Amnesia Ch. 04-05 free porn video

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My thanks and appreciation to my very skilled editor, Erik Thread, who has patiently worked with me to make this story cohesive and readable. Any errors are mine.

Nina Novak was the older of two sisters, brought up in a modest home in the Bronx. Her mother, Ursola, and father, Janos, were the children of refugees from the 1956 Hungarian uprising. Their parents had escaped in the chaotic aftermath and had landed as legitimate refugees, first in Camp Kilmer, New Jersey, and finally settling in the City of New York.

The Hungarian community gathered together to share their experiences at the Magyar Neighborhood House. It was there that Janos first met Ursola, discovering they both went to the same school. They began dating when Ursola turned seventeen and finally got permission from her parents.

After graduating from high school, Janos signed on as an apprentice carpenter and found work at a local millwork shop. He supplemented his income with after-hours work in the neighborhood.

By 1964, he had saved enough for a down payment on a small house, and Janos asked Ursola to marry him. With their parents’ permission, their life in America was now confirmed. Both daughters were born in that little house. First Nina, named in honor of the ship that discovered America and hence, in her mother’s mind, their wonderful new lives. Magda came along two years later. Ursola and Janos had their perfect life.

Nina graduated from high school and after several frustrating weeks looking for work, finally went to a temporary placement agency. They tested and interviewed her thoroughly. Within a week, they found her a temporary job as a receptionist at a small law firm.

Nina had developed into an attractive, five-foot seven-inch, dark haired beauty. She had an aura of self-confidence about her and took to the receptionist’s job instantly. She handled calls deftly and was unfailingly polite, even when the party on the other end of the line was angry or distraught.

The firm was so impressed with her that they offered her a permanent job and moved the existing receptionist into another office. At nineteen years old, Nina had found a career.

She had been working at the law firm for three years when she first noticed the tall, handsome young man who frequented the same elevator at the same time each morning. She didn’t know his name, but she knew she got off on the ninth floor, while he continued on to the fourteenth.

Nina was late getting to work one day, having taken a half-day for a dental appointment. As she arrived at the bank of elevators, she saw the familiar figure of a man standing by himself, also waiting for a car. She entered it immediately after him.

‘Nine please,’ she said, as he looked back at her in question.

He pushed the button and then his own, turning toward her.

‘I was wondering when we would meet,’ he smiled. ‘I’m Tony Marino.’ He held out his hand to her.

‘Nina … Nina Novak,’ she stammered, taking his hand.

‘Who do you work for?’

She named the law firm and told him she was the receptionist.

He told her the name of the brokerage firm he worked for.

‘Well, now that we’re properly introduced, would you like to have dinner with me on Friday?’

‘Uh … uh … yes!’ she blurted.

The elevator stopped at the ninth and Nina stepped out with Tony right behind her.

‘I can’t very well take you out if I don’t know where you live or what your phone number is,’ he grinned.

‘No … no … I guess not.’ Scrambling, she pulled a blank business card out of her purse and quickly wrote her phone number on the face. ‘I live with a girl-friend in a studio apartment near Morris Park. Call me,’ she said as she turned and virtually ran into the safety of the office lobby.

She didn’t see Tony’s smile as he pushed the up button on the wall.

At four-thirty that afternoon, Nina Novak answered the lone incoming call.

‘Moulton, Baines and Associates,’ came the lovely, clear voice.

‘Hi, Nina. It’s Tony … from the elevator.’

‘Oh … hi. I was just thinking about you,’ she finally managed.

‘I wondered. I’m sorry I ambushed you like that. I would never dream of asking you for a date before we had even met, but … I … I couldn’t stop myself. It just came out,’ he said nervously.

‘You surprised me. I’m not even sure why I said yes, but … I did say yes, didn’t I,’ she admitted in her soft voice.

‘Yes, you did and you made me a very happy guy. The reason I called, I wondered if I could buy you a coffee in the café downstairs … after work. I should at least give you some assurance that I’m not some stalker or serial rapist or anything sinister.’

She laughed. ‘I’m off at five. I guess if I’m going to go out on a date with you, I should at least know something about you. I’ll meet you in the café.’

‘Great,’ he replied.

