Pet Mommy My Daughter Submits
- 2 years ago
- 38
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The drive home from picking you up at the airport to our
secluded 150 acres of paradise didn’t take long as it
was only 1pm and traffic out of the city was minimal,
still it seemed to take forever for you. You had been
away visiting your parents for the last two weeks and
missing me, home and probably most of our two purebred
stud Labs, we have a chocolate one Franky and a golden
We have other animals as well that I’m sure you missed
too but knowing you wouldn’t have the slightest
opportunity of getting any doggy lovin’ at your parents
house for the last 2 weeks, I knew you only had 2 things
on your mind by this stage and those 2 things were
hanging very proudly under Franky n Ralf. I mention I
have been busy and made a few changes around the place
while you were away so be prepared for a surprise or
two, now I can really sense your excitement growing with
every passing kilometre.
Eventually we drive through the automatic security gates
and down our driveway which winds its way through the
dense rainforest for half a klm or so to our home
nestled in a grassy clearing amongst the beautiful
rainforest overlooking a crystal clear creek. As we pull
in to park the Labs are at your door tails wagging madly
very excited, I tell you I’ll take the bags in, while
you get reacquainted with you boys.
As I’m getting your suitcases out of the boot I have to
yell to you over all the excitement to take them to your
special spot down by the creek, I’ll put the bags in and
meet you down there. There is a nice little patch of
lawn on the creek bank that we keep manicured, it’s only
accessible along a little path, we designed it to be
very secluded for obvious reasons, family n friends
think it’s the picnic area, if only they knew.
I quickly drop the suitcases and run out the back to
stop you before I’m too late, as I do I see you and the
boys running like 3 youngsters who have just been given
the keys to every ride at the royal show, how you
managed it is beyond me mid stride your panties come off
and go flying off into the air. It’s a shame but I have
to stop you now in or it could ruin your surprise for
I yell for you to stop and wait, as I catch up I
apologise but remind you of the surprise’s, and that now
you need to trust me for a bit even if it doesn’t make
sense, as I do I grab hold of your hand and lead you in
the direction of the shed.
Standing at the shed door I tell you too close your eyes
for a bit while I open up and turn on the lights, when I
say to you open your eyes and walk in to the shed, the
first thing you notice is that the end section where we
are standing has been sealed off into a smaller room
about the size of a decent master bedroom, the next
thing you notice is that right in the middle of the room
there is a padded breeding bench, with soft leather
cuffs where your ankles and wrists will be.
Instantly your face lights up and you can’t thank me
enough, I tell you to stop and go have a closer look,
I’ll get all the thanks I need later, ‘much later’ I
think and have a little chuckle to myself. You walk over
to the bench shaking your head with a grin you say now
you understand why insisted on measuring your arms n
legs before you left for your parents, yep, so you
should fit into it perfectly baby.
I give you a good firm slap on the arse and say what are
you waiting for, the boys are dying to get into that
tight little pussy of yours, let’s christen it, but
before I can finish my sentence you clothes are off and
you’re climbing on to your new toy.
You confirm I got all the measurements right by saying
it feels very comfortable and you’re body position is
perfect for presenting to the studs as a bitch ready to
be bred with your arse up in the air and pussy perfectly
exposed. I put a lot of time and thought into getting it
so your body position is perfect and having your pussy
exposed as much as possible because now you won’t be
able to reach around and guide the boys cock’s into you
like you usually do.
I was a bit worried but now that you in position I can
see they just can’t miss and damn you look so fucking
inviting like that, I’m sure if a gay bishop walked past
and saw you he would forget it all and fuck the shit out
of you like a porn star.
Anyhow, while I’m admiring my handy work at the business
end, you notice there is a hole for your face like a
massage table has, through the hole there is 2 small
flat screens TV built into the base. The boys are
getting excited I can hear them whining at the door so I
quickly explain to you that there are two camera’s
linked to the TV’s one will show all the action from
underneath, penetration, pullout’s etc (don’t stress
it’s waterproof) and the other will show you the side on
view, I thought it would help pass some time while
you’re knotted.
At this point you a little bit gobsmacked and before you
even realize I have the cuffs around your ankles and
wrists , the TV’s are turned on and you hear say from
behind you that this is not even half of what I have in
store for you today baby, then you hear the door open
and me calling Franky, the younger and least patient one
of the boys, but little do you know, Franky and Ralf
have now got some serious competition.
Chapter 2: Franky loves Mummy
As I’m getting Franky, the anticipation of what’s about
to happen sends a deep wave of excitement mixed with
pure animalistic lust through your whole body, your head
feels dizzy like you’re about to faint as you burry your
face into the padded hole and try to focus on the two
TV’s directly below you.
Your focus comes back and you can’t help but admire how
incredible you look from the side view completely
exposed and totally helpless like that, just so purely,
ready to be fucked, in the perfect position to be
presented for breeding with your sexy arse all up in the
air begging to be used, abused and bred. You then shift
your gaze across to the screen showing your exposed
vagina and before you even get the chance to admire your
perfectly shaven, pouting pussy, Franky’s big hairy
chocolate snout appears and soon your pussy is lost in a
mess of his slobber and frantic licking.
Once again you go all fuzzy and the familiar tingling of
pure animal lust washes through you sexy naked body, but
this time it’s way beyond anything you have ever
experienced before as you realise the gravity of your
I come around and quickly check the monitors to make
sure I got the positioning of the camera’s right, then
kiss you on the head and ask ‘sure you’re ready for this
baby’? A muffled but very clear ‘oh my god YES’ is the
reply, followed by ‘just get him on me’!! Immediately I
pat your hot little arse and encourage Franky to hop up,
he usually never needs any encouragement whenever you
present too him outside, naked or not he’s usually on
you like shot, but this time he just tilts his head
sideways, looks at me with a look of confusion and
desperation that says ‘for fuck sake, help me Dad!’
