Keeper Ch. 08 free porn video

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January 2

~4:17 AM~

Blue didn’t know what to say.

Well, that wasn’t exactly true. She knew what she wanted to say, but leaping into John’s arms and yelling out a heartfelt ‘YES PLEASE!’ would probably put her on John’s Borderline Crazy, Run From This Woman As Fast As You Can list- (every man had a list like that, didn’t they?)- and she really, really wanted him to stick around and follow up on what he had just said to her.

‘I want you to come for me.’

He’d said it in that slow, low, southern-tickled drawl of his, making Blue’s breath stop somewhere between her lungs and her throat. And now he was watching her, his eyes narrowed as he read her expression… probably even reading her mind, oh lord… and his mouth formed such a sensuous smile that her tongue stuck to the roof of her mouth and she wouldn’t have been able to form any words that made sense anyhow.

‘You’re blushing.’ He seemed so pleased by it that she didn’t mind him seeing that tell-tale reaction. She minded it even less when he placed his palm on her chest, just below her neck. ‘Even here. It’s sexy.’

Blue swallowed, and his fingers traced her throat where they had felt the movement. Placing both hands curved around her neck, his fingers pushed into her hair at the back of her head and began rubbing in small, comforting circles.

‘What…’ Blue had to clear her throat against the rasp and begin again. ‘What do you want me to do?’ she repeated her question from a few moments ago.

John leaned in and pressed his lips to the top of her head. ‘I just need you to relax, let me take care of you, and…’ A puff of breath stirred her hair. ‘Talk to me a little.’ She felt his cheek rub down the side of her head, smoothing against her hair.

‘Talk to you… about what?’

‘Hmm.’ It was more of a vibration than anything, and Blue moved her head forward the fraction of an inch that it took to lay her forehead against his chest, wanting to feel the sound. ‘About yourself, baby. About yourself.’ The words rumbled quietly. When he tucked her hair behind her ear so he could brush his lips over the exposed shell, she shivered. ‘Tell me, Blue…’ The whisper brought goosebumps. ‘Do you masturbate?’

Surprise stiffened her body. But what was even more surprising was how she answered him so readily. Breathlessly, yes. But honestly.

‘Yes, I do.’ Blue nodded for good measure. All the same, she was glad her face was hidden against his chest. She snugged a little deeper, burrowing between the open edges of his flannel shirt to the worn-soft cotton of the tee underneath. Taking a deep breath in, she was instantly heady with the warm, unique smell of the man who was wearing the shirt so well.

John’s breath rushed past her ear. ‘Good.’ he whispered. ‘When?’ His fingers slid into her hair and pulled. Gently, but firmly enough to tilt her head back, giving him access to her neck. ‘What is your favorite time of day to do it, Blue? Morning?’ Firm lips softened and brushed along her jaw. ‘Do you like to pleasure yourself in the middle of the day?’ He paused his questioning to trail his tongue down her neck. ‘Or at night, maybe? When you’re all warm in bed, just before you go to sleep?’

Blue gasped, as much from the eroticism in John’s voice as the feel of his teeth nipping at the tendon at the side of her neck. ‘At night, mostly. Sometimes… sometimes in the evening… at sunset. I don’t know… I just…’

‘There’s something about that time of day, when the sun is going down.’

‘Yes. But at night too. Usually.’

‘Lights on? Or off? Laying on the bed? Do you slide down under the covers?’ He was back at her ear, his words humming through her.

‘Um… lights off, usually. Under the blankets. I don’t know, it makes me feel…’ She was at a loss for words, and bumped her forehead to his chest, her olfactory senses needing another hit of musk and leather and John. ‘I guess, it makes me feel… hugged?’ Blue laughed a little, resisting the urge to make fun of herself before he did.

He didn’t poke fun at all, and the tension left her shoulders.

‘While I’m gone-‘ A kiss to her shoulder, and then he was leaning away, watching his hands bring the long, heavy length of her hair around to the front to lay over her breasts. ‘I’m going to think about you. Your hair down. Lying in your bed at night. Touching yourself. Making yourself come.’ His eyes met hers as he took a step back.

