Fear free porn video

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Fear comes in many levels and forms, but there is one uniquely terrifying format it takes, the fear of what is within one’s self. It’s a thinking being’s fear, some might say, a fear borne of being self-aware to a detrimental degree. Once you know what you’re capable of, there’s no way of unknowing that little bit of information And at that moment, if you discover you’re able to do something darker than you had prior thought yourself possible of even processing let alone acting upon, you’re left in quite a conundrum – a conundrum which can be summed up in a single, simple sentence:

What the hell is wrong with me?

I found myself here with Babydoll. Sometimes I’d find myself gazing upon her rich caramel skin and her beautiful lips and feeling like some sort of monster. She was, and is, my dream girl personified, everything I’d ever wanted in a woman. She’s feminine beauty incarnate and a friend who makes me laugh when nothing else could bring me a smile. Angels look upon her eyes and weep at the glory of it all. And still, to have the sadistic desires I do when it comes to her made me wonder if there really were a few loose screws in my mental machinations. How the hell do you look at anything, let alone a woman, that perfect and smart and lovely and think ‘god, I just wanna fuck it all up’?

Fortunately for me, we’re of a similar wavelength.

She asked me once if her desires when it came to sadism and masochism made her some sort of irregularity, a freak of nature, and seemed sincerely distraught by it. I was stunned she’d even ask, and for a moment really couldn’t respond. But when I could we’d talked about how society in general could make one feel so outside the norm that it was hard not to internalize feelings of how what we liked must be wrong, and how we’d both felt the same way every so often. That put my mind deeply at ease, because if even this glorious manifestation of power and radiance could feel insecure about her desires, I was okay with a bit of it on my own part.

It also made me realize something rather important, I was being unfair to her. I had let fear make me feel so insecure about myself I hadn’t been completely honest with her. I had given her portions, pieces of me. But she deserved better than that. She deserved the true me, even the parts of me I wasn’t always so beamingly proud of. She deserved the full package deal… she deserved the real me. And she deserved to know that.

I sat her down and told her as much, and she actually laughed a bit. ‘That’s a relief…’ she said, before abruptly hopping into my lap and throwing her arms around me. ‘I was worried for a minute there. I was here thinking there was something wrong with me, and you’d only pretended to like what I liked…’

I shook my head, sighing softly. ‘I just wasn’t sure how far I was willing to take this…’ I admitted, sighing into her neck. ‘You’re just so damned perfect, is the problem. I didn’t want to risk ruining it by showing you what I really am. Believe it or not, I was worried I might scare you away, or ruin what we have. So, I’ve been holding back.’

I felt one of those nimble, elegantly-crafted hands caress my cheek… then grab a fistful of my hair and pull me up to lock eyes with her. I saw a glimmer of anger in her face, but mostly a stern, almost maternal look. It was that ‘Her Highness’ look – regal, powerful, and capable of wilting stronger men than me in seconds.

‘Who the hell gave you the right to do that, hmm?’ she asked. I simply looked on, confused and focused on trying to keep my heart in my chest, as she continued. ‘Darling, men and women throw themselves at my feet daily. They beg for my affection, my attention, and offer to do horrible things in order to get it. You know that already, don’t you?’

I nodded.

‘And yet, even with my status as a goddess to them… I chose to give myself over to you.’ She sighed and took a deep breath, and her face softened. ‘I decided I was going to be yours, didn’t I? Didn’t I call to you, collapse into your embrace, and melt into your hands?’ She took my right hand and kissed the back of it, for emphasis. ‘For me to be this mortal and vulnerable with you… it’s not something I’d do if I didn’t want the entire package. Good, bad, ugly, I don’t care – so long as it’s yours, I want it. All of it.’ The hand that had been gripping my hair tightly began to caress it, lightly tangling itself in the locs as she smiled softly at me. ‘And if you do give all of that to me… I’ll give you all of me in return. And isn’t that just what you want..?’ she trailed, of, then leaned into my ear and whispered this final word:


I visibly shuddered as a chill shot through me like winter’s wind. I felt stripped to the bone, laid bare before those beautiful dark eyes, and the wellspring of emotions I felt made it almost impossible to focus on anything. I leaned against her again and breathed in, inhaling the scent of her and letting it calm me. My eyes closed and I felt the singular focus I needed returning as the rush of thoughts reached a manageable flow. My lips latched against her neck, then made their way to her ear.

