A Brother’s Love Ch. 05 free porn video

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18th May 2000

A mile or so from the Howard’s farm


Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

Lena bit down on her lip to stop herself from crying. She brushed the hair back from her face with a muddy hand and took a deep breath. The tree’s either side of her were so dark and they blocked the light of the moon from reaching the little dirt path where she sat.

She was aware of her own stubbornness and how it got her into trouble more often than not, but as she looked around at her situation, she felt this might be pushing a new limit.

She and Matt had fought again. Well, nothing new there. They were always fighting just lately. It had been her fault this time too. She’d wanted to take out her upset on someone and goading Matt was just so easy, he always took the bait and got all riled up. Then she’d told him she wasn’t going to college and he’d really flipped. He’d shouted and called her names, she’d called him names in return, she’d even thrown her shoes at him, then he’d disappeared into nothing in that infuriating way only ghosts could. She hadn’t seen him since.

She’d sat up on the smooth surface of the great, rocky mound they’d dubbed ‘the watchtower’ and felt the pang of his absence after he’d gone. She didn’t want to be alone, she wasn’t sure why she kept attacking the people closest to her. All she knew was that when they were there, it was somehow worse, having them close and still feeling so alone made her heart ache so badly that all she wanted to do was push them away.

She was sure Kit had come looking for her, she’d heard footsteps coming towards her, closing in on her little hideout up there on the watchtower. A sense of panic had overcome her and she’d bolted, not even reasonable enough to find her shoes before running away.

So now she sat, cold and barefoot on the side of the little dirt path, one ankle starting to swell from where she’d fallen over a tree root in the dark. She could hardly see a thing around her, just limbs of tree’s and shadows that loomed and shifted in her vision. She wasn’t scared, she didn’t think there was anything in the night that could hurt her, but she was cold and sore and she wasn’t sure how she was going to get home.

Stupid. Stupid. Stupid.

She looked down at her bare feet, pale shapes in the darkness and was thankful it hadn’t rained recently, the ground was dirty and she was certain her clothes were pretty filthy, but at least there wasn’t too much mud and she was dry.

In an attempt to stand, she shuffled herself a little to the left and managed to grab hold of small tree trunk. She gripped it tightly with one hand and used the other to push herself up from the floor. She swore quietly and bit down on her lip again as the touched her foot to the ground. Pain shot up through her calf and Lena winced, digging her nails into the tree. She took a deep breath and looked around, trying to see in the darkness.

She wasn’t too far from home, she knew that much, but the moonlight wasn’t lighting up the little path as well as she’d hoped, blocked behind the tree canopies, and Lena wasn’t sure how much further she could go with only one fully functioning leg.

‘Well, you’ve got to do something, Lena.’ she told herself quietly. She’d got herself into this mess after all and she needed to harden up if she was going to get herself out again.

She reached for the nearest limb of a tree and tested it’s strength. Then, leaning her weight on it for support, she carefully took a step. The pain was sharp but not unbearable, so she tried again, and again, shuffling forward in slow, painful steps.

Her breath was soon coming in short gasps, the effort of it more than she’d anticipated. The pain in her ankle was itching to make her yelp. It was getting really cold out too, the weather in Maine at a low for the season. Lena, without a coat on, shivered and her fingers began to numb.

She reached for the next tree limb, but a flash in the distance distracted her and she slipped, jarring her ankle painfully as she stumbled and fell to the ground. She missed smacking her head on a tree by a few inches.

‘Shit!’ She hissed, screwing her eyes up tight and pressed her hands into the dirt where she’d fallen. She could feel tears well in her eyes, but refused to let them out. With some effort, she pushed herself upright and dusted off her hands, then raised her eyes to where she’d seen the flash.

It was then she heard footsteps too, the unmistakable sound of someone slowly making their way along a forest path, all rustles and crunches. She held her breath, instinct telling her to be still.

‘Lena? Lena, where are you?’ Kit’s voice was calling her name and nothing had ever sounded so good. She saw the flashes then and knew he must be carrying a torch, the light weaved and flashed, coming closer.

Lena’s voice still caught in her throat, so relieved to see him, so desperate to run away, even now.

