Further humiliation for the farmer s wife
- 3 years ago
- 48
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Cube farmers get to overhear all sorts of conversations, given the lack
of privacy that comes with working in a huge open office. A whisper, a
giggle, a private phone call overheard can open doors or something a lot
more enjoyable.
I was in my mid-20s, happily dating women my age, and working at a
semi-challenging job that I hoped would lead me onward and upward.
My office was a typical gray-walled cube on the third floor of a midrise
building in an office park filled with similar buildings and cube farms. A
boring locale, in other words, but there were compensations.
Ashley was one compensation. She was in her late 30s, easy on the eye,
always helpful, and sometimes a bit flirty. Quick with a wink or a joke,
she kept staff meetings lively. We became good office friends.
I ‘d occasionally join Ashley and other office friends, male and
female, for a drink or two after work, and sometimes on a slow day a group
of us would eat lunch together at a nearby T.G.I. Fridays or Texas
Roadhouse. But that was about the extent of our relationship. We were
office buddies, nothing more.
Then one day I overheard Ashley asking her friend Lauren if she ‘d
help her pick out a sperm donor from a catalog she ‘d ordered. She
said her biological clock was ticking and she couldn ‘t wait for Mr.
Right to come along.
– Why don ‘t you ask Matt, your ex? I ‘m sure he ‘d be
glad to accommodate you. -
Ashley exploded. – That bastard? That ‘s why I ‘m in this
mess. He didn ‘t want to have kids in his 20s, didn ‘t want to be
tied down. When he turned 30, and 31, and 32 it was always -~Let ‘s
wait till next year. ‘ By the time he turned 35 it was -~I ‘m too
tired tonight. ‘ Then he left me for that slut and knocked her up
within three months. The bastard! -
I couldn ‘t help myself, so I quit pretending I suffered from
cube-induced deafness. I stood up and leaned over the partition separating
our desks. – You really want a test-tube baby? Really? I mean, when
your kid starts asking about daddy, are you going to say he was number 4851
in some catalog, and you don ‘t even have a decent photo of him? -
Lauren scowled at me. – You ‘re an asshole, you know that. Are
you volunteered to jerk off in a cup for Ashley? If not, shut up! -
– Uh, no, that ‘s not my style. I heard a – Humm from Ashley
as I returned to my seat, a bit red-faced.
A few weeks later, when a bunch of us were having drinks after work,
Ashley took me aside. – So, Dave, what is your style? -
– Huh? I replied.
– You told Lauren jerking off in a cup wasn ‘t your style. What is
your style? -
– Oh, I replied. – Uh, I don ‘t know. I mean, donating sperm
is a big deal. Legal responsibilities and all that. -
– That ‘s just legal crap a good lawyer can resolve. Ashley
looked me straight in the eyes and patted my ass. – I wanna know, Dave.
What is your style? Missionary? Doggie? All of the above? -
– All of the above, I replied. – With the right woman, of course.
– How about me? Ashley asked. – I ‘m not kidding. My clock is
ticking fast, and I really need to get pregnant ASAP if I ‘m ever going
to have a kid. You ‘re young and smart and I assume you ‘re
virile. Would you be interested in knocking me up? -
I thought for about half a second. I was dating Taylor, a blonde I
‘d met six months before at a pool-side mixer in the apartment complex
next to mine. Things were going well, and I wasn ‘t about to dump her
for some sack time with Ashley. – You know I ‘m going with Taylor,
don ‘t you? -
– Of course I do. You can ‘t shut up about her —
I didn ‘t remember mentioning Taylor to Ashley more than once.
– –and I have absolutely no intention of being your girlfriend. God
forbid! You ‘re way too young. I just want your baby stuff, not a
boyfriend. -
I gently rubbed her hip. – I really am interested, I replied,
– and I ‘d love to oblige, but I think the legal ramifications are,
well, insurmountable. And what ‘s in it for me? -
– Oh. Well, in that case –, and she rejoined the group.
About a month later, as I was leaving work on Friday aftenoon, Ashley
hailed me from the hallway. – Got a moment? -
– I saw a lawyer after our chat at the bar. I ‘d like you to come
over to my apartment so we can talk about it, and so you can look at an
agreement she drafted. Are you free now? -
I was utterly surprised. I thought I ‘d closed the door on Ashley
‘s proposal, and even though our cubes are next to each other, I hadn
‘t had an inkling she was still pursuing the matter. – I ‘m
supposed to meet Taylor at 9:00. -
– It ‘s only 5:30, Ashley said. – There ‘s plenty of time.
Ashley gave me her address and told me to meet her there in about an
hour, as she had a quick errand to run on the way home. I went to my
apartment, showered and changed, and then headed over to Ashley ‘s.
She didn ‘t live far from me, and I found her apartment complex easily.
It was about 7:35 when I rang her doorbell. At-home Ashley looked a lot
better than at-work Ashley. She ‘d also changed clothes. She ‘d
let her brunette hair down, wiped off the professional-at-work makeup, and
-” damn -” she looked good period, never mind that she was 37 years old
going on 38. She gave me a hug, her hair smelling wonderful and clean.
– Thanks for coming over. -
– No problem, I said.
She showed me to her living room, where some legal papers were neatly
piled on her coffee table. – Look, I hope I ‘m not coming on too
strong, but I really, really need to get pregnant sooner rather than later.
Please, take a look at the papers. Please? -
– OK, I said, while she went to the kitchen to get some iced tea for
us. I started reading, and quickly learned that the lawyer she ‘d
hired had been nothing if not thorough.
The sperm donor ‘s role was spelled out in dry but explicit
language. The donor ‘s coupling was specifically described as not – to
be in a romantic manner but rather – solely for the injection of viable
sperm at the cervix at the female ‘s monthly peak of fertility. -
The donor agreed to relinquish all parental rights, and the mother-to-be
agreed to relinquish all claims to financial assistance. Any child born of
the coupling was not to be told the name of the sperm donor without the
donor ‘s express permission in writing; a form for such permission was
included in the stack of papers, however.
Ashley had signed the papers, and had entered my name in the appropriate
blanks. She was sitting across from me and watching silently as I read.
When I was on the last page, she spoke up: – I ‘m clean, Dave, in case
you ‘re wondering. I got tested after that bastard Matt left me. He
must have been fucking around for quite some time, and I wasn ‘t taking
any chances. And in case you ‘re wondering, I haven ‘t had sex
with anyone other than my vibrator and shower wand since the asshole left.
How about you? -
– I ‘m clean, I replied. – Taylor is a stickler for that kind
of thing, after getting a dose of clap from some ex-boyfriend. She made me
get tested before we slept together. -
– Smart girl! -
– Yeah, she is, and like I said, I ‘m not about to dump her. -
– Didn ‘t ask you to. All I want is your baby stuff. She paused
and looked at me steadily. – So what about it? How about we fuck now? -
Talk about an offer that was tough to refuse. – Like I said, I ‘m
meeting Taylor at 9, and I ‘m still not sure this is a great idea. And
I don ‘t want her to know I ‘ve just been with another woman. -
– You ‘re right. It ain ‘t a great idea, but it ‘s either
fuck you or some other local guy, or order pricey mail-order sperm and pay
some doctor or nurse to shoot it up my cervix. Frankly, I ‘d rather
get laid, and I like you, and I think you ‘ll keep your mouth shut.
