- 4 years ago
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** Author’s note – This is an updated version of my first Lit story. I got a little trigger happy the first time. Enjoy! Part 2 will be re-edited and uploaded soon, with several more chapters to come after that. Thanks to all the readers for the amazing feedback and voting. This is part of a romance series, but first, we introduce the players…
6 months ago was the first time I had played pool in years. I played with some friends in high school every Saturday at Venture Lanes, the local bowling alley, and I bought a cue with graduation money. Just a cheap $20 thing with a crappy nylon case, but it served me well in college. Going to an engineering college in the middle of nowhere gave me quite a bit of time to practice. My current cue, several upgrades from that original, was still in good shape — black carbon fiber-clad and smooth as silk, and, coupled with the brushed aluminum hard case, I looked a bit like a bad ass. Of course, the fact that I’m 5’10’ and 220lbs of pretty solid muscle didn’t hurt that image. I played football in high school. After graduation, desperate to find more self-confidence, and looking to dispel the freshman fifteen, or more like thirty in my case, I joined a Muay Thai gym my sophomore year. I had kept up most of my training regiment ever since. Early middle age had started to have an impact. I knew if I wanted to keep my physique the way it was, I’d have to work even harder as I got older, but I’d reached the point in my life where health was more important than vanity, and I felt perfectly healthy. Well, aside from the impact two Captain and Cokes were having on me.
The time between graduation from college and a point two summers gone was filled with a now-defunct marriage. I’d been much chubbier and shier in high school, not to mention my nerdy predilections – not a good combination for an active love life. I was a virgin until I was twenty one. So when I got to a point where I was comfortable in my skin, I was thrilled when a girl showed some interest in me. A few had before that, but I was so insecure, I just always assumed I was about to be the butt of some joke, and I scurried away from their attention. I was so thrilled, so overwhelmed with the sensation of not being alone anymore, that I refused to acknowledge any future which didn’t involve us together – not a good philosophy. I think I was tired of being around her a year into the relationship. We got married a year after that. Then were on again off again miserable for the next five years.
After that ended, I spent some time remembering how to be me. I had warped myself into whatever shape fit my ex’s likes and dislikes just to keep the relationship smooth (Ha). I still found myself with prejudices I didn’t remember having. It took time to remember how to be honest with myself. I found a few of my old insecurities creeping in as I did, but with age came an increased ability to face and address my fears. Irrational fears are just that — irrational. If you can dig a hole, logically, in something you fear, you take power from it. I learned to use my extremely linear, logic-driven though process to dissect fears and prove they were baseless. Most of them.
That wasn’t my biggest problem. Dealing with all of that, I became a shut in. I hated to leave my condo for any reason. I tolerated going to work, because I had to. Anything else became a race to see how fast I could get back to where I felt safe. For almost two years I was two people — the friendly, personable guy I wanted to be while I was at work, where I got along with people well enough to be liked, but didn’t go out of my way to be drawn into friendships outside of work, and the scared, fat nerd, cowering under my security blanket.
I still don’t know what made me make the leap. Maybe it was just the time that had passed. Maybe it was the sudden horror that the more things changed, the more they stayed the same. One Saturday, doing my weekly cleaning, (I hate to clean, so I have a standing list of weekly things to do, just to be sure they get done) I went to put a heavy coat into the back of my closet until it would be needed again next winter. I saw my cue case, gleaming in the corner. Something in me snapped and said, ‘Fuck this miserable existence! I want to LIVE!’ I had been going to play pool at least once a week ever since.
Gillian’s, the bar where I went to play pool, was usually SLAMMED on a Friday night, but it was early July, and the local university wasn’t in session, so the crowd was manageable. I’d gotten there early to get a table. An upcoming charity dinner in Chicago, where I had a plus one, also left an ulterior motive rattling around the back of my mind. I was scanning the crowd for possibilities, but I suspected I was boned. I didn’t have much hope finding a woman to accompany me a thousand miles for a weekend date, even for charity.
I’d been there for about an hour when I noticed two co-eds less-than-surreptitiously trying to attract my attention. I had absently noticed them a few times, but they were dancing, and I wasn’t, so I hadn’t tried to strike up a conversation. I hadn’t seen them playing pool, and there appeared to be plenty of clear dancing space closer to the bar and everyone else who was dancing, but, for some reason, these two young ladies had made it their purpose to dance near me.
