Solstice Ch. 03 free porn video

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The voice was close to my ear but I didn’t want to hear it, my body much too heavy, mind much too fuzzy to respond. So I ignored it and let myself drift away again…

‘Em-ma.’ He sang my name this time, a definite note of amusement in his tone. ‘Come on, sweetheart. I want you to see this.’


With a gasp, I jerked awake, finding myself pressed against a warm, naked body, our limbs entangled. For a moment, I couldn’t move, my cheek apparently glued to his chest, my sense of panic doubling as I realised that everything was orange. His skin, the grass, the sky…

Sunrise. Adam…

Wincing with pain, I peeled my face away, feeling a cooling breeze on my chin as I lifted my head and hearing him laugh as I traced wetness back to the corner of my mouth.

‘Aw,’ he said, smiling as I stared at him in horror. ‘So you dribbled at bit. It’s okay. Listening to you snore was far worse.’

‘I was snoring?’ I sat up abruptly, only to gasp again as something soft rippled down to my lap. My dress. Adam’s shirt. He must have covered me while I slept, I realised — and now I was naked again. ‘Oh!’ I grabbed at my dress, dragging it up over me, covering my breasts.

‘Hey!’ Though he was laughing again, he sounded puzzled. ‘I’ve already seen all of you, sweetheart. Every bit.’

‘Not — not like this.’ Not in this curious half light, the amber glow intensifying by the moment, washing over everything. ‘It was dark.’

‘Not really.’ I felt his hand on my bare back, his voice soft. ‘And you looked just as beautiful in the moonlight as you do right now.’

I wanted to ask him if he really meant that, wanted to ask if he had any regrets about what we’d done, whether he felt as confused as I did. But embarrassment, acute and raw, wouldn’t let me. Instead, I gazed out across the hillside towards the east, my mouth dropping open at what I saw.

The heavens were aflame, the sky predominantly pink, topped by combed swathes of deep red. Tipping back my head I could see that the clouds gradually darkened to indigo, matching the night sky behind us. Here and there, the candy-floss-like plumes were streaked with gold and as I watched, a narrow strip of that same gold began to appear on the horizon. ‘Yes, I meant that. I don’t know how to make you believe it, but you really are beautiful. And no, before you ask, I don’t regret a second of last night.’

I gasped again as Adam knelt up behind me, startled enough to let him swipe my dress away. ‘How the hell did you do that?’ I demanded as he shook it out then dropped it over my head, the slippery folds settling over me, covering me completely.

‘Well, taking it off was easier –‘

‘Not that. How d’you read my mind? Know exactly what I’m thinking?’

He laughed softly, helping me slide my arms through the straps before zipping up the back. ‘I’ve no idea. I thought it was because of your eyes — but I wasn’t even looking at you that time, was I?’

‘No.’ I sighed as he eased me backwards into his lap. ‘Are you a dream?’ I let my head drop back against his chest, realising he’d re-donned his shirt when I felt the fabric there. ‘Is all of this a dream?’

‘Hmm.’ He smoothed the hair away from my neck, planting a kiss below my ear. ‘Do you usually dribble on the men in your dreams?’

‘Hey!’ I slapped at his hand and he chuckled, wrapping both arms around me. ‘I think you’d find it difficult to dream up this view.’

He was right. We sat in silence for a while, watching as the crimson clouds paled to coral, the band of gold gradually widening beneath them. ‘One to cross off the list of things to do before I die,’ I murmured at last, still not quite able to believe this was real, that I was there in Adam’s embrace, witnessing one of planet earth’s greatest spectacles.

‘You know what this means, don’t you?’ He nuzzled my neck again, one of his hands moving from the safety of my waist to the delicate skin at my collar bone.

‘I have to add something new to the list?’ I shivered slightly, the gentle caress sending a jolt of electricity straight to my groin.

‘Uh huh.’ He kissed me again, his fingers wandering lower, dipping beneath the neckline of my dress. ‘I’ve just thought of something new for mine. Want to guess what it is?’

‘Um –‘ I muttered, playing for time. ‘You want to have breakfast with me?’

He chuckled, the sound turning me on just as much as the feel of his fingers slipping lower, cupping my breast, toying with my nipple. ‘No. I want to have you for breakfast.’

I inhaled sharply as he pulled away, his hands skimming my sides before grabbing fistfuls of material, yanking the dress up to my waist. ‘Adam –‘ I gulped as he pitched me forward, sending me on to my hands and knees. ‘Oh!’ I was only too aware of what I must look like, my generous bottom fully exposed to the elements. To Adam.