Plus, you ‘re cute.
– As for Taylor, she has nothing to worry about. I ‘m not after
you. And she doesn ‘t need to know. With that, Ashley started
taking off her T-shirt. – I just showered. I ‘m not wearing any
makeup, any lipstick, or any perfume, so I ‘m as plain-jane as any
woman can be. There ‘s no way Taylor will know anything.
– Weeks ago, you asked what was in this for you. Well, how about this?
Ashley ‘s boobs popped into view as she removed her bra. They were
a large C or a small D, her areolas were small, and her nipples stood
– You like? she asked, as she swung them to and fro a couple of
– I like a lot, and you just convinced me. -
– Good! Ashley unsnapped her jeans and dropped them to the floor.
– There ‘s a pen over there. Sign the damn papers and let ‘s get
to it. I should be fertile about now. -
I signed half a dozen times on various pages marked with colored tabs as
a naked Ashley fingered herself across from me. – Let ‘s see what you
‘ve got, she said in a husky voice as I signed the last page.
My dick was standing at attention, painfully struggling to get out, and
I swear it rejoiced as I kicked off my shoes, dropped my jeans, and peeled
off my underpants. The clock on the wall behind Ashley read exactly 8:31.
I ‘d need 20 minutes to get to Taylor ‘s, and a couple of minutes
to dress. That left me — what — about seven minutes to warm up Ashley,
pump, and dump.
Ashley must have read my mind. – You don ‘t have much time. I
‘m already wet, Big Boy, so just plug into me and fire. As she
spoke, she leaned over a couch arm and wiggled her butt, an invitation I
wasn ‘t about to ignore.
I walked up to Ashley ‘s rear and felt her sex. Her cunt was so wet
there was a drop of white nectar at the bottom of her slit. As my dick
neared her hole, a helpful hand came between her legs to guide me home. A
tiny motion of my hips, and I was in!
Having never birthed a baby, Ashley ‘s vagina was probably as tight
as a non-virgin, 37-year-old vagina could be. Not loose, not tight, but
nicely in between. I start humping vigorously and reached under Ashley to
feel her tits. She was groaning and moaning and thrusting her hips
backward in perfect harmony with my pumping. Suddenly, her vagina
tightened around my dick, and I knew she was cumming, and then I was, too.
What a quickie! My prick pulsed and pulsed and pulsed, and I shot what
seemed like a gallon of cum into her welcoming sex. I could almost feel
her cervix slurping it up, greedily sucking it deep into her womb so one of
my guys could get very lucky indeed.
– That was great! she said. – Just what I needed! She dropped
to the floor, stuffed a pillow under her ass, and lifted her legs so they
were on the couch. – I ‘m going to lie here for half an hour, to keep
the baby juice in. Will you hand me that book over there? I need
something to read. -
I handed her the book -” on caring for a newborn -” and quickly got
dressed and headed out the door to my car. I was 10 minutes late getting
to Taylor ‘s. We were going to a comedy club across town, and then to
a late dinner. Thanks to my fucking Ashley, we ‘d end up with a crappy
table at the club, so I was prepared for an evening of bitching. Oh, well.
As it turned out, Taylor wasn ‘t quite ready when I arrived, so the
bitching never happened. Even better, Taylor spent the night at my place
and my johnson happily perked up for the second fuck of the evening and,
the next morning, for a leisurely stupe before we showered together.
Mid-morning, the phone rang. I answered to hear Ashley said, – I need
some help ASAP. Can you come over? -
– I think you have the wrong number, I replied.
– Is Taylor within earshot? -
– Yes, this is Dave, but you really do have the wrong number. -
– Come over if you can. I ‘ll be here till 1. The phone went
Taylor needed to do some errands -” some grocery shopping, getting
dry-cleaning, and the like -” so she headed out. We arranged to meet at
6:00 for dinner. I headed over to Ashley ‘s at 11:00.
– Finally! she said upon opening the door, wearing nothing but a
robe. – Let ‘s hit the bed. Best if you keep me filled with fresh
cum all weekend. -
– Not sure I can, I said. – Taylor and I –. -
– Let me guess, you ‘ve fucked and fucked. -
– Well, yeah. Once last night and once this morning. -
Ashley grimaced. – Boys! Can ‘t you keep it in your pants for the
real thing? Of course not! Could you fake orgasms so you ‘ll come to
me fully loaded? Of course not! What ‘s a girl to do? -
I was formulating a reply when she grabbed my hand. – What this girl
‘s gonna do is fuck you regardless. Surely there ‘s some baby
juice left. -
We had plenty of time for me to replenish the sperm knocking on Ashley
‘s cervix and roaming her womb.
She led me to her bedroom and bed, a duvet sea on which floated too many
pillows. She pulled back the duvet, sending the pillows sailing to the
floor, and turned her attention to me.
She removed my shoes and shirt, and dropped my jeans. I ‘d be
lying, and bragging, if I said my dick was hard and ready to go by the time
she cradled my genitals in her hands. After all the fucking I ‘d done,
my prick wasn ‘t totally exhausted, but it certainly wouldn ‘t do
much pricking. Until, that is, Ashley ‘s tongue and lips went to work.
When I was hard, she let the robe drop from her shoulders and climbed
onto the bed, lying on her back and spreading her legs. As I got ready to
mount her, she coated my dick with K-Y. I slid in easily and started
pumping. I pumped and pumped, but my empty balls failed to respond. Then
I visualized my last fuckfest with Taylor, and my testicles drew up. I
ejaculated with a groan, and my dick shriveled immediately.
Ashley and I fucked off and on over the next couple days, and then her
fertile peak was over -” and the fucking stopped. Spared of donor duties,
I was able to devote my spare time to seeing Taylor often, and I thought
the relationship was going well. I even visited a few jewelry stores,
thinking that maybe this relationship was going somewhere.
The next month -” that is, Ashley ‘s next cyclic month -” we
started fucking as soon as her fertile period neared. Midway through,
Taylor suddenly broke off our relationship. She wouldn ‘t give a
reason, but I eventually heard through the grapevine that she thought I was
too – flippy -” one day I ‘d be lovey-dovey, the next day I ‘d
be distant. And the sex, she confided in one friend, was fine at times but
then I acted as if I were just going through the motions.
Even at the time, I realized that I was the one who ‘d fucked up,
literally. It ‘s hard to be in a meaningful relationship and, at the
same time, keep secret a ball-draining donor relationship of near constant
fucking for one week each month. Of course, if I ‘d told Taylor, I
‘d have been instantly out the door, and maybe nursing a welt on the
cheek from one emphatic slap. Such is life for a philanderer.
So here was my situation: Ashley ‘s fertile interval was over, and
she let me know it by closing her thighs. She ‘d meant it when she
said she wasn ‘t interested in a relationship with me. No fertility,
no fuckee. With Taylor now history, I was horny and on the hunt for a
girlfriend. My balls were used to be emptied regularly, and it had been
nearly two weeks since I ‘d been laid.