Her sense eventually won out and she spoke softly into the night. ‘I’m here, Kit. I’m right here.’


Kit flashed the torch in the direction of her voice and his footsteps stilled as he took in the sight of her. She was crumbled on the ground, her legs bent at the knee in front of her, showing naked, dirty feet and what looked like a swollen ankle, her face was turned towards him, pale in the torchlight and though she squinted against the bright light, he could see the unshed tears in her eyes. Her hair was messy, as though she’d ran her fingers through it a thousand times, and there was dirt on her cheek, her knees, her hands and her feet. Some small part of him was annoyed that she left the house without a coat, how many times had he told her not to do that? How many times had she told him not to worry, that she’d be fine?


He lowered the torch and met her gaze. His heart broke as he saw the look she held. He knelt beside her and removed his coat, draping it around her shoulders without saying a thing. He didn’t trust himself to speak. There was so much he wanted to say, so many things he should have been saying to her all along.

Instead, he pushed the hair from her face with careful fingers and held her gaze in his, unconsciously wiping away the dirt that was trying to impair her beautiful face. His thumb traced her bottom lip, it trembled beneath his touch.

Her voice was small when she spoke, ‘I tripped over a tree root…I think I twisted my ankle and then I fell and…’ the tears welled in her eyes once more and she swallowed hard, pushing them back.

Kit took her in his arms, carefully pulling her body into his lap and held her tight. She felt small when he held her, like she was born to curl up into a ball in his arms and stay there forever. Holding her felt so right.

He kissed the top of her head and let the silence stretch out. He wanted to ask if she was okay, but it was a stupid question. He wanted to ask if she could walk at all, but he didn’t want her to try, he’d carry her home. He looked down at her body, tight against his chest and asked the only question he could think of that made any sense,

‘Lena…where are your shoes?’

Lena groaned and buried her face in his chest. ‘I threw them at Matt’s head.’ she said, her voice muffled by his body. Kit burst out laughing. She looked up at him, frowning in mock insult and poked him in the ribs. ‘He was being completely unreasonable!’

Kit grinned down at her. ‘And I’m sure you were the embodiment of rational thought, Le.’

She looked a little sheepish, her eyes dropping, but poked him in the ribs again, harder this time. Kit flinched at the sensation, but some part of him wanted her to put her cool fingers back on his chest, to touch him in anyway she saw fit. He was suddenly aware of the soft feel of her body, nestled in his lap, the way her left breast was pressed against his chest, the soft warmth of her ass pressed against his crotch. Her head
sat just beneath his chin and he could smell her scent, shampoo, Lena and damp earth.

He absently ran a hand down her hair, brushing his fingers against her back. He swallowed hard, trying to push his thoughts away.

Not now Kit.

‘C’mon. Let’s get you home.’ He said eventually, handing her the flashlight. ‘You can guide the way.’

‘Yes, sir!’

Kit hoisted her into his arms and Lena snuggled into his chest. She aimed the torch light on the path ahead as they moved off. They were barely two minutes from home so Kit knew there wasn’t time to even begin to say the things he wanted to say so he kept quiet, trying his best just to focus on the task in hand and not the feel of her body or the way her breath sometimes tickled against his neck.

They had followed the path out of the stretch of dark trees and onto the bordering land when the silence between them was broken by Lena’s quiet voice.

She was staring up at him, her expression unreadable to Kit as she spoke. ‘I don’t know what I would have done without you Kit.’ Her voice was a whisper in the silent air.

Kit smiled loosely and gave as much of a shrug as he could manage whilst holding her in his arms. ‘It’s nothing Le. Maggie and Bill would have raised the entire population of Maine if you hadn’t returned by twelve, you know that. You wouldn’t have been left out there all night.’

Lena just frowned.

‘No, I meant…not just tonight. You’ve always been there for me. Things were really hard when mom and dad died and the whole thing with Matt and…I just mean…’ She took a breath and closed her eyes. Her smile was weak but genuine when she opened them on him again. ‘Thank you.’

Kit looked down at her, his brows furrowed. His throat felt suddenly dry and he didn’t know what to say.

‘You’re welcome,’ he whispered.

