Rich Housewife In My Hands
- 4 years ago
- 27
- 0
Marsha was happily married. Earl was a good husband and
an excellent father. Financially, they were more than
comfortable in their lives together. They weren’t the
one percent, but they were in the top ten. And yet,
Marsha was not content. There was something missing. And
it was missing in their sex life. Earl was… too fast.
He wasn’t a two-minute wonder. Nor was he a “Wham, bam,
thank you ma’am” kind of lover. He would often spend at
least half an hour in foreplay, lightly stroking her
back and legs and thighs and breasts.
Sometimes he would suckle lightly on her breasts before
making circles around her clit with either with his
fingers or with his tongue. And then when he entered
her, he could regularly sustain himself for ten or
fifteen minutes. Often she would climax long before him
and would be driven into a second orgasm before he
finally came.
Most women would say that Earl was a nearly perfect
lover who could drive them to the heights of passion and
bring multiple orgasms from their body. But for Marsha,
the most intense pleasure was not the orgasm itself, but
the anticipation. It was that time just before the
volcano erupted that she coveted. And Earl – or perhaps
she herself – went through that precious moment entirely
too fast. That is what she wanted stretched out. That is
what she wanted to make last. She wanted to be held just
on the edge of orgasm for as long as possible. And Earl
didn’t do that.
Maybe he didn’t understand. Maybe it wasn’t possible for
him. Maybe it wasn’t possible for her. Marsha had many
times tried using a vibrator to take herself to almost
that peak. She could easily bring herself off with her
little friend. She could even keep herself right on the
edge for an extended period of time, but when she did,
it wasn’t the same. Maybe teasing yourself at the edge
of orgasm was impossible to truly do to yourself – like
trying to tickle yourself. Maybe someone else had to be
in control in order for the pure pleasure of that
extended fleeting moment to be realized.
In desperation, Marsha turned to teasing stories from
the internet. One thing she noticed immediately, was
that in all of the teasing stories, the woman being held
on the edge of orgasm, was also being held in bondage.
She brought up the subject of light bondage with Earl,
but he could not imagine restraining someone, even if
they wanted it. So Marsha dropped the subject and began
reading solo female / self-bondage stories.
The problem with most of them was that the women
depicted either gained most of their satisfaction from
the bondage itself or from the intense orgasms which
were forced upon them. Sometimes they just got off on
the pain or humiliation would result from discovery.
Although all of that made Marsha very wet and horny, her
real quest was for an extended period of restraint of
her orgasm, not her body.
And then the ads began to pop up on her browser and
emails began arriving in her “special account.” She had
known enough to create a special user on her computer
that was separate from everything else and a special
email and browser account that was not connected in any
way to any of their family accounts.
She knew that the electronic gnomes of the internet know
where you go and what you read, yet she was still
surprised at the quantity of ads for adult toys and
bondage sites and bondage equipment that arrived. They
were sometimes comical and ridiculous, but she read them
She read each and every ad and popup that came to her,
including those in her spam filter. She deleted almost
every one of them immediately, but one day an email with
the title “Teasinator” caught her attention. It was
advertizing an electronic device called The Teasinator
that was “guaranteed to keep her hot, horny, and on the
edge for hours at a time.” Marsha went immediately to
the website.
The device was expensive… VERY expensive. It included
a control box, vaginal and anal dildos, nipple
stimulators, some sort of clitoral clip, and several
“negative reinforcement pads” that were shown applied to
the underside of the breasts, the insides of the thighs,
on the abdomen, and on both buttocks. She wasn’t sure
how The Teasinator worked, but she knew that she wanted
Earl kept a very strict budget book and every penny had
to be accounted for. Early in their marriage, that had
caused tension, and so he had allocated to Marsha a “mad
money” account. A certain amount each month went into
that account and Marsha could do whatever she wanted
with it. As Earl’s income had grown, so had the amount
that was in her mad money account. Marsha probably could
have bought a decent car with cash from the account, so
she had more than enough cash to play with. The account
was linked to PayPal, so there was no problem ordering
the device on line.
But then Marsha thought, “I will still be in control. If
I want to stop it, all I have to do is turn it off.”
That thought took her back out to the bondage websites,
especially the self-bondage equipment. Soon packages of
timers and restraints and automatic releases started
arriving at their home. Many women would have torn open
the packages immediately and started experimenting, but
Marsha, after all, was seeking restraint and delay, and
so she carefully stored away each piece of equipment
until she knew that she had everything in place.
The final thing needed was not a piece of equipment, but
a place for her to put herself into the desired bondage
and experience the full effects of the Teasinator. And
the perfect place was in her own back yard. The previous
owner had built a sauna building a little ways from the
house in the spacious area behind it.
The sauna itself had been only about twelve feet square,
but the building that housed it was closer to twenty
feet on a side. And because the winters where Marsha
lived could get very cold, the sauna building was very
heavily insulated and sealed against moisture. Something
had gone wrong with the sauna and it had nearly caught
fire, so the previous owner had removed it with the
intention of rebuilding it. He had, however, moved away
before that was done. So what stood in that back yard
was an unused, totally isolated room that was
effectively sound-proofed.
As soon as Marsha thought of using “The Hot Shed,” as
her husband called it, she ran out to the back yard to
check it out. It was basically empty, except for a few
left over pieces of the old sauna. When she closed the
door, she was plunged into total darkness. “Perfect,”
she said as she fumbled to find the door latch in the
disorientation of absolute darkness.
That night at supper, she told Earl that she wanted to
tone up her body and mind with “Isolation Yoga.” He had
never heard of it, but if he had looked it up on the
internet, he would have found that it was basic Yoga,
except it was practiced in near sensory deprivation
conditions – like the hot shed.
“What do you need?” he asked.
“It will only take a little fixing up,” Marsha answered.
“And then just some pads, mirrors, and various
attachment points on the walls and ceilings for the
training bars and so forth.”
“How much?” was Earl’s next question.
“Less than diamond earrings,” was Marsha’s answer, “but
with the same rewards.”
Many years ago, Earl had once joked that the only reason
that a man buys diamonds for his wife is so she will
give him a blow job. On her next birthday, he gave
Marsha a pair of diamond earrings. He had forgotten all
about the joke until that night when Marsha, for the
first time in their marriage, gave him excellent oral
sex. They had kept up the joke whenever Earl gave her
diamonds. Actually, it was getting to the point where he
wasn’t sure whether he gave her diamonds because he
loved her and could afford to, or because he would get
his cock sucked dry that night.
In any case, Marsha’s estimate of the costs was
sufficient for Earl and he told her to call a contractor
to do the work she wanted. A few weeks later the “Yoga
Shed” as she now called it was ready. There were three
levels to the floor.
At the door and along that wall and the adjoining wall
to the left, coming out four feet, the floor was
carpeted. It then stepped up to a two inch pad that
continued another eight feet to a heavily padded
platform in the corner that was about two feet off the
floor. The final platform was approximately eight feet
square and looked very much like a bed.
When Marsha showed the completed room to Earl, he said
that the corner platform looked a lot like a bed, to
which she answered, “It is for drifting in the nirvana
of isolation and finding your center.” When he asked
about the many eyebolts which seemed to protrude from
the walls, ceiling, and even, in some places, the
floors, she explained that they were needed to support
the bars and other aids to gaining flexibility.