Ahh then I realise you are slightly too high for him, I
tell you to spread you’re legs a bit and as you do the
back of the bench where your soaking wet and waiting
cunt is, lowers slightly, the further you spread them
the more it lowers and vice versa when you close your
legs. I designed it like this for a couple reasons,
firstly because this way when your tied to one of the
dogs for long periods you will still be able to have
some control and movement at the ever so important point
of union, but the second reason you won’t understand
until later, let’s just say, different dogs are
different heights.
The second Franky sees this he’s up and on you, by now
you couldn’t give a fuck about the camera’s, it’s been 2
long weeks and you just desperately need to feel that
big hot dog cock inside you, and Franky obliges in
spades, he finds your hungry little cunt immediately and
drives his hot dog cock into you about halfway, then
back out and then in again this time driving himself
home, as deep as he can possibly get, you moan deeply
and I can tell how relieved you must feel to finally
have a nice hot doggy cock buried deep inside your tummy
I encourage Franky as he continues pistoning in and out
like a jackhammer ‘Good boy Franky, fuck Mummy good n
hard buddy, she needs it’ and he doesn’t disappoint, I
can hear you’re muffled voice moaning and saying, ‘I’m
cumminnnng! I’m cumming!’ over and over, the volume
comes n goes to the rhythm of Franky’s thrusting as his
power compresses your chest against the bench.
Now Franky is a couple years younger than Ralf, and
probably has similar fucking style to a 20 year old
human male, mountains of energy and power but somewhat
frantic thrusting that doesn’t usually last that long.
He has still a long way to go before he learns to knot
you and tie like the older Ralf does so well.
This is why I let him at you first; I figured you would
probably need a good hard pounding first off after being
away for 2 weeks. This time he seems faster with much
more energy, the incredible speed of his thrusting is
amazing to watch. Your sexy little butt ripples like
jelly every time he drives himself deep into you, the
whole room is filled with the sound of your moans and
the loud slapping sound of Franky’s balls against your
tummy, every time also slapping your clitty as they do.
You can feel his knot growing quickly and really
enjoying feeling these precious moments where it’s still
small enough to go in and out but still big enough to
stretch your entrance slightly with every frantic in and
out thrust.
You haven’t stopped moaning and mumbling that your
cumming since he started breeding you, but after about 5
minutes , as usual he swells too big on the outside and
stops the pounding with his big swollen knot pressed
firmly against your cum covered entrance.
‘Fuck me! You look amazing, so fucking hot baby!’ I tell
you as I pull Franky’s furry brown leg aside so I can
see his swollen, red veiny dog cock in that amazing,
beautiful little human cunt of yours.
I get down for a closer look and can see a mixture of
Franky’s doggy juice and your delicious girl cream
running down both your inner thighs as you feel him
unload more of that hot puppy seed into your deprived
I had been hard all over myself just from the
anticipation of all this but now seeing you in action
being used like that has got me about ready to explode,
I probably should let you enjoy the view on the monitors
at this point but I know there will be plenty of time
for that later. Right now I desperately need to unload a
huge load of my cum into you, so I quickly drop my
pants, as my rock hard 8 and a bit inch cock springs out
like a diving platform.
I walk around to where your head is and say ‘baby,
QUICK, I need to cum so bad’ you lift your head from the
padded hole and turn to the side and there it is right
in front of your eyes, begging for your lips. It’s no
coincidence that when I’m standing there my cock is the
perfect height for you to suck; it’s not ALL about you.
You take me deep immediately as you feel Franky spasm
and pump more hot puppy seed into you, it doesn’t take
long before I reach down and cup my balls (only because
you can’t) and explode violently into your mouth with 2
weeks’ worth of built up frustration and cum.
There’s more than you can swallow with your head tilted
like that but you do a great job and lick the spillage
from your lips and the bench like it’s your last meal on
earth. You look up at me and our eyes meet for the first
time since this session started and I see pure love and
contentment, it’s at this point that I am again reminded
that I am the luckiest man on the planet.
Our loving gaze is broken as Franky decides he has
completely emptied his balls and done what he needed to
do, so he hops down and runs around to say hello, happy
as a pig in shit with his tail wagging out of control. I
let you have a little post mating moment and walk to the
small door which is in front of you, open it and say ok
Franky, time to go buddy at which point he runs over to
me and through the door.
I close it and now walk to the door which is behind you
as I do I tell you to get comfortable again, I guess
because we were all to tied up in what was happening
with Franky we didn’t notice , but now we can really
hear poor Ralf whining and pawing desperately at the
back door. You bury your face into the padded bench
again and here the click as I open the door.
Chapter 3: Ralf Loves Mummy!!
One again the anticipation in your tummy is building as
you hear Ralf’s footsteps running toward you from behind
and you realise you are about to be used again and even
though Franky fucked a lot of that pent up frustration
out of you, you are still as hungry for more dog cock.
Not only that, this time it will be the old stud, your
first ever doggy lover who has been making you happy for
the last 5 years, he knows exactly what he’s doing and
he’s not all about wham bam thank you ma’am like he’s
younger mate.
Ralf’s all about actually breeding, when he’s fucking
you he’s purpose is to knot you for as long as possible,
inseminate you with as much of he’s puppy seed as
possible and as far as he’s concerned, knock you up with
a belly full of he’s puppies. If Franky’s a Ferrari then
Ralf’s a Rolls Royce, not as aggressive but smooth,
powerful and slightly bigger. I love seeing either of
the boys breeding you but you and Ralf just seem to look
so much more natural together.