They reached the bordering fence to the farm, the one that enclosed the yard. Kit stared at Lena, wanting to say more, so much more, but he saw movement across the yard and couldn’t say what he needed to say.

Light spilled out onto the veranda as the front door to their house was opened and Bill came stalking down the front steps. Maggie’s figure hung back in the light of the door, pulling her cardigan tighter around her body to fend off the chill.

‘Heaven above, what have you done to yourself my girl?!’ Bill called out, rushing to open the gate to let them inside the yard.

Lena smiled to show she was okay. ‘Don’t worry, old man,’ she said affectionately. ‘I just fell. It’ll be fine in the morning.’

Bill grumbled under his breath. He pulled the gate wide enough to allow them to enter.

Kit glared down at her, his eyebrow raised as if to say ‘You think so, huh?’

‘Well, it’ll be fine sometime soon, anyway,’ she conceded quietly.

‘Yeah, well, fine it may be but ’til I hear the same thing from the doctor’s mouth you better consider yourself bed-bound my girl.’ Bill stated.

Lena rolled her eyes but didn’t argue.

Kit carried her across the yard and up the veranda steps. Maggie fussed over them both a little and Bill immediately phoned for a doctor, despite Lena’s protests. Kit left the three of them downstairs, Lena now situated in an armchair with blankets and mugs of tea and coffee being forced upon her.

He took off his boots and climbed the stairs to the first floor, flicking on the light as he went. Bill and Maggie had a room at the very top of the house, on the floor above Kit, with it’s own en-suite and beautiful views of the land around them, while he and Lena shared the first floor.

Kit made his way down the hall, right to the very end, where his bedroom had been for as long as he could remember. When Lena had arrived, she’d chosen the room opposite his. She liked to have him close when she had bad dreams and cried out, which was common back then.

He entered his own room, pushing away the thought of her as the vulnerable, scared teenager she’d been, those thoughts only made him feel even more guilty and confused about his other feelings for her, this new realisation that he was in love with her, that he wanted her in a way he was disgraced to admit.


How could he tell her?

Kit sat down on the edge of his bed and buried his head in his hands. His brain was working overtime, churning up thoughts and spewing them out in a cacophony that made Kit’s ears ring.

Jonathan made it sound so easy but Kit didn’t even know how to begin unravelling the mess of feelings he had inside. And what would she say, really? ‘Oh, Kit, I’m so happy! Let’s get married tomorrow!’

Of course not.

Did he even want to marry her? He had to think about it. It wasn’t like they could just fool around a bit and if things didn’t work out then, hey, no worries, they could just stay mates or go their separate ways…it would change their entire relationship. Nothing would ever be the same again. So he had to be serious about it, had to be so careful not to lead her on or make her…

God, she’d look so pretty in white…he could imagine her with flowers in her hair, wearing a sleek white gown, a smile on her face as she made her vows. And he wanted, so much, to be the one to put that ring on her finger, to make sure she knew every day how beautiful and precious she was to him.


Kit groaned and fell back against his bed, his hands still pressed to his face, covering his eyes. He tried to focus on his own breathing, trying to stop the barrage of thoughts that were all trying to intrude on his brain. How would hw tell her? When? What would he say? What if she was angry, or disgusted with him? Could he handle that? What if she didn’t want to talk to him again? What would they tell Bill and Maggie? What was making her so edgy lately? Had she already met someone else? Was she in love, was that it?

Shit. Shit. Fuck!

The thought felt like a fishhook in his gut, pulling up through his throat. Pain shot through him at the idea of her kissing someone else, of her loving someone else and him being the one who got to hold her, to tell her he loves her…what if he took her from him, some guy from a thousand miles away who asked her to come and live with him and she went and…


Kit slammed a fist into the mattress beside him and sat up, breathing harder than before. He needed to stop thinking about it, he couldn’t do anything about it right now, with Lena downstairs all dirty and wounded.

He felt a pull to go to her, felt that he should be with her but he just couldn’t, not right now. He needed half an hour to try and pull a thread of sense out of his patchwork of thoughts.

Lena was too confusing a subject, so he pushed it to the back of his head, deep into the dark corners where the thought of Malcolm Reed and his release from prison loomed at him.