Missing the warmth of his body, Blue looked down and realized she was still holding the ties of her open robe, her fingers trapping the length of fabric in a death grip. While she watched, his hands closed over hers and eased her fingers loose. The robe was already hanging off her shoulders, but he smoothed his hands down her arms, taking the robe down a little farther, to her elbows. Lower, more revealing, but not off.

His eyes quietly intense, he drank her in. Blue would have wished she had chosen to wear something sexy… if she even had something sexy, which she was sure she did not… but the appreciation in John’s expression banished that bud of insecurity before it had time to bloom.

He licked his lips, a gesture that made her thighs tingle. He was focused on her breasts. She knew he could see clearly how her nipples had tightened, obvious through the snug, thin material of the white ribbed tank top she wore. He wet his lips again, and her nipples hardened even more in response. He shook his head and smiled, and she wondered what he was thinking, but then his eyes drifted down.

When his eyes stopped in the vicinity of her hips, he cocked his head. Blue read his mind.

‘Boy shorts.’ she answered the unspoken question. She palmed the soft, stretchy cotton hugging her hips and thighs, her fingers fluttering over the leg-line. They’re called ‘boy shorts’.’ She shrugged. ‘They’re comfortable. I like to wear them to sleep in.’ she explained further, needlessly, almost defensively.

‘Is this what you usually wear to bed?’ His eyes held a smile when Blue nodded. His hands covered hers where they lay over the front of her hips. John’s fingers took over the territory where the hemline curved over her thighs. ‘I like it. It’s sexy on you.’ he breathed, looking down at her through his lashes. ‘I’ll remember this too, how you look right now.’

He stepped closer to bring their bodies together once more, his hands sliding around and over her hips. Gripping the cheeks of her bottom, he pulled upward, crushing her stomach into the thick ridge his cock had become. A low growl rumbled from his chest, and his hands moved on as though he couldn’t keep them still, couldn’t decide where to stop and touch, and then he was kissing her, his mouth as hungry as his roving hands.

Standing up on her toes, she leaned in, throwing whatever little bit of prudish caution that came to mind to the wayside. The moment his tongue slipped past her lips, her hands found their way underneath his t-shirt. His lips formed to her mouth, her palms conformed to the curve of muscle alongside his spine. His tongue communicated with hers, her hands mapped the breadth of his back.

Blue felt as if she could spend hours just exploring the solid wonder of John’s back, but when she felt his hands slide under the hem of her own shirt, rising up her ribcage until his thumbs brushed against the sides of her breasts, she knew there was so much more to come. Resting her hands at John’s waist, she eased her body back, allowing room for him to continue further.

Ending the kiss, John raised his head to look down, his eyes flaring as he watched the movement of his hands under her shirt. Though his wrists bunched the material up, the snug top conformed to his fingers as he cupped Blue’s breasts, causing an unexpectedly erotic image.

‘I have a confession to make.’ John’s voice was thick, husky. He was touching her breasts, pressing and palming, stroking and smoothing his fingers over and around,
as if he was learning and memorizing the feel of them rather than attempting to excite her. Somehow just that thought itself excited her anyhow. The look on his face was enough incentive for Blue to raise the hem of the top, exposing the large, male hands that were nearly, but not quite, big enough to completely cover the round, womanly weight they were cradling. The warmth of his gaze turned to fire, rewarding her for the action.

‘A confession?’ Blue prodded, a flush of feminine pride rushing through her when he seemed to forget what he had been saying. Then his thumbs moved, circling her nipples, and she practically forgot what he had been saying too.

‘Mmm… hell…’

John lifted her up, the way he’d done in the kitchen, except this time when he pressed his face to her chest there was no barrier of cloth between his mouth and her skin. His lips brushed over the tops of her breasts, as soft as the whisper of his breath against her skin. He nudged his nose into her cleavage for a moment, then raised his head. Blue set her hands on his shoulders and arched back. She would have laughed at the dazed look on his face, except the pure desire that went along with it had her stomach clenching, and the warm, silky dampness between her thighs increased.

