Kara’s Lawyer free porn video

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He’s gorgeous, Kara Stevens thought, her eyes focusing in on a man in a dark gray Armani suit, crisp white shirt, and red power tie. His slightly curly auburn hair was stylishly rumpled as though he had just run his hands through it and his arresting green eyes were stressed. The perfectly tailored suit accentuated his rippling muscles as he purposefully strode down the sidewalk, briefcase in hand. There was no doubt about it, she had to meet him. As Kara passed him, her arm brushed against him causing her purse to fall. Like a true gentleman, he immediately stopped to help her retrieve her belongings.

‘I’m so sorry, I can’t believe how clumsy I am,’ Kara began only to be interrupted by his rich baritone voice.

‘Not at all, it was clearly my fault. I’m in a hurry right now and wasn’t paying attention, not that that’s any excuse. Please take my business card, if I damaged anything I insist on replacing it. Sorry, but I have to leave now,’ having said that he was gone.

She continued walking to her office, disappointed that she hadn’t had time to turn the rushed conversation into more. She supposed it didn’t really matter, after all, what could she have said to interest him without sounding like a complete slut. Determined to get the impossibly sexy stranger out of her mind and get to work, Kara absentmindedly searched through her purse for her lucky pen. Her fingers came across an unfamiliar item, pulling it out she discovered a silver men’s watch. Her hazel eyes sparkled with excitement, it had to belong to HIM. Rifling through the contents of her handbag, Kara found what she had been looking for, his business card. Looking at the card, she was able to put a name to the handsome face, Alexander Martinez. A thrill of pleasure and anticipation shot through her spine as she dialed the number.

‘Hello, you’ve reached the law office of Alexander Martinez. How may I help you?’ A female voice answered the phone. She was surprised, he didn’t look old enough to have an independent practice, and however, his Armani suit indicated his youth hadn’t hindered his success.

‘I’d like to speak to Alexander Martinez.’

‘Just a moment,’ she responded. Kara heard the click on the phone line as her call was transferred.

‘Alex Martinez,’ he answered, causing shivers to course through her body.

‘Hi, my name is Kara Stevens. I’m the women who dropped her purse at your feet about a half hour ago,’ she explained.

‘It’s a pleasure to hear from you. I hope I didn’t damage anything because of my inattention, Ms. Stevens.’

‘Of course not, besides I was the one who inconvenienced you this morning. And please call me Kara.’

‘Only if you call me Alex and accept that this morning was entirely my fault,’ he qualified his response.

‘I suppose I’ll concede rather than be called Ms. Stevens, it reminds me of my old maid aunt. You’re very persuasive, I can see why you’re a lawyer.’

‘Thank you, I do try.’

‘As much as I am enjoying our banter, I’m sure you’re wondering why I called.’

‘I have to say, I am curious.’

‘I found a silver men’s watch and I thought it might be yours.’

‘You found it? Thank God, my grandmother would have killed me if I had lost it. It’s a family heirloom. I hadn’t realized the clasp was loose until this morning, when I noticed it was missing.’

‘Well, it must have fallen off when you helped me pick up my things. I was planning on dropping it off with your secretary on my lunch hour, but I thought I should let you know that I had it,’ Kara replied.

‘I have a better idea,’ he suggested. ‘Why don’t we meet for lunch so that I can thank you in person properly?’

‘That would be nice. Where would you like to meet?’

‘How does Romano’s at noon sound?’

‘That sounds great. I have to go now, I think one of company’s interns is having a crisis.’

‘I won’t keep you then. Goodbye, I’ll see you at lunch.’

‘See you then.’

Kara hung up the phone congratulating herself on ending the conversation before she had the opportunity to make a fool of herself. And it wasn’t as though she was lying, the young man in the hallway did look confused.

Perfect, Alexander Martinez thought. He knew dropping his watch into the women’s purse that morning would be a smart move. She was the most breath-taking creature he had ever seen. Her awe-inspiring red-gold hair glowed in the sunlight, hazel eyed had looked up at him from beneath a thick fringe of lashes and the light sprinkling of freckles across her nose made her beautiful face that much more interesting. She had a perfect hourglass figure and legs that seemed to go on forever, despite the fact that she couldn’t have been more than 5′ 3′. He had been watching her for about a month, just waiting for the perfect moment to introduce himself. He had been in such a hurry that morning that he had quietly slipped the watch in her purse and hoped she would call. Buzzing his secretary he instructed the woman to make a reservation for two in a corner booth at Romano’s, leisurely examining her body in his mind, Alex anticipated his meeting with Kara. How the hell was he supposed to get any work done when all he could think of was crushing her body to him and ravaging her mouth? Alex imagined himself kissing her, her quiet moans begging for more of the sweet torment. Shaking the provocative image from his head, Alex realized that if he didn’t make any headway in his wok he wouldn’t have time to go out for lunch.