‘Don’t tell me.’ He seized my hips, pulling me backwards against him until I could feel his erection poking my left buttock. ‘You’ve never done this before either, have you?’

‘No.’ My voice was almost a whimper. I was scared. Make that terrified. ‘Um — wh-where exactly were you planning on p-putting that thing?’

His hands froze. ‘What? Oh…’ Letting out a heavy sigh, he tugged me back to a kneeling position, his arms folding round me again, holding me tight. ‘No, sweetheart.’ He sounded amused. ‘Somehow, I don’t think you’re quite ready for that. Although –‘ Holding me at arm’s length again, I could feel his appreciative gaze on my rear. I shot a horrified glance back at him and he laughed, planting a kiss between my shoulder blades. ‘Teasing you is way too easy.’

‘Oh!’ I groaned, shivering with anticipation as he gathered up my skirt again, one hand sliding up my inner thigh. ‘I’m so naïve.’

‘And so ready for me.’ I winced at the squelching sound his fingers made as they dipped between my legs. ‘Emma — you’re just one big gooey mess!’

‘I’m sorry,’ I managed, my words riding on the back of a moan as he stroked me, rocking backwards and forwards, driving me crazy. ‘I — I didn’t get the ch-chance to clean — up — oh!’ I whimpered as his fingers slipped inside me, his thumb brushing repeatedly over my clit.

‘I can’t believe you’re apologising,’ he murmured in my ear as I struggled for breath, already losing control, perilously close to flying off the edge. ‘Most of this goo is mine. God.’ He groaned, working deeper. ‘You feel so hot. So damn tight. I’m sorry sweetheart — I should let you come. But I’ve got to be inside you when you do.’

I yelped with frustration when he drew away, hearing him chuckle as he pushed me forward, my hands landing on the grass. He moved in behind me, shoving my knees apart with his own, hitching my dress back up around my hips. And then his fingers were there again, feeling for me, finding my opening.

‘Adam!’ I sobbed as he pushed straight in, the copious lubrication from our previous coupling allowing him to fill me in a single, smooth stroke. ‘O-o-ow!’ In this position his cock felt even bigger than I remembered, seeming to stretch my still-tender pussy improbably wide.

‘Relax, sweetheart, just relax.’ He held my hips still, trailing kisses down my spine. ‘God — you feel good. Too good.’

I couldn’t speak, could barely breathe, the sunrise in front of us blurring into a haze of red and gold. ‘Please –‘ I whimpered eventually, not entirely sure whether I was begging him to stop or carry on. ‘Please, Adam –‘

‘Now,’ he breathed, as though he’d been waiting for my permission, withdrawing almost completely, leaving me so achingly empty I cried out with relief when he plunged back in. ‘Emma,’ he murmured, laughing softly as he pulled out of me again, one hand stealing around my hip, dipping into the curls between my legs.

We both moaned as he caressed me there, sliding readily into the wetness, at first distracting me from the discomfort of
his penetration but then only serving to heighten my arousal as the pain subsided. Long, sensuous strokes were interspersed with short, taunting, thrusts, the continuing stimulation of his clever fingers driving all thought, save that of the imminent sunrise, right out of my head.

Determined to watch, I managed to keep my eyes open only by staring into the distance and concentrating on that steadily widening band of yellow. The amber glow around us had given way to a deep reddish-gold, the fiery light filling me just as completely as Adam was filling me. And as that fire ignited low in my tummy, I began pushing back against him, forcing him deeper but still needing more. ‘Adam — please!’

He growled in response, pressing the heel of his hand into my lower belly, pushing hard against my womb, somehow intensifying the friction of each thrust. Ripples of pleasure began radiating outwards from beneath his hand, racing across my whole body before surging back, merging together to form one, giant wave.

I screamed, my orgasm crashing over me just as the sun emerged from beneath the horizon, exploding into the sky, the golden light dazzling. And just as before, the frantic fluttering of my pussy seemed to trigger Adam’s own release. Bellowing my name, he drove into me one last time, burying himself deep, flooding me with his seed.

As my knees began to tremble, Adam scooped me up and tipped us over to one side, his arms holding me tight. ‘Dear God,’ he murmured at last, sounding almost startled. ‘I don’t think I can cross that one off the list. I think I might have to do that again someday.’

With me? I longed to know, my head spinning, my body still tingling. Was this the end or only the beginning? Was there a chance he too wanted more? Lisa would’ve asked, that little voice in my head taunted, hell — even Eve would’ve asked. But Eve was long gone. I think we left her behind at the kissing gate.