John nodded, just a small movement of his head. ‘I’ve got a thing about your breasts. For these.’ He ducked his head and nuzzled. ‘Can’t seem to stop thinking about them.’ A kiss from his lips pushed one side of a soft mound in slightly, and then his mouth wandered to the other one to test it in the same way. ‘Want them.’ he murmured distractedly. ‘Just a taste…’

His tongue, wet and warm, traced a curve just under her nipple. It was just as if he did as he’d said, taking ‘just a taste’. But then one little taste turned into another. And then another. Blue made a tiny sigh of both desire and frustration, loving his mouth and the little licks and sips it was taking, but she wanted more. Lifting her shoulders, her arms wound around his head, doing what she could to maneuver herself so he would take the hint… and then her sigh turned into a gasp when his lips at last pursed over the waiting bud of her nipple and pulled it into the warmth of his mouth with a soft sucking action.

Blue’s toes curled and her legs bent at the knee, a reflex from the pull, lick, pull, release of the mouth at her breast. Each brief suckle had a line of communication that went straight to her clit, making the little bud between her thighs pulse in time to each pull of John’s mouth. Pressing her thighs together convulsively, she hung on around John’s neck, held in his strong arms up off the ground, against his body.

She arched her back, this time to get closer instead of to lean back. John met the challenge by latching his mouth even more firmly over the achingly hard nipple and drawing on it with a growing intensity that had Blue dropping her head back, a soft-pitched groan escaping her throat.

The world spun. Blue felt like she was falling and clutched in alarm at John’s shoulders. When her eyes popped open she realized that he had just moved them to the sofa, and had dropped down onto it, taking her down with him. He sat slouched against the back, the hands that had been holding her up a moment before now gripping her thighs and guiding them apart until she straddled his lap.

Not missing a beat, he slid one hand up to cup the breast that had been neglected, his mouth honing in and latching onto the nipple. Blue wiggled reflexively, discovered how their position and her movement pressed her pussy against the really impressive ridge beneath the zipper of his jeans, and wiggled again with purpose.

Thrusting his hips upward, John groaned against her breast. Leaning his head back against the cushion, he gazed up at her. She felt his fingers twitch against the back of her thigh before he moved his hands to her waist.

‘This isn’t going to work.’

She blinked, not certain she’d heard him right.

‘God, what a picture you make right now.’ John said before she could process his first statement. His hips lifted, grinding between her spread legs, lifting her up along with him before he relaxed his hips back down. ‘Do you know how sexy you look right now?’

Blue shook her head, but the way he was looking at her, she felt sexy. She knew she probably looked disheveled… her hair down and probably a wild mess, the ancient bathrobe half hanging off, silly, fluffy orange socks covering her feet, wearing the ‘boy shorts’ underwear she habitually wore to bed, and her tank top pushed up over the top of her breasts, bunched under her armpits. If she thought about it, she would probably would be running off to hide. So she didn’t think. She just felt.

‘Well, then…’ she breathed, surprised at the huskiness of her own voice. ‘What’s not going to work?’ Shifting her bottom, she rubbed herself teasingly against the rock hard, irrefutable evidence. ‘It certainly feels like everything is in working order.’

Blue bit her bottom lip and willed herself not to blush. Had she really just said that?

Levering himself up from the slouch he was in, John pressed his mouth to hers, licking at the lip she had released from between her teeth and sucking it into his mouth for a moment before releasing it. Before she could recover, she found herself being lifted up, flipped around, and dropped back down before she could even draw a surprised breath.

John settled himself into a corner of the sofa, drawing her with him until she was sitting between his legs, her back against his chest. ‘That’s just it.’ he said against her ear as he wrapped his arms around her. ‘It’s working too well, and if I don’t keep with the plan, I’m going to lose it. And I don’t want to do that. This is for you, baby.’


‘You.’ he whispered. His hands covered her still exposed breasts, warming them from the cool air of the living room with the heat of his palms. ‘Okay… where were we?’

‘Uh… I don’t know… oh…’ She couldn’t think. Not when his fingers were circling, tickling, teasing her nipples the way they were. Especially not when he began to lightly pinch them between thumb and forefinger.

‘Like that?’ John murmured into her neck, and she knew he was looking over her shoulder and down her body to watch what he was doing to her.

‘Yes. It’s… it feels…’

‘Tell me.’ His fingers tightened… twisted gently… pulled lightly… testing. When she arched her back and made a soft noise during a certain clever twisting-pulling motion, he continued with that. ‘You like this?’ She nodded, closing her eyes. ‘Rest your head back, Sweet Baby. Uh-uh, relax.’ he added when she tensed slightly at the name.

