Abby Ch. 02 free porn video

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Abby slept better than she would have thought with the luxury of an opened window filling the room with the soft country air. She was wakened early, well, early for her, just after six, not by the crow of a Cockerel, as she would have imagined but by the insistent blare of sheep. She looked out the window to the meadows that came close to the wall of the Inn, and then stretched up rising gently at first and then more steeply to a copse on the skyline. The meadow was well populated with sheep, attended by lambs, which would occasionally try to eat the grass. Finding this not to their liking they would rush back to the ewes and none too gently attack their mothers udders. Abby was amused by the antics of these lambs that she supposed should be soft and cuddly things, and not demanding little tyrants. ‘Shouldn’t you go ‘Baa’, not screech like that?’ She castigated them.

There was a discreet knock on the door, hurriedly putting on her robe, Abby opened the door. It was Mary, with a tray. ‘Heard you get up, so I brought you some Tea.’ She slid past Abby and put the tray on the dressing table.

Abby was happily surprised. ‘I haven’t had tea brought to me in the morning for years, thank you.’

‘Well everybody’s got to be spoilt sometime, haven’t they?’ Mary laughed. ‘Breakfast will be ready whenever you are. What would you like?’

‘Oh, a couple of slices of toast will be fine.’

Mary was offended. ‘Toast? Toast?’ She exclaimed with indignation. ‘You’re not going out of here without a proper breakfast inside you. What would people say if they thought I had just given you toast?’ The rebuke was delivered with such firmness that Abby had to concede.

‘Well perhaps a poached egg and some grilled bacon.’

Mary was mollified, and left the room muttering to herself. ‘Toast indeed.’

If the tea that she had enjoyed yesterday afternoon was a revelation, the tea she drank that morning would have to be Heaven. Abby stood at the window, the day was bright with a clear sky, and a light wind ruffled the grass in the meadows and sent the tops of the trees in the copse dipping and swaying. The first cup of tea went down so well she poured another. She had often heard of people saying that their spirits had lifted, and had doubted that such a thing could happen, until now as standing there she knew that her spirits had indeed lifted.

Dressed in a sweatshirt and jeans she came down to find breakfast laid for her in the lounge. A large glass of orange juice awaited her on the table, from which Abby sipped.

Presently Mary bustled in bearing a platter full of eggs, toast and bacon. ‘I’ve poached the eggs and grilled the bacon, I thought you might prefer it that way.’ she said with a friendly smile on her face. Abby looked with horror at the mountain of food before her.

‘I couldn’t possibly eat all this.’

Mary interrupted her. ‘Gorn, you got to eat something, look at you girl, you’re almost skin and bone.’ She stopped abruptly as Abby’s eyes filled with tears. ‘Oh child I didn’t mean to upset you.’ she said with alarm filling her face.

‘No, no, I’m not upset, it’s just that those words were almost exactly what Mum used to say.’ Mary sat down in the chair next to Abby and put her arm around her shoulders.

‘I’m sorry Love, I should have thought. I suppose it is just what my mum would say, and I guess most mums at some time or other. Mind you my mum wouldn’t say it now.’ She opened her arms wide to demonstrate her ample proportions.

The gesture made Abby laugh, pull herself together, and forced the brightness back into her voice. ‘Yes, they probably have. I’ll do the best I can with the breakfast, but don’t be upset if I cannot finish it all.’ Mary smiled again and nodding her head vigorously in that way of hers, left Abby to eat her meal. She was once more surprised at her hunger, or was it the flavours, which seemed to be so different to those she was used to back in London. It was strange, though, none of these foods was alien to her, she had eaten eggs and bacon before on many occasions, but at no time had they conjured up the tastes she now enjoyed. The flavours complimented each other so well, no wonder people put them together. Yet the supermarket variety lacked the fullness and definition of these, the package may have described the content as fresh, but Abby’s knowledge of the market told her that ‘Fresh’ was anything from twenty-four hours old to four days old. Was this that elusive quality called freshness?

