Swinging with my horny wife
- 2 years ago
- 28
- 0
I was at the top of the stairs and was heading for the
bathroom when I turned my head to look along the dark
hallway in to our bedroom. There was my wife with her
white towelling robe wrapped round her rummaging
through her chest of draws for underwear; she lifted
out her black and red thong that matched the black
Basque with the red roses on it. My heart skipped a
beat and my cock twitched with excitement it reminded
me of why I was upstairs in the first place, the
bathroom. I headed in to take care of business, once
finished I noticed that when she had her bath she
shaved her legs, armpits and maybe trimmed her bush.
Wow was I in for a good night now the kids were in bed
asleep? It certainly looked like it so as I left the
room I glanced down the hall and saw her naked with
her back to me, she turned slightly and my eyes got
wide fast. She was completely shave, nothing, bare.
Something I had asked her to do for years, but she’d
always refused or done it and complained about it.
Swallowing deep I couldn’t wait for her to come down
stairs and take me to heaven.
Sure enough I heard the familiar creak on the stairs
of heels shoes and my cock twitched some more. Then
she appeared at the door. My stomach shivered, my eyes
widened, my heart beat faster and I found it hard to
There she stood in the highest heels she had in a matt
black at least 5 inches, she’d not worn these in ages,
citing they hurt her. The black stockings were sheer
and as she turned slightly to reach her hand bag I saw
they were seamed my favourite.
Over the stocking of her right leg was the silver
anklet I had bought her, it being a bit of a fetish of
mine. The seam of the stocking led my eyes to the
skirt she had on, it was black and just above the
knee, but had a delicious slit up the thigh. The slit
was not slutty nor was it conservative, it was just
nice, the slit emphasized her sexiness and I looked
towards her breasts, the low cut top did little to
contain her ample 40Bs.
I stared with my mouth hung open like a dog drooling
for a juicy bone. Her lips were a deep red, her eyes
were dark and heavily made up and I then noticed the
scarlet nail varnish on her fingers. I only noticed
them as she was counting out condoms and placing in
her bag. This was getting better, she was going to
play the hooker for me and make me use one, oh what a
night this would be. Standing side on she bent forward
and looked across the room at me, and a smile was
forming over her red lips.
“Do you like what you see then baby?” she asked with
her sexiest voice.
“What’s not to like, you look hot, really hot,” I
replied as I started to get up.
“Stay there for a minute. I want you to look at me,
think about what I am going to be doing soon.” She
looked right into my eyes.
“Oh I am thinking alright. Why don’t you get over here
and tell me what you’re charging” I smiled.
She looked at me and then frowned a little. From a
small carrier bag she produced two pairs of metal
handcuffs, and walked towards me grinning.
“Oh you’re feeling a bit naughty are you” I asked,
smiling, I couldn’t wait to raise that skirt and feast
on her body.
“Left hand please.” And took it and slipped a cuff on.
“And now the other one please” and I raised my right
hand, only for her to slip the cuff round the wrist.
She pulled me up using the cuffs which hurt a little.
“I think I’m going to have to put your hands behind
your back” she said with firmness in her voice as I
reached with both hands for her breast.
“Okay, I surrender,” I chuckled expecting her to kiss
me or let me loose on her beautiful tits. She undid
the cuff and pushed my hands behind my back and I
heard he click, click, click as she fastened it. Her
hands went to my belt and began to unbuckle it, the
button popped soon after and then she used her lovely
red fingernails to slide down my zip. My trousers were
lowered to my ankles as she slowly knelt in front of
me. My cock was straining to be freed from my boxers
her fingers danced across the front of me crotch
making me twitch and jump. Looking up at me she licked
her lips and the light glinted off them. Her
fingernails traced up to the waistband of my boxers
and stopped.
“Remember what you wanted me to do, one of your
fantasies?” she purred. I nodded, she was going to
make up a story of her with a lover. Or was she going
to be the housewife hooker that has been working all
day to make ends meet. Or was she going to my
thoughts were interrupted by her fingers slipping
inside the waistband and her nails scratching my skin
as she lowered them to my knees alongside my trousers.
She formed her mouth in to a perfect O shape and
breathed her hot breath on my tip making it shiver and
my heart skip a beat. She teased me by pulling away,
and sitting back on her heels.
“I think you need to sit down,” she said with a grin.
“Then I can tell you what I am going to do.” Standing
up she walked towards me and pushed me backwards on to
the middle of the sofa. She walked away from me
forcing me to watch her ass as she swayed her hips.
Taking a hold of her handbag she brought it to an arm
chair, and set it down.
She sauntered over to me and leaned forward allowing
me a look down her top. Her breasts were encased in
the ‘oh so sexy’ black Basque, and the edges of a
couple of red roses were poking above the neckline of
her top. I leant forward to nuzzle between them but
she pulled back. I could not lift up to get closer due
to the cuffs and the trousers round my ankles. Her red
nail scrapped over my tip making my entire body shake
and shiver.
“Now my dear husband, for ages you have wanted to have
me take a lover.” She stepped backwards and ran her
hands over her chest. “You wanted me to date another
man, to kiss him, to let him touch my tits.” Her hands
demonstrated the movements. “You want him to run his
hands up my thighs.” She leaned forward and lifted the
hem of her skirt and ran her red nailed hands up to
the tops of the stockings and to the milky white flesh
above them, then she let the skirt drop. She walked to
the dining room chair and lifted her small black
trench coat and put it on. She was really making me
want her now. In the distance a car horn tooted three
times, she lifted her handbag and smiled.
“Well that’s him now,” she giggled.
“What? I’m sorry what did you say?” I shook my head to
try and lift the haze of excitement from my mind.
“I said that’s him now. My lover. You know the man I
am going to be going on a date with and, if he’s
lucky, fucking his brains out later.” She turned and
began to walk to the hall.
“What? What you mean?” I tried to get up but she said
“You wanted me to have a lover, well I found someone
to play with and he’s waiting. See you later.” And she
again started for the door, then stopped.
