The Corporate Ladder free porn video

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As Joel pushed her out the door not that long after he had brought her home, he realized he wasn’t even sure what her name was. Mindy? Cindy? Linda? Fuck. How pathetic. One more in a long line of trashy little sluts and one night stand bar pick-ups. He was almost glad he hadn’t had the opportunity to see her in full light.

With her over sprayed hair plastered down and the excessive makeup smeared all over her face, even in the dim light she had been…what exactly? He’d known as soon as his arms went around her that she had a few too many rolls of fat in all the wrong places. Stubby little legs…a fat ass…questionable oral hygiene…a pussy that had the lingering odor of stale piss. His dick was still sore after the pathetic teeth-laden blow job she had attempted. When he finally had fucked her, she had just laid there. He’d better check carefully for crabs.

He’d had his ‘beer goggles on’ as he did most nights of the week. He had fallen into an all too familiar routine. He didn’t love nor hate his job. It was his first real job following college, grad school and the military. He chuckled as he thought about the amazing line of bullshit the corporate recruiter had fed him. ‘Industry leader,’ ‘progressive, state of the art technology.’ The company facility they had shown him when they had been recruiting him was all of that. The place they had sent him for his first ‘entry-level’ management position was something else.

Joel was a few years older than his two peers at the plant, he’d stuck around his alma mater for an MBA with a double major and then owed Uncle Sam four years in return for his ROTC scholarship. Bobby and Fred were twenty four and twenty-five respectively, Joel was the old man at twenty-nine. The company was paying him a little more in view of his MBA and service time. In the pecking order his job title was senior to theirs. He was the assistant plant manager while they had titles which were a little more nebulous.

If there was a certified smelly arm pit in the country, this was it. Situated about as far North in the U.S. as you could be without being in Canada, it was a decrepit, aged, dirty, dying old town which hadn’t even gotten around to upgrading its ‘ESSO’ signs at the gas station he often stopped at. It had one fast food restaurant. Past that there wasn’t a decent place to eat and these folks had no concept of a decent cup of coffee. He’d often drive across the border and enjoy an absurdly cheap and relatively decent lobster dinner at a little dive.

The climate was brutal, the sun didn’t shine for at least nine months of the year. The mounds of snow didn’t melt until well into the month of May. The long winters were numbingly cold and the wind was relentless. During the absurdly short ‘summer,’ huge horse flies came out of nowhere and seemed impervious to any repellant other than the 80% DEET that could only be procured on the Canadian side.

It wasn’t close to ski country—not that he skied. The only agricultural production seemed to be potatoes. Cheaper—and better—potatoes were coming in from across the border. In a futile fit of protest the potato farmers dumped massive piles of spuds near the border crossings. The town seemed to lack the funds or know how to dispose of them. As soon as the temperature got above freezing the potatoes began to rot and stink.

It was obvious that the EPA had never been here, what industry existed was ancient and polluting. A pungent gray haze hung over everything until the stiff winter breezes blew it somewhere else. The water out of the tap tasted of sulfur and iron. His car was coated with a thick black soot that attacked the paint and seemed impervious to anything short of Comet or Ajax.

His apartment was equally old, dated and crappy, it had been the best he could find or afford and he hated every inch of it. It was neither well-insulated nor adequately weatherproofed. Heat was often intermittent and electrical brown outs were common fare in the winter.

The only place to meet women was at the only motel in town, an equally decrepit Holiday Inn. Local girls would mingle with school teachers who would come across the border to dance to the marginal house band and explore the potential for male companionship.

The first night a friend from work had taken him there, he quickly realized that it would take at least a pitcher a night of overly sweet, flat, shitty draft beer before any of the women appeared remotely attractive. Evidently the better looking girls didn’t need to take a job in this little hell hole or its equally depressing sister town just across the border.

