Smoke Ch. 04 free porn video

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Copyright @ calibeachgirl

All rights reserved, 2011

Thanks to Doug, Elliot and Jim

Chapter 4: The Hardest Thing

The hardest thing… ‘This is even worse than those crazy nights with Suzy,’ Cindy realized.

She remembered taking all those strange men into her mouth for five dollars each. Each night there, she and Suzy made close to a hundred dollars each in such a short time, it was unbelievable. And, her husband Chris was such a drunken fool, he could have stayed home with her instead of dragging her to the bar where she had fallen into a new low of decadence.

As much as she wanted it to be his fault, though, she knew that as much as he was guilty of neglect, she was guilty of adultery.

Hearing about Martine’s divorce from Joseph had cut Cindy’s heart into a million pieces. She could sympathize with the woman, knowing full well that if her own shenanigans at the bar ever came to light with Greg…

Shenanigans… what a crazy, insane word, yet it didn’t even come close to what she had done…

‘If Greg ever finds out, we’re finished. There’s no two ways about it. There’s no way to explain why I… a lover is one thing, wanton sex in a bar’s parking lot? That’s something else, altogether,’ she knew, crying, to her everlasting shame. ‘How could I have done something like that, over and over? God, I wish I was Catholic… at least, I could confess and ask for forgiveness.’

‘Greg is a man of set-in-cement morals. Although he has no qualms about taking the first shot and killing someone, to know…’ she shivered, just thinking about it… ‘to know what I have done, even if we weren’t together at the time… ‘Oh, God,’ she prayed, ‘please, never let him find out.’

‘He’s fucking John Wayne,’ she realized. ‘It should be no surprise to me, he is what he is. The medals hidden in his dresser are testament to that. Why they’re hidden and that photograph is on the wall… that’s the question. It has to be who is IN the picture,’ she thought, ‘that Italian friend of his he mentioned.’

Cindy had taken two buses to reach Raymond’s. She hated riding buses, thinking back to her grade school days… the wild boys constantly throwing things from the back of the bus… the driver pretending he didn’t see a thing… laughing the entire time. By the time she reached home, her hair always had bubble-gum stuck to it and her neck was red from pea-shooters and her father told her, ‘good’ and he’d help them if she didn’t stop complaining. ‘God, I hate him and I’m glad he’s dead…’

‘May I speak with Mr. Shocley? I’m… I’m a friend of his ex-wiii… Mrs. Shocley.’

The cashier looked around the coffee shop. The lunch crowd had not come in yet and unless he had no desire to talk to her, this was her best chance. ‘I’ll get him for you, why don’t you sit over there by the window?’

‘Hello… you’re Cindy, aren’t you?’ While he was smiling, she could tell he was nervous, very nervous as he wiped his hands on his apron.

‘Yes, thank you for seeing me. I need to talk to you about Martine.’

‘Has something happened?’ He was quickly taking his apron off and turning to the cashier, he said, ‘Call Lee to come in and cover for me.’

Cindy spoke up.’ ‘No, no, Mr. Shocley, nothing like that… please, can we talk somewhere, privately?’

‘She’s all right? She’s not sick or anything?’

Cindy could plainly see the man was agitated and it was because of her. She was surprised, from what Martine had told her, she expected to be shown the door. ‘Please, forgive me. I just need to speak to you about her. That’s all.’

‘OK, we can go in the back.’

She followed him into the dimly lit dining room. ‘We only open back here for dinner. It’s a little bit better than the coffee shop up front, you know, for dinner.’

They stopped at a table into the back and as she sat down, he asked her, ‘What would you like? Club Sandwich? Hamburger? We make a pretty good hamburger, here.’

‘Mr. Shocley, that’s very kind of you, but I just want to talk.’

‘OK, I’m all ears. What’s on your mind? Johnny, bring a couple cokes over here, will you?’ ‘I wish she’d just get to it,’ thought Joseph.

Cindy waited until the busboy had left. ‘Martine is miserable. She loves you very much and I was wondering…’

‘Yes?’ ‘Oh, God, what now?’

‘Oh, this is so hard. I was hoping if you still felt the same way about her. You know, she never did anything that night except be stupid and she’s never had anyone since you left. ‘She’s still a beautiful woman… she could…’ ‘Maybe, I shouldn’t have said that.’