Earl seemed a little hesitant about the whole project,
but when Marsha suggested that they could use the
platform so that she could give him his diamond reward,
he decided it was just one more thing that he could live
with if it made her happy.
It took three more weeks to get all of the equipment in
place. That Marsha did entirely on her own. The various
restraint equipment was relatively easy to set up. The
Teasinator had the capability to control “restraint
systems” as it called them, and had even recommended
suppliers for electronically controlled cuffs, spreader
bars, and lifting winches.
Marsha carefully assembled her system. With the help of
the Teasinator control screen, she tested and re-tested
each restraint and dildo. It felt funny to hold the
vaginal device while it vibrated and wiggled in her
The anal device did not wiggle, but instead grew longer
and shorter as it vibrated. She thought she could feel
something when she held the black pads that were
supposed to be beneath her breast and on her upper
thighs, but she wasn’t sure. Maybe they had to actually
be in place for everything to work properly. She would
find out the first time she used them.
Everything was ready. All she had to do was wait for an
opportunity when she could be out in the Yoga Shed for
an extended period of time. Since waiting was what it
was all about, the delay became a part of the game she
was playing with herself. Twice each day, she would walk
out to the Yoga shed dressed in her white top and white
Yoga pants to do a half-hour Yoga routine.
She knew that in the bright sunlight, it was almost as
if she were naked, and she knew that the neighbor’s high
school son was watching her most of the time. Once she
even did a Yoga stretch, bending down to grab her wide-
spread ankles while making sure her ass was aimed at his
window. She lowered her head almost to the ground
several times, each time looking back between her legs
at the second floor window with the curtain pulled
slightly to the side.
Finally the opportunity came. Earl was going out of town
on business for three days. As soon as he went out the
front door to leave for the airport, Marsha went out the
back door to the Yoga shed. She carefully laid out the
restraints and by early afternoon everything was in
For her first session, she chose to be spread eagle on
the platform. First she inserted the vaginal dildo. She
wanted to do that first so she could feel it inside her
as she prepared everything else. She had planned on
placing the anal dildo last, but once she felt the
fullness of the device in her pussy, she decided to also
fill her nether regions.
The anal device did not go into place quite as smoothly
as the pussy device. She had to grunt and push a couple
of times to force it in. Next came the strange nipple
clamps. They weren’t really clamps, but were more like
little hats that sat over her nipples and squeezed
slightly to hold themselves in place. The two black
squares went on the underside of her breasts.
She still wasn’t sure what they were for. Likewise black
squares went on her inner thighs just short of where her
legs met her crotch and on her abdomen just below her
navel. She opened the package for the two squares to
apply to her asscheeks and found that there were four,
not two in the bag. There was also a small slip of paper
with instructions that indicated it was two patches on
each cheek. Wires connected to everything, and once
everything was connected she turned on the controller.
As expected, Teasinator asked, “Is this a test or a
“Do you wish to test the devices before beginning the
The dildo in her cunt began vibrating and rapidly ran
from very slow to very fast, and then from very soft to
very strong. It quit vibrating and began wiggling. Again
it varied from slowly to fast and from very little
movement to nearly bending in half. When it stopped
Teasinator asked, “Did device function satisfactorily?”
Marsha had to catch her breath before she answered,
“Yes, quite satisfactorily.”
Teasinator then stepped through each of the devices.
After each it asked if the device functioned
satisfactorily. When tested, the little caps on her
nipples, they varied from feeling like they were sucking
on her to like they were pinching her tightly. She
thought she even felt a slight shock. When asked if they
had worked properly she replied, “I think so.” She gave
the same answer after the pads tingled her skin and then
popped her with a sufficient shock to cause her to yelp.
Finally the machine said, “Test completed. Please verify
or change setup.”
Marsha wasn’t totally sure what to do at this point, but
it then asked “Intensity?”
Marsha bit her lip while she paused and then answered
“High… no, Extreme.”
“Random,” Marsha answered. After all, the whole purpose
was to not know how long the teasing would continue.
“Maximum Total Duration?”
Now Marsha wasn’t sure what to answer. She knew Earl was
going to be home in three days – actually Wednesday
evening around 6:00. While she was debating with
herself, she suddenly found herself blurting out,
“Wednesday, 5:00 pm.”
The machine answered with “Calculating Maximum Total
Duration.” There was a slight pause and the voice said,
Then Teasinator asked a question that she didn’t
remember seeing in the manual. “Allow Internet
Observation?” She did remember something about the
company keeping track of how the machines performed. A
lot of companies collected data like that so they could
improve their product. She answered, “Yeah, OK.”
“Allow internet override?” Again, she wasn’t sure what
that meant, but answered, “Yeah, OK.”
“Allow training mode?” Now she really didn’t know what
to answer, and she was absolutely sure that was not in
the manual. But since this would be her first time, she
assumed it had something to do with being a first time
user and answered, “Yes, I guess.”
“Final question,” Teasinator said in its mechanical
voice, “Notify designated contact of the session?”
“Yes, of course,” she answered. She really didn’t want
Earl to know what she was doing, but if something went
wrong, he was the logical person to call for help. In
case of a serious problem, the system would send an
email and text message to the safety backup one hour
after the session was supposed to end. This was an off-
site safety protocol, and not a part of the machine, so
nothing that happened to the machine could prevent
sending out a safety alert message.
Teasinator notified the web controller before it started
a session. If the unit did not notify the safety system
that the session had completed successfully, or if
Marsha had not called a certain phone number by a
certain time, the web-based safety would send out the
alert emails and text messages to the listed safety
contacts. If response was not received within five
hours, then the program would trigger human intervention
who would intervene or summon the proper authorities or
whatever. It was a nearly fail-safe backup system.
“Beginning session,” said the mechanical voice and the
arm and leg restraints began to tighten, pulling Marsha
into a classic spread eagle position on the bed. It was
a little tighter and more widely spread than she would
have done herself, but it wasn’t unbearable.
She had told the machine to decide how long a delay
before beginning and how long to actively tease her
before letting her reach orgasm. She pulled slightly
against her bonds to test them, but all she could do was
wiggle a little on the bed. She let out a deep sigh.
Nothing to do but wait.
Then everything went black. At first she began to panic,
but then she could see the slight glow of Teasinator’s
control panel illuminating the floor alongside the bed.
That’s right, she remembered. It controls the lights…,
and the heat…, and the air conditioning…, and me.
Looking at the slight glow beneath her, she thought,
“Next time I will have to put something over that panel
so things will be totally dark.” Then the glow went out.
“Teasinator thinks of everything,” she said aloud.
Lying in the total darkness seeing nothing, hearing
nothing, aware only of the slight pressure of the soft
padding against her back and the pull of the restraints
on her arms and legs, Marsha had no idea how much time
passed before she felt a very slight movement within
her. The movement was soon accompanied by a slight
vibration from within her ass, and then more movement in
her cunt. Vibration slowly started building both in
front and in back.
Lips nibbled at her breasts – no that couldn’t be. Was
someone in here with her? Then a pinch on her nipples
and she realized that those funny little hats were very,
very realistic when you couldn’t see them.
