Shackled Ch. 08 free porn video

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Emma and Hansen left the shop and walked around the corner. Mrs. Chan had filled a big bag with groceries and insisted they take it.

‘Won’t hurt our disguise at least,’ said Hansen, knowing full well that they weren’t even disguised to begin with.

‘What do we do now?’ said Emma.

He looked across at her. He was feeling a little more relaxed now. He didn’t like the way she’d asked for so much back at his place, but he understood where she was coming from. She didn’t have experience in these situations. She would have to understand that when it came to this sort of problem, then he had the answers. She might be smart, but he was trained in this.

To survive.

To kill.

Baby steps were needed. One thing at a time. If they got too far ahead of themselves, they would miss a detail and disaster, or worse, would be the result.

‘Didn’t I say I was taking you on a date?’ he said. ‘I think we should go to the movies. Do you like the movies?’

He started to walk down the street and didn’t even look back to see if she was following him. When he got to the next intersection, he turned back to her and said, ‘If you’re a really good girl, we can sit up the back where it’s dark. There’s a waiting list of broken hearts waiting for me there.’

He laughed and started to cross the street.

Yeah right.


Emma had no choice but to follow him. What surprised her is how he could be thinking about movies when they were trying to stay alive. Still, she found herself grinning as she took off after him. ‘Hey wait up! You run off on me and one or both of us go boom. Now I don’t have much experience with relationships, but not sure that would be the explosive kind that I’d want to be a part of!’

Hurrying to keep up with his strides, she patted her hair, tucking it behind her ears as her braid began to unravel. ‘I’ve been meaning to ask if you have a brush.’

She could practically hear him grumbling on the inside, but bumped his hip as they moved down the street and further into town. Her hands slipped back into his as she spotted the theater. ‘It has been years since I’ve seen a movie. Seems a little strange that now I have no job and running for my life that I would stop to enjoy one.’

While it was a bit of a depressing thought, she was still smiling, her face bright and cheery. The flush of her cheeks brought out the sparkle in her eyes. ‘So are you treating me to popcorn too? If you do, I might let you cop a feel in the dark.’ She teased and giggled at her own little joke.


A brush, Hansen. Did you hear that? You’re about to go to war and she’s worried about her hair. Hehehe.

For Christ’s sake, fuck off will you?

I can’t. I am you.

Emma bumped into him when he stopped near the theater. Her hand slipped easily into his. He nearly shook it off, but he decided it felt good and left it there. He rationalized it would be better to look after her if they were close to each other and you couldn’t get much closer than holding hands.

How cute.

He felt like his head was going to explode. He needed drugs, but he couldn’t tell her that. If the voices didn’t stop soon, though, he would do something. Something bad. That wouldn’t help anything.

Her voice, as always, brought him back to reality. He smiled. She thought she was really going to see a movie. He was fine with that.

‘Yeah,’ was all he said. ‘It might help you relax.’

He gripped her hand tighter and they walked towards the theater entrance. He kept a close lookout on the street for SPF’s, but they had been surprisingly thin on the ground today. There must be a reason. They usually maintained a discrete, but constant, presence.

She was giggling at her jokes. That was a good sign. She would stay relaxed as long as she was with him.

‘Yeah, that might help you relax too,’ he said. ‘But I’ve already copped a feel of you during the night. If you really want to relax, surely you can give me more than that?

He could play this game….

He stopped at the front doors of the cinema. There were a few customers in the line and not many more waiting in the foyer. It was still too early for movie goers. He turned to her and leaned towards her, his mouth brushing her ear.

Hey, that felt good.

‘When we go up to the ticket counter and they ask to swipe our cards, don’t do anything. I’ll pull out an old paper card that looks like a standard money card. No one will know. The guy behind the counter will then give us two tickets. Ok?’

He pulled his head back a little from her ear to look at her face. She nodded. He returned his mouth to her ear.

‘Good. Then we’ll just sit here in the foyer for a few minutes and someone will come out and announce a movie that’s not on here. We’ll follow him. Ok? Now wrap your arm around me like we actually get on and we’ll walk to the counter. This place will be loaded with cameras. We can be sure there’ll be no facial recognition software with a direct feed back to the SRP, but it doesn’t mean they might not be monitoring the live cameras. It would be a fluke, but it does happen,’ he said. ‘Now, Irish, pretend like you like me.’