– Good morning! Ashley said the next Tuesday morning, her voice loud
and spritely, as she arrived at her cube. She dumped her pocketbook on the
desk, walked to my cube, and whispered in my ear: – I ‘m pregnant,
Daddy. -
I smiled at her, got up and gave her a hug. – That ‘s great news,
Ash! Absolutely great news. -
She said in a low voice, – I ‘m not the only girl around whose
clock is ticking. Are you interested, if the conditions are the same? -
– Depends, I said. – I have standards, you know. -
– Her name ‘s Sara Duncan, and she ‘s a friend of mine. Why
don ‘t the three of us meet after work tonight? -
– OK. Texas Roadhouse? -
– How -~bout we grill some burgers on my apartment patio? -
– Sounds like a plan. -
We agreed to meet at 7:00. I picked up the burgers and other
ingredients at the local grocery, and arrived at the appointed hour.
Ashley opened the door for me, and pirouetted with an arm outstretched.
She was pointing at a trim blonde, maybe 5-foot-7 or -8, standing at the
back of her vestibule. – Sara, may I introduce Dave the Donor? Dave,
here ‘s Sara. -
Other than having a large nose, and being in her late 30s, Sara was just
about perfect. Had she been 15 years younger, I would have tried to pick
her up had I met her at some party.
Within a few minutes, Sara told me her story, as Ashley prodded her to
fill in a few blanks. Sara had one child, an 20-month-old boy from a
failed marriage, and absolutely did not want to raise an – only. As
Ashley had mentioned, Sara ‘s clock was also ticking and she no
immediate marriage prospects.
– And when Ashley described you, it all clicked. She said you looked a
lot like my ex, and I was already thinking about getting pregnant with
mail-order sperm from a look-alike, as I want my kids to look like
siblings. -
Sara had read through the legal papers before I ‘d arrived. She
‘d also had a recent STD test that came back negative and had sworn off
dating for now, to make sure she stayed clean.
– So, are you interested? she asked. – Do I pass inspection? -
– Absolutely, I said. – But are you sure you want to do this?
Raising two kids as a single mom won ‘t be easy. -
– My mother helps some, and my younger sister helps a bunch. She
‘s already a stay-at-home mom and doesn ‘t mind helping out. Plus,
I pay her childcare, and extra money ‘s always welcome at her house. -
– Then let ‘s sign the papers. I ‘m between girlfriends and I
‘d love the opportunity to, uh, do some donating. -
Sara guffawed and said: – I ‘ll try to make the donating memorable.
We filled in the blanks and signed two copies of the papers, so we
‘d each have an original.
– What now? Sara asked.
– You don ‘t know how to make a baby? I asked, winked, and
– Don ‘t be silly, Sara said. – Your place or mine? I should
be fertile about now. -
– How about mine? Ashley asked. – Sara, you ‘ve got to pick up
your son from your sister ‘s in an hour, so you don ‘t have much
time. -
– I couldn ‘t, Sara said. – It wouldn ‘t be right. -
– It ‘s OK. I changed the sheets just yesterday, and I think the
bed ‘s lucky. At least that ‘s where I got lucky. As she spoke,
Ashley patted her tummy.
– Well, it ‘s OK by me, I guess, Sara said. – Are you OK with,
uh, doing it here? -
– I don ‘t see why not, I said. With that, I reached over to
Sara, who was sitting next to me on the couch, and took her hand. I helped
her up, and guided her to the duvet sea.
We sat on the bed, and she leaned in and up for a kiss. One kiss led to
another and we lay back on the bed and kissed some more. Some women enjoy
kissing, some don ‘t; some are – ladylike kissers, some are
super-smoochers who really get into it. Sara was one of the latter. It
had been years since I had ‘d had a kissing session like the one I was
having. The more we kissed, the bluer my balls became.
Finally, I ‘d had enough, and I ‘m sure Sara must have too, for
the stubble on my chin made the skin around her mouth look red and raw. I
stood her up and, in one motion, pulled back the top sheet and the duvet,
and once again most of Admiral Ashley ‘s pillow flotilla sailed off the
bed and sank to the floor.
Sara was over-dressed for the occasion, I thought, as I unzipped her
dress and lowered it over her hips. She stopped me from removing her bra
and, instead, relieved me of my shirt and jeans. My underpants sported a
handle in front, one that she gently stroked as I released her tits. Fine
looking tits they were. Like the tits of any woman in her late 30s, hers
sagged, but it was a controlled sag, not the floppy sag of fun bags well
past their prime.
She reached down and lowered my underwear, and promptly knelt and sucked
every so gently. I didn ‘t want to risk an early explosion, so pulled
her up, pulled down her panties, and placed her on the sheets. My fingers
confirmed that she was wet and ready, so I rolled on top of her, letting my
hips position my dick at her entrance. I started probing gently, teasing
her with my little head, entering, withdrawing,re-entering, withdrawing.
After nearly a dozen in-and-outs, she grabbed my ass and thrust her hips
upward, then locked me in place with her legs.
– Do me, please. Make me a mommy again. Please. Please! -
Her finders dug into my ass and ran up my back. I started humping hard,
harder and faster, then slower, then hard and fast again, then slow and
steady, until finally my balls could wait no longer and my gun fired, again
and again, and baby juice filled her tunnel.
As I rolled off, Sara kissed me and asked, almost plaintively, whether
we could get together the next day, as if she was entitled to only one
donation from me. – We can get together as often as needed, I replied.
– I ‘m only too happy to oblige. I could come over to your house
tonight, after stopping at my house to pick up some things, so we can try
again in the morning and maybe even later tonight. -
– I ‘d like that, she said. – I should be fertile for the next
few days, so if you could do me in the morning and at night –. -
– I ‘ll be honored to do you again and again, I replied, and I
leaned in and kissed her deeply.
That ‘s how I ended up spending the next five overnights at Sara
‘s house, fending off dirty scowls when her younger sister found us
together on the living room couch one evening (no, not THAT together) and
an even nastier scowl one morning from her mom, who dropped by unexpectedly
and found us in bed together. Fertile periods come to an end, however.
I was enjoying my first evening alone at home when the phone rang.
– How they hangin ‘, Stud? a female voice asked.
– Who ‘s this? -
– Who? Ashley, of course. How many pimps do you have? -
– Uh –. -
– I understand that Sara ‘s kicked you out of her bed. -
– It ‘s not like that. Her fertile time is over and so –. -
– And so you ‘re free to make some other mother wannabe very happy.
In fact, two other mother wannabes. Interested? -
– You are turning into a pimp! -
– Of course I am. I ‘m pregnant, I ‘m moody, I ‘m puking
and nauseated every morning, and I have this irresistible urge to see other
women just as miserable as I am. Now, are you interested in knocking up
two more? -
I thought for a moment or two. A double knock-up was a challenge, and
it was a challenge I wasn ‘t about to walk away from. – Of course I
am. But like before, I do have my standards. -
– Yeah, OK. I know one of the women, and I ‘m sure you ‘ll be
happy to put her in the family way. The other, I don ‘t know. She
‘s someone Sara knows. -
– Sara? Why didn ‘t she talk to me about this? -
– She ‘s shy, and she didn ‘t know how to approach you. Seems
her friend is a lesbian, and she didn ‘t know how you ‘d feel about
that. -
– What? I ‘m not about to jerk off for some lesbian! -
– The friend doesn ‘t expect you to. But there ‘s a twist: Her
partner wants to be part of the process. Correction: Demands to be part of
the process. She would warm up the wannabe mom, and then you ‘d fuck
her. You ‘d have to do with maybe zero foreplay.
