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As always:

Thanks to Boheminxen for editing. Without you correcting my awful grammar, this would be mindless drivel.

‘That insufferable bitch!’ Frank pounded a fist into his desk.

‘Relax.’ Walt slumped into the black leather chair across from Frank. ‘After all, Susan is going for the same executive position on the board of directors as you are.’

‘So are you, but I don’t see you acting like a child who got their favorite pacifier taken away.’ Frank ran a hand through his hair while he shook his head. ‘I mean every idea I had, she fucking shot it down with a flair for the dramatic.’

‘Maybe she’s just reacting to you?’ Walt countered. ‘You did the same to her.’

‘She started it from the very first moment she transferred here. And besides, whose side are you on, Walt? Don’t tell me you fell victim to her looks and charm, as well. That’s probably the only reason she is up for the promotion — screwed everyone to get to the top.’

‘I’m on your side, Frank.’ Walt tried to quell his colleague’s temper. ‘I’m just trying to say you haven’t been so approachable to her ideas as well.’

‘Because her ideas will bury this company in red ink until we would be forced to lock the doors and all of us will be out on our asses. But if she can get Mr. Prill, a man I worked with for years to question my presentation, what do you think she’ll get board of directors to say Monday?’

‘Well, I see there is no getting through to you while you’re in this mood.’ Walt started to leave but stopped at the door. ‘Want to get drinks after work?’

‘Yeah,’ Frank muttered. ‘Wait, I can’t tonight. I have to change half of my presentation because of her. I’ll be here all night.’

‘Well, I’ll be at Fubar Tavern if you change your mind.’ Walt patted the doorjamb before taking his leave.

Frank sat at his desk looking over his now worthless presentation. ‘I hate that fucking cunt,’ he growled through gritted teeth. ‘I bet she’s in her office right now, laughing her ass off at my expense.’


‘What a royal fucking asshole!’ Susan barked as she slammed her office door. She began going over her notes preparing for the long evening.

Carol, Susan’s secretary, sighed as she reached for the door to her boss’s office. She turned the handle with much trepidation and entered, her two feet stopping just inside the door. ‘Ms. Lewis, is everything okay?’ It was a question she already knew the answer to.

‘I’m fine — I’m just have to change a perfect presentation because of that dick, Frank, has the ear of the upper brass.’

‘Do you need me to stay and help?’ Carol bit her lip, hoping not.

‘No, go ahead,’ Susan replied as her head fell back and a deep breath ensued. ‘Enjoy the weekend.’

‘Good luck, then.’ Carol rushed out of the office, not wanting to be called back in if her boss suddenly changed her mind.

Susan went back to her work. ‘What an asshole,’ she stammered. ‘I bet he is in his office right now celebrating the torture he put me through.’


The hours passed, and the bustling metropolis known as Pemrose Corporation turned into a ghost town as the highest of executives to the lowest of janitors trickled out the doors to start their weekends.

With the sunset long gone, Frank finally peeled his eyes from his research to glance at the clock on his wall. He shook his head at the realization that it was almost ten at night, and he was nowhere near being prepared for the Board of Directors Monday.

Frank sighed, ‘It’s going to be a long night.’

Frank went to dive back into his work when he heard a loud banging sound. Startled for the moment, he quickly headed outside of his office and listened. When he heard it again, he deduced it came from the copy room, and it was accompanied by a female voice.

Susan kicked the oversized copier. ‘No!’ The papers she had copied started flying past the output tray and spilling all over the floor. ‘Damn it!’ She kicked the side of the machine again.

Frank stood in the doorway and chuckled at the sight of Susan on her hands and knees picking up the mess. Despite them being adversaries, he bent down to help collect the multitude of papers strewn across the floor.

‘I don’t need your help,’ Susan insisted as she reached under the copier to claim yet another sheet of paper.

‘I see you are working late, too,’ Frank commented as he began mulling over the paper in his hand.

‘Only because of you. Hey, what are you doing?’ Susan practically ripped the paper from Frank’s hand. ‘Trying to steal my ideas?’

‘Sorry. I wasn’t trying to steal anything. I just glanced down, and something caught my eye,’ Frank responded with the utmost sincerity.

‘Yeah, right,’ Susan rolled her eyes.

‘No, really,’ Frank defended himself. ‘I saw an error.’

‘What? Where?’ Susan was skeptical, but felt she couldn’t afford not to at least hear him out. She could always double check when she got back to her office.

