- 3 years ago
- 19
- 0
The voice was close to my ear but I didn’t want to hear it, my body much too heavy, mind much too fuzzy to respond. So I ignored it and let myself drift away again…
‘Em-ma.’ He sang my name this time, a definite note of amusement in his tone. ‘Come on, sweetheart. I want you to see this.’
With a gasp, I jerked awake, finding myself pressed against a warm, naked body, our limbs entangled. For a moment, I couldn’t move, my cheek apparently glued to his chest, my sense of panic doubling as I realised that everything was orange. His skin, the grass, the sky…
Sunrise. Adam…
Wincing with pain, I peeled my face away, feeling a cooling breeze on my chin as I lifted my head and hearing him laugh as I traced wetness back to the corner of my mouth.
‘Aw,’ he said, smiling as I stared at him in horror. ‘So you dribbled at bit. It’s okay. Listening to you snore was far worse.’
‘I was snoring?’ I sat up abruptly, only to gasp again as something soft rippled down to my lap. My dress. Adam’s shirt. He must have covered me while I slept, I realised — and now I was naked again. ‘Oh!’ I grabbed at my dress, dragging it up over me, covering my breasts.
‘Hey!’ Though he was laughing again, he sounded puzzled. ‘I’ve already seen all of you, sweetheart. Every bit.’
‘Not — not like this.’ Not in this curious half light, the amber glow intensifying by the moment, washing over everything. ‘It was dark.’
‘Not really.’ I felt his hand on my bare back, his voice soft. ‘And you looked just as beautiful in the moonlight as you do right now.’
I wanted to ask him if he really meant that, wanted to ask if he had any regrets about what we’d done, whether he felt as confused as I did. But embarrassment, acute and raw, wouldn’t let me. Instead, I gazed out across the hillside towards the east, my mouth dropping open at what I saw.
The heavens were aflame, the sky predominantly pink, topped by combed swathes of deep red. Tipping back my head I could see that the clouds gradually darkened to indigo, matching the night sky behind us. Here and there, the candy-floss-like plumes were streaked with gold and as I watched, a narrow strip of that same gold began to appear on the horizon. ‘Yes, I meant that. I don’t know how to make you believe it, but you really are beautiful. And no, before you ask, I don’t regret a second of last night.’
I gasped again as Adam knelt up behind me, startled enough to let him swipe my dress away. ‘How the hell did you do that?’ I demanded as he shook it out then dropped it over my head, the slippery folds settling over me, covering me completely.
‘Well, taking it off was easier –‘
‘Not that. How d’you read my mind? Know exactly what I’m thinking?’
He laughed softly, helping me slide my arms through the straps before zipping up the back. ‘I’ve no idea. I thought it was because of your eyes — but I wasn’t even looking at you that time, was I?’
‘No.’ I sighed as he eased me backwards into his lap. ‘Are you a dream?’ I let my head drop back against his chest, realising he’d re-donned his shirt when I felt the fabric there. ‘Is all of this a dream?’
‘Hmm.’ He smoothed the hair away from my neck, planting a kiss below my ear. ‘Do you usually dribble on the men in your dreams?’
‘Hey!’ I slapped at his hand and he chuckled, wrapping both arms around me. ‘I think you’d find it difficult to dream up this view.’
He was right. We sat in silence for a while, watching as the crimson clouds paled to coral, the band of gold gradually widening beneath them. ‘One to cross off the list of things to do before I die,’ I murmured at last, still not quite able to believe this was real, that I was there in Adam’s embrace, witnessing one of planet earth’s greatest spectacles.
‘You know what this means, don’t you?’ He nuzzled my neck again, one of his hands moving from the safety of my waist to the delicate skin at my collar bone.
‘I have to add something new to the list?’ I shivered slightly, the gentle caress sending a jolt of electricity straight to my groin.
‘Uh huh.’ He kissed me again, his fingers wandering lower, dipping beneath the neckline of my dress. ‘I’ve just thought of something new for mine. Want to guess what it is?’
‘Um –‘ I muttered, playing for time. ‘You want to have breakfast with me?’
He chuckled, the sound turning me on just as much as the feel of his fingers slipping lower, cupping my breast, toying with my nipple. ‘No. I want to have you for breakfast.’
I inhaled sharply as he pulled away, his hands skimming my sides before grabbing fistfuls of material, yanking the dress up to my waist. ‘Adam –‘ I gulped as he pitched me forward, sending me on to my hands and knees. ‘Oh!’ I was only too aware of what I must look like, my generous bottom fully exposed to the elements. To Adam.
‘Don’t tell me.’ He seized my hips, pulling me backwards against him until I could feel his erection poking my left buttock. ‘You’ve never done this before either, have you?’
‘No.’ My voice was almost a whimper. I was scared. Make that terrified. ‘Um — wh-where exactly were you planning on p-putting that thing?’
His hands froze. ‘What? Oh…’ Letting out a heavy sigh, he tugged me back to a kneeling position, his arms folding round me again, holding me tight. ‘No, sweetheart.’ He sounded amused. ‘Somehow, I don’t think you’re quite ready for that. Although –‘ Holding me at arm’s length again, I could feel his appreciative gaze on my rear. I shot a horrified glance back at him and he laughed, planting a kiss between my shoulder blades. ‘Teasing you is way too easy.’
‘Oh!’ I groaned, shivering with anticipation as he gathered up my skirt again, one hand sliding up my inner thigh. ‘I’m so naïve.’