In-out-repeat-ejaculate, period. Still interested? -
– Maybe. Could be kinky and fun, or it could be downright yucky. -
– Agreed. But here ‘s the thing: Both women want to get knocked up
ASAP. Like yesterday. Do you think you could handle two women at the same
time? As in, screw one in the morning, the second in the early evening,
then the first one late at night, and do it all over the next day? That
‘s three times a day. -
– It ‘d be a challenge, and I like challenges, especially when it
comes to, ah, donating. -
Kristin was Ashley ‘s friend, Eren was the lesbian, and Eren ‘s
friend was Pamela, presumably another lesbian. I met Kristin and Ashley
after work at a local Starbucks. Kristin was OK but not a knockout. Maybe
5-foot-4, bleached blond hair with dark roots, a few pounds overweight, a
slightly crooked smile, and small tits. Ashley had brought the legal
forms. Kristin and I signed them, and the two of us left together in my
I drove to her place, a townhouse condo on the outskirts of town, in an
area known mostly for not-so-great schools but a nice park.
– How do we do this? Kristin asked.
– This is complicated, I said. – Ashley said she told you about
Eren needing my services at roughly the same time, right? -
– Yeah, she did. Kristin had a dour look on her face as she said it,
and her hands were clinched tight around her pocketbook ‘s strap.
– So why don ‘t I spend the next few days and nights at your place,
so we can get together often while you ‘re fertile, and then when Eren
is ready, I ‘ll shuttle between your place and hers? It ‘s not
ideal, I know, but Ashley either has a weird sense of timing, or she likes
playing games with me, like a cat with a mouse. -
For the first time, Kristin quit looking like she was sitting on sharp
rocks. – OK. I can cope with that. Then she added, – I think Ashley
‘s on a power trip with me, too. But that ‘s OK. It has its
benefits. She looked at me, smiled, and blew me an air kiss.
Inside, her condo surprised me. It had that decorator look: everything
was coordinated, and in this case, everything said jungle and Africa. The
lamps were made of twisted wood, her ceiling fans had rattan blades, prints
of monkeys, giraffes, parrots, hippos, and other such critters climbed the
walls. The throw rugs were fake animal furs, from zebras to tigers, from
giraffes to lions.
– I like coordinated room schemes, Kristin said as I looked around.
– How do you like it? -
– Wow! was all I could muster. Fortunately, that seemed to satisfy
– I ‘m going to change into something more comfortable, she
said, and headed to her bedroom.
I didn ‘t know what to expect. Would she come out in a Tarzan Jane
outfit? I prepared myself so I wouldn ‘t start laughing. When she did
appear after 20 minutes her hair was still a bit damp from a shower, and
she was dressed in a white terrycloth bathrobe. She walked up to me and
patted my butt. – We should start now, to ensure success. She grabbed
my hand and led me to her bed.
More jungle animals stared at me from the walls, and the bed wasn ‘t
to be believed. It had fake elephant feet and a leopard print headboard.
God help me! I wondered if I was in for a session of Jungle love.
What happened next wasn ‘t what I expected. Kristin took off my
clothes in a rather businesslike manner, dropped her bathrobe onto the
floor, then lay back on the bed. She had nice tits and a relatively flat
tummy but a full bush that looked like it had never been trimmed. – OK,
please proceed, she said.
I tilted my head when I looked at her. She looked at me and nodded.
– Proceed, please. I lay down on the bed, brushed a hand over a tit, and
moved my head toward hers for a kiss. She gave me a cousinly kiss on the
check and repeated, – Proceed, please. -
I lowered my head to her breasts and started licking and playing with
her nipples. My free hand drifted lower and lower and started playing with
her slit and clit. Gradually, I penetrated her with one finger, then two
fingers, and started moving my head toward her triangle. I had moved maybe
six inches south when Kristen grabbed my head. – Don ‘t, said she.
– Come up here. -
Reversing course, I moved up to her head. She kissed me lightly on the
lips, then said flatly and firmly: – Please, I don ‘t want any
misunderstandings. I don ‘t want to make love. That ‘s not why I
agreed to have you stay the weekend. I want you to impregnate me. Please,
just do it. And no oral sex. That ‘s not my thing. -
– I ‘m not a machine, I replied. – I don ‘t get instantly
-~in the mood ‘ three times a day. A little encouragement goes a long
way. -
– Of course, she said flatly. – How about if I play with your
penis? -
– That ‘s a good start, I said. So she gently stroked and
tickled my dick and balls while I lay on my side and caressed her. There
was no doubt: She was really not into it, so after I felt nicely hard I
said, – Enough, moved on top, and mounted her.
Kristen reminded me of the witness in court who, when asked if she were
sexually active, responded, – No, I just lie there. That ‘s what
Kristen did: She lay still, with her eyes closed, and kept her legs spread.
Since she wasn ‘t helping one iota, I grabbed a pillow and wedged it
under her butt to get a better angle. Then I started fucking.
I fucked and fucked and fucked, but at no point did Kristen ‘s
vagina tighten even the littlest bit to indicate arousal or, heavens
forbid, an orgasm. Finally I ejaculated, but I ‘d rate the experience
only slightly above jerking myself off. As I pulled out, Kristen said
flatly: – That was OK. Thanks. -
The next morning there was a repeat performance. Fortunately, we both
had jobs to go to, so I could skip the midday repeat. After work, before
heading back to Kristen ‘s, I stopped at the nearest mall and picked up
a genuine Panasonic massager and, just in case, an extension cord.
Kristen had a takeout dinner ready for us -” specifically, rotisserie
chicken from a supermarket, salad, and sauced mixed vegetables -” but the
first order of business was a trip to the elephant-footed bed.
While she was in the shower getting ready, I found an empty plug in her
room, hooked up the extension cord, plugged in the Japanese wonder worker,
and hide it under the bed, ready and able to put some wowwie in her sex
A few minutes later there she was, dropping her bathrobe at her feet.
She undressed me and, this time, fondled me until I was hard. Then she lay
on the bed and spread her legs, waiting for me to start massaging her pud.
– What ‘s that? she exclaimed when, instead of fingering her, I
fired up the Panasonic and began using it on and around her clit.
– Relax. It won ‘t bite. -
– Oh. OK. She lay back and closed her eyes. Then, miracle of
miracles, her hips started rising. Then they stared thrusting. When I
figured she was about to climax, I turned off the Panasonic and climbed in
the saddle.
What a difference a good vibrator makes! The dead-fish fucking was gone
and Kristin was into it, and I mean into it. – Oh God, oh God, oh God
–fuck fuck fuck –shit shit –I ‘m cuming! Her cunt was squeezing
my dick hard, the tenons in her neck popped into view, and her gut muscles
contracted until her mouth was almost at my nipples. – Arrgghh! Her
scream was loud and long, and then she collapsed and pushed me off her just
moments are I, too, had climaxed.
– That was, that was, that was wonderful! Kristen said, and french
kissed me. Seconds later she was fondling my dick and asking was it too
soon to go again.
After the arrival of the Panasonic, I never again had a lousy fuck
session with Kristen. Turns out she ‘d never tried a mains vibrator
before, and the battery-operated kind just didn ‘t have the oomph to
really get the deepest, buried portion of her clit moving.
The time had come, however, to turn my attention to lesbian Eren and her
partner Pamela. I don ‘t know what I expected, so I can ‘t say I
was surprised when I met them at their house in an upscale neighborhood
with its own giant gazebo, walking trail, and aerated lake filled with
paddle boats.