Soon after arriving, he read in the local paper that his new home town had the highest suicide rate in the state—and the nation. Crime was another issue, no one had much to steal. Violent crime usually came down to a couple of terminally depressed drunks going after each other with knives, lead pipes or ball bats. Driving after dark could be hazardous, the critically understaffed local constabulary had long since given up enforcing DUI statutes.

His boss at work, the plant manager, was a very decent guy who, rumor had it, was being punished for some earlier indiscretion. He was actually very sharp, mentored well and seemed to give a shit. Joel was a bright kid with decidedly blue collar roots. He wasn’t afraid of hard work, he worked longer hours than he probably needed to. Hell, what else did he have to do? Hopefully hard work, good results and long hours would get him out of this shit hole sooner rather than later.

The plant employees worked with a grim determination that seemed to indicate that they had accepted their lot in life. It was almost as if they believed God had put them here for a purpose—possibly as punishment for some unknown sins—and they had to make the best of it. They were in purgatory, if it was the last stop before hell, hard work might get them a seat slightly away from the inferno. If there was a chance for redemption, hard work and a good attitude might be the tickets to salvation.

The local stores were almost a throwback to the late forties and early fifties, they always ran out of things. If you didn’t like the brand of sliced cheese on the shelf, tough luck…it was the only one they carried. One mustard, one catsup and one kind of relish.

Unfortunately the women who worked at the factory were well illuminated by the harsh, yellow, flickering florescent lighting. All of their flaws and shortcomings were well displayed. He wouldn’t have let a single one of them in his bed, if any of them had crawled in of their own volition, you’re damn right he would have kicked them out. Three pitchers of bad beer wouldn’t have changed his perspective.

Each morning he and his two counterparts would proceed on arrival to the plant manager’s office—more an open bay overlooking the shop floor—for a quick pep talk and any special marching orders. Today was no exception. There were never any new marching orders and the pep talked had lost any vestige of effectiveness. Joel couldn’t remember the boss ever closing his office door. He didn’t even remember it having a door but evidently it did because the plant manager closed it, asked them all to sit down and seemed less talkative than usual.

‘Gents, let’s keep this under our hats until it’s official and more details are forthcoming. No use beating around the bush, this plant is being closed. It’s been decided that investment in newly mandated work place safety requirements just doesn’t make sense. New technology says the work we do here can be done at lower cost with fewer people someplace else. For the record you three are not going to be let go, HR will find new positions for you at other locations. I on the other hand will be exploring opportunities outside the corporation. An HR representative will be in town this afternoon to chat with each of you. Those conversations will be held off-site to avoid alarming the work force. Any questions?’

Joel spoke u
p first. ‘I guess it isn’t a surprise. Our machinery is antique and, in spite of diligent and quality conscious workers, things break down all the time and it kills productivity. I know I join Bobby and Fred in saying it has been an honor to work for you. You’ve been a good boss, you care about the employees and the plant and you’ve worked overtime to mentor us. I’ve learned more about the business of manufacturing from you in the last year and a half than I ever did in college. This is probably out of line, but what the hell did you do—and who did you do it to—to get screwed over like this, Simon? It just doesn’t seem right.’

Simon laughed so hard he almost fell out of his chair. ‘For the record I didn’t sleep with the boss’s wife—heaven forbid. You guys have frankly been the best three entry level hires I’ve had the pleasure of working with, you deserve to know. I’m talking way out of school here.’

Simon paused to sip his black coffee and continued. ‘Every company has a few people that play the good old boy system for all it’s worth, seldom put in an honest day’s work and repeatedly take credit for other people’s efforts. Some get caught but one or two just seem to keep getting promoted. I’ve never been part of the good old boy network. I don’t do dinners, cigars, Single Malt or late night brandy sniffing—I have a family. I hate golf.