‘Emma?’ His lips brushed against my shoulder. ‘You still there?’

I forced a laugh. ‘Yes.’

‘Thank God. I thought maybe you’d died.’

My giggle was genuine this time. ‘It would’ve been one hell of a way to go.’

‘What were you thinking about?’

‘I –‘ Thrown by the note of concern in his voice, I was relieved when a much safer topic dropped into my mind. ‘Work,’ I groaned softly.

He echoed my groan. ‘Phone in sick.’

‘I can’t.’

‘Why not?’

‘I’m not sick. It would be a lie.’

He laughed. ‘Not really. Tell your boss you haven’t slept. That you’re exhausted.’

‘I am.’ I groaned again, closing my eyes. ‘But it’s completely self-inflicted.’

‘So?’ He was still laughing. ‘It’s a white lie.’

‘It’s still a lie. I don’t tell lies.’


‘Never.’ I shook my head for emphasis, my head brushing against his chest. ‘How can I teach the children it’s wrong to tell lies if I do it?’

‘Really? Okay.’ He sounded amused. ‘What if your friend spent two hundred pounds on a new dress and you thought it looked terrible? You’d tell her the truth?’ He chuckled when I hesitated, dropping a kiss into my hair. ‘Thought not.’

‘Well, I’ve got a friend who would,’ I protested, my cheeks flaring hot at being caught out.


‘Yes.’ I frowned, both surprised and touched he’d remembered my best friend’s name. ‘And maybe she’s got the right idea. The world would be a much better place if people were more honest with each other.’

‘Honesty.’ He murmured the word as though trying it on for size. ‘You want honesty?’

‘Yes.’ I sighed, enjoying the gentle caress of his hand over mine, for the first time becoming aware of our surroundings, my gaze settling on the awakening city below. ‘I don’t think that’s too much to — oh no!’ I froze at the sight of a black Labrador bounding up the hillside towards us, a short stocky man wearing a peaked hat following behind at a more sedate pace. ‘Shit!’

Adam’s snort of laughter was loud in my ear. ‘Stop panicking. I’m the one not wearing any trousers.’ He eased himself away, pulling down my dress as he crawled over me, staying low. ‘Where the hell are they, anyway?’

‘Here,’ I said with a giggle, finding his clothes in a heap beside my handbag.

Grinning, he grabbed his trousers then reached back again for his briefs, lying down flat to put them on. I heard the close of his zip a mere second before the dog arrived. ‘Hey there boy!’ he exclaimed, springing upright and sending a laughing glance in my direction as he fussed the canine’s ears. ‘How are you, eh? How are you?’

I rose more slowly, nervous of strange dogs but reassured by Adam’s lack of concern. ‘Hello!’ I said brightly, risking a gentle pat. ‘What’s your name then?’

The dog looked at me, sniffed at my skirt then took a few steps away, nose to the grass. And to my horror, I saw what had caught his interest — my knickers, a tiny, twisted scrap of cream satin.

‘No!’ I gasped but Adam was quicker, diving to the ground and snatching them up like a goal-keeper saving a penalty.

‘I don’t think so,’ he said briskly, tapping the dog’s nose and stuffing my knickers in his trouser pocket. ‘They’re mine.’

‘What?’ I glared at him in outrage but he merely grinned, his arm sliding around my waist as the man in the peaked hat walked by. ‘Lovely morning.’

‘Lovely,’ the man echoed, shooting us a rather curious glance.

Adam pulled me into a hug, allowing me to bury my hot face in his shoulder as the man whistled for his dog and carried on. ‘I love it when you blush,’ he murmured, tilting up my chin, smiling as he gazed at me, the look in his eyes unreadable. ‘Come on,’ he said, releasing me just as I was sure he’d kiss me. ‘If you’re really set on going to work this morning we’d better get you home.’

‘I need my knickers,’ I told him sternly, struggling to hide my disappointment. Why hadn’t he kissed me?

He laughed, reaching into his pocket. ‘You probably need this more,’ he said, pushing a large white handkerchief into my hand before bending down to locate his socks and shoes.

‘Adam!’ I blushed anew, realising he’d guessed just how much sticky ooze was trickling down my inner thighs. ‘Please!’

‘Okay, okay.’ Without looking at me, he retrieved my knickers from his other pocket and held them out. ‘In that case, I want my hanky back when you’ve finished with it.’

I gave a choke of disbelief. ‘What?’

