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So judging by the great comments and commotion surrounding the first chapter I have part 2 for you. I’m glad you all enjoyed one as much as you did. As for props Pepper and Bree did another great job. So please enjoy this as much as you did part one. Enough of me talking here it is enjoy the show!
Marcus hadn’t slept so soundly in a long time. He was very warm and comfortable as he slowly opened his eyes. He tried to roll over but was met with resistance. He peeled his eyes open wider and as his blurred vision slowly began to focus, he quickly found the reason why he couldn’t move. Annabelle was snuggled deep into his side and her body was in his arms! He blinked and saw that she was sleeping with a smile on her face and the little whimpers that issued from her were too damn cute to ignore. He looked down at her sleeping form. There was a small part of him that knew he should be an ogre and push her away, but it was a very small sliver. The majority of his being was content to lay there and accept the cuddling. He also knew that a big part of him wanted nothing more than to pull her closer to him–if that was possible. Instead he simply lay there with her curled against his body and allowed her to sleep.
Anna’s dreams were the happiest she had ever known. The warmth of the bed along with the knowledge of who she was sleeping with caused her to purr like a kitten in her sleep. She wasn’t aware that she was indeed purring and slowly she felt the sleep draining from her mind as her eyes opened. She hoped he was still asleep so she could pull away from him before he awoke. But when she opened her sleepy eyes she was met with a sight that she wasn’t expecting, his green eyes were opened and staring at her. In that moment she felt like a deer in the headlights as her brown eyes widened and she sat upright.
‘Coach….I….’ she stammered trying to explain.
Marcus smiled at how cute she was and shook his head. He knew she was trying to deflate what had happened, but he simply didn’t care. He had slept very well that night. He even enjoyed watching her purr in her sleep. He raised his hand and she went silent and then he looked into her eyes and whispered.
‘Good morning sleepy head.’
‘Coach I’m so sorry….I didn’t mean to…I….I…’ she again tried to explain.
‘It’s OK Anna. I’m not mad at you. It’s a small bed after all,’ he replied.
It occurred to her that he had no idea that she had pulled them together as he slept, and she didn’t need to tell him that. As she tried to gather her composure he lay back down and patted the side next to him. Slowly she lay back down and he shocked her when he pulled her close to him again. She sighed as his arms went around her body allowing her to cuddle against his chest again. She let out a silent thank you to the heavens as she put her head back on his arm.
Neither of them could explain why, but they both dozed off again. Marcus had a strange feeling that he was forgetting something and then he woke up with a jolt. He looked at the clock and the time caused his eyes bug to out.
‘Shit! Anna get up, honey!’ he said roughly shaking her.
Anna popped up and noticed that he was out of bed and already dressing. She looked at the clock and it said 11:32. They had forty minutes until weigh ins. She gasped and bolted out of the bed. She forgot to be modest as her tee came off and she was just in her white panties and completely topless. Marcus was pulling a shirt over his head when he turned and saw her partially nude body.
Anna looked up quickly and Marcus was standing there eyes wide and staring at her. Her pert breasts bounced suggestively as her dark nipples poked straight out. She quickly covered herself with her hands and he took that opportunity to rush into the bathroom. Anna stood there momentarily, shocked that she’d undressed like that in front of him. She mentally shook it off, as there were much more important things to think about. But inwardly she smiled that she had caused him stare like that. She was proud of her body and the fact that she could make him stare was a testament to how good it was. She got dressed in a white bra and panties then slipped on her gym shirt and yoga pants. She put on her flip flops and knocked on the bathroom door.
Marcus was washing his face, hoping to get the sight of her very full breasts out of his mind when the knock sounded. He didn’t have time to shave so he just went with the nearly day and a half of stubble which he thought made his face seem darker and older. He regarded himself in the mirror, noting that his tattoos still made his arms look imposing. He walked out and Anna rushed by him. He walked to the small table in the room and gathered up all the necessary documents and put them in his satchel. He pulled out the listings and went over them until Anna came out. He looked up and she was wearing the tee shirt with the skulls as well as her black and purple yoga pants. She was definitely cute, but today she seemed different as her hair was pulled back into two braids that went down her back. She also had a pair of barrettes in front to keep her bangs from falling into her face. He thought she looked adorable. He shook his head and got up, tucking all the papers into the satchel and they left the hotel quickly.
