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Passages By Autumn Writer © Copyright 2006

‘I hope that you remember that this was not my idea at all, Jeff.’

‘It will be okay, Barbara. Please, just let me keep my mind on the road.’

He could feel it building, the familiar tension, as the Explorer crept forward on the snow-covered road. Throughout their twenty-nine years of married life she had always lashed out at him whenever stress arose for any reason. After all their years together he could foresee the warning signs in the far-off distance.

She sunk down in her seat, unsatisfied. She had delivered the first salvo, measuring the range and bearing. He had not fired back, just a half-hearted parry. She wanted to anger him so that she could cloak herself in justification. If he would strike back she could enjoy the dual roles of victim and assassin. Progress on the road was slow, so she would have more opportunities. She reloaded.


Actually, the trip had been Jeff’s idea. He had called Sid, a business contact and friend, early in November, asked him for the loan of his corporate cabin in the North Woods. It would be a chance for Jeff and Barbara to get away for a weekend. They would be alone together for three days. He wanted renewal, re-contact with her. They could do it ahead of Thanksgiving and the Christmas rush. Jeff and Barbara’s business was important to Sid’s, and he readily agreed. Sid and Jeff were buddies, anyway.

Jeff knew the way to the cabin because he had been there during the prior summer. Sid had hosted a golf outing at the Thendara course for his best customers. That had been a good time. Jeff thought the cabin might yield up another good time for Barbara and him. It was an impulsiveness that was unusual for him. The inspiration just wouldn’t let go, so he grabbed the phone and made the call to Sid.

‘Sure thing!’ Sid yelled to him over the phone. ‘Help yourself to anything there that you find. There’s a lot of canned and dried food. Just bring the perishables and dress warmly. There are a couple bottles of Canadian Club left from the golf outing. Just be sure to check the firewood, I can’t remember what’s left. You’ll need it because there’s no power in the cabin and it gets cold up there.’

‘Thanks, Sid. Do you think that there’ll be any snow?’

‘Probably only a dusting in November. If it does get heavy, don’t go. You’ll be deep in the woods and no one comes by at this time of year.’

‘Okay, no problem, Sid.’

‘I don’t know what you’re going to do all weekend. There’s nothing happening up there in this season,’ Sid added after a pause. ‘Or, maybe I do know, after all.’

‘Hey, you dirty old man.’ Jeff and Sid laughed.

‘Just don’t sue me if you get her pregnant, Jeff! I’ll send someone over with the keys’

They laughed again. Jeff thanked him and they hung up.


As Jeff hung up the phone he felt good. The banter with Sid made him feel optimistic about the expedition. He and Barbara needed this respite, he thought. In September the last of their three children had gone off to college. Raising teenagers is stressful in any situation. Jason, their youngest, had been particularly difficult.

The recession following the 911 tragedy had been especially hard on the retail business that Jeff and Barbara owned together. It strained their finances and confidence in one another. For two long years the business struggled to recover. They repaired the business, it was healthy now. Jeff and Barbara were not going forget the hard times very soon.

Jeff was fifty-four, Barbara fifty-one. He had put on a few pounds, but not many. He looked very much like he had when he and Barbara got married, except that his hair was graying. He really didn’t care about the gray, but kept fighting the battle of the waistline. She felt the signs of menopause approaching. She was not much heavier than her wedding day, perhaps with some slight shifting. Her dark hair was taking on a salt and pepper look.

Especially compared to others her age, she was still in good shape. To Jeff, it was a non-issue, he didn’t care. He was satisfied that she did what she could to care for herself. She still looked good to him. He was glad that she did not color her hair. Barbara interpreted Jeff’s lack of concern as indifference. She was self-conscious of her aging. She woke up one morning, looked in the mirror, and found that she was no longer a blushing maiden. It made her rage internally. Jeff sensed her displeasure, but misjudged the depth of her torment.

All of these factors had combined together to create an atmosphere that was unpleasant and tense. At times things would improve, but some issue would arise and they would revert back to the stifling limbo into which their lives had fallen. Neither of them understood their condition completely. They didn’t discuss it for fear of opening wounds deeper. No one outside of themselves knew this, except for Barbara’s mother, to whom Barbara confided all.


