2008 Ch. 09 free porn video

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Wednesday Morning

When the alarm went off the next morning I opened my eyes and saw Elissa in the doorway with coffee. She was smiling and said, ‘Seeing the three of you sleeping together is so cute. Makes me wish I were younger.’

For the second morning in a row I got up and took a cup from her without attempting to hide my morning wood. In the bathroom Liz dropped to her knees and sucked all my troubles away. It wasn’t too difficult. I had no troubles. When her mouth was full she and Beth kissed and shared my cum. We showered one at a time in the small bathroom.

When we were dressed we joined Elissa for breakfast. I asked, ‘If it can wait, I can come home a little early and help you bring your things into the house. Can you wait?’

‘Don’t need to. I’m in. While you slept I got moved in. I think my new room is cute, especially the bedspread!’

We laughed and congratulated her on being so efficient.

We were gone when the workers arrived. I stayed at work all day. Elissa spoke to Liz on her morning break and Beth called her on her afternoon break.

Elizabeth talked it over and decided they would do yoga on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays near the end of the men’s workday. On Wednesday it was really warm so they did yoga in the back yard on blankets. The half hour they were stretching and bending in the back yard was the least productive half hour of the day. I wondered how many wives and girl friends would be having sex that night. I was pretty sure it would be all the wives and girl friends of our workers.

After dinner Wednesday night I saw Elissa carry an armload of clothes to her car. I stopped her. ‘Are you leaving us?’ I asked.

‘The weekend is almost here. No workers will be here this weekend. I’ll go home, do laundry and hang out at home. Bright and early Monday morning, I’ll be back.’

‘If that’s what you want to do, fine. You can stay here with us, if you like. You are family, you know? Not just an employee.’

‘That’s kind, but I should go.’

‘Tell me what’s going on in your head, please.’

‘You sound like my husband used to sound. Ok. Other than the blow you got in the bathroom the other morning I’ve seen and heard no sign of any sexual activity. I think it’s because you three don’t want to offend or embarrass me, so I should go home and let you play for the weekend.’

I was suddenly aware of something I had done unconsciously. I set about repairing the damage, ‘We should have talked. I apologize. Elizabeth waits for me to initiate all sexual activity. Without thinking about it very hard at all I did back off, in deference to you. Are you telling me that seeing us play wouldn’t embarrass or offend you?’

‘I’ve had sex before. I know you do it. I may not sit and watch you do it, but if I hear noises from across the hall I won’t scream and cry.’

‘Ok. Please stay. I know all three of us enjoy having you with us. Laundry can be done here anytime you want.’

We brought her things back into the house. We watched a movie that night and when it was over Elissa said, ‘Maybe this weekend I’ll go visit Emily and Brad.’

I said, ‘If you want, invite them here and we can have a meal together. It’s been too long since my brother and I have hung out.’

She nodded agreement and asked, ‘You want to call or should I?’

‘I’ll call.’ I said. Beth got me a phone and plopped herself in my lap as I called. Brad answered. I loved when either of them curled into my lap.

‘Brad, We’d like you and Emily to come over for dinner this weekend. We can show you how the house looks all torn apart and we can hang out, just the six of us.’

‘Six? You’ve added another woman?’ I could hear the laughter in his voice, along with a hint of jealousy.

‘No. The sixth is our security person, Elissa Williams. I think you know her.’

He laughed and said, ‘Met her a few times! Yeah, I’d like to come over and hang out with you. Emily’s at the market. Let me talk to her and I’ll call you back, Big Brother.’

Less than an hour later the phone rang and Beth picked it up. It was Emily. She accepted the invitation and they talked about the menu for the visit for a few minutes.

It was decided we would get together on Saturday. It was also decided that Elissa and Liz would go shopping that morning while Beth started cooking and Emily made potato salad.

In our bedroom, after the door was closed for the night, I said, ‘Tonight we play. No toys, just fun. Please get naked.’

I loved how there was never any hesitation. They stripped and waited for instructions. I limited our play to quiet things, pinches, forceful positions and blindfolds. I worked them hard and made sure they were covered in sweat before they were allowed to cum. Part of the time we played I had them teasing, prodding and pushing each other towards orgasms… that they were not allowed to have. At least not as soon as they could have.

