Cry Little Sister Ch. 01 free porn video

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First off, a big, giant, huge thank you to SoCalCynic for putting up with my irritating, enthusiastic ass and editing this thing.

This story does share a few characters from my very first story, Casey’s Valentine. The piece does stand alone, so it’s far from required reading. But if you read the first, you’ll probably catch on a lot sooner than the main characters do.

The title is pulled from a song off of the Lost Boys soundtrack by Gerard McMann. It doesn’t have a lot to do with the story, per se, but once the title stuck in my head, it just wouldn’t come out.

And lastly, all comments and ratings are greatly appreciated. Comments especially. Nothing warms my heart more than getting a happy email from a reader. Hope you guys have as much fun reading it as I did writing it.


Jill’s phone vibrated in her pocket and she pulled it out to read her big brother’s text message. We’ve been at the baggage claim for twenty minutes, where the fuck are you? She rolled her eyes and huffed out a sigh, did she have any control over the delay in disembarking the plane? She furiously pounded on the keys of her phone. Patience, grasshopper. I’ll meet you there as soon as I can.

‘Come on!’ she muttered under her breath, resisting the urge to make her way up the aisle of the plane by throwing elbows. Her cell vibrated again and Jill clucked impatiently under her breath, though she was grateful for the temporary distraction from her frustrations. You’re going to put Casey into early labor and your nephew will never forgive you when he’s too small to play hockey like his dad.

You’re such a drama queen. She’s not going to go into early labor just by standing.

How would you know? Not many babies being born in Iraq, are there?

I’m sure there are plenty being born there, but none in the Army. If you’re so worried, find your wife a seat.

His wife … it was still difficult to wrap her head around the fact that Jason had gotten married. Maybe if she had been at the wedding, it would be easier to believe. But the military had denied her request to leave theater for his big day. It was part of the reason she didn’t reenlist when her four years of service ended.

Jill was sidetracked from her thoughts as a little cheer erupted from her fellow passengers. The large man in row five that had somehow gotten stuck was free at last, and the line resumed moving forward. We’re moving now, see you in a few, she quickly texted, before hiking her bag higher on her shoulder and making her way down the aisle.

Minutes later she was finally at baggage claim, her eyes peeled for any sign of her brother and new sister-in-law. A few seconds after reaching the carousels she heard someone shout, ‘Jilly Bean!’ and her face broke into a grin as she recognized Jason’s voice.

Smiling and waving, he ran to lift her into a giant bear hug that threatened to knock the wind right out of her. ‘Jesus, Jase!’ she croaked out before he finally set her back on her feet. Jill steadied herself, and turned to face the very pregnant woman next to her brother. ‘You must be Casey.’ Jill pulled her into a hug before she could think twice.

‘It’s nice to meet you too,’ Casey chuckled out as Jill tried to avoid squishing her large belly. ‘Maybe now Jason will relax a little now that he has one less person to worry about,’ she said with a smile.

‘You weren’t worried about me, were you big brother?’ Jill asked with a grin. ‘Didn’t I kick your ass enough when we were kids for you to know that I can take care of myself?’

‘There’s a big difference,’ Jason commented gruffly, ‘between wrestling with me and dodging shrapnel.’

Jill felt his eyes lingering over the couple of new scars on her face and reddened under his stare. The marks weren’t anything too noticeable, a few small cuts on her cheek and forehead from an unexpected IED that her convoy had encountered. She had been lucky that all of her wounds had been superficial. It could have been much, much worse. Jill had seen that first hand working in the Army field hospital.

‘Well, I’m home now, so you can stop your pretty little head from worrying,’ Jill commented casually, trying to keep the exchange light. The last thing she wanted to get into were her experiences overseas. ‘Speaking of that head, thank God you cut those golden locks, you were starting to look like me.’

Casey laughed and Jason opened his mouth to respond, but they were interrupted by the beeping of the carousel behind them.

Jill’s bags were remarkably easy to pick out, a couple of olive green sea bags, borrowed from a corpsman friend, stuffed to the brim with all of her earthly possessions. She and Jason each hiked one of her heavy bags high on their shoulders and the trio made their way out of the airport to the parking garage.