He ruffled my hair as he straightened up. ‘Way too easy,’ he murmured with a chuckle, looping my underwear over my fingers. ‘Take your time.’ He waved to the right. ‘I’ll just be over there.’

I stared after him as he strolled away. After all the hours of intimacy, he was giving me space. I couldn’t work out what had changed or why, only that it had somehow happened while he was gazing into my eyes.

Blinking back sudden tears, I cleaned myself up as best I could then stuffed the sodden handkerchief into my handbag. Time to go. I took one last glance around as I slid my feet into my sandals then went to join Adam.

He smiled at the sight of me. ‘Ready?’

‘Yes — oh!’ I smiled back in grateful surprise as he draped his jacket around my shoulders. ‘Thank you.’

But the tiny flicker of my renewed hope began to dwindle the moment we started down the hill. Adam didn’t seem to want to talk and though his hand occasionally brushed mine he never actually took it. It was only when we reached the kissing gate that our eyes met again.

‘You first,’ he murmured, a glimmer of a smile dancing at his lips.

For a moment, I wondered if I dared to do what he’d done last night — pass through, push the gate shut and refuse to let him past until he’d kissed me. But tormented by the thought he might refuse, I let the moment go, navigating the gate without as much as a glance back at him.

‘What time is it?’ I ventured as we finally left the river behind and turned into the High Street.

Adam con
sulted his watch. ‘Quarter to six. What time do you have to be at work?’

‘Seven forty-five.’

‘Oh.’ He gave a sympathetic chuckle, the now familiar sound tugging painfully at my heart. ‘That doesn’t leave much time. We’d better find you a taxi.’

‘There’s no need.’ I gestured towards the bus station across the street. ‘I bought a return ticket yesterday. Might as well use it.’

‘You sure?’ He stared at me in surprise as I rummaged in the side pocket of my handbag. ‘Surely a taxi would be quicker? I’ll pay,’ he added.

I shook my head, producing the ticket with a flourish. ‘The bus stops right outside my door. If I hurry, I can catch the number ten and be home in fifteen minutes.’

He still seemed unsure but I didn’t give him a chance to argue, jogging across the road without him.

‘Emma!’ To my delight he ran after me, catching me up as I entered the bus station. ‘Wait!’

I kept walking, drawing level with the bus, a quick glance at the station clock confirming I had less than a minute to spare.

‘You’re wearing my jacket.’

‘Oh.’ Crushed, I shrugged the jacket from my shoulders and handed it to him. ‘Sorry.’

‘Thanks.’ There was a short, awkward silence. He glanced at me then at the open door of the bus behind me. ‘Well. I guess this is it.’

I swallowed hard. ‘I guess it is.’ I didn’t think it was possible to feel more depressed but the finality of those words was devastating. Our date was over. There wasn’t going to be another. ‘It’s been –‘ I stopped, grasping for a single word that could adequately describe the experience. ‘Fun,’ I finished lamely.

And suddenly, he was grinning. ‘Emma,’ he began. ‘Look –‘

”Scuse me love.’ The bus driver was leaning forward, glancing meaningfully at the clock. ‘Are you getting on or what?’

‘Oh! Yes. Sorry.’ Flustered, I boarded the bus then turned around in the doorway. ‘Adam –‘ I faltered, unsure what to do, what to say. ‘I’ve got to go.’

He nodded, still grinning. ‘I know.’

‘But –‘

‘I’ll call you.’

The bus doors crashed shut leaving me staring at him through the glass, my mouth dropping open as I realised what he’d said.

‘Where to?’ The bus was moving, pulling out of the bay, making me lurch for the nearest handrail.

I spun around to the driver, grinning like a maniac. ‘He said he’d call me,’ I told him happily, waving my return ticket in front of him.

He looked at the ticket then shot me a pitying glance. ‘They all say that, love.’

‘No.’ I shook my head. ‘This is different. He’s not like –‘ I turned, raising my hand to wave, only to discover Adam was gone. ‘Oh!’

Disappointed, I staggered to the back of the swaying bus and dropped into an empty seat, twisting around one last time to see if I could spot him. But it didn’t matter, I told myself, feeling that stupid grin return. It wasn’t over. By the time I got home from work there’d be a message on my machine…

Then it hit me.

There wouldn’t be a message. He couldn’t call me. I’d never given him my number. Worse still, I realised, my heart beginning to beat a little faster, he didn’t know where I lived, he didn’t know where I worked — hell, he didn’t even know my full name.