“Mind you it might be a case of don’t wait up” she
giggled and was gone.
I jumped up, and went to walk but tripped on my
trousers round my knees and landed heavily on my side.
I wriggled the cuffs off, they were the ones you can
get in novelty shops and you can easily open them if
needs be. Stumbled up and yanked up my trousers up and
headed for the door. My phone beeped with a text
message but I ignored it and got to the front door and
outside in time to see a black BMW turn out of our
street and out of sight.
I raced back in and grabbed my phone to call my wife
but the call went straight to her voice mail. She had
turned off her phone. I looked at the text message, it
was from her. It was long, she must have written it in
advance and sent it when she got in the car.
I read it and tried to take it in. ‘Darling for years
you wanted me to have sex with other men so by the
time you read this I will be in his car heading for a
night with him. Sorry I handcuffed you but you wanted
it now you have it. I love you so I am going to try
this. Maybe I will enjoy it and we can carry on. XX.’
The stories on the internet sprang to mind, and the
phrase ‘Be careful what you wish for, it might come
I hit reply and typed ‘I will wait up for you. I love
you. This is great. I would not have stopped you. I
hope you have fun.’ I hit send and put the phone on
the table next to my laptop. I tried logging on to
websites. I tried typing up notes. I shut the laptop
down. I turned on the TV, I surfed the channels, I
tried a DVD or five.
Nothing was able to occupy my mind, one minute I was
full of fear or jealousy and grabbed for the phone to
send a text to say STOP I DIDN’T MEAN IT, or PLEASE
DON’T or things like that. Then I would get an image
of my super sexy wife in her Basque, and heels giving
her new lover head, or his head between her legs and I
would get hard again and again. I wanted to make
myself cum over and over, and I almost got to the edge
a few times. All this and she had been gone only two
hours it was now 10 pm.
I finally gave up and lay on the sofa and turned on
the TV. Some mundane show blurbed out and tried to
fill the room. But without her there and knowing she
was maybe in the arms of a lover or in his bed made
the room empty. Adverts started, and some cleaning
agent was shown, ‘It will clean anything’ it said.
Pity it never cleaned my mind a year or so ago I
We had been married for close on 18 years and from day
one of meeting her I loved more than anyone I’d ever
known. She’d always kept her hair long it was a brown
colour with the odd fleck of red in it and she always
looked hot and sexy in my eyes. She gained some weight
over the years after two kids, most women do, but even
then I wanted her.
Her green eyes would capture me when she would look in
my eyes and she’d only have to walk near me for me to
want to reach out and grab her and pull her into
kisses and hope it would lead to more. But I had a
fantasy, a fetish, a desire to see my beautiful wife
in the arms of another man, to see him kiss her, touch
her, excite her, to slide inside her and make her cum.
I wanted a man to take her with a big cock, to stretch
her, make her wet make her pant and cum hard. Then I
wanted to slide my own cock in her and to reclaim her
She had always been a good sexual partner for me. I
could make her cum hard enough to make her pass out.
Before the kids came along we had made love outside,
had been adventurous. But now, it was all very
familiar, both of us could predict how the other would
start or move next. It wasn’t boring by no means,
since the kids she had allowed us to use a vibrator
and that had been fun. We’d used pop bottles, and once
a cucumber. The nearest I ever got to having her like
I had wanted was to use a large lubricant tube to open
her, she came from it and then I slide in, she moaned
“I can’t feel you, are you in me?” I just couldn’t
hold back and came in huge spurts into her. It was
The memory was in full force when I heard my phone
beep from the table, I raced like an Olympic sprinter
to get to it. Peering at the illuminated screen it was
a text message from her. ‘Had a nice meal and drink in
a bar now heading for somewhere quiet. Looks like you
better not wait up. xxx’ My heart thumped rapidly in
my chest. What could I say back, ‘go for it’? ‘Don’t
do it’? ‘Come home, I’m sorry’? My usually thinking
brain, not the one in my pants, could only type ‘okay’
I mean you wife’s gone out on a date with another man,
a new lover, fulfilling your ultimate fantasy and all
I could reply was ‘okay’.
As the light of the phone dimmed, so did my
butterflies in my stomach. Only to be replaced with a
nagging sensation of ‘what have I done?’ I settled
back on the sofa and looked at the TV, the man and
woman on screen hugged immediately I pictured her in
his arms and I got hard yet again. This was torture,
my head was swinging back and forth between ‘this is
great’ and ‘oh God what have I done’.
It was so confusing. I tried to watch the TV but it
was no use nothing would push the images of my wife
with him out of my mind. My eyes opened with a start
and I looked at the clock, the hands said 12.20, as I
came to I thought about bed then remembered she was
out, the fog of sleep disappeared straight away and I
rushed to the table and grabbed the phone. Nothing!
Placing it back on the table I went in the kitchen and
got a drink of water to ease the dry feeling in my
Water sprayed across the side as I coughed in reaction
to my phone bleeping as if to say ‘ha ha got you’. I
lunged at it and the name on the top of the message
was my wife. I read it and stopped in my tracks.
Putting the phone on the table I took a deep breath
and picked it up and read it again. ‘Don’t expect me
till late. He is amazing. Three times and still wants
more. Will text when I am on the way back’.
She’d done it. She’d found a man, dressed to seduce
him, teased me, gone out on a date. Now she was in his
bed. Now she was having sex with only the second man
ever. What could I reply? I didn’t want to send an OK
again and sound like I didn’t care. I didn’t want to
sound too happy or sad about it. I typed the keys and
read back “Have fun. Love you. Thank You. Tell me
about it later.” I didn’t expect a reply but one
flashed back . “No. Thank You”
Well that wasn’t what I expected. I had imagined a ‘I
hate you’ or something about ‘you made me do this’ or
‘I hope you are pleased I am a slut now’. Sitting with
a hard on, on the sofa I watched the flickering box in
the corner without taking anything in. The old clock
on the wall chimes 1 am. Then 2 am. At 2.07 my phone
bleeped and I looked at the screen. ‘I’m on the way.