‘A few years ago in a fit of conscience, I tried to expose one of those pricks in question, I lost. My numbers had always been stellar, I’d put my performance reviews up against anyone in the company. I knew more about plant operations than anyone at my level or any other level for that matter. The ‘gentleman’ in question wanted to fire me. Cooler heads prevailed so I was exiled—here. Unfortunately the ‘gentleman’ in question has continued to be promoted…this time he got his way.

‘I care for you guys, you need to know who I’m talking about and avoid getting on his bad side like the plague. His name is Brett Davidson, he is now the Senior VP of manufacturing East and will probably head up all plant operations within the next two years. Be careful and feel free to tell him what a useless piece of shit I was if he ever asks.’ With those final words, it was obvious that the meeting was over.

The non-union plant foreman sidled up to Joe at his earliest opportunity.

‘They’re closing the plant, aren’t they, Joel?’

‘Mike, you know damn well that if I had that information I couldn’t share it. We both know it’s an antiquated facility in which the corporation has invested almost nothing in years. We’ve had this chat before over one too many pitchers of cheap beer. We all agreed that the day would come when they pulled the plug. I am not intimating that such a decision had been made but everyone in this building knows this facility is long in the tooth and on its last legs.’

‘Why did Simon close the door? He never does that.’


Mike and Joel had a very good working relationship. His maturity, time in the military and blue collar parents had helped make Joel more acceptable than the typical bright eyed and bushy tailed new college grad. Mike Bowman was the glue that kept the whole mess together. He had to believe that the company would find a place for Mike. He would discover that afternoon how naïve he was.

The meetings with the HR representative were held in a small, dingy conference room at the Holiday Inn. Joel was schedule last, he didn’t see any particular significance in that fact.

He arrived early and took a seat outside the conference room. Ten minutes before his appointment Bobby came out of the room following his HR session. He was smiling.

‘What’s the scoop, Bobby?’ Joel at that point had more concern for his employees and his foreman than Bobby probably did. He was disappointed that Bobby had garnered no information on that front. The discussion had focused only on Bobby’s future.

‘I’m moving to Hotlanta! Assistant Plant Manager in a brand new, state of the art, non-union plant just south of the city.’

‘Did you talk to Fred?’

‘Yep! He’s going to San Antonio with a promotion—same deal.’

‘That’s great, Bobby. I’m happy for both of you.’ The two men shook hands, the younger one almost skipped down the motel corridor.

Joel had a few minutes to ruminate before his scheduled appointment. He’d never been a suck-up. He’d come close to straying over the line of uninvited openness on one or more occasions over the years but his hard work and top performance had always given him some license for candor. He was pretty sure he knew what was going to happen to all of the non-exempt employees: just what had happened to Simon only worse. There were no other jobs in this shit hole town. Few if any of them had the money to pull up stakes and move. He doubted they would receive anything beyond token assistance from the corporation—certainly not travel or relocation funds.

Somehow he sensed that Simon would come out okay, he’d move. He was a pretty frugal guy and hopefully had some savings. He’d receive severance based on company policy that would give him money coming in for as long as it usually took for someone at his level to find a new job.

Joel had no intention of burning bridges or telling anyone to fuck off…but he wasn’t going to duck the issue of his people and their future. He knew nothing he said would have any impact but at least he’d be on the record. Regardless of Simon’s advice, Joel wasn’t going to sell his boss down the river…at least not to the personnel puke on the other side of the door. He was beginning to wonder if he still cared if he had a job with this company, he had no family, no debts and moderate savings. The door next to him opened and he wasn’t remotely prepared for what or who he saw.

The HR representative was female—young female, his age or possible a couple of years younger. She was pretty…no, she was better than pretty. Her smile was warm, inviting…friendly. She was tall—certainly five seven in stocking feet maybe a hair more. Without appearing to gawk, that was about all he had time to take in before she extended her hand and introduced herself.

‘Hi, Joel., I’m Melissa…Melissa Stanton. It’s a pleasure to meet you, come on in.’