‘And so ready for me.’ I winced at the squelching sound his fingers made as they dipped between my legs. ‘Emma — you’re just one big gooey mess!’
‘I’m sorry,’ I managed, my words riding on the back of a moan as he stroked me, rocking backwards and forwards, driving me crazy. ‘I — I didn’t get the ch-chance to clean — up — oh!’ I whimpered as his fingers slipped inside me, his thumb brushing repeatedly over my clit.
‘I can’t believe you’re apologising,’ he murmured in my ear as I struggled for breath, already losing control, perilously close to flying off the edge. ‘Most of this goo is mine. God.’ He groaned, working deeper. ‘You feel so hot. So damn tight. I’m sorry sweetheart — I should let you come. But I’ve got to be inside you when you do.’
I yelped with frustration when he drew away, hearing him chuckle as he pushed me forward, my hands landing on the grass. He moved in behind me, shoving my knees apart with his own, hitching my dress back up around my hips. And then his fingers were there again, feeling for me, finding my opening.
‘Adam!’ I sobbed as he pushed straight in, the copious lubrication from our previous coupling allowing him to fill me in a single, smooth stroke. ‘O-o-ow!’ In this position his cock felt even bigger than I remembered, seeming to stretch my still-tender pussy improbably wide.
‘Relax, sweetheart, just relax.’ He held my hips still, trailing kisses down my spine. ‘God — you feel good. Too good.’
I couldn’t speak, could barely breathe, the sunrise in front of us blurring into a haze of red and gold. ‘Please –‘ I whimpered eventually, not entirely sure whether I was begging him to stop or carry on. ‘Please, Adam –‘
‘Now,’ he breathed, as though he’d been waiting for my permission, withdrawing almost completely, leaving me so achingly empty I cried out with relief when he plunged back in. ‘Emma,’ he murmured, laughing softly as he pulled out of me again, one hand stealing around my hip, dipping into the curls between my legs.
We both moaned as he caressed me there, sliding readily into the wetness, at first distracting me from the discomfort of
his penetration but then only serving to heighten my arousal as the pain subsided. Long, sensuous strokes were interspersed with short, taunting, thrusts, the continuing stimulation of his clever fingers driving all thought, save that of the imminent sunrise, right out of my head.
Determined to watch, I managed to keep my eyes open only by staring into the distance and concentrating on that steadily widening band of yellow. The amber glow around us had given way to a deep reddish-gold, the fiery light filling me just as completely as Adam was filling me. And as that fire ignited low in my tummy, I began pushing back against him, forcing him deeper but still needing more. ‘Adam — please!’
He growled in response, pressing the heel of his hand into my lower belly, pushing hard against my womb, somehow intensifying the friction of each thrust. Ripples of pleasure began radiating outwards from beneath his hand, racing across my whole body before surging back, merging together to form one, giant wave.
I screamed, my orgasm crashing over me just as the sun emerged from beneath the horizon, exploding into the sky, the golden light dazzling. And just as before, the frantic fluttering of my pussy seemed to trigger Adam’s own release. Bellowing my name, he drove into me one last time, burying himself deep, flooding me with his seed.
As my knees began to tremble, Adam scooped me up and tipped us over to one side, his arms holding me tight. ‘Dear God,’ he murmured at last, sounding almost startled. ‘I don’t think I can cross that one off the list. I think I might have to do that again someday.’
With me? I longed to know, my head spinning, my body still tingling. Was this the end or only the beginning? Was there a chance he too wanted more? Lisa would’ve asked, that little voice in my head taunted, hell — even Eve would’ve asked. But Eve was long gone. I think we left her behind at the kissing gate.
‘Emma?’ His lips brushed against my shoulder. ‘You still there?’
I forced a laugh. ‘Yes.’
‘Thank God. I thought maybe you’d died.’
My giggle was genuine this time. ‘It would’ve been one hell of a way to go.’
‘What were you thinking about?’
‘I –‘ Thrown by the note of concern in his voice, I was relieved when a much safer topic dropped into my mind. ‘Work,’ I groaned softly.
He echoed my groan. ‘Phone in sick.’
‘I can’t.’
‘Why not?’
‘I’m not sick. It would be a lie.’
He laughed. ‘Not really. Tell your boss you haven’t slept. That you’re exhausted.’
‘I am.’ I groaned again, closing my eyes. ‘But it’s completely self-inflicted.’
‘So?’ He was still laughing. ‘It’s a white lie.’
‘It’s still a lie. I don’t tell lies.’
‘Never.’ I shook my head for emphasis, my head brushing against his chest. ‘How can I teach the children it’s wrong to tell lies if I do it?’
‘Really? Okay.’ He sounded amused. ‘What if your friend spent two hundred pounds on a new dress and you thought it looked terrible? You’d tell her the truth?’ He chuckled when I hesitated, dropping a kiss into my hair. ‘Thought not.’
‘Well, I’ve got a friend who would,’ I protested, my cheeks flaring hot at being caught out.
‘Yes.’ I frowned, both surprised and touched he’d remembered my best friend’s name. ‘And maybe she’s got the right idea. The world would be a much better place if people were more honest with each other.’
‘Honesty.’ He murmured the word as though trying it on for size. ‘You want honesty?’
