- 3 years ago
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My thanks and appreciation to my very skilled editor, Erik Thread, who has patiently worked with me to make this story cohesive and readable. Any errors are mine.
Nina Novak was the older of two sisters, brought up in a modest home in the Bronx. Her mother, Ursola, and father, Janos, were the children of refugees from the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Their parents had escaped in the chaotic aftermath and had landed as legitimate refugees, first in Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, and finally settling in the City of New York.
The Hungarian community gathered together to share their experiences at the Magyar Neighborhood House. It was there that Janos first met Ursola, discovering they both went to the same school. They began dating when Ursola turned seventeen and finally got permission from her parents.
After graduating from high school, Janos signed on as an apprentice carpenter and found work at a local millwork shop. He supplemented his income with after-hours work in the neighborhood.
By 1964, he had saved enough for a down payment on a small house, and Janos asked Ursola to marry him. With their parents’ permission, their life in America was now confirmed. Both daughters were born in that little house. First Nina, named in honor of the ship that discovered America and hence, in her mother’s mind, their wonderful new lives. Magda came along two years later. Ursola and Janos had their perfect life.
Nina graduated from high school and after several frustrating weeks looking for work, finally went to a temporary placement agency. They tested and interviewed her thoroughly. Within a week, they found her a temporary job as a receptionist at a small law firm.
Nina had developed into an attractive, five-foot seven-inch, dark haired beauty. She had an aura of self-confidence about her and took to the receptionist’s job instantly. She handled calls deftly and was unfailingly polite, even when the party on the other end of the line was angry or distraught.
The firm was so impressed with her that they offered her a permanent job and moved the existing receptionist into another office. At nineteen years old, Nina had found a career.
She had been working at the law firm for three years when she first noticed the tall, handsome young man who frequented the same elevator at the same time each morning. She didn’t know his name, but she knew she got off on the ninth floor, while he continued on to the fourteenth.
Nina was late getting to work one day, having taken a half-day for a dental appointment. As she arrived at the bank of elevators, she saw the familiar figure of a man standing by himself, also waiting for a car. She entered it immediately after him.
‘Nine please,’ she said, as he looked back at her in question.
He pushed the button and then his own, turning toward her.
‘I was wondering when we would meet,’ he smiled. ‘I’m Tony Marino.’ He held out his hand to her.
‘Nina … Nina Novak,’ she stammered, taking his hand.
‘Who do you work for?’
She named the law firm and told him she was the receptionist.
He told her the name of the brokerage firm he worked for.
‘Well, now that we’re properly introduced, would you like to have dinner with me on Friday?’
‘Uh … uh … yes!’ she blurted.
The elevator stopped at the ninth and Nina stepped out with Tony right behind her.
‘I can’t very well take you out if I don’t know where you live or what your phone number is,’ he grinned.
‘No … no … I guess not.’ Scrambling, she pulled a blank business card out of her purse and quickly wrote her phone number on the face. ‘I live with a girl-friend in a studio apartment near Morris Park. Call me,’ she said as she turned and virtually ran into the safety of the office lobby.
She didn’t see Tony’s smile as he pushed the up button on the wall.
At four-thirty that afternoon, Nina Novak answered the lone incoming call.
‘Moulton, Baines and Associates,’ came the lovely, clear voice.
‘Hi, Nina. It’s Tony … from the elevator.’
‘Oh … hi. I was just thinking about you,’ she finally managed.
‘I wondered. I’m sorry I ambushed you like that. I would never dream of asking you for a date before we had even met, but … I … I couldn’t stop myself. It just came out,’ he said nervously.
‘You surprised me. I’m not even sure why I said yes, but … I did say yes, didn’t I,’ she admitted in her soft voice.
‘Yes, you did and you made me a very happy guy. The reason I called, I wondered if I could buy you a coffee in the café downstairs … after work. I should at least give you some assurance that I’m not some stalker or serial rapist or anything sinister.’