That was the beginning, and less than a year later they were married. Nina maintained her receptionist job and Tony continued to rise at the brokerage firm. When Nina became pregnant with their first child, Benjamin, she took a leave of absence, stating her intention to return to the law firm at some time in the future.

She was just about to return when she discovered she was pregnant with their second child, Nadia. At that point, she admitted to Tony she was destined for the role of mother and housewife. Their third child, Jared, only confirmed her decision.


Tony had risen to middle-management at CM&D, and his salary and bonuses provided the Milano’s with a good home and a comfortable lifestyle for an early-thirties couple. He had invested wisely himself and had a healthy 401(k), as well as tax-protected savings for the children’s education.

His elevation to vice president was inevitable and the salary and perks that came with the job put them in an upper income bracket. They moved to Westport just before Jared started school. As so many of their neighbors had, they enrolled all three children in private schools.

The Nantucket house was purchased when it became available at a lower-than-market price by a financially stressed client of Tony’s. It had proved to be another good investment in the run-away housing market of the early twenty-first century. If they were prudent, they had enough investments and property to secure them for the rest of their lives.

But, as with most idyllic situations, there was a catch. Tony had been caught up in the race to the top and was demonstrating signs of stress. He snapped at Nina and the children with little provocation. Increased responsibility had brought increased wealth, but there was little evidence that either he or the family were enjoying it.

His discovery of fraud at CM&D prompted him to begin collecting evidence and documenting it on his office computer, then transferring it to his computer at home. When Stanton Mellows stalled and avoided taking immediate appropriate action, he called Carter Woolman at the Securities and Exchange Commission.

He had met Carter at an investment association convention in Washington a couple of years earlier. They had seemed to be on the same wavelength when it came to regulatory change, especially after WorldCom and Enron.

And then … awakening in the hospital.

Chapter 5:

Nina carefully skirted around the issue with her children about why she wanted to go to the city for the weekend. She mumbled some vague words about looking for their father. Mrs. Martinez would look after them. Nadia was having a sleep-over at one of her friend’s houses while Jared was going to a college football game with a neighbor’s family. They would be well occupied until she returned on Sunday afternoon.

She flipped open her cell phone.

‘Ton … uhhhh John, please,’ she hesitated when Carl answered.

‘Hold on,’ Carl responded.
‘John here.’

‘Tony … it’s me … Nina.’

‘Hi. I didn’t expect you to call.’

‘I … I’m coming to the city. I’ve booked the Marrakech for two nights. It’s the one on Broadway. I want to see you, Tony. I need to be with you. I can’t stand knowing you’re there and not be with you. Please say you’ll come, Tony. Please,’ she pleaded.

‘Nina … I … I want to see you too. But … this is all so strange. It’s going to be … difficult. I won’t be done until after nine tonight and I have to be here tomorrow. We won’t have much time together.’

‘I don’t care. I’ll be grateful for whatever we can have. I just want to be with you, Tony. I need you.’ Nina was close to tears again.

‘Nina, when will you be in the city?’

‘I should be there before five.’

‘I wonder … after you’ve checked in … would you like to come here. We can have a late supper. I’ll make something special for us. How does that sound?’

‘Wonderful! Yes … I’ll be there as soon as I can. I’ll take a cab from the hotel. I can’t wait to see you again. It will be so good to be with you again,’ she crooned.

‘OK,’ he laughed, ‘I get it. You’re not going to stand me up.’


‘Nina … I need to tell you … good news I hope. My memory is coming back. Some of it, anyway.’

‘That’s wonderful, Tony. We can talk about it and maybe that will help too.’

It was almost seven when Nina pushed through the door of Amnesia wearing a very attractive dark green dress and a big smile. The air was still warm from the late September sun and she carried nothing but a clutch purse and a light sweater with her. The dress was short, revealing her very shapely long legs. It caught Carl’s attention along with several other men sitting at the bar.

She walked to the only open spot at the bar and waited for Carl to approach.

‘Hi, I’m here to see … John,’ she stumbled.

Carl smirked. ‘Well, well. You mean John actually has a love-life.’

Nina blushed, but nodded slightly.

‘Good for him. It’s about time. And like everything else … he has good taste,’ he grinned with an arched eyebrow. ‘I’ll let him know you’re here if you’ll tell me your name.’

‘Nina … he’s expecting me.’