When they drove to the event center he turned on his I-Pod and the sounds of a song ‘Deciever’ by Disturbed played. He enjoyed the song for its eerie sounds as well as for its hard beat. Anna also liked Disturbed and he took the credit for introducing her to the group when at the age of sixteen. They and other metal and rock tunes had become part of her I-Tunes play list. She listened to pop music as well, but he chided that it was too cartoony for full contact sports. At first she took it harshly, but when he told her he was kidding she threw a towel at him. He smiled at the memory and glanced over to the sight of her bobbing her head to the bridge and enjoying the music that seemed to be settling both of their nerves.
When they got to the Center Nick was waiting for them as was Christian. Christian had come along to help Anna get ready as they were training partners and she was accustomed to sparring with him. Nick was there as he was their promoter but when he saw them, the look of anger was obvious in his eyes.
‘Jesus H Christ!’ he yelled as they came up. ‘It’s nearly noon and now you decide to show up?! Marcus, what the fuck?’
‘Relax Nick! I had a case of the runs. Chill out.’ Marcus said deflecting Nick’s anger. Anna heard the comment and inwardly thanked her coach for taking the blame off of her for what she had done the night before.
She saw Christian and he gave her a half grin. In her eyes Christian was just a very nice kid, someone she could look up to like an older brother. He was twenty two years old and from Sao Paolo, Brazil. He was, what the locals there called, a Mulatto. His mother was a dark skinned and his father was a lighter skinned man with Spanish and Portuguese heritage. His mother’s heritage was African and local Indian and it showed in his body. He stood five nine and weighed one hundred and forty five pounds. She knew his stats just the way he knew hers. He was small, but his body was a rock of corded muscle.
Although born in Brazil, he had moved to San Diego after his father was offered a job there. His mother had walked out when he was ten, which crushed his father. Christian ended up on the streets after his dad died and was in danger of becoming a criminal for a very aggressive gang. He almost did when fate seemed to intervene and Marcus happened to cross his path. The first time Christian saw him was on the streets and he decided to rob him as initiation into the gang. When Marcus took him down and tore the gun from his hand he saw that the kid didn’t stop struggling. After a brief ass whupping, he put him in a painful joint lock. When all was said and done Marcus gave him a choice and he made the right one.
e joined his gym and over time Marcus made him aware of his potential as he forced him to push himself to the brink each day. Over time he resumed his schooling with adult education classes and received his diploma. Marcus’ influence caused him to work hard at everything he did, and as a result, he now had a good job with a local construction firm, he’d met a very nice girl that made him think straight, and in less than five months they were going to have a baby. He hoped to bring his baby into the world with him the bearer of a title to show for the life that he had turned around.
He and Anna had always been close, but it was brother sister close. He spoke Portuguese to her Spanish, and it was a funny time as they taught each other the similarities between the languages. But the common bond for them was the gym. She looked up to him and he didn’t disappoint. His record thus far was eleven and zero with nine knockouts. She and he were like two peas in a pod and she instantly felt at ease as they went to the back to begin the warm ups.
Marcus watched them go to the back and pulled Nick aside. The two of them found a concession stand and he bought them each a bottled water and sighed as he spoke.
‘Nick, I think Anna is going to go somewhere special soon,’ he said as he gulped down some water.
‘How do you figure that?’ Nick asked back eying his friend carefully.
Marcus always had a good eye as far as fighters went so if he said it then it was likely the truth.
He thought for a long moment and then spoke. ‘She is not fighting for herself, she is fighting to impress me, man. I think that she never got over what happened to her back then and she is using that as fuel to drive her,’ he explained not feeling the need to go into details.
‘So she puts the bastard’s faces on her opponents?’ Nick asked incredulously.
‘I believe so. She almost killed her last one. The girl was laid up for three weeks,’ he said while looking over at the ring.
‘Jesus…I remember that. Didn’t she break her sternum?’ Nick tried to remember.
‘Not just that but two of her lower ribs as well. I don’t mind her being aggressive in the ring. In fact I like that. I think she is ready after this tourney to maybe go to the upper ranks.’ he said thoughtfully. He suddenly perked up. ‘I’ll make you a deal, Nick. If she sweeps the tourney, you give her a shot against Mijah Loriani. If she doesn’t than I’ll train a fighter of yours for free for three months. Sound good?’ he offered.