She laughed. ‘I’m off at five. I guess if I’m going to go out on a date with you, I should at least know something about you. I’ll meet you in the café.’
‘Great,’ he replied.
That was the beginning, and less than a year later they were married. Nina maintained her receptionist job and Tony continued to rise at the brokerage firm. When Nina became pregnant with their first child, Benjamin, she took a leave of absence, stating her intention to return to the law firm at some time in the future.
She was just about to return when she discovered she was pregnant with their second child, Nadia. At that point, she admitted to Tony she was destined for the role of mother and housewife. Their third child, Jared, only confirmed her decision.
Tony had risen to middle-management at CM&D, and his salary and bonuses provided the Milano’s with a good home and a comfortable lifestyle for an early-thirties couple. He had invested wisely himself and had a healthy 401(k), as well as tax-protected savings for the children’s education.
His elevation to vice president was inevitable and the salary and perks that came with the job put them in an upper income bracket. They moved to Westport just before Jared started school. As so many of their neighbors had, they enrolled all three children in private schools.
The Nantucket house was purchased when it became available at a lower-than-market price by a financially stressed client of Tony’s. It had proved to be another good investment in the run-away housing market of the early twenty-first century. If they were prudent, they had enough investments and property to secure them for the rest of their lives.
But, as with most idyllic situations, there was a catch. Tony had been caught up in the race to the top and was demonstrating signs of stress. He snapped at Nina and the children with little provocation. Increased responsibility had brought increased wealth, but there was little evidence that either he or the family were enjoying it.
His discovery of fraud at CM&D prompted him to begin collecting evidence and documenting it on his office computer, then transferring it to his computer at home. When Stanton Mellows stalled and avoided taking immediate appropriate action, he called Carter Woolman at the Securities and Exchange Commission.
He had met Carter at an investment association convention in Washington a couple of years earlier. They had seemed to be on the same wavelength when it came to regulatory change, especially after WorldCom and Enron.
And then … awakening in the hospital.
Chapter 5:
Nina carefully skirted around the issue with her children about why she wanted to go to the city for the weekend. She mumbled some vague words about looking for their father. Mrs. Martinez would look after them. Nadia was having a sleep-over at one of her friend’s houses while Jared was going to a college football game with a neighbor’s family. They would be well occupied until she returned on Sunday afternoon.
She flipped open her cell phone.
‘Ton … uhhhh John, please,’ she hesitated when Carl answered.
‘Hold on,’ Carl responded.
‘John here.’
‘Tony … it’s me … Nina.’
‘Hi. I didn’t expect you to call.’
‘I … I’m coming to the city. I’ve booked the Marrakech for two nights. It’s the one on Broadway. I want to see you, Tony. I need to be with you. I can’t stand knowing you’re there and not be with you. Please say you’ll come, Tony. Please,’ she pleaded.
‘Nina … I … I want to see you too. But … this is all so strange. It’s going to be … difficult. I won’t be done until after nine tonight and I have to be here tomorrow. We won’t have much time together.’
‘I don’t care. I’ll be grateful for whatever we can have. I just want to be with you, Tony. I need you.’ Nina was close to tears again.
‘Nina, when will you be in the city?’
‘I should be there before five.’
‘I wonder … after you’ve checked in … would you like to come here. We can have a late supper. I’ll make something special for us. How does that sound?’
‘Wonderful! Yes … I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll take a cab from the hotel. I can’t wait to see you again. It will be so good to be with you again,’ she crooned.
‘OK,’ he laughed, ‘I get it. You’re not going to stand me up.’
‘Nina … I need to tell you … good news I hope. My memory is coming back. Some of it, anyway.’
‘That’s wonderful, Tony. We can talk about it and maybe that will help too.’
It was almost seven when Nina pushed through the door of Amnesia wearing a very attractive dark green dress and a big smile. The air was still warm from the late September sun and she carried nothing but a clutch purse and a light sweater with her. The dress was short, revealing her very shapely long legs. It caught Carl’s attention along with several other men sitting at the bar.