‘Yes, I know that. I still see her… when she bothers to come in.’ He had a faraway look in his eyes, remembering their wedding day that summer morning, when she looked up from her ring and gave him the smile that would live with him forever. ‘Forsaking all others, is what we vowed…’

‘She hasn’t done anything. All her free time is with me, she’s teaching me how to cook and we’re taking classes at El Camino… well, I’m taking the classes, she’s driving me there and back and helping me with my assignments. I’m playing hooky today so that I could talk to you about her.’

‘She hurt me, that night, the smirk that guy had. It was all I could do not to kill him right then and there. You see, I thought they had already… you know. I wanted to die, that night, I loved her so much.’

‘You said, ‘loved her.’ Don’t you still love her?’

She looked at him, he had gripped the table cloth in his hand and scrunched it up. ‘Yes, goddamn it… yes, I love her and always will. I just thought I couldn’t live with her, anymore. I made an unbelievable mistake that night when I walked out. I lost her and I lost everyone there I thought were my friends.

‘What could I have done? I was trapped in a corner, either ‘fight or flight.’ God, I hate myself for what I did. I was so goddamn stupid, I can’t believe it. I should have done something, even if it was just yelling at them. She just stood there while I left, they said she came after me but I had already walked away. I didn’t even go home. I left everything and slept in the bus station. I never went back, I just couldn’t. As far as I know, my clothes are still there.’

‘You can always fix it. It’s never too late. I know she’s just waiting for you to take her back.’

‘You think? She never says anything when she comes in except, maybe, ‘hi’ and that’s it. I hate it every time I see her like that, it just reminds me how stupid I was.’

‘She’s regretted it ever since, also. She told me everything that happened. Your stuff is still there. All of it…

‘People have done much worse than that and worked it out. You can, too. I just know it. You just have to get back together and talk it over. I mean, really talk it over or spend the rest of your life wondering the ‘what could have been.”

He folded his hands on the table and tapped out some unknown rhythm with one finger. ‘All right, any ideas?’

‘I was hoping you’d have something. To be honest with you, I never thought past coming to talk to you.’ She laughed. ‘I honestly thought you were going to throw me out as soon as you heard why I was here.’

‘So, what happened to that guy?’

‘Before or after he got out of the hospital?’


Meanwhile, Greg was pushing the mower across the small lawn, working his way through the overgrown grass. Mid-morning and it was starting to heat up, he had already tossed his sweaty T-shirt on the porch

A shadow appeared. Angela, or Angie as she wanted to be called, was standing on the grass in a little two-piece bathing suit, dark blue shorts and a white top with red polka-dots.

He was starting to regret renting to her and her brother, if that was indeed what he was. ‘Maybe,’ he thought, ‘she’s the beard.’ He smiled at the thought. ‘It made as much sense as anything else that’s gone on around here

‘Hello, Greg,’ she said, deliberately not moving out of the way and he had to stop. She seemed to have the habit of licking her bright-red lipstick’d lips whenever she spoke with him.

‘Good morning, Miss Meadows. I, uh… I need to get this done before it gets too hot, please.’ ‘Please, just go away. You’re more trouble than you’re worth.’

‘Why, Mr. Knotts, I thought a man like you would always have time for a lady like me.’ ‘God, I want a piece of him, so bad.’

Greg eyed her, top to bottom. At one time, during the war, he would have been interested but no more. ‘Well, I appreciate your concern… but, I still have to get this done. Besides, I’ve got a girl, in case you’ve forgotten.’

‘Oh, I haven’t forgotten. You’re right, she’s a girl… I’m a woman, just in case YOU’VE forgotten. Well, I’m going to the beach. See you later.’ She wiggled her ass as she walked to her car parked on the street.

He didn’t bother answering, he just wanted her gone. As much as he needed to get the lawn finished, it was more a case of not needing more distractions and complications. He was happy with Cindy, girl or not… and didn’t like the rapacious look that Angie Meadows seemed to carry with her.

As he watched her drive away, he wiped his brow on his arm and went back to pushing the mower. Time out of town had let the lawn grow higher than usual and he was paying the price for it now.

He went over to the hose and got a drink of water and wet down his hair. The cold water hit him hard, making him shiver.

He didn’t look forward to putting the mower into the trunk of the car, tying it down and driving over to the other apartments. Once, the rope wasn’t tight enough and the trunk lid bounced up and down and chipped the paint. He considered getting some teenagers to do it, provided he could find some that were actually trustworthy.

Finally finished, he sat down on the shady porch and looked at his handiwork. ‘Mowing the lawn is insane,’ he felt. ‘You water it, you fertilize it, you seed it and then you cut it. What’s the point? Screw it. I’m getting some guys.’