Carl nodded and having finished serving a pair of beers to a nearby table, pushed into the kitchen, reappearing within seconds.

‘He’ll be along shortly. He’s kinda busy right now. Can I get you something while you’re waiting?’

‘A red wine? Dry?’

Carl nodded again and pulled a bottle of red from the back shelf, then, looking back at her, changed his mind and opened a different bottle.

‘I think you’ll like this,’ he said. ‘It’s a nice smooth Italian. I know John likes it.’

‘Thanks. I’ll sit at a small table, if that’s OK?’

‘Go right ahead. Things are quieting down finally. Friday afternoon is usually pretty busy from four to seven. Our regulars for dinner won’t be here for another hour,’ he said as he stacked some used glasses in the washer. ‘How do you know John?’

‘Uh … we’re … uhmmm … old friends,’ she stammered. ‘Have you worked here long?’ she asked, changing the topic.

‘Just since it reopened earlier this year. I’m the manager and the bartender. John is the head cook and to tell the truth, he’s what makes this place go. You should try some of his food. He’s getting pretty well known ’round these parts.’

‘I plan to. We’re having dinner here and he said he was going to make something special.’

‘Lucky girl. He won’t disappoint you,’ he said, turning back to mix a pair of drinks for another couple.

Nina took her glass of wine and moved to a small table near the front corner of the room. She gazed out the large window, watching the people walk by in the fading evening sun. This was the Bronx, their old neighborhood.

Lost in her thoughts, she didn’t see Tony as he walked quietly to her, leaning down and kissing her cheek. She jumped at his touch and then got herself under control, her hands going to his near arm and pulling him down again. The kiss was long and soulful.

‘Hi,’ Tony whispered to her, smiling as he gazed into his wife’s eyes.

‘Hi,’ she responded, tears now forming and blurring her vision. She blinked, as they trickled down her cheeks.

Tony moved the vacant chair around so that he could sit beside her instead of across. He was just looking at her, but he wore a look of contentment as he did so. He reached for her hand and held it.

‘I’d forgotten how beautiful you are,’ he said at last.

She smiled. ‘You haven’t told me that in a long time. I love to hear it.’

‘I haven’t done or said a lot of things in a long time. Much longer than just the last year. I’m not sure I want to get all those memories back. Maybe I’ll be happier with things a little less … memorable.’

‘It’s strange, Tony. I was thinking about us years ago when we lived near here. I was remembering how happy we were. Is that why you’re happy here … being a cook?’

‘Could be. Before I got my some of my memory back, I was living in a world that I was grateful for. People helped me, and so I wanted to help them. I want you to meet those people. They’ve become important to me. They kept me sane. They didn’t ask for anything. They did it because they wanted to. When I had nothing … and I mean nothing, they gave me a chance.’

The smile hadn’t left her face. ‘I’d love to. If they’re important to you … they’re important to me.’

‘Tomorrow, we’ll go to the market and do the morning shopping for the kitchen. I’ll let Muriel know I’m staying with you tonight. After we’ve been to the market, we can stop by the Salvation Army office and I’ll introduce you to Tom Matthews. He’s the man who got me back on the road to recovery. I owe him a lot.’

‘I want to meet Muriel, too. She sounds like a special lady.’

‘She is. She’s much more than a friend. She taught me how to cook and how to run a kitchen. She also taught me to trust. She trusted me without much to go on. She’s another of the people that made my new life possible. It could have turned out so much differently than it did if it weren’t for Tom and Muriel, Mr. Leung and Martin. They all made a difference.’

He leaned back in his chair as he finished. She looked down at his hand, holding hers tightly as he spoke. She continued to smile as he expressed his gratitude for the help of strangers.

‘You are a very different man from the one who disappeared over a year ago.’

Tony leaned in and kissed her on the lips before leaving to return to work.

She nursed a couple of glasses of wine as Tony labored in the kitchen. She watched as the serving girl brought meals to the various couples, inhaling the aromas as they passed.

Shortly before nine, Tony appeared from the kitchen having discarded his white smock and hat. He was bearing two bowls and a basket of rolls on a tray as he approached the table.

Nina looked at the offering, inhaling the scent of the food before her.

‘Is this what I think it is?’ she asked.

‘Well, it may not be quite a good as your mother’s, but it’s my version of Hungarian Goulash,’ he smiled.