Kit felt his heart pick up speed at the thought of Malc, but he wasn’t sure if it was fear he was experiencing. There was definitely fear there – there were too many scary memories in Kit’s head not to feel fear – but there was a certain amount of adrenaline too. It was the same as that feeling he’d had when he was eleven and -being taller than most of the kids his age – had been the only one tall enough to go on the Death Drill ride at the theme park. Paulie Fitzpatrick had dared him to go on. Kit had been so cocky until the last moment, when the bottom had dropped from his stomach and he felt cold fear creep under his skin, but it was too late, he had to go through with it, adrenaline, fear, excitement, sickness…he wasn’t sure what he felt, but he knew he was never going back on that ride again.

That was how he felt now, sick and scared and also kind of excited. He knew what Bill said was right, that Malcolm wouldn’t be turning up on the front doorstep or wandering around town looking for real estate. There was no way he’d be allowed near Kit, given their history, and yes, Malcolm wou
ld be watched very carefully for a while, to make sure he was ‘coping’ in the outside world.

But there was still a part of Kit that hid, small and afraid, in his front yard, minutes after his mother had been killed, and heard Malcolm’s drunken voice shouting his name and swearing that he’d find him.

And there was also a part, a grown man now, that wanted to hunt down the cowardly piece of shit that had beaten his mother for so long, who had used her and finally killed her, and make him know what real pain was.

‘Kit, honey?’ There was a soft knock on his door as Maggie spoke.

‘Come in Mags.’ Kit answered, startled from his reverie. He glanced at the clock on his bedside and was surprised to find how much time had passed. It was nearly twelve o’clock.

Maggie’s round figure slipped in through the door, footsteps as soft as a cats on the beige carpet in his bedroom. She looked tired. Her dark red hair was escaping the bun she’d pulled it into at the nape of her neck ‘You ok?’ She asked gently, looking at him in that affectionate, open manner she had. She examined his face from a few feet away.

Kit shifted on the edge of his bed. He had no idea how to answer that. He had no idea if he was ok. He just gave her a small smile . ‘Has the doctor been?’ he asked.

Maggie said nothing of the subject change but Kit heard her pause before she answered his question, as if she was contemplating whether to push him or not. ‘Yes. A sprain – not a serious one apparently, but it will take a few weeks to heal properly.’ she said eventually. ‘The doctor’s told her she’s gotta rest it and put ice on the swelling. He’s wrapped her ankle up in a bandage too – somethin’ about compression, but I think it’s just for the sympathy.’ Maggie smiled.

‘I’m sure she was happy to hear that. Lena loves to take it easy and do exactly as she’s told.’ Kit commented with a hint a sarcasm.

‘Well, she’s gonna have to suck it up. Maybe it’ll teach her a thing or two.’ Maggie shook her head, an annoyed glint clouding her gaze for a minute, no doubt thinking of Lena’s stubbornness or maybe even her lack of shoes on returning tonight. Kit wondered what Lena had told them about their mysterious disappearance.

‘Anyways, the doctor’s given her a pain killer now and she’s fallen asleep on the chair downstairs. Bill was going to move her but…’ Maggie frowned and Kit knew she was worried about her husbands health. He wasn’t supposed to go lifting heavy things anymore, not that he paid as much attention as he should to the doctor’s advice.

‘I’ll move her.’ Kit said, smiling softly.

Maggie reached out to touch his cheek affectionately. ‘You’re a good man Kristopher Alden. She’ll be very lucky, the woman that marries you my boy. She really will.’

Kit almost choked. For a second he had a horrible thought that Maggie could see inside his mind and knew exactly what he’d been thinking with regards to Lena. But another second passed and he knew he was being stupid. Of course she didn’t know. If she did, she’d slap him, not compliment him.

Maggie dropped her hand from his cheek and smoothed the hem of her blue blouse. ‘Okay, well…if you don’t need anything, Bill and I are gonna head to bed.’

Kit assured her he was fine and Maggie left him with a kiss on the cheek.

A few moments later he heard Bill shout a goodnight to him from the stairs. He listened as his and Maggie’s footsteps slowly thudded up to the floor above.