When the score was Elizabeth six, Pete one it was time for a shower and sleep. As we walked down the hall to the bathroom Liz opened the door to check on Elissa. She caught her masturbating. She had her eyes closed and Liz opened and closed the door very quietly.

She whispered in my ear, ‘Elissa must have heard us, playing. She’s doing herself.’

I stopped and whispered to Liz, ‘Go inside and pleasure her. Anything she wants that brings her pleasure. Don’t stay up too late.’

‘Thank you, Master. When we’re done I’ll shower with her, then come to bed with you.’

‘Or sleep with her. Whatever she wants.’ I kissed her and then pinched her ass one more time before heading to the shower with Beth.

Under the water Beth said, ‘Liz is staying with Elissa.’

I nodded. ‘If it goes well maybe tomorrow night it will be you staying with her.’

‘What let you know she was open to a little girl-girl action, if I may ask?’

‘It wasn’t in what she said. It was in her eyes. When she discovered the two of you had lived together for years sharing one man I think she figured that you are bi. I think she’s either bi or bi-curious.’ I said.

We got vey clean, dry and back in the bedroom before a sound was heard from the room down the hall. The sound heard was Elissa screaming two words, ‘Thank you!’

Liz spent the night with Elissa. When our alarm sounded it was Liz standing in the doorway with coffee and a huge smile. She said, ‘E is in the kitchen laughing because someone likes peanut butter on his waffles.’

Thursday Morning

‘Waffles? She’s making waffles?’ I asked. Liz nodded and I took my cup of Navy strength coffee. Ten minutes later we were at the table eating Belgian waffles, crisp bacon and an egg each. A great breakfast!

When the timer sounded Elissa said, ‘Time for ya’ll to head off to work. If one of you will call me I’ll get dinner going this afternoon.’ She held the door open for us. Liz was first out the door and she kissed Elissa’s mouth on her way out. Elissa gave as good as she got. Beth stepped into the arms Liz had just vacated and another kiss was shared.

My turn. I stepped up and we kissed. I think her intent was to light my lips on fire and burn me to the ground with one kiss. Peanut butter must be a fire retardant. When the kiss ended she whispered, ‘Thank you for last night, Master.’

I looked in her face for signs she knew what she was saying. I only saw sparkling eyes filled with tears that didn’t fall and a grin. I said, ‘We need to talk tonight, over dinner.’

‘I plan to be here.’

She helped me out the door and closed it behind me. On my drive to work I called Liz.

‘Did you and Elissa talk last night as well as share orgasms?’

‘We are girls. Of course we talked.’

‘She called me Master this morning. Does she know what she said?’

‘She sort-of knows what it means to us. I explained it to her. She probably doesn’t understand it at the depth
we live it. Would you like me to talk to her about it?’

‘No. We will talk at dinner. Please call Beth and talk about how you both feel about Elissa.’ My other phone line rang and I ended the call with Liz. The other call was Beth.

”E’ called me and asked what she should make for dinner. Any requests?’


”E’, Liz, Beth What else would we call her? If you want her named something else, just say it. As you wish, Master.’

‘Are you telling me you’ve already accepted her as a possible sister?’

‘Of course. My eyes are not your eyes. What my eyes see is that she is willing to offer herself to you without even knowing what all that implies. How you handled the thing with Brad, Emily and Kaye said everything she wanted to know about the man you are. Then you sent Liz in to be with her last night!’

‘Liz is going to call you and discuss the implications of ‘E ‘calling me Master this morning. We will be having a conversation at dinner.’

‘Dinner. Anything you’d like?’

‘Surprise me.’

‘As you wish, Master.’ I could hear the giggle of delight in her voice. I told her I loved her and ended the call.

At the end of our workday Beth met me at my truck. Rather than kissing her in the company parking lot and having employees watch as she did her best to melt my clothes with a kiss I drove us almost a mile and parked behind a market for a minute or two while we kissed. Then I waited for my blood pressure to start back towards normal before resuming the drive home.

‘Do you know what’s for dinner?’ I asked.

‘I only know what ‘E’ told me. I don’t know that I’ve ever had it.’

‘Do you know what’s in it?’

‘Nope. She asked what you don’t like and I told her. She said, ‘No problem.’

‘Then I don’t need to know what it’s called. Thank you.’