She walked to the only open spot at the bar and waited for Carl to approach.
‘Hi, I’m here to see … John,’ she stumbled.
Carl smirked. ‘Well, well. You mean John actually has a love-life.’
Nina blushed, but nodded slightly.
‘Good for him. It’s about time. And like everything else … he has good taste,’ he grinned with an arched eyebrow. ‘I’ll let him know you’re here if you’ll tell me your name.’
‘Nina … he’s expecting me.’
Carl nodded and having finished serving a pair of beers to a nearby table, pushed into the kitchen, reappearing within seconds.
‘He’ll be along shortly. He’s kinda busy right now. Can I get you something while you’re waiting?’
‘A red wine? Dry?’
Carl nodded again and pulled a bottle of red from the back shelf, then, looking back at her, changed his mind and opened a different bottle.
‘I think you’ll like this,’ he said. ‘It’s a nice smooth Italian. I know John likes it.’
‘Thanks. I’ll sit at a small table, if that’s OK?’
‘Go right ahead. Things are quieting down finally. Friday afternoon is usually pretty busy from four to seven. Our regulars for dinner won’t be here for another hour,’ he said as he stacked some used glasses in the washer. ‘How do you know John?’
‘Uh … we’re … uhmmm … old friends,’ she stammered. ‘Have you worked here long?’ she asked, changing the topic.
‘Just since it reopened earlier this year. I’m the manager and the bartender. John is the head cook and to tell the truth, he’s what makes this place go. You should try some of his food. He’s getting pretty well known ’round these parts.’
‘I plan to. We’re having dinner here and he said he was going to make something special.’
‘Lucky girl. He won’t disappoint you,’ he said, turning back to mix a pair of drinks for another couple.
Nina took her glass of wine and moved to a small table near the front corner of the room. She gazed out the large window, watching the people walk by in the fading evening sun. This was the Bronx, their old neighborhood.
Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t see Tony as he walked quietly to her, leaning down and kissing her cheek. She jumped at his touch and then got herself under control, her hands going to his near arm and pulling him down again. The kiss was long and soulful.
‘Hi,’ Tony whispered to her, smiling as he gazed into his wife’s eyes.
‘Hi,’ she responded, tears now forming and blurring her vision. She blinked, as they trickled down her cheeks.
Tony moved the vacant chair around so that he could sit beside her instead of across. He was just looking at her, but he wore a look of contentment as he did so. He reached for her hand and held it.
‘I’d forgotten how beautiful you are,’ he said at last.
She smiled. ‘You haven’t told me that in a long time. I love to hear it.’
‘I haven’t done or said a lot of things in a long time. Much longer than just the last year. I’m not sure I want to get all those memories back. Maybe I’ll be happier with things a little less … memorable.’
‘It’s strange, Tony. I was thinking about us years ago when we lived near here. I was remembering how happy we were. Is that why you’re happy here … being a cook?’
‘Could be. Before I got my some of my memory back, I was living in a world that I was grateful for. People helped me, and so I wanted to help them. I want you to meet those people. They’ve become important to me. They kept me sane. They didn’t ask for anything. They did it because they wanted to. When I had nothing … and I mean nothing, they gave me a chance.’
The smile hadn’t left her face. ‘I’d love to. If they’re important to you … they’re important to me.’
‘Tomorrow, we’ll go to the market and do the morning shopping for the kitchen. I’ll let Muriel know I’m staying with you tonight. After we’ve been to the market, we can stop by the Salvation Army office and I’ll introduce you to Tom Matthews. He’s the man who got me back on the road to recovery. I owe him a lot.’
‘I want to meet Muriel, too. She sounds like a special lady.’