She preceded him and he had a chance to quickly appraise the back view. Nice legs…a soft swell to her hips…a hint of expensive perfume…an Audrey neck. She indicated which chair he should take, picked up a file from a table nearby and descended into the chair beside him. Nice blouse…pretty skirt…shimmering hair…a small but quite adequate bust line. Ah, he thought to himself. This is how you get the young entry level managers off their game— send up a pretty one.

She made small talk, noting where he had attended college, commenting on his military service, speaking of her own education but quickly got down to business. Hell, it was the middle of the afternoon and the closest airport was a hundred miles away—and that only got you on a prop commuter to Boston. She didn’t want to be in this crappy little town any more than he did.

‘So, Joel, are you ready to take your first real step up the corporate ladder?’

‘Before we do, could I ask a couple of questions—even though I think I already know the answers?’

This was not on the script but HR types were supposed to be touchy-feely so whatever floated his boat—up to a point, Melissa thought to herself.

‘First, am I correct in assuming we are not planning to salvage and relocate any of the non-exempts to include the foreman and the line supervisors?’

‘That would not be financially prudent, Joel. Few if any of them have the skills to work in one of our state of the art facilities.’

‘They’re far brighter than someone who has never worked with them might think. They’re loyal, hard working and have continued to turn out quality products in a stone age facility. I’m well aware that producti
vity has declined, the machinery is old and breaks down all too often. I’m not in any position to argue with you, Ms. Stanton. I understand corporate reality.’

‘I’m glad you understand.’

‘I also gather that they don’t qualify for any real severance, job hunting expenses and the like…am I right?’

‘That’s correct.’

‘As you mentioned a moment ago, I did a stint in the military. I’ve worked with good NCOs—non commissioned officers…blue collar supervisors—and Mike Bowman is as good a ‘first sergeant’ as it gets. He’s the glue that has kept things together. He’s studied computers on his own time and at his own expense—even built one for himself. He does have a college degree earned in night school. He’s ‘old school’ but very bright and has exceptional people skills. It would be a shame to lose him.’

‘I’ll look into that, Joel…anything else?’

‘Just one more thing. I’ve come to realize that Simon, the plant manager is very high on someone’s shit list—pardon my language—and has no future within the corporation. For the record, I have learned more about business and specifically manufacturing from him than I learned in college, grad school and the military combined. He’s a straight shooter and a consummate mentor. The company is losing a very good man. That’s about it from my end, Ms. Stanton.’

‘Joel, Simon’s—Mr. Carlton’s—future or lack of it is well above my pay grade and out of my hands. He will receive a generous severance and outplacement assistance. If he’s as good as you say he is—and I gather his numbers have always been impressive—I’m sure he will land on his feet.’

The attractive brunette paused, seemingly deep in thought. ‘Joel, there are 226 non-exempt employees working at the plant. If it was your money, how many of them would you want to ‘salvage,’ as you put it?’

‘I’m not as idealistic nor do I have a bleeding heart as you might think, Ms. Stanton. More than half of them are older, have no other job skills, aren’t technologically sound and haven’t made any real attempt to improve their skills. They work hard doing mind numbingly repetitive work. They are neither ambitious nor terribly bright. Their current relatively meager existence will decline dramatically in view of the lack of employment opportunities in the area. Many of them—along with their spouses and children—will not survive. They’ll lose their homes, cars and most of what they have accumulated in life. Many will end up homeless, without healthcare, many will get sick and die in this God forsaken climate. If they’d had any sense, they would have moved away from the town of their birth decades ago.’

Melissa seemed to be taking notes, Joel paused to let her catch up. He was really going to be on the record this time.

‘In answer to your question, probably a third to a quarter—fifty to seventy— are the antithesis of their older colleagues and would be worth an interview and an evaluation. Of that, maybe half—twenty five or thirty—would prove to be real assets to the company’s objectives and would be highly productive employees worthy of salvaging. Of those, sadly five or ten have elderly relatives to care for who won’t leave, spouses with jobs or a bond to this part of the country that they just can’t break. At the end of the day, if it was my money…twenty? Not counting Mike Bowman who is a no-brainer.’