In November, when the cold winds over Lake Ontario shift slightly, and the waters of the Lake are still warm and pregnant with moisture, the Adirondacks become a table. Nature sets a banquet with an impenetrable table cloth of snow, and a silver service of ice. The weather moves in fast, measured in feet, not inches, the cold measured in fingers and toes. On the menu are the unwary and unprepared, the wilderness devours them.

It was only after they had made the turn at Eagle Bay that Jeff realized that they were heading into trouble. They were a long way from any help. There was no choice except to keep going to the cabin at Big Moose before the weather stranded them. There, they would find shelter and food. Jeff said nothing to Barbara about this. The earlier barb had put him off, but he would not have done so, anyway. He would guide them through danger. Everything would turn out fine. He would not give up.

‘And what were we going to do on this weekend getaway? Was it to be some sort of romantic rendezvous in the woods? Were we to prance around naked in the cabin with the hots for each other? We’re not newlyweds, Jeff. You could have asked me. What would have been wrong with a nice hotel in the city? I haven’t seen my parents in three months. No, here we are getting ready to freeze to death in the forest.’ As she spoke the words spat out of her like the hiss of a serpent. The aim of her second salvo had been precisely on target.

Jeff felt the bitter pall of smothered hope descending upon him. He banished any remaining hopes for their weekend retreat. Optimism and energy died in the sinking of his romantic plan. Only adrenalin, charged by the weather conditions, kept him moving steadily on.

Jeff absorbed the verbal assault. He kept his outward silence. Internally he answered her, ‘If they find us as frozen ice cubes, we won’t be any colder than your cold heart right now.’ He felt shame at the thought. He could not despise her, but he was struggling to love her.

He spoke calmly, because he had to tell her of their situation.

‘Barbara, there is hard weather moving in. If we don’t make it to the cabin we’re going to be in big trouble. I think we will make it. It’s only three miles ahead. We’ll find the passage. I know where it is. Please just work with me until then. I didn’t know this was going to happen.’

She fell silent. She had known the tone of voice that he had just used only a few times. Barbara knew it meant a serious situation. Fear evicted the sense of disgust and venom that had possessed her moments ago. Now, her husband seated next to her, erstwhile object of her contempt, was her lone vehicle for safety. She knew her husband, he was resourceful and tough. It was a difficult situation, but he could handle it. She just sat silently now, focusing on their situation.

She knew that she had gone too far, regretted her words. She
just had to vent herself on him, but she asked herself why she had chosen him as her target. He was at the source of few of her troubles. Maybe it was the close range and that he had no camouflage that her keen senses couldn’t penetrate. Perhaps the answer lay in the toughness that she had always known in him. He was one of the few people she knew that could take such a pounding. ‘He’ll get over it’, she assured herself. She didn’t understand how deeply Jeff felt the pain. As high as the excitement of his inspired plan had crested him, it measured the depths that the apparent failure sank him.

‘I let this happen every time,’ he said to himself. He was tired of high hopes coming to worse than nothing. This would be the last time, he resolved.

The narrow road had now become a path, just a passage in the snow. Barbara looked out over the reservoir. The snow fell too hard and densely to allow her see the opposite bank. Jeff had not exaggerated. This was the real thing.

The Explorer soldiered on. A sedan would have been out of service long ago, but another thirty minutes of marching brought them to a roadside gate.

‘We’re here. Reach back and get the boots and coats.’

While she did so, he went on, ‘Leave the food here in the Explorer. It will act as a big refrigerator. We’ll just bring in the clothes.’

The Explorer couldn’t get close to the cabin because of the snow. They stood outside the vehicle, loaded down with backpacks and suitcases. Atop a hill, about three hundred yards away stood the cabin, silent without light or smoke from the chimney. The snow had already risen to eighteen inches and covered any trails. A cut in the tangle of trees and shrubs indicated a route in. It was their passage to safety.