Giving in, Blue lay her head back against his shoulder, breathing out on a sigh as his hands molded and smoothed over her breasts.

He grunted softly into her hair. ‘I got you with my whiskers.’ He brushed his fingers over several reddened spots marring the creamy skin surrounding her nipples. ‘Sorry.’

While a part of her brain picked up on and was heartened by the promise of a ‘next time’, she raised her hand to lay her palm along his jaw, turning her head to press her lips to the stubble on his face. ‘You don’t have to. Actually… I like the way it feels.’ She rubbed her hand against the scratchy beginnings of a beard, remembering how it had begun to make an appearance by the late evening before. ‘I liked it, lightly, on my… skin.’ she said simply.

She could feel his cheek crease with a smile.

‘All right. Duly noted. Let’s find out what else you like.’ His hands left her breast to smooth down her ribcage and over her belly, stopping here and there to track a curve, to circle and dip into the tiny indentation of her navel. His fingertips came to rest over the waistband of her underwear. She tingled when he angled his head to whisper into her ear, waiting in anticipation for his next words. When he spoke, the tingle intensified and
flowed to every erogenous zone.

‘When you masturbate, do you take your panties off?’ John’s fingertips slipped underneath the waistband they had been tracing.

‘Usually.’ She hesitated, gathering herself to elaborate the way she knew he was hoping for. ‘Most of the time I take them off, and… lay under the covers. But sometimes, if I don’t really think about it, if I’m only using my fingers, then I’ll just leave them on… and…’ Blue stopped, both because of the intake of John’s breath and because of one of his hands inching further and encountering silky curls.

‘And…’ he cleared his throat. ‘If you only use your fingers? Blue, honey, are you saying you have toys to play with?’ The tips of his fingers played through the hair covering her, advancing downward with maddening slowness.

Her cheeks blazed hotly, but she was beginning to love the way he caused it.

‘Not every time, but once in a while… I have a vibrator thing, it’s my favorite… it’s, um, shaped like an egg.’ She could feel him waiting, and didn’t disappoint him. Covering his hand with her own through the fabric of her panties, she traced the ridges of his knuckles and fingers. ‘I turn it on, and…’

‘Tell me.’

‘I use it… you know… on the outside first, over my lips and… then my clitoris…’

Though her thighs were pressed together, he managed to insinuate his hand downward, until he was cupping her, trapping the damp heat.

‘Tell me…’

‘Then I push it inside, and let it vibrate inside me.’ She felt his fingers press inward, not trespassing between the closed lips of her labia, but the pressure so exciting nonetheless. His fingers pressed and released, pressed and released in a massaging motion, rewarding her when she continued. ‘And with the vibrator in me, I circle my fingers on my clit…’

‘Until you come.’


‘Someday I want to watch you.’

A pressure from his fingers, and release. Press and release. Press and release.


‘Hmmm?’ Blue hummed on a breath through her nose. John’s massaging hand had stilled, though continued cradling her pussy. His left hand had found it’s way further and was burrowing between her thighs.

‘Do you do it with your legs closed like this?’

She caught a thread of amusement in his voice.

‘No.’ She held her breath.

‘Well, then, how about-‘ The fingers tunneled further. ‘You spread your legs for me-‘ His arms tightened around her. ‘And I’ll make it good for you.’ His lips found a sensitive spot where neck met shoulder. ‘C’mon, baby. Do it the way you like. Open for me?’

If his words, or the softly burrowing hand between her two thighs didn’t convince her, the middle finger that somehow found enough room to move in the tight confines between her closely pressed legs and under her panties would certainly have been enough. The finger wiggled ever so slightly, the tip finding it’s way between the closed lips of her pussy, just enough to tease.

Blue’s legs moved apart. John’s satisfied rumble of ‘That’s my girl.’ encouraged further separation. Fingers stroked soft lips, and then first one, then two slid between the lips to become covered in the slick evidence of arousal.

Surprised that she could feel his heart beating so strongly against her back, Blue raised her hips against his hand. He murmured his approval. She could feel his cock at the base of her spine, a hard bar of iron. Wiggling her bottom, she was satisfied to hear him emit a low grunt. And then a finger found her clit and she jerked upward again with a gasp of her own.