Melissa Stanton completed her notes and looked up, fixing him with the most piercing set of deep blue eyes Joel had ever seen. She spoke one word.



‘Send me your list of the fifty to seventy after you identify them. A team will come back up to test, interview and evaluate them. If they measure up, the company will salvage ten of them. That’s the budget. I’ll deal with the Mike Bowman issue. I have a room here for the night, I’d hoped to get out without staying overnight but, if it’s as important as you say it is, then Mike Bowman deserves my time.’

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The Corporate Retreat

"A Corporate Retreat?" Doug Nathan asked, reading the notice left on the table in the lunch room of Hubbard & Associates. "Where have we been, and why do we have to retreat from there?" "It means an off-site, dummy," Sarah Perkins said, poking him in the side. "People go on Corporate Retreats to generate ideas and build teamwork," she added. "It's a great way to get to know your fellow employees." "I think it's just time away from the office," he said. "That's part of the...

4 years ago
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Climbing the Coporate Ladder

By Willing Wimp I spent the first ten years of my marriage thinking I was a good lover and provider and that my wife, Rachel, was satisfied with our relationship. In retrospect, I now realize that I took my beautiful Rachel for granted and didn't show her the appreciation she deserved. I was a moderately successful junior business executive. Rachel, in turn, was a very dutiful and supportive housewife, and a loving mother to our small children. She never complained, made me feel like a...

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Adventures in Business Training Corporate

Sally glanced down at her watch. The session should have been done 30 min ago, but Bob was still droning on. It wasn’t that Bob wasn’t interesting to watch. Her friends described him as young Alec Baldwin. But being lectured on corporate initiatives late on a Friday just didn’t cut it. Over the course of the two week training course, Sally had tried to make a connection with Bob. Initially she tried flirty smiles and glances to no avail. Next she tried her cutest skirt and a top that showed her...

2 years ago
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Body Corporate Chapter 8

2309 words - 1.15Chapter 8The AuctionAfter the ordeal with Sheila, the room went back to normal and the auction continued on with the first slave to exchange hands. She was brought to the centre of the stage completely naked, in chains, where she was mounted onto a spreader. This allowed everyone to see the complete body not a person but a body to be easily inspected by all. The body was that of the blonde that Cindi had been so impressed with when she first saw her arrive. The bidding started...

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Body Corporate Chapter 8

2309 words - 1.15Chapter 8The AuctionAfter the ordeal with Sheila, the room went back to normal and the auction continued on with the first slave to exchange hands. She was brought to the centre of the stage completely naked, in chains, where she was mounted onto a spreader. This allowed everyone to see the complete body not a person but a body to be easily inspected by all. The body was that of the blonde that Cindi had been so impressed with when she first saw her arrive. The bidding started...

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Corporate Ambitions

Corporate Ambitions By Ashley and Sarah Prologue As I relate this account of my incredible reversal of purpose, I cannot avoid a confused mix of emotions when I realize the clarity of my own recollection. It cannot be that it was so short a time ago that my passions were focused in quite another direction. Indeed, it seems a lifetime ago when my resolve was to be what I am fond of thinking of as "the other". I was a graduating MBA, mature but still somewhat young, and...

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The Corporate Slave

Jan 2019: I joined Deepu’s team. I was like a corporate slave. There isn’t a single male, including the security guards of our Gurgaon office, who doesn’t want to fuck our sales manager. Deepanjali is simply irresistible. She’s a hot Punjabi girl with natural assets. She also does Pilates to shape her voluptuous body. I’ve spent many hours trying to count the number of ways in which her lower body is curved. There are steep slopes on both sides of her torso, from her boobs to waist. There is a...