I suspected they were enjoying an innocent round of ‘flirt with the older guy’. I don’t consider myself old, even if I am more than a decade older than your average freshman. I had conversations with college students in this bar, and got along with almost all of them. I had even given a few of them advice or help with classwork. My education is … eclectic … to say the least. But I had never tried to pick up a college girl, or had one do anything more than innocently flirt with me.
I shave my head, but I keep a short, neat beard, which was salt and pepper, with the occasional blonde or copper streak, and had been that way since I was twenty-five. Thanks for the SUPER gray hair genetics, mom. I always smiled and flirted back, but never went any further, knowing that they had a good idea I was quite a bit older than them. So I took it in stride that these two were just looking to shed the status quo for a night and get some attention from someone in a different age category.
I’d just sunk the last ball from this rack, and went to chalk my cue. I deliberately stood on the opposite side of the pool table from them, smiling as I watch them dance with each other. Their distance from the other dancers and the bar, plus the relatively low customer volume and the fact that it seemed to be mostly singles or groups of two at all the pool tables meant no one but me was really paying any attention to them.
They stood with their hips almost pressed together. Their hands and arms moved all around each other, brushing each other lightly, delicately caressing each other as shimmied with the beat. One was short brunette, maybe 5’3′, olive skinned with an exotic face, though I couldn’t quite put my finger on her ethnicity. Large, brown, almond eyes, filled with the joy of motion froze me in the act of brushing the chalk on my cue tip. She was there to see if I would watch, but watch or no, she was going to enjoy her dancing. My smile cracked a little wider. She had a toned but very feminine body, with fantastic curves. She was wearing what I always think of as ‘genie pants’ in a smoky gray than clung to her shapely ass but fell straight down her legs, stopping mid-calf. Strappy sandals with turquoise faux leather and silver ornamentation wrapped around a pair of well-pedicured feet with white opalescent toe nails. Her shoes matched her satiny halter top, and I was pretty sure she had on a push up bra to have so much cleavage on display. A necklace of silver medallions hung just perfectly to draw attention to that lush valley without obscuring any of it. It wouldn’t have been more effective if she had worn a neon sign that said ‘BOOBS!’ My smile went wid
er, and took my eyes with it. Her dark skin shimmered with sweat, even in the reduced lighting outside of the lamps over the tables. Thick, glossy, wavy black hair veritably exploded from a thick headband the same color as her top.
Her friend was two or three inches taller than her. Golden blonde hair was caught in a pink scrunchy at the back of her head. A pink baby doll shirt with the local university logo and name in white block letters clung to her lithe body. I could tell she wasn’t wearing a bra. She was almost model thin, if not model tall, and would have just filled out an A-cup. The shirt stopped a few inches above of the waist of her white, ruffled tennis skirt. She had beautifully toned and tanned thighs and calves, and wore a pair of pink, high-top Chucks.
I wasn’t going to disappoint them. If they wanted me to watch, I had zero qualms about watching. They had stayed profile to me up to now. The blonde, noticing that I had made them my focus of attention for the long haul, spun to face me, turning her friend so her back was to me. The blonde’s hands went to the brunette’s hips and pulled firmly but slowly. Once they were fully pressed together, the brunette wrapped her arms around blondie’s neck, lacing her fingers together, palms out. The blonde slowly slid her face down the brunette’s arms, locked eyes with me, and pressed her lips against the side of her friend’s throat. The brunette threw her head back and thrust her hips forward. From this vantage, I could see blondie’s tongue streak out to lick a shapely neck from shoulder to ear, and I had a direct line of sight right between that Latina (I was pretty sure) goddess’s breasts.
The dip lasted only a second, but the tightness in my pants lasted quite a bit longer. The song ended, they both smiled at me, and walked away, holding hands. I assumed their mission was accomplished, and moved around to rack the balls. After a shitty break, and two shittier shots, I noticed that my concentration was totally shot. I wasn’t at all drunk. The exhibition I’d just witnessed had definitely rattled me. Another drink would sooth my jangling nerves. I walked up to the first clear spot at the bar and ordered another Captain and Coke. As soon as I ordered, a group of three frat boys right beside me moved away from the bar, and I saw two familiar faces.
‘What the hell,’ I thought to myself. ‘Can I buy the two of you a drink?’ I asked them. I had no intention of pressing any further. I just wanted to acknowledge them and let them know their efforts were appreciated.