Plodding up the grade loaded with their gear wasn’t easy, especially for her. She was never an ‘outdoor girl’. The wind coming off the hill was against them. It drove snow into their faces. It was already deep. They could hardly see. The cold was gnawing at their resolve to save themselves. The cabin was so far away. She didn’t know how they were going to make it. It might as well have been a mirage in the desert. She fell, covering herself with snow. Jeff helped her up.

He knew that the cabin was their only hope. Each passage to salvation requires courage and belief. One can never be totally certain that the view on the hilltop is real. Guarantees are for the cowardly and faithless. Struggling upward, through the passage, would save them. What choice had they? Going backward was no solution.

‘C’mon, it isn’t far,’ he yelled over the gale.

A half minute later, she fell again. Snow found its way under her parka and inside her gloves. Jeff helped her up.

‘Leave your stuff here. I’ll come back for it!’ With that he doubled his own load: his share of it that he had lugged from the Explorer and Barbara on one arm as she clung to him. They had not even gained one hundred yards since leaving the Explorer, and the storm was sapping them.

Finally, they struggled to the top. Jeff’s muscles were drained, but the victory over the elements enlivened him. Confidence returned. Barbara had hurt him, but he refreshed his self worth without her. They entered and set down the bags that he had managed to bring up the hill. She was still frozen from the trek, unable to move about. Though out of the wind, the cabin was cold. He opened the flue and got a fire started as she watched his shaking hands apply the match to the tinder.

‘I’m going for the rest of the bags before the snow covers them.’ He disappeared out the door and down the hill.

Adversity had placed him back in command of his senses. He trudged down the hill, searching for the abandoned gear. His thoughts returned to the aborted marital tryst that Barbara had so neatly spoiled. The disappointment and hurt left him. He reviewed events of the day. His idea had been a good one. Barbara’s actions, not his, had doused any flame. He had brought them to safety through the storm, this time and many others. He would not assume guilt that was not his to bear. He suddenly felt comfortable as himself.

At the midway point near the bottom of the hill he spied the forlorn Explorer that had been the site of their earlier sparring. It was an empty shell that had carried them to their point of departure. It had served them, but not well. It carried them but had not warmed them. The vehicle was a symbol of a bitterness that he was eager to leave behind. He wasted no time pondering it. He turned his back to it, toward the passage to the cabin and steadily made his way up.

When he arrived inside Barbara was kneeling before the fire, waiting for it to warm her. The snow that she had carried in on her clothes was melted on her.

‘You better put on something dry. I still have work to do. There isn’t enough firewood. I need to bring some in before the snow covers it up.’

That was all he said to her. With ax in hand he disappeared out into the storm.


It had seemed like their ordeal had taken days, not hours. In truth, it was only three in the afternoon, two hours of daylight left. Barbara rose and stirred about the lonely cabin. There were some canned beans, but she wasn’t hungry. She found some whiskey in a cabinet and poured some into a coffee mug that she found. Normally, she would have preferred Chardonnay, but the Canadian Club was all that was available. The wine would have been mild and dry. She would have to partake from the bitter cup. She reseated herself by the fire.

It was her turn for depression. Jeff’s ‘to hell with you’ demeanor was one that she had seen before. She knew that he would not approach her for reconciliation. If only he would, she could be gracious, allow a return to a more acceptable condition.

She took a pull on the whiskey. It surprised her that the generous swallow didn’t choke her. It warmed her belly. Anticipation of the warmth spreading to her brain freed her to consider the events of the day more openly.

‘Why had she lashed him so viciously?’ It puzzled her because she knew his vulnerability to hurt when she squelched his idealistic plots. She thought that it would pleasure her to do so, but only brought forth guilt.

‘Why had she been so quick to reject this tryst in the love-nest cabin?’ In their early years she would have relished it. He would have ravished her and she would bask in his doing so. Their satiation of one another would have re-thirsted them. Their only regret would have been the eventual need to return to the real world. There were few opportunities for them to do so then, a struggling couple just starting out. Now she had time, money, and a willing husband, yet she could not bring herself to accept the adventure. Children, obligations, convention had all contributed in wiping desire away.

