My Ballantyne Ch. 02 free porn video

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The story so far: A former international champion ballroom dancer of the Cha Cha, Sierra Ballantyne, buys her mother’s failing dance studio and is unable to turn it around. So she converts it into the Ballantyne School of Seduction against a background of controversy that she sets out to mollify. The young divorcee catches the eye of the publisher of a trendy urban magazine.



Well, a mini moment of destiny had arrived, thought Sierra Ballantyne, standing up in response to Mason Littlejohn’s sweetly uttered invitation, ‘Come to bed.’

Did she need to go to bed with someone! She was taut with sexual longing as she’d not had release for quite sometime but now that she had the glimmer of hope that she was bottoming out on her downward socio-economic spiral, this offer was reason to celebrate.

But she decided not to be too eager.

‘No,’ flustered Sierra, ‘I’ve been dancing dynamically, getting all hot and sweaty, I need to shower.’

‘I’ll adore smelling the flesh of the real you,’ said Mason, in almost a whisper.

‘I really don’t know.’

Mason put down his glass and picked up the mentally teetering dancer and took her to the bed in the stage set next door.

As they reached the bed they ended their first kiss and Mason dropped Sierra lightly, and in one easy movement dove two hands in under the peasant’s skirt of her dancing costume, raising her ass and drawing down her panties in almost a continuous seamless movement.

‘God, you’re good,’ she said, watching her panties fly through the air. ‘I scarcely felt them being removed.’

‘It comes from plenty of practice – so you want me to wear a condom?’

‘Are you clean?’

‘To be best of my knowledge.’

‘Then no, I want skin and membrane against skin and membrane. Should I remove my bra?’

‘That would be most hospitable.’


‘Perhaps a very appropriate word because its general meaning is receiving and entertaining strangers, with kindness and without reward.’

‘But the plan is to exchange rewards, isn’t it.’

‘Yes, very much,’ said Mason, running his tongue down those still very beautiful although somewhat sweaty legs.

‘This is fabulous,’ he said, ‘causing Sierra’s well-primed body to judder into small waves of orgasm.

Mason performed a little cunnilingus but Sierra was so charged through her erotic dancing that she was threshing above and urging him to start thrusting into her. The urgency of that request brought Mason to near-peak of arousal so, happily unzipping, he pushed a very ready penis into her liquefied depths.

‘Oh Mason, ram me, ram me – it’s been more than four months since I’ve had a penis to satisfy me.’

That impassioned plea inflated Mason’s cock to maximum and with a guttural roar he began plowing into Sierra’s fat-lipped cunt with unrestrained enthusiasm, imbued with the feeling that he was delivering a command performance.

Sierra screamed and ejaculated a few seconds before he climaxed but he caught her mood, and pulling out stroked his engorged dick five times and it began pumping white fluid over her upper body. Sierra joyfully licked some into her mouth and then began massaging the remainder into her body, moaning and panting like a woman possessed.

The sight of this aroused Mason to new heights, and a couple of jigs with a fist were sufficient to send a second wave of cum splattering on to the heaving body of Sierra.

‘Omigod,’ she wailed in delight, ‘is there no end?’

Fifteen minutes later, dressed and elated, they walked from the building to Sierra’s car.

‘Are you okay to drive home?’ worried Mason.

‘I am beautiful in my head but foul in my body – I believe with the sweat and body fluids I probably smell like a cat escaped from a whorehouse,’ she giggled.

‘Not a description that fits mine – you smell exactly like a happy well-fucked woman should, so accept your lot and wallow in it before your next shower washes it all away.’

They looked at each other, as if not wishing to part.

‘Tomorrow night then?’ he asked

‘What’s on tomorrow night?’

‘Dinner at a club where there is dancing.’

‘Isn’t there someone else?’

‘I’m not running with anyone at present, but I guess you have noticed the slight possessiveness in my photographer Macie – but it’s just a cozy side arrangement and she’s married. There’s a vacancy if you’re interested.’

‘I’m interested.’

‘I know where you live, I call at nine.’

‘Right, see you tomorrow, big boy.’

‘Big boy?’

‘You know what I’m talking about,’ Sierra smiled. ‘You have a big heart, and I think you like me.’

After the final kiss she was gone.