‘Only if we can drink them at your table.’ That from the blonde, and totally unexpected. The look she gave me was coy but daring. The Latina girl smiled shyly, suddenly more timid-seeming now that she wasn’t dancing.
‘That would be the high point of my evening. I’m Craig.’ I said, offering my hand.
The blonde took it and shook it quickly but firmly. ‘I’m Shelly. This is Moira.’ My heart skipped. I have a huge thing for exotic names.
‘Hello, Moira. It’s nice to meet you. Your name is very … fitting.’ I beamed a smile at her, and she looked at me quizzically.
Shelly turned toward Moira partially and looked at her over her shoulder. Seeing the slight confusion, and apparently concerned that Moira might think I was making fun of her, she smiled and said, ‘He means it’s hot.’ I nodded and locked eyes with Moira. She blushed, but her face lit up with a smile and her huge almond eyes glowed.
When the bartender returned with my drink, I told him to get both of them whatever they wanted, and to put it on the tab for table three. Before I could even wonder if they were both 21, they flashed wrist bands to the bartender, and both ordered a vodka and cranberry. Being a popular drink, it only took him about fifteen seconds to whip them up. I stuck a five into the tip jar, and gestured toward my table with one arm, inclining my head slightly. ‘Ladies….’ They smiled and headed toward my table. Shelly took the lead. She walked with a deliberate hip-swinging sway, her skirt flipping up and to the side with every flick of her hips. Moira walked with a dancer’s grace, her supple curves gliding from place to place.
I inquired about their pool knowledge once we got back to the table. They both knew how to play ‘regular pool’, or 8-ball, but nothing else, and neither had played much. I could feel the competitive streak in Shelly though. I didn’t want to exclude either of them from the game, so I taught them an easy 3 person game called cut-throat. They were delighted that they we could all play at once, and I racked the balls.
‘I get to go first!’ Shelly said, excitedly. Moira rolled her eyes, and I knew my assessment of Shelly’s competitive streak was spot on. ‘I get to…what’s it called?’ She turned toward me with a lip-biting look of concentration on her face. I was struck silent for a second because it was so fucking adorable. After a beat I manged to clear my throat and shake some sense back into myself.
‘Break, you get to break.’
‘That’s it!’
Moira and I shared a looked. Then we both jumped at a loud crack. I should have known that competitive streak came from a born athlete. Shelly had pulled off quite an impressive break, downing a ball, so she got to pick her set, lows, mids or highs, for the game. Knowing I would be the real competition to her, she took mids, they were the most centrally located, and then told Moira, since she was next, to take the high balls, leaving the lows, of which she had sunk one, to me. I still won handily. I had owned my own pool cue before these girls could ride a bicycle. I had broken open the table with my first shot, and Shelly’s balls fell perfectly for a quick out after two rounds. I took out Moira three rounds later, deliberately dragging it out because Moira was having a good time harassing Shelly that she would get to play again soon. Eventually I knew this game could go on all night the way Moira shot, so I finished it out.
‘Loser racks, and since you were first out, Shelly…’ Not winning was one thing. Referring to it as ‘losing’ really ticked her off. She shot me a ‘You’ll get yours look’ – playful, but totally serious nonetheless, and went to rack the balls.
She’d seen me shuffling balls when I racked them last time, and asked me if there was a certain way to do it. I told her that one ball from each set had to go in a corner, but that was the only rule. She moved a few balls, rattled the rack, and pulled it off. One of the balls tried to wander away at the same time she did.
‘Whoa whoa whoa, hang on there.’ I said. She turned back toward me and saw the ball askew. She glared at it. She repeated what she’d done last time, only to have several balls pull slightly away from the group. ‘Press the balls into the front of the rack, move the rack forward slightly, and lift straight up.’ She did, and a pristine rack sat on the table. I locked eyes with her and swallowed any course ‘rack’ jokes I may have had. She was glowing with a self-satisfaction that was very sexy. ‘Beautiful,’ I said, smiling. She threw her head back and squared her shoulders toward me as if to say, ‘I know, but thank you.’
‘Moira, do you want to break this time?’
‘Sure,’ she said, very uncertainly.