Kara had the oddest sensation in her lips, it was almost as though she was being kissed. She wasn’t surprised since she had been daydreaming of Alex Martinez all morning. Just as her mind was about to go on another little trip about how his body dripped muscle, her best friend, Nicole Evans burst into her office. The two women had become fast friends when they had begun sharing a secretary three years earlier.

‘Oh my God, sugar, guess what happened to me this morning!’ Nicole enthused in her Southern drawl.

‘What?’ Kara asked.

‘Well, you know how I’m always calling into radio stations trying to win things?’ Kara nodded in agreement. ‘It finally aid off, I won an all inclusive, all expense paid, one week trip for two, destination sunny Cancun, Mexico!’

‘Alright, Nicole! You and Dave are going to have a great time, I’m so jealous. When are you going?’

‘When are we going, you mean, honey. Last night I kicked Dave to the proverbial curb. I’m now single, so I’m taking you, just a girl’s week of fun. I asked The Big Man In The Corner Office and next month, we are going to be sipping pina coladas and working on our tans.’

‘Oh, thank you! That’s only in two weeks, I’m can’t wait.’

‘Let’s go shopping for teeny bikinis at lunch,’ Nicole suggested.

‘I can’t, I have a lunch date. Want to come?’

‘With who?’ She asked eager for the gossip, she knew that Kara never had business lunches.

‘His name is Alexander Martinez and he looks like an Aztec god.’

‘In that case, sugar, you go on your own. Hopefully you’ll need the privacy. I haven’t met this guy, have I?’

‘No, I met him this morning. I purposely bumped into him and dropped my purse,’ I admitted.

‘You wicked wicked thing, you. What happened?’

‘Alex dropped his watch and I called him to return it. He invited me to lunch to thank me.’

‘Alex? Honey, how are you on a first name basis already and how did you have his number?’

‘Well, he insisted that my running into hi was all his fault and gave me his card so that he could replace anything he might have damaged. When I phoned him to tell about the watch he asked me to call him Alex.’

‘You have all the luck with men.’ Nicole exclaimed, flipping her silky blond hair over her shoulder.

‘Shut up, you have to beat men off with a stick. All American good looks, blond hair, blue eyes, and you’re as wholesome as apple pie. And not a freckle i
n sight, I on the other hand will be one giant freckle when we get back form Cancun.’

‘Sugar, who cares!? We’re going to Cancun for free. Senor Frogs here we come!’ She giggled.

‘Alright, well go so that I can get some work done!’

‘I’m going, but I expect all the details when you get back.’

Kara walked into Romano’s at exactly 12. The maitre’d greeted her immediately.

‘Good afternoon, Ms. Stevens. Mr. Martinez is waiting.’ He said, as he ushered her towards a hostess. The young women led her to the booth, Alex stood when he saw Kara coming. As they sat down the server gave them menus and they ordered drinks.

‘Here,’ Kara said, handing Alex his watch. ‘I’d hate to forget to return it after you went to all this trouble to get it back.’

‘Having lunch with you is no trouble at all,’ he responded.

‘That’s very kind of you,’ she answered blushing slightly.

‘Not at all, it’s the truth. Why don’t we order and get that our of the way so that we can really talk.’ As if on cue, the server appeared, placing their drinks on the table. He pulled out his order pad.

‘Are you ready to order?’ He asked her.

‘Yes, I’d like a garden salad with vinaigrette dressing on the side.’

‘And for you, sir?’

‘I’ll have the 20 oz. steak, medium-well, a baked potato, corn and carrots.’

‘Will that be all?’ The server questioned.

Alex and Kara both nodded and the server headed for the kitchen.

‘Are you sure you don’t want anything else? I can still call the server back.’ Alex asked her.

‘No, thanks. I always eat a light lunch.’

‘That explains how you maintain that fabulous figure, I mean, you certainly look fit,’ he amended.

‘Thank you.’ Kara blushed once again.

‘Sorry, I don’t want to come on to aggressively, but I’m very attracted to you. Hell, attracted doesn’t even begin to describe it. I’m practically obsessed. Today was probably the twentieth time I’ve watched you walk out of the train depot to your building. I actually put my watch in your purse, so that you would call to return it.’ He told her, his eyes searching hers to see if he had scared her off.