Something was thrusting into her ass… very, very
slowly. “My God!” she screamed out. It was as if there
were two men within her, each moving very slowly and
very slowly gaining speed with each thrust.
Then the hands began. “Hands?!” Marsha almost screamed
aloud before she realized that it must be the electrical
sensations from the black pads. Concentrating on the
sensations, she realized that the pads seemed to work in
pairs. Sometimes it was one on her breast and one on her
ass, and sometimes one on her thigh and one on her lower
abdomen. Sometimes it was the pairs together.
When the pair on her upper thighs activated strongly
together, it caused the muscles of her cunt to almost
expel the dildo. No wonder the instructions specified
the leather, thong-like harness to hold everything in
She was rapidly building toward an orgasm. “This is
faster than Earl,” she thought to herself. And then said
aloud amidst her pants and groans, “Technology
disappoints me once again.”
But the technology was not going to disappoint her. The
cumulative effect of being bound, waiting in the
darkness for the session to begin, and the exquisite
stimulation provided by the programming had rapidly
taken her to the edge of the mountain, but Teasinator
was not going to let her go over the peak. Instead, just
as she was about to orgasm, all sensation stopped.
“Nooooo!” she screamed out. She had wanted to be teased.
She had wanted to prolong that magic moment just before
release. She had spent all of this time and money and
research to get just to this point, but her body did not
care. She was RIGHT THERE. She wanted to cum. She needed
to cum. She cried out uselessly to the machine, “Please,
please, please, let me cum!”
And in response the slight movement began once again
deep in her cunt. And then vibrations. And then the
thrusting within her ass. Lips kissed her nipples. Hands
lightly stroked her asscheeks. Closer, closer, closer…
and then nothing!
She sobbed out her need to cum. She begged the darkness
to fuck her. She screamed for anyone to come and do
anything to her, if they would only give her that extra
little stimulation she needed so that she could cum.
The air began to get cold in the room. Marsha could feel
the chill of the air conditioning blowing across her
skin. And then a twinge of electrical stimulation
between her legs, and then on her breasts… and then on
her ass… and on her abdomen. Soon all of the pads were
activating almost continuously. Occasionally, the pulses
would be sharp and intense. Normally such a pulse would
have been very painful, but in her lust soaked state,
they merely added to the pleasure that was keeping her
just short of the bliss her body so desired.
Her vocal responses were reduced to animalistic grunts
and growls. Her body was arched high above the bed as
she thrust herself forward in the darkness trying to
force some unseen lover deeper into her cunt. For a
moment, she almost believed that she had been successful
as the vaginal dildo began to squirm and wiggle within
her. “Yes! Yes! Yes! Yes!” she grunted as she drove
herself onto his imaginary manhood. But the “Yes!”
quickly turned to “Noooooooooo!” when all sensation
stopped once again.
“No, no, no, no, no, no, no,” she sobbed. “I need to
cum! I need it! Please, let me cum!” But Teasinator
merely ran it programs and hummed softly as its fans
cooled its computer processor.
Marsha waited for the cycle to begin again. Maybe this
time she could fool the machine and get herself off
before it removed stimulation. But no cycle started. No
wiggle, no tickle, no vibration, nothing. As her body
slowly came down from her sexual high, she started
crying for real. Going too rapidly through that magic
moment to actual orgasm had been unsatisfying, but
reaching it, and staying there and not reaching orgasm
was practically torture.
Her body throbbed with desire and need. If her hands
were free she would have shoved them both into her cunt
and taken herself over the top. But her hands were not
free. She was bound spread eagled in the darkness and
Teasinator was in control.
Now that she was not being driven out of her mind with
sexual stimulation, she began to notice that the room
was actually very cold. She could feel goose bumps on
her skin and her nipples were pushing upward on the
little clips or hats or suction cups or whatever they
were. She began to shiver slightly. The coolness of the
room and the darkness and the absolute lack of any
stimulation had driven all excitement from her body. Now
she was just cold and uncomfortable.
She tried to figure out how much time had passed, but
all she knew for sure was that Teasinator had taken her
to the brink of orgasm and held her there for a VERY
long time. Somehow it knew when she was just about to
orgasm and backed away so she was left hanging. It also
knew when she was about to drop down out of that place
just before orgasm and tweaked and tantalized until she
was right back up on the edge – only to leave her
tottering there unable to jump from the brink.
“How many times? How many times?” she asked herself. She
truly wasn’t sure. Maybe it was ten, but it could have
been twenty or even thirty. Her fogged memories were too
She pulled at the restraints, expecting them to open and
release her. When they did not, she once again had a
moment of panic, but then remembered the mechanical
voice had asked for a number of cycles. She had
answered, “Random,” which meant The Teasinator, not she
was going to say when this was over.
Something changed. Marsha wasn’t sure what it was, but
something changed in the room. She looked around in the
blackness trying to figure out what her senses were
telling her. Something had changed in the room. “At
least I quit shivering,” she thought to herself, and
then exclaimed out loud, “That’s it!”
The air conditioning had turned off and the air blowing
over her body was now warm. The heat was on. Marsha
relaxed back into the padding and let her mind and body
drift in the warm breeze. But the Yoga Shed was a small,
sealed building and it didn’t take long for the furnace
to raise the temperature in the room well past a
comfortable level.
Marsha could feel perspiration forming on her stomach
and her legs. She shifted slightly, trying to get more
comfortable as sweat trickled down between her legs and
dribbled past the dildo which was held in her ass by the
between-cheek string on the leather thong.
And then it began again. This time it started with the
anal device expanding and contracting in her ass. It
felt like someone was fucking her in the ass, except
that it moved in both directions at once, pushing back
against her anal sphincter while at the same time
pushing further into her colon. The sensations were
slowly, very slowly taking her back up the mountain of
Well past half-way up toward the peak, the vaginal worm
started its wiggling dance. Still there was no
vibration, but the sensations of movement were taking
Marsha quickly to the pant and moan stage of arousal.
She found that she was grunting out a loud “ahh,” each
time the bend of the vaginal worm and the thrust of the
anal device corresponded. Then the vibrations began.
Grunts became screams, and moans became begging cries as
Teasinator pushed her ever upward on the road to
release. This time she truly thought she would be
allowed to cum. She was close, very close…, much
closer that she had been in any of the previous times.
She was almost there. She opened her mouth to scream out
the release of her orgasm.
But the scream the came out was not a scream of release.
It was a scream of pain. All five pairs of pads suddenly
jolted her with an extreme dose of electricity. Her
sweaty skin made the shock even more intense and she
threw back her head and yelled out “Aiiiiieee!” in pain.
Then silence. No motion. No vibrations. No electrical
stimulation. Just the silent darkness surrounding her.
Marsha’s breath had just finally returned to normal when
she felt the anal device once again began to stretch and
contract. “No,” she said aloud. “No, don’t do this to
But Teasinator had the heart and soul of a machine, and
it ignored her pleas as the wiggling dildo in her cunt
added to the sensations. “No, no, no, NO!” she was
pleading when the vibrations began. Despite the protests
of her mind, her body was being forced once again to the
peak of Mount Passion and she was being pushed to the
very edge of the cliff.
Teasinator’s mechanical voice suddenly broke the silence
and said, “Maintain control of your body or you will be
“What?” Marsha panted.
