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Hello everyone! It’s good to be back home for a while. I’m sorry for being gone so long, but because of the book signings as well as the lectures, it was necessary. I hope you all enjoy this story, as it’s one that I’ve been working on for quite a while. Please keep in mind that it is a FICTIONAL story, as well as the fact that ANYTHING CAN and usually DOES happen in a fictional tale. For those of you that like it, let me say ‘Thank You’ in advance. For those that don’t like it, well, there are other stories that are available for you to read. In the meantime, I pray that God richly blesses you all, and don’t forget to vote.
P.S. The subject matter of this particular story is about something, which, according to national statistics, it happens every twelve minutes in this country, and it needs to be stopped. Therefore, reader discretion is advised…
‘Does it make you feel like a big man to beat up on and terrorize a woman?’ I angrily seethed, ‘You’re a coward, and that’s all you’ll ever be.’
‘I already told you once that this is none of your business, boy,’ he growled, ‘So, I’d back the fuck off if I were you.’
‘Or what?’ I taunted him, ‘What’re you going to do?’
‘This,’ he drunkenly spat, taking a swing at me.
‘You just screwed up big time,’ I heatedly replied, blocking his punch, and then delivering an extremely hard, but lightning fast, roundhouse kick to the left side of his face, ‘How does that feel, asshole…’
Chapter One
Hi, my name is Michael Thomas Hanson, but I go by ‘Mike’ to my friends. I stand six feet, four inches tall, and I weigh a two hundred and thirty pounds. I have long, shoulder length, dark brown, almost black, hair and light blue eyes. I had an older brother, Rick, who was nine years my senior, and we both were born with the same features.
However, Rick got killed in Vietnam on April the fourteenth, a week after my fifteenth birthday, which was on the seventh of April, as well as two weeks before the evacuation of what was once Saigon on the thirtieth April in 1975. And what you’re about to read took place during my freshman year in college when I was eighteen, going on nineteen years old, but I’ll get to that later in the story, as a little background information is in order first…
My mother, whose name is Teela, is full blooded Chiricahua Apache Indian, and it was mostly because of her that I was allowed to wear my hair long. My father, whose name was Richard, never really objected to it either. And because he was half Cheyanne Indian and half Dutch, hence the reason I have blue eyes, it also meant that me, and my late brother, Rick, were seventy-five percent Native American, and damn proud of it, too. However, because of the way that the American society was back then, Dad did let me know that I would more than likely be persecuted by some of my peers because of not only the length of my hair, but also because of my Native American heritage. And it was for that reason, along with the discipline that came with it, that he placed me under martial arts instruction at the tender young age of six.
Because Mom was a music major in college, as well as the fact that I, too, liked music, she sat me behind a piano not too long after my martial arts training began. She told me that having a musical education would help me be able to better deal with the rigors of my karate classes…
I was born in Key West, Florida and lived there until I was nine. However, because of the fact that Dad was a Navy fighter pilot who flew the F4 Phantom B, his squadron was sent back to Vietnam so, Mom and I (my older brother, Rick, was already in the Navy by this time, too) were sent to live in Texas with my maternal grandmother. She had a stock ranch that covered an area that was just a little over twelve thousand acres, and she raised some of the finest beef in the country, as well as horses, pigs, and chickens, too.
She’d sectioned off about fifty acres of pasture for the purposes of growing not only winter feed for the live-stock, but also for the purposes of growing her own vegetables as well. However, what I was the most thankful for, was the fact that my Sensei down in Key West called a friend of his in Texas who taught the same exact style of the Martial Arts that he did, Togakure Ninjutsu, and would therefore help me to continue with my Martial Arts training…
I was warmly welcomed by most of the kids that I went to school with, which I was very happy about. But there are bad apples in every bunch, and the reason I say this is, because as I grew older and my hair got longer I started catching flak from the older guys once I got to high school. Thankfully, I only got into one fight when I was a sophomore, and because of the fact that I’d earned my black belt by then, it only took whipping this one guy’s ass for him, (he was the school bully), to let the rest of the upperclassmen know that I was not going to be bullied by anyone, case closed…
I was a musician, and along with the fact that I liked to sing, too, I was immediately recruited by not only the band director, but also my choir director, as well. Both men insisted that I used my electronic keyboards in both of their classes, a Moog 55 Modular synthesizer, a Mini Moog, a Moog Opus 3 Synthesizer, along with a Rhodes, 88 Key, Electric Piano, and a Hammond B-3 Organ, all of which my Granny had purchased for me, and I was not only very proud, but also very happy to do so. And partially because of it, both our choir and our band won more than several State Competitions while I was in high school. However, little did I realize that because of how well I’d honed my ability, as well as the skill needed to play these instruments, I would be offered music scholarships from five different colleges across the country?