Nick smiled at that idea. Mijah was one of the better fighters at the one hundred twenty to one hundred thirty pound category. He knew that Anna was a good draw and maybe if he spun it right, she and Mijah could make a great main event. He thought about the other side, Marcus would train his best man for three months for free. Win win he thought so he looked to his friend and shook his hand.
‘To sweeten the pot Marcus, if she wins all her fights with no decisions then I’ll try and get them the under card main event,’ he countered.
‘It’s a deal. I’ll get her ready then.’ Marcus said and walked off to the locker rooms.
Nick leaned against the counter of the stand as he sipped his water. He began to mentally calculate the logistics. He knew he could get a good ring for a decent booking. He wanted the Downtown Center, but the fight wouldn’t be big enough. He then decided on the auditorium at the University. He had about nine other good fights he could list as well as three women’s fights. His own prospect, Regina Taylor would be on the list. She wasn’t going to be a main event fight as the opponent he had for her wasn’t that great, but he knew that a main event with Anna and Mijah would make a substantial under card draw. Nick took out his cell and made a few calls.
Marcus went to the back and saw Christian had her doing a series of leg stretches. He was holding her leg so it would stay straight and then saw Marcus come in.
‘Coach she is not going to be ready in the short time we have.’ Christian said in English. His accent was very thick, but Marcus had no trouble understanding him. Marcus had lived in Brazil for a while and spoke the language very well.
‘What’s wrong then? he asked in Portuguese.
‘She’s starting her period today,’ he replied.
Marcus rolled his eyes. Anna looked away sheepishly without saying anything.
‘Coach I’m sorry, my nerves or something…I got it early,’ she said after a long silence.
Marcus was aware of her cycle as he made her keep track of it so he could keep her healthy. He tried not to train her too hard during that time, but sometimes it was unavoidable. To lose days of training actually hurt a fighter over the long run. He nodded his head and went to the sports doctor. He told her of the problem and she laughed. She understood the issue and assured him that it was no problem at all.
‘It’s easy to handle, Marcus, I’ll take care of it for you. Just give me a few minutes.’ She said politely and he nodded his approval.
He went back to the locker room to get her warmed up. She was eager to shine and after a bit the doctor came in. He and Christian left the room to talk for a while.
‘So you ready for this buddy boy?’ Marcus asked in Portuguese.
‘The title fight? Yes sir, I am!’ he responded with enthusiasm.
‘Win or lose Christian I am very proud of you. I never got that opportunity. So make it count, son,’ he said in a fatherly tone.
Christian’s eyes welled up as his mentor sounded so firm and serious and he knew that the words were coming from his heart. He held it in check and nodded his head in appreciation. Marcus looked into his dark eyes and studied his pupils for a while. The kid was strong and fit. His dark skin was gleaming in the lights of the hall. His shaved head was like a shiny dome. He knew he was ready for whatever came his way and was eager to shine. Marcus patted his arm turning as the door opened to the locker room.
‘OK. I got her wrapped up tight. The wrappings will make sure she doesn’t have an accident while on the floor but after each fight I need to change them,’ the doctor said and Marcus nodded.
Anna was inside and very uncomfortable. The wrappings were literally between her legs making her feel like a baby wearing a diaper. She was sitting on a stool in her trunks when they came back in. She felt like crawling in a box and hiding, but it was too late in the day for that. Marcus looked at her and she seemed to sink even lower. Marcus laughed and she stuck her tongue out at him. He thought it was adorable.
‘Listen, honey it’s ok. Nature happens after all. Let’s just hope we don’t have to repeat this in the future,’ he said biting off a chuckle.
Anna sat back and groaned as she realized he was just picking on her. She bit off her snide remark and just walked to the restroom to change into her athletic bra. As she came out she saw that Christian had left, probably to go check on the weigh ins. Marcus was standing with his back to her reading something and with a mischievous grin, she eased up quietly behind him. Sensing that she was behind him, he shocked her by spinning and snatching her up and setting her on the ground. His fingers found her sides and he began to tickle her relentlessly.
‘Trying to sneak up on people, huh?’ he said loudly as he tickled her sides.
Anna screamed in laughter as he did and tried to pull herself away. He was a black belt in three forms of Judo and Jiu Jitsu so she was not getting away so easily.
