Romantic Sex With My Woman Night Morning sex
- 4 years ago
- 44
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It was Valentine’s Day my freshman year in college. My boyfriend and I had been fighting for weeks because he thought I was cheating on him. Needless to say, he wanted to spend sometime apart because he knew this was my favorite holiday. Guess he thought he could get back at me through that.
Even so, I had already made arrangements to take him to Blowing Rock for the weekend as a surprise. My best friend from elementary school inherited a magnificent three-story log cabin in that not even a year before. I coerced him into allowing me to use it for the weekend on the promise that I would restock the alcohol. He didn’t mind anyway because his girlfriend was loaded and had her own mountain home in Ashe County.
Not wanting to waste my weekend alone I tried calling some of my girlfriends, they, however, already had plans. I was ready to give up and just stay home with mom and dad when I ran into you around 6:00 Friday night. You were at Terry’s, what a coincidence. We sat and talked for an hour or so while Steve played pool and did his Chicken Dance. It turned out you had nothing to do, I never even bothered to ask about your girlfriend. First thing that came to mind was to invite you to stay for the weekend. At first you hesitated because you knew it wouldn’t help my relationship but eventually you changed your mind.
I was already packed so I rolled up in your driveway twenty minutes later. You took what seemed like forever to get three changes of clothes together. In all actuality I was being impatient, it was only five short minutes until you were done. After no time at all we were on the road headed to the mountains.
All the way to Blowing Rock, we joked around and sang to the music. I wasn’t going to admit but your beautiful voice was making me all warm and moist inside. It was a switch from the last time I was driving now. I had refused to allow you to drive my pretty red Volkswagen. I hadn’t let anyone else behind the wheel yet. But I wasn’t used to driving with a guy in the passenger seat. I was always the passenger. My normal habits of ‘messing around’ had to be infringed upon this time. However, I couldn’t help but reach for your hand, which you had placed, just inside of my right thigh. You playfully removed it from my reach. It was almost as if you were trying to torture me. To turn my attention elsewhere I began twittering about college and how my significant other held me on such a tight leash that he even forbade me from going off with my girlfriends. I mentioned my lesbian encounter with one of my best friends. You immediately blurted out the fact that you wanted pictures. All I could do was laugh because we actually videotaped it. I love to be on camera. I toyed with the idea of showing you the movie but immediately brushed it out of my mind to focus on the wonderful man beside me.
We arrived at the enormous cabin around 9:00 the full moon was high up in the sky and reflected off the snow to brighten up the landscape. I phoned Daniel to make sure I was in the right place. It seemed too good to be true. You picked on my about calling another man with you right there. Eventually we stopped arguing and migrated all our stuff into the gargantuan family room. The furniture was all mahogany and navy blue. The sofa was a wrap around that surrounded the area in front of the fireplace. There was a picture window on the front that allowed you to see the mountain and the vast forest beyond. Giggling I asked you to take a picture so I could some everyone what they were missing. You cheerfully snapped a few of me doing goofy little poses. I swapped to take one of you in front of the fireplace. For some reason I got the strangest yearning to curl up in your arms at that very instant and feel your body connect with mine.
The look in my eyes of far off amusement must have given light to what I was thinking because you changed the subject right then and broached the fact that we needed to pick a room to sleep in, we scampered up the stairs to explore the rooms.
All the rooms were beautiful and elegant. I had a hard time choosing one. However I settled on the master bedroom, which was, decorated with dark blue and burgundy with a king size mahogany sleigh bed. Yours was directly across the hall with a four-poster queen size bed with forest green and black décor. You seemed happy with your choice but there was inevitable harassment because I took the one you wanted. You said that I only did that so you’d be in the next room to protect me from bad guys.
By this time it was well after eleven and I was craving hot cocoa. You offered to go find firewood to start a little fire-how sweet. While I slaved away making hot chocolate you played in the snow. Guess it was only right. When you came back you snuck in behind me and dropped snow down my sweater. I turned around and retaliated by chucking the tiny marshmallows at your head. You tried to catch them in your mouth but they just kept bouncing off your nose. I attempted to make an escape through the living room but my efforts were futile. You soon caught me and threw my petite body on the squishy sofa. The whole situation made me amused and extremely giddy.