My biggest regret is that my Granny passed away in her sleep the summer between my sophomore and junior years in high school. It knocked the wind out of me for a while, but knowing Granny like I did, she would’ve wanted me to celebrate her life as opposed to mourn her death so, that what I did, by buckling down and becoming the very keyboard player that I could…
In every high school there are different cliques, or groups of people. And while I got along with almost all of the people I went school with, there was this one group of people made up snobs who came from money, as well as the jocks and cheerleaders, and therefore, they thought they were better than everyone else. I discovered early on that I didn’t want to be around that particular bunch because of the obvious reasons.
I could be found with hanging out with the kids who were either in band and/or choir, usually both, and none of us were trouble makers by any means. Besides, I learned early on to more or less live and let live. That way, I stayed beneath the radar of the principle and/or the vice principal, both of whom were more than capable of dealing with the troublemakers, not only swiftly, but also harshly, too…
I started working construction for my Mom’s brother, my uncle Max during the summer of 1977, before I began my senior year in high school. He treated me just like he did everyone else, and because I wanted to make as much money as I could before going to college, he also let me work for him on Saturdays once school started in the fall. Dad had retired from the Navy by then, and our family was swiftly recovering from losing my brother in Vietnam a couple of years earlier.
That was also the year that I met a girl named Lucy Summers, and to say that she was beautiful was an understatement. I began to truly understand what Homer meant when he wrote about the face that could launch a thousand ships. Of course I also knew that once school started, every guy in school was going to be after her to make their own. Me, on the other hand, I simp
ly treated her with pure and total respect, and I tried my best to be as nice as possible every time I was around her, which was only on Sundays at church. Besides, I figured that because her parents had money, she was going to end up becoming a member of the group of snobs that I spoke of earlier. Little did I realize how wrong I was?
I was in the band hall right before class began that first morning in order to drop off some paperwork to our band director, Mr., David Shepard, when in walked none other than Lucy Summers. Imagine my delight when I discovered that she was going to not only be in band with me, but when she and I began to talk, I also found out that she was going to be in my choir class, too.
‘Good morning, Michael,’ she sweetly said, ‘What a pleasant surprise it is seeing you here this morning.’
‘Oh, hey Lucy,’ I smiled, ‘How are you today?’
‘I’m good, thank you,’ she delightfully grinned, walking over to stand next to me, ‘I didn’t know that you were in band. What instrument do you play?’
‘I play piano and keyboards,’ I proudly replied, ‘And I’m in the Jazz Ensemble. I don’t have any classes this period so, I stopped by here to give Mister Shepard some paperwork. What instrument do you play?’
‘I play the Alto Saxophone,’ she, too, proudly grinned, placing her hand on my arm, ‘I heard that you made all state band and choir for the past three years. Is that true?’
‘Yeah,’ I said, my face turning bright red in embarrassment, ‘I was lucky. I guess.’
‘That’s not what I heard,’ she giggled, ‘I heard that you blew the judges away during both competitions. I also heard that you were first chair in your section in not only band, but also first in your section in choir, too.’
‘I don’t know about that,’ I humbly told her, ‘I just like to play and sing, that’s all.’
‘Your Mom told my Mom that your piano teacher used the word, prodigy, when you were just a little guy,’ she widely smiled, ‘Do you think you could play and sing for me sometime soon? I’d love to hear you.’
‘Sure,’ I smiled, ‘Just let me know when, okay?’
‘How about right after school this afternoon?’ she knowingly giggled, ‘Besides, I already told my Mom that I was going to your house after we get out of school today.’
‘Sure,’ I excitedly smiled, ‘Do you need a ride?’
‘I’ve got my own car,’ she sweetly told me, ‘But I can follow you if that’s alright.’
‘Of course it is,’ I chuckled, as the band hall began to fill with people, Mr. Shepard walking in as well, ‘I’ll wait for you in the senior parking lot. Is that alright with you?’
‘It’s a date,’ she sweetly replied, taking her seat, ‘I’ll see you this afternoon, cutie.’