Maybe I just couldn’t remember giving him my number, I thought desperately, a wash of heat flooding over me. Maybe he’d seen my mobile phone in my handbag and found it for himself. But I knew I was grasping at straws. And I couldn’t call him. He hadn’t given me his number. I didn’t know his full name either.

For the first time I felt a prickle of doubt. I’d just spent the whole night with someone I barely knew. I’d let a perfect stranger woo me by offering dinner at an expensive restaurant, allowing that same stranger to take me for a walk in the moonlight then seduce me under the stars.

But it wasn’t like that, I reasoned, battling with my misgivings. By the time we’d started walking up St Catherine’s Hill, I’d felt like I’d known him for years. Our conversation had been easy, effortless. He’d encouraged me to talk about myself, about my relationship with James, my hopes and dreams for the future.

Great, that little voice sneered in my head. But what did I know about him?

I knew his first name was Adam. I knew his wife Claire had died two years ago. I knew he was some kind of artist or designer and that he’d done a parachute jump for charity.

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How Mom Taught Me The Right Way

Note : This story is completely fictional! This takes me back to when I was a 18 yr. old young man and thought I knew everything. My mom showed me how wrong I was. My friends and I had discussed sex many times and although I had not had the opportunity to actually engage in it I felt I was schooled enough in the subject to discuss. One afternoon after school I had some friends over and of course the discussion turned to a young lady in our class. We were discussing how it would be to make love...

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JapanHDV Misato Shiraishi Masochist Misato Shiraishi has some men pleasure her pussy

Our older forty something mature model Ms Misato Shiraishi is a sexy woman who is a bit mischievous. She likes to play and she likes to buy new outfits and model them for her lovers. She is not shy about her body and enjoys showing it off if she has the chance. She also also enjoys some strange fetishes and is not afraid to get several lovers to come over to play with her. She is into some b0ndage and getting men to wear some collars and leashes so she can lead them around the house. She also...

2 years ago
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Author’s Note: All characters in this story are at least 18 years old. Naruto had a knack for finding trouble. He was two and a half years into his training trip with the Perv he called a teacher. The Pervy Sage was off gallivanting with some prostitutes leaving Naruto to his own devices, which was how he got caught up in defending a man being strung up in a tree in the forest near the village they were staying in. The man had been chased to that spot by several ronin samurai most likely in the...

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Crash Island

Crash Island I was on an unbelievably beautiful vacation that I had won in a contest. I was going to island hop around the Caribbean for the entire winter. It would last a full six months from November first to April thirtieth. Getting out of New York was a wonderful thing once in a while. At my age of sixty this was also a dream vacation, one that I had actually dreamed of for most of my life. When I won it I was speechless then I jumped for joy. When I told my boss that I needed six...

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Jessie Michael and ClaireChapter 4

Hi! I’m Michael. Not “Mike,” please. Just “Michael.” The girls call me “Mike” but they’re privileged. One thing you’ve got to know about me right away. I’ve got a really high libido. Always have, ever since I can remember. My teen-age years were hell, and college wasn’t much better. I’d have to go back to my dorm room or the library and jerk off every afternoon, because the morning and evening cums just weren’t enough for me. But now that I’m in a relationship with two women who wouldn’t...

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Long Submissive Blow Job

I met Bob in a chat room and after getting to know him a while realized he lived a few blocks from where I worked. We then decided to hook up so that I could give him a “nice” blowjob over lunch. I to his town home and was greeted by this 5-10, 190lb dark haired business type guy. He was in just a T-shirt and boxers. He invited me in and I stripped naked. He grabbed me from behind pressing his hard cock into my back as he pinched my nipples and caressed my cock and balls. “You are fucking hot”...

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Chance Motel Ch 02

Rebecca walked briskly down the hallway of the Chance Motel toward room 461. She had gotten the voicemail demanding she meet him here at 4:30 p.m. when she had finished work for the day. She especially couldn’t understand why he asked to meet her in a dive like this. As a prosecutor, she tried to keep away from any and all things that could in any way damage her career as the D.A.’s up and coming new attorney mastermind and this place had scandal written all over it. The Chance Motel was known...

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Lea was sitting naked on the table and Rob was standing beside her. Three naked men were across from her as Rob showed off her body for their entertainment. He told her "Spread your legs. Yes. Now wider." He then grabbed a tit with one hand and pushed two fingers in her cunt with the other. As he ravaged her body he tongue kissed her mouth. Rob loved showing her off to his male friends. Lea would do anything he said and he loved using her body many ways. She was so sexy and so beautiful and...