‘I’m flattered. I guess I had the same idea, sort of. I ran into you on purpose today, to get you to notice me.’ Before Alex could reply the server placed their meals in front of them.

‘If we eat quickly, we may have time to go on a walk, before you have to be back.’

Kara smiled her agreement. The two ate in record time. Alex paid for the check, though she protested and they were out the door.

‘We still have ten minutes, before I have to go. When do you have to be back?’ Kara asked.

‘It doesn’t matter, I’m the boss. Besides, I want to walk you back.’

‘Alright. Why don’t we start walking to my office then.’

‘That’s fine with me.’ Alex answered, taking her hand as they walked.

When they reached her building he insisted on seeing her all the way to her office. Inside, she asked him if he wanted a cup of coffee, trying to delay his departure.

‘No, thank you, but I’ll take a rain check. I was wondering if you would like to have dinner with me tonight, that is if you’re not busy.’

‘I’d love to.’

‘Great! I was sort of worried I’d be coming on too strong. Where would you like to go?’


‘No preferences?’

‘No restaurants,’ she clarified. ‘You’ve already bought me lunch, so it’s my turn. I could make a picnic basket and we could eat at a park, if that’s okay with you?’

‘Sure. I know of a great park about a half hour from here. I think it’s called Reid’s Park.’

‘That’s the place I had in mind. I live about five minutes from there.’

‘What time do you want me to come by?’

‘I’ll let you decide.’

‘How about 7:00?’

‘That’s fine. Here’s my address. Do you need directions?’ She handed him a slip of paper.

‘No, I have a friend who lives a street over. I have to go now, but I’ll see you then.’


‘This may be too much, too soon, but I have to kiss you.’

He closed the distance between them and pressed his lips to hers. Alex’s tongue coaxed her mouth open, deepening the kiss. Kara’s sexy murmur of desire fueled his possession of her mouth. One of her hands gripped his shoulder and the other meshed itself in his hair as she met his marauding tongue. Reluctantly, Alex pulled away.

‘God, you’re wonderful.’ Alex exclaimed causing Kara’s skin to pinken.

She reached out to wipe her lipstick off his lips.

‘You might have problems explaining that,’ she whispered.

‘It would be well worth it,’ he replied.

‘Go now, before I don’t let you leave. I’ll see you tonight.’

‘Bye, Kara.’

Kara watched him leave, a warm glow of happiness spreading through her. Nicole rushed into her office for the second time that day.

‘Sugar, can we say HUNK!? Does he have a twin? Hell, I’ll take a brother, a cousin, any relative that looks the least bit like that.’

‘I’m glad you approve,’ Kara laughed.

‘Approve isn’t the half of it. Did he ask you out again?’

‘We’re seeing each other tonight.’

‘Thank the lord, if you had let him get away I was going to worry about your sanity.’ Kara threw a pen at her friend in response.

‘Get out of my office, slacker, I have work to do.’

‘Alright! But you owe me details.’

Kara got home at 5:30. She started the chicken baking, showered and then changed. When the doorbell rang at 6:55, she had just finished packing everything in to the basket. She answered the door with a bright smile, only to frown when she saw who it was.

‘Can I help you, Barry?’ She asked coldly.

‘Aren’t you going to invite me in?’

‘I’ll invite you to leave.’

‘That’s not very nice,’ he answered grasping her arm and squeezing.

‘Let me go, you bastard.’

‘Not until you listen to me.’

‘Leave her alone,’ Alex’s voice came from behind Barry.

‘This is none of your business, pal, so lay off,’ Barry snarled.

‘I’m making it my business.’ Alex’s fist slammed into the jerk’s face and sent him sprawling to the ground.

‘This isn’t over, Kara.’ Barry warned, wiping the trickle of blood form his now and sauntering off.

‘Yes it is, asshole.’ Alex responded, pulling Barry back by the collar of his shirt. Pounding the inept excuse for a man with powerful blows, he demanded Barry apologize to Kara.

‘I . . . . I’m sorry. I won’t bother you again.’ He muttered, his voice full of pain and humiliation. The loser fled as soon as Alex let go of him.

‘Are you okay, Kara?’ Alex asked.

‘I’m fine, thanks, just a little shaken up. Barry is just an ex-boyfriend. Can we talk about something else?’

‘Sure, why don’t we go on that picnic? I brought wine.’

Kara smiled gratefully at the change in topic. She gathered the picnic basket and wine and let Alex know she was ready. Taking the basket form her, Alex slipped her hand in his and started for the park. They found a spot under a weeping willow tree away form the children and other noises.