As you began to back away I grabbed your arm so as not to allow you to get away. The fire you had started was now blazing wildly and the snow was pouring out of the sky as you stood there just looking at me.
In the next instant we were sitting side by side on some fluffy feather pillows in front of the roaring flames. We shared the marshmallows and the hot cocoa. A second later you had put your arm around me and pulled me up to your shoulder. I inhaled your cologne. (I’ve always loved your ‘scent’, it makes me shiver now to even think about it.) As I breathed in your lovely aroma I began to think. I thought about my so-called schoolgirl crush that I’ve had on you since we met. Everyone ha told me from the beginning that the whole idea was just a child hood fantasy. At that point in time, however, I had to disagree. Just the fact that you were with me, all alone negated all their comments of doubt.
I was so overcome with a surge of emotions that I never heard you question. When I asked what you had said you replied that you wanted to play a game. I quickly hopped up the stairs to search for a game. After scrounging through the rooms I found two games: cards and twister. When I got back down to you I joked about how we had two choices. We could either play strip poker or naked twister. Being the nut that you are, you happily obliged and began to strip. In a hot second you mad moved the coffee table in front of the fire and set up the mat, and were standing there with your shirt off. I said all right, why take our time undressing when we can do it all at once.
W stood by the fire and began to she the rest of our attire. As I removed my sweater I gasped at the sight of your muscular body. The shock caused me to pause in mid motion. You walked over and assisted me in pulling it off, then you ran your hands down my sides and I trembled beneath the warmth of your touch. I found myself absorbed in the movement and gazing into your deep blue eyes. They were so beautiful. While I was caught up in that state of rapture by hands found their way to your belt and begin undoing your pants. After a few seconds they fell to the floor and you stood before me in naught but a pair of black silk boxers with hearts all over them. Your hard cock was fighting it’s way out of your shorts, there as no way to hide that. You deftly removed my jeans with one simple motion. When the cool air blew on my legs I felt a damp spot on my silk thong. I felt better to know that I hadn’t been the only one spending the evening in sexual misery. I had not been wearing a bra under my sweater so now we only had undies to take off. Simultaneously we both dropped out drawers. My stomach began to churn when we both stood there bare as a baby’s butt. I fought the urges.
When I realized how horny I was actually getting I grabbed the sp
inner and told you that your left foot was supposed to be on green. You seemed amused at my attempt to ease the tension. When you trudged to the mat you nearly tripped on the edge. I couldn’t help but giggle. You picked on me about it as you set your foot on a green circle. You spun me a left hand blue so I tired to distance myself from you on the mat.
As the hour passed by and the fire began to dwindle the game brought up to closer proximities. The only light was now the seemingly huge moon outside and a few candles. The flickering embers appeared to animate the furniture the shadows danced around the room. Nothing could stop the cold from invading the room. Eventually I found myself in a rather awkward position beneath you. I lost because of it. You still had a big ‘problem’ and it was pointing at me. I couldn’t stay where I was any longer because the giggles rendered me helpless. You just laughed along but when I snorted you fell too! Directly on top of me! Immediately the laughter ceased. You raised your self just far enough for to allow a minute area between our naked bodies. Must have been a reflex or something but I reached my hands to your shoulders and ran my fingertips down your back. I could see the goose bumps appearing all over your sexy body. Seconds later a sigh escaped your mouth. I couldn’t help it my heartbeat had quickened to an extreme pace. I wanted more.
You leaned in near my ear and asked if I would mind for you to go get a blanket because the draft was getting really chilly. I was grateful for the reprieve if for but even a moment. You came back bearing two glasses of Chardonnay and the beautiful quilt from your room. I had moved the mat and poked the fire while you were gone. I grabbed the glasses and gave you a hand at lying down on the down pillows at my side.