I gave my paperwork to Mr. Shepard, and then I noticed that Lucy’s eyes followed me on the way out, winking at me right before I left…’
I walked on a cloud for the rest of the morning, and when it came lunch time, Lucy suddenly appeared in front of me asking, ‘Can I go eat with lunch you, Michael? I still don’t know my way around town that well yet.’
‘Of course you can,’ I grinned from ear-to-ear, ‘Would you like to ride with me as well?’
‘Yes, silly,’ she giggled, ‘How else am I going to be able to eat with you if we don’t ride together?’
Then I looked at her and said, ‘In that case, your chariot awaits, M’lady.’
‘Why, thank you, kind sir,’ she smiled, taking my arm, ‘Lead the way, my handsome prince…’
We had a great time during lunch, and while we ate, we asked one another a barrage of different questions in order to get to know one another better. What I didn’t know was that she was like me, a military brat. So you can only imagine the surprise I felt when I found out that her father had also been a Navy fighter pilot, only he had been stationed aboard the U.S.S. Kittyhawk, stationed in San Diego, California.
‘I hope you don’t think that I’m being too forward,’ she smiled, her cheeks turning pink, ‘But I was wondering if you had any plans for Friday night, Michael.’
‘Well, I have to get up early on Saturday to go to work,’ I told her, ‘But no, I don’t have any plans for Friday night. Why do you ask?’
‘There’s new movie I want to see and it’s playing at the theater in Lake Jackson, ‘she replied, ‘And I was wondering if you might like to go see it with me.’
‘Are you kidding me?’ I happily grinned, ‘I’d love to go. What time would you like me to pick you up?’
‘Oh, wow,’ she excitedly grinned, ‘How does six-thirty sound? The movie doesn’t start until eight-thirty. That way, we can stop and get something to eat before-hand.’
‘I think that sounds perfect,’ I softly replied, slowly reaching across the table and gently taking her hand, ‘I hope I don’t embarrass you by telling you this, Lucy, but you’re the prettiest girl I’ve ever seen.’
‘And I think you’re the most handsome boy that I’ve ever seen, Michael,’ she tenderly replied, gently squeezing my hand. And then she looked at her wristwatch and said, ‘I could sit here all day talking to you, but I think we’re gonna be late for class if we don’t hurry up and get moving…’
Lucy is five feet, eight inches tall, with long blonde hair and bright blue eyes that are as hypnotic as they are beautiful. She weighed somewhere in the neighborhood of a hundred and twenty pounds, and her measurements fit her height. But for those who want to know, she was built perfectly with breasts that looked to be about a 34C and her figure was nice and trim, with a flat stomach and perfectly shaped hips and thighs. Up until now I’d only seen her in a dress at church, but because she was wearing a pair of tight blue jeans that day, I got the opportunity to behold the most perfect ass I’d ever seen on a girl. However, because I was still a virgin and didn’t really have anything to compare it to, I still thought that it, too, was as perfect as the rest of her…
Granted, we only had about four blocks to drive before we reached the school campus, but Lucy held tightly onto my hand relinquishing it only when we had to get out of my car. However, she immediately took hold of it again, not letting go until we reached the choir room…
The moment we reached the choir room, and class began, our choir teacher, Mr., Harold Rankin, let Lucy know that she was going to be a permanent member of Concert Choir, which was the crème of the crop among his choir students. He also told her, that our band teacher, Mr. David Shepard, had asked him to tell her that she was no longer in marching band and that she was to attend Jazz Ensemble, which, again, was the crème of the crop of Mr. Shepard’s students.
‘Congratulations, gorgeous,’ I excitedly told her, ‘That means that we’re going to be in at least two classes together this semester.’
‘That’s great,’ she widely smiled, taking my hand in front of our fellow choir students so that all could see, ‘It means that I get to be with you for more than just lunch, and then she stood up on the tips of her toes and tenderly kissed my cheek…
I felt like I was on a cloud for the rest of the day, barely being able to stand it until I got to see her in our Jazz Ensemble class, our last class of the day. Needless to say, I really liked her once I got to know her better that day. I only hoped that she liked me, too. But then again, I realized that she had basically asked me out on a date for that coming Friday so, that pretty much answered my question about whether or not she liked me. I was only seventeen at the time and wouldn’t turn eighteen until April of the next semester. I later found out that she wouldn’t turn eighteen until January, making her a couple of months older than me. However, at the thought of not seeing her again after leaving to go to college, I felt my hea
rt break if only just a little bit. However, I figured that I still had the whole school year to be with her, and I thanked God for allowing me that opportunity at least. Little did I know what lay in wait for either of us when the school year ended…?