After putting everything away, he took a long, cool drink of lemonade that Cindy had left him and then went in to shower. Soaping up, he thought back to when he had showered yesterday morning. Cindy had stepped in the small enclosure and with just enough room to actually move, he had taken her up against the tile. He knew he was hard, remembering the feel of her body against his but decided to leave it alone, saving it for the evening. ‘No sense in wasting it,’ he jokingly thought.

What he had with Cindy was special, even if it was crazy.

After dressing, he got into his car and drove over to the two other buildings to find some kid to mow the lawns for him.


By the time he returned, so had Cindy and she had laid out the wood for the new shelves, convinced that what they needed were books. After he had put in the molly-bolts and they had made sure the shelves were level, they left for a used-book store he had seen on Hawthorne Boulevard, next to Sam’s Grill.

He was satisfied, by the time they left, having found several first edition Hemingways and an Omnibus of Science Fiction edited by Conklin. Cindy had chosen about twenty romance novels and some cookbooks.

Stopping at Hawthorne Nursery, she bought several Dieffenbachia and a Boston Fern. Greg arranged to have several banana plants and some palm trees delivered to the apartment house, with Cindy’ insistence, he started landscaping the yard to be more inviting. It reminded him of HawaiiBesides, she convinced him, he could raise the rents to cover the costs or write it off as a business expense. ‘If I’m not in love with her,’ he thought, ‘I might as well be. Life could be SO much worse.

They left the pile of books on the floor for the next day and went out back where he grilled a couple of steaks. A quick salad and some more lemonade and he was tired enough that they went to bed early.


The next morning, he woke to a sunburn and was moving slowly, even though Cindy had put cold-cream over his back. After a breakfast of waffles, the two lovers started a heated discussion in the living room about Martine and Joseph.

‘…and that’s why, Greg, we have to take Mrs. Shocley to Raymond’s Friday night…’

‘Do you think it will work? Look, doll, I don’t want to get in the middle of something that’s going to blow up,’ Greg responded. ‘I like the old lady but just the same…’

‘First off, she’s not that old, she’s only 38… and, you’re how old?’ She paused for breath.

‘Yeah, I thought so. Eight more years and so are you. So, you’re going to help me with this and we’re going to make this work. Everybody makes mistakes, Greg, even… even me,’ she said, quietly.

He looked at her in surprise. He knew her life had been hectic ever since he’d known her, especially since the ‘great shootout.’ What did she still have hidden? ‘Fine, I’ll do it. This had better work. I like her pies, that’s all I’ve got to say. Hand me another couple books, please,’ he said, pushing the ones he already had across the new shelf.

‘Greg, if I did something horrible… would you forgive me?’ she asked, giving him four more.

‘Horrible, like killing someone?’ As soon as he said it, he realized how stupid that was, given the four deaths he was responsible for. ‘Now… or before?’

‘Before we…’

‘Before doesn’t count. We’re together now, that’s all that counts. Enough said, all right?’ ‘Whatever it is, I don’t want to know.’

‘OK,’ she said quietly, her head down. ‘Does he know about me or not? Would he really be THAT forgiving? I don’t know and God forbid, I don’t want to find out.’

‘Let’s go for a walk, Cindy. I just… let’s go for a walk.’ He took her hand and practically lifted her up from the couch one-handed. Heading toward the door, he grabbed his keys and hat and they walked out of the building, heading toward the beach.

Along the way, he debated whether to tall Cindy about Angie’s come-on but decided against it. If the woman persisted, he’d just evict them, money or no money. He liked what he had and wasn’t going to fall prey to the shark that was swimming across the hallway from them. He survived the war and wasn’t going to die in a personal battle of the heart.

‘Cindy, I… I love you. I’m not just saying it. Find a ring that makes you happy and let’s get married. I don’t want to wait any longer.’

‘Greg,’ she answered, ‘you pick it. I’ll love whatever you give me. You’re my savior and I’ll follow you anywhere you say we’ve got to go. I’m yours completely… body and soul. I’ll do anything for you.’

He looked down at her face, tears streaming down her face. They stopped and he kissed them away. ‘No more tears, babe, no more tears… not from here on out.’

Hand in hand, they walked down to the Strand in time to see the afternoon sun glinting on the easy waves rolling ashore. ‘Ice cream?’ he asked.

‘It won’t make me fat? I don’t want to be a fat bride.’

‘I love you for you. You make me happy and that’s all I can ask.’