‘How far?’ The finger dipped to tease at the entrance of her vagina, circled maddeningly at the opening, then drew the gathered cream upwards to spread it around the hard little nub.

‘What?’ Her clit throbbed in impatient ecstasy. He was making it difficult to think.

‘How far do you spread your legs, when you play with yourself? Just enough, like this?’ John’s left hand rubbed gently over her now exposed inner thigh. ‘Or…’ Maneuvering his legs along the length of the sofa, he hooked his feet around the inside of her ankles, and she found herself being spread further apart, his knees guiding hers until she felt the inner muscles of her thighs stretching with a delicious burn.

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Rory Phil and My mum came back to Marchester for Christmas and with Baby Emma despite having been here a few weeks ago. Rebecca and I had thought that they might want to bring in Christmas at home this year since it would be Emma's first. However my mum told me that they both felt the family should have a chance to get to know the baby and watch her grow. She seemed to be a contented little soul and she had a regular routine of sleeping for a spell in the morning and in the afternoon....

3 years ago
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Yearly Physical IV

Yearly Physical IV That evening, after getting back from the city, as we retired, we both got naked and laid on the bed talking. My wife reached down along side the bed and retrieved a the bag that we bought earlier this afternoon. She took out the prostate stimulator and put in batteries. Reaching into her nightstand, she got a good healthy glob of lubricant on her middle finger and leaned over toward me. “Raise and spread your legs, darling.” she said with a giggle. I...

2 years ago
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Club My PlaceWe finish with Veronica

All she could hear was the lapping and squishy sound of Veronica's pussy. It was hard for me to drive with one hand on the wheel and one hand on Mike's cock. The faster she stroked the faster he seemed to lick at her moist cunt. The thumping of the car seat was an indication that she was fucking his mouth with that tight lil pussy. He was the lucky one this time. She had already had my share at Club My Place of that nectar. Sasha could tell that he couldn't get enough. It sounded like someone...

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Grandmas Farewell Party

Grandma was beautiful at 60. At 5'9", she was a reasonable 150 lbs. A little plump in places perhaps, and her tits weren't as firm as I'm sure they once were. In fact, they were quite large and sagged somewhat, but that just added to the attraction. They bounced around a lot since she refused to wear a bra. But I noticed men still watching her when we went to the mall or to the movies.I guess you could call Grandma an eccentric; she always knew what she wanted, and she always found a way to get...

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Princess of Castile chapter 16 Final Chapter part 1 of 2

Princess of Castile By Jennifer Reed This story is set in the world created by Rikki in the Marriage of Martin Hastings that he began some time around 2010. These events in this story occur around three to four years after the events in Rikkis story. Chapter 16, final chapter, part 1 of 2. This is part one of the final chapter of Princess of Aragon. Natalia is pushed to make a final choice to the course of her life. What will she have to surrender and what will she get with it?...

2 years ago
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The Davins And The Comptons Get Closer

A few days had gone by since fifty-nine-year-old Beryl Davin had been spanked by her husband John in front of long time friends Theresa and Philip Compton.The Compton's were aged in their early sixties and actually employed Beryl in their shop and the spanking that she received was because she had stolen cash from them to replace money lost in gambling.Witnessing the spanking had turned both Philip and Theresa on and when they returned home Theresa had her bare arse spanked, at her insistence,...

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Ma Marca Mother and I Part 2

Ms Marca /  Mother and I       Part 2     We went back to the bar just as the band was starting. As we entered the room the two men were up and offering us a place at their table.   Eric and Thomas were regulars to the island. They were by themselves and had come down for a few days to do some fishing and did this twice a year. The place was already jumping when we got our drinks. It was easy for them to tell we were braless, the lace was thin enough to easily see our nipples though. And we...

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How She got me to love BBC Part 1

I enter the local supermarket once I get off the train on my way home from work. It is almost summer and yet the majority of the womeb walking around think that it is. So many of them are dressed in such provocative ways. I am not angry about it at all! I walk in to the market to pick up some milk to take home as I am listening to Mozart on my phone and not trying not to pay attention to anything, but then just like that, a glorious vision pops up in front of me. A striking Latina who is just...