Once classes had let out that afternoon, I waited for Lucy at her car so that she could follow me to my house like we’d planned. So, you can only imagine my surprise when I saw her mother, Mrs. Linda Summers, being dropped off in the senior parking lot by her husband who looked down his nose at me as he drove off. I thought nothing about it at the time and figured he was simply having a bad day…
‘Hello, Missus Summers,’ I respectfully smiled, ‘Is something wrong?’
‘Hi, Michael,’ she sweetly replied, ‘Lucy called me a little while ago and asked me to come and get her car so that she could ride with you to your house.’
‘Oh, okay,’ I grinned, thinking nothing about it, as Lucy suddenly appeared beside her mother, ‘Hi there, Lucy.’
‘Hello handsome,’ she sweetly replied, taking my hand as she came to stand beside me, ‘I wanted Michael to drive me like I told you on the phone.’
‘I can see that,’ her mother knowingly smiled, as her daughter openly took my hand, interlacing our fingers together, ‘Oh, I called Michael’s Mom to let her know that you would be riding with him, and you’ve been invited to stay for dinner. That means that I expect you to be on your best behavior, young lady.’
‘Come on, Mom,’ Lucy giggled, her mother laughing long with her, ‘You’re beginning to sound just like Dad.’
‘She’s in good hands, Missus Summers,’ I very respectfully smiled, ‘What time do I need to have her home?’
‘It’s a school night tonight,’ Lucy’s Mom said,’ So, I think eight-thirty would be alright with her father and I. Do we understand one another?’
‘Yes, ma’am,’ I said, ‘I’ll make sure to leave my house in plenty of time to have her back at the time you requested.’
‘Thank you, Michael, you’re a good boy,’ she sweetly smiled, gently placing her right palm against my left cheek, and while smiling at her daughter, she grinned and told her, ‘And he’s so handsome, too. Way to go, baby girl!’
‘Come on. Mom,’ Lucy complained, her face turning bright red, ‘You’re embarrassing me…’
After her mother got into her car and left, Lucy waited until I’d driven us off campus before she scooted over to sit right next to me while I drove us home. And as opposed to being nervous like I thought I’d be, it felt completely normal with her sitting so close to me. I even thought that I would be embarrassed, as my experience with girls my own age was extremely limited.
‘I can tell that my Mom really likes you,’ Lucy told me, resting her hand on my leg, ‘And that’s a good thing…a very good thing.’
‘You look a lot like your Mom,’ I softly replied, ‘That’s why you’re so beautiful, Lucy.’
‘Aw, thank you, Michael,’ she softly replied, leaning in and kissing my right cheek, ‘That was very sweet, and I’m gonna tell Mom what you said the first chance I get. She’ll adore you, that’s for sure.’
‘What about Lucy?’ I smiled, ‘How does she feel about me?’
‘She thinks you’re the sweetest and the cutest boy she’s ever seen,’ she giggled, ‘And she can’t wait until she knows you well enough to give you a real kiss.’
‘Me either, beautiful,’ I tenderly replied, ‘Me either…’
‘Hi Lucy,’ Mom smiled, gently hugging her the moment we walked through the front door, ‘It’s so good to see you, sweetie.’
‘Thank you for having me over, Missus Hanson,’ Lucy sweetly replied, smiling and returning the hug Mom had given her, ‘And let me say thank you in advance for the dinner invitation, too. That was very nice of you to do that.’
‘You’re more than welcome, pretty girl,’ Mom softly told her, ‘How did you like your first day of school? I’ll bet it’s a lot different than being in California.’
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Jimmy: Monday morning I was very distracted as I did my normal routine. Today was for repetitions not strength. I worked with lighter weights and did 100 reps in each position to help define the muscle groups. My trainer at the Y developed my lifting routine and I was keeping to it religiously. The first of several meets to build up to the Olympic tryouts was coming up next week and I wanted to be ready. It's a good thing that the workout was so automatic because my mind was going crazy...
A new perspective. By Madcow4321/Pinkman100 Tim came home from college annoyed that the administration wouldn't let him live there over winter break. He wasn't a big fan of his home life. It was simple enough when Tim was growing up however when his sister Cassie was born it started to go downhill. His family had always been supportive of Tim's activities, his after school baseball, and social clubs. They had always bought him the best toys and he had the run of the house. However...