It was about two AM now. The house was dead silent minus the slight crackling of the fading fire. I was nestled under the blanket right up next to your chest where I could see your eyes. You wrapped your arm around me and held me tight. The ‘issue’ had gone down a bit but it was still invading my space. My hand ran up and down your back and I played with your hair. You had been caressing my breasts and looking at me with such intensity my only thought was to ease your pent up tension that arose earlier in the evening.
I let my fingers glide across you cool skin at I moved them to caress your sack. You jerked slightly when my cold fingers grasped it in my hand. Then my hand moved to wrap around your swollen cock. The emotions over took me and I reached up to pull your face to mine. I kissed your lips and ran my tongue behind your ears as I gently nipped your earlobes. With every slight kiss or touch your breathing quickened. With each passing second you seemed to hold me tighter. I focused on you inviting lips and ran my finger across them one at a time to cause the slightest tickle. You pushed my hand away and kissed my forehead. As your tongue darted in and out of my mouth I caught it once and sucked on it ever so gently. With that sensation your entire body tensed up all at once. I sensed the urgency.
I deftly began to calm you down with long slow strokes at first. With the first you gave a groan. You grabbed my ass and moved me up on the pillow. From there your neck was easily accessed. You swept your hand down my belly to my enticing pussy. The anticipation was dreadful. I couldn’t take it anymore. All I wanted was for you to take me. I wanted to feel every inch of you within me.
You spread my lips with your soft touch and felt the moistness. You slid in your fingers one at a time to open me up. I couldn’t stand anymore. I was kissing your neck and sucking your ears. I gave in, I had to, to prevent either of us any further torture. I gently and slowly moved your throbbing cock to my warm inner flesh. You met my movements with gratitude and jerked your hips to place yourself barely inside of me. As you crossed the ‘threshold to my womb’ we both gasped. Our inane reflexes stepped up a notch as you rolled on top of me. Your rhythm was perfect, it pleasured both of us at the same time. I clung tight to your shoulders as you thrusted in and out of my tight hole. Every now and then a groan would seep past our lips. I arched my back to stay in rhythm with you. Although it was freezing cold in the house, beads of sweat began to appear all over your body and trickle down your sides. My hair was damp and started sticking to my face because of the workout.
Suddenly you paused and reached up to smooth my hair from my face. You kissed my cheek and ran your lips across my damp forehead. The gentle touch in the middle of the heated commotion caused my heart to skip. That may not have been my first sexual encounter. But next to the first time, with you, nothing could have compared to that very moment in front of the dissipating flames. Right then, at that moment, you were giving me the most incredible pleasure ever I had ever felt.
Your concentration returned to the activity in progress and your pace increased. With each thrust you took a deep breath. I wrapped my legs around your waist in order to allow you to enter me entirely. The intensity with which you pounded away at my petite little body began to get rough. I moaned in anticipation of each impending movement. Nearing the end you moved like crazy. I tried my best to keep up with you, but I was beginning to get exhausted. I screamed as you released all that power within me. Your last thrust penetrated so far that I had to back away to ease the pressure as you blew your warm gooey load all inside my pussy. I went limp and you collapsed on me. I coaxed you to roll over and from there I snuggled up for a hot second and held you. Then I crawled down and gently licked the mixture of our fluids off your now limp cock.
Tired and worn out from the excitement we curled up on the rug by the fire, which was now dead and cold. There we remained throughout the rest of the early morning hours. I listened to the sounds outside for a few minutes but drifted slowly into the best sleep I had had in a long time. The morning hours brought chilly air and chirping birds. I quietly snuck p to the window after I found a tight pair of dark denim low riders, my playboy thong and a sweater, I didn’t want a bra, they suck. Through the glass I could see for what seemed like miles. The mountain was extremely different in daylight. There were Cardinals and Blue Jays flitting back and forth in the tree branches. Off in the distance I could detect a doe and fawn searching for food. The scenery was so breathtaking I wanted to wake you so badly. But you were sleeping so peacefully I hadn’t the heart to have wakened you.
