Brad Cassie
- 3 years ago
- 51
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Special thanks to Kanga40 for her editing and patience on this piece, and to the three or four readers who requested we do it. We hope you enjoy.
Cassie Ross struggled to push her way through the heavy door as the full impact of the night’s events began to sink in and overwhelm her. Someone brushed past her in a hurry, not even noticing that she had tears streaming down her face. Actually, that was just fine with Cassie. She hated for anyone to see her cry. Dammit, she hated being weak enough to cry in the first place.
Finally outside in the fresh air, she paused to gather herself, angrily wiping the tears from her face. She took a deep breath and decided what her next move should be. The flashing red lights of a nearby ambulance cast an eerie glow over Cassie’s already strained face as she reached into her coat pocket and grabbed her cell phone. She hated to do this – god, how she hated to do this – but she really didn’t have much choice.
With a steady hand, she managed to dial her sister’s home number. ‘Cassie? Good lord, Cassie, what time is it?’ Heather answered, obviously still half asleep. Then, ‘What’s wrong? Are you OK?’
Squeezing her eyes shut, she admitted, ‘I’m at the hospital. Can you come pick me up?’
‘What? Oh my god, what happened? Are you OK?’
Cassie had to relive everything over again as she explained it all to her younger sister. Getting the frantic phone call from her best friend, Rushing to Andrea’s house to find her beaten and bruised so badly she was barely conscious, Calling 911 and the ambulance ride to the hospital, Calling Andi’s parents to explain that Pete had finally beaten Andi badly enough to put her in the hospital. Then there was the drama of convincing Andi to press charges against her husband, and finally giving a statement to the police.
Cassie would have stayed the rest of the night with her best friend, but Andi’s parents had arrived not too long ago. Mrs. Patterson encouraged Cassie to go home, get some rest and come back tomorrow. It would have been no big deal if she had her car with her, but it was still sitting in front of Andrea’s house, with her purse and wallet still inside. She hadn’t thought much about it when she pushed herself into the ambulance with a glare at the paramedics and the lie that she was Andrea’s sister. Yeah, Heather always accused Cassie of being a bit too impulsive sometimes, and yeah, occasionally Cassie could see her point. Hindsight is a bitch sometimes.
Cassie found a bench near the entrance and waited for her sister to arrive. She buried her face in her hands and tried to not cry again. Poor Andi. They’d been friends since grade school. They’d survived everything together, and now this. The worst part was, Andi still loved the bastard who did it to her. She even thought she deserved it for some reason. He’d been hitting her for months, but never as badly as tonight. Cassie had argued and yelled and cried, but nothing could convince Andi that this wasn’t love. If it was, Cassie wanted no part of it, not now, not ever.
‘Shit, I’m never getting married,’ she whispered under her breath, shaking her head and glancing around. How many other women were in this hospital tonight because their husbands had loved them the same way Pete loved Andi? With a scornful laugh, she suspected too many. Way … too … damn … many!
Hell, even Heather and Jake’s marriage hadn’t been a picnic. Cassie had really believed her little sister’s marriage would be the one that proved to her that maybe, just maybe marriage could be a good thing. What had happened? Heather herself fucked things up, that’s what. She’d cheated on Jake, but amazingly enough, they’d worked things out and gotten married again a few years ago. Cassie was glad they’d gotten back together, but she wasn’t holding her breath it would last. She hoped it would – god, please let it last – but that big ole realist inside her just wouldn’t let her totally believe. She supposed she would always be flawed that way.
Still, she couldn’t help but smile when she thought of how Heather and Jake found their way back to each other, with the help of a little cupid named Cassie, of course. It was almost out of character for her, but then again, this had been Heather and Jake. The little sister Cassie adored and the brother-in-law she’d come to love like a real brother. After seeing her sister walk around like a shell of her former self, Cassie caved in and called Jake, oh, about a year after the divorce. After much thought and creativity, and with Cassie’s help, Jake had decided to put himself up for bid at a charity bachelor auction. After that, it was just a matter of Cassie convincing Heather to go …
The problem was, thinking of that night also meant thinking of Kevin. And thinking of Kevin was a dangerous thing …
‘Hey beautiful, need a ride?’
She glanced up, startled out of her daydream. ‘Jake?’