‘She did tell me it’s good food for cold days.’

‘Shhh. I don’t want any more information. I want the surprise.’

‘Me too.’ She smiled at me.

When it came out of the oven I recognized it. When I was a kid my Mom made it in the winter. Mom called it Shepherds Pie. Lots of veggies, some condensed soup with a little water and a mashed potato covering on top. When I make it I add meat. Mom never did.

‘E’ had added a personal touch. Just before the casserole came out of the oven she crushed some bbq potato chips and sprinkled them on top. A little crunch, a little color and a burst of flavor. One bite and I gave a thumbs up. Elizabeth loved it, too.

As we ate ‘E’ asked, ‘How often would you like dessert with dinner?’

‘I wouldn’t want dessert to become an habit. We’ll all put on weight if we have it too often. Maybe it should depend on how exciting the dessert is. A three layer chocolate fudge cake we shouldn’t do more than quarterly.’

‘E’ smiled and asked, ‘How about a berry cobbler over shortbread with vanilla ice cream?’

‘Fresh berries in December?’

She smiled at me as she said, ‘I think they were grown south of here.’

‘I think we should allow ourselves a little fun tonight and maybe no more dessert until the remodeling is done.’

She and Beth got up and Beth asked, ‘May we serve dessert now, or wait a little while?’

‘Let’s have a little discussion and then enjoy the cobbler.’ I said. They sat back down.

I said, ‘This morning you said, ‘Thank you for last night, Master.’

‘E’ nodded, but didn’t speak. She glanced at Elizabeth.

‘Using the honorific Master is reserved for certain relationships. Beth and Liz have convinced me to have that relationship with them. Before we go any farther into it, tell me what you think it means to call me that, for you.’

‘Last night when Liz and I talked, she didn’t call you by name. She kept saying ‘My Master…’ and as I understood it, it’s a term of endearment, and more. Liz believes that her life will best the best it can be by letting you make decisions and leaving her to focus on making your life work for you.’

‘So, when you said it this morning what were you saying to me?’

‘When my husband was alive, I should have been calling him Master. He made the major decisions for us. We talked things over often and always the decision was his. I trusted him with my life.’ She took a big breath and continued, ‘I guess what I was saying was I hate being alone. I hate making all the decisions on my own. I would willingly join your family and give you my life.’

‘It may mean you become the chief cook of the family.’ I said.

‘I love cooking and having people enjoy my cooking.’

‘It may mean never sleeping alone again.’ I said.

‘I would count that as a blessing, especially if sleeping includes playing, too.’

‘It would mean never masturbating without permission again, ever.’ I said.

‘You knew?’ Her eyes widened and she blushed.

‘Yes. It would mean living here for the rest of your life. Giving up your condo and depositing every dime you have in my accounts. From the moment you join the family you depend on us totally for everything. Need a new sweater, I approve it or you don’t get it. You will, for example, never wear red again. I don’t like red.’

‘May I ask a question?’ She asked.


‘Will you ever have sex with just me?’

‘We all will. Sometimes one-on-one and sometimes as a family.’ I watched her for signals. What I got was a smile and her knees relaxed and parted just a fraction of an inch. I changed subjects, a little.

‘Why will I ask you to deposit everything you have in my accounts?’

‘It means I willingly depend on you for everything.’ ‘E’ answered promptly.

‘Are you willing to obey me, without question or hesitation no matter how crazy you think my request is?’

‘I need to trust you. I can see two smart women who do, who talk about you as if you make their lives work. I’m not a feminist. I don’t want to be one. I will obey you.’

Liz spoke after a nod from me, ‘We will go through all your clothes and everything Pete doesn’t like goes in the trash. You will never buy or own clothes he doesn’t like.’

I said, ‘I don’t like panties. The women of this family only wear panties when they are having their periods. They only wear pants if pants are appropriate at work, not at home. If you own pantyhose, throw them away. Panties and pantyhose limit my access to you. By the same token I don’t like bras at home. Beth can show you how to modify the bras you wear around me, when bras are needed.’

‘I agree. Shall I disrobe now?’

‘No. There’s more. You will always sleep nude except when you’re on your period and never turn me down if I want sex or I ask you to have sex with anyone. Never.’

‘You might ask me to screw someone else?’