‘Jesus, Jill, did you pack the cat too?’ Jason huffed out as he deposited the bag he was carrying into the back of his Jeep.

‘I tried, but mom wouldn’t let me,’ Jill joked as she threw her bag down next to the other. ‘I’m moving here, what did you expect? A light little travel bag?’

Jason grumbled but said nothing, opting instead to gingerly help Casey into the passenger side of his Jeep while she protested his ministrations. It was so strange, watching her brother be so tender. Jill hid a smile as Jason stole a little kiss from his wife before closing the door with a dopey look on his face. That one little moment told Jill all she needed to know about her new sister-in-law and her brother, they were perfect together.

Jill quickly closed the trunk before climbing into the Jeep before Jason or Casey could notice that she was watching them. Soon, they were weaving their way through traffic away from DIA and towards Denver, the city that was Jill’s new home.

Less than an hour later, Jill’s mouth was open in shock as she took in the apartment that Jason and Casey had found for her. Or so she thought.

‘Jason and I just moved into our new house last week, so we figured you could have the apartment,’ Casey told her with a smile.

‘Guys, this is too much,’ Jill nearly whispered as she tried to take it all in, her jaw still slack. The high ceilings, the huge windows, the shiny appliances in the kitchen all said one thing: luxury. ‘I couldn’t possibly live here.’

‘Consider it a welcome home present,’ Jason said as he nudged her shoulder with his. ‘You wouldn’t let me pay for medical school, so we figured this would be the next best thing.’

‘It’s just a pre-med program,’ Jill responded with a blush. ‘And the Army is paying for it.’

‘You say potato …’ he trailed off, still grinning like an idiot with his arm around his wife, obviously pleased with himself. ‘Casey will take you out tomorrow to pick out furniture. So we’ll put you up in a hotel tonight so you have somewhere to sleep.’

‘Why not the new house?’ Jill asked, puzzled.

Jason’s face broke into an evil grin. ‘Well, Casey’s hormones are raging and we don’t like to be quiet …’

‘LALALALALALA,’ Jill exclaimed loudly, sticking her fingers in her ears like she used to do when they were kids. ‘Way too much fucking information, big brother. Literally.’ She let out an exasperated sigh and bent over to start digging through her bags. The fact that they were giving her their apartment was already too much. But to put her up in a hotel too? ‘You’re not getting me a room, I’m sure I brought my sleeping bag …’

‘Enough!’ Casey all but yelled before turning to her new sister-in-law and giving her a big, indulgent smile. ‘Jason told me that we’re very alike, hard-headed and proud. So here’s how it’s going to go. You’re taking the apartment, because it’s close to your school and we don’t want to sell it. We’re bringing you to a hotel tonight, because there’s no way in hell we’re letting you sleep on the floor. And I’m buying you furniture tomorrow one way or another, so if you want any choice in the matter,
then you’re coming with me.’

Jill’s mouth opened and closed in an attempt to reply, but no sound came out. She was overwhelmed with a sudden surge of affection for both her brother and Casey.

‘Holy shit, love, you struck her speechless,’ Jason laughed out. ‘So it’s agreed, then! Grab a few things and let’s get you to your hotel, Casey’s got a doctor’s appointment.’


Hours later Jill was lying in her hotel bed, desperately trying to fall asleep. She tried clearing her mind, relaxing each body part individually, focusing on the blend of quiet noises in her hotel room. Nothing worked. Inevitably her thoughts turned back to the rest of her first day in Denver.

After the doctor’s appointment and checking into the hotel, Jason and Casey had swept her away for dinner at a little mom and pop restaurant out in the suburbs near their new home. It was a great decision in the end. Jill may have been home from overseas for weeks now, but still the taste of her cheeseburger was nearly orgasmic.

As much as Jill had missed real food in Iraq, she was loath to admit that she had missed her brother more.

Jill had mostly kept to herself growing up. Her brother had been her protector, her confidante, and her best friend through their early years together. She had never been one to amass many female friends, always opting to wrestle and joke with Jason and his buddies until he graduated. After he left, she immersed herself in school and Junior ROTC, still keeping her distance from most others.