I also feel well-fucked, sighed Mason happily, watching the rear lights of her vehicle fade from sight. He was experiencing financial problems from his publishing operations and wondered if his new found friend might be a bottomless source of funding, what with a divorce settlement in the bag.


The publicity over the phantom ‘controversy’ over the School of Seduction had given the school tremendous publicity and courses were rapidly filling for the first six weeks.

Most of the writers and commentators observed in their reports that no penetration or pornography or ‘distasteful practices’ were involved (correctly quoting Sierra) and the minimum age for enrolment was nineteen with verification of age required.

Following the screening of the TV news clips and newspaper news reports the ‘controversy’ practically died over night.

With the dust settling, the president of the local business and professional association called on Sierra and invited her to apply for membership. He did warn her, however, that ‘some residual disharmony’ may prevent Sierra’s application gaining the two-thirds majority member approval vote.

‘No problem,’ said Sierra. ‘I’ll just keep applying until I win your members over.’

A courier awoke Sierra just after 7 o’clock on Wednesday – ‘O-day’, short for opening day. She handed Sierra a copy of Village Thinking magazine.

There was a page one pointer to the feature article on Sierra on the centre-spread and spilling to fill the next two page, the presentation including a factual account of her new business activity.

Sierra’s mother Isobel had told Sierra a reporter had called and asked her ‘a few questions’ but that was an understatement – her mother had painted Sierra as the ‘the most heavenly baby conceived’ and over-the-top quotations from her mother continued throughout that extensive interview.

Sierra’s only adverse reaction was publication of her mother’s disclosure that her daughter had received ‘only a lousy $2 million in divorce settlement from that hard-hearted bum of a husband’. Sierra was appalled that her mother should reveal such confidential information.

To her amazement Sierra found one of her bitchiest competitors in international dancing claiming that Sierra was ‘in her day the greatest dancer of the Cha Cha the world has ever seen!’

Macie’s photos were great but when Sierra turned the page there was a picture that topped them all – the photo of her in Restaurant Melba standing with Gustave looking at that photo of her in Celebrity Corner. The beauty of the simplicity of the composition and the captured poignancy of the two friends renewing contact beneath the portrayed flamboyance that had brought them together was just too much – Sierra’s shoulders heaved as she sobbed, wallowing in nostalgia.

Drying her eyes Sierra began reading Mason’s article and was both embarrassed and impressed. He painted lovely word pictures and was overly generous in his description of her. It was, she had to admit, a very well crafted portrayal – and who was she to argue with what he saw in her?

The telephone began ringing as old friends
and acquaintances who’d read their paper felt the urge to re-establish contact with her, getting Sierra’s phone number from her mother who was listed in the phone book.

Gustave called and said it was a masterly presentation completely befitting of her and ‘don’t we photograph well’.

Then came a call: ‘You crazy whore trying to fill the minds of our young people with filth – crawl back into your hole, bitch and stay there.’

‘Up yours,’ Sierra said calmly, terminating the call, her hands shaking.

She was reaching to disconnect the phone from the wall when the phone rang.

‘Yes?’ she answered defensively.

‘Miss Ballantyne?’

‘Yes,’ she replied, still apprehensive.

‘Al Morgan, of Morgan Chapman Rizzo. Lovely article about you in this morning’s Village Thinking. I would like to see you at your earliest convenience – over lunch perhaps?


‘Because of a quotation in that article from your mother, which, if true, we ought to be able to assist you with.’

‘What quotation?’ asked Sierra, trying to think of anything controversial her mother had said.

‘The lousy divorce settlement.’

‘Oh that, but you can’t be of any assistance, I signed a final and total settlement agreement.’

‘Miss Ballantyne,’ said Al, patiently. ‘A man of your husband’s international status does not merely have assets of five mil or less. He’ll have assets that were not disclosed during settlement negotiations.

‘I’m a forensic accountant and work internationally – I specialize in sniffing out cheats. My partner, Anton Rizzo, specializes in taking divorce cheats to Court. If we come involved it will not cost you a cent if our efforts to prove a case fail, but we don’t come cheap, if you have success we’ll take 15% of gross.’


‘Does that mean you’re interested?’