As he nears you I say to you to try and focus on the
screens this time, but you already are and you can’t
believe that the whole time Franky was fucking you, you
didn’t manage to see a thing. Ralf takes one little
sniff of your exposed pussy still dripping with Franky’s
sperm, smells the competition and it’s like a switch is
flicked in his head.
I don’t know if its jealousy, more instinct telling him
that he must breed this bitch right fucking now and make
sure he inseminates her with more of his puppy seed than
the last dog so it’s his puppies that she will be
having. With that he’s on you and you can see the pink
tip of his cock spaying a little pre cum over your
already cum soaked and swollen pussy, you also see for
the first time how amazing it looks as he drives his dog
cock into your sweet tight human pussy.
With the anticipation and being able to see him enter
you like this you are sent over the edge and you feel
another huge orgasm building inside you, trying to focus
on watching his very rapidly growing dog cock invade
your human body as he begins his powerful, deep
thrusting becomes too hard as another incredible full
body orgasm takes control of your helpless body. Ralf is
also a bit bigger than Franky, in all areas, the extra
strength and size feels amazing and stretches you’re
pussy walls just that little bit more and goes just that
little bit deeper than Franky could reach.
Even Ralf now is fucking you like a frantic teenager,
must be punishing you for leaving him outside while
Franky had his way first. You haven’t stopped cumming
the whole time and then you feel that wonderful familiar
feeling of his knot starting to grow, and after Franky
your dying to be totally knotted but you know Ralf knows
what he’s doing and won’t let you down. ‘Oh my god,
that’s it Ralfy, make mummy your bitch! Knot me good n
tight,’ I hear you yell.
With that, he has one last power full thrust and you
feel him drive his now swollen knot home. It’s such a
relief to know he can still knot you while you are
cuffed to the bench like that, as usually when you’s
fuck outside you help him by pushing back on to his cock
to make sure it all in.
Well, he certainly didn’t need any assistance this time,
he’s got it in you and it’s not coming out for quite a
while, you can now focus and you look down at the screen
and can see his swollen knot making your mound bulge and
dog cum dripping from his furry balls and oozing out of
your pussy around his cock.
I ask you how it looks to you and you reply, ‘His doggy
cock looks so fucking amazing inside me.’ To which I
respond, ‘Oh I know it does babe, now you know why I
love watching you’s mate. You are suck a good bitch
baby, you look fucking amazing all knotted up like
that.’ These words send you into another moment of
orgasmic bliss and you realize he just won’t stop
cumming either.
I can tell how much he is because it’s running down your
legs and I can see his arse clench with every time he
sprays more doggy seed into you.
Usually Ralf likes to turn around and be butt to butt
with you but this time it could be a little hard due to
your position and height so I hold him on your back and
let him finish there which he eventually does after
about 40 minutes and gallons of sperm later. He slowly
slides out of your well used pussy and it’s at this
point that I’m glad I thought to make the bottom camera
waterproof because an amazing amount of cum gushes out
after his cock does.
He then quickly has a bit of a sniff and cleans you up
with his big tongue, then runs around the front to thank
say thank you with a big lick on the face. Now your face
is covered in a mixture of the two dogs come and your
girl cream and judging by the smile on your sexy face
you don’t mind at all.
‘C’mon Ralfy boy’ I say as I walk to the door at the
front of you, ‘time to go buddy’. He runs through the
door like a good boy and I close it, then instead of
coming over to undo the cuffs like you were expecting me
to, I walk straight past you to the back door and open
it, then you hear me yell out, ‘Rex, c’mon boy’, ‘c’mon
mate it’s your turn now boy…’
Chapter 4: Meet Rex
What the fuck?? Who’s Rex?? You yell to me, as you hear
his footsteps trotting up behind you, however this time
the footsteps seem louder, obviously being made by a
considerably heaver dog. This is correct, I start
explaining to you that while you were away I finally got
the work finished on the Boarding Kennel that I’d been
working on for months and Rex is one of our first
Boarders, ‘Baby meet Rex the Rhodesian Ridgeback, he’s
going to be here for a month.’
You don’t know whether to be happy or really scared, but
this situation is really starting to excite you more
than you already were. A strange dog, a BIG strange dog,
we had often talked about the size and power of
Ridgebacks and you always wanted to meet one day, well
now you have and hopefully he’s going to fuck the shit
out of you and make you his bitch too. You think to
yourself, ‘Fuck I’m a total dirty little dog whore, 3 in
a row, if he fucks me too, hope he does.’
I don’t know if he is experienced or not or if it’s just
animal instinct, but he goes straight for your dripping
pussy and starts have a sniff and lick, also making
whining noises like he’s anxious, ‘Good boy Rex,’ I say
and give him a pat, ‘wana fuck that pussy boy? Like the
other 2 just did? Go on mate, make that sexy little
doggy whore your bitch, she wants it bad.’
I hear you whisper with your eyes slitted in lust, ‘fuck
yesss I do.’
He has another sniff then runs around you all excited
checking you out, he looks like he just can’t believe
his luck, probably thinks ‘fuck is this actually
happening to me’ like all his Christmases have come at
once. He must of thought well I’m not waiting around any
longer in case my luck changes, I can see he has part of
his cock out now.
He trots around to your hot little behind and jumps up,
but he’s a little high so you pull your legs together
and raise up to meet him. Then you feel it, it’s already
huge, a moment of panic rushes through you like a
lightning bolt, but leaves you just as fast as you feel
that huge warm cock easily slide into your well
lubricated pussy.