The house was huge, Eren was quite the looker, skinny with long,
purple-streaked blond hair and not a day over 30, while Pamela was carrying
about 25 pounds extra pounds on her frame and must have been in her early
50s. It wasn ‘t hard to figure out who owned the fluffy bank account.
– We ‘re delighted you ‘ve agreed to help us, Pam said the
evening I went to their house. – You ‘ll have a good time here, we
promise. But first things first: We ‘ve got to sign these tacky legal
papers. -
After the papers were signed, and after handing my copy to me with a
wink, Pam turned to Eren and said in a nicely faked Southern accent:
– Please lead the way to the bedroom, my love. Let ‘s show our
gentleman caller that he can expect some really good loving. -
A walk into their bedroom was like a journey into a high-end erotic art
gallery discretely selling adult novelties on the side. As I was to learn,
dildos, strap-ons, whips, and flails were arrayed on shelves hidden by the
artworks and a couple of extra-large photographs. A gentle tug and the
artworks and photos swung into the room on hinges, revealing the hard goods
behind. The king-sized bed was heavily accessorized with hidden attachment
points for restraining devices.
Eren pointed at the bed and asked, smiling: – Ready to try it out? -
– Absolutely! I took a step or two toward her, but Pamela blocked my
– I ‘ve got a question: Why the hell are you doing this? We
‘re not paying you, and you ‘re not spreading HIV or AIDS or some
other disease. You ‘re a good-looking young man. Are you in it simply
for the sex, to spread your genes far and wide, or do you have a fetish for
older women, or –. -
– Hey! Eren interjected.
– Sorry, Honey, Pam said, and kissed Eren on the cheek and let her
hand drift down to rub her ass. – Sorry. -
– I kinda fell into it by accident. First Ashley, who works in the
cubicle next to me, needed some help, then her friend Sara needed the same,
and now Kristen and, of course, Sara asked Ashley to have me help out Eren.
I never planned any of this. It just sorta happened. -
– So Eren ‘s an unintended fuck toy? -
I grimaced. – That ‘s not what I meant. Maybe I should leave. -
– No, no, no, said Pam. – Not until we have some fun and Eren
‘s sticky inside. -
– Yeah, said Eren. – Let ‘s get me sticky now. Saying that,
she removed the blouse she was wearing and unfastened her bra, kicked off
her shoes, and aimed her C-sized tits at me. They were nicely shaped
indeed, and I felt a stirring as my little head awakened.
Pamela finished undressing Eren and pushed her onto the bed. – Sit in
that thing over there, she commanded me, and pointed to what I
discovered was a sex sling in the corner. – Keep your clothes on. This
is my time with Eren. -
Eren lay on her back, with her arms and legs spread like DiVinci ‘s
drawing of a human. Pam pulled on a painting to reveal a host of small
whips and flails. She chose a pink-colored whip with multiple tentacles
about eight inches long, then started teasing Eren with it. She dragged it
over Eren ‘s body from top to toes, jiggling it over her breasts and
– Roll over! -
Eren rolled onto her back, and Pam repeated the teasing, paying special
attention to Eren ‘s buttocks and crack.
– Roll back! -
When Eren was on her back again, Pam blinded Eren with a pink bandana,
and proceeded to tie her arms and legs to the bed. Once Eren couldn ‘t
move, Pam stuffed a pillow under her butt and positioned herself between
Eren ‘s legs. She started licking and fingering, and soon a large drop
of white girl juice formed at the bottom of Eren ‘s slit.
Pam caught the drop on her fingers, moved up to Eren ‘s head, and
ordered her to lick. Then she started kissing Eren and playing with her
breasts and occasionally her clit. Eren was writhing and moaning.
– Dave, get undressed and help us out here. Now! -
I stripped and approached the bed from the other side, expecting to lick
some nipples. – What do you think you ‘re doing? Pam asked.
– Fuck her now. So I moved between Eren ‘s legs and started gently
fingering her. Pam hit my hand with the whip. – Stop that! I ‘m the
one who plays with Eren. You ‘re here to fuck her, and that ‘s it.
Perhaps I should have gotten dressed and walked out, or maybe I should
have pushed Pam off the bed. Instead, I did what I was told. I aimed my
dick at Eren ‘s opening, and pushed my way in. Eren screamed with
delight and humped back as hard as she could, straining against the straps.
– Fuck me, fuck me, fuck me. That ‘s it! Fuck me. Cum in me. -
As I humped Eren, Pam was playing with Eren ‘s tits and tickling her
with the pink whip. – Climax for us, please, Honey! Let him know you
like it. -
I liked it. I liked it a lot, and though I should have been drained
from fucking Kristen again and again, my balls felt as full as they had a
dozen or so years earlier, when I masturbated for the first time. Finally
I erupted with – I ‘m cuming, and Eren thrust her hips high and
We stayed coupled for several minutes. Pam let me nuzzle Eren ‘s
tits and, as I withdrew, kiss her on the lips. Eren stayed on the bed,
butt in the air, for maybe half an hour as Pam tried to ensure she ‘d
get pregnant. We then shared a light dinner, and off I drove to Kristen,
to fuck her at bedtime. I then drove back to Pam and Eren ‘s so I
could fuck Eren in the morning. It was a tough routine, but I managed with
a smile.
That all happened five years and maybe forty pregnancies ago. For a
while, Ashley continued acting as my pimp and organizing gatherings of my
offspring so she and the other moms could compare notes. But Ashley
gradually faded from the scene, as did Sara and Kimberly and Eren and the
other women I knocked up in the early years.
Now, I ‘m 30 years old myself, and the women I ‘m helping out
aren ‘t that much older than I am. I haven ‘t dated a woman my own
generation since Taylor split. I just haven ‘t had the time, and my
balls certainly haven ‘t had any spunk to dump in an infertile cunt.
Eren wasn ‘t the only lesbian I ‘ve impregnated, but mostly I
‘m still screwing single heterosexual women whose clock is ticking. I
have, however, done a couple of women whose husbands were sterile. One of
the husbands, like Pam, insisted that he do the warming up. I was happy to
oblige him. After all, I ‘m the one who ejaculated swimmers into a
fertile womb. In nature ‘s view, that ‘s the main role of a man,
and who am I to argue with Mother Nature?
Passion is not hot; it is cold. In the languorous summer heat I sit caressing my limbs with lotion as bright bikinis run past and dive into the water. Sunglasses reflect the light but not the heat; I take a sip of iced tea and try holding a book above my head to block the sun's glare. My arm quickly tires. I put down the book, close my eyes and inhale the chlorinated odors of the swimming pool. My consciousness swims in a bright orange darkness and relaxes to swimming pool sounds: bouncy...
First TimeDid you see the Cube, sir? 'Tis a qubit, and what's a cubic cubit? NOTE: This is a trick, a 'schtick' that can be explained, but which you won't get at first. A cubic qubit is made with three sticks, a blob of clay and a mirror. Lay the mirror flat, then looking straight down at the mirror, drop the sticks. They will fall down and there is a blob of clay on the mirror. If you do this one, the trick is to use three knitting needles and they hit the clay and stick. Now you have three...
Fiona didn’t pester me quite so much as she was happy to give her cunt a rest after the abuse it had taken from so many cocks over the last year or so. Going from a baron 4 years of no cock to a wanton 40+ milf had taken its toll on Fiona; although enjoyable she’d been fucked ragged. Alice collared me whenever we were alone and would rub my cock through my jeans or shorts whispering in my ear, “I need your dick inside me again, stretching my pussy open and spunking inside me, when can...