‘You ’bout to fuck around and get just what you asked for, baby girl…’ I growled into her ear.

She giggled and ran one hand up and down my chest, nails digging through my shirt and into the skin. ‘I sincerely hope so, Daddy~’

We spent at least 30 minutes after that talking about fetishes and kinks, setting up safe-words, and exchanging blushing glances and nervous laughter. I felt a strange relief, a release of excess pressure almost, from the honesty… even as I felt my mind reeling in fear that I’d go one tic too far into my kink pantheon and send her scurrying off. But she stayed, resting her head against my chest and then on my lap, countering each of mine with one of her own and then shyly looking off, sometimes muttering sheepishly with the most adorable nervousness.

‘We… are fucked up,’ I said after a while, words accented by the type of laughter that follows realizing that you spent days worrying about something that was never a big deal.

‘Yes we are!’ she affirmed, raising her hand in solidarity.

‘But we’re fucked up together,’ I added, leaning over and kissing her before continuing to speak. ‘I prefer that, in all honesty. Better to be out of my mind with you than sane with anyone else.’

‘You’ll make me blush, Sir,’ she said with a coy smile, returning the kiss with one of her own. ‘I agree though. Shared weirdness like this feels pretty good.’

We were exhausted, emotionally speaking, so we passed the rest of the night with movies, popcorn, and a bit of booze – wine for her, beer for me. Surely enough though, by the time she was done with her first glass and I was halfway to the bottom of my second bottle, our arms began intertwining like ivy along latticework. The screen went on making noise and lights, mostly ignored, and we couldn’t keep our lips or fingers off each other for very long at all.

‘I want to make love to you tonight… and rip you apart tomorrow,’ I admitted with one hand up her shirt and the other rubbing her outer left thigh. ‘Is that weird?’

She paused as if contemplating my words, then nodded before running her tongue across my neck slowly. ‘Doesn’t mean I think you shouldn’t…’ she chimed in after a while.

My hand slipped off her thigh and rested on the waistline of her jeans, patting her slightly-exposed stomach as I began to manhandle to soft flesh under her bra. ‘So… you’ll be my lover tonight…’ I half-said, half moaned into her ear, ‘my princess tomorrow morning… and my little fuckdoll by sunset?’

‘Mmm… I’ll be your whatever, whenever,’ she assured me, rubbing my cheek with one hand while the other guided mine to the fastener of her pants. ‘Your goddess, your queen, your depraved slut, your sweetheart – I’ll be all of that, whenever you need me to be any of them. Just as
long as I get to be yours… what comes after that isn’t really as important.’

This, I realized, is what romance sounds like for us. This is what affection is when you’re a pair of equally odd and flawed beings who thrive on some mixture of affection and cruelty. A pair of switches, filled almost equally with needs for gentle and soft caresses and kisses blended in with either dealing out or receiving pain, need one another in these different ways that are difficult to understand for some. The most loving thing we could do for one another is promise to do our best to be what the other needed when they needed it.

I thought all of this but the words wouldn’t form in my mouth right – they felt superfluous, misshapen. I couldn’t say anything poetic or deep at that point because the combination of a dizzying state of enamored feelings blended with a pulse-quickening lust made my head too foggy for formation of formulaic nouns and verbs meant to convey such complex ideas as this. I simply pulled her tighter against me, a rich bolt of pleasure shooting through me as I drew a gasp from her followed by a plaintive and mewling little moan.

‘You are mine,’ I said finally.

She melted into my arms and slid my hand under the waistband of her panties. ‘Say it again?’ She pleaded wistfully with half-closed eyes.

‘Mine.’ My voice found it’s base notes again as I began to lightly grind my fingers against her sex, feeling the moisture level already there clinging to my fingers. She bucked up to meet them with enthusiasm, groaning long notes into the collar of my shirt even as her hands awkwardly fumbled with the bottom of it, trying to lift it up from an odd angle.