‘Yes, if only to nail that bastard. As you have my phone number you’ll have my address, so please write me a proposal and enclosed your card. I’ll seek advice and get back to you, Mr…’


‘I’ll get back to you Al.’

‘I’ve seen you dance several times, Miss Ballantyne. We are at our best representing celebrities.’

‘Even fallen celebrities?’

‘They’re even better, Miss Ballantyne because we bring them back to life and the publicity enriches us.’

‘Please call me Sierra, Al. I should think we will be having that lunch soon.’

Sierra disconnected the house phone, found Macie’s business card and using her cell phone called her.

‘Hi, it’s Sierra. Great work, Macie – people are raving.’

‘Oh, Sierra. How kind of you to call. I’m glad you’re pleased.’

‘Marcie – you’ve got to enter that photo of Gustave and I into a national media awards competition – we may benefit from the publicity but you are the one to receive kudos. I’ve had a lot of experience at being involved in international photography shoots and I know a winning picture when I see one, even if I happen to be in it.’

‘I know it’s good but perhaps it’s even better than I think – Mason has already been on to me, saying the same thing.’

‘Oh Mason, may I speak to him?’

Marcie giggled – my husband is in the bathroom shaving, Sierra. No, Mason isn’t here – I’m not into threesomes. I guess he’d said something about us?’

‘Yes, Marcie – just advising me not to become possessive, I guess, as I do have Latin blood in me. The way he put it was rather like there’s a little thing of convenience going and it’s not my business.’

‘Well, I don’t know what to think. It sounds as if you two have a thing going already – I expected that to happen as soon as I saw you too looking at each other up close. I promise not to get in the way. His casual girlfriends come and go, most cum I think,’ she giggled, sending Sierra off into a giggling fit.

‘I must dash, Macie. We must lunch soon. Bye.’

Sierra tried to call Mason but had to leave a message: ‘Magnificent spread. I’ve had several complimentary calls but now the phone’s disconnected. One abusive call and one I really need to talk to you about. Phone me after four this afternoon.’


From 9 o’clock people in increasing numbers went through the doors of the Ballantyne School of Seduction. The sex education consultant that Sierra had engaged to write up the three-stage syllabus – Intermediate (it was assumed all registrants would have knowledge of basics), Senior and Advance was in attendance. She had also trained the ten instructors working the two shifts.

In typical style Sierra had trained the instructors in presentation, requiring a degree of flamboyance to liven up what academically can be a rather dreary topic as a lecture. The instructors were also coached in assisting students to engage in meaningful character acting roles with two sets in role play – Mr and Mrs Poorly and Mr and Mrs Fantastic.

Ten males turned up for their class with another nine failing to show although phoning in to reserve a place. The first two 20-seat sessions for women attracted one hundred percent attendance and with one-hundred and seventeen other women arriving without bookings, ten went in for a mixed class with the consent of the ten male attendees and another full class of twenty women went into the other empty classroom set aside for males.

‘This is so typical of men,’ said the sex education consultant – females pile in from the start and males will gradually appear when realizing no stigma is attached. By the way, did you spot the male and female police officers?’

‘Yes – well dressed, a little uptight and a little conspicuous in posture, don’t you think?’

‘Yes, I did Sierra. Well, it won’t harm them as I have a number of sexually dysfunctional clients from the police and armed forces.’

‘Well, it’s 10 o’clock, time to ring the bell for the inaugural two-hour session,’ said Sierra.

A reporter and photographer from the daily newspaper came inside just before noon and interviewed people coming out of classes against the backdrop of the big wall sign, ‘Respect and Affection Help Create Great Sex’. A TV crew operated outside, also interviewing the not-so-shy students.

With satisfaction Sierra heard very positive remarks being made to the journalists.

She took a call from Lloyd Philp, president of the local business and professional association pleading with Sierra to be guest speaker at the association’s annual dinner on Saturday night.

‘I was to speak about the erosion of profit margins but women on the executive, aware your application is before the membership committee, want you to speak, and so I’m prepared to step aside and have my address published in the association’s bulletin.’

Sierra said fine, she’d do that. She was invited to bring a partner.

‘It seems every person I know has read your story in the newspaper,’ Lloyd said. ‘With you speaking, we’ll have to shift to a bigger venue because once we email that you’re to be the speaker we’ll get close to a record turn-out, I’m picking. Probably we’ll have some media reporters dropping in as well.’