3 years ago
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Hannahs Good Vibrations

‘Wow!’ Three orgasms in just one hour. Am I lucky or is this the kind of pleasure I’ve been missing out on all this time? I can’t believe I’ve never used anything like this before and it only cost me under £40. Perhaps I should have invested in a vibrator earlier, but then again I didn’t need one this time last year. I pick up the ‘Erotic Rabbit Vibrator’ and admire its design; who would have thought something like this would be able to produce such a strong reaction from me. Still panting...

Straight Sex
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Dragons KnowledgeChapter 3

It's now two years from when Karen and Dracon had begun their lives together. The first year was spent just making the cave into a repository for the stories and histories that they would be gathering, as well as into a better living arrangement. What was then, one big room was now one big room with three side rooms. The first was a storage room for all the food and cooking supplies. The second was their bedroom with built in shelves on the wall. And the third was a small storage room for...

1 year ago
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Her First Tattoo part two

Lauren had invited her friend Shelli to spend the weekend, mainly because Shelli thought her stepdad, Phil, was hot. And on Friday night, Shelli had easily seduced Phil and ended up having him eat her little pussy before fucking her hard on his desk.The surprise was that when Lauren had sneaked into the room and started watching her "old" stepdad banging her friend, she had gotten turned on, and had ended up bending over stepdad's desk herself, and asking him to fuck her, too.The sight of...

Oral Sex
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The Boyfriend Search

He was very focused. Angel started to say something to him to let him know she was home, but he was hammering and a pipe must have burst. Water sprayed out violently. "Goddammit!" He scrambled to get the water shutoff, leaving him soaked and the shower a disaster. He continued cursing. She was taken back a bit, he was usually so calm and in control. "Daddy," she rushed up to him and tried to do something to help. "Oh honey," he said, calming down a bit on seeing her. "It’s been...

3 years ago
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Music Festival Fun

Kitty had heard about the music festival for years because it took place just a few miles from the trailer park where Kitty lived. Her mom told her that the kids who came to the festival were dirty hippies, and told Kitty to stay away from them.But every summer, Kitty saw the vans, and the kids walking in, who seemed to be having a LOT of fun. They all wore colorful outfits, both the girls and the guys, and they didn't mind "public displays of affection" or PDA, as Kitty and her friends...

2 years ago
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A personal memory of Behind the Green Door

It was 1982, I was at university and one of my classmates had a friend (his girlfriend's best friend) who was a film student. Her name was Jeanne. Jeanne needed a VCR to watch a bunch of Truffaut art house movies for her term paper and unlike many students at the time, I happened to own one. So I gave her a key to the place. Jeanne watched movies during the day while I was at classes and did her term paper on my living room floor. Once she was done, she could take off for Christmas earlier than...

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Togetherness FChapter 3 Sensuality reflected

Afterwards, she led the pledge class in serenading the actives during Sunday dinner. They could have sounded better, but nobody complained. The meeting dealt with two routine matters, and she got to study most of the afternoon and evening. She would, at least, be prepared for Monday. Monday night, the pledges were kept in the study room after dinner. Laura had persuaded Natalie that this would maintain discipline while having them likelier to pass their subjects. She sat with them doing her...

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Seven Minutes in Heaven

We had been flirting all evening, and as the party wore on, things started getting more adventurous. The host was moving soon, and clearly wasn't going to be happy until his going-away party turned into some sort of orgy. He had been liberal with drinks and weed all evening, and we weren't the only couple building up towards an obvious conclusion. Eventually, some variation of strip-poker combined with spin-the-bottle and truth-or-dare started up. It wasn't long until most of us were naked or...

College Sex
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BackroomCastingCouch Kimberly 07132020

The only first we had today was Kimberly’s first time on a porn set. She’s been there, done that and experienced nearly all carnal pleasures. We found her searching for adult gigs online and reached out. It took a few weeks, lots of rescheduling and even more convincing to finally get her to the office, but holy fuck! Her performance was more than worth the effort. Will she continue in the business? One never can tell. Sometimes they decide to disappear after getting the original...

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Worlds Record

I was too young to stay home by myself. I pleaded for it anyway, knowing I'd end up with Aunt Jo and Uncle Al, or maybe at my best friend David's for the weekend. Or as a last resort, with Aunt Donna and her new husband Phil. That was the last place I wanted to go. I loved Donna to death, but Phil was an absolute asshole. "Forget it," Mom said disgustedly. "No 14-year-old is staying home by himself." This was on Wednesday, the last time I made the appeal. I was shocked shitless then,...