He turned her face, put one hand on the back of her head and gave her a firm kiss on her lips for a few seconds. He pulled his head back and winked.

‘All for the part, Irish,’ he said, ‘all for the part.’

Yeah right, fuckhead.

Oh, you’re sulking.

Don’t like to see me have some fun?


She was nodding as she listened to him intently, feeling that familiar tingle race down her spine as his lip brushed against her, his breath warm. She wanted to tilt her head to the side and expose the slender milky white column of her neck to him. Wanted to feel the brush of his warm lips against her bare skin and mentally shook herself again.

Just follow directions, she was good at that. Listen to his words and put them into action. She could do that. No problem. Sliding her arm around his waist as she had done after their first meeting, she leaned in, prepared to make it look good. But his hard kiss had stunned her a moment. She blinked at him as he winked and drew away. Damn him! All for the part, her ass!

Moistening her lips, she shrugged slightly and let her body bump close to his, her arm around his waist, his around hers. She hooked her fingers around a belt loop and held on as he pulled her in. They went through the motions as she pretended to be the doe eyed smitten girlfriend.

‘You know, I’m a little disappoint, Liam. You had me going there for a minute. I was sure you were bringing me to see a real movie, as crazy as it seemed.’ Turning slightly, she gazed up him, not in the least upset, but more curious. ‘What kind of adventure are you taking me on now, hmm?’

Unable to help herself and for a little payback, she toyed with the short hairs at the nape of his neck and nuzzled his neck, teasing his earlobe with her lips as she spoke. ‘All for the part, Liam, all for the part.’ She teased softly.


Emma certainly followed his instructions to the letter. She held her arm around him and pressed in close to him. She felt warm and soft against him and he found that he didn’t mind it at all.


He rolled his eyes at the voice.

I really need those drugs.

You really think it’ll be that easy to get rid of me, Hansen?

Fuck off.

Emma spoke again. She was good at getting rid of the voices in his head. He thought it might be sign. Jess had kept the voices at bay….

She’s dead.

‘We’re are going to see something, but I doubt we’ll have time to take in a movie.’

She rubbed the back of his neck and nuzzled into him with her face. Then she lifted her head slightly and her lips toyed with his ear lobe. It felt good, but….

‘Hey, I’m older than you,’ he whispered. ‘Show s
ome respect, Irish. Crikey, next you’ll be trying to get my pants off right here!’

He looked down at her and couldn’t help smiling.

‘I guess I deserved that,’ he said. ‘Not that it was unpleasant at all. Now let’s get to the counter, we can’t just stand around here canoodling.’ He gave her a light tap on the butt and looked at her with a cheeky grin before walking towards the counter.

The guy at the counter was young. He had sandy hair and pimples. ‘Liam,’ he said and nodded.


‘I thought you two were going to stand in my foyer all afternoon,’ he said, looking pointedly at Emma. ‘I was about to book you a room next door.’

Hansen laughed. ‘Sorry, the lady here gets understandably frisky any time she’s close to me.’


‘Watch it, Paul, I can kick your ass any time I like.’

‘That you can, Liam,’ he grinned. ‘Understandable it is. I guess you’re looking for some tickets to a movie.’

‘Sure am. You know, new girlfriend and all.’

Paul looked at them.

‘How many new girlfriends can one man have?’ he said.

Hansen coughed.

‘That ass kicking may not be far off….’

‘Ok, give me your card.’

Hansen dug into his pocket and pulled out something that looked like a credit card, except it was made of cardboard.

‘You don’t need the special card here, Liam.’

‘You can never be too careful, Paul. Remember that,’ he said. ‘Never.’

Paul nodded, swiped the card and gave it back to Hansen. He waited for a couple of plastic tokens to be printed and then passed them to Hansen.

‘I hope you enjoy the movie, sir,’ he said.

‘Thank you. We will.’

Paul looked over at Emma. ‘That’s if she can keep her hands off you.’

Liam laughed. ‘It’ll be hard, that’s for sure, Paulie, but hopefully she can manage it.’

