Across The Ages: Book One Ch. 04 free porn video

Alexander was irritated when he woke. The sun had not yet risen and there was a tingly sensation in his right arm that refused to stop paining. Growling slightly, he turned to shake the sleep out of his limb but stopped as soon as he saw her. Sleeping soundly, Brianne was curled up like a kitten in the curve of his arm. Her golden hair was tousled from sleep and hung like a curtain in front of her face. Even as she slept, her cheeks held a shy, rosy pink that shimmered within her tanned skin. Her slim, crimson lips pouted as though they feared they were in trouble.
Last night, she had baffled him. After her torture, Brianne had barely taken the time to cope with the trauma of the event. He had thought her to be frail and in need of constant protection until he gawked at the strength in her small body. Even as he looked at her now, he found himself at a loss for thought. Alex allowed himself to smile as he tenderly stroked the hair from her face.
Dawn was fast approaching and he knew he ought to rise to prepare for their journey to Spain. And yet, this sleeping maid on his arm was keeping him from doing so. With all the other women who had shared his bed, he had not hesitated to wake them and send them on their way. He had better things to do than wait for them to awake. But he could not seem to do so with Brianne, he could watch her sleep forever and a day.
He smiled again and pulled her close to his chest. Bowing his head, Alex kissed her forehead and laid back on his pillow with a sigh. In her sleep, Brianne responded to his touch. The hand she had held close to her side snaked up his stomach to lay on his chest. Even through his shirt, her tiny fingers felt like flames on a candle, licking at his skin. He sucked in a breath to control his emotions as they began to writhe deep within him.
As though her unconscious knew what he desired, Brianne’s knee twisted between his legs and brushed heavily against the inside of his thigh. He felt himself growing beneath the sheets as his breathing and heart rate quickened. When Brianne made a small whimper in her sleep, it nearly sent him over the edge of the abyss.
What was she doing to him? He was never this easily aroused by a woman, let alone one that was asleep and completely unknowing of her affect on him. With a deep breath to calm himself, Alex grasped her hand on his chest and closed his eyes, begging the passion to desist. Her hand returned a light pressure and she nuzzled her face into his neck. He wanted to curse her for stirring him like this but he found himself craving more of her tantalizing touch.
With a soft, contented moan Brianne’s body relaxed against Alex and he sighed again. There was no doubt in his mind that he wanted her, and now her body was laying claim upon his own. But this was not the right place or the right time. She had been hurt badly the night before, and as soon as the sun rose, they were to be on their way to Spain. However, his body had a different plan in mind and he had little will power to restrain it.
Ever so slowly, Alex rolled onto his side, cradling Brianne in his arms. She let out a small hum and snuggled back into his chest. Alex chuckled then. When she was awake, she was very shy. But in her sleep, she was practically the opposite. Looking down into her face, he found himself staring at her lips. He pulled his hand from her tiny waist and caressed her cheek, running his calloused thumb along the bone that defined it. Brianne nuzzled her face into his palm as she breathed deeply. Alex lowered his head to hers and buried his face in her golden hair. He had rarely been this frustrated in himself. Sucking in an irritated breath was a bad idea, Brianne’s scent flooded his senses, sending another surge of passion through his body. She smelled like fresh baked bread and honey with a smidgeon of wildflowers on the breeze.
Alexander couldn’t help himself as he planted a kiss on her neck. Her head rolled slightly to the side, baring her neck to him. He could tell she was in that dreamy state right before waking when your body is oversensitive to its surroundings. Smiling to himself again, he kissed her neck once more, this time just below her ear. He suckled lightly on her earlobe before he swept her jaw with his lips. Next, he kissed her cheek then danced around up to her forehead, increasing his kisses as he went. He was intent on kissing her awake and started down the opposite side of Brianne’s face. Alex lingered with his lips by her eye, then on her cheek before she turned her head again. He responded to her unconscious invitation by sampling the sweet skin beneath her jawbone and running his fingers through her hair. Brianne moaned faintly and suddenly her hands were working their way around his body.
Alexander stopped his assault on her neckline to look into her sleepy eyes. He smiled when he saw how dark they were, even as she tried to blink away the grogginess.