‘Mine,’ I repeated, rolling her nipple across my palm.


‘Mine.’ The fingers against her pussy began to move a bit faster, focusing on her clit.


‘Mine.’ I yanked her back firmly, teeth bared a bit as she managed to exposed my chest and begin dreamily kissing and licking at it.


I pressed my middle and ring finger into the squeezing little passage, feeling those lower lips trying to suck me in, then aimed up and strummed at her g-spot like I was playing the notes of a base guitar before repeating, once more and more sternly than ever:


‘Yessss…’ she hissed out through clenched teeth, Literally clawing at me as she tried to get a better angle and face closer to me. ‘I’m yours, I’m yours, I’m fuckin’ yooooursssss… Oooh, fuuuuuck…’

‘Fuckin’ cum for me then…’ I instructed, nipping softly at her ear. ‘Look at me, show me that pretty little o-face… I earned that, so fuckin’ show it to me…’

She nodded slightly, trying her best to be a good girl and maintain eye-contact as she careened towards orgasmic bills. I swear, I could watch that woman cum for the rest of my life and never get bored.

I let her milk my fingers for a bit as she came, still lightly rubbing her clit and g-spot as she shuddered into her orgasm, then slipped my fingers free and licked them clean.

‘Too… fast…’ she whimpered, a bit out of breath. ‘Why’d you make me cum so soon?’

‘First of many, I assure you…’ I replied, picking her up without warning and carrying her off to the bedroom. ‘We’ll see how many it takes before you lose your voice.’

‘Meanie.’ She said this with her arms and legs wrapped around me, and right before kissing me like she was trying to steal all the air from my lungs. We both knew what she meant by it. And as I tossed her onto the bed and took off what was left of my shirt, she giggled and started stripping without a word of prompting.

‘If we’re just lovers tonight…’ she said softly, ‘then I can play a bit more aggressively, can’t I?’ I blinked, shirt still around my head, as I was suddenly pinned against the wall. There was a rushing sound as my bet was yanked off and tossed across the room, then my pants being undone and unzipped. ‘You always put so much emphasis on making me cum… and then you get all stingy with your own orgasms? Hardly fair.’ I was starting to protest, but then she was gazing up at me with those gorgeous dark eyes of hers and half my cock shoved down her throat. I couldn’t help but groan and just let my shirt fall away, letting her do as she pleased.

‘You really… think I’m stingy?’ I managed between stifled grunts as she slid her pretty lips and tongue up and down the length of me teasingly slowly, taking special care to flick at the tip.

‘With this?’ She asked, stroking my cock for emphasis. ‘Absolutely. Sometimes a girl just wants to make her man cum until he can’t cum anymore… and that goes double for girls like me.’ She kissed the head of my cock and smiled at me. ‘I mean, look at this thing… always so happy to see me, always making me feel so good, so full… I wanna be nice to it, show my gratitude.’

‘… And you want to be face-fucked like a dirty little slut from time to time,’ I added, managing a smile. ‘I got it, I got it. I’ll work on being more accommodating…’

My words trailed off as she grabbed the back of her own head and began forcing herself down on my shaft until she gagged and choked. She kept strict eye contact with me, but now with an air of defiance, almost threatening. It was as if she was saying, without speaking, that yes, I would be more accommodating in the future to her needs in this manner, or she would simply take what she needed.

Normally, I’m not a big proponent of receiving head. But something about this was just too hot for words. The enthusiasm, the roughness, the warmth of her tongue and the knowledge she was literally causing herself discomfort strictly for my pleasure… it appealed to me for the obvious reasons. I bucked my hips in time with her motions, letting her fuck my dick with her mouth as I mostly groaned and took it like a good boy for once.