Time to face the music, he thought, standing from the bed. He took a breath and quietly left his bedroom, flicking off the light as he went.


Lena murmured softly in her sleep, unintelligible words. Kit stood just inside the doorway of their sitting room, caught by the sight of her peaceful face. She nestled her head deeper into the dark green plaid of the armchair and murmured again.

A large, square coffee table sat in the centre of the room, a widescreen T.V to one side and a three-seater couch on another. Two armchairs sat at ninety degrees to each other in the corner, separated by an antique end table that had belonged to Bill’s grandmother. It was in one of these armchairs that Lena dozed, an old woollen blanket draped across her legs and a cold cup of something on a coaster at her elbow.

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Just recently i had an eye infection. I was in a lot of pain and put nimerous prescription in my eyes. My family members were aware that i was not feeling good. They have always been so welcoming and i am always the cenfef of attention when i am around them. Everytime we have events. All my family unites at my dads house. All my family members love me and i love them. There is one specific family member that has always caught my attention. Ever since she started dating my brother. We have...

4 years ago
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Brothers Love1

It was the last day of school, and boy was I happy for school to be over. The teacher gave us all printouts of a youth coloring book to use. She said we could do that for the rest of the day, or talk. Like everyone else, we all got up and found our little group of friends, for me, it was a group of about 4 or 5 boys. I was pretty popular at school. We all found the farthest corner and sat down to talk. Like all boys my age we began talking about sports, which then quickly changed to girls,...

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Brothers Bens house

Introduction: This is the fourth of five stories about two brothers and their friends and their fun times together as young teens. This story is about Cian and his best friend Sam, Cians brother Niall and Ben, Nialls best friend.This Story contains acts of homosexuality and incest of young teenage boys, so if you have any problems with these topics do not read on!!!!! This Story contains acts of homosexuality and incest of young teenage boys, so if you have any problems with these topics do not...

1 year ago
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Brothers Friend Shower Part 1

It was 3 O Clock and I was getting out of work I smelled of burgers so I decided to take a shower. I an Jake 19 living with parents. I have blue eyes brown spikey hair and very muscular. Well I got home and headed up for the bathroom. When I got in Iclosed the door and opened the shower door. My brothers friend (Ryan 18) jumped out. I said ,"oh sorry, I will go." He said,"No waite, I like your body and your cock." I was shocked but in a good way. So I hesitated but thought my brother is not so...

2 years ago
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Brothers Wives Made To Fall In Lust

Hi everybody. This is my first true story.I am 27yrs old. I am living with my bro tinku and sweet sexy bhabi Ninu.We are financial well off running a factory and have a big bunglow with 30 acres of land.Both of us are doing very well in our buisness. Tinku and ninu got married in 2010 with great pomp and show.When I saw her first I envied my bro. She looked really hot, busty boobs of around 36. I bet anyone can fancy her in bed.My love story to bring her in bed with me started from the moment I...

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brothers cock

for the past five years i found myself sneaking in 2 my oldest brothers bed room slowly under his dovet to suck his huge thick cock i fucking love it right down my neck till he shoots every last drop of spunk in my mouth

3 years ago
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brothersTags : anal interracial mother son prostitution Author : Hi Hi Book : Slut Mother Story : Slut MotherSlut Mother Gets it up her AssSlut Mother Gets Married Part 2Slut Mother Gets Married Part 1Sluts and GoddessesMy Secret GardenMarriage HelpThe ActressbrothersSafe HavenA Beautiful JourneyTrue loveEating cum from my prosititute mother's assholeWhite Whore for Black CocksHouse of Debauchery IIGina becomes a ProstituteHouse of Debauchery IHow My Mother became a ProstituteMotel MamaSlut...

3 years ago
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Crimson Clover

EPISODE IVCrimson & CloverWe decide for our anniversary to go for a ride in the country, having a picnic lunch packed with a bottle of red table wine & a blanket. Just the two of us this time. We drove for quite some time, until we drove way out into the boonies, big time! We spotted this huge field of clover growing on the right side of the country road, so we found a dirt road leading into it. Bob's road, I presumed? Ha ha. Driving in just far enough not to be spotted from the road,...