Her brother-in-law smiled wryly and nodded as he approached in a pair of scruffy old jeans. He’d obviously gotten dressed in a hurry, but he still looked as cute as a button. ‘We didn’t have anyone to watch the kid. We weren’t sure what the situation was with Pete, so I insisted on coming alone. You OK?’
She nodded, but seeing the look on her face, he ordered, ‘Come here, you.’
Grateful for a hug, she let herself accept the gesture of comfort – something else she rarely did. Touching was okay if you were naked, hot and horny with the opposite sex, but anything else … hell no. Cassie just wasn’t a touchy-feely sorta person.
This, however, was different. Tonight, she really needed it.
‘So, how is she?’ Jake asked when she pulled away, needing her space again. Cassie shrugged. ‘A few broken ribs, fractured arm, broken jaw. Doctors say she’ll be OK – eventually.’
Jake swore under his breath. ‘Bastard. Where is he? I hope the police have him rotting in a cell already.’
‘He wasn’t there when I got to their house. The police said they’re putting out a warrant for him, but if they can’t find him tonight, it could be as late as Monday when he shows up for work before they get him,’ she explained, grateful when they reached his car so she was able to sit down again. Damn, she was tired. She sighed. ‘I need to go pick up my car. It’s at their house.’
She saw Jake’s jaw clench tightly as he put the key in the ignition. ‘Then I suppose it’s a good thing I came and not Heather. Maybe we’ll get lucky. If he’s home we can take turns beating the hell out of the creep.’
Cassie smiled, liking the idea and liking Jake even more for saying it. Heather really had lucked out, she thought. Too bad Jake didn’t have a twin, or an available brother she could sink her hooks into.
Of course, as her conscience reminded her, he did have an eligible best friend – Kevin. At least, last she knew, he was still eligible. For all Cassie really knew, Kevin could be married by now, or living with someone. She had to close her eyes at the sharp little sting that particular thought gave her. She really needed to see a shrink, she told herself. What? She didn’t want Kevin, but she didn’t want anyone else to have him? What the hell is that all about? Besides, it was a few years since they’d had their little fling. He probably didn’t even remember her name by now.
Man, she wished she had a cigarette. She’d given it up a couple of years ago though. Nasty habit. She’d taken up yoga instead. Yeah, as if being able to wrap your legs around your neck could give you the buzz same as nicotine. What the hell had she been thinking, she mused, a tad crankily. Damn Kevin. She always got cranky when she thought about him. Not to mention all the rest of this shit she’d had to deal with tonight.
Laying her head against the window beside her, she closed her eyes and let herself remember, the way she sometimes did when she was feeling down and lonely, exactly what had happened the night she met Kevin Cooper.
‘What the–!’ Cassie hissed under her breath, momentarily fumbling with the envelope of money in one hand when she got her first look at the ‘ugly as sin’ friend Jake had begged her to put out of his misery. She was to do this by bidding on him during the Valentine’s bachelor auction Jake himself was participating in. ”Ugly as sin’ my ass,’ Cassie breathed as she eyed the man on stage.
She listened to the auctioneer boast his assets – ‘ ex-Marine, manages a sporting supply company and sidelines as an adventures tour guide’. Cassie took a casual peek to see how much money was in the envelope. Jake had given it to her and said to use it all since it was going to charity. She pursed her lips and blew a silent whistle, estimating there was still close to two thousand left, even after what Heather had taken out to bid on Jake. From the sound of things, Cassie might need that much – if she decided to bid, that is.
As soon as the auctioneer had started the bidding, the women in the audience swarmed the stage like sharks. ‘Impressive’, Cassie thought. Not even five minutes had gone by, and – what was his name, Kevin? – had already surpassed Jake’s price. Well, she supposed, he was better looking than Jake in a ‘Ken doll’ sort of way. His dark hair was close-cropped, military-style, and he had the face of one of those guys you often saw on the cover of romance novels. Nice build. Muscular, but lean, she guessed from her distance. Nice package, sure, but what about the inside? Then again, he obviously had a sense of humor. He was playing up to the crowd, spinning around, lowering his jacket with a teasing look over his shoulder, and doing a little dance across the stage.
The guy was smiling and lapping up the attention and, once or twice, she could have sworn he looked her way. Cassie began to wonder if he and Jake had planned this. Was the poor dear expecting her to jump in with his friend’s money and spare him from a fate worse than death, lest he be bought by an old hag with no front teeth? Was it all a setup? Hmmm, yes, she suspected it was, now that she thought about it.