I could not wait for my return to the Fire House to meet up again with my 12 Fire fighters. They said that they had a surprise for me that would blow my mind. Finally the day came and I dressed in the guys favorite outfit of skin colored Tights and no knickers with a very short skirt and a low cut top exposing my ample cleavage. My body was already shaking as to what the guys had in store for me today. I got to the front gate and was greeted as always by a couple of the guys. After some small...
Group SexMAU: The Fable of the Farmer and his Wife Synopsis: Surprisingly to most people, many of the fables giving lessons in life are taken from true, or nearly true, experiences. However, the details are often changed so the stories may more readily fit into the prevailing culture, and as such, many of the true details are lost. [email protected] ********************************************************************** Foreward: For many, many centuries, a...
The summer heat began to back down as the sun set. You ate your dinner thinking about it. You took a long shower thinking about it. And, as you go to answer the knock at your door, you are still thinking about it. “Something new to try tonight.” I had said the night before but I had been purposely vague with my intentions, and for good reason. I had told you to specifically only wear a lace bra, thong, and a button down satin pajama shirt. As you open the door, I notice that you have followed...
I grew up in a small midwest farming town. But I was no way a farm girl. What happened was tha in high school I became very attracted to Don, this tall, dark and hand- some guy my age. We began dating heavy. My mother wasn’t too keen of her daughter dating a son of a hog farmer. But once she learned the size of their hog production, and that his family was the most prominent in the area, she was okay with it. His father being on the board of directors at the bank didn’t hurt...
Josh was a good looking young man 6 foot 2 about 220 pounds. He had just graduated high school and was looking for a summer job that would make him some money until he started college in the fall. His father had an old army buddy that had a farm and got the boy some work 3 days a week on the farm. The work would be hard, all manual labor but, the pay would be good and the benefits as it turned out would be more than the boy could have hoped for.His dad warned him that the work would be hard and...
It had been three days. Three days since Jack's now-ex girlfriend broke his heart. If it had been a normal breakup, he supposed it wouldn't have been this bad. But when somebody cheats on you, it brings your whole self-image into question. "What if I had been more attentive? What if I had worked out more? Was my dick too small? Did I not satisfy her orally? Did she fake every orgasm she had?" These questions floated through his head every second of each day. It didn't help that...
“The Cube? What is this movie about? Some kind of horror stuff?” I heard Steve from the living room. “Put it in and check it out,” Mike answered. I froze. Which DVD were they talking about? The sci-fi-horror directed by Vincenzo Natali in the ‘90s or its home porn version made up by my boyfriend in the hand-made cube on our backyard? I hoped the guys didn’t find our sex tape. I put down the tray on the kitchen table and peeked into the living room: Mike, my boyfriend and his buddy, Bud were...
Group SexDisrespect and the bedroom go hand in hand. It’s hard to explain, but there’s some line between pleasure and humiliation that makes people bust huge nuts, and there are a few reasons that might be.Humiliation creates an enveloping sexual situation. Without it, your mind may wander to your bills or what you have to do tomorrow morning. However, if you’re being horrifically embarrassed, it’s hard to think about anything else but the present moment. How beautiful. No one on their phones, no social...
Scat Porn SitesI opened my eyes and I checked the area around me. I was lying in a shiny room with metal walls. There were round doors in the middle of each wall, even the ceiling and the floor had two, respectively. There were two people lying beside me, all the three of us wearing brown uniforms. One of the people beside me was a black guy. He was bald, tall and muscular, the uniform tight on his wide shoulders. He wore a pair of black boots. The other was a brunette girl. The zipper on the cleavage of...
Group Sex(How can something so cold and wet be so wonderful?) "Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh," the dark-haired young woman on the bed moaned. There was another touch and the moan became nearly a cry of passion. She twisted and squirmed wildly but the bonds holding her spread-eageled to the bed only stretched without giving way no matter how she struggled. "My, such sounds. Do you want me to stop?' huskily questioned the older woman who knelt between her outstretched legs. "Good God, NO!" the first woman...
Kal’s mother would look on with bemusement every time he packed his night bag and made ready for his overnight stays. One day she walked in as he was packing one of the runed leather vambraces made with ink from Aradelle’s nectar. “What’s that Kal?” she asked. Kal jumped, having not heard her walk in, “Um… it’s something Ikuno gave me,” he said quickly stuffing it into his pack. Kal’s mother calmly held out her hand. With a sigh, Kal produced the leather strip and handed it to his...
“Hold your breath,” said Ikuno, leaning over as she held the ink behind Kal’s back with the telekinesis cantrip. Kal did as she asked, trying hard to hold down his excitement as Ikuno placed the last and probably most important of his runic tattoos, the healing rune. Cure Poison and Cure Disease were already on his shoulder blades and now the healing rune was going to go right in between. Ikuno had recommended placing it on his back because when attacked the first instinct is to face your...
13 months later On the second Saturday of my third May in Raleigh, I received my degree. As I had in high school, I graduated second in my class. My family was there to cheer for me, as were several officers from the Raleigh PD. Holly and Glenda were there, along with Holly’s fiancée, Lenny. Also in the crowd were a couple FBI agents, several Marshals, and the heads of the local ATF and DEA. Holly had started seeing Lenny a year ago and moved back into her apartment a month later. Glenda...
Ikuno and Kal watched as the Knights made their way back towards the village. While Kal wouldn’t exactly call them friends, they didn’t quite fit into the enemy category either. Feeling that his chances of ever seeing any of them again were slim he put it out of his mind. Looking up at Ikuno he saw that she was studying him intently. “Is something wrong?” he asked. Ikuno was thoughtful as she studied him. “No, nothing is wrong. At least not yet.” “Not yet? That sounds ominous.” “Nothing to...
Three Knights of the Order of the Lion’s Shield stood in the clearing surrounding the cave. It was quiet save for the soft munching of horses nibbling grass near the wood line far off to one side. The squires tended to the steeds and made sure their leads were secured to nearby trees, it was better to be safe than spend hours chasing one down that decided to bolt for whatever reason, despite being trained as warhorses to be calm even in the heat of battle. Nearby sat a young...
Please abuse the farmer's wifeAfter Harry had done just about everything to humiliate the farmer's wife (two rows of fish hooks pierced though her labia, a cruel nose perforation, satanically branding her bum with the farm's logo, two distinguishing ear marks, dripping candles in her cunt) he noticed that he still did not feel at ease. He was still vindictive, every inch of his body wanted more revenge.So he thought about his next step. The farmer's BBW wife was a rotting pile of pink flesh...
I knew my way around downtown Hiaville pretty well as I’d made nearly a hundred trips there since my move. Away from the two main streets of town, though, I had no clue where I was. Thank goodness for GPS. I programmed Jacqueline’s address, and then the address of the restaurant. After updating the GPS program, I headed to Jacqueline’s house. I had no idea that Hiaville had a country club or a Country Club Estates, not that I really cared; you can’t grow much food on a golf course. I was...
Eager as Kal had been for some more intimate time with Ikuno, the knight’s talk of food had gotten to him. As they walked back into the main living area of the cavern his stomach growled noisily. He stopped in embarrassment, his hands covering the offending body part. Ikuno kept walking over to a small set of wooden shelves that appeared to be made from lashed together saplings with crude planks fitted in for holding items. She grabbed a cloth wrapped bundle and tossed it to Kal. “Here eat...