Love you xx’. If it was even possible my hard on was
now even harder.
The familiar sound of a key rattling in the lock
happened at 2.30 and in she walked. Her hair that had
originally been up in a clip was now down flowing
across her shoulders and looked ruffled. Her lipstick
had lost is glossy glint, and her stocking seams were
askew and she had a glow to her skin.
“Hey you, I thought you would be in bed.” She smiled
looking radiant.
“How can I go to bed knowing you are out doing
whatever.” I replied with the butterflies in my
stomach making way for tap dancing elephants.
“You mean who, not whatever.” She grinned. “Oh and the
who, is called Karl.”
“Who’s Karl?” I asked, she’d never mentioned him
before. She walked to me and kissed me on the lips, I
wrapped her in my arms and she pulled away slowly. She
was glowing, smiling and full of confidence. Using her
hands she pushed me back to the sofa and then told me
to sit on the floor. She moved round me and I caught a
glimpse down her top at the bites on her breast. There
were three ‘hickeys’ as the Americans call them. I
went to say something when she pressed her finger to
my lips.
“He’s left his marks on me darling, you may want to
push me away when you see me under these clothes.”
“I won’t.” I tried to reassure her. As I lowered
myself to the floor she sat on the sofa and slowly
parted her stockinged-thighs. The black smooth
material made way to the soft milky white flesh above.
Just slightly above was a mouth shaped bruise on her
right thigh. I stopped for a second taken slightly
aback. She looked down at me and appeared worried.
“Wow darling, he’s left one here as well, I’d love to
see if there are any more?” My voice reassured her.
“Find out!” she replied. She wanted to spread her legs
but the skirt was tight enough not to allow it. She
stood, towering over me in her high heels and looked
down on me and told me to reach round and unzip her
skirt. As I leaned into her my face pressed against
the front of her skirt I could smell the odour of sex
coming from behind the thin black material. My fingers
fumbled with the zip at first but the came under
control and then the clip was undone.
Her hands came to the waistband of the skirt and she
used her knee to move me back a little. Very slowly
she inched the skirt down her thighs until I could see
the black thong appear and the roses seemed to taunt
me saying they had seen more action tonight than I
had, as they slipped into view. As the black material
hit the floor my eyes focused on another ‘love bite’
just above the line of the thong. In the back of my
throat I groaned with pleasure. She took off her top
to reveal the rest of her magnificent body encased in
that super black Basque.
“Now baby,” she cooed, “time for you to kiss my sore
parts better.”
“Sore?” I asked somewhat stupidly.
“Yes, did you think I wouldn’t want to expand my
horizons with someone bigger? You said you would love
me to have sex with a bigger cock.”
“Yes… I… well I didn’t think you would, I thought
you would go with someone the same size” I said in
amazement. She laughed and the voluptuous flesh atop
the Basque shook temptingly.
“Karl is bigger than you darling. You are what 5 or 6
inches?” It was a rhetorical question, “well Karl is
about 9 inches long and thick. Oh God is it thick.”
She moaned out the last sentence and shivers took her
body. I reached for the thong and her nails dug into
my hands, as I looked up she was shaking her head to
stop me.
“I want you!” I begged.
“First you have to suck my tits, then you have to lick
me and while you are licking me I will tell you about
tonight. That’s if you want to hear it.”
“Yes I do… please, yes… tell me about you and
Karl.” Her hands went to her breast and she lifted one
then the other out, my mouth dropped open at the
sight. The original three ‘love bites’ were alongside
another five or six, accompanying them were some
imprints of his hands on her tender white flesh and
her nipples were hard and redder than I had ever seen
“He sucked them a lot and gripped them and made me beg
for him to bite me. He was in total control of me.”
She now looked more nervous than ever. I stood and
gently kissed each nipples and ran my tongue over
them. Once I had toyed with her nipples I gently
kissed the whole breast flesh making her shiver.
“Mmmmmmm yes that is baby, make them feel better, they
need some gentle touches.” Her head went back and a
moan escaped from her lips, the lips that had kissed
another man for the first time in 18 years of
marriage. On her neck under her long hair was a ‘love
bite’. This really challenged me as she had always
banned me from biting her where it could be seen, now
here she was with a lovers ‘mark’ on her neck.
“Enough!” she panted. And I stopped. Through her deep
breathing she rested her hands on my shoulders and
looked through her hair and told me to lay down on the
floor. I did as she asked.
“You made my tits feel so much better, but there is
somewhere else that need your gentle lips” standing
astride me she hooked her fingers into the thong and
gentle drew it down. But she stopped.
“Close your eyes” she told me. I did. When your eyes
are closed your other senses are boosted. My ears
detected the swishing of thong on stocking, my nose
smelt the musky odour coming from this stunning
goddess above me. My skin felt the tiny current of air
that she created as she removed the thong completely
and threw it to the floor besides my head. I felt the
movement of her as she began to straddle my face.
It was then I remembered that she had completely
shaved herself for her new lover as her smooth, silky
bare pussy rested upon my lips. Without being told my
tongue jetted from my mouth and touched her sensitive
body. She whimpered above me and shivered.
“OH MY GOD YESSS!! she moaned out. “Oh darling make my
soreness go away.” I licked kissed and nuzzled the
soft wet flesh of her open body, and all without
looking. I sneaked a peek at her pussy, it was very
red and angry looking, and tasted so sweet.
“There is no cum in there, I made him wear a condom.”
She looked down at me. “Actually he wore four. Each
time he had me.” My cock was throbbing, aching and had
she touched it then and there I would have exploded
all over her hands.
“Ok now go nice and slow and I will tell you about my
night out.” She purred. “When I left you I got in his
car and he drove out of the street. I take it your got
the text I sent you?”
“Yes darling,” I said somewhat muffled under her.
