did once in a while. I was now nineteen and thought I knew everything, boy was I wrong.
When I started college, I heeded my mother’s warning and spent most of my time studying. I guess her lectures sank in some but I still wanted to experience life. I did go out with my girlfriends and even danced with a few guys. When they tried a few of the hands on approach I explained to them that I wasn’t interested.
I should mention that I did correspond with Jeff while in college. I would tell him about my life or experiences in college and he would write me about his military life. He never talked much about actual combat. He said he didn’t want to scare me. Neither of us mentioned anything about our love life. I didn’t have much to tell but he did mention he met a number of women and how their lives and customs were different. He never did explain what he meant by that.
He always told me to be careful and he missed me. We both signed our letters with, ‘Love ya’.
I did attend a few parties but were always with girlfriends. We were ‘brainiacs’ and didn’t drink or pop pills. I danced with a few guys and some tried to grope me but I was able to keep it to a minimum. On one hand, I liked it but on the other, I could always hear my mother’s voice.
My girlfriends and I went to a Karaoke bar and we all decided to sing YMCA together. We had a lot of fun singing and dancing to the music. When we finished one of my friends told me I had a great voice.
I told them I sang in a few different choirs at school and they asked me to sing a solo. I decided to do it, I liked to sing. It was funny but I thought about Jeff and how he said he liked to hear me sing. We sang in the choir together but he always asked me to sing a song when we were alone. Since he was on my mind, I asked the sound people if they had ‘You Belong to Me’ by The Dupree’s. It was a song my mother taught me when she and I used to sing together. I guess it was from her generation and I never forgot it.
They said they had it and I went on the stage and all I could think about was Jeff being away. It gave me the emotions needed to sing this song.
I started singing and the audience became very quiet.
See the pyramids along the Nile
Watch the sun rise on a tropic isle
Just remember, darling, all the while
You belong to me.
I put everything I had into the song and even had tears in my eyes. I honestly don’t know why but I felt I was singing to my best friend, Jeff.
Fly the ocean in a silver plane
Watch the jungle when its wet with rain
Just remember, till you’re home again
You belong to me.
Everyone cheered and clapped for me when I finished.
I went home the first summer after classes were over. Needless to say I got the third degree from my mother when I tried to explain to her that I thought I should be on the pill. A raging argument started with her calling me names. I told her I hadn’t had sex but in case I did I didn’t want a baby.
The only nice thing about coming home was, I was happy to see my brother and sister. It was hard to believe I missed them, but I really did. I took them to the amusement park and to the Zoo. They were teenagers now and said mom started talking to them about dating. She changed the rules some and told them they could date when they turned sixteen. I guess mom was still learning too.
After starting back to college for my second year I found out that Matt, my old prom date had transferred to the same college I attended. My girlfriends said how good looking they thought he was. We went out a couple of times and I had to warn him about his hands.
‘You’re just so damn beautiful and I’ve wanted you ever since high school. It’s hard to keep my hands off of you,’ said Matt.
I have to admit I loved the attention. It was fun kissing him knowing my friends were jealous. I knew I would probably have sex with him eventually, I had to give it up someday. When I went home for the holidays I went to the doctor and got birth control pills. I didn’t say anything to my mom.
The doctor told me to start taking them the day after my next period ended, which I did. When I went back to school after New Years, I took my first pill. Now I felt I was ready for sex. I forgot to take it the second day. Two days later there was a big after holiday party and Matt asked me to go. The only thing I usually drank at parties was wine coolers. I had no problem handling them and I was still underage for drinking.
After my second drink, Matt handed me a pill. He told me it would make me happier and feel better. He took one and so did everyone else at our table. I didn’t want to be a prude and so I took it. It wasn’t long before Matt started kissing me and I wanted more.
He was rubbing my butt and boobs when we danced. I didn’t care, it felt good and I could see I wasn’t the only one having fun. I did ask Matt not to do it so much in front of everyone and he took me to another room that had a large couch.
He pulled me to the couch and he quickly slipped his hand between my legs and rubbed my thighs and my pussy outside of my jeans. I was a bit high and didn’t stop him. He took it as a go ahead and unbuttoned my jeans and slid his hand inside of my panties. It was the first time any man had touched me there, it felt good and I decided it was time to experience ‘making love.’
He saw that I wasn’t objecting and smiled at me. He reached down and pulled off my jeans as well as my panties. I lay there with my legs together, not sure whether or not to spread them for him.