‘I may. I may ask you to eat Beth to orgasm, suck on Liz’s breasts, or have sex with someone who is a stranger to you. You agree not to balk, argue, hesitate or refuse.’

‘I haven’t done anything like that since Emily was born.’

‘Is that a deal breaker?’

‘No! If you want me to do anything, I’ll trust you have a good reason.’

‘I will expect each of you to treat each other as equals. How much money you bring to the family doesn’t change your status. How well you cooperate, get along and assist each other matters a thousand percent more. Beth’s status isn’t higher than anyone’s just because she was first. Elissa, after all that, do you still want to call me Master?’

‘May I?’

‘Do you want to?’

‘Yes…’ She almost did, then reconsidered and didn’t.

I turned to face Beth and asked, ‘Beth, I want your thoughts on this matter.’

‘Yes, Master. I think a trial would be proper. Perhaps a month?’


‘I think a month will tell her if this is for her. May I ask ‘E’ a question?’

I nodded. Liz asked, ‘E’, what will you say to Emily and Brad?’

A shadow crossed over her face. Seconds got longer and long
er until she smiled and said, ‘Emily, I need to be needed, wanted and to contribute. But, it can’t be with you and Brad. I’m moving in with Pete and Elizabeth. I can cook and clean for them as I did when we were a family and I can do it without being their mom. If I did it with you I’d be your mom and rob you of being your own woman in your own home.’

Liz looked at me and said, ‘I advise letting her in.’ Beth nodded.

‘There is one more thing.’ I said.

Liz and Beth instantly knew what it was. ‘E’ looked at me expectantly.

‘Liz, did you tell her about the playroom?’

‘No, Master. It is not my place.’ She adopted the pose I’d read about and had never asked for, head bowed, eyes looking down, hands at her sides and legs spread. Her body language and words said, ‘You are my Master and I know my place.’

‘Elissa both Beth and Liz need pain and control in their lives. Not the kind of pain that damages the body forever, but a bit of pain and sometimes a loss of control.’

Her eyes widened again and she asked, ‘You mean like in the bondage movies and the movies where a woman gets tied up and whipped?’ There was alarm in her voice.

‘Yes, but not as severe I think. They need it and they achieve orgasms and pleasure from it, otherwise I wouldn’t do it. During your thirty-day trial period we will use the new playroom. You will be in charge of what happens to you. You will watch what Liz and Beth do and what is done to them. You get to choose if it happens to you.’

‘If I don’t like it… am I out?’

‘No. You may be excluded from our play parties in the playroom, but for me it is not a deal breaker. We will discover what expressions of affection and lust best meet your desires and needs, then do our best to meet them.’

She looked from my face to Beth, from Beth to Liz and then back to me. Long looks.

At least a minute passed and she asked, ‘May I call you Master, now?’

‘If you accept this as your choice, yes. We will still love and honor you as a friend and relative if you say no. I will still let Elizabeth have sex with you, if you say no.’

‘As you wish, Master.’ She bowed her head and spread her legs a bit.

Hugs were shared all around and we decided to visit ‘E’s’ condo to see how best to integrate her into us and our home. It was late when we got back to the house and we needed to get to bed. I said, ‘No one sleeps alone tonight. Beth and Liz get the hide-a-bed and Elissa will sleep with me. We are to sleep. No masturbating, no pussy play, no fucking. Sleep.’

Three voices said, ‘As you wish, Master.’ I washed all three women in the tiny shower and they dried each other after they washed and dried me. ‘E’ crawled into bed with me and snuggled against me. She said, ‘God, it feels so good to be in bed like this again. Thank you, Master.’

‘You feel very good to me, too. Do not transfer money to my account until the month is over. Before Saturday morning we’ll talk about what we’ll say to Brad and Emily, and when.’ We kissed for a few minutes and I could feel her wanting more. At the end of those few minutes I had her roll over, spooned against her backside and we fell asleep that way.

Friday Morning

She got up without waking me and was standing in the doorway with my coffee when the alarm sounded. She was nude. I got up and headed for the coffee and then the bathroom. As soon as I took the mug of coffee ‘E’ asked, ‘May I suck you, Master?’

‘I don’t think so. I had a dream last night about Beth. This morning I want Beth.’ I called Beth and she came out of the little bathroom wrapped in a towel. ‘Yes, Master?’