They took their tokens and went to sit on a couch in the foyer. Hansen held Emma close as they sat. He looked at her face and knew what she was thinking.

‘Now we wait,’ he said and rested his head back against the couch, with his arm around her.


Emma wanted to know what he was up to. The suspense was killing her, but she dared not ask him. At least not yet. She would see soon enough, why not enjoy a moment of relaxation. Truth be known she was still tired, although the sugary treats and coffee had definitely helped.

Liam lay his head against the couch, his body seemingly relaxed, but something told her he was wide open and alert. Not much got passed Liam. Snuggling closer, she let her gaze shift around the place. Absently her fingers moved through his hair, gently running through his short cropped do, light and teasing.

After a while, Emma shifted and pressed her cheek to his upper shoulder chest, sighing dramatically. ‘If we stay here much longer, I’m going to fall asleep.’ She mumbled, her gaze drifting and connecting with the young guy named Paul. He shot her a grin and shook his head, apparently chuckling to himself. She ordinarily would be annoyed, but she didn’t really care. It felt good being close to him. His warmth, his scent, the strength of his hard body made her feel safe…and strangely tingly. She decided to ignore the tingly.

Glancing back at Paul, she found him gone and the window closed and shaded. Just as quickly, he appeared in the hallway, wearing a bright red vest and glasses. A man of many trades? She doubted it. ‘Ladies and…erm…gents. Your special early morning showing of Casablanca is this way.’

‘Holy shit,’ She mumbled, ‘That’s an old one.’


Emma was getting right into her role. She sat on the couch next to him, snuggling in close with his arm around her. Her fingers were running through his short hair and he could feel their cool softness on his scalp.

He could also feel something else. He shifted slightly to give his erection some room and also because he didn’t want her to notice. He wasn’t overly embarrassed. Who wouldn’t feel like this with a beautiful woman close to them, running her hands through their hair? It was only natural, but he didn’t want to complicate things.


She shifted a little and looked up at him, her head nestled on his shoulder. He agreed. In their sitting position, the guns were starting to press into him, but he couldn’t really get up and rearrange them in the foyer of the movie complex.

Hansen absentmindedly stroked her long dark hair.

‘They’ll come when they’re ready,’ he said. ‘Just be patient.’

Just as he said that, Paul appeared at the entrance that led to the theaters. Hansen rolled his eyes and got up with Emma. They walked towards Paul and when they were close enough, he said, ‘Casablanca? That’s what you could come up with?’

Paul shrugged his shoulders. ‘Shit, Liam,’ he whispered. ‘You think I’m a movie buff, or something?’

He turned and led them down the corridor that led to the theaters. As they got deeper into the complex, there were entrances to the different theaters. They passed them all and went to the end where there was a door marked ‘Exit’. Paul pushed on the door and held it for them to go through. As they passed him, he let the door go and it noiselessly shut itself in a single, smooth motion.

The hallway was narrow, so Paul let them walk in front of him. ‘Jimmy’s waiting,’ he said. ‘Mrs. Chan has rung. He has what you want.’

Hansen nodded at Paul. ‘Thanks.’

‘Not a problem. I have to get back,’ he said, ‘You know popcorn never waits. I won’t see you. He’ll probably send you out the back when you’re done. Good luck.’

Hansen nodded again. They turned away from him and started to walk towards the door at the end of the corridor. They were nearly at the door when Paul called out quietly.


They looked back. ‘Yeah?

‘When the shooting starts, I’m in, ok,’ he said. He had his hand on the door they’d come in and was ready to go back out.

‘What makes you think there’ll be shooting, Paulie?’ said Hansen with a hint of a smile.

‘Just guessing,’ he said with a big grin.


Paul walked out the door and they resumed walking toward the other door.

‘Irish?’ he said.


‘When we meet with Jimmy, let me do the talking. Mrs. Chan said he’d have something for us,’ he said. He knew that Emma would be confused. She wouldn’t remember Mrs. Chan saying anything of the sort. But she had.

In the bag of groceries they were carrying.

They were at the door now. He knocked. ‘It’s me, Jimmy. Liam.’

They waited for a few seconds and then the door opened.

Jimmy was a thin, red-haired man with what was an attempt at a beard splotched over his face. He was pale and tall and he looked like a techno geek.

He was.