She thought of her college friends. Perhaps she wanted to be more like them. Their dress sizes increased by one each year. Their husbands no longer lusted after them. In their coffee klatches the women would make little jokes about their mates’ lack of ‘prowess’, testing their friends and searching for truth. Maybe they had found the secret: that the effort required for sustaining life was no longer worthwhile.

Barbara sat before the fire, another pull on the whiskey. She was sobbing. She did so without holding back. The dram had forced it out of her. Jeff was out collecting wood, he couldn’t see her. If he did, she knew that he would melt in compassion. She did not want his pity. She regretted much, but events couldn’t be undone. Soon Jeff would come back in. He would want her to ignore him, leave him to his own solace. Soon she would finish her drink and get some dinner together. He would need some food. He should not have gone out without eating something first. She worried about his sugar. She would see to it in a minute.


Jeff strode into the cabin, finished collecting firewood. He was tire
d, but somehow refreshed. He felt the heat from the fireplace. He hoped to see to food laid out, there was none.

‘At least she kept the fire going.’ He would fix his own food.

He glanced to the fireplace. She was sitting before it, leaning against some pillows that she had propped behind her. They allowed her to be in a comfortable, half-reclined position, looking pensively into the fire. She was wrapped head to toe in an oversized Hudson Bay blanket that she had found. She was sitting on another one. It was almost five o’clock. Daylight was gone. The storm continued to rage outside. The fireplace cast a glow throughout the cabin, reflecting some objects, darkening others.

Jeff saw her wrapped before the fire. Only her head was visible above the blanket. It was draped in a heap around her. He was perturbed that she had remained there all this time. It wasn’t cold in the cabin anymore. Then he considered the possibility that the chill of the trek up the hill had brought on some fever. He walked to where she was to find out.

Before he had a chance to speak, she looked up at him standing over her. Remaining seated she said the following, which were the most important words that she had spoken to him since their wedding day:

‘Jeff, I have hurt you. I was unfair. I was wrong. I’m so sorry,’ she began. Jeff stood above her listening and thinking.

‘I’m talking about today and what I said in the car, but not just that. I know that’s not all of it.’

She ended her statement. There was no plea for forgiveness, no teary promises for reform. She had told him the truth. He would decide his own course.

‘Barbara, I’m more worried about our future years than our past ones. Let’s just forget about who’s right or wrong and get to a better place.’

His reply had been her fondest hope. She had relied on what she’d grown to know was in him. He would never nurse a grudge, never savor a pain that he could inflict on her later. She had taken a first step. In his short reply he had buttressed her. She was ready for boldness.

‘Jeff, I know you are worried about our future years. I’m worried about the future, too, but in a different way.’

She paused, hoping for a reaction, but he yielded no clues to his thoughts.

‘I’m worried about the next forty-five minutes.’

She opened her arms that had been clutched together inside the blanket cocoon. She lay there, half-reclined on the pillows. Jeff gazed down at her, not speaking, as she held her pose. Although his voice uttered nothing, his changing expression roared volumes. Across his face stretched a broad smile, and his eyes showed traces of tears.

Barbara had removed her clothes before hiding under the cloak of blankets. Jeff gazed down at her. His eyes began a journey that started with a smile that was at once relieved and welcoming. He could see a countenance without contrivances, as the laugh lines crinkled around her teary eyes. His vision roamed downward, eventually ending its journey at her bare legs, that he had always admired, parted slightly. In between, his eyes drank in her breasts, hardened nipples dotting smooth softness, lying patiently on her chest. He watched her breathing, as its pace increased. Lower, was the triangle of black hair guarding the passage below it.

It touched Jeff deeply that Barbara had done this. Part of it was his desire for renewal and for her. Mostly, he loved her for her courage. She had accepted a horrible risk of rejection. If he had responded differently, her humiliation would have scarred her forever. She had gambled on her faith in him, and won.