‘Yes.’ I sighed, enjoying the gentle caress of his hand over mine, for the first time becoming aware of our surroundings, my gaze settling on the awakening city below. ‘I don’t think that’s too much to — oh no!’ I froze at the sight of a black Labrador bounding up the hillside towards us, a short stocky man wearing a peaked hat following behind at a more sedate pace. ‘Shit!’
Adam’s snort of laughter was loud in my ear. ‘Stop panicking. I’m the one not wearing any trousers.’ He eased himself away, pulling down my dress as he crawled over me, staying low. ‘Where the hell are they, anyway?’
‘Here,’ I said with a giggle, finding his clothes in a heap beside my handbag.
Grinning, he grabbed his trousers then reached back again for his briefs, lying down flat to put them on. I heard the close of his zip a mere second before the dog arrived. ‘Hey there boy!’ he exclaimed, springing upright and sending a laughing glance in my direction as he fussed the canine’s ears. ‘How are you, eh? How are you?’
I rose more slowly, nervous of strange dogs but reassured by Adam’s lack of concern. ‘Hello!’ I said brightly, risking a gentle pat. ‘What’s your name then?’
The dog looked at me, sniffed at my skirt then took a few steps away, nose to the grass. And to my horror, I saw what had caught his interest — my knickers, a tiny, twisted scrap of cream satin.
‘No!’ I gasped but Adam was quicker, diving to the ground and snatching them up like a goal-keeper saving a penalty.
‘I don’t think so,’ he said briskly, tapping the dog’s nose and stuffing my knickers in his trouser pocket. ‘They’re mine.’
‘What?’ I glared at him in outrage but he merely grinned, his arm sliding around my waist as the man in the peaked hat walked by. ‘Lovely morning.’
‘Lovely,’ the man echoed, shooting us a rather curious glance.
Adam pulled me into a hug, allowing me to bury my hot face in his shoulder as the man whistled for his dog and carried on. ‘I love it when you blush,’ he murmured, tilting up my chin, smiling as he gazed at me, the look in his eyes unreadable. ‘Come on,’ he said, releasing me just as I was sure he’d kiss me. ‘If you’re really set on going to work this morning we’d better get you home.’
‘I need my knickers,’ I told him sternly, struggling to hide my disappointment. Why hadn’t he kissed me?
He laughed, reaching into his pocket. ‘You probably need this more,’ he said, pushing a large white handkerchief into my hand before bending down to locate his socks and shoes.
‘Adam!’ I blushed anew, realising he’d guessed just how much sticky ooze was trickling down my inner thighs. ‘Please!’
‘Okay, okay.’ Without looking at me, he retrieved my knickers from his other pocket and held them out. ‘In that case, I want my hanky back when you’ve finished with it.’
I gave a choke of disbelief. ‘What?’
He ruffled my hair as he straightened up. ‘Way too easy,’ he murmured with a chuckle, looping my underwear over my fingers. ‘Take your time.’ He waved to the right. ‘I’ll just be over there.’
I stared after him as he strolled away. After all the hours of intimacy, he was giving me space. I couldn’t work out what had changed or why, only that it had somehow happened while he was gazing into my eyes.
Blinking back sudden tears, I cleaned myself up as best I could then stuffed the sodden handkerchief into my handbag. Time to go. I took one last glance around as I slid my feet into my sandals then went to join Adam.
He smiled at the sight of me. ‘Ready?’
‘Yes — oh!’ I smiled back in grateful surprise as he draped his jacket around my shoulders. ‘Thank you.’
But the tiny flicker of my renewed hope began to dwindle the moment we started down the hill. Adam didn’t seem to want to talk and though his hand occasionally brushed mine he never actually took it. It was only when we reached the kissing gate that our eyes met again.
‘You first,’ he murmured, a glimmer of a smile dancing at his lips.
For a moment, I wondered if I dared to do what he’d done last night — pass through, push the gate shut and refuse to let him past until he’d kissed me. But tormented by the thought he might refuse, I let the moment go, navigating the gate without as much as a glance back at him.
‘What time is it?’ I ventured as we finally left the river behind and turned into the High Street.
Adam con
sulted his watch. ‘Quarter to six. What time do you have to be at work?’
‘Seven forty-five.’
‘Oh.’ He gave a sympathetic chuckle, the now familiar sound tugging painfully at my heart. ‘That doesn’t leave much time. We’d better find you a taxi.’
‘There’s no need.’ I gestured towards the bus station across the street. ‘I bought a return ticket yesterday. Might as well use it.’
‘You sure?’ He stared at me in surprise as I rummaged in the side pocket of my handbag. ‘Surely a taxi would be quicker? I’ll pay,’ he added.
I shook my head, producing the ticket with a flourish. ‘The bus stops right outside my door. If I hurry, I can catch the number ten and be home in fifteen minutes.’
He still seemed unsure but I didn’t give him a chance to argue, jogging across the road without him.
‘Emma!’ To my delight he ran after me, catching me up as I entered the bus station. ‘Wait!’
I kept walking, drawing level with the bus, a quick glance at the station clock confirming I had less than a minute to spare.
‘You’re wearing my jacket.’
‘Oh.’ Crushed, I shrugged the jacket from my shoulders and handed it to him. ‘Sorry.’
‘Thanks.’ There was a short, awkward silence. He glanced at me then at the open door of the bus behind me. ‘Well. I guess this is it.’