“Well first we went to a nice little restaurant and
ate, then to a bar for a drink or two. I think we made
an impression on one or two people there.”
“Really, how?” I asked, in desperate need of hearing
what she was capable of.
“Well there was a dance floor and, as you know, I
don’t like dancing as a rule, but Karl got me in his
arms and only two songs in he was feeling my bum and
gently lifting my skirt showing off my thong and bum
to everyone. I told him to stop or I’d go back home
and he did.” She really didn’t like dancing, and in
our 20-years together I had danced with her a total of
4 times. Yet here she was on her first ‘date’ with him
and she was dancing with him.
“Well after another song we settled in a booth and was
kissing, and before you ask yes there were tongues and
yes he was fondling my body as he did it. He whispered
in my ear that older women in stockings and suspenders
made him hard and to prove it he pushed my hand onto
his cock. It was hard, long and thick. I knew then
that even if you wanted me to stop I don’t think I
could have.
“You said older women? How old is he?” I asked with a
little trepidation.
“Karl?” She paused and giggled. “Karl is 26 and very
athletic. He plays for a rugby team or something.” The
look in her eyes was like she was drifting off in to a
pleasant memory of him. Shivering she ground her mound
against my face a little hard and then eased herself
off a little. My wife was now a cougar.
“Karl took me by the hand and we got back in his car
and drove off, that’s when I sent you the text telling
you we off to somewhere quiet. Well the place was his
house, we drove in and parked and he lead me by the
hand through his door and without saying a word kissed
me, gripped my breast and pressed that wonderful hard,
cock against me.”
Visions of her in his arms flooded my mind and I
groaned a little. My cock twitched repeated for
release, and I wanted so bad to slide inside her and
fill her with my cum. She then continued.
“He looked me in the eyes and said that there was a
cab number on the sideboard by his phone, and if I
wanted to back out now all I had to do was dial it and
he would understand. Did I tell you he knows I am
married? In fact one of the first things he said in
the car tonight as we drove away was how lucky you are
to have a sexy woman like me in bed every night.” He
was right there. Sure things weren’t 100% wonderful
all the time. Married life isn’t but My wife was great
in so many ways.
“Where was I?” she said as she lifted off my mouth,
and stared into space as if lost in thought. “Ah yes.
I looked at Karl and told him to take me to bed before
I changed my mind. We went up the stairs and he opened
the door. Darling I have to say that his bed is huge,
and the black silk sheets on it looked soooo inviting.
“I walked in and turned to face him and he shed his
clothes down to his boxers, it was then I saw what a
huge bulge he had and I felt nervous all over again.
But there was something that was telling me that this
was something I needed to try. He approached me and
began to kiss me his hands disappear behind me ad in
an instant my skirt slipped to the floor, my top
followed and then he gently backed me to the bed. I
sat on the edge and he stood in front of him and
looked up.
“Darling I could read his mind through his eyes. They
begged me to taste him. I slipped his boxers down his
legs and I just could not believe it! I mean it was,
big, but wow it shone in the dimly lit room. I just
needed to taste it. It was a bit hard, (ha ha) sorry
about the pun here, but it was hard to get my mouth
round it at first. But I managed it. Aren’t you proud
of me?”
“I am darling always,” I replied, after all what else
could a man say to such a sexy woman?
“Well once I had done it for a minute or two he gently
pushed my shoulders back and I laid on the bed for
him. I closed my eyes and thought how much you loved
me and I almost got up, but then I felt his hands take
off the thong and instantly his mouth was on me. Just
like you are doing now, and it was very good.
“Trust me, my body shook and I felt like I had mini
explosions in my pussy and tummy all at once. His face
looked up and me and was covered in my juice. I felt
so alive and yet so terrible. No one but you had done
that to me. He stood over me and my body was soaking
with sweat. I am telling you darling my pussy was
gushing I was soaking.”
I could imagine that. Whenever we had sex she was
always wet. And it was always hot inside.
“Karl told me to move up the bed a little, once I had
he climbed between my legs, and slowly rubbed that
huge pole against my opening. I was so wet darling and
I was panting for him. I wanted it in me all of it, I
didn’t know if it would fit but I wanted it so badly.
He leaned towards me and the tip slipped between my
lips, and it was followed by the rest of him. I was
amazed that the tip slid in, it took him 15 minutes to
get all of the monster in me.
“Darling I took it all in me, all nine inches in me. I
felt it in me so deep. No one has been that deep
before, sorry darling but it was intense. REALLY
intense. I was panting and I remembered this was the
first time together and I managed to say that I wanted
him in a condom. He smiled and withdrew himself
slowly. Oh God it felt like he was dragging my pussy
inside out.” She squirmed against me and lifted
herself clear of my face. It was then I saw the
stretched open pussy over my face.
“That’s enough of that for now. Do you want to cum
now?” she asked in a little sing song voice.
“I’d love to, but I want to hear more of the story,” I
“Well, I will tell you the rest after we’ve slept.”
She stood up and walked towards the room door.
“Darling you look so hot too,” I wanted to hear it
all, but I knew her well enough to know when she would
not continue.
“Ok then, tonight you get to get inside me and cum and
tomorrow I’ll dress up again in this or” and at this
point she turned and looked over her shoulder and
seductively said “Something else to pique your
interest.” and promptly grinned.
“Let’s get to bed.” I insisted. Once in bed she laid
on her back and opened her legs baring her fully
shaven body to me and smiled.
“Come slip inside me and fill me with your wetness,”
she hissed the last few syllables like a wanton woman,
which she now was. I climbed between her legs and my
hardness touched her lips and she smiled and I slide
“Oh darling I can hardly feel you,” she moaned with an
almost sulky look on her face of disappointment. “I
know Karl is big but he’s stretched me, can you feel
me darling?”
“Yes.” I panted. “I it’s so hot and wet in there and I
can hardly feel you round me. Are you sorry you did
this?” I asked pensively.