Cassie didn’t consider herself beautiful – in fact, there were far more attractive women in this room tonight – but she did consider herself a step above the trashy-looking bleached blonde currently trying so hard to win this ex-Marine. Cassie came here tonight to help get Heather and Jake together, but now that she was here, and having seen so many hot guys up for grabs, she was feeling a bit … well, horny. She hadn’t gotten laid in probably a year and she figured she was about due.
Cassie could really have fun with this, she decided, already enjoying watching this Kevin guy sweat a little. She gave only a smile and a friendly little wave in reply to his increasingly desperate looks in her direction. She made a point of tapping the envelope full of cash against her knee so he could see it, yet she made no move to make a bid.
Four hundred and fifty dollars. Five hundred! The bidding continued as Cassie continued her flirtatious will-I-or-won’t-I stare down with Jake’s handsome friend. Once or twice, she pretended to yawn and look away bored, but every time she returned her gaze his way, he was watching her. He was smiling – he had a great smile, she decided – and looked as if he couldn’t wait to get her alone so he could – strangle her? He wiggled his eyebrows at her and she had to laugh. Ah, why the hell not? After bidding got close to eight hundred dollars, Cassie got a real thrill from finally, casually calling out, ‘Seventeen hundred dollars,’ in a voice that suggested they could take it or leave it and it wouldn’t matter either way to her.
There was a comical hush for about thirty seconds, followed by a few gasps and giggles, but when the auctioneer accepted her bid, no one jumped up to compete. Maybe they were too stunned. Whatever. Cassie turned her back on the stage, grabbed her purse and nonchalantly left her seat, all-the-while she was giggling inside and doing a happy dance in her mind, especially as she heard the auctioneer say behind her, ‘Going once… going twice…Sold to the lady in red for seventeen hundred dollars, our highest bid tonight!’
Oh the drama! This was better than reruns of Dynasty, Cassie thought, feeling a bit like Alexis Carrington herself as she stepped up to the donation table and filled out a form as if she dropped close to two thousand dollars on a dime every day. She’d have to give Jake a kiss next time she saw him for the once-in-a-lifetime experience of playing rich.
Cassie sensed rather than saw him– Jake’s friend, Mr. GQ. With a little sigh, she turned and said, ‘Seventeen hundred dollars could pay my rent for three months. I do hope you’re worth it, Mr. Cooper.’
‘Oh, I am, Miss Ross,’ he smiled, reaching for her hand and lifting it so he could press a gentle kiss to the back of her hand, ‘Believe me, I’m worth even more than that, if I do say so myself.’
Damn. She’d always wanted a guy to kiss her hand like that. She sighed and pulled her hand away. Enough with the romance. She wasn’t the type to appreciate it anyway. She quirked an eyebrow and gave him a thorough once over, liking what she saw. With a satisfied smile, she asked, ‘Shall we plan our date now, or would you rather just go somewhere tonight instead of Valentine’s Day?’
His chocolate eyes lit up with surprise and interest, and he said, ‘Or both?’
She raised her eyebrows. ‘I think we should probably take it one day at a time, hot stuff.’ She held out her hand. ‘We should probably start with formal introductions, don’t you think? Cassie Ross.’
‘Cassie,’ he savored her name like a treat, taking her hand and shaking it. ‘Kevin Cooper. Pleased to meet you.’
‘I don’t think anyone is home.’
Cassie blinked and realized she was riding in the car with Jake. She blinked again and tried to focus on her surroundings, realizing they were parking next to her car in front of Andrea’s house.
‘Besides,’ Jake continued, ‘we passed at least two patrol cars on the way here. They’re obviously keeping an eye on the place in case he shows up, if they haven’t already got him, of course.’
‘Great,’ she said, reaching for her seatbelt. ‘Thanks, again, Jake. I appreciate this.’
Cassie wasn’t really afraid of Pete Hendricks – let the bastard come after her – but she didn’t want to worry her sister so she agreed to let Jake follow her home. Her phone was ringing off the hook when she got there, and she didn’t make it in time to catch whoever was on the other end. Probably Heather, she figured, calling to check to see if she was home yet. She waved Jake off and then closed the door behind her. She moved to pick up the phone and call her little sister when she saw that the message light was blinking on her machine. She hit PLAY as she tossed her keys on the table.