‘She is. She’s much more than a friend. She taught me how to cook and how to run a kitchen. She also taught me to trust. She trusted me without much to go on. She’s another of the people that made my new life possible. It could have turned out so much differently than it did if it weren’t for Tom and Muriel, Mr. Leung and Martin. They all made a difference.’
He leaned back in his chair as he finished. She looked down at his hand, holding hers tightly as he spoke. She continued to smile as he expressed his gratitude for the help of strangers.
‘You are a very different man from the one who disappeared over a year ago.’
Tony leaned in and kissed her on the lips before leaving to return to work.
She nursed a couple of glasses of wine as Tony labored in the kitchen. She watched as the serving girl brought meals to the various couples, inhaling the aromas as they passed.
Shortly before nine, Tony appeared from the kitchen having discarded his white smock and hat. He was bearing two bowls and a basket of rolls on a tray as he approached the table.
Nina looked at the offering, inhaling the scent of the food before her.
‘Is this what I think it is?’ she asked.
‘Well, it may not be quite a good as your mother’s, but it’s my version of Hungarian Goulash,’ he smiled.
‘Oh, Tony. It smells glorious. I haven’t had this in years. Look, you even made Csipetke!’
Tony grinned as he watched her delight at his creation. Nina immediately tore open a warm roll and began to test the hot, spicy dish.
‘It’s perfect!’
They finished their food and Tony called for a cab to take them to the hotel. It was nearing ten o’clock when they arrived at the front entrance and made their way through the uniquely decorated lobby and up to Nina’s room. Tony had a small overnight bag with a change of clothes and some toiletries he had retrieved from the apartment that afternoon.
He had called Muriel to let her know he would be staying with Nina that night and she was delighted
for him. She was also genuinely pleased that Nina wanted to stop by.
‘I’d love to meet her, John. I’m so glad you’re getting your memory back. It must be a great relief.’
‘Yes, it is. But please don’t say anything to anyone about it. No one knows and the police want to keep it that way for now. I’ll tell you more when we see you tomorrow.’
Tony stepped into the hotel room, following Nina. She flicked on the lights and revealed a cozy room in faux Moroccan décor with two queen-size beds, an armoire, a writing desk, a double closet, and a bathroom. He walked to the window and looked down onto the lights of Broadway.
‘This was where we stayed when we came to New York for a night on the town,’ Tony recalled.
‘Do you remember this place?’ she asked as she stood beside him.
‘I do now. You found it, years ago. You said it was funky, if I remember.’
‘Yes. And it is. Different. You said you liked it. I hope you still do.’
‘Yeah. It’s cool,’ he smiled, wrapping his arm around Nina’s waist. He turned to her and looked deeply into her eyes. He pulled her to him and kissed her, tentatively at first. She responded, and their kiss turned to one of passion.
‘Oh … Tony. I’ve missed you so. It’s been so lonely without you,’ she moaned into his shoulder.
‘I don’t know how you could miss the proper bastard I had become, Nina. I didn’t like myself, so I’m sure I didn’t make you very happy.’
‘I know, Tony. But that’s all in the past. You’re different now. You’re a different man. You’re more like the Tony I married. That’s the Tony I want,’ she said, looking deeply into his eyes.
‘I’m not going back, Nina. I’m not going back to CM&D and I’m not going back to living like we did these past few years. It was phony and … well … I hated it.’
‘Tell me what you want, Tony. Tell me what’s important to you. I want to be with you, always. We don’t need the big house and the fancy cars. They’re just things. The only things I want are my Tony and my family. That’s all that matters.’
‘Are you sure, Nina? I’m just as happy here. Being a cook. Living in the Bronx. Not having a car. Do you really think you’d be happy with that?’
‘Maybe a couple of years ago, I might have said no. But losing you … even though we weren’t getting along … losing you hurt so deeply. I know now what’s important to me and things aren’t important.’
She stopped, stepped back and with her hands on his shoulders continued, ‘You once told me that we had enough money and possessions that we never had to worry for the rest of our lives. If you quit your job, we can live anywhere, do anything we want. If you want to be a cook and live in the Bronx, then … I’ll be right there with you. Especially if you make goulash for me again,’ she grinned.