‘I GIVE!’ she squealed loudly and he relented but by that time she was on the floor recovering from her fit of laughter.
Anna laid there for a moment, laughing and giggling as he stood over her triumphantly. She was wheezing and giggling as he helped her to her feet. Her laughter was contagious and he found himself chuckling as he pulled her to him and hugged her. She leaned into the hug and sighed happily as his arms held h
er close. Anna was simply enjoying the moment when she looked up realizing just how close his face was to hers. Her eyes locked onto his and slowly her head began to move forward.
Marcus felt her shift and when she looked up to him he saw her shining eyes. He was almost lost in them when he realized that his head was moving towards hers and there was not anything he could do to stop it. She felt the soft brush of his nose and they pulled back slightly before leaning in again. Their lips gently met as their eyes closed. Marcus couldn’t believe what he was doing when he began to gently kiss her. It went on for what seemed like an eternity. Slowly, their mouths opened in perfect unison and her tongue gingerly slipped into his mouth, brushing against his tongue. They stopped after a short moment and pulling back, looked at each other breathlessly.
Anna’s face was awash in a look of longing and as they regarded each other with dazed eyes, neither noticed that Christian was standing behind her and looking at both of them in shock! Marcus’ eyes widened when he finally saw the younger man standing there with his mouth hanging open. Christian couldn’t believe that his coach and the girl that he’d thought of as his little sister were holding each other and what’s more, he’d just seen them French kiss! He shook his head and closed his eyes. He opened them hoping he was just seeing things, but when he did he saw that they were still in each other’s arms.
‘Coach…I…shit…Anna, you…?’ he stammered in Portuguese, unable to wrap his mind around it. Coach was almost forty two and she was a few months short of twenty. Not that he had a problem with the age difference but the look of happiness they wore just stunned him.
Anna’s head snapped around.
‘Umm…they are ready for you Anna.’ he said at length.
Anna felt her face flush a deep almost purple color as she heard his voice behind her. She was finally in the arms of the man that she had so desperately wanted and then her big brother has to barge in on them right in the middle of a soul searching kiss! She wanted to punch him and lock the door, but she knew that she had things that had to be done that were more important than killing him. She pulled away and gathered her composure. She quickly pulled on her gym tee and then looked at Marcus, trying to hide the longing in her gaze before she walked out of the room.
Marcus was too torn to say anything after what he had just done. He knew that he had just crossed the line. And from here on out, there would be no looking back. He only hoped he had made the right decision. He also hoped that he could control himself in the future better than he had just done. He grabbed up his satchel and pulled out the necessary paperwork for registration and as he walked down the hall he kept his gaze averted from Christian. He had nothing that he could say to ease the young man’s mind. He knew he was caught and hoped to keep it from becoming the front page news at the gym. He finally looked at Christian who only nodded his head. He could sense in that motion that he was going to be quiet about it. He gave him a strained smile as they walked to the weigh in stand.
Anna weighed in at a shapely one hundred twenty two pounds. She was miffed that she had gained a pound, but Marcus reassured her it was muscle. The judges gave her her fight information and she went back to the locker room. Marcus talked to her about the upcoming fight the entire way before he noticed that she was shaking pretty hard.
‘Relax Anna. You’ve done this before you know,’ he said in a joking manner, trying to soothe her.
‘I know coach, but it doesn’t make it any easier,’ she said, dropping into a long leg stretch.
He chuckled as he remembered being nervous for about the first ten or so fights, but after that it all became routine to him. He hoped she would relax soon as she had to fight three times to make the finals. He knew she had a decent chance if she kept her head in the game and if the other women were unable to handle the little ball of fury that was Annabelle. He sniggered a bit as he thought about when she had first started training with him. He remembered back to when she used to fall whenever she tried to kick the heavy bag. He couldn’t stop thoughts of her early days in the gym and he began to laugh loudly. She looked up at him seeing the mirth in his eyes and got a curious expression on her face.
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LesbianThe Misadventures of Diana Knight Part II - Girlfriends Forever! "Hi hun, it's me!" the woman's voice on the other end of the phone said excitedly. Me? I don't know any of Diana's friends help! Why did I answer the damn phone! Craig thought that he recognised the voice but he couldn't quite place it. Then Craig suddenly realised that the voice on the other end of the phone was someone he knew. It was his ex-girlfriend that had lasted all of two weeks and two dates....