Despite her newly found appetite, she could not finish the meal, and guiltily pushed the plate away. Sipping yet another cup of tea she reflected that she ought not to go too far from the village today, as she would certainly need to use the Loo after all this liquid.

Mary returned empty handed, much to Abby’s relief, as she had visions of a plateful of toast appearing. ‘There, you didn’t do too bad.’ she bantered.

Abby was intrigued. ‘Does everyone eat as much as that down here?’

‘Oh no,’ laughed Mary, ‘that was only half a breakfast for most round here.’

Abby sat back and stared with astonishment. ‘You’re pulling my leg.’

Mary grinned. ‘Only a little bit.’ She collected the debris from the table. She was just about to take the plates away, when as an afterthought turned and asked. ‘Had you any plans for the day?’ Abby wondered if Mary was about to suggest anything, but felt that she would rather just wander around rather than have a specific goal in mind, so replied.

‘All the driving yesterday has left me quite tired, so I think I shall just walk around getting to know the place.’ Mary nodded.

‘Best thing, if you want anything to eat at Lunchtime just pop in, there’s always something available.’

Abby had been telling the truth when she said she didn’t want to drive anywhere, but walking was another matter. Her bag contained the required clothing, something she had learned from other breaks after being caught out in a number of downpours. She had in addition a handy-kit, which contained some basic first-aid items. Therefore equipped with good shoes, light rainwear, warm sweater, and a small rucksack, containing, spare socks, some biscuits, a glucose drink, and the handy-kit, she left the Combe Inn, and set off down the lane for the old Station. There was hardly any traffic on the lane so she was not required to walk in the gutter, where puddles left from the last rain still waited to soak her shoes.

What little traffic there was consisted of a couple of tractors, the drivers of which raised an arm in greeting upon seeing Abby. She was puzzled when one driver not only raised his arm, but called out. ‘Mornin’ Miss Tregonney.’ She was certain that she had not seen him in the pub last night, so how did he know her name? It was not a question to concern her for more than a moment however, as by now warmed by the exercise, she was starting to enjoy the walk. If the one and a half miles had seemed long when she drove this way yesterday afternoon, it was becoming a marathon now. She wondered if she had taken the right road, then told herself that was ridiculous, as there was only one road, she could not remember seeing that tree yesterday, nor that cottage. It was only when she looked back and could not see the cottage that she realised that the bend in the lane, and the hedge hid the cottage from sight when coming from this direction. Thus re-assured she walked on, and soon was rewarded with the sight of the old sign pointing to the station.

More boldly this time she approached the old building, after all she now had a personal interest, one might almost say a family interest in the station. Nothing had changed, but everything had changed. The platform still as dilapidated as yesterday, but now touched by a hand she could relate to. Granddad, although it seemed strange to refer thus to a man she had not known, had walked this platform, had touched these few remaining artefacts. Here he had go
ne about his work. In her mind’s eye she could imagine a figure, striding up and down, quietly giving instructions to the Porters, (were there Porters?), waiting to greet the trains, nodding to the drivers, whilst looking pointedly at his pocket watch, exchanging the time of day with the guards, and importantly giving the right away to start the train on its journey once more.

Strangely, although she could see this figure, dressed in a railway uniform, and wearing a cap to denote his authority, she could not see a face. ‘What did you look like, granddad?’ she mused aloud. ‘Were you tall, mum was tall for a woman. Were you handsome, and gentle? Was your hair brown, black, blonde, or grey? Black I think, because with your name you were probably a West Country man. I expect you had brown eyes, Mum’s were brown, and so are mine. Have I got your brown eyes?’ She stopped herself then, alarmed by the first watering in her eyes a prelude to genuine tears, as melancholy for a family she had never known swept over her.

Abby recovered her composure after a moment or two dwelling in sadness and deciding not to go down that route again, wandered down past the House at the end of the platform. She stopped and looked again with the sudden realisation that this was in all probability her grandfather’s house, this was where her mum had spent her early years and had had grown up. The tears did flow now, this strange place that she had looked at so rationally yesterday, a catalyst for all the emotion that she had denied over the years since her mother died. Suddenly it was there in front of her, the past, not her past, but a past that in a way she owned, that she had never known about. ‘Damn, damn, damn, why did I come here?’ Abby was beginning to think that perhaps this was not such a good idea. Eventually her tears dried, and she used a wipe from her handy-kit to dry the tear salt from her cheek. ‘Good job I didn’t bother with make-up today, otherwise Mascara would be all over the place.’