There was one friend of Jason’s, Nathan, that she stayed close to through her senior year. Jill had lost her virginity to him on prom night, a little clichéd but she had figured better Nate than never. They subsequently dated and fooled around for a couple of months until Jill graduated and enlisted, leaving on friendly terms.

She shipped off to boot camp mere weeks after matriculating, opting for a specialty in medicine. It guaranteed that Jill was usually surrounded by other women. She mostly kept to herself, avoiding the drama and gossip that seemed to follow her colleagues everywhere. Sure, there had been a few men that she worked with, but she didn’t socialize with them either. The last thing that she wanted was a reputation.

So Jill had returned from overseas a lonely woman. Having her brother nearby again meant more to her than she cared to admit. And despite her usual prejudices against other women, Jill found herself liking Casey quite a bit.

Besides herself, she had never seen anyone give her brother so much shit in such a short period of time, and it was obvious how much he loved Casey for it. Jason had been right in his assessment of the two of them, they were very much alike. Jill could easily see herself getting close to her new sister-in-law.

Jill rolled onto her side with a sigh. She was truly happy for her brother. It was about time he found someone that didn’t live to kiss his ass.

But it was difficult seeing them so happy together. Behind her confident exterior, Jill was desperate for that companionship with another man, for that closeness and bond. And, God help her, for the sex. But she had no time for a relationship right now. Jill was determined to make it through her pre-med courses and into medical school, and a boyfriend would only serve as a distraction. A relationship would have to wait.

She rolled onto her back with another sigh and gave up on sleep. The bed was too soft, the room too quiet, her mind too fully engaged. Without thinking twice, she rolled out of bed, grabbed her wallet, put on her slippers and made her way down to the bar.

It was dark, quiet, and far from crowded, unsurprising for a Wednesday night. Jill took a seat near the end of the bar and ordered a white Russian, almost licking her lips in anticipation of the sweet drink. She was usually one to drink beer, but she figured she could indulge herself a girly drink for one night. That’s when movement at the back corner of the bar caught her eye.

She couldn’t discern much about the man that was hidden in the shadows. But he was certainly staring at her. After a few sips of her sweet drink, Jill just couldn’t take the scrutiny in silence anymore.

‘What?’ she almost spit out. ‘Never seen a girl drinking in her PJs before?’

The man in the corner chuckled and the deep rumble seemed to cut straight through her. Somehow she could see his eyes sparkling even though he stayed cloaked in the shadows.

‘Not in public, and not in bunny slippers,’ he replied.

‘Hey, don’t knock the slippers,’ Jill responded as she sipped her drink. There was a hint of a Canadian accent to his deep voice, and it made it all the sexier. The man moved a few barstools closer and was finally bathed in enough light that she could see him clearly. Jill sucked in a breath through her teeth.

He was gorgeous, the epitome of tall, dark, and handsome. He wore his brown hair short, and his chocolate eyes were framed by the longest lashes Jill had ever seen on a man. There was something strangely familiar about him. And he was staring at her with a look of intense concentration on his face.

‘Do I know you?’ the man queried before Jill could ask him the same thing.

‘That’s precisely what I was going to ask.’ They stared at each other for a few wordless moments, each trying to place the other but failing. ‘I’m Jill,’ she said as she offered him her hand.

‘Rory,’ he replied with an easy smile that lit up his face. Jill swallowed hard. Dear God, he’s walking sex.

As soon as he took her hand, Jill’s heart stuttered and she swallowed hard again. She quickly took a sip of her drink to hide her immediate physical reaction to his touch. Jill shook her head slightly in an attempt to clear it, she never reacted to men this way, and certainly not ones that she just met.

‘What?’ Rory asked, that same easy grin on his face.

‘I just don’t know anyone named Rory,’ Jill said smoothly. He continued to stare at her, and half of her wished that he would stop looking at her like that. Like she was a puzzle he was desperately trying to solve.

The other half of her was inexplicably drawn to him and Jill just wanted to crawl into his lap.

‘So then why do you look so familiar?’ he asked, almost to himself.

‘Does it matter?’ Jill responded flippantly. Good girl, keep it light. Though if he keeps staring at me like that, I may burst into flames.

‘I guess not,’ Rory finished lamely. Jill could almost read the disappointment in his eyes.