I had always had an effeminate look to me, at 6’0” and as thin as a rail even at 26. I was a scrawny fuck and Betty kept saying how fragile I looked. I had bought a red wig to go with the outfit I had picked out for myself when Betty had told me about her trip 2 months age. I had black 6” heeled boot, black stocking, a black garter belt and red panties and red halter bra laid out on our bed. Next to them were a short black skirt and a little black tube top. Man I was standing tall just...
"Commodore, Crypian McDermid. I have just received signal orders to report to the Admiralty with my staff for discussions regarding possible operations in this area. There is a memo from Evan Cochrane personally asking you attend quote as an observer unquote. A nice touch, that, I thought. When would it be convenient for you to travel?" "Let me mull this over for a bit ... Crypian, I'm going to try something. I'll com you back. Clear." McCock extracted his PDA and entered a com...
Mattie's Boy'sThe continuation of Mattie GurlMattie whispered “I really want to make you mine” as she stood up. She had Jack lie on his back as she mounted him. She rode his cock, then dropped her chest on him. Jim saw Jack's hard cock bent inside her asshole, she whispered “join your brother inside me”. Jim crawled behind her, eased his cock into her as she grunted “yessssss” then added “fuck me Jim”! He stroked into her slowly, she said “you can do better!..Fuck me”! In a minute, Jack groaned...
I had known Annie Wright and her family for as long as I could remember. They lived just a few streets over and Annie’s dad was the pastor at the church mom and dad dragged me to every Sunday. Her family and my family knew each other very well and had always been involved in each other’s lives. Despite being a pastor Mr. Wright was a normal guy, but he ended up having three girls. Since our families were so close he had kind of taken me on as an adoptive son. He went to many of my football and...
Anal"Well I don't really like talking about it, but I had one submissive, Karen, who fit me like a glove. I mean we thought the same thoughts and she could just about finish my sentences. "We were like peanut butter and jelly. And we were happy being each others. In fact, I had entertained thoughts of making our relationship permanent. Until that one day..."She was on her way to see me for another great weekend. She had called me before she left telling me how excited she was to see me again. We...
BDSMAll content copyright 2012 Ted Szabo This is part one of a longer work, ‘Brick House.’ While this part does not have erotic content, many of the other chapters do. It is included for the convenience of readers interested in the larger story. Prefix Notation ‘I don’t really get it,’ I mumbled. The painting consisted of three blue dots formed along a vertical path and a jagged, dripping red slash that ran from the top right corner of the canvas to the lower left. It looked like someone had...
She moved silently, a shadow among shadows as she collected the few provisions she would allow herself to take from the Comte's household. Her first stop was the larder. After fumbling with the latch for a moment, she pulled up on the root cellar's door and carefully rested it against the wall. She cautiously made her way down the stone steps and, as she had no lamp, she found it necessary to rely solely on her sense of touch to find the bags of dried apples. Removing one from the bag, she...
Taxi Ride from Hell.Cindy had been shopping and she hailed a cab, she had decided to surprise her friend with an unplanned visit. As she was on the way she looked in her handbag she realized that she had lost her purse. Telling the driver he changed direction and told her he was going to the depot where she could sort it out with the boss. Cindy was obviously distressed but the manager soon had her at ease, he told the driver to check the taxi thoroughly to see if it had fallen out there. While...
About three months ago, I arrived home from work one Friday evening to find that my wife was not at home. However, there was a note on the dining room table, which I picked up and read. Dear Richard, You know how much I love you, and enjoy being married to you, but you also know that I have been dissatisfied with our sex life. Your cock is a pitiful size, and you seem incapable of lasting for more than a few seconds. It is for this reason that I have taken a lover. We have been seeing each...
Elizabeth had been friends with Ricky for years, they were roommates, best friends, and each other’s biggest supporters. Ricky had always come across very vanilla, and Elizabeth was a freak in the sheets and outside of the bedroom. Needless to say, Elizabeth loved being kinky. Elizabeth had been talking to Ricky for weeks about adding to his experience. She thought he would really enjoy spanking Elizabeth. Spankings had always been a huge turn on for Elizabeth. For weeks Elizabeth practically...