Instead of interrupting your snooze time I decided to see if there was anything to be cooked. I rummaged though the kitchen and found pancake mix and chocolate chips. I made a rather tasty concoction of that mess and fixed up some iced tea. I happened upon a tray and meandered to the deck. Once it was all set up at the porch swing I roused you from your dreams and asked you to get dressed. You found clothes and wandered out where I was. Breakfast caught you off guard. But you froze when you saw the magnificent scenery. As we ate we talked about life and all our future plans. Every now and then a bird would hop along the banister or start twittering unintelligibly.
We spent the early afternoon exploring around the cabin. It was about 40* outside most of the afternoon and the snow was slowly melting. It sounded like rain. We found some sleds in the garage and went sledding behind the house. I had more fun nestled between your legs on the same sled. However, when I did it made it hard to control our destination and time after time we toppled head over heels down the side of the mountain. The last time I rode with you I got off and started making snow angels…I remembered that when I was little we used kool aid to decorate the angels. I located some in the storage room and started making a pink angel you made yours blue. They
were so pretty I had to take a picture.
It couldn’t have been earlier than 2:00 but by then I HAD to go find something to keep me occupied. I tried and tried to find something to do. Eventually I gave in and found someone. We walked in the back door and shed our wet, snow-covered clothes at the entrance. We were both all sweaty from being bundled up in the feather jackets. You looked so hot, I could hardly stand to be in the same room as you. I was wet as fish and it just kept coming. You kissed my forehead and all I could do was try not to shiver. You’re good at making me shiver, but that’s not a bad thing at all. I playfully tapped your arm and headed up stairs to get clothes and with all intentions of taking you right then.
You must have seen the twinkle in my eyes or something because you followed close behind. I had no idea you were behind me in the room, but you sure as hell let me know. As I was in the process of removing my shirt you threw me on the bed. Scared the shit out of me. Yet it made me hotter than ever. I like to be dominated, but not to an outrageous extent…just a little pushing around and pulling my hair and stuff like that. You had never done that to me. I thought I’d try something different and take the initiative.
You were propped up on your side just looking at me so I rolled over and jumped right on top of you and straddled your waist. I quickly removed your shirt. I rubbed your stomach and kissed all over your chest. Then I kissed a straight line from your belly button to your neck and nibbled your ear. By that time you had already grabbed my sides and were holding on to me. I hadn’t put on a bra that morning so I was all hanging out. My nipples showed my excitement very well. They had perked right up and you seemed mildly entertained by them. You reached my breast and pulled me to you so you could suck on my nipples. You kissed them all over and left a few territory markers (hickeys) around them. You released them and I sat up. As I did I ran my fingers down your stomach, tickling you, and stopped at your belt. The look in your eyes seemed to be pure amusement. As I undid your jeans you watched earnestly. Buttons have always given me a hard time.
Eventually I pulled them off and perched right above you just examining your body taking note of every little mark that was unique to you and loosing myself in your eyes. Curious, I finally asked what kind of cologne you wore. You giggled and told me Tommy. I realized it was a rather trivial fact that I asked for, but I was wondering all weekend. I had started trying to figure it out the night mom and I picked you and four other guys up from your house. That night we all had to cram in my mom’s car…I had to pile on you and Steve…I had never been so aroused as I was at that moment. You had, however, jogged up and gave me a hug…I just wanted to know what cologne you wore.
You changed the subject by tickling the crap out of me. I crawled to the other end of the bed to get away and as I shrieked you just lunged after me. Grabbing a pillow I started to defend myself. Soon enough we were consumed in a full-fledged pillow/wrestling fight. Again we were naked, seems it always happens that way when I’m alone with you. Doesn’t bother me though. As the pillows were flying all over a puff of feathers blew into the air. One of them had busted. Then it was a really pillow fight.