He smiled and gazed at her. ‘Are you sure? It’s a big lifestyle change, Nina. We have the kids to consider too.’
‘I know. There are all kinds of things to think about, but … it’s about … it’s about us. What makes us happy? How do we live our lives? What’s important to us … to our marriage? I think we can be selfish about that.’
The smile hadn’t left Tony’s face as she spoke. He stepped toward her, pulling her into his embrace once again.
‘Thank you. I’m glad you feel that way,’ he said, holding her tightly. ‘I love you, Nina. I know I haven’t told you that very often lately, but … I love you.’
Tony felt her tears on his cheek, but didn’t move. ‘I love you too, Tony. I never stopped loving you. I always hoped you would come back to me. And now you have. You’ve made me very happy, darling.’
They made love that evening. Powerful, emotionally profound love. Tony called it a renewal. He said it was like they were starting all over again. Having to learn everything about each other once more.
When they awoke the next morning at first light, they made love again. There was no mistaking the passion they expressed in each other’s arms.
They shared a leisurely breakfast in the hotel restaurant before catching a cab to the Salvation Army office.
Tom ushered the couple into his small office.
‘Good to see you as always, John. And who is the lovely lady?’ he asked, smiling at Nina.
‘Uhhhh … this is going to sound odd, Tom, but this is Nina Marino … my wife.’
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Slowly kneeling before him looking my eyes fixed at his zipper, I have wanted this for so long. My mind racing as I see my fingers undoing his belt I can feel myself bitting my lower lip. My eyes watch my hands undo the botton and unzip his pants folding the fly open, god I have wanted this for so long. My hands tugging his pants down then back up to the band of his boxers, my excitement growing. Leaning in for a soft kiss at his navel not wanting to show how ready I am, I want to play this...
Coming to story I am Sudeer(fake name) from hyderabad, last month on sunday I have attended my cousins reception and returning to home from lb nagar, near secunderabad a swift car suddenly came over my bike and made accident, front side of my bike is completely destroyed, and scratch to my left hand, it was 11:30pm there was no one near by, So I got angry and went near car beat them but a lady steps out of the car, I lost my angry because its a lady but my mind blocked she was 30yrs women...
Hello guys, I’m roshan mai up ke ek chote shahr se hun. Ye desi hot sex baat tab ki hai jab mai 12th standard mai tha aur meri age 18 years thi. Mai shuru se hi thoda healthy tha zaada nahi sab mje cute kehte the. Isi vajah se meri chuchiyan bhi thi thodi. Mje ladko ke pant aur jeans ke dent ko dekhne mai bhut maja aata tha aur kai baar mai apne ghar ke saamne vale ghar ke bhaiya ki chat par jaake unki jockey sungha karta tha mje jockey bhut pasand hain. Ek baar raat ka samay tha lagbhag 9 baj...
Spence gasped for breath but didn’t stop. They had walked several miles through the forested trails and had now started to climb the ridge. Joan was leading and Spence followed her waggling shorts over trim buttocks. Spence was pleased with the motivation to keep the pace and keep Joan in sight. Today was Summer Solstice, the solar zenith occurring at exactly 1:22 PM. Joan and Spence would honor the occurrence from the utmost point available, closest to the sun. They were hiking to the high...
All characters portrayed in the story are 18 years old or older. The Talk “Really Zoe? Like really?” Jessica said as she took a sit in her clean, white kitchen, “haven’t we talk about this before?” She was clearly mad at the teen that sat across the table from her. Zoe had long, shiny, flowing red hair that cascaded down her back, reaching her ass. She seemed detached from the world around, her blue eyes transfixed on the wall above her mother. “I didn’t mean for that to happen,” Zoe...