‘Right here.’ Frank pointed to the middle of the page. ‘That number for purchasing is wrong. It’s supposed to be $32,250,926, not $32,025,926.’ He chastised himself silently for a moment as he realized he just helped his rival. That mistake could have cost her the promotion. He stood. ‘I need to get back to work.’

Susan stared numbly at the paper. The mistake pulsed in her face, glaring as clear as day. Frank was right. ‘Thank you,’ she mumbled, stunned that she had first made the miscue, but also that Frank of all people would correct it.

Two steps out of the copy room, Frank stopped dead in his tracks. It was soft, but he heard it. The bane of his existence just apologized. He turned back and saw her eyes were fixated on that inaccuracy. She wasn’t moving. ‘You’re welcome. Are you all right?’

Susan came out of her catatonic state with those words and nodded. ‘Yeah. I just can’t believe I did that. Must be because I haven’t eaten yet.’

Frank became conscience of his hunger, having skipped lunch to prepare for the meeting. He shook his head, shocked at what he was about to ask. ‘Would like to go to dinner at Giovanni’s across the street? They have excellent Italian food.’

‘I can’t. I have a lot of work.’ Susan frowned.

‘So do I, but we both just saw what the lack of nutrition can do to our work. Besides, if you’re as thorough at your job as I am, you’re already resigned to the fact it’s not all being done today. I know I tried.’ Frank held out his hand. ‘C’mon, my treat.’

Susan pondered for a hesitant moment before taking Frank’s hand. ‘All right, but we’re going dutch.’

It was a muted walk to the restaurant. Each step was masked in uneasiness as each felt like they were marching toward a firing squad. Only when they entered the establishment did a sense of comfort fall over them, grateful for the other patrons. They were sat at a quiet table in the back, away from the raucous of a wedding’s rehearsal dinner.

‘Ah, look at the well-dressed couple,’ Vito, the waiter, announced jovially with a heavy Italian accent. ‘Did you two just come from the opera house down the street?’

‘Not a couple,’ Susan rejected, a sudden miffed surprise crossing her features.

‘Yeah, we’re work colleagues,’ Frank added.

‘You two should be.’ Vito leaned into Frank and gestured to Susan. ‘Look at her, eh? Such an exquisite creature!’ He moved to Susan and waved in Frank’s direction. ‘And he certainly is a handsome beau, don’t you think?’ He smiled for a moment as he let his words sink in and then stood, his expression neutral. ‘What may I interest the two of you in ordering?’

After Vito left, silence ensued, each unsure of what to say. When their waiter rejoined Frank and Susan, he filled two glasses with wine. Over the course of dinner, the glasses were refilled at a steady pace. The alcohol soothed the vast, awkward silen
ce between them and crumbled the guarded walls both had until conversation flowed. Topics came up and dismissed the previous until finally, business was at hand.

‘You know, that really was a creative concept you had.’ Frank tipped his glass in Susan’s direction with a thoughtful smile. ‘From what I saw, it was a well-outlined strategy. I apologize I dismissed it so quickly at the meeting.’

‘Thanks. And I’m sorry for my behavior too.’ Susan laughed while emptying her glass. ‘Your theories have merit as well. It’s unfortunate there’s only one position available. If we merge the two ideas, we could have sent this company into another stratosphere.’

‘The company’s profits would soar.’ Frank agreed and took another drink. ‘Do you like to dance? I know a great place not far from here.’

‘I’d love to.’ Susan smiled.

The two left the restaurant, hand in hand, and hailed a cab.

‘To the Whirl Room!’ Frank declared to the driver as he slipped his arm around Susan.

The night bore on as the two drank and danced, merrily losing their inhibitions. First, his tie was abandoned and soon followed by a couple buttons from her blouse. They laughed and enjoyed themselves to the fullest. By the time they were forced to leave the establishment due to the closing hour, they were already unsteady on their feet and slurring their words.

‘Oh, hey, look,’ Susan giggled as she pointed across the street, ‘There’s a hotel… how convenient!’

‘Perfect!’ Frank grabbed Susan at the waist and stumbled into the road.

Two steps into the street, a loud car horn blared and with it the sound screeching tires. Frank slapped the hood of the taxi that just barely stopped in time. ‘Hey, I’m walkin’ here!’

Susan swung her purse at the annoying cab, and it nearly caused her to fall forward. ‘Yeah, and I’m trying to get laid here!’

The poor cab driver didn’t even respond to the couple’s outburst. His hands were clutching his chest, and he was concentrating on taking deep breaths, ever thankful he didn’t run over the two inebriated pedestrians.