“Oh god no darling in fact I want to do it again and
more than once” she groaned. “I can hardly feel you
move either”. I could not hold back it was the biggest
orgasm I had ever felt in my life. It started in my
stomach through my whole body, my balls tightened like
never before and I came inside her, squirt after
squirt inside my wife and her new found love of sex. I
rolled off her and was completely out of breath. She
raised herself up on to one elbow and looked at me
“Darling, get some sleep. You will need it tomorrow.”
She smiled and winked.
Hello Mates. This is my first story here and my first ever story writing experience too. All my stories are going to be real. I hope it gets posted and you all like it. Please leave your comments because I will be excited to know your views. You could also reach me at To tell you a bit about myself. Let’s call me Sensual Arc, a 27-year-old male enjoying all aspects of my life. I support sexual liberation and have been into swinging for a long time. I would say its a lifestyle that you live...
Sorry, I went right into my life event without proper introductions. So I'm Nora and I am 24 years old brunette with brown eyes. I'm 168cm tall and I weight 57 kgs. I was blessed with nice C-cup breasts but I had to work countless hours in gym to develop my butt. I'm gentle and sweet as they come... So why would he cheat me? I mean I check the most boxes. Sure, I don't have my life fully figured out yet but who does at 24. But I digress, back to the story. I took the car and started to...
Chapter 1Bruce and his wife Linda were having drinks on the patio of their large suburban home. Bruce, a 42-year-old accountant, had done very well in his profession and was up for a vice presidency of firm. Their expensive home reflected Bruce's financial success.Linda, a 36-year-old attractive brunette looked less than her age. Thanks to a disciplined regimen of exercise and diet, her figure was that of a woman ten years younger. Her most notable features were her large bust and long shapely...
I was never the most beautiful or the ugliest woman but I got my fair share of attention from men. I have never had a toned body, sometimes I was just plain fat, other times I was well overweight. Still men wanted me and I was happy for that. Ten years ago my long term, off/on partner suggested swinging. I was in my 30's with a brood of kids, not entirely satisfied with the hum drum sex my fella gave me. Don't get me wrong, with an 8 inch cock he hit the spot but he was selfish. I know...
I thought it was just going to be another summer, just another season going by in my life. I'm Ben Brown and have been a widower for three years now since my wife passed away. I loved her and did all I could do to help her through her sickness. We were married for eight years before cancer took its toll on her. It wasn't until after her death that I learned a lot about her past that I wish I had never found out. That's another story I need to tell sometime. I needed to move away and try to...
A bunch of us had been swimming there since we were in elementary school. It had always been common for the boys to swim naked while the girls swam in suits. We all came from farming backgrounds of one sort or another and a childhood of dealing with farm animals left all of us with little to wonder about male anatomy, what it was for, and how it worked. So it was just an accepted thing for us and pretty much non-sexual until we got older. In the fall of our senior year it matured. Janice,...
I took a sip of my water and watched my wife sacrifice her body to dive for a dig in the sand volleyball game. She loved playing volleyball in general and now she was the only girl on the court. Our friend Rich offered her a hand to get up. Sandy really dug Rich, and I had to admit I understood. He stood right at six feet, with curly dirty blond hair, broad shoulders, and washboard abs. Sandy kept his hand and gazed into his eyes just a little too long. Message transmitted, would it be...
Group SexI've been trying to get my wife to swing for five years. We've been to a few swing clubs but it always ends with us just having solo sex. I once dared her to do a three way kiss with a couple and she did it. Unfortunately, she was too drunk to remember it. We've had sex in front of other people at the clubs but I can never talk her into allowing other couples to join us.I've offered her a male stripper several times but she's too afraid. I confessed to her my desire to see her with another...
SwingersReddit HotWife, aka r/HotWife! Well, we’re back at it again. It would seem that we have a new subreddit to review, and this time around it’s /r/HotWife that takes the stage. We all know Reddit.com as a place where you can find pretty much every kind of community. Well, this 18+ community seems to be a very unlikely one because of what it’s supposed to be about. This subreddit is all about people showing off their hot wife as she gets fucked by her boyfriend outside of their marriage. So, you...
Reddit NSFW ListBefore I begin, I have a fairly lean body, black hair and brown eyes. I am 5'8 inches tall. My mom has long black hair, brown eyes, and 5'7 inches tall. We look different from one anther, mainly because I look a lot like my father.] --- One of the major Islamic holidays known as Eid occurred on July 18th. A couple of weeks after this, I thought about asking my Mom if she wanted to go back into the "swinging" lifestyle. If you haven't ready my first story, this is when my Mom...
Introduction: Part 1: http://www.sexstories.com/story/70015/ [Thought I would give another introduction. Part 1 of this story was already posted. This is Part 2. Hi, my name is Farhan. I am 19 years old, a Muslim boy living in Canada with my family which are my mom, my younger brother and younger sister. This happened recently and Id thought I would share this experience with the world. When my Mom and I talked to one another, it would be in Urdu but I translated somewhat to English for your...
The room was busy, and the party was in full swing. It was a swinger’s party and it’s an interesting story how I ended up there.I work as an assistant to a wealthy man, he is handsome and often had made passes at me. Being in my mid-thirties and single, I never minded, even though he had a wife. After a nearly a year of banter and even some close to sexual harassment from him, he made an outstanding confession to me.“Bella, I know you are single and don’t often go out on dates. How would you...
SwingersSWINGING - THE EARLY YEARSTrue stories (as best I can remember) copyright 2015 (c) Fred Lake========= I'm in my early 60s, and these events were from my high school and college years, more than 40 years ago, before I married Tiffany and she (two years later) asked me if I'd want to try what was then called wife swapping. Technically, I became a swinger only then, when we entered the lifestyle as married couple 35 years ago. That doesn't mean I didn't have some proto-swinging experiences. As...