He went to get two cones, leaving her sitting on the bench. Unfortunately, at that moment, one of her former customers walked up and sat down.

‘Hey, doll, I thought I saw you there. How’s tricks? I’ve missed you at the bar. You don’t come around anymore.’

‘Please, go away, I don’t do that, anymore.’

Greg’s shadow made the man look up. Greg could tell there was something wrong. Cindy was saying nothing and the man was deciding whether he was going to.

‘Who’s your friend?’

‘He was just leaving.’

‘That’s how you want to play it, doll, OK.’

‘You better fucking apologize before I put you in the ground,’ Greg said, slowly.

The man looked at him and then Cindy. ‘Ah, it’s not worth it.’ He turned and walked away, as quickly as possible witho
ut running, looking over his shoulder to see if Greg was following.

Greg said nothing. Cindy’s husband had run with a worthless crowd and he figured this had to be one of them. If Cindy had something she wanted to say, he’d listen but he wasn’t going to give her the third degree unless it got out of hand. She obviously didn’t want to talk to the man, so he just ‘chalked’ it up for future reference, remembering what a fool her husband had been and that crazy night with bullets flying everywhere.

The things he had done for her made him shiver. He could have gotten killed four times over and yet, he realized, he wouldn’t change a minute of it.

That night, she moved across the bed and held him, quietly. ‘Thank you,’ she whispered, hoping that was enough. Her hand moved down and held him, slowly moving, bringing him to life. She could feel him harden and lengthen.

She moved again, stretching herself out like a cat and began to rub herself against him. Once he slipped in but she moved and he popped back out. It was too soon, she knew, she wanted this to last. Moving, moving, moving again and again and this time, she felt herself almost there and then slipped him in and began to rock.

Deep inside, she felt him deep inside and began to squeeze as she lifted and dropped, each time more aggressively, seeking that release she now knew only he could give her.

There wasn’t anything they couldn’t do if they really wanted to. This was love and she leaned forward and French’d him. She never said anything when they made love. This was love, not sex. During sex, she could be loud but this was love and the most she would do is moan, not wanting to break the spell.


Friday evening, Greg pulled the car into Raymond’s back lot.

‘I appreciate you wanting to take me to dinner… but, here?’ asked Martine.

‘Sure, why not?’ Cindy asked. ‘Greg’s never been here.’

‘I find that hard to believe… well,’ she said furiously, ‘we’re already here, might as well go on in.’

Raymond’s dining room at night was so different from its coffee shop atmosphere during lunch and even had a separate entrance from the back lot. Greg said nothing, preferring to hang back after he had opened the door for them. Inside, it was as dim as the day Cindy had met with Joseph. Little table candles lit up the deserted room like stars.

‘That’s funny,’ said Martine, ‘there’s no one here. Usually, this place is packed…’

‘Good evening,’ said the hostess, ‘your table is right over here.’ She led them over to a table set for two.

‘There must be…’ Martine was going to say ‘some kind of mistake,’ but then her worst fear became true. She turned to make a run for the door when Greg grabbed her around the waist and swung her back around.

‘Oh, no, you don’t. I promised Cindy I’d help her on this and I’m going to, even if it means I’m never going to get another cream pie from you.’

Greg set her down onto the chair and held her down by her shoulders. ‘Look,’ he said, ‘at least listen to what he has to say and if that doesn’t work, then, I promise to you, we’ll all leave.’

Martine looked up at him, tears streaming down her face. ‘I don’t…’

‘Shhh,’ he said, crouching down and holding her hands. ‘It’ll be all right, I promise. Just give him a chance. He still loves you, more than you can understand.’ ‘This better work.’

Martine looked across the table. Somehow, Joseph had sat down without her noticing. ‘God,’ she thought, ‘I’m so out of it, I didn’t even see him.’

‘Hello, Martine… thank you for coming.’ ‘If this doesn’t work, I’m done.’

‘It’s not like I had much… I’m sorry, I shouldn’t have said that. It’s obvious that everyone wants me here.’ ‘Me, included…’

Cindy and Greg had disappeared into the front coffee shop. The bartender brought over her favorite drink, The Hurricane, a potent mixture of rums and orange juice and then he, too, disappeared.

‘Look, Joseph…’

‘Martine, don’t be so damn hard-headed and just let me say my piece. Please… I was a damned fool, that night. In the first place, I should never have let you kiss anybody, mistletoe or not. You were my wife and I just let you go. I was an idiot, of course those assholes would be all over you once they saw I just stood there like a foolish, impotent wimp.’