Deciding we needed to not tear up all Daniel’s pillows I laid down on one of the undamaged ones and beckoned for you to join me. You crawled up to me, one of the sexiest things a person can do. As you hovered, looking at me, I heaved a sigh of delight. This is what I had been waiting for all morning, for our bodies to collide in a heap of passionate sex. I reached under your arm to grab your slightly swollen cock and stroked it. As I did your penis became fully engorged with blood and your balls tightened up. You started to massage my cunt at the same time as my fluids coated your hand you began to get a little rougher. I knew we both needed that. I pulled and tugged at your dick as I guided it to my steamy pussy, and held it as it sank within me. Your thrusts became harder with long strokes as your balls slapped against my slightly raised ass. I stopped you in mid thrust and asked you to let me on top.
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Hello iss readers. I m kabir from bhilai(c.G), ye meri first story h plzz like n apne suggestion meko mail krna plzz().Mai apko apne bare me thoda bata du fir story pe aata hu.I m 6ft tall, complexion is between wheatish n fair,my cock is 6inch jyada lamba ni h bt mota h.Ab mai apni life ka experience aap sbse share krta hu. Mujhe bohot mann tha kisi bhabhi aunty ko chodne ka aur mai bohot betaabi se khoj rha tha . Maine apne frend ko ye baat bataya aur fir usne mujhe bataya ki mai ek bhabhi h...
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Hi ISS readers, this is my first story sorry for mistakes if I committed while writing story and comment your opinion to my mail let me coming to the story.any Aunties,unsatisfied married women,widowed,college girls from (Chennai and Coimbatore) contact me to above ‘d i’m doing this as service. I am Karthi completed my studies and currently working in Chennai my dick size 6.5 inch with big head and my girlfriend named pinky ( name changed) her structure is 34-32-36 she is having wonderful pair...
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Hi guys & obviously girls and women. This is Vishal (fake name) age 26 having average body. Nw presently staying in Bangalore. I am a regular reader of iss. After studying lots of stories i think to post my real life story & i m going to tell u a true story of my life which u ll surely like as it contains both romance & sex. Any girl or housewife hungry for sex cn send mail to my id u can join me in chat for some fun and sexy chat. I will surely fulfill your desire of fucking of any pose or...
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Alpha Core 13D, The Escape By: Stephanie aka Malissa Madison It was never easy for her, she belonged to a branch of the Government that operated in secrecy. She'd been raised by surrogate parents until she was seven, then placed in the barracks with the rest of what was called her Series. She wasn't like most of the others, she could feel it, first there had been the fact that she was in a boy's body. She preferred soft delicate things, appreciating beauty in...
"They've called another group meeting, so I probably won't get home until about nine. You might as well go ahead and eat supper." With a silent inward sigh, Barb answered, "OK. I'll have a plate ready for you to microwave. Love you, Don." Don responded with a quick, "Love you, too. Bye," and hung up. Such calls were not really unusual and Barb had to admit that she made about as many as Don did. It just seemed that their life had become so busy that it was really hard to find time...
Seeking Escape by Arcie Emm "I hate my job!" Of course nobody heard him, he would never make that statement in the presence of others. But here in his private sanctuary, sealed away from the outside world, he held no fear of being overheard. Here he could think his own thoughts, speak them aloud, and truly be himself. The him who liked pretty things, instead of the him that held such a bleak job. It was always a relief to get home and escape from reality. Well almost always....
Lena McKenneth and Delilah Gerard were at the Styling Profile beauty salon, getting their hair done as part of their weekly beauty ritual. The two best friends were out and about in Atlanta, been best friends since junior high. "Girl, I'm so glad to be going out with you. So glad to be away from Greg, most of all." Lena said to Delilah while they were sitting under the dryer. Lena recently had a bad break-up with her boyfriend Greg, who not only cheated on her but also couldn't keep a...
Over us the hot summer sun, the blue sky on which white dancing clouds, and around the warm dark blue sea float. It is our desert island.We, having joined hands, absolutely bared we lie on warm gold dust, we luxuriate under beams of the southern sun and listens to surf noise. From the sea the light breeze blows, it envelops niches of a body an invisible matter, from pleasure on a body I run ants.From a shining sun my hair have burnt out and became more light, than usually. Now they have become...