‘I don’t agree with you, Barbara. With respect to the next forty-five minutes I can’t think of anything at all to worry about,’ he said while unbuttoning his flannel shirt.

Barbara let out that deep laugh from the throat that Jeff had missed for such a long time. It was an involuntary laugh that was not brought on by humor, but, rather, betrayed her arousal.

‘Just get undressed and come down here to me.’ Then, she let out the deep laugh again. Jeff was glad to comply.

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Warning: dickgirls, demons and magic make a strong appearance in this story. If that’s not something you’re after, then move along. † † † † † Charlene sighed as she sat at her desk, looking at the onscreen message from her father. She’d had plans to draw things out, to tease and have fun with Jardin, Debbie and Wanda but it was apparently not to be. Her father’s plans had moved faster than either of them had anticipated so they were calling a halt to their operation here and moving on. Her...

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how i fucked my classmate

Hello all. I am Nick(name changed). I am 23 years old ,5.8 ft height 7 inch penis ,average built and here is my sexual experience when I was a third year college student. Sushila(name changed) stood about 5 foot 2 inches with long black hair, well developed nice round ass, and nice sized tits. I had known her for quite a while, and we were friends. She would wear sexy tight clothes which would bring my cock to full attention in no time. One day in the class room, I looked up and noticed that...

4 years ago
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Holding Down The Fort

Here is the story of another particularly memorable guard shift...        Well it was a Saturday night, and there I was, stuck on CQ (Charge of Quarters-guarding the soldiers barracks while they sleep.)  CQ is a 24 hour duty, and can get pretty boring sometimes, so I called my husband, Joe to come keep me company.  He picked up the phone and said he would be there in about 20mins. The other soldier on guard is what we like to refer to as part of the 'geek squad,' or the group of soldiers that...

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Swim and TangoChapter 5

"So, are you ready yet to find out about your date for tonight?" Sandy asked as we walked into the house. I knew she was trying to keep me from dwelling on Michelle's departure, but I wanted to grieve right now; I really wasn't in the mood to date someone new. "Do I know her?" I asked absent-mindedly. "No, but she knows you fairly well," she replied, unwilling to give me any further details. My curiosity was finally piqued enough to get me thinking about tonight. Michelle had known...

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Niece Without PantiesChapter 3

Bright beams of moonlight fell across the white-paned windows in young Libby Barkley's upstairs bedroom, creating patterns of light and shadow. As the young blonde virgin stepped into her room, she felt a sudden twinge of loneliness. Maybe I should have gone into town with the others, she thought, throwing herself down onto her bed. she was at her Uncle Len's house to spend a few weeks with him and his family and, that particular night, he had taken his wife, Trish, and Libby's three...

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Masishen StrandedChapter 5

Discovery "The weather people say we've got a week's window, maybe even a week and a half of calm weather over the island. I've contracted with a New Zealand mineral exploration company. They've got a long range P3 Orion survey airplane fitted with magnetic and radar mapping gear. I 'sweetened' the deal to encourage them to make the flight, but they'll abort if the weather turns sour." "Good. What's the time frame." "They'll be over the site day after tomorrow. They'll have...

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Daddys Little WhoreChapter 7

Thursdays. I love Thursdays, maybe more than any other day except Sunday, and I suppose my opinion really depends on which day of the week it is. But this was Thursday and my reason for loving it was simply that I had nothing to do that day except go to school. My father went to work and that evening it was just us. That's why I loved it. Thursday was our night together. I'd been feeling it all night too, and I didn't know why. I wore one of my dad's pajama tops, an old one, with no bra...

1 year ago
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As My Slave Softly Weeps

Very late at night when all else may be very hushed and quiet at the house it always makes me wonderfully happy and contented just to be able to hear the boy moaning and sobbing in deep aching frustration, or just weeping alone in some delightfully wicked and painful misery for me often through the darkness, as I lie in bed listening. It satisfies me deeply to know that I have caused him to hurt so badly for me and knowing it sometimes makes me shiver in an absolute ecstasy of sadistic...