“Good morning,” he said, his voice rich and husky from the good night’s sleep, a smirk creeping across his face.
She only smiled her reply but reached up to run her hand through his dark curls. Brianne cocked her head as she twirled his hair between her fingers.
“Do you wake up every woman of yours like this?” Her own voice was soft and sultry to his ears, coursing the fervor through his veins as he lay beside her. The deep blue of her eyes pierced his hazel ones with the heat from a raging fire, strong and wild.
“Only the women that look like you, my lady,” he returned. There was an unpredictable passion consuming them both and Alex liked it. He kissed her neck again, lighter this time, teasing her as she fought off her sleepiness.
“Which is to say ‘many,’ no doubt.”
“On the contrary,” he paused to kiss her ear, earning a delightful shudder, “you are the first. It seems you have me at a disadvantage, Miss Brianne. You could ask for the moon and I would give my life to fetch it for you.” Alex realized as he said it, surprising himself, that he was being wholly truthful. He would do anything and everything for this woman. He had to be going stir crazy in this castle.
Alexander was not the only one taken aback with his statement. Brianne pulled his face from her neck and saw the honesty reflected in his eyes. Swallowing deeply, she had no response to his words. Her already rosy cheeks flushed to a deep pink as she dropped her gaze. She was not used to this kind of a sentiment from a man of his stature and did not know what to make of it.
As a house maid in this particular kingdom, it was well within her range of duties to have to provide favors to the men in arms or married men whilst they visited and were away from their wives. Despite Rene’s utmost insistence that her father put an end to this barbaric and demeaning practice, Brianne and the other maids of the castle continued to be the objects of wayfaring men’s desires. Kindness was not generally their most prominent quality.
But she could see it there, in the hazel eyes before her, and she felt it in her heart. Alexander embodied something she had not seen in a man before, and the more she tried to put a name to it, the more it slipped away. Compassion, empathy, virtue. Call it what you will, the result remained the same. She had never met a man like him. He was different. Maybe different was just what she needed.
It had been a long time since Brianne had trusted a man, but she had decided days ago that Alex and his cousin could be trusted with the protection of the princess, as well as her own. She did not blame either of them for what happened last night, for that was well out of their control. But now, against her head’s better judgment, her heart was saying he could be trusted for more than just her welfare. It was a strange feeling, but suddenly she decided to act on it.
Brianne looked back up to Alex and held a finger to his lips just as he began to speak. She smiled as a look of
confusion fluttered across his face right before she worked her hands into his hair and pressed her lips to his.
Alexander’s confusion didn’t last long. He hardly had time to think before his hands and his lips moved of their own accord. Putting his hand around her waist, he pulled her close and twisted his other hand into her hair. His mind was racing, but for the moment, the entirety of his concentration was focused upon her. Her lips, her scent, her body against his. It was overwhelming. Their lips were frantically trying to taste and suckle every inch they could reach. He could feel Brianne’s hot little hands running through his hair and over his shoulders in a frenzy to ride the whirlwind of sensations. Suddenly it was too much.
In a matter of seconds, Alex broke their kiss, gasping for breath, and rolled his body so Brianne was lying underneath him as he propped himself above her. He was breathing heavily, it was an attempt to control himself and his passions. Brianne was startled by the quick turnover and her breaths came in quick spurts as well. Her nightgown was askew and tangled with the covers. Swallowing deeply, she pulled her legs out from under the covers. Alexander’s eyes traveled from her face to her chest as it heaved slowly.
Brianne caught his attention by taking his hand as it lay on her hip. She gradually moved it down her thigh until he could touch the hem of her nightgown. Alex had watched her hand and his as they slid enticingly down her leg, surprised and intrigued by her eagerness. As he grabbed the bottom of her gown, she released his hand and hers began to shake. At an excruciatingly slow pace, Alex began to pull her nightdress inch by inch over her thigh. Yet, as curious and awestruck as he was, he forced himself to look at her face. When he did, he immediately pulled his hand to a halt.