Escape by sammig82 Edited by DocVS My thanks to you readers for the encouraging and kind words seeing that this is my first attempt at writing a story. English was never my primary language and I needed guidance from you readers to help improve the story. I can't say how grateful I am to DocVS for the reediting. So I think you readers deserved a release of the edited version. I hope you'll like it. Chapter 1 WARNING: This story contains TG, masturbations, incest and a very...
He couldn’t believe how much snow was falling on the ground, and yet, he had to drive in the darn stuff. His truck was four wheel drive, but even so, the white stuff wasn’t making it easy for him to get home to his wife. Sam looked at the roses he purchased earlier today and wondered if they were going to make it. They weren’t looking very good. ‘So much for that’ He thought. He wondered what his wife was doing at that moment. Was she hoping he was going to make it home in tie for a decent...
Henry pulled up into the driveway, looked into the rearview mirror and adjusted his tie. It had been some time since his had greeted his wife wearing a coat and tie, but tonight was special and he thought he would surprise her. He had taken his suit to work and changed into it before leaving. Just before heading home he called and asked his wife to take a peek in the spare bedroom closet. The gown he had purchased for her was hanging there, where he had hidden it. Now, finally at home he...
A continuation of Romantic Evening7 It didn’t bother Marie that her husband Henry had fallen asleep during the movie, it had been a wonderful evening and although she would have liked to cap it off making love to her husband, she knew they had all morning. She remembered their younger years when sex seemed such an urgency, almost as if it was done entirely out of need, rather than as an expression of love. Now as they grew older they could relax, come together when they both wanted to share...
I was getting a romantic evening ready for you. You had been at work teaching the little ones to dance. I had a nice dinner almost done when you got home. you walk into the kitchen following the wonderful smells. Wrapping you arms around me and laying your head on my shoulder you say “I’m so hungry baby, is it ready?” I turn my head to her and give her a nice long kiss and a wink. While they were eating she told him about class and how her girls were progressing. He listened and...
Introduction: If you squick easily, my stories arent for you. Consider yourself warned. My boyfriend, Mark, decided that it would be romantic for us to go camping for a night, in the middle of the nearby forest. It will just be the two of us. He fits everything we need into his van. Its Saturday when we head out. We stop at McDonalds for lunch on the way. After driving a few hours into the forest, we find a small clearing and start to set up the tent and a fire. For dinner, we roast some hot...
I meet you, I look at you, my eyes undress you, take care, there is no escape, there will not regret it visible … I am the moon eternal you are my sunshine carnal I offer my body in full intoxication you reply by the infinite love … You caress me up excitement, my body is in exaltation, I feel my heart beating at full impulse. I do life for you come up to me, I need you … I plunge into temptation, my mind goes wild, I’m excited … I kiss you tenderly I’m effusion, my mouth devours hard … ...
Hi everyone, I’m Joy from Hyderabad. I am a 6 feet tall male with a big body and a tool of 7.5 inches. The lady of this story is Jessi. She is a really beautiful widow from Hyderabad with whom I had romantic sex. Her stats are 34-30-36. She got widowed just after 4 years of marriage and has no children. She lives alone with her mom and works in a store as a salesgirl to make ends meet. I have been in a casual relationship with an aunty for the past few years. We got to explore each other as she...
Hi guys and girls, this is Sohail from Bangalore. A software engineer by profession. Please read the complete story. If you want to contact me related to anything just mail me So here it goes. One day, I was having breakfast at the office cafeteria. I heard laughter from the rear side. I looked at them and I found the lady of this story. She was so beautiful. I still remember. Se was in the pinkish top, looking so hot. A perfect shape with everything in the right place. Her smile was killing...
by monkeytail10103 My wife and I, both in our early 40's, were in a rut, a big one, and had been for some time. Our sex life had never been great but had been good enough I guess, especially when we met and started dating. But it was never what kept us together that is for sure. We had pregnancy issues that lasted a couple years, my wife had some physical complications that created some intimacy issues and all in all, things just slowed down to maybe once a month or twice a month if it worked...
