Alicia Ch. 16 free porn video

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I was in the hospital for five days. I probably could have been discharged after three days, but Alicia wanted me there, so I stayed. I was lucky: It was only a flesh wound after all, and I didn’t get infected. I would probably need some physical therapy afterwards, though.

Alicia made herself officially my doctor, and supervised every aspect of my care. She came in daily and changed my dressing. It wasn’t that she didn’t trust the nursing staff, it was simply that she wanted to do it herself. I suspect she felt at least partially responsible. I honestly didn’t blame her. Alicia had simply been being herself. She wasn’t one to be pushed around, and that young punk wasn’t going to do it, gun or no gun.

By the way, the young man who shot me was never apprehended. The gun was never identified. The bullet passed through my tricep and impacted on the sidewalk, damaging it so much that ballistics tests could not be performed. Oh well…

Of course, by the time I was discharged from the hospital, the secret of our marriage was out. I came in for some pretty good ribbing from the other guys in the Respiratory Care Department.

Tom came by to see me. I asked him if he’d told about our wedding. ‘No way, man. I didn’t tell anybody. But you know how this place is, everything gets around eventually. By the way, Twyla and I have dated a few times recently.’

‘Yeah?’ I said. ‘How’s it going?’

‘I’m not really sure. Sometimes she acts like she’s really interested, other times, she seems like she could care less.’

‘You know that she’s a ‘companion’ of Kathy Stone, don’t you?’ I asked.

‘Yeah. I kind of got that idea. But I don’t think they’re getting along very well right now.’

‘How do you feel about her, um, leanings?’

‘Not really my business,’ Tom said. ‘I’m just taking it day by day with her. She’s a pretty nice girl, but kind of bossy.’

‘Yeah? In what way?’ I asked.

‘Well, she’s always telling me what to wear when we go out, and she always picks the places we go. I don’t really care, but I don’t want a steady diet of it either.’

All in all, I was out for four weeks with my injury. Once I was home, Alicia changed my dressing, gave me my medicine, and arranged for my physical therapy. And, to my immense relief, she resumed my corporal punishment.

I had to ask her for it, though. Although she had promised me in the hospital, she hadn’t made a move towards me in that way since I’d come home from the hospital. We had had sex once, but no spanking. Finally, I had to let her know what I wanted in no uncertain terms.

We had just gotten into bed one night about three weeks after the mugging. I was feeling fine, and I wanted a spanking and sex, in that order. I cuddled up to her and began caressing her through her silk pajamas. She responded by kissing me, and running her hands up and down my body. I had on only a tee shirt, no underwear. We were starting to get into it good when I sat back, took off my tee shirt (grimacing a little), and trembling, crawled over her lap.

‘Oh Phillip, are you sure?’

‘Yes Mistress. I need it. Besides, you promised.’ I looked at her reprovingly. ‘Don’t be afraid. Just do what you always do.’ I reached under my pillow and brought out my wooden-handled hairbrush. Handing it to her, I said, ‘Don’t forget this.’

I sighed, relaxed, closed my eyes, and waited for my punishment to begin.

‘Do you know how much you scared me, Phillip?’ she asked quietly.

‘No, Mistress.’

‘Well, it was a hell of a lot!’ Then, WHACK! The first blow with her hard, bare hand landed. ‘Don’t ever scare me like that again!’ WHACK! ‘Do you understand?’

‘Yes, Mistress,’ I said, arching upward a little.


Suddenly, all Alicia’s former reluctance was gone, and she was spanking me as hard as ever. At first, it warmed me, then smarted, then began to hurt for real, as Alicia struck me again and again.

I moaned and groaned, yelped and squirmed, and even tried to get away. But she held me firmly, grunting slightly with each blow, giving it all she had. As she spanked, she whispered fiercely to me: ‘I’ll show you how to be brave!…Scared the shit out of me!…Spank the living hell out of you!…Don’t you try to get away from me!…Next time it’ll be even worse!’

Eventually, she tired. I could hear her panting a little. My ass felt like it was on fire, but in the midst of the pain was the warmth I had been seeking. I curled up in it, and said, ‘Don’t forget the hairbrush.’

I received at least thirty whacks with the hairbrush. By the time she was finished, I was sobbing with pain and joy. My cock was the hardest it had been in weeks. I slid off of her and lay on the bed supine. Despited the pain I felt, my cock was rock-hard.

‘I don’t believe you, Phillip,’ Alicia said wonderingly. ‘I just gave you the hardest spanking I could muster, and you have an erection!’

