Arthur Vs. Ch. 03 free porn video

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Chapter Three: Arthur vs. Honesty

[Three days earlier]

The criminal hung his shovel and pickaxe in the tool shed and carried a galvanized metal bucket and a two-liter jug of pink soap over to the concrete slab.

He slung off his orange leather gloves and unlaced his equally orange work boots, all four items had # 88588 stamped on them in black ink. He threw the government issued equipment by the fence and turned on the water spigot.

On such a hot day the cold spring water was really refreshing, he soaped up with a generous amount of liquid horse shampoo.

Right in the middle of his bath a couple Danubian tourists, just back from a trail ride, opened the gate and walked down the stone path. As the man and woman got closer they frowned at him, whispering to one another, looking all indignant and superior.

Arthur snapped in English: ‘Haven’t you ever seen a guy take a bath before?’

Arthur dumped a bucket of cold water over his head. Most of the water intentionally missed him, hit concrete and splashed widely. He wiped soap off his face and turned to watch the couple pick up their pace and hurry off.

‘Gloating bastard,’ Arthur fumed, ‘strutting around here in his pants… and his shirt and stuff! And that stupid bitch… just taunting me with her cotton socks… comfortable tennis shoes… pockets…’

‘Someday I’ll have pockets!’ A couple horses rose up from eating hay and turned their heads in his direction. ‘That’s right, I’ll get a… a vest, with pockets all over it… front and back, and then I’ll put on a pair of pants! And a belt and then…’

The rant went on until most of the horses moved to the other side of the pen and his skin started to itch. Arthur glanced around, he was relieved that no one had been listening to or watching his outburst.

Arthur looked at the horses and proclaimed: ‘There’s nothing wrong with talking to yourself, everybody does it. Just… um… out in the sun too long, working too hard, not getting enough sleep… that’s all. Yep, I’m perfectly normal, average really.’ Arthur waved to the horses. ‘Nothing to see here, move along.’

Arthur rinsed off the dried soap and by that time he was getting hungry. Wet skin dried quick as he walked down the worn rock path that zigzagged through a stand of pines and ended at the low wide building that held the kitchen and dining hall.

There were several campers leaving and several staff going in the front door. Arthur entered through the kitchen, criminals like him ate either out back by the chicken coop or standing in the kitchen if it was cold or wet.

Arthur walked through the service area where the cook doled out food to a line of campers over a waist high counter. The cook was a large sturdy built woman, with a broad friendly face and some gray in her tightly braided black hair. She was energetic despite her age, despite being overworked, and always happy to talk to staff and campers. Arthur thought it was extra peculiar how she talked to him, a convicted criminal and a foreigner, as if he were family.

The cook smiled warmly, pausing with a tray in one hand and a ladle in the other, she shook her head.

‘I’m so behind today… Akthur, could you go in the storeroom and bring out more trays?’

The storeroom had one doorway that faced the kitchen and another that opened into the staff dining room. Arthur heard Hook’s distinctive voice. Through the sizable gap between door and frame he could see Hook, a couple other rangers, two handymen, and various family members seated at the same long table. Gretya sat opposite her father.

Hook berated his daughter in front of everyone, calling her stupid, disrespectful, dishonored and he kept saying something about protocol and his table. Arthur took an angry breath. Gretya must have finally broke down and told him about the boyfriend. Gretya looked so small and frail.

Arthur turned and quickly grabbed an armful of aluminum trays, best not to keep the cook waiting, she was one of the friendly people at the camp, and the food was really good.

The cook thanked him as he placed the stack of trays down on the countertop, calling him by the Danubian word for son. As he waited for her to get caught up Arthur thought over the whole situation with the ranger and his daughter. Hook had punished his daughter severely for sneaking around with a boy, Arthur wondered what would happen if the tables were turned. It would be awfully interesting to find out.

Arthur ate his supper standing on the back porch and then he carried his tray and empty glass inside. The cook was putting away leftovers.

‘You want more Akthur?’

‘No ma’am, I’m full.’