Lloyd asked Sierra to phone him as soon as she’d work out a topic.

‘I can tell you the title now, ‘Bed’s a Place for Excitement!’

‘Er, some of our members are rather traditionalists.’

‘Yes, well let them go home offended, that always makes some people happy.’

‘Er, we are a respectable organization.’

‘For goodness sake, Lloyd, this is only sex we’re on about – there’s not a lot of difference between having a cough and having an ejaculation.’

‘Thank you, Sierra,’ said Lloyd weakly. ‘I’ll bring your tickets around to you tomorrow.’

Waiting outside the office were three people – the two undercover cops and a woman.

‘I’m Adams, of city regulations, licensing and inspections,’ said the woman. ‘Withers instructed me to enroll and assess your operation as perform
ing to requirements. I’ll be reporting to Withers that you comply in every respect. The presentation I attended was brilliant – I just can wait to get my Donald enrolled.’

‘Thank you Mrs Adams, but we do not accept enrolments of children.’

‘Oh no, Donald is my husband. He really doesn’t have a clue at which end to start.’

The two police officers also reported they had no problem with the Intermediate and Senior classes but wanted to review an Advance class before filing their report.

‘We’ve got one tomorrow evening at 6 o’clock,’ said Sierra. ‘I think would-be attendees are waiting to find out how advance is our advance course – we’ll have to get brochures printed.’

‘There are a couple of things I learned in class this morning,’ said the policewoman. ‘I’m taking Timmy here home to try them out.’

‘Are you?’ asked Timmy, astonished. ‘I’d rather like that, Ingrid.’

Mason phoned at 4 o’clock and said he was parked outside the front entrance, ready to take Sierra out for coffee and a snack and to hear her news.

She ran out and jumped into his wagon, kissing him fiercely.

‘Oh you good boy – everyone’s talking about the article you wrote – are you free to take me out on Saturday night to a dinner.’

‘Yes, of course.’

‘What can I do for in return?’

Mason blushed and went ‘Er’.

‘Er what?’

‘Er, I’ve had a hard on all day just thinking about you, I need relief.’

They drove quickly to the headland and parked discretely. Sierra undid Mason’s zip and extracted a very angry red and purpled headed penis. She slipped her top off her shoulders, unchooked her bra and applied a little lubricant from a bottle she’d taken from her handbag. She rubbed that between her breasts and pulled the penis into the cleavage and commanded, ‘Go boy!’

Mason began thrusting thinking this was a bit of a let-down but then Sierra began talking dirty.

‘Look at this cum-chucker wallowing between my tits, the obscene little fucker. Ooooh, doesn’t he look as if he’s found a crevice to cum in? Meanwhile the pressure is building up in your aching balls and you beautifully powerful-looking cock is ready to squirt its white magic at one hundred miles an hour on to my lily white tits. Your eyes are hooded but the eye of your leaking cock is wide open and…’

There was no need to say more.

Mason roared ‘Oh, Fuck!’ and streams of thick juicy cum shot out and on to the window of his driver’s door, and run down the glass obscenely.

‘Is that better darling?’ asked Sierra in wide-eyed innocence. ‘Gosh, that was a mighty stream.’ She pulled her tightly pressed tits up and down his shaft and Mason groaned as another shot of cum discharged.

‘I need coffee and food for revival – it’s on the back sheet,’ he sighed heavily.

Fifteen minutes later Sierra had her head and shoulders against the passenger door, her ass pushed along the seat a bit with her cunt tilted upwards and one leg hooked over the steering wheel and the other over the driver’s seat. Mason had used her bottle of lube and moving forward on his knees pushed in his dick. Fire showed in their eyes as they locked gazes.

With her back arched inwards, Sierra’s bared breasts drooped down, very much to Mason’s liking and as the humping started he moved in a began to suck those hangers, Sierra with an arm over his shoulder and another round his head was saying over and over, ‘My darling, my darling.’

Their breathing eventually quickened and it was Sierra who came first, beginning her ejaculation with a mournful sigh and then groaning in delight when hit by release.