With tears of pain and joy running down my face, I said, ‘It’s very simple, Mistress. When I get spanked, I feel loved and secure. When I feel that way, I get aroused.’

‘But doesn’t it hurt?’

‘Of course it hurts, Mistress! But the pain is what makes the pleasure afterward so sweet. Can we make love now?’

Alicia turned out the bedside lamp. ‘Yes, we can. I want you, too. Oh Phillip,’ she said, sighing, ‘what am I going to do with you?’

‘That’s easy, Mistress. You’re going to spank me hard, then make love with me. And I’ll take care of you forever.’

She wriggled out of her pajamas and got down in the bed with me. Her warmth and scent engulfed me. She took me into her arms and kissed me, hard. I let myself go into the kiss. There was nothing for me in the world at that moment but the demanding warmth of Alicia’s lips. I molded my somewhat sore and hurting body into hers. Her skin was smooth, so smooth. I felt the slight scratchiness of her pubic hair against my belly. She threw me down on the bed, and kissed my neck and ears, then worked lower. She rubbed her breasts over my chest, her nipples quickly becoming erect. I gripped them and buried my face between them, inhaling the creamy scent of her skin.

‘Oh yes, suckle them, baby,’ she said.

I kissed them all over, then took each nipple into my mouth, sucking hard. Alicia trembled in pleasure. She always enjoyed my paying attention to her breasts.

I felt them withdrawn, and then her hot breath on my own nipples. She sucked each one into her mouth, hard, and nipped me slightly. The effect was like a bolt of electricity to my cock.

I felt her hot, sucking mouth on my belly as she kissed and drew on my skin. Her hair was brushing my moisting cock. She circled the area with her mouth, getting closer and closer, and finally nuzzled my pubic hair. I felt the first tentative touch of her tongue on my cock, right down at the base. She felt incredibly hot. An exquisite sensation followed as she ran her tongue agonizingly up the shaft of my cock, then flicked at the head.

‘Oh Mistress!’ I groaned. Between the stinging warmth of my well-paddled ass, and the oral attention my Mistress was giving, it felt like the whole lower half of my body was on fire.

Her strong, warm hand encircled my cock, pumping it up and down slightly. More pre-come oozed out, and Alicia licked it off.

‘Your choice tonight, Phillip. Would you like to come in my mouth or my pussy?’

‘In your pussy, Mistress, please.’

‘I was hoping you’d say that. But I think I’ll stay down here for a while.’

There was hardly a second’s pause after that, when I felt almost my entire cock engulfed in the furnace of Alicia’s mouth. Both of us groaned in ecstasy as she swallowed me down to the root. I could feel every move of Alicia’s tongue against me. She sucked me gently at first, then harder, and the suction was almost unbearable. ‘I’m going to come soon, Mistress.’
Reluctantly, it seemed to me, Alicia took her mouth off, then straddled me. She placed the tip of my engorged cock against the opening of her pussy, and I thrust upward, burying myself in her silken depths.

‘Oh!’ she moaned, falling down to kiss me. ‘I should have spanked you sooner, Phillip.’

We were very, very hungry for each other.

I thrust upward hard and deep, and Alicia tried to match every stroke. She hitched her hips forward, milking my cock with the strong muscles inside her cunt. We embraced each other tightly, mouths locked together, murmuring endearments to each other, sobbing with passionate cries. It seemed like forever since we had come together so joyfully, so completely. We were in perfect union.

Without either of us realizing it, we were crying out our joy. ‘Oh Phillip, just a little…bit…more!’ And she cried out her climax hoarsely. I pounded her from below, determined to make her come again and again.

Eventually, her sweet and loving pussy had its effect on me as well. ‘Oh Mistress! I’m going to come in your pussy!’

‘Oh come in my pussy, Phillip! Give me all of it!’ she cried.

I cried out and arched upward, spurting my load deeply into Alicia’s body, the pleasure so intense that it almost hurt. It seemed that I shot forever, spurt after spurt passed into her.

But I eventually had to stop. I was drained and exhausted. We lay like that, Alicia on top, me on the bottom, for several minutes, catching our breath.

She rolled off me, saying, ‘Oh god, Phillip. That was good loving.’

‘Yes it was, Mistress,’ I said. I shifted slightly. As I did so, I must have grimaced: my arm had started to ache a little.