‘If you assume the Uttanasana Big Toe Position and I join with you, will that make us late this morning?’



She dropped the towel and bent in half. She wrapped her arms around her legs just above her ankles. She asked, ‘With my back against the wall?’

‘Yes, please.’ She took tiny steps and stopped with her back against the wall. I asked, ‘Can you spread your legs a bit?’

‘Yes, Master I can.’ They inched apart and when they were far enough apart to align her pussy with the exact height of my cock I stepped close and slid into her. My hands held her hips and I pushed all the way inside as ‘E’ stood in the hallway and watched.

Beth looked up and watched me push into her pussy. She said, ‘Thank you. Being filled like this is incredible! Thank you.’

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By 9 AM I was almost becoming frantic, I heard a "You got mail" voice very clearly from my laptop. I looked and sure enough it was from Jack. He said in his e-mail. "I stayed up late almost through the night I finished it early, I hope you like it, just open the attachment and it will begin. I made your boy to look like a cock loving queer. I even worked on the recording to add some sissy things in. Can I come over after work?" I was so excited I could hardly breathe. I clicked open the...

2 years ago
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Waiting After Work Part 1

My body shivers and I can't tell if my nipples harden from the cool air coming in through the cracked window, or if it's a result of my state of helplessness while awaiting your pleasure. You taught me the proper way to tie my ankles to the lower posts of your bed so that my legs are spread just far enough that I cannot do more than writhe while I wait for you to come home.The familiar burn of the ropes pinching my skin makes me eager to feel what you have in store for me today. I would say see...

4 years ago
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A dirty conversation Ch 3

It was time to exert more of that power. I now knew that she was willing to give her body to me, but that isn’t enough. I want her deepest darkest secrets, I want her to expose herself in more ways than one. “I’m going to ask you some questions. I want you to answer all of them truthfully. How many men have you slept with before?” I text. “6 sir” was her response. “Did you suck their cocks for them? When they came did you swallow their cum? Did you let them cover your face in...

2 years ago
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Harrys Journey part 3

By pleasing himself and remembering every detail of Pansy and Hermione�sfemininity, Harry got through the first week of school in very good mood. AsHogwarts started for real however he felt himself fall back into depression. Hehad considered going to Pansy and try to persuade her to have sex again but hedidn�t want her anymore. She was just a last resort and Hogwarts was full overattractive nice girls.Harry slowly realised that he wanted more then sex, not much just a littlekissing and some...

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Punishment in the woods

As I woke up and relized I was in the trunk of a car, I had a feeling the deep dark woods wouldn't be to far away. I could feel the car slowing down, the engine turning off, the trunk door opens up. The hair on the back of my neck stood straight, my palms and feet were sweating, and my whole body was trembling w/ fear. My master grabbed me by the neck and ankles and pulled me out of trunk and onto the ground. "Do as I tell you, or it will be worse", he said. "Yes Sir", was the only thing...

1 year ago
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Head First

Head First By Christianne The wig shop occupied a storefront on the business loop. It was next to a nail salon on one side and a muffler repair shop on the other. Dennis sat in his car for a long couple of minutes as he looked at it. It didn't look like much. He could hear the equipment from the muffler shop and he knew that every eye would be on him as he entered the wig shop. He believed so, anyway. He had never been shopping before. Not for girl stuff. He took a deep...

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The First Temptation

It was a time of mere knowing. I was in class and found the world around was so much to know. So much to explore. Yet so lesser the chances were. The daily life was very boring with full of worthless routines like to rise early and study and go to school in uniform(which i hated) then came to home to have a little play and then again to study and sleep. Yet i always dreamt to find something, something new and exciting. The world seemed to be covered above 90% to me and i was looking for chances...

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30th Anniversary

My wife Terri and I recently celebrated our 30th wedding anniversary in grand style. Like other couples we have had our ups and downs. Like 5 years ago when she caught me chatting with other men about sex and cross-dressing, something I had already been doing for 5 years. She promised to let me experiment with my fetish as long as it was just with her. She also agreed to indulge another fetish I have and wear pantyhose for me when we had sex. We had managed to raise a son and daughter—both now...