Matt then got between my legs, pulling them apart. I felt his fingers at the opening to my pussy, pulling my lips apart. Then I felt the head of his cock at my opening, slowly pushing into me. Matt continued to slowly push his cock into me. I knew I was tight and thought it would begin to hurt, but Matt never pushed hard enough to make it more than a mild discomfort to me. I did feel a sting when my hymen broke, but the feeling changed quickly. I felt I was now a woman.
I knew that Matt was buried fully in me. ‘God, that feels good Baby,’ said Matt. ‘You really were a virgin,’ he said when he saw the blood.
His tongue found mine as he kissed me deep
ly. He began to hump more, drawing his cock out slowly, and then pushing it back in. The initial discomfort I felt passed, and I noticed that it felt good to have my pussy so completely filled especially around the very sensitive areas of the lips to my pussy. Matt’s humping continued, drawing his cock out and driving it back in. He continued to kiss me even more with his tongue exploring my mouth.
I was beginning to get into the sex and my hips began moving in response to Matt’s thrusting. That caused Matt’s humping to become faster and more aggressive.
I continued to enjoy the sensation of having Matt in me, a feeling which totally surprised me. I kissed Matt back, at first tentatively sticking my tongue in Matt’s mouth, but becoming more aggressive, ramming it into his mouth as roughly as I could, knowing that would further excite him. And it did, his humping became stronger as he rammed his cock in and out of me. I tried to meet his thrusting as best as I could, but he was fucking me so hard now, it was hard for me to match him stride for stride.
‘Oh Baby, I’m gonna cum,’ he said as he continued to pound his cock into me. My hips continued to rise to meet his as he rammed it into me. I felt his cock swell in me, it felt so good.
‘Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh, Godddddddddddddddd’ came from Matt as he slammed his cock into me. I felt him spasm on top of me, and his body shook as he continued to ram his cock in and out of me. Then, for the first time in my life I felt cum hitting my insides as Matt shot his cum deep within me. He continued to shake on top of me, and I continued to feel him coming inside of me, his shaking slowed. He rolled off of me shortly after, saying, ‘You’re quite a piece of ass. That was incredible.’
I was not quite sure how to take that, but said ‘Thank you. I really enjoyed it too.’ I wondered why I said that, but knew that I had at least two orgasms and I thought how wrong my mother was. I loved it and couldn’t wait till I had sex again.
We sat side by side on the couch for a while, and I wondered if we would now get dressed and go back to the party. Then I felt Matt take my hand and place it on his cock. I knew he wanted to have sex again. This time I wouldn’t be as nervous and I would really let myself go.
I caressed his cock with my hand, and it began to grow. It occurred to me that it was exciting to be able to turn a man on. It was the first time I had ever had a man’s cock in my hands and it felt good. I turned around and got on my knees in front of Matt so that I could use both hands on him. I caressed his cock with one hand and his balls with the other. He continued to grow and was soon erect, I was hot and ready for him to fuck me again but for some reason I had to taste his cock.
I know it sounds weird but I’ve always heard about blow jobs and decided it was my time to try it. I wiped his cock off with a tissue then slowly brought my lips to the head of his cock. I remember him saying, ‘Watch your teeth now Baby, just suck the head a little.’ I did what I was told and found it turned me on. I was sucking his cock but still felt like I was in control.
After a few minutes of sucking on the head of his cock he said he was ready to go again. ‘Why don’t you get on top this time,’ said Matt.
He sat on the couch and I straddled his thighs and mounted him. With his hand he guided his cock into my pussy inserting the head. I let my body slide down on his cock until it was again buried deep in me. As I leaned forward, I kissed him again and again deeply and aggressively. I felt his arms go around me and his hands rested on my ass.
‘You are going to have to do most of the work this time. I can’t move much under you.’ said Matt. In response, I began to hump on him, still kissing him deeply. He was not as hard or large as before, but he still filled me up and it felt good.
Matt pulled my ass to him as I humped into him. Surprising myself, I found that I wanted to make Matt come again, it gave me a feeling of power.
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I feel obligated to ask people to read part one before proceeding. I woke up with a raging hard on. As the fog of the exhausting events of the last week cleared (packing up my old house, moving to my new home and starting to unpack) I suddenly realized that part of my exhaustion was due to a sleepless night caused by the neighbor’s daughter. She had made it fairly clear that she wanted me yesterday. Then later before going to bed for the night, we put on a little show for each other through...