Alicia noticed and said, ‘Are you hurting? Let me get you a pain pill.’ She got up and went into the bathroom. She came back with my pill, gave it to me, and got back into bed. We snuggled down into our usual sleeping posture: Spoon-fashion, on our right sides, with Alicia wrapped around me. As I fell asleep, I heard her whisper, ‘I love you, darling husband.’

* * *

It was the middle of May and I was pretty much recovered from the shooting. The days had turned warm, though the nights were still cool. Alicia and I had begun to think about our summer plans.

We were eating dinner one night about that time, when Alicia looked at me and said, ‘Phillip, I want you to do me a favor.’

‘Okay,’ I said, noting the unfamiliar tone in her voice.

‘I’ve got a conference to attend next week in Myrtle Beach, and I want you to stay here.’

‘Okay,’ I said, disappointed. ‘You don’t want me along?’

‘Of course I do,’ she said. ‘But I would really appreciate it if you’d stay here and keep Kathy company. I think that she and Twyla have finally broken up for good, and she’s not dealing with it very well.’

Needless to say, I was surprised. I knew that Kathy and Twyla had broken up. We had had Kathy over once or twice, and she had told us the details. Yes, she had seemed to be upset and hurt, but not brokenhearted. Now I learn that Kathy’s ‘not dealing with it very well’ and that I’m supposed to provide company while Alicia is out of town.

‘Mistress,’ I said, ‘I don’t understand. Just what do you want me to do?’

‘I want you to take her out to dinner, or make it for her. I want you to spend the day or evening with her. I don’t know exactly. I just don’t think that it’s a good time for her to be alone.’

I hesitated. ‘Mistress, I think you should know something. While I was in the hospital, Kathy saw me. I mean, she saw my butt. It was apparently marked up a little. She probably knows about the spanking.’

This time it was her time to hesitate. ‘I realize that, Phillip. We talked about it. I’m afraid I told her that it was an experiment we tried. I made light of it in an effort to change the subject.’

‘So, how should I handle it if she brings up the subject? As a matter of fact, Mistress, you know she will. Once she gets a couple of screwdrivers in her, she’ll talk about anything. I like Kathy, but her personality changes when she’s under the influence of alcohol.’

‘Try to pass it off as a one-time thing. That’s the only thing I can think of. I think–no–I know you’re right. If she gets drunk, she’ll bring it up. Maybe the best thing is to limit her alcohol intake.’

‘Alicia,’–her eyes widened, I almost never called her that at home anymore–‘I’m not sure that this is a good idea. I mean, what if she tries something? She’s on the rebound. Anything could happen. I like Kathy, but I’m married to you. What if she wants to, you know, spank me? I don’t want anyone but you doing that. Oh Mistress, can’t I go with you?’

‘Believe me, Phillip, I wish you could. But I feel strongly about this. She needs someone right now, and just about the only people she has are us.’

Something was still not right. I could feel it. ‘Mistress, is there something wrong? Something I should know about? Have I done something to make you mad?’

Alicia reached across the table and took my hand. ‘No Phillip, you’ve done nothing wrong. As a matter of fact, the past nine months have been the happiest of my life.’ I looked at her face. It looked sincere, but there was a slight shadow, an indefinable trace of something that I couldn’t put my finger on. For just a second, Alicia looked as if she might cry. But it passed quickly. She said briskly, ‘So you’ll do it? It would really mean a lot to me.’

‘What about, you know, if she wants to touch me?’

‘Listen Phillip, that part of our relationship, just like our sexual relationship, is very private. Kathy knows the boundaries, just as you and I do. If she tries something, just be friendly but firm, and say no.’

There was one other thing I had to try, even if it meant angering Alicia. ‘Mistress, does Kathy know something you don’t want her to know? Is that why we’re doing this? What kind of hedge does she have that would make you put me into such an obviously hazardous situation? Are you afraid that she’ll say or do something to compromise you? Please tell me, and we’ll work it out….’

Alicia’s eyes hardened slightly. ‘Be quiet, Phillip. I don’t want to talk about it anymore. You know what I want you to do. You have your guidelines. Now just deal with it.’

I must have grumbled some the rest of the night, but Alicia ignored it. When we went to bed, she practically growled, ‘Get over my lap.’ I got over her lap, still grumbling, and she administered a sound spanking with the hairbrush. As usual, I became erect, but we went to sleep without making love. Even so, she held me all night long. The next morning, she turned me over, kissed me and said, ‘Do what I ask this one time, and I’ll make it worth your while.’