‘Oh, Tony. It smells glorious. I haven’t had this in years. Look, you even made Csipetke!’

Tony grinned as he watched her delight at his creation. Nina immediately tore open a warm roll and began to test the hot, spicy dish.

‘It’s perfect!’

They finished their food and Tony called for a cab to take them to the hotel. It was nearing ten o’clock when they arrived at the front entrance and made their way through the uniquely decorated lobby and up to Nina’s room. Tony had a small overnight bag with a change of clothes and some toiletries he had retrieved from the apartment that afternoon.

He had called Muriel to let her know he would be staying with Nina that night and she was delighted
for him. She was also genuinely pleased that Nina wanted to stop by.

‘I’d love to meet her, John. I’m so glad you’re getting your memory back. It must be a great relief.’

‘Yes, it is. But please don’t say anything to anyone about it. No one knows and the police want to keep it that way for now. I’ll tell you more when we see you tomorrow.’

Tony stepped into the hotel room, following Nina. She flicked on the lights and revealed a cozy room in faux Moroccan décor with two queen-size beds, an armoire, a writing desk, a double closet, and a bathroom. He walked to the window and looked down onto the lights of Broadway.

‘This was where we stayed when we came to New York for a night on the town,’ Tony recalled.

‘Do you remember this place?’ she asked as she stood beside him.

‘I do now. You found it, years ago. You said it was funky, if I remember.’

‘Yes. And it is. Different. You said you liked it. I hope you still do.’

‘Yeah. It’s cool,’ he smiled, wrapping his arm around Nina’s waist. He turned to her and looked deeply into her eyes. He pulled her to him and kissed her, tentatively at first. She responded, and their kiss turned to one of passion.

‘Oh … Tony. I’ve missed you so. It’s been so lonely without you,’ she moaned into his shoulder.

‘I don’t know how you could miss the proper bastard I had become, Nina. I didn’t like myself, so I’m sure I didn’t make you very happy.’

‘I know, Tony. But that’s all in the past. You’re different now. You’re a different man. You’re more like the Tony I married. That’s the Tony I want,’ she said, looking deeply into his eyes.

‘I’m not going back, Nina. I’m not going back to CM&D and I’m not going back to living like we did these past few years. It was phony and … well … I hated it.’

‘Tell me what you want, Tony. Tell me what’s important to you. I want to be with you, always. We don’t need the big house and the fancy cars. They’re just things. The only things I want are my Tony and my family. That’s all that matters.’

‘Are you sure, Nina? I’m just as happy here. Being a cook. Living in the Bronx. Not having a car. Do you really think you’d be happy with that?’

‘Maybe a couple of years ago, I might have said no. But losing you … even though we weren’t getting along … losing you hurt so deeply. I know now what’s important to me and things aren’t important.’

She stopped, stepped back and with her hands on his shoulders continued, ‘You once told me that we had enough money and possessions that we never had to worry for the rest of our lives. If you quit your job, we can live anywhere, do anything we want. If you want to be a cook and live in the Bronx, then … I’ll be right there with you. Especially if you make goulash for me again,’ she grinned.

He smiled and gazed at her. ‘Are you sure? It’s a big lifestyle change, Nina. We have the kids to consider too.’

‘I know. There are all kinds of things to think about, but … it’s about … it’s about us. What makes us happy? How do we live our lives? What’s important to us … to our marriage? I think we can be selfish about that.’

The smile hadn’t left Tony’s face as she spoke. He stepped toward her, pulling her into his embrace once again.

‘Thank you. I’m glad you feel that way,’ he said, holding her tightly. ‘I love you, Nina. I know I haven’t told you that very often lately, but … I love you.’

Tony felt her tears on his cheek, but didn’t move. ‘I love you too, Tony. I never stopped loving you. I always hoped you would come back to me. And now you have. You’ve made me very happy, darling.’

They made love that evening. Powerful, emotionally profound love. Tony called it a renewal. He said it was like they were starting all over again. Having to learn everything about each other once more.

When they awoke the next morning at first light, they made love again. There was no mistaking the passion they expressed in each other’s arms.

They shared a leisurely breakfast in the hotel restaurant before catching a cab to the Salvation Army office.

Tom ushered the couple into his small office.