Frank and Susan were both holding each other up when Frank threw his credit card down in front of the receptionist behind the desk. He squinted to read her nametag. ‘Harriet, I want the finest room so me and,’ he hiccupped, ‘My lady can,’ and he gyrated his hips as he threw his arms in the air, ‘Get it on!’

‘Yeah,’ Susan added with an exaggerated wag of her finger and then rubbed herself against Frank with a lopsided grin and low purr, ‘The sooner the better too missy.’

With an amused look, Harriet swiped the card and handed the two intoxicated souls a pair of electronic key cards. ‘You are all set, sir. Just go to the elevator right there, and George will take you to the top floor. Enjoy your stay at the Dunesbury Hotel.’

George tried to focus on the numbers of the floors they were passing instead of the heated battle of tongues that was transpiring behind him. For the first time in his forty-year career, he felt claustrophobic in the little box. With a sigh of relief, he announced the couple’s floor, and the doors opened. ‘Your suite is the one on the left, sir.’

‘Thanks, guy.’ Frank went to hand him a tip, but the twenty dollar bill fell to the floor. When he stepped into the hallway, Susan had already opened the door to the room. ‘Hey, wait for me.’ He scrambled toward the room and could only laugh when he slammed his shoulder into the doorjamb. ‘Oops!’

Susan saw it and had a brief bout of hysterical giggles. ‘Come here, you.’ She grabbed him by the other arm and mashed her lips into his.

Luckily, the door was weighted, and it closed on its own as the two were simply beyond caring.

Frank reached for her blouse while Susan attacked his belt. A flurry of garments were flung left and right while the two did their best to stay conjoined at the lips. Finally undressed, Susan dropped to her knees and engulfed his cock. Frank’s head fell and a moan escaped his lips. Susan’s head seemed to glide effortlessly back and forth. Frank’s hands went to her shoulders, more to steady himself than anything else. The feeling was euphoric as her warm, wet mouth and slick throat continued to envelope his shaft.

At that moment, Frank wanted nothing more than to have Susan feel the same. He bent down, tugged her up into his arms, and kissed her sloppily. Without warning, he catapulted her onto the bed. He crawled with a bit of drool hanging from his lips as he went in between her legs, licking his lips. He dove in, craving her sweet juices. He alternated lapping his tongue and driving it deep into her channel. His fingers were not to be outdone. He reached up and massaged her breasts, molding and shaping them into different geometric forms. He then brought them down in a swift movement to join in the same fun his tongue was enjoying. Her inner thighs became a testing ground for the new contours Frank felt he could create with his massages. He snickered into her chasm when the thought struck him that he should have been a geometry teacher. Done with math, he changed positions with his mouth. He swirled his tongue around her clit and assailed two fingers into her abyss. Susan was moaning her satisfaction and when he began to nibble her pearl, she grabbed hold of his head as her body came in ecstasy.

Frank moved up between her legs. Lust filled both of their eyes. Simultaneously, with a rapturous kiss, Frank pushed down, and Susan propelled her body upward, causing his cock to sink to the hilt. Their pelvises now combined, a feral look graced both their faces. Each knew they wanted, needed what was to happen next. Frank pulled back and then thrust forward, taking it slow. Susan matched him perfectly, relaxing and then arching her back to accept him fully again. They developed a rhythm, and their speed increased. He plunged into her velvet canal, and she rocked on his rigid pole.

Frank’s movements erred on the rough side, his throbbing cock pounding into her, as he felt his impending satisfaction build. Susan, not to be outdone, was bucking feverishly into him. Frank let out a loud groan as he buried into her one last time. Susan wailed as an intense orgasm flowed through every ounce of her very being. Both were breathing heavily as Frank collapsed next to Susan. They gave each other a tender kiss before passing out.


‘What – the – fuck.’ Frank drew out the words as he rubbed his head with both his hands. His eyes peered through the slits of his fingers to an unfamiliar ceiling. He bolted upright, and then grabbed his head again to keep the room from spinning. ‘Where am I?’

‘What happened last night?’ Susan threw her legs off the bed and sat up. Her eyes opened, but everything was a blur. ‘Where in the hell am I?’ Her head jerked around.

The two individuals, who couldn’t have been more intimate with each other a mere eight hours ago, were now once again at a standoff.



The two stared at each other in disbelief. ‘I need a shower.’ Susan stood, wrapped a sheet around herself, and headed for the bathroom.