The winter came and went with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm made the two-hour travel to Ikuno's cave impossible for close to a month. When he finally made the trek, the oni attacked Kal like a feral animal upon arrival, shredding his clothes and throwing him on the bed in her haste to get him inside her. Ikuno felt horrible for her actions afterwards, apologizing over and over for her loss of control until Kal began laughing, telling her that if she hadn't already been naked when he...
"No touching," she said breathlessly, putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing his face into her. Kal growled in annoyance, the vibration making her body shudder for a moment. He sucked her clit into his mouth, swirling his tongue around the sensitive nub until the oni gasped and her legs began to shake, flooding his mouth with her fluids as she came. The oni stepped away and let the leather flap fall, hiding her pussy from him. "Now-now," she said smiling as her breathing...
Chapter 2 Eager as Kal had been for some more intimate time with Ikuno, the knight’s talk of food had gotten to him. As they walked back into the main cavern’s living area his stomach growled noisily. He stopped in embarrassment, his hands covering the offending body part. Ikuno kept walking over to a small set of wooden shelves that appeared to be made from lashed-together saplings with crude planks fitted in for holding items. She grabbed a cloth-wrapped bundle and tossed it to Kal. “Here...
Harry pays back the farmer's wifeThe first thing Harry did then he had caught his employer, the farmer's wife, by surprise and had tied her to the fence, was to remove the painful fish hooks from his foreskin and carefully pull the eight nails from his tormented scrotum. The nails had sort of blended with the wood in which they had been hammered and were quite hard - and painful - to remove. He also unlocked the nose ring that had disfigured his face for weeks on end.It made a world of...
One bright sunny afternoon, a little tow truck drove into a farm, carrying a vehicle with it. The farm in question belonged to Mr. Murphy, and the vehicle in question was a blue car driven by Ian Johnson, a handsome college sophomore who was driving to his family reunion when his car broke down near the Murphy farm. This did not bode well for him as he told his girlfriend that he would meet him at the reunion as soon as he can.As a result of the mess, Ian had to wait until the car is fixed, and...
Lastadday, the 14th of Planting continued. Andrew was tired already, but the day was young and he knew he had many more ahead, so he dug in and got busy. Andrew looked at his hands and saw they had been cut up again by the edges and thorns of the brush. He needed to keep those gloves in his bag, yet he continued to forget them almost daily. He would have stumps by the end of the day he thought. As he started to ponder whether he should run back to the tool shed to pick up the missing gloves...
Tuesday Today started like most mornings, with me enjoying watching the dogs romp. When the construction crew working on the hangars and the underground vault arrived, I took the contractor aside and told him to build a runway capable of handling a corporate jet, and a hangar for a jet. He laughed at me. Then I took him inside the house and showed him the closet off the study in the upstairs part of the bedroom. “I want a two-foot deep safe installed in the back, one with side-by-side...
Dwight had somehow arranged for me to take my finals a week early so I could attend fourteen weeks of the nineteen-week training course. He drove me to the airport and handed me a letter as I was boarding my flight to Glynco. “Dan is the agent in overall charge of the training center. Give this to him if he starts to become a nuisance,” he chuckled. Barely an hour after finishing my last final, my flight was wheels up and I was headed for Georgia. I had left my car in my assigned spot at the...
Wednesday Faizah finally experienced the real use of my desk this morning. When we finished, she almost floated back to the bedroom with as serene a look as any of the women has ever had. The sex is always great, but the happy look on their faces afterwards is what makes it extra special. Juwanna and her four assistants performed their synchronized knowing grin and eye roll when I got to the kitchen. I wondered if we could make it an Olympic event. I just waggled my eyebrows at them and...
Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...
Author’s Note: Before you read this story you should understand that it is a work of fiction and total fantasy. Its main themes are of non-consensuality and human degradation of an uncompromising sort. If this does not appeal then PLEASE DO NOT READ IT. I would also like to emphasise that the events described in the story would be completely abhorrent to me if carried out in reality. Nor is it my intention to offend any particular group, preference or orientation with what I have written. It is...
Almost six months had passed since Perra had come to live with Kal and his mother. True to his word Kal visited Ikuno’s cave as often as possible with Perra tagging along whenever she could get her chores caught up, and true to her word Ikuno began teaching Kal the basics of magic. Kal could tell that something was bothering Ikuno in the way she acted these last few weeks and more often than not he would end up going home immediately after these practice sessions with Ikuno getting upset...
Ikuno panted as Kal’s tongue lapped hungrily at her clit, Kal tried to adjust himself as his erection was rubbing uncomfortably against his trousers. “No touching,” Ikuno reminded him putting a hand on the back of his head and pressing him into her sex. Kal growled in annoyance and sucked her clit into his mouth swirling his tongue around until Ikuno gasped and her legs began to shake as she came. Ikuno stepped away and let the leather flap fall hiding her pussy from...
We left our hotel, turned onto the lane opposite and drove slowly along between the high hedges. In five minutes we passed the gate where the track ends and after turning a corner drove into a farmyard with a stone farmhouse to one side. We parked, walked to the door (or more accurately G hobbled hanging onto me) and hit the knocker hard on the wood. In a few seconds we heard footsteps on the other side, the door opened and there was the farmer looking well scrubbed and quite smart. “Come in,...
Almost six months had passed since Perra had come to live with Kal and his mother. True to his word, Kal visited Ikuno's cave as often as possible with Perra tagging along whenever she could get her chores caught up. Ikuno was also true to her word and began teaching Kal the basics of magic. He could tell that something was bothering Ikuno by the way she had been acting these last few weeks. More often than not, Kal ended up going home immediately after these practice sessions, with Ikuno...
Background: During the late sixties and early seventies I was Barbara’s lover. She was a beautiful and free spirited woman some twenty five years older than I. A small, red haired and voluptuous woman with large breasts, a narrow waist with a slightly plump belly, a well rounded backside and shapely legs, she turned heads where ever she went and I loved her dearly. There were women of her generation whose totally uninhibited lust for life led to extreme unhappiness because of the strict...
Layla was a barwoman. She grew up in a medium-sized town and after graduating from high school she got a job in a motel running their pub. The pay was okay but her tips, fortunately, were very good. Layla was rather attractive and men being what they are, well… no need to elaborate. Her life, however, felt like it was in a rut. She had an on-off relationship with a boyfriend who drove her crazy and she found that still living in the small town where she was born, really gave her the shits.She...
Straight Sex“Bye Mi-Maw,” the mother of two hugged her grandma.“Bye y’all,” the nursing home resident replied.“Say, bye,” Chad Guthrie instructed his c***dren.“Bye bye,” whispered the three year-old boy.“Bye,” waved the six year-old girl.“Merry Christmas, Mi-Maw,” added Chad. “We’ll see you later.”The Guthrie’s headed out to the parking lot and loaded their c***dren into the backseat of the four-door, blue 2013 Chevy Silverado 1500 Work Truck. Chad’s wife, Katie, generally made the trip with the k**s at...
It had been a long night and all I wanted was to find a place to eat and get off the road. I had been driving for most of the day across France heading to England. I had business in London and need to get there in a day and half. I did not leave myself much time but I had clients who were waiting on a proposal and I needed to sign some papers to make it official. It was raining and fog had set in. I was in the mountains and the roads had become dangerous. I need to find a hotel and something to...