When I woke, I woke to find Felicity sitting over me wiping my brow with a damp cloth. I tried to speak but couldn't. Seeing me staring at her with questions in my eyes, my mate just shushed me back to sleep. Too tired to resist, I did just that. The next time I woke it was Kola watching over me. She smiled and offered me some water to drink. It tasted wonderful. Still I was unable to mutter a single word and when Kola told me to go back to sleep I did. The last time I woke I did so with a...
JessicaMy alarm's piercing mechanical ring pulled me from my sleep with a startle. I sat up in bed, hitting the alarm clock to silence the intruder into my dreams and sleep. I could feel my husband, Thomas, roll slightly muttering 'Jessica' before likely falling right back asleep. I never understood how he could just sleep through my alarms, but he always seemed to manage.I sat for a moment on the edge of the bed looking at the body of my husband framed by the low morning light coming in...
Monster SexIt was the evening of the first CD/TV party in Melbourne following the long year of Covid lockdown. My Mistress and I had arranged to meet up at a motel nearby the venue prior to the start of the party. She could prepare without rushing, and I could meet her there, and we could then proceed and arrive together at the party.About 7:30 or so I knocked on the door of the unit, having had the unit's number texted to me during the afternoon. Luckily there was a parking spot right outside the unit so...
I had just said goodbye to my friend Jo and walked back to my kitchen where my friend Ann was waiting for me to make her a cuppa. I made the tea and went back to sit with her at the island in the kitchen, having had to much alcohol last night and still feeling the effects I needed to sit somewhere soft so we went to the front room. As we was chatting I'd noticed Ann kept staring straight at me and smiling, which was making me feel kind of awkward as we had never been intimate yet I felt like...
I was going home during a school break to see my mother. My parents split up when I was five and even now at twenty, I don't know what happened to my father. My mother doesn't like to talk about it although I want to know what happened between them. My Mom now lives in a small house along a lake front. I am not sure how she can afford the house as she only works part time or when she wants to. I pulled up to Mom's place and I went to the front door.Mom greeted me with a big hug and I put my...
Note : This story is completely fictional! The amazing part two "Positive there was no mistaking it. She having sex with her own son!" "That must have been quite the scene. Mavion what did you feel when you realized it was him." "Mom I didn't know what to feel. At first I was angry and a bit jealous. Then I saw how into it she was and how sexy she looked as she made him come, it got me excited. When I finally realized who it was, it blew me away it was so..." "Naughty?" Ruth chimed in. "Naughty...
IncestThe Weakest Link Humiliation (a Very Short Story) Round one passes uneventfully. The team wins ?750 but votes off contestant Dee, who never answered a single question correctly. Anne: It's the end of round two and you've won ?220. Please cast your vote for The Weakest Link. The votes are cast. Mary has the most votes, being named four times. Anne, turning to contestant Leslie: Leslie. You voted for Mary. Why? Leslie: I'm sure she had the most questions wrong Anne. Anne: What...
Dear Reader, Though this story is published and available, I am more interested in having it read than in making money with it, so I will be uploading it by chapters to this site in the next weeks. Love, Cheleste * ‘Are you alright?’ he asked me. He looked squarely at my escort, who released my arm, then back at me. ‘May I show you out?’ he inquired. I rose from my seat. ‘Yes, thank you,’ I said, looking into his lavender eyes and glimpsing the silhouette of wings which angled above his...
“No, Darling, you must show your tits,”came the cry from a very effeminate Pierre, the designer of a new range of clothes for the summer collection. I rearranged my ‘tits’ in the soft multi-colored synthetic dress so that the audience could see my bobbing breasts as I walk down the ramp in the European Fashion Show in Paris, France. This year Pierre’s designs are very sexy and very risqué. He combined synthetic materials with leather and satin, chiffon and wool and showed a lot of naked...