She had three messages. As she listened, she realized Jake had been right about warning her. Pete did know she’d gotten involved tonight, and he did have a grudge. In the first message, his voice was emotional, choked up as he begged her forgiveness and wanted to know if Andi was OK. In the next, it was obvious he’d been drinking. He went from crying one minute to yelling the next, telling Cassie it was her influence on Andrea that had wrecked his marriage and caused this to happen. The last message … the last message was by far the worst. Pete’s voice spewed out one angry, filthy curse after another as he called her a bitch and whore for getting Andi to press charges against him. He told her she’d better be careful, because the next time he saw her, he would split her open with his hunting knife and when he was done they’d never find her body.
As she slid down the wall clutching the phone to her ear, Cassie wondered how this day could possibly get any worse. Then, for the second time that night, she made a call she absolutely did not want to make.
‘Jake,’ she greeted in a shaky vo
ice. ‘If you haven’t gotten too far, would you mind coming back and following me to your house? That is, if you guys don’t mind if I c-came over for the rest of the night? I, uh, really don’t want to be alone after all.’
Kevin bounded up the walkway to his best friend’s lake house with a smile on his face, hoping he’d planned his surprise visit just in time to get invited to their usual late Sunday morning breakfast. Heather cooked one helluva breakfast any day of the week, but she always seemed to cook an even bigger spread for Sunday brunch.
He glanced toward the lake and wondered if he could talk Jake into going with him and Faith for an afternoon canoe adventure while he was here. Jake’s soon-to-be three-year-old had everyone – including her ‘uncle’ Kevin – wrapped around her little finger. He didn’t get to spend enough time with the kid and hoped he could squeeze in some today, if Heather and Jake didn’t already have plans. He’d just gotten back from a trip hiking the Appalachian trail and hadn’t seen the Devlin family for a couple of months.
As he got closer to the house, he spotted Heather at the kitchen window, smiling and talking as she worked in front of the sink. Yep, he smiled, just in time for breakfast. Then the figure of a woman came up behind her, and Kevin lost his footing.
Cassie was here.
As he pulled himself up from where he’d stumbled, Kevin stopped in his tracks and considered his options. No one was expecting him, and Heather hadn’t spotted him yet. She was too preoccupied. He could turn around and go back the way he’d come, give Jake a call later, and no one would know any different.
He spun on his heels and realized he could forget that idea fast. ‘Uncle Kevin!’ Faith squealed with joy and launched herself at him. ‘Mama, Uncle Kevin’s here! Can we go swimmin’, huh? Can we?’
He picked her up, settled her on his hip, and smiled wryly. ‘Swimmin’? Last time I took you swimmin’, you kept splashin’ half the lake on me. Now why would I want to take you swimmin’, little girl?’
‘I’m not little, I’m gonna be three years old!’ she yelled, taking offense. That determined, stubborn glint in her eyes always reminded him of Cassie, and he sometimes wondered how she’d inherited so much of her aunt’s temperament when her mama was as sweet as sugar. Then again, it was also probably the biggest reason he loved the kid so much.
‘Yep,’ he agreed, giving her a little squeeze from the side. ‘And getting bigger and heavier every time I see you! Oh my back! My back!’ He pretended she was too heavy to carry and slowly lowered her giggling body to the ground.
She ran straight for the door Heather was now holding open for him. ‘Hey stranger,’ Jake’s wife greeted. ‘I didn’t know you were back already.’
He smiled at Heather as he stepped past her into the house. ‘Yeah, well, you know me. Full of surprises.’
‘Mama, I wanna sit beside Uncle Kevin for breakfast,’ Faith injected, clamping onto his leg and holding on tight. ‘And I wanna sit by Aunt Cassie too!’
Oh boy.
Heather rolled her eyes, closed the door and sent Kevin a what-are-you-gonna-do smile. ‘You and her Aunt Cassie both in one day. She probably thinks she won the lottery. Jake is in the den on the phone. He was supposed to be watching Faith, but I see she got outside without any of us noticing.’
‘Hey, I told you this kid is destined to be a Marine when she grows up,’ he teased with a grin, trying hard not to glance around and see where her sister had gotten to. Then again, if he knew Cassie, she was trying to avoid him, the same as he was trying to avoid her.
He found his friend pacing in front of the window, looking worried and tired and running a frustrated hand through his hair. ‘I see,’ Jake was saying. ‘So he hasn’t been picked up yet? … What about the warrant? … I see.’