‘Good to see you as always, John. And who is the lovely lady?’ he asked, smiling at Nina.

‘Uhhhh … this is going to sound odd, Tom, but this is Nina Marino … my wife.’

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Grim Fairy TalesChapter 11 Lingering War

Still dreading the consequences of Bobby's visit, Simon unpacked his office and then drove back to the main base to find a place to live. After receiving the usual bureaucratic runaround, he finally found the right office and convinced then to assign him a room in the in the "Q", a boarding house for the officers. The Q was an old Victorian house that stood in a line with other gently decaying houses along a small inlet. Simon found it's stodgy gentility completely at odds with the reason...

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Every man

Brad was just getting home that day never knowing what was about to happen.You see,Brad and his wife Jennifer has only been married 3 months and they have been talking about having sex with other people in with them.Jenn told him that she was willing to bring in another chick.Brad thought it was to good to be true and he thought it was never going to happen.But he just had no idea. When brad walked into the front door of his home and he saw his fine wife he already knew what she wanted.Jenn is...

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Apne Chacha Ke Ladke Se Chudi

Mera naam pinky h aur main sabhi iss readers ko apni ek aur sacchi kahani batane ja rahi kaise main apne chacha ke ladke se chudi ye meri sacchi kahani h aur mujhe chudwane me bahut maja ata aur main daily naye naye lund se chudwati hu ap sabne mujhe mail kiya ukse liye thanks ap sab mujhe mail kariye main apse whatsapp par sex chat karungi aur apni hot pics bhi bhejungi. Main raat bhar whatsapp par online rahti hu aur sex chat karti hu mere ghar chacha ka ladka aaya tha aur wo hamesha mere...

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What A Surprise

This will be a story hard to believe. Myself, I don’t believe in coincidences. Nor fate. You will have to judge that for yourself. Just listen and come to your own conclusions. But I am not giving my name. My wife would kill me if she found out. My wife and I were driving through the West earlier this year. When we were approaching Las Vegas, Nevada, my wife expressed the need to stop and rest for the rest of the day and night. You see, she is disabled with chronic pain, and we make it a point...

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3 Days of Watching my Wife Fuck

fucking wife – cum wife – watching wife fuck – voyeur wife – watching wife – fucking my wife – my wife – wife fucked – fuck my wifeWatching several twenty-one year old men alternate fucking your beautiful thirty-seven year old wife over the course of three days and nights, might be enough to send most men to a mental institution. Up until last year, I would have been one of them. But I have learned that no one really knows how they might feel or how they would react until they are there,...

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Snatched for a Day

I knew I was in trouble when I heard a voice say '...what you looking at bitch...' not thinking I was day dreaming as I watched a burly, well built senior working out in the schools gym. Shuddering, I tried to explain that I was only watching how he maneuvered the weights and switched to heavier ones... He raised his hand and said '...stop lying, I saw how you watched my dick. You want some of don't you, well, you gonna get some like it or not...' I started to walk away when suddenly he longed...

3 years ago
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Murphy 5Chapter 8

I stopped at a small supermarket on the edge of town and Kelly ran in to buy some ground chuck and buns, they’d all decided we should try out the new grill accessory we had with the Newell coach. The RV park she had picked was one of the better ones we’d stayed at, there was plenty of afternoon shade and a big playground for the boys, as well as a walking path around the entire grounds. There was a huge private swimming pool exclusively for guests parked in the RV park. We were parked near...

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On the Way to Phoenix Supernatural

"So? You can multitask," she cooed, ignoring the rebuke and reaching again for the belt, this time managing to free the end from the silver buckle. The hunter couldn't help but grin as he stole a glance at the brunette sidled up next to him with her hands now working the button on his jeans. He chuckled when she nibbled his ear but squirmed when he felt his fly being pulled open. "Hey," he groaned in quiet protest, "Sam's right behind us." She lifted her head to peer over the...

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EvilAngel Kianna Dior 3 Facials For Asian MILF

Busty Asian MILF Kianna Dior teases in thigh-high boots and fetish-wear as her enormous knockers spill from her skimpy top. The femdom-goddess commands collared minions Brad Newman and Stirling Cooper to cover her in thick, creamy sperm. She kneels to give them a nasty double blowjob, drooling over her exposed jugs. Kianna welcomes Mr. X to the party. She worships the men’s pricks as she slurps and laps balls. Finally, the guys give in to her demands, showering Kianna with multiple cum...