The best.

He led them into the room and it was lit up with gadgetry everywhere. Lights flashed and there were well over twenty screens showing various scenes, some of the city and some of other places that Hansen didn’t recognize.

Jimmy led them into the center of the room where there was a small table and some chairs.

He motioned for them to sit down and then he sat opposite them.

He smiled at Hansen.

‘So what brings you here?’ he asked with a smile on his face. ‘As if I didn’t know.’

Hansen smiled back at him.

‘Oh, you know, the usual. Save the world and all that shit.’

‘How many tries is that at saving the world?’

‘Not sure, but try and try again is my motto,’ he said with a chuckle.

‘It’s always fun, that’s for sure,’ said Jimmy. ‘Now let’s get down to business….’


Emma tried her best not to gape at the mass amount of gadgetry that Jimmy had store in his room. It was mind boggling. He easily put her lab to shame as far as computers went.

While the boys talked, she let her gaze shift over the place, taking
in the details, wishing with itchy fingers that could go tinker. She almost laughed out lout at that idea. Liam would probably have a coronary. Stay put, don’t touch. Be seen, not heard. Gotcha.

She bit down on her tongue, listening intently to the two of them talking. They seemed to be old acquaintances and it seemed as though Liam was definitely no stranger to toiling with danger. Of course…that was sort of a given considering the man was a walking arsenal.

‘Right.’ She heard Liam respond, his voice almost rough and at that point, she felt him slide a hand over her thigh, giving it a squeeze.

She turned her gaze to Jimmy. His hazel eyes met her own. ‘Mrs. Chan tells me you need a computer. As you can see, I have plenty. But what I need see is your chip. Make sure we have the right components for the lovely…lady.’

Emma glanced over at Liam who gave her a short nod. She wasn’t entirely fond of how Jimmy was eying her. As discretely as possible, she leaned forward a little and slipped her hand down the front of her shirt, wiggled and then pulled out the disk.

Jimmy’s smile turned into a leer, ‘Nice trick.’

She held it before his gaze between two fingers pinched tightly, but as he made a grab for it, jerked it back. ‘Sorry, only I touch it. If you’re as clever as you seem to be, you won’t need to touch it.’

Gone was sweet little Emma, replaced with a hard gaze and firm mouth. There was no way in hell she was gonna let him put his hands on what she had fought hard to keep safe.


Hansen could see Emma wasn’t taking to Jimmy. The guy was the best at what he did, but his social skills left something to be desired, even compared to his own. He tried to reassure her, putting his hand on her thigh and giving it a light squeeze. He wasn’t sure it improved her demeanor. Jimmy was trustworthy and she needed to trust him.

Jimmy reached over to take it out of her hand, but she pulled back from him.

Hansen was impressed with her spunk, but this was going from bad to worse.

And you’re here to help her, you fool.

I thought you’d gone.

You wish.

‘Fuck me, you two,’ said Hansen. ‘You need him, Emma. I can’t help you without knowing what’s on the disk so that Jimmy can organize the required hardware and software. And you,’ he said glaring at Jimmy, ‘need some fucking serious social skills. Now get on with it or I’ll get the fuck out of here and you can work this whole fucking thing out for yourselves.’

All three of them sat there in silence. Hansen got up and walked to a bank of screens. He scanned them and saw one that was permanently on the entrance to Mrs. Chan’s shop and also one was on what used to be the entrance to the pub Carl was hiding in. Correction, used to hide in. Now, the entrance was mainly rubble after the SPF operative had carried Carl’s bomb out in his underwear. His nuts were somewhere in South America now. It gave Hansen an idea, but for now these two had to sort things out. He turned back to them.

‘So? Can you kiss and make up or do I go outside, shoot someone and make some money for a change?’


For a moment Emma still hesitated. She knew that he was right and she supposed if he trusted Jimmy, then so could she. If he kept his hands off of her and his eyes on the info, not her chest. ‘I’m sorry…a little jumpy I suppose.’ She mumbled and shifted.

Clearing her throat, she palmed the chip and then opened her hand, letting Jimmy pick it from skin. She did her best not to frown as his fingers lingered a little longer than they should. ‘May I watch?’ She asked Jimmy, indicating that she wanted to move around to where he was at.