Jake noticed Kevin with some surprise and nodded in greeting. He gestured toward the sofa and continued his conversation with whoever was on the other end of the phone. Kevin figured it must be pretty important if he was talking about warrants on a Sunday morning. Then Jake really caught Kevin’s attention when he asked, ‘So you’re saying it would be best to advise my sister-in-law to try and get a restraining order in the meantime?’ He stopped pacing long enough to absorb the answer. It obviously didn’t make him happy. With a frown, he said, ‘I see,’ and began pacing again.
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I thought my life was over when Cassie passed away six years ago. We'd been married for just a little over 54 years when the doctors found the cancer that had literally invaded her body. They didn't even attempt to do surgery, as the cancer had spread throughout her body, infecting almost all of her vital organs. Her kidneys were the first to completely shut down and, for the last eight months, daily dialysis was the only thing that kept her going. She had long decided against chemotherapy,...
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Introduction: sorry about the story set up, I don't like giant walls of text. “Knock it off already.” Cassie had the remote control firmly entrenched in her hand and was doing her best to keep it out of reach. The TV was stuck on basketball, which sucked. I knew that there had to be some combination of leverage and brute force that would cause my sister’s fingers to open and let me gain command of the remote. Getting up and walking to the TV was simply out of the question.“Knock what off?,” I...
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EroticHer parents were sexually active even without the dog. She'd seen them fucking in the kitchen, her mom up on the counter while Daddy pounded into her. Twice they were fucking on top of the kitchen table where the family ate meals. Many times they fucked in the living room right in front of their daughter. Once Joy saw her dad fucking her mom while she was spread wide on top of the clothes dryer. Her parents were very comfortable with their sexuality, and encouraged their young daughter...
i got out of my car, shivering because the october weather had set in. i wrapped my arms around myself, rubbing my arms as i went inside. the sound of absolutely nothing was welcoming. i heard the tick of the clock as i passed by the living room, and heard the dogs paws scurry across the tile in the kitchen to greet me. i sat my keys down on the table in the kitchen and dialed Matts number on our house phone. i was getting ready to leave a voice mail when he answered. hey baby, his soft,...
Sobbing softly, I bury my face into my pillow, unable to bear The breathless wonder, excruciating ecstasy Of having a man such as you, not just fucking me, but with Each breath and beat of his heart, oh! dear God, fucking me! What makes another man feast his feverish eyes upon my body, As though I were a wanton woman just for the taking, Coming for me, know how willing I am to have and feel him drive His feelings for me deep into the ravenous craving they’re awakening! How I live and breathe...
Sobbing softly, I bury my face into my pillow, unable to bearThe breathless wonder, excruciating ecstasyOf having a man such as you, not just fucking me, but withEach breath and beat of his heart, oh! dear God, fucking me!What makes another man feast his feverish eyes upon my body,As though I were a wanton woman just for the taking,Coming for me, know how willing I am to have and feel him driveHis feelings for me deep into the ravenous craving they're awakening!How I live and breathe and long...
Gay Malei first met malcolm at the gay bar. there was just an instant attraction & the only thing i could do was shyly introduce myself 2 him. he was black, about 6'6" tall, around 240 pounds, as near as i could tell, with a shaved head & i could tell that he was very muscular, even totally dressed. when we finally made it 2 his apartment, we were both so excited that we didn't even make it 2 the bedroom 4 our first hot & sweaty encounter. as soon as the door closed, we were gripping each...
It is the middle of the morning and I am sitting on the front porch of an empty house. My mind is rambling, all over the place today instead of my usual laser focus. I look at the news on my laptop and surf the web and something caught my eye. It was a simple question; one I have never given much thought to until now. 'Why do you crave cock?'I sat there, still in my camisole and not much more. I could feel the cool morning air on my nipples and my hand languidly resting between my legs and I...
Oral SexI've had a crush on him since we where younger, and I'm talking young. But now it's more then just a crush, it's a need for him, a want, a list for him. I can't get him off my mind. Which sucks if you ask me. He was gorgeous in my opinion, dirty blonde hair, stunning blue eyes, pretty muscular, funny, cute, dirty minded. The last time we spoke he said he was a virgin, and he's 19, I'm only a year younger. It's weird that he trusts me. We've always been close, since the day we...