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UpHerAsshole Rory Knox Gets Her Ass Reamed By BBC

Rory Knox is a blond hottie with small tits and pierced nipples. She has a perfect round ass that will make your dick rock hard in your jocks. As soon as she gets on with a sexy striptease, her co-star legendary Sean Michaels, enters the scene horny and ready to fuck. He takes out his long black sausage and proceeds to shove his BBC down her throat, which she takes with unexpected enthusiasm. He sits on the couch, puts his legs up, and Rory gives him a hot rim job that makes him moan in...

3 years ago
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Penelope Mistress of the ManorChapter 23

Curtis Flannery was conflicted. He had a good job. His Lordship gave him much more say in the breeding program than most lords would. That was part of the problem, actually. He had noticed the signs that his sons were sniffing about this or that girl on the estate. But all boys did that, and he hadn't given it a thought. And he almost never went up to the manor itself. He told himself that was why he hadn't noticed all the pregnant lasses around the place. He had been shocked nearly out of...

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Reunion with my sexy wifee

So my wife is away with work at the minute and I have not seen her for over six weeks, as any of you who read this will know, it is driving me nuts and making me fucking horny!! As a result I have bought an outfit for her to wear when I see her next week and below is outlined how I hope the evening goes when we hook up. The question is should I send her my fantasy or not – everytime I try to send her stuff like this she just thinks I’m a perv, which I am especially when it comes to her. There...

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Slave Of Blacks 8211 Part 3

Hi friends, This is third and final part of this series. On Friday, I packed all my clothes and started waiting at a place where my masters asked me to wait. Alex and dan cam in the car and asked me to get in. I was expecting one of them in the back seat. But both sat in front seats. Alex : how are you Shruthi. Me : I am doing good master. As always ready for you. When we reached the hotel, all three of us got out of the car. Dan and Alex are not even touching me. I was not sure how to...

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The Perversion of Lady Jane GreyChapter 4

Jane examined the contents of her comfortable bedroom through sad eyes. Who knew whence she would next stand here; if ever. Her hand stroked the soft counterpane and rose to caress the brass ball at the top of the bedstead. She sighed, it was time to forget these childish things, time to move on. She at last knew what it meant to be an adult, the wonder of her own sensual nature had unfolded to show her the 'secret' that her stuffy upbringing had denied her. She was a woman thanks to the...

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Cinema Paradiso

You want to look your best and you have a long shower, washing carefully, deep cleansing your skin and hair and shaving your armpits and legs. You examine your bikini line and decide that it’s just right – a tiny amount of hair, soft and warm to the touch. You dress carefully. Black lacy french knickers and bra, hold-up stockings, tight denim jeans down to your ankle, a carefully ironed white blouse with the top button undone, revealing your soft brown skin beneath, and a short tailored...

1 year ago
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BigTitsRoundAsses Sofia Lee Hottie With Perfect Tits Loves Anal

Sofia Lee joins us in this week’s BigTitsRoundAss update. Sofia has a huge pair of tits that are amazing to see in action. Watching her tits move is mesmerizing. She played with her tits for some time as she waited for the male talent to show up. Once everything was set to go, Sofia took a huge cock in both her pussy and asshole. Getting both holes penetrated in several different positions, making her cum multiple times. Finally, this all culminated with a gigantic load all over her perfect...

4 years ago
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Peggy Sanford a Worldly Woman Ch 05

Author’s note: I had planned to take a break from writing and submitting stories to Literotica when I reached 300 submissions. I know I said that when I reached 100 and again when I reached 200 submissions but many of you loyal readers asked me to continue. Many of you also sent me story lines and topics to write about, some more detailed than others. Recently I received an e-mail from Peggy Sanford who has written several stories for Literotica and if you have a Literotica log-in and...

2 years ago
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MILF 12 one

You`ll read this and think, “This old guys got a vivid imagination.” Well let me assure you, i`m leaving stuff out and simplifying. I had known her three days. I had met her from the airport and an hour later we were in bed. We had stayed there ever since. I had lived on coffee and pussy and been blown away by this American woman ten years my elder. Amber was 45 but looked seven years or so younger. Close up she was a stunner with just perfect, astonishing dark brown eyes and good...