Jimmy grinned, ‘Suit yourself.’

Liam let out a little snort and rolled his eyes towards the heavens as Emma stood. She slowly walked around, jamming her hands in her into the pockets of her jeans. Jimmy swiveled around, rolling to his work area. The disk soon vanished in one of the ports and for a moment Emma felt sick. If something went wrong, ten years of research would be down the tubes.

Puffing out a breath, she straightened and rolled her neck and shoulders, moving away. Maybe watching wasn’t such a good idea. Her head was beginning to hurt. Squeezing the bridge of her nose, she moved to pace the room.


Hansen snorted.

‘I swear, Jimmy,’ he said, ‘if you weren’t the best at this, I would have put a bullet in your red head a long time ago. I still might fucking do it.’

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Perfect Storm

Friday the 13th and I had taken a day off work and I was trying to set up a wireless network at home. My two kids were away for a four-day camp and I promised to have it done for when they got home. As I do this for a living I told my wife that it would not take very long so she also took time off work hoping for some fun in the sun once I was done. Today though was not being the most co-operative of days as first my supplier's truck gets lost on the way to my house and that delays me even...

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Emma Ch 39

Emma took her role as Maisie’s guardian at least as seriously as she took her role as her lover. She knew the importance of education, and arranged a place for her in the city’s premier Naturist College. It was, of course, a private college (the fees for which Emma could now easily afford) and was attended by the children of the wealthy and well-to-do who wished their children to have as fully as possible a naturist upbringing. Not a few were workers in the sex industry like Emma herself, and...

2 years ago
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Mom I Love You 8211 Part I

It all happened in the year 1991. I was 21 then and now I am an established doctor in Kolkata aged 43. My mother’s name was Mala, a woman from village and was married off in her early 15 and in 16 she gave birth to me. But the bad luck occurred and my father died early. She had to go back to her maternal house with me and she raised me with very hard work. I was reading in MBBS 5th year and with the money of stipend I took her to a tour to Kashmir. We were travelling in a two-tier AC...

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My Personal Minx The Hike

"How about a naked hike in the mountains?" Sarah asked."That sounds intriguing. Did you have somewhere in mind?""Well, there was this place that my father and I used to go fishing. I remember it being on the far side of Smith mountain in the parkland. It took about an hour to get there, but the trails were rarely used, and we never ran into anyone else. Plus, at one point in the stream, there was a nice deep spot where we could do a little swimming.""Okay, that sounds like the spot for us. You...

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Sweet Caroline

It was about a month since we had been to the club, and I was eating with Caroline. We were at the Inbetween, an upscale restaurant on the bay. Chuck and I cruise over here to have dinner once or twice over the summer. She asked me if I would meet her here to talk.“Thanks for meeting me at such short notice.”I told her, no problem and continued to look at the menu waiting for her to start… something. After enough time for me to read the menu, she said, “What makes you fuck someone other than...

Wife Lovers
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st pats day

SAINT PATRICK'S DAYOn the morning of March the fifteenth, Mary was bent over the parapet of the top floor of the flats, naked from the waist down, being enthusiastically fucked by a young man. She was already quite aroused and loved the feel of that hard male organ moving in and out of her mature cunt. It had been a long time and now she began to moan, carried away by it all.Now read on....March the fifteenth began normally enough for Mary. She rose, sluiced her face and arms with muddy water...

Straight Sex
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Sania in dreams sister on the bed

Hello ISS Lovers! How often we fantasize about famous women and end up enjoying just those girls whom we say day in and day out. A sexy sister is better than a centre spread celebrity whom we can only dream about. Hope you enjoy this story highlighting the tricky irony of our life where we lust for someone and end up fucking another. A brief introduction about me would not hinder the flow what I am going to narrate I suppose. At 25 years I can’t boast of being anywhere near any handsome heroes...

1 year ago
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Pocket money

I was asked by a Hamster subscriber if I had ever been offered and taken money for sex. The answer is yes, I have on a number of occasions in the past. The first time and on a few occasions thereafter I wasn't aware that taking money for sex was 'prostitution'. To me, at the time, it was a way of increasing my meager wages so that I could afford to buy cigarettes, clothes, and makeup. It was 1979 and I was 15 years old living in London where I had been born and raised. Still, at school, I was...