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The Destroyers Book 2 Hope and BetrayalChapter 42 Battle for Karsakini Part 6 and The Betrayal

Ken jerked his head around to the main tactical screen. "To all ships! Red alert! All hands man your battlestations!" Ken ordered. He turned and walked quickly to the main CIC panel. He looked at the hyper wake coming in. "Estimated time of arrival?" "Six minutes, Sir," replied the sensor officer. "Stack us up. I want a full broadside of weapons to bear on the targets. Launch all fighters." "Yes, Sir! Launching all fighters, stacking the ships." "Dispatch the rest of...

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Scarlet in School 2

A million thoughts ran through Mr. Wilson's mind. This young girl was only fifteen years old, but was so sexy. He also felt a great amount of sympathy for her; a beautiful, smart, charming girl like her did not deserve to be treated so horribly. His respect and admiration for her also grew as he thought about how many times she had shown up to class with messy hair and smudged make-up, sometimes even with bruises along her upper arms; he had never thought much about it, but now he discovered...

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Brazilian Bitch

Brazilian BitchBy: Londebaaz Chohan (A word of caution. Some stories are not fictional but all true like this one. Take all precautions to copy). Brazilian Florence was the one to make me fuck her ass. It was only a next door affair but if I think back, her brother Vincent would have cut my dick off; knowing that I was fucking his sister and both in her pussy and ass. It is so nice that at certain age; only the cock head thinks and decides; what and who to fuck. Thank god for that. Florence had...

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Shelly and Angie

It was a year of single dates after David and her 22 birthday that she met Michael, he was a dud as well. It was also after almost a year after her birthday, that Shelly had a proposition thrown at her to try a girl for a change. She went home and talked to her neighbor about the idea. It was crazy to her but she was talking to Kim, so how crazy was it? Kim told her the same thing that she was thinking but both of them weighed the pro's and cons and she looked at the sheet again and again...

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Sexy Monica

Let me introduce myself. I am 26 years of age, muscular body, and dusty complexion. But I have attractive features. This is a true incident that took place in my life. I just finished my schooling. I was enjoying my vacations. One fine day I receive a phone call. The voice was very sweet. I handed over the phone to dad as it was for him. Later dad told me that we are expecting guest at our place they are coming from pune. I asked who are they and dad told me they are some far off relation to...

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First LoveChapter 27

Ryan lay in bed, his mouth sore where Jen had hit him. He started to cry, but couldn't get many tears out. It was over, he'd blown it. He began to think of all the times they'd had together, trying to remember what it felt like when she was still his. He hadn't appreciated that feeling enough when he'd had it, he knew. But now it was too late. Jen hated him. He thought back to one Sunday last fall, when they were watching the football game, lying on his bed. They'd been so stressed...

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NaughtyMag Keely Rose Living Her Best Life

Job: Server; Age: 24; Birthday: August 5; Height: 5’5″; Weight: 120 pounds; Bra Size: 36D; Panties: Thongs; Anal: Yes; BJs: Swallow, usually; Masturbate: Yep; Lives: Santa Barbara, California. Keely is a girl who enjoys spending time in the great outdoors. “I love hiking and swimming in the ocean,” she told us. “I can’t stand staring at my phone. I would rather be outside, breathing fresh air. I love to travel, too. I’m planning a trip to Thailand next...

4 years ago
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Silver Blood Epilogue

As we lifted away from the now burning city, I heard a voice emit from a solitary figure in the back, "Well done, but there are questions to be answered." We looked at Mister Mysterious and knew that things were not yet under control. He always wore a black suit with a black shirt, tie socks, shoes and belt. His dark skin bespoke of his African heritage, he only thing of any color was his teeth and eyes. "And who wants to ask the questions? You?" He knew that we were conditioned to...

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How a normal girl became somebodys sex slave

From a girl's perspective:I thought I was looking for a boyfriend when I set up my online dating profile.I’d never had much luck with dating. It wasn’t that I wasn’t interested — I’d always loved men. Dating them was fun, the balance between a mans personality and my own feminine one was electric, it kept things interesting. But for whatever reason it never lasted very long. I’d do things like leave town for days without telling him or bringing my phone, or stay in bed with a book all day and...

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Now You See Me

I pushed him back against the wall of the night club. It was an attempt to hide us in the darkness, pinning him. Feeling his arousal, his member pressed hard into my stomach. He grabbed one of my legs and raised it, firmly holding onto me by my buttock. As we kissed, I couldn’t help grind my ever increasing wet pussy against his building hardness. His hand deftly pulled the thin material of panties to one side. He groaned when his fingers made contact with my velvety cunt, feeling my wetness...