Amy's pussy was soaking wet from being eaten out by our three year old golden retriever, Bella. Usually, at this point, Bella's pussy was also dripping with my cum and I was recouperating for round two with my beautiful, petite, dark-haired, blue eyed wife but this time was different. Tomorrow we were going to embark on a kinky journey that would take us well outside the bedroom and expand our horizons like nothing ever before. We'd started swinging with Tom and Jenna a few months back and...
My wife Lori is 27 and I am 34. We have been married a couple of years and she is, without doubt, the cutest, sexiest woman I have ever known. Her green-grey eyes, pouting lips and sparkling smile are captivating. Her long legs, slender body and firm real breasts invite exploration and she shares herself with me passionately in every way. She has a prominent pussy mound that she keeps immaculately shaved, showing off her full labia lips that flower open when she is aroused. I love to drink from...
Wife LoversThis story is fiction and all the characters are fictitious in the story. Please read chapter 1 toenjoy this story. Hope you will love the story.Mike's armed encircled my waist as he guided me towards the stairs to the upper level bedrooms. I felt a touch of apprehension but tingled at the thought of going to bed with Mike. He was so damn good looking, sort of felt he was the guy who'd be the first one I'd ever fuck other than Rick.We glided up the stairway, Mike's arm still around my waist. I...
Me and my wife have been having sex with my neighbors Jim and Gloria off and on for a while. Me and my wife have been talking about making our first attempt in swinging and we both really enjoy fucking The Neighbors. One afternoon Gloria pulled up and got out of her car and we we're talking a bit and I walked over to the front of her car and we talked a bit and I asked her if they wanted to come over and hang out as I reached out and slid my hand up her thigh and she said yes they would love to...
SwingingAlthough not a hardcore swinger, I have on occasion visited a local swingers club, 5 times in all and with 3 different girls. I was hoping to keep it under my hat but soon word got around and I found myself being the butt of everyone’s jokes, but curiosity gets to most people and I found my friends asking a lot of questions, one in particular, Craig.Now I have been good friends of Craig and his girlfriend Julie for about ten years.About three years ago Julie let slip that she was...
After our first swinging adventure with a single guy (see earlier story), we decided to find a couple to swap with. Mary was a bit nervous about seeing me with another woman, but we had set up some code words tha would let me know if she didn't want me to fuck her. Well happily we didnt need to use them.We emailed back and forth with Erica & Peter for quite a while and we all got comfortable enough to finally get together. They were only in town now and then so it was hard to set up a...
After our first swinging adventure with a single guy (see earlier story), we decided to find a couple to swap with. Mary was a bit nervous about seeing me with another woman, but we had set up some code words tha would let me know if she didn't want me to fuck her. Well happily we didnt need to use them.We emailed back and forth with Erica & Peter for quite a while and we all got comfortable enough to finally get together. They were only in town now and then so it was hard to set up a...
After our first swinging adventure with a single guy (see earlier story), we decided to find a couple to swap with. Mary was a bit nervous about seeing me with another woman, but we had set up some code words tha would let me know if she didn't want me to fuck her. Well happily we didnt need to use them.We emailed back and forth with Erica & Peter for quite a while and we all got comfortable enough to finally get together. They were only in town now and then so it was hard to set up a...
Tommy & Omar are two young swinging studs and last week they went to meet and fuck a married woman who they had met on a swinging website, Her name was Helen. Tommy approached the front door and gave it a knock, When Helen opened the door Tommy was surprised how sexy she had dressed for the occasion wearing a latex like corset, Oh Wow Helen Tommy cried, Omar followed in close behind him, I cant believe you came im so excited Helen sighed, Tommy who was holding the camera asked Helen just to...
A story about swinger type lifestyle.Including hotwife and sharing. Can you deal with jealousy and can watch your wife fucked by others?Some pathetic than you and some more better than you? Will you break or go along with flow? Do you have confidence that your wife wont get corrupted? Mostly of anime worlds and the people inside it. Its divided into two types. Short - One time special swinging meetings.Meaning one time or multiple time meetups with respective couples but for a limited time(Fast...
My name is Madhav. I live in the USA with my wife Veena. Last night Veena came across a story "My First Lesbian Encounter" on White Shadow stories web site. The story was very exciting and we both liked it very much. Veena and I also write stories about our sex experiences and exchange them with our close friends. We would also like to exchange our stories with your sex stories. I have never had any sexual experience before marriage, but recently we started swapping and now I am having group...
Eve thought it was bit funny that she was being sent to the big city on this seminar, but the busy insurance season was close, and her company wanted to be sure all staff were on top of the changes for this year. It was only two days, anyway, and on a full company tab. Might as well listen politely, then have a look around town. She kind of wished I had been able to go with her, and maybe stir up some action in one of the swinging clubs we knew were operating then, but my vacation time had been...
SwingerThree months had passed since I took my neighbors wife to a local swinging club when one evening the door bell went and there she was at the door. I invited her in and as always marveled at her sexy body. She said hubby was out for a couple of hours but wanted my help next week. He was going to Switzerland on a training fortnight and she wondered if I would help with another swinging experience. She said that an old friend of hers living in London had asked her to come and stay and her hubby...
SwingerSwinging Fun 1irishmik60 Nestled in the southwest corner of Michigan is a large spacious home in the country. Situated on 20 acres on a small country, out of the way, road. Large Tri-level, it showed it'd been enlarged on more than one occasion. Over six thousand square feet, it looks like some big farmhouse that had grown as the family that owned it did. In the large yard beside the home was 2 semi tractors and their respective trailers. Evidence of the occupants employment. That's where the...
IncestI had fucked her on a dew occasions since our first time and on this occasion her husband had gone for a month to work in USA so I knew she would need attention. During the first week he was away she called me over to the garden fence and reminded me of a chat about swingers parties. She said her friend had recommended a house about ten miles away and her husband who was jealous of other men with her had refused to give it a try. She asked me to take her the next Saturday and as it was married...