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The River 4

The River (part 4) by kyorii pilau 01 Return to Stevenson Controls. On Monday morning Alice and I woke bright and early, we met with Susan just outside the main house and went for our morning wake up jog, even though Aliza was not currently with us we did our normal practice and sparring session in the old barn and soon were at breakfast, Dot, as usual had prepared us a magnificent spread. This morning I noticed again that Dot did not look quite right, her face seemed to lack its...

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A Wife Spontaneously Shares Her Husband

By way of introduction, let me point out that we are both African-American and were living in Washington, DC at that time this took place. We are no longer together, but my ex-wife and I are "almost" average except for Tina's radiant smile and stunning figure, and yes I do have an "above average BBC". Everything started out in the same way that you probably have read here a thousand times just like I have. So, suffice it to say that my wife and I had "discussed the possibility for a long time...

Wife Lovers
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Blue Balls 3 The Triumphant Conclusion

I felt like an alpha male for the first time in my life, and I chortled to myself over ‘Coup de gras’ - my witty play on words about the event... my triumph over Angelo and the splendid impaling of Suzanne. The “Coup de gras” was for Angelo, and a “Coup de ass” was for Suzanne - my sexy neighbor.Suzanne kept to herself for the whole of the next month. No more Lamborghini visits, no more chances for me to spy on her sunbathing sessions at her pool, no more phone calls from her to ‘come over for...

2 years ago
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Continuing my sexual education

I stated my youth in the first part. But remember this was a time when c***dren were to be seen and not heard. And you submitted to everything. I was never hurt by anything done to me as it was loving friends and family. For you purists out there I neither condone or disagree with, I just enjoyed!The adult world for me was huge cocks wanting in my ass or mouth. As long as the cum flowed and some entered my mouth all was great. One day the phone rang and mom answered. They wanted to know would...

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Mothers Stories Part 1 Janes First T

1. Jane's TestimonyWell I'd better tell you a little about myself first. I'm a recently abandoned single mum – my husband had left me about a year before this all happened. He went off with another woman, someone he worked with. So it was just me and my teenage son at home. It took me quite a while to cotton on what my son was up to. It was when I noticed a pattern developing. You see, several times a week I would have a wash in our kitchen, which is downstairs. We are short of money so I only...

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FFQ Caption Collection

I have written a variety of captions and posted them to BDSMLR over the past year. Recently, I decided that I would try sharing some of the captions here on CHYOA for people to write continuations or alternate branches if the captions catch their interest. These captions involve celebrities, historical figures, and original characters. The content most often involves humiliation, demotion, and mind control of women and female characters. Along with this, an expected disclaimer but an important...

3 years ago
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New Girl In Mumbai Seduced By Flat Owner

Hi guys, this is Gayatri from Mumbai. I am originally from Pune and moved to Mumbai for a job offer. I am 25 years old fare looking. I am a very friendly girl and love to talk to all. The incidence I am going to share with you all happened when I moved to Mumbai 1 year back. I was 23 then. I moved here as I joined my job. As I didn’t have any place to stay I rented a 1 room kitchen flat. Living alone in a city like Mumbai was like a dream come true for me, because I come from a very orthodox...

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Omg I Fucked My Friends Angry Mom

Hi every one i am glad to inform that i really seduced a woman. I am Aanand 23 yrs old from Kalyan a suburban in Mumbai. And about the partner she might be in her mid 40, slim, 36c boobs but a bit shaggy and rest part with measure 28,38 her best part was the round ass which jiggle when she walks. Coming to the story she was my best friends mom she treats me as her own son. I was frequent visitor of their home. My lust started for her when i saw her washing clothes she was in maxi as always,...

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"To the reader... I don't know why I've written this. After all these years it is unlikely that anyone will ever read it. Perhaps I write to reconcile myself. ... Whatever the reason, this is my story. It is written a while after the events I speak of, but I will try to keep it as close to what actually happened as I can. I will also try to speak the truth, even if it makes you despise me, for I won't lie, I have made many bad choices, only some of which I regret. Time is short and getting...