FATHER OF THE BRIDE 2.THE JOHN THOR STORY Two months into her marriage Gail is nearly at the end of her rope. Her plan had not gone as she had hoped, and her life had begin to spiral out of control. Life as Mrs Larry Chandler was hard. Because as hard as she tried, she just couldn't get the memory of her father out of her mind. John Thor had been his daughter's lover for close to ten years. She was just sixteen years old the first time John bedded his daughter. For years John had trained his...
It had been about fifteen minutes since I had finished sucking Harry’s cock, and I could still taste his cum as I paced the small bathroom waiting for my last client. The sensation of my fully erect cock rubbing against the soft material of my dress as I paced sent shivers down my spine. Suddenly I heard loud, forceful knocking on the door. Before opening the door, I turned to examine myself in the mirror, smoothing out the wrinkles in my dress and making sure my wig was on properly. Next I...
BisexualThe thunder woke me up, a deep sudden boom that shook me into the reality of Monday morning. I groaned as I looked at the clock, which was blinking 12:00. I reached until I found my phone on my side table and brought its face to mine. It told me what I suspected. I was late again. I arrived to work soggy and grouchy, but my mood plummeted to panic when I saw the stickie stuck to my monitor. “Mr. Villalobos. Conference Room 4. Monday. 8 O’ clock. DO NOT BE LATE!” It was written by my boss,...
SpankingThe three friends erupted into hearty laughter as the Marquis muttered under his breath while shaking his head in disgust at the undignified behavior of his offspring. Christine then surprised the brothers by suddenly changing the topic. "I wish that my magic could help you both by changing the way people think." Her eyes slid in the direction of their father and mother. She spoke softly. "But, I have a feeling that time is the only magic weapon you can wield in this battle. Well,...
Once back in the van, they headed to the KAT house to prepare for the night’s activities. Pulling up to the house, they ordered Tracy to crawl out on her hands and knees, and wait in the yard for them, on her knees, hands behind her head. She was so humiliated now, she did as she was told, not wanting any more punishment. She was in sight of anyone who happened to drive by, and some actually did, but she just hung her head in shame, trying not to look. The girls unloaded all the things from...
I met her on the net. She was Asian and absolutely beautiful. Long black hair that hung down just below her knees... I had never seen hair that long before. A perfect body...34 28 32. A nice tidy little arse that really showed itself when she wore her tight jeans. Her manner was quite exquisite. Traditional Chinese, she wanted to make me happy... in all areas of life! At first, I thought it was a bit over the top but on thinking about it a bit more, I decided, that, yes... after 48 years of...
Marissa is awaiting her punishment. She is naked, her head is bowed, her hair is loose and falling around her shoulder and face. She is licking her glossy lips and thinking over in her mind how her mouth has once again got her in this predicament. It is that same mouth that will likely get her out of it she thinks shaking her head. Earlier in the evening, Mark and Marissa where relaxing on the couch watching Sunday Night Football. Both had a long hard work week and so enjoyed their weekends...
It was the summer of 1999 and it was one to remember. For one I had just finished all my exams, two it was hot and sunny and third, I was about to go abroad on holiday for the first time ever! I came from a family that didn’t have much money, so holidays abroad were something that we just couldn’t afford. 6 months earlier my best friend asked if I would like to go on holiday with him and his family for 2 weeks in Florida in our own private villa and pool! Well I jumped at that thought and...
MILFHi readers this is very exotic story it happened on a winter night with my mom .my mom is 44 years old , 5 ft 6 in , long black hair , fair complexion and vital stats 38 34 42 , i always dreamt of fucking her , in nights i used to sleep beside her n rub my dick on her buttocks .but i needed to fuck her , still i didn’t had the courage to do that….i was 21 , n i have a good built . My chahcha used to come to our house for business trips , n i noticed one thing that mom used to be very happy...
Incest“No, it’s just an expression. Ask me? Come on ... ask me right now?” “Maurice Lebertain – musician extraordinaire, would you and your synthesizers like to be the entire orchestra for Santa Fe University’s production of DISNEY’S BEAUTY AND THE BEAST?” I heard over the phone a scream like I never heard before, at least from a guy. “Hell yes, Randall. I’ve been telling people for years, it could be done, but I never thought I’d get a chance to do it. Have you had this approved of?” “Don’t...