I was in my bikinis. Bear-foot, walking through black, murky, knee-deep, lukewarm water. Everything was strange. Surreal. It wasn't dark, I could see everything clearly, but there was nothing to see. There was no sun. The sky was empty. Void. There was no shore to be seen. Just endless, black, murky water. I couldn't even tell which way was I walking. The bottom was soggy and muddy. My feet sank deeper with every step. I felt the mud ooze through my toes. I was fighting to make each step....
by aliveinpr My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing. I’ve been married now for three years. What a nightmare, waking to a gorgeous ‘lump’ next to me every morning. Leaving work knowing I’m returning to a beautiful woman with a sexless life. Her girlfriends, described by a comic who said his girlfriends female companions were “haters”. My wife spends time with her friends as they always...
In the dark, forbidden night, my wanton, feverish flesh Craves your hardness, reaching in and violating, Even as my greedy fingers curl around and clutch my own, Pursuing the carnal joys of getting fucked while masturbating. I hold my breath as your darling, searching knob quickly finds me, And your fingers sink deep into my willing hips, Your stiffly-jutting ardor, asserting itself, begins to push, Bringing mewling sounds of pleasure pouring out my parted lips. How well you know and love how...
It had only been a few days since I was with my first man, but I have to admit, it was all I could think about.(my story, Overwhelming lust for cock) Seb, short for Sebastian, was a co worker of my wife’s. When I found out he was Gay shortly after I met him, the pieces fell into place and I finally got to suck my first cock. I had fantasized about it for years.When I saw a txt on my phone from him, my knees weaken. He asked if I wanted to come back over and see him again. I did, I did badly. My...
I drove home with the taste of Marc’ cock and cum still on my tongue. (The story, “My second time. Thank you Marc!”) I couldn’t believe how much pleasure sucking another man gave me, I yearned for it. I craved it.The feeling of his tight, full balls in my hand, on my lips and tongue. The full feeling in my mouth created by his beautiful, big hard dick. The taste and texture of his thick, silky sperm. I couldn’t get enough. I had always dreamed about sucking cock, but I never imagined just how...
I really don’t know how and when I began having cravings for men. I have always had a girlish body, thin build, small waist, very little body hair, although what I think that set me apart from most boys was my butt. I often was mistaken for a girl because of my bubble, heart shaped butt. I am not totally gay…. I guess, because girls do turn me on. When I was growing up I would often go stay at my aunt’s house in the summer. I got to do fun things that I was not aloud to do at home like stay out...
ive always been very sexual ever since i was a little girl even before puberty me and boys use to kiss and rub each oyhers privates even a few times ina tree house out side of town we both took each others clothes of and exsplored , i am always finding my self getting wet i mean wet my pussy is like a water fall , when i get horney or get exsited about a guy my pussy juices gets my insides pf my pussy very very wet it runs down my legs and if im not wearing panties and have on a skirt...
In the dark, forbidden night, my wanton, feverish fleshCraves your hardness, reaching in and violating,Even as my greedy fingers curl around and clutch my own,Pursuing the carnal joys of getting fucked while masturbating.I hold my breath as your darling, searching knob quickly finds me,And your fingers sink deep into my willing hips;Your stiffly-jutting ardor, asserting itself, begins to push,Bringing mewling sounds of pleasure pouring out my parted lips.How well you know and love how much I...
Gay Malewhen his orgasm finally subsided & his monster cock started 2 soften, malcolm lowered me 2 the floor, then slowly d**g his long, rubbery cock out of my still-gripping ass. i gasped as my greasy, wet fuck-hole slammed shut behind his long, thick prick. malcolm pushed himself up off the floor & went in2 the bathroom 2 take a shower, leaving me lying on the bed. by the time my breathing was finally normal, i wanted 2 feel him deep inside me again. my mind was so full of images of the 2 of...
Hi ISS readers, I think all you know me. For the new readers, at first I introduce myself. I am Moni, late 40 and 5’-7”. I was born in a middle class Bangladeshi Muslim family and serving in a public organization. I’m married and having two kids. My whole life is lustful indeed. As I gained some practical experience about sex at my childhood, I became a sex-maniac and whenever I got chance I tried to fuck any aged girls or women with many tricks without applying force or at least to peep the...