Someone warned her that this Doctor runs way behind but she scheduled and appointment with him anyway. There she is in the waiting room trying to muster up the courage to redirect her thoughts to something more positive rather than continue on with the angry rant she has going on in her head: ‘My fucking time is just as valuable as yours is, I may not have a college education but I have been well versed in common fucking courtesy!’ The ranting may have stopped but the toe tapping and eye...
Dan was 19 and in his Sophomore year of College at UW Madison. All his post-puberty life he had secretly crossdressed. At school, Dan had a Teaching Assistant for one of his classes that he often made friendly small talk with. Her name was Sarah and she was 38 years old - a bit older than most of the other TAs, but she seemed to enjoy talked to Dan. She was 6 feet tall with an hourglass shape, dark black hair and big boobs. She almost always wore heels with stockings and a skirt. ...
I sat on the bed waiting for him. His family was about to leave, and he was saying goodbye to them. I was wearing a short skirt and a black t-shirt. Tonight was the night, I was gonna lose my virginity. He was gonna lose his virginity. Weve been talking about it for a while. Usually we have makeout sessions with just kissing and groping but eventually that wasnt enough. His parents just thought we were going to go out to see a movie and go to dinner. They were going to be gone for hours...
Hello friends mera naam pinky h aur main delhi ki rahne wali hu aur main call center me job karti hu. Aaj main apko apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi hu kaise papa ne meri mummy ki chudai ki aur main aaj ap sabko ye kahani batane ja rahi hu ye meri sacchi kahani h aur ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse chat karungi main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu. Meri family me main aur mere mummy papa rahte h. Ek din meri colony me ek party thi aur main aur mere mumy papa bhi mere sath...
4 weeks have gone by and I still haven't heard anything from you. Just for the heck of it I check my email that we used to use for communication, wondering if you by chance remembered what it was."You have a new message" pops up across my screen. My heart starts to pound in anticipation. I click open and the message appears across the screen.******Little one,It indeed has been a long time since I have heard from you, but I have not forgotten about you either. I was not sure how to find you...
Love StoriesHi I'm not the writer of this but thought it would be good to share guide how to convince your wife or girlfriend to fuck a black guy? There are so many stories out there from white guys who admit that they want to see their wives and girlfriends whore for black cock or who want a "slut wife" that they can whore out to groups of black guys. I just can't believe so many guys don't know how to make actually make it happen and so I offer this formula that has worked for me and several of my...
CHAPTER 4 - The Not so Great Escape The train ride down was put to good use. She went over her plan again in her head. The issues of smuggling in an extra dress was settled by her wearing them both at once, one over the other. A similar solution solved getting underwear for Heather. Ellen had on her normal panties, under a pair of padded panties that she would give to Heather to enhance his girlie figure. The issue that haunted her for a long time was his bust line. He...
Spike had been watching the video and audio feed of Darcy with his guests from in the conference room with the others. He decided that this was his cue and appeared beside Darcy. “Hi Bro, Russet said we had unexpected visitors. Hello, visitors, I’m Spike.” “Ah good. Spike, would you mind terribly showing them your vambrace?” Darcy asked him nicely with mirth in his eyes. “Not a problem. Rauor, appear please,” Spike said and his vambrace became visible. “I’m an Earth Mage. My etching of the...
“Lisa, can you come here please sweetie,” her Mum Sandracalled. 22 -year-old Lisa is slim, pretty and with a lovely figure, and a bubbly personality. Her Mum knew though that she also had a sharp tongue when she wanted to and was often belligerent as well. “What is it Mum?” Lisa asked as she entered her bedroom. Sandra is 45 years old, wearing a blue skirt just below her knee and a vest top. She is also slim, with firm breasts that are shown off well by the tight fitting top. She is divorced...
Spanking"Hey Beautiful, what's up?" I asked "Thanks cutie," Megan smiled "I was wondering if you wanted to come over after school, we could watch T.V and cuddle" "Yah sure," I replied, not only did I enjoy just cuddling with her, but it usually led to a nice long hand job! "Great, just come right after!" She said with a kiss, then heading away to her best friend Tatiana! God, how I loved dating Megan, she was 5'8, 110 lbs. and practically D tits! It just adds on to her...