They sat in relative silence for a few minutes, each eyeing the other unabashedly. Jill and Rory both were still obviously trying to place the other.

‘So why are you in a hotel bar so late on a Wednesday night?’ he queried after a while.

Jill shrugged. ‘Couldn’t sleep. You?’

‘The same.’

The jukebox in the corner started to play Stevie Ray Vaughn. Jill gave up on trying to identify how she could possibly know this stranger. She closed her eyes and breathed in deeply, the music carrying her back to smoking pot in Nate’s basement the summer before their senior year. They had argued the merits of Hendrix, Vaughn, and B.B. King for hours.

‘God, isn’t ‘Tin Pan Alley’ like aural sex?’ Jill commented before she could process how it sounded. She blushed as Rory barked out a laugh and nearly spit out his beer.

‘I’m sorry, what was that?’ he chuckled out, his eyes sparkling with humor. The look of mischief on his face made him all the more attractive.

‘A-u-r-a-l sex,’ Jill spelled out with a smile.’

‘Whatever you say, stranger,’ came Rory’s reply, that same wicked look on his face.

She made her decision then and there. She was lonely, in desperate need of relaxation and sleep, and more attracted to this man than any other she had ever met. She would never see him again.

Jill downed what was left of her drink and almost hopped off of her barstool in
anticipation. She walked the few feet between her and Rory and leaned in to whisper in his ear, taking care to gently brush her breasts against his arm.

‘So we don’t know each other, right?’ she breathed, her heart pounding with nerves. This was so unlike her. It made it all the more exciting.

‘I thought we had already established that.’

‘Do you want to get to know me? Upstairs?’ Jill asked throatily, enjoying the goose bumps she raised as she breathed onto his neck.

‘Oh fuck yes,’ he growled.

Jill pulled back to gave him a small smile and noticed that his eyes had darkened slightly. She watched as Rory guzzled the last of his beer and threw a ten dollar bill on the bar before standing up. He absolutely towered over her five foot three frame by at least a foot, and Jill had to stop herself from swallowing hard again. If he was that tall, there was no telling how big the hidden parts of him were.

‘Come on,’ Jill nearly whispered, as she nodded towards the exit, suddenly nervous. Nervous, but excited. She had never done anything like this before.

‘Yes ma’am,’ Rory responded as he thread his fingers through hers and led the way through the lobby and to the elevator bank. Jill’s breathing quickened a little at the smallest of his touches. His hand was just so warm in hers. Yep, definitely going to spontaneously combust.

Isn’t that the point of bringing him upstairs? a smaller voice in her head queried. Jill bit her lip to keep from laughing.

They waited in silence for an elevator. Jill’s pulse seemed to pound in anticipation and the ding of the elevator made her jump a little. Rory chuckled beside her. ‘Oh shut up,’ she breathed.

They stepped into the elevator with another couple that had obviously just come from some formal event. It just made the whole situation feel that much more awkward as said couple couldn’t keep their hands off of each other, making out like teenagers in their corner of the elevator. Mercifully, the duo exited on the fourth floor, leaving Jill and Rory to occupy the elevator alone as they made their way up to floor eighteen.

‘Thank God,’ Jill muttered under her breath as the doors closed again.

Rory chuckled in response. ‘What, not a fan of PDA?’

‘Not particularly, no,’ Jill laughed back.

‘Would you consider this ‘public’ now that we’re alone?’ he probed as he stepped closer to her, pushing her back against the wall of the elevator.

‘No?’ she squeaked in response as Rory pushed his body against hers, trapping her between him and the wall.

‘Hmm,’ he nearly hummed as his eyes darkened. Jill found herself holding her breath until he leaned in. He brushed his lips lightly across hers before pulling away for a moment. He was surprisingly gentle. Jill nearly gasped, the touch of his lips to hers was like a jolt of pure electricity straight to her core.

Right as he cupped her face into his large hands and pressed his lips to hers for an honest kiss, the elevator dinged as the doors opened to Jill’s floor. This time they both jumped apart, as if they had been doing something wrong.

Jill chuckled nervously before taking Rory’s hand in hers again. ‘Come on,’ she prompted before pulling him out of the elevator and into the hallway.