I swallowed hard. ‘I guess it is.’ I didn’t think it was possible to feel more depressed but the finality of those words was devastating. Our date was over. There wasn’t going to be another. ‘It’s been –‘ I stopped, grasping for a single word that could adequately describe the experience. ‘Fun,’ I finished lamely.
And suddenly, he was grinning. ‘Emma,’ he began. ‘Look –‘
”Scuse me love.’ The bus driver was leaning forward, glancing meaningfully at the clock. ‘Are you getting on or what?’
‘Oh! Yes. Sorry.’ Flustered, I boarded the bus then turned around in the doorway. ‘Adam –‘ I faltered, unsure what to do, what to say. ‘I’ve got to go.’
He nodded, still grinning. ‘I know.’
‘But –‘
‘I’ll call you.’
The bus doors crashed shut leaving me staring at him through the glass, my mouth dropping open as I realised what he’d said.
‘Where to?’ The bus was moving, pulling out of the bay, making me lurch for the nearest handrail.
I spun around to the driver, grinning like a maniac. ‘He said he’d call me,’ I told him happily, waving my return ticket in front of him.
He looked at the ticket then shot me a pitying glance. ‘They all say that, love.’
‘No.’ I shook my head. ‘This is different. He’s not like –‘ I turned, raising my hand to wave, only to discover Adam was gone. ‘Oh!’
Disappointed, I staggered to the back of the swaying bus and dropped into an empty seat, twisting around one last time to see if I could spot him. But it didn’t matter, I told myself, feeling that stupid grin return. It wasn’t over. By the time I got home from work there’d be a message on my machine…
Then it hit me.
There wouldn’t be a message. He couldn’t call me. I’d never given him my number. Worse still, I realised, my heart beginning to beat a little faster, he didn’t know where I lived, he didn’t know where I worked — hell, he didn’t even know my full name.
Maybe I just couldn’t remember giving him my number, I thought desperately, a wash of heat flooding over me. Maybe he’d seen my mobile phone in my handbag and found it for himself. But I knew I was grasping at straws. And I couldn’t call him. He hadn’t given me his number. I didn’t know his full name either.
For the first time I felt a prickle of doubt. I’d just spent the whole night with someone I barely knew. I’d let a perfect stranger woo me by offering dinner at an expensive restaurant, allowing that same stranger to take me for a walk in the moonlight then seduce me under the stars.
But it wasn’t like that, I reasoned, battling with my misgivings. By the time we’d started walking up St Catherine’s Hill, I’d felt like I’d known him for years. Our conversation had been easy, effortless. He’d encouraged me to talk about myself, about my relationship with James, my hopes and dreams for the future.
Great, that little voice sneered in my head. But what did I know about him?
I knew his first name was Adam. I knew his wife Claire had died two years ago. I knew he was some kind of artist or designer and that he’d done a parachute jump for charity.
CHAPTER 38: HELEN GOES TO SHARON’SThe following weekend Tim took us all to the next city for the day of shopping and dinner. We women were all dressed nice for the day; specifically meaning sundresses with thin straps, braless and sandal-style heels. Helen still wore panties but Mom and I were naked under our dresses. All of our dresses ended a foot above the knee and it looked good on all of us. Mom has gotten used to wearing the younger styles and she looks good in them. The shopping was to...
Sex wasn’t really on my mind until I started dating my boyfriend, Nicolas. When we started dating we only held hands, kissed and flirted a lot. He knows I’m a virgin, and he seems okay with it, but part of me does wonder what it would be like to have sex. Before dating Nicolas, I didn’t even masturbate. It was like a switch was shut off, but when I started dating him, my hormones came blasting through, full force. Nicolas is two years older than me, and has had sex with others, but promises he...
MasturbationNovember 3, 2008 “psssst! don’t stare people will see” Mary-Lou swatted at my shoulder whispering quietly. I looked over and saw her wearing a devilish grin on her face. I responded with a stern look and snapped my attention back to what I was staring at. She knew, he probably knew, maybe they all knew, who knows. The only thing I knew is I was looking at the back of Sean’s head, a guy I recently took interest in. Sean and I had known each other since middle school, like most of our high...
1Michael chose a strange point for me to start telling you my story, but that's not a surprise. Ever since we met, he's done everything he can to keep me off balance. It's my feet. He wants me to tell you about my feet. Later, I'll tell you about the other parts of my body he's had - as he calls it - "customized".It's terribly humiliating to me to have feet like this. After a year of training and three surgeries, I can no long keep my balance unless I am wearing ballet boots with six inch...
DONNA’S MASSAGEMy wife and I have frequented many nude beaches and hot springs over the years. One of our favorites when we lived in Southern California was Black’s Beach in San Diego County. The beach is typically 100% nude so it is fairly easy to get comfortable with the situation. One very memorable visit occurred in the early 1980’s.We had selected a location near the south end of the beach close to the steep hillside leading down from the parking lot. It was still early enough in the fall...
Apananku nischaya bhala lagoba. Na hele aau lekhibi nanhi. Mu dine ghare thili. Gaon ru mo relation asithile. swami stree di jana asithile. Mo tooo bada. Aama ghara sahit bahut close. Tanka pua college re padhuthila. Ta deha gharap thila. Ame samaste galu dekhibaku. Parikhya chalithila. Sabu dine asibu kahi asilu. Ta swami gharaku gale. Ta stree rahila. Mo famaily bi thile. Ratire pila dijana ta pakhare sueali. Mu mo stree sahit mo room re thili. Amar sabu dine kara kari hua. Sedina dijana...