She let it slide out of her mouth with a long, wet ‘pop’ that resonated in the room. ‘Mmmph… fuck that’s big…’ she whispered, almost reverent like this on her knees. ‘See, now I’m all out of practice…’

She was stroking my cock viciously as she said this, so I didn’t bother to ask if she wanted to stop despite voiced discomfort. I knew better – my girl was on a mission, and nothing was going to stop her except success, however she chose to define. It actually made me a bit nervous. She brought her tongue to my balls and rolled it across them, suckling and caressing them until I literally grabbed the wall behind me to keep myself standing. I couldn’t really get a good gauge on her facial expression with the angle and all… but I’m fairly certain she was smiling.

‘Fuuuuuck…’ I managed out at last, caressing her hair a bit. ‘Forgot how good you are at that…’

‘Mmm, does my mouth really feel that good~?’ she teased, still stroking as she looked up at me. ‘I’m so glad you like it… Because I don’t plan to stop until you bust like a fire hydrant in July, got it?’

I nodded. As if I had a choice.

I knew she could be forceful – Babydoll was always good at that. But I’d never experienced something quite like this. She was literally taking me, fucking me with her mouth, grabbing my thighs when I started to move and holding me in place or using them for leverage to try and shove me deeper into her milking, ready throat. I was on the edge of exploding much sooner than I’d expected, and as she felt my cock twitching inside her mouth she dug her nails into my stomach as if daring me to move. I’m not sure if it was the commanding nature, the single-mindedness, the pain or some combination of them all… but I practically howled like a coyote as I came with nowhere for it to go but down. I felt like I was emptying myself into her, like I was being drained… and it may sound cliché but I swear when she kept sucking as I came, I left my body for a few seconds. By the time she decided she was done with me I felt a bit light-headed and
whatnot still… but I wasn’t about to be outdone.

She was still wiping her mouth with a self-satisfied grin when I grabbed her ankles and put her in a pinning position, thighs up by her head. She struggled, albeit playfully, before I began furiously lapping at her sex through her panties. From there, her resistance went from token to nonexistent… and when I moved the red lace to the side with just my teeth and tongue and assaulted her clit in earnest, she couldn’t really do much but shudder and whimper out my name. I heard her mumble ‘oh shit, oh shit,’ repeatedly to herself, her thighs starting to quiver, as I switched tactics and ran my tongue up and down her lips. I smirked down at her and winked, then proceeded to bury my face and tongue inside her pussy, take a deep breath through my nose… and begin to hum whilst moving it about as if I were speaking a Spanish word with 20 or more rolling ‘r’ sounds.

‘Shit, shit, Goooood DAMN you!!’ she shouted out, grabbing a handful of my hair and pulling me forward as if afraid I would pull away. But I had the opposite plan – when she began to cum I kept on going… and going… and going… until she was slapping the floor with one hand and yanking her hair with the other. She finally begged for mercy and I whipped her juices into my chin whilst chuckling and smacking her ass.

‘Turnabout-‘ I started to say, only to be silenced by her bolting upright and kissing me again.

The rest was something of a blur. We never quite made it over to the bed, though at one point she was gripping the frame… it was a passionate series of groans and primal noises of pleasure as we rolled around on the floor, moving into whatever position struck out fancies or gave us a better angle to caress each other. For the first time since I lost my virginity, I had no ‘order’ in mind for positions, it was all just passionate gripping and kissing, groping and biting, rug burn on the knees and curse words uttered with the fervent ritualistic sanctity of Hail Marys and Our Fathers. Time meant nothing. We stopped counting out orgasms. Her name was the only thing on the back or front of my mind.

We slept together on the floor, a writhing tangle of limbs coated in sweat and love juices, heaving and sighing as we stared up at the ceiling. After all the rope play, the sex toys, the controlled spanking sessions, and all the other kinkiness… something felt more powerful about this relatively kinkless night of passion.

She dragged a blanket off the bed and over us both, then curled her head to my chest and mumbled cutely.

‘You’re perfect, Babydoll.’

She nodded. ‘Just for you, Sir.’

‘I meant what I said. I’m gonna be more honest with you. More myself, just with you, from here on out.’ I sat up a little, rubbing her cheek. ‘It may take a while… but I’ll try.’

‘All I ever wanted,’ she replied. ‘And if tonight’s any indication… it’s going to be fun.’