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Corporate Desire

Hi readers, I am back with a bang to take the desires of a matured woman to the next level. It is all about the corporate life, the other side of the coin. This incident happened when Namitha, Anuska and I moved to an engineering college for campus recruitment. No doubt there were other members too, but we were the technical team. The college had already booked rooms in a 5-star hotel for different teams. I had to stay with them under a singe ceiling. I was a little hesitant to stay with two...

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Purnima Bhat 8211 The Corporate Whore

This is a true story about Purnima Bhat, a corporate slut from Jammu. After graduation from Jammu University, this beauty from Srinagar went on to join as a computer operator, then progressed as a travel executive, then as a centre coordinator and finally as a personal assistant of a top honcho in Jammu. One fine day I heard of a girl joining our office in a different department. I quickly went to see her enroute to the toilet. There she was..the beauty 5’4″ 36-28-36, she wore a white suit...

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LoriCorp Corporate Restructuring

LoriCorp: Corporate Restructuring By Lori San D'Angelo The restructuring took place shortly after our company was sold. The owners of our mid-sized drug distributing firm were in their 60's and apparently the deal was too good to refuse. Days later so-called "specialists" were called in from the new parent company, known as LoriCorp. No one knew much about this group, other than it apparently had pharmaceutical holdings...

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corporate Desire

Hi readers, I am back with a bang to take the desires of a matured woman to the next level. It is all about the corporate life, the other side of the coin. This incident happened when Namitha, Anuska and I moved to an engineering college for campus recruitment. No doubt there were other members too; but we were the technical team. The college had already booked rooms in a 5-star hotel for different teams. I had to stay with them under a singe ceiling. I was a little hesitant to stay with two...

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Corporate Merger

---- Corporate Merger by Mushrambo ---- It all started when the firms brought in that "efficiency expert" in order to help with the merger. One really couldn't blame them for it, bringing together two companies which had been rivals for their entire existance was no easy feat. But with corporate mergers, there always came layoffs. Which is why Aaron was sitting in this board room now, opposite his counterpart from Croft Global. The two companies boards were reviewing every...

2 years ago
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Corporate Takeover

Man I hated coming to these corporate functions. It was our annual holiday party, and most of the people in attendance were already feeling quite good. I was already tired of the let’s be polite and ask how things are going. I have never been into small talk. I wasn’t looking forward to the 90 minute drive home, and was wondering if I had been here long enough so that I could make my getaway? I decided that I had. I stood up and said my goodbyes to the others at my table,...

Straight Sex
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Corporate Desire

Hi readers, I am back with a bang to take the desires of a matured woman to the next level. It is all about the corporate life, the other side of the coin. This incident happened when Namitha, Anuska and I moved to an engineering college for campus recruitment. No doubt there were other members too; but we were the technical team. The college had already booked rooms in a 5-star hotel for different teams. I had to stay with them under a singe ceiling. I was a little hesitant to stay with two...

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Indian BDSM girl dominates corporate guy

Hello folks, this is Simraan back again with another erotica filled with kinky fun. If you haven’t read , I am an Indian girl, who is very innocent from the outside, but kinkiest of all on the inside! This incident happened while I was working in a decent position in a big corporate firm. I was in the sales department and at times, I had to go out of station for sales pitches. Corporate typically takes care of accommodation and travel, which was mostly in luxury resorts. This time, I was...

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Corporate Bodies Pt 01 Dishonesty

I stared at the over-sized computer monitor as if transfixed.On the screen in front of me, a strikingly pretty blonde dressed only in sheer black hold-up stockings and high heels was bent over a large, expensive hardwood desk in a large, expensive wood panelled office. Her feet were parted wide, her hips were flexed and her naked bottom with its dark, damp cleft was presented brazenly.Behind her, between her long, spread legs stood an older, unattractive, overweight but expensively tanned man,...