‘I like what you’re wearing.’ Alex told Kara, his eyes sliding appreciatively over her body.

‘It’s just shorts and a tank top,’ she answered smiling.

‘On you it’s so much more. It shows off you long legs and graceful neck.’

‘Thanks. I have to admit I like seeing you in jeans.’


‘You have a cute butt.’ Her answer made him laugh.

Well, what do you have in the basket, I’m starving.’

‘Oh my God, I’m so rude. Of course you’re hungry.’

‘Sweetheart, I was joking.’

‘I have baked chicken, carrots, and twice baked potatoes. I hope that’s alright.’

‘Sounds delicious.’

‘Honestly? I brought grapes, too and chocolate cake and cheesecake. I didn’t know what you’d like.’

After the main cours
e, Kara leaned against the tree as Alex rested his head in her lap.

‘What did you say you had for dessert?’

‘Chocolate cake and cheesecake.’

‘Those are my only choices?’ He asked, sitting up.

‘Sorry, that’s all I have.’

‘I think you have more to offer,’ he told her, capturing her lips with hers.

Their kisses became more heated, low moans of pleasure filled the air. Alex’s mouth found the hollow of her throat. Kara’s hands reached under his shirt, splaying against his back, wantonly urging him closer. Her whimpers of desire grew urgent as he suckled her breast through the thin materials of her tank top and bra. Drugged with pleasure, Kara pulled Alex’s shirt off, reveling at the acres of bronzed skin at her disposal. Gazing into Kara’s flushed face Alex was entranced.

‘You’re so passionate, so perfect.’ He murmured, his ragged breath thundering in her ears. ‘But we can’t do this here.’

It took her a moment to realize what they had been doing in a very public place.

‘Oh my God! I can’t believe that I . . . . . that we . . . . . there are children here,’ she sputtered.

‘Relax, no one saw us, but we should probably go.’

They packed everything up and headed to Kara’s house. Alex stopped at the door, getting ready to leave.

‘Would you like to cash in your rain check for coffee?’ She asked.

‘That’s not exactly what I’m in the mood for,’ he answered wryly.

‘That’s okay, I don’t actually have any.’

Alex followed her into other house, the second the door closed, he wrapped his hands possessively around her waist, pulling her to him. Kara sighed with pleasure as their mouths met in a lascivious kiss. Alex leaned her against the wall, separating her legs with his thigh, pressing their bodies together, he simulated his need to fill her body with his. A guttural moan filled the air, as she reached between them, stroking him through the fabric of his jeans. Kneading her luscious breasts with muscular hand, Alex dominated her with a voracious kiss. Finally, he pulled back, his jeans were becoming increasingly uncomfortable.

‘We have to stop now, Kara or I won’t be able to later on.’

Wordlessly, she dropped her shorts and stripped off her tank top. Staring after her with lust in his eyes, he obeyed when his goddess stopped at the foot of the stairs, crooked her finger, calling him to her. Pulling him into her bedroom she helped him out of his clothes. It was only when she reached to unclasp her bra that he found his voice.

‘Don’t,’ he commanded. ‘I want to do that myself.’

From that moment on he was in charge. Sweeping her off her feet, he settled her on the bed, amid a mountain of fluffy pillows. Kissing his way down her body stopping to bite or suck on her skin along the way, the lawyer with a flair for bedroom drama reached his goal. As Kara writhed in ecstasy, he caught the edge of her panties with his teeth and pulled them off. Unclipping her bra, he tossed it aside, a banner of satin and lace flying across the room. Slipping her arms around his neck, she pulled his mouth to hers. The lovers consummated their passion seven times before drifting of to sleep sometime in the early dawn. Alex awoke an hour later with Kara’s warm body snuggled up to him. Gazing at her he felt himself grow hard, not even trying to fight his insatiable desire for this intoxicating women, he tried to wake her with kisses. Entering her before she was fully cognizant, he implored her to call in sick to work.

‘I can’t,’ she managed to say, while in the throes of passion.

Their simultaneous climax prevented any further conversation. After they regained their breath, he pursued the subject.

‘Why not? It’s Friday, we could spend all weekend in bed.’

‘As tempting as that is, I can’t. It’s not that I don’t want tom but I’m going on vacation in two weeks, I can’t miss any days until then.’

‘Where are you going and more importantly with who,’ he asked, a hint of jealousy in his voice.

‘Cancun with my best friend, Nicole.’

‘For how long?’

‘Only a week.’

‘That’s a long time.’