1 year ago
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A Black gangbang after a concert

During the week end Ana and I had gone to Savannah to see a good rock concert. We got a nice hotel near downtown. My sensual wife looked stunning in a tight white dress that really showed off her tits and body well. The concert show had been great and after we had hit the bar across the street from the hotel for a few drinks before going to bed... A few margaritas turned into a lot and my sweet Ana soon got a little tipsy.I said we better could get back to our room if I wanted to get sex from...

2 years ago
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How Daddys DevilBoy Became Daddys Little Girl

How Daddy's Devil-Boy Became Daddy's Little Girl - - 1 - - Daddy was a rich stockbroker -- tall, handsome, with short black hair offsetting his bright blue eyes, sort of skinny-but-fit as some nerds are -- but he was a little too nerdy and quiet and not confident enough to pick up women. So when he met Mom, he was grateful just to have a woman who didn't make demands on him, didn't get offended when he accidentally misspoke. Mom was a no-drama kind of gal, and she built up his...

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BounderChapter 9

Life started to return back to normal. Mostly ... more or less anyway. I was still feeling a bit 'off' with myself and had a hard time getting back into a normal routine and returning to business as usual. But I forced myself to return daily to my chambers office and tried to get back into the routine of making money. Looking out my office window onto Silver Avenue I could see a lovely familiar face pass by each day, usually even every hour or two. Flerrie la'Clerkes, junior patroller...

2 years ago
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A Hot and Kinky Rocker Girl Fantasy

(Note to xhamster reviewers: This is my story originally from an old account a long while back, so this story is mine.)So, dude and dudettes, rock on. Well, your boy Brett Alt has one hell of a fuck story for you. Well, as you know, my band The Ministry of Evil was touring the states, and we came to the hellraising community of Waterloo. So, we set up shop in McElroy Auditorium, which was on the ground of some cattle congress bullshit, oh and trust me, with what i am gonna tell you, a lot of...

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sisters friend and sisters

Mikayla and my sisters name is Shayna. So one night very late me and my sisters friend were sitting talking to people on the internet. She was asked if she'd ever fingered her self and she said yes. I kinda got exicted but it didnt go anywhere that night and she walked out the door and shook her nice round ass a bit. She has 32 Cs a nice ass and a gorgous face. So we'd all play board games every friday of the week. But one night it was different Mikayla had brought a friend...

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The girl frequently worked late and was often the last to leave this block of offices. The only other car in the lot besides his and hers had pulled out ten minutes ago. There was movement at the door of the office block. She fumbled briefly finding the key to lock the door behind her then dropped the key ring in her big purse. She was short, maybe a fraction of an inch over five feet tall. She had honey blond hair, worn straight down her back about half way to her tight round ass. He...

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Butterscotch Part 2

I set Tamsin down gently on my bed. She looked up at me submissively, giving me her undivided attention and not even glancing at the room, as I would have expected. It was as if she had been there before. I smiled. The subtlety of this woman was as alluring as her audacity. I knelt on the bed next to her as she reclined luxuriously on the plump, white pillows; her hair framing her face like a golden halo. I lit some candles and turned down the lights. I then felt a hand pass over my butt...

2 years ago
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Sexy surprise date for my girlfriend

I send another one saying, dress as sexy as you can... You get a little excited as you LOVE surprises and you also LOVE to dress sexily. So on the way home you plan your outfit. You eventually decide to wear your Nicole Miller mini skirt, with a very see through black top. And your lacy knickers and bra underneath, with your garter belt and black stockings. And sexy highheels. You think to yourself, well, he did ask for sexy, so sexy is what he's gonna get!!! You apply your makeup...

4 years ago
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Strapon Gangbang

Karen thought about it for over a week before deciding to go ahead with her plan. It was her birthday and she wanted a special present that only I could give her. She told me that I did not have to buy her anything this year, but that I could give her the best present ever by agreeing to act out her favorite fantasy. I was a little apprehensive, but the glazed look in her eyes won me over and I agreed to do as she desired. Delighted, she told me that I would not regret my decision. She spent...