‘I’m sure Craig will give you some tips,’ Shelly volunteered. It was an obviously ploy, and if she had volunteered herself as the recipient of a quick lesson, I wouldn’t have hesitated, but I remembered that shy smile Moira had, and I was worried she leaned much more toward the ‘free-spirit’ personality and less to the ‘aggressive flirt’ side. I was right. She shot Shelly a slightly concerned look. I quickly thought about how to disarm the situation. I really didn’t want her to decide she needed to leave.
‘Sure I will,’ I said. I picked up the cue ball and placed it at the optimum place on the table, took a half-step away from it, and gestured toward it, smiling at Moira. She let go of a ragged breath and relaxed. She was right-handed, so I
was in the perfect spot to help without moving. I held my hand up and showed her how to make a secure bridge. ‘Don’t worry about power. Just be smooth and even with your stroke, and don’t move your upper arm. I reached out with three fingers and placed them inside her elbow to show her what I meant. As soon as I touched her, I was going down a steep drop on a roller coaster. My stomach dropped and muscles throughout my body just froze. The silken texture of her skin was intoxicating, and the heat from her shot from my hand to my brain before setting the rest of me on fire.
I pulled back slowly but immediately. I didn’t want her to think I was flinching from her. ‘Wait. I don’t think I have it yet. Show me again?’ She asked with shy but smoky smile.
I wasn’t about to pass up that invitation. I took a small step towards her, and then gently wrapped my hand around her arm right above the elbow, holding half of her arm locked where it was. She smiled wider, and then returned to focus on the balls. I didn’t even hear the clack this time. I just relished the feel of her muscle sliding under her skin and the look of concentration on her face. It was just as determined as Shelly, but less expectant – more ‘I’ll figure this out’, instead of the ‘I got this shit’ look that Shelly had.
She shot upright, grinning suddenly, and Shelly’s jaw dropped. I watched a ball fall into the left side pocket. Then I counted the balls left on the table. Ten! She made five balls with that break! One third of the rack was always impressive. I whistled appreciatively. She beamed at me again, the same look she’d had when Shelly told her I thought she had a hot name. She turned toward me excitedly, and almost killed me. I barely manged to drop back and twist sideways to avoid the pool cue she inadvertently swung toward my eye. She looked at me, surprised, then what was in her hand caught her eye, and she dropped it like it was a poisonous snake.
‘Ay, Dios mio! Are you OK?!’
I chuckled. ‘I’m fine. You missed.’ That horrified look was so painful on her face. ‘Really, I’m OK.’ I put my cue down on the table and spread my arms, smiling at her. She stepped toward me and put her arms around my ribs, giving me a quick hug, and smiling up at me.
‘You’re a good teacher,’ she said.
‘You’re an excellent student,’ I replied.
We went back to the game after that. Shelly discovered that the two of them ganging up on me might be a winning strategy, and they did take a few games that way. We played for probably two hours, chatting mindlessly, and talking shit to each other the whole time. As the clock approached midnight, a new song cut in, and the girls immediately focused on each other. Dance and club music wasn’t my favorite, and I didn’t know it, but they did. Moira and Shelly went straight to the same spot where they’d danced for me earlier and started to put on another show. I just leaned against the table and soaked up the sight.
They were much freer with their hands this time. The gentle caresses and flirty strokes were replaced with some aggressive fondling. They took turns dancing around each other at one point, one girl swaying suggestively in place while the other explored her. The one staying in place always kept her attention on my face. Eventually Shelly spooned up behind Moira, and the grinding really started. It was at this point that I saw who else had noticed them. Three frat boys sauntered up and started dancing with them. Nothing was amiss at first. Then I noticed both girls pushing hands off themselves. I gripped my cue tightly. Shelly suddenly stopped dancing and yelled, ‘Fuck off, asshole!’ One of the frat boys grabber her wrist, and I saw a flash of pain on her face. Playtime was over.
‘I don’t think those ladies want you touching them.’ I boomed. Shelly had yelled loudly at the frat boy that had grabbed her wrist, and though it had some volume, it didn’t carry far in a noisy bar. I had done some stage acting, and I’m pretty barrel chested, so I could belt out the volume when I needed to, and my voice carried. All three of them froze, and then turned to face me. Shelly jerked her hand loose and pulled Moira away.
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Hi, all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback for the story. Please share your views and correction if any. I always enjoy pleasuring mature housewives. About Me: I am a Madhan of 27 years, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest city in India Mysuru, but currently working in Bangalore (which has all varieties of...