This done she stood for a while, looking at the house. Despite her earlier emoting she would have liked to get in there, but the boarding firmly nailed into place deterred her, perhaps it was better that she didn’t, not from the emotional point of view, but she felt sure that the house was now occupied by other, less wholesome beings, such as rats. Wanting to get away for the moment, her gaze fell upon the old buildings just a hundred yards down the track, and set off quickly to avoid the re-surfacing emotion. She followed the little path, which wound through the masses of gorse and nettles. It became obvious that this path was a remnant of what had once been an access road, periodic clearings showed the road bed, or rather what had been a road bed, but now being swallowed greedily by the weeds. She became aware, as she had yesterday, of the busy and prolific bird population. The flutter and flitter of wings all around, heard, but only occasionally seen, as a bird would dart down, and lift, carrying some wisp of grass or straw. She had heard as well, the rustle from the undergrowth. Sensible enough to realise that whatever creature lay hidden there was probably more afraid of her than she of it. Nonetheless a shiver crept down her spine, she was a city girl after all.

Her trek brought her nearer to the derelict buildings and she could now tell that one would have been a small house, the other a Goods Shed. The hand that had designed the station had designed these, using the same rugged stone. The goods shed boasted large doors to which the rails had evidently approached, and presumably carried on inside. High windows were set in the wall above head height presumable denying the workforce of any excuse for stopping work. It had a foreboding, almost gloomy look about it which Abby dismissed as purely invention on her part. The path ended here just short of the buildings and opened out into a large gravelled area. Walking to the left, she encountered the undulations where the sleepers had been lifted from the track bed. From this viewpoint she could see quite plainly how the track would have curved into the Goods Shed, and also that another track would have run alongside. To the right of the shed she noticed a foundation of what would have to have been a small but substantial building. Why leave the others, yet pull down this one, she wondered to herself.

She pushed her way through the weeds, and getting closer spotted the large gap in the base of the foundation. ‘The Signal Box!’ She exclaimed, ‘of course, the frame inside must have been worth recovery. Easier to tear the building down to get it out than take it to pieces inside.’ Pleased with her deduction, she turned her attention to the small house, which was a smaller version of the Stationmasters house, but single storey and not so grand. Situated here she assumed that it would have been provided for the Signalman.

‘Hello, can I help you?’ The voice startled her, and she turned to see the owner of the voice, a man, sitting a chestnut horse, on the other side of the hedge forming the boundary between railway and field. His voice may have carried to her, but there was no way that Abby was going to be able to shout a reply, so she started to wade through the weeds towards the rider. ‘Be careful,’ he called, ‘there are lots of bits of old iron scattered around.’ his warning was opportune for at that moment Abby stepped on a long Iron bar, which appeared to be hinged to a plate in the ground. She kept her balance, just, and continued until the gorse formed an impenetrable bar to further progress. She looked up, to find she had narrowed the gap to just ten or so feet.

‘I’m just looking around, is that all right?’ If she had expected a reply straight away she was mistaken, for the man was staring at her with astonishment. Abby looked around to see what it was that had so discomfited him, but could see nothing. When she looked back his face had adopted that bland look, of people who hate to let others see their emotions.

‘Perfectly all right,’ he replied gruffly, ‘land belongs to no one now, just be careful of adders though, plenty about in that scrub. Good day to you.’ He lifted his crop in good manners, and urged his horse to walk.