This is a follow-up story to "Sarah's Friend." Please see my profile page if you would like to read the stories in sequence.--- Ever since Sarah had brought her friend Nadia to stay at my place for the weekend, she’d been finding new ways to keep herself entertained during her bi-weekly visits. As a divorced father, I knew that it wouldn’t be long before she stopped seeing me as regularly, so it was important to me to make sure that I accommodated her wishes as best as I could. I wanted her to...
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Hi friends mera naam aadi hain aur main iss ka regular fan hu. Main iss pichle 4-5 saal se padh rha hu….I like most of the stories…..Aur aaj main aap sabse apna experince share krne jaa rha hu jab maine frst time sex kiya tha agar story likhne may galti ho toh i m sorry……..Meri umar 19 saal hain aur jammu (j & k) ka rehne wala hu. Basically i m from punjab…….Mere lun lagbhag 7 k aas pass hain…..Now story………Yeh ek saal phle ki baat hain uss time meri gf thi riya dikhne smart uski height 5.3 k...
In the previous story, we saw how Raj was treated badly and how he planned to take revenge. All the characters are 19 and above. This is a fictional story. In the next 20 days, I gathered all the information about them and made detailed proof. They can not escape from this. Because for every piece of evidence, I have the proof. I got an idea. I waited the next ten days till their marriage. Finally, I am going to get my revenge. And I know it. I attended their marriage. It was a grand hotel in...
Chapter 1 'The Highway Man' Marion stared at the lights and impatiently revved the car. With every spare moment she stated at the money in the passenger seat. $40,000. Every penny of it was hers now. Night settled in around the highway, as Marion struggled to stay awake she was constantly blinded by the headlights on every passing car. She couldn't carry on driving in the dark. It was too risky, she was bound to get caught. She park aside the highway and slept for several hours. She...
It had been a hot summer and I had no luck finding a job. My parents did not seem to understand that there just weren’t that many companies hiring that year due to the economy so they had really been pressuring me to find a job. They all wanted someone with experience but having just graduated high school I had none. I was nearly at my wits end so when I was asked to house sit for my uncle I jumped at the chance. He lived a half an hour out of town in a nice quiet neighborhood and had a nice...
Peter has a hot date tonight for the first time in a while! This means its time to call the babysitter ASAP so the kids are taken care of and he can do his thing worry free. He asks for his usual babysitter Martini. Shes great with the kids and doesnt mind staying late. When she arrives, he tells her the situation and then heads to the bathroom to finish getting ready. As martini is waiting in the living room, she sees Peters phone ringing. Its his date! Martini answers the phone, curses the...
xmoviesforyouHi everybody.. Let me introduce myself, I’m Ram age 26 smooth bottom from chennai. I have a sexy feminine body. I got nice boobs and nipples hot smoothy ass. This is a true incident which happened 6 years ago. If any comments, wanna meet up feel free to write to I am a tamil guy, born and raised in southern part of tamil nadu. I completed my degree there itself. I have been gay ever since I know. I have studied in hostel. So you can imagine, how a smooth feminine boy like me ended up in there....
Gay MaleSunday, January 3, 1988 – Thirroul Beach, Wollongong, New South Wales Each troop in Subcamps Four and Five took buses down to Wollongong around 9:30 that morning. The half hour trip was hot, but at least the old school bus’ windows opened so we could get some air. Scouts speculated if the rumors they heard were true. Australians could go topless at the beach. Turn right when you hit the beach and head down to the southern end of the beach if you wanted to see some titties. I wasn’t sure if...
I had given my various sexperiences in my previous posts. Now I am going to give my experiences in relation to my marriage, in the early years. I got married in while I was working in Chennai to a girl from Kerala, from the neighbouring district. She was a graduate and ok looking Mallu girl. We were staying in an apartment complex in Anna Nagar and friend of mine was also staying there. We used enjoy sex like any newly married couple and I understood from her participation that she was also...
It had been a week since Debbie had told me her story and I had spent that time trying to notice any discernable change in her that might indicate whether it was true or not. She acted just as normal, we had even had a normal lovemaking session since. She was maybe a bit more confident, a slight arrogant bounce in her step, but nothing you could really say was different. She dressed the same, talked about the same things and responded to me in the same way. I was beginning to think maybe it had...
When Lucy woke up she was on her back, staring up at her mother's cunt.. Hermother was on top of her holding her legs. She was making her knees touch thefloor on either side of the little girl's head. Lucy felt her ass cheeks beingspread wide by her mother."Go on...Shove your cock in her fucking ass. That will wake the little whoreup!...Just cram it in and fuck this little whore like the slut she is!" Lucyheard her mother say.With a chuckle the man grunted and shoved his cock into the little...
Her voice sounded funny to her own ears as she mumbled nervously ‘Hello? Are you still there?’ She had known that they would wind up naked and intertwined before the night was out, however, it was not going exactly as she had anticipated. For one, her partner was being uncharacteristically silent. For another, she was used to being in charge of the situation, of making the decisions, because that is the image she presented to the world: strong and in charge, she was definitely not that, at the...