IncestIf everything was going as planned Kim’s partner Cathy will have invited her man friend over by now. Kim smiles in anticipation as she hurries to get home at the designated time and ‘catch’ her lover in the act. She can’t help but caress her erect nipples as she drives quickly through traffic. They love each other so much. When Cathy jokingly suggested that she needed a man to satisfy her cravings, Kim jumped at the idea. It surprised her how much the thought of a man fucking her lover...
If everything was going as planned Kim's partner Cathy will have invited her man friend over by now. Kim smiles in anticipation as she hurries to get home at the designated time and "catch" her lover in the act. She can't help but caress her erect nipples as she drives quickly through traffic.They love each other so much. When Cathy jokingly suggested that she needed a man to satisfy her cravings, Kim jumped at the idea. It surprised her how much the thought of a man fucking her lover...
VoyeurLaying in bed Monday evening home alone I texted with my girlfriend Jessica chatting to her as well as messaging my ex girlfriend Cassi confirming that she would still be sleeping over tomorrow night. Cassi replied back most definitely baby I'm looking forward to seeing you and spending the night together.I was too excited to fuck her sexy body again and soon while laying in bed a fell asleep.Waking up the next morning just before 8 I got up and made myself breakfast and while eating I message...
I am writing this while I am using a stand-up desk. The following story will explain why I am standing today and why I am being extra gentle when I sit down.I have to admit, having a Friday off of work as an adult makes me feel the same way I did when it was spring break as a high school student. Instead of sleeping until noon and saying I am bored all day long, I get up at my normal time, leisurely enjoy my coffee, and take the time to read.Cassy had the day off too, but, decided to go in...
SpankingYou help me into the passenger side, holding my hand for support because you know my four inch heels are precarious. I love how you’re always the gentleman. Handle me like I’m made of crystal glass. Outside the bedroom of course. I settle into the seat, smoothing my skirt over my knees. I turn and watch you settle into the driver’s side. Watch your beautiful masculine hands as you grip the steering wheel with one hand. The corded muscle in your forearm flexes. So fucking sexy. The other hand...
Oral SexThe next morning, Liam and I woke up to the sound of loud knocking at our front door. Worried that it could be the police, we hurriedly and made sure that they could not find the hidden trap door. We moved a table over the door. When I opened the door, there stood two policemen. They were dressed sharply and prepared to investigate. "Hello sir's"I said"Can we help you?" One of the police officer's held up a picture of Mia. "This girl has been missing for a day now. Have you seen...
It had seemed like forever that they had been carrying Mia in the woods. Both guys had to take breaks carrying her body because she was continually kicking and screaming. A few slaps across the face usually got her calm for awhile but then she was back at it again. After about 15 minutes, from their guessing, they had finally arrived at the house. They carried her down into the basement and threw her in a jail cell, slamming the door shut. Her blue eyes stared into the dimly lit hallway....
"Can you believe its been a year?"I asked Liam." My partner, Liam, looked up from his Porn magazine. "I know, its insane." Liam, whose Black, raised an eyebrow and laughed. "It makes me want to go out and do it again"I said." "Do you think the feds are still out?"Liam asked." "Not as bad. It'd be easier for us to take prostitutes off the streets then to some random chick from the bar"I said"But now the city has a street patrol officer. And the only way to take the...
"Can you believe its been a year?"I asked Liam." My partner, Liam, looked up from his Porn magazine. "I know, its insane." Liam, whose Black, raised an eyebrow and laughed. "It makes me want to go out and do it again"I said." "Do you think the feds are still out?"Liam asked." "Not as bad. It'd be easier for us to take prostitutes off the streets then to some random chick from the bar"I said"But now the city has a street patrol officer. And the only way to take the...
Joey is the leader of the pack. He is 6'1 with a toned body. He is strong enough to subdue a girl. His blonde hair is always spiked up perfectly. He had to make himself presentable anyway. Joey is the owner of (Don't look this up. I made this up myself. If its a real site, I'm not trying to steal it) where girls are filmed being sexually tortured. You paid to be a member and you got to view live feeds, past videos and even tell them what to do to a girl. For all...
I was struggling with a very heavy afternoon at my desk there.After lunch, my phone buzzed…"Ana, please, could we meet after hour at my office…?”"Yes, of course, Boss…” I replied to Barbara, my Boss.I did not have an idea about she wanted to discuss with me.So, I just reported to her office as soon as I finished my day.“Ana, dear, your present performance is going down day after day”My slutty lady Boss said, giving me a very serious stare.“Any explanation for you behavior… ?” “You are my best...