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A Dream of the Heart

We ended our regular Friday nightclub gig at near 2am, the usual time with the usual bored, drunken crowd in attendance. All they wanted to hear were the oldies from the sixties and seventies and eighties, maybe a few early nineties songs. They would even get a bit surly if we tried to play something original or anything newer than those eight-year-old nineties songs. Oh well, maybe tomorrow’s crowd at the other place would be more open-minded. I had a few new tunes that I wanted to try out,...

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Thursdays ChildChapter 9

A very apologetic Mary Witherspoon rang at half past seven the next morning. "I'm sorry, Becca. It wasn't as though I hadn't done the work. It was just that after supper Kim badgered me into playing the piano with her for the rest of the family and I completely forgot to ring you." "Don't worry, Mary. I haven't got to ring the agent until this afternoon. What's your verdict?" "Go for it. We can afford to make up the balance of the mortgage from company funds as the new girls...

1 year ago
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Shroom Dungeon First Delve

*************************************** - - - Prologue - - - *************************************** "Come on, Tiberius. You can do it!" Conway coughed up blood as if last words drew his last energy forth. He was behind Tiberius. Down on one knee and clutching his side. "We are doomed if you don't pull that off." Sinea sounded strained. She was mostly okay - save for a few superficial cuts all over her body - but was heaving their bleeding rogue on her shoulder. "Go kill .......

1 year ago
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SheLovesBlack Riley Reign Cheating With Girlfriend8217s Slutty Blonde Roommate

Curvy blonde, Riley Rein, is a naughty slut who has had her eyes on you for a while now. She had just come back from shopping when she realized that her friend who is your girlfriend is not at home. Not wanting to waste such a perfect opportunity, the naughty hottie with natural tits decides to tease you with her alluring body. Riley lets you have a feel of her soft breasts before showing off her shaved pussy while watching you jerk off your big black cock. Unable to restrain herself any...

2 years ago
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Nanbanin Ammavai Rasithu Oothen 8211 Part 1

Vanakam nanbargale, indru tamil kama kathaiyil en nanbanin amma udan nadantha kama kathaiyai ungal idam pagirugiren. En peyar Pratheep, vayathu 22 aagugirathu. Naan college final year padithu varugiren, naan athigamaaga kama kathai padipen. Niraiya neram kama padangalum paarpen, athilum enaku tamil kama video migavum pidikum. Tamil kathaiyil thaan thagatha uravu vaithu oopargal, enaku thagatha uravu vaithu ooka thaan pidikum. Ithu naal varai naan entha pen idamum pesiyathu ilai en endraal naan...

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Mexican Ruins

My wife and I had been married about three years, I was 25 and she was 23. We took our first trip to an upscale resort in Mexico. We were still a bit giddy about being with each other and the sex was awesome. Cindi also liked to tease me. When we took a drive she would take off her panties or her top and flash me in the car. She would rub me in the movies and give me great blow jobs while I was on the phone with my parents.I recriprocated of course.After we checked in at the resort we headed to...

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A Black New World Order

James was exhausted. His new apartment was two states over from his last place and, lacking a car or the money for a plane, he had needed to catch two coaches, one train, and an Uber to make it all the way there. He had also spent hours waiting at stations, had needed to walk almost twenty minutes from the first coach to the train, and had done the whole thing without sleep or coffee. He wished he had be able to sleep but he knew that if he'd fallen asleep on the train he would have ended up...

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Uncle Bob the Dick Donor

I was minding my own business one Wednesday night, reading a good book, when I heard my wife yell, “What?!” into the phone. She was talking to her sister Lara, and I wasn’t too surprised to hear them yell at each other. They had that kind of relationship. Don’t get me wrong, they loved each other, but both women were headstrong and liked having things their own way, and they clashed often. So I pretty much ignored Shelly while she yelled at Lara. I heard a couple of things, like, “Why in the...

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Cousin Khushi Has The Last Laugh In BDSM

Hello guys. I am back again, with another real incest story. The hero in this story is Armaan and the heroine is Khushi. This is a slightly long story. So, guys and girls, it’s time to give your hands a task which you won’t regret! I won’t waste a lot of time and shall come to the story directly. Brace yourself for the adventure! Armaan :- 6′ cock, 6.5″ height (dude), athletic body. Khushi :- 5’6″ height, 38-28-38 stats, curvy body and an ass to die for. This story goes back 4...