How peculiar, she thought, someone who starts out to be friendly, and then goes all stiff and formal on you. If she had realised the shock in the rider’s mind as he rode away, she would have revised her opinion. Abby retraced her steps to the station, with her mind active. On the one hand she was moved with her emotional response to these surroundings, a deeper emotion than she would have thought, being used to calm, clear-headed, analytical, processes of the mind in the midst of the shouting almost chaotic world, which was the trading floor. Yet her logical mind was telling her that she would only understand her grandfather’s world if she researched the history of the line, and the society of the time. If there was ever a question in her mind about returning to this place, even with the strange emotions it stirred, then it was now resolved. She stopped in the forecourt and looked back at the station buildings, trying to imagine what it would look like during its working life, immediately she knew where she would start her research. There would have to be a local library, which would also probably possess a photographic archive. ‘That’s tomorrow sorted.’

With a goal in mind, Abby’s steps which had become listless, regained their spring, and she turned back towards the village. On her walk to the station this morning she had noticed a sign for a public footpath, perhaps a diversion to see where it went would be in order. She found the sign within half a mile, in far better repair than other signs around here, but then a pressure group as well organised as the Ramblers Association obviously punched well above its weight, and of course the opinion of the actual landowners counted for very little. The sign indicated the footpath leading to ‘Huish Coppice’. Abby turned on to the path, which, ran alongside
a small field for a hundred yards or so before turning abruptly left. The turn indicated by a simple wooden sign with a foot seemingly branded into the pointed arm. The path was now gloomy as it was bordered by hedgerow either side. A tractor had used the path at some time carving deep ruts that were filled with dank, slimy water. She had to take extreme care finding the driest footing. Again the path turned, this time to the right, thankfully the tractor had driven straight ahead into a field, and the footing was much more firm, the hedge was to one side only now, and as the path gained height steadily, the hedge got lower, until it had vanished altogether. The path led over a hump in front of her, and upon gaining the crest she was back on the railway!

Abby looked around to orientate herself. To the west she could just see the station, and looking east the line curved away to the right eventually leaving her sight in a cutting. Once more she was astonished that the farmers had not reclaimed the old track bed. The boundaries were still clearly marked, sometimes by hedges, sometimes by fencing which appeared to be maintained. Of the track itself nothing remained. Satisfied she knew where she was Abby set off along the footpath once more. Another sign appeared guiding her steps to the east, this time on a course, which paralleled the railway. As the railway entered the cutting, the footpath climbed, eventually leading away at a tangent, rising steadily. The Copse on the hill in front of her was obviously Huish Coppice, and with the rise in elevation she was gaining a clearer view of this part of the valley, and also the village. The Copse was apparently the same one that she had seen from the window at the Inn that morning, the railway in its cutting being totally obscured from Combe Lyney, the meadows creating the illusion that nothing intervened between village and hill.

Warm from her climb, Abby paused at the top, and took a glucose drink out of her rucksack. She noticed a stump and Abby gratefully utilised it for a seat. From here the area was spread out in a panoramic view. The station away to the west, the old line curving through the fields and meadows before vanishing below her, and the village, its houses and Church set out like a model in front of her. As she studied it the shape of its development became clear. The original settlement, she could recognise by the old cob cottages, clustered, haphazardly around the Church. Behind the Church on slightly higher ground a larger house, probably the Manor she thought. And the later stone and then brick built houses, which filled in the gaps. Why the gaps she asked herself? Then of course were the latest additions, the concrete system built houses, likely put there by the local Council.

It was probably wrong to call it a village, as there were no more than about forty houses in total, the earliest buildings close to the Church, and the later set further away, part of the community but maintaining a distance. As Abby sat she was struck by the absence of traffic noise. Traffic noise was part and parcel of the city, even through the small hours of the night, the rumble and growl of cars, buses, and goods vehicles was a constant factor, to which city-dwellers became inured. When walking the lane, which had to be the main thoroughfare, this morning, the only vehicles she encountered were tractors. Even now as she sat the only sounds were those of the wind in the trees behind her, the occasional bleat of cattle, and the muffled grumble of a tractor, working in a field to the right of the village.