Frank went about the task of collecting clothes. As he got dressed, he contemplated what he could remember. ‘Dinner. I remember dinner. I’m pretty sure we went dancing after. That was fun. My ex never went dancing. But where are we now?’ Frank looked around and saw the room service menu for the Dunesbury Hotel. Shit. Judging by the size of the suite, he realized he was going to have one hell of a credit card statement to look forward to. Might as well add to it. He ordered aspirin and breakfast. Not knowing what Susan’s stomach or his for that matter could handle, he requested a small variety of everything. He then walked to the bathroom, knocked, and opened the door an inch. ‘I’m just bringing you your clothes.’ He reached in and set the garments on the counter before quickly jerking back out and shutting the door.

Frank went and sat on the bed, deep
in thought. ‘I’m confident I had a great time. Must have if we ended up here. If nothing else, I still remember dinner and most of our conversation. Susan was nothing like she is in the office. She was funny and insightful. I haven’t had a woman in my life for far too long. I don’t even care about the price of this room. I wonder what Susan thinks of the situation? Could she accept me? I doubt it.’ He sighed and rubbed his face again.

Susan stood under the cascading water. She didn’t want to come out as she was trying to replay how she ended up at a hotel with Frank Paxton of all people. ‘I remember dinner. He shocked me with how cordial he was. He was a gentleman, and he was smart and engaging. I remember dancing. He was surprisingly graceful and light on his feet. I used to love dancing, but my career put a halt to that… I’m certain I had a wonderful time. What does Frank think of me now? He’ll probably tell the whole office I’m a slut. Anything to cost me the promotion. Maybe he won’t. He did bring me my clothes. What the fuck do I do?’

Susan let out a sigh and turned off the water. Drying off, she heard a knock on the door, but not the bathroom door. She listened as she got dressed.

‘Room service.’

Frank opened the door. ‘Thank you, right over there, please.’ He pointed to a dining room table.

‘I’m Henry, and I’ll be taking care of you this morning.’ The waiter rolled the cart over to where instructed. ‘So did you and the Missus enjoy your evening, sir?’ He took the plates off the cart and arranged them on the table. He then poured two glasses full of orange juice and set the bottle of aspirin next to the carafe.

‘Yes, of course.’ Frank didn’t want to have to explain the situation, so he lied.

‘I’m glad to hear it, sir.’ Henry walked over to Frank. ‘Do you require anything else? A morning paper or the maid, perhaps?’

‘No, thanks. Here you go, my good man.’ Frank handed the waiter a tip.

‘Thank you, sir.’ Henry shut the door as he left.

Frank took his seat and thought about how he might convince Susan to see him socially again. Without the alcohol. He was startled out of his unanswered quandary when Susan walked up.

‘You must be hungry.’ Susan gave a light, nervous chuckle.

‘I wasn’t sure what you would like so I kind of got some of everything,’ Frank responded sheepishly.

Susan expected confidence, not the whispered tone she received. If this were a ploy, he would have been bolder in his response. That was encouraging. ‘Well, I’m positive I can’t eat half of this food, but I will take some French toast.’

Frank breathed a sigh of relief, happy she was willing to sit down and eat something with him but because he also ordered the French toast. Nervous about asking, he decided to let a few minutes pass before opening dialogue again. ‘Nice room, huh?’ Why was asking this woman out so tough? Was it because of their months of harsh history?

Susan gazed at him intently. ‘Yeah, it’s nice.’ She took a drink of her juice. ‘Don’t worry, I’ll help you pay for it.’ What was he up to?

Frank admonished himself as Susan clearly misunderstood what he was after. ‘No, no, it’s not necessary. It was my pleasure.’ He mentally smacked himself for saying the word pleasure, uncertain how she would react to any perceived reference to last night.

Susan thought to come back with sarcasm. Something like ‘I bet it was’ but honestly didn’t want to break the pleasant streak he was exhibiting, even though it was awkward. ‘No, I want to. Besides I remember you paid for dinner and dancing, and we were supposed to go dutch.’

Frank decided to stop acting as if he was some lame high school kid again. He took a drink and took a deep breath before making eye contact. ‘Susan, I know we had our differences, and that’s putting it mildly, but I had a wonderful evening with you. I would like to know if you are willing to try it again sometime.’

Susan’s eyes went wide in shock. She thought he was building up to something. Maybe a hoax or candid camera – anything to get her to lower her defenses.

‘Sorry, I thought I’d take a shot.’ Frank stood.

Frank took a couple steps, but Susan stopped him by grabbing his arm. ‘Is this on the level?’