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CHAPTER 4I turned and as I walked through the entrance, I responded over my shoulder, “But that is getting ahead of the story, too.” But, then I stopped and turned back to them, “Excuse me Sirs and Miss, it might have been presumptuous of me to just leave you. Is there … anything … that I might do for you?” I blushed; I could feel it spreading over me. “Or … perhaps … some service I might provide?”Dori was entirely focused on me. “Ryn, you are blushing. What are you thinking, you naughty girl?”...

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Taller than most women, with very good long legs, fabulous large taut arse, still firm and large 36C tits and a very large area of trimmed short blond pubic hair. Earlier in our relationship I trimmed her pubic hair right back, but she insisted on growing it back, ‘because she liked it’ and I must admit an excess area of trimmed blond pubic hair is a turn on for me, especially the way she flaunts it as foreplay. “But we haven’t had a second man for four weeks now baby. You know I like...

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Graduation and Ch 25

The phone was ringing when Lois and Dennis returned to her house after enjoying a delicious pizza. Lois answered it. ‘Yes,’ she said, ‘he’s here. No. He’s been no problem. Goodness, no. I was glad I could help out. You want to talk with him?’ She gestured to Dennis. ‘It’s your parents.’ Dennis took the phone and heard his mother’s voice. ‘They’re having a great time,’ Dennis told Lois after he finished the call. ‘I’m glad. They needed to take a vacation for a while, now.’ ‘I’m glad they’re...

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Granny Heather

Granny HeatherI was lucky to be offered a places at Durham University Gran on my Mothers side offered to have me stay during my time at University although I hadn’t seen her for a couple of years.I wasn’t too pleased to accept the offer, Gran was sixty six although very good looking and had taken care of herself looked about fifty over the years when visiting Gran I enjoyed the time spent with her she was good fun and more importantly she took my side against the family I Just wanted to stay in...

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My Mommys Life

By : Aashuslife Hey friends I’m coming out with a story of mine which completely changed my life. I am a regular reader if ISS and have a fascination about stories on affairs of Indian mothers. Even I imagined my mom having an affair with someone. I wished this dream of mine comes true. Well it came true but let me first describe my mom. My mom’s name is Shreya. She is 42 years old but doesn’t look a year older than 35 or so. I will mail u her pictures if you want. Her figure is 32-28-35....

1 year ago
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Sheriff PorterChapter 47

It was hard to get everyone focused, but we were finally ready with the first load to be moved. I planned to rent one of those suite things in a local motel, till the barge house was ready. We tried to carry things we would need in that environment, without getting too bogged down in minutia. Since we had to get Osborn's car down as well she followed me. We had all manor of crap packed in my truck as well as her car. By the time we arrive in New Wales, the small coastal town across the bay...

4 years ago
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He was 18 and worked for me

He worked for me on the farm and we had become close. He was a tall slim boy, 165 pounds on a 6 foot frame. He was naturally dark skinned with native american heritage in his family and lacked body hair below his eyebrows. He lifter weights and with his lack of any body fat, every muscle in his skinny body was pronounced and outlined perfectly. One day he asked me to teach him martial arts. "I'm, pretty good at wrestling but i dont know anything else about fighting at all, so unless i can get...

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It had been a long and fun filled day. After driving down from Arlington to Galveston, Linda and I had strolled up and down Beach Boulevard, looking into the shops, sometimes even going in and looking over the merchandise, laughing and talking about what we liked. Later we dined in a nice seafood restaurant along the wharf. Seated by a window, we watched the pelicans and the sea gulls scampering about in search of scraps. After dinner we strolled along the beach, letting the fading sunlight...

Wife Lovers
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CHAPTER 1 When Roosevelt Richards left home shortly before his nineteenth birthday after his solo mom married a whining near alcoholic, he went well south and settled in Holman City, Texas. Roosevelt immediately engaged an attorney to have his name legally changed to Roo Richards, to rid him of a moniker he regarded as inappropriate. That process swallowed almost half of Roo’s money but he didn’t have to advise his bank and insurance and credit card company of the adjustment in name change...

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Gerry was already 15 minutes late with a 30-minute drive ahead of him, so he decided to take the back roads. His sports coupe could easily take those bends at 70 mph and chances were, no traffic patrol would be around. He could cut his time in half and only be a half-hour late. Gerry made it about 5 miles down local 447 when the blaring siren and flashing lights caught up him and an angry cop ordered him to pull in the next side street over the pa system. Gerry immediately turned in the first...