‘Come here, eat some more, you too skinny’ She chided. ‘Let Langka put some meat on your bones. Here, have more desert, Akthur,’ She raked a pile of blackberry cobbler into his empty tray. ‘This make you strong like bear,’ she winked, ‘or fat like pig!’

‘Uh, well…’

Arthur finished desert though just barely, when she tried to push more on him he had to be firm. ‘No ma’am, please… if I eat any more I won’t be able to move and I have a lot of work to do.’

‘What work? You work all day.’

‘I have to haul water up to the stables.’

‘What, water pipes break up there?’

Arthur felt a little shy. ‘No ma’am, it’s… uh… punishment for breaking another regulation. I have to fill a big horse trough with creek water every day this week.’

‘Akthur,’ The cook frowned. ‘I worry about you. You good boy, why you get in so much trouble?’

Arthur looked down, scratching at the back of his head. ‘Um… I don’t know… my mother used to say that I have a talent for being difficult,’ Arthur grinned. ‘Or maybe I’m just not very bright.’

‘Bah…’ She waved a hand dismissively. ‘Akthur, you not dumb. Difficult… mmm… maybe. What you do this time?’

‘Curfew violation,’ Arthur shrugged. ‘I really didn’t think it was that big of a deal… but it turns out they’re pretty touchy about me wandering around unsupervised, you know, outside the collar zone.’ Arthur put his empty aluminum tray by the sink.

She glanced down at his marked skin, frowned. ‘Hmm hmm hmm… It looks like the police be mad at you too.’

Arthur nodded. ‘The police are always mad.’

‘Well…’ She smiled in her casual good-natured way. ‘The police have hard job, they do their best.’

‘Yes ma’am.’ Arthur agreed. They had beaten him several times, the police, most definitely, do their best.

As Arthur walked back up the forested hill toward the stables, he just couldn’t stop thinking about the ranger and his daughter. It would feel so good to get back at Hook for filing a complaint with the police, for slapping him around, for all the extra work, and for the cruel treatment of Gretya.

Arthur considered the girl: ‘The worst part is that she probably thinks she deserves it, Danubians are so weird like that. Would it kill them to have some self-pity or bitterness? It’s so frustrating to have to avenge a girl who doesn’t even know she needs avenging!’

‘No,’ Arthur folded his arms and stopped at the brown wooden gate of the horse pen. ‘I’m not going to do it. It’s not my business. I barely know the girl. I have nothing to gain. I’m not going to start another scheme… not after the way the last plan failed.’

He was firmer with himself this time. ‘I’m going to be a good obedient criminal just like my spokesman wants… reform myself… I’ll get on the right path… the correct path… I just need to stay on the damned path!’


[One day earlier]

Gretya lugged the galvanized metal bucket along, setting it down every ten meters or so to rest worn out arms. Fifty meters back, Arthur also climbed the forested hill, hauling water up the narrow dirt trail one bucket at a time. He was quickly gaining on her as the distance Gretya carried her burden became shorte
r and shorter.

Then the exhausted girl stumbled but managed to not dump all the water. She leaned forward with hands braced on her knees, breathing heavy, frowning at her soggy feet.

Gretya took a sharp breath when she heard the criminal approach, then relaxed as she recognized him. Loose strands of brown hair stuck to her wet forehead.

Arthur set his water down on the trail a few meters below the teenager. For a while they smiled stupidly at one another catching their breath, too exhausted for much conversation.

Arthur recognized the girl but they had never spoken more than a greeting. Gretya looked about fifteen, with big brown eyes, wide mouth, dark brown hair down to her elbows, a slight frame, and shoulders obviously not built for heavy loads.

‘Have to carry that all the way back to the camp?’

Gretya nodded shyly. ‘You too?’

He smiled. ‘Every day this week,’ Arthur gestured to her bucket. ‘There seems to be a lack of creativity around here.’

‘Yes, father’s treating me like a criminal now!’

Arthur enjoyed the sound of her laugh.

She stared down at her drooping socks and bit her lower lip. ‘Uh… Criminal # 88588,’ Gretya looked up apprehensively. ‘Thank you for not telling my father… you know… when he questioned you.’