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Smoke and MirrorsChapter 3

Merlin didn’t summon Smoke for several days as his brain, generally adroit at following scientific concepts, tried to fathom the implications of this astounding revelation ... event ... happening ... thing! His poor stressed psyche was bouncing from pillar to post trying to absorb all that he’d learned so far, and he was so distracted at work that his boss finally called him into the office to ask why. “Something on your mind, Merlin? You don’t seem to be your usual astute and focused self...

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The Aunaturel GirlsChapter 17

"Tabitha," Sarah cried and held out her arms at the girl emerging from the hospital. "Where's Lara?" "Mum's got her." Sarah dragged Tabitha towards her and embraced her, hugging her tightly. "You OK?" "It's just a check-up," Tabitha reminded her and Sarah nodded, her heart beating quickly. She puffed and rubbed her hands, looking at her partner. "Are you OK? You look on edge." "Me. No. I'm fine, just been to town. I'm fine. Why wouldn't I be? I'm not on edge, why would...

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Coming home late

The night out was great! It was a long time all my best friend from Uni didn’t spend time together. I walked home, get in the lift and opened silently the door not to wake up my partner.

2 years ago
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A Chance to AdvanceChapter 35

As we headed out of town and back up to our little house on the lake, Andrea could hardly sit still. I don't even have to look at her to know how excited she is. I can feel the excitement and the happiness radiating from her. She pulled her legs up under her and sat facing me in her seat. I glanced over at her and saw her looking at me with so much intense emotion showing plainly on her face. She grinned and said, "This has to be a dream. This is just like the fantasies I would play with...

3 years ago
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Life In The TesseractChapter 3

Kathy woke slowly from a sound sleep, feeling loved and secure. Opening her eyes, she realized why. Matt was lying by her side, gently stroking her pubic fur. "That feels so nice, Matt, what a wonderful way to wake up!" "You feeling okay? You did bleed a bit last night, when I first entered you." "I feel fine. It was just a prick. Ha, pun intended! You okay? I'm sorry I scared you last night, when I screamed." "Dearest Katherine, you are so beautiful. I'll know not to worry next...

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What happened was this!Alana Wicks was a divorcee in her late thirties. She’d travelled the distance from trophy wife to yummy mummy through to beautifully groomed, well toned divorcee: and a thoroughly bored one at that. She was a tall, very good looking woman with a terrific figure – the gym and swimming saw to that, a mane of wavy blonde hair topped a very attractive picture. Her daughter Zoe was very much like her mother in appearance, but, to put it bluntly, rather dim! She had met...

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One Special Christmas

One Special Christmas By Heather St. Claire Of all the special times of the year, without a doubt, I love Christmas best. I look forward to it with all my heart every year, because of all the wonderful things it represents... love and family and the spirit of giving, and most important of all, celebration of the birth of our Savior. Every Christmas is special, of course, but I think I'm really loving the ones I'm living through right now. I'm Meredith Marshall, a...

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Best friends sister part 3

I  moving my cock slowly in and out of her ass all the time being lubed by her dripping pussy . I slowly worked my cock as deep as it would go then as i pulled out i let the dildo rest against my groin inturn so when i slid my cock into her ass her toy got pushed deeper into her pussy that really made her moan and squirm her ass was so tight that it made my cock throb and knew i was going to cum soon ... i grabbed her nipples and teased them as i plunged slowly and deeply till my cock exploded...

4 years ago
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The Cuckolded Reviewer Part VI

When we arrived back home I half expected Trish and Abe to head straight upstairs to the bedroom, but they didn’t. Trish took my hand and led me into the sitting room while Abe went upstairs alone. Trish closed the door and put her arms around my neck and kissed me. It was more than welcome. I was nervous as well as hurting with jealousy. “I love you Tim," she told me. I ran my hand down her back feeling the outline of her undergarments. I recalled another excerpt from a story I had once...

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Texting SethChapter 1

Noah sat at his desk, manipulating his Blackberry. One of his co-workers strolled past his cubicle. "Is that your new toy?" she asked. "Oh, hi, Melissa. Yeah -- I just got this yesterday. My old phone finally died." "That brick you carried around? What was that -- circa 1999?" "I liked that phone," Noah replied. "The buttons were nice and big ... and it could double as a weapon. My contract with Sprint was up, so I switched to Verizon and bought this." "Did you keep your old...