They made their way to Jill’s room silently. She pulled out her wallet to locate her room key, though it took a few tries to open the door because she was shaking slightly. It didn’t help that Rory had swept her curtain of curly blonde hair to the side and was planting light kisses on her exposed neck.

‘Come inside,’ she said quietly once the door was finally open.

‘I fully intend to,’ Rory responded with a smirk as they stepped into her room. Jill had to clamp her hand over her mouth to keep her short burst of laughter silent. Her heart was racing with nerves and she felt like she was teetering on the edge of giddy hysteria.

‘Can you give me a minute?’ Jill asked. Rory immediately nodded and she scrambled to lock herself in the bathroom.

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My Curious Little Sister

My cock is about 8 inches long and relatively thick. The little fingers pinching my cock felt tiny. It traced the veins down to the base and gently brushed against my balls. This feeling was too amazing to be a dream. It took me a while to realize that the only person who’d have a hand that small in my house was my little sister Emily. I wanted to shout and tell her that she shouldn’t touch me like this since she’s my sister and years younger than me but just as I was about to open my eyes...

2 years ago
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Jordans Family Little sister

Introduction: This story takes place while I was still a preteen and my sister was younger than that. Its a true story that i tried to turn into an entertaing event for you readers to enjoy. I didnt embelish anything, I only added details to make it into a story. I was tossing and turning in bed holding a pillow over my face trying to drown out the noises that were coming from the room next to mine. I sat up and peered over at my little sister who was sleeping soundly in her bed on the other...

1 year ago
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My Hot Little Sister

Since I was about 14 I used to babysit for my little sister, she was only 8 at the time so I never thought anything sharing a bath with her before putting her to bed, that is until a few years later when I was reaching 20 and she was starting to develop into a very delicious looking 14 year old Her name was Alison and she had long blonde hair, blue eyes and a 57 figure that any 18 year old would have been proud of, nice slim stomach, perfectly sized, smooth round ass and 34D breasts that I...

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Crystals QuestionsChapter 14

When the labor pains started Crystal thought it was something she'd eaten. Fortunately she was at the main offices for a meeting and her mother quickly diagnosed what was going on. "I can't be in labor," Crystal said. "I've still got a month to go." Her mother shook her head. "This baby has decided that the time is now. That's the trouble with being pregnant, you're at the mercy of the little one. Candace? Start calling the people on that list I gave you. I'm getting your sister...

4 years ago
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Little Brown Sister

I was young, naive and on Holiday in Singapore, when I picked-up a pretty Singapore girl. We went back to my hotel for a "quickie". As we walked through the lobby a couple of desk clerks barked at her loudly in thier native language as we passed. She barked back at them, just as loudly, as we entered the elevator. "What was that about?" I asked. "No like me be here." She blushed.We disrobed as soon as we entered the room and got in bed. We were deep into a missionary fuck when Little brown...

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A Little Sister

I hated Miami. I'd been here almost two weeks and other than the beach, there didn't seem to be one thing the city had that I liked. It was too hot, too humid, I didn't speak Cuban and I had no friends here. It was hard to make friends looking fourteen when you were sixteen. I was short, thin and some people said I had an effeminate face. I didn't even have much in the way of facial hair to cancel it out. On top of that, I had girl repellant hobbies. I liked to draw anime; I liked...

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A WellLived Life Book 5 StephanieChapter 22 Helping Out My Little Sister

July 1981, Milford, Ohio On Saturday, after our usual morning routine, Stephanie and I hung out until it was time to pick up Ed and Bethany. We drove to Glen Este to go to a burger joint that Elyse and I had been to before. Bethany and I spent most of the time giving the kids relationship advice. I was amused that the tables were totally turned, because it had always been Stephanie giving me advice. Bethany was her usual self, playing amateur psychologist, though I realized that very shortly...

2 years ago
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Teaching Little Sister

At sixteen, my little sister Chrissy is a knock-out, a real true-life beauty. She started maturing early and is now five-two, with 35-22-34 measurements on a one hundred five pound body. With her flawless complexion, long auburn hair, and startlingly deep green eyes, she could easily be mistaken for a youthful model, perfectly exemplifying all the sweet and fresh characteristics of young womanhood. Chrissy has a very a sweet nature and personality, and this contributed to our complete lack of...