Arthur shrugged. ‘Well… I didn’t think anyone else needed to get in trouble over that.’

She started to say something and then lowered her eyes.

‘What is it Gretya?’

‘You um…’ Her voice trembled. ‘You didn’t get in trouble with the police because of us did you? The switching, I mean?’

‘No no,’ Arthur lied in a panic. Feeling dangerously close to some kind of Danubian honor trap, he scrambled to think of something quick. The last thing he needed was to have the teenage daughter of Ranger Miksutivosk feeling indebted to him. Hook was suspicious enough already, and plenty angry.

Arthur looked the girl straight in the eyes. ‘Gretya, it had absolutely nothing to do with you or your boyfriend. I got in trouble for being outside my quarters at night, I would’ve got that anyway.’

Arthur’s sudden laugh startled Gretya and moved the conversation along. ‘You know, that was the third time I’ve had to go before a judge since my trial? I think they’re starting to realize it was a mistake not to execute me!’

‘Don’t say that,’ Gretya frowned. ‘Your life is a gift from the Creator, I believe that everyone has something special about them… something that they’re here to do. You have a purpose to fulfill, to live your life and love people and be loved and… and to find your Path in Life.’

Even though her words sounded hopelessly naive in the way that only teenage girls could manage, Gretya’s kindness did make Arthur feel better, it was nice to be talked to like a human being for a change. Arthur nodded slightly and waited, seeing how there was something else she wanted to say.

‘His name’s Dietrikt,’ Gretya spoke softly, looking more and more depressed. ‘He… he hasn’t sat at my father’s table. My parents would be furious… it’s not honorable what I’ve done.’

‘So why not ask them to invite Dietrikt?’

Gretya sighed. ‘My father expects me to marry another young man… the son of a businessman he knows, he’s from Rika Chorna.’

‘I didn’t know you had arranged marriages here.’

‘Um… not arranged but… it might as well be… father can turn away any boy I might want to see. He would never accept Dietrikt anyway… he um… he’s a Westerner.’

‘A foreigner?’

‘No… Um, you know… a Westerner, from the western provinces around Danube City. My father would never let me see a Westerner. I mean, don’t misunderstand… I’m proud to be of Eastern descent … my family has lived here since King Vladic’s Betrayal and the Exodus from the South… ‘

Gretya veered off into a long defense of both herself and her secret boyfriend who, she said, was a good person despite being from the dreaded West. Arthur listened to the girl go on and on, if there was one subject he was thoroughly tired of hearing about it was the idiotic five-century-old feud between Danube City and Rika Chorna.

To hear Easterners tell it, Danube City was populated by weak kneed dandies who spent their days bowing down and kissing the toes of the corrupt Grand Duke and his ridiculously dressed court of royal hangers on. From some of the unflattering pictures Arthur had seen in the newspaper the ‘ridiculously dressed’ part was accurate, but the rest of the feud seemed awfully stupid.

‘Criminal # 88588,’ Gretya said at last. ‘I really didn’t expect you to help us but I appreciate it, I’m so glad you didn’t tell father.’ Then quickly: ‘and I think it’s not right the way they treat you. You don’t seem that bad… bad as they said you were, corrupted I mean… um… I mean you’re not like I was expecting, you know from what everyone said about you.’

Watching the girl blush amused Arthur. ‘You expected the dangerous spy, or the evil criminal mastermind? I hate to disappoint people but before I was arrested my criminal activities were stuff like driving over the speed limit.’

‘You had an automobile in America?’

‘Sure, a big red Chevy pickup truck with tinted glass and a big loud sound system, had a boat too, kind of junky but it was fast enough for skiing.’

Arthur pointed to a long scar along his left forearm. ‘See that? Hit a log in the water the summer before last, fifteen stitches, but at least it didn’t damage the skis- those things are expensive. I had a friend who was in veterinarian school so the stitches were free and the boat was… the boat… um’ Arthur stopped, eyes darting. ‘Wait a second… What the heck happened to my boat?’

‘You lost your boat?’