‘Well, maybe I can make it up to you.’

‘I don’t know it’ll be pretty tough. Do you think you can handle it?’

‘I know I can.’

Kara led him to the shower and proceeded to show him just how good she could be at making things up to him.

After they made love in the shower, Alex said his goodbyes and promised to call her at work. Hoping to see him on her way to the office, she took her time walking from the train depot. She entered her building disappointed that she had missed him, but still in a good mood. Kara sat down in her desk waiting for her friend to arrive. Nicole came in moments later.

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A WellLived Life 2 Book 9 KamiChapter 63 Letter From A Lawyer

July 28, 1996, Chicago, Illinois On Sunday morning, we awoke to news that a bomb had gone off in Centennial Park in Atlanta, where the Summer Olympics were being held. One person had been killed and a dozen injured by what was reported to be a pipe bomb hidden in a backpack. A security guard, Richard Jewell, had discovered the bomb just before it detonated, and had cleared people away, reducing the casualties. He was being hailed as a hero. “Real terrorism this time?” Elena asked. “I’d...

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HeadacheChapter 4 The Good Lawyer

Sunday was interesting. Virginia and I experimented with my new powers. We found out I could make contact with her within a five mile radius and if in contact could stay connected until she was about 10 miles from me, then I would lose the connection. After a morning nap to sleep off the effects of the headache we ate lunch. I then worked with the pencil and was able to lift it two feet above the table but had a tremendous headache, which made my eyes light sensitive so I went back to bed and...

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Luscious Lady Lawyer

In her first case before the notoriously unforgiving Judge Victor Randolph, she stands, quaking inside with fear, behind the Defense Counsel table as she prepares to present her opening arguments. Little does she know that before this trial is over, she will have learned many, many things about the inner workings of the local legal system. She's a great attorney, but is still intimidated by the judge. He reminds her of an old owl, perched high up on the bench, glaring down at her, making her...

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Karas Party Mouth

Author's Note: All characters depicted in this story are of the age of 18 or older, thus complying with all local, state, and federal laws regarding age within the United States. No character depicted in any stories will ever be under the age of 18.Kara, still the adventurous slut, had been looking for any and every opportunity to exhibit herself to the watchful eyes of voyeurs or to even step it up a bit and to see how many strangers that she could fuck and how often. Her record for fucking...

3 years ago
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Kara Wayne

She had been asleep… she had had vague dreams of her father and mother rushing in, grabbing her and then her mother injected her with something and she went back to sleep… She woke up and looked around the room. “Oh,” she said, “I am floating again. Relax…” The blonde woman went from looking at the top of the framed painting to the bottom as she came back down to the mattress. She looked over at the nightstand as she got up to go to the bathroom… “Oh Christmas…” she muttered to herself looking...

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Kara*All characters in this story are fictional.  The events in this story are fictional.  Do not duplicate them.*Kara had been abducted and bound.  She wore a blindfold over her eyes and was driven in a silver van with a wobbly tire whose exhaust pipe clanked on the ground at every bump to a squat brick building in the industrial center of town.  It was an old factory which had been renovated by the lecherous Capt. Malfarge into a den of sexual debauchery.  Capt. Malfarge was not seen but...

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Kara House Guest

It was Sunday afternoon. Kara and Dirk were sunbathing in the courtyard. She had been living with him for three weeks. She reminded him, "Don't forget you have to pick up what's-his-name." Dirk glanced at his watch, then looked over his newspaper at Kara. "I've still got a little time. His name, by the way, is Tim Taylor." Kara offered Dirk a bottle of suntan lotion. He looked at it quizzically. "But it’s late in the day and the sun is nearly gone," he protested. "Well,” Kara replied with a...

Straight Sex
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Kara Grows Up Early Teens

Kara's mother had been killed in a car wreck less than two years earlier. Shortly after, Kara and her father, (she was an only child), had tried to escape the memories of the tragedy by moving across town. Their new house was not much larger than what they had before, but the lots in this part of town were spacious, generally an acre or more. The new house also had a swimming pool and gazebo. Although Kara had left her old friends behind, she acquired a new one, Tommy, the boy who lived...

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Kara Surprises

Dirk didn't get home until after seven. He was surprised to find Kara already there, curled up on the couch in the den, watching television. She was wrapped in a terry cloth towel that stretched from the tops of her breasts to the tops of her thighs. She was covered, but not by much. Kara was bright, single, not yet thirty and about to become partner in a law firm that handled most of Dirk's legal matters. Being a young associate in a large law firm, it was normal for her to work well into the...