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Future Harry Potter Adventures Chapter 1 The Beginning

Chapter 1 *2 months later* ‘Happy Birthday, Harry!’ came the cheer from around the dining table in the Weasley household as they all raised their goblets in celebration of Harry’s 18th birthday. ‘Thank-you everybody,’ replied a beaming Harry as he looked around the table. Every member of the Weasley family was sat smiling back at him, except for Ron who was still away on his self-imposed exile. ‘Well open...

1 year ago
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Deborahs photo shoot with her daughterEveryone Lo

Deborah shook her head in despair when the instructor in her photography class gave her the assignment to do a series of nude shots. She had been taking the class for the past several months in hopes of getting a nice hobby that would get her mind off of the Barone family, which was driving her crazy. Especially Raymond. But she wrapped her mind around which she could get to do some nude shots. No one came to mind. Later that day as she was cleaning the house and she spied on Allie, her...

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C Tennant Concierge

It was me, Charlie who came up with the plan of how Connor and Curt was going to have lots of sex in this hell hole of a place that dad agreed to sent us to so we would learn responsibility. It was dad's bright idea that we needed to begin to fend for ourselves, and only took me an hour to pervert his plan to include my brothers. Going to dad with my idea of making me a concierge at his newest adult only condo called Bayston by the Beach in Greenville Bay. He fell for it hook, line and sinker,...

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Dirty Sarah And Randy Married Man

My wife and I had very busy work schedules and had thrown everything into the bedroom when we first moved into our new flat. The room was full of furniture and cardboard boxes. We had a simple pull-out mattress that sat about an inch off the floor in the tiny front room and a two-seater sofa. The front room also housed our wardrobe that kept most of our work clothes and a few other bits. We had a TV on a cabinet and a radio alarm clock. My wife worked in a retail store, and I was a bus driver,...

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Friday Night MILF ClubChapter 6

The following Wednesday night, I told Emily our little group might be expanding. I needed Brian and Robby available Friday night and Brian to be home on Sunday to entertain some guests with me. Emily just smiled and said, “Sounds good to me. I’ll just have to borrow Robby for Sunday night. Maybe I will call Carla and see if she is busy this weekend.” I looked at Robby, and he just shrugged as if to say, “Why not?” It had never entered my mind to share Robby with Emily before. But now, it...

1 year ago
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In Need Of Dessert

For the past few mornings you have been coming home begging me to ride your cock but I claim to be to tired and roll over. You whisper in my ear to help you stroke your massive meat but I tell you I am not in the mood. You wonder what is going on. It's been several days since I last brought you to an earth shattering orgasm, frustrated you turn over and go to sleep. As you leave to work your night shift I give you a gentle peck on the lips and tell you to have a good night. On the way down you...

2 years ago
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Pantyhose Bondage

One leg at a time, I eased out of the pantyhose and dropped them on the bed. He picked them up, stretched them a few times, and said "I'll bet these would make pretty decent ropes." There was a strange note in his voice that I'd never heard before. I continued to undress, dropping my bra to the floor, and answered carefully, "Probably. After all, don't stranglers use them?" He stretched one nylon leg over his hand and stood behind me. He didn't say anything, just nibbled on my neck and ran the...

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Theater Showing Porn M2M Part 1

I was in my mid-thirties, single, and feeling a bit horny one Saturday night. I searched online for places to go and found this theater showing porn about a 30 minute drive from my home. The reviews claimed weekend action was great and the cops did not harass the people there, so I tried it out. I got there around 10pm and saw that there were quite a few cars in the parking lot. I nervous with anticipation of the unknown as I never have been to a full blown porn theater that had "action." ...

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A Strange Encounter

Did your mother ever warn you that hanging out with the wrong sort of people could get you into trouble? Well mine did, plenty of times, but like most adolescents I didn't listen. After all, I was fifteen years old. I knew everything about life that needed to be known. I was certainly old enough to be picking my own friends. What did a thirty-eight year old lady, out of touch with modern times, know anyway? And so it came to pass, in those dim dark days of nineteen eighty-five, that I found...