‘I gave most of my other stuff to my sister after my arrest, but… hmm… strange that I didn’t think about the boat until now.’ Arthur shrugged it off. ‘Well, maybe whoever has it’s having a good time.’

Gretya frowned. ‘It must be terrible going from all that you had in America to this.’

‘It has been hard… the restrictions, the pain, the humiliation…’ Arthur paused as if thinking something profound. ‘It’s like being married, maybe.’

‘What is… is it… did you mean that marriage in America is like being a criminal?’

‘Well no…’ Arthur shifted uncomfortably from foot to foot. ‘I was just making a joke.’

‘Do Americans do that, say something false and laugh at the person they deceived?’ Gretya stiffened at the perceived insult.

‘No… I mean… you have it backwards, see when you tell a joke like that you assume everyone knows it’s not true, it isn’t what you really mean, so you’re not trying to deceive them you’re trying to surprise them with…’

Arthur sighed and decided to give up on the explanation. ‘Gretya, I didn’t mean to offend you, I guess some things just don’t translate.’

The girl’s eyes narrowed, concentrating on a foreign concept. Gretya finally cracked a smile, visibly eased, she shook her head. ‘You’re very weird, Criminal # 88588.’

‘I hear that a lot.’

‘My father doesn’t want me talking to you.’

‘I also hear that a lot… people avoid me, that’s why I’m here working for the MNR… private employers don’t want to hire me.’

‘They’re afraid, afraid of you?’

‘I suppose… people know what my former employer did, they think I’m the same as him, but he’s dead now and I’m stuck here to play the villain and take the blame. To most people I’m the enemy, and it’s not going to be easy to change their minds.’

Gretya looked down sadly and murmured: ‘People get blamed for a lot of things that’s not their fault sometimes.’

Arthur figured the girl was referring to herself more than him. He prepared himself for a rip tide of teen angst, but it didn’t come.

Gretya stayed quiet for a moment, and then she smoothed back strands of her hair out of her eyes. ‘Criminal number
88588, do you mind if I call you by your name?’

‘I’d like that Gretya, call me Arthur if you would… but around the staff, especially your father, you should probably still use the number.’ Arthur caught himself feeling exuberant over something as simple as some teenager he barely knew calling him by his real name, it was a really stupid thing to get excited about but it did feel good.

After several repetitions they settled on the close enough pronunciation then it was time to get moving.

Gretya struggled to walk up the slope. Arthur felt sorry for the girl, having to live in the same house with Hook would be rough, the ranger was a natural bully who didn’t mind putting her down in front of other people. The girl’s mother worked most of the week in Rika Chorna, so Gretya got to spend her summer vacation with dear old dad.

Arthur couldn’t help but like Gretya. Consequently, he was starting to feel guilty for accidentally ruining the teenager’s fun with Dietrikt and getting her in trouble. From the stiff way she walked, he figured she had gotten some pretty severe punishment in addition to the chores.

The extra work, the fresh set of welts on Arthur’s skin, and some of Gretya’s troubles were all unfortunate side effects of his latest plan failing miserably. Everyone thought it was a simple curfew violation. If the police had known what Arthur had really been up to the consequences would’ve been considerably worse.

‘Let me help,’ Arthur offered. ‘I’ll carry it up to the clearing, it’s easier for me to balance anyway- that’s why they don’t let me use two. It’s alright,’ he shrugged. ‘I’m used to this sort of work by now, it takes about twenty trips to the creek to fill that trough up.’

‘Twenty! I was complaining about two.’ Gretya was thankful for the help, she smiled as she walked in front of the criminal up the shaded path toward the edge of camp.

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My experience with Ms. Mahmoud was terrifying in a different sort of way. She had the power to destroy me completely and I was wise enough to fear her vengeance. With “Bitch” and my own sweet Jesse, I managed to instill my own sense of justice and discipline. Even with PC Anderson, I was able to force her behavior into my mold of correct submissiveness. Ms. Mahmoud was my first experience with the hard cold fact of total loss of control over a female in my sphere of influence. I knew I had...