It really was most pleasant here. The sun warmed the land, the breeze, and this little enclave where she sat. Ruffling in her rucksack she found the packet of oat biscuits she invariably carried, and munched one contentedly. She had never intended to return to the Inn for lunch, even though she may have given Mary that impression. The truth being that the breakfast she had eaten at Mary’s behest would suffice her for the rest of the day, particularly when faced with the prospect of an equally gargantuan evening meal. Far better to just sit, enjoy the view, and breathe the fresh air. A horseman rode along the hedge two fields away, but was too far for her to tell if it was the man, she had encountered earlier on, she watched his progress for a while until he rode into another field further away, leaning down from his horse to unlatch a gate, moving his horse through, and then leaning down again to re latch it. Perhaps he never gets off his horse, she thought.

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3 years ago
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The superpower body

You as a man have the most best, the most impressive body in the world. You have had guys shooting at you and as the bullets have bounced off of that body of yours. You have had guys shoot you and as the bullet have pierced into your skin, your skin heals up as the bullet come out the skin and fell to the ground. Then after you have use your body's superpowers you now noticed the everyone around you is looking at you. They look at you with looks of confusion and looks with smile on their faces...

1 year ago
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EvilAngel Ashley Lane Anal And Squirting Fun

Sweet brunette Ashley Lane runs her fingers over her porcelain skin. Ramon Nomar shoves his tongue in her delicious asshole and gives her a lusty rim job. He’s ready for anal fun! Ashley’s pink sphincter gapes, and Ramon stuffs his dick deeply into her hungry rectum. He fingers Ashley’s wet pussy, and she ejaculates girl squirt all over herself! Ramon licks the orgasmic juice from her skin. Ashley tastes his butthole, and she gives Ramon an ass-to-mouth blowjob. She spreads...

1 year ago
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I Swear To You part two

Part two of my ‘I Swear To You’ series. In this part there is no sex, so if that is what you want, sorry, but don’t bother, it ain't here. For all the rest of you, thanks for reading, hope you enjoy it and please, if you would, leave your comments so I know what you do and don’t like. I stretched out under the warm glow, feeling my skin embrace the light. Staring out into the depths of the ocean, I’m lost. Swallowed in a world of supreme power, where the emotionally weak and ignorant have no...

1 year ago
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Pressed on the Train

I was on a train journey. I got touched. And I enjoyed it! I was taking a train ride to one of the south Indian cities. It was for my holidays, I was doing my college at that time. I was around 19 years old. It was a night train, with the final destination expected to be arrived at in the morning. My destination station was not the last stop.I had caught fever a day before the journey. Though I was asked not to go, I wanted to make the trip because I could enjoy my holidays instead of staying...

1 year ago
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OVERBOARDChapter 48 We Start on Our Honeymoon

We spent the next half hour being congratulated by everyone. I met more people there, at one time, than since my first day of college, there was no way I was going to remember any of them. We excused ourselves and went in to change clothes and finish packing. When we were in our rooms, we kept the doors in the bath between the rooms open, so we could talk. "Where'd that dress come from, Kay? When did you have the time to get it?" "Don't you like it?" she said and there was some worry...

2 years ago
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Five White GirlsChapter 4

When my mother left the room I turned and whispered to you. (Yes you, the person reading this.) Thank God she left. I bet she uses that big black dildo that daddy bought her. I have been dying to tell someone about the third rainbow party. I could never tell my mom so I’ll tell you.” The length of time between the first party and the second was five weeks. Tony got pissed because Sue and I bugged him almost every day after the third week. The time between the second party and the third was...

1 year ago
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Freds Problem

FRED'S PROBLEM BY JANICE My name is Fred Danvers and I am a cross dresser. As most cross dressers, I started when I was young, in my case, about ten years old. My sister Kathleen and I never really got along, she is two years older than I. we lived with our parents but our father, being in the military, spent a lot of time away from home on duty. I did the usual dressing at home when I was alone, and as usual, I was caught several times. I was never really punished physically,...

3 years ago
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Momrsquos Motivational Techniques

i dropped the heavy brass knocker on the thick oak door and listened to its dull thud reverberate in the silence of the cold, dark night. A minute later a soft glow lit up the hallway and I saw the silhouette of a man walk towards the door. I did not know why my heart was pounding the way it was. I wasn't in a habit of asking my big brother for help, but after all, that’s what family is for, right?My brother was a little surprised, but pleased to see me and immediately asked me to come inside...