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Brothers Sisters Vol II Filling the Void

Michael perked up at that. “Which girl?” His head craned conspicuously as he scanned the crowded bar. “Over there, by the pool table,” Beth said with annoyance. “She’s got a nice smile, too.” “Yeah, she is cute,” Michael agreed, finally finding the young woman in question. “She looks sweet.” Beth rolled her eyes and took a long sip of her mai tai. “Women aren’t sweet, Michael. They’re all cold-hearted and catty. She probably wants something from you.” Michael snorted into his...

3 years ago
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Brothers dont care

And off we went on our ski holiday. Me, my brother and Both our parents. We never went on ski holiday but me and my brother wanted it a lot and we naked and whined until our parents gave in. It was a very long trip but of course we were not in a position to complain so we endured. The apartment was a very nice surprise, I thought it would be some rundown place because my parents liked doing things cheap. But instead it was a very well kept and nice apartment. It had a very modern kitchen and...

4 years ago
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“Your brother, Harry. He is taking the train home this afternoon and needs a ride from the station” “Is he bringing Jane home with him this weekend? “He didn’t say. I hope that you will take the truck and go pick him up. The train arrives at 4:12” “No problem, Mom. This is the way the day started and I left for the train station in plenty of time to meet the train that is always on time. I like spending time with my brother when he comes home, and this is one way that we can be...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 6

The four of them fucked until they couldn't even stay awake anymore. Shari finally left Dusty's apartment the next evening, leaving Dusty and the two men sound asleep on Dusty's bed, where they all had climaxed after six exhausting encounters. Shari herself had cum dozens of times. Her body was limp with fatigue, throbbing with the afterglow of so many intense orgasms. Her pussy hurt, and her tits ached. But she hadn't counted on her younger brother's horniness. She and John hadn't...

2 years ago
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Brothers Ball BestChapter 9

It took Shari a little longer to recover from the fierce ass- fuck her father had given her than it had from Brad's. But she was never sorry she had given in. Just the thought of her orgasms could almost bring on others. She could still feel the huge prick ramming into her throbbing shitter. And even being in the same house with her father had now become difficult, since she was constantly wanting him to do it to her again. On top of that, her young brother seemed to sense that she had...

3 years ago
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Brothers Do Love Sisters Part 21

Friday evening, we decided we would go to town and see what was going on. We didn’t expect too much as our little town wasn’t like the big city, but we thought we would check it out. We went to the little bar where we all hung out when we got out of school and we had a few drinks. We saw a few people we knew but it seemed like everyone our age was ether married or in a serious relationship. About midnight we decided we had had enough excitement and headed for home. On the ride home Jenn was...

2 years ago
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Brothers Love0

“Good morning, sunshine. How are you feeling?” Ian tried to move, but his energy ran out and he lay still, his eyes still closed. “You’re fine, don’t try to move too much. You won’t remember very much of this until you wake up a little more. You won’t feel it until later, either.” Silas undid his fly but nothing else as he stroked Ian’s back, gently prodding him. When Ian seemed to stir more, letting out confused little moans, Silas watched for his eyelids to flutter. It took a few minutes...

2 years ago
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Brothers Swap Wives For A Foursome

Hello ISS readers. This is Dhruv from Delhi and I am here to share the wonderful experience I had recently. We are a family of six – my parents, my elder brother, bhabhi me and my wife. My elder brother Dharam got married 3 years ago to Reshma bhabhi. Dharam was tall, fair and Reshma bhabhi was fair with long hair, medium sized boobs, and a perfect ass. I had masturbated several times thinking about her but never had I had actual experience. I got married 6 months ago to Sneha, with whom I was...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 3

Brad Shuman couldn't keep his mind, or his hands, off Shari any more than she could stop thinking about him. The same night he took her back to his apartment and ended up fucking her on the floor just inside the door, with most of her clothes still on her. Then he took her to his bedroom, ordered dinner sent in, and fucked her five more times during the night. Shari was in heaven. Each time Brad fucked her, she came two or three times, all because he was so expert at arousing her, letting...