I chuckled a bit, then kissed her forehead.

‘I meant what I said too, y’know,’ she added. ‘Long as I’m yours, the second part doesn’t matter.’

‘I don’t plan on letting you go.’

And with that, we just sort of drifted off to sleep, wrapped in each other’s arms. I’d never felt more exposed and secure at once in one night… which is just how it felt when you knew you found someone or something very special.

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Some Girls

There was still plenty of time for the weather to turn cold again, but for now, early spring, the day was wonderfully clement. A soft rain in the morning gave way to a kind of creamy egg sunshine and shirt-sleeve warmth. The sidewalks were busy. The guy found a curbside spot for his car on Alder and walked the two blocks to the girl’s apartment. Her name was Valerie. He met her at the Pet Pad the day before, a place he stopped by every week or so, but she must have been new because this was the...

Group Sex
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Always Faithful Chapter ThirtyFive

Climax and beyond “Damn you Greg! Just damn, damn, damn you! I always knew it would come to this.” Laura looked into her lover’s eyes across their table. She cleared the champagne glasses to the side and leaned to kiss him. Sitting back upright, Laura raised both hands in front of her; she stared at the rings she was wearing. Greg noticed her gesture and thought he understood what must be going through her mind. He recognized turmoil. He was sure whatever turmoil would be resolved; friction in...

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The Generals StoreChapter 3 Promotion

Hamlin had left the Maine Democratic Party to lead the Republicans. Butler had stayed in the Massachusetts Democratic Party except for a brief period as the gubernatorial candidate of the Massachusetts Southern Democratic Party. They were politically incompatible. On the other hand, Hamlin was an early advocate of colored troops, and so was Butler. The force that Butler proposed to raise would require only equipment to turn it into a grave threat to Jeff Davis, one that Davis couldn’t meet....

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my sissy life

I am a crossdresser who has been dressing since I was six years old. I tried on my mom's bras and begged her to let me wear a dress. She eventually relented and allowed me to prance around in a dress for a few weeks until my brother started making fun of me. I then hid that side of me and dressed in my mom's clothes and lingerie when I was home alone. I would walk around the apartment and pretend I was a girl.I eventually grew older but did not grow out of loving being a girl. I eventually...

1 year ago
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Injustice IIChapter 4

The following new characters appear in this chapter and others: Uncle Thaddeus (Thad) Jill’s Uncle, Magic user, 5’-10’’ tall, 185 pounds, 62 years old, a full gray beard and gray hair, hazel eyes Aunt Grania (Grace) Uncle Thad’s Wife, Jill’s Mother’s older Sister, 5’-8’’ tall, 140 pounds, 34C-24-34, 59 years old, gray hair, blue eyes “Well, Jill, what brings you out here?” the man who was apparently her Uncle asked as he approached us. “Trouble!” she answered. “Nothing unusual there....

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Steven R McQueen Slash Series Episode 3

Episode 3: The BurglarSeries: Steven R. McQueen Slash SeriesRating: NC17Summary: Something incredible happens to me when someone sneaks into my bedroom late at night.It's so very late at night and no matter what I try, I can't get back to sleep.I have a deep dark secret that if my parents would ever find out, they would want nothing to do with me any longer. I'm gay. I have tons of mens magazines but not those of FHM or Maxim. Magazines like Torso or Inches or even Freshman.My dick changes into...

4 years ago
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by Julius Copyright April 2008 Marsha chose a new victim every year, although she hardly thought of them as victims. She was also sure that they never saw themselves as such. It was her way of celebrating the start of the summer vacation. She reasoned she earned it, and the young man was never the loser. Paul was eighteen and, strictly speaking, no longer her student, so she was breaking no law. He was tall and shy and well mannered and there was something about him that made...

3 years ago
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Lori fucks her massage guy part 1

Hi! Call me Lori, I’m 29 years old, I’m short, about 5′ 2′. I weigh about 200 pounds, and I have huge 38DD tits. My hair is long and brown, I’ve got quite a libido, I squirt, and love anal. Make up your own profession for me, it wont detach from the story. My tale begins 4 years ago. My boss from work got me a gift card for a massage for doing such a great job at work. I asked if there was anyone that he would recommend, and Todd (my boss) said to ask for Tracy. The weekend was coming up, and...