3 years ago
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Little Sister

I was at the post office the other day and I had quite a blast from the past as I ran into a woman I use to know named Stacey. Stacey is the little sister of my hot blonde ex-girlfriend Shelby who I have not seen in about ten years. Shelby and I dated for a little over a year before she broke up with me due to my inability to commit. Shelby is pretty family oriented so I saw her little sister Stacey a lot. Stacey was only two years younger than Shelby but that was just one of the many ways that...

1 year ago
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My little fuckwhore and her sister

I opened it to find her standing there alone with an angry look on her face, but my worry about finally having been rumbled was short-lived. “I don’t know WHAT has got into my girls recently … they won’t do ANYTHING I ask them … AND I think Gemma’s being bullied at school – her back’s all cut up and she won’t tell me how it happened!” With that she burst into tears; so I ushered her in and sat her on the settee, where she blubbed noisily for a few minutes. So I slipped quietly into the...

3 years ago
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A big brother and a little sister

I’ve had a crush on my little sister for many years now, I like to look at her butt and breasts whenever she walks past me. We used to be very close when we were younger but now as we have gotten older we have grown a bit distant. I once found a pair of her dirty panties from the washing machine and took them to my room. I have used the panties many times to masturbate. At first, I felt very guilty masturbating to her panties but after I while I didn’t care anymore. One day when I came home...

4 years ago
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sex with her little sister

Paul's bare hands ached with cold as he got behind the wheel. As his friends would say, it was brick titties outside, and not much better inside the car. But Paul cranked up the engine, plugged his phone into the stereo, and soon he was pleasantly warm and cruising to the thrumming beat of deep house. He had finished all of his finals the day before, and was now headed home for winter break. Paul lived in the balmy, downright friendly part of New York that no one ever talks about – upstate....

1 year ago
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Sylvies little sister

Note : This story is completely fictional! Sylvie slumped down on the living room couch bored out of her mind. She hated staying home on Mondays. It just didn’t feel right after all the school she just graduated from, but now she was 18, and her college courses ran from Tuesday to Friday, and she had to get used to it whether she liked it or not. So usually, she would go out with her friends or work an extra day down at the waterslides, but today she stayed at home, bored to death until around...

3 years ago
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Little Halfsister

One day me and my family went to the beach. Once there we rented out two rooms at a hotel. One room was for my dad, his girlfriend and k**s. The other for me and my older and younger sisters. My youngest sister is only my half-sister because we don't share the same mom. She was bitch and rude and one day she needs to be fucked. Now she is only 3 years younger then me and she pretty hot for her age. She has nice B-cup breast and nice hips. She isn't fat about 120 lbs and 5'4 and Mexican. ...

2 years ago
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Jordans Family Little sister

It was hard to make out everything through the darkness but I had a good idea of what was going on. I could see the outline of a man lying on my mom’s bed and it was clear the woman on top of him was her. She had her head tilted back and she continued to bounce up and down making the springs creak and the man grunt “more, more.” She bent forward and her long hair covered both their faces as they began to kiss. I quietly closed the door and tip-toed back to my room. I hopped into bed and was...

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Buddys little sister

Introduction: I got with my colleg buddies little sister I was 19 and back for spring break from my sophomore year in college and staying at my pal Robbies house. Things didnt work out for us to go to Panama City beach and we were just hanging around his parents house, sneaking liquor and getting drunk. His folks had gone out of town for two nights and we were stuck looking after his little sister. Whatever, we were most of the way through a bottle of Jim Beam and watching movies in the den....

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Little Brothers Love for his sister

Tom looked down at his sister. He held her hand and helps her get up. He walks over to the table and picks up a towel and hands it her and smiles "sis, you look amazing". Tom looks at her and then looks down "Sis, i need to tell you something. I broke up with Amanda. She cheated on me. I tried to be a good guy for her, i guess i wasnt". Luci frowned as she wrapped the towel around her swimsuit covered body and grabbed his hand ''Hey, she was a bitch anyway.. she knows if i found out...