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Corporate Owned

My name is Jiffy, that’s not the name I was born with but more on that later on.  I am a 24 year old, and I am a male corp-owned secretary contracted to Linda Insurance Group.  My current boss is Ms. Priscilla, she’s twice my age, she picked me from the roster right after I graduated from Male Secretariat Academy and was contracted to LIG. My job consists of anything she/they say is my job.It was three years ago when a young man at a job convention offered me the brochure for the Male...

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Corporate FavorsChapter 5

The servant brought the tea and left. "Now Jennifer, what is it you wished to discuss?" Jennifer was still in awe of the magnificent beauty of this woman. She wondered how a man like Tremper could even consider looking at another woman. She decided Larry Tremper was more perverted than she had thought. "I... I'm not sure how to tell you, Mrs. Tremper." "Please call me Dana. I thought we established that the other night." "Yes, of course, Dana. I'm sorry. It's just that, you're...

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My trip to corporate

The day went on I visited corporate perform my bit in the meeting showing off my branch had the best numbers for the third quarter in a row really pushing to be moved up to a higher position. Meeting went on and all I could think of was this new girl to not only me but the company. Apparently she fit the mold of what I prefer as I am a picky customer. Average height, white skin, blonde hair, nice big round ass, slender body. Meeting rounded off I made my way to the usual dinner and...

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Corporate Training

The disheartening sound of my alarm had penetrated my dreams. I was in the middle of a concert, playing to a crowd in the tens of thousands with my band, when that wretched sound blasted through the concert arena, giving a sonic death to my sonic heaven. As my view from behind the kit faded to black, my eyes popped open to a blurry, yet familiar view of my bedroom, where that bastard clock starred me down. “Yeah, yeah, shut up” I mumbled, smacking my revenge on the snooze button. I slid myself...

Oral Sex
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My First Corporate Sex Experience With My Manager

Hi, guys. Thanks for the overwhelming response for my first ever sex story that I submitted here. This sex story is about my corporate life, how I had sex with my manager. You can call me jacky.And my manager Riya (name changed for obvious reason). I am sure when she will read this story she will come to know about me. As she is a regular reader of this site. Riya is almost 35 years old, but I can bet upon my own flat that anyone looking at her will say she is just 25. Big busty boobs, fair...

2 years ago
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Male Escort With Corporate Employees In NCR

Hi all! This is Shankar again. Here I’m with my new and latest experience. I thank all the people who sent their comments and feedback to me for my previous experiences. I really glad to see such feedback. Please no one ask me to introduce you as a male escort. ISS is a great platform to deliver my experiences. I got a huge response after sharing my experiences here. Myself is Shankar from NCR; age 23, hairy chest with average body, I live in indrapuram, Ghaziabad. I’m available to give the...

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Journey Of The Corporate Guy 8211 Part 5

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 27 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 4. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Sorry friends for lot of delay in coming up the next part, Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. This is the time where smitha Laura and I were together, it was awesome movement. Laura came with the idea saying that why we can’t meet her best buddies who are...

3 years ago
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Journey Of The Corporate Guy 8211 Part 4

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 3. Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank u readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. These episode is about the Hot & Steamy Three Some sex with Two Beauties (Smitha & Laura). As u guys know about me im a party animal. I and smitha used to hang out a lot in pubs, one such evening we were in Sky Bar enjoying...

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Journey Of A Corporate Guy 8211 Part 3

Hi I am Praveen (name changed) 26 years of age, Bangalore and this is the Continuation of my previous saga Journey of a corporate Guy Part 2 (links on top). Readers Above links are for the previous stories. Thank you readers for Ur valuable comments and suggestions, I will start from here. Guys this a very lengthy incident, hope u guys bear it as it fun being sharing all the things. Just for a recap I was with Smitha in goa. We were in the rain of love. Even smitha was fully tired and was...

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Corporate Psychology

Corporate Psychology I Jennifer Taylor stood quietly in the ladies room just off the lobby at the Corporate Offices of Prescott-Lowell Pharmaceutical. She was checking herself in the mirror carefully. She needed to make sure that every hair was in place, her makeup perfect, and not so much as the slightest wrinkle to disturb the smart looking business suit that she wore. Today was a special day and she was here early to make sure that everything went well, at least those things...