I was getting a romantic evening ready for you. You had been at work teaching the little ones to dance. I had a nice dinner almost done when you got home. you walk into the kitchen following the wonderful smells. Wrapping you arms around me and laying your head on my shoulder you say “I’m so hungry baby, is it ready?” I turn my head to her and give her a nice long kiss and a wink. While they were eating she told him about class and how her girls were progressing. He listened and...
Brian was running a little late but wanted to stop in at his bank before they closed so he could finish some afternoon shopping. The line wasn't too long so he just waited patiently for his turn. He looked around and waited until a teller called out "I can help you." Brian walked over to the teller and asked her to make a few transactions for him. Her name was Pam. She was probably mid 30's or so and very nice looking. She had dark auburn hair and very pretty green eyes. She was sitting on...
Did you ever have a friend who had a wife or girlfriend who you worked with? Well here's a story that covered a period of about a year that I call "The sexist woman I ever met". I worked with a guy who was a good friend. He had a sister that got married and began to work in the same office as I did. The six of us would go out together on the weekends about 3 or 4 times a month, my friend and his wife, me and my wife and the lady and her new husband. I lived fairly close to the lady and during...
EroticPanties for life by Greta ? There are some scenes in this story which aren't for kids. So everybody under 18 shouldn't read further. This story is mine and if somebody wants to put it on a different website should ask me first. ? For women it is wonderful to spend their days in panties. For a man it is odd and humiliating. Let me tell?you how it happened to me now that I am wearing panties daily, even to the doctor. My lovely wife Andrea and I are married since more than 15...
He was my first love, my first everything. We had a physical attraction as teenagers that no one could explain and as adults it was still there. There was nothing we didn't do. When we were together it was as if no one else in the world existed. About 2 months ago, I saw him at a party for the first time in years and I couldn't believe how I still got butterflies and was amazed that my thong was soaked through immediately. How could this still happen after all these years? We exchanged phone...
Straight SexThe date is June 6, ’06. You hear your alarm ringing loudly, piercing your ears. It feels like you're going to go deaf. Still, you try to tolerate the noise, as you know that you only have 12 hours to live. You want to indulge in all your senses, as you spend your final hours on Earth. You drowsily glance at your clock, it reads 6:66 AM, and a dozen hours from now, that clock will be no more. In fact, you will be no more, everything that you are, and that you know will be gone. How do you know...
Foreword: This is the second story that I have written by request, and it is partly a collaboration with her. I normally give permission for operators of erotic story web sites to post my stories. However, because this is a collaboration, we ask that you get permission from both of us before posting our story. Authorship for this story belongs to both Hungry Guy ([email protected]) and Monique (who has requested to be anonymous). -- Monique read the teleprompter, looking directly into...
I was looking forward to sharing this story from yesterday afternoon in Moncton. I met this older fellow in a public washroom. Although I know he was nervous, it was him who opened his stall door showing off his stiff un-cut cock, and I couldn’t help but go down on him. Looking up at him letting his glistening cock slip from my lips I asked if he knew of a better place for us to go. Out in the hallway he had me follow him to a handicap washroom where we had much more room. I had my jacket off,...
The stories involve me and my husband. We just moved into our own small bungalow in this small town. Just enough room for us two. Since we won't have any offspring, we decided to have one room as a home gym. Working out is a big part of our lives. I am Mike, 35, lean build with a 7 inch cock.. My Husband, Taylor, 28 but looks so much younger, hot body with a 8 inch dick and really nice ass. A while ago we involved our two teenage neighbors into our sexlife. Jay is 18 and his younger brother...
The following Monday we did buy the ranch from Mrs. Rachel Carstairs and at the same time Pop signed over his ranch to us. And on the following Wednesday we all rode in Teresa's new Expedition to Pueblo to sign the papers to set up the corporation. We ended up spending the night in Pueblo celebrating all that had happen to us so far. We have yet to taken our honeymoon trip as we have promised ourselves. Gary was correct we moved in two days before the end of the month. Pop and Rachel...
The next evening, Bambi, came over at nine pm sharp. Pyx had gotten home from work an hour before. I went down to my office and did some work, while I monitored their activities. Bambi, it turned out, was not a very good teacher. She had a hard time putting things into words. She ended up demonstrating on a dildo, and saying "You do this." I quickly turned down the sound and checked my e-mail. Rodney sent me a message, telling me that he loved my party, and he was planning a Halloween...