Her eyes were not filled with passion or fire anymore. The playfulness he had seen earlier was gone. Instead, it was replaced by fear and pain and a hollow emptiness that made his heart ache. He would have been considered a fool to not know how a maid of her age and beauty was treated by the men of this country. However, her plight must have been worse than he had imagined. But in reference with the whipping last night, maybe he was wrong to not have foreseen the worst sooner. He realized she expected him to take what he saw fit as a means of thanks for saving her the night before. So before he could ask, she was offering the only thing she knew she could. But he would never dream of using any woman in the way he had heard they did.
With a slight growl at his enlightenment, Alex slowly pulled his hand from her thigh. Brianne did little to hide the shock on her face as Alex cupped it in his large hand. With as much gentleness as he could muster, Alex kissed her soft pouting lips. He tenderly caressed her cheek in his hand and moved his lips softly against hers. He could sense her bewilderment at the unusual turn of events. But despite her puzzlement, she began to respond to his kiss.
Brianne’s hands were still shaking as she slowly skimmed them across his back. It created a slight tickling that forced Alex to cease his gentle persuasion upon her lips. He shivered as he sucked in a breath, lightly laughing at his weakness. This time when he looked into her eyes, he saw a completely different story. Along with her confusion, he could see a glimmer of hope and utmost appreciation. His earlier thought of her frailty returned to him and he thanked his self control for kicking in when it did. Alex’s smile, a rarity until this radiant beam of light came into his life, made another appearance as he leaned in to kiss her again.
Ready for it this time, Brianne instantly began to move her lips against his. Without an ounce of haste, Alex began to run his fingers through her golden hair even as his mouth worked diligently against her own. Breaking their kiss once more, Alex sighed. Then he kissed her forehead and laid down on his side, still cradling her in his arms.
Brianne snuggled against his warm, hard body then suddenly planted a small kiss of gratitude on his lips. With a sheepish smile, she settled herself against his chest again.
“Try and get some more sleep,” Alex whispered as he stroked her locks of sunshine. “It’s going to be a long journey to Spain.” He felt her sigh, and resented to following his own advice. Ignoring the throbbing in his groin as best he could, he dozed off into a light slumber.
The sun was peeking through the drapes on the windows in the princess’s bed chamber. She stubbornly clenched her eyes and turned her head to evade rays’ prying fingers. Rene was wrapped in a very tight, very warm blanket and she was not eager to start the day. After all, she still had to pack…for something. Her befuddled brain was trying to put the pieces together. Where was she going exactly and why was she leaving?
Despite her desperate attempts to return to sleep, Rene’s eyes snapped open. She ignored the blinding light as her memory of the previous evening came flooding back to focus. She quite literally gasped as she remembered everything from the incident in the dining hall to Blake carrying her back to her room. Rene’s breathing calmed, she was not wrapped in a blanket after all.
Blake was lying sound asleep and snoring softly. He had encased the princess in his powerful arms. The embrace was protective and caring, albeit somewhat possessive, but it soothed the young girl as she lay beside him. The knight’s dazzling smile was subdued as he slumbered, without a care to the world around him. For a moment, Rene allowed herself to soak up his warmth and cherish his shielding presence. But as it always does, the cruel knowledge of reality stopped her daydreaming in its tracks.
Sighing, the princess frowned as she tried to pry his arms away from her body so she could rise. However, even in his sleep, his body held three times the strength of her own. She wriggled around to face her bodyguard as he held her close to his body. Instantly, it reminded her of the day they met, wrestling in the leaves, his playful grin as he kept her beneath him with absolute ease. Rene smiled.
“Blake,” she whispered, “it’s morning.” But his breathy snore droned on. “Blake,” she said a little louder. “Wake up.” She twisted a hand between them to touch his face, patting him a bit on the cheek. When he still didn’t awake, Rene puckered her lips and leaned close to him. She kept her hand tucked around his jaw and very softly, blew on his face. To her delight, he distorted his features and wrinkled his nose. Finally coming to consciousness, he opened his eyes and smiled sleepily. Instead of releasing her, his hug intensified.
“What a dream you are to wake up to, my lady.” Rene smiled and withdrew her hand from his face. He caught it at the last moment and placed a tender kiss upon her slender fingers. She blushed, biting her lips to lessen her smile only to find that she couldn’t hide it in her eyes. Blake’s own smile grew and he squeezed her hand.