Adult HumorLocation: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1981. In early May of that year, I packed up my papers and cleaned out my desk for the summer break. Having just finished my second year of teaching world history at the University. I was 27 years old that summer and was feeling pretty good. I’d done my time teaching high school while I worked on my Masters. But after getting my master's degree, I'd finally landed a job in Kansas. I'd gotten two raises, and things were looking great. The...
Location: University of Kansas, Lawrence, Kansas, 1981.In early May of that year, I packed up my papers and cleaned out my desk for the summer break. Having just finished my second year of teaching world history at the University. I was 27 years old that summer and was feeling pretty good. I’d done my time teaching high school while I worked on my Masters. But after getting my master's degree, I'd finally landed a job in Kansas. I'd gotten two raises, and things were looking great. The pay was...
A knock on her office door brings Ms. E back to a different reality. Her best friend from work, Opal, sticks her head in. “Girl, I got something you are going to want to check out.”Opal closes the door behind and leans forward across Ms. E’s desk. “You know how you’ve been saying that here you are a single girl for a moment and that you needed some excitement?”“Yes.”“Wait a minute, let me think of your exact words, ‘O, here I am a single girl for the first time in too long. I need some...
ThreesomesIntroduction: Not available. [Hi, my name is Farhan. I am 19 years old, a Muslim boy living in Canada with my family which are my mom, my younger brother and younger sister. This happened recently and Id thought I would share this experience with the world. When my Mom and I talked to one another, it would be in Urdu but I translated somewhat to English for your understanding as xnxx is primarily English based. This was before Ramadan. Before I begin, I have a fairly lean body, black hair and...
My husband and I have been married a little over ten years and, while our sex life has, at times, been off the wall wild, it has waned in frequency and wildness over the past few years. I have tried my best to keep my college-girl figure. I workout every day and run two miles twice weekly. I still wear size three pants and have managed to keep my girlish figure in proportion through both diet and exercise. I know I am succeeding, because I see the jealous looks from both guys and girls...
CheatingAfter spending 143 days on xhamster and searching the perfect couple to get the first swing experience, i had finnaly convinced my wife to try it out. She was not very excited about it, but she loved me a lot and would have done anything to make me happy. Looking back i consider myself pretty selfish, my wife was 26 and she looked stunning, i just felt that i needed something new in our relationship. Swinging seemed the wright answer. The couple I found was older than we were, he was 40 and she...
We left just before lunch. Madison helped us pack Ben. We got to know her some and she agreed to come to our house after Christmas. She said she try to bring her brother and Gwen. Christmas was good though q1uiet. Tricia spent a lot of time at Bert's house but Ben spent time with us. Right after Christmas, Madison, Bobby, and Gwen joined us planning to stay through the New Year's celebration. Madison is a hot blonde who loves to be nude. She also enjoyed sex but no pain. She and Ben...
You've just finished kneeling in front of Charles, sucking and licking his monster cock while Jamie snapped pictures of you performing...but the thought in the back of your mind has always been about how this thick, long cock will feel in your pussy...you're torn between thoughts of your own pleasure and being unfaithful to Jamie...he's told you time and time again, it's not being unfaithful, you've been given permission from him...but still...then you see Charles's cock again, standing rigid...
Want to find a bull who will make your cuckolding fantasies come true?Cuckolding couples might think it’s easy to find a guy who’s happy to sleep with a hotwife. While it’s true that many men will be into a cuckold arrangement in theory, making the right connection can be a bit trickier than it sounds. But no need to make things complicated.Before the Bull Hunting Begins Get clear on your cuckolding desires:Make sure both cuck and hotwife are on the same page before moving any closer...
Chapter 1 I'm a hotwife, always have been. What's a hotwife, you ask? Well, on my computer The Urban Dictionary defines it as: A married woman she has sexual relations with with other men, with the husbands approval. Usually while the husband watches or joins. Please don't blame me for the poor English of the definition, that's what's on their website. Also, I go a bit beyond their definition - I like women, too. So, I want to tell you how I got to be that way, how I became a...
------------------------------------------------- My mom and I were attending the Polyamory Match Making at Oasis Aqualounge in Toronto. We ended up meeting with Mark and his wife Jennifer. They were both in their late 20's, quiet and new to swinging. The 4 of us were in the hot tub talking. Both Mom and Jenn were wearing a red two piece swimsuit which was provided by the staff in the hot-tub. We had formed an amazing connection with the 2 of them. They were also both very attractive...
This is a true story; the names have been changed but the way the encounter occurred is as it happened. There is video which I’ve referred to for accuracy. This story is an account of my swinging wife’s first black gang bang, which we discovered she was really into. It was about 3:30 on a cold wet Saturday afternoon. Joyce was bored she had gone to the basement to do some ironing, I was attempting to fix an old computer. The door bell rang I yelled to her I’d get it. I opened the door to a...
Ever since our last Swingers experience, my Mom and I continued our sexual relationship. After that dreadful night where my Mom almost got pregnant, we decided it was best that we take a break from swinging. We were both scared shit the days following our last involvement with the lifestyle. I had gotten my mom the Plan B pill and we waited and waited for her next period. Finally it came and we felt so relieved. She almost got pregnant by a stranger! So after that, I asked my mom if...
This is a true story about a journey I made recently with my partner into the swinging scene. This is the first time I have ever written a story of any description, so please feel free to feedback! It was nearly a year ago when my partner Jake and I were discussing fantasies. He was not particularly forthcoming with regards to his fantasy, saying that he loved everything we do and would be willing to try anything. I on the other hand, had a reason for starting this conversation, I had always...
My wife and I were enjoying a nice resort at a nude beach in Jamaica.The second day we were lounging on the beach, when a well-built light skinned black man came up to my wife while she was sitting reading a book.He was standing next to her and his soft cock was right in her face. I thought she would look away from that dark nine inches dick; but she actually stared at it as she spoke to him. He introduced himself as Ben and he said he was there with his wife and another couple. He pointed to...