“If you start to cum, I stop it,” answered the machine.
Somehow the mechanical voice seemed to have taken on a
diabolical overtone as it said that.
The movement of the two dildos and the vibrations
continued. Marsha willed her body not to cum. She was
standing on the edge. Her feet were slipping. She was
falling. She could not help herself. The big O wave of
pleasure started to crest over her body, but the waters
of orgasm never reached her. This time the shocks were
even more severe, and in addition to the five sets of
black pads, the nipple caps joined in the electrical
torture. Had not the Yoga Shed been effectively sound
proof, neighbors blocks away would have heard Marsha’s
Back to the darkness and silence… Then the movement…
Then the vibrations… Again, Teasinator’s diabolical
mechanical voice warned, “If you start to cum, I stop
This time Marsha was able to hold back. She was at the
edge. She was on the top of Passion Mountain, but she
was holding back her cum. She began to moan in extreme
pleasure. This was the place she had been trying to
attain. This was her magic moment. She was right on the
very edge of orgasm and was staying there. And then the
nipple devices began to suckle. “No, no, no,” she moaned
as sensations overwhelmed her and she began to slide
over the edge.
“Wham!” the shocks slammed her back to the base of the
She lay in the silence for several minutes and once
again the cycle started over in exactly the same
sequence as before. This time, even when the nipple
devices began suckling she was able to stay just
slightly back from the edge. But the edges of the cliffs
on Mount Passion are covered in loose stones and very
After several minutes of intense stimulation, she once
again found herself sliding toward that edge. She felt
herself begin to lose control and start over the edge
and once again the intense electrical shocks slammed her
back to the very base of the mountain.
Teasinator spoke from the darkness. “Training mode cycle
nearly complete. This time you may cum when I give
permission. If you do not hold out until then, the
training mode cycle will repeat.”
“This is the training mode,” she thought to herself.
“Would I have allowed this if I knew what it was?” she
asked herself. “You bet your ass I would!” she answered
out loud. Still aloud she said, “This machine can train
me to stay on top as long as I want.”
This time, when the expansion of the anal device told
her that a cycle was beginning, she relaxed against the
padding and softly moaned, “Yes,” as she anticipated
going to the top of Mount Passion and staying there.
This time, she clung tightly to the precipice and did
not allow herself to go over the edge.
Teasinator added more and more stimulation that pushed
her closer and closer to the brink, but she did not let
go. After five minutes – or was it a half hour – her
grunts and moans finally merged together until she was
yelling out one continuous long and drawn out
Finally, when she thought that she could stand no more,
the mechanical voice said simply, “You may cum.”
Marsha did not drop off the cliff from Mount Passion.
She soared into the sky. If she had not been restrained
on the bed, she surely would have thrown herself onto
the floor – or perhaps the ceiling – as she wailed and
cried and thrashed in the greatest orgasm she had ever
experienced in her life.
She lay panting in the darkness. The padding beneath her
was drenched in her sweat. The area between her legs was
sopping. She must have peed herself when she lost
control, or perhaps her cunt had just flowed with that
much love juice as she was being teased and held at the
very edge of climax. “Yes!” she said aloud accompanied
by a deep exhalation of breath. “Yes!” she repeated.
“This is what I have been looking for. Yes! Yes! Yes!
Yes! YES!”
Then she felt the wiggle of the dildo in her vagina.
“No,” she said. “No, I don’t think I can stand this
again.” But Teasinator did not listen and began applying
vibration to match the movement in her cunt and in her
ass. Suddenly a moment of clarity came to Marsha’s lust-
fogged mind. A command that she had read in the manual
and immediately forgotten. “T-Control,” she said firmly.
“Time and Status.”
“Tuesday, 21:14 hours,” came the mechanical reply.
“God!” she thought. “It’s 9:00 o’clock on Tuesday
evening! How could that be!”
The voice continued, “Five cycles completed. Two cycles
remaining.” Marsha said aloud, “I only remember three
cycles!” Then she said, “Two more cycles and then
freedom. I can do this.”
“Remember,” said Teasinator’s flat voice, “If you cum
you will be punished severely.”
“I hope the previous punishments weren’t gently,” she
thought. “But it doesn’t matter because I can hold out.”
And she did. Despite what seemed like hours of teasing
and torment from the Teasinator that kept her on the
very edge of orgasm, Marsha did not climax. She screamed
and yelled and begged to be allowed to cum, but she did
not climax. After some unknown time, she was reduced to
a whimpering, quivering, lust-filled woman who was
thrusting her cunt violently into the air and begging to
be fucked by someone… anyone… anything! Her ability
to hold back was slipping. The orgasm she desired, but
dared not let to happen was just over the next hill.
Then everything stopped. She continued to cry and
whimper and thrust her cunt into the air for many
minutes after Teasinator shut down. Her cries of “Please
let me cum!” were ignored as the unit sat silent in the
Now drenched in sweat and nearing exhaustion, Marsha
again gave the command “T-.Control, Time and Status.”
The mechanical voice responded, “Wednesday, 01:23 hours,
six cycles completed. One cycle remaining.”
“One more cycle,” she thought to herself, and then she
began to drift off to sleep. She wasn’t sure how long
she slept, but she was awakened by the movement of the
dildos in her cunt and ass. Evidently Teasinator was
well into the cycle because her body was already bucking
and thrashing in the restraints.
“T-Control, Time and Status.” she managed to cry out
between pants and moans.
“Wednesday, 07:30 hours.” it responded. “Six cycles
complete. Twenty percent through last cycle.”
“I will really need to take a long bath before Earl gets
home,” she said aloud. She started to say something
else, but her comment was cut off as the nipple caps
began pinching and suckling at the same time. She flew
with the passion and let it take her as high as she
dared. She was nearing the top of the mountain again.
She knew that the program was supposed to let her orgasm
on the final cycle and she pushed herself upward toward
that goal. She was at the very, very edge and waiting
expectantly for the mechanical voice to say, “You may
Finally, Teasinator spoke, but it was not the command
she was waiting for. Instead it said simply, “Internet
override initiated. Cycle extended indefinitely.”
“What?” she yelled aloud. “What do you mean,
Naturally, Teasinator did not answer. What it did was to
begin to add pulses to the other stimulation which was
already overloading Marsha’s senses. And it did not stop
or pull back as she came to the edge. It pushed her to
the very, very edge, and when she could no longer hold
herself back, it release lightning through the black
pads and through the dildos that drove her back down to
the base of Passion Mountain.
“How in the hell did it do that?” she asked aloud. “It
zapped me INSIDE my ass and pussy!”
Then it began again. This time it did not start slowly,
but came to full movement and vibration almost
immediately. Her nipples felt the suckling motion of the
nipple caps and electrical pulses that felt like human
hands flowed randomly between the black pads. Soon she
was once more screaming at the edge of the cliff. And
once again she was struck by the blast of lightning that
threw her all the way back down the mountain.
After this had repeated twice more, she managed to call
out between cycles, “T-Control, Time and Status.”
“Wednesday, 14:20 hours,” it responded. Then it added,
“On internet override.”
“Nooooooooooo,” Marsha wailed aloud. Earl was scheduled
to be home at 6:00. It was now almost 4:30. She would
still be trapped here when he got home. She had to get
loose somehow.