‘Oh fuck, oh fuck oh fuck YESSSS!’ you look at one of
the monitors and see how big it is and your wet little
pussy lips stretching around it girth, holding it
tightly as it enters you. ‘Fuck! That feels… amazing,
oh FUCK ME REX!!’ I hear you say, as he starts building
up some rhythm and obliges your request with much
enthusiasm, he fucks you hard and fast like Franky, but
so much deeper and with much more power than Ralf.
Now you really do just feel like a total doggy fuck toy,
being totally used and abused by a big powerful animal
that you or I cannot control, at this point you are in
for the ride of your life , like it or not. You have a
look at the other monitor and from the side view you
can’t believe how tiny you look under this big tan
beast, but you also look so hot under him like that.
Your dark skin looks great against his yellow, you sexy
little arse in the air, and you long shiny black hair
all over this strange dogs face as he burry his head
into the back of your neck to get deeper. You feel him
slow down a bit and his knot starting to swell fast, he
is so big he can only just fit it all inside you and
still have the knot in enough to tie.
It does feel a bit awkward at first to you but soon
feels nothing but pure pleasure as your tight little
pussy stretches to accommodate what is by far the
biggest object it has ever had to accommodate before.
After he settles down a little bit he starts trying to
turn around. So I help him and make sure he doesn’t yank
that huge knot out of you as that would be dangerous.
Luckily because of his height he turns around and is
standing there butt to butt with you.
You feel amazing like this, almost just hanging off this
huge cock which is joining you to this beautiful animal
that is sending wave after wave or hot dog sperm into
your tiny little body and womb. You look at the screen
and admire yourself again, looking so natural butt to
butt with a big dog like nature intended. Now I tell you
to move your legs in and out and you can move around and
grind on him a bit, which you do.
‘That’s it… milk that big doggy cock baby! Get all
that puppy juice inside you like a good little bitch,
he’s not going anywhere for quite a while,’ me saying
this, and the feeling of being able to move around on
his cock sends you into orgasmic bliss.
I also see an opportunity as your arse is not exposed, I
rub my finger in some of the messy dog cum around your
pussy, then move the dogs tail a bit and slowly start
fingering your arse, it’s extremely tight in there but I
slowly work my finger in deeper until I can feel past
his knot, ‘Fuck, it’s huge!” I say, as I start really
fingering your tight little arse now.
This just make the big long orgasm you’re having
continue longer and way more intense, you feel like
you’re going to pass out, your continuous moans make me
ask if you’re ok, but you’re unable to answer, I doubt
you could even hear me, it’s like you’re on another
planet, or in a trance.
Eventually after being tied butt to butt for over an
hour the big dog slowly subsides and pulls his huge
member from you bruised and battered sopping wet little
cunt, again gallons of dog cum gushes out, however
because of your position there must still be gallons
from all the dogs still inside you, we both like knowing
I love seeing you completely satisfied like this and I
know how much you love doggy cum inside you. I lead Rex
around so you can see the size of the huge cock that
just fucked you, you can’t believe your eyes, and it’s
not even fully hard anymore, but it would have to be 9
inches so it must have been monstrous inside you. ‘fuck
baby, you’re such a good little bitch’ I say as I lead
Rex to the front door and let him out.
Chapter 5: Daddy love Mummy Also
As I walk back towards you I start unbuckling my belt,
it’s become quite evident to you how turned on I am by
the huge bulge in my jeans, I stop just short of where
your head is and finish unbuttoning my jeans and let
them drop to the floor in front of you along with my
jocks. My cock is now as big as you have ever seen it as
you look up hungrily at me and lick your lips in
anticipation for your next treat.
Without saying a work I place both hands around the back
of your head, tilt it back slightly and step forward
driving my throbbing cock deep into your hungry little
bitch mouth past those beautiful red lips and into your
throat. ‘Mmmm, fuck me that feels good baby. Been
waiting for this for so long!’
Your response is just a muffled gurgle and I begin
thrusting in and out of your mouth, the fact I’m
standing in front of you and you can’t move gives me
plenty of room to use the power in my hips and thrust in
to your throat deep and hard. Your body looks amazing
from here all locked up on the bench with your arse
still high in the air, this gives me a very sexy thought
so I slow down then reach over your body with one hand
and feel your sopping wet pussy.
‘Mmmmm, your so fucking wet baby, you have so much doggy
cum still oozing out of you,’ I say, as I start
fingering your totally used pussy, as I do I hear you
whimper slightly as you feel a bit of pain due to the
continuous pounding your poor tight little cunt has just
The combination of feeling all the doggy cum in your
tight little cunt and the amazing sensation of having my
throbbing cock buried deeply in your mouth has pushed me
to the brink of exploding.
I know you love nothing more than swallowing my loads
even the dogs loads however before you went away we had
both decided we were ready to start trying for a baby
and knowing how much of a build-up of cum I have it
would be a shame to waste such an opportunity. Watching
you with the dogs has had my balls making sperm over
time for a few hours now and I know I am ready to
absolutely explode in a big long orgasm and spray
gallons of fertile cum into you like a fire hose, not
only that, the way your body is positioned on the bench
looks to be the perfect position for you to conceive
with your entrance slightly higher than your womb.
As I step back and pull my cock from your lips I hear
you slurp and gasp at the same time, ‘Yes baby, fuck my
bitch cunt where the doggies have just been’ you say.
Mmmmm YES!! I can’t wait to feel all that warm dog sperm
inside you!!”
I quickly walk around behind you, again your entrance is
the perfect height for me to stand and enter you, so I
do without hesitation and slide into you with ease,
you’re are so wet, so fucking sloppy and it feels so
fucking amazing.
Within second I’m panting like a dog myself and pounding
your wet bitch cunt for all I’m worth, as you feel my
thrusts becoming more frantic I reach forward and grab a
handful of your long dark hair and yank your head back,
this also gives me something to pull against as I drive
myself into you as hard as I can.