4 years ago
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Little Sister

Little Sister Synopsis:When a young boy''s older sister graduates and goes to college in another state, he finds that their special time dressing as sisters leads to his discovering the girl within. [*][*][*] I find it hard to believe that I am about to wed my beloved Augustus and become Lady Constance Drew McNeal, because I was born a boy. I was born Conrad Andrew Lexington, but events led me to discover the girl in me. [*][*][*] I used to dress as a girl and have tea parties with...

2 years ago
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HOT threesome with buddys wife and little sister

buddy is married to a women he does not want. he rarely gives her any and she masturbates in the bathroom. She on purpose leaves the door open and makes me hear her. She is 30 and he is 32. He is screwing the baby sitter and she is 17. I have banged her several times, few up her ass. I ask him why he neglects his wife and he tells me her pussy is big. The baby sitter is younger and tighter. Weekends when I visit their son is at grand parents house. So we party and dance around. Others come...

3 years ago
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My Little Sister

My Little Sister Belladonna The story of how I got my little sister is a lot different than most girls I know. It's now quite a few years ago, but I can still remember the day it all started so clearly. I was a typical twelve year old girl then with a ten year old brother. We fought, as siblings often do. I was the cheerleading, gymnastics, ballet type of girly-girl my mom had brought me up to be, while my brother was engaged in typical male pursuits like baseball, basketball and...

2 years ago
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Becoming the Little Sister

Becoming The Little Sister The woman had met me after my parent's funeral and greeted me with open arms. She was an attractive lady with a thin waist and a smooth pretty face. Her long hair tickled my face as she embraced me. She held me tighter than I expected and rubbed her cheek against mine. She towered over me, which was not a large feat since I was only 4'7. I was almost as intimidated as I was intrigued by the greeting. She smiled and finally spoke. "James, you look just like...

1 year ago
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Blackmailing little sister

theoretical sense, before I got my chance to make something really happen. But when the opportunity presented itself, I grabbed it. I'm 19 and my sister Sara is two years younger. I didn't much notice her beyond thinking she was an irritation until about two years ago. One day she was this annoying girl, following me around, and the next she was...something interesting. She didn't have large breasts, but they were perfectly shaped, and firm, and she had long legs that wouldn't...

2 years ago
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Little Sister

I was down in the kitchen, rummaging through the cabinets looking for something to have for breakfast. Kelly and I were both home from college for the holiday break. I was a graduate student and Kelly was a sophomore, being three years younger than me. Mom and Dad had left early this morning to drive up to Oklahoma City to go Christmas shopping and they told us they'd be gone all day -- so, Kelly and I were left to fend for ourselves until sometime late this evening when Mom and Dad...

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My innocent sweet little sister

Hi, this is a true story that happened between me and my little sister, I was 28 and she was 16, we both grew up in a very conservative Muslim family my mum and dad were very strict in that they prayed five times a day and also attended the local mosque, my father was an engineer and my mum was a dental nurse, we lived in a three bedroom house, my mum and dad in one room, my sister had one room and I had the smaller of the bedrooms just enough for one bed and one desk, I was of average height...

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Claras MindControlling Tweets 3 Quarterback and His Naughty Little Sisters

Chapter Three: Quarterback and His Naughty Little Sisters By mypenname3000 Commissioned by n1one Copyright 2020 Note: This story was commissioned by n1one and the story was crafted by fans on his discord server. Clara has a big grin on her face. Rumors are whispering about that those two skanks, Juliet and Annabelle, are having slut-off competition with creepy Mr. Finch as the judge. Some tweet that the two are always asking people for crazy sex acts for them to prove who's the biggest...

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Crystals little drunk night

A few nights ago I was reading some stories on this site, I assume I fell asleep with my computer in my lab cause when I woke up she was shaking me. "Wake up and go to bed its late" I went to bed not thinking about leaving my laptop on in the living room. The next morning I got up and powered up my laptop to print a few things off and there was something that blew my mind. There was a icon that read "my dog and me" I opened it and briefly read threw it. It was gross but for some reason I...