By now Mason’s balls were tender, having been drained previously and now bouncing a bit on the ribbed-covered seat. Sierra surreptitiously lubed a finger from juices on the seat and rammed it into his asshole.

Mason bellowed and squirted but not seeing much for a second because of the red stars shooing across his eyes, or so it seemed.

‘God, do you know how to fuck a man dry,’ he sighed.

‘I’ll take that as a compliment,’ smiled Sierra. Then looking up she saw to her horror a uniform policeman walking towards their vehicle, looking very grim.


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Me And My Friend Fucking His Sister

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2 years ago
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“Give me that ass.” He slapped her flank hard, a bolt of pain flashing across her senses as she lifted her hips for him. It dissipated into a tingle as it spread out beautifully. “Higher,” he growled, the press of his palm between her shoulder blades pushed her chest down into the mattress. He yanked at her hip, tilting her up to the place he wanted until her rosebud winked and her cunt gaped. So lewd, her display so wanton. “Wet already?” The trail of a thick finger along her slit made her...

4 years ago
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Jackson in HRPGWorld 3 A Sticky Starting ScrapChapter 6

Suraimo ran her slippery hands along Jackson's sides. "So, would you like that Bad End now?" Panic shoved aside Jackson's lethargy. He had an answer for that: Skip. Hello, big tits angel. Skip. Goodbye, big tits angel. "It's a good command to have, right?" Suraimo said as he returned to the path. "Handjob." She held up a hand and wiggled fingers as flexible as worms. "Blowjob." she mimed sucking on an imaginary penis. "Paizuri." She pushed her substantial boobs...

1 year ago
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Jills new boyfriend

The next day, she called again. This time she invited me over to her house for a few drinks. She said her boyfriend wanted to meet me. This was strange, but I decided to stop by after work. I arrived and we went out on the back patio and had a few drinks. He asked about swinging. I explained that it was an opportunity for both of us to explore in a safe way that did not feel like cheating. I said I liked watching her with other men, and she quickly added that she liked watching me with other...

4 years ago
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Dolly Takes A Lover

Rob was dead! Gone after 20 years of marriage! GONE!! And the nagging empty loneliness was starting to tell on his stunning mature widow, Dolly. Rob and Dolly had been through and seen it all in their long union. A May-December marriage that started out like a torrid sexual inferno had subsided into a friendly sterile cohabitation, only to be thunderously resuscitated when Dolly had been repeatedly raped by escaped convicted rapist, Lyle Buhr. Buhr’s monster cock had stretched Dolly’s...

3 years ago
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ControlPart 4 The Box

You can't know what nothingness is. You can't comprehend it because your world is thick with sensation. But Anne can understand it. Anne experiences nothingness, timeless, sightless silence. Anne doesn't know where she is. She doesn't know how she came here. She doesn't know what "here" is. There's no texture, no figure, no light, no sound, nothing to break the nothingness. She was somewhere once and now she's not anywhere at all. She's twisted like a pretzel. She can't understand....

3 years ago
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Dirty sex as you have never read before

'Lets go in there and sit'. I looked at Julie, 'It's a swing park', I remarked, 'I know', she replied, 'but it has dirty old men looking for girls' she continued, 'and we can make a couple of bob, by pleasing them'.We walked down the pathway and saw some old geezers sitting on benches, 'I bet they're guessing the colour of our knickers', she laughed, as we approached one old man sitting on the bench.He was watching us as we approached him, sitting at the far side of it, as she stopped and put...

3 years ago
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Somewhere in Time A Trip to WacoChapter 5

Waite took the judge's gun, and tossed it in the wagon. He then took down a bag he'd placed on the wagon's seat. He told the judge to precede him back to the office. Once inside Waite locked the door. He 'persuaded' the judge to open the safe. Inside were bank notes of all denominations from federal, state, and private banks. Also in there were gold and silver coins and even more ingots of gold in different sizes. There was also some expensive looking jewelry. He emptied the safe,...

2 years ago
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The Changing

The next day Bobby and Maggie and I piled our collective stuff into my car for the ride home. We were all hung over. Bobby was still feeling humiliated and so said little. I was still pissed off and didn’t want to say anything. Maggie was absurdly defensive insisting she had done nothing wrong and using the full weight of her mighty intellect to prove it and just couldn’t shut up. Her exercise in syllogism was somewhat entertaining initially, but soon began to be a bore. “No smoking in the...