Dawn and I had been experimenting with swinging for a few years when we met a couple who we really hit it off with. Carl and Linda were about the same age as we were and that just seemed to work better for all of us. We found them through one of the local swingers news letters from one of the adult book stores. This was before we had a computer and we had contacted several other couples and a few single women before. We had meet with a several different couples and "played" with a few but...
Swinging with Cecilia My girlfriend Cecilia was not a saint girlie. She was bisexual, had sex with me from time to time and cheated on her loving hubby Peter also. Her lover was a giant, muscular and well endowed black man. She used to say his monster black cock drove her crazy every time he fucked her. One night Cecilia and I were lying naked in her bed, no loving husbands at sight, when she confessed me that she had always had fantasies of being fucked by my hubby Victor.“Go ahead, babe; I...
Swinging Date with the In-lawsbycolecash©It all started on Saturday night when my wife (Patricia) and myself ( Ray) went out for supper and a few drinks with her sister Silenia and her husband Joesph. We went to this new BBQ type restaurant located not far from our place. We arrived a few minutes early at the restaurant and decided to grab a quick drink in the lounge before Silenia and Joesph arrived. We sit down and ordered our drinks. I look at wife and admired what she's wearing, a v-neck...
Swinging Over the Line By Ricky Some time ago my husband Brian and I had placed an ad in the local paper in search of a compatible couple and found a couple who changed our sex lives forever. We have always interested in the new and unusual, and Brian never ceases to amaze me with his easy acceptance of some of the most outrageous things, but Jack and Charlene took us far beyond our wildest dreams. Our first sessions were rather tame, just swapping partners. We soon moved...
I guess ours isn't an unusual story, Paul and I married in 1990, I was a silly eighteen year old girl and Paul was twenty, just starting his own building business and married life in the same year. I didn't have a career as such, just spent my forty hours a week in an un-demanding office job, earning minimum wage but it didn't matter as Paul was doing very well in his 'one-man-band' building operation.All went 'normally', well, unremarkably, I didn't fall pregnant as I, or should I say...
He pulled up with my favorite pizza and a bottle of Jack ready to go. I opened a high noon in the car and started in on the pizza. (Wasn't driving) It was a new kind for me to try. Pineapple and vodka was the listed flavor but it mostly just tasted like the after taste you have when you chug beer. Momma didnt raise a quitter so I finished it despite the poor taste. When we got to the party they had one girl strapped down to a bed being teased. A dom/fem had a vibrator and a crop she was...
It was a beautiful night out in the late summer and my husband and I had started a new adventure in our life together. We were a swinging couple, or least trying to be. We had had some fun with another man via video, me playing with myself for him, and then Adam joining in for the man to watch. I thought it was hot having another person watching us, directing us, and well, wanting to fuck me. It’s always nice to know that you’re attractive to the opposite sex even when you’ve been married for...
ExhibitionismHere is a real cuckold tale about my own wife. All photos are of the real wife, who has many sexploits beyond this single event (topics for later).You may find that one job that she took was extreme.In the mid 1970s, she had attended many swinger functions. But one of the club owners had a different idea about what to do with off nights at his establishment. While swingers almost always required couples and exchanges, this particular club owner was aware that there was a lot of single guys,...
HistoricalIt's odd how it started. Carol, my wife of fifteen years, and I never dreamed getting connected to the internet would lead to our swinging. It sure did though. First it was the chat rooms. The first time I a nice lady on the net ask me if she could suck my cock taught me quickly exactly how naughty this experance could get. I told Carol about what happened and she flat didn't believe me. She wasn't in the chat room more than twenty minutes and two different guys tried to get her to Cyber....
It was time for another party and my parents were hosting again. They were popular hosts because our house was the best for a big weekend orgy. Friday afternoon found people gathering and sex occurring. Babs asked me to again mark our room as off limits. I did. Friday afternoon saw us watch Ben and our Dad double penetrate Aunt June. She was making noise until Hannah mounted Ben's face and pushed June's face into her butt. Someone had already fucked her ass and filled it with a load. I...
Life at the Presleys had changed. Bobby never seemed to be home, and when he was he locked himself in his bedroom. The family was together only at dinner, and then he'd stare at his plate, picking at his food while eating. When his mother or father tried to draw him into a conversation he'd respond with a one word answer, or at the most a terse sentence -- never looking up. Lying in bed, Bobby heard the voices coming from downstairs as guests arrived. He placed his hands over his ears and...
Nothing was said the next day, just like the day after Sally jerked him off. What troubled Bobby more than his mother masturbating while he was in her bed was that she pulled his hand to her breast while doing it. That night Bobby decided to sleep in his own bed. He heard the click of his door opening and looked at his mother standing in the doorway wearing a light blue nightgown. Her hands were clasped in front of her and her head was down. She looked like a lost puppy. Bobby climbed out...
With a domain name such as SwingingHeaven aka Swingers Heaven, is there a need to formally introduce this place or can I just assume that everyone understands that this is a dating website? I like to believe that people who read my reviews are not fucking idiots, so I will explain everything in detail while leaving out the useless crap that should be implied.This is obviously a dating site, as I already kind of implied, in case you are an idiot. On the tour page, you can see what the site has...
Hookup SitesMy wife Karen and I won a vacation for 4 to Mexico and were going with our friends Kay and her husband Fats,who is real skinny.Kay has been a friend of ours for a few years,I have known her husband for about 5 years but really get along well with him even though hes 18 years younger.Kay and Karen are very much alike and get along well but do compete with each other.The girls are both exhibitionist,but my wife is more bold then Kay. Karen and I flew to LA and Kay and Fats drove. We...
First let me start by saying this really happened and was way better than any night I could have planned myself. I changed our names for obvious reasons. I'm the cuckold I'll call myself George. My wife will go by Ann. So Ann and I have been together in a very happy marriage since we were teenagers. I myself had only had sex with one person when we met and Ann was a proud virgin. I took me over two years before we had sex. Now we are in our mid thirties and have been together for...