3 years ago
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Brothers Do Love Sisters

“Too bad you’re not going on to LA” she smiled at him. “Yes, it’s my loss, I’m sure, but I need to get home.” He replied, “I’ll think about you later you can bank on that!” “Thank you for flying with us” she replied as he walked past her. Lisa Ann it said on her name tag. He liked that and would not forget it. As he walked down the corridor and into the terminal he smiled and then turned his thoughts back to the fact that he was home. Dan had not been home since last Christmas and that...

4 years ago
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Brothers Love Ch 2

It was the custom not to make unnecessary conversation, but Silas chose to break the tradition. He set himself down beside Ian, who had re-situated his clothing as quickly as possible. Hardly ten minutes had passed since Silas had finished, and Ian hadn’t broken out of his quiet shell. “How do you feel?” Silas dared to ask. He tried to place a hand on Ian’s forehead, but Ian dodged it. “No, you don’t get to do that.” “Do what? Care about you?” “No, you don’t.” Ian said nothing else, but...

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Brothers Best Friend0

Alright sounds good, Rich said I laid there pounding my cock unknowing of what went on in the next room. it was early morning and i woke up hard as a rock. I always sleep nude so when there was precum on the sheets i knew i needed to blow a load. I moved my sheet below my balls and started jerking off. Slowly it felt so good that soon i was so into it i fell into a world of pleasure. I didn't realize when the door opened. Rich said, " Oh Shit sorry man" " Dude what the fuck" "i'm...

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Brothers and Sisters Chapter 2

Try to, as best you can, imagine the utter humiliation of having to dress yourself in your little sister's bedclothes each night. Imagine pulling a pair of purple fluffy shorts from the drawer or of feeling them slide up around your legs until they reach your waist, where they sit snugly over your, terribly hidden, male underwear. Imagine too, pulling the little strappy pyjama top over your torso, and of feeling the row of lace on the neck and on the straps against your arm. Then, imagine...

4 years ago
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Brothers have the most fun

One nonevent full day in the hot as hell heartland of Kansas we put in the original copy of Taboo with Kay Parker and watched it from start to finish. He looked at me.. "I'm as hard as a rock...its not gay if you do it with your brother is it?" And with that line...my bro and I were naked in bed exploring each others body's! I'm the older one of the two of us..at the time i was 15 and he was 13. he was hitting puberty and I was taking every chance to rub a load out i could! We...

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Brothers Forever 2

Uncle Jim was pretty special. He knew we did not want to be separated after our parents were killed and he welcomed us into his home even though he was not married and, I am sure, had no great desire to have three brats under foot. The first day we were there we all sat around the table in his kitchen. Jim began the discussion, “There is not much I can do to take away the pain of what you have lost, I lost a lot too. The only thing I can do is help by providing you a safe place to live and...

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brothers school friend

There he was.It had been almost two months since I had seen my brother. He had startedcollege a few months ago and being 18, 6 foot even, and with the build of aswimmer, he hadn't had much reason to come home. I had seen picture afterpicture on facebook of him with different girls every night of the week,them sitting on his lap or kissing his cheek.He would never know this but I was jealous of every one of them.My name was Ryland and no one in my family knew, but I was gay. I had a...

2 years ago
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Brothers and Sisters Chapter 3

It was hard to decide just what I thought of "working" at the playgroup, and to say I was "working" at all would have been a stretch of the boldest proportions. A worker, to me, was a factory worker, or a teacher, or a doctor, or a binman. I seemed to spend nearly all my time "playing," not at all voluntarily of course, with Sophia and her little band of girlfriends. More explanation is needed. Since it had been decided I'd work with Rachael in the outside playground, while Carly...

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The phone rang. Aerosmith’s “Cryin” faded to the background. It was my brother Butch. I hit the button on my dash that connected the call. “They just left,” he told me, “The bitches hardly said a word...” “Just stick to the plan brother, we got this,” I replied. “Why would she do this man?” he asked me, “I mean, I thought we had a good thing going.” “Who knows? All I know is that I am going to focus on Blake and you are going to focus on Sara and the rest of them can go to hell,” I...

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BrothersChapter 1

My girlfriend was supposed to have gotten a friend of hers as Don's date that evening, but something had gone wrong, and the girl had backed out of the date at the last moment. Ginny, my girlfriend, was upset and apologetic, but insisted that she didn't know anyone else she'd be comfortable doubling with, not on such short notice. Ginny and I had been dating, on and off, for the past eighteen months. It wasn't a romance that was destined to go anywhere, and we both were aware of that. We...