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My First time with a womanp1

My greatest sexual experience was with my momView Author's Copyright InformationI was 17 and a senior in high school. I had made out with a number of girls. but had never had sex with any. I wanted to, but just never could get past the fear of getting some girl pregnant. Needless to say I was getting a lot of experience masturbating.My mother was 23 years older than I was. She was 5'7", black hair and dark eyes. She wasn't a centerfold but she looked good. She had a nice small waistline, pretty...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 148 Independence

Doreen and Doug picked me up Thursday evening. Doreen agreed to be our driver and Doug was tagging along as her 'date.' Truth was, they were pretty cute together. We drove over and I went to Sugar's door to pick her up. She came out giggling with her mother right behind her. Regina Evars was a slightly larger version of Sugar herself and was giggling just as hard. Sugar was wearing a short skirt that clung to her generous hips and exposed a lot of thick thigh. Her mom had a dress on that...

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Naughty TeachersPart 2

Just like Tina promised, a week after the incident with Paul, the 13 year old boy she had seduced, she told me during dinner: "Pay special attention to Amanda and Suzy, both are 13 years old and to Lily and Rachel, both 14 year olds. I overheard them talking about 'doing it' with older men, and they all had you as the top candidate." "Well, after seeing you with Paul and the way it has turned both of us on — I think I'm ready to take the risk. I only hope it will be worth it and that...

2 years ago
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Orphan MagusChapter 25

True to Mom’s word, though the garage was attached to the house, the central heat did nothing for the garage. It was cold. Fortunately, the wind remained outside. I shivered in my flannel shirt and tucked my hands under my armpits to keep them warm. I flicked on the lights in the garage and looked around. Half of the garage held tables, tools, stored items, so on and so forth. The other half was clear so that a vehicle could park inside. Why didn’t Mom use it? I looked up at the garage door...

4 years ago
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Its Good to Be a Little BadChapter 5

I came down to the kitchen, and as usual, Carol was the first one up, busy making coffee and starting breakfast. I almost wanted to go over and apologize for getting upset with her for fucking Mark. After my dalliance with her teenage son last night, I knew exactly what she meant when she had said, “It excites me to be a little bad.” “Good morning Carol. The coffee smells great.” “Well, well, aren’t you in a good mood this morning.” I went behind Carol and put my arms around her. I hugged...

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My first creampie

This is another true story of me and my ex-wife. We were not married at the time just dating. I am changing her name out of respect and courtesy and mine due to shyness LOL, I hope you enjoy! Meredith and I had been dating for about six months, I was nineteen and she was s*******n, We always ran around with another couple, the guy was my best friend and the girl was hers. My buddy had been telling me that his girlfriend had gotten on " the pill" and since then every time they had sex, he...

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NuruMassage Mona Azar Twice Booked Once Shy

A masseuse, Mona Azar, is behind in rent and worried about making ends meet. She’s soon met by one of her regular clients, Lee Bone, and sends him to the private room to get ready. But before she can join him, a charming stranger, Clarke Kent, comes in and wants an appointment on the spot… That’s when Mona realizes she can get DOUBLE the bookings if she secretly massages them both at the same time behind a divider! Mona sneakily sets them both up and then strips down. She...

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Private Ginebra Bellucci Julia Roca Share A Lucky Stud

Brunette and super sexy, that’s right it’s none other than Ginebra Bellucci and today she returns in Private Specials, Mens’ Real Fantasies alongside the forever beautiful Julia Roca for a hot threesome with her lucky man Tommy Cabrio. When Tommy stumbles across these two trying on underwear he can’t help but fantasise and soon it’s a dick sucking party as the girls take turns showing off their blowjob skills before the real fun begins. Marvel at Ginebra’s sexy figure and Julia’s hairy pussy go...

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CharlieChapter 8

I was out the door at 12:10. Ann and I were going to eat before shopping. I was elated to be off work for the afternoon, even though I had worked for less than a week. I headed for the house and a quick shower and change. I had picked the yellow cotton minidress I had worn to talk to Randy earlier that morning and laid it out. It had a full skirt that came to mid thigh and two triangles that tied behind my neck for the top that left me fully backless. It had a deep V that went almost to my...

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My WINTER Diary ldquoholiday church concertrdquo

Three years in a row I was turned down. This year 2018 I wanted to be the church soloist at the Christmas pageant at the Saddleback Valley Church of Christ. I pushed and pleaded and almost begged on my knees. The music minister Mr. Orland asked me to come over to his office on Saturday to audition. I think that was only fair. His granddaughter Lily-Bell is one of my best friends and is also up for that prized position as soloist singing “My Christmas Rose”. Sitting in his office and at the...