This is chapter 2 of the story and before reading this you should read chapter 1. The chapters are not self-contained but part of the same developing story. Its just the story was too long for me to put it all together before posting and so I will post each chapter when I’ve had the time to get it to a satisfactory state. I want to express my thanks to all those who have emailed me or posted comments on the story. * * * * * Sara collapses in floods of tears as soon as they sit in the corner...
My old black mechanic That Thursday afternoon I was returning home early, when the engine of my nice lovely car finally exhausted his last breathe and left me in the middle of nowhere. My loving husband was flying anywhere, so I decided to call for an emergency tow. Two hours later the towing truck arrived and an old black man came to check my car. The old man was not exactly good looking. He had several cut scars he probably received in a knife fight. He was the type of man that would...
Some may call it picking the low-hanging fruit, but for me, I prefer to think of it as exploring the bush growing down below...As a man in my early thirties, it's been a trend for my whole sex life so far that all the girls I've been with have been shaved downstairs, and the curiosity was starting to build. I'd seen the memes, I'd even seen the occasional porn movie from the seventies, and I know that the women in the generations before me always had the big muff style going on. I'd never...
MILFIn the last episode we have seen how Rashmi took advantage of Kiran’s absence to make out with her husband. It was risky as Kiran was in the bathroom, while the two made love in the living room. Kiran continued talking to Rashmi from the bathroom, while she was being fingered at her cunt by Gautam. It was hard for her to converse back with Kiran, and she struggled but somehow managed to keep responding back while Gautam kept sucking and fucking her at will. Gautam grabbed her nicely and then...
So this girl and I were basically just fuck buddies. She started dating this other guy so it had been a while since we saw each other. We were at a house party after the bars closed (after-bar) and we’re having some more drinks. ‘Where’s your boyfriend?’ I asked. ‘He’s not with me tonight, out smoking with his friends.’ ‘So you and I can play instead then, right?’ ‘Yes, but we can’t go to my place, my roommates will be there and will tell him.’ ‘Well we can’t go to mine, my roommates...
Looking for HolmesBy Miss AnonnaI was looking into buying a new house and had a few in mind so I called a realtor and asked him to show me a few. He sounded young on the phone and I had asked him how much experience he had. He told me he had just received his license and I would be his first sale if he made one to me. He had asked me if I wanted a more experienced realtor that his colleague would step in but I assured him he would do just fine as I knew what I wanted. He agreed to meet me that...
MILFThe end of the story. I part from these characters with real regret. It’s been an experience for which I am endlessly grateful, most of all to Grandmaster dweaver999, il miglior fabbro, for creating these people and this world, and letting me into it, to Laurel and Manu for giving me the opportunity and the place to tell this story, and to my fellow authors, for inspiration, support and guidance, and for setting the bar high. * November again. Almost a year had gone by since Valerie and Sally...
We are married for last twenty five years, and frankly, I have never felt my wife ever too interested in sex. She is extremely beautiful, more like a Bengali film actress, very shy and homely, a bit hefty. We even had limited talk about sex. Frankly, we tried to watch blue film once, and both were so shy that we stopped it immediately. I never had any doubt about her fidelity or extra sexual urge, until I had to stay at home, down with pox, for a couple of weeks (Chicken pox), almost a solitary...
She has been living alone with her young son since his father ran off 2 years ago with his secretary. It was hard at first, but now life was good as she had forged a successful consultancy business working from home. In fact things were a better now in most ways as her son was a delight. He was a very intelligent and compassionate boy who usually topped his class at school, excelled at sport and was liked by everyone for his laughing personality, kindness and generosity. The only thing she...
Monday we studied together. He made sure we actually studied. I don't think he did any studying before he came because he brought such a big stack of books in his book bag that it looked like he was carrying them to build up his muscles rather than to prepare for his courses. "Why all the books? That's gotta be at least twice as many books as I have for all my courses." "I'm taking a heavy load." "How heavy?" "I'd say about fifty pounds." I rolled my eyes. I was waiting for...
I just wrapped a towel around my waist and took one step towards the gym showers when someone asked, ‘hey, do you know if they have soap and shampoo in the showers or do I need to bring my own?’ Turning around to see who was talking to me, I was greeted by a middle aged man who, aside from the towel around his neck, was totally naked. ‘Hi, I’m Sam, I just joined this gym tonight and wasn’t sure.’ I reached out to shake his hand and I felt his eyes ripping my towel off me. Before looking at my...