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THE BOAT A Lesbian Tale

THE BOAT (A Lesbian tale)This story takes place a few years following World War II on one of the regular shipping routes between Penang and Singapore in Malaysia. All characters are fictitious.Once every month Evelyn went shopping in Singapore and took one of her female servants with her. The trip lasted a few days depending on the weather and usually two nights were spent on the large wooden motorboat which also carried a lot of supplies and from 50 to 100 passengers. Evelyn was British and...

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CuckoldSessions Mandy Muse 10282018

Mandy Muse and her Hubby flip homes for a living. They’re doing the final clean out of their latest investment, and they’ve already got a buyer lined up! Let’s call him “The Investor”, and, more importantly (for Mandy), he’s handsome…and black! She knows he’s well-endowed, too. So, like any good cuckoldress, Mandy sends Hubby over to pitch The Investor: not only is Hubby going to try and sell the home, but Hubby is going to offer up his beautiful,...

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LoveHerFeet Kayla Green Sensual Home Massage

A long day at the office means tired feet for Kayla Green, especially with the pair of black heels she’s been running around in. Removing her shoes as soon as she got home through the back doors, she walks on the grass that tickles the pads of her feet with a smile on her lips. In the house, Kayla sits down on a white sofa to give herself a short foot massage, rubbing her soles and in between her toes. The chesty blonde decides to call a professional– and favourite massage...

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The Rave at the Barn

The barn where we rode horses consisted of five different stables around a central grass paddock and to the side in the driveway was an old stone building which once might have been a feed store or large tool store. Horse care was excellent but the barn was a little "alternative" - a little laid back and didn't strictly adhere to any one particular discipline. English, Western, Dressage, Jumps, or Trail - whatever people rode - was accepted. In order to make ends meet and keep costs down, once...

Straight Sex
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Dream Wife

Jim had been married to the woman of his dreams for nearly five years now. She was ten years younger than his 38 years but they were nicely compatible at just about everything it seemed... especially sex. After a great first couple of years things just got more and more interesting. Those five years, five unbelievable years, have been punctuated by sexual adventures that make most couples love lives seem pale by comparison. Beth had always been a free spirit. But now married to Jim, given...

4 years ago
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Her Blue Eyed Guy Part 6

A few months later… Daniel was standing in front of the floor length mirror in the bedroom doing the last little finishing touches to his outfit. It was the premier of the film he had been working on when he and Sarah had met. They had gone from strength to strength together and Daniel couldn’t imagine life without her. He gave the sleeve of his shirt a nervous tug, before turning away from the mirror. Tonight was the first time Sarah had attended anything with him. Luckily for them both, with...

Straight Sex
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SciFi Choices

This game will require the use of a 6 sided dice like you can find in your monopoly box at home. Your character has 3 stats. Strength, Luck, and Charm. Assign a 3 to your Primary, 2 to your secondary, and 1 to your lowest stat. Example Strength 3, Luck 2, Charm 1

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A Race for Survival an Aerocities Adventure

Provost Lieutenant Jared Burkhalter unzipped his flight suit, removed it and hung it in his locker. He stretched, yawned and headed for the officers mess where coffee and sandwiches waited. It had been a long and uneventful patrol in the skies above New Berne and he was both hungry and tired. He was passing the communications room of Precinct Fourteen when a Comm. Tech emerged, recognized him and said "Heard the latest Lieutenant? That expedition to find a crashed alien spaceship on the...

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Part 1 A girl rediscovers her father

I had my first bleeding before my eleventh birthday, my mother was in attendance, as she gave me her words of wisdom, 'Dont let your Father smell your cunt, or something else will flow from you'She knew of his lustful perversions, once the joy of aristocracy, in keeping blood lines pure, but outlawed for common people, a law that lay in tatters at the front doors of men who craved daughters, men who watched our cunts develop into puberty, the point at which they had to enter us and savor our...

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trip to remember

This story dates in the month of December around the time of Christmas. It was our last excursion trip of our school life and we were going to a Wildlife sanctuary, which included 2 full night bus trips, 1 night stay at a resort near the sanctuary there and site seeing for the rest of the time, but we ended up seeing ourselves only and exploring new depths. So everything was set, we were all ready to go, around 80 students from both the sections. We took two Volvo buses, one for each...