2 years ago
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Kara had been a*****ed and bound. She wore a blindfold over her eyes and was driven in a silver van with a wobbly tire whose exhaust pipe clanked on the ground at every bump to a squat brick building in the industrial center of town. It was an old factory which had been renovated by the lecherous Capt. Malfarge into a den of sexual debauchery. Capt. Malfarge was not seen but rarely for he kept a room in the upper story in the building which was always closed by shutters, and instead an...

4 years ago
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Kara the special girl

◊ Chapter 1Mrs. Denning droned on and on about semicolons as the seconds stretched into minutes and Kara’s eyelids began to droop. Twenty minutes to go until lunch and the tension in the room had risen to a fever pitch. There are only so many hours a day you can contain the seniors at Rosemont High, and the hours directly preceding and following lunch weren’t the most ideal. Word around school was that the teachers all knew this and planned the most boring lessons for exactly those times in...

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Kara Looks Can Be Deceiving

“Something wrong?” she asked.“Uh, well… I guess I just never danced with a lawyer before.”“Well, that’s what I am and you had to know it. After all, you did call me at the office.”“Yeah well, but I sort of...”“Expected me to be dressed different? Like I was the other night?”His eyes lit up. “You mean that dress with the slit? Oh yeah. Now that was hot!” He shrugged as his smile waned. “But, no, of course not. I wasn’t expecting that, but I uh…” He looked directly into her eyes. “I wasn’t...

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Kara The Contractor

“I do like this house,” Kara pronounced. She was naked, lying on her back at the side of the pool, looking at the sky. Dirk yawned, but not from lack of sleep, more from boredom. “Uh huh, so I gathered,” he replied, his eyes still on his paper. Kara stretched and put her hands behind her head. “I didn’t at first, though.” Dirk wanted to keep his focus on what he was reading, but being polite, asked, “And why not?” “No privacy.” Dirk snapped his paper and dropped it on the pool deck. “You’re...

3 years ago
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Kara Grows Up After Graduation

Kara's mother had been killed in a car wreck five years earlier. It had taken her the better part of a year to adjust to life without a mother. When she was fifteen she realized that she liked showing off her body. Nevertheless, she had been cautious about how she dressed around the house, at least when Daddy was home. Kara's high-school graduation present had been a trip to France with Daddy. While there Kara had begun going without a bra, leaving an extra button or two undone, and had even...

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Kara Grows Up the Pool

Tommy and Kara had been next-door neighbors since shortly after the death of Kara's mother, five years earlier. Both were now eighteen and had graduated from high-school a few weeks previously. Tommy's sixteen year-old cousin, Bill, was visiting while his and Tommy's parents were gone to the beach for a few days. Tommy, Bill and Kara had met in the morning, after Kara's father had left for the office, and agreed that they would get together for an early afternoon swim in Kara's...

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Kara Mowing The Lawn

Kara was dressed in an athletic type undershirt which was much too big and hung loosely on her petite frame. The shirt was long and extended a couple of inches down her thighs, its big arm-holes and scoop-neck exposing the tops and sides of her breasts. Underneath the shirt she wore a polka-dotted bikini, and although it was likely no one would notice, she also wore a pair of low-cut canvas shoes. The bikini was scandalously skimpy. Kara had bought it for a trip to Jamaica, not to wear anyplace...

Straight Sex
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Karas Fantasy

OK, I admit it. I have a real fascination for a woman’s ass. Not all asses, but nice pear-shaped ones. If I see a woman walk by, the first place I look is behind. Well, maybe not the first, if she is walking towards me, but I will make an extra effort to look back as she walks past me.First let me tell you a little about myself. I’m 51; about 5 foot 9 inches tall, 175 lbs, graying hair. I’ve been married to the most incredible woman in the world for 26 years. My wife is ready to try almost...

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Karas Party Mouth part 2

Kara thoroughly enjoyed the two fake cocks working both of her holes, imagining, wishing that they were actual cocks, fucking her hard at the same time. Kara had not had a good double fuck in some time and was dying for it. With any luck, maybe she could find two men at the party who would oblige this need.Furiously pounding her aching pussy with the dildo and letting the vibrator in her ass do its job on its own, Kara was soon brought to another gut-busting, mountain high orgasm, causing her...

4 years ago
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Kara Grows Up Europe

"Daddy had always helped mother with my bathing," Kara said, "But mother got killed in a car wreck when I was thirteen." "Losing your mother at thirteen ... that must have been devastating," Julie interjected. Kara and Julie were roommates, three weeks into their freshman year at college. "I suppose so ... don't really remember that part of it, though," Kara responded. "What I do remember though is that I was already developing a few curves and Daddy decided that without mother, it...