‘That’s not what I mean. Everything I do for you is worth my while. I’m just a little confused.’ I must have gotten a little emotional then, because she hugged me, hard. Alicia started tugging down my undershorts. I undid her pajamas. We made the love we should have the night before.

As I took a sweet nipple between my lips, my Mistress sighed and whispered, ‘Trust me, Phillip.’

I decided to do just that. After all, my Mistress wouldn’t ask me to do it without a good reason, would she?

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A very nice trip of commission 4 P

It was end-winter/begin-spring about, April i remember it :-P, when i and my sister have an another trip of commission, this time the trip, that of going, it was in bus at difference of the previous trips of commission (recounted in my previously stories :-P) that i and my sister did always in train and my sister had always a nice clothing namely skirt and pantyhose and low shoes and also in the last trip previous at this (recounted toward the end of the previous my story of this story :-P) she...

1 year ago
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Desert Heat

Michelle was cruising down the highway with the top down on her car, singing at the top of her lungs to the feminist tone of the Beyonce hit song, Single Ladies. It was a song that she had recently adopted as her anthem after she left her boyfriend of three years. It was liberating to walk away from someone after years of on and off again chances, ultimately deciding not to waste anymore time on the relationship going nowhere. Since the break up Michelle resolved to take advantage of her single...

3 years ago
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Girls Soccer CoachChapter 2

The Walker Hill High School soccer team had a reputation. Everyone considered it a loss if they couldn't win a game against them by four goals. We won the game five-nothing. I finally saw happy faces after the whistle, a relief after three straight losses. This was good for us, as it was a Sunday afternoon, and we had more spectators than during weekday games. Glenn Harrison and I made sure all the girls had been taken care of before we left. I was preparing to make a turn toward...

4 years ago
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Pams First College Party

Part 9 of Ethan and Pam's sexcapades and adventuresAmber closed her eyes. Her lips were open just a bit, showing the tips of her teeth. Her face angled forward, anticipating the kiss. She was pretty and she had straight brown hair and she was a year older, in ninth grade. None of that mattered, though, not there, not then. Pam closed her own eyes, tilted her head to the side, and kissed her.Amber moaned. Her lips were soft and moist. Her tongue touched Pam's lips and pushed into her mouth....

3 years ago
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My sexy maid servant

Hii Friends, I’m a new member of ISS. I’m posting this story for the first time. Plase forgive for the unwanted mistakes. I’ll narrate the story in bengali.Amar naam Rahul. Ei ghotonata jokhon ghotechilo tokhon amar boyosh chilo 22. Amar shorirer gothon besh fit chilo. I am 5 feet 11 inches. Forsha gayer rong, athletic body and my dick size is lombai prai 9 inches r 3 inches mota. Amar basai tokhon 1jon kajer mohila kaj korto, naam Maloti. Malotir boyosh chilo prai 35 er kachakachi. 2 bacchar...

2 years ago
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Tales from a Small Republic Taynas Story

One of the problems the Generals promised to deal with was the number of girls and women who turned to prostitution simply to try to get enough money to feed themselves after losing their jobs.  The middle classes were affronted by the sight of these filthy half starved young women showing as much flesh from beneath their rags as the cold night air allowed in often futile attempts to get custom from the few men who could afford them, which might include the very soldiers who were supposed to...

3 years ago
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Lessons in Biology

I was living in the city, at my friend’s house. I had just turned nineteen and was looking for work. I found a job at a local fitness center. My friend Leo was a year older and had a similar plan. His seventeen year old sister, Isa and his mother were also residing in the house. His father was off working somewhere in the Pacific, hardly at home. While I was there, news broke out that he was having an affair with an intern at his office. He was honest enough to confess to his wife, yet had no...

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Schoolgirl Gymnast Sextoy SlaveChapter 9

Katie drove home carefully, making allowances for being a bit groggy. She’d never imagined a sex session like that: over two and a half hours, first being so stressed and aroused over Nikki, then being fucked by two guys with such big cocks, over and over again. So many times! Nikki and herself together seemed to drive them to absurd heights of endurance. Fucked so skilfully she couldn’t not cum with them - especially with Nikki involved - yet she wasn’t really sore or bruised. But she was...

1 year ago
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An experts guide to Cock Sucking

A good cock suck takes a lot of beating! There's a real art to it. Of course I've had my cock sucked more times than I can remember by men and women, who cares? It's the same if done properly. I should know, I've sucked so many myself I've become an expert! How do I know that? By the reactions of course. The moaning, the gasping, the thrusting and shuddering as he comes. Take yesterday for instance: I sucked off three, the first one came when he was right down deep throating me. That was not so...