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Taffeta Torment X

AGAIN, she had kept Jason partially sedated for most of the day while he lay naked and semi-conscious snuggled in the satin sheets and bedspread of her spare room, the one poor Georgie Porgy had called his own. Bless his little sheer nylons, she laughed to herself as six o'clock approached and Jason's hour of destiny. Back in her own boudoir, Margaret was smoothing a midnight black full taffeta slip over her equally black and immaculate corselette, highlighted by front, back and side...

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Young WolvesChapter 2

Jenifer was worried. Everything was going terribly wrong. Biting Cameron Reed was a colossal fuck up. Her decision not to tell Tyler might be an even bigger fuck up. Then her parents sprang a weekend trip to the lake house on her. Tyler wasn't happy that she couldn't spend the day with the pack, but the only thing he hated more than disobedience was the possibility of discovery. She couldn't defy her parents without some sort of explanation, so Tyler excused her from the den meet. She...

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Mistress Sarah fucks Evie Chapter 4

I knelt by the door, anxious for the arrival of my Mistress. I could feel my arse pulsing around the butt plug in anticipation of what was to come. As I knelt and waited I could smell the pretty floral scent of the perfume that I had sprayed on my neck earlier. I felt soft and girly from all the day's events. I was in a prime mode to be fucked like a sissy. Even though I was not touching my cock, it was pulsing and hard with arousal. I was both excited and nervous about being fucked. I heard...

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Pantyhose at John and Lauras

It is only a couple of days after our sex session in the country park when I get a text from John telling me that Laura is feeling particularly randy and asking for me to come round. I don't need asking twice and after a quick shower and shave I slip on my favourite pantyhose, tan sheer to the waist with the gusset cut out, and pulling on a tshirt and trousers I grab my bag which is packed with a selection of other sexy underwear and as usual my camera and tissues. I get in my car and drive...

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funky foul times brings out more funky foul char

hello, hey, hi, … hello. hey. hi. how are, or is you all, y'all, or you's being among yourselves doing, huh? I feel kind of crappy, or pissy I guess, well at least I am not thinking about possibly jumping into a body of water other than to try to do some, or such swimming, if you know what I mean, read between the lines, fill in the blanks, & in times like these we need a Savior, … & what better Savior than our Lord, & Savior, the Christ, the Messiah-Deliverer? you know, but then...

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Insemination "This is your last chance," Mazie said. Mazie was my best friend. Her son, Terry was the same age as my son, Danny."You tell me the same thing every month," I said as I poured her another cup of coffee."Some month it's gonna be true. If it already isn't true.""What are you saying?" For the first time, I was scared.Mazie took a sip and hesitated before saying, "Well ... you don't even know if YOU can get pregnant anymore. It might not just be Mel. It's been so long.""I still get my...

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Sinful Cyndi

Introduction: Adult erotica from the 70s – author cited SINFUL CYNDI by Daphne Phillips CHAPTER ONE Cyndi had been driving me crazy all week. My younger sister, I had to admit, was one of the sexiest women I had ever known, and she wasnt modest about showing off her sexiness. She also wasnt very modest about showing off her body, which was incredible. Cyndis tits were large and smoothly formed, some of the nicest tits I could imagine. And there wasnt a time I could recall when Id seen Cyndis...

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Asked to Flash fun on my own

One day while I was at work my boss came in and said I had to go out of town for a few days to help get our new plant set up. I was about to ask if I could take the wife along if she could get off work. Before I could ask he said the plane tickets and were in here and handed me an envelope and said hotel reservations were all set. I didn't catch that he said, tickets were in here at first but he called judy in, (a new girl) and said the two of us were going. She sat down and he told us about it...

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Adaptability by Dafydd Cyhoeddwr Jason was a very special child. Perfect, in fact. Though he started out to be the ugliest baby in the maternity ward, by the time he was taken home he had somehow become the most beautiful. All through school, he never got sick - not once. Always healthy, always beautiful in a masculine way, always the darling of his teachers and always making his parents proud. He was everything a parent could want. When puberty came, it...

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