3 years ago
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Sagging Boobs Ugly Nipples Ch 01

This came to me while I was sitting in an emergency waiting room, based entirely on someone I saw there. ………………………………………….. PART ONE: Open mouth, insert feet. ‘Old man, you are so full of shit!’ The ‘old man’, around fifty, looked over at his companion, a man in his late twenties. ‘You really think so?’ He asked in a mild voice filled with humor. ‘Damn right, nothing is sexier than a naked woman.’ ‘That’s where I beg to differ. I’d say it was an age thing, but it’s been proven time and...

1 year ago
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Possession Is NinetenthsChapter 18

Daniel sleeps peacefully and he is getting the best sleep that he has had all week. The week had been turbulent with twists, turns and surprises, but it has all been worth it. But like all good things, they come to an end. And his sleep is no exception. Only he hasn’t been asleep for long. Not long at all. He feels nibbles and licks and kisses trailing down his chest. His first thought is its Rebecca. He can’t believe she wants more. He can’t believe he wants more. He feels his cock stir to...

2 years ago
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Marg was more nervous than she had ever been as she looked at her just barely adult daughter standing a few feet away. Shelly was nude. Completely nude. The university students had watched her slowly strip as they cheered and drank. They had yelled comments about Shelly’s tits and ass and, finally pussy, when it was shown. Even Marg had to admire her daughter’s body. It was the body of a dancer in the university dance program: firm, toned, and slender. It was the body that had attracted men for...

3 years ago
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Bobs Great AdventureChapter 39

We kept rotating the drying racks in the smoker and just before supper time we declared two racks done, so I started cutting the meat up for our supper. The new smoked meat was a huge success. I mixed up some ketchup, vinegar, some spices, and some of my dwindling supply of beer and made a passable barbeque sauce. Everyone seemed to like it, so I asked Fred if he thought we could get some of my favorite barbeque sauce from home. I said my favorite was some of my homemade stuff, but that I...

3 years ago
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Paint Splash

 Erin sighed softly as she looked at the blank canvas. Her art final was due tomorrow and she was still looking at an uninspiring wall. She ran her fingers through her thick dark hair, teeth nibbling at her full lower lip. She shook her head as she laid the canvas on the ground, her paints spread out nicely on the table. She stood before the canvas, hands on her voluptious hips, the loose tunic hanging on her thighs, her long silky legs stretching from the shirt. Shawn smiled as he peeked into...

Quickie Sex
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Visiting order

Ever since I'd seen his infamous, almost iconic, mug-shot - the contemptuous almost mocking way he looked out at the appauled British public from many a newspaper front page gave me many years of night-time fantasies and pleasure, was it also th fact he was a monster that turned me on? I had an inkling it was. I'd never even heard his voice before, I imagined a deep Glaswegian drawl and I hoped it would be so, 20 plus years behind bars could have take his accent but more than likely...

1 year ago
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Tourist Gets Off at Bondi Beach

I love chatting with people who enjoy speedos. I especially love talking with members because I think that is a little more serious than that random emails I often receive. Last year I got talking to a new member here on this blog called Arthur. Arthur is from Texas and was having a holiday in Australia. Unfortunately Arthur wasn’t going to make it up the coast to where I live but I gave him some tourist advice for Sydney. Arthur was kind enough to take the time to write about how he got to...

4 years ago
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As soon as he entered the hallway of her home the awkwardness was felt by both of them. He followed her into the kitchen where they exchanged small talk.....the weather, work, all trivial things that neither one of them has any real interest in. She offers him coffee. For a fleeting moment she thought she saw a twinkle in his eye as he accepted her offer, then curses herself for her vivid imagination.   As she turns away from him to turn the kettle on she imagines his warm...

Love Stories
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Coping With An Open WoundChapter 4

Gloria called over to my folks house that evening to tell them that Ellen had packed up some of her things and left. She wanted to know what she should do and my mom told her to come over and stay with her in Annie and Joan's old bedroom. By the time I got back to my house late that night, I knew something was up because Ellen's car was gone and the house was all dark inside. I was going to park the truck and take my car over to my parent's house. I decided to go in my house and...