Lusty Adventures of a Horny Trophy Wife (Part 3) Don Abdul ©2010 Suddenly Lynda recognized the advancing black sex gods to be the very objects of her most recent fantasies, Wyclef and Eddie the bar tender. Lynda felt an intense warmth rise from her core and spread quickly rippling through her body until once again her pussy was moist and her nipples hard in anticipation of a great night ahead. When they sighted her, they waved and then hurried over. “Lynda, meet my boy Eddie, wicked bar tender...
Straight SexI am 22 years old and doing my pg now …..If any body likes my story mail me please at Story iku polam tamil la padika intrested readers can go ahead. Thank you for posting my story iss admin. College padikira pasanga chumma vae fb vetaila irupanga.Adu mari paiyan tha nanum epaiyum vetai tha katta maan sikuna oru pidi pidi vendiyatha. Ava peru mythili married 36 years old sema fig ….Fb la pidichu konjam kadalai potu usarpani number la vangi meeting varikum poiduchu …… Vara solita nanum poiten...
Whether you've looked at my screen name or read my other posts, you know that I absolutely love a full bush. When I studied in Europe in the late-90's, I was no different. I remember in Switzerland meeting a 22 year old girl, Anya, at a club. She had a very cute face and a tall and curvy body. Shapely breasts with wide hips and a nice juicy ass to match. She was wearing a blouse with those sorts of sleeves that are more like fans or cut flaps so you can easily see her shoulders and underarms if...
Jonny steht gelangweilt in seinem Zimmer. Die Mittagssonne scheint verfürerisch durch sein Zimmer. So warm wie es ist laufen draußen die Mädchen sicher fast nackt rum, denkt er sich. Trotzdem war es bis jetzt ein Scheiß Tag. Die Schule war mal wieder viel zu lang. Aber den Rest des Tages will Jonny genießen...
BDSMRemember the lovely Barbara Eden who played the genie Jeannie in the old 1960s sitcom with Larry Halman as Astronaut Tony Nelson with his friend Frank Healey and Doctor Bellows. Well I once fantasised it was me as the Air Force Officer ven though I was only ever a lowly sergeant and wife Sarah, blonde like Jeannie was “my Genie”. After all Sarah worked her magic on me often, unlike Jeannie who only needed to hold her arms together and shake her lovely head to cast a spell Sarah had to use her...
I was recently commissioned to create an erotic portrait of a woman named Cindy, who wanted artwork of herself to give to her husband as an anniversary gift. It was something that he had requested, something they could hang in their bedroom. She found my online portfolio, and she emailed me with her inquiry. However, she expressed a concern to me after a few exchanges.I’m just concerned that you won’t want to draw me, she said.I was confused by the statement. Why not? I askedBecause, she...
ThreesomesThe cell door slammed shut with a bang and it was dark inside I hesitated and the guard said "Bulb's out they'll fix it tomorrow!" then he walked away...I thought well at least I'm alone but then the shadows moved and from the other side of the cell he came and he was massive as black as pitch he was and impossibly tall his head practically touched the ceiling and I gasped in surprise...He came over to me and put his equally massive hands on my shoulders and pushed down I went to my knees...
It was mid October. One of my clients had requested a meeting in Florida at a very nice resort that would last for several days, ending on Friday. While I wasn’t very interested in going I didn’t see that I had an option and accepted the invitation. After checking out the details it appeared that we had a very good opportunity to make the most of the trip. While I could go to the meeting (near Miami), you could make a trip to visit with your folks in Atlanta and then join me at the resort on...
Straight SexIt’s Saturday morning and we plan to meet up while I’m riding my bike and for you to bring me back to your house for a few hours. I’m in my usual attire, biking jersey and my tight biking shorts. When you find me along the road, I load my bike into your car and see you dressed comfortably in Capri’s and a low cut tank top.As we drive back to your place, you reach over and begin rubbing my cock to get it rock hard. I go to move my shorts out of the way so you can have skin on skin but you stop...
Love StoriesAfter the scenes between me and dad , mom and sis, uncle said that shoot is over for today and asked us to take rest and said we will shoot the next scenes tomorrow at our house and asked us to return to our home and he would come by evening to set up the lighting and camera for the next day shoot.We reached home , had a shower again and slept due to tiredness and never discussed about the movie at home. Then at the evening , uncle came and made the arrangements for the shoot in the big bedroom...