1 year ago
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Karas Cuckold Bitch

I reached beneath the hem of my wife's skirt and touched her smooth hairless pussy. She had a fresh Brazilian wax and my fingers quickly found her swollen labia. I broke the seal of her pussy and a flood of liquid goodness quickly covered my hand."Can you feel it baby?" Kara moaned as I sank two fingers deep inside her soaking wet cunt. "Can you feel his cum inside me?""Yes," I hissed as I pumped my fingers into her cum filled pussy. I was naked and my achingly hard cock bounced violently as I...

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Kara at the gloryhole

My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if we're lucky, we'll pick up a chick or two and bring them back to our place and fuck for hours. My wife loves sex with other women, she says its more intimate. Either way, at 5'6" with long blonde hair, 36D tits, tiny waist and amazing ass, my wife is a total knockout. I'm a pretty decent looking guy, did 4 years in the Army as a Cav Scout, and yes, if You ain't Cav, You...

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Kara at the gloryhole

Introduction: Just getting started, and we try our best to write them so all can enjoy! This is our first story, some of them are real, some things weve talked about doing, and others that we just thought sounded like fun but would never do. Not trying to win any essay writing contests, so if there are spelling or grammar mistakes please, just go with it! My wife Kara and I have been married for 6 years. We love to hang out and party at different clubs, and sometimes if were lucky, well pick up...

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Kara and Pete

Kara lied casually on the bed, an arm behind her head, her feathered brown hair rubbing against the pillow. Her red blouse was open and she was naked, her legs slightly apart showing her dark black bush. She was smoking in bed with a 1920s cigarette holder. Her body was thin, but her breasts were plush and laid nicely to the side. Her lover, Pete, looking a little younger but strong, with short-cropped dark hair, enjoyed lying with her. He let him make love to her as much as he wanted. She...

4 years ago
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Kara and Pete

Kara lied casually on the bed, an arm behind her head, her feathered brown hair rubbing against the pillow. Her red blouse was open and she was naked, her legs slightly apart showing her dark black bush. She was smoking in bed with a 1920s cigarette holder. Her body was thin, but her breasts were plush and laid nicely to the side. Her lover, Pete, looking a little younger but strong, with short-cropped dark hair, enjoyed lying with her. He let him make love to her as much as he wanted....

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Kara Grows Up Visitor

Kara Grows Up: Visitor - Copyright, 2007 - 2011, Trace Ekies. All rights reserved. "Oh my God!" "What? What are you looking at?" "The girl next door. She is beautiful." "Probably Kara ... the girl I was telling you about." "Around 18? ... long brown hair? ... cute face... great tits ... and legs ... oh my God ... legs to die for." "Sounds right ... told you she was cute." "Yeah, but you didn't tell me how hot she was. Does she always dress like that?" "What do you mean?...

1 year ago
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Kara The Convenience Store BBW who always wears

There's a 7-11 near my office that I stop at frequently for coffee or a snack. I usually stopped in about once or twice a week, but that changed when Kara moved to the morning shift. Kara used to be the night manager, she's in her late 30's, single, she's a big BBW, not quite SSBBW, but big and big in the right places, she has shoulder length wavy black hair with red streaks in it and she always wears very bright, red lipstick. When I realized she was working days, I made a point to stop in...

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Kara The Sexy BBW Convenience Store Worker

There is a convenience store near my office that I stop at frequently for coffee or a snack.  I usually stopped in about once or twice a week, but that changed when Kara moved to the morning shift.  Kara used to be the night manager; she's in her late thirties, single and she's a big BBW, not quite SSBBW, but big and big in the right places, she has shoulder length wavy black hair with red streaks in it and she always wears very bright, red lipstick.  When I realized she was working days, I...

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Damn Lawyers

The first time I met Calvin and Ned (not their real names) was after I was arrested for solicitation in downtown Kansas City. Another girl in jail with me recommended them. They not only bailed me out but got all the charges against me dropped. They also did it pro bono (no fee). Both men were in their mid-forties and in good shape, Calvin played basketball and Ned played tennis. Both liked to hang out at the lake on their boat and party. They invited me along one weekend and picked me up in...

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Maxine Stones New LifeChapter 137 On Cops and Lawyers

When I left the scene of the over bearing cop confrontation, I went right back to Jen's office. "I need to see her," I said to the receptionist. Then I spoke to the large plant by her desk. "Mike, you need to bring those tapes and come in here. We should speak to Jen about what happened out there." "I told you it might be a while," Jen said as she walked through the doorway into the reception area. "This is about something else and it could be serious." I replied. "Mike, should be...