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I couldnt do Porn Unlimited consent

"So, I found this," Kristy said. She showed me a flyer that looked like it had been outside all winter.I squinted at it, trying to make sense of the faded text and grainy photos. "What is it?""The thing I was telling you about. The casting call. I couldn't find it online, but the flyer was still there on the dorm bulletin board. If you're still looking for a summer job, I mean.""Yeah, for sure." I took the flyer from her and looked more closely. "Looking for young women 18-21..." Then something...

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CreamyMilf sniffs a young womans panties

I have wanted to sniff another panty girls dirty panties for a while now. I read a post recently in a dirty panty forum from a sexy young woamn who was having the same thoughts that I was. I have sniffed a lot of my friends panties, but I had been wanting to compare my scent with another established panty seller for quite a while. I talked with this sexy 20 year old several times, and we were both very turned on by the idea of comparing her young scent to the smells of this self proclaimed...

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Keeping My Neighbors Satisfied Pt 2

I had two gorgeous women whose husbands were overseas.At the end of part one, Linda and Bill were going to bed where she wanted to try anal sex. He'd never tried it either, so they both were excited. Not only that, but Linda had also expressed an interest in letting Bill have sex with her friend, Carolyn, and would like to watch.- - - - - After we undressed, Linda dropped to her knees and gave me a nice blowjob to get me ready. She had a way of almost swallowing my cock when it was soft, but it...

4 years ago
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An attitude adjustment

It’s been a long day, but finally the kids have been put to bed and are asleep.After having worked the night before and sleeping all day until 5 pm, my wife is all smiles in bed, sipping on ice-tea while watching TV alone in our room.The lights in the rest of the house are dark.The only noise in the house is the faint chatter coming from the TV down the hall. I slowly make my way from the living room, down the hall to our bedroom.The room is dim with only the flickering light of the TV on.She...

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Reluctant CoupleChapter 5

Diane came out of the bathroom and walked into the bedroom, wearing her long nylon nightie, her blonde hair long and flowing down her back. Roger was lying on the bed, his hands clasped behind his head, smoking a cigarette. He wore only his jockey shorts. Diane swallowed into her shame-dried throat as she stood just inside the door, looking at him. His eyes were on the ceiling. He hadn't looked at her or spoken to her since they'd left the Cord home in Peacock Gap that afternoon. She had...

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The Internet Is for Porn

“Phew, finally done!” Sam exclaimed. She worked on her homework all morning and now, as the sun was setting she was free to seek her favorite Sunday past time: exploring the internet. Sam closed her books and went to the window, she pulled the curtains close, the room was lit with the crimson sunset, but she had her privacy. She sat back at her desk, turned on the PC and waited for Windows to load. Sam might come off as the geeky girl, but she was anything but. The 18 years old bombshell had a...

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Kimberly Woods Stars in a Dirty Task Needs DoingChapter 6

My shoulder smashed into Dr. Chaos’ forearms and we rebounded off one another as the entire bridge went from chaos to pure insanity. Alarms wailed. Female goons started to kick towards airlock doors – to arms lockers, to any random direction that they wanted to go. The rest of my friends, still chained to the pillar in the center of the bridge, wriggled and tried to get free. But my whole world was focused on one simple objective. Break. My. Stupid. Father’s. Fucking. Face. I hit a far...

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London Train Encounter

London can be a very harsh place; especially if you are from India or sub-continent. If you have traveled in a Indian public transport you would have noticed that the majority of people love to talk. Talk to each other, talk to their maids on the phone, talk to the bus conductor, talk to the person sitting in the next bus or just moan about the conditions of road during the monsoon. In London the scene is quite radical. There pin drop silence on the trains. The most noise you can hear is from...

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Not Your Day

"Happy Mother's Day, dweeb!" That was what Ted heard before he was shoved to the sidewalk. His bag fell open and a pink and white card tumbled out of it. Inside was a simple handwritten note: 'To Mom, love Teddy'. The culprits laughed as their leader smirked. "Aw, what's wrong Teddy? Hurt yourself?" he asked sarcastically. "Why don't you go home and ask your mom to kiss it better?" Ted did his best to blink away tears. "Th-that's not funny, Bill!" Bill's smirk just widened into...