2 years ago
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September Chapter 2

Meg stretched her legs out along the length of the hammock. ‘I really need to get some sun on those legs,’ she thought. College was done, over. She had returned home last night and was taking advantage of the quiet of an empty house. Everyone was gone running errands, working and she had the place to herself.Unless you have lived the dorm life you have no idea what “alone” means to a person. No more sharing a bathroom, no more listening to techno music whether you want to or not, no more...

College Sex
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Found The Missing Essence With My Colleague

Hello all,  I am Pallavi, 43 years old, settled in Mumbai. I am married with a kid. I wanted to post my story in this portal as I can’t share my story with near and dear ones. It’s about the missing essence of my sex life. I faced a lot of problems with my life. But now I forgot those problems, and I am living for my kid and mother. I am a working woman drawing a good salary to survive life in Mumbai city. Without wasting any time, I will start my story, which has multiple parts. I belong to a...

3 years ago
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The World Of Crazy Sex 8211 Part 1

WORLD OF LUST What I am about to narrate to you guys is a fantasy I had for a long time ever since I began reading stories from ISS. Hope you guys and girls enjoy the story. This is going to be a pretty long series and I have divided this into many parts in order to fit the sex story. Awaiting your feedbacks and responses to continue with sex story and other parts. Part 1 The sound of footsteps echoed in the corridor as Arjun hid behind the stairs in the ground floor of the apartment. Careful...

4 years ago
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Altered Fates Lords Prayer

Lord's Prayer by Paul1954 Part 1 "Drastic means call for drastic measures" thought Peter DeVries. It was 'Lord' Peter DeVries actually, an Englishman living in LA. Peter had a vast sum of inherited wealth and was married to Catherine, 'Lady' Catherine, for the last 10 years. They had moved to LA 4 years ago when Peter's media interests meant that he would be better placed if he made his operational base here but still retained the ancestral seat in Oxfordshire, England. This...

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Zombie Leza12 Finding a Compromise

Lisa finished repacking the bandage around Baldy’s chest. While several of her people were shot during their attack on Martha, she was reluctant to tend their wounds. The survivors wouldn’t take kindly to her caring for those who murdered their guardian. As a result, she waited until they were well away from the site of Martha’s massacre. The undead had a better immune system than the living. Their injuries didn’t rot, and they seldom bled to death. Many humans, injured by zombies,...

2 years ago
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Deja Vu AscendancyChapter 14 Planning My First Date

Thursday, March 31, 2005 (Continued) Dinner and the dishes were finished later than normal, and I was about to talk with Dad about the problems caused by predatory girls, when I was buttonholed by all the females to talk about my date tomorrow. #3: If I wrote that, "I was looking forward to it", that'd be the same as saying, "the Pacific Ocean is damp." I had spent years desperately longing for tomorrow night. I would've been wildly...

3 years ago
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Unsatisfied Married Aunty In Hyderabad

Hi this is ruthwik , I am to tell my another experience with a married aunt. If any aunties or girls who are desperate for sex can mail me…..I won’t disclose your details anywhere……Your details are kept very confidentially……. Mail me at Nen job kosam hyderabad vachanu…Konni rojulu hostel lo unnanu..Food padaka….Room aithe better ani room kosam search chestuna….Ekkadithe manchi auntylu untaro akkada search chestuna….Elopu naku bale lucky ga oka house dorikindi….Uncle emo doctor…Aunty emo...

2 years ago
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Gang of FiveChapter 24

Cheering sections for individual wrestlers usually consisted of just immediate family and a friend or two. It was not a big spectator sport. Sean was already the star of the first match of the year when all five of the Gang, Roger, Alan, Dan, Sarah, Jess, Troy, Tracey, Rebecca, and Rebecca's girls stood and cheered when he was announced. Brad sent his regrets, but he was out of town. He was not expecting that, but it did not throw him off. He won the match quite handily in a first-round...

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My Son Seduced And Fucked Me Hard Mom Son it

I am Jhumli resident of Delhi. This is my story. I am 38 years old and married. I have a son who is 20 years by now. My husband has export and import business, he has always been very busy with his work and hardly he was able to and ready to give time. One day when I was washing his clothes I found a set of used condoms in his pocket, I was shocked as we did not have sex in last 6 months . So why he would need that, later I found out that he is having an affair with his office colleague and...