Hi I am Raj( changed ) shah. Ye story story mere mami ke bare mein hai .Meri mami hamare ghar par aai thi unke ghar se 5 din ke liye. Mere ghar par mere mummy papa aur mein. Main aapko bata du meri mami ka figure 36-29-38 .Itni sexy ki pucho hi mat.Uska face itna gora ki rat ko bhi wo dikhe.Wo hamare ghar pohnchi rat ko aur fir fresh ho kar hum ne dinner liya aur mami mummy aur papa tino beth kar batein kar raahe the aur mein t.V dekh raha tha.Fir bate karne ke bad mummy ne mami ko pucha ki aap...
The Body Switch that Saved My Life Genres: Drama, comedy, tragedy... Romance, criminal, thriller... Business ethics, child upbringing, struggle against discrimination... Subject: This is the complete story, from the forced body switch until the final passing, after not one but two lived lives - first as a man and then as a woman. White magic. Exotic looks. Girls-girls eroticism. Learning a formerly unknown tolerance towards those in any way different, and working to spread this new...
It was dark and peaceful here at the lake as I parked my little foreign sports car in the picnic grounds. We walked in the dark to the lake shore where it was ghostly quiet. We could still see the dark outline of the trees against the inky black sky, and the silvery smooth water of the lake in the fading light of the summer night. I was thinking how lucky I had been bumping into her in the pizza place because I was otherwise alone and desperately wanting some female company, as usual. While we...
It wasn't all milk and cookies! On one side, I had a Coven composed of teenage girls, and on the other, a Coven of four previously abused women and one who voluntarily enslaved herself for access to Magic. There was no open antagonism towards each other though. They certainly had no issues if I wanted a mixed threesome with females from both Covens. The women wanted a set of things; the girls wanted a set of things. I was only one thing! We had to adjust to the brew of desires, wants, and...
I let you subside before coming up for air, the heat and your juices have soaked my face and the cool air is welcoming as I escape the blankets..No sooner have I emerged than a mouth fastens on to mine.... no.. no.. NO... this isn't the deal!.... No emotions... Just physical.. OK!I push you away and lie back, hoping you understand, not wishing to upset. As if in answer a hand closes round my erection, experience showing as it starts moving, pumping the loose flesh firmly but not too...
"Ouch." It hurt like hell when she rammed me from behind with that supermarket shopping cart. I was bending over, trying to get a can of soup from the bottom shelf of the display. I almost took a header into a mountain of cans when she ran into me. At first she was embarrassed and then there was a slight lilt of amusement in her voice when she said, "Oh, please excuse me." "That's quite all right." Now it was a little funny to me too. I assessed my attacker. Perhaps my age, mid to...
"Don't see why you're moaning," dad laughs as I pass him yet another handful of pink and silver streamers. "You're the one who insists on hanging out with these celebrities, attending their parties... There's no ducking out of it now just because it's your turn to organise one!" "Give me a break," I sigh. "I've been at work every day this week..." "Ooh, poor you, having to work for a living," Beverly laughs, making me sigh. "Thanks for helping out today, Chris." "My pleasure," dad...
After 10 years of marriage any couple goes through some stale patches in the bedroom, Sara and I usually got through these times with various activities toys, role play, some bondage, Sara loved me to dominate her and make her do dirty things. We also discussed our fantasies, which always got us hot while we were making love; of course threesomes came up from time to time and although Sara got really turned on at this she said she could never go through with it with either another girl or...
EroticAfter a couple months of not talking, me and my friend Casey started talking again. Casey is a . She is tall, thin, and has the best tits ever. The other day I called Casey and invited her to see a movie with me. During the movie we were discussing sex. We have had some of the same partners. So I bluntly said "we should do it, and videotape it". The next day Casey invited me and another guy to her house. When i got there they were sitting on the couch talking. So i sat on her lap and looked her...
LesbianMarc pulled the motorhome back onto Highway 85 and continued their southward journey. About fifteen minutes later they slowed to pass through the small city of Ajo, Arizona. Looking at the map Skyler suggested it might be a good idea to top off their tanks. Marc agreed, and pulled into a locally owned truck stop. After they pulled next to a fuel island, Marc and Skyler both climbed out of the motorhome. Marc went inside while Hawk stood at the door of the RV. From there he watched Skyler top...
Sidled up alongside the Galaxy Fleet hospital ship "Mercy", the scout ship "Gazelle" was a mere speck--a hundred-meter arrowhead docked to a bulbous cylinder ten times longer and displacing a hundred times more mass. Of course, the single pilot of the "Gazelle"--30-year old Galaxy Scout Galina Barding--was used to the gigantic ego of the Galaxy Fleet. All spit-and-polish, the Galaxy Fleet was responsible for defense of the Galactic Empire, while Galina's agency--the Galaxy Scout...
Our story is about two sisters who are identical twins. Our names are Lucy and Linda. We're eighteen years old. The only way you can tell us apart, is my sister Linda has a birthmark on her back. It's just a small little mark, but that is the only way you can tell which twin you're looking at. We've had so much fun messing with our friends. We've even shared boyfriends. We're very sexual and have been enjoying each other since we were seventeen. My parents have always had us in the same...
There I was dozing in my cage, when the young guard came round. She opened the door, grabbed my chain and jerked me upright.I knew better than to protest. She was only a young slip of a thing compared to my physique but she held the whip hand quite literally. Also her other hand now firmly gripped the chain that was attached to the fastening on my chastity cage and with a sharp tug she reminded me of the power that gave her. Anyway, I had been trained over the last year to be obedient, any...