Hello friends. I am Vinith, 20 years old. This incident happened with my classmate Anushka. Let me tell about Anushka. She is a thin girl with moderate color and medium-sized assets. She is moderate in weight. A perfect Mallu girl for love and sex. We met in the first year of college and since the first day, I had a crush on her. She also showed interest in me as I was a class topper. But we both never openly proposed. This incident happened in the 2nd year of college. Anushka always used to...
Hello everyone my name is piyush aur me pune se hun ek mnc me job karta hun. Me iss ka bohot bada fan hun aur me har roz yahan pe stories padhta hun aur yahan se skihne ko bhi bohot milta hey. Ye meri sachi kahani hey agar apko story achi lagi toh please review dena aur agar kisi ko chating karni hey ya koi unsatisfied hey pune ke around ya koi pune anewale hey toh muje email ya fir hangout pe ping kr sakte hey. Mera email hey Me wait karunga. Ye sex story meri aur mere reader ke sath hey jo...
Hi Readers, Thank you to all the readers. Before I start the story, I would like to give special thanks to remo.satz28 for suggestions on how to improvise. Also, I would like to thank rokesh715 and ryjm1992 for sharing their thoughts on my story. This is the third part of the Romantic Getaway story. The story began with me and my boyfriend on a long weekend trip to a remote area somewhere in Andhra. In the previous part, we had already reached the lodge and I did not like the behavior of the...
Hi Everyone, Thanks for reading my first sexstory “Romantic Getaway”, this is the continuation. So, I along with my boyfriend were on a weekend trip to a place away from the city somewhere in Andra. After a traveling for that long almost about 4 hours, we finally reached the lodge. The lodge was in at a remote area and around that there are lots of trees and farming fields. The area was full of greenery and it was very mesmerizing. By the time we reached there it was already afternoon about 3...
As usual, we met on Monday near the bus stop where I use to pick up her and she wore the dress which I bought. We spend more time as their was a romantic connection with us, in office we use to go together and waited for our day. The time came for our night as he husband has to go to Singapore on a business trip for a month on company behalf. She called me to her home ass her husband left airport…I went into her house…While entering in the house… she wore hot red silk saree .She looked stunning...
My Name is Vaatsayana(Name Changed). I am 35 years old now but this incident happened when I was in my first job and 25 years old. I am an average Telugu guy from Hyderabad having 5’10” height, 65 Kgs weight, perfect V-shaped body, and 6 inches long tool. This is my 7th story on ISS. Hope you enjoyed my previous stories. After the encounter with Nita as described in my previous story “My Virginity Lost To An Older Virgin Girl” story, I became a very mature in sex related matters. Thanks to...
Hi dosto, I am r omantice bajwa ik orr story ke sath jo real ha. Love meri mom or meri sister ki .Agr achi lgge to mail krna.I love or girl Shemale bi. Bhabhiss()mail krna(r omantice bajwa)on facebook.Story ek ghr ki.Mom(nam sima,age39 figure 36,34,36)sis nam neha age 15figer 32,28,32(main nam love age 18 lund 8inch.Dad u.S.A.Ghr me hum 3 loge hamesah khush.Dad ko gaye 3 days ho gaye thee.Mom bohat sad ho gyi.4 din mom ne ghr ka khracha km krne or km ko km krne ka socha.Jise hum ghr me sirf...
Hi to everyone this is my first story in ISS… I don’t want to waste much time let me come to the story.. My name is Shiva and my girlfriend name Aarthi.. We both love each other for past two years this incident happened last month let me describe my girl she is little short to me but bubbly her boob size is 38 which is really sexy and her ass will be like a half cutted apple over all appearance will be 38-32-36 and about me i’m around 6feet tall and slim and my dick will be 6″ Let me come to...