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My wife Laura and I were previously married to other people and had children from those marriages and we were not planning to have children of our own. My wife is 37 years old and a beautiful blond with very long shapely legs and a very fine tight fuckable body. Most of my friends have made comments how they would like to give Laura a good fucking. Most of my buddies say she belongs in bed, getting fucked all the time. Though my wife was not really a shy person she did not adventure out to any...

1 year ago
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Porn Planner

PornPlanner! Finding good pornography today is very difficult, and not because it does not exist, but because there are too many websites, to begin with. Thus, this means that you will have to spend your quality time browsing through to be able to find a site that will make your dick hard. Just like, you have a website called Porn Planner, and it does the job for you.So, if you do not want to waste a lot of your time browsing through random websites until you find a site that...

Free Porn Tube Sites
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Mothers of the Bride

Mothers of the Bride By The Princess The morning of my 45th birthday. Things were pretty good. I was lucky to have a successful business, Jenny my wife of 19 years and three great kids, Tracy, 16, John, 14 and Katie, 10. We lived in a nice house in a nice suburb and I ran my own plumbing business, employing eight tradesmen and two office staff. I had long given up the tools and now concentrated on managing my growing business. True I was not as close to my wife as I once was, but...

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I was dominated by a older woman yesterday on cam she made me do so many naughty things dressed like a little girl. And I loved it! ;)

2 years ago
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"Put down the cupcake!""Oh, come on, Sweets, just one? There’s a bunch of them, so you won't miss it."Why does he have to look so damn adorable, she thought. That man could get away with murder just by smiling."Those aren’t your cupcakes, they’re for your engagement party. Put the cupcake down, and no one gets hurt." She was pointing her wooden spoon at him, and trying not to laugh.“Well, if they’re for my engagement party, then technically they’re mine, right?”Mila just gave him a stern look...

Straight Sex
3 years ago
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The Find Book 3Chapter 34

In Chicago, about two hours later, Mark walked into Boeing and found Meg and said, “Get Tom and the Judge we are going to California! Aaron is already on his way to Seattle to arrest the Senator’s son. He’s picking up five Marshall’s and closing the location!” Meg said, “We will take the GS 650!” She called Tom and explained what was happening to him. He rounded up the Judge and headed downstairs. Linda called Ellen and said, “Find Lena and Kayleigh and meet us downstairs.” Next Ellen...

1 year ago
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All for 1 and 2 for Kimberly

I didn't even bother knocking on my sisters door anymore. Considering the recent developments between us, I doubt modesty was still an issue. "Stephanie?" I called out as I walked around the queen sized bed that she used to punish me and bring me to the greatest squirting orgasm of my life just two days ago. She had me and Sara, my best friend and part-time Bi-sexual lover, right where she wanted us. Cuffed and naked. Our bare asses at her devious mercy. She spanked me with her thick, hard...

Group Sex
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Should I buy a strapon 3some MMF bimale

I hadn't been fucked, yet, but I had cum twice. Once when my husband James finger fucked me as his friend Don kissed me and caressed my tits and secondly when Don nestled his deliciously thick and wonderfully hard cock in the cleft of my bum as he rubbed my clit and James sucked my tits.James and I have been married for just over twelve years; we have no c***dren by choice. It is not a typical marriage, but then it is not an open one; perhaps slightly ajar might be the most apt description....

3 years ago
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My Hot Wife Katie Chapter 8 Katies tied up

Katie Gets Tied Up While on vacation in Mexico Katie told me I could demand her to do whatever I wanted her to do. She wanted me to treat her like a slut; she wanted me to demand her to suck my cock; to have my way with her. I glanced over at the clock and then back outside. She should be home any minute. I removed all of my clothing and threw them in the corner. I was standing naked in the hallway as I glanced down at my semi erect dick. I couldn't wait for what I was about to do to my wife....

1 year ago
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Specialist therapy

I arrived at my non NHS clinic for specialized therapy. Greeted by the TV nurse I was shown in to the front reception area. I was informed that I would now have to go to the pre preparation room to be got ready for the Dr and the treatment. This was down some steep steps into a cold room kitted out with a patient waiting cage, a rack and a table. Next to the table was an array of items that were to be fitted to me. I was ordered to strip naked by the nurse. It was quite cold and being naked...