A knock on the door brought me back from the book I was reading. As expected my girlfriend Amy waited outside. Unexpectedly Amy's platinum blond hair spilled down her back like a gleaming waterfall rather than the sporty pony tail she usually wore. The rest of her outfit was similarly impressive. A short jet black cocktail dress and matching sandals perfectly set off her hair and the low-cut strapless top revealed her delicate while skin. Amy's legs hardly needed the stockings she wore but the...
Julie and Jill talked for hours. In the previous days, they didn't have much time to talk, but that Thursday, knowing that they would end up fucking, they took their time to get closer. During the day, they just talked. The sex would only happen at night, after Roger, Lucy and Linda were sleeping. It was too risky to try to fuck while they were awake; they couldn't be caught. But they spent their time talking. Julie was interested on Jill's career. Jill wrote for a big magazine in New...
1999, our first year together, Karen and I had got to know each other quite well both personally and sexually. Of course we didn't know everything about each other, as with most couples, it can take a while for the real kinks and the fantasies to come to the surface.At the time I was 24, Karen was 20, and I was nowhere near as sexually experienced as Karen. She'd had way more sexual partners than me and had already experimented with her bisexual side. I had only ever been with 4 women previous...
I step into the house after a long, boring day and I’m tempted to run back out and drive away. I wouldn’t be running away forever. I just don’t want to see her face right now. I don’t want to deal with the excuses, the lies, and the fake apologies. I would never hit a woman in my life, but I could lose my temper and probably do something stupid like smash my face against the wall. Yeah. Not the smartest move, but what can I say. I’ve been losing my mind lately. So when I see our babysitter,...
Group SexTHURSDAY AFTERNOON — SEPTEMBER 26 Evie led them in the back door of the construction building, but as Jeff started to go into Dave and Evie's office, the blond stopped and put her hand on Jeff's shoulder. "You two go on in. I'm going to chat with Kim for a minute. She saw us pull in and with what's happened, she must be totally confused by now." "Want me to go with you?" Diana asked, pausing before entering the office. "No. Go on in with Dave. I'm just going to see how upset she...
Danny's Cleavage - part 1 of 6 In which Danny fantasizes about breasts, observes the changes in his classmates as the girls begin to develop more mature figures, he accidentally see his Mother's naked, masturbates for the first time, begins to enjoy a collection of girlie magazines at a friend's house, and tries on one of his Mother's bras. As far back as I can remember, I've always been interested in breasts - well, like, what guy isn't. Maybe it had something to do with my...
Just the other day, I had a few hours to spare, so I stopped off at an adult theater located in central Missouri along the interstate. I have a routine before I go. First, I stop and get a nice hot shower and shave my balls. I just love the feeling of my freshly shave crotch against a bare ass. Secondly, I make it a point of not wearing any underwear under my pants. This makes the whole scene just that much more dirty – and I was in a dirty mood! Finally, I never go without the plan of having...
Finally I couldn’t wait any longer. I would ask for a minor pay rise and perhaps that was possible. I went to see Peter. “Oh hello Amanda. How are things” he said leering at me. I explained my situation and he listened intently. “I see” he said “well you know as well as me that the company is barely breaking even. In fact I have joined with a friend of mine and formed a small video business which is doing very well”. “You sell videos?” I asked. “No my dear, we MAKE videos” he replied “special...
‘You sound terrible, Jenni. What’s going on?’ Brian’s voice was tender, but insistent on the other end of the line. ‘Nothing, Brian. I’m OK. Why?’ Jenni had been trying to perk up her voice ever since she dialed Brian’s number. She didn’t want him to feel like she only wanted to see him when she was down. Brian was always a good friend to her. Anytime of day or night, he would make time to see her and take her mind off her troubles. Yet never once had he made a pass at her or made her feel...
Six hours later. Time: Saturday, January 19, 2013 2:07 PM Melanie called Patricia and Jim Saturday morning to tell them the news about us getting back together. We all wound up planning to go see an early movie and then have a late lunch and go shopping in Boston. On our way to their Brookline home, Melanie informed me that Patricia was eight weeks pregnant. The movie was fun, but as we left the theater the weather was beginning to turn ugly and Patricia was feeling fatigued. We changed...