‘Yessss, that’s it babe, fuck me hard! Impregnate me!
Empty your balls into my bitch cunt!’ I hear you
encourage me in your sexy accent.
Now I go into a total animalistic trance, almost yelling
at the top of my voice, un aware of any pain I might be
causing you and unable to stop even if I am, I don’t
have control of my own body and I unload spurt after
spurt of my hot juice as deep as I can into you, my
orgasm seems to take forever then slowly subsides and I
hold myself as deep as I can inside you and continue to
spasm for at least another 5 minutes.
‘Mmmm, good baby good work,” you say, as you keep
milking my cock for every last drop.
Eventually I pull myself from your dripping wet pussy,
then on very shaky knees I un cuff you from the bench,
help you up and out of it as you have been in that
position for quite some time and are a bit stiff n sore.
As you stand up we both just drop to the floor in a deep
embrace, kiss and fall asleep with my face buried in
your beautiful big boobs and dream of our next sexy
adventure together in our little piece of paradise.
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SpankingA lone personal assistant walked hurriedly through the entrance hall at Stark Industries, her heels clacking in the silent space. The massive corporation was empty this late into the night and the throng of visitors and staff that normally clogged the reception area were now long gone.The young redhead climbed the central open stairway, ascending quickly. Once she had reached the highest level she turned left, continuing along a dimly lit corridor. Every office was dark, each door closed....
Lisa woke up with a start when a loud noise from somewhere in the distance startled her. She looked around and was very confused, she discovered she was in a room she had never seen before, not a very big room, probably about 4ft by 5ft. There wasn’t any furniture in the room except for the bed she was lying on. There was a small window with bars across it. The sun streaming in through the window told her only that it was day time. She moved her legs, her intention was to look through the...
Andrea knew she was in a world of trouble. She was a week away from getting married, having been engaged for just over a year to a man she truly loved. But yesterday she received a letter in the mail from John, her ex, with whom she split over two years ago. He had somehow heard that she was to be married to her current boyfriend, Nathan, and wanted one more night of debauchery with her. To convince her, he included several pictures of the two of them engaged in various sexual positions. ...
One night, after fucking like rabbits, my sweet wife confessed she was very aroused and willing to be fucked by one of our old neighbors, Sebastian, a huge black man we had met for years. Ana admitted she used to spy on him every time he was in his back yard; she got wet when he was around, exposing his bare huge muscled torso.The next afternoon I knocked at Sebastian’s door and asked him if he wanted to fuck my sensual wife. The black guy seemed to be a bit surprised but then he answered, of...
Susan enjoyed teaching history at the local high school. She taught senior students and derived a great deal of joy seeing the faces of the future sitting across from her. She taught history the last period of the day just before going home to Karl her husband. Sometimes when Susan arrived home she would be so wet and horny, she would quickly lead Karl upstairs for a "quickie" before dinner. He never knew the reason for Susan's mood. However, she kept a secret from Karl about her teaching....
Now for the normal disclaimers, no kids (under 18), animals, blood, scat, or other extreme things are in this story. If I haven’t scared you off yet, read on and vote. Chapter 1 Suzanne was finishing another day at school. She was a first-grade teacher, and it had been a very long day. Most days she loved teaching, but today was particularly difficult. For some reason today, her kids, who were normally...
I sighed and tousled my son's long hair as he slept, curled against me. Our lovemaking had been typically intense; he had quite the fetish for me in my present state, grown so round with his child. I was due within the week, and we were doing all we could to make the most of our time together. It would be more than a month until I recovered, and even then we would have to fit sex in around work, feeding, and trying to catch sleep between our newborn's noisy awakenings. He'd had me straddle...
When I awoke I felt gloriously happy, tired, but oh so happy. I know I should not have felt that way, I know that technically I was 'corrupting' minors, but those minors had taught me more in one day than I had learnt in my lifetime. Stirring sleepily I opened my eyes and turned my head towards the warm body beside me. It was no surprise to see that the body belonged to my son; he was half sat up in the bed looking down at me with a smile on his lips and a loving, but devilish twinkle in...
As soon as she woke the following morning, Sylvia knew she had to return to the shop where Kim worked. She had awakened from a dream in which she was tied to a bed, eating Kim's pussy while a unknown man fucked her relentlessly. The alarm clock sounding woke her before she could see his face. With the memory of the dream fresh in her mind, she decided she would submit to whatever Kim demanded of her today. She got up and prepared for school, carefully shaving her legs and trimming her pubic...
Susanne looks exactly, as I instructed her over the phone. Her hair tied on top. Wide loose blouse. Short skirt."Susanne, prove your promise with passion. Embrace me and give me lovely long warm wet welcoming kiss".Susanne slings her arms around my neck, revealing her hard nips at the tiny tits, which don't need any A-cups.Susanne stands at her toes to meet my eager lips, as I'm about a head taller than her. Hold her body tight to me.Susanne tries to show her dedication to serve me sexually at...
Okay let’s talk multiple orgasms Every guy knows and dreams about giving a woman multiple orgasms , though there are few women who can actually achieve multiple orgasms. Only a third of women experience orgasm regularly during intercourse, while another third need extra stimulation to reach orgasm with intercourse. It is normal to have orgasms by means other than intercourse, like foreplay, specifically oral sex. Multiple orgasms occur when a woman has more than one orgasm during a sexual...
My Mounted MistressAn Omnipotent Erotic Psalm of Doggy Style John, “Big John” GallivanWarrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist “Viking Gladiator” www.eroticpsalms.comI am the Viking Gladiator, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,A fierce barbarian, and over 300 pounds of masculine knight!I am here today to convey that doggy style is the best position ever!For to see your curvaceous ass in that pose is marvelous!To gaze at your amazing hips in that stance is wonderful,And to witness your bulging peach...