It happened totally by chance. I was on a business trip and after a long day in meetings I went in to the bar at the hotel to unwind. I ended up sitting at the bar and started to talk to this black man at the bar. He was a big man with a very nice disposition. I would have guessed him to be in his 50s. We struck up a conversation about my wife and ultimately ended up talking about our sex live. I told him about sharing my wife and my first bi experience. He asked me if I was gay, I told him I...
Gay“How has it been going, son?” his father said.‘Rather well, dad. You and mom were right. Getting away from home has helped. I’m more relaxed and I’ve made some new friends, real friends. Not those who like me for who or what I am,” he replied.“Being the son of a college professor and detective isn’t so bad, is it,” his mother chimed in.He laughed. “Calling yourself a college professor and dad a detective is stretching the truth. Here, I’m viewed as the son of some wealthy Italian parents.”“You...
College SexI have been having an open relationship with a guy named Nick. He’s 21, stunning, 6’5”, very muscular, brown hair and eyes. He graduated from university a few years early and currently works for his dad’s business empire. Nick lives in this lavish apartment in Central London overlooking Hyde Park and I spend most of my time there. When I’m there I usually cook, clean, train and study. Three or four times a week I spend the night at his and one morning I awoke to the sound of his alarm and...
Mera naam Ishant aur mai 3rd year ka student hun.. Mai roz porn dekh kr masturbation krta hun jiske kaaran mera lund ek dum mota ur kada ho gya hai…. Koi bhi lady mere id ish pe iss kahani ka feedback bhej skti hain… Ye kahani meri mast sexy moti chachi shweta ki hai. To pehle main unka figure bata dun unki age 35 se 40 ke beech ki hai.. Unki tummy thodi bahar hai.. Unki chuchiyan thodi choti hai lekin usnki gaand hadd se badi hai.. Jab rste pe chlti hain to log zarur unhe dekhte hai… To aate...
Story of my first encounter with an older man sucking him, and swallowing his cum(Names and numbers were changed because... you know)HOW IT ALL CAME TO BEAt that time I had little sexual knowledge, I was very curious and had searched online for porn, who hadn't?; but also had searched about the human body knew a bit about sexuality. I even had the experience of getting completely naked with a male classmate at home, we explored each other's bodies, touching, poking and etc (that's a story for...
Part One: Brown Eyed Bears Okay, remember how my first scene ended with me throwing up on the camera? Not good, I hear you say. Not so fast, say I. Turns out this was not a career ending move, rather it’s the scat equivalent of the money shot. Becky is on the phone and enthusing over the ‘up and chuck’ scene. “Sales of that clip are going great, they all love that POV moment when you introduced them to your lunch. You’re a star, hun!” Yay me, dad will be so proud. Thing is I am pleased....
Hi everyone,I m very old to this website I have been reading stories in all sections having plenty of female friends here from Bangalore, I’m rajesh here age 25 working in Core company. I stay in Bangalore presently. For suggestions and interests contact me to I’m going to tell you my real story. I’m not interested in telling any imaginary / fantasy. I’m Rajesh, 29yrs, staying in Bangalore, Karnataka. Karnataka. In my first year everything was normal – just going to college, chatting with...
I slowly came awake, not wanting to leave the wonderful dreams I’d been having. My bed was oh so comfortable and for some reason, my body was feeling a wonderful tingly sensation. Sunlight streamed through the open curtains in my bedroom and I squinted my eyes trying to get my bearings. That’s when I saw a head of tousled brunette hair draped across my groin. More awake now, I realized that soft, warm lips were kissing up and down my semi-erect cock, sending waves of pleasure through me. I...
A sissy called Jezebel Part XXXII - More sexy nap time for our favorite sissy, will Jezebel (aka Georgette) have a good time? "That's right, I forgot, mother. My sports event was Saturday, Abby's is today." "You can nap in the car, dear. I'll fetch you, if she makes the finals, so you can cheer her on." Once we get to the parking lot, there's a surprise for me. Mistress Ismeralda is waiting for me on her 'hog.' When she sees me, I get a huge smile. She is so sweet to me. ...
The next three days were spent masturbating off and on to thoughts and memories of Amy. After I fucked Erica for an entire night and got months of pent up sperm out of my system, then I was ready to see Amy again. Finally, on Wednesday night my doorbell rang and I opened the door to find Amy standing there looking shocked and sexy as hell! "Hey," she said quietly. "How have you been?" "Not bad," I replied. "Man, you look great!" "Thanks," she said smiling. She really looked hot: Tight blue...
VoyeurMy first time for anal sex, Well it was back when I was in matric. I decide to bunk school for the day and go to my boyfriends house.So once my mom dropped me off at the school's main gate it wasn't long afterwards that my boyfriend arrived and I hopped into his car.We first quickly went to the garage to get a few snacks for the day and then headed off to his apartment.During the short 10 minute drive to his apartment I started teasing him by placing my hand on his lap and rubbing up and down...
Kennedy Kessler has a surprise for her beau Brad Sterling. She goes to into the bathroom and peels off her clothes down to her underwear. Then she pulls out a sexy maid outfit that she’s been saving for a special occasion. After she slips into the lingerie, she gives herself one last look in the mirror and then struts out the door to make Brad’s day. When Brad lays eyes on his girlfriend, he can’t help the grin that crosses his face. She’s hot as hell as she uses her...
xmoviesforyouOn Monday I barely managed to be home at five to three. Helen looked ravishing, but she was obviously nervous, like a teenager going on her first date. I calmed her down a little, and assured her of her outstanding beauty and my love, and my sincere appreciation that she was willing to give this a try. And then the doorbell rang. Alfred was very impressed by the completeness of the equipment, and then we started trying out all the different stuff. Which of course meant, that he'd be in...