2 years ago
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The Triangle

My friend AJ and I had been drinking in the pubs around Newcastle's 'Pink Triangle' for a few weeks. AJ is openly gay, and the pubs in that part of the city centre were perfect for him. I knew he was worried about me - about what other people would think of me - but he needn't have been. Firstly I can more than handle myself, secondly the only opinion of me that mattered was my own and finally, I'm bisexual. Telling AJ that would have made things easier; showed some trust in a close friend, but...

4 years ago
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The Life and Times of Natasha Knight Part II

I stumbled up the stairs and pushed myself into my room. My parents had gone to bed long ago, or so it seemed. It was dark in the house and they were good at going to bed at way to early of hours. I was glad they were asleep though, they would not have to see me as I was now. Taking off all of my clothes, I shoved them into the back of my closet and ran to the bathroom. I turned on the shower and stood in front of the mirror as I waited for the water to heat up. I looked over my body and could...

2 years ago
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The Boy of Summer Ch 01

Thank you to me editor Girlowned and MugsyB for looking my story over and encouraging me. I wrote this story about nine months ago, so it’s a major coincidence that it is about a Giants player and they happened to win the World Series this year. If I’d known I had magical powers I would have written about a Mariner. This story is purely fiction and fantasy and is not about a real baseball player. Enjoy! Note: The title The Boy of Summer is in reference to the song ‘The Boys of Summer’ by Don...

2 years ago
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Helping Linda Part One

This is a true story. I was a virgin when I met and fell in love with my wife, whom I will call Alice for this story. This is despite me being 26 at the time we met. Alice who was 20 when we met was not a virgin, but had only slept with one previous boyfriend. This story tells how Alice and I went from a very conventional relationship to swinging with two other couples after we had been together about 10 years (and married 7 years). Part 1 My wife had and still does have two very close...

3 years ago
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Asian Whore in Live Sex Show with Animals0

I’m standing in the middle of the room with the light directly above me. There’s a room full of men sitting on chairs watching me undress. I wear my long sleek black hair down and it contrasts against my milky white skin. I have red lipstick on and nothing else. As I sit on top of the mattress laid out at the front of the room, I caress my naked body looking at the group of men in front of me, the anticipation increases my arousal. The heat rises between my legs. I start to pinch at...

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Murphys Romance no not the Sally Field movie

There’s a funny relationship between transport and velocity. For my sperm, the route from my home to Murphy’s uterus was a complex one at greatly varied speeds. The trip began with a car to the airport parking lot and a bus to the terminal. From there it raced at more than 500 miles per hour to Chicago’s Midway International Airport and a rental car south for 45 minutes. From there was a meeting at a bar, where Murphy awaited me. We’d planned every detail of this meeting for weeks following a...

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Mom 8211 a sex whore

hi iss lovers i am parth 22yers of age doing my final year mba in bangalore.this is my first story..and i have two more if i get some good feed back.when i finished my 10th exams most of the time i used to surf somethings on net..once i found this website first it irritated me but later i got heavy interest in reading insects stories. slowly i started fantisise my mom…i thought of fucking her or used to think two or three guys fucking her and she going mad and wild on bed…let me tel you about...

2 years ago
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Oleander DreamsChapter 4

Despite L. Martinus’s request, I take my meds like I’m supposed to. I have to go to work, and I can’t afford to be off my game. The new meds are different, I think. I’m calmer, for one thing. Everything I see as I walk to work seems covered in a gossamer shroud. The sun is muted and doesn’t blare in my eyes. Most importantly, I don’t have any disconcerting auditory or olfactory hallucinations. It’s a perfect morning, cool, and the humidity ubiquitous to Louisiana is absent. The streets are...

1 year ago
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PetiteHDPorn Kate Rich Dressed To Impress

Kate Rich is looking fine as she pulls a little black dress over her nude figure. She sits in front of the mirror as she puts on some makeup. Grabbing a hairbrush, she runs it through her hair. Kate is just finishing up when her boyfriend Ricky Rascal walks in to have Kate’s help in putting the finishing touches on his own outfit. With Kate’s hands on him, Ricky can’t hide the boner he has popped at the sight of his hot girlfriend. Kate knows just how to handle Ricky’s...