Chapter Summary - Claire works at her side job. And later, her new friends visit her at the kennels. Previous Chapter Summary - Claire spent some fun quality time with her new friend Brenda (and Duke, of course). Note - This is a work of fiction, make-believe and fantasy. It is not based on real people or actual events. You must be 18 or over to read these stories. The author does not condone any sexual activity involving animals or sexual activity among persons under 18 in real life. It is...
Lucky Bitch (pussyboy doggy slut)Story about a sissy pussyboy who becomes a dog bitch.Some mornings the smell of cum is so thick in the kennel that it could knock me on my ass--if I wasn't already on all fours with a fat dogcock jerking and spurting inside me. On a good day I'll take on a half dozen or more mutts. On a very good day, my owner, Ed, comes by to watch me get dog fucked.I'm used to being watched. Ed pimps me out every chance he gets. I've taken on the chief of police (a mean...
Converted from "3931_01.txt" on 13-Nov-2005 by AscToHTM 5.0 Joe is trained as a doggy-slave by 2NNWaiting for the man to arrive, Joe is thinking about how much things has changed since he met him. When they met Joe hadn't been in the least bit turned on by either breathplay or female footwear. Now Joe prances around in his home, wearing a pair of six-inch stilettos. He loves the stilettos now, but he didn't use to. Before he met the man stilettos did nothing for him, but now they make him...
Mrs Stone walked into her daughter's school. Her daughter was out on a school trip for the week as was the whole of her class so Mrs Stone hoped to get to see the class teacher without her daughter or her classmates seeing her.Mrs Stone was thirty-seven-years-old. She was wearing a sleeveless black and white checked dress with a hem halfway down her thigh. Her dark brown hair flowed down her head and ended a few inches below her shoulder line. It was summer and she had bare legs. Miss Dawson...
SpankingThe following is my life experience in Northern California. Some accounts or history can be told in book and magazines. My name is Audrey for purposes of protecting my privacy and relaying this story to you. This account has very few platforms in which it can be told without causing a scandal and further embarrassment for the families involved. However I am determined to tell it before it is forgotten or I pass on. I was a housewife very devoted to my family and my beloved husband who passed...
Epic walked into her room, it had been a long day and she was ready to take a shower and use her favorite vibrator to work off the stress. She set down her backpack and stripped out of her clothes, setting them in a pile on the floor. She turned around and headed for the bathroom. She reached down and patted Joey as he leisurely walked into her room. She turned around and watched as he sniffed her clothes and then walked over to her bed and curled up at the end to take a quick nap. She smiled...
Sometimes I really questioned my sanity in taking a parttime job whilst at college. Whilst my friends were out partying, getting drunk and getting laid here I was serving over priced French cuisine to middle age couples who seem to spend their entire evening pretentiously professing about how wonderful their lives were. Sure the money was decent but was this really how I expected to spend what were supposed to be the best years of my life? The job would be much more enjoyable if there were...
This is the fourth story in the Nina series: I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it being...
Jaden maintained strict disciplinary control over her step-mum and two sisters, enforcing all of the rules and boundaries set for them. It was now pretty much constant that twenty-year-old Alexis was spanked twice a week, twenty-three-year-old Velvet was spanked three times each two weeks, while Valentine, her step-mum, was spanked once a week.The offences were varied, but Jaden, who was the youngest at sixteen-years-old, operated a strict no second chance rule, which everyone agreed was the...
Spanking“Maybe it’s time to think of retirement” Dr. Chakwas said looking over Liara’s file. But Liara rolled her eyes, after all the enemies she’s made she’d never find peace anywhere but on the Normandy, the same was true for much of the crew. Sure the crew had saved the galaxy from the Reapers, and now their struggles had bound them all together. But what goal in life could match beating the Reapers, though the crew found a feeling of familiarity with each other. Everyone figured they’d all go back...
Five days later and it was still practically the only thing Julia could think about whenever she was unoccupied. Even her co-workers had noticed her daydreams and were wondering if she had perhaps gotten sick. In the middle of the daily morning meeting her phone vibrated in her suit pocket. She opened the ‘WhatsApp’ message she’d just received from an unknown number. “How is the little slut doing?” Attached was a picture of her, practically undressed and watching. The fornicating couple in the...
SpankingOver the next few weekends Mandy was naked save for a red satin robe that clung to her curvy brown body.occassionly she’d allow it to gape,showing her tits topped by the almost black thick nipples,or cross her legs showing off her fleshy thighs.shed feel humiliated obeying her dominant husband,humiliated and hornyshe remembered the first time bob had controlled her,stepped up from the suggestive talk,saying things like how he wouldn’t even let her wear a robe in the house and that he loved how...
Mike replaced the phone thinking of his pretty schoolgirl daughter,not in her final year of secondary school yet but probably the biggest titled,built like her mum and grandmother.mike had no problem thinking like this,he had learnt everything from the couple that his mum was submissive to,the three having a loving relationship for over twenty years.when they’d moved to Spain they had left her in his care and although he didn’t play with their group anymore any member that wanted her had to go...
Susanne is silent, while I talk and interrogate the teen, who rode up to us to intrude our privacy for spanking.She listens to our talk. I explain our relation of Professor and student, who happens to be his temporary slave.I am immediately drawn towards that teen, who offers us room for our 'studies' on only one condition. She insists she can always take a look what we are doing and ask questions why. To Susanne: Why she accepts to be my submissive. To me: For the reasons why I treat her so...