2 years ago
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Hot Tomboy Little Sister 4

One weekend we drove to Chicago to visit Dad’s parents, leaving Friday evening and riding late into the night. Caitlin and I rode in the back seat, and after a while Cait pulled a blanket over herself and stretched out, resting her pretty head on my thigh. I ran my hand affectionately through her velvety close-cropped hair, and the sensation, together with her warmth against my thigh, began to turn me on. When she rolled over to get more comfortable, she must have noticed my arousal, so near...

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Diary of a Slave Merchant 2008 part 8

5:37pm I opened the door to the slave bedroom, and Ruby was sitting up in her bed, tears in her eyes, very frightened by the screams she had been hearing. "Baby, let's get a third bed made up and get the girls in here." I said. Baby grabbed a set of sheets, blanket and a pillow and went in to the slave bedroom. She walked over to Ruby, put her hand on Ruby's hand and said something in Spanish with a comforting tone. Ruby seemed relieved and took the bedding from Baby's hands,...

3 years ago
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A Twilight KnockoffChapter 8

Monday morning was the worst, weather wise, that I'd ever experienced, even though the storm had ended Sunday. Everything was coated in ice, even the snow and it was almost single digit temperatures. I spent an hour trying to clear my poor car of the ice that had imprisoned it, going back inside every few minutes to warm up. I wore my ski-bib over my clothes, which I wore over my thermals and was still freezing. At least I didn't have Weights today; those locker rooms were cold! I inched...

3 years ago
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Love Turmoil

Lisa glanced nervously at the big wooden clock hanging over the wall. In another thirty minutes, she would be married. She still could not believe that the once so beautiful dream all girls have at the back of their mind could make her heart squeeze so painfully. She unconsciously drifted back to her first meeting of her soon to be husband and wondered again how she could have been such a foolish swan. Dominic Gladden was all a woman could wish. His hair was black and shiny, it hung in...

3 years ago
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Field Report The King KUala Lumpur

Sorry for long time absence havent got the time to sit down and write lately. Venue: The KingName: Number ... cant remember but she have a tomboyish look . Race: PoppiahFace 6/10Age: Didnt askLook: GND lookBoobs:Firm not too big not to small Body:Slender and muscle am loving it. Ass: Curvy meat at the right place. Pussy: No smell and clean shavenBBBJ:Yes Deep ThroatDFK: Peck on the lipsCB:Yes all overDATY:YES Did 69HJ: Didnt askFJ: 8/10MOAN:Soft moan but not fake . like it very...

1 year ago
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Tales of the Season Kens Barbie

Archiving and reposting of this story *unchanged* is permitted provided that no fee be charged, either directly or indirectly (this includes so-called "adult checks") *and* provided that this disclaimer and attribution to the original author are maintained. Based on the characters and situations presented in "Seasons of Change" by Joel Lawrence, Copyright 1989. This story is archived in its entirety here at Fictionmania (go to search by authors and select Joel...

2 years ago
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Thanskgiving surprise

Ray was spending Thanksgiving alone this year, and didn't mind at all, since he had some fond memories from the recent frolics with his teenage neighbor girls, Misty and Brandi.He had decided to order a pizza, and was going to just hangout and watch one of the new series on Netflix, while everyone else was having turkey and cranberry sauce.Misty had decided that she was bored out of her mind with her family Thanksgiving, with her mom, and mom's boyfriend Pat, that Misty didn't like much, and...

1 year ago
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My First Candy Cane

College life was pretty crazy. Between classes, basketball (I was on a basketball scholarship) and chicks I was swamped. The hardest part was balancing the three. Because I an academically strong, I took a heavy class load (I was not on the road to the NBA...I was just using basketball to get my education for free), I was starting on the basketball team as a freshman (a rarity) and I had a few co-ed's who were usually more than eager to suck or fuck me.I am not being arrogant, but I am decent...

3 years ago
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introducing shelley to my kids 2

Introducing shelley to my k**s 2Hello everyone it's me again auntie norma :) I come with my continueation of introducing shelleyif you have been reading our stories you know by nowthat I have my husband slash nephew and my girlfriend shelley who originally came looking for my nephew and I think thats why she accepted the whole I think of gettinginvolved with us because of him but I made one little catchany sexual activity I would have to be a part of.So I hope you have enjoyed reading our...

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such a whore

I finnaly made this happen a few days ago !i have been crossdressing for as long as i can remember.I still remember when i snathed a pair of my cousins panties when i was young i dont know theres is just something about womens clothes that just intrigies me . Any way growing up i always masterbated wearing panties and lingere and watching porn ,I always consider my self differnt han other people but i didnt know why , which ended up me turning in to a loner , never really enjoying sex with...