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Adult Bookstore

I had just gotten a divorce a few months back and met a sexy, wonderful woman named Nancy. She was one year younger than I, and had two boys, one in college and one in Jr. High, and both lived at home. She was extremely shapely and I wanted to screw her badly but held off because of her boys being home.One night we were so horny kissing and playing with each other that we fucked in the living room while the boys were asleep. It was great but, I felt so bad knowing that we could have been...

2 years ago
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A Knock on the Door

She sat in the cold darkness of her backyard, cigarette in hand. The subtle light of the moon illuminated the smoke drifting from her bad habit, invading an otherwise clear night. A blanket was draped over her shoulders, the only barrier between her naked flesh and the biting cold without. Was it laziness that caused her to go out unclothed, or perhaps a sick need to feel fresh air in places it ought not be? She did not know. Her name was Lila, a twenty-one-year-old brunette. She was short at...

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RebaChapter 6

“Now, there is a reasonable explanation for all of this,” sounded pretty dumb I will admit but what can you say when a father walks in on his daughter with her brother and sees her tied up naked swinging from the roof with another woman, and water bottles hanging from their nipples and pussy lips as they cry and moan in pain, covered in welts, bruises and shivering in their own sweat and tears. Brock was tied to a chair with a pair of her panties on his head and the whip from his ass...

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iWant To Kiss 2 iRealise

[After an iCarly segment that wasn't fully thought through, "just friends" becomes nearly impossible for the girls.]Freddie couldn't help but smile at the girls' dancing routine. At one of the rehearsals earlier that week, they had decided that Random Dancing wasn't as random as it could be. Hence the duct tape binding their ankles together, and the pillows for the many times they fell over. In Freddie's opinion, it was an improvement, and not just because Sam missed the pillows at one...

1 year ago
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Jerrys World A Day With Roger

I had my lovely wake up from my dear sister with a fresh cup of coffee and a wank which she assisted with by squeezing my balls and finishing off by taking my early morning load, she loves her morning intake of vitamins and I just prayed it becomes regular as I cant think of a better way to start the day.“Enjoy your day with Roger” she said sincerely as she left for work.I had a nice hot shower and with it being warm I threw on a pair of white sports shorts and a tight-fitting sleeveless vest,...

2 years ago
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Furnished RoomChapter 3

It was Sunday evening just after seven. Standing in front of the living room fireplace Lance was looking at the picture of Claire, her husband and Stacy. In the mirror he saw the reflection of Selena’s silver Aviator stopping in front of the house. He watched the two girls get out of the car. As they walked toward the house they held hands. When they came through the door he asked, “Did you have a good weekend?” Looking at Selena Stacy said with a grin, “I’m gonna have a lot better time at...

4 years ago
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In The Dark

Dimly I awake.Slowly regaining some semblance of consciousness, a shudder runs through my body at the realisation that I have no idea where I am. I don’t know what time it is. I don’t know how long I’ve been asleep. I don’t know if it’s still night, or if it’s light.Nor can I find out.That’s the rule. One of the rules. I must not remove the blindfold until I am given permission to do so. I could remove it; my hands are free. But I will not. I tremble at the thought that there may be more to...

Group Sex
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Dragon ClansChapter 4

There is a clarity that comes at the moment of death, real or perceived, that people are just not ready to deal with. The white light, the tunnel, that's what everyone expects, the reality is far different. Ian lay on the hard stone floor. The first things that came to him were the base senses, the cold, slowly creeping into his flesh where it met the stone, the throbbing behind his eyes and the general ache of someone who had undergone severe blunt force trauma. Then it was warmth, the...

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WendyChapter 6

Wendy was still in Bill's arms when they woke almost simultaneously. "Please make love to me again," she whispered. "I've got to have a leak first." "Me too." "Race you." She was nearer the door and won. Bill did his best to wait patiently. "Don't pull the plug," he said, "or I'll have to wait." "Can I hold it for you?" "If you want but I can't think why." "Simple. Women can't aim and it could be fun." "Well start by lifting the seat." Wendy got helpless...

3 years ago
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Grains of SandChapter 2

Yakhir drank far too much the night before, and was trying to hide from the bright sunshine that had already heated up the air in his room. Today was his last day of freedom, and his lazing in bed wrenched his conscience that he was spending the first part of it nursing a hangover. He didn't remember drinking that much, but what he had slurped down must have been pretty potent. As he catalogued his body parts and their protests of pain, Yakhir realized that he was naked under the sheet. He...

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