She thrashed wildly against her restraints, but was too
solidly restrained to escape. The vibrations and
movement began again. This time they were very soft and
did not increase in intensity. Normally, such a low
level would have had very little effect on Marsha, but
in her overly aroused and teased state, the minor
stimulation was enough to move her a long way up Mount
Passion. She was nowhere near climax, but was forced
into and held in a state of very high arousal.
“T-Control, Time and Status!” she yelled.
“Wednesday, 17:30 hours. On internet override.”
“No!” she yelled. Earl would be home in half an hour. He
couldn’t find her like this. “No! No! No! No! No! No!
No!” she yelled, but Teasinator’s response was to
increase the vibration and wiggle in her cunt dildo.
“No! No! No! No! No! No! No!” She continued to wail as
the anal device expanded and contracted rapidly within
“No! No! No! No! No! No! No!” As the little hats nibbled
at her nipples.
“No! No! No! No! No! No! No!” As the electronic hands
roamed over her body.
She was there. She was at the very edge. Her mind said
to hold back, but her body was once again thrusting
upward and her voice was yelling out “Fuck me! Fuck me!
Fuck me! Fuck me!”
There was a momentary flash of light. At first she
thought someone had taken a picture, but then she
realized that it had been someone opening the door. It
had to be Earl, but if it was, why was she still in
darkness? Then she felt the hands on her body. This was
not the electronic stimulation that felt like hands,
this was human hands running over her entire body.
Teasinator’s voice broke the silence with the reminder,
“If you come without permission, you will be punished.”
Marsha’s only response was “Ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh, ahh,” as
the hands continued to roam over her body. She felt the
little nipple caps being removed only to be replaced by
human fingers tweaking and twisting her nipples. Then
human lips – real human lips – suckling at her breast.
Teasinator again reminded her, “If you come without
permission, you will be punished.”
There was a strange pulling sensation on the underside
of her breasts. The black pads were being peeled off.
Then she felt the same sensation on her abdomen and
between her legs on her upper thighs. Hands reached
beneath her and removed the pads from her ass. Then the
hands untied the leather thong’s ties at each hip and
pulled it from her body. Finally, she felt first the
anal and then the vaginal dildos being pulled out of
The hand continued to roam her body… tweaking her
nipples… playing with her clit. Lips suckled her
breasts. A mouth and tongue lapped at her pussy. She was
on the edge of losing control. Her back was arched high
in the air as she cried out again and again, “Fuck me!
Please fuck me!”
She felt a man’s body positioning himself between her
legs. He thrust into her and began pumping in and out of
her swollen cunt. She was now screaming, “Let me cum!
Please, please, let me cum!”
The man continued to drive into her, bottoming with each
stroke so that his body slammed against her swollen
clit. Finally she could feel him begin to stiffen in
preparation for ejaculating. She felt his face alongside
her own. A soft voice – Earl’s voice – whispered in her
ear, “You may cum.”
He then rode her as she screamed and thrashed and thrust
against him so violently that he was lifted up off of
the padding on which they lay. After a loud and long
scream from Marsha, they both collapsed into the pad.
Teasinator’s voice once again filled the room. “Cycle
completed,” it said. “Restoring room lights.” The lights
in the room began to slowly brighten. The returning
light caused Marsha to blink and squint.
Earl was still lying on top of her. He was wearing an
odd headset with what looked like a strange pair of
binoculars on it. As he pulled it off his head, he said
simply, “Night vision goggles.”
He then pointed at the Teasinator and said, “Your very
expensive little friend over there illuminates the room
with infra-red light. That tall stalk coming out of the
top of its head in an LED light source. The smaller
stalk is a fully mobile night vision web cam with remote
tilt, swivel and zoom.”
I was in the middle of a meeting when a message came
through to my phone saying, “Teasinator session begun.
Click here for video.” Luckily I was sitting so that my
bosses couldn’t see the streaming video. They assumed it
was a work related call since it was on my work phone.
Marsha just lay limp in her bonds with her eyes very
“When I got back to my hotel room, I went to the website
indicated in the message and signed in as directed.
There was an important message for me telling me that it
appeared that they had shipped an obsolete manual with
my purchase and I should be sure to download the new
manual before beginning a session as there were many new
features on the newer model.”
Earl chuckled and continued, “It would appear that you
had not gotten that message before you began your little
session. I downloaded and read the manual and figured
out exactly what you were trying to do. I watched some
of the stored session and this morning activated the
internet override to change your final cycle so that it
would be still running when I got home.”
“Are you angry with me?” asked Marsha, dreading what his
answer might be.
“Not at all,” he replied. “The purpose of these meetings
was to interview for an in-house promotion to a new
position. I was really interested, but I was concerned
that it would involve a lot more travel. I will probably
be gone a few days each week from now on.”
He reached over and released one of the wrist
restraints. “However, now that you have your little toy
to occupy yourself, and I can join in the fun from
afar…” He released the other wrist restraint and began
removing the leg cuffs.
Marsha was now free of her restraints for the first time
in almost three days. “You would not believe how tired I
am,” she said to her husband. “Are you going to carry me
to bed or am I going to sleep here tonight?”
Before Earl could answer, Marsha added, “Either way,
when I wake up tomorrow morning, I am going to give you
your reward for the best diamond earrings that a girl
has ever received.”
Earl picked her up and carried her back into the house.
They were both naked as they crossed the yard, but
neither of them cared. As they left the Yoga Shed, a
mechanical voice from inside said, “Program complete.
Shutting down until needed.”
THE DEBAUCHERY OF A YOUNG HOUSEWIFE credit thanks to was newly married to Rajesh Sinha, a young businessman, who had his own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of Delhi. They lived in a big bungalow with Rajesh's parents. They had just returned from their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virgin before marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with a few boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could...
Hello dosto ma vishal from haryana app na mare pichli store ko bohot pasand kiya app logo ka mara pass bohot mail aaya ishka lea app logo ka bohot bohot dhanavad app logo ka jayada time waiste na karta hua sidha story pa aata hun mare pichli story padhena k baad mara pass mare mail id pa ek mail aai vo ek housewife thi ushka husband businessman tha jo ki business ki vajah sa mostly bahar hi rahta tha ushna batya ki vo mugh sa milna chahti h uska naam nelam (changed name) tha maina unko apna no...
Becoming A Housewife -------------------- Author Note: This story was inspired by fellow Fictionmania author JaneDough7 who started (but never completed) a wonderful series called "The Housewife" back in 2003. Ever since I read her stories, I've been entranced by the idea of a young man becoming a housewife - a regular, ordinary housewife with regular, ordinary duties. I started my version in 2009, but then got stuck in exactly the same place that JaneDough7 got stuck, and so...
Hello ISS fans! I am Dheena from Chennai and this is my first story at ISS. I work in an MNC and my favorite pastime is to do kinky role-play with girls/aunts that I meet on sex chat sites. Sometimes, I also do role-play chat with guys where we tag team. We share our fantasy of fucking the girls in our life or imaginary sluts like actresses, movie characters, and porn stars. During these role plays, I have spun a lot of interesting sex stories that I would like to share with you...