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He cut the rose at the base of the stem – a single red bud, not yet open, its intoxicating fragrance trapped inside tightly closed velvety petals. It was no less than 3 feet long, and he carefully removed the thorns, leaving only delicate green leaves to grace the regal presentation. He brought it in and placed it next to her keyboard. It was the smallest of details, a simple romantic gesture – and it seduced her spirit. She bathed in the calming essence of lavender, washed her long hair in...

3 years ago
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Young Cowboy Part 3

I got a good nights sleep once my "company" left after last nights festivities but, was awakened by a woman screaming. I grapped my squirrel rifle and moved off in the direction the screaming was coming from. I came over the top of a small hill and there was a beautiful blonde haired woman fighting to get away from a burly looking trapper. I didn't care about the background of what transpired just that this woman was about to be raped and who knows what else by this backwoodsman and I...

2 years ago
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Catch 22 WifeChapter 7

I stood there impassive as Jenny was led from the room and then collapsed into a chair, crying. It was now clear that Shirley had completely seduced Jenny and used drugs to turn her into some kind of whore. I was a bit heartbroken but Debra calmly put an arm around me. "It's not your fault love. You did nothing wrong. She'll even confirm that later I bet." "But what if it wasn't the first time?" I moaned. "It sounds like she was not exactly practicing safe sex." Debra giggled....

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Shower Power

The heat of the day had taken its toll. I was feeling tired and impatient to get away. Hopefully, I would get home before the rain came again, so I could get my feet up and have some well-earned rest and relaxation. I had been so busy at work.If truth be told, I felt as though I had been meeting myself coming back. There seemed to be someone in the shop all day. I hadn’t even had the time to eat all my lunch before someone else came in looking for one book or another.A young man came in asking...

Straight Sex
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Mandys Life Chapter 2

Mandy's Life Chapter 2 After working as a cop for a couple of years things got interesting. My best friend on the force, Greg, had no idea of my desires that I had suppressed to be a woman. Greg treated his girlfriends poorly and one of them, Renee, and I became very close. She had another friend named Dawn, and we became close friends. Unknown to me, Renee and Dawn thought I was gay. Though I never showed any outward attraction to men, the fact that I had more friends who were...

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Infidelity 101 Chapter Three

I woke up restless when the alarm clock rang in the morning. I remained in bed as Hubby stumbled towards the bathroom. I rubbed my hands over my face. I couldn't quite remember the dreams I'd had during the night but, Ohhh, God... From the wetness between my legs and my hard nipples, my dreams had been erotic. Understandable considering what I'd done yesterday with Jason.Just thinking about Jason's huge cock caused me to moan softly when everything between my hip bones sent one single, united...

4 years ago
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Dee Ko Whtsapp Par Seduce Kiya Or Choda

Hello frnds my name is Lucky from new Delhi, i love to do sex regularly ..My age is 25 yrs .So seeda story par aate hai …Mai Delhi mei rehta hoo or meri cousin sister hai jo ki Punjab mei rehti hai uska naam Neeta hai jo ki married hai, mujhe wo shuru se pasand thi pichle dino unke bacho ki holidays par vo ghar aayi iss bar mera attraction unki taraf jaada tha mai bas unke touch karta rehta or unki pix apne saath lene ke bhaane chipkta vo samajh gyi thi ki mai unse mje le rha hoo ek din hum pix...

3 years ago
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The Apartment ManagerChapter 6

As soon as I was in my apartment with the door locked, I walked straight to the room where all the monitors were, my voyeur’s cave. I was hooked and I knew it. While I ate my sandwich and drank my drink, I clicked on the icons and links on the bottom tray, then I clicked on START, to see what other programs and surprises Henry and Carl had loaded into this system. I saw a link named ‘live action’ and clicked it, expecting to see some live action of the occupants in the apartments. What I...

1 year ago
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When the Teacher is the Pet Part Two

Shanda had power over me. Eating out her young pussy was amazing. Humiliating, but I had never cum with any girl or woman the way Shanda made me cum. I awoke one time that night after a dream I was with another woman. The woman I was with had no identity besides a romantic interest. Perhaps I drew parts of her from women I've known throughout the years. I'm no psychologist, though. Just before the dream ended, she began tying me down. I didn't want her to, but she did it anyway. I...