Incest''here Alex , sit down i need to talk with you''i knew my boss was angry at mei had a bad semester , lost 2 customers and i had an accident with the delivery van''you are in a difficult position Alex''''i dont know what is your problem but you cant loose me customers like that''my boss Mike, 6feet2 stood up and lock the door, i got anxious''look , Alex, you did thousands of damage to the van , then month later lost a contract then, this week another''''Caroline isnt the worse driver of the team...
Vaughn’s was in the middle of a bustling shopping area. Rachelle was following Robert as he placed some of the packages into his red sports car. He turned and led the way to Maggie. Rachelle thought he had good taste. The place was just becoming busy with shoppers needing a caffeine burst before they continued. Sitting under the canopy on the corner of the outside cafe, afforded them plenty of room to people watch. A young buxom blonde came over and asked their order. Rachelle looked around...
Chapter Nine: Daughter's Naughty Futa Scheme By mypenname3000 Copyright 2020 Note: Thanks to Alex for beta reading this! Sky Marlow I panted, my cock buried in Mrs. Reyes's pussy. The pantyhose I'd torn through ripped a little farther across her right butt-cheek, exposing more of the golden-brown flesh beneath. It looked so hot peeking through. I grinned at that. She had a great ass. So perky and bubbly. She was perfect for my plans, but I wanted to have more fun with her. I...
Lucy phoned Germaine and asked her to join them. Jill rose, gracefully, and went to the kitchen. “I don’t yet have Sandra’s skill in the Way of Tea, but I shall prepare a nice English presentation.” While the water was starting to boil, Germaine showed up, in black stretch pants and top. “Germaine, dear, do you know Rose?” “Slightly. I gather, Lucy, that we and Rose are growing closer?” “Exactly. Rose is wildly experimental, mostly on the heterosexual side. I had the idea that the two of...
My mom's sister Carol lives in Crossville, Tennessee. I moved into in a company furnished condo in downtown Crossville a few weeks ago. The condo came with my internship deal. It's a small nicely furnished. I promised mom I would go visit Aunt Carol as soon as I got settled. Mom wasn't going to let me forget that promise.I had met Aunt Carol several times over the years. I had just turned 37. The whole family drove to Tennessee from Union NJ Aunt Carol never had any k**s of her own. She got...
sexual fantasy, teasing, what if, power over menTurmoil!I am sitting here on the bed looking at the screen on my PC. I am looking and smiling at a sexy woman that I have just met on a sexy writing site.I only joined to write stories, honestly.However, I met someone and became friendly with her just through writing stories. I asked her about a fantasy and could I write it for her. She said yes, I think she was flattered but I still don’t know that for sure.It was fun, the story telling was fun...
First TimeYou never forget your first time do you? Good, bad, indifferent, it really doesn’t matter. However long you live you can always transport yourself back to that moment and replay it in your mind. Of course if anyone ever asks you, it was an amazing experience and the earth shook, in reality this isn’t always the case. I’m glad to say my first time really was earth shattering and still now fourteen years later it still ranks up there as one of the best sexual experiences I’ve ever had,...
Tova Corsano stops just outside the doors. She takes a deep breath and reaches for the handle. It has been three days since she ran away, since the fight went down, since her mother kicked out her father. She pulls the door open and steps inside. It is an instant change. It was bright outside but a lot dimmer inside. Whereas it was noisy with passing cars outside, it is a lot mellower inside. And instantly she is greeted by a remarkably beautiful woman that looks like she is dressed up in a...
I had met Chris a male friend off the internet a couple of times for some fun and had enjoyed it that much that I wanted more. So here I was sitting at the computer talking to some of my friends asking if they wanted to fulfil another of my fantasies, it was simple I wanted to be fucked senseless until I couldn't move.Chris was already on board, as he put it he wanted to make sure I was safe and was taken care of, so I just had to find some others who would fit in with my plan. The second one...
Sawyer’s smile is infectious and it was nice she gave it generously. There wasn’t much to the casting because of her great attitude and slim body, making her perfect for modelling in some yoga pants. She invited me to touch her ass, and I declined, but when she started stroking my cock, I couldn’t say no, especially with that smile. Her blowjob was wet and warm, making it so easy to slide my cock inside her after bending her over on the couch. When she was on top of me, she...