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BrothersChapter 2

It had been a week since that incident out at the drive in had occurred. Ginny and I had gotten things patched up to a certain degree. She had called me back, but it was a full five days after hanging up on me that time I'd asked her for Stacy's phone number. She not only gave me the other girl's phone number, she promised to set me up with a date with her. Her attitude seemed changed from what it had been before. She was going out of her way to be nicer to me. It surprised me that she...

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Brothers Love Ch 3

“You feel so good,” Silas whispered. But he reluctantly pulled out, letting his bobbing member hang, itching for more attention. “What now?” Ian asked, his voice hoarse. “You’re getting better at your breathing control, but that’s not the only thing I wanted to let you practice today.” Ian’s eyes dropped to the floor, regretting that he’d asked. “But while I think it’s hot to see you tied up like this, if that’s the only way you can keep from pushing me away while you suck me off it’s...

2 years ago
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Brothers melody

(Warning this story is about incest and is about other dirty fetishes like piss and scat, but that makes this more fun ^_~) "Rose, wake up Rose" a voice calls out to you as you sleep happily in your bed. You groan abit and open your cute purple eyes to see your older brother shaking you abit to wake you. "Come on Rose were gonna be late you damn fool" he growls abit. You always could tell he loved how cute and girly you looked for a boy, and he always snuck a look at you whenever you wore girl...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 2

At work the following day Shari couldn't get her mind off how wonderful it had been fucking with her brother. Her body filled all over again with throbbing sexual warmth as she remembered it. It had been all she could do to get him out of her bed. He wanted to stay and fuck her again, and she had no doubt that he could have done it, too. He seemed to have no trouble getting his cock stiff again. And Shari wanted more, too. But she also felt guilty, as if she had seduced him, and it was her...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 5

Shari discovered that Dusty was very creative about girl-girl fucking, and had done a lot of it. Together, using the double dildo, they brought one another to new heights of almost unbearable pleasure. At first Shari was reluctant to try it out. "I've never stuck anything like that inside me before," she said to Dusty. "Well then, you're in for a real treat," Dusty murmured. They sat facing each other, kissing and fondling each other's tits. Then Dusty slid one end of the dildo deep...

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Brothers Ball BestChapter 8

For days afterward Shari's tiny asshole throbbed and tingled with the memory of the reaming Brad had given it. She was full of mixed feelings that she couldn't sort out. Part of her recalled the pain and shock of having his hard cock fucking in and out of her asshole. The other part of her remembered the killing, wrenching orgasm it had given her. But she couldn't forget it. At night she had wild dreams. In them she was being fucked by armies of men. They were fucking her not only in her...

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Brothers Do Love Sisters Part 3

This is Dan’s story…. I had gone into town this morning to pick up a couple parts that I needed for my truck. I also had stopped in the local restaurant and had a big breakfast. I was pretty content and figured I would have an easy day working on the truck. I pulled it into the shop and decided I would let it cool off a bit and walked over to the house. I entered the kitchen through the back door and it appeared that there was nobody home but me. I was headed back to my room to get an old...

3 years ago
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Brothers roadtrip pt 2

“I see you’re awake!” Eric grinned at me. His hairy chest was still wet from his shower and the towel around his waist didn’t do a great job at covering him up, as I could still see a pretty clear outline of his cock. “I pulled one out before my shower too, so you’re not alone” He continued. I laughed, “Yeah, that's why the room reeked of cum” teasing him. He took off his towel and threw it at me in an attempt to shut me up. I used his towel to wipe up my cum and cover myself up....

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Brothers Forever 1

My big brother has always been my hero. When we were younger he always took up for me; because I was so much smaller than the other boys I was often picked on but Jeff would never let them get away with it. He was also my younger sister’s hero, he always made sure no one picked on her either. When this story begins Jeff was 13, I (Jack) was 11 and Shelia was 10. Our father had a good job with IBM and my mother, once a teacher, was something of a June Cleaver. We lived pretty well and...

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