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Christines Corporate Audit

“Great news today at work” I excitedly told my husband almost as soon as I walked in the door. “What’s that, dear? “You are looking at the newest member of the corporate audit team.” “Congratulations.” “I believe that I am the youngest employee ever assigned to the team. Not bad for a small-town girl from the Midwest.” “What about the travel?” Tom asked because we still lived less than 30 miles from the where we grew up. The furthest away from home I had ever been was our honeymoon in...

4 years ago
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on the ladder

Donna had gone to work and I’d been sitting on my computer looking around xhamster for around ten minutes when there was a knock on the door. As I opened it there stood Geraldine, Donna’s friend, obviously she hadn’t known my wife was at work. In she came as I put the kettle on and as she sat down and lit a cigarette she was talking of her non existing sex life.Anyway after a good half hour she mentioned that she was thinking of having a loft conversion done similar to ours and could she look...

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Antheas baby 1

“What’s wrong? What’s wrong?”Anthea looked up at her mum as she sat down at the dining table. “Nothing is wrong,” Anthea responded watching as her mum hurriedly dried her hands with a tea towel.“Is the baby okay? Are you okay? Is Jack okay?” she asked as her husband came into the room and pulled up a seat at the table.“We’re all fine Mum,” she responded exasperated with her mum’s anxiety. “I have something to tell you.”“Sit down Helen,” her dad snapped. “Give the lass a chance to speak.”Anthea...

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Corporate FavorsChapter 3

"My what a beautiful wife you have Ron. You're certainly a lucky man." Larry Tremper's compliment was said with a smile, yet Jennifer felt none of the warmth which Mike and Cindy had exhibited the week before. Tremper's smile was a little too broad, mixed with the hint of a leer. He was handsome, she had to admit. Jennifer had been expecting some cigar smoking, overweight, old codger. Larry Tremper was none of those. He was in his mid to latter forties, young, she thought, to be the...

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Uther By Ellie Dauber (c) 2006 Introduction According to the legends of King Arthur, Merlin changed Uther Pendragon into a double for Duke Gorlois, so he could spend the night with Ygraine, the Duke's wife. Ygraine and Gorlois had three daughters: Elaine, Morgause, and Morgan le Faye. During their time together, Ygraine became pregnant with the child who was to become King Arthur. Uther's men killed Gorlois that same night. This is my TG (of course) version of what...

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What Happens On Corporate Retreat Cruises

If any of you happen to be a comedian and you get offered a corporate gig on a cruise, seriously consider taking it! Okay, I know most of you who read this won’t be a comedian, so let me explain. Big corporations often do a yearly retreat for their executives across the country, and it’s common for them to hire a comedian to come in and do a standup set. They are the worst kind of gigs in my opinion, because most of the audience are the overworked, overstressed kind of people who don’t care...

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Body Corporate Chp 17

3562 - 1.78Chapter 17Weeks EndAgain Cindi enjoyed a good night’s sleep, which she felt would probably be the last for some time. Darren awoke at about 8:30am Cindi was already out of bed and in the shower where Darren joined her. He gently took her into his arms and embraced her while his manhood stirred to life. He wanted to take the very last opportunity to make unrestricted love to this diva. Cindi responded immediately also wanting to end the week on a very positive sexual note. She knew...

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Carruthers Bride

The the wind howled around the quayside as I stepped onto terra firma for the first time in weeks, the wind threw sharp shards of ice to sting our faces as we looked up at the sails as they were finally furled and stowed as our captain grinned at our discomfiture, "Au revoir!" he joked as if he knew we should soon be recalled. Those such as were left, and we were few enough, I shuddered. My best uniform packed securely in my Valise, awaited me, and just a few more duties before I...

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