1 year ago
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Like a Good Neighbor

                                            LIKE A GOOD NEIGHBORBy; Barticlees  I had seen Anita many times in the neighborhood.  She was very sexy, with long black hair, a great figure, and a pretty face.  She must have had Hispanic blood but she sure looked better than your average Mexican.  With her looks I wouldn't have been surprised if she just walked across the border from Mexico without any papers at all and they probably let her in the country just because she smiled at them. I would...

1 year ago
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Box Shaped HeartChapter 25 Blue Pill Red Pill

“Are we playing mime?” Carter was the first to speak again, seeing that the other was busy expressing his outrage just by standing there, petrified, with an expression of absolute horrified surprise on his perfect face. Alex scrunched his nose and pulled the chair brusquely, taking a seat without being invited to. Carter felt the need to say something and point out the rudeness, but he could bet that little mishap was going to pale in comparison to what Alex was going to say and do. “So,...

2 years ago
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A Joyful Experience Of TwinsChapter 8

It was around 7.40 when Deepa silently crept back to the gate, made some noise as if she was locking away the cycle at the shed and rang the bell. Ratna, by now, properly dressed, opened the door and let her in. Deepa asked her, "Amma, enna 'velai ellam' mudinjudha? Appa enge? Ravi vandhuttaana? Neenga rendu perum enna saapitenngala? Ille, engalukkaaga kaathikittu irukeengala?" "Mom, have you finished all your 'work'? Where's dad? Has Ravi reached home? Have you taken dinner or just...

4 years ago
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night encounter

NIGHT ENCOUNTER By:benu It happened few years back when I was unmarried and 27 years old. I had enjoyed sex few times, but not prostitutes, but this incident true one is very special and I am not able to forget it till date. I was posted at Paradip Port, Orissa for some construction project and I was first to arrive to construct site office etc. Through the sub-contractor of office I appointed a advasi lady for cleaning of office, to serve tea and for other office activities on labour supply...

1 year ago
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Mom gets a mouthful

100% fiction! My mom and I have always had a unique relationship. We have always been very close, mainly due to my dad's alcohol addiction. Since I can remember, she and I were always neglected by him, which seemed to put a strain on the whole family and made her very lonely. I suppose he was also cheating, because my Mom was a beautiful lady. She was 5'5", long dark hair, slender body with tan athletic legs, and crystal blue eyes. My Mom kept porn and sex toys in a large brown paper bag under...

3 years ago
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Island Temptation

There I was in my hotel room in the Bahamas, checking out the view of the beach from my balcony. I saw the beautiful blue ocean, the white sand, people swimming and playing volleyball and the sun was brightly shining. So I decided to take a walk on the beach. I put on a pair of jeans and a midriff under my rainbow-colored two-piece bikini and stepped out. Not only did I love the feel of sand on my feet but I also liked the crashing of waves against the rocks. Then I sat on the sand, enjoying...

2 years ago
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summer of being shared

I was friends with a pair of twins, one of which was crippled, so I spent a lot of time at their house over the summer, after school, stuff like that. Their little sister had always had a bit of a crush on me. It had gotten to the point where I was concerned. She was 6 years younger than me, and I wanted her to find someone her own age. So we started talking more, just the two of us, in an attempt to get her to stop carring for me. It failed, and I actually ended up falling for her. We dated on...

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Death Makes Me Feel Alive

I have watched over earth for thousands of years, and my existence has faded to myth and legend. Over time, my kin became mere shadows of the beings they once were, until they disappeared altogether. My wife, Persephone, was the first to disappear. More like a companion than a wife, she had long been without purpose. I am the only one left with a job; to care for the dead. Since my wife disappeared, I had become obsessed with my work. Recently though, I had become restless. The vast underworld...

Fantasy & Sci-Fi
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Lucky Santa

In the end you could tell my Company Chief was an ex-sales guy. Dammit! At least that's 'my' excuse for why 'I' ended up in the Santa Suit half way through the Christmas dinner celebrations. Don't get any wise ideas! I'm not that fat - at least I don't think so, well upholstered yes - but not fat! So my hair and beard are pretty white these days - I told him straight that that was working for him - the bastard! So he had me hooked. OK, so greed came into it - bribery! In the back of...