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The Bus Ride

Based on a section of the story written by Jennifer, leaving me to write the start and end! The Bus Ride By SONIA (email [email protected] - Please send comments!!!) It all started when my wife came home unexpectedly! I had a day off work but my wife, Suzie, had to work. She was an office manager at a local hospital and when her alarm went off I just buried my head and let her get up and dress before having breakfast and then leaving for work. I did peak out from...

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Go teamwork Part 1

“Your parents still aren’t here?” “No, I think they finally decided to abandon me for sure.” “Haha I doubt it! Did you call them?” “Yeah, but they won’t get here for another hour. They’re still on their way back from Alabama.” “Well if you want, I can drive you to my house and you can just spend the night.” “For real? That would be sick! Let me just call them.” “Sure, go ahead.” I immediately dialed my dad and anxiously waited for him to answer. “Hola?” “Hey dad, Davis offered to let...

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More Sharing Her Creamy Quim

My girl had unlocked the door and after having done so, was waiting by the kitchen table. I closed the door and walked over to kiss her.She was wearing a very revealing see through sexy nighty that showed a lot of those large breasts I loved so much. I was surprised at what she was wearing and asked her about it. She held her finger up to her lips and signaled for me to follow her, heading for the shed outside. Once in the shed she gave me a hug and told me she would explain, but had to do it...

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New Fantasy 23

THE NEW FANTASY 23 BY PAUL G JUTRAS Paul woke up in bed with a start. His legs began twitch and he felt like he had a hard-on between his legs as the pressure to go to the bathroom become almost unbearable. He didn't even bother turning on the light or lifting the seat. As he felt the relief he heard the roar of a lawn mower outside. As he took some toilet paper and whipped the pee that dripped on the seat cover, he looked out the window. First thing he saw his sister's cat in the lit...

1 year ago
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Scandalous Affairs

The first time it happens there is guilt. Usually always is, but that biting urgency to let passion take over can’t be ignored… The party is in full swing and drinks are in everyone and everywhere. The younger crowd dancing and swaying to the music thumping through the speakers, lights flashing in time illuminating the sweating bodies in the club. Rented out for a very special occasion the college students are taking full advantage of the scene and not wasting time with conversations. Mel and...

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Kelseys Confessions Chapter 6 I give myself to my stepbrother

Introduction In chapters 1 through 5, I told you the story of Christmas Eve 2013, during which my stepbrother and I explored each other, petted, necked and masturbated each other to amazing orgasms. That remarkable evening, nearly a year ago, started a period of intimacy and sexual discovery between my sixteen year old stepbrother and me that we both will always cherish. For the next eight months, Michael and I enjoyed each other, explored each other, and pleasured each other. We enjoyed...

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My Funny Valentine Ch 04

Chapter Four The Next Valentine’s Day ‘I’m ready for my close up, Mr. DeMille,’ said Monica haughtily leaning against the balustrade looking nothing like Gloria Swanson for whom she supposedly emulated. For one she was too tall and lithe, not the petite silent movie star. Secondly she was way too young. And, perhaps most importantly, she dressed in a sheer flowing robe that did little to conceal her pert tits and the small nipples that topped them and the dark hair that crowned her pussy. But...

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It had to be

Jenny was the co-owner, along with her husband Jerry, of the Bize newsagents and grocer store on the corner of Strutton street. It was an up and coming business and just six months after opening the couple took on a part time assistant called Angela. And now, a year on, Angela seemed part of the furniture. At the rear of the shop was the store and the astute Angela began to put two and two together when, each time a delivery was made, Jenny seemed to spend ages in the store chatting up the...

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Someones Getting Feminized

Well tonight was the night everything changes for four of you, for the better, one of you, for the worst. You are one of five male family members living in the same household. They are a Father; Mark 40 and his 4 boys, James 24, Jack 21, Chris 20 and Sam 18. All five of you seem to have hit rock bottom with the ladies on endless occasions and with busy work schedules on top of that, dating and by extension getting any, has been a non-existent ideal for all of you. None of you have had any...


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