1 year ago
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Shaved And Massaged Pussy Of Di

Hello ISS readers and contributors. I am Rahul, 22 years old with a gun of 5.7 inches length. I live in Delhi. Well, I am a huge fan of ISS, specially its incest section. This story is about my cousin sister, Vidhi who lives in Noida. She is 29 years old and her figure is 36 34 38. She has got wonderful assets. Her milky, juicy boobs and big round ass can arouse anyone easily. This story starts when I and Tai ji Di’s mother went to see her and give her company as her husband my Jiju was out of...

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TeensDoPorn Nora Wolf At A Loss For Words

The second our producer sees Nora, he knows theres something special about her. Shes a 21 year old hottie from Long Beach with zero porn experience, but quite the tantalizing body, and an eagerness to get fucked on camera. When she starts to strip, our producer is at a loss for words. He supposedly has not had a girl that hot on his bed in a long while, which may or may not be true, but we can give him the benefit of the doubt for now. After a quick typical first timer interview, its on to the...

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Souvenir Paddles IV

Souvenir Paddles - IVIf asked, I’d have said that nothing could hurt more than her so-called ‘warm-up’; and, I’d have been wrong. So wrong!! This was difficult to describe. I was torn between the heavenly feeling of my face buried in the ass of a hard-bodied teen and the relentless swat, swat, swat of the fiendish ‘souvenir’.Competing with the two sensations of my face and bottom was the voice of my new ‘friend‘.“Do I have your attention? I hope that you know how fortunate you are to be serving...

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Jessica and the Exam

It was a bright sunny day in October as Jessica stepped out from her car. The wind caught her skirt and sent it twirling around her thighs. As the cold wind swirled around her legs she started to feel worse about what she was at the building to do that morning. She looked up at the sky and took in a deep breath trying to brace herself for this day she hated and it appeared that every year seemed to get harder and harder to come here. What was so important about the gynecologist anyway? It...

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Outdoor Adventure

As Kayla settled into her sleeping bag, she couldn't help feeling frustrated. Not only would her husband not share a bag with her, he had already turned his back to her and gone to sleep. She had been eager to go camping, fantasizing about wild sex in the great outdoors. The meadow where they had stopped to pitch their tent was secluded with only a narrow dirt road connecting it to the outside world. The scene was ripe for something thrilling to happen. But another couple had arrived that...

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Meeting Up Part 1 Sallys Tale

Hi everyone. This is a 3 part story about a fictional meeting between me and my spiritual sister, Patricia. I hope you enjoy it! Sally-Anne xxxx Meeting Up - Part 1 It was our 4th anniversary. Once more, we were at our favourite restaurant although things were a little different this year. About 8 months ago, I told my wife Kristin about my cross-dressing fantasies. They had been inside me for years but this was the first time that I had ever told anyone. From about 10...

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Housewarming Gift

Susan noticed the cab pulling up next door. “I think our neighbors are back.” I walked over to the window to join her. Sure enough, a handsome black man was helping the driver pull suitcases out of the trunk, while his beautiful wife, a light-skinned black woman, was digging in her purse. When she looked up to pay the driver, she noticed us watching through our living room window. Susan waved and the other woman waved back. I gave a little wave myself, feeling very much like a...

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Sarafina Cinq

I looked down as the plate arrived before me. Dill-encrusted salmon steak on a bed of celeriac mash with a raspberry dressing. Seeing my date reach for his cutlery I settled the solid silverware into my fingers and dipped the fork tines into the dressing. It was just sharp enough to matter, trimming any edge off the salmon. The mash was just bitter enough to tickle. I couldn't possibly vocalise my pleasure in the way I wanted to, as that would just be unladylike, and ladylikeness was...

2 years ago
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My Innocent mom

Hii guys its me sanjay…. As i’m here now to narrate a cool fantasy incident happened to me that introduce me to a new world of pleasure , that is a pure fantasy and no reality in it. This is about how i fucked my innocent mom very innocently. I never met my father as my mom fell in puppy love when she was 18 and had me soon after. My father soon disappeared and my mom along with my grandmother had to bring me up. Now my grandmother”s gone and my mom”s a successful lawyer, having educated...


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