Hello ISS fans! I am Dheena from Chennai and this is my first story at ISS. I work in an MNC and my favorite pastime is to do kinky role-play with girls/aunts that I meet on sex chat sites. Sometimes, I also do role-play chat with guys where we tag team. We share our fantasy of fucking the girls in our life or imaginary sluts like actresses, movie characters, and porn stars. During these role plays, I have spun a lot of interesting sex stories that I would like to share with you...
In the public domain, do whatever you want with this text. THE HOUSEWIFE By JaneDough7 Chapter 1 I had this thing for my neighbor, Mrs. Johnson. She was somewhere in her forties and all woman. Very curvy and always in full makeup, always smelling like a total woman. Her husband had a very good job as an executive at a local high-tech company, and Mrs. Johnson lived the life of a housewife. I was fascinated with her breasts... I found it hard not...
It was a very hot day in August and I was working at my shop. I own a Automotive Gas and Service station. I have owned and operated it for the last twenty years. I have a few employees who work for me. I’m still involved and work on all the cars. I'm definitely a hands on owner. My name is Jake Rhodes and I'm forty-five and single. I'm 6'2" and weigh about two hundred and ten pounds. I have salt and pepper hair and blue eyes. I love women and often will fuck housewives who bring their...
CheatingIn the public domain. Do whatever you want with this text. This episode mostly just expounds on the previous one; I know it, so please don't bother to point it out. I had intended to write another scene before I posted this episode, a scene which really does more than just emphasize the previous one, but I've got 30K here, so rather that wait, here's Episode Two of... THE HOUSEWIFE II By JaneDough7 Chapter 3 I walked home in a daze, unable to...
Hello everyone I am Vishnu 29yrs young 5.11 and slim good looking person live in Hyderabad. I am going to tell my true story in my life that happened. I don’t want to waste time and i will come quickly to the story and this is my second story. Actually it happened 3months back. I after my 1st sex with a house wife in front of her husband this my second story, with a housewife I meet her in online, she is normal body having 3yrs kid and her husband is working in a company he will leave morning 9...
Hi guys, my name is Rohit Nair. I am 20 years old, with a lean and athletic body. I used to work at the local Mercedes Benz dealership in Pune in the marketing department. The story I am going to narrate is about how I fucked one of my clients. Let’s call her Preeti. Preeti is a 29-year-old housewife who comes from a rather rich household. Her husband is a big name in the corporate industry and is usually on international trips for meetings and conferences. Her family is one of our biggest...
All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Nine - A Good...
Hi readers I am back with the 2nd part of my story”Sex with a Lovely Young Housewife” wherein I had shared my experience of having 1 on 1 sex with SIMRAN. After having cum all over her tits and satisfying Simran, we lay down together and shared a smoke and she said that she had more surprises for me if I was still ready for it and had the time. Maybe looking at my age she did not think I would have the stamina for more, but I may be old but I still have a lot of energy and in fact people do...
All of my stories are complete fiction, all the characters and situations are also fiction. You should be at least 18 yrs of age to be reading this. This is the adventure of a young twenty something tgirl, who is on a journey of self discovery, and her adventures and mishaps along the way. Some stories involve sexual content and the main story is about sex, while other stories involve Erika's day to day routines. I hope you enjoy it. Erika's Adventure Part Ten - A Good...
Hello friends…. This is my second story on iss i am kd patel from mumbai. Doing modeling. Hught 6.3 with avrage body. I want to written this story in hindi. Kyuki har koi padh sake….. Ye bat 1 week pehle ki he…. Me modeling karta hu. Ek din mera event tha vahape kafi sare log aaye huve the sabhi bade gar k the… Unmese kafi sari ladkiya or bhabhi ya bhi thi…. Me ramp pe chal raha tha tab ek bhabhi ne muje dekha. After ramp walk vo muje back stage milne aayi… Mene dekha ki usne blue coloure ki t...
I am Sarika, recently married. My husband works in an MNC in Gurgaon. We stay in an apartment near his office. I am a housewife. After my husband goes to the office, I complete the household chores. As we have a family of two only, I become free from these household pieces of stuff by noon. After lunch, I generally watch some movies, web series or surf the Internet. One day while doing FB, I came across the profile of my college best friend, Ipsita. Ipsita and I were roommates and best friends...
LesbianIt was incredibly hot. If the humidity had been as high as it usually was it would probably be unbearable. There wasn’t a hint of a cloud in the sky and nothing to block the sun, which seemed larger than usual. Janet still felt it necessary to be out in the yard, her yard, working. She got pleasure from, not only her yard looking nice, but getting her hands in the soil. She’d gotten up with Dan and seen him off to work this Monday morning as usual. She only had another week before school...
Dear readers, I am always a fan of incest stories, especially those involving moms. I thought were just a fantasy until recently it happened to me. And to say more, yes I just recently fucked my mom. To start my experience, let me share about my family. In our family, there are only me, mom and dad. Dad is 49 yo and Mom is 46 yo. I am 22 yo. My dad runs his own security company that provides security services to MNC. Mom was previously working as a clerk and recently stopped working and now...
IncestBeing a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I've always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...
Group SexBeing a housewife sometimes can be very boring. You take care of the kids and your home. You have dinner waiting for your husband and you please him in the bedroom. I liked doing all of those things. My sex life wasn’t the greatest thing. My husband and I had sex every day, except, he’s only interested in himself. We have a very vanilla sex life. I’ve always wanted to experiment with sex, however, my husband doesn’t know how to please a woman. I have faked all my orgasms over the years. I was...
Nancy was cleaning up the family cabin for her son and his friends to spend a weekend fishing. The lake was great for hiking around, and her husband said there were some big fish in there. Her husband, Hank, had asked why bother cleaning up the cabin for a bunch of k**s.Nancy was fastidious with keeping house, and couldn't bear the thought of her son and his friends sleeping there with cobwebs in the corners. It was the thought of their mothers finding out that motivated her. She had been...
## the housewife from high Part 1 society to whore in colony part 1. #erotic Characters Priya :lawyer and heroine Maid :shyamala Watchman :Ramu Maid husband :Gopal Call girl : Swapna Old colony president :raghunath(63yrs) Tailor :Ramlal Tailor wife : rangamma Madam : brothel house owner Hi , this is Priya and I am writing one of my humiliating experiences in this story . I am going to tell you how one incident has changed me from being a decent and arrogant wife to...
"Becoming The Real Housewife" I was in the kitchen cooking dinner when I heard the car pull into the garage. Dave entered the house carrying a pink box tied with a pink satin bow that he set on the table. He glanced at me as he hung his coat up then sat down at the table and poured himself a glass of wine. "Hi," he said. I returned the same response as I continued to stir the dinner on the stove. "I got you a present today I think you'll really like," he said referring to the pink...
"Amy, what am I suppose to be doing?" Laura asked suddenly from her seat at the kitchen table. Laura had been sitting in the same place now since Stan had called almost two hours earlier. She had just read a House and Garden Magazine cover to cover and suddenly realized she had no interest in houses or gardens. Amy, who had just come down from cleaning the kids' rooms to make lunch, looked at Laura inquisitively and said, "What's that you say?" "What am I suppose to be doing?"...