Get down and dirty in a totally new way.Keeping your relationship fun and exciting is crucial if you want something everlasting. It's not just important for making sure that your man stays attracted and faithful, but also for making sure that YOU, yourself, don't get bored! So that's why I want to give you these 33 dirty questions to ask a guy when you want to get him in the mood for some fun sex games.The aim of the questions is for both of you to discover new things and kinks about each other...
My Sister Returns ByReeb As a bead of sweat rolled across my brow, I couldn’t help but wonder if this was the hottest summer I could remember in my forty years on this earth. Little did I realize, that the heat inside my air conditioned home would soon become unbearable but not the result of the hot summer sun but from intense sexual excitement. As I picked up the phone and listened to the sobbing voice of my sister, I couldn’t help it but my cock began to harden. I was sad to hear her so...
IncestI stood there waiting. I was afraid and excited, both at the same time. What if I'd guessed wrong? It was possible that I was kidding myself here. Was this like an ant trying to rape an elephant? Every second that I waited seemed so much longer than that to me. By the time that I'd begun to be convinced that I had been right, and the voice would have to deal with me on a more equal footing, I started sensing that I was all alone again. I couldn't feel his presence with me at all.
Utter solitude. No one within hundreds of miles maybe thousands. Just you and I holding each other tightly. The only sound is the sound of our increasingly heavy breathing and the sound the waves slapping against the hull of the sloop as it slices through the water. Entwined we savor the heat of each other’s bodies as we feel the pounding of each other’s hearts against our chests. Our love grows with each passing second as we cuddle and open our hearts to one another.The sun sets beyond the...
Love StoriesWe waved goodbye, and headed out. Once we were seated in my car, I asked Kathy what she wanted to eat, and, when I heard no reply, I turned to her. Her smile, and the twinkle in her eye, led me to ask the classic Man Question: “What?” “You don’t know, do you?” “Nope, that would be why I asked. What are you hungry for?” Her smile broadened, and she responded, “You. I hunger for your touch, I long to see the googley eyed look on your face when I suck you, and I want to feel you throb on my...
Just take a look at the cum stain in Alexis Tae’s panties. It’s fresh, and it’s just another mark of her Slutdom. Her cunt gets wetter as she relives her tale, to you, of her initiation into cock sucking. It’s a real story, and listening to Alexis spin that that while she jerks her wet cunt is fucking hot; hotter yet is her oral fixation! She’s sucking away, first on a popsicle…then on a meat stick. She works Mr. POV’s dick until it unloads in her eager...
xmoviesforyouShe loves the great outdoors and particularly wildlife and as this first meeting is for a very special lady I needed to make sure that it was well organized. I could not arrange the wild life as we only had a few hours available so I decided on a champagne picnic in the nearby hills. The day was perfect, as it usually is in summer on the Highveld. I arrived punctually five minutes before time at our pre-arranged meeting point complete with picnic snacks, champagne, genuine crystal glasses,...
Introduction: Finally Trevor makes it back to town Im Sue, Daves wife, we share everything, and he loves getting me to write about my fun, when I go out and play, this is a continuation of, we need the money We had met Ginger a few times, for 3 some and as always had fun, it had been ages since we had seen her business guy, it seemed his job had changed and he didnt visit our state now, so when she rang me Wednesday night to say he was back in town and wanted to meet us again, with his friend,...
Hello dosto I am Aman this is my first story .m I m 24 year old my height is 5’6”. Yeh story 4 saal pahlai ki hai jab BCA 1 st sem mai tha meri ek madam thi jo mujhai c++ padati thi mujhai jab koi parasani hoti thi to mai unsai puch laita tha .ek din bato bato mai mainai unsai pucha aap akeli rahti hai aap ko daar nahi lagta aur aap kai pati kaha hai. To unhonai kaha mai ab akeli rahti hu aur mera pati sai koi wasta nahi hai. Unka badan bahut hi sexy tha bade bade boobs aur 28 ki kamar ek din...
I thought for a while. If I refused the invitation, I would NEVER have an opportunity like this again. I was in a bar/restaurant in Tokyo Japan. It was my third week there as an English teacher. I had received my TESOL/TESL Teacher Training Certification three months earlier in Boston and decided to teach in Tokyo for a year. My mother was Japanese so I was always curious about Japan. My date at the bar was a young woman named Rika. She was a beautiful 21...