Hi Everyone, I am Nick coming out with my another experience with my Ex-Girlfriend. I just came here to pen down my experience and share my enjoyment with all people all around the world. Well for guys its obvious how would the girl look like? She is good fair girl, little short 5.5 ft., nick basically from Chennai. If u wanna contact me can ping me at Let’s come back to my experience which happened recently. I just went to my hometown to meet my Grannies, Grandpaas and other relatives. I was...
Hai All Readers, I am very New to this Sex stories and I had been reading all the stories from last 2 months especially related to Gay Sex Stories. I don’t know how many are true. But I would like to put my story which will reflect my feelings towards this. No I don’t know that I had love feelings towards gay sex or just sex. But I am pretty sure that I have got feelings towards sexxxxxxxxxxxxx. To describe myself, I am Arun 5.7 ht and slim personality in Bangalore. And as stated by many...
Gay MaleThis is my story on how I fell in love with my neighboring bhabhi. She came to our colony newly married may be when I was 7-8 years old. She was staying with her husband, in-laws and her useless brother in-law. We were a joint family then. Although she was around 15-18 years elder to me, I used to call her bhabhi as all my cousins used to call her. She was a graduate and very intelligent, but a housewife. My family requested her to take tuitions for me, and I was her first student. She was very...
Hi all, This is pavan, currently working in a software firm in Hyderabad, entered in to the second half of twenties. I have just found this site a couple of weeks back and is really interesting. I am gonna narrate an incident. Friends, This not a Sex story but a true Romantic story, which has happened with a chat friend, whom I befriended in a chat room. I live with my couple of roommates in Mothi Nagar, Hyderabad and the incident which I am gonna narrate, has happened some 3 Months back. It...
I meet you, I look at you,my eyes undress you, take care,there is no escape,there will not regret it visible ...I am the moon eternalyou are my sunshine carnalI offer my body in full intoxicationyou reply by the infinite love ...You caress me up excitement,my body is in exaltation,I feel my heart beating at full impulse.I do life for youcome up to me, I need you ...I plunge into temptation,my mind goes wild,I'm excited ...I kiss you tenderlyI'm effusion,my mouth devours hard ...Rocked our world...
Hi I am from a village near Kurnool and this is my first story hope you like it and excuse me for any mistakes please send your comments. Thanks for ISS team for getting this published, I am 5.9 and fair slim recently came to hyd for my job posting and stating at boys hostel in Ameerpet and hellip, this is the most crowded area with girls most of the time I fantasized but could not get courage to any girl for my self and felt bad when my room mates went for date at their girlfriends houses ah...
Romantic Massage by Aryan After years of giving her shoulder massages while at work, I’d convinced my manager, Nivedita, to let me practice doing a full body massage on her. She’d had professional massages many times, so I was quite interested in hearing how my skills compared. I was on my way over to her place now; we’d waited till her husband was out of town as she didn’t know how he’d take her getting a massage from me. When I got to her place I grabbed my bag out of the car and headed up...
Hello ISS I am Sandeep ma aab sab k oak nahi romantic story bata raha ho ya mara or madam ka beach ke bat hai marai madam job hoot sunder hai jis ka badab gora mota mota nipple hai jo dekhna ma bhot sexy hai. US ke ymra kam sa kam 30 saal ke hogi us ak chota sa ladka hai amit jo 3rd standardma padth hai. Madam ka husband business man hai . Aksar who business ka liya bhar jataratha hai. Madam bhoot gussa wali hai wo kisi ko bhi tution nai padth hail akin mana bhot request ke muja tution pado ma...
For well over three year’s I had constantly fantasized about the idea of watching my 49 y/o girlfriend sleeping with another man. After some time she became aware of this fantasy of mine and made it quite clear that she didn’t share. At first, I thought she only meant that she wasn’t willing to share me lol. But then I realized that what she had really meant was that she wasn’t into sharing herself. Months went on and nothing changed, until one day I stumbled upon an Australian on-line Adult...
Erotic Fiction