"Susanne shave your pube please. It is a symbol of submission. You will be even a little bit more naked to our eyes. I like to study your pussy in detail later today. As soon as we arrive at the secluded spot I have in mind."Susanne doesn't know my exact intention of looking in full daylight at the details of her shaven teen-like twat. She poses for a few pictures. First set of two shows the contrast between being dressed to hit old town for a night as a student, and fully nude without any...
"Susanne, so far so good! I love the way you trust me. Have no barreers, even to brand new sexperiences!Susanne, be prepared for the toughest test you will get from me, before we will work hard to finish your thesis.Susanne, step down to me. Bend over my lap. From your confession during masturbation, I know it's first time.Susanne, bite your lips, if you fear any neighbour might hear you here. This will hurt, but you'll learn a lesson."Susanne bravely bends over my lap indeed, where I sit at...
Susanne shows us in, after our first fucks in the small hall of her apartment. The double doors to her sunny garden are wide open, so I sit down outside, which is a few steps down from her main room. While she is in the kitchen to fetch us fresh mugs of milk-coffee, I roll a reefer to set her mind further free, into the rich realm of life full of lust as a sex slave for a few weeks. Susanne seems at peace with her new submissive role, although she still hardly knows, what it might imply for...
Susanne and I happen to have adjacent anniversaries, although we differ in age, twice hers when we first met.Susanne and I attend - as in many years to follow - together the European Championships in our board game.Susanne and I travel the TGV to Grenoble with her fresh friend Robert, whose birthday is one day before hers. Susanne and I almost always end up celebrating four days in a row, which start with Hubert's, Robert's big bro.Susanne looks lovely, an innocent ingenue, in the Summer of her...
This story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Hope you will love the story.Fiona shows little resistance as I take her again.When Fiona arrived home from work we acted as nothing had happened this morning mainly because Alan was at home from another heavy session down the boozer. He as normal gave Fiona a load of shit before eventually stumbling up the stairs where we listened to him crash into a few things before bombing out on his and Fiona's bed.After about five...
It has been two weeks since I learned that my neighbor Angela had turned my wife Carol into her submissive lesbian lover. I returned from a five day business trip and that night I noticed that Carol’s ass had several reddish marks on it. I asked Carol what happened and she explained that she had fallen off a treadmill at the gym and bruised her whole back. What I really suspected was that Angela was being a little “rough” when she made love to my petite wife. I called Rob a retired cop friend...
I first met Stephanie when she came to my martial arts class. The flame haired vixen with the hot body and big boobs drew the attention of every guy there and she knew it. Of course, I made sure to add her to my Facebook so that I could jerk off to her pics, something I have done countless times. Over time, we got chatting and we became friends. I will tell you now, very little of her personality made me want to actually be mates with her. She was a real bimbo; shallow, self-centred and...
Michael Canell sat in bed wearing the light blue pajamas his wife had given him last Christmas and tried unsuccessfully for the third time to read page 132 in his new spy novel. He just couldn't concentrate. He tried to hide it but he was worried. Michael barely even noticed when his wife, Adrianna, entered the room wearing a silk baby doll nightie that clung to all the best parts of her shapely figure. Adrianna was about five foot six with a mane of curly dark brown hair and a face that was a...
Sometimes I really questioned my sanity in taking a parttime job whilst at college. Whilst my friends were out partying, getting drunk and getting laid here I was serving over priced French cuisine to middle age couples who seem to spend their entire evening pretentiously professing about how wonderful their lives were. Sure the money was decent but was this really how I expected to spend what were supposed to be the best years of my life? The job would be much more enjoyable if there were...
BDSMHey guys. Thanks for the awesome response. I am back with this new story. Enjoy Nitu got out of the car and pushed her dark sunglasses on her head into her silky dark hair, as she walked to the tailor shop. As she entered some bells on the door signaled her entry. A young man of about 25 years of age came out from an inside room and asked, “Can I help you, Ma’am?” , with a well-proportioned body, his slightly hairy chest was partially visible through the 2 open buttons of his shirt. He was not...
blood Test with Poking Later... Strapped to a chair Kissed and fondled Restrained on her Knees Vibrated and Zapped with a Ten’s Poked with Needles and more... I got up and skipped my breakfast so I could go get a fasting blood test for my doc visit next week, it’s a short drive and ample parking to the office but sometimes a wait so I go late after the early people. It’s a big company so the place is always changing employees and today is no different when I get there, the office person...
Hi guys, my name is Shubham and my mom’s name is Parvati I am 18 years old my mom is a 38-year-old beautiful lady. She married my dad when she was 22,still at this age.She is one hell of a bomb, she looks almost like actor Sridevi.This is a true story I started watching porn when I was a teen.At first, I would search only lesbian and couple sex.But then I got introduced to mature porn and eventually to incest sex. I used to watch mom son sex but never imagined my mom in any manner.She always...
IncestShe eyed them hungrily. Eyes ranging over the other's luscious breasts and hips and ass and then his belly and his cock. Younger, eager, thirsty for a drink at the wet line of the others slit. Wanting it so, to taste her, to feel swollen pussy lips part as her tongue teased, searching out the clit to nibble and bite. Bending to her task as his cock, hard and ready, he pressed between her ass cheeks, feeling his cock as she licked her pussy. Wanting both. Wanting to fuck her pussy with her...
It has been more than a few Saturdays since "Fred" went shopping with Mary Pat. If you haven't read the first three "stories" about how "Fred" became my cock sucker you might understand this one a little better if you do; but if you don't that won't matter too much! After all, reading about a formerly straight married man who learns to love being a sissy cock sucker is what it is!Mary Pat is my ex-wife, she visits town four times a year and we always get together. She's bi-sexual and loves to...