Hello indian sex stories dot net dosto mera naam ajay hai me phir apke samane ek story le kar aaya hu meri age 23 hai ab me story pr aata hu maine 10th k exam diye the thode tym baad result aaya mere bahut kam number aaye the mere ghar walo ko meri padhai ki chinta hui to unhone mujhe mere chote mama ke bej diya mere 3 mama hai sabse chote mama ki age 35 hai aur mami ki 27 hai mama ki shadi ko 2 saal ho gaye hai unke ek 6 month ka baby hai gharwalo ne mere jaane ka intjam kar diya aur family me...
I was away from home on a business trip. The first two days had been absolutely boring; all my mates were old men and none of them could satisfy my aroused horny state of mind.Before leaving home, Victor had fucked me so good; but now I was again getting aroused by the minute.On the third night, after dinner, I went down to the lobby for a drink.Then I moved outside of the main entrance; I needed some fresh air.I was wearing a sexy black dress with no underwear. Outside I felt the nice breeze...
If you have read my other posts you know that I only write 100% true accounts of my Bi life. Here is another time when John and I fucked right in front of the office windows on one of the cities busiest streets.I had made a text to John, my wonderful FWB, and we made arrangements to meet after work on a Saturday at my office. You can read about our other session in my other story of us having a quickie at the office.I was beyond excited that John was going to take care of that burning need I...
Follow up to my event last week that I posted about “slut in the rain” If you have not read it please do. The man that was kind to me said he would be on his return trip on Wednesday. I gave him my number and told him to contact. Me. Early Wednesday afternoon my I got a text. It was from this nice man indicating he would be passing by not to far away and asked if I could meet him. Of course I said. He said he would be there around 8 pm and would call when he was an hour away I wanted to be...
Adam felt Marie’s hard slap across his face. Marie stared at him and screamed, “What do you think I am? Some kind of cheap whore?” “Marie we’ve been dating for six months. What’s your problem?” Marie grabbed her handbag and slammed the door behind her as she left. “Bitch!” he yelled after her. Frustrated, Adam went and showered. He was too angry to fall asleep so he went to the fridge and pulled out a beer. Adam was still horny and had hoped to get some tonight. He walked out onto the patio...
Straight SexThe great congregation waits patiently for the priest to take up the litany. ‘Once upon a time, all the land was drenched in evil. There were men who thought to take another man’s property, men who sought to hurt others for their own purposes. There were men who sought to take women against their will, and there was conflict everywhere for scarce resources. There were men who took vast luxuries for themselves even as others starved. Many rued that this world could not be a better place.’ His...
Diana Rius has a birthday cake for her boyfriend Matt Denae. She serves the cake dressed in a sheer bra, matching thong, and silky robe. Coming over to the couch, Diana jiggles those jugs to entice Matt to ignore the cake in favor of her. Matt is happy to take Diana up on that hot offer. When Matt dips a finger into the frosting and spreads it all over Diana’s nipples, the bigtit babe gets an idea. She takes the cake and smushes it against her breasts for Matt to clean with his tongue....
xmoviesforyouOh hello, I didn’t see you there. Well, come in. Excuse the untidiness; I’m just sorting my underwear draws out. I have a bit of a problem you see. Hello! I’m over here, stop looking at my underwear and pay attention. I’m trying to tell you about my problem. Okay, let me just sit on my bed and get comfortable, puff these pillows out a bit. That’s better, now, you may as well make yourself comfortable; this isn’t one of my hundred-word stories. I’m not sure where I should start, actually, the...
CheatingI was young and minding my own business, she was younger and had some other business in mind, a little Southern belle that came unannounced and rang my chimes for the first time. A group of us had gotten into the habit of "finding" and consuming a beer or seven and one night her cousin brought her along. The fire was hot and the beer was cold and we were high on life. Picture the scene around a fire with a "borrowed" keg and not a single responsible person, adult or otherwise,with-in shouting...
She’d decided to start going back to the gym. She wanted to get fit again, she wasn’t fat or unhealthy but wanted to tone up her natural curves. What she couldn’t understand though, is why she was here at 4am. Then she remembered, she thought that at this hour no one else would be there, no one to fight for equipment and more importantly, no one there to stare at her. The gym was empty. She went through her routine, working her muscles and getting a good sweat up. She heard the door...