4 years ago
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My First time Bi

First Time Bi ExperienceI am a normal, 50 year old hetrosexual guy who’s wife doesn’t look after him. Never had or desired male to male sex.For my own sanity I use a few of the massage parlor’s in Manchester , England to satisfy regular sexual needs (Oral, suck and vigorously bang hell out of the girls there).One girl who really satisfied and is more of a friend now (and would do anything) was called C and worked at Fingers by the Manchester United Football ground. Mid 40’s , lovely body, great...

2 years ago
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Meeting Elaine

Dave and I had gone into the house and the husband Gary had looked at me and our eyes had sorta clicked; I’m not sure if his wife had seen it, but I’ve had that eye contact interchange about 5 times on first meet a guy and its lead to sex every time. Ho he managed it I’m not too sure but he got his wife to show Dave the garden as he and I went upstairs. I was very aware that as I went upstairs he was looking at my naked pussy, because all I had on was this very thin short summer halter necked...

4 years ago
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Wifes Cheating Delimma Chapter 1

A story based in part about finding out my ex-wife had been cheating on me and my devious way of getting back at her with the help of our very best friend, her girlfriend. (FFM, nc, bi, voy)***Chapter 1My story begins: I discovered that my now ex wife had been cheating on me. I deviously set out to once and for all prove that I had no jealousies. I had a deeply inward wantonness to be a part of and contribute to her pleasures outside the normal range of our lovemaking at home.I incorporated my...

3 years ago
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Swim Coach Chapter 9

I honestly don’t remember much more about that wonderful day. I do remember being really sore for a few days and I do remember phoning Beth to talk about what had happened. She was as curious about my first experience as I had been about hers. She was, and is to this day, such an amazing friend. She never questioned my judgment about being with Matt and only offered support to me during this time. In fact her acceptance of our relationship and my deep longing to be with Matt led me to want to...

4 years ago
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Market ForcesChapter 32 Trade Ministry

"Minister," I said, nursing a hangover from a great deal too much Kushtian beer and probably an excess of unaccustomed exercise with Ekrana and Emma. "I hope you won't think me rude if I do not stay long; especially after your generosity with your secretary. My flight leaves shortly and much though I have enjoyed my visit here I must return to England if I am to put in hand the preparations for implementing our agreement." "Of course, of course," the Trade Minister replied. "I just...

3 years ago
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It was late one evening after a long day at work, that I decided to head off to the nearest male restroom at the local shopping mall for my very first nude jo.When I finished checking that no-one was in any of the stalls, I hurriedly peeled off all of my work clothes to reveal nothing, but me standing in my white jock-strap. Not long after I ever so slowly pulled off my now bulging jock-strap to release my fully erect penis.Standing completely nude gave me an overwhelming sense of relief of my...

2 years ago
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Dragon Clans Bk 01 Pt 22

The open field had been transformed in the last few weeks. Standing on the stage, looking out over the field, Ian was caught up, as he always was, in the deep history of the place and this event. For as far as the eye could see in the gathering blackness were the canvas tents, aligned in circles emanating out from the great bonfire at the festival grounds center. Other, smaller fires could be seen breaking through the inky darkness, allowing loose the shadows to dance and play within their...

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A thank you letter to Teresa Bowers

Hi Teresa I owe you and your websight a debt of gratitude. It's because of you that I'm going to live til my golden years being waited on hand and foot by my sissy slave. Mark took me into his two bedroom condo as his roommate seven months ago. I had just been released from jail from my third drunken driving and driving on a suspended license conviction. Mark my old coworker kept in touch with me and offered me the room rent free for five months after my parole as away of...

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Fantasy Comes True

by Kiran AliBeing an avid reader of the xhamster site on the Internet I understand the fantasy many men have of sex with their daughter-in-laws. I can under stand since I have the same type fantasy about my daughter-in-law. It is nothing she has ever done that would even give me a hint that she might also have the same feelings for me. I have never said anything out of the way to her to make her even wonder about my secret feeling for her. I just go through life admiring her from a distance;...