3 years ago
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"Come in. Come in, Susan. Come sit with us on the couch." Susan was strikingly beautiful. Black hair, cascading over her shoulders, framed a perfectly symmetrical hispanic face. She carried her petite, slender, frame with dignity as she joined the forty-year-old couple on the couch. The couple, both gifted in the looks department, shifted slightly to create a narrow space between them. "Have you met Roy, the owner of our company?" "No, Miss Russell," Susan responded shyly, "I know who...

2 years ago
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Secretarys Panties

One Saturday afternoon I went in unexpectedly to the office. As I entered my secretary's office I noticed a pair of purple satin bikini panties next to her chair. I immediately picked up the panties.I looked at the crotch area and saw what looked to be dried pussy juice. I put it up to my nose and inhaled and smelled the enchanting odor of pussy. I knew that she had worked late Friday, but I didn't know exactly how hard she had worked at "getting off".As my cock was getting harder, I checked...

2 years ago
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The BastardChapter 2 Conquest

The new life was Elizabeth, but I didn't know it yet. "He hated me." It was lamentable, her meeting with Robb. That was good for me. This was the next time I saw her, in a coffee shop just around the corner from her place, with a kosher bakery and sidewalk tables. Picture her face, wind-chapped cheekbones, a wool peasant sweater, the sky only partly cloudy, a beret pulled far down while she sipped cappuccino. I was happy because women who need you are vulnerable. "I can't believe...

2 years ago
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Seducing My Neighbors part two

Time had passed. It was a year later. The Wrights were again going on vacation. And again they were glad when I suggested that I stay in their home to watch over their daughter, Susie. Becky would not be there. She had turned 18 and had gone off on a cross-country tour with some friends on their bikes. That left 17 year old Susie alone in the house, which would not do. Cal and Samantha knew their daughter, Susie, was a virgin. She had only started dating last year and always in groups of...

2 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Road Less TraveledPrologue

Mike Faber, that's me. Aged to a prime of 61 years. Look like I'm 40. Tall, lanky, cantankerous, full of myself, hard hitting cowboy. Don't drink, don't smoke. Really unusual. Not quite what you'd expect. Nevertheless (learned, too) what you see is what you get. Leading an idyllic life on the "prairie" of West Texas, my spread covers 108,961 acres, to you city folks, that's 140 square miles. It's on the El Paso side on Monahans, past the sand dunes a bit. I acquired it in a game of...

4 years ago
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Slave Pixies Master is in a bad Mood

Pixie's Master was in a bad mood. There was a reason, however Pixie knew it wasn’t her place to ask. Her place was for her Master's use. She existed only for his pleasure and amusement, but she also was a way for him to calm down. She was happy she could give him that release. “Go to the dungeon slave” her Master commanded, “ chain yourself, on your back, legs spread, ankles and wrists!” “Please excuse this worthless slave's question Master, but do you wish her to be...

1 year ago
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BrownBunnies Thick Ass Daphne Roommates With Benefits

Thick Ass Daphne catches her roommate Jovan spying on her in the shower…again. This time she decides to put on a show for him. She soaps up her sexy body and shakes that booty for him. She calls him out and after he admits how sexy he finds her, she decides that maybe they can become roommates with benefits. She lets him oil up her body, giving him a massive boner. Shes shocked at how big it is and goes in for a taste. She sucks his dick and then sticks it in her tight pussy. They fuck in...

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The Enchanted Forest

Once upon a time there was a king of a small land who had three beautiful daughters. He wished more than anything that each would marry a prince, and bring more fortune to his family. On the eighteenth birthday of the eldest daughter, the king invited the lords and princes of close by to a great ball. The first to ask for his daughter’s hand in marriage was the eldest prince from the neighboring country. “Ah,” said the king to his wife, “He is the richest of all the men at this ball! Surely...

Love Stories
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The Devils Pact Chapter 53 The Fall of Rome

Introduction: Chase plans the downfall of her parents and their Theocracy. The Devils Pact by mypenname3000 edited by Master Ken Copyright 2013, 2014 Chapter Fifty-Three: The Fall of Rome Visit my blog at My name is Chasity Alberta Glassner, the Tyrants daughter. I write these words down so my motivations will not be lost to time, and so there will be no confusion, speculation, or misunderstanding about my actions. Excerpt from The Tyrants Daughter: An Autobiography by...

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Turkish Vacation

The next morning after a late breakfast we walked around the hotel area then headed to the hamam (Turkish bath) this is always my favorite part of the vacation, we went in, paid the small fee, and headed to the changing rooms, I stripped down to my bikini picked up the towels and headed to the steam bath, my husband and I sat alone in the bath till someone came and got us and took us to the washing room, my husband went first, then me, I laid down on the warm tile platform, and the young man...