I had nothing to do and great weather to enjoy at my beachside shack, and plenty of company since my friend Karen and her daughter Anna were staying. They had packed for a picnic this morning and we all went to the beach for brunch. It was a nice quiet beach, partly due to it being situated in Maui, the less popular, yet still populated island. My little slice of heaven was worth millions due to its section of sheltered beach, multi-hectare size, and most importantly; privacy. It was priceless...
CASSIE'S DAUGHTER This takes place in the universe of the Hallmark series The Good Witch, with influences from some other authors, especially Karin Bishop. To be honest, there aren't many ways to cause a magical gender change, so similarities are kind of inevitable. Somewhere in the Midwest is the small town of Middleton, which was settled over 200 years ago. It's somewhere in the Midwest, south of Chicago, which is close enough for the residents to take day trips there. ...
This is my first story i've wrote, leave your pheedbacks and tell me what you think. All pheedbacks, corrections, ciritisizm and suggestions will be appreciated. This is not a true story, it's just a fantasy of mine. Enjoy! ----------------------------------- I put up a babysitting ad on craigslist. It's not that i needed the money but i guess id like the extra cash. My name is kristen, im 16, 5'2 brunette, brown eyes, i have pretty firm round ass and i wear a C cup. I'd say im pretty...
Crystal went, "Oh, SHIT!" "Let me guess," I hissed, throwing on my pants. "Roly-poly little bleached blonde thing?" "Uh huh." "Ski mask time. Yell and tell her you're coming." I started tearing at the straps. "Desiree! Give me a minute! I'll be right there!" Crystal yelled. I threw on my dark golf shirt and grabbed the ski mask and stuffed my other paraphernalia in the bag I'd taken to lugging. "Bye, Baby!" I gave her a peck, threw her robe over her head to slow her...
There in front of me stood my ex wife. This was the woman I had fought for years to get away from due to her vindictive and bullying ways. After years of trying I had finally left her and moved away, but things had deteriorated as we fought over my rights to see my c***dren. She had used any means possible to ensure I would not be granted access.She was a big girl and now she stood in front of me looking like a vision of a bdsm fantasy. Her hair was tied back tightly in a pony tail and she had...
You are wandering a rather empty night club when you notes a girl in the far corner. Her hair reaches mid back with a few lose strands falling across her small breasts coverd in a tight corset. Her legs are folded beneth a long black skirt.
FetishHawaii was excellent, and very expensive. I spent time on three of the islands. Five days on Oahu, seven on the Big island, Hawaii, and nine days on Maui. I didn't really do much of the typical tourist sightseeing that people expect you to do. Instead, I went around looking for things that could be easily bought and sold. When I first got to the islands, one of the first things I noticed was that, by and large, the residents weren't very active when it came to buying and selling things...
Young, innocent Whitney stumbles upon a seedy adult store, in search of family themed movies. Maybe they have animation cartoons about simple things like dogs and rainbows and such. To her surprise….they carry quite a bit of movies featuring dogs! Almost every movie they carry has doggy position and hell, the production company is even called “Dogfart”!! Before she knows it, the store clerk has offered to show her a sample of one of the videos for free in one of their booths....
xmoviesforyoushe rang to ask if i had wine in ? and could she stop over the nightwhy i asked ? she said she was feeling naughty and wanted to show me somethinghave you any porn she said ,we could watch together ? ony rocco i said and its mainly anal i replied,thats ok she said he`s the italian with the big cock isnt he ?so off i popped to the supermarket for a few bottles of wine,my mind was in turmoil as to what was on her mindthe doorbell rang @7-30,she looked gorgeous,mid length leather coat some,what i...
Five weeks later, it was time for Danny to saddle up and drive up to Triple-P for his last hurrah. With Ashley’s okay, Lynn had given him a torrid good-bye night and he felt wrung out. This time, he could check back in quickly and move to the senior wing. He roomed with Jimmy Crenshaw, a quiet studious kid who had been sent to Triple-P to be out of his mother’s way. Danny planned to finish his applications for several colleges, Penn being his true wish. They had an excellent undergraduate...
Hi, here is my incest story, which I think you people like it. I am from Hyderabad, My name is Blacky – My sister calls me so, I am aged about 33 years and my sister name is Niketha – I call her Milky, and she is aged 28 now, she got married at her 25th year. WE ARE INCEST LOVERS. The story starts like this, I use to masturbate from my 6th class onwards when I reached 10th class my sexual potency reached high and I use to masturbate 3 times daily, because of my heavy sexual potency my penis...