The shrill morning alarm sent unruly bolts and waves into Manya's body as she stirred, opened her deep eyes and cast a sleepy glance towards the place next to her. Her eyes met with the not so inspiring sight of her still snoring husband Desh, cuddled up like an insecure c***d, his breath carrying the odour of liquor and his chest heaving in monotonous regularity. The 36 year old housewife sighed and shifted her full frame slowly out of the bed to begin another day. Clad in a thin white blouse...
THE MAKING OF A HOUSEWIFE Tony Meacher loved his wife, Alice, unconditionally. He had been put out of work when his company relocated to a northern town, but his wife was working in a family business locally where she was valued highly. He didn't think that his job any more important than hers, and there was no question that she wanted to stay put, so they did. He found it difficult to accept that his wife was the breadwinner until he realised that he could shoulder all the...
Jennifer's Journey ? Becoming the Perfect Housewife, Part 4 January Brings Some Changes With the start of the New Year, there were a few changes to my life and my weekly schedule. I was no longer going with Sarah to the gym two mornings a week. I was doing my work-outs at home in front of my TV with my new exercise DVDs and workout outfits. My favorite routine was something called Fitness Ballet, which combined some ballet basics with lots of stretching and some aerobics. Sarah...
Today I decided to pretend to be a slut. So I put on a pair of crotchless fishnet stockings a jean micro mini skirt a push up bra and a corset over that and a pair of fuck me cowboy boots. Then I got my favorite toys out. An 8 inch curved dildo that I stuck to the wall, and 18 inch double headed dildo and a 6 inch vibrator.I started with the wall mounted one. After oiling it up I turned and started rubbing it up and down m ass crack. After a few seconds of that I pushed the head against my...
I'm a Housewife Janet L. Stickney [email protected] Injured on the job, I was at home to recover when I got the news. The chemical that my body had absorbed caused me to temporarily lose some of my dexterity as well as experiencing some minor loss of visual acuity. The doctors told me it would go away, yet that made it impossible for me to return to work. Physically there wasn't anything wrong, yet the company decided to allow me to stay home and draw my pay rather than work...
Hi, I am Kalai from Bangalore and this is a story about how I met an unsatisfied housewife on Tinder and had sex with her. This is a real story and not fiction. This incident took place nearly a year ago when the first lockdown was partially lifted in Bangalore. I had never been in a relationship for a long time so I decided to get on Tinder and find myself a girlfriend. It took quite some time for me to find a match. After a month’s search, I was matched with an Indian housewife woman of age...
It all started the day I laid my eyes on my first BIG BLACK COCK ,I had been dressing up as a girl since the age of about 12 wearing my mums panties and pantyhose around the house getting turned on by the feel of the pantyhose and panties . At the age of 15 I realized that I loved pretending to be a girl as much as being a boy ,one day I approached my mum to tell her of my sexual orientation. My mum so...
Hello, every Indian sex story readers, my name is Lucky and I recently shifted to Mumbai before 5 months. Little about myself I belong to a very good family and I always respect ladies. I am 6 feet tall and well built and my cock size is 7 and its big and it’s enough to satisfy and women and girls. I am not telling any lie what I have that only I am writing. So if u like my sex story and want service than u can mail me at Once I get ur email I will send u my photos and number. Moreover, I...
Hi guys,my name is Faiz and I am 30 years old i have already narrated two of my sex stories here on Indian Sex Stories. people who have not read them, please read, like and comment. you could simply forward your feedback on Like i have mentioned in my earlier stories I am a open minded guy looking for females who want sexual satisfaction and pleasure Any lady seeking for a male escort services in Hyderabad and other cities please mail on the above mentioned mail address. your information would...
The Housewife Part 3 By JaneDough7 Chapter 7 Anne Johnson relaxed, enjoying the warm, oiled and perfumed bath water. She smiled. She had found the solution to her problem. No longer would she have to put up with Bill's molestations, she though. And that's what they were to her: molestations. Bill didn't 'make love' with her. He used her. Used her as if she were the lowest of whores. Forced her to do the vilest things in bed. No longer would she be forced to use her mouth on her...
The White Suburban Housewife - Getting Ready for the CustomerAs usual, the alarm came on at 6:30 am but I was already awake. In fact, I had been awake most of the night. I had tried to sleep but I kept waking up stressed and in a panic because today I would become a whore. Before the sun sets today I will become a whore. More troubling, I will be a white whore for black men. The alarm went off again to tell us that it’s now 6:45. Dan turned over and put his arm over me and pulled me...
Naanum enathu nanbanum dress edukalam endru oru maalku sendru irunthom, appozhuthu car parkingil carai park seithu vittu kizhe irukum liftil sellalam endru angu sendru ul ponom. En nanban ulle sendru irukum pozhuthu iru kaathalargal nadanthu vanthu irunthaargal, naan athai paarthu iruvar varugiraargal endru sonnen. Appozhuthu lift operator sirithu neram liftai niruthi vaithu irunthaar, appozhuthu puthithaaga thirumanam aagi irukum iruvar vanthu irunthaargal. Athil puthiya manaivi miga sexyaaga...
The city I live in, like any other large city, has a number of sex stores. One of them, my favourite, is a female-exclusive store that is aimed at giving women a relaxed and protected atmosphere when shopping for toys, since we tend to be shy and embarrassed around men when it comes to our intimate desires. I love visiting there on occasion, because I'm always curious to experiment with new and different toys, find some stimulating "material", and also because it's the place where I get...
I am Saif from Hyderabad, after reading so many stories I thought of sharing my story. I am educated, healthy and 30 years old, and I know how to treat women humbly. So, any female wants to have a secret fun filled time with me, can mail me at Coming to the story, I always dreamt of having sex with a matured lady or housewife. To make my dream come true I started searching online for a women to have a hot sex session with me, and after a lot of internet browsing, I found couple of women...
“Ananya, Ananya Ramachandran,” the attendant shouted. That’s when I realized I was daydreaming. “That’s me,” I said and stood up. Everyone in the lobby was looking at me, a hot Indian housewife, especially at my midriff. My saree pallu was flying in the air giving everyone a show of my navel. I realized it and quickly covered it. “You can go in. Your husband works on the fifth floor,” he said. The elevator door was about to close, but I managed to get in. Only one man was in. He must be above...
“Ananya, Ananya Ramachandran,” the attendant shouted. That’s when I realized I was daydreaming. “That’s me,” I said and stood up. Everyone in the lobby was looking at me, a hot Indian housewife, especially at my midriff. My saree pallu was flying in the air giving everyone a show of my navel. I realized it and quickly covered it. “You can go in. Your husband works on the fifth floor,” he said. The elevator door was about to close, but I managed to get in. Only one man was in....
Katherine stepped into her elegant living room and took a book from the shelf. She sat in a plush lounge chair, specifically selecting a chair in the back corner of the room next to an old dumbwaiter that was once used to ferry delicious meals from the downstairs kitchen to the dining room table. She planned to read the book for a short while, but she already knew her attention would soon be diverted. Tonight the dumbwaiter would once again be placed into service, except this time it would be...
Hi ISS readers this is my continuation of first part story ‘sex with housewife in bangalore’ how we continue to fuck for 2 years. So once we were back from Mysore her husband came and we were searching for place to have sex as i cannot visit her place in her hubby presence and kid.So we decided to meet at my place in PG during weekend as my PG is a co-PG, at that time i was staying in 4th floor in a single room.So we decided to meet on Saturday morning so that we will have whole afternoon with...