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The WalletChapter 15

The following morning before sunup, I dressed and kissed her on the forehead as I crept from her room. I made my way to the livery stable and woke the man. I got Buster out and was on the trail in a half hour. I rode most of the day without seeing anything. Around dusk I came to a rise. There was a wagon in the trees. I called out but there was no answer. I rode up to it and noticed a little uphill from it was a new grave. There was a stick cross on the grave to act as headstone. All it said...

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Massage Sir

My name is Poppy and this is about my first day as a masseuse. I had been recommended by my friend Julie who has already been working at the parlour for three weeks. Julie is working as an intern and is over from the States for a year. I’m eighteen and need the extra cash for uni. Julie said some of the girls take home a thousand a week. Like Julie, I’m doing just one day a week. I want to see how it goes and then maybe I will ask for an extra shift. I was a little apprehensive. I hadn’t done...

Oral Sex
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Magic Ink V The Third RealityChapter 24

The three of us appeared in the evening shadows near the Officers' Mess at Fort Jefferson, and proceeded inside where we secured a table and ordered some ale while we waited for Captain Moore to appear. That gentleman arrived fifteen minutes or so later. He had on a clean and correct uniform and spotted us soon after entering. "Good evening, Major O'Connell and also both of you lovely ladies," he said with a large smile. "Have a seat and join us!" I requested. "My pleasure, sir,"...

3 years ago
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A Ghost of a Chance Ch 06

by BrettJ © 2013 Katherine awoke from a very sound slumber, caused by some of the best sex she had enjoyed to date. Every muscle in her body ached, as she had been put through the wringer, yet she could not remember the last time she had been so happy. Now she knew that she was on the right path, every feeling and emotion she was feeling convinced her of that. She reached out for Stephanie and found her bed empty. ‘She has probably gone to get herself something to eat,’ Kathy thought to...

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My Neighbours Part 2

Part 1..........A couple of hours later I was woken by a car roaring into that neighbours drive and within an hour I could hear her riding his huge Maori cock he roared and you could hear her muffled scream. I start fantasizing of his huge cock filling her mouth till she gets him wet, it sounds like he is chewing on her pussy lips creating mini orgasms till I here her telling him to ride her pussy harder then a slap oh I think his cock slipped into her arse then you hear the riding and the...

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A rather interesting proposal

Two weekends ago we did a swap with best friends. Kristen & Osei, or Joe & Jane it the first writing I did about them. Turns out they know a lot more about their fertility problem than they had shared before. Turns out Kristen is allergic to Osei's semen. Or so they learned from a lot of testing. It's just great when couples can talk about anything. Kristen wants to get pregnant badly. She is around 40. Over lunch Kristen explains this allergic thing. She then looks me directly...

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Appalachian Trail Hike

This helped him get into a new girlfriend’s pants quickly, so he could quickly dump her after he grew bored of her, moving onto the next girl. He was actually fairly smart, but he was lazy with his schoolwork and spent most of his time on sports teams, chasing girls and hanging out with his equally obnoxious friends. Claudia was a very petite and shy girl, who was very smart and very kind, but she had one fault. She was totally enamored of Kyle and dreamed of him being her boyfriend, and...

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Hard Candy Coating

He amazed me, to put it simply. He was all charm, laughter and intensity in a sexy man package. When I look back and think about it, my hard candy shell never stood a chance. He made me hungry for passion, romance and all things woman. He snuck in past my tough edge and found my creamy center, so to speak. I’d seen him forever, just about as long as I’d known everyone else. We exchanged the mandatory hugs, but nothing more. I was aware of him on the outskirts, a regular guy, witty, kind. Then,...

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CHAPTER 15: THE BEAR & WOLF JOIN INMy experience with riding horses had been marginal, restricted primarily to a few afternoon rides with associates at a ranch catering to tourist types. So, I stood in the barn, out of the way, as Samantha prepared two of their horses: a stallion she was riding and a mare for me. She had the mare saddled and ready, handing me the reins to hold while she applied the bit and reins for the stallion.I nervously stroked the side of the horse’s huge head and down...

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