I awoke to the sound of many hooves on the nearby road. I rolled out of my blanket, found my rifle, stayed low and crawled to the roadside. Here came a redcoated officer, a captain, followed by a bunch of horses and a couple of well-mounted dragoons. I watched them pass, trying to count the horse flesh, at least a dozen, roped in pairs and threesomes. Then there was a mule-drawn farm wagon filled with barrels, kegs and a small blonde, bound and gagged, that I assumed was a girl from the...
My Mother’s Welcome Home Treat This is my first morning living back with my mother in her house and I woke up in her new bed, there is just the two of us now. My father left her three weeks ago and my girlfriend has moved back down south to look after her parents. She is already up and dressed as we have a busy day in front of us, we have all my stuff to sort out in to my old bedroom, to give the impression that I am sleeping in that room“Here’s some breakfast, the sooner we start the sooner we...
I woke up alone the next morning, which was unusual. We tried not to flaunt it in front of Mom. While she didn’t put up a fight against it, she wasn’t thrilled with Zoe and my nocturnal activities. Most nights Zoe snuck into my room, or I snuck into hers. Sometimes with Tami or Vicki in too, if one of them was spending the night with us. But I had gone to be alone after my disastrous date with Emily. I wasn’t sure if I was happy or not that Zoe had gone along with my request for some alone...
Hey folks, I'm surprised that so many of you liked last week's story. That only means that a lot of you probably won't like this one. But it's fine. As I warned you guys a few weeks ago I'm on a storyteller's vacation. For a few weeks I just wanted to throw some crazy ideas out there and get away from the typical "I came home and she was screwing the neighbor" stories. Don't get me wrong, those stories are the bread and butter of LW. We all love them. They're real and there's power...
Susan Smith buttoned the gold, satin blouse and tucked it into her black slacks and zipped them up. Smoothing out her buttocks, she turned to study them. At forty five she was still looking good. Dark brown hair hung past her shoulders accentuating a brown, flawless complexion. Large brown mischievous eyes always seemed to regard the outside world with a mixture of mild contempt and curiosity. She smoothed the blouse over her plump breasts and eased it down to her hips, she had a good body but...
William stood at the bottom of the stairs in the dark. The only source of light, a thin sliver coming from the hallway above through the bottom of his daughter's bedroom door. He stood listening, hearing her moving about, no doubt preparing for bed. Seconds later the light beneath the door turned off. He had nearly turned heading back to his own room, but now stood, needing to allow his eyes to readjust to the near total darkness. It was then that he heard a whimpering sound, faint ... just...
I’ve been divorced for over a decade. Left my annoying as fuck wife, moved to southern Oregon, and immersed myself into the local culture; a little redneck, a little hippie, a little woo-woo, a little folks-with-money-who-don’t-flaunt-it. Most of my friends fell into the first three categories, and many of those ladies satisfied my sexual urges without any hope of anything beyond that. I also made a few friends, all happily married couples, in the latter set. It’s a particular one of those...
MatureI was sitting at my desk, as I would often do. And I had another deadline ahead. My editor was breathing down my neck, but that was not news. Ronnie called me at some point later in the evening. It was too late to go on working, and I was happy to hear from her. She was a nice person all together, and also, often horny, especially since her divorce. She knows very well what I like and dislike in bed, and over the years Ronnie was responsible for realizing quite a few of my fantasies.But this...
Watching my next-door neighbor kneel in front of her boyfriend with her head bobbing up and down over his cock was quite a surprise. She's never closed her curtains and I've watched her for many years. Often sitting in the dark on the edge of my bed, stroking my cock. I was always enthralled by the size of her breasts and the thick but nicely shaped patch of hair between her legs. I would watch her come out of the shower or getting dressed to go out, trying on different outfits, checking...
gym...dark lights, crepe paper streamers, kids huddled in close, sweet embraces. I was more interested in who was dancing with who than I was in finding a partner of my own. I wasn't really sure why I even went. Habit, I guess. Something to do. It's not like I was in demand or anything. As far as dances go, I'm Mr. Sidelines. I came to the dance alone, like I always did. Occasionally, I'd get my nerve up and ask some girl to dance with me -- usually some shy but acceptable...
A U-Haul van pulls up outside a beautiful blue house in the suburbs of Setgow. Skylar, just turned 18, steps out of the van and relishes the cool breeze on his face as he stretches' his thin legs after being trapped in the car for the past 4 hours, the wind pushes his neck-length dirty blonde hair past his bright blue eyes which he gently brushes aside back behind his ears. After the death of Skylar's mother, his sister and newly retired step-father decided to start anew in a new town. Skylar's...
FetishI started writing because my regular life fell apart. I was already paralyzed, but the wheels came off the train because of a woman and I had to start over. Unfortunately, I grew up with a severe learning disability that went untreated, so not only do I have a lot to learn, there's a limit to how much I can do. I hope you won't hold any of that against me, nor will you excuse poor writing because of it. I welcome and am motivated by your feed back. Please take a minute to leave a comment....