Bianca nearly didn't say come in. This man that stood in her doorway was not Lisa, her usual massage therapist, although seeing him carrying the massage table in his amazing arms left her sure that this was indeed who had been sent to massage her. She forced herself together quickly and asked, "Where's Lisa?" He replied in a calm manner, "She called in sick about a half an hour ago, I'm Rob, her cousin. I usually don't do house calls to women's houses because they sometimes don't feel...
Straight SexConfession of a Lesbian Lover: This story is a hostel life narration. What happens is even the lesbians are true and have an unforgiving love between them sometimes they face a problem. Only a hand full of the lesbian openly end up in a gay wedding most of them even if they enjoy and seriously in love due to non ripening of the lesbian love in India they get separated. Mostly due to the Indian culture and conservative style of system many of the couples are separated, a very few groups exists...
LesbianGod, I’m so tired of staying in this puny guesthouse. Our house flooded, so now my husband and I are staying with his parents. I appreciate it and all, but I’m really getting tired of living this cramped lifestyle. And it doesn’t help that my husband’s not getting many jobs these days, so who knows how long it will be. Good thing my “job” is paying me good money. I’m actually going to meet my “job” today to work for a little extra cash. Big...
xmoviesforyouI woke up that morning quite excited but very nervous. My best friend knew my fantasy and had arranged for her friend and myself to "hook up" and that day had come. I started the day by visiting this site, talking to my lesbian friend about how nervous i was and how the girl i was going to be with had sent me a text saying she'd be an hour, she's finding a double ended dildo and got a surprise for me. I didn't even know they existed so my nerves grew even more. By the end of this conversation i...
If the naked, hotly curved young blonde suffered from anything, it was brassy over-confidence. She knew she could inspire a frantic lust in her teenage friend using the same cunning tactics the music teacher had wantonly used on her. But she couldn't really know how shattering an effect it would have on the innocent girl. Her blood singing wildly in her ears, Sylvia lay on top of Cindy. She showered kisses on her friend's throat while she rubbed her lush tits against Cindy's hot breasts....
Tony knelt and stared at the semi-hard cock that twitched in his hand, and as he pulled back the foreskin, the slit in the head leaked a drop of glistening pre-cum. Without a pause, Tony sucked eagerly, tasting the saltiness and loving the way Gary moaned with pleasure. Tony could feel the cock swell and harden in his hand, and as Gary started to grow to his full 10 inches, Tony reflected on how the last 24 hours had changed his life.It had started with him playing around with his dildo on cam,...
For the first time I had my brand-new class all together. I checked the roster quickly. Amber, of course, smiling brightly and full of enthusiasm. Jennifer, sweet, petite, a delicious tiny blonde waif. Shyness may be a problem for her. Cynthia, another blonde, curly hair, a good figure. Pamela, a flaming redhead, slender but nicely stacked. Megan, dark and mysterious, probably some Native American genes there. Glorious long black hair. Anna, good German stock there — solid, stolid, but oozing...
You opened the front door softly, hoping to surprise me with your early arrival from work. You stepped through the entrance way slowly, making sure to shut the door behind you with care. You unbuckled your tool belt from the waist of your jeans, carefully setting it on the door mat. Around the corner, you see that the door to the study is open, and you can hear me click-clacking on the computer. You know that I have been extremely stressed lately, and you hope that what you have in mind will...
Straight Sex*Ding* "Welcome to the hall of doors, Dave!" You hear an accented voice reverberate around the ethereal walls and wonder what land of dreams you've stumbled across this time. As if, and likely so, by reading your mind the voice that welcomed you answeres your unspoken question: "While this could be seen as a dream, serves more as an experience to guide you on life." You pause a moment and nod your head, doubting the words actually have any real meaning. "Nay, I'm not talking to you. That's the...