“Did you sleep well?” he asked her.
“Very much so, thank you.” She wasn’t lying. Last night was the first time in a week or so that she had slept through the entire night. Since her escape, she had only been worrying about her safety and Brianne’s, they had no choice but to be constantly on guard. But with Blake beside her, she didn’t feel like she had to. She knew, even as she slept that he was there to protect and guard her. The only dreams that filled her head were of happier days and joyful times to come. Rene’s breath caught in her lungs as she remembered that there were no happy days in store for her.
Blake saw the gloom return to her eyes and tipped her chin so they lay nose to nose. With a comforting smile, he stroked her cheek.
“What do you say we get some fresh air before packing yo
ur life away?” He nodded to her balcony and swiftly rose from her bed. Rene had to swallow as she took in his nearly naked body again. Blake walked over to her wardrobe and retrieved her robe. As he held it out to her, Rene tried to raise herself up but quickly laid back down, flinching.
Blake immediately set the robe aside and walked around the bed. Just as he had done the night before, he shimmied his hands beneath the blankets and pulled Rene’s nightgown up. Bracing himself for the worst, he looked at her ribs. The spot was greatly swollen, and colored with deep blues and purples. In the place where the heel made impact, it was nearly black.
“It’s bad, isn’t it?” she asked, never taking her eyes from his. He looked up to her, a scowl on his face.
“It is not good,” he told her, “but by the end of today it should be at it’s worst. I expect it will stop swelling after tonight.” He walked across the room to his things and pulled his pants on. When he returned, he leaned over her on the bed and grabbed her plush robe. Blake held it up, hiding his face so she could get up from the bed without exposing herself to him.
Rene sucked in a breath and forced her body to sit up. She groaned at the pain and in a flash, Blake had her wrapped in the robe. With one arm around her waist and the other held out for her hand, Blake helped the princess stand up and walk to the balcony. The air was crisp and cool but it felt welcome to both of them.
Rene sat down on the bench, with Blake’s assistance, and looked to her bodyguard. Years of reading people in her father’s court told her that he had asked her out here for a reason. Blake met her stare and chuckled slightly to himself as he spoke.
“I can see now, nothing gets past you that easily.”
“Not generally,” she replied with half a smile. He took one of her hands in his and looked at her seriously.
“I want you to tell me what’s truly troubling you.”
Rene raised her chin stubbornly like she always did when someone started a conversation she didn’t want to have. But Blake was sharp too. He noticed the miniscule movement and continued prodding her.
“I can understand why you would want to be free of your father. I do not blame you for that. But I can tell there has been something else on your mind. Will you not confide in me what it is?” He locked his green eyes on her face, and for a moment the princess was lost in them again, lost in the green of the forest on a perfect summer’s day.
Then she sighed. He was right of course. There had been something bothering her.
“What did my father hire you to do?”
This question obviously caught Blake by surprise but he answered it nonetheless.
“I arrived here the morning after you had left. My original assignment was to deliver you to Spain. But of course, that changed when I had to track you down first.” Blake looked to her to see if this answered her question but apparently, it did not suffice.
“So you are to escort me to Spain and then your duties are concluded?” She kept her gaze down. Rene knew if he saw her eyes he would be able to see all of the fear and worry within them as well.
“Under your father’s command, yes.” Blake did not like thinking about a time when he would not be in charge of her protection, but more so, a time when he would not be with her. He fought the anger that surged through his body and focused instead on her face as she lifted her head.
“I want you to stay with me in Spain. I want you to keep me safe.” Rene’s voice was unwavering as she made this statement. But despite Blake’s utter joy at the announcement, he remained confused.
“Why would you need me to stay with you there? The prince will surely have his own bodyguards for you once-“
“I don’t want his guards,” she interrupted. She gripped his hand tightly and looked into his eyes. “I’ve heard things, things about the prince of Spain. I know I shouldn’t give heed to rumor and gossip, but I’m scared. I don’t want to be at his mercy or at his dispense. I am terrified that my nightmares will become reality and I will be helpless to stop him.”

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