1 year ago
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What Lena Wants

Introduction: Lena used to be close with her brother Milo, but things have changed recently. Lena just wants to have her brother back, maybe a little closer than before. Hi Lovelies! I hope you enjoy this story. I am hoping to expand upon it with more of Milo and Lenas relationship, so stay tuned. Xoxo, Cede ——– Growing up, I was the youngest in our family. The only girl on top of that. I had three older brothers, Sam, Peter, and Milo. Sam and Peter were five and eight years older than me,...

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My New Neighbors Chapter 1 An Innocent Jump

My life in those days was pretty boring. The highlights were watching baseball when I got home from work, followed by an intimate jack-off session with me, myself, and my hand. At 38, I felt life starting to creep up on me - my prime seemed long past and my forties seemed to be constantly on my mind. Don’t get me wrong, I was still in good shape at 220 pounds and 6’3”. I worked out at least every other day so I was pretty solid, I took care of my hygiene, and overall, I was a pretty good...

3 years ago
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The Grim ReaperChapter 41 Abu Dhabi

January 2007 Mom was very upset that I wasn’t going to come home on my leave. She just wasn’t buying my explanation about losing my squad. She wanted me to come home, squad or no squad. I think Dad understood, and he told me that his father understood, but Mom was very unhappy. I had been in the Army now for four Christmases, and three had been spent in Iraq. I didn’t even bother telling her about the incident at Yankee North. One of her latest kicks was, “Are you the only soldier in Iraq?...

3 years ago
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Sir and sub

He entered the huge, magnificent double arched neo-Gothic entrance, striding slowly as if he owned the place. People's heads turned as he walked past, head held high, either thinking him an arrogant prick, or trying to remember where they knew him from - was it a television show?Frankly, my dear, he didn't give a damn. He knew what he was doing here, whom he was coming to meet. And he was looking forward to finding out how well she could, and would, follow instructions.The Natural History...

4 years ago
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Girls Club Ch 1 Join the Club

Girls Club - Ch. 1 - Join the Club My name is Nick and my story starts almost immediately after my Mom got remarried. You see, dad left when I was very young and it has been just mom and me for almost 15 years. I just turned 16 and I have no brothers or sisters. Well, I had no brothers and sisters until now. My new step dad has one daughter. So now I have a step sister. Her name is Ann and she is 18. Ann is absolutely gorgeous! If she was not my sister and more than 2 years...

2 years ago
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Texting SethChapter 3

Noah stretched on his bed. His Blackberry signaled an incoming call and he answered. "Hi, Rachel." Oh, Noah ... I need to talk. "I'm here." He heard her sniffling. "Have you been crying?" Yes ... I don't know what to do. I'm trying to decide about an abortion. What do you think I should do? "It's not my decision." I know. I'd like to hear your opinion. "I wasn't going to try to influence your decision," he replied. "I'm not going to try to influence it now. Since you...

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Returning Home

Pulling into the driveway at his old friends house, he realizes how long it has been since the two have seen each other. Ryan steps out of the car and approaches the door. Little does he know that Sarah has been eagerly awaiting his arrival for hours, and before he raises his arm to knock on the door, the door flys open. She stands before him, firey red ha

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thongs and thongs

question is it wrong fora man to wear her thongs when she commands you to is it wrong also is it wrong to wear thongs to go to a drive throu while she has lingerie on showing off her assets

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The Sexapade In The College With A Professor

Hey readers! Haven’t been posting any story for a long time due to a busy schedule. But now I’m back with an incident that happened somewhere, some time and with someone, I wouldn’t expect ever in my life! We have been studying organizational culture (OC) in our college as per our curriculum. The faculty for OC, Ankita looks pretty but her voice is damn irritating! If the students of our class had a choice, we would put cotton in our ears to avoid her voice tearing through our eardrums! But she...