Sue was my graduation she became an air stewardess with cathay pacific. she is an attractive lady, with a tall and slender body. her breasts are firm and shapely. we lost contact for nearly 10 years. recently we met at a wedding dinner and i was surprised she becomes a housewife after quitting career some 5 years ago. The mother of three is still sexually attractive. we chatted and were very happy to regain contact. she invited me to her home the next day. she mentioned that her hubbie is...
EroticAfter more than three years absence, Susan, The White Suburban Housewife, returns. Readers will recall that Susan got involved with Marvin, a black businessman, through the internet. They eventually met in person and Marvin introduced Susan to interracial sex. She loved it. Then Marvin duped her into having sex with his business clients. In essence, she was working as a prostitute. Her first trick was with one of Marvin’s best business clients, Robert. Robert showed Susan what sex with a virile...
Hey guys, this is Shankar with another sexual encounter. Thank you for sending your feedback and suggestions. If you like my story, you can mail me or if any ladies want to get along with me then ping me at the email given at the end of the story. It was really fun talking with some ladies. My experience is also with one of them. After my previous story, I received some chat requests from ladies who wanted to have fun and one such was Sweta. Talking about her, she’s an Indian housewife aged 29....
A new game has come to the multiverse Fall Girls/Herms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza the ultimate game show in platforming, skill, teamwork, timing jumping, and competitiveness. Watch as these massively busty and clumsy bean people play and compete for crowns. However, an unfortunate oversight by the game-masters, what was that oversight you may ask well they do not have any players well that simply won't do fortunately the multiverse is filled with potential contestants. Who are more than...
A new game has come to the multiverse Fall Girls/Herms Ultimate Knockout Sextravaganza the ultimate game show in platforming, skill, teamwork, timing jumping, and competitiveness. Watch as these massively busty and clumsy bean people play and compete for crowns. However, an unfortunate oversight by the game-masters, what was that oversight you may ask well they do not have any players well that simply won't do fortunately the multiverse is filled with potential contestants. Who are more than...
My name is Olivia and my life was never going to be great. I was the product of a one night stand. 2 fucked up adults mixing their fucked up DNA making an almighty genetic mess. My mother was too much of a crack head to bother with any antenatal care so I can only imagine the surprise and horror in the delivery room when out popped this tiny, limbless baby from between the legs of a strung out whore. Apparently she stayed around just about long enough to cut the umbilical cord before she left...
Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil thirumanam aagi kama aripu thangamal enmeethu aasai pata nanbanin manaiviyai ootha kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Enathu peyar prabu vayathu 25 aagugirathu. En nanbanin nanban peryar ganesh vayathu 31, avaruku sameebamaaga thaan thirumanam nadanthathu. Avar en udan konjam nerukamaaga pazhaga aarambithaar, enaku avarai migavum pidithu irunthathu. Aanal ganeshku thirumanam avatharku munathaagave avan en udan nerukamaaga pazhaga aarambithaar. Naan...
Hi indian sex stories dot net, I am Reji, this is a real incident happened to my close friend Tessa. Tessa is 28 years old, married to John, 39-year-old, who is in service. They are Tamilians, residing in Mumbai. They had two kids, 8 and 6 years old. Tessa got married at the age of 19 years. She is fair, good looking and plump in physique. After becoming the mother of two, her body got fleshy and sexy. She got a good figure which can attract any opposite sex. She loves her husband very much and...
??? ??? I had just kissed my husband goodbye from the front porch a few seconds ago and now I?m watching the car back slowly out of the driveway.? I can see his smiling face every time he glances back to me from behind the driver?s seat. I?m trying my best to look as natural as I can as I keep smiling at him. ?? I watch as the car slowly backs out into the street and I waive one last time before John puts the car into gear and waives one last time and turns the corner to merge onto the...
Anything to be a housewife She heard to front door close, Dave was home. "Hi babe, how have you been?" he said. "Good thanks honey how was work?" she replied. "Hard day, still trying to catch up from last week, I'm tired and ready for a rest," said Dave. "You sit down and relax, I'll bring you a beer," she said, smiling to herself. This was what she had dreamed of since she was a little boy. Sitting at her mother's feet, touching her silky stockings, wanting to be just...
Something about Reggie made Christy uncomfortable. She hoped the huge, muscular black man towering over her husband would not make an instant decision, so she could discuss the matter further with Dave. They could tell Reggie someone else rented the room. Reggie had plenty of experience with young, well educated, white women like Christy. He realized how uncomfortable he made her feel. The sparkle from the diamond engagement ring next to Christy’s wedding band momentarily caught his gaze....
Asha was newly married to Rajesh Sinha, a young businessman, who hadhis own auto-parts making factory in the outskirts of Delhi. Theylived in a big bungalow with Rajesh's parents. They had just returnedfrom their honeymoon. Asha a voluptuous women had been a virginbefore marriage, although she had indulged in heavy petting with afew boys and her house servant. Luckily before she could go anyfurther her marriage was fixed. She was a lusty young woman with abig body, heavy breasts and a tight...
Being a High School counselor can have its rewards in different ways sometimes. This is one of those times that a counseling session in High School was remembered by a college freshman. Yes I was the High School counselor one time when Todd was called in for counseling about his desire to pinch girls on the butt. At the time I told Todd that it was sexual harassment as well as being naughty and was not nice. He agreed to stop it and that was the end of it. Todd went on to college and had...
/** * Image Gallery * * @author Spartacus * @since 1.0 * */ jQuery(document).ready( function($) { $( '#grid-gallery' ).imagesLoaded( function () { $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( { itemSelector : '.item' } ); } ); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry(); $( '#grid-gallery' ).masonry( 'bindResize' ); //swipbox fix title as alt $( '#grid-gallery a' ).each(...
My mom is a 45-year-old housewife. We are a family of three living in a three-floor bungalow with 5 bedrooms. My dad and I run a business together. Our house was also our office, and I used to stay there and take care of the works from my office. My dad used to go out at 8 in the morning and return at 9 every night. Coming back to my mom, she was a typical housewife. She was curvy with big boobs but was not fat. Her shape was extremely curvy and her ass was the envy of our entire area. She was...
Hi friends, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en sontha thangaiyai epadi oothen endra kudumba tamil kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. Vaarungal tamil kama kathaikul selalam, en peyar prathap vayathu 28 aagugirathu. Enaku oru thangi irukiraal aval peyar mala vayathu 26 aagugirathu, avaluku innum thirumanam seiya vilai Avaluku thirumanam seithu vaikum alavirku engal idam ipozhuthu panam ilai, loan apply seithu atharkaaga kathukondu irukirom. Naan oru kama veriyan eppozhuthu pen kidaikum avargalai...
Hi girls and guys, I am posting here for the first time this is a true incident faced by me with a young married women and posting the same on the concern of both the parties here and a gentle request to all the readers not to ask me for any pics/contacts of the women with whom I had an encounter. This is a true incident about young married women with whom I had an encounter in the month of Feb 2015 in Hyderabad. It all started when I was feeling lonely and was in the processing of searching...