3 years ago
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Silken Ties That Bind

by Sinturian I met Louise at a business seminar social function; one of those affairs where few people knew one another, and conversations just started with total strangers. She was an attractive blonde with a nice figure and seemed fairly intelligent. She told me she was 25 and never married and I revealed to her that I was 45 and twice divorced; it didn’t seem to bother her. As the evening wore on and things were becoming dull, I asked if she would like to join me for a drink and she...

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Encounter With Land Lord 8211 1

It happened 5 years ego. When i got my first job at patna. I am from Rajastan. I was 21 years old that time. I am searching for a single room flat, because i can’t provide more than Rs. 2000 rental. But, I got a chance of paying guest in the house. I have to pay Rs. 4000 all total. It’s a good bargain. Landlord was 35 years old manish,working in railway, with 22 years big size beautiful wife, sujata. They have given me a room at Ist floor.There was no bathroom only a lactrin was there. A big...

1 year ago
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The First Thanksgiving

The smell of fall is in the air, crisp cool mornings. In the distance the glow of an early morning fire lit the sky.Jane (Was not her given name but, her given name was Hurit which meant beautiful and when spoken everyone thought she was in pain), and her tribe were gathering food for the winter. This included nuts, berries and some wild fruit that grew in the nearby forest. They used to hunt wild turkey, but too much wild turkey led to fights and hunting accidents so now they traded their...

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My Neighbor and Sister

THIS STORY IS COMPLETELY FICTIONAL: This day was going to be like most summer Fridays (or so I thought). I would kill my 8 hours at work. Then I would come home and drink a beer and veg out on the couch watching baseball. Then I got a phone call. “Hello,” I said. “John, it’s mom.” “Oh, hi mom, what’s up?” “Your father and I have a favor to ask. We’re going to be out of town this weekend, and you know how your sister doesn’t like to stay home alone. We were hoping you could stay at the house...

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The Nervouse Game

Introduction: This is my first story yall. Constructive criticism is wellcome, but dont be an asshole about it. Hope you enjoy as much as I did ,-). We have been friends since the beginning of Freshman year of High School, when Alanna and I met each other. We have never hung out before, but talked to each other often, and the conversations frequently were about sex, mainly because I was a teenage guy. Weve discussed everything from what weve done to what we would like to do If we had the...

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Hubby8217s colleague

My name is payal and i am a young indian housewife living in canada. I have been told that i have a very sexy body. My husband loves to display my legs and my shapely boobs to his friends and in public. I am deeply in love with my husband. Like a good indian wife, i very rarely have the courage to disobey him. My hubby knows my weakness very well and freely takes advantage of the situation. We have only been married for a couple of years, and i have always been a devoted wife. He is a good...

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Afternoon delight 1

Told from her perspective She felt so trapped. Itd been almost 3 weeks since the last time they had been able to get together and have some time alone.There always seemed to be something that stopped them from meeting, the weather the k**s there parteners always something or someone stopped there enjoying each other.Today was different she had organised everyone to look after themselves and had left her house early to escape any unexpected interruptions. Her timing was perfect her phone rang...

2 years ago
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Jokes and GigglesChapter 43

President Obama and Gordon Brown are shown a time machine which can see 100 years into the future. They both decide to test it by asking a question each. President Obama goes first: "What will the USA be like in 100 years time" The machine whirrs and beeps and goes into action and gives him a printout, he reads it out: "The country is in good hands under the new president, crime is Non-existent, there is no conflict, the economy is healthy. There are no worries" Gordon Brown thinks...

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GirlsWay Chanel Preston Sydney Cole Lady Boss Boom Or Bust

Sydney Cole is late for work again and knows her boss, Chanel Preston, will be upset. This isn’t the first time this has happened and now she needs a solid excuse to save herself. Running through her options, she drives as fast as she can. When she gets to work, Chanel is already on the phone yelling at someone. Things are not looking good. Before she can start apologizing, Chanel tells her to sit down and starts barking orders at her. It looks like her investments are going down and some...