2 years ago
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258 after those precious months 11

258 after those precious months [11] It was some time after the loss of my wife that I received a long letter from Jay, she didn’t know of the passing of Kelly and I replied to her explain that my wife had gone to the shrine suffering from the terminal illness and had not returned, though I had been informed that she had passed away. Such was Kelly`s bold face when they visited neither of the couple, not mother or son, had had any inkling she was unwell, so it was a real shock for them both....

4 years ago
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Adopted FamilyChapter 2

Sand and scouring powder did for the tub. Eventually. The bathroom sink yielded up a porcelain surface. The toilet got a gallon of bleach and a quart of CLR after I plugged the outflow with a bundle of rags with a string around it. While the toilet soaked I scrubbed the outside and attacked the walls. I was soaked with sweat after all that, but it was worth it. It actually looked clean. I wrapped a rag around the tub, bathroom sink and kitchen sink nozzles and soaked all three with CLR. I...

2 years ago
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Shopping becomes fun 3 way

Cindi and I headed to the mall. I hate shopping but once in a while I have to do something for her. She's 26, I'm 27. We met in college and married right after. Cindi is 5'7" 115 lbs. medium lenght blond hair and fit. Smallish tits and a firm ass. I'm 6'3", 185 and fit also. Cindi says I have a large dick. She's shaved, I'm trimmedWe browsed several stores and nothing cuaght her eye until we stopped at a high end shop for women. The salesgirl looked like she was still in college and I couldn't...

1 year ago
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Confession of a Mature Married Women

Dear readers, today I am going to confess in front of you all of a sin I have committed in the rage of sexual emotions. I am Shobha. A very simple housewife in my early forties. I have a loving husband and a daughter of 13 years in age. I live in a Mumbai suburban area called Malad. My husband Anil is in his mid forties and works for a leading bank as a branch manager. Anil loves me a lot and is very liberal. Unlike many middle class old fashioned husbands, Anil does not worry about me talking...

3 years ago
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My sister8217s dream of 1st date

It was the day that my sister Savita was dating to many of her clients as she was working in Civil Engineering Company. Many of her clients who come to our house regarding their problems and just meeting with her and other discussions. She was having a good client and whom used to visit our house anytime and he was a good looking smart person. The clients name is Mr. Shaikh Selym he used to touch her and even sometime put his hand behind her waist. She was also having the same relationship with...

1 year ago
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Aunty K Sath Mouke Ka Faida Uthaya 8211 Part II

Hi dostoun , mera naam ayaan hai aur hyderabad ka rehne wala houn, Aj main apko apni real kahani sunane wala hun, Ye aj se 2 saal pehle ki baat jab me inter me tha . Aur ye meri iss ki pehli kahani he , islye agar koi galtiyan ho to maf karna To dostoun, Main aksar holidays milte hi apni nanu (grandmother) k pas chale jata hun. Meri nanu city se baher gaoun me rehti he aur sth me nana aur meri aunty(samina) rehte hain. Mere clg me x-mas ke chuttiyan the to hamesha k tarha main nano k pas agaya...

3 years ago
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The Coxville chronicles

Chapter 1: Roadside meal. (inspired by works from the Pit/John persons) "That's racist and you know it." Shawn oaks said tiredly to his one (and perhaps) only white friend in coxville, Greg richards, dragging his suitcase along as they walked to his house in Coxville's downtown. For the past 3 hours since the bus station, Greg had been trying to tell his friend the "darker" (no pun intended) side of Coxville since he left. "No disrepect Bro, but the women in Coxville are...

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Em phi lagravem sao acircy khi bn em lagrave ngi ng tiacutenh

Chào các chuyên gia tư vấn của trung tâm tham vấn tâm lý Hoàng Nhân!Năm nay em 19 tuổi. Từ nhỏ đến lớn em luôn đuợc ba mẹ cưng chiều, sống yên ấm trong vòng tay của gia đình, hầu như không phải làm việc gì trừ việc học. Trong mắt mọi người em là một cô bé ngoan ngoãn, học giỏi, là một tấm gương sáng và thực tế là em đã gặt hái được nhiều thành công trong học tập. Trong mắt bạn bè thì em là một cô bé vô tư, trong sáng. Năm vừa qua em đã đậu vào một trường đại học lớn. Do...