Sweet violets, sweeter than the roses, Running all over from head to toe, Covered all over with sweet violets. Arms were surrounding her again -- his arms. They made Michelle feel safe and warm. And, combined with the orgasms she had just had, she felt better than she could remember ever feeling before. The strangeness of laying uncovered on a lawn in the afternoon shade and letting a man touch her so intimately was kept masked by the wonderful feelings. But when he released her, she felt...
“Shit! Oh, Fuck! So much for my family believing that I’m lucky,” was the first thought that screamed through my brain as I simultaneously slammed on the brakes, and concentrated on controlling the car and not pissing myself. The next couple of seconds gave me enough time for memories to flash though my mind as I relived the high and low points of the first eighteen years of my life. Memories of Bitsy and my sister each made tears well up in my eyes, tears that I had to blink away so I could...
Five months later “I’m afraid this will be our last year working together,” I reluctantly told Carl, my Kroger liaison. “You’re going to sell to someone else?” he asked, sounding just as hurt as he was surprised that I would consider doing it. “No, your people have been great. I just can’t stay here any longer. Every time I go into town, too many people laugh behind my back. I’m going to take a bath when I try to sell the place, but I have to get out of here,” I sighed. Concerned for me,...
Sunday I missed the dogs in the morning, watching them tear around the yard, carefree. Now that all the handlers had their own places, it was lonely first thing in the morning. I was stuck with scratching King’s ears when he came over to see me. Even he looked around as if he wondered where his friends had gone. Nicole was my morning tryst today. We’d barely finished when Dad showed up, ready to get an early start on the day. Laughing, I warned him that it wasn’t safe to use the study...
I still can’t get over the fact that I now own seven producing oil wells and am expecting an eighth to come in within a month. Leonard was beside himself when he called to tell me that the seventh well came in two weeks earlier than expected. He also warned that the well they were currently drilling aboard Lucky J #2 might come in early, too. I can live with that. As it is, the first six wells are pumping more than three million dollars a day! Leonard expects the newest well to perform as...
This farm is old, many centuries old in fact. The family that had farmed it had lived there for more generations than any alive could remember. Even the old books and records didn’t go back more than a few generations. The family was not wealthy, but they never starved and were generally happy with life. Then the tragedy struck and they would never be happy again. It was early spring and the men of the family were out in the fields plowing and planting. It was then that the bandits struck....
the heroin of this story is 31 years old,https://xhamster.com/users/anjalijay[/i][/b]still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is very beautiful and looks more like the Tamil actress sneha. We make a perfect couple as she too is always in need for sex.Sumi and I had been married for 8 years and in those 8 years of sex life was just amazing, as we are very open minded couples and had a desire to try out everything possible in sex. We have tried bondage, threesome, foursome and...
Hi guys, Nithin again with yet another story. I like to thank all of you for the immense response I got for all the four parts of my previous story “TRANSFORMATION FROM LESBIAN TO STRAIGHT”. Let’s get into the story. So coming to my description in this story, I’m Nithin from the city of Chennai. Age 35, height around 6 feet, well maintained body and always in the hunt for sex. My wife Sumi, the heroin of this story is 31 years old, still maintains her figure and her status are 34-30-36. She is...
Chapter 11: Rory Makes His MoveThe next morning, Sara woke in Rory’s arms. She decided to wake him by sucking his cock until he exploded into her mouth.Sara knew that she was in love with Rory, and that there wasn’t anything she wouldn’t do for him. She wanted to stay on the farm with him. She wanted to make a life with Rory and Rebeca and, if Rory wanted two or three more children, to have them.He kissed her deeply and passionately again after she had swallowed his essence. She thought that it...
Love StoriesWeeks passed, and the land was blanketed in pristine white snow, travel became more difficult and Kal’s routine now consisted largely of chopping firewood, tending to the animals, chopping firewood checking animal traps, chopping firewood, cleaning and processing furs to sell at market like most farmers in winter, and chopping firewood. Visits to Ikuno’s cave became rarer and Kal had taken to making overnight trips, much to Ikuno’s delight, as the trek seemed to become longer with each new...
Posted with permission of the author, Curt B.Farmer Family, chapter 1Chapter One*******Missy Braun removed laundry from the washer, and piece-by-piece, inserted the clothing into the electric wringer mounted atop the new washing machine that her husband had bought her. She was very proud of the labour-saving device and it was evidence of them becoming 'modern'. Each time she threw the switch, the wringer would pull the clothing through the rubber rollers and the water would drain back into the...
Friday afternoon I was at work when I recieved a phone call it was SamMy Farmer friend he asked me if I had any plans for the weekend and I said no why what did you have in mind and he said maybe we could hang out this weekend an see what we can get intohe said he would even cook me dinner so I agreed and he told me he would pick me up around seven so after work I went home and showered and changed into something I recently bought that was tight on the skin even for a big girl like meit was...
After breakfast, Raúl assigned two men to fly me to the sites where I would build the farm and the ranch. When we got there, they flew so slowly and so low that I felt like we were preparing to land on one of the nearby dirt roads. The land was literally right on the coast but, aside from a narrow strip along the beach. Most of it was high enough to be safe from a storm surge or a hurricane surge. The lush green vegetation made me feel better since we wouldn’t have any compost to work into...
Months passed, and winter finally released its grip on the land, patches of snow could still be seen in places where there were significant amounts of shade during the day as well as up on the mountains where the air was colder. Only a handful of conifers were starting to show signs of budding and the forests continued to be bare of leaves except for the occasional evergreen dotted here and there. The winter had come and gone with little fanfare, only one bad snowstorm had made the...
Shared, Lifted, Connected Edited by: Old Fart “I must say, it feels rather homey in here,” said Kal looking around the roc’s cavern. Ikuno stared at him like he had grown a second head, “Have you lost your ever-loving mind? How on earth could this place feel ‘homey’?” Many hours ago, they had gone exploring the roc’s cavern, a task that turned out to be much larger than expected. at the top of the slope was a crossroads that split off in three directions, instead of being a...
Welcome back everyone to the last chapter of The Runesmith Chronicles: Oni and the Farmer! I’m still having a hard time wrapping my head around the fact that I have written a book ... gotta say, it feels pretty damn good. I should start posting chapters for book two in a few weeks as I’m still working on outlining and planning right now. Just want to say thank you all for coming along on this wild ride with me! Keep an eye out for updates on my blog over the next couple of weeks, I am...
Challenged, Drained, Hunted As always votes and feedback are greatly appreciated! Enjoy! Blu Edited by: Old Fart “So, how does it feel?” asked Aradelle, lying with her elbows on one of her petals with her chin resting on her hands. A stray breeze shook the white and blue petal but Aradelle never moved, held up by the two thick vines coming from the center of her flower that turned into her legs. Where those legs met an occasional drip of her clear nectar fell to the petal and ran...
Three Knights of the Order of the Lion’s Shield stood in the clearing in front of the cave. It was quiet save for the soft munching from far off to one side next to the wood line as the horses nibbled on the grass nearby. The squires tended to the horses and made sure their leads were secured to nearby trees, though all of them were trained as warhorses to be calm during battles it was better to be safe than spend hours hunting down one that decided to bolt for whatever reason. Near the...