IncestJust when you think your going to have a week off on a holiday and no BIG Cock about...haha! Mick said we should take a small break and go to the seaside. He got us 2 tickets to travel down on a bus to the nice coast. We arrived at the station with our cases, mine too heavy and big as usual! How come all those skimmpy clothes and high heels weigh so much? Poor Mick shlep them about, while I can slink around looking elegant, or is that slutty?I guess the little leopard skin print mini skirt...
Hi Readers, this is my imagination story writing to entertain all of you. One Friday naku na Devi Aunty nunchi phone vachindi, hey dear yela unnavu andi, nenu bagunnanu annanu Devi: Vorey naku chala kavali anipistundira Nenu:Yenti kavali Devi:ade kavalira, Saturday intiki vastava pls ra, manam kalisi chala rojulu ayyayi, ma varu yemi cheyatledu, Nenu: Sarele vastanu, mari mee varu untaremo Devi: Ledu tanu ooriki velutunnaru ee roju night, maa akka vachindi nato vundataniki Nenu: Mari mee...
London browses the dating sites in her sexy, tight red dress with platinum blonde hair, looking like a modern-day Marilyn Monroe. She steps over to the window overlooking her pool, with her large, perky tits, bouncing beautifully in the gorgeous bathroom as she admires herself gracefully in the mirror. This young stud struts into her house in the Hills, greeting her with absolute admiration as she guides him over to the kitchen, serving him some delicious coffee in her total babe MILF getup....
xmoviesforyouJust a “ME” Day Let’s face it people. Every once in awhile you need to take off, get away from everything and just spend a day doing just what you want. A “ME” day. No housework. No telephones. No husband. No kids. Just doing what you want, when you want. Now for me that means loading my big ass up in the truck and getting the hell out of Dodge. And that is exactly what I did. It had started out as a regular Saturday morning. I got up at zero dark thirty and since it was supposed to be a warm...
Who wants to visit Big Tits Tokyo? Asian pornography is widely known and appreciated for certain features, like giggly submissive girls, cosplay, extreme depravity and censorship, but massive, oversized racks aren’t really one of the expected perks. Maybe it’s an inaccurate stereotype, or perhaps it’s just a consequence of diet and genetics. Fans of monster jugs often gravitate toward Latina or Ebony porn, or just whip their dicks out to all the White video whores with big, bouncing surgical...
Premium Big Tits SitesI was hungry after the game and would have preferred to go for pizza as we had done once before but Trisha wouldn't hear of it. She said her mother was planning for us to go to her house. We were all a little giddy after my confrontation with Gina. Greg had said he would attend Mr. Avella's party and I had relayed the acceptance of the invitation but when I was uninvited, Greg backed out of going without informing his host. We laughed and joked about how pissed Gina looked as she sped...
She was fucked, she knew she was. Lauren sat in the back of the police car as it drove her towards prison. She had heard the stories about an all women's jail. Some people tried to convince her those were rumours, but to her it just seemed logical that they weren't. Girls have needs just as well as boys do and she knew it all too well. Unfortunately she wasn't an unattractive girl. Many people, boys and girls alike have complimented her on her looks. The second problem was that she was not...
LesbianAnnalee had been my neighbour forever. Since the area we lived in was a bit out-of-the-way there had been feel other young families around. Annalee would always try to tag along with her older brother Chris and me when we went out. We would do our best to try to lose her or ignore her but we would always get in trouble.I left for college after high school and spent two years away from home. It was summer and I decided to forgo summer classes and let my brain heal from the past five terms....
Elizabeth (Syren De Mer) is a mature woman, who is part of an online book club to satisfy her craving for romance. She’s been chatting back and forth with a charming man named Nicholas for months, sharing thoughts on the latest erotic novel on their list. Every time she gets a message from Nicholas, she’s giddy with affection. She hasn’t felt this alive in years, and she’s sure it’s the beginning of something special. Most of her flirting with Nicholas happens when...
xmoviesforyouCopyright© 2001-2003 A pathetic old maid of Bordeaux Fell in love with a dashing young beau. To arrest his regard She would squat in his yard And longingly pee in the sneaux. I've had three primary sexual relationships in my life, up to this wild juncture. The first, Erika, was a girl whom had come from a nasty household. Drunk mother, physically and sexually abusive father. Her claim to fame to me was that she was the first girl to spread her legs. She was also the first girl...