I am now 22 years old and the real experience which I am going to narrate is something happened some months ago. I am a party gal and was raised in Kolkata, I moved to Gurgaon after finishing my graduation and started my career with an organization in its management department. I am a 22 year old virgin, with really good figure but rather small butt. I am working under the head of my friend cum boss Danny,. He is a guy, 25 years old in a very good shape (boy, he still gives me chills). As you...
Be sure to read these in order or they wont be as good or sensible all true stories enjoy.... Gawd Joan you really gave it to me that time,her butt gas smelled like shit but tasted sweet like cotton candy.She pulled her niteshirt back down and sat back down blushing as red as a beet.Oh David she said that was over the top Im so embarrassed I dont know how it happened so spontaneous....sorry. Its Ok Joan you know I luved it...
Be sure to read the first 2 parts of this true encounter to get the best take on what is going on here.... The next morning I woke up as usual and got the coffee started.Aunt Joan usually is right behind me and I heard her bedroom door open just after I finished pissing and was coming out of the bathroom.She ducked into the bathroom next and had her morning piss as well.Usually she watches TV in the livingroom and has...
This story is true as all of mine are and recent,,enjoy A few weeks ago my wifes aunt called her.(My wife and I are a s**t loving couple by the way)...I guess the elderly living community had to raise its rates again and she asked if she could live with us for awhile until something she could afford became available.We have a small home but have enough room for one more so it was arrainged.Aunt Joan is about 68 yrs old 5 ft 1...
Hi friends and as we both had a violent orgasm after oral sex and we lay side by side holding each other and caressing our bodies. I could feel her breasts on my bare chest so soft and smooth; she was looking sexy and cute in the dim light and was looking straight into my eyes. I was thinking looking at her that I am so lucky to have such a passionate lover in my life. We have everything love laughter, passion and wildness in bed. I was thinking of marrying her and but she was in different...
This is the fourth story in the Nina series: I came downstairs, still sore from my spanking yesterday. I smiled at Mum who smiled at me, we were friends again, I was a 38 year old adult again, no longer the naughty teenager. She paused then asked “you know dear I haven’t asked you for a while but if ever you want to stop being disciplined like a teenager we can do it. You know you can be an adult at home as well.” “I have thought about it Mum. Really I have, but you know I love it...
SpankingSarah couldn't believe that she was actually doing this. She'd always been the quiet conservativetype, and here she was, with no bra on, her short black dress, obscene insults written on her chest,and her lower half wrapped in quik-wrap, waiting to meet him. Thinking back on how she got into this mess, she'd been a typical bored soccer mom of 2, contentto keep the house as her husband wished, and ferry the kids to & fro. 38, still with a decent figuresome nice C cups from...
He had never had much problem picking women up. Sure he could find women to screw, but he wanted, no needed, something more. Much more. He wanted none of the pain and torture that dominated the S & M scene, but he did yearn to be dominated by a woman of debauchery. And this wasn’t something he cared to do in his hometown. He really didn’t give a shit what the Christian right’s opinion was, but he did have to do business with them. He had never even been to a house of prostitution before and had...
Knowing that his Mistress will be home soon, cumdog steps from the shower and hurriedly dries off his body and assumes his position on his knees beside her bed as she liked him to be, naked. He hadn't seen her in days and he was in such a state of arousal and need at the thought of what she will do to him that night that his cock was rock hard.He hears her open the front door and drop her keys on the table. He sucks in his breath as he listens as her footsteps get closer to her bedroom. He...
Sarah called Jenny that night about the extra babysitting gig, letting her know it would only be for a couple of hours. Jenny agreed happily to join again. They talked for ten minutes about what to wear. Jenny laughed at how much fun she had teasing the old perv. Sarah agreed but knew her friend would feel differently one day soon. She idly wondered if Mr. Michaels would make Jenny walk to his home naked at some point. Just the thought of the previous night sent shivered down her spine...
We had been talking online for many months, spending time flirting and getting to know each other. We live too far apart to be able to just get together in the afternoons but after quite a bit of planning I was finally in her city, waiting in a hotel room for her to arrive. She was married, but not getting what she wanted or needed at home, which is how we met in the first place. Social networking sites are full of people that are looking for something "more", and that is how we ended up...
When Father Murphy returned he was unaware that Brother John had figuratively anointed him with cuckold horns although if he'd known he would not have been very concerned. Now that he'd surrendered to his lustful desire for nubile nymphets the nun's dalliance wouldn't have bothered him. But anyway, he had an unknown admirer. Sherry was another of the buxom nymphet's that seemed to be the mainstay of the convent's clientele. She was a short, dark haired, busty fourteen year old. And, to...
Tom Pierce and I compared notes about our trip home. Mine was only a little over a half mile after he dropped me off at the gated community, but I made it sound more grueling than his fifteen miles. I told him about the snowdrifts, how I'd had to knock on three doors before Margaret let me in, and that I'd not ventured out of the house again until that morning when I drove Cynthia to work. What I didn't tell him was how it felt to have Cynthia sleep on top of me, how sensitive her breasts...
The Samantha who shuffled warily into the kitchen that afternoon was a very different young woman to the one who had stumbled through the front door early in the morning. She had been out all night and come home drunk yet again. At the end of their tethers, her parents had phoned her Uncle Jack and asked him to help. Jack had a different approach to discipline - a much harsher, less forgiving approach. Samantha had been well punished for her disobedience. Her backside and pussy were both...
Shaking a little, Stephanie waited on the doorstep of David's home, a detached four bedroomed house in quite a good neighbourhood. Barbara gave her a lift so she didn't have to get a taxi or trundle her case along the road. "Good luck Steph," she called back when they parted, "Go with the flow. He's not a bad man really. You've seen him at his worst for the last few days." Compared to her own one bedroomed flat, this was a palace but in fact in was just a good middleclass dwelling....