3 years ago
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An exhibitionist wife University truth or dare

Back in Mrs O's student days she had a best friend named Olivia with who she shared many hot experiences. Here's a little story that she told me about a while back that i think is worth sharing.After a night out Mrs O and Olivia brought four guys who they knew back to their shared house for a few after hours drinks. As the night wore on the guys kept suggesting that they all played strip poker but the girls refused even though they were tempted opting instead for a game of truth or dare.After a...

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lucky guy part 3

by the way,im adam 35,my girlfreinds is may 38 and her daughter raynor is got up to got the bathroom and forgoten all about ray earlier,but then i remembered as i passed her room her door was open and when i looked in there next to ray was the vibrator glistening in the light.oh my god this girl was reckless,what if may would of got up?my heart started pounding and i felt my cock start to twitch, i had to look away for fear of getting caught,so i went to the bathroom and went back to...

2 years ago
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Emily Quietly Slips Into Your Room

Introduction: Missing my lover!!! I quietly slip in your room, shut and lock the door behind me. I walk to your bedside, slip off my flip flops, and pull my thin pink cami top over my head, my nipples are usually hard it seems but at this moment they are extremely hard. I didnt wear a bra, and everyone that I encountered today, their eyes immediately went to my chest and nipples that were poking in my top. I unbutton my short, slide my thumbs in at the hips and pull both my shorts and thong...

4 years ago
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First date goes very sexy very fast

The attraction had been there a long time. They had both felt it. It was the elephant in the room that no one wanted to talk about. She watched from a safe distance as he spent all his time and lust on others. She dated a lot of men, and he waited for her to make a move. They were at an impasse. Finally, he made the move. It was just a simple conversation. Nothing exciting, really or even remarkable, but the pull was stronger than either of them had thought. They talked for a while, and she was...

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Sissy Wife Adventures

You open your eyes and turn to the alam clock on your bedside. "Seven a.m.," you whisper to yourself as you stretch your arms out wide. You pull down your blankets to reveal your slender and smooth body wrapped up in a very cute pink babydoll that barely covers your privates, which themselves are covered by a sexy pink thong. Your long bpack hair lay strewn behind your head, and your 5'5" body was just exotic. Turning to your right, you see your husband has just begun to wake up. "Rise and...

2 years ago
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In the Service of the Mother

It was odd, damned odd, and very wrong, Sara thought. She could lose everything if she were caught, and she couldn’t even say why she was doing it. She’d found a small statuette near the dig site in Turkey, and she had slipped it into her pocket and not reported the find. If she had, it would have been researched, identified, and likely placed on display in a museum. It was a lovely piece, appeared undamaged by weathering or time or any of the hundreds of other reasons that had cracked,...

3 years ago
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Educating the TwinsChapter 10

It was only fair. Dale, Mrs. Robertson, licked her husband's come out of me, and I licked Larry's come out of her. We then got a lot more involved with each other. I'd never really eaten a woman before, not seriously, and I felt a sense of accomplishment when I brought her to a squealing, wailing, climax. Of course she had to lick all of her juices from my face, which was a lot of fun. Then she went down on me. Guys had gone down on me before at these parties, though they're a little...

1 year ago
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The Celeb Handler

This story is open to anyone to write new chapters. Fair attempts at writing will be accepted. If you want to write a lot in this story, please ask me in private and I will assign you authorship. English is not my first language, so please excuse my grammar. I try my best to correct myself on any re-reads I do of my chapters. If anyone with good English would like to correct my stuff, once again, contact me and I will give you Editor access. All the fake pictures in the chapters I write are...

Mind Control
3 years ago
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Wife Helps Me Out

I have been married for 40 plus years in a marriage and rather happily except for the sex. Our sex life had never been that great as she was not really much into it. She tried. We experimented with a couple of 3-somes in our earlier 20s but she wasn't into women and being with another guy didn't thrill her either. I had grown up being curious so I enjoyed it immensely. She would end up going to bed while my friend and I played when she did. It ended all too soon and she thought it was a...

3 years ago
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Legacy of a LegendChapter 53

Falk spit his drink back out over his breakfast. “You what?” “I believe I said that it’s possible Elisif is pregnant.” “Look, I know we haven’t seen her for the last three days. Only a very stern Bolgeir, who said you were home, and the both of you were catching up on your relationship. That he was here and not by her side was disconcerting, but that’s okay, I’m a capable steward, and between myself, Bryling, and Styrr we’ve handled or put off all the needs of the citizens of Haafingar. But...