4 years ago
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Bank Me Mili Aunty Ki Gand Fadi

Hi. Friends Yeh mera saccha aur horny experience tha . Aasha karta hu Ke aap logo ko yeh story pasand aaye . Aur aap mujhe bata sakte ho ke aapko kaisi lagi yeh story. My id is My name is honey and i am from gurgaon and i’m average in look and my height is 5″6 or mai regular gym jata hu. My age is 18 and sachi kahu to maine aaj tak sex nhi kia.Man to bahut karta hai but aaj tak koi mili nhi jiske sath sex kar saku so i’m virgin. To ab story start hoti hai. To bat us din ki hai jis din main.....

4 years ago
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Angel gets Double Stuffed

I like to think that I got extremely lucky in picking such an awesome wife. Angel is very beautiful standing about 5’2” with dirty blond hair that falls just above her shoulders. She’s not too thick and not too thin. She has a slightly large, round ass that is so much fun to smack when you are fucking her doggy style, and recently she has gotten a boob job. Her double D tits stop guys in their tracks every day. Angel and I are both in our late twenties.Not only am I lucky because my wife Angel...

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community service

I have been doing some community service due to a DUI.It is my first, and I didn't have to do any jail time, but I did however get sentenced to 300 hours of community service.That is a lot of spare time.One thing that this has given me is a lot of contact with young studs that are doing the same thing.I have been able to look over quite a few of them and while cleaning up the road sides, I have had to use mother natures rest room along with a few of them. I can visually check them out and I can...

1 year ago
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WildOnCam Sarah Lace Serena Santos Getting Wet And Nasty LIVE

Sarah Lace just can not be stopped from flashing those pink panties at us… but are we complaining? Hell No!! Serena Santos absolutely loves it too and wants Sarah to shake that ass all over her face. Sarah just wants her face all up in the cleavage of those perfect breasts. These babes can not be contained. Serena loves spreading open Sarahs pussy and letting us watch as she gets her face all up in that glorious wet pussy and spits right on that ass admiring as the saliva runs down and...

3 years ago
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Daddys Girl

Daddy's girl 1. Nikki and Samantha ?Wow ? omigosh ?,? said Samantha, ?your apartment is just amazing.? ?Amazing,? Samantha said again, through the open doorway of the bathroom tiledfrom floor to ceiling in unpolished dove-grey marble. ?My god, Nikki,? as she bounced on the enormous bed clothed in slinky greysilk sheets and covers, amongst Nikki's menagerie of stuffed toys and teddybears. ?This is just an incredible place. And that view ? wow. I love it. Ilove all your stuff.? The furniture,...

2 years ago
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The Sitters

It started while sitting on the living room couch. Sara—our babysitter, Beth—her friend, and me. I was back from my evening out, my wife was out of town, and the kids were downstairs, sound asleep. Sara lives next door with her parents and has been a family friend and our sitter for quite a while. Being summer, she was home from college after finishing her freshman year and had invited Beth to come over to play with the kids and talk and catch up, since they go to different schools. They are...

First Time
4 years ago
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Magic Of Matterhorn

It was the neat deeply tanned legs that Dan Summers first noticed, standing with ten other passengers in the cable car climbing out of Zermatt up towards the Klein Matterhorn. Beyond the window, the bright midday sun lit up the green slopes dotted with blue gentian and gave a glow to the snow cladding the higher peaks.A couple below waved up at them. The tanned-legged lady turned her head to wave back. Dan glimpsed a fairly pretty face, framed by brown shoulder-length hair. Early thirties...

Love Stories
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BSC09 the Fall and Rise of Jared ReznikChapter 12 The Fun Never Stops Around Here

When Jared got back to the lounge room he plonked hard down onto an easy chair and just stared at the two lovely creatures now inhabiting his home. He also looked all around the room still in disbelief at the total transformation that had taken place there. Very slowly Jared looked back to his two guests and slowly asked, “So ... did you ... did you two ... did you two do all this? Did you two girls tidy up all my mess and make it smell all so fresh again?” The mother and daughter looked at...