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Curing Evan

100% fiction! I sat down hard in my chair. "What...?" I weakly asked my eighteen-year-old brother, Evan. "I think I'm gay," he said again. I shook my head. "No, that still doesn't make sense, not even after two times hearing it." "Would three help?" he asked with a faint smile. I shook my head again. "Probably not." I looked out at the ocean. We were at the beach house our family owned. It was almost the end of summer and we'd be going back home soon. Before we left, Evan apparently had...

4 years ago
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The Preacher ManChapter 51 The Battle of Babylon

Time: July 4, 8244 4:00 PM At sunset I broke up my meeting with my council and wandered into another communications room which was in contact with the civilian section of Babylon. I moment later I was addressing a CL-2 militia Priest who was near Babylon's primary train terminal. It clearly looked as if he wanted to kneel before me, but current law discouraged that. He called me by my name instead and stood there trembling. "Name?" I asked, trying to look friendly. "Nusrat, oh Servant...

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My Singing Valentine

It was the day before Valentines Day and it was always the beginning of one of the funnest events of the year. Every year for two days we would have a fundraiser for the Student Council called singing valentines. Students and faculties would the week before purchase a song to have performed for someone. During the two days participants would interrupt classes in order to perform these songs. You could send them anonymously if you wanted to. This particular year one of the hottest girls in the...

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Theres No Crying in Hockey

My dad regretted not having a son. He denies it of course but I could tell by how he pushed athletics on me at a young age. He even bought me a jock strap for my fourth birthday which confused us both. I grew up in Rabbit Ridge KY so began my fabled sports career with tennis and softball. I was decent in tennis until my boobs sprouted like melons, causing boys to giggle each time I rushed the net. I also tended to grunt on my serves quite loudly. It was annoying but, at least, the Asian...

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MomPOV Krystyna Freaky redhead new to porn E437

– 48 years old with no kids – Worked a corporate office job for 20+ years – Then decided to go an alternative route – Last 8 years has does kink modeling and bondage – Now ready to make her very first adult video – Is currently single and has been for over a year – Strangely has not had sex in over a year as well – Masturbates a lot has sex toys hidden around the house – Loves to have her pussy smacked and hair pulled – Fantasizes about fucking construction workers in her SUV – Favorite...

4 years ago
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Return To Daves Cottage Part 1 of 4

The invitation from Dave and Karen came by text on Sunday morning. Our cottage Saturday afternoon to Sunday if you are available. Karen would like you to bring your friend.I looked over at Stacey. She was still lying on her stomach with her arms limply beside her and my cum running down between the cheeks of her ass. I had just given her an early-morning ass fucking and unloaded on her firm little cheeks and the small of her back. I patted her ass to see if she was awake."Give me a few...

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A Very Extended Window Peep

In 1984 I was stationed in Key West at the naval station there. If you are old enough you will remember the nation was in a pretty deep recession at the time and we started getting older guys coming into the military for lack of jobs elsewhere. They were great people to work with, always problem free for supervisors. I worked rotating shift work in air operations as the supervisor of a two-man team. I was assigned this new guy just out of technical school who was married and had a child four...

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Britney Spears Fucking A Teen Pop Star

It had been almost three weeks. Three long, incessant weeks, which had dragged by, the time moving as slow as ever, and my sexual drive diminishing rapidly as I was now deprived completely from sexual activity. It was a strange and unusual occurrence, it was like I had suddenly grown a large, hairy mole on my forehead, making me totally undesirable to women. Jessica and Christina had kept their distance. They were very busy with the tour and their promotions of their upcoming albums. The tour...

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Something Old Something New Something Borrowed Something Blue Pt2

Having transported the bags up to our room, I joined the family on the patio, repositioning between my cousins Jane and Emily. An ideal vantage point, I could observe the delicious teenager's wonderful boobs at close quarters. The night air was warm, the temperature generous and doubtless helped up by the sexy young girl to my left. I wondered if she had a thing for older men. With grandad's generous hospitality, it wasn't long before I'd polished off half a dozen bottles of beer,...

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