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A good night

I drive over this this girls house who was staying with het aunt in killeen tx. She was new and didn't know anybody yet so I decided to keep her company and chill with her. She was a 5'4 white chic with double D's and a nice thick ass. We didn't really have anything planned but chill at her aunts house and just get to know each other since there really wasn't anything to do that day. I get there and we Exchange greetings, gave a hug and went into the house. Her aunt was there as well just...

4 years ago
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Public Shower Tentacles

You'd just finished up in the pool, having been swimming about for almost two hours. Heading back to the women's changeroom, you note with satisfaction that it was still empty, like it almost always was. Not that you minded other people being around, but privacy is never a bad thing. The changeroom itself was always a little dark; the white tiles that usually could be found in such places were instead replaced with light grey and darker blue tiles and walls. It fit the theme of the...

4 years ago
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Real Power pt 1

Anyway let me begin with who I am and what I look like. My name is Edward Steel, or Eddie, or Edd, I'm a few minutes away from my 18th birthday, meaning that in just a few minutes I am no longer a child. I'm quite average actually, for a white, soon to be 18 year old that is. I'm just under 6ft, short brown hair, blue eyes and an average frame. I consider myself alright looking; I'm not girl’s heart-throb though! Don't get me wrong, I've had girlfriends, just nothing to shout from the...

3 years ago
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Package Of Pain

A bell-like tinkling from Marie’s phone announced the arrival of a text as she pulled into her space at Kindling & Associates. Marie felt a tinge of sadness when she read the message. It was from the postal service and said her package would be arriving today.Marie sighed. It had been a little over a week since Ben had moved out. This package was supposed to be a gift for his birthday next month. She’d found it on eBay: a vintage wooden paddle. It was a relic from a high school, and it was...

4 years ago
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Staring At The Ocean Ch 03

Hi everyone. Here is chapter three. I hope you enjoy it! The following is a complete work of fiction. The following story contains erotic situations between consenting adults. If it is illegal for you to read this please leave now. Any resemblance between the characters and any real life person is completely coincidental. Please do not copy or distribute the story without the author’s permission. Big ups to my editor Angel. Thanks for all the help (((hugs))). I must admit I added a sentence...

3 years ago
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Ghosts of Fort NiagaraChapter 3

Fourth period was not one of Fred's favorites. Oh, most of the seventh graders were fine. Eager to learn, or at least willing, It was February with no real big vacations coming up to distract them, so he had their attention for the most part. But, that was part of the problem. Fourth period had Sue in it. As occasionally happened, this thirteen year old, new to the whole puberty thing, had decided she had a crush on him. She tried to get his attention as much as possible, wrote little...

1 year ago
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Lilys last summer

She came downstairs 5 minitues later dressed in low cut jeans and a pink tank top. Nobody was in the kitchen so she ate a quick breakfast alone then caught the bus to school. She saw her friend Jenny and sat next to her. "Hey Jenny ready for summer?" Lily asked. "Are you kidding, the got the whole thing planned out. Starting tonight it's all partying all the time. Think I can break last years record of boys I can get to sleep with me?" Lily simply shook her head Jenny may have been her...

3 years ago
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Twin Marcus strikes back for more

Twin Marcus strikes back for moreTwo days after the good sex session with the twins Clifton and Marcus, my loving husband was still out of town.In the afternoon Marcus called me, telling he was extremely horny and wishing to take me again…I said him he could come for me that same night…Marcus took me to the same cheap motel we had fucked the first time.He was alone, but he told me his twin Clifton was arranging a meeting with some of their black mates… and I would be the cherry on that...

1 year ago
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FamiliesTied Victoria Voxxx Riley Reyes Seductive Lesbian SisterInLaw Fucks The Whole Family

Riley Reyes and her step brother Derrick Pierce have been siblings and best friends since their parents married. Derrick has been the protective big brother since high school, keeping a close eye on his submissive little sister, while holding on to a 10-year, hot dominant desire for her ripe juicy ass. But then Riley surprises Derrick by bringing home her new girlfriend, the seductive masochistic slut Victoria Voxxx. Victoria immediately sees right through him, and starts a game of cat and...


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