2 years ago
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Gardening Aftermath

Emma and I stood in the living room, the bright sunshine streaming in through the patio doors, the hum of the electric fan filling the room as it circulated the warm air. The breeze from the fan has some cooling effect, as could be seen by Emma and her mum, Sarah; their nipples stood proud, the areola puckered and nobbly.Sarah stood, arms on hips, face stern, large, saggy boobs staring at me in all their cross-eyed glory. My eyes drifted down to the tight green fabric of her bikini briefs. The...

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This is a completely true story that started in the summer of 1972, and continues to this day. Lynda was 22 and I was 17 when we met. She was a counselor in a youth group that I belonged to. She had long black hair, green eyes, and perfect 34c breasts. Although there was a mutual attraction, nothing much happened. She would tease me by telling me what she could do to me, if I was 18.At the end of the summer, I met her at a going away party. She was going back to college, and I was going to be a...

3 years ago
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Saturday Morning Alone

I didn't think I was naive. Or petulant. That's what my boyfriend called me. Just the sort of accusation that makes a person petulant.I woke alone in his bed. I thought he might be making breakfast, our Saturday morning ritual. The apartment, though, was too quiet. Then I remembered him telling me, the evening before, he had a few hours work to do at his office. After lunch, he'd promised, the weekend was for us. Perhaps the sound of the door closing behind him had woke me. The clock read a bit...

2 years ago
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MLP Equestria Girls

Welcome to the Equestria girls universe. Here we will follow one of your favorite girls, be they pony powered or not, as they struggle with the world around them. A world that has been gifted magic by it's sister world of Equestria. But magic here isn't like magic there. It has it's own way of working. Often it doesn't make sense. Then again magic rarely does. So who will you follow? And what will happen to them? Do they end up stripped naked in front of the school? Captured by an old enemy and...

2 years ago
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Eleanor Risby a Modern Fairy Tale RomanceChapter 2

March 2nd 1995 This is my first ever diary. I say ‘diary,’ although there are no dates printed in the book. Perhaps it should be ‘The journal of Eleanor Risby.’ I believe that’s what people call them - not that I would know what others think. Ever since I ceased working, I never mix. But, there I go again, wandering from the point. I must try hard to control myself and keep to the subject. I’ve never written a diary, even when I was a child. Mind you, nothing ever happened in my infancy, at...

3 years ago
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The Boys at Johns HouseChapter 47

I reached my limit in St. Tropez. We had two weeks so I made the boys each pick a different thing to do - the twins tried to pick together, but I made them be individual. "Actually, Boss..." Yann hesitated. "I was hoping I could take a couple days off while we were there." From Yann, that was a stunner. "See, I haven't been home in years, and my parents don't email, and Breton is only an hour away by plane, so..." I nodded. "So. Overnight in Breton. Sounds good; I've never been...

2 years ago
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train main mazzaa

Hello friends, i am sameer patel from mumbai i am 25 years old.i want to share with u some of my sexy experiences here. if u feel it is good please tell me so i can continue to post some more. I like to share here my first experience which happened by accident and was not planned or even imagined It was a rainy day and the trains were all running late. I was in a train which was moving at a snails pace and waited patiently when it would hault at the next stop so some of the crowd would get out...

3 years ago
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I remember my first getting my first time blow job

we lived about two blocks from the rail road tracks and i had to cross them on my way to school and back home.I was bout 14 yrs old at the time. i had gotten out early and was my way home. I noticed that there was these big bushes that one could hide in, i stopped by to check it out and I saw a hobo there and he was drinking a bottle of wine, he asked me if i wanted a drink, i said yes and sat down on a milk crate and took a big sip. we just talked a while, then the wine was gone, but he pulled...

1 year ago
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Catherine Makes a Change

Catherine Makes A Change By Petricia     She stood in the doorway and gazed at it as she had done countless times before. Gleaming stainless steel, black lacquer, soft black leather, chrome buckles. It was beautiful, a work of art. It was hideous, evil, cold- a thing to be feared and reviled. It dominated the room, as it dominated her thoughts, and holding the promise of something so sinister it made her quiver to think about it.      The device was Catherine’s own creation, a product of her...