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The ProfessorChapter 28 Loving lawyers

Chris and I collected the dinner plates from our glass dining room table and carried them into the kitchen only a few feet away. I brought back a second bottle of wine and picked up some of the side dishes as Ash rinsed and put away. Marcia and Ash were in a vibrant discussion with Gabe and Jill about how they’d moved from a traditional parent-child relationship to lovers, and everything about them. Ash was particularly interested given the burgeoning relationship with her mother. In return,...

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Not Quite a White Knight Book 1Chapter 47 Trap For Lawyers

When my alarm went off I took a 60-second shower, got dressed in the dark, and was out the door without waking anybody. I took the Porsche without even looking at what else was present, I would call Zar when she was up to get things worked out. The drive in the lithe, responsive car revived me and relaxed me. When I arrived at work I went straight to my office where I jotted down some ideas for for the Water Rights that had come to me. It is the type of project I cannot help but think about...

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Kara Gets Punished Part II

Holy fucking shit! My husband… my cheating ass, lower lifeform of a husband just bit my new lover’s dick. He came in, caught us in the middle of the most electrifying sex I’ve ever had, threw me to the floor, and attacked Dominic. Dom, my sweet, gentle Dom was just giving the third or fourth or maybe fifth or sixth most powerful orgasm of many powerful orgasms, and my husband ruined it.I hated my husband! I hated him with a passion, but that… That disgusting violation of manhood was the last...

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Kara wird geschwngert

Es war eine gute Sache mein Ehemann mochte Bräunungsstreifen. Ich liebte es ein Sonnenbad zu nehmen, aber ich konnte meinen Bikini vor dem Sohn unserer Nachbarn kaum ausziehen. Während ich mich sonnte, drehte Nicki den Rasenmäher herum und riskierte einen flüchtigen Blick auf seinen festen Hintern. Ich registrierte, dass sein Körper anfing sich zu entwickeln und bewunderte seinen athletischen Bau. Er war ziemlich groß. Leicht drehte er sich wieder in Richtung zu mir, und seine Frontseite kam in...

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Gratification Through SelfstimulationChapter 12

The library like most evenings isn’t very busy. With computers connected with the main hub of Eon 9, the space stations inhabitants have complete access to all the collective knowledge of the Rakan and humans. Anything from recorded history to the how it’s made of everyday items can be found in there. It’s almost like the human’s internet from long, long ago. Yes, even Azelia has looked that term up before. Yet, there is something about being able to pick up a book, full of knowledge or...

1 year ago
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A Marriage in Trouble

This is not a ‘traditional’ romantic story, but bear with me. It is about people and the choices they make for each other. ***** ‘Joyce, did you hear me? My jerk of a husband is seeing somebody on the side. We fight like cats and dogs and I cut him off until he behaves better. And he goes out and finds a hole to bury that prick of his in. ‘The budget has been down about $3-400 each month. I pay the god damn bills, I see it disappear. A couple of more dollars at the grocery store cash back, a...

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Fig Leaf Days

Follow the numerous tales of women through different settings as they transverse in the fantastical lands of Aegon where mages journey into dungeons to battle monstrous dragons, or read about female space explorers and their amazings travels throughout the galaxy. Maybe follow the tales of normal girls going through their daily lives. However, certain circumstances leaves them in just their birthday suits. Now the women's only source of cover are fig leave. The very ones that grow from the...

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2nd Part of Geff and Annies first meeting

Robert when was in a bay that had 6 beds in it but as Annie walked she saw that only 3 of the beds were actually occupied and she smiled as she saw the three men all in a row with her husband at the far end, she said “it looks like the 3 wise monkeys in here!” and one of the men smiled and said “no it is just 3 of your admirers” Annie laughed and replied “Well hopefully two he doesn't really count does he” looking towards her husband! The third guy looked Annie up and down and said “Hey...

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Even though this is my Aunt i love jacking off a

one night my aunt caught me jacking off to her as she was taking a bathe. So the next day she bought me a fleshlight. Then i put the fleshlight between my aunt's mattress and i fucked it so hard. My aunt told me to do it somewhere else. My uncle eventually caught me and said u know what i need my cock sucked. Get on ur knees. I said ok because i was living in his house. I then sucked him dry and drank all his cum. Then i ran up to my aunt's room and i grabbed her and threw her on the bed. I...

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