1 year ago
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My Little Adventure

His instructions were clear, wear a dress or a skirt, no underwear and make sure that you are wet for me. The instructions were clear but not simple. I normally wear trousers or jeans. Other than dresses for special occasions not particularly suited to an al fresco liaison I have no such garments. However, I do own a top which I usually wear over trousers which reaches to mid thigh. To avoid any awkward questions or comments I left the house wearing the top over trousers as usual. The top...

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How I Met My Loyal Sub Priya 8211 Part 6

Hello everyone, Alex here again with the continuation of the story. Please read the previous updates before reading this story. It is a series of events happening during a holiday trip. I met Priya and how she was seduced to be my sub. Katherine my fuck buddy, the nudist photographer, made a deal with Priya. If she agreed to do a nude photo-shoot then she will allow Priya to enjoy for the rest of the trip. This is a final part of this BDSM series. So it is going to be a lengthy one. It will be...

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Episode 62 Goldilocks and the Three Bears

Once upon a time there were three bears: Mummy Bear, Daddy Bear and Baby Bear. They lived in a cave in the forest and one day out walking they came across a pretty wooden cottage. The front door was open, so they walked in. Daddy Bear was a bit too tall, so he had to bend his head to get through the door; Mummy Bear was a bit too wide, so she had to squeeze her rounded tummy through the doorframe, but little Baby Bear was exactly the right size, so just walked straight in.Daddy Bear was very...

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Forced at Work

Forced at Work I started at this job a year ago and noticed Darlene the first day. She had long blondish hair and was wearing a tight mini skirt, which showed off her curvy ass and nice legs. Her top was tight and revealed her nice sized chest. She also wore 4-inch high shoes. Although she was a programmer here, she dressed more like a secretary and did it everyday. The other woman in the office made fun of how she swished her hips when she walked (and they were...

4 years ago
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My Guitar Classes Turned Into Erotic Sessions 8211 Part 1

Hello readers, thank you for the response on my previous sex story. Your feedback and comments encouraged me to share my other story. As you know I’m Gowtham 25. I’m not a well built guy but my friends say that I’m attractive and handsome. In this story I’m going to share about the experience I had with my guitar teacher Geeta. She is 24, fair short and cute with perfect body type. I’m very much interested in riding, photography and learning new things. I always wanted to learn guitar and...

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I almost had it my way

Life is so strange, you think you understand and know who you are only to find out you don't know nothing about yourself. I found my self seeking out Charlie's Uncle Harry, the one the hoes call 'horse dick Harry.' Yes, I did allow Harry to have sex with me, although I don't know why. Charlie and his Uncle Harry did force me to have sex with both of them, and Harry did sorta of take advantage, by going to sleeping with his mammoth penis lodge deep in my rectum and screwing me in his sleep. I...

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Posted an ad to host a couple and watch It Worked

2 days later I get a response: About your ad for hosting - I am a 35 year old man, and would like to bring a 30 year old woman over. We talked about it, and are interested in having you watch us. I respond the same day: I’m glad you responded. I am older than you, and would love to have you over. There will be no pressure at all. We make arrangements for them to come over the next week Tues about 10am. The day arrives and I set out cheese, crackers, fruit and some drinks. There is...

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My Girlfriends Hot Daughter Ch 2

She likes it rough and I do too….Her knees are turning black and blue…..The front desk keeps on calling….She throws the phone across the room….So we hope nobody finds…..”I woke up to the sound of Madison singing in the shower again. Madison was very chipper for 6:30 in the morning after drinking and fucking late into the night. Our bedroom fan circles slowly, blowing cool air across my body; I laid there thinking months had come and gone without Madison or Trina bringing anything up about our...

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Taking Becky

Please note: This short story was written for people over 18, about people over 18. It is a simple fantasy. The author does not in any way condone kidnapping or rape in real life. If you can't tell the difference between fantasy and reality, go read someone else's story.Jason was a planner. He had never believed in rash actions or spur of the moment decisions, and he certainly did not intend to start now, as he planned the abduction of Becky Smith.She had caught his eye a year ago when he saw...

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