3 years ago
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Luck By Chance 8211 Part II

Mera naam Rashid Hain meri age 28 saal hai ,maine bahut story read ki hai . wo sach hai ya jhoot nahi janta magar main aap se jo story share kar raha hu wo 100% sach kise plan se nahi hui bolki sab achanak hua . jis se yeh baat sabit hai insaan bahut weak hota hai aur shaitan usko behka deta hai .yeh baat tab ki jab main b com second year ka student tha aur meri age 20 thi. waise humare ghar me parent ke alava hum 3 bro sis the. my bade bhai job ke liye dehli me the. My badi baji study...

1 year ago
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After the dance Part One

100% fiction! No really, I hadn't planned on my sister being face down and ass up as my cock slid joyfully into her tight asshole this morning. Not that I'm going to complain about the pleasures we had shared last night either. Let's go to the beginning of all this. I was passing by my sister Alicia's room and thought I heard her crying. When I knocked on her door it slowly opened and I saw her sitting on her bed staring at her phone as if in shock, as tears ran down her lovely face. What's...

2 years ago
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Dont Sleep on the Subway Book ThreeChapter 20

OCT 1940 ITALY INVADES GREECE “Hitler truly loved and admired Mussolini just as much as he genuinely detested Italians, although he sometimes talked about a sentiment of friendship towards them. He considered Italians as corrupted, unreliable, liars, racially mixed and their political and military leaders as incompetent cretins who belonged to an “aristocratic mafia”. On the other hand he regarded Mussolini as a true political genius, the “Maestro” who showed the way to fight Socialism (the...

4 years ago
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Earths CoreChapter 17 Closure

With an indifferent expression, Zax turned to the remaining savage beasts and launched himself at the closest one, killing it and moving to the one after that and after that and after that... Unhindered by the weight he once gave death, his body moved naturally and freely. With his mind set on killing, Zax did not ever bother of doing it brutally. To kill, he only needed one gesture of the hand. In a way, when killing was not ruled by hate or pain, its execution was somewhat even...

2 years ago
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Jokes and Giggles Part TwoChapter 492

???????????????? The devil made me forward this. I know, you don’t want to be bothered reading all of these, but as you progress to the end, you will experience a more complete understanding of our country’s operations, Well most countries really! Anthropomorphic collective nouns... The English language has some wonderfully anthropomorphic collective nouns for the various groups of animals. We are all familiar with a Herd of cows, Flock of chickens, School of fish And a Gaggle of geese A Pride...

4 years ago
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Little Mother

When Mama came home from the doctor that day I could tell she was upset. "What's wrong, Mama?" I asked. "Plenty," she told me. "You and I have a lot to talk about." We sat at the kitchen table and drank a cup of tea in silence. Finally she told me. "The doctor says that it is serious. I have maybe a year to live." "Mama!" I exclaimed. We held each other and cried for a while. Finally I wiped my eyes and asked her, "What will we do?" "You must prepare to be the woman of the...

1 year ago
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Pasts and Presents

CHAPTER 1 So, ZA is out of rehab and looking pretty damn good. I know I should stay away, but my slut senses are tingling. I’ve heard from a few women that he’s pretty damn good. The thing is, I’ve known him since I was 20 and knowing someone for 10 years, on a friend’s only basis, can alter your perception. He’s a friend and has always only been a friend. This is crazy. And it should stay my fantasy. “Jana, guess who I’m fantasizing about nowadays?” I’m asking my best friend who has been that...

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Desi Mausi Ki Chut Mari

Hello dosto Mera name deepak he or meri mausi ka name aasha he unki ek beti he or ek beta unki beti ki sadi huye 6 mahine huye the unka beta 12 me padhta he or unke pati delhi me kaam karte he meri mausi ka ghar gaao me he me garmi ki chutti me mausi ke yaha gaya tha meri mausi kya kamal ki lag rahi thi savle rang ki hatti katti thi mast chuchi or bade bade gand dekh kar laga jake abhi daba lu magar me apne aap ko roka or unke per chuye or andar chala gaya unki ladki sasural me thi or unka...