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StepsisterBy  Sonya  EsperantoStory:FIRST WEEK -  Monday Later AfternoonJames  was  out  by  the  backyard.  He  was  smoking  a  cigarette,  oblivious  to  the  fact  that  he  was  being  watched!!  His  backyard  faced  a  cliff,  that  overlooked  the  Gulf  of  Mexico.  He   lived  in  a  big  mansion,  on  the  top  of  a  hill,  somewhere off the coast of  Miami,  Florida. He  quickly threw away the cigarette,   since  he  believed  his  parents  would  be  home  any  moment!!  James ...

3 years ago
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Dirty Little Sister

It was the dark of night.  Not utterly dark though, because as my unfocused vision resolved an image I could make out the distinct shadow of the old, Victorian window frames on the curtains.  The house was aged and always made night sounds.  It was probably little more than that which awoke me.  I willed myself to sink again into the velvet oblivion of sleep.Then came the sound again.  This time as I heard it I knew I recognized it, and yet didn't.  It had been the reason I had awoken, but it...

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Little Sister

My name is Mark and I’m a university student. My live-in girlfriend is Jennifer Greenwood, but everybody calls her Jenny. We’ve been together now for some time and I really do love her. She is a sweet lovely young woman.Jenny is twenty-one and has a great personality and a super great body. A fact that she’s well aware of. To me her breasts are a perfect thirty-two C and she has a nice ass. She usually wears clothes that show off her great body. Short skirts that barely cover her butt and bras...

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Defiled Stepsister

Defiled Little Stepsister "You really need to get your act together," Tiffany told herolder stepsister, Kelly. "The people you're hanging out with arenothing more than a****ls, disgusting street thugs. Why are youdoing this to yourself? Don't you want to attend college, meet anice man, settle down and have a family like I'm going to do?"Tiffany continued as she unpacked her clothes from the suitcase. Kelly stared back at her beautiful, younger stepsister withcontempt, but said nothing. ...

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Reenu 8211 My little Sister

Before I start with my story, note down my email id – mails me for my sister’s and girlfriends hot and sexy pics. We’ll share lots of fun data. Any girl/aunty/female/hot/short/simple/funny anyone who’d like to have conversation with me, here’s my email id- we’ll have chats and its confidential I’ll keep it secret! Here, I began with my story now, I Ronnie, I was 19 at that time and my little sister, Reenu was in class 9. She was somewhere around 18. but at the age of sixteen, she had a very...

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My Sexy Young Little Virgin Sister

Hi readers. I am Rahul, 25, 6 feet 1inch tall and athletically built. I have been trying to read some quality incest stories on the net and to b frank, did not come across any such. So I decided to share my own incest stories with you for your reading pleasure. Hope u will all read and enjoy as this is my first post, I would love to share my most favorite incest incident that happened to me. This story is about my young cousin Susmitha. Susmitha is my uncle’s daughter and right now she is...

1 year ago
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My Wifersquos Little Sister

Kayla had grown up to be a sexy little thing and she was hitting on me! What could I do?My wife, Sandy, and I are both in our early forties and have been married for fifteen years. Her little sister, Kayla, who her parents admit was an accident, had just turned eighteen when she came down to Florida for a month-long visit. She lives with her parents in Seattle, so we don’t get to see her or Sandy’s parents very often.We have watched Kayla grow up from a baby and she was always very precocious...

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Cryptid Unleashed

When the verges of war skimmed the world. Where every single country were at odds on any given ally or enemy. Money begins to mean less and less, but the people of any given country know any real information. Mistakes were made. A long ran institution with the funds of a multibillion dollar corporation know as M.L.I, Mass, Logistics, Intelligence, Inc. Many ex agents of the ‘institution’ have called them, Monster Lab Incorporated. The rumor that many underground organizations have called it...

4 years ago
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Cryska Wintergaze

"Uugghh.... Finally! Jeez I was stuck on that boat for weeks!." Cryska would say after walking onto the port. It was busy lots of people getting off ships, going onto ships. The whole city, called Ravenburg, smelled of fresh fish and of animals. She went straight to a closeby inn, so she would have a place to return to. ~3 hours later~ Blowing off all the cash on a boat ride and forgetting to keep some when you actually arrive was not a good idea... But she is in luck, a guild looking for a new...


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