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Captain Scrotum and the SS Thrust

The year is 3462, and sadly the earth is dead. What was left of its population spread through the heavens looking for a new home. Of course, once they left earth they found out they weren't alone in the universe. The rest of the sentient life forms had just been hiding from the destructive, backward human race. They had been manipulating images and shielding the earth from messages which otherwise would have reached the planet. Slowly over the centuries the remnants of the human race joined...

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Urban encounters chapter 2

Read chapter 1 first to get caught upThe door flies open as lil Rob is caught off guard. He looks like a deer caught in the headlights as the sun from outside blocks the view of who's standing at the door. As a crackling voice says a cuddy we gotta talk like right now. It's Stacy play brother phat boy - (a 4'11 14 year brown skin chubby delinquent that runs packs for Lil Rob). Lil Rob yells close the door fool as Stacy basically caught up a lung from vicious throat fucks she just received.You...

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My Sexy Elder Sister

This is my real experience with my own elder sister who is just one year older to me. We were living apart, she was living with our Maternal grand mother while I was living with our parents at the time. Our maternal grandparents did not have a son so my sister was staying with them to take care of her or rather they wanted some kids to always be with them so they do not feel lonely. My sister’s name is Ritu and she is one year elder to me, I am 23 and she is 22. She is fair not very tall but...

3 years ago
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Tanya Finds A Girlfriend Part 4

"Oh, damn, look at this! That's because I couldn't get it off quick enough knowing you were in the flat!" Carol said accusingly, though inside she was amazed at where they were, her and Tanya, this beautiful, gorgeous woman who had almost instantly become the centre of her world. "Hmm, yes, I noticed that. I didn't bring anything for you like that either. But it doesn't matter. I knew you would have lots!" Tanya smiled conspiratorially, with a delightful little shrug of...

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A Night on the TownChapter 4

After bob had called and waiting for him to get home, I put on my short thin dress that hugged my body, but the best part was that it zipped all the way down the front. Of course, I wore no bra and just some sexy red panties. I unzipped the dress just below my breast, exposing them just enough for all to enjoy. Bob approved of my choice, in fact, said it was perfect for tonight. I guess he wanted Sam to see my big tits though he had seen them clearly in my bikinis. We picked Sam and Tonya up...

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Yes There That One

Yes....There! That One!A Very Risqué and Taboo Erotic PsalmJohn, “Big John” Gallivan Warrior Poet/Erotic Psalmist"Viking Gladiator"www.eroticpsalms.comI am John Gallivan, the warrior poet, the erotic psalmist,The defender of women, the hopeless romantic, and the modern day gladiator.I am here today indeed to poetically tell the female congregation this erotic psalm of love:To go down there on a pretty female, and passionately French kiss that other sweet area,Is the ultimate supreme without any...

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Mother and daughters gangbang part 2

Mother and daughter’s gangbang. Part 2.To all my friends, I'm sorry for the long delay but part 3 is nearly completed so the wait won't be too long.Sally had just orgasmed when another young man quickly came up behind her with a fully erect cock. Rod had been waiting and knew he wouldn’t be waiting too long as he watched Sally getting fucked. Now standing behind her he could clearly see Tommy’s sperm oozing out of her fluttering cunt. He aimed his cock at her entrance and shoved the entire...

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Mike First time

Three months after my very short fun with Dave, I had a little longer fling with a guy called Mike, he passed me his mobile number !one night whilst I was out having a night out with friends, we had got on well during the evening in a bar in the city. He passed me and stopped, returned and said I look horny , well I guess I did look good. a silk see thru blouse white, underneath a black low cut bra, a nice fairly short dark red mini skirt, black stockings with black suspender belt, and red high...

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The real man

Today i went to my best friends house and she did not answer the door so I went in to deliver the package for her. As i sat it on the table her husband came around the corner surprising me as I did not know he was home. the big surprise was he was naked and had the biggest cock I had ever seen. Jan had said he was hung but I had no idea it was this huge. He was double the size of any men I had been with. I could not take my eyes off it. He had no problem being naked with me. He told me Jan was...

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Chapter 1 Nassie swung her staff around her body, connecting with the large brute to her left. Stunned, he fell to the ground clutching his middle. Quickly Nassie swung again and again hit a brute to her side. She had been fighting for a long time, heard the shrieks of her village and seen the smoke rise. But no matter how many of the raiders she dropped more kept coming. She knew it was a losing battle but she would not go down with out a fight. Slowly the circle of warriors closed around her...

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