2 years ago
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On the night we were married my bride confessed that she had a fantasy about being spanked on her honeymoon. She wanted a harsh bare bottom spanking over my knee. We had been together for almost a year so I knew she liked a few slaps on her backside during lovemaking but this was something different. This was a surprise. She wanted more. She wanted to be a good, obedient wife, she said, and she wanted me to be strict with her. She liked the idea of domestic discipline.She blushed as she told me...

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Unexpected night ending flatery works

Well, I was barely old enough to get into the night clubs... and I figured I would dress as sexy as possible, being a slim young guy, fit and trim, I dressed in shorts that highlighted my small waist, my tight firm ass, and a tight t-shirt that showed off my abs and toned shoulders.  I was sure the girls would be interested, even if I wasn't a big guy.  But the night was a bust, even if i did talk to a few girls, there was no pick-up, not even close.Walking home from the club on a side street,...

3 years ago
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Unknowingly Eating His Bullies Creampie

I wanted to trick a guy into swallowing cum. I have already fucked Mike a few times at this point and I knew he would jump at any opportunity to have me again. I had the cum, I just needed a receiver. Mike bullied this wimpy socially awkward k** in college called Kyle a few years below us. It would be perfect.I went looking for Kyle when college finished after hearing about a particular brutal run in with Mike that left him with mud running up the side of his shirt and jeans. I caught up with...

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Jasmin Wagners neue Karriere

Nach ihrem Karriereende als Sängerin hatte Jasmin Wagner nur Pech gehabt. Sie hatte auf ihr Management gehört und ihre sauer erarbeiteten Gagen und Tantiemen in Aktien ihrer Plattenfirma Edel gesteckt und nach dem Börsencrash waren die Millionen auf ein lächerliches Sümmchen zusammengeschrumpft mit dem sie ihren Lebensstil auf keinen Fall halten konnte. Anders gesagt, sie war pleite ! Das hatte auch wohl Kurt, ein wohlhabender Mensch in den 40ern aus ihrem Umfeld, mitbekommen und dieser machte...

1 year ago
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The street walking girl

Michelle decided it today. She would move outside with no clothes on! So she walked outside naked. She had really huge tits which bounced in front of her. Then a guy saw her. Instantly he pulled out his dick and started rubbing. Michelle smiled and shacked her ass so that the guy could enjoy his wanking even more. "wanna cum on my tits dude?" Michelle asked the guy. Then she kneeled in front of him and that sight was just too much for the guy. He shoot his load right into the girls tits....

Erotic Fiction
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Daddy and Little One Ch 04

Little One unwrapped each dress and laid them on her bed. This was more clothes than she had in her entire life. Little One picked up the simple black dress. It was her favorite. She slipped off the short skirt and shirt she had worn home with Daddy and held the black dress to her breasts and looked in the tall mirror on the wall. Little One did not recognize herself. She turned sideways and gazed at the young woman in a lacey bra and panties and high heels. The heels made her legs look long...

3 years ago
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Mi Vida Loca A Young Mans Sexual OdysseyChapter 41

Before I could get out and close the car door, Ashley and Alisha had their friend standing beside me. As soon as I looked down at her tight t-shirt, I knew she wasn’t wearing a bra. Her nipples are sticking out like ten-penny nails in this cold wind. I looked up from her titties to see her smiling as Alisha introduced us. “Beth, we want you to meet our best friend, Josey Ruiz. He’s the one we were telling you and your mom about. “Josey, this is Bethany Olivia Burns. She’s our age and just...

2 years ago
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Unexpected love triangle 9

Jacob I was on my computer writing a paper for my English class when I hear my phone ring letting me know that I had a text. I finish writing my sentence and grab my phone. *Incoming text message from Beautiful Jenny* Hey, Jacob…? I smile. I cornered her one day at school and finally confronted her about why she never texted me. She confessed that she lost my number so I grabbed her phone and called my phone. Since then, we have been texting each other non-stop, but I was always the...

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