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Changing Direction Ch 03

Chapter Three: A new persona The Bingham Hotel was Marilyn’s choice and the sexy blonde clearly knew her restaurants. The light poured in through the Georgian boutique hotel’s deco windows and their seats by the French windows offered a sublime view of the Thames. A wonderful contrast between several small pleasure boats and a couple of private yachts sailed by as they spoke. Not that Ella really cared. All she had on her mind was the need to hear that her audition had been a resounding...

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I joined xHamster so I could post a comment on a video I liked. Then I discovered the user section where I could email other members of the site and figured it was a good way to have a little fun when the mood strikes.It had been about a month after joining and I was feeling like maybe xHamster isn't the site to find people looking for real action. Most of the women and couples I had communicated with were only interested in watching porn, growing their friends list, and cam for money, or maybe...

3 years ago
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Living Next Door to Heaven 159 To Be Thankful

We survived midterms and our first two scrimmages. We played five full games against the varsity, but I don't think that helped them all that much. Well, maybe a little. It taught us all to defend against the outside shot. Our gym had been striped with the new three-point line which counterbalanced the odds of making the shot from out there. Except Josh and I were deadly from the top of the key. Whitney's baseline shot was even more accurate. She could hit it from fully in the corner and...

3 years ago
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The TrainerPart 3

Duke stood and looked at Amber and said, "Kneel before me!" Amber did as she was told. Duke looked at her and said to her, "Very well done, lilone. Now before we begin anything, I need to explain to you about a few things. First off, everything in this lifestyle is Safe, Sane and Consensual. Nothing is forced. Do you understand?" Amber looked at him and said, "Yes sir." Duke reached out and grabbed her and flipped her over his knee and spanked her bare ass with three hard swats and...

1 year ago
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At the Summit Ch 14

Part 14 – ‘Into the Shadows’ LATE IN 1997 ‘It seems like everything in the Summit Conference preparations was coming together,’ observed Sophia. I agreed, unable to say more due to the toast with marmalade in my mouth. We were having breakfast in our room in the Oxford, Room Service now having become our practice. It was a luxury, but Sophia’s business was benefiting from Denver’s booming economy, and it felt so wonderful to be together after our tear-soaked lovemaking of the night before. ...

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Cleaning House

It had been a long day of cleaning, Christian and Karmen were exhausted but the work needed to get done. Christian was working on the ceiling fan when he looked over to see Karmen on her knees hand scrubbing the floor. She was working so hard, bent down, breaking out in a sweat. Her skin shone slightly with the glisten of perspiration. It was a hot muggy day and the temperatures had been up near 40 degrees Celsius. The apartment they were scouring before they moved out was sweltering hot. He...

1 year ago
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JulesJordan Adriana Chechik Enters The Anal Sex Chamber

Adriana Chechik features in a LED lit fuckshow that “chechiks” all boxes in this scene from Adriana Chechik the proud owner of a face and chassis that could star in mainstream productions. The starlet showcases a strapped black leather rig that could be branded with her name on it. The opening is in black and white with Adriana teasing and holding a light. Eventually it fades into color and it pops. Put the tease on loop and enjoy. Adriana Chechik with a sunny slide into a POV...

2 years ago
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A Christmas to Remember Part 3

I followed Grace in to the kitchen where Momma had piled the table with a Christmas dinner big enough to feed a small army. The entire house smelled mouth watering with a blend of spices, sweets, and baked ham. Papa Charles sat at one end of the table, with his mug of Irish coffee. I’m surprised he stuck around but glad he did. Momma sat beside him, looking like a sexy Christmas elf in a new house gown. I took my seat with Grace on my left and Momma to my right. Our eleven year old son, David...

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Mandy The Complete Story Book 2Chapter 4

Mandy lovingly kept her hand on Bob's shoulder. He looked so peaceful lying there. Although the last few days had not been too peaceful for her and her silent wish was to climb next to her love and rest with him. But that was not possible, at least not right then. "I don't want to dwell on the present," she thought to herself. So she let her mind wander back once again to her happy times with Bob. Her friend. Her lover. Her husband! Mandy had never driven, never had her own car. Her...

3 years ago
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PoppyChapter 2

"Poppy!" "Jack," she cried, and a few more drivers blew their horns. "What are you doing?" "Having some fun," she giggled and looked at him. "What, you think you are the only person who likes showing off in public?" "You'll get arrested." "I haven't yet," she responded, and Jack looked at her vivacious body. She was well proportioned with gentle curves and a generous bust. "Why?" She turned to him again and gave a shrug. "Why not? It's fun. It's a rush. Try...

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