Sophia Grace is supposed to be sharing a room while her aunt, Lexxxi Nicole, visits. She opens her door to find her stepbrother Jake Adams in her bed, which freaks her out. Eventually Sophia climbs into bed with Jake and starts trying to get him out by being a brat. Her mom, Dava Fox, hears the commotion and comes in to scold them with the admonishment that they need to get along.Eventually Sophia decides to change into her jammies, but once again loses her shit when she realizes that Jake is...
xmoviesforyouWormwood, as the disease became known, ravaged the world. No-one knows the precise number of men who died of the Demon Plague, but estimates are 1.02 billion. One-third of all the men living on the planet succumbed before the disease ran its course five months later. –excerpt from 'The History of the Tyrants' Theocracy', by Tina Allard Monday, November 18th, 2013 – Lilith – Sangi, the Democratic Republic of Congo I looked proudly at my assembled daughters, most newly matured, as they...
One of the nice things about working in, as well as owning an adult novelty store, is the perks associated with doing so. I'm a people person, anyway. I love watching people. Often going to the mall to pick up one thing or another and finding myself sitting down, watching people walk by. It's interesting to wonder what they are thinking about, who they really are inside. Which is one of the reasons I love my job so much. When people enter my store, I have a pretty good idea of what they are...
Dear readers, I found with pretty_girl1996 a new editor. Great job, thank you. ***** Todd almost couldn’t wait to drive to Kate’s condo. Saturday just wasn’t coming fast enough. He arrived ten minutes to noon at the underground car park and was happy her wheels were already there. He grabbed his overnight bag from the trunk and hurried to the elevator. Three minutes later he entered the condo with his key, and his smile lit the room as he saw Kate sitting on the couch. He was a bit surprised...
[For Robert once again! ; - }>]The older man sat back suddenly, letting go of the younger man's erection as he did. He saw the look of frustration on the younger man's face---from having be SO close to coming a moment earlier; but now it had been thwarted, frustrated, denied---yet again!The older man watched the younger one's face closely. He enjoyed teasing him, and frustrating his strong urge to ejaculate, not because he didn't like him (in fact, he liked this young man very much), but...
When busty Milf teacher Jackie Hoff gets horny, she can’t help but to break all codes of conduct and get naughty with student Tyler Steel. The well-hung stud is more than happy to oblige the sexy Penthouse star by devouring her shaved pussy and offering up his big dick for her to suck and fuck all afternoon. Jackie is insatiable and can’t get enough of Tyler’s hard rock rod and takes him every which way she can get pounded until he finishes off cumming all over her pretty face...
xmoviesforyouHey, everyone, this is Rahul from Bangalore again back with another real sex story. You should read my previous stories and provide me feedback. If you want to provide feedback or looking for an experience contact me at So this happened last week, I was bored at home but horny it had been really long since I had some fun. I was looking for ways to find someone new to have an experience with but this time I decided on giving a massage and then a happy ending by giving some good action. So I...
The last few months, my life had hit rock bottomMy wife kicked me out of the house and filed forA divorce, you can say I was up shit’s creek.After two weeks of living in an extended stay hotelI decided to pack my things up and find a New place to live, I got inside of my car and Just drove. After two plus hours of riding I cameTo Birmingham Alabama. I needed access to the internetSo I could search for extended stay hotels. I drove for a few Minutes and I came across a local library. I walked...
….When a girl first finds out she can cause a guy to get a hardon, many exciting things can happen. It’s a direct indicator that he is sexually aroused by her. Guys like it. Girls like it. Here’s what happened to me, Carol, with my new found power….….It all started when I was younger and I was playing with my dad. We were in the kitchen and I hugged him from the front one morning. He like usual, hugged me back. I felt a lump begin in his robe. It wasn’t there a minute ago until I continued to...
Your name is Jane Doe, and you are a recent high-school graduate (and even more recent college dropout) from a small town middle-class christian upbringing. You were spoiled by family, teachers, friends and acquaintances devoted to keeping you from needing to rely on wits or whatever intelligence you have to get ahead in life due to your obvious attractiveness: long naturally honey-blonde hair, sparkling blue eyes and fair creamy white skin, as well as long legs (toned by years of cheerleading...
I thought about what my father had said to me, especially the part about him and mom being proud of the effort that I'd made to get along with Walter. It had been better between us then, but I was still doing things that I knew would piss him off if he ever found out. Thinking about it, I started wondering if I wouldn't have been better off to have tried to reach some accommodation with Walter years before. How much of our feuding was a direct result of my actions against him? I heard my...