1 year ago
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Private Matilde Ramos Sexy Latina Enjoys Interracial Rimming

Here at we strive to bring the best porn possible and today we have a scene that delivers on that promise! Debuting today in Private Specials, Ass Licking Girls is the Colombian beauty Matilde Ramos and she wastes no time getting down and dirty with her man Eddy Blackone in an interracial scene to remember! Watch Matilde flaunt her curvaceous body before getting a taste of black meat and heading down for some rimming action, then enjoy the sight of this spectacular Latina getting...

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The Stepsister Part 11

~~Start of Part 11~~ Sis comes back in and sits down and sees that Becky and I seem to be having a little personal look at her and she smiles so we both catch it. Mandy is sitting on the end of the couch and I get up and move in between her and Becky and they make room for me to sit down. Mandy perks up immediately now that I am down by her and cuddles up on to my arm and makes sure my hand is right on her warm and slightly wet pussy. She puts her head on my shoulder and whispers into my ear,...

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Reginalds PeopleChapter 3

Next day Reg said goodbye as his wives went off to their university courses, promising to return with whatever his professors allocated to Reg to study. He had finished the first set of materials he had been given. Later, hearing heavy footsteps on the stairs, he assumed that was Elizabeth and Sidra on their self-imposed exercise regime, but the pounding seemed excessive. He called out, “What is all the noise about, girls? You are a bit noisier than usual.” A few minutes later, Sidra...

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Bite MeChapter 8

The twins not being vampires, they fell asleep a lot faster than Mom or me, of course. Still, I got a little action out of them, as did Mom, for that matter. We snuggled up together on the master bed now, the wooden stake now on the nightstand next to us just in case. The rest of the bat was in the trash with the dust, of course. I could feel Mom’s sleek skin against mine, her hair on my chest as she lay there in my arms. She was naked and I could see where she had indeed shaved her twat...

3 years ago
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Dans Surprise Two Girls Four Guys Part 3

 Chantelle clearly had a good idea of what she wanted and how she wanted it. It had been mentioned by Ryan how Chantelle liked to be the more dominant female in a girl-girl situation. This was becoming apparent from the moment Dan sexily slammed me on the bed, ramming his horny tongue in my mouth and giving me his naughty, cheeky grin. Chantelle mounted the bed on her knees, energetic and direct about where she wanted to be. Her leg nudged my own out of her way, spreading mine wide apart and...

Group Sex
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Lost in Space 2

The new town they were near was a little farther away than the last one, about two miles. This time Captain Jason three of the other men to go explore the town. Oren; the navigator, Reginald or Reg as he was called by everyone; the medical officer, and Lynn; the security officer began the long trek to the town. Having been told of some of the habits of dress in the previous town (but not the sexual part) watched from a hidden spot outside of the town for an hour or two before entering the...

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An Experience to Remember

I'll never forget the first time I've been involved in a threesome. To be honest, I was a bit iffy of the notion of fucking with two people instead of one, but this time was way different. Unexpected, too.One a rather lazy day, one of my closest buddies gave me a ring. I answered my phone and greeted him in my usual friendly manner. He sounded really excited as he told me that his girl was horny as hell, and I've seen her horny before. She's a really kinky girl, as well as loving, caring,...

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The Vampiric Hormone

Just a short story about one thought of vampires The Vampiric Hormone By Talonhunter James was out on a late stroll one evening as the fog rolled into the park. Being the type to not let his childish fears run away with him, he continued to walk thru the park. Suddenly he heard a scream but the fog was playing tricks with the sound and it came form everywhere and nowhere at the same time. He stumbled across the body of what appeared to be a man, but as soon as he turned it...

2 years ago
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The Mirror CrackedChapter 4

"Ah there's nothing like a night time glide over the city," Brooklyn said while banking right... riding the breeze. "Yup," Broadway voiced from where he was gliding along side of Angela. "One more sweep of the area and we can head back to the castle." "Oops! That reminds me, I have to make a quick stop at the Doughnut King, and pick up some goodies for Delilah and Tammy," said Argent. "You want someone to go with you?" Angela asked. "Thanks, but I can handle a doughnut run on...

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