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make this fantasy come true bbc

My dad asked me to stay in his house while him and his girlfriend went on vacation. I had just turned 22 and this was a big step. My dad was starting to trust me. it was late and i was buzzed and real horny.I started looking thru my dads girlfriends panty drawer. i found this fishnet body suit that looked great on me. I went to my favorite site and started playing with my big black dildo. i was really getting into it and didnt here the front door open. I didnt know but my dad had...

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Shaft Inside Horny Malayali Housewife

Hi, all Indian sex story readers, this is Madhan here, first of all, thanks a lot to all ISS readers for your many likes and valuable feedback. You can visit my author page and read all my previous stories. Please share your views and correction if any.  I always enjoy pleasuring mature housewives. About Me: I am a Madhan of 27 years, 6″ tall, south Indian complexion, broad shoulder, and a well-built body. I basically belong to one of the cleanest city in India Mysuru, but currently working in...

1 year ago
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The She Male Club part 3 Spending the day with Bo

Thursday Night was so busy and full of sex, I am taking tonight off. Faith and Paula can handle the club alone. I was sitting in my living room in my sleep pants thinking about what I am going to do with my day when my doorbell rings. I wonder who would be here this time of day. I look at my phone and see that if is Bonnie, my best friend and also a friend with benefits. I unlock the door and tell her to come in and that I am in the living room. When see come into the room and sees me in just...

2 years ago
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Rebirth Part 3

REBIRTH PART THREE ? by: J.L.Williams CHAPTER TEN - BACK HOME The sun was streaming into her bedroom when Jamie was awakened by the sounds made by Eve as she busily moved about Jamie's room. Eve was putting away clothes from the gathering. Jamie lay between the satin sheets and took stock of herself. She ached all over. The night before had been a nightmare. As she opened her eyes she could see Eve in the far corner of her bedroom gently caressing the soft satin bikini briefs...

1 year ago
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Sharons in Love

CHAPTER 1 Hostess Helen Horsely watched intently the new recruit who had been introduced to her as Thomas Thom walked away. Her husband Hudson was managing partner of HBW, Certified Public Accountants and Advisors, and this was the Horselys’ bi-monthly cocktail party for people on the HBW payroll along with partners to foster goodwill and togetherness. Helen broke away to go to her youngest daughter Sharon, who still lived at home and seemed to have far more girlfriends than boyfriends, and...

2 years ago
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it started with my mom1

My name is Brian ....i am 18 years old........i am a freelance web designer i mostly work from home.....every thing happend so suddenly..... One night…..i was watching a movie in my room…when my mom came in and sat on my bed…. I could tell by her wet eyes she had being crying……I asked…”what’s the matter mom?” She smiled lightly….”it just I miss Steve (my dad)It was our wedding aniversary today……”…I slowly rolled my chair closer to mom…..”I’m sorry mom I wish there was something I could...

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Yukios Adventures Part 4

Please enjoy... and thank you for reading it!!! ** Character Refresher: Yukio: The main Character. Has just started at a new high school in America. Sex is like a drug to her. Despite her best intentions to be a good girl she has been very naughty. She is Japanese, and a Senior in high school, 5' tall, and weigh 105 lbs. Her hair is long, to the small of her back, and it is a deep black colour. Her eyes are brown and large. She has a very cute ass. She thinks her best feature are her...

3 years ago
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Her Game Was Passion Ch 05

-one- Clemens, wearing one of his new six-hundred-dollar silk suits, sat behind his desk, licking his lips thoughtfully. The office stunk of stale cigarette butts. ‘I want to know what happened,’ he said. ‘I didn’t see it, but Reeves told me. You looked over all your receivers. You looked right at Lennox and then you toss it right into the safety’s hands. Then stood there and got knocked on your ass.’ ‘Somebody drugged me,’ I lied. ‘Good story. Reeves told me about the stuff in your locker....

2 years ago
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The Stripper Slide

I walked into the strip joint, just wanting to kill some time before business appointments. To my surprise, a totally naked young nubile stood at the front lobby desk just inside the double wooden doors that lead to the erotic lair. I walked up to the desk to pay the six -dollar cover charge. The young door lady took my twenty-dollar bill. I patiently waited as she counted out my change, the very thin